Pay Parity Court Judgement
Pay Parity Court Judgement
Pay Parity Court Judgement
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Qureshi Mohd.Salim Hadis And 2.Ors vs State QfMaharashtra Through Its.. on 21 Fobruary.2020
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Reserved Judgment
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I'er Hon'ble Lok Pal Singh. J.] By means of present writ petition, the petitioners seek following
1) 1Ssue a writ, order or direction in the nature of certiorari tor quashing the decision taken
nature of TdhddmOs
directing ne
respondent authorities to ux the basic pay of he petitioners at par with direct recruils or
withidentically placed other employees irom the dale of their respective promotions on the
post of Private Secretary. 1... Rs, 18750/- in the Grade Pay of Rs.6600, and
tne a r t e a s or
salary from the said date.
consequentialiy grant
111) Issue any suitable order or direction whicn
writ, tne
Hon ble Court may deem fit and
proper in the circumstances of the case
) reeing aggrieved. petitioners moved a representation before the High Court, who, in turn, reterred
apparent violation of Article 14 and 39 (d) of the Constitution of India. The action of State
Government is de hors the principle ot 'cqual pay tor equal work'. Placing reliance on the Giovernment
Orders dated 13.02.2009 and 11.09.2013. Learned counsel would further submit that vide order dated
13.02.2009 minimum entry pay is prescribed for direct recruits and vide CGiovemment Order dated
11.09.2013 Government was pleased to grant the minimum entry pay meant for direct recruit to those
employces whose pay scales have been upgraded to that stage. Leaned counsel would also submit that
identically placed persons promoted prior to 17.10.2008 were getting pay of Rs. 25,200- as minimum
entry pay from the date of their respective promotions whereof in the pre-revised pay scale their basic
pays were same as that of petitioners.
) Learmed counsel for the petitioners drew our attention towards the judgments of Hon'ble Delhi High
Court dealing with the same controversy. A Division Bench of Hon'ble Delhi lHigh Court in the WP (C)
No. 7379 of 2017 (Union of India Vs. Shashi Kant and others) decided on 26.09.2017, relying on
Judgments of Hon'ble Apex Court was pleased to direct the respondents to fix pay of promotees at the
evel of minimum entry pay as applhcable tor direct recruits. He would further submit that after
ismisal of appeal, Giovermment of India, Ministry of Finance vide order dated 13.2.2018 (Annexure
N0.4 to the Misc. Application) was pleased to grant minimum entry pay to promotees, as applicable to
ne direct recruits along with arrears. The Division Bench of Hon'ble Delhi High Court in WP (C)
634 of 2017, Government of NCT of Delhi & Anr. Vs. Somvir Rana & Ors. decided on
5.03.2017 was pleased to grant minimum entry pay to the promotees meant tor the direct reeruits. The
pecal Leave Petition preferred by the Giovemment of NCT of Delhi in the said case, vide SLP/ Diary
0 23663 of 2017, was dismised in limine vide order dated 01.09.2017. The lHon'ble Apex Court has
observed as under:
"Once the question, In principle, has been settled, it is only approprate on lhe part o1 the
Government of india to Issue a Circular so that it will save the time of the Court and the
6) Learned Standing Counsel TOr the state of Uttarakhand would submit that there is no provision for
granting entry level pay in uovermet Order dated 17.10,2008 to those who are already in service as
on 01.01.2006 i.e. promotees an, neretore, has reiteruted the corTectness of the stand taken by the
ndents He would further subrmit that no direet recruit actualy Joimed the post in the present
dC, lnasmuch as the
post of Private Secretary is purely a
promotional post,
) Leamed counsel for respondent no. 3 would submit that respondent no. 3 has simpiy rowcu
overmment orders issued from time to time. The respondent nos. I and 2 are bound by governinent
orders and it was upto the State Government to correct the pay fixation of the petitioners and ISsue
orders accordingly.
10) A COnjoint reading ol Ciovernment Order dated 17.10.2008 and 11.09.2013, would reveal that the
minimum revised basie pay of a person working in the pay scale of Rs. 10000 - 15200 (pre revised)
before 01.01.2006 was Rs. 25,350- (Rs. 18750 +Rs. 6600). As per Government order dated
13.02.2009, minimum entry pay for direct recruits, recruited on or after 01.01.2006, in the Pay band 5
with Grade Pay Rs. 6600 (pre revised Rs. 10000 15200) is also Rs. 25.350/- (Rs. 18750 + Rs. 6600).
In other words, as per Sixth Pay Commission, the minimum entry pay for direct recruits in Pay Band
(i) from one pay band to another. In first situation, the fixation will be done as follows:
i) One inerement cqual to 3% of the sum of the pay in the pay band and the existing grade
pay will be computed and rounded off to the next multiple of 10. This will be added to the
existing pay in the pay band. The grade pay corresponding to the promotion post will
(11) In second situation., the same methodology will be followed. However, if the pay in the
pay band after adding 1he increment is less than the minimum of the higher pay band to
which promotion is taking place. pay in the pay band will be stepped to such minimum pay.
2) Having examined the Government Order dated 17.10.2008, we find that said G.O. itself caters to
Siluation where pay of the promotee after using he methodology preseribed in the Ciovernment Order
found to be lesser than the minimum of the higher pay band of the promotional post, the same needs
o De stepped up to the minimum of the pay seale of the promotional post. The said Government Order,
n our view, itself provides for stepping up ol pay of the promotees of the minimum of the higher pay
) from the perusal of the Government Order dated 17.l10.2008, it can be said that promotee is also
etited for step up to the minimum of pay in pay band with grade pay. It is a settled position that a
direct recruit gets minimum of the pay scale and Government Order dated 13.02.2009 preseribes the
minimum entry pay for direct recruit. In this way. it can safely be construed that if basic pay of
promotce remains less than that of direct recruit, then in such eventuality, it should be stepped up upto
Ihe level of direct recruit. In other word, a promotee is also entitled to get the minimum entry pay
mcant for direct recruit. if he is draw ing pay less than that of pay meant for direct recruit. Our
conclusion gets fortification from the judgments of Hon'ble Supreme Court and Hon'ble Delhi High
Lourt in the case of Somvir Rana and Shashikant (supra). After judgment of Hon'ble Supreme Couri,
uovernment of India has alrcady 15sued Cireular granting the minimum entry pay, meant for direct
14) State cannot creale class alOngst ine ckass. Our State is weltare State. It cannot create two
minimum entry pay in one pay scale, one for direct roeruit and another for promotee that too without
any cogent reason, rationale or JustlricattOn. Even though no direct recruit joins in the present case
by way of Sixth Pay Commission, State Ciovernent deciuted to give revINC puy
g O v e m m e n t e m p l o y e e s . It is settled position that by implementing ew pay commissio, ou pauy
are replaced by new ones. It is also settled that every puy sele hias one minnum eniry pay hereorc
m i n i m u m entry pay for one pay scale
and person il l jos
uovemnent cannot create two dillerent
particular pay scale, then he s entitled te get the minmum entry pay of that pay scale irrespective o
of learncd StandinE
the fact how he the cadre. Therelore, we find no lorce in the argument
Counsel for the State that no direct reeuitment took place in the present matter. In our vicw, dilieren
and violates
would lead to invidious discrimination
fixation pay tor promotees and dircct recruits
Article 14 of the Constitution of India. The same pay scale cannot have two different entry pay, one lo
for work
violative of the principle of "equal pay cqual
and another for direct recruits is clearly
enshrined in Article 39A of the Constitution of India.
No order as to costS.