1 War Victims

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Alejandro Bohorquez
Sara Bedolla
Paulina Rodríguez
Ana Paula Quevedo

A war victim is a person who has suffered the consequences

of an internationally unlawful act. It can also refer to all the
people whom humanitarian law seeks to protect in armed
conflict. It’s a person who suffers from the actions of an armed
conflict between two or more parties. Death, injury, hardship,
loss of property, etc., are present in this conflicts.
Why are they vulnerable?

Wars mos oftenly demand the sacrifice and suffering of the

whole population. They seek protection meaning, any
person may be harmed physically or mentally, may be
deprived of their fundamental rights, suffer from emotional
pain or lose their property / home.
How and when are they vulnerable?
Well even though it is said that there should be humanitarian assistance for all victims of war, the
international law defines “victim” more restrictively, only applying to the people who have already been
harmed by the consequences of the unlawful act, therefore we can see how there are victims who are
excluded from these so called protection, making them vulnerable.

War can affect both combatants and non-combatants alike, both physically and emotionally.
Most of the threatening physical consequencees of war people may suffer are: death, injury, sexual
violence, malnutrition, illness, and disability. While post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and
anxiety are only some of the emotional effects.
The terror and horror spread by the violence of war destroys lives, relationships and families, leaving
individuals and communities emotionally vulnerable.

The ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross) works in more than 80 countries
around the world and sees first-hand the suffering of people and communities caught
in the crossfire of war and violence.

A study made by them showed how wars are more often fought in highly populated
urban areas, and when high powered explosive weapons are used, a large number of
civilians are at risk of death, injury, but also of losing their infrastructure (water
systems, electricity, jobs, etc.)
The roots causes of violence are unclear but are often linked to politically motivaed
violence, terrorism and disproportonate reaction by states.
Find 2 news where there is information about their HR being
protected and neglected
Protected: Marchan contra Neglected: Invasion
discriminación de pueblos
indígenas en Guatemala
in Ukraine

Hundreds of representatives of On the morning of February 24,

indigenous peoples, social 2022, Russian President Vladimir
activists, peasants and members Putin ordered his troops to bomb and
of Guatemalan civil society, led by invade neighboring Ukraine. It is the
the Social and Popular Assembly, first major aggression of its kind in
marched this Tuesday through the Europe since the end of World War II
main streets of the capital against in 1945 and the end of the Nazi
discrimination and in favor of dictatorship in Germany.
indigenous dignity.
Laws and government programs that protect them

● The International Humanitarian Law (IHL) is a branch

of an international law that limits the use of violence
in armed conflicts, as well as limiting the means and
methods of war.
● It is also known as the law of armed conflict.
● It contains a set of rules that protect people who are
not longer participating in hostilities.
● The IHL is in charge of controlling the treatment of the
wounded and prohibits attacks against civilians.
● In addition, it regulates the use of certain weapons.
Organizations that work with them
● ICRC: International Committee of the Red Cross (1863)
Private international humanitarian organization whose exclusive
mission is to “protect the lives and dignity of victims of armed
conflict and other situations of violence and to provide them with
● IRC: International Rescue Committee

International humanitarian organization that responds to crises

and helps people survive and recover.

● The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement

World’s largest humanitarian network made up of nearly 100

million members, volunteers and supporters.
It acts as a neutral and impartial movement and its core activity is
aiding and protection to people affected by disasters and conflicts.
● In conclusion, we think that war victims
suffer horrible things when there’s a war.
● As individuals we can help organizations
get essential things so that they can help
these people.
● Giving food, clothes, hygiene products,
among others are helpful in these
● Volunteering and becoming members of
organizations help them to get stronger.
How the Human Rights Commission help them

● This substantive reorientation in the actions of the National

Human Rights Commission has involved redirecting various
resources and efforts to care for the victims, since today's
national scenario shows a dissociation between what is
instituted by the regulatory framework and compliance of the
rights of individuals in the situation of victims, demands a
more proactive National Commission that, within its
attributions, provides support to the victims in the care route
that is drawn in each case.
● Faced with the unfinished process of using the General
Law on Victims and the establishment and positive
operation of the SNAV, this National Organization
helped in helping individuals in a situation of victims,
providing them with legal guidance, psychological
support through care in crisis and/or brief
psychotherapy and, once the situation warranted it,
support, as well as referral to competent institutions
that contribute to the care process for individuals in
situations of victims and information.
As a society, we can help rehabilitate children who
have fought as soldiers in war, offering them
education, counseling and support, trying to unite
warring groups to find alternative ways of dealing
with conflict, providing emergency aid to refugees
fleeing the conflict, such as food, shelter and cooking

● What is International Humanitarian Law?. (s/f). Canadian red Cross. Retrieved on March 22, 2022 from
● War Victim. (2022). GEMET. Retrieved on March 22, 2022 from
● Pfanner, Toni. (2009). Editorial: War victims. International Review of the Red Cross. Retrieved on March 22,
2022 from https://international-review.icrc.org/articles/editorial-war-victims
● Rathi, Amrita. (s/f). Psychological Impact of Victims of War and Conflict. Columbia University. Retrieved on
March 22, 2022 from https://www.apa.org/international/united-nations/un-matters/rathi-war.pdf
● 25 Organizations Supporting Victims of War. (s/f). Human Rights Careers. Retrieved on March 22, 2022
from https://www.humanrightscareers.com/magazine/organizations-supporting-victims-of-war/
Thank you!

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