Question Papers of 3-2

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সকল শংসা আাহ্ রজন ।।

Questions paper of year:03; term:02

Department of English Noakhali

Science & Technology University
[ This pdf is develoved by Nurul Islam Naiem ]

Noakhali Science & Technology University

Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination 2014
Session : 2010-11 Department of English
Course Title : English Langur IV(History of English Language)
Course Code : Eng-3201
Time : 4 Hour Full Marks : 70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest. Figure in
the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Write short notes on any five of the following: 5X4=20

Dialectical differentiations ; pidgin and Creole ; Indian loan words in
English language; Grimm's Law, Varnel’s Law; Cosmopolitan Vocabulary;
Indo-European Language Family of languages; Middle English

02. Write a note on the features of old English language . 10

03. How and why did a standard form of English develop? What changes did the language undergo
during the process of standardization? 10
04. Discuss the reasons behind global dissemination of English language. 10
05. Write an essay on the contribution of William Shakespeare to English
language. 10
06. What are the effects of the expansion of the British empire on English
language. 10
07. What effect has religion had on the development of English over time. 10
08. What are the major external causes of the development of American
English. 10
09. In what different ways did Latin words enter in Middle English ? 10

সনকা বলছন, " একটা অন ায় িদয় অন একটা অন ায়ক চাপা িদত হয়। "
িক আমরা যিদ অন ায় থক িবরত থািক তাহল চাপা দওয়ার িক য়াজন।

Noakhali Science & Technology University

Year-3; Term-2 ; Final Examination : January 2016
Session : 2011-12 Department of English
Course Title : English Langur IV (History of English Language)
Course Code : Eng-3201

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks : 70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest. Figure in
the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Write short notes on any five of the following: 5X4=20

Indo-European Language Family of languages ; Neologism ; Scandinavian loan

words of English ; Latin influence on old English ; Inflections ; Slang ; The Great
Vowel Shift, Chaucer and the Middle English
02. The roots of the hybridity of English are on the conditions of its original.
Explain with special light on the Old English. 10
03. Write a note on the morphology of Old English . 10
04. What are the major external causes of the development of American English . 10
05. Write a comprehensive note on the emergence of standard English. 10
06. Write an essay on the effect of the diffusion of French and English after
the Norman conquest. 10
07. Write briefly on Geoffrey Chaucer's contribution to English language. 10
08. Discuss the features of Middle English language . 10
09. Write a note on the problems of English orthography during the Renaissance . 10

(Conducted By: Mohammad Musfiqur Brahman)

John Keats's "Ode on a Grecian Urn": "Beauty is truth, truth beauty,"

But now truth! Far away of our body and soul.
Noakhali Science & Technology University
Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination 2015
Session : 2012-13 Department of English
Course Title : English Langur IV (History of English Language)
Course Code : Eng-3201

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks : 70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest. Figure in
the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Write short notes on any five of the following : 5X4=20

Malaproprism, Grimm's Law, Indo-European Language Family ; French influence on

English vocabulary ; Latin influence Old English ; Old
English Dialect ; Indian loan words in English language ;Global
Language ;Decay of inflectional ending

02. How and when did rise of the standard language happen? 10
03. What are the major characteristics of middle English ? 10
04. How did the introduction of Christianity into Britain affected the
English language . 10
05. Write a note on the contribution of William Shakespeare to English
language . 10
06. Discuss the features of old English language. 10
07. How much change did English language undergo after the Roman
conquest? 10
08. Explain the reasons behind global dissemination of English language . 10
09. Write briefly on Geoffrey Chaucer's contribution to English language . 10
(Conducted By: Bishnu Pada Roy / Maruf Rahman)

John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

May be everybody in the whole damn world is scared of each other."

Noakhali Science & Technology University
Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination 2017
Session :2013-14(EB-4) Department of English
Course Title : English Langur IV(History of English Language)
Course Code : Eng-3201

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks : 70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest. Figure in
the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Write short notes on any five of the following : 5X4=20

Celtic Influence on Old English; Romance language; Varnel’s Law;

The Great vowel Shift; Decay of Inflectlon Endings; The Loss of
Normandy; Cosmopolitan Vocabulary; Standard English

02. Write a note on Old English Grammar. 10

03. Examine the relationship between Christianity and Old English. 10
04. Discuss the salient features of Middle English . 10
05. "How did Latin influence Middle English ? 10
06. What are the signiiicant differences between American English
and British English? Discus with examples. 10
07. Discuss briefly Noah Webster's oontribution to Middle English . 10
08. Compare the contribution of Chaucer and Shakespeare to the
development of English language. 10
09. Write a note on contemporary global English. 10

(Conducted By: Mohammad Musfiqur Rahman / Bishu Pada Roy)

Author: Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man

"Life is to be lived, not controlled; and humanity is won by continuing to play in face of certain defeat."
Noakhali Science & Technology University
Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination 2017
Session :2014-2015 Department of English
Course Title : English Langur IV(History of English Language)
Course Code : Eng-3201

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks : 70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest. Figure in
the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Write short notes on any five of the following : 5X4=20 a. Anglo-Saxon Civilization

b. Archaic Features in American English

c. The Celtic Influence
d. The earlier influence of Christianity on vocabulary
e. Shakespeare’s Pronunciation
f. Latin borrowings in Middle English
g. Old Words with New Meanings
h. Slang
i. . Grimm’s Law

2. Describe the branches of the Indo-European family tree.10

3. Write an essay on the condition of English and French language in the Thirteenth Century. 10
4. Write a note on the Literature of Middle English. 10
5. Describe the methods of introducing and interpreting the :w words. 10
6. Write briefly on Noah Webster’s contribution to American English. 10
7. Write a note on the problems of English orthography during the Renaissance. 10
8. Describe the languages in England before English. 10
9. Discuss the effects of Christianity on English Civilization and on the vocabulary. 10

িশার উ শ অথ উপাজন নয়,

িশার উ শ পৃিথবীক জানা, পৃিথবীর মানষক জানা।।
Noakhali Science & Technology University
Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination 2018
Session :2015-2016 Department of English
Course Title : English Langur IV(History of English Language)
Course Code : Eng-3201

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks : 70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest. Figure in
the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Write short notes on any five of the following : 5X4=20

a) Grimm's Law
b) Periods in the history of English language
c) Coinage
d) The middle English Dialect
e) pidgin and Creole
f) Old English Syntax
g) The Great Vowel Shift,
h) Latin influence English language

02. What is meant by " family of language "? Define the Indo-European family of languages and
describing at least two languages belonging to it.
03. Discuss the features of old English language. 10
04. What is the future of the English language? Describe English as world language.
05. Show why and how the East Midland dialect become the basis of the standard English.
06. Write a comprehensive note on the influence of religion on the English language.
07. Renaissance period has far reaching effects on English language. Elucidate.
08. Write briefly about the contribution of the 17th century on the growth of the English language.
09. Describe the significance of the year 1066 AD in relation to the history of English language.

Noakhali Science & Technology University

Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination 2014
Session :2010-11 Department of English
Course Title : From Chaucer to Pope
Course Code : Eng-3203

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks :70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest. Figure in
the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Locate and explain Any Four of the following: 5X4=20

(A) Let us roll all our strength, and all Our sweetness up
into one ball: And tear our pleasure with rough
strife, Through the iron gets of life.

(B) Of remedies of love she knew par chaunce, For she

knew of that art the olde dance.

(C) The mantle fell to the young prophet's part, With

double portion of his father's art.

(D) OF Mans First Disobedience, and the Fruit, Of that

Forbidden Tree, whose mortal tast Brought Death
into the World....

(E) But we by a love so much refined,

That our selves know not what it is,
Inter-assured of the mind,
Careless, eyes, lips, and hands to miss.

(F) A wretched sylph too fondly interpos'd ;

Fate urge the sheers, and cut the sylph in twain,
(But airy substance soon unites again.)
The meeting points the sacred hair dissever From the
fair head, forever, and forever!

(G) If ever any beauty I did see,

Which I desired, and got, 'twas but a dream of thee.

(H) All arguments, but more his plays, persuade That

for anointed dullness he was made.
02. (A) " Chaucer gives us a microcosm of the fourteenth century English society in his The General
Prologue to the Canterbury Tales." Elucidate the statement. 10 Or
(B) Show how the moral decadence of contemporary society has been reflected in Chaucer's The
General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales."

03. (A) Write a note on the treatment of sin and death in Marvell's To His Coy Mistress. 10 Or
(B) What metaphysical qualities do you notice in Marvell's poems?

04. (A) What impression of Shadwell do you get from your reading of Dryden's
Mac Fleckboe ? 10
(B) Comment on Dryden's use of wit and irony in his Mac Flecknoe.

05. (A) Despite all his satire Pope cannot help glorifying Belinda's stunning beauty in
The Rape of thee Lock. Discuss . 10
(B) Consider Pope's The Rape of the Lock as the Mock Epic.

06. (A) How does Donne dramatise lovers varying moods in his love poems ? 10
(B) What dramatic qualities do you notice in Donne's love poem?

07. (A) Comment on Milton's use of debate in Paradise Lost, Book ll . 10

(B) What qualities of a leader do you notice in Satan in Paradise Lost, Book l and ll.

(Conducted By: Ehsanul Haque)

Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights

"Terror made me cruel"
Noakhali Science & Technology University
Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination January 2016
Session :2011-12 Department of English
Course Title : From Chaucer to Pope
Course Code : Eng-3203
Time : 4 Hour Full Marks :70
( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest. Figure in
the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Locate and explain Any Four of the following : 5X4=20

a) For fate with jeolous Eye does see e) Shine here to us, and thou art everywhere;
Two perfect Loves; nor lets them close: Their This bed thy centre is, these walls, thy sphere.
union would her ruin be, f) O thoughtlees mortals! Ever blind to fate, Too
And her Tyrannick pow'r depose. soon dejected, and too soon eleate.
b) Souning in moral vertu was his speeche Sudden, these honours shall be snatched way, And
And gladly wolde he lerne, and gladly teche.. cursed for ever his victorious day.
c) “When did his Muse from Fletcher scenes perloin, As g) Call us what you will, we are made such by love;
thou whole Etherege dost transfuse to thine? But so Call her one, me another fly,
transfused as oil on weters flow, We are tapers too, end at our own cost die.
His always floats above, thine sinks below." h) “Success let others teach, learn thou from me ; Pangs
d) The Grav‘s a fine and private place, without birth, fruitless industry.
But none I think do there embrace. Let ‘Virtuosos' in five years be writ
Yet not one thought accuse thy toil of wit."
02. "Chaucer's pilgrims are individuals and at the same time they are morally and
socially representative. " Discuss the statement. 10
03. "Donne's treatment of love is entirely unconventional. " Elaborate it with
illustrations from the poems you have read. 10
04. Describe the images used in describing the hopelessness in Marvell's " To His
Coy Mistress " and " The Definition of Love " . 10
05. Discuss Dryden's use of allusions and references in his Mac Flecknoe . 10
06. What is meant by a conceit? Write a note on the use ofconceits in Donne’s
poetry . 10
07. "Appreciation of the devastating satire of Mac Flecknoe should not be allowed
to blind us to its sheer comedy.’Elucidate . 10
08. What picture of the contemporary fashionable London society do you find in
Pope's The Rape of the lock? 10
09. Explain how the ‘Carpe Diem‘ theme is treated in Andrew Marvell's poetry.
Give referfences on the text. 10

Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina

"It's much better to do good in a way that no one knows anything about it."

Noakhali Science & Technology University

Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination 2015
Session :2012-13 Department of English
Course Title : From Chaucer to Pope
Course Code : Eng-3203
Time : 4 Hour Full Marks :70
( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest.Figure in the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Locate and explain Any Four of the following: 5X4=20

(A) If our two loves be one, or, thou and I
Love so alike that none do slacken, none can die.
(B) Great fletcher never trends in buskins here.
Nor greater Johnson dares in socks appear.
(C) Thus, though we cannot make our sun Stand still, yet we will make him run.
(D) In daunger hadde he at his owene gise
The yonge girls of the diocese
And knew her conseil, and was at his reed.
(E) Thy firmness makes my circle just
And makes me end, where I begun.
(F) All arguments, but more his plays, persuade That for anointed dullness he was made.
(G) For hymn was levere have at his besees heed
Twenty books,clad in black or reed
Of Aristotle and his philosophie
Then robes riches, or fithele,or gay sautrie
(H) O thoughtless mortals! Ever blind to fate For she koude of that art the olde daunce.

02. What social criticism do you notice in Chaucer's The General Prologue
to the Canterbury Tales? 10
03. Which one does Donne prefer between physical love and spiritual love?
Answer with special reference to his poems, "A Valediction : Forbidding
Mourning " and " Canonization" . 10
04. Discuss how time and fate are treated in Marvell's poems,"To His Coy
Mistress " and " The Definition of Love" . 10
05. "Faced with the task of making Shadwell ridiculous, Dryden chose as his method the ironical
politeness of his mock epic." Comment on the
statement with reference to Mac Flecknoe . 10
06. Discuss how Donne achieves a fusion of thought and feeling in his love poetry . 10
07. Would you call Dryden's Mac Flecknoe a lampoon? Justify your answer. 10
08. Evaluate the portrayal of Wife of Bath in The General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales. 10
09. Discuss the metaphysical elements in the poetry of Andrew Marvell. 10
(Conducted By: Ehaanul Haque /)
Noakhali Science & Technology University
Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination 2017
Session :2013-14(EB-4) Department of English
Course Title : From Chaucer to Pope
Course Code : Eng-3203

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks : 70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest.Figure in the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Locate and explain Any Four of the following: 5X4=20

(A) Love, all alike no season knows, nor clime , Nor
hours, days, months, which are the rags of time.
(B) The admiring throng loud acclamations make, And
omens of his future empire take.
(C) This to disclose is all thy guardian can:
Beware of all, but most beware of man!
(D) Curteis he was, lowely and servisable, And carf
biforn his fader at the table.
(E) And therefore her decrees of steel Us as the
distant poles have placed.
(F) We can die by it, if not live by love And if unfit for
tombs and hearse
Our legend be, it will be fit for verse;
(G) Even, I a dunce of more renown than they , Was
sent before but to prepare thy way;

02. "Here is God's plenty". How far is this remark applicable to Chaucer's
The General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales? 10
03. What qualities of Thomas Shadwell make him a fit successor to the kingdom of dullness.? Answer
with reference to Dryden's Mac Flecknoe. 10
04. Illustrate Pope's attitude to Belinda and the fair sex in The Rape of Lock . 10
05. Discuss the view that Donne is anti-petrarchan in his treatment of love . 10
06. Show how logic and lyric are fused together in Marvell's poetry. 10
07. Discuss Chaucer's use of satire, irony and humor with reference to
The Generate Prologue to the Canterbury Tales. 10
08 Discuss Dryden's use of allusions and innuendoes in Mac Flecknoe. 10
09. A special feature of Donnes poem's is his use of learning in them. Eiaborate
with illustrations from the poems you have read. 10

(Conducted By:Ehsanul Haque)

Noakhali Science & Technology University
Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination 2017
Session :2014-2015 Department of English
Course Title : From Chaucer to Pope
Course Code : Eng-3203

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks : 70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest.Figure in the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Locate and explain Any Four of the following: 5X4=20

a) So to one neutral thing both sexes fit We die and rise the same, and prove Mysterious by this love.
b) But ours, so truly parallel,
Though infinite, can never meet.
c) Oh thoughtless mortals! ever blind to fate Too soon dejected, and too soon elate!
d) All human things are subject to decay.
And, when fate summons, monarchs must obey ,
e) ever any beauty I did see,
Which I desired, and got, ’twas but a dream of thee,
f) Then flashed the living lightning from her eyes,
And screams of horror rend the affrighted skies.
g) For, lady, you deserve this state; Nor would I love at lower rate.
h) Souning in moral vertu was his speech,
And gladly wolde he leme, and gladly teche,

2. How far is it justified to use Dr. Johnson's label ‘metaphysical’ for Donne's poetry?
Illustrate your answer. 10
3. How does Marvell treat Fate in his ‘The Definition ofLove’? What conditions must be
met for the union of two perfect lovers? 10
4. How do you demonstrate gender politics in 18th century London from your reading of
Pope's The Rape of the Lock ? 10
5. Discuss the speaker’s various moods and attitudes to love in the poems of Dame. 10
6. In Mac Flecknoe John Dryden attacks Thomas Shadwell. Does Dryden effectively
attack Shadwell or does he create sympathy for Shadwell? 10
7. How does the lover use the method of syllogism to convince his beloved in Marvell's
“To his Coy Mistress "? 10
8. How does Drydcn's epic style contribute to Mac Flecknoe’s humor and overall success?
Discuss. 10
9. Discuss the significance of Umbriel‘s journey to the Cave of Spleen in Poape's
The Rape of the Lock. 10

Noakhali Science & Technology University

Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination 2017
Session :2014-2015 Department of English
Course Title : From Chaucer to Pope
Course Code : Eng-3203

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks : 70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest.Figure in the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Locate and explain Any Four of the following: 5X4=20

a) Nor let thy mountain-belly make pretence
Of likeness; thine's a tympany of sense
b) Thy firmness makes my circle just, And makes me end, where I begun.
c) A heavenly image in the glass appears,
To that she bends to that her eyes she rears.
d) Their union would her ruin be,
And her Tyrannick pow'r depose.
e) My vegetable love should grow
Vaster than empires, and more slow
f) That he till death true dullness would maintain ; And in his father's right, and realm's defence ,
Ne'er to have peace with wit, nor truce with sense.
g) Here files of pins extend their shining rows,
Puffs, Powders, Patches, Bibles, Billet-doux.
h) Shine here to us, and thou art everywhere;
This bed thy center is, these walls thy sphere.

02. How do the poems " The Canonization" and “A Valediction Forbidding Mourning” illustrate the idea that
metaphysical poetry is characterized by a union of thought and feeling ? 10
03. Discuss the dichotomy of the body and soul in John Donne's poems . 10
04. How does Marvell use tone and imagery both to woo and warn his lady in "To His Coy Mistress "? 10
05. Why is Shadwell compared to an oak tree and why is he called the prophet of tautology
in Dryden's MacFlecknoe? Discuss. 10

06. Comment on Dryden's use of wit and irony in MacFlecknoe. 10

07. What functions does the supernatural machinery serve in Pope's TheRapeoftheLock? 10
08. Explain how Pope's The Rape of the Lock does not fit juvenalian mode of
satire but follows the the mode of Horatian satire . 10

09. Write a note on the emblematic devices used by Marvell in his poems. 10

Noakhali Science & Technology University

Year-3, Term-2; Final Examination 2014
Session :2010-11 Department of English
Course Title : American Literature 17th to 19th century
Course Code : Eng-3205

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks : 70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest. Figure in
the right margin indicates the marks.)
01. Write short notes on any five of the following : 5X4 = 20
a) Calvinism ;
b) New England ;
c) Transcidentalism ;
d) The Separatists ;
e) Great Migration ;
f) Continental Congress ;
g) The Salem Execution;
h) The City Upon a Hill ;
i) Bay Slam Book

02. How does Anne Bradstreet use understatement in 'The Prologue' as a strategy to setherself up as
a poet in the world of letters dominated by males ? 10
03. To what extend can Cotton Mather's defense of the witch trials be
understood as a defended of the old Puritan way ? 10
04. Cotton Mather attempted to revive puritanism in The Wonders of the lnvisible
World. Do you agree? Give reason for your answer. 10
05. Whom does Jonathan Edwards refer to with his expression Natural Man in ''Sinners in the hands
of an Angry God"? Do natural men escape
torments of hell ? 10
06. What three main points did Thomas Jefferson make in
" The Declaration of Independence''. 10
07. What is non-conformism? What is the necessity of being self reliant?
Explain in the light of Emerson's Self-Reliance . 10
08. How does Thoreau justify the moral need for civil disobedience? What
principles does he rely on his justification ? 10
09. How does Douglass show that slavery corrupts slave owners? Discuss in
the light of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass . 10

(Conducted By: Shirin Alter)

Cormac McCarthy's The Road

"You forget what you want to remember, and
you remember what you want to forget."
Noakhali Science & Technology University
Year-3 , Term-2 ; Final Examination : January 2016
Session :2011-12 Department of English
Course Title : American Literature 17th to 19th century
Course Code : Eng-3205

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks :70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest. Figure in
the right margin indicates the marks.)
01. Write short notes on any five of the following: 5X4=20
a) The Great Awakening,
b) Boston Tea Party ;
c) Covenant Theology;
d) The Age of Reason and
Revolution ;
e) Deism ;
f) Plymouth Plantation ;
g) Over - Soul ;
h) Magnalia Christi Americana ;
i) ) Mexican-American War

02. Consider Anne Bradstreet's The Prologue as an apology for her poetry in
world strongly prejudiced against female creativity. 10
03. Cotton Mather's The Wonders of the lnvisible World is an ideal example
of witch trials in Puritan New England. Discuss . 10
04. What picture of God and Hell do you get from your reading of Jonathan
Edward's ''Sinners in the hands of an Angry God ". 10
05. In which circumstances is civil disobedience justified? Answer in the
light of Henry David Thoreau's Civil Disobedience . 10
06. Analyze Jefferson's stand on human freedom and democratic faith from
your reading of " The Declaration of Independence''. 10
07. How does Douglass in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass express
the view that slavery is bad for both whites and blacks. 10
08. In his Civil Disobedience Thoreau does not ask for abolition of government
rather he argues for a better government. Discuss. 10
09. How does Ralph Waldo Emerson condemn institutions as obstacle to
individualism in his essay Self-Reliance? 10

Author: Haruki Murakami's Kafka on the Shore

"Memories warm you up from the inside. But they also tear you apart."
Noakhali Science & Technology University
Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination 2015
Session :2012-13 Department of English
Course Title : American Literature 17th to 19th century
Course Code : Eng-3205

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks :70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest. Figure in
the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Write short notes on any five of the following: 5X4=20 a) Calvinism ;
b) Walden ;
c) The Tenth Muse;
d) New England,
e) Salem Witch Trials;
f) Transcedentalism;
g) The Dial;
h) American Frontier

02. How does Anne Bradstreet use understatement in 'The Prologue' as a strategy to set herself up as
a poet in the world of letters dominated by males? 10
03. How did the original purpose of the American settlement degrade later awarding to
Cotton Mather? Answer from your reading of The Wonders of the lnvisible World. 10
04. "Obviously, Jonathan Edwards is a Puritan preacher." Delineate in what ways
''Sinners in the hands of an Angry God" reflects Puritan theology. 10
05. "Declaration of Independence'' of the United States is not only a protest against colonial
suppression but also an attempt to empower every individual with the
natural and legal rights of revolution. Elucidate. 10
06. "Emerson is America's apostle of Individual." Discuss in the light of your reading
of “Self-Reliance" . 10
07. How did Thoreau's ‘Civil Disobedienoe' explicitly exhibit the crisis of the
conscience of the then American individuals? Explain. 10
08. How does Thoreau justify the moral need for civil disobedience? What principles
does he rely on his justification? 10
09. "Douglass shows that slavery corrupts slave owners. " Analyze from your reading
of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass . 10

(Conducted By: Nasir Uddin /Israt Jahan)

Oscar Wilde's The Picture Of Dorian Gray
"Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing."

Noakhali Science & Technology University

Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination
Session :2013-14(EB-4) Department of English
Course Title : American Literature 17th to 19th century
Course Code : Eng-3205

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks :70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest. Figure in
the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Write short notes on any five of the following: 5X4=20 a) Puritanism;
b) New England;
c) The Separatists;
d) Plymouth plantation;
e) Pilgrim Fathers;
f) The Dail;
g) Mexican-American War;
h) God’s Elect

02. What does the poem, “The Prologue" reveal about Bradstreet’s view
of herself and her role as a woman and a poet? 10
03. Does Cotton Mather justify Salem trials in ‘The Wonders of the Invisble World"?
Illustrate your answer. 10
04. In “Self-Reliance" how does Emerson view the prayers of the people? 10
05. How does Thoreau try to justify his stance on civil disobedience? Comment with reference on
Thoreau's principles and your understandings of the text. 10
06. Give an account of Frederick Douglass’s traumatic childhood experiences
and sufferings as a slave. 10
07. List the four parts of the “Declaration of Independence". Explain the purpose
of each part. 10
08. What problems of American government does Henry David Thoreau identify?
Why does he urge the conscientious human being to practice civil disobedience ? 10
09. What does Emerson mean by conformity and consistency? Explain how these two principles work
against the growth of non-conformist individuals. 10

(Conducted By: Afsana Mousume/ Debashismoy Datto)

Richard Yates' Revolutionary Road(1961)

"No one forgets the truth; they just get better at lying."

Noakhali Science & Technology University

Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination
Session :2014-2015 Department of English
Course Title : American Literature 17th to 19th century
Course Code : Eng-3205

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks :70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest. Figure in
the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Write short notes on any five of the following: 5X4=20 a)

The Salem Execution ;
b) Puritan sermon ;
c) The Dial ;
d) Thomas Jefferson;
e) Transcendentalism ;
f) Walden ;
g) 2nd Continental
h) Calvinism

02. Comment on the form of “The Prologue” as a lyric . 10

03. Show how Jefferson’s “The Declaration of Independence” stands in support of human
freedom and democratic right. 10
04. “Under its influence, the tender heart became stone, and the lamblike disposition gave way to one of ti ger-
like fierceness.” Comment on the given sentence from your understanding of
The Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass. 10
05. Consider “The Declaration of Independence” as a protesting voice against colonial despotism. 10
06. Cotton Mather aims to revive the declining puritanism of his day. do you agree? Justify your
answer with reference to “The Wonders of the Invisible World”? 10
07. According to Emerson, conformity and consistency principles negatively affect the development
of a true man. Explain Emerson’s arguments in your own words. 10
08. Douglass took education as a liberating tool and did not waste a single opportunity to sharpen
it. Justify this statement. 10
09. What is the relationship between a self-reliant man and the society? Why does the society
highly appreciate conformity among its members? 10

(Conducted By: Afsana Mousume/ Debashismoy Datto)


Noakhali Science & Technology University

Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination
Session :2015-2016 Department of English
Course Title : American Literature 17th to 19th century
Course Code : Eng-3205

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks :70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest. Figure in
the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Write short notes on any five of the following: 5X4=20 a) Second continental Congress
b) The Great Awakening
c) Covenent Theology
d) City slave and plantation
e) New England;
f) Pilgrim Fathers
g) Plymouth plantation;
h) Conformity and true man

02. Comment on Anne Bradstreet's “The Prologue” with special focus on issues which, as
she depicted, hinder the growth of women in society. 10
03. What was Cotton Mather‘s influence on the puritan community that explained in
"The Wonders of the Invisible World "? 10
04. What is the purpose ofJonathan Edward's sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry
God”? How are people meat to respond ? 10
05. In which circumstances is civil disobedience justified? Answer in the light of Henry
David Thoreau's Civil Disobedience. 10
06. Do you think The Declaration of Independence " is still applicable today?Justify your answer. 10
07. How does Frederick Douglass become aware of the importance of education? Why does he gratefully
remember the contribution both Mr. and Mrs. Auld in his education? 10 08. Why, according to Emerson,
does society look for conformity among its member?
Why do people in a society strive to remain consistent? Explain in brief. 10
09. Show how the king's attitudes towards the colonies acted as important factor in the
decision to declare independence . 10

Noakhali Science & Technology University

Year-3 ; Term-2 ; Final Examination 2014
Session :2010-11 Department of English
Course Title: British Fiction 18th to 19th century
Course Code : Eng-3207

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks :70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest. Figure in the right margin indicates the marks.)
01. Locate and explain Any Four of the following: 5X4=20
a) The silvery mist was touched with the first rays of the moonlight, and the same rays touched the tears
that dropped from her eyes.
b) I had often watched the dog of ours eating his food; and now I noticed a decided similarity between
the dog’s way of eating and the men's.
c) You mistake me, my dear. I have a high respect for your nerves . They are my old friends. I have heard
you mention them with consideration these about twenty years at least.
d) The fact is that you were sick of civility, of deference, of officious attention. You were disgudyed with
the woman who were always speaking and looking and thinking for your approbation. I roused and
interested you, because I was so unlike them.
e) Here and Here! Replied Catharine striking one hand on her forehead and the other on her
breast, "In whichever place the soul lives-in my soul, and in my heart, I'm convinced I‘m wrong. "
f) I cannot express it, but surely you and everybody have a notion that there is or should be, an existenc
of yours beyond you. What were the use of my creation if I were entirely contained here.
g) "Can I go, Can I go?, " she moaned. He's not great enough fir me to give myself to - he doesn't suffice
for my desire! If he had been a Saul or a Buonaparte- ah! But to break my marriage vow for him - it is
too poor a luxury .
h) I determined you should come; and you have come! I have shown my power. A mile and half hither,
and a mile and a half back again to yours home- three miles in the dark for me. Have I not shown my

2. How does Austen blend realism with romance in Pride and Prejudice? 10
3. How does class consciousness affect the characters in Withering Heights? 10
4. Nelly Dean is more a narrator than a characters. Elucidate . 10
5. Discuss the theme of victimisation in Dickens Great Expectation. 10
6. In picturing the role of fate, Thomas Hardy is similar to the Greek tragedians. Discuss in the light of
the novel The Return of the Native . 10
7. Discuss the transformaion of the protagonist from an idealist to arealist in Dicken's Great Expectation. 10
8. Discuss the importance of the letters in the development of the plot of Pride and Prejudice. 10
9. Discuss Hardy's portrayal of women characters special reference to Return of the Native . 10
Noakhali Science & Technology University
Year-3; Term-2; Final Examination : January 2016
Session :2011-12 Department of English
Course Title : British Fiction 18th to 19th century
Course Code : Eng-3207

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks :70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest. Figure in the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Locate and explain Any Four of the following: 5X4=20

a) I found him very intelligent on the tropics we touched , and , before I went at home, I was
encouraged so far as to volunteer another visit, to-morrow.
b) Morning made a considerable difference in my general prospect of life, and brightened it
so much that it scarcely seemed the same.
c) He was a mild , good-natured , sweet - tempered , easy going , foolish , dear fellow, a short
of Hercules in strength, and also in weakness.
d) Oh God! It is unutterable!I can't live without my life! I cannot live without my soul.
e) There is, I believe, in every disposition a tendency to some particular
evil, a natural defect, which not even the best education overcome
And your defect is a propensity to hate everybody
And yours, he replied with a smile, is willfuly to understand them
f) love was to her the one cordial which could drive away eating the loneliness of her days.
And she seemed to long for the abstraction called the passionate love more than for any
particular love.
g) I have felt more stream and smoke of that short than you have ever heard of.
h) The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it, and every days confirms my
belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can
be placed on the appearance of merit and sense.

2. Consider the kinds of marriages that appeare throughout Pride and

Prejudice. What kind does Jane Austan seem to idealize ? 10
3. How far does Hardy's depiction of Eustacia and Thomasin contradict
the female Victorian stereotype? 10
4. Do you think that in Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen is writing more
for middle class? Explain. 10
5. The heath is as mugh a central character as Eustacia or Clym.explain
with reference tobthe novel The Return of the Native. 10
6. How do Nelly Dean and Lockwood as narrators contribute to the
development of the story Wuthering Heights ? 10
7. What is the irony of the tittle Great Expectation in relations to Pope's
disillusionment ? 10
8. Dickens Great Expectations is remarkable for its symbolic setting. Discuss . 10
9. Discuss the view of Healteliff, in Bronte's Wuthering Heights is redeemed
by his love for Catherine. 10
Noakhali Science & Technology University
Year-3; Term-2 ; Final Examination 2015
Session :2012-13 Department of English
Course Title : British Fiction 18th to 19th century Course
Code : Eng-3207

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks :70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest. Figure in the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Locate and explain Any Four of the following: 5X4=20

(A) She abandoned them under delusion, he answered, picturing in me a hero of
romance. and expecting unlimited indulgences from my chivalrous devotion.
(B) The silvery mist was touched with the first rays of the moonlight. and the same rays ’
touched the tears that dropped from her eyes.
(C) A well-proportioned mind is one which shows no particular bias; one of which we may
safely say that it will never cause its owner to be confined as a madman; tortured as a
heretic; or crucified as a blasphemer.
(D) We are each of an unsocial, tacitum disposition, unwilling to speak, unless we expect
to say somethrng that will amaze the whole room, and be handed down to posterity
With all eclat of a proverb .
(E) In whichever place the soul lives-in my soul, and in my heart, I'm convinced I‘m
(F) Never had I seen such passionate eagemess as was joined to her utterance of thse
words. I could feel the muscles of the thin arm round my neck; swell with the
vehemenoe that possessed her.
(G) To pass to courtship without acquaintance, to pass to marriage without courtship as a
skipping of terms reserved for those alone who tread this royal path.
(H) Heaven forbid! - That would be greatest misfortune of all! - To find a man agreeable
mmoneis determined to hate l! -Do not wish me such evil.

02. How does Bronte use the contrast or duality to structure the novel
Wuthering Heights? 10
03. Discuss how Dickens portrays the contrast between ambition and
selflessness in Great Expectalm . 10
04. Explore instances of humor in The Return of the Native and explain
what they contribute to the story. 10
05. Canment on gender and class oppression in Austen's Pride and Prejudice. 10
06. How deoe Emily Bronte handle the issues of the race and class in
Wuthering Heights . 10
07. Consider Great Expectation as a ' coming of age novel' . 10
08. Commenter on Hardy’s use of symbolism in Return of the Native. 10
09. Does Austen's characterization of Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice
break the contemporary stereotype of a women? 10

(Conducted By: Afsana Mousume/ Debashismoy Datto)

Noakhali Science & Technology University
Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination 2017
Session :2013-14 Department of English
Course Title : British Fiction 18th to 19th century Course
Code : Eng-3207

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks :70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest.Figure in the right margin indicates the marks.)
01. Locate and explain Any Four of the following: 5X4=20
a. I can not fix on the hour,or the spot, or the look, or the words, which laid the

foundation. It was too long ago. I was In the middle before I knew that I had begun.
b. Doubtless Catherine marked the difference between her friends as one
came in, and the other went out. The contrast resembled what you see in
exchanging a bleak, hilly, coal country for a beautiful fertile valley;
c. I'm trying to settle how l shall pay Hindley back. I don’t care how long I wait , if I can only do it ,
at last . I hope he will not die before I do.
d. Since that time, which is far enough away now, I have often thought that few people know
what secrecy there is in the young, under terror.
e. One has got all the goodness, and the other all appearance of it.
f. In whichever place the soul lives-in my soul , and In my heart , I'm convinced I'm wrong !
g. Never had I seen such passionate eagemess as was joined to her utterance of thse words. I
could feel the muscles of the thin arm round my neck; swell with the vehemenoe that
possessed her.
h. I had often watched the dog of ours eating his food; and now I noticed
a decided similarity between the dog’s way of eating and the men's.

02. Identify the qualities that make Nelly Dean an admirable confidante and narrator. 10
03. What role do the moors in Wuthering Heights play in the development of the
story and in the presentaion of the characters? 10
04. In picturing the role of fate, Thomas Hardy is similar to the Greek tragedians. 10
Discuss in the light of the novel The Return of the Native. 10
05. Who victimizes whom in Great Expectations? Discuss in Victorian context. 10
06. Is the depiction of women in Wuthering Heights typical of Bronte’s time, or
somewhat ahead of her time, or mixed? Elucidate. 10
07. Compare and contrast the roles of Lady Catherine de Bourgh and
Mrs. Bennet In Pride and Prejudice . 10
08. Pride and Prejudce is a novel largely about love and relationships,
but without any descriptions of passion. Elucidate . 10
09. Discuss the transformaion of the protagonist from an idealist to a
realist in Dicken's Great Expectation. 10

(Conducted By: Nasir Uddin/ Israt Jahan)

Noakhali Science & Technology University
Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination 2017
Session :2014-2015 Department of English
Course Title : British Fiction 18th to 19th century Course
Code : Eng-3207

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks :70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest.Figure in the right margin indicates the marks.)
1. Write short notes (any four): 5X4=20
a. Heathcliff overhearing Catherine’s conversation
b. Lockwood’s dream scenes
c. Isabella’s letter to Nelly Dean
d. Pip’s first meeting with Magwitch

e. Miss. Havisham’s death scene.

f. Joe Gargery’s visit to London
g. Pip as both a narrator and a character
h. Money and marriage in Pride and Prejudice

2. Is Mrs. Bennet just a comic relief, or something more? Justify your answer. 10
3. Consider Heathcliff as a Byronic hero. 10
4. Comment on the three different settings in Great Epectations. 10
5. Justify the title of the novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. 10
6. What role does setting play in Wutherig Heights? 10
7. How does Mrs. Joe’s tragic end represent the Victorians’ abuse of women? 10
8. The theme of appearance and reality is integrated in the total moral
perspective f novel Pride and Prejudice. Discuss. 10
9. DISCUSS the setting in Hardy’s The Return of the Native . 10

(Conducted By: Nasir Uddin/ Urmi Dus )

Noakhali Science & Technology University
Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination 2019
Session :2015-2016 Department of English
Course Title : British Fiction (18th to 19th century)
Course Code : Eng-3207

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks :70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest.Figure in the right margin indicates the marks.)
01. Locate and explain Any Four of the following: 5X4=20
a) Were I in your place, I would frame high notions of my birth; and the thoughts of what I was should give me
courage and dignity to support the oppressions of a little farmer! (7.44 WH)
b) He was a mild , good-natured , sweet - tempered , easy going , foolish , dear fellow, a short of Hercules in
strength, and also in weakness.
c) It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of
a wife.
d) And he will be rich, and I shall like to be the greatest woman of the neighbourhood, and
I shall be proud of having such a husband.'( WH-CtN)
e) To be your wife and live in Paris would be heaven to me, but I would rather live with you in a hermitage
here than not be yours at all.
f) She [Mrs. Bennet] was a woman of mean understanding, little information, and uncertain temper.
g) "You should know,” said Estella. “I am what you have made of me. Take all the praise,
take all the blame; take all the success. Take all the failure; in short take me."
h) The power of her face all lost, the charm of her motion all disguised, the fascination of her
coquetry denied existence, nothing but a voice left to her she had a sense of doom of Echo.

02. Which elements of the novel Wuthering Heights maintain readers' interest and
prompt suspense? 10

03. What is Jane Austen's philosophy regarding marriage in Pride and Prejudice . 10
04. Discuss the role of chance, choice and change in The Return of the Native . 10
05. Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights represents the typical Romantic hero. Discuss
if you agree or disagree. 10
06. Discuss Pip of Great Expectation as both narrator and a character. How are different aspects of his personality
revealed by telling of story and by his participation in the story itself? 10
07. Being out the significance of the title in Pride and Prejudice. 10
08. How does Dickens' use secrecy and secrets contribute to the development
of the novel Great Expectation as a whole. 10
09. Explore the instances of humour in The Return of the Native and explain what
they contribute to the story. 10

Noakhali Science & Technology University

Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination 2014
Session : 2010-11 ; Department of English
Course Title :Prose : 19th to 20 th century
Course Code : Eng-3209

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks : 70

( Attempt all the question. Figure in the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Write short notes on any three of the following: 3X5=15

(A) Laura (B) Utilitarianism (C) Newman's idea of "Knowledge "
(D) Four Great Women Novelists (E) Ravi

02. Locate and explain Any three of the following: 3X5=15

(A)The history of England is the history of the male line, not of the female
(B) It is the education which gives a man a clear conscious view of his own opinions and
judgments, a truth in developing them, an eloquence in expressing them, and a force in
urging them
(C) The ignominy of being forgotten- how could he face it?
(D)The very smoke coming out of their chimneys was poverty-stricken.
(E)The perfect afternoon slowly ripened, slowly faded, slowly its petals closed.

03. Answer any four of the following questions: 3X10=30

(A) "The history of all existing society is the history of class struggle "Do you
support this statement in the context of The Garden Party? Justify your
opinion .

(B) What does Woolf advocates for women and women writers in women and
(C) Write a descriptive essay on Newman's concept of education in his "The Idea of
(D) What are the problems Orwell finds in English Language? What remedy does he
suggest in his "Politics and the English Language"?
(E) How is the theme of death developed in "The Garden Party".
(F) Comment on the setting of "Games at Twilight".

Noakhali Science & Technology University

Year-3; Term-2; Final Examination : January 2016
Session :2011-12 Department of English
Course Title : Prose (19th to 20 th century)
Course Code : Eng-3209

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks : 70

( Attempt all the question. Figure in the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Write short notes on any three of the following: 3X5=15

(A) Scott's death (B) Raghu (C) Liberal Education
(D) Four Great Women Novelists (E) Setting of "Games at Twilight "

02. Locate and explain Any three of the following: 3X5=15

(A) Having disappeared from the scene he had disappeared from their mind.
(B) In the garden patches there was nothing but cabbage stalks, sick hens,and tomato cans.
(C) I say then, if a liberal education be good, it must necessarily be useful too.
(D) Law and custom were of course largely responsible for these strange intermission for these
silence and speech.
(E) The spiritual atmosphere was not favourable to the production of work of art.
(F) A man may take to drink because he feels himself to be a failure, and then fail all the more
completely because he drinks.

03. Answer the following questions in brief: 2X5=10

(A) What, according to Newman, is the relationship between knowledge and education?
(B)What contrast does Virginia Woolf present between male and female novelists?
(C) How does the news of the dead man affect the party in The Garden Party?
(D)What are the fundamental things Woolf advocates for Women? (E)
What is tone of the story " Games at Twilight "?

04. Answer any three of the following questions: 3X10=30

(A) Comment on the setting of The Garden Party.
(B) Why did the early 19th century women writers write fiction only?
(C) "In the early 19 th century, women's novels were autobiographical. " Do you agree? Give
reasons for your answer.
(D) What, according to Newman, are the functions of a university?
(E) What are the problems Orwell finds out as the reasons of "unclear writing"?
What are the remedies he offers for solving the problems?

জীবন উপভাগ করত নয়

উপভাগ ব তই আমাদর জীবন অিতবািহত হয় ।।

Noakhali Science & Technology University

Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination 2015
Session :2012-13 Department of English
Course Title : Prose (19th to 20 th century)
Course Code : Eng-3209

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks : 70

( Attempt all the question. Figure in the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Write short notes on any three of the following: 3X5=15

(A) Utilitarianism. ( B) Social novels and female writers
(C) The game of funeral (D) Bildingsroman (E)Use of " dying metaphors"

02. Locate and explain Any three of the following: 3X5=15

(A) One of the motives that led them to write was the desire to expose theirown suffering, to
plead their own cause.
(B) In our age there is no such thing as " keeping out of politics ". All issues are political issues,
and politics is itself a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred, and schizophreania
(C) What fun if they were all found and caught - he alone left unconquered.
(D) 'Isn't life' she stammered, ' isn't life '. But what life was she could not explain. No matter. He
quite understood.
(E) -----it is an acquired illumination, it is a habit, a personal possession, and an inward

03. Answer any two of the following questions in brief: 2X5=10

(A) What according to Newman, is Liberal education?
(B)Comment on the relationship between Laura and Mrs Sheridan.
(C) What contrast does Virginia Woolf present between male and female novelists?
(D)What remedies does Orwell offer to rectify problems he finds in English language? (E) What
is Mira's role in Game at Twilight?

04. Answer any three of the following questions: 3X10=30

(A) What idea of education does Newman present in "The Idea of University "?
(B) Katherine Mansfield's The Garden Party deals with the absurd class
(C) Examine Woolf's " women and fiction " from feminists perspective. (D) What link has Orwell
established between politics and bad writing?
(E) Desai's Games at Twilight ends with a young boy's anguished experience of "the
ignominy of being forgotten ". Elucidate.

(Conducted By: Bishnu Pada Roy/Israt Jahan)


Noakhali Science & Technology University

Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination
Session :2013-14(EB-4) Department of English
Course Title : Prose : 19th to 20 th century
Course Code : Eng-3209

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks : 70

( Attempt all the question. Figure in the right margin indicates the marks.)
01. Write short notes on any three of the following: 3X5=15
(a) The hide-and-seek game (b) Use of " dying metaphors"
(c) Scott's death (d) Male writers versus female writers
(e) Women’s presence in nineteenth century novels

02. Locate and explain Any three of the following: 3X5=15

(A) He lay down full length on the damp grass, crushing his face into it, no longer a crying,
silenced by a terrible sense of his insignincanoe.
(B) Our seats are strewed, our pavements are powdered, with swarms of little tracts; and the
very bricks of our city walls preach wisdom, by informing us by their placards where we can
at once cheaply purchase it.
(C) It was a mistake to have come; she knew all along it was a mistake.
Should she go back even now?
(D) It introduces a distortion and is frequently the cause of weakness.
(E) Now, it is clear that the decline of a language must ultimately have political and economic

03. Answer any two of the following questions in brief: 2X5=10

(A) What according to Newman, is Liberal education?
(B) What remedies does Orwell offer to rectify problems he finds in English language? (C) What
does the ‘dark' and ‘spooky' shed symbolize in 'Games at Twilight”?
(D) What difficulties, according to Woolf, does a woman face before wnting exactly what
she Wishes to write?

04. Answer any three of the following questions: 3X10=30

(A) 'Games at Twilight” is an explanation of child psychology. Explain.
(B) Laura is entangled in the conflict between her own lnnocence and the reality of the adult
world. Elucidata.
(C) How does Woolf construct the genealogy of the female writers?
(D) How does Newman react against Utilitanianism in his “The idea of a University? (E)
Comment on the use of animal imagery in " The Garden Party ".

(Conducted By: Bishnu Pada Roy / Israt Jahan)


সচতনতা য়াজন অসচতন কাজ সচতনতার সাথ করার জন ই


Noakhali Science & Technology University

Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination
Session :2014-15 Department of English
Course Title : Prose : 19th to 20 th century
Course Code : Eng-3209

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks : 70

( Attempt all the question. Figure in the right margin indicates the marks.)
01. Write short notes on any three of the following: 3X5=15
a) Laura’s hat b)Mr. Sheridan c)The critic of the opposite sex
d) Ravi e)The funeral game f) Newman's anti-utilitarianism

2. Locate and explain (any three): 3X5=15

a) A broad road ran between. True, they were far too near. They were the greatest possible
eyesore, and they had no right to be in that neighbourhood at all.
b) Having disappeared from the scene, he had disappeared from their minds.
c) But of our mothers, our grandmothers, our great-grandmothers, what remains? Nothing but a
d) Certainly a liberal education does manifest itself in a courtesy, propriety, and polish of word
and action, which is beautiful in itself, and acceptable to others; but it does much more.
e) A man may take to drink because he feels himself to be a failure, and then fail
all the more completely because he drinks.

3. Answer in short (any two): 5X2=10

a) What is the relationship between Laura and Laurie?
b) Why was Ravi, in “Games at Twilight”, ‘silenced by a terrible sense of his insignificance’?
c) Why does Virginia Woolf mention the names of Sappho and Lady Murasaki?
d) How did law and custom influence women’s writing? .
e) How does Newman articulate the conflicted relation between science and religion?

4. Answer any-three of the following: 10x3=30

a) How does Virginia Woolf, in her “Women and Fiction”, validate the past and present condition
of the emale writers? How does she visualize their future?
b) Desai’s Games at Twilight ends with a young boy’s anguished experience of “the ignominy of
being forgotten” .Elucidate.
c) ‘It’s all the fault [. . S] of these absurd class distinctions.’ Why does Laura feel this way? Does
this feeling of Laura find expression in her experience with the Scott’s?
d) How do you consider Orwell’s observation of political speech and writing?
e) What are the functions of a University according to Newman’s The Idea of a University?

(Conducted By: Bishnu Pada Roy / Tapu Rayhan )


Session :2015-16 Department of English

Course Title : Prose (19th to 20 th century)
Course Code : Eng-3209
Time : 4 Hour Full Marks : 70
( Attempt all the question. Figure in the right margin indicates the marks.)
01. Locate and explain (any three): 3X5=15
(A) He had wanted victory and triumph--not a funeral. But he had been forgotten, left out, and he
would not join them now. The ignominy of being forgotten--how could he face it? (Ravi GT)
(B) Why couldn't she have workmen for her friends rather than the silly boys she danced with and who
came to Sunday night supper?(Laura :GP)
(C) -----it is an acquired illumination, it is a habit, a personal possession, and an inward
(D) Law and custom were of course largely responsible for these strange intermission for
these silence and speech.
(E) Now, it is clear that the decline of a language must ultimately have political and
economic causes...
02. Write short notes on any three of the following: 3X5=15
a) Bildungsroman
b) Experience and education in writing fiction
c) The importance of song in " The Games at Twilight "
d) Newman's idea of 'good ' and 'useful '
e) Raghu

03. Answer in short (any two): 5X2=10

a) what according to Newman, is Liberal Education?
b) What are the problem Wolf points out for the distortion of art?
c) How does Laura differ from her mother?
d) Which image in "Games at Twilight " does suggest for loss and death?
e) What are the remedies Orwell offers for the problems he finds in English language?

04. Answer any three of the following questions: 3X10=30

a) How does Newman describe the real cultivation of mind and the benefits its of the training and formation of
the intellect?
b) Write a note on the use of colour and animal imagery in “The Garden Party”.
c) Trace the evaluation of women‘s writing mentioned in “ Women and Fiction”.
d) How is the theme of loneliness, in your opinion, dealt with in “Games at Twilight"?
e) According to Newman, what terms do best ccapture the essence of education, what for him is the idea of a
university ?

Noakhali Science & Technology University

Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination 2014

Noakhali Science & Technology University

Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination
Session :2010-11 Department of English
Course Title : American Fiction : 18th to 19th century
Course Code : Eng-3211

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks : 70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest. Figure in
the right margin indicates the marks.)
01. Locate and explain Any Four of the following: 5X4=20
(A) “It is for the same reason that the minister keeps his hand over his heart!” (B) Don't
you realize, you can't march in a straight line to the victory.
(C) It was a matter of sheer hope, because there was not much that he could add to his
present effort.
(D) He had done this. He had brought all this about. In all of his life these two murders
were the most meaningful things that had ever happened to him.
(E) "We've the others - we've, indeed, the others. "
(F) "It was near that old sunken grave, yet with a space in between, as if the dust of the
two sleepers had no right to mingle. Yet one tombstone served for both.

(G) I was there with the child quiet for the hour; and in the midst of it she came.

02. Is the governess the heroine or the villain of The Scarlett Letter? Discuss. 10
03. The protagonist of Seize the Day is the victimized hero. Do you agree? Why or
why not? 10
04. The central theme of Hawthorne's novel is not " sin as a theological problem, but rather the
psychological effect of the conviction of the sins on the lives of the early
conolists". Is this statement valid for The Scarlett Letter? 10
05. Discuss Hawthorne's use of symbols in The Scarlett Letter . 10
06. How do Bigger's feelings about himself influence the action of his life in Native
Son? Explain . 10
07. Write an essay on The Red Badge of Courag as an anti-war novel. 10
08. How does Richard Wright depict the dichotomy between the black and the white
world in Native Son ? 10
09. Comment on the significance of the funeral scene at the end of Seize the Day . 10

Noakhali Science & Technology University

Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination : January 2016
Session :2011-12 Department of English
Course Title : American Fiction:18th to 19th century Course
Code : Eng-3211

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks :70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest. Figure in
the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Locate and explain Any Four of the following: 5X4=20

(A) She responded to him as if he were human, as if he lived in the same world as she, And he had never felt
that before in a white person.
(B) It's beyond everything. Nothing at all that I know touches it.
(C) They adore money! Holy money! Beautiful money! It was getting so that people were feeble minded about
everything except money. While if you did not have It were a dummy, a dummy!
(D) And if you die, die free. You are trying to believe in yourself.
(E) A pure hand needs no glove to cover it.
(F) It was a matter of sheer hope, because there was not much that he could add to his present effort.
(G) One token of her shame would but poorly serve to hide another.

02. Discuss the role of the governess in intensifying the story in James's
The Turn of the Screw. 10
03. How does the pursuit of success affect the American life? Discuss in
the light of Seize the Day. 10
04. Discuss the significance of three scaffold scenes with reference to
The Scarlet Letter. 10
05. What picture of racial politics do you find in Richard Wright's Native Son ? 10
06. "The real sources of Willy's problems are not American capitalism, but
his own failings." Elucidate with reference to Seize the Day. 10
07. To what purpose is blindness used in Native Son? 10
08. Discuss Crane's use of imagery in The Red Badge of Courag. 10
09. What features of Gothic novel do you find in The Turn of the Screw ? 10

(Conducted By: Afsana Mousume)

মতাহীন অবায় আমরা মতাক ভয় পায়
আর মতায় গল তার স বহার কির।।

Noakhali Science & Technology University

Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination 2015
Session :2012-13 Department of English
Course Title : American Fiction : 18th to 19th century Course
Code : Eng-3211

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks :70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest.

Figure in the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Locate and explain Any Four of the following: 5X4=20

(A)..... let her cover the mark as she will, the pang wil be always in her heart.
(B) "We were alone with the quiet day, and his little heart, dispossessed, had
(c) Hollywood was his own idea, too. He used to pretend that it had been the
doing of a certain talent scout named....
(D) He had killed twice, but in a true sense it was not the first time, he had ever killed.
(E) Whatever he had learneld of hhimself was here of no avail.
He was an unknown quantity.
(F) If love is love, it's free.
(G) "The law we broke! -the sin here so awfully revealed! "
(h) We live here and they live there. We black and they white.... It just like living an
jail .

02. Consider The Scarlet Letter as a critique of Puritanism. 10

03. An element of protest definew the character of Thomas Bigger in the
Native Son. Discuss . 10
04. Comment on James's treatment of horror in The Turn of the Screw. 10
05. Consider Tommy Wilhelm as an anti-hero in the Seize the Day . 10
06. How does the letter 'A' change its meaning and significance at the end
of the novel The Scarlet Letter ? 10
07. Seize the Day shows the American dream turned into a nightmare. Do
you agree? Give reasons for your answer . 10
08. Describe the circumstances leading to Miles' death in The Turn of the
sorew. Is the governess responsible for it ? 10
09. Wright portrays Bigger's trial as an unfair one. How do American media
affect the American Judicial process in determining justice ? 10

(Conducted By:Rabita Rahman /Maruf Rahman)

অসুরর মাঝও সুর বাস কর, যমন সুরর মাঝ অসুরর বাস।।
Noakhali Science & Technology University
Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination 2017
Session :2013-14 Department of English
Course Title : American Fiction : 18th to 19th century Course
Code : Eng-3211

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks :70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest. Figure in
the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Locate and explain Any Four of the following: 5X4=20

(A) He had performed his mistakes in the dark, so he was still a man.
(B) And a success- is a success. I never made a success.
(C) A pure hand needs no glove to cover it.
(D) "He sat. The white cat still contemplated him with large, moist eyes."
(E) “He was there or was not there: not there If I didn't see him.”
(F) “Everybody wants to make something. Any American does.”
(G) “They hate because they fear, and they fear because they feel that the deepest feelings of their lives are
being assaulted and outraged. And
they do not know why; they are powerless pawns in a blind play of social
(H) “Whatever he had learned of himself was here of no avail. He was an unknown quantity.”

02. Richard Wright's Native Son closely examines the issues of racial
oppression. Discuss. 10
03. The criminal actions of Bigger Thomas in Native Son represent the
Instinctive urge for violence in the psyche of the oppressed. Explain. 10
04. Trace the occurrence and explain the meaning of “the Tongue-of-Flame”
theme in The Scarlet Letter. 10
05. Discuss the significance of three scaffold scenes with reference to The
Scarlet Letter. 10
06. Infusing confusion in the mind of the reader in terms of appearance versus reality
Turn of the Screw deals with the theme of ‘Ambiguity' in different layers.Discuss. 10
07. Evaluate Seize the Day as a modern text keeping the socio-cultural-economic condition of America and
Tommy Wilhelm’s crisis as an individual . 10
08. Discuss Crane as an impressionist in reference to his The Red Badge of Courage. 10 09. How has the theme
“Depersonalization and the Dream" been sketched in
The Red Badge of Courage? 10

(Conducted By: Musfiqur Rahman/Rabita Rahman)

কান িবষয় থক পিরাণর উপায় হলা ২িট :
তাক মাকািবলা ক ন অথবা পািলয় যান ।।
Noakhali Science & Technology University
Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination 2017
Session :2014-15 Department of English
Course Title : American Fiction : 18th to 19th century
Course Code : Eng-3211

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks :70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest. Figure in
the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Locate and explain Any Four of the following: 5X4=20


a. “I didn't know I was really alive in this world until I felt things hard enough to kill for 'em...‘.
b.“Let her cover the mark as she will, the pang of it will be always in her heart. "
c. “And a success is a success. I never made a success."
d. He had never won. Not once.
e. We live here and they live there. We black and they white. just like living in jail.
f. He‘ll confess. If he confesses he’s saved. And if he’s saved.
g. “It is for the same reason that the minister keeps his hand over his heart!”
h. It’s there --the coward horror, there for the last time!

2. Show how Hawthorne creates a heavy puritan atmosphere in The Scarlet Letter. 10
3. What role do media play to draw the conclusion of Bigger’s life in the Native Son? Discus. 10
4. Comment on the setting of James's The Turn of the Screw. 10
5. Do you agree with the statement that The Scarlet Letter is not only Hester‘s tragedy but
Arthur's as well? Justify your answer. 10
6. Write a brief note on the father-son relationship portrayed in The Seize the Day. 10
7. Attempt a psychological study of the Nurse in The Turn of the Screw. 10
8. Reflecting on the past guilt, present agony and future possibility Seize the Day culminates the ideas of
Reckoning. Reconciliation and Redemption within one single day of its'
protagonist's life. Discuss . 10
9. The contradiction between the reality of American society and American myth of equal access to life, liberty
and pursuit of happiness is a recurring theme in the American Literature of nineteenth and twentieth century.
Discuss with references to any three
texts from your syllabus. 10

(Conducted By: Afsana Mousume /Rabita Rahman)

Noakhali Science & Technology University
Year-3; Term-2 Final Examination 2019
Session :2015-16 Department of English
Course Title : American Fiction : 18th to 19th century Course
Code : Eng-3211

Time : 4 Hour Full Marks :70

( Attempt question No.01 and five others from the rest. Figure in
the right margin indicates the marks.)

01. Locate and explain Any Four of the following: 5X4=20

a) It was not well to drive men into final corners; at those moments they could all develop
teeth and claws.(RBC)
b) She could no longer borrow from the future to ease her present grief.( TSL)
c) The past is no good to us. The future is full of anxiety. Only the present is real --the here and now. (Tommy:
d) they don't give black people a chance, so I took a chance and lost. But I don't care none
now. They got me and it's all over.(NS)

e) Let men tremble to win the hand of woman, unless they win along with it the utmost
passion of her heart! (TSL)
f) He watched her with a mingled feeling of helplessness, admiration, and hate. If her father
saw him here with her now, his job would be over.(TSL)
g) So it came to pass that as he trudged from the place of blood and wrath his soul changed.(TRBC)

02. Discuss Hester Prynne's conflict with herself, with others and with nature in The Scarlet Letter. 10
03. Show the power of nature and show the power of Society and ideology portrayed in The Red Badge of
04. In what way we can consider Tommy Wilhelm as an anti-hero in Seize the Day. 10
05. What sense of racial prejudice do you find in Richard Wright's Native Son? 10
06. Bring out the significance of the title of the novel Native Son . 10
07. What picture of American society and life do you find in Saul Bellow's Seize the Day ? 10 08. Discuss
Hawthorn's blend of realism, symbolism and imagery in The Scarlet Letter. 10 09. What was the factual
framework of The Red Badge of Courage? Discuss with references.

িশা মানই িক সুিশা নয় কুি শার মধ িদয় সুিশায় িশি ত হত হয়।

বতমান যারা এ কাজিট করন তারা ঋিষ বা সাধকর চাইত কান অংশই কম নয়।।

ধন বাদ

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