Socialist Principles Explained
Socialist Principles Explained
Socialist Principles Explained
Capitalism is still the same
In spite of all the technological developments and social changes which have taken place since that
period, the actual structure of capitalist society has not fundamentally changed. Capitalists still own
all the means of living of modern society; workers still spend their lives producing profit to increase
the wealth and power of the capitalist class. Working class organisations, including political parties,
have not made any significant advances. Indeed, most political parties created by the working class
have turned into supporters for capitalism. Like the Labour Party in Britain, they assist in the
exploitation and the oppression of the members who continue to support them, along with the rest
of the working class. Their ideas about nationalisation have been shown by experience to have
nothing to do with socialism. Nationalisation is not even a very successful way of running
Still deceived
All sorts of false ideas still exist about how to bring about the change to a socialist form of society.
The idea of massive strikes has lost much of its support, but there is still a great deal of enthusiasm
by the 'Far Left' for street demonstrations and the destruct ion of property, in spite of the fact that
these activities accomplish nothing. Some workers still rely on leaders to make the changes. Others
insist that campaigning for more and more reforms will bring governments to their knees. All such
ideas have been discredited by experience. Even a large membership has been shown to achieve
nothing of any value as long as those members do not understand and agree about what it is they are
organising and working for--their Object --and how they are to achieve it -- their Principles. The
British Labour Party is a pathetic example of this.
No short cuts
There is no gimmick or magic formula that can by-pass the process of building a democratic
socialist movement. At present, that process is slow, because workers all over the world still have
faith that capitalism can be altered to treat them less harshly. Until they abandon this belief nothing
significant will change. But socialist analysis and information must be ready and available as and
when they begin to think differently. While this change of attitude is taking place, socialists
persistently urge members of the working class, high paid or low paid, to join them in the work of
building the growing socialist movement.
The bare bones
Many other points about The Socialist Party and its struggle to bring about a socialist world could
have been added to the Declaration, but that would have made the list of principles far too long for
practical purposes. In any case, most of these other socialist explanations follow naturally from the
eight points. To take just one example, there is nothing said about the socialist attitude to war, but
since war means workers of one country killing workers of another country in the interests of the
capitalists, The Socialist Party has always opposed wars. For members of a World Socialist
Movement this is the only natural attitude to take.
The Object of The Socialist Party
The establishment of a system of society based upon the common ownership and democratic control of
the means and instruments for producing and distributing wealth by and in the interest of the whole
A system of society alludes to the sum total of human relationships and is meant to distinguish us
from those who seek to organise cooperative colonies, islands within a sea of capitalism. Socialism is
not a colony, not a kibbutz, but a system of society in the sense that capitalism, feudalism and chattel
slavery must all be characterised as systems of society.
Previous systems of society that have existed in many parts of the world—such as chattel slavery and
feudalism--have given way to capitalism, so that it is now virtually world-wide, and the capitalist
system must, in its turn, give way to a socialist set of relationships amongst all human beings.
'Common ownership' does not mean state ownership or 'public' ownership. These are only different
ways of running the capitalist system, with the whole class of capitalists in a particular country
owning the mines, the railways, etc. instead of individual, competing groups. Common ownership,
on the other hand, means ownership by all of society--which is the same as ownership by no-one in
particular. Of course, it is not personal property which concerns socialists but those things upon
which all society depends, such as the factories and farms and mines and transport fleets and
communication systems. These are what will belong to everyone in socialist society.
'Democratic control' is the only way to ensure that these means of production and distribution are
operated in the interests of everyone. This is a radical departure from the capitalist pattern.
A moneyless society
A whole spread of consequences follows from these basic changes. When everybody owns and
controls the production and distribution of the goods and services they want, there will be no point
in charging themselves money for taking or using them. It has long been possible to produce enough
for everybody, but capitalism can only operate by creating artificial scarcity.
When this has been stopped, there will be no buying and selling, no prices nor any of the other
enormous, wasteful paraphernalia of the money system. Socialist society will operate on the
established principle of: 'From each according to ability to each according to need'. This will not
have to be regulated by any central authority--only by everyone being free to take what they want
from what is produced.
A classless society
The ending of the capitalist regime and the establishment of common ownership will end the
division of society into the two classes that exist today: those who own or control capital (the
capitalist class) and those who have to work to increase the capitalists' wealth (the working class).
There will therefore be no class conflict in socialist society, no trade unions or strikes or wage
bargaining because there will be no wages or salaries. We shall work at what we think is important or
interesting or fulfilling for us individually, but of course influenced by the needs and the trends in
society. Capitalism is now a worldwide social system (unlike previous forms of society). Socialism,
therefore, must also be a global human society. This is what 'the whole community' means. It follows
that nations and frontiers and governments and armed forces will disappear. Groups of
people may well preserve their languages, customs and traditions, but this will have nothing to do
with claiming territorial rights, trade barriers or military dominance over pieces of the world's
They reject it
The British Labour Party and the various left -wing factions used to subscribe to different versions of
this Object, but they have all abandoned it. With few exceptions, they have all become 'realistic': they
have accepted capitalism. All they have left to offer their fellow workers are various ideas for
modifying the way in which capitalism works--most of them completely impracticable.
Reforms don't work
Very many people in Britain and other long-established industrial nations have become disillusioned
with politics and the voting system. All the promises of political parties for reducing poverty,
unemployment and war have been shown time after time, to be false. Various forms of governmental
control have been tried. All have left the great majority of the population, the working class, in
exactly the same insecure lives of drudgery that they have always had.
All the features that the capitalist system has exhibited ever since it was set up are still with us
today--in spite of all the struggles of trade unions and politicians. It has been proved, over and over
again, that this system of society cannot be made to work in the interests of the great majority. This
is because it was established by a minority class, the capitalists, to work in their interest. It can only
work in this way, exploiting the great majority to increase their wealth and power.
Nothing else--nothing but
This does not mean that it is here forever. Social systems are not like that. They change when the
technology changes; when the ideas and attitudes of the broad mass of people change; and when the
old social system becomes an intolerable burden on production, restricting progress. Capitalist
society is increasingly displaying all these features. In the last analysis, however, it is people who
make history. Until a great majority of the world's workers acknowledge that we need to get rid of
capitalism, that no other solution exists, we shall go on suffering it --in spite of the fact that we are
increasingly capable of producing abundance and freedom for every man, woman and child on the
Today, as for the past three hundred years or so, we have capitalism. In this system, the majority of
the population is free—except that they have nothing to live on. The means of producing food,
clothing and everything else are owned by a small class, the capitalists.
Workers can only get the food, clothing and shelter they need for themselves and their families by
working for one capitalist company or another. All they own is their ability to work, and they are
forced to sell this to get the money to live. Because workers produce everything in society by
working in capitalists' industries, all the products belong to the owners and none to the producers.
The capitalists turn this wealth into profit by selling, on the market, these goods or services
produced by the workers.
The wages system
Through the competitive labour market, the capitalist pays workers just enough to keep them
going from one week or month to the next, so that they need to keep working all their active lives
to earn their livelihood. Capitalists, on the other hand, use their profits to reinvest, to expand their
wealth and power. As time goes on, therefore, the dominance of capitalists as a class gets greater
and greater.
There are minor exceptions to this main pattern, but they are not important. With small, one-
person firms and self-employed people, the 'boss' may work harder than some of his or her
employees, and for less money. There are also some rich workers and some poor capitalists but,
again, they are the exceptions to the prevailing order of relationships.
Capitalism does not work well, even for the capitalist class at times. For this reason, many
governments, in many countries, even Conservative governments, have tried nationalising certain
industries. These are not owned by 'the people' as some Labour politicians and Communists have
believed. They are owned by a nation's whole capitalist class together, through the state. It is state
capitalism. It offers workers no advantages, no softening of their working or living conditions. It
never was any use to us.
Always fighting
The class struggle inevitably breaks out into open conflict from time to time because the interests of
the shareholders and the workers are opposed to one another: the more the one side gains, the less
the other side gets. The more wages are paid; the less profit can be taken. The more profit is made;
the lower wages (or salaries), are pressed. The living standards of workers are therefore reduced.
The difference is that, in the main, capitalists do not starve when their profits fall: but workers, in
many parts of the world including Britain, do starve, when they are thrown out of work, though not
always to death. But whether there happens to be a strike going on, called by the workers, or a
lockout, imposed by the employers, there is always friction and conflict in the day-to-day running of
every capitalist company.
Maintaining or increasing profits is forced upon every firm by the fierce competition of the market.
Those factories or cleaning firms or egg-producing farms are driven out of business if they cannot
compete successfully with all the others in their field. This pressure always comes down upon the
workers--to produce more; to do it faster; to reduce the value in each product or service.
The working day and the working week are often extended unless workers can successfully resist it.
Wages are reduced, or simply held at old levels in times of inflation, if workers do not succeed in
negotiating rises. The fighting never stops unless one side (usually the workers) is unable to exert
enough power and is therefore steadily losing. The expansion of capital on a worldwide scale has
meant that firms now move about the world in search of the cheapest wages, the weakest labour
protection laws, and the laxest regulations about pollution. Workers--who are unable to move to the
other side of the world--are therefore forced into unemployment.
Politicians united
Whatever party they belong to, politicians will always condemn the workers' efforts in the class
struggle. Because the politicians actually form the government of the day, or hope to, next time, they
must act as the servants of the capitalist class, of their nation state. They therefore inevitably take the
side of the capitalists against the workers.
The most effective stand for them to take is to deny that there is a basic class conflict. Any unified
efforts workers take to improve, or even maintain, their pay and conditions of work are described as
'mistaken' or' misguided'.
The politicians attempt to persuade them that there is no conflict between the interests of workers
and those of 'management' (always avoiding naming the capitalists). 'lf workers and managers
would only co-operate', they repeat, conditions would improve for everybody. They ignore all the
weeks and years that workers do actually co-operate—and get no benefit from doing so. Politicians
are no help at all in the class struggle.
The dice are loaded
The working class can never win the war against the capitalist class within capitalist society, in spite
of winning the occasional battle in a strike. The capitalist system of running society was set up by
capitalists, for capitalists. Its laws, its police, its courts, its armies, its intelligence services have all
been improved and tested over hundreds of years to make them efficient at controlling working class
opposition and undermining working class organisation. As long as the working class accept the
capitalist game, they are playing by the capitalist rules, and they are bound to lose.
No reconciliation is possible
The capitalist class have built up their social system so that they can live on the backs of the working
class. There is therefore no chance of improvement for the great majority of mankind until the
capitalist class are dislodged permanently and all over the world. The only way in which this can be
achieved is by establishing another system, a new order of society, in which there are no classes, no
private ownership of society's means of living, no exploitation, no oppression; no market
competition—-in other words, socialism.
A complete change
Socialist society will be very different from capitalist society. This will mainly be because of the
things which will no longer exist. Like the other private property systems before it, capitalism is a
social system which is designed to make it possible for a minority of people to force the rest of
society to work for them and keep them in positions of power.
Their 'ownership' of various types of companies, buildings, tracts of land, and so on, is a form of
power--power to prevent anyone else 'trespassing' on their property or using any of it for purposes
which they have not agreed to. So, for example, food cannot be produced unless particular capitalists
agree to their land being used to grow it. And they do not agree unless they expect to make profit out
of such production.
Changed social relationships
Abolishing the capitalist system and all the special privileges of today's ruling class will completely
alter the way in which we all behave towards one another. When the land, the seas, the roads and
railways, the mines and farms and factories belong to all of us (or none of us, which is the same
thing) we shall all have equal power in society.
'Democratic control' is another way of looking at the same situation. Instead of being operated for
profit, all of these resources, both natural and those built up by generations of workers, will be used
to meet the needs of everyone. Instead of having laws and punishments imposed upon us by a
judicial and penal system constructed and financed by a class which rules us, we shall establish our
own ways of reducing conflict and misunderstanding to a minimum. They may not be identical in
every part of the world, but they will all have the same basis--they will be set up, modified when
necessary, and controlled by all the people concerned.
Modern in 1904
The rejection of racism and sexism was fairly new in 1904 when these principles were first adopted
by The Socialist Party. It is just as important today than it was then. Discrimination and oppression
of people who belong to particular sections of society or have different looks or speech from those
around them are features of oppressive social systems. Such discrimination and oppression will have
no place in socialism, a society set up by the great majority of human beings—in the interest of all
human beings.
Discrimination impossible
There is only one human race. Whatever the colour of our skin, the pattern of our hair, or our
reproductive function, we can all interbreed with one another. We all came from the same original
stock. We are all one species. Discrimination has been used only for the purposes of exploiting and
oppressing one section of human beings by another. That will be impossible in a socialist society.
The origins of exploitation and oppression
Human beings lived for tens of thousands of years in small social groups in what has been called
'primitive communism'. This was a social pattern which grew out of forms of family units. There was
no exploitation or oppression of one section of these people by another. They all co-operated in the
difficult business of getting enough to live on. These people were, in the main, 'hunter-gatherers'
living off the area of the world's surface that they roamed in. However, increasing success in planting
seeds, instead of gathering them, or herding game animals instead of simply killing them in hunting
expeditions, led to more settled occupation of land. This, in turn, developed into private property in
cattle or fields. The growth of larger private property groupings, or tribes, led to conflict.
Conflict in battles initially meant killing opponents, but later, as kingdoms and empires grew up, it
led to capturing people from other tribes or kingdoms as slaves. This same process brought about
the virtual enslavement of women. The possession of private property made it more and more
important to pass on that property to ones children. Women had to be guarded, virtually
imprisoned, to make sure that the children they bore were definitely the offspring of the dominant
male, so that he could keep the property in the patriarchal family.
Protection rackets
Many slave empires grew to enormous size and sophistication but one after another they collapsed
or declined or were overthrown. Slavery is not a very efficient way of using either human beings or
the land. In many parts of the world, after the empires had gone, peasant farming of various patterns
grew up to make a living for people on small patches of land that was still fertile. Again, however,
warriors--calling themselves knights or Samurai or other similar titles--began to impose protection
rackets upon those who worked the land. These were the origins of feudalism-a sort of Mafia-run
social system. Instead of doing any productive work themselves, these oppressors extracted a
fraction of the wealth produced by the ordinary people in return for protecting them from other
thugs like themselves. It is from long-established families of such gangsters that our own aristocracy
is descended.
The new classes
Capitalism broke the ties between peasants and the land, but it left them with nowhere that they
could call their own, and no rights. The making of the working class out of all these farm labourers
and skilled men and women, with all the flogging and branding and hanging that were used is a
vicious history that most people today try to forget.
The new capitalist class achieved its dominance with just the same sort of ruthlessness and cruelty as
the feudal barons and the slave owners of past social systems had used. All the complicated social
divisions of those societies were swept away. Capitalism, the new, 'free', society reduced everything to
two classes: employers and workers.
The last class
Like the previous oppressive social systems, capitalism is now a very inefficient way of producing the
things that human beings need and want. Millions starve to death in the world every year, in spite of
the fact that we could easily produce the food to feed them. The great majority of the rest of us live in
poverty, and often in squalor.
Competition between capitalist national blocs erupts into war all the time, and periodically on a
globally destructive and murderous scale, like World War II. The only thing preventing the
productivity of our factories and farms being used to produce an abundance for everyone on earth is
the capitalist class itself and the social system it has imposed upon society. Its power and its wealth
are based upon scarcity. Scarcity is necessary to keep its markets functioning, and poverty is essential
to keep the working class working. The capitalist class is the only obstacle to a world of plenty and
peace. It is the last oppressor class to be overthrown, and there is only one class left to do this-- the
worldwide working class. When the working class decides to remove the power of the capitalist class,
that will be the end of class society, the end, in other words, of one section forcing another section of
people to work for them.
The classless society
In the society which follows--and we use the word socialism to describe it -- every man, woman and
child will be free to take what they want from what is produced. This freedom is what will make
oppression or exploitation impossible. It will also be the daily evidence that everyone has equal
power, an equal voice in every decision that is taken.
colossal degree. This has made it now quite possible to produce plenty of everything that the world
needs. We therefore already have the economic basis for a socialist society. Unlike the world as seen
by Ball, Winstanley, Harney or Marx, all the conditions are now ripe and ready for the step to the
next stage in human social development. Only we, throughout the world, are capable of achieving it.
1. Most modern capitalist states are now so well-armed, so well informed and so wealthy and
powerful that an armed insurrection trying to overthrow an established state machine would be
doomed to failure.
2. When violence has been used to establish a regime, it can only be maintained by violence or the
threat of it (like capitalism). A socialist society cannot be built upon such foundations.
3. There is no way of knowing, and showing, that such a violent revolutionary movement represents
the wishes of the great majority. Many workers would oppose it simply because it was violent and
destructive. Only a vote can prove that the majority insist upon the overthrow of capitalism.
4. A sufficiently massive majority vote makes violence unnecessary because it demonstrates that
opposition would be pointless.'
Electing for socialism
The election of a majority of socialist delegates will not be an instruction to them from the whole
population to go on running capitalism, as it is to political parties today. It will be an instruction,
first, to take control of the armed forces of the state so that they cannot be used against the people.
Secondly, it will be an instruction to enact legislation transferring the ownership and control of all
companies producing, distributing and administering society's goods and services into the hands of
the whole of society. Once this is done, the job of socialist delegates to parliaments and other
democratic assemblies will be complete. Their tasks will be at an end and they will return to
ordinary life.
Practical democracy
The organisation and day-today running of socialist society will be a completely separate issue. It
will have been discussed and planned at great length by everybody before the actual take-over of
power takes place.
Although people in different areas of the world may choose different patterns of democracy to
implement their wishes, they will all be keen to maintain control over the production and
distribution of products and services that affect everyone's life.
As the old regime is abolished, the new, really democratic, social order, discussed and planned for so
long beforehand, will come into operation. Everyone will know what to expect and what is expected
of them. Objectors will be allowed to state their objections and try to get support for whatever Ideas
they have. What they will not be allowed to do is disrupt industrial processes or social arrangements
just because they feel like it. What has been decided by democratic majority can only be altered by
majority decision.
The armed forces will be disbanded as such, when these changes are complete. The organisations
themselves and their logistical equipment might still be used, however, as they sometimes are today,
to provide emergency help in different parts of the world, because there may well be a considerable
amount of mess to clear up as a legacy from capitalism.
Opposition to socialism
They pose questions like this because they do not yet understand the problems that have interfered
with the working class struggle towards socialism throughout the past two hundred years. They are
not as aware, as members of the Party are, of the reasons that progress has been so slow. One of the
main reasons is that the propaganda of capitalism has persistently put up alternative ideas and plans
to divert and undermine working class determination and organisation. Millions of working class
men and women have been attracted to a range of plausible schemes and quick-fix solutions to their
poverty. The solutions have never worked but this has made the task of the revolutionary socialist
much harder.
Of course, it is only to be expected that the supporters of capitalism will attempt to divert all efforts
to overthrow it. What is more difficult to understand and to make clear is how politically minded
members of the working class can end up doing the same thing.
A sorry history
Reading about the development of working class political parties, both here and abroad, we can see
that, although many of them started off with the objective of replacing capitalism, nearly all of them
have turned into supporters of the very system that oppresses and exploits their members. Their
'socialism' has become a sort of vague sentiment about 'justice' or 'fairness'. Not only have they failed
their members and supporters, but they have diverted thousands of workers from the only course of
action which can make them free.
Why ask us?
Since nearly all of these parties are younger than the Socialist Party it seems reasonable to ask,
'Why didn't they join us if they wanted socialism?' When their progress is carefully studied it
becomes clear that they wanted something else far more than socialism: they wanted a large
membership. And they were not particularly fussy about how they got the members. Our
membership is not large, and our insistence that every applicant shall subscribe to the Object and
Declaration of Principles before they are accepted as members strikes many left-wing workers as off-
putting. That may be so, but we are still committed to socialism today while they are now
supporting capitalism—in various ways. This is because their large memberships were not, and are
not now, socialist,
Making the difference clear
Our chief difficulty, now, is to put a clear space between them and us so that workers are not
deceived or confused about who stands for what. We have often been told to 'Get back to Russia', a
state capitalist imperial country which has now lost its colonies around it as its system has collapsed.
Yet we have explained what was really happening in Russia ever since the Bolshevik revolution of
1917. What we said over the years has all been confirmed by events. But we are still urged to join
forces with workers whose mistaken interpretation of capitalism and history led them to call that
revolution 'socialist'. We have no choice but to be critical of these misguided Interpretations, and
therefore hostile to the parties which offer them to the working class. They hold back working class
understanding. They therefore hold back the socialist revolution.
Clause 8: join us to hasten the ending of capitalism
The Socialist Party of Great Britain, therefore, enters the field of political action determined to wage
war against all other political parties, whether allegedly labour or avowedly capitalist, and calls upon
the members of the working class of this country to muster under its banner to the end that a speedy
termination may be wrought to the system which deprives them of the fruits of their labour, and that
poverty may give place to comfort, privilege to equality, and slavery to freedom.
A call to action
This rallying call to our fellow workers in Britain is echoed in each of our companion parties in the
countries where they operate. It urges all those who want a complete change in society to join with
us in organising a growing socialist movement.
Understanding and unity
The type of action intended is, however, extremely important. The Socialist Party does not offer to
accomplish anything, or provide anything, for members of the working class in Britain. It never
makes election promises of this sort. All it offers is a rallying point and an organisation which can be
used to assist in the accomplishment of a worldwide socialist society.
The only struggle worth pursuing, as far as the Party is concerned, is the struggle to make socialists-
and an overwhelming majority of them. This is the only thing necessary for changing society. All the
other factors have existed for a long time. Street demonstrations, or fights with police or the
destruction of property may relieve some people's feelings of frustration, but they do not add to
understanding or to socialist organisation. Socialists do not take part in them. Socialists use the
energy of their frustration in more constructive ways.
Because of all the arguments thrown at socialists, from the Right and the Left; from the press and the
broadcast media; from films and books produced by the capitalist studios and publishing houses;
because of all the pro-capitalism bias embedded in our education system, socialists need to be fairly
well equipped with knowledge to explain where these arguments are wrong.
One of the most usual effects upon those who join the Party is therefore that these new members are
eager to learn more about history, anthropology, economics, ecology and many other aspects of
human society and our treatment of the planet. They also realise how much there is to learn about
the democracy upon which the Party is based and which must form the core of socialist society.
None of this is compulsory, but it does seem to be tied up with the whole process of making
socialists and expanding the movement for world socialism. Our message to our fellow workers is