Printing MaterialTender Document
Printing MaterialTender Document
Printing MaterialTender Document
Supply and Delivery of Printing Materials
“GoN” word indicates all public entities according to Public Procurement Act, 2063
Table of Contents
Invitation for Bids
2. Eligible Bidders may obtain further information and inspect the bidding documents at the office of
Survey Department, Min Bhawan, Kathmandu, Tel.: 01 4622713, Email: [email protected] of office
or may visit PPMO’s e-GP system
3. Bidding documents is available online and can be downloaded from e-GP system Interested bidders shall register in the e-GP system and deposit the cost of
bidding document in the following bank.
Information to deposit the cost of bidding document in Bank:
Name of the Bank: Rastriya Banijya Bank, Teku
Name of the Office: Survey Department, Min Bhawan, Kathmandu
Account No. 1000100200010000 Office Code no.:336023501 Revenue Code No.: 14229
4. Pre-bid meeting shall be held at Survey Department, Min Bhawan, Kathmandu at 13:00 on
Novemberr 17, 2022
5. Interested Bidders shall submit the electronic Bids through to the above
office of Survey Department, Min Bhawan, Kathmandu on or before 12:00 hour on December 1 ,
2022 Bids received after this deadline will be rejected.
6. Bids shall be opened in the presence of bidder’s representatives who choose to attend 13:00 hour on
Devember 1 , 2022 at the office of Survey Department, Min Bhawan, Kathmandu. Bids must be
valid for a period of 90 days counting from the day of bid opening and must be accompanied by bid
security (as mentioned above) which shall be valid for minimum 30 days beyond the bid validity
8. If the last date of submission and opening falls on a government holiday then the next working day
shall be considered the last day. In such a case the bid validity and bid security validity shall be
recognized with effect from the original bid submission deadline.
Section I. Instructions to Bidders
This section specifies the procedures to be followed by Bidders in the preparation and
submission of their Bids. Information is also provided on the submission, opening, and
evaluation of bids and on the award of contract.
Table of Clauses
A. General
1. Scope of Bid 5
2. Source of Funds 5
3. Fraud and Corruption 5
4. Eligible Bidders 8
5. Eligible Goods and Related Services 10
6. Site Visit 10
B. Contents of Bidding Document 10
7. Sections of the Bidding Document 11
8. Clarification of Bidding Document/Pre-bid meeting 11
9. Amendment of Bidding Document 11
C. Preparation of Bids 11
10. Cost of Bidding 11
11. Language of Bid 12
12. Documents Comprising the Bid 12
13. Letter of Bid and Price Schedules 12
14. Alternative Bids 13
15. Bid Prices and Discounts 13
16. Currencies of Bid 14
17. Documents Establishing the Eligibility of the Bidder 14
18. Documents Establishing the Conformity of the Goods and Related Services to the
Bidding Document 14
19. Documents Establishing the Qualifications of the Bidder 15
20. Period of Validity of Bids 16
21. Bid Security 16
22. Format and Signing of Bid 18
D. Submission and Opening of Bids 19
23. Sealing and Marking of Bids 19
24. Deadline for Submission of Bids 22
25. Late Bids 22
26. Withdrawal, or Modification of Bids 22
27. Bid Opening 24
E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids 25
28. Confidentiality 25
29. Clarification of Bids 25
30. Deviations, Reservations, and Omissions 26
31. Examination of Bid 26
32. Determination of Responsiveness 26
33. Non-material Non-conformi-ties 27
34. Correction of Arithmetical Errors 28
35. Goods manufactured in Nepal to be produced 28
36. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids 29
37. Post-qualification of the Bidder 30
38. Purchaser’s Right to Accept Any Bid, and to Reject Any or All Bids 30
F. Award of Contract 30
39. Award Criteria 30
40. Purchaser’s Right to Vary Quantities at Time of Award 30
41. Notification of Intention to Award 31
42. Performance Security 31
43. Signing of Contract 32
44. Complaint and Review 32
Section I. Instructions to Bidders
A. General
1. Scope of Bid 1.1 In connection with the Invitation for Bids indicated in the Bid Data Sheet
(BDS), the Purchaser as indicated in the BDS issues this Bidding
Document for the supply of Goods and Related Services incidental
thereto as specified in Section V, Schedule of Requirements. The
name, identification, and number of contracts (packages/lots) are
indicated in BDS.
1.2 Throughout this Bidding Document :
(a) the term “in writing” means communicated in written form with
proof of receipt;
(b) if the context so requires, singular means plural and vice versa;
(c) “day” means calendar day.
2. Source of 2.1 GoN Funded: In accordance with its annual program and budget,
Funds approved by the GoN, the Purchaser intends to apply a portion of the
allocated budget to eligible payments under the contract(s) indicated
in the BDS for which this Bidding Document is issued.
DP Funded: The GoN has applied for or received financing
(hereinafter called “funds”) from the Development Partner (hereinafter
called “the DP”) indicated in the BDS toward the cost of the project
named in the BDS. The GoN intends to apply a portion of the funds to
eligible payments under the contract(s) for which this Bidding
Document is issued.
2.2 DP Funded: Payment by the DP will be made only at the request of the
GoN and upon approval by the DP in accordance with the terms and
conditions of the financing agreement between the GoN and the DP
(hereinafter called the “Loan Agreement”), and will be subject in all
respects to the terms and conditions of that Loan Agreement. No party
other than the GoN shall derive any rights from the Loan Agreement or
have any claim to the funds.
3. Fraud and 3.1 Procuring Entities as well as Bidders, suppliers and contractors and their
Corruption sub-contractors shall adhere to the highest standard of ethics during the
procurement and execution of such contracts. In pursuance of this:;
(a) the Purchaser adopts, for the purposes of this provision, the terms as
defined below:
(i) “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving, or
soliciting, directly or indirectly, anything of value to influence
improperly the actions of another party;
(ii) “fraudulent practice” means any act or omission, including a
misrepresentation, that knowingly or recklessly misleads, or
attempts to mislead, a party to obtain a financial or other benefit
or to avoid an obligation;
(iii) “coercive practice” means impairing or harming, or threatening
to impair or harm, directly or indirectly, any party or the property
of the party to influence improperly the actions of a party;
(iv) “collusive practice” means an arrangement between two or more
parties designed to achieve an improper purpose, including
influencing improperly the actions of another party.
(v) “obstructive practice” means (a) deliberately destroying,
falsifying, altering, or concealing of evidence material to an
investigation; (b) making false statements to investigators in
order to materially impede an investigation; (c) failing to comply
with requests to provide information, documents, or records in
connection with an investigation; (d) threatening, harassing, or
intimidating any party to prevent it from disclosing its knowledge
of matters relevant to the investigation or from pursuing the
investigation; or (e) materially impeding GoN/DP’s contractual
rights of audit or access to information; and
(vi) “integrity violation” is any act which violates Anticorruption
Policy, including (i) to (v) above and the following: abuse, conflict
of interest, violations of GoN/DP sanctions, retaliation against
whistleblowers or witnesses, and other violations of Anticorruption
Policy, including failure to adhere to the highest ethical standard.
(b) the Purchaser will reject a proposal for award if it determines that
the Bidder recommended for award has, directly or through an agent,
engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive
practices or other integrity violations in competing for the contract;
(c) DP will cancel the portion of the financing allocated to a contract if it
determines at any time that representative(s) of the GoN or of a
beneficiary of DP-financing engaged in corrupt, fraudulent,
collusive, or coercive practices or other integrity violations during the
procurement or the execution of that contract, without the GoN having
taken timely and appropriate action satisfactory to DP to remedy the
(d) DP will impose remedial actions on a firm or an individual, at any time,
in accordance with DP's Anticorruption Policy and related Guidelines
(as amended from time to time), including declaring ineligible, either
indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to participate in DP-financed,
-administered, or -supported activities or to benefit from an DP-
financed, -administered, or -supported contract, financially or
otherwise, if it at any time determines that the firm or individual has,
directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive,
coercive, or obstructive practices or other integrity violations; and
(e) The Supplier shall permit the GoN/DP to inspect the Supplier’s
accounts and records relating to the performance of the Supplier and to
have them audited by auditors appointed by the GoN/DP, if so required
by the GoN/DP.
3.2 The Bidder shall not carry out or cause to carry out the following
acts with an intention to influence the implementation
of the procurement process or the procurement agreement :
(a) give or propose improper inducement directly or indirectly,
(b) distortion or misrepresentation of facts,
(c) engaging in corrupt or fraudulent practice or involving in such
(d) interference in participation of other competing bidders,
(e) coercion or threatening directly or indirectly to cause harm to the
person or the property of any person to be involved in the
procurement proceedings,
(f) collusive practice among bidders before or after submission of bids for
distribution of works among bidders or fixing
artificial/uncompetitive bid price with an intention to deprive the
Purchaser the benefit of open competitive bid price,
(g) Contacting the Purchaser with an intention to influence the
Purchaser with regards to the bids or interference of any kind in
examination and evaluation of the bids during the period from the
time of opening of the bids until the notification of award of contract.
3.3 PPMO, on the recommendation of the Procuring Entity may blacklist a
Bidder for a period of one (1) to three (3) years for its conduct including on
the following grounds and seriousness of the act committed by the bidder:
(a) if convicted by a court of law in a criminal offence which disqualifies
the Bidder from participating in the contract,
(b) if it is established that the contract agreement signed by the Bidder was
based on false or misrepresentation of Bidder’s qualification
(c)if it at any time determines that the firm has, directly or through an agent,
engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive
practices in competing for, or in executing, a GoN/DP-financed
(d) if the Successful Bidder fails to sign the Contract.
3.4 A bidder declared blacklisted and ineligible by the GoN, Public
Procurement Monitoring Office (PPMO) and/or the DP in case of DP
funded project, may be ineligible to bid for a contract during the period
of time determined by the GoN, PPMO and/or the DP including credit
information bureau of Nepal.
3.5 In case of a natural person or firm/institution/company which is already
declared blacklisted and ineligible by the GoN, any other new or existing
firm/institution/company owned partially or fully by such Natural person
or Owner or Board of director of blacklisted firm/institution/company;
shall not be eligible bidder.
3.6 Furthermore, Bidders shall be aware of the provisions of GCC 34.1(c).
4. Eligible Bidders 4.1 This Invitation for Bids is open to eligible Bidders from all countries,
except for any specified in the BDS.
4.2 A Bidder may be a natural person, private entity, government-owned
entity (subject to ITB 4.5) or any combination of them with a formal
intent to enter into an agreement or under an existing agreement in the
form of a Joint Venture (JV). Maximum number of parners in JV shall
be as specified in BDS .In the case of a JV:
(a) all parties to the JV shall be jointly and severally liable; and
(b) a JV shall nominate a representative who shall have the
authority to conduct all businesses for and on behalf of any and
all the parties of the JV during the bidding process and, in the
event the JV is awarded the Contract, during contract execution.
4.3 A Bidder shall not have a conflict of interest. Any Bidders found to have
a conflict of interest shall be disqualified. A Bidder may be considered
to be in a conflict of interest with one or more parties in this bidding
process if, including but not limited to:
(a) have controlling shareholders in common;
(b) receive or have received any direct or indirect subsidy from any
of them;
(c) have the same legal representative for purposes of this Bid;
(d) have a relationship with each other, directly or through
common third parties, that puts them in a position to have
access to information about or influence on the Bid of another
Bidder, or influence the decisions of the Purchaser regarding
this bidding process;
(e) a Bidder participates in more than one bid in this bidding
process. Participation by a Bidder in more than one Bid will
result in the disqualification of all Bids in which it is involved.
However, this does not limit the inclusion of the same
subcontractor, not otherwise participating as a Bidder, in more
than one bid; or
(f) a Bidder or any of its affiliates participated as a consultant in
the preparation of the design or technical specifications of the
goods and services that are the subject of the bid.
(g) a Bidder that has a close business or family relationship with a
professional staff of the Procuring Entity.
4.6 Bidders shall provide such evidence of their continued eligibility satisfactory
to the Purchaser, as the Purchaser shall reasonably request.
4.7 Firms shall be excluded in any of the cases, if
(a) by an act of compliance with a decision of the United Nations
Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the
United Nations prohibits any import of goods or Contracting of
works or services from that country or any payments to persons or
entities in that country.
(b) DP Funded: as a matter of law or official regulation, GoN prohibits
commercial relations with that country, provided that the DP is
satisfied that such exclusion does not preclude effective competition
for the supply of goods or related services required;
(c) DP Funded: a firm has been determined to be ineligible by the DP in
relation to their guidelines or appropriate provisions on preventing
and combating fraud and corruption in projects financed by them.
4.8 A bidder and all parties constituting the Bidder shall have the nationality of
an eligible country as defined by the concerned DP for DP funded projects.
4.9 The domestic Bidder who has obtained Permanent Account Number (PAN)
and Value Added Tax (VAT) registration certificate(s) and Tax clearance
certificate or proof of submission of tax return from the Inland Revenue
Office shall only be eligible. The foreign bidder submitting the documents
indicated in the BDS at the time of bid submission and a declaration to
submit the document(s) indicated in the BDS at the time of contract
agreement shall only be eligible
5. Eligible Goods 5.1 All goods and related services to be supplied under the contract are eligible,
and Related unless their origin is from a country specified in the BDS.
Services 5.2 For purposes of this clause, “origin” means the place where the goods are
mined, grown, or produced, or the place from which the related services are
5.3 The nationality of the firm/Bidder that produces, assembles, distributes, or
sells the goods shall not determine their origin.
6. Site Visit 6.1 For goods contracts requiring installation/ commissioning/ networking or
similar services at site, the Bidder, at the Bidder’s own responsibility and
risk, is encouraged to visit and examine the Site and obtain all
information that may be necessary for preparing the Bid and entering
into a contract for the supply of goods and related services.
6.2 The Bidder should ensure that the Purchaser is informed of the visit in
adequate time to allow it to make appropriate arrangements.
6.3 The costs of visiting the Site shall be at the Bidder’s own expense.
the Purchaser, or through its assigned office as stated in the invitation
for bids or has not deposited (in case of electronically submission) the
cost of Bidding Document as stated in the invitation for bids.
7.3 The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, and
specifications in the Bidding Document as well as in Amendments, if
any. Failure to furnish all information or documentation required by the
Bidding Document may result in the rejection of the Bid.
7.4 The Invitation for Bids issued by the Purchaser is not part of the Bidding
8. Clarification 8.1 A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of the Bidding Document
of Bidding shall contact the Purchaser in writing at the Purchaser’s address
Document/P indicated in the BDS or raise any question or curiosity during the pre-
re-bid bid meeting if provided for in accordance with ITB 8.2. The Purchaser
meeting will respond in writing to any request for clarification, provided that
such request is received within the time limit specified in the BDS
prior to the deadline for submission of Bids. The Purchaser shall
forward copies of its response to all Bidders who have acquired the
Bidding Document directly from it, including a description of the
inquiry but without identifying its source. Should the Purchaser deem it
necessary to amend the Bidding Document as a result of a clarification,
it shall do so following the procedure under ITB 9 and 24.2.
8.2 The purchaser may organize a pre-bid meeting of Bidders at least ten (10)
days before the deadline for submission of Bids at the place, date, and time
as specified in the BDS to provide information relating to Bidding
Documents, Technical specifications and the like matters. Should the
purchaser deem it necessary to amend the Bidding Document as a result of
a clarification, it shall do so following the procedure under ITB 9 and ITB
9. Amendment 9.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of the Bids, the
of Bidding Purchaser may amend the Bidding Document by issuing addenda.
9.2 Any addendum issued shall be part of the Bidding Document and shall
be communicated in writing to all who have obtained the Bidding
Document directly from the Purchaser.
9.3 To give prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take an
addendum into account in preparing their Bids, the Purchaser may, at
its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of the Bids,
pursuant to ITB 24.2.
C. Preparation of Bids
10. Cost of 10.1 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and
submission of its Bid, and the Purchaser shall not be responsible or
Bidding liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the
bidding process.
11. Language of 11.1 The Bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Bid
Bid exchanged by the Bidder and the Purchaser, shall be written in the
language specified in the BDS. Supporting documents and printed
literature that are part of the Bid may be in another language provided
they are accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant
passages in the language specified in the BDS, in which case, for
purposes of interpretation of the Bid, such translation shall govern.
13. Letter of Bid 13.1 The Bidder shall submit the Letter of Bid using the form furnished in
and Price Section IV, Bidding Forms. This form must be completed without any
Schedules alterations to its format, and no substitutes shall be accepted. All blank
spaces shall be filled in with the information requested.
13.2 The Bidder shall submit the Price Schedules for Goods and Related
Services, according to their origin as appropriate, using the forms
furnished in Section IV, Bidding Forms
14. Alternative 14.1 Unless otherwise indicated in the BDS, alternative bids shall not be
Bids considered.
15. Bid Prices 5.1 The prices and discounts quoted by the Bidder in the Letter of Bid and in the
and Price Schedules shall conform to the requirements specified below.
15.2 The Bidder shall complete the appropriate Price Schedule and the sources
of Goods schedules included herein, stating the unit prices, total cost per
item, the total Bid amount, and the expected countries of origin of the
Goods to be supplied under the contract.
15.3 Prices quoted in the Price Schedules shall be included the cost of goods,
other taxes already paid or payable on the components and raw
material used in the manufacture or assembly of the item, the customs
duties, transportation cost up to final delivery, insurance cost,
unloading, and any other cost for (incidental) services, if any, related to
the delivery of goods. All risks and responsibilities up to the final
destination including installation and commissioning of Goods, if
applicable, shall be borne by the Supplier. All items in the Schedule of
Supply must be listed and priced separately in the Price Schedules. If a
Price Schedule shows items listed but not priced, their prices shall be
assumed to be included in the prices of other items. Items not listed in
the Price Schedule shall be assumed not to be included in the Bid, and
provided that the Bid is substantially responsive, the corresponding
adjustment shall be applied in accordance with ITB 36.3. Unit rates
and prices for all items in the Schedule of Supply shall be expressed in
positive values. If unit rates and prices are expressed in negative
values, the bid will be rejected.
15.4 Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the Bidder’s
performance of the Contract and not subject to variation on any
account, unless otherwise specified in the BDS. A Bid submitted with
an adjustable price quotation shall be treated as non responsive and
shall be rejected, pursuant to ITB 32. However, if in accordance with
the BDS, prices quoted by the Bidder shall be subject to adjustment
during the performance of the Contract, a Bid submitted with a fixed
price quotation shall not be rejected, but the price adjustment shall be
treated as zero.
15.5 The Bidder's separation of price components in accordance with ITB 15.2
above will be solely for the purpose facilitating the comparison of bids
by the Purchaser and will not in any way limit the Purchaser's right to
contract on any of the terms offered.
15.6 The price to be quoted in the Letter of Bid shall be the total price of the
Bid excluding any discounts offered. Absence of the total bid price in
the Letter of Price Bid may result in the rejection of the Bid.
15.7 If the Bidder intends to offer any unconditional discount, it shall always
be expressed in fixed percentage and that shall not vary as the quantity
varies and be applicable to each unit rate. The discount and methodology
for its application shall be quoted in Letter of Bid.
15.8 If so indicated in ITB 1.1, Bids are being invited for individual
contracts (lots) or for any combination of contracts (packages). Bidders
wishing to offer any price discount for the award of more than one
Contract shall specify in their Bids the price discount applicable to
each package, or alternatively, to individual Contracts within the
package. Price discounts shall be submitted in accordance with ITB
15.7, provided the Bids for all lots are submitted and opened at the
same time.
17. Documents 17.1 To establish their eligibility in accordance with ITB 4, Bidders shall:
the (a) complete the eligibility declarations in the Letter of Bid, included
Eligibility of in Section IV, Bidding Forms; and
the Bidder (b) if the Bidder is an existing or intended JV in accordance with ITB
4.2, submit a copy of the JV Agreement, or a letter of intent to
enter into such an Agreement. The respective document shall be
signed by all legally authorized signatories of all the parties to the
existing or intended JV, as appropriate.
(c) submit the copy of the documents as specified in Section III,
Evaluation and Eligibility Criteria.
18. Documents 18.1 To establish the conformity of the Goods and Related Services to the
Establishing Bidding Document, the Bidder shall furnish as part of its Bid the
the documentary evidence that the Goods and Related Services conform to
Conformity the requirements specified in Section V, Supply Requirements.
of the Goods
and Related 18.2 The documentary evidence may be in the form of literature, drawings or
Services to data, and shall consist of a detailed item-by-item description of the
the Bidding essential technical and performance characteristics of the Goods and
Document Related Services, demonstrating substantial responsiveness of the
Goods and Related Services to those requirements, and if applicable, a
statement of deviations and exceptions to the provisions of Section V,
Schedule of Requirements.
18.3 The Bidder shall also furnish a list giving full particulars, including
available sources and current prices of spare parts, special tools, etc.,
necessary for the proper and continuing functioning of the Goods
during the period specified in the BDS following commencement of
the use of the goods by the Purchaser.
18.4 Standards for workmanship, process, material, and equipment, as well as
references to brand names or catalogue numbers specified by the
Purchaser in the Section V, Schedule of Requirements, are intended to
be descriptive only and not restrictive. The Bidder may offer other
standards of quality, brand names, and/or catalogue numbers, provided
that it demonstrates, to the Purchaser’s satisfaction, that the
substitutions ensure substantial equivalence or are superior to those
specified in Section V, Schedule of Requirements.
19. Documents 19.1 The documentary evidence of the Bidder’s eligibility to perform the
Establishing contract, if its bid is accepted, shall establish to the Purchaser’s
the satisfaction that the Bidder meets each of the Eligibility criterion
Eligibility of specified in Section III, Evaluation and Eligibility Criteria.
the Bidder
19.2 If so required in the BDS, a Bidder that does not manufacture or produce
the Goods it offers to supply shall submit the Manufacturer’s
Authorization using the form included in Section IV, Bidding Forms to
demonstrate that it has been duly authorized by the manufacturer or
producer of the Goods to supply these Goods in Nepal and take care of the
warranty provided.
19.3 If so required in the BDS, a Bidder that does not conduct business
within Nepal shall submit evidence that it will be represented by an
Agent in Nepal equipped and able to carry out the Supplier’s
maintenance, repair and spare parts-stocking obligations prescribed in
the Conditions of Contract and/or Technical Specifications.
19.4 A foreign Bidder wishing to have or already having a local agent shall
state the following:
a. Name and address of the Agent/Representative,
b. The Agent/Representative providing type of services,
c. Amount of commission if the Agent/Representative is entitled to
get such payment and if it participates in the procedure of
d. Other agreement with Agent/Representative, if any,
e. Bidder shall certify in the Letter of Authorization as follows:
"We certify that the statement and disclosure made by us on the above are
complete and true to the best of our knowledge and belief",
If the agent has not been appointed:
a. Source of information about tender invitation,
b. The remuneration given to the individual or firm/company or
organization to work on its behalf for submitting tender,
representation in the bid opening and other required action in
connection with the tender,
c. Transfer or handover an evidence of foreign currency exchanged
which required to be submitted with the tender,
d. If the bank account of any Nepali citizen has been used for the
exchange of foreign currency specify the name of the individual
and his address. If the foreign currency has been exchanged by self
then the certificate of currency exchange.
19.5 If a foreign Bidder in its Bid, has not provided the information
mentioned in ITB 19.4 or has submitted its bid stating that the Bidder
does not have a local agent and later it is proved that the bidder has a
local agent or it is proved that the commission mentioned in the Bid is
less than the commission received by the local agent then the Purchaser
shall initiate proceedings to blacklist such bidder in accordance with
ITB 3.3.
20. Period of 20.1 Bid shall remain valid for a period specified in the BDS after the bid
Validity of submission deadline date prescribed by the purchaser. If the prescribed
Bids bid submission deadline date falls on a government holiday, then the
next working day shall be considered as the bid submission deadline
date. In such case the validity period of the bids shall be considered from
the original bid submission deadline date. A bid valid for a shorter
period shall be rejected by the purchaser as nonresponsive.
20.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of the bid validity
period, the Purchaser may request Bidders to extend the period of
validity of their Bids. The request and the responses shall be made in
writing. If a Bid Security is requested in accordance with ITB 21, it
shall also be extended for a corresponding period. A Bidder may refuse
the request without forfeiting its Bid Security. A Bidder granting the
request shall not be required or permitted to modify its Bid and to
include any additional conditions against the provisions specified in Bid
21. Bid Security 21.1 The Bidder shall furnish as part of its bid, in original form a Bid
Security as specified in the BDS. In case of e-submission of bid, the
Bidder shall upload scanned copy of Bid security letter at the time of
electronic submission of the bid. The Bidder accepts that the scanned
copy of the Bid security shall, for all purposes, be equal to the original.
The details of original Bid Security and the scanned copy submitted with
e-bid should be the same otherwise the bid shall be non-responsive.
21.2 If a bid security is specified pursuant to ITB 21.1, the bid security shall
be a demand guarantee in any of the following forms at the Bidder’s
(b) original copy of cash deposit voucher in the Purchaser 's Account
as specified in BDS.
(i) during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Letter
of Bid, in case of electronic submission;
(ii) from the period twenty-four hours prior to bid submission deadline up
to the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Letter of
Bid, in case of hard copy submission.
(b) a Bidder changes the prices or substance of the bid while providing
information pursuant to clause 29.1;
21.7 The Bid Security of a JV must be in the name of the JV that submits the bid.
If the JV has not been legally constituted at the time of bidding, the Bid
Security shall be in the names of all future partners as named in the letter
of intent mentioned in ITB 17.1 (b).
22. Format and 22.1 The Bidder shall prepare one original set of the documents comprising
Signing of the bid as described in ITB 12 and clearly mark it “ORIGINAl".
Bid Alternative bids, if permitted in accordance with ITB 14, shall be
clearly marked “ALTERNATIVE”. In addition, the Bidder shall
submit copies of the bid, in the number specified in the BDS and
clearly mark each of them “COPY NO… - BID”. In the event of any
discrepancy between the original and the copies, the original shall
In case of e-submission of bid, the Bidder shall submit his bid
electronically in PDF or online forms files as specified in ITB Clause
23.1(b). If a Bidder submits both the electronic bid and a bid in hard
copy within the bid submission deadline, then the submitted Bids shall be
accepted for evaluation provided that the facts and figures in hard copy
confirm to those in electronic bid. If there is any major discrepancy in fact
and figures in the electronic bid and bid in hard copy, it shall be treated as
two separate bids from one Bidder and both the Bids shall be disqualified,
as per ITB Clause 4.3 (e).
22.2 The original and all copies of the bid shall be typed or written in indelible
ink and shall be signed by a person duly authorized to sign on behalf of
the Bidder. This authorization shall consist of a written confirmation as
specified in the BDS and shall be attached to the Bid. The name and
position held by each person signing the authorization must be typed or
printed below the signature. All pages of the bid, except for un
amended printed literature, shall be signed or initialed by the person
signing the bid.
22.3 Any amendments such as interlineations, erasures, or overwriting shall
be valid only if they are signed or initialed by the person signing the
D. Submission and Opening of Bids
23. Sealing and 23.1 Unless otherwise specified in BDS, Bidders shall submit their bids by
Marking of electronic or by mail/ by hand/ by courier. Procedures for submission,
Bids sealing and marking are as follows:
(b) Bidders submitting Bids electronically shall follow the electronic bid
submission procedure specified in this clause.
iv. In order to submit their bids the cost of the bidding document
can be deposited as specified in IFB. In addition, electronic
scanned copy (.pdf format) of the bank deposit
voucher/cash receipt should also be submitted along with
the technical bid.
v. The bidder can prepare their technical and price bids using
data and documents maintained in bidder’s profile and
forms/format provided in bidding document by Employer.
The bidder may submit bids as a single entity or as a joint
venture. The bidder submitting bid in joint venture shall
have to upload joint venture agreement along with
partner(s) Bolpatra ID provided during bidder’s
vi. Bidders (all partners in case of JV) should update their profile
data and documents required during preparation and
submission of their technical bids.
13. Delivery and Mandatory PDF or Online
Completion Schedule Forms
14. Additional Mandatory (If PDF
documents] any)
specified in ITB 12.1
a) The documents specified as “Mandatory” should be included
in e-submission and non-submission of the documents shall
be considered as non-responsive bid.
b) Bidders (all partners in case of JV) should verify/update their
profile documents as appropriate for the specific bid before
submitting their bid electronically.
viii. After providing all the details and documents, two separate
bid response documents i.e technical bids and price bids
will be generated from the system. Bidders are advised to
download and verify the response documents prior to bid
ix. For verifying the authentic user, the system will send one
time password (OTP) in the registered e-mail address of the
bidder. System will validate the OTP and allow bidder to
submit their bid.
xi. The Bidder / Bid shall meet the following requirements and
conditions for e-submission of bids;
aa) The e-submitted bids must be readable through PDF
bb) The facility for submission of bid electronically through
e-submission is to promote transparency, non-
discrimination, equality of access, and open competition
in the bidding process. The Bidders are fully responsible
to use the e- submission facility properly in e-GP system
as per specified procedures and in no case the Employer
shall be held liable for Bidder's inability to use this
cc) When a bidder submits electronic bid through the PPMO
e-GP portal, it is assumed that the bidder has prepared
the bid by studying and examining the complete set of
the Bidding documents including specifications,
drawings and conditions of contract.
23.2 The inner and outer envelopes shall:
(a) bear the name and address of the Bidder;
(b) be addressed to the Purchaser in accordance with ITB 24.1; and
(c) bear a warning "NOT TO OPEN BEFORE THE TIME AND
(d) bear the specific identification of this bidding process
indicated in BDS 1.1.
23.3 If all envelopes are not sealed and marked as required, the Purchaser
will assume no responsibility for the misplacement or premature
opening of the bid.
24. Deadline for 24.1 Bids must be received by the Purchaser at the address and no later than
Submission the date and time indicated in the BDS. In case of e-submission, the
of Bids standard time for e-submission is Nepal Standard Time as set out in the
server. The e-procurement system will accept the e-submission of bid
from the date of publishing of notice and will automatically not allow
the e-submission of bid after the deadline for submission of bid.
24.2 The Purchaser may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the
submission of Bids by amending the Bidding Document in accordance
with ITB 9, in which case all rights and obligations of the Purchaser
and Bidders previously subject to the deadline shall thereafter be
subject to the deadline as extended. However, the time available to
submit bids shall not be less than five (5) days since amendment in
bidding document.
25. Late Bids 25.1 The Purchaser shall not consider any Bid that arrives after the deadline
for submission of Bids, in accordance with ITB 24. Any Bid received
by the Purchaser after the deadline for submission of Bids shall be
declared late, rejected, and returned unopened to the Bidder.
26. Withdrawal, 26.1 A bidder may withdraw, or modify its bid after it has been submitted
or either in hard copy or by e-Submission. Once a Bid is withdrawn,
Modification bidder shall not be able to submit another bid for this bidding process.
of Bids Procedures for withdrawal or modification of submitted bids are as
GoN Funded:
(i) Bids submitted in hard Copy
a) Bidders may withdraw or modify its bids by sending a written notice
in a sealed envelope, duly signed by an authorized representative, and
shall include a copy of the authorization in accordance with ITB
22.2 before 24 hours prior to the last deadline of submission of bid.
The corresponding modification of the bid must accompany the
respective written notice. All notices must be:
(aa) prepared and submitted in accordance with ITB 22 and ITB 23,
and in addition, the respective envelopes shall be clearly
(bb) received by the Purchaser 24 hours prior to the deadline
prescribed for submission of bids, in accordance with ITB 24.
DP Funded:
Bidders may withdraw or modify its Bid – Technical or Price – after it
has been submitted by sending a written notice, duly signed by an
authorized representative, and shall include a copy of the authorization in
accordance with ITB 22.2. The corresponding modification of the Bid
must accompany the respective written notice. All notices must be
(aa) prepared and submitted in accordance with ITB 22 and ITB
23, and in addition, the respective envelopes shall be clearly
marked “WITHDRAWAL,” and “MODIFICATION;” and
(bb) received by the Employer prior to the deadline prescribed for
submission of Bids, in accordance with ITB 24.
GoN Funded
(i) In case of bids submitted in hard copy no bid shall be
withdrawn or modified in the interval between 24 hours prior
time of the deadline for submission of bids and the expiration
of the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the
Letter of Bid or any extension thereof.
(ii) In case of e-submitted bids no bids shall be withdrawn or
modified in the interval between deadline for submission of
bids and the expiration of the period of bid validity specified
by the Bidder on the bid submission form or any extension
there of.
DP Funded
26.5 In case of hard copy bid, no bid may be withdrawn if the bid has
already been modified; except in case of any modification or correction
in bid document by procuring entity.
26.6 Request for withdrawal or modification must be made through the same
medium of submission. Request for withdrawal or modifications
through different medium shall not be considered.
27.Bid Opening 27.1 The Purchaser’s bid opening committee shall conduct the opening of
Bids in public in the presence of bidder or its representative who choose
to attend at the address, date and time specified in the BDS.
27.2 The opening committee shall download the e-submitted Bid files. The e-
procurement system allows the Purchaser to download the e-submitted
Technical Bid files (report) only after bid opening date and time after
login simultaneously by two members of the Bid Opening Committee.
27.3 Electronically submitted Bid shall be opened at first in the same time
and date as specified above. Electronic Bids shall be opened one by one
and read out. The e-submitted Bids must be readable through open
standards interfaces. Unreadable and or partially submitted bid files
shall be considered incomplete.
27.4 Before opening the bids, the opening committee shall separate the
envelopes of the bids received after the deadline of bid submission, the
envelopes containing an application given for WITHDRAWAL,
MODIFICATION of bids and the envelopes of bids duly registered.
The bids received after the deadline of submission shall be returned to
the concerned bidder unopened. Then envelopes marked
“WITHDRAWAL” shall be opened first, read out, and recorded, and
the envelope containing the corresponding Bid shall not be opened, but
returned to the Bidder. If the withdrawal notice is not accompanied by
a copy of the valid authorization pursuant to ITB 22.2, the withdrawal
shall not be permitted and the corresponding Bid will be opened. Next,
envelopes marked “MODIFICATION” shall be opened, read out, and
recorded with the corresponding Bid. No Bid shall be modified unless
the corresponding Modification Notice contains a valid authorization to
request the modification and is read out and recorded at bid opening.
Only envelopes that are opened, read out, and recorded at bid opening
shall be considered further.
27.5 All other envelopes shall be opened one at a time, and the following
read out and recorded: the name of the Bidder; the Bid Price(s) (per
lot/package if applicable), including any discounts and alternative bids
and indicating whether there is a modification;; the presence of a Bid
Security, and any other details as the Purchaser may consider
appropriate. Only discounts and alternative offers read out and recorded
at bid opening shall be considered for evaluation. No Bid shall be
rejected at bid opening except for late bids, in accordance with ITB
27.6 The opening committee shall prepare a record of the bid opening that
shall include, as a minimum: the name of the Bidder and whether there
is a withdrawal, or modification; the Bid Price, per lot if applicable,
any discounts and alternative offers if they were permitted; and the
presence or absence of a Bid Security. The Bidders’ representatives
who are present shall be requested to sign the record. The omission of a
Bidder’s signature on the record shall not invalidate the contents and
effect of the record. A copy of the record shall be distributed to all
Bidders who submitted bids in time, and posted online when electronic
bidding is permitted. The Bidders’ representatives who are present shall
also be requested to sign an attendance sheet.
29.Clarification 29.1 To assist in the examination, evaluation, and comparison of the Bids,
of Bids the Purchaser may, at its discretion, ask any Bidder for a clarification
of its Bid. Any clarification submitted by a Bidder with regard to its
Bid and that is not in response to a request by the Purchaser shall not
be considered. The Purchaser’s request for clarification and the
response shall be in writing. No change in the prices or substance of
the Bid shall be sought, offered, or permitted, except to confirm the
correction of arithmetic errors discovered by the Purchaser in the
evaluation of the Bids, in accordance with ITB 34. In case of e-
submission of bid, upon notification from the purchaser, the bidder shall
also submit the original of documents comprising the Bid as per ITB 12.2
and ITB 12.3 for verification of submitted documents for acceptance of
the e-submitted bid.
29.2 If a Bidder does not provide clarifications of its Bid by the date and time
set in the purchaser’s request for clarification, its Bid may be rejected.
30.Deviations, 30.1 During the evaluation of bids, the following definitions apply:
Reservations, (a) “Deviation” is a departure from the requirements specified in the
and Bidding Document;
(b) “Reservation” is the setting of limiting conditions or withholding from
complete acceptance of the requirements specified in the Bidding
Document; and
(c) “Omission” is the failure to submit part or all of the information or
documentation required in the Bidding Document.
31. Examination 31.1 The purchaser shall examine the Bid to confirm that all documents and
of Bid technical information requested in ITB 12.1 have been submitted. If any
of these documents or information (except alternative Bid which is
optional) is missing, the bid shall be rejected.
31.2 In case of e-submission bids, the Employer shall confirm that all the
documents and information requested in ITB 23.1 have been
submitted. If any of these documents or information is missing, the bid
shall be rejected.
Document, the Purchaser’s rights or the Bidder’s obligations
under the proposed Contract; or
(b) if rectified, would unfairly affect the competitive position of other
Bidders presenting substantially responsive bids.
32.3 The Purchaser shall examine the technical aspects of the bid in
particular, to confirm that all requirements of Section V, Schedule of
Requirements have been met without any material deviation or
32.4 If a bid is not substantially responsive to the requirements of the
Bidding Document, it shall be rejected by the Purchaser and may not
subsequently be made responsive by correction of the material
deviation, reservation, or omission.
32.5 In case of e-submission bids, the purchaser evaluates the bid on the basis
of the information in the electronically submitted bid files. If the
Bidder cannot substantiate or provide evidence to establish the
information provided in e-submitted bid through documents/
clarifications as per ITB Clause 29.1, the bid shall not be
considered for further evaluation.
32.6 In Case, a corruption case is being filed to Court against the Natural Person
or Board of Director of the firm/institution /company or any partner of JV,
such Natural Person or Board of Director of the firm/institution /company
or any partner of JV such bidder’s bid shall be excluded from the
evaluation, if public entity receives instruction from Government of Nepal.
33. Non-material 33.1 The Purchaser may regard a Bid as responsive even if it contains minor
Non-conformi- deviations that do not materially alter or depart from the
ties characteristics, terms, conditions and other requirement set forth in the
Bidding Document or if it contains errors or oversights that are capable
of being corrected without affecting the substance of the Bid.
33.2 Provided that a Bid is substantially responsive, the Purchaser may
request that the Bidder submit the necessary information or
documentation, within a reasonable period of time, to rectify non-
material non-conformities or omissions in the Bid related to
documentation requirements. Requesting information or
documentation on such non-conformities shall not be related to any
aspect of the price of the Bid. Failure of the Bidder to comply with the
request may result in the rejection of its Bid.
33.3 Provided that a Bid is substantially responsive, the Purchaser shall
rectify non-material non-conformities or omissions. To this effect, the
Bid Price shall be adjusted, for comparison purposes only, to reflect the
price of the missing or non-conforming item or component. The
adjustment shall be made using the method indicated in Section III,
Evaluation and Qualification Criteria.
33.4 If small differences are found such as in technical specification,
description, feature which does not make the bid to be rejected, then
the cost, which is calculated to the extent possible due to such
differences, shall be included while evaluating bid.
33.5 If the value is found fifteen percent more than the quoted amount of the
bidder on account of small differences pursuant to ITB 33.4, such bid
shall be considered irresponsive in substance and shall not be
considered for evaluation.
34.Correction of 34.1 Provided that the Bid is substantially responsive, the Purchaser shall
Arithmetical correct arithmetical errors on the following basis:
a) if there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that
is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price
shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected, unless in the
opinion of the Purchaser there is an obvious misplacement of the
decimal point in the unit price, in which case the total price as quoted
shall govern and the unit price shall be corrected;
b) if there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or
subtraction of subtotals, the subtotals shall prevail and the total
shall be corrected;
c) If there is a discrepancy between the bid price in the Summary of
price schedule and the bid amount in item (c) of the Letter of Bid,
the bid price in the Summary of price schedule will prevail and the
bid amount in item (c) of the Letter of Bid will be corrected; and
d) if there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in
words shall prevail, unless the amount expressed in words is related
to an arithmetic error, in which case the amount in figures shall
prevail subject to (a) and (b) above.
34.2 If the Bidder that submitted the lowest evaluated Bid does not accept the
correction of errors, its Bid shall be rejected and the bid security shall
be forfiteed.
35. Goods 35.1 If the price of goods manufactured in Nepal, are higher up to fifteen
manufactured percent than that of manufactured in foreign countries, the goods
in Nepal to be manufactured in Nepal shall be prefered in the evaluation of the Bids.
procured 35.2 For granting such preference pursuant to 35.1, the bidder must submit
the country of origin issued by competent authority stating that the
value added of the goods in Nepal is more that 30 percent.
35.3 In case of granting preference, responsive bids shall be classified in one
of the two groups; Group A (bids offering Goods manufactured in
Nepal) and Group B (bids offering Goods manufactured outside
Nepal). Lowest evaluated bids from each group shall be identified and
compared. If as a result of the comparison, the lowest evaluated bid is a
bid from group B, the lowest evaluated bid from group B shall be
compared with the lowest evaluated bid from group A after adding to
the evaluated price of goods offered in the bid from group B, for the
purpose of this comparison only, an amount equal to fifteen (15%)
percent of the bid price. The lowest evaluated bid determined from this
last comparison shall be selected.
35.4 In supply, delivery and installation contracts in which there are a number
of items of Goods and Related Services, preference margin shall not be
applied to the whole package but only to the eligible domestically
produced Goods within the package. In the comparison of Bids, only
the price in each Bid of the Goods offered from outside Nepal shall be
increased by fifteen (15%) percent.
36.Evaluation 36.1 The Purchaser shall evaluate and compare all substantially responsive
and Bids to determine the lowest evaluated bid.
of Bids 36.2 To evaluate a Bid, the Purchaser shall only use all the criteria and
methodologies defined in this Clause and in Section III, Evaluation and
Eligibility Criteria. No other criteria or methodology shall be
36.3 To evaluate a Bid, the Purchaser shall consider the following:
36.4 Any allowance for price adjustment during the period of performance of
the Contract, if provided in the Bid, shall not be taken into account in bid
36.5 If this Bidding Document allows Bidders to quote separate prices for
different lots/packages, and to award multiple Contracts to a single
Bidder, the methodology to determine the lowest evaluated price of
the Contract combinations, including any discounts offered in the Letter
of Bid, is specified in Section III (Evaluation and Eligibility Criteria).
36.6 In Case, a corruption case is being filed to Court against the Natural Person
or Board of Director of the firm/institution /company or any partner of JV,
such Natural Person or Board of Director of the firm/institution /company
or any partner of JV such bidder’s bid shall be excluded from the
evaluation, if public entity receives instruction from Government of Nepal.
37.Post- 37.1 The Purchaser shall determine to its satisfaction whether the Bidder that
qualification is selected as having submitted the lowest evaluated and substantially
of the Bidder responsive Bid is qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily.
37.2 The determination shall be based upon an examination of the
documentary evidence of the Bidder’s eligibility submitted by the
Bidder, pursuant to ITB 19.
37.3 An affirmative determination shall be a prerequisite for award of the
Contract to the Bidder. A negative determination shall result in
disqualification of the Bid, in which event the Purchaser shall proceed
to the next lowest evaluated bid to make a similar determination.
38.Purchaser’s 38.1 The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid, and to
Right to cancel the bidding process and reject all Bids at any time prior to
Accept Any Contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the Bidders.
Bid, and to
Reject Any or
All Bids
F. Award of Contract
39.Award 39.1 The Purchaser shall select to award the Contract to the Bidder whose
Criteria offer has been determined to be the lowest evaluated Bid and is
substantially responsive to the Bidding Document, provided further
that the Bidder is determined to be qualified to perform the Contract
40.Purchaser’s 40.1 At the time the Contract is awarded, the Purchaser reserves the right to
Right to Vary increase or decrease the quantity of Goods and Related Services
Quantities at originally specified in Section V, Schedule of Requirements, provided
Time of this does not exceed the percentages indicated in the BDS, and without
Award any change in the unit prices or other terms and conditions of the Bid
and the Bidding Document.
41.Notification of 41.1 The Purchaser shall notify the concerned Bidder whose bid has been
Intention to selected in accordance with ITB 39.1 within seven days of the selection
Award of the bid, in writing that the Purchaser has intention to accept his/her
bid and shall Inform via the Letter of Intention included in the Contract
Forms and the information of name, address and amount of selected
bidder shall be given to all other bidders who submitted the bid.
41.2 If no bidder submits an application pursuant to ITB 44.1 within a period of
seven days of providing the notice under ITB 41.1 the Purchaser shall
accept the bid selected in accordance with ITB 39.1 prior to the expiry of
bid validity period, and notification of award shall be communicated to
the bidder to furnish the performance security and sign the contract within
fifteen days.
41.3 In Case, a corruption case is being filed to Court against the Natural
Person or Board of Director of the firm/institution /company or any
partner of JV, such Natural Person or Board of Director of the
firm/institution /company or any partner of JV such bidder’s bid shall be
excluded from the evaluation, if public entity receives instruction from
Government of Nepal.
42.Performance 42.1 Within fifteen (15) days of the receipt of notification of award from the
Security Purchaser, the successful Bidder shall furnish the Performance Security in
accordance with the GCC, as specified below from Commercial Bank or
Financial Institution eligible to issue Bank Guarantee as per prevailing Law
in Nepal using Sample Form for the Performance Security included in
Section VIII (Contract Forms) or another form acceptable to the Purchaser.
qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily.
43. Signing of 43.1 The successful Bidder shall sign the contract in the form included in
Contract section VIII after the submission of performance security in accordance
with ITB 42.
43.2 At the same time, the Employer shall affix a public notice on the result of
the award on its notice board and make arrangement for causing such
notice to be affixed on the notice board also of the District Coordination
Committee, District Administration Office, Provincial Treasury and
Controller Office and District Treasury and Controller Office. The
Employer may make arrangements to post the notice into its website, if
it has; and if it does not have, into the website of the Public Procurement
Monitoring Office, identifying the bid and lot/package numbers and the
following information: (i) the result of evaluation of bid; (ii) date of
publication of notice inviting bids; (iii) name of newspaper; (iv)
reference number of notice; (v) item of procurement; (vi) name and
address of bidder making contract and (viii) contract Price.
43.4 If the bidder whose bid has been accepted fails to sign the contract as stated
ITB 43.1, the Public Procurement Monitoring Office shall blacklist the
bidder on recommendation of the Public Entity.
44.Complaint 44.1 If a Bidder dissatisfies with the Procurement proceedings or the decision
and Review made by the Purchaser in the intention to award the Contract, it may
file an application to the Chief of the concerning Public Entity of the
Purchaser within seven (7) days of having, receipt of such notice or
decision making, for review of the proceedings stating the factual and
legal grounds.
44.2 An application filed after the deadline pursuant ITB 44.1 shall not be
44.3 The chief of Public Entity of the Purchaser shall, within five (5) days
after receiving the application, give its decision with reasons, in writing
pursuant to ITB 44.1:
(a) whether to suspend the procurement proceeding and the
procedure for further proceedings to be adopted; or
(b) whether or not to reject a application.
No application can be submitted before the Review Committee for
review against the decision made by the chief of the Public Entity for
the Bid amount up to the value as stated in BDS.
44.4 If the Bidder is not satisfied with the decision of the Public Entity in
accordance with ITB 44.3, or the decision by the Public Entity is not
given within five (5) days of receipt of application pursuant to ITB
44.1, it can, within seven (7) days of receipt of such decision, file an
application to the Review Committee of the GoN, stating the reason of
its disagreement on the decision of the chief of Public Entity and
furnishing the relevant documents, provided that its Bid amount is
above the amount as stated in ITB 44.3. The application may be sent by
hand, or by post, or by courier, or by electronic media at the risk of the
Bidder itself.
44.5 Late application filed after the deadline pursuant to ITB 44.4 shall not be
44.6 Within three (3) days of the receipt of application from the Bidder,
pursuant to ITB 44.4, the Review Committee shall notify the
concerning Public Entity of the Purchaser to furnish its procurement
proceedings and comments on the issue, pursuant to ITB 44.3.
44.7 Within three (3) days of receipt of the notification pursuant to ITB 44.6,
the Public Entity shall furnish the copy of the related documents along
with its comment or reaction of complaint to the Review Committee.
44.8 The Review Committee, after inquiring from the Bidder and the Public
Entity, if needed, shall give its decision within one (1) month after
receiving the application filed by the Bidder, pursuant to ITB 44.4.
44.9 The Bidder, filing application pursuant to ITB 44.4, shall have to furnish
a cash amount or Bank guarantee from Commercial Bank or
Financial Institution eligible to issue Bank Guarantee as per
prevailing Law as stated in BDS with the validity period of at least
ninety (90) days from the date of the filing of application pursuant to
ITB 44.4. Application filed without furnishing the security deposit shall
not be processed.
44.10 If the claim made by the Bidder pursuant to ITB 44.4 is justified, the
Review Committee shall have to return the security deposit to the
applicant, pursuant to ITB 44.9, within seven (7) days of such decision
44.11 If the claim made by the Bidder pursuant to ITB 44.4 is rejected by the
Review Committee, the security deposit submitted by the Bidder
pursuant to ITB 44.9 shall be forfeited.
Section II. Bid Data Sheet
A. Introduction
ITB 1.1 Name of Contract: Supply and Delivery of Printing Materials
Contract Id No. SD/G/NCB/2079/80/02
ITB 1.1 Name of the Purchaser: Survey Department, Min Bhawan, Kathmandu,
ITB 2.1 Source of Fund: GoN Funded
ITB 4.1 Bidders from the following countries are not eligible: "Not Applicable"
C. Preparation of Bids
ITB 11.1 The language of the Bid is: Nepali or English
ITB 12.1 (h) The Bidder shall submit the following additional documents with its Bid:
Catalog showing detail specification of offered goods, if brand name &
model are not specified in technical Specification
At least three customer satisfaction certificate from Manufacturing
company other than country of origin.
ITB 14.1 Alternative Bids "shall not be" permitted
ITB 15.3 The prices quoted by the Bidder shall not be Adjustable.
ITB 19.2 A Manufacturer’s Authorization letter is required for all the items listed in
Section V Schedule of Requirements. "Not Applicable"
ITB 19.3 The Bidder "is not" required to include with its bid, evidence that it will be
represented by an Agent in Nepal.
ITB 20.1 The bid validity period shall be 90 days.
ITB 21.1 The bid must be accompanied by bid security, amounting to a minimum
of NRs 1,00,000/(in words: One lakh only)shall be valid for minimum 30
days beyond the bid validity period.
ITB 21.2 If the Bidder wishes to submit the Bid Security in the form of cash, the cash
should be deposited in Deposit Account No.: 1201200001002524 (Account
of District Treasury Controller Office and should be deposited in the
Name of Survey Department, Office Code - 336023501) at Nepal Rastra
Bank, Thapathali and submit the receipt of the deposited amount of cash
along with the bid.
ITB 22.2 The written confirmation of Authorization to sign on behalf of the Bidder
shall consist of: Power of Attorney specifiying that the representative
authority to sign, modify and withdraw the bid on behalf of the firm and to
legal bind.
xiii. Interested bidders may either purchase the bidding document
from the Purchaser 's office as specified in the Invitation for
Bid (IFB) or bidders may download the IFB and bidding
document from e-GP system.
xiv. The registered bidders need to maintain their profile data required
during preparation of bids.
xv. In order to submit their bids the cost of the bidding document can
be deposited as specified in IFB. In addition, electronic scanned
copy (.pdf format) of the bank deposit voucher/cash receipt
should also be submitted along with the technical bid.
xvi. The bidder can prepare their bids using data and documents
maintained in bidder’s profile and forms/format provided in
bidding document by Purchaser. The bidder may submit bids as
a single entity or as a joint venture. The bidder submitting bid
in joint venture shall have to upload joint venture agreement
along with partner(s) Bolpatra ID provided during bidder’s
xvii. Bidders (all partners in case of JV) should update their profile
data and documents required during preparation and
submission of their technical bids.
xviii. In case of bid submission in JV, the consent of the partners shall
be obtained through the confirmation link sent to the registered
email address and the partners shall have to acknowledge their
The required forms and documents shall be part of bids.
21. Bank Voucher for cost of Mandatory PDF
bid document
22. Joint venture agreement Mandatory in case PDF
of JV Bid
23. Completed Price Schedule Mandatory PDF or Web
24. Qualification Documents Mandatory PDF
xix. For verifying the authentic user, the system will send one time password
(OTP) in the registered e-mail address of the bidder. System will validate
the OTP and allow bidder to submit their bid.
xx. Electronically submitted bids can be modified and/or withdrawn through
system. The bidder may modify their bids multiple times online within bid
submission date and time specified in e-GP system. Once a Bid is
withdrawn, bidder won’t be able to submit another bid response for the same
xxi. The Bidder / Bid shall meet the following requirements and conditions for e-
submission of bids;
dd) The e-submitted bids must be readable through PDF reader.
ee) The facility for submission of bid electronically through e-submission
is to promote transparency, non-discrimination, equality of access,
and open competition in the bidding process. The Bidders are fully
responsible to use the e- submission facility properly in e-GP system
as per specified procedures and in no case the Purchaser shall be held
liable for Bidder's inability to use this facility.
ff) When a bidder submits electronic bid through the PPMO e-GP portal,
it is assumed that the bidder has prepared the bid by studying and
examining the complete set of the Bidding documents including
specifications, drawings and conditions of contract.
ITB 24.1 The deadline for bid submission is:
Date: December 1 , 2022. Time: 12:00 Noon
ITB 24.1 If the last date of purchasing, submission and opening of Bid falls on a
government holiday then the next working day shall be considered as the
last day without any change in the time and place as fixed.
ITB 27.1 The bid opening shall take place at:
Date: December 1, 2022 Time: 13:00 Noon
Place: Survey Department , Min Bhawan, Kathmandu
ITB 27.1 If electronic bid submission is permitted in accordance with ITB 23.1, the
specific bid opening procedures shall be:
The e-procurement system allows the Purchaser to download the e-
submitted bid files (report) only after bid opening date and time after login
simultaneously by two members of the Bid opening committee.
E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids
ITB 36.3 (a) Bids will be evaluated lot by package.
ITB 36.3 (e) The adjustments shall be determined using the following criteria, from
amongst those set out in Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria:
[refer to Schedule III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria; insert
complementary details if necessary]
F. Award of Contract
ITB 40.1 The maximum percentage by which quantities may be increased is: 15%
ITB 44.3 No application can be submitted before the Review Committee for review
against the decision made by the chief of the Public Entity for the bid
amount less than the value of Twenty Million (NRs. 20,000,000)
ITB 44.9 The bidder,filling application pursuant to ITB 44.4, shall have to furnih a
cash amount ot Bank guarantee equal to 1 % of its bid price
Section III. Evaluation and Eligibility Criteria
The purpose of the Evaluation and Eligibility Criteria (EEC) is to specify the criteria that the
Purchaser will use to evaluate the Bids to determine the lowest evaluated substantially
responsive bid and the eligibility of the Bidder to perform the contract. The Purchaser must
prepare the EEC and include it as a part of the Bidding Document. The EEC is not a Contract
document and, therefore, it is not a part of the Contract.
Table of Criteria
1. Evaluation Criteria
2. Eligibility Criteria
1. Evaluation Criteria
(i) Delivery Date: Within 120 days from the date of contract
2. Eligibility
The Bidder shall have a minimum of 3 years’ experience in the supply of Goods and
related services. In case of JV, at least one partner must meet the requirement.
The Bidder shall have a minimum of 1 year’s specific experience in last 3 years in the
supply of similar Goods and related services of nature, quantity and of contract
amount to government enterprises or private institutions. In case of JV, at least one
partner must meet the requirement
The bidder shall furnish a list of users who had purchased same/similar goods in last 3
years, and number of equipment sold to them, the contract amount. This will be used
as references to check the performance of the offered goods, if necessary.
The average annual turnover during the last 3 years should be NRs 35,00,000. In case
of JV, at least one partner must meet the 40 percent of the total requirement, other
partners must meet at least 25 percent of the total requirement and all partners
combined must meet the total requirement.
Bidder's net worth of fiscal year 2077/78 calculated as the difference between total
assets and total liabilities should be positive. In case of JV, all partners must meet the
Section IV. Bidding Forms
Table of Forms
Letter of Bid....................................................................................................................... 48
Letter of Bid
(The Bidder shall accomplish the Letter of Bid in its Letter Head Clearly showing the Bidders
Complete name and address)
Contract No.:
Invitation for Bid No.:
To: _______________________________________________________________________
(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Document, including Addenda
issued in accordance with Instructions to Bidders (ITB) Clause 9;
(b) We offer to supply in conformity with the Bidding Document and in accordance with the
delivery schedule specified in the Section V (Schedule of Requirements), the following
Goods and Related Services: [insert a brief description of the goods and related services];
(c) The total price of our Bid, excluding any discounts offered in item (d) below is:
[Incase of only one lot/package, insert the total Bid Price in words and figures];
(d) The discounts offered and the methodology for their application are:
The discounts offered are: [specify in detail each discount offered;
The exact method of calculations to determine the net price after application of discounts is
shown below: [specify in detail the method that shall be used to apply the discounts];
(e) Our Bid shall be valid for a period of ….. [insert validity period as specified in ITB 20.1 of
the BDS] days from the date fixed for the bid submission deadline in accordance with the
Bidding Document, and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time
before the expiration of that period;
(f) If our Bid is accepted, we commit to obtain a Performance Security in accordance with the
Bidding Document;
(g) Our firm, including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the Contract, have nationalities
from eligible countries in accordance with ITB 4.8 and meet the requirements of ITB 3.4 & 3.5;
(h) We are not participating, as a Bidder or as a subcontractor/supplier, in more than one Bid in
this bidding process in accordance with ITB 4.3(e), other than alternative Bids in accordance
with ITB 14;
(i) Our firm, its affiliates or subsidiaries, including any Subcontractors or Suppliers for any part
of the contract, has not been declared ineligible by DP, under the Purchaser’s country laws or
official regulations or by an act of compliance with a decision of the United Nations Security
(j) We are not a government owned entity/We are a government owned entity but meet the
requirements of ITB 4.5;2
(k) We declare that, we including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the contract do
not have any conflict of interest in accordance with ITB 4.3 and we have not been punished for
an offense relating to the concerned profession or business.
(l) The following commissions, gratuities, or fees, if any, have been paid or are to be paid with
respect to the bidding process or execution of the Contract:
(m) We declare that we are solely responsible for the authenticity of the documents submitted by
us. The document and information submitted by us are true and correct. If any
document/information given is found to be concealed at a later date, we shall accept any legal
actions by the purchaser.
(n) We understand that this Bid, together with your written acceptance thereof included in your
notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us, until a formal Contract
is prepared and executed.
(o) We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest evaluated bid or any other bid that
you may receive.
(p) We agree to permit GoN/DP or its representative to inspect our accounts and records and
other documents relating to the bid submission and to have them audited by auditors
appointed by the GoN/DP.
Slect one of the options
In the capacity of
Bidder's Information Form
[The Bidder shall fill in this Form. No alterations to its format shall be permitted and no substitutions
shall be accepted.]
Telephone/Fax numbers:
Email Address:
Attached are copies of the following documents:
1. In case of a single entity, articles of incorporation or constitution and company incorporation/registration of the legal entity
named above, in accordance with ITB 4.2 and ITB 4.8
2. Authorization to represent the firm or Joint Venture named above, in accordance with ITB 22.2
3. In case of a Joint Venture, a letter of intent to form a Joint Venture or Joint Venture agreement, in accordance with ITB 4.2
4.In case of a government-owned enterprise, any additional documents not covered under 1 above required to comply with ITB
Joint Venture Information Form
Each member of the Joint Venture must fill out this form separately to provide information
relating to each JV member.
Telephone/Fax numbers:
Email Address:
1. Articles of incorporation or constitution and company incorporation/registration of the legal entity named above, in
accordance with ITB 4.2 and ITB 4.8
2. Authorization to represent the firm named above, in accordance with ITB 22.2
3. In the case of a government-owned enterprise, documents establishing legal and financial autonomy and compliance with
commercial law, in accordance with ITB 4.5
Financial Situation Form
Total Assets
Total Liabilities
Net Worth
Current Assets
Current Liabilities
Total Revenues
Attached are copies of financial statements (balance sheets including all related notes, and income statements)
for the last three or above years, as indicated above, complying with the following conditions?
Historic financial statements must be complete, including all notes to the financial statements.
Historic financial statements must correspond to accounting periods already completed and audited (no
statements for partial periods shall be requested or accepted).
Average Annual Turnover Form
The information supplied should be the Annual Turnover of the Bidder in terms of the amounts billed to
clients for each year for work in progress or completed to NRs at the end of the period reported.
(in NRs)
Specific Experience Form
Bidder’s Legal Name: ___________________________ Date: _____________________
IFB No.:
Page _______ of _______ pages
The Bidder shall complete this form for each contract completed/in progress.
Price Schedule for Goods
The Bidder shall fill in these Price Schedule Forms in accordance with the instructions
indicated. The list of line items in column 1 of the Price Schedules shall coincide with the List of
Goods and Related Services specified by the Purchaser in the Schedule of Requirements.
Unit price3
Country Total price
Descripti Quantit
Item of (in NRs)
on y (in NRs)
Origin (cols. 4x5)
In Figure In Words
1 2 3 4 5 4x5=6
Printing n/a For
materials individual
Grand Total
The price shall include the cost of goods, other taxes already paid or payable on the components and raw material
used in the manufacture or assembly of the item, the customs duties, transportation cost up to final delivery,
insurance cost, unloading, and any other cost for (incidental) services, if any, related to the delivery of goods. All
risks and responsibilities up to the final destination including installation and commissioning of Goods, if
applicable, shall be borne by the Supplier.
Bid Security
Bank Guarantee
Bank’s Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Office
(On Letter head of the Bank)
[This is the format for the Bid Security to be issued on the letterhead by a Commercial Bank or
Financial Institution eligible to issue Bank Guarantee as per prevailing Law of Nepal]
(b) does not accept the correction of errors in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders
(hereinafter “the ITB”); or
(c) changes the prices or substance of the bid while providing information pursuant to clause 29.1
of ITB; or
(d) having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Purchaser during the period of bid
validity, (i) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Agreement, or (ii) fails or refuses to furnish
the performance security, in accordance with the ITB.
(e) is involved in fraud and corruption in accordance with the ITB.
This guarantee will expire: (a) if the Bidder is the successful Bidder, upon our receipt of copies of
the contract signed by the Bidder and the performance security issued to you upon the instruction of
the Bidder; and (b) if the Bidder is not the successful Bidder, upon the earlier of (i) our receipt of a
copy of your notification to the Bidder of the name of the successful Bidder; or (ii) thirty (30) days
after the expiration of the Bidder’s bid which comes to be [insert the date].
Consequently, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by us at the office on
or before that date.
This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No. 7584.
[Note: All italicized text is for use in preparing this form and shall be deleted from the final
As the case may be, ICC Publication No. 758 (or subsequent ICC Publications) may be used. In such cases, modify
the Publication number.
Manufacturer’s Authorization Letter
[This letter of authorisation should be on the letterhead of the manufacturer and should be signed
by the person with the proper authority to sign documents that are binding on the manufacturer]
WHEREAS [insert complete name of Manufacturer or Manufacturer’s authorized agent] who are
official manufacturers of [insert type of goods manufactured] having factories at [insert full
address of Manufacturer’s factories], do hereby authorize [insert complete name of Bidder]
exclusively to submit a Bid in relation to the Invitation for Bids indicated above, the purpose of
which is to provide the following Goods, manufactured by us [insert name and/or brief description
of the goods] and to subsequently sign the Contract.
We hereby extend our full guarantee and warranty in accordance with Clause 27 of the General
Conditions of Contract, with respect to the Goods offered by the above firm.
In the capacity of: [insert legal capacity of person signing the Authorization]
Signed: [insert signature of person whose name and capacity are shown above]
Duly authorized to sign the Authorization for and on behalf of: [insert complete name of
Section V. Schedule of Requirements
4. Drawings .......................................................................................................................... 65
1. List of Goods and Related Services
“The Goods and Related Services are grouped in package. Bids on individual item is not
Item Description of Physical Delivery Date
Qty Final Destination
Goods unit
1. 2 3 4 5 6
Printing materials as per Nos
1 technical Survey Department, 120 days from the
specification Min Bhawan, date of signing the
Kathmandu contract
3. Technical Specification
Technical Specification of A4 नेपाली कागज
Particulars Requirements Comply (Yes/ No)
A4 नेपाली कागज क्यालेण्डर गररएको, कम्तिमा ४० GSM नेपाली कागज
200 पाना प्रभि प्याकेट (plastic covered packets)
4. Drawings
Not Applicable
Section VI. General Conditions of Contract
Table of Clauses
1. Definitions................................................................................................................ 68
2. Contract Documents................................................................................................. 69
3. Fraud and Corruption ............................................................................................... 69
4. Interpretation ............................................................................................................ 71
5. Language .................................................................................................................. 72
6. Joint Venture, Consortium or Association ............................................................... 72
7. Notices ..................................................................................................................... 72
8. Governing Law ........................................................................................................ 72
9. Settlement of Disputes ............................................................................................. 72
10. Scope of Supply ....................................................................................................... 73
11. Delivery.................................................................................................................... 73
12. Supplier’s Responsibilities ........................................................................................ 73
13. Purchaser’s Responsibilities ...................................................................................... 73
14. Contract Price........................................................................................................... 73
15. Terms of Payment .................................................................................................... 74
16. Taxes and Duties ...................................................................................................... 74
17. Performance Security ............................................................................................... 74
18. Copyright ................................................................................................................. 75
19. Confidential Information ......................................................................................... 75
20. Subcontracting........................................................................................................... 76
21. Specifications and Standards ................................................................................... 76
22. Packing and Documents ........................................................................................... 77
23. Insurance .................................................................................................................. 77
24. Transportation ........................................................................................................... 77
25. Inspections and Tests ............................................................................................... 77
26. Liquidated Damages ................................................................................................ 79
27. Warranty .................................................................................................................. 79
28. Patent Indemnity ...................................................................................................... 80
29. Limitation of Liability.............................................................................................. 81
30. Change in Laws and Regulations ............................................................................. 81
31. Force Majeure .......................................................................................................... 81
32. Change Orders and Contract Amendments.............................................................. 82
33. Extensions of Time .................................................................................................. 83
34. Termination .............................................................................................................. 83
35. Assignment .............................................................................................................. 85
Section VI. General Conditions of Contract
1. Definitions 1.1. The following words and expressions shall have the meanings
hereby assigned to them:
(a) “Contract” means the Agreement entered into between
the Purchaser and the Supplier, together with the
Contract Documents referred to therein, including all
attachments, appendices, and all documents incorporated
by reference therein.
(b) “Contract Documents” means the documents listed in
the Agreement, including any amendments thereto.
(c) “Contract Price” means the price payable to the Supplier
as specified in the Agreement, subject to such additions
and adjustments thereto or deductions there from, as
may be made pursuant to the Contract.
(d) “Day” means calendar day.
(e) “Delivery” means the transfer of the Goods from the
Supplier to the Purchaser in accordance with the terms
and conditions set forth in the Contract.
(f) “Completion” means the fulfillment of the Related
Services by the Supplier in accordance with the terms
and conditions set forth in the Contract.
(g) “GCC” means the General Conditions of Contract.
(h) “Goods” means all of the commodities, raw material, machin-
ery and equipment, and/or other materials that the Supplier is
required to supply to the Purchaser under the Contract.
(i) “Purchaser’s Country” is the country specified in the
Special Conditions of Contract (SCC).
(j) “Purchaser” means the entity purchasing the Goods and
Related Services, as specified in the SCC.
(k) “Related Services” means the services incidental to the
supply of the goods, such as insurance, installation,
training and initial maintenance and other similar
obligations of the Supplier under the Contract.
(l) “SCC” means the Special Conditions of Contract.
(m) “Subcontractor” means any natural person, private, or
government entity, or a combination of the above, including
its legal successors or permitted assigns, to whom any part
of the Goods to be supplied or execution of any part of the
Related Services is subcontracted by the Supplier.
(n) “Supplier” means the natural person, private or government
entity, or a combination of the above, whose bid to
perform the Contract has been accepted by the Purchaser
and is named as such in the Agreement, and includes the
legal successors or permitted assigns of the Supplier.
(o) “GoN” means the Government of Nepal.
(p) “The Site,” where applicable, means the place named in the SCC.
2. Contract 2.3 Subject to the order of precedence set forth in the Agreement, all
Documents documents forming the Contract (and all parts thereof) are
intended to be correlative, complementary, and mutually
3. Fraud and 3.1 If the Purchaser determines that the Supplier has engaged in
Corruption corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive
practices, in competing for or in executing the Contract, then
the Purchaser may, after giving 14 days notice to the
Supplier, terminate the Supplier's employment under the
Contract and the provisions of GCC Clause 34.1 shall apply.
For the purposes of this Sub-Clause:
(i) “corrupt practice” is the offering, giving, receiving or
soliciting, directly or indirectly, of anything of value to
influence improperly the actions of another party;
(ii) “fraudulent practice”5 is any act or omission, including a
misrepresentation, that knowingly or recklessly misleads,
or attempts to mislead, a party to obtain a financial or
other benefit or to avoid an obligation;
(iii) “collusive practice”6 is an arrangement between two or
more parties designed to achieve an improper purpose,
including to influence improperly the actions of another
a “party” refers to a public official; the terms “benefit” and “obligation” relate to the procurement process or
contract execution; and the “act or omission” is intended to influence the procurement process or contract execution.
“parties” refers to participants in the procurement process (including public officials) attempting to establish
bid prices at artificial, non competitive levels.
(iv) “coercive practice”7 is impairing or harming, or
threatening to impair or harm, directly or indirectly, any
party or the property of the party to influence improperly
the actions of a party;
(v) “obstructive practice” is
(aa) deliberately destroying, falsifying, altering or concealing of
evidence material to the investigation or making false
statements to investigators in order to materially impede a
GoN/DP investigation into allegations of a corrupt,
fraudulent, coercive or collusive practice; and/or
threatening, harassing or intimidating any party to prevent
it from disclosing its knowledge of matters relevant to the
investigation or from pursuing the investigation; or
(bb) acts intended to materially impede the exercise of the
GoN/DP’s inspection and audit rights provided for under
ITB Clause 3.5 and GCC Clause 25.
3.2 Without prejudice to any other rights of the Purchaser under
this Contract, on the recommendation of the Purchaser, Public
Procurement Monitoring Office may blacklist a
Bidder/Supplier for its conduct for a period of one (1) to three
(3) years on the following grounds and seriousness of the act
committed by the bidder:
(a) if it is established that the Supplier committed acts
specified in ITB 3.2,
(b) if it is established later that the Bidder has committed
substantial defect in implementation of the contract or
has not substantially fulfilled its obligations under the
contract or the completed work is not of the specified
quality as per the contract.
3.3 Incase of DP funded bid, DP:
(a) will cancel the portion of the loan allocated to a contract
if it determines at any time that representatives of the
Borrower or of a beneficiary of the loan engaged in
corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices
during the procurement or the execution of that
contract, without the Borrower having taken timely and
appropriate action satisfactory to the Bank to remedy
the situation;
a “party” refers to a participant in the procurement process or contract execution.
(b) will sanction a firm or individual, including declaring them
ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time,
to be awarded a Bank-financed contract if it at any time
determines that they have, directly or through an agent,
engaged, in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive
practices in competing for, or in executing, a Bank-financed
contract; and
(c) will have the right to require that Suppliers to permit the
Bank to inspect their accounts and records and other
documents relating to the bid submission and contract
performance and to have them audited by auditors
appointed by the Bank.
4. Interpretation 4.1 If the context so requires it, singular means plural and vice
4.2 Entire Agreement
The Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the
Purchaser and the Supplier and supersedes all communications,
negotiations and agreements (whether written or oral) of parties
with respect thereto made prior to the date of Contract.
4.3 Amendment
No amendment or other variation of the Contract shall be valid
unless it is in writing, is dated, expressly refers to the Contract, and
is signed by a duly authorized representative of each party thereto.
4.4 Nonwaiver
(a) Subject to GCC Sub-Clause 4.5(b) below, no relaxation,
forbearance, delay, or indulgence by either party in
enforcing any of the terms and conditions of the
Contract or the granting of time by either party to the
other shall prejudice, affect, or restrict the rights of that
party under the Contract, neither shall any waiver by
either party of any breach of Contract operate as waiver
of any subsequent or continuing breach of Contract.
(b) Any waiver of a party’s rights, powers, or remedies
under the Contract must be in writing, dated, and signed
by an authorized representative of the party granting
such waiver, and must specify the right and the extent to
which it is being waived.
4.5 Severability
If any provision or condition of the Contract is prohibited or
rendered invalid or unenforceable, such prohibition, invalidity
or unenforceability shall not affect the validity or enforceability
of any other provisions and conditions of the Contract.
7. Notices 7.1 Any Notice given by one party to the other pursuant to the
Contract shall be in writing to the address specified in the
SCC. The term “in writing” means communicated in written
form with proof of receipt.
7.2 A Notice shall be effective when delivered or on the
Notice’s effective date, whichever is later.
9. Settlement of 9.1 The Purchaser and the Supplier shall make every effort to
Disputes settle amicably by direct negotiation any disagreement or
dispute arising between them under or in connection with
the Contract.
9.2 Any dispute between the Parties as to matters arising
pursuant to this Contract which cannot be settled amicably
within thirty (30) days after receipt by one Party of the other
Party‘s request for such amicable settlement may be referred
to Arbitration within 30 days after the expiration of
amicable settlement period as specified in SCC.
10. Scope of Supply 10.1 Subject to the SCC, the Goods and Related Services to be
supplied shall be as specified in Section V, Schedule of
10.2 Unless otherwise stipulated in the Contract, the Scope of
Supply shall include all such items not specifically
mentioned in the Contract but that can be reasonably
inferred from the Contract as being required for attaining
Delivery and Completion of the Goods and Related Services
as if such items were expressly mentioned in the Contract.
11. Delivery 11.1 Subject to GCC Sub-Clause 31.1, the Delivery of the Goods
and Completion of the Related Services shall be in accordance
with the Delivery and Completion Schedule specified in the
Section V, Schedule of Requirements. The details of
documents to be furnished by the Supplier are specified in the
12. Supplier’s 12.1 The Supplier shall supply all the Goods and Related
Responsibilities Services included in the Scope of Supply in accordance with
GCC Clause 10, and the Delivery and Completion Schedule,
as per GCC Clause 11.
13. Purchaser’s 13.1 Whenever the supply of Goods and Related Services
Responsibilities requires that the Supplier obtain permits, approvals, and
import and other licenses from public authorities in Nepal,
the Purchaser shall, if so required by the Supplier, make its
best effort to assist the Supplier in complying with such
requirements in a timely and expeditious manner.
13.2 The Purchaser shall pay all costs involved in the
performance of its responsibilities, in accordance with GCC
Sub-Clause 13.1.
14. Contract Price 14.1 The Contract Price shall be as specified in the Agreement
subject to any additions and adjustments thereto, or
deductions there from, as may be made pursuant to the
14.2 Prices charged by the Supplier for the Goods delivered and
the Related Services performed under the Contract shall not
vary from the prices quoted by the Supplier in its bid, with
the exception of any price adjustments authorized in the
15. Terms of 15.1 The Contract Price shall be paid as specified in SCC.
Payment 15.2 The Supplier’s request for payment shall be made to the
Purchaser in writing, accompanied by invoices describing, as
appropriate, the Goods delivered and Related Services
performed, and by the documents submitted pursuant to GCC
Clause 11 and upon fulfillment of all the obligations
stipulated in the Contract.
15.3 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, the Purchaser shall
retain from each payment due to the Contractor the
proportion stated in the SCC. Half of the total amount
retained shall be repaid to the Supplier not later than thirty
(30) days following the date of completion of the Supplier’s
performance obligations under the Contract, including any
warranty obligations and half when the supplier has
submitted the evidence of submission of tax return to the
concerned Internal Revenue Office.
15.4 Payments shall be made promptly by the Purchaser, no later
than thirty (30) days after submission of an invoice or
request for payment by the Supplier, and the Purchaser has
accepted it.
15.5 Payments shall be made to the Supplier under this Contract
in Nepalese Currency.
15.6 In the event that the Purchaser fails to pay the Supplier any
payment by its due date or within the period set forth in the
GCC 15.4, the Purchaser shall pay to the Supplier interest
on the amount of such delayed payment at the rate shown in
the SCC, for the period of delay until due payment has been
16. Taxes and 16.1 For goods supplied, the Supplier shall be entirely
Duties responsible for all taxes, duties, license fees, etc., incurred
until delivery of the contracted Goods to the Purchaser
17. Performance 17.1 The Supplier shall, within fifteen (15) days of the receipt of
Security notification of Contract award, provide a Performance
Security for the due performance of the Contract in the
amounts and currencies specified in the SCC.
17.2 The proceeds of the Performance Security shall be payable to
the Purchaser as compensation for any loss resulting from the
Supplier’s failure to complete its obligations under the
17.3 The Performance Security shall be denominated in the
currency of the Contract, or in a freely convertible currency
acceptable to the Purchaser, and shall be in one of the forms
stipulated by the Purchaser in the SCC, or in another form
acceptable to the Purchaser.
17.4 The Performance Security shall be discharged by the
Purchaser and returned to the Supplier not later than thirty
(30) days following the date of completion of the Supplier’s
performance obligations under the Contract, including any
warranty obligations.
18. Copyright 18.1 The copyright in all drawings, documents, and other materials
containing data and information furnished to the Purchaser by
the Supplier herein shall remain vested in the Supplier, or, if
they are furnished to the Purchaser directly or through the
Supplier by any third party, including suppliers of materials,
the copyright in such materials shall remain vested in such
third party.
19. Confidential 19.1 The Purchaser and the Supplier shall keep confidential and
Information shall not, without the written consent of the other party
hereto, divulge to any third party any documents, data, or
other information furnished directly or indirectly by the other
party hereto in connection with the Contract, whether such
information has been furnished prior to, during or following
completion or termination of the Contract. Notwithstanding
the above, the Supplier may furnish to its Subcontractor such
documents, data, and other information it receives from the
Purchaser to the extent required for the Subcontractor to
perform its work under the Contract, in which event the
Supplier shall obtain from such Subcontractor an undertaking
of confidentiality similar to that imposed on the Supplier
under GCC Clause 19.
19.2 The Purchaser shall not use such documents, data, and other
information received from the Supplier for any purposes
unrelated to the Contract. Similarly, the Supplier shall not use
such documents, data, and other information received from the
Purchaser for any purpose other than the design, procurement, or
other work and services required for the performance of the
19.3 The obligation of a party under GCC Sub-Clauses 19.1 and
19.2 above, however, shall not apply to information that:
(a) the Purchaser or Supplier need to share with the Donor
for Donor funded project or other institutions
participating in the financing of the Contract;
(b) now or hereafter enters the public domain through no
fault of that party;
(c) can be proven to have been possessed by that party at
the time of disclosure and which was not previously
obtained, directly or indirectly, from the other party; or
(d) otherwise lawfully becomes available to that party from
a third party that has no obligation of confidentiality.
19.4 The above provisions of GCC Clause 19 shall not in any
way modify any undertaking of confidentiality given by
either of the parties hereto prior to the date of the Contract
in respect of the Supply or any part thereof.
19.5 The provisions of GCC Clause 19 shall survive completion
or termination, for whatever reason, of the Contract.
20. Subcontracting 20.1 The Supplier shall notify the Purchaser in writing of all
subcontracts awarded under the Contract if not already
specified in the Bid. Subcontracting shall in no event relieve
the Supplier from any of its obligations, duties,
responsibilities, or liability under the Contract.
20.2 Subcontracts shall comply with the provisions of GCC
Clauses 3.
21.2 Wherever references are made in the Contract to codes and
standards in accordance with which it shall be executed, the
edition or the revised version of such codes and standards
shall be those specified in the Section V, Schedule of
Requirements. During Contract execution, any changes in
any such codes and standards shall be applied only after
approval by the Purchaser and shall be treated in accordance
with GCC Clause 32.
22. Packing and 22.1 The Supplier shall provide such packing of the Goods as is
Documents required to prevent their damage or deterioration during
transit to their final destination, as indicated in the Contract.
During transit, the packing shall be sufficient to withstand,
without limitation, rough handling, and exposure to extreme
temperatures, salt and precipitation, and open storage.
Packing case size and weights shall take into consideration,
where appropriate, the remoteness of the final destination of
the Goods and the absence of heavy handling facilities at all
points in transit.
22.2 The packing, marking, and documentation within and
outside the packages shall comply strictly with such special
requirements as shall be expressly provided for in the
Contract, including additional requirements, if any, specified
in the SCC, and in any other instructions ordered by the
23. Insurance 23.1 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, the Goods supplied
under the Contract shall be fully insured against loss or
damage incidental to manufacture or acquisition,
transportation, storage, and delivery, in the manner specified
in the SCC.
24. Transportation 24.1 The supplier is required under the contract to transport the
Goods to a specified place of final destination, defined as
the project site, transport to such place of destination
including insurance and storage, as shall be specified in the
contract, shall be arranged by the supplier, and related costs
shall be included in the contract price.
25. Inspections and 25.1 The Supplier shall at its own expense and at no cost to the
Tests Purchaser carry out all such tests and/or inspections of the
Goods and Related Services as are specified in Sections V,
Schedule of Requirements.
25.2 The inspections and tests may be conducted on the premises
of the Supplier or its Subcontractor, at point of delivery,
and/or at the final destination of the Goods, or in another
place in Nepal as specified in the SCC. Subject to GCC Sub-
Clause 25.3, if conducted on the premises of the Supplier or
its Subcontractor, all reasonable facilities and assistance,
including access to drawings and production data, shall be
furnished to the inspectors at no charge to the Purchaser.
25.3 The Purchaser or its designated representative shall be
entitled to attend the tests and/or inspections referred to in
GCC Sub-Clause 25.2, provided that the Purchaser bear all of
its own costs and expenses incurred in connection with such
attendance including, but not limited to, all traveling and
board and lodging expenses.
25.4 Whenever the Supplier is ready to carry out any such test
and inspection, it shall give a reasonable advance notice,
including the place and time, to the Purchaser. The Supplier
shall obtain from any relevant third party or manufacturer
any necessary permission or consent to enable the Purchaser
or its designated representative to attend the test and/or
25.5 The Purchaser may require the Supplier to carry out any test
and/or inspection not required by the Contract but deemed
necessary to verify that the characteristics and performance of
the Goods comply with the technical specifications, codes and
standards under the Contract, provided that the Supplier’s
reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the carrying out of
such test and/or inspection shall be added to the Contract Price.
Further, if such test and/or inspection impede the progress of
manufacturing and/or the Supplier’s performance of its other
obligations under the Contract, due allowance will be made in
respect of the Delivery Dates and Completion Dates and the
other obligations so affected.
25.6 The Supplier shall provide the Purchaser with a report of the
results of any such test and/or inspection.
25.7 The Purchaser may reject any Goods or any part thereof that
fail to pass any test and/or inspection or do not conform to
the specifications. The Supplier shall either rectify or
replace such rejected Goods or parts thereof or make
alterations necessary to meet the specifications at no cost to
the Purchaser, and shall repeat the test and/or inspection, at
no cost to the Purchaser, upon giving a notice pursuant to
GCC Sub-Clause 25.4.
25.8 The Supplier agrees that neither the execution of a test
and/or inspection of the Goods or any part thereof, nor the
attendance by the Purchaser or its representative, nor the
issue of any report pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause 25.6, shall
release the Supplier from any warranties or other obligations
under the Contract.
26. Liquidated 26.1 Except as provided under GCC Clause 31, if the Supplier
Damages fails to deliver any or all of the Goods or perform the
Related Services within the period specified in the Contract,
the Purchaser may without prejudice to all its other remedies
under the Contract, deduct from the Contract Price, as
liquidated damages, a sum equivalent to the percentage
specified in the SCC of the Contract Price for each day of
delay until actual delivery or performance, up to a maximum
deduction of the percentage specified in the SCC. Once the
maximum is reached, the Purchaser may terminate the
Contract pursuant to GCC Clause 34.
27. Warranty 27.1 The Supplier warrants that all the Goods are new, unused,
and of the most recent or current models, and that they
incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials,
unless provided otherwise in the Contract.
27.2 Subject to GCC Sub-Clause 21.1, the Supplier further
warrants that the Goods shall be free from defects arising
from any act or omission of the Supplier or arising from
design, materials, and workmanship, under normal use in the
conditions prevailing in Nepal.
27.3 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, the warranty shall
remain valid for twelve (12) months after the Goods, or any
portion thereof as the case may be, have been delivered to
and accepted at the final destination indicated in the SCC.
27.4 The Purchaser shall give Notice to the Supplier stating the
nature of any such defects together with all available
evidence thereof, promptly following the discovery thereof.
The Purchaser shall afford all reasonable opportunity for the
Supplier to inspect such defects.
27.5 Upon receipt of such Notice, the Supplier shall, within the
period specified in the SCC, expeditiously repair or replace
the defective Goods or parts thereof, at no cost to the
27.6 If having been notified, the Supplier fails to remedy the
defect within the period specified in the SCC, the Purchaser
may proceed to take within a reasonable period such
remedial action as may be necessary, at the Supplier’s risk
and expense and without prejudice to any other rights which
the Purchaser may have against the Supplier under the
28. Patent 28.1 The Supplier shall, subject to the Purchaser’s compliance with
Indemnity GCC Sub-Clause 28.2, indemnify and hold harmless the
Purchaser and its employees and officers from and against any
and all suits, actions or administrative proceedings, claims,
demands, losses, damages, costs, and expenses of any nature,
including attorney’s fees and expenses, which the Purchaser
may suffer as a result of any infringement or alleged
infringement of any patent, utility model, registered design,
trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property right
registered or otherwise existing at the date of the Contract by
reason of:
(a) the installation of the Goods by the Supplier or the use
of the Goods in the country where the Site is located;
(b) the sale in any country of the products produced by the
Such indemnity shall not cover any use of the Goods or any
part thereof other than for the purpose indicated by or to be
reasonably inferred from the Contract, neither any
infringement resulting from the use of the Goods or any part
thereof, or any products produced thereby in association or
combination with any other equipment, plant, or materials not
supplied by the Supplier, pursuant to the Contract.
28.2 If any proceedings are brought or any claim is made against
the Purchaser arising out of the matters referred to in GCC
Sub-Clause 28.1, the Purchaser shall promptly give the
Supplier a notice thereof, and the Supplier may at its own
expense and in the Purchaser’s name conduct such
proceedings or claim and any negotiations for the settlement
of any such proceedings or claim.
28.3 If the Supplier fails to notify the Purchaser within thirty (30)
days after receipt of such notice that it intends to conduct
any such proceedings or claim, then the Purchaser shall be
free to conduct the same on its own behalf.
28.4 The Purchaser shall, at the Supplier’s request, afford all
available assistance to the Supplier in conducting such
proceedings or claim, and shall be reimbursed by the
Supplier for all reasonable expenses incurred in so doing.
28.5 The Purchaser shall indemnify and hold harmless the
Supplier and its employees, officers, and Subcontractors
from and against any and all suits, actions or administrative
proceedings, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, and
expenses of any nature, including attorney’s fees and
expenses, which the Supplier may suffer as a result of any
infringement or alleged infringement of any patent, utility
model, registered design, trademark, copyright, or other
intellectual property right registered or otherwise existing at
the date of the Contract arising out of or in connection with
any design, data, drawing, specification, or other documents
or materials provided or designed by or on behalf of the
30. Change in Laws 30.1 Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, if after the date of
and Regulations the Invitation for Bids, any law, regulation, ordinance, order
or bylaw having the force of law is enacted, promulgated,
abrogated, or changed in Nepal where the Site is located
(which shall be deemed to include any change in
interpretation or application by the competent authorities) that
subsequently affects the Delivery Date and/or the Contract
Price, then such Delivery Date and/or Contract Price shall be
correspondingly increased or decreased, to the extent that the
Supplier has thereby been affected in the performance of any
of its obligations under the Contract. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, such additional or reduced cost shall not be
separately paid or credited if the same has already been
accounted for in the price adjustment provisions where
applicable, in accordance with GCC Clause 14.
31. Force Majeure 31.1 The Supplier shall not be liable for forfeiture of its
Performance Security, liquidated damages, or termination
for default if and to the extent that its delay in performance
or other failure to perform its obligations under the Contract
is the result of an event of Force Majeure.
31.2 For purposes of this Clause, “Force Majeure” means an
event or situation beyond the control of the Supplier that is
not foreseeable, is unavoidable, and its origin is not due to
negligence or lack of care on the part of the Supplier. Such
events may include, but not be limited to, acts of the
Purchaser in its sovereign capacity, wars or revolutions,
fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, and freight
31.3 If a Force Majeure situation arises, the Supplier shall
promptly notify the Purchaser in writing of such condition
and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed by the
Purchaser in writing, the Supplier shall continue to perform
its obligations under the Contract as far as is reasonably
practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for
performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event.
32. Change Orders 32.1 The Purchaser may at any time order the Supplier through
and Contract Notice in accordance GCC Clause 7, to make changes within
Amendments the general scope of the Contract in any one or more of the
(a) drawings, designs, or specifications, where Goods to be
furnished under the Contract are to be specifically
manufactured for the Purchaser;
(b) the method of shipment or packing;
(c) the place of delivery; and
(d) the Related Services to be provided by the Supplier.
32.2 If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost
of, or the time required for, the Supplier’s performance of
any provisions under the Contract, an equitable adjustment
shall be made in the Contract Price or in the Delivery and
Completion Schedule, or both, and the Contract shall
accordingly be amended. Any claims by the Supplier for
adjustment under this Clause must be asserted within thirty
(30) days from the date of the Supplier’s receipt of the
Purchaser’s change order.
32.3 Prices to be charged by the Supplier for any Related
Services that might be needed but which were not included
in the Contract shall be agreed upon in advance by the
parties and shall not exceed the prevailing rates charged to
other parties by the Supplier for similar services.
33. Extensions of 33.1 If at any time during performance of the Contract, the
Time Supplier or its Subcontractors should encounter conditions
impeding timely delivery of the Goods or completion of
Related Services pursuant to GCC Clause 11, the Supplier
shall promptly, and at least twenty one (21) days before the
expiry of procurement contract, notify the Purchaser in
writing of the delay, its likely duration, and its cause. As
soon as practicable after receipt of the Supplier’s notice, the
Purchaser shall evaluate the situation and may at its
discretion extend the Supplier’s time for performance, in
which case the extension shall be ratified by the parties by
amendment of the Contract.
33.2 Except in case of Force Majeure, as provided under GCC
Clause 31, a delay by the Supplier in the performance of its
Delivery and Completion obligations shall render the
Supplier liable to the imposition of liquidated damages
pursuant to GCC Clause 26, unless an extension of time is
agreed upon, pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause 34.1.
(b) In the event the Purchaser terminates the Contract in
whole or in part, pursuant to GCC Clause 34.1(a), the
Purchaser may procure, upon such terms and in such
manner as it deems appropriate, Goods or Related
Services similar to those undelivered or not performed,
and the Supplier shall be liable to pay to the Purchaser
for whole costs for such similar Goods or Related
Services. However, the Supplier shall continue
performance of the Contract to the extent not terminated.
(c) if the Supplier, in the judgment of the Purchaser has
engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive or
obstructive practices, as defined in GCC Clause 3, in
competing for or in executing the Contract.
35. Assignment 35.1 Neither the Purchaser nor the Supplier shall assign, in whole
or in part, their obligations under this Contract, except with
prior written consent of the other party.
Section VII. Special Conditions of Contract
The following Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) shall supplement the General Conditions of
Contract (GCC). Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail over those in the
a) Copies of the Supplier’s invoice showing the description of the
Goods, quantity, unit price, and total amount;
b) Copy of packing list indentifying the contents of each package;
c) Delivery note;
The Purchaser shall receive the above documents before the arrival of
the Goods and, if not received, the Supplier will be responsible for any
consequent expenses.
GCC 14.2 The prices charged for the Goods delivered and the Related
Services to be performed shall be fixed for the duration of the
GCC 15.1 The terms of payment to be made to the Supplier under the contract
shall be as follows:
1. The payment shall be made through accounts division/unit of
the Purchaser
GCC 15.1 2. Payments shall be made in Nepalese Rupees in the following
On Delivery and acceptance: One Hundred (100) percent of the
Contract Price of the Goods and related services delivered shall be
paid after Post delivery inspection (PDI) and upon submission of a
claim supported by the documents specified in GCC 11.1
GCC 15.6 The interest rate that shall be applied for payment delay is Not
GCC 17.1 The Supplier shall provide a Performance Security as follows:
I. If bid price of the bidder selected for acceptance is up to 15
(fifteen) percent less than the approved cost estimate, the
performance security amount shall be 5 (five) percent of the
bid price.
II. For the bid price of the bidder selected for acceptance is more
than 15 (fifteen) percent below of the cost estimate, the
performance security amount shall be determined as follows:
Performance Security Amount = [(0.85 x Cost Estimate –Bid
Price) x 0.5] + 5% of Bid Price.
The Bid Price and Cost Estimate shall be inclusive of Value Added Tax.
GCC 23.1 The insurance coverage shall be in an amount equal to 110 percent of
the contract price of the Goods on “All Risks” basis, including War
Risks, riots and/or Strikes.
GCC 25.2 Tests and Inspections specified in Section V, Schedule of
Requirements, shall be carried out at the following times or milestones,
and places: A Technical Committee will be formed by Survey
Department with appropriate no. of experts in the related field. The
Committee will conduct Test and Inspections of the offered goods to
check the compliance as per specifications.
GCC 26.1 The applicable rate of liquidated damages shall be: 0.05 percent of the
Contract Price per day.
GCC 26.1 The maximum amount of liquidated damages shall be: ten (10) percent
of the Contract Price.
The contract shall be terminated, if liquidated damages exceeds 10
percent of the Contract Price and blacklisting process shall be initiated
for the Supplier's failure to complete the contractual obligations.
GCC 27.3 For the purposes of the Warranty, the place of final destination
shall be: Survey Department, Min Bhawan, Kathmandu
GCC 27.5 & 27.6 The Supplier shall correct any defects covered by the Warranty within:
10 Days of being notified by the Purchaser of the occurrence of such
Section VIII. Contract Forms
Table of Forms
Letter of Acceptance………………………………………………………………………..95
Letter of Intent
[on letterhead paper of the Purchaser]
. . . . . . . date. . . . . . .
The issuance of Letter of Intent is the information of the selection of the bid of the successful bidder by
the Purchaser and for providing information to other unsuccessful bidders who participated in the bid as
regards to the outcome of the procurement process. This standard form of Letter of Intent to Award
should be filled in and sent to the successful Bidder only after evaluation and selection of substantially
responsible lowest evaluated bid.
This is to notify you that, it is our intention to award the contract. for execution of the . . . . . . . . .name
of the contract and identification number, as given in the Contract Data/SCC to you as your bid price . . . . . .
. . .amount in figures and words in Nepalese Rupees ………………. as corrected and modified in accordance with
the Instructions to Bidders is hereby selected as substantially responsive lowest evaluated bid.
Name: .................................................................................................
Title: ....................................................................................................
[Insert name and address of all other Bidders, who submitted the bid]
Letter of Acceptance
[on letterhead paper of the Purchaser]
. . . . . . . date. . . . . . .
This is to notify that your Bid dated . . . . date . . . . for execution of the . . . . . . . . . .name of the contract
and identification number, as given in the Contract Data/SCC . . . . . . . . . . for the Contract price of Nepalese
Rupees [insert amount in figures and words in Nepalese Rupees], as corrected in accordance with the
Instructions to Bidders is hereby accepted in accordance with the Instruction to Bidders.
You are hereby instructed to contract this office to sign the formal contract agreement within 15 days.
As per the Conditions of Contract, you are also required to submit Performance Security, as specified
in SCC, consisting of a Bank Guarantee in the format included in Section VIII (Contract Forms) of the
Bidding Document.
The amout of performance security shall be NRs……………….[Insert amount] and validity period of
performance security shall be ………[insert validity period].
The Purchaser shall forfeit the bid security, in case you fail to furnish the Performance Security and to
sign the contract within specified period.
Agreement Form
THIS AGREEMENT made on the [insert number] day of [insert month], [insert year], between
[insert complete name of Purchaser] of [insert complete address of Purchaser] (hereinafter “the
Purchaser”), of the one part, and [insert complete name of Supplier] of [insert complete address of
Supplier] (hereinafter “the Supplier”), of the other part:
WHEREAS the Purchaser invited Bids for certain Goods and Related Services, viz., [insert brief
description of the Goods and Related Services] and has accepted a Bid by the Supplier for the
supply of those Goods and Related Services in the sum of NRs ……..[insert amount of contract
price in words and figures including taxes] (hereinafter “the Contract Price”).
1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively
assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract referred to.
2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this
Agreement, viz.:
(a) the Purchaser’s Notification to the Supplier of Award of Contract;
(b) the Bid Submission Form and the Price Schedules submitted by the Supplier;
(c) the Special Conditions of Contract;
(d) the General Conditions of Contract;
(e) the Schedule of Requirements; and
(f) [indicate any other documents required as appropriate]
This Contract shall prevail over all other Contract documents. In the event of any discrepancy or
inconsistency within the Contract documents, then the documents shall prevail in the order
listed above.
3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Purchaser to the Supplier as indicated in this
Agreement, the Supplier hereby covenants with the Purchaser to provide the Goods and Related
Services and to remedy defects therein in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the
4. The Purchaser hereby covenants to pay the Supplier in consideration of the provision of the
Goods and Related Services and the remedying of defects therein, the Contract Price or such
other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and in the
manner prescribed by the Contract.
IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in accordance
with the laws of “Nepal” on the day, month, and year indicated above.
Signed by [insert authorized signature for the Purchaser] (for the Purchaser)
Signed by [insert authorized signature for the Supplier] (for the Supplier)
Performance Security
[insert complete name and number of Contract]
WHEREAS [insert complete name of Supplier] (hereinafter “the Supplier”) has received the
notification of award for the execution of [insert identification number and name of contract]
(hereinafter “the Contract”).
AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the aforementioned Contract that the Supplier
shall furnish you with a security [insert type of security] issued by a reputable guarantor for the
sum specified therein as security for compliance with the Supplier’s performance obligations in
accordance with the Contract.
AND WHEREAS the undersigned [insert complete name of Guarantor], legally domiciled in
[insert complete address of Guarantor], (hereinafter the “Guarantor”), have agreed to give the
Supplier a security:
THEREFORE WE hereby affirm that we are Guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf of
the Supplier, up to a total of [insert currency and amount of guarantee in words and figures]
and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand declaring the Supplier to be in
default under the Contract, without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of
[insert currency and amount of guarantee in words and figures] as aforesaid, without your
needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein.
In the capacity of: [insert legal capacity of person signing the Security]
Signed: [insert signature of person whose name and capacity are shown above]
Duly authorized to sign the security for and on behalf of: [insert seal and complete name of
Advance Payment Security
In accordance with the payment provision included in the Contract, in relation to advance
payments, [insert complete name of Supplier] (hereinafter called “the Supplier”) shall deposit
with the Purchaser a security consisting of [indicate type of security], to guarantee its proper
and faithful performance of the obligations imposed by said Clause of the Contract, in the
amount of [insert currency and amount of guarantee in words and figures].
We, the undersigned [insert complete name of Guarantor], legally domiciled in [insert full
address of Guarantor] (hereinafter “the Guarantor”), as instructed by the Supplier, agree
unconditionally and irrevocably to guarantee as primary obligator and not as surety merely, the
payment to the Purchaser on its first demand without whatsoever right of objection on our part
and without its first claim to the Supplier, in the amount not exceeding [insert currency and
amount of guarantee in words and figures].
This security shall remain valid and in full effect from the date of the advance payment being
received by the Supplier under the Contract until [(insert day, month, year) Contract
completion date may be a basis for this date].
In the capacity of: [insert legal capacity of person signing the Security]
Signed: [insert signature of person whose name and capacity are shown above]
Duly authorized to sign the security for and on behalf of: [insert seal and complete name of