Rel Reviewer (3rd Grading Reviewer Summative 1 - 27 - 2023)

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The Seven Sacraments: Christ’s Saving - Disciples must be persons who defeats

Grace and Action corruption and makes them to be good

- We use object, gestures, and actions as ● In the world full of anxiety, they should
symbols remain serene
- These symbols express what we think ● In a depressed world, they should
or feel and give importance to what we remain full of joy of love
- Sometimes they are used to call
- They must be the carriers of love and
attention to something that is not joy, as Jesus said:
obvious or to express more than one
“Love one another as I loved you, this is how
all will know that you are My disciples….”
Symbols - point to a deeper reality that evokes
Sacred Scripture: John 13:34-35
a response from each of us
- In the Gospels, Jesus has shown God’s
love for people through His words and - Our following of Christ must be visible in
concrete actions. our daily life..
❖ On how we treat others
- This secular world in which we live
❖ On how we do our task
seems to have lowered the moral ❖ On how we play fair and following
standards of previous generations rules
regarding honesty, diligence in work, ❖ On how we speak or read
conscientiousness, and morality.
- In our country where we see corruption, - He said: “You are the light of the world”
immorality, selfishness, materialism and - There are many people who don’t have
pornography prevail enough moral courage to take a stand
- It is a duty that a follower to support one
How do we denounce this? another and give examples to the less
courage and give loving service.
It reflects us how does different actions,
- His followers are called to draw attention
gestures and object were used as symbols.
to God, not themselves.
These let us express what we feel, think and
- They never think of what they have
give importance of what we are saying. In the
done or having praise, thanksgiving or
Gospel, God’s love for the people were shown
through His words and concrete actions., Today,
- But God enabled them to do and follow
the Risen Jesus continues to show us God’s
him without counting cost or expecting
love through symbols
- Yes, it is not easy to do but we are
enabled by God to do like Jesus loving
“You are the salt of the earth… You are the us unconditionally.
light of the world… Let your light shine before - He is the true Love and Light who
men in such way that may see your good enlightens all.
- It is when the message of Jesus echoes
works and glorify your Father who is in
our lives, we became the salt and light
heaven.” Sacred Scripture: Matthew. and authentically love one another and
5:13-16 become more effective witness.
- Therefore we became more prayerful
and discerning so that we may able to
- In the first scripture. Jesus exhorts his follow them.
disciples to be his sign which is to - His followers are called to draw attention
become the SALT and LIGHT to God, not themselves.
- Meaning a follower of Christ must be a
person who must stand for honesty in - The Incarnation of Son of God is the
speech, conduct and thought revelation of God’s saving love.
- No one can depart himself from the - His words, deeds draws all the
standards of honesty or lower his moral reconciles humanity with God and one
standards or using deceiving words and another..
actions. - His word-made-flesh became the visible
sign, the sacrament of God..
St. James wrote: - The Church, with her visible institutional
Keep themselves “unstained from the world..” structure is for us sacrament of Christ,
representing and offered to all persons.
- If the disciples are to be the salt of the - Having relationship with Jesus us
earth, they must posses a definite, essential for Christian life, where we
positive and liberating influence to encounter Christ in all the sacraments
others. and more closely to Him.
- There are some people whose company - The seven sacrament are Jesus’
is easy to be good but others is easy for dynamic living, loving and abiding
standards to be taken for granted and presence in our lives for he instituted it
disregard. in life, death and resurrection, the
Primordial sacrament of His father loving
and saving presence.

“Sacraments are saving symbolic acts or

visible sign arising from the Ministry of Christ
and continued in, by and for the Church,
which, when received in faith, fashion us into
likeness to Christ in His Paschal Mysteries,
through the power of the Holy Spirit. Church
Teaching: CFC 1454
- It is through these the divine life and
The sacraments communicate us love is communicated in the
through... Sacraments, thus it cannot be repeated
● Touch (anointing, imposing hands, - Not every Christian has the power to
washing, embracing) preach the word and administer all of
● Gestures (standing, bowing, sitting, these sacraments
● Words (proclaimed, listened to, spoken
and responded to)

- It is through these the divine life and

love is communicated in the Sacraments
- Each Sacraments celebrated in love by
the Church makes present certain acts
of own public ministry
- It is rooted in Christ and it is Christ
himself acts with the Spirit as the
Sacraments are celebrated.
- It is Him who baptized, confirms,
forgives and reconciles, heals and offers
himself as sacrifice binds in faithful love
and consecrates for service.
- He challenges us to a response of love
but effectively empowers us through the
- He initiated the saving encounter with us
and continues the activity of His initiative
through His Spirit in the ministry of the
- Its richness is unfolded in the fullness of
mature Christian life.
The Seven Sacraments are classified - In all of the Sacraments, we are united
into 3 groups: with Jesus, drawn from one’s unstable
Sacrament of Initiation situation into His loving and abiding
● Baptism presence.
● Confirmation
● Eucharist The Seven Sacraments are always
Jesus’ saving symbolic acts in and
Sacrament of Healing
● Anointing of the Sick through...
● Reconciliation ● Administering the Sacraments.
● The washing of the feet of the Apostles
Sacrament of Vocation or Service at the Last Supper.
● Matrimony ● Institution of the Eucharist.
● Holy Orders ● Authorization to proclaiming the Gospel
and baptizing into the new gathering of
-> They have their special graces since they the people.
manifest in different ways in which Christ comes ● Sending the Spirit to the Pentecost.
to each of us, meets us at all decisive and
ordinary moments in our lives. These acts in which He instituted by
performing the signs which brought the
- It begins with BAPTISM and just Church into being.
structured by other sacraments in
different ways. - He is present in each sacrament,
although invisible, His actions were
manifested through His ministers as he
was there.
- He continues to act, not divinely but
humanly through the ministers
administering these sacraments.
- We really meet the Incarnate Word in a
real, human and loving communion with
● To initiate our relation with the Triune
- The Sacraments engage everyone as God (CFC 1615)
conscious participant not only in the ● Became His adoptive children (Gal.
benefits of Jesus human-divine 4:4-7)
● Became a member of the Church (CFC
redemptive act but in the act itself. 1605)
- Through its bishops and priests who
shared in the episcopal office, Jesus - With Baptism, one begins to grow as a
Himself preaches and administers the follower of the Risen Christ where He
sacraments. gives everyone a new life with the Spirit
- They just not enacting in the name of that enables us to share His loving,
Jesus but in the very person of Jesus. empowering and abiding presence .
The ordained priest offers sacrifice and
forgives sins by Jesus redemptive act.
- The Sacrament also are supreme part of “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all
the Church’s activity where she offers nations, baptizing them in the name of the
her worship in union of our Lord, to the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
“ Sacred Scripture: Matthew. 28:19
- By them, she confers upon her children
Christ’s redemptive live effective through
the same Lord Jesus in the ministry to - In becoming an adopted child of God in
carry out the performance of the Baptism through Jesus, a person is
sacramental acts. initiated in the communion or sharing
- The Seven Sacraments are effective with the members of the family of God,
the Church..
whenever they are properly and lovingly
- Thus, the baptized person is intiated into
carried out and worthy received. the identity and value as disciple of
- The grace received in the Sacraments Christ which we shared a committed
certainly gift of God and Christ acts in Christian Discipline and shares in Spirit
the Sacraments whenever and wherever by which the Christian Community lives
they are properly and lovingly a and united in faith, Hope and Love.
celebrated and confer the grace that
“for in Christ Jesus you are all children of God
- However, we should bear in mind that
through faith. As many of you as were
the grace symbolized in the Sacraments
baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves
is not automatic but dependent,
with Christ. You are one in Christ Jesus.... “
especially on one’s faith in God
- Faith is not sufficient to obtain grace, but
Sacred Scripture: Galatians 3:26-29
the sacramental rite itself, when properly
and lovingly performed and received,
confers specific graces and makes them “As proof that you are children, God sent the
effective. spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying out,
“Abba, Father!” So you are no longer a slave
but a child, and if a child then also an heir,
Baptism: A celebration of God’s
through God.. “ Sacred Scripture: Galatians
Adoptive Love
- Consequently, the real meaning of 4:5-7
Baptism is still vague to us because we
see it as Church Membership. - St Paul wrote in his letter that Baptism,
- And as we grew old, we became one is UNITED with all baptized person,
worried, stressed and feel alone.. regardless of his race, color of skin,
- We tend to look that baptism we are language for all are one with Jesus.
claimed as His own, His adopted - This union means following Him and
children and became God’s beloved.. rejecting all things that keeping one from
doing so.
- The reception of the Sacrament of - It is a lifetime journey with someone who
Baptism is one of the beautiful events in assist us and with the Holy Spirit who
our life.. dwells in us , strengthens in our failures
- To be baptized in Catholic Church and rise up when we fall.
means more than sprinkling water in our - In infant Baptism, our parents and
foreheads and received our Christian godparents has the duty to mold us and
Names. guides us in our maturity in our faith.
- But it is the first step in our lifelong
journey of commitment and discipleship - It is a lifelong process of personal
whether we are baptized as an infant or understanding and acceptance of the
an adult. meaning of the baptismal liturgy and
- Baptism is the Church way to celebrate grasping and understanding of Gospel
and enacting the embrace of the love of so that the transformation of Christ
God. would happen.
- Baptism is part of Sacrament of Initiation - It is a public commitment to an ongoing
in which it is the first step and as a conversion that will lead us to adult faith.
requisite before receiving any other - It is also an act of election which is
sacrament. sacra mentalized in the community’s act.
- The Sacrament of Baptism includes
Early understanding that Baptism is like several signs of Jesus’ loving, saving
“removal of the Original Sin.” presence. These made us understand
In present understanding of Baptism has move the meaning of this sacrament
away from original where it does not only
washes our sins but also: - It begins with the SIGN OF THE CROSS
BAPTIZED, being “claimed for Christ” (Name of the Child), I baptize you in the name
- Followed SCRUTINY and EXORCISM, of the Father, and of the Son and the Holy
- The liturgy of the word is intended to
clarify the significance of the sacrament
and renunciation of the values Effects of Baptism:
contradicts is expressed by godparents. ● Removal of the guilt of both Original Sin
(First sin that we inherit from Adam and
- The PROFESSION OF FAITH is being Eve) and Personal (sins that we
spoke by the godparents, committed)
- The godparents states their beliefs in ● Remission of all the punishment due to
Jesus as Christ, His Father and the sin, both temporal (in this world and in
Spirit. They also gave pledge of future Purgatory) and eternal (punishment that
believing would suffer in hell)
- Then, WATER which all living things are ● Infusion of Grace in the form of
needed, is poured at the forehead of the sanctifying grace
child ● Becoming a part of Christ
- Pouring water in the baptized us a sign ● Becoming part of the Church
of new life with God that comes to us. ● Enabling participation of the other
- As the Priest baptized with water, he Sacraments
recites this:
- As baptized Christians, everyone has a
special call to live as members of
(Name of the Child), I baptize you in the name Christ’s Body, the Church, the
of the Father, and of the Son and the Holy community of the people of God.
Through anointing with Chrism at
Baptism one shares in the priesthood of
- Then, CHRISM where priests anoints Jesus in His mission:
the newly baptized person with chrism, ● Ministry of service and healing (kingly)
perfumed oil blessed by bishops ● Ministry of prayer and worship (priestly)
- This gives special mission as a follower ● Ministry of teaching (prophetic)
of Christ and a “sealing” by the Spirit.
- Then, a WHITE GARMENT is worn to - In Baptism, we received the life of the
the baptized person Holy Spirit who helps one imitate Jesus
- Symbolizes his/her dignity as a follower in one words and actions.
of Christ and expected to live according - To be a Christian, therefore is to be a
to the teachings of Christ. disciple, to join the Risen Christ in the
- Lastly, a CANDLE is lighted by the continuing work of bringing the Kingdom
parents, godparents and other family of God in our midst.
members present in the rite from the - But sharing in the mission is more than
Paschal Candle just knowing it, it is an awareness for
- Symbolizes that Christ, being the light of accomplishing that Goal.
the world, asks his follwers to let His - Sharing the mission is the choice to
light shines upon to see and set free participate in the Christian community’s
from darkness and He will serve as a activities in order to achieve the shared
guide throughout their light. mission of Jesus Christ

Confirmation A Celebration of God’s

“Incorporated in the Church through Baptism, Empowering Love
the faithful are destined by the baptismal
character for the worship of the Christian “Then there appeared to them tongues as of
religion, reborn as the sons of God they must fire, which parted and came to rest on each
confess before men the faith which they have one of them...” Sacred Scripture: Acts 2:
received from God through the Church” 1-12
Church Teaching: Vactican II, Lumen
Gentium 11
“To each individual the manifestation of the
The Church recognized 3 types of Spirit is given for some benefit. To one is
Baptism: given through the Spirit the expression of
● Baptism by Water wisdom; to another the expression of
● Baptism by Blood (Martydom) - is knowledge according to the same Spirit; ...”
similar to the desire but it refers to the Sacred Scripture: 1 Cor. 12: 7-11
martyrdom of the those believers who
killed by their faith before they have
chance to become baptized - As the Church received the Holy Spirit in
● Baptism by Desire - applies both to the the Pentecost, We received the Holy
wishing to be baptized died before Spirit at Baptism and shared God’s own
receiving this sacrament life with us and make us Holy Spirit
- In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the
-> When the life of the unbaptized person is in confirmand personally receives the
danger, any baptized person CAN BAPTIZE for Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
as long as it performs the TRINITARIAN - the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit helps
FORMULA and intend to do what the Church everyone grow in spiritual maturity as
does. Catholic Christians..
- Each gifts helps us live our friendship
TRINITARIAN FORMULA with God and helps us know and choose
the way God wants us to live.. temptation and the inspiration of grace,

The Seven Gifts of the Spirit which Spirit of Piety

complete the gifts given to us at Baptism - It inspires us to call God Abba, Father
are: with love and trust.
- It enables us to love God all over other
things, attunes us to God in prayer and
worship and frees us from the hardness
of heart.
- It inspires to love and respect for His
sake, persons and things consecrated to
- It takes the willingness beyond the
sense of duty so that we desire to
worship God and serve Him out of love.
- It is also known as reverence where we
have a deep sense of respect to God
and the Church.

Spirit of Wisdom Spirit of Fear of the Lord

- The First and the Highest Gift of the - It helps us to revere, praise, thank and
Holy Spirit because it is the perfection of bless God because He alone is God.
faith. - It is not fear of a slave but a child who
- It helps us evaluate our faith, fortifies honors and respect God above all.
our hope, perfects our charity and - It frees us from self-centered pride and
promotes our practice and virtue makes us love God deeply and
- With this we see God at work in our lives genuinely.
and in the world. - It is also helps us to be grateful to God
- For the wise person, everything that we for the Gift of life and encourages us to
know, even our ups and downs of our praise God.
lives has deeper meaning. - With it, we are aware of the glory and
majesty of God.
Spirit of Understanding - It is the beginning of the wisdom
- It helps us to see the connection (Proverbs 1:7) because it puts our
between knowing our faith and living it. minds in its correction with respect to
- It helps us grasps the deeper meaning God, the all powerful, infinite Creator of
of life and enables us to overcome all.
ignorance and confusion
- We learn, understand and appreciate The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit are
and relish the truths enumerated in Isaiah 11:2-3.
- We enable to see and accept others
despite of their imperfections in our life.

Spirit of Fortitude
- It gives us courage to face trials and
make decisions to live as God wants us
to be.
- It is a gift to overcome fear and carry out
what God wants us and willingly takes
risks as a follower of Jesus Christ even
at cost of sacrifice.
- It give us strength to be strong to our
beliefs as Christians. - They are present in the fullness of Jesus
- It is sometimes synonymous to the word Christ but are found in all Christians who
COURAGE goes beyond what we are in the life of God within us,
normally think as courage - When we received them are infused
- This allows the martyrs to suffer death with sanctifying grace, the life of God
rather to renounce their faith within us when we receive the
Sacrament worthily.
Spirit of Knowledge - Infused with the Gifts, we respond to the
- It helps us to see all that God has made promptings of the Holy Spirit as if by
known to us and enables us to instinct, the way Christ would.
appreciate all the things from God. - Knowing the proper ordering of the
material and spiritual worlds through
- It unmasks people’s pretenses, reveals
Wisdom, we can easily bear the
their emptiness and points out only the
burdens of this life and respond to our
true purpose of people is to be fellow man with charity and patience .
instruments and service of God.
- Like Counsel, it is aimed at our actions
in our life in a limited way. “The Spirit empowers us to bear witness to
- It allows us to see the circumstances of Christ”. Church Teaching: CFC 1309
our life as God sees them.
- It enables us to discern easily and
effectively between the impulses of “The laity derive the right and duty to the
power of the Holy Spirit is given to
apostolate from the union with Christ the and him/her
incorporated into Christ’s Mystical body
through Baptism and strengthened bv the It also signifies that:
power of the Holy Spirit through Confirmation. ● Christians are claimed by God as His
Spirit empowers us to bear witness to Christ”. own
Church Teaching: Vatican II, Apostolicam ● He/she is empowered by the Spirit to
Actuositatem I, 23 spread the Gospel
● Build up the Christ’s Body, the Church.
● Christians share more fully in Christ’
The Seven Gifts seals the confirmand and three fold mission, (kingly, priestly and
confer spiritual strength to: prophetic)
1. Witness for Jesus and His Church
2. Spread and defend the faith - As this gesture is made on the
3. Live an authentic Catholic Christian Life confirmand, the bishop prays:

- The Spirit lives in every person who

remains in the state of grace and “Send your Holy Spirit upon (Name) to be
inspires all to know, love and serve God. his/her Helper and guide..”

We need the Holy Spirit and His gifts so that - Confirmation is a Sacrament that
we may: bestows a special seal or mark of the
1. Connect on a deeper level with Jesus Holy Spirit of the Confirmand, giving
2. Grow as the member of the Church them special spiritual energy to make
3. Become more involved with the Jesus know in the words and to live the
activities, ministries and mission of the way Jesus would like them to live.
Church. - Through the Sacrament of Confirmation,
4. Strengthened to witness the Christian everyone is given more gifts by the Holy
Faith Spirit so that one may be able to witness
to Christ more courageously to others at
- Through the empowering Gifts of the all time
Spirit, we are able to witness to Christ
by making best choices and living the We became PUBLIC WITNESS of faith:
life that Christ teaches us. ● Witness to the Kingdom of God and His
- In many ways, they play an important Power
role in our spiritual maturing as ● Witness of Jesus Christ as the unique
Christians and helps us live a faithful life Savior of all
● Witness of freedom and slavery brought
-The Fruits of the Holy Spirit are the by God’s presence, through Christ and
Results of the Gifts working in our lives. the Spirit.
- The Spirit as the “Soul” of the Church ● Witness of the love of the Father, the
lives in every person who remains in the Son and the Holy Spirit by loving service
state of Grace and inspires men to to others.
know, love and serve God. ● Witness to Christ’s real presence in the
Christian community as the New People
Catholics who are faithful to the inspiration of God, The Church
of the Spirit always:
● Obey the Pope, bishops and all lawful - Let us view the Gifts of the Holy Spirit as
authority a whole, divinely guiding us in our moral
● Love and appreciate the Eucharist and life.
other Sacraments - Our walk with Christ is not a checklist
● Grow more and more to the likeness of but abandoning ourselves completely to
Christ. Christ and His Mission.
- It is growing deeper into one’s personal
- The Sacrament of Confirmation includes commitment to Risen Christ.
signs of Jesus’ presence to us that
helps us to understand this sacrament


special sacramental sign implies a
person is being set apart to the others
and given a special mission
- Through anointing in both Baptism and
Confirmation, we share a mission of
Jesus as we are called to become
“Jesus for others”
- As the bishop makes sign of the cross in
the forehead of the candidate, he said:

“(Name), be sealed with the Holy Spirit..”

And the confirmand will answer “AMEN”

- The use of oil or chrism signifies

healing, purification and strengthening:
- LAYING ON OF HANDS signifies the
confirmand is dedicated or consecrated
to God for a certain mission and that the

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