YBS Emotional Attraction Workbook
YBS Emotional Attraction Workbook
YBS Emotional Attraction Workbook
rekcarT tibaH
Emotional Attraction
You may have heard of IQ, or Intelligence Quotient. There is also an EQ, or
Emotional Quotient, sometimes referred to as Emotional Intelligence. If you look
it up on the Internet, you will find many different definitions and theories about it.
Though we will not attempt to measure your EQ, we provide an idea of what it is.
The editorial review of the book Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman on
www.Amazon.com says, “He defines emotional intelligence in terms of self-
awareness, altruism, personal motivation, empathy, and the ability to love and be
loved by friends, partners, and family members.” In short, it has two areas of
importance: understanding yourself, your feelings, your goals, your behaviors, and
the like understanding others, especially their feelings
From that premise, we ask questions to help you evaluate your emotional
Use the ten-point scale below to rate where you believe you are in the emotional
area asked about. Score each question based on what you feel emotional
attractiveness is as perceived by your spouse.
Emotional Self-Assessment
Unattractive Attractive
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. _____ Where would you put yourself on the attractiveness scale in terms of your
understanding of yourself? (The more others view you as in touch with your own
emotions and inner being, the more attractive you are.)
2. _____ Where would you put yourself on the attractiveness scale in terms of your social
skills and ability to interact with people, especially in making them feel special
and important?
3. _____ Where would you put yourself on the attractiveness scale in terms of your self-
control, even in emotional situations?
4. _____ Where would you put yourself on the attractiveness scale in terms of your ability to
relate to the emotions and feelings of others in a way they know you understand?
5. _____ Where would you put yourself on the attractiveness scale in terms of accepting
others as they are so that they feel safe to be their true selves with you?
6. _____ Where would you put yourself on the attractiveness scale in terms of giving the
person most important to you the confidence that you will protect and stand by
his/her side through thick and thin?
7. _____ Where would you put yourself on the attractiveness scale in terms of your ability to
love fully, without hesitation or reservation?
8. _____ Where would you put yourself on the attractiveness scale in terms of how you
demonstrate love?
9. _____ Where would you put yourself on the attractiveness scale in terms of having fun
and enjoying life with those who are important to you?
10. _____ Consider all the above and rate here where would you put yourself in overall
emotional attractiveness.
TOTAL: _____ out of 100
How do you feel about yourself?
Realistically, how do you wish your life would be different after completing
this course?
Emotional Attraction
How do you feel about yourself emotionally (can include your personal
emotions or your emotional attraction with others)?
List three ways that you evoke emotions within others they enjoy feeling.
List things you are doing that are not evoking positive emotions in others.
How can you stop doing the things that are not evoking positive
emotions and start doing the things that do evoke positive emotions?
The Wall
(Being a Safe Place)
What were your takeaways from the teaching about the wall?
Has someone hurt you in the past by sharing your bricks or throwing
them back at you? What happened?
The Wall
(Being a Safe Place)
Can you forgive and learn to trust again?
Who do you feel comfortable enough to share your bricks with, if anyone?
Do the people in your life have a wall around themselves? How can you be a
safe place for them?
What is going to change in your life now that you know this?
Emotional Attraction Dragons
List 3 people in your life that you evoke positive emotions with you.
Think of someone who does not evoke positive emotions within you.
What types of things does that person do that you do not like?
Emotional Attraction Dragons
How do you want people to describe you?
How can you communicate your needs, thoughts and emotions with love?
Emotional Attraction Knights
What was your biggest takeaway from this lesson?
Which of these emotional attraction knights are you already doing well?
How will you use what you have learned so far to do that?
Intentional Connection with Others
How are you connecting with your loved ones now? How much time are you
spending making eye contact, listening, and paying attention to them?
How can you be more INTENTIONAL in how you connect with your loved ones?
How would forgiving change the emotions you feel inside, about
yourself, and how you feel about those around you?
The Need for Forgiveness
There are 3 steps to decision-based forgiveness:
Decide to assign the other person value
Decide not to take vengeance (Optional)
Decided to restore or create a relationship
Which step are you on right now? What can you do to move to the
next step?
How are you going to implement this takeaway in your daily life?
What do you want to start or stop doing based on what you have learned?
What habits do you want to create for your emotional attraction?
How can you give yourself more grace when it comes to the status of
the relationships in your life?
Connecting With
Your Purpose
Adapted from Michaéla C. Schippers and Niklas Ziegler research on Life Crafting.
Life Plan Worksheet
Values and Passions
What lifestyle choices would you like? (your ideal day, types of
vacations, things you do on a day to day basis).
Life Plan Worksheet
Current Self
On the other hand, if NOTHING changes, then who will you be? What
will your future be like?
Life Plan Worksheet
Go back through everything you wrote yesterday and
highlight the parts that are most important to you.
Try and highlight only 10-12 lines, sentences, or thoughts.
Turn those 6-8 items into one sentence and write it below.
You’ll see a #___ by each line. Later, you will number your items
in order of importance to you...but not yet.
Life Plan Worksheet
Is the item that you ranked #1 the most important to you right now? If
not, which goal above is the most important? Also, could you combine
some of the items into a better goal for your most important goal right
Life Plan Worksheet
Life Plan Worksheet
HOW CAN YOU MAKE THIS GOAL (Specific Measurable Attainable
Relevant Time-Based)?
Making a Plan
for Your Future
Who are you going to tell about your goals and plans? Will this
person help hold you accountable?
What's Your Why?
MY PIES GOAL How is it specific? How will I measure it?
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What will you do each day to make it easier for you to achieve your goal?
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