Als Project Proposal
Als Project Proposal
Als Project Proposal
Department of Education
The Department of Education has mandated some schools in the country to implement RA No.
11510, “an Act institutionalizing the Alternative Learning system in the Basic Education for
Out-of-school children in special cases and Adults and Appropriating Funds Therefor” to cater the
educational needs of some disadvantage children in the community including adults who wish to finish their studies
after quitting from school or for reasons that prevented them from pursuing and finishing their Basic Education which
would include early marriage, employment, and poverty.
Kimamon National High School offered to few numbers of its learners to be recipient of the ALS program in the Senior
High School. The school wish that with the ALS Program these learners will be helped to face life challenges in the
future. With the limited time that these learners will devote to their studies, the school hoped that the learners would
also take part of the responsibilities that they have in accomplishing their tasks as ALS-SHS learners.
The main objective of ALS SHS is to produce graduates who have acquired technical skills that will help
them in seeking job or be able to establish entrepreneurial activities.
ALS learners shall be able to perform and present their output and may even have accepted job orders in
their community.
In the exigency of the service, you are hereby assigned to perform the following services aligned to your position as
ADAS II. To wit:
1. Take Charge of the Daily Time Record of the school personnel.
Receive, check and review DTR of the JHS Teaching Personnel
Remind and collect the DTR before the 5th day of the month in preparation for the
submission to the COA before the 10th day of the month while collect in three (3) copies for
the Non- Teaching Personnel for the submission to the COA, SDO and the other one as
school File.
Thoroughly check attachment to the DTR such as IWAR and approved TO for Official
Business or Official Time Travel
Prepare and submit Form 7
2. Take-charge of Filing of Leave of Absences of Teachers
Check Leave application of Teachers
Record and update Leave of Teachers to Service Credits Ledger
Sick leave of teachers is to compiled in the school level
Maternity: Ask the teachers to submit her Form 6 for approval of the SDS to be recorded
in the
Service Record Ledger of the teacher.
For Attachment to Maternity Leave:
2. Medical Certificate duly signed by the Obe-Gyne Doctor
3. Form 41 signed by a public Doctor
Paternity Leave: Ask the teacher to attach the Birth Certificate of the Child in his Form 6
3. Check and review submitted documents of teachers for Service Credits
Attachment: * DTR
MEMO (indicating the number of hours or days granted for the particular
activities/y). Pls refer to DM 065 s. 2021 for amendment of granting Service
Certificate of Appearance or Participation
Record and Update Service Credits of teachers to Service Credits Ledger
4. Liaison Officer – Remit remittances to offices
This assignment effects immediately and is not a basis for promotion and no remuneration attached to it.
For your information and compliance.