Xero Guide
Xero Guide
Xero Guide
According to realtimecpas.com, Xero is an online accounting software for small business that let you share access to your latest business numbers with your
team, accountant and bookkeeper – so everyone is up to speed. It’s fast and simple to work together in the cloud, so you can make smart business decisions
when it matters most – right now.
The image shown above is the interface when the “Dashboard” Tab is clicked. Xero has a header menu at the topmost part of the screen (the blue one)
containing different tabs. Whatever transaction you are working on, this header menu is fixed at the top for easy access. Demo Company is the company
name encoded in this account. Dashboard contents will be discussed later.
⚫ Reimbursable expense claims will display on the dashboard, but payroll 3. Invoices Owed to You - The “grouping by date” can be changed to
and credit notes will not. “grouping by contact.” In Xero, “contact” refers to the assigned name
of a customer, supplier, or other entities. The total amount was broken
down into per week, per day, and per invoice.
4. Bills to Pay - The “grouping by date” can be also changed to “grouping
by contact.” Similar to “Invoices owed to you,” The total amount was
broken down into per week, per day, and per invoice.
5. Suggested Actions - As mentioned, the forecasts are more accurate
when overdue invoices and bills have been paid and reconciled. Xero
will suggest encoding expected payment dates as shown in the image
BUSINESS SNAPSHOT - The dotted line in the graphs represents the data from last year. Shown on the image is
the “Profitability.” “Efficiency” and “Financial Position and Cash” is on the next pages.
⚫ Under Business tab
⚫ Compare your current financial position with last month, quarter or financial year.
⚫ Business snapshot is a dashboard-style report displaying performance measures to help you understand your organization’s financial position.
⚫ You need to have two or more months’ worth of transactions in Xero before any financial metrics display. The metrics include your business
profitability and the average time it takes for your customers to pay you.
⚫ Use the dashboard to discuss your organization’s financial health with your accountant or advisor.
Overall Cash Balance - The total amount of cash in bank to date. The three largest bank accounts will be displayed.
Average Time to Get Paid - Also called Average Collection Period. Average time to get paid = Accounts receivable balance /
Total sales invoices issued during the period) x Number of days in the period
Average Time to Pay Suppliers - Also called Average Payment Period. Average time to pay suppliers = Accounts payable
balance / COGS x Number of days in the period
INVOICES 3. Send Statements – Sending Statement of Account can be made straight to
Under Business Tab. As mentioned earlier, an invoice, bill, or tab is a commercial the customer’s email for as long their email address were encoded via
document issued by a seller to a buyer indicating the products, quantities, and Contacts Tab.
agreed prices for products or services the seller had provided the buyer. The
4. Import – Data from another accounting software can be imported if your
Invoices interface is discussed below:
company is shifting to Xero or if your company is using another accounting
1. New Invoice – Clicking the drop-down arrow will show other choices aside software simultaneously.
from creating a basic new invoice. The other choices are “New Repeating
The data to be imported should be in one of the supported formats such as
Invoice” and “Invoice to Contact Group.” The creation of new invoice will be
CSV (comma separated values) which is a format commonly used nowadays
discussed later.
to transfer data between programs.
5. Export – Exporting of data is also supported by Xero. You may export data in
a. Repeating Invoice - A type of invoicing in different formats such as CSV, PDF, XLS (microsoft excel), etc.
which a supplier or merchant automatically
6. Invoice Reminders - Turn on automatic invoice reminders to send customers
charges a customer for goods or services at
an email when an invoice payment is either due or overdue.
regular intervals for an agreed amount.
7. Invoice Type Tab
One example is the fixed monthly billing that is
being sent by PLDT and Converge every month. a. All – Lists all types of invoices. This is the one displayed in the image.
b. Contact Group – Classify your customers and b. Draft – Invoices that the accountant chooses not to record yet due to
suppliers depending on the nature of their various reasons such as incomplete or unverified data
transactions with your company.
c. Awaiting Approval – Invoices recorded by an accountant who has a
limited access called “Standard User Role”. These invoices await the
approval of a user with more advanced access called “Adviser User
2. New Credit Note – Also known as “credit memo” for sales returns and
allowances. Create a credit note if you need to reduce the amount of an
invoice due to damaged goods or cancellation of sale agreement. Credit d. Awaiting Payment – Invoices that are already approved. These include
notes have a different icon to be easily distinguished from invoices. The “CR” invoices that are:
stands for “credit.”
o Recorded by a user with an “Adviser User Role”
o Or those that originate from “Draft” and “Awaiting Approval” status
and was approved by a user with an “Adviser User Role”
e. Paid – Invoices that are fully paid
f. Repeating – Repeating Invoices (already discussed in #1 New Invoice)
8. Search – Find certain invoices faster through the search function: e. Due Date – The date when the invoice is due for payment. This will be
colored red if the invoice is already overdue.
f. Paid – Amount that is already paid.
g. Due – Amount that is still unpaid.
h. Status – This is the invoice classification mentioned earlier (Draft,
Awaiting Approval, etc.)
i. Sent - The word “sent” will on this column when the invoice is already
sent to the customer.
9. Column Headers – You may sort invoices by column header such as customer The Invoice interface will change when clicking each of the Invoice Type Tabs:
name, date, etc.
a. Number – Invoice or Credit Note Number. The usual format is “INV-
0000” for invoices and “CN-0000” for credit notes. The first invoice will
start at INV-0001 while the next invoices will be INV-0002, INV-0003,
and so on.
You may edit the invoice number depending on company policy. But
take note that the number should be in sequence (001, 002, 003, etc.)
for internal control purposes.
b. Ref – Short for “Reference.” The customer’s purchase order or company
quote number is usually to be manually typed here so that the
accountant have a basis for recording an invoice.
A purchase order is a formal document sent by a buyer to a seller Draft Tab
showing his/her orders. A quote is somewhat similar to a bid. A quote
1. The Draft Tab has checkboxes for each invoice and additional options: Submit
or a quotation is a document that a supplier submits to a potential client
for Approval, Approve, Delete, Print, Email, and Copy to.
with a proposed price for the supplier's goods and/or services.
• The “Copy to” option will enable you to copy the invoice details to a new
c. To – Customer name
Invoice, Quote, Purchase Order, or Bill. This will save time in preparing
d. Date – Usually the date when the invoice was prepared. The accountant another transaction.
may choose other dates depending on company practice such as when
the delivery of goods was done on March 28 but the date today is • If you want to approve an invoice for example, mark the checkbox then
already April 3. click “Approve.”
You may input “March 28” so that the sale will be included under the 2. The available columns are Number, Ref, To, Date, Due Date, and Due.
March 31 financial statements and other financial reports.
• The columns “Paid” and “Sent” are omitted because Draft Invoices are • The “Paid” column is retained because partially paid invoices are included
not yet approved. Hence these invoices cannot be paid by customers or in this tab.
be sent to them.
• Additional columns are added: “Overdue by” and “Expected Date.” The
• The “status” column is also omitted here and in other Tabs because “Overdue by” column will display the number of days that the invoice is
invoices have similar status per tab other than the “All” Tab. overdue which is the number of days from “Due Date” up to the date
3. The total invoice amount under Drafts is also displayed on the left of the
search button. Under “All Tab,” only the count of invoice is displayed. • “Expected Date” is the expected date when the customer will be paying
this invoice. An option to “Add date and notes” will appear in this column
4. Other tabs are almost identical to the Draft Tab except for a few additions and
if no “Expected Date” is entered yet:
9. Description – The description may include brand names and the type of
product and service.
3. Branding – Invoice design. You may customize the design of invoices through
10. Qty – The quantity ordered by the customer.
the Xero settings
11. Unit price – Selling price per unit.
4. Preview - This is similar to the “print preview” of Microsoft Office. This will 12. Disc % - Discount in percentage
show what the invoice looks like in printed form.
5. USD United States Dollar – You may set the currency to Philippine Peso or any
other currency depending on your company’s preferred currency.
6. Attach Files Icon – This icon is located on the right side of the preview button.
The customer’s purchase order is usually attached here so that the customer
may easily notice what the invoice is for when received through e-mail.
13. Account – The account to be
credited. Similar to the encoding of
customer name, you can easily find
what you are looking for through the
search function.
14. Tax Rate – You may put VAT here or any other tax depending on the
type of transaction or the tax used in the company’s country.
15. Region – Can be a barangay, city, municipal, province, or region
depending on your company policy.
16. Amount USD – Computed as Quantity times Unit Price less Discount
17. Save – Options are: Save as Draft, Save (continue editing), Save &
submit for approval, Save & add another.
18. Approve – Options are: Approve, Approve & add another, Approve &
view next, Approve & print.
19. History and Notes – This will display any edit history for all type of
invoices except draft invoices.
20. Add note - You can note important account information, mention
seasonal promotion details, or simply thank them for doing business
with you.
21. Switch to new invoicing – Xero’s new invoicing interface is shown on
the next page:
SEND STATEMENT INTERFACE (from Invoices) - View, print, or email a statement of account to your customer.
Clicking a line item in the Send Statement Interface will display the Statement of Account of a customer as shown in the image.
INVOICE REMINDERS INTERFACE (from Invoices) - Turn on automatic invoice
reminders to send customers an email when an invoice payment is either due or
Choosing Or, start from scratch will display the interface on the
right. Notice the header showing the step numbers.
1. Pay Frequency is the payroll period which is usually semi-
monthly or monthly. The dropdown menu options are weekly,
every 2 weeks, monthly, or custom.
2. The From and To option is the start and end respectively of the
payroll period. A small calendar will show when you click the
dropdown button.
3. Payment Date is usually last day or 1 day before the last day of
the payroll period depending on company policy.
4. Click Next when you are done. Or alternatively, click Save then
choose Save (continue editing).
5. You may also choose Save then Save as draft if you want to save
and end what you are doing.
You can still go back to Step 1 from here if you need to edit some details. See next page for discussions of Step 2.
STEP 2. ENTER EMPLOYEE PAYMENTS 5. Item – The dropdown button
will show previously
1. Employees in pay run – Employees that are already added in Xero will be
encoded pay items as shown
displayed here. If you want to exclude an employee from the payroll, go to
in the image. The names in
“Contacts” Tab then choose “Employees.” Look for the name of the employee,
bold are the types as
mark the checkbox, then click “Archive.”
discussed in “Pay item.”
2. Add Employee – Choose this option if the employee is not yet added in Xero.
You may add a new one if the
This option will only let you input the first and last name of the employee. You
item you need is not listed.
can add other details in the “Employees” option under the “Contacts” Tab.
Edit or archive a pay item
3. Edit employee – Here, you can edit or add the employee’s First Name, Last through Xero’s settings.
Name, Email Address, Employee Tax Number (TIN), and Ordinary Rate (rate
per hour, day, week, etc.).
4. Pay Item – Amounts encoded here will be reflected in the Pay Calculation
(located on the right side of Pay Item). The item types that you can input here 6. Qty – Short for “quantity.” For regular salaries, the quantity depends on the
are Wages, Allowances, Deductions, Taxes, Non-taxable Allowances, and Post- number of hours or days rendered by the employee.
tax Deductions. At least one item type is needed to be encoded to create a 7. Rate – Rate is the rate per hour, day, etc.
pay run. 8. Amount – Computed as “Quantity” times “Rate.”
9. Save or Next – Same as Step 1, you can choose “Save” or “Next.”
a. Wages – The regular salary of the employee.
b. Allowances – Includes taxable clothing allowance, transportation
allowance, etc.
c. Deductions – Includes employee contributions to SSS, Philhealth, and
d. Taxes – Withholding tax on salaries may be included here.
e. Non-taxable allowances – Includes de minimis benefits (allowances not
exceeding the tax-exempt threshold)
f. Post-tax Deductions – The amount here depends on your company’s
country of operation. Currently, there are no post-tax deductions under
the Philippine Tax Law.
You can still go back to Step 1 and 2 from here if you need to edit some details. This last step will show the summary of your pay run. In this interface, you can also add
“Payslip Notes” and enable the “Show employee's tax number on pay slips” option. Similar to Step 1 and 2, you can “Save as draft” or “Save (continue editing)” your pay
run. Click “Approve” when you are done editing and reviewing your pay run.
BANK ACCOUNTS (under Accounting Tab)
The Bank Accounts Interface will enable you to:
1. Add bank Account – Once you have connected your bank to Xero, your transactions will automatically import into Xero each business day. You do not need to
manually refresh the bank feed for your transactions to import. You can choose to share up to 12 months’ worth of historical transactions initially. If the name of
your bank does not appear in the list, click “Add it anyway.” In this case, Xero does not have a direct feed with this bank, and you'll need to manually import bank
2. Transfer Money – Simply input the Bank Accounts, Date, Amount, and Reference.
3. Bank Rules – You can set Spend, Receive, and Transfer Money Rule for your bank accounts
4. Manage Account – See image above for the list of options.
5. Reconcile – See next page for the bank reconciliation discussion.
• Bank Statement Lines are the transactions imported from your bank account via bank feed or via manual importation of bank statement to Xero.
• Transactions are created in Xero. These could be invoices, bills, expense claims or cash transactions.
For every individual “Bank Statement Line” on the reconcile tab, you can either:
1. Accept a transaction suggested by xero, based on a bank rule you have set up or a previously reconciled transaction.
2. Match – Match it with an existing transaction in xero, such as an invoice or bill. See next page for further discussion.
3. Create – Create a new account transaction, such as a spend or receive money transaction, or a
4. Transfer – Transfer funds to another bank account
5. Discuss – Start a discussion with your accountant or bookkeeper if you are not sure how it should be reconciled, by adding a note for them to read
Note that there are 27 lines to be reconciled in our example. The Ridgeway University bank statement line in the image is just the first line.
When Xero has no suggestion and you choose the “Match” option: (1) Select existing Xero transaction(s) to match the bank statement line 4,500. (2) Create additional
transaction such as a spend or receive money. (3) If the sum of #1 and #2 is still not equal to 4,500, you can make an “adjustment” by designating the balance as a
bank fee or minor adjustment.
REPORTS (under Accounting Tab) – Shown below is the Reports Interface and the list of all reports. Marking the star blue will bookmark the report under accounting tab.
The chart of
accounts is a list of
all accounts you can
use to record your
transactions in Xero.
It helps you classify
your transactions
correctly and group
similar accounts
together to generate
reports about your
Xero assigns a
default chart of
accounts when you
set up your
organization. You
can also import a
chart of accounts
from your previous
accounting system
or your own custom
Create a single manual journal or import multiple draft journals at once, then post them to the general ledger.
View a list of your customers' and suppliers' contact details and account balances in Xero. Create a sales invoice, quote, bill, credit note or purchase order directly from
your contacts' records.