Final Handbook
Final Handbook
Final Handbook
This resource is provided through the Secretariat for Worship and Liturgical Formation
which is supported through your CSA contributions.
This booklet is able to be reproduced by parishes without further permission Secretariat for Worship and Liturgical Formation
from the Worship Office.
Diocese of Gaylord
Revised 2013
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611 W. North Street
Gaylord, MI 49735-8349
Phone: 989-732-5147
Fax: 989-705-3589
Baptism initiates all into the one priesthood of Christ, giving each of the baptized, in different ways, a share
in his priestly, prophetic, and kingly work. And so every one of the baptized, confirmed in faith through the
gifts of God’s Spirit according to his or her calling, is incorporated into the fullness of Christ’s mission to
celebrate, proclaim and serve the reign of God.”
(Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord, USCCB, 2005)
As Bishop of the Diocese of Gaylord, it gives me much joy to thank you for fulfilling a much
needed liturgical role for your faith community. What a blessing it is for me to be able to work along-
side liturgical ministers who ardently desire to serve the Lord and His people.
Growing in faith through ongoing formation and knowledge of the Eucharist will help all to be
authentic ministers. For that reason, I urge each of you to participate in every opportunity presented to
deepen your understanding of the ministry to which you have been called. Together we proclaim the
presence of Christ by our words and gestures. Drawing closer to the Lord through the Eucharist enables
us to be vibrant witnesses of His presence in our world today.
Pope Benedict XVI reminds us that the lay faithful are “co-responsible” for the Church’s be-
ing and acting in the ecclesial mission. As you experience the Joy of the Gospel, may you, and those
who thirst for the living God, be abundantly blessed by your ministry.
Bishop of Gaylord
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Theology of Lay Liturgical Ministry
Parents must be in full support of a child in this ministry and
“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, may be required to sign an agreement with the parish if asked
a people of his won, so that you may announce the praises of him who called you out of to be sure that the support needed will be forthcoming.
darkness into his wonderful light.” (1 Peter 2:9)
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As a server, you may be required to wear certain vestments at
times. Treat them respectfully before, during and after having worn This handbook has been prepared to help you grow in a deeper
them. understanding and love of the liturgy, your ministry and ultimately the
Lord whom we all serve.
If you notice they are soiled or need to be cleaned, be sure to
notify someone at the parish as to their being repaired or cleaned. The ministry of Altar Server is important in the Church. It is the
In the Diocese of Gaylord, both males and females may serve in Altar Server’s responsibility to assist the Celebrant during liturgy. An
this ministry. Depending on the pastor, this ministry can be open to altar server who performs his/her responsibilities with knowledge
male and female, young and old, and even families— parents and and prayerfulness helps to facilitate the prayerfulness of the
children—could be allowed to serve together as long as all other assembly.
criteria is met. However, the law of the Church leaves the final
selection of male and/or female servers up to the celebrating priest
for that Mass. As a minister of the Church, your daily life should reflect the
attitudes of a follower of Christ.
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Qualifications: Duties:
The person who serves in this ministry is to be a fully initiated Check the Altar Server schedule ahead of time to make sure of
Roman Catholic in good standing who practices his or her faith at all when you are scheduled to serve.
times and mature enough to carry out the duties assigned. He or she
must also be able to steadily hold the large books while prayers are Arrive for Mass early and check in to see if there re any addition-
being proclaimed by the celebrant. al duties in which you may need to assist.
Be mature enough to be prayerful and be willing to continue to If you are unable to serve at a mass in which you are scheduled,
grow in their spiritual formation and if a child, have the full support of following parish policies, be sure to find a replacement or notify the
parents in fulfilling the duties called for. person in charge as soon as possible so that another may serve in
your place.
A server must respond, audibly, to all parts of the Mass that are
proper to the assembly. He/she is the one who always responds to Have the candles lit and the processional cross ready before
dialogue prayers with the celebrant. Mass begins if that is one of your duties.
Be able to fully participate in Liturgy: attentive to the Word of Pay attention and be alert to the actions and needs of the
God, the sharing of Holy Communion, and in the mission of the Celebrant. Always be attentive to his needs throughout the entire
Church, while being attentive to when needed by the celebrant. celebration.
Be willing to receive proper formation before beginning to Always be respectful of the Altar, Celebrant, other Liturgical
function as an altar server. A server should know the parts of the Ministers and the Assembly.
Mass and their meaning, the various objects used in the liturgy (their Respond to the prayers and dialogues of the priest along with
names and use), and the various functions of the server during the the congregation. Join in singing the hymns and other chants of the
Mass and other liturgical celebrations. liturgy.
Be willing, along with parents if necessary, to receive proper
formation before beginning to function as an altar server.
Be able to maintain a prayerful posture throughout the Mass,
and dress appropriately: Clean clothes, tucked in shirt, dress of
modest length, clean shoes, combed hair, and practice good
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