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Food and Bioproducts Processing 1 3 1 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 156–163

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Food and Bioproducts Processing

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Evaluation of an ohmic assisted vacuum

evaporation process for orange juice pulp

Serdal Sabanci a,∗ , Filiz Icier b

a Munzur University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, 62100, Tunceli, Turkey
b Ege University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Food Engineering, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: An ohmic assisted vacuum evaporation (OAVE) processes was used to concentrate orange
Received 16 June 2020 juice from 11.4% total soluble solid content (TSSC) to 42% TSSC by applying 13 V/cm constant
Received in revised form 10 August voltage gradient at different temperatures. The evaporation temperatures were adjusted to
2021 100 ◦ C, 85 ◦ C, 75 ◦ C and 65 ◦ C by setting absolute system pressures of 101.32 kPa, 58 kPa,
Accepted 22 September 2021 39 kPa and 25 kPa, respectively. The total time for the processes, including heating and
Available online 30 September 2021 evaporation, was 34, 40, 48, and 54 min for 100, 85, 75, and 65 ◦ C, respectively. As the evapo-
ration temperature increased, the applied energy required for phase change decreased while
Keywords: maximum current values increased from 0.6 A at 65 ◦ C to 2.52 A at 100 ◦ C. During any given
Ohmic heating run, the current value increased as the orange juice pulp heated up, but then decreased
Evaporation after it began to boil, leading to a reduction in the rate of heat generation. Increasing evap-
Electrical current oration temperature has a positive effect on evaporation rates, energy efficiency, specific
Energy water removal ratio (SWRR), exergy efficiency, and Improvement Potential (IP) (p < 0.05). The
Exergy reduced energy requirement with higher temperature is partially due to reduced work from
the vacuum pump at the higher absolute pressure.
© 2021 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Institution of Chemical Engineers.

1. Introduction the desired TSSC (Cassano et al., 2003; Jiao et al., 2004). Although the
thermal evaporation process itself also has known disadvantages, such
Orange is known as one of the vitamin-rich winter fruits. According to as undesirable component formation (HMF Furfural) and wastewater
data obtained by the FAO in 2016, approximately 73 million metric tons generation due to steam utilized evaporation process, it is better uti-
of fruit were produced globally in which Europe and Turkey produced lized than freeze concentration methods for fruit juice concentration
approximately 5.9 million and 1.85 million metric tons, respectively. industry. In other words, the thermal evaporation process has higher
Spain and Turkey have been reported as the main producers in Europe efficacy, which can reach the desired level of TSSC much more easily.
(FAO, 2019). Oranges produced in Turkey generally have been utilized Therefore, researchers have focused on novel heating techniques, such
as for orange juice, jam, candy, and dried oranges. as ohmic heating, and microwave, to have better ratios of TSSC with
Fruit juices have been generally concentrated for several reasons, higher efficiencies (Bozkir and Baysal, 2017; Fazaeli et al., 2013; Icier
such as reducing transportation cost, higher stability against micro- et al., 2016).
bial degradation, reduced shipping and storage spaces, and being able Joule heating, also known as ohmic heating, is an alternative electri-
to produce fruit juice from concentrate during all seasons of the year cal heating process based on the impedance principle in which passing
(Cassano et al., 2003; Onsekizoglu et al., 2010). Therefore, for concen- an electrical current through foodstuffs encounter with resistance
tration purposes, various techniques, such as thermal evaporation, through the conduction process, and this electrical resistance converts
freezing methods, and membrane techniques, are applied in the fruit electrical energy into heat energy (İçier and Ilicali, 2004). Ohmic heating
juice industry (Onsekizoglu, 2013). Freeze concentration methods and has been investigated as a unit operations in the food-related stud-
membrane concentration techniques have some known disadvantages, ies, such as heating (Achir et al., 2016; İçier and Ilicali, 2005), cooking
including high initial investment cost, and a high failure rate to reach (Bozkurt and Icier, 2010), thawing (Cevik and Icier, 2018; Cokgezme and
Icier, 2019), pre-drying (Hosainpour et al., 2014), bleaching (Yildiz Turp
et al., 2016), and evaporation (Sabanci et al., 2018). From the literature

Corresponding author. review, the use of ohmic heating for evaporation purposes under atmo-
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Sabanci). spheric or vacuum conditions has also been investigated. In the case
0960-3085/© 2021 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Institution of Chemical Engineers.
Food and Bioproducts Processing 1 3 1 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 156–163 157

of atmospheric condition studies, effects of different voltage gradients 2.3. Determination of the orange juice properties
on the electrical conductivity, including performance values and qual-
ity properties, have been examined (Assiry, 2011; Assiry et al., 2010; The pH values of orange juice were determined using a digital
Darvishi et al., 2020, 2011; Hosainpour et al., 2014). Under vacuum con-
pH meter (ThermoScientific, USA). Total soluble solid con-
ditions, electrical conductivity values during evaporation periods for
tent (TSSC) was measured by a digital refractometer (Hanna,
different voltage gradients at constant vacuum pressure were evalu-
Portugal). Considering the TSSC, the initial solid amount (ms )
ated by many researchers (Icier et al., 2017; Sabancı and Icier, 2019,
2017). Besides, determination of energy, and energy values (Cokgezme
and the initial water amount (mw ) values were determined.
et al., 2017; Sabancı and Icier, 2020), as well as the change of qual- The total acidity was calculated by considering Eq. (1). The
ity parameters (Darvishi et al., 2019; Sabanci et al., 2018; Sabancı and turbidity of orange juice was detected by a digital turbidime-
Icier, 2019) under the vacuum conditions have been reported in several ter (WTW, Turb 355 IR, Germany), and expressed as NTU
studies. The fundamental contribution of this study is aimed to reveal (Cemeroğlu, 2010).
comprehensive evaluation for evaporation temperature effects on the
characteristics of electrical conductivity and performance. v*f *E*100
Titratable Acidity (%) = (1)
The main objectives of this study were to determine times required M
to reach 42% of the total soluble solid content (TSSC) at different evap-
oration temperatures using the ohmic heating assisted evaporation where v, f, E, and M were 0.1 M NaOH amount (g) utilized, NaOH
(OAVE) process and to examine changes in current values at four differ- factor, equivalent acid amount of 1 ml 0.1 N NaOH (anhydrous
ent evaporation temperatures. Additionally, it was aimed to establish citric acid 0.006404 g) and mass of orange juice (g), respectively.
performance (energy/exergy) values obtained during OAVE.

2.4. Determination of the TSSC values change during

the evaporation
2. Material and methods
TSSC values during the evaporation process were correlated
2.1. Materials using Eq. (2).

The oranges used in these studies were supplied from the local TSSCt = A × e−k×t (2)
market, and then washed, separated and peeled. Portions of
the fruit orange were pressed by a solid juice extractor. A rough where t was the evaporation time (min), and A and k were
filter was applied to percolate the mash. The orange juice pulp fitted constants.
was transferred to 500 ml bottles and frozen in an air blower The TSSC value at time “t” was determined, the mass bal-
freezer at −24 ◦ C. ance was established considering the initial sample mass and
the mt value was determined with Eq. (3). In this way, the
net mass value was determined and used in energy/exergy
2.2. Evaporation process calculations.

TSSC × m(p,i)
Ohmic heating system; The ohmic heating assisted vacuum TSSCt = (3)
evaporator (OAVE) involves a vacuum chamber, custom-made mt
data logger taking current, voltage, and temperature every
where mp,i and mt were the initial mass of orange juice (kg)
second, vacuum pump (Value, Germany), electric contact pre-
and the mass at time t, respectively.
cision vacuum-meter (Pakkens, Turkey) and power supply
(0−380 V). The ohmic evaporator is shown in Fig. 1, and
details are provided in our previous paper (Sabancı and Icier,
2.5. Determination of the current
2017). The test cell used for ohmic heating was made of poly-
Electrical current during the ohmic heating and evaporation
oxymethylene (POM) and its internal dimensions were 16 × 7.5
periods were recorded by using custom-made data logger. The
× 7 cm. The electrodes were made of stainless steel and the
current versus temperature relation was expressed as linear
dimensions were set to 10 × 7.5 × 0.3 cm. The temperature was
Eq. (4);
monitored using a T-type thermocouple (Cole Palmer, United
Evaporation process: OAVE process had been applied at 4 Current (A) = a × T + b (4)
different temperatures (100, 85, 75 and 65 ◦ C). Different abso-
lute pressure values were adjusted by using electric contact where a and b are model constants.
precision vacuum-meter (Pakkens, Turkey) for the boiling tem- Eq. (5) was used to relate the current (A) to TSSC (%) after
peratures. To adjust the boiling temperatures, the absolute boiling started.
pressure values were set to 101.32 kPa, 58 kPa, 39 kPa, and
25 kPa for 100 ◦ C, 85 ◦ C, 75 ◦ C and 65 ◦ C, respectively. Auto- Current (A) = c × (TSSC %) + d (5)
matic pressure control was used to keep the absolute pressure
value constant (±1 kPa). 270 ml orange juice was used for where c and d values are constants.
the evaporation process. TSSC of orange juice was measured
as 11.4% using a digital refractometer (Hanna, Portugal). The 2.6. Energy/exergy analyses
evaporation processed by OAVE was applied at a constant volt-
age gradient (13 V/cm) and each of the four different boiling The concentration process of orange juice was operated in a
temperatures until its TSSC reached 42 ± 1.1%. The total pro- closed system. Mass, energy, and exergy balance equations
cess time of the evaporation was the sum of the heating and were calculated for determining the inlet of heat, the exergy
evaporation periods. destruction rate, performance (energy/exergy) efficiencies.
158 Food and Bioproducts Processing 1 3 1 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 156–163

Fig. 1 – Schematic illustration of ohmic heating evaporation process.

2.6.1. Assumptions Qconsuption = Qheat + Wvacuum + WLamp + Wagitator (9)

The following assumptions are taken into account in the equa-

tions: Qheat = V×I×t (10)

I The work provided to the system boundary using the elec-

The work consumed was shown as Wvacuum and calculated
tricity (agitator, lamp, and pump) were accepted as positive.
from Eq. (11) (Icier et al., 2017).
II T0 = 15 ◦ C and P0 = 101.325 kPa values defined the reference
dead state conditions. Vacuum for different evaporation  (P−Pvacuum )
ma  dtv
temperature and concentration process was begun when Wvacuum = (11)
the initial homogenous temperature of orange juice was 20
◦ C. Thus, the dead state temperature of the present study
where ma , P, Pvacuum , dtv ,  and v,p were the average mass of air
was chosen as 15 ◦ C because this value was higher than
in the OAVE, atmospheric pressure (Pa), the vacuum pressure
the thawing temperature but lower than the initial process
(Pa) performed during the heating and concentration periods,
the working time of vacuum pump (s), air density (kg/m3 ), and
the pump efficiency (0.67, taken from the pump catalogue),
2.6.2. Mass balance
The mass balance equation was expressed as Eq. (6)
Eout was calculated using the phase energy required to
evaporate the water from the juice and the final energy of the
mp,in = mp,out +mwr (6)
product (Eq. (13)) (Çengel et al., 2008).

where mp,in mp,out, and mwr were the initial, final mass of the
Eout = mp,out × hp,out + mwr × hfg (12)
samples, and the water removed from the orange juice sam-
ples (kg), respectively.
The efficiency of energy for OAVE was calculated as Eq. (13)
(Çengel et al., 2008).
2.6.3. Energy analysis
The overall energy balance was calculated as Eq. (7) (Çengel Eout
et al., 2008). energy = × 100 (13)
Ein = Eout + Qloss (7) SWRR values were calculated to determine the effective-
ness of OAVE processes using Eq. (14) (Cokgezme et al., 2017,).
The inlet energy (in Joules) of the system during the
evaporation of orange juice was calculated from Eq. (8). The SWRR = (14)
total consumed energy, including works used (lamp, pump,
and agitator), was calculated using Eq. (9). Heat energy was
where SWRR was specific water removal ratio (g/J). The units
determined using Eq. (10) (Cokgezme et al., 2017). Under the
of energy input and the total amount of water removed were
atmospheric conditions, the evaporation process was per-
Joule and g, respectively.
formed at 100 ◦ C; the Wvacuum was not considered in the
Qconsumption calculation. However, the evaporation process was
2.6.4. Exergy analysis
applied at different absolute pressure values (25 kPa for 65
◦ C; 39 kPa for 75 ◦ C; 58 kPa for 85 ◦ C), and then W In this study, Eqs. (15)–(17) as shown were exergy equations
vacuum was
(Bozkurt and Icier, 2010; Cokgezme et al., 2017);
calculated and included in Eq. (11).
Ein = mp,in × hp,i + Qconcumption (8) Exin = Exout + Exdest (15)
Food and Bioproducts Processing 1 3 1 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 156–163 159

The exergy inlet and outlet of the system was expressed as

Eqs. (16) and (17) (Çengel et al., 2008).

Exin = mp,in × hp,in − T0 sp,in + (1 − ) × Qheat (16)

Exout = mp,out × hp,out − T0 sp,out

+ mwr × hfg − Ti × sfg + (1 − ) × Qloss (17)

where h was the enthalpy (J/kg), s was the specific entropy Fig. 2 – Changes of temperature during ohmic heating
(J/kgK), m was the mass (kg). The subscripts of p, in, out, fg, period up to evaporation temperature.
wr were used for the product, initial, final, the phase change
from liquid to vapor, and the water evaporated, respectively.
Tin was the average ambient temperature (K), and T0 was the
dead-state temperature (K).
The entropies of orange juice were calculated in J/K using
Eq. (19) (Çengel et al., 2008).

c + c  T
p p0
S − S0 = m × ln (18)
2 T0

where Cp and Cp0 were the specific heats (J/kgK) of orange juice
for any temperature T (K) and at dead-state temperature T0 (K),
Fig. 3 – Variation of current with temperature for
The destruction of exergy taken place because of irre-
experiments at four different evaporation temperature.
versibility was shown as Eq. (19); the Sgen (J/K) expressed the
generated entropy during the OAVE (Çengel et al., 2008).
3. Results and discussion

Exdest = Sgen xTin (19) Before the evaporation process started, the properties (pH,
total acidity, turbidity) of orange juice were determined. TSSC,
Ssystem = Sin − Sout + Sgen (20) pH, total acidy, total dry matter and turbidity of fresh orange
juice were determined as 11.4 ± 0.2%, 3.94 ± 0.11%, 0.95 ±
0.01%, 11.83 ± 0.11%, and 1140 NTU, respectively. The con-
Sin expressed total initial entropies (J/K) of orange juice
centration process applied by OAVE was investigated in two
and heat energy supplied; Sout expressed total entropy (J/K)
periods as heating and evaporation periods.
of orange juice at the final condition the entropy of water
removed by OAVE process, and the entropy of energy loss
3.1. The heating period
occurred OAVE (Sloss −J/K).
Finally, the exergy efficiency for OAVE process was deter-
3.1.1. The total heating time and the change of current
mined by Eq. (21) (Çengel et al., 2008);
 First, the orange juice used for OAVE was heated to reach
exergy = 1− × 100 (21) the target evaporation temperature (65−100 ◦ C). The times to
reach target temperatures of 65, 75, 85, and 100 ◦ C were 5.07
± 0.13, 6.08 ± 0.24, 6.54 ± 0.56, and 8.97 ± 0.86 min, respec-
The energy efficiency of the maximum improvement for tively (p < 0.05). The histories of temperature in the heating
a system has been determined when the exergy losses and period are given in Fig. 2. The heating time increased as the
irreversibility were minimized (Van Gool, 1997). Therefore, the target temperature required for evaporation increased due to
opinion of improvement potential (IP) of performance (exergy) the increase in the energy required to heat the sample at the
has been proposed. The IP value (IP-Eq. (22)) was given for constant voltage gradient.
ohmic heating (Bozkurt and Icier, 2010); The relationship between current and temperature was
    investigated for different evaporation temperatures. There
IP = 1− × Exin − Exout (22) is a linear relationship between current and temperature.
100 The findings obtained in this study showed that the current
values increased as the temperature increased. During the
2.7. Statistical evaluation ohmic heating process, bubbles were formed in orange juice
before reaching evaporation temperature (Fig. 3) and caused
SPSS 16.0 (IBM, 2007) software package program was used to some deviations in the Current. The deviation of four dif-
perform one-way variance analysis (Post Hoc-Duncan test) on ferent evaporation temperatures is emphasized in Fig. 3. In
selected variables. The confidence level of the statistical eval- the evaporation studies conducted for different fruit juices,
uation was 95%. Experiments were performed in triplicate. the electrical conductivity value has been reported to have
160 Food and Bioproducts Processing 1 3 1 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 156–163

was between 0.80–2.52 A during the heating period of the evap-

oration process of 100 ◦ C, and the current value varied between
2.52−0.85 A during the boiling period. When the Ohmic evap-
oration application temperatures (85−65 ◦ C) decreased, the
current value increased as the temperature of the orange juice
increased, as in the 100 ◦ C application. When it started to boil,
the current value decreased due to the decrease in TSSC value.
Model coefficients expressing the change in the heating and
boiling period of all evaporation temperatures are given in
Table 2. For different evaporation temperatures, a linear rela-
tionship was found between the current and the temperature
in the warm-up period. In addition, when the current value
due to TSSC in the boiling period was investigated at all evapo-
Fig. 4 – Variation of total soluble solids with time at four ration temperatures, a decreasing linear relationship between
different evaporation temperatures. the current value and TSSC was determined (Table 2).
The calculated electrical conductivity value is a function
a linear relationship to temperatures, such as lemon juice, of current, voltage, distance between two electrodes, and the
pomegranate juice, sour cherry juice, orange juice (Castro electrode contact surface area of the samples. The electri-
et al., 2004; Darvishi et al., 2011; Icier et al., 2017; İçier and cal conductivity and the ohmic heating rate were adversely
Ilicali, 2004; İçier and Ilicali, 2005). affected by the increase of insoluble dry matter (Palaniappan
and Sastry, 1991). Another research showed that EC values of
3.2. The evaporation period sour cherry juices decreased due to increasing dry matter (İçier
and Ilicali, 2004). Similarly, Castro et al. (2004) reported that the
3.2.1. The TSSC and the total process time during the electrical conductivity values decreased because of increasing
evaporation dry matter for strawberry products. As a result of the stud-
During the ohmic evaporation, the concentration of soluble ies mentioned above, it can be stated that the increased TSSC
solids and (Cokgezme et al., 2017) evaporation temperature value negatively affected the current value. In the evaporation
both increased (Fig. 4). The temperature variations obtained process, the electrical conductivity value was affected by the
during evaporation for four different evaporation tempera- electrode contact surface area and the current value depend-
tures are given in Fig. 5. During the ohmic evaporation process, ing on the water removed. For the evaporation studies carried
it was determined that there was an average increase in out under atmospheric and vacuum, it has been reported that
evaporation temperature of around 1.98 ± 0.21. Similarly, the electrical conductivity value of different liquid products
it has been reported that evaporation temperature increase (seawater, tomato paste, pomegranate juice and cherry juice)
was related to current heating methods for sour cherry juice increased due to the increasing TSSC content. However, it was
and pomegranate juice in different studies (Icier et al., 2017; emphasized that the electrical conductivity value decreased
Sabancı and Icier, 2017). after the critical TSSC value (Assiry et al., 2010; Darvishi et al.,
The evaporation time was investigated for different 2015; Icier et al., 2017).
temperatures. As the evaporation temperature decreased,
the evaporation process time required to reach 42% TSSC 3.3. Performance analyses
increased (Fig. 4). The reason for the change in total processing
time can be explained by the electrical current changes dur- The performance evaluation performed at different evapora-
ing the evaporation process at different temperatures because tion temperatures was investigated in two (energy and exergy)
electrical current is a function of inlet ohmic heat energy to sections. Total consumed energy (TCE), average power (AP)
OAVE (Eqs. (4) and (11)). value, SWRR value, and energy efficiency were given in Table 3.
The model constants expressing the change in the TSSC The lowest TCE value was obtained at 100 ◦ C, and the high-
value depending on the time of the Ohmic heating evaporation est TCE was obtained at 65 ◦ C. In the concentration process
(OAVE, OVE) process are given in Table 1. R2 values were over obtained under atmospheric conditions, it was determined
0.99. It was determined that the model constants were affected that the TCE value was low. However, when the evaporation
by evaporation temperatures (65−100 ◦ C) (p < 0.05). In OAVE processes carried out under vacuum were evaluated (65−85
process, it was determined that as the boiling temperatures ◦ C), it was found that the TPC value increased with decreasing

increased, the coefficient increased, but the k value decreased. boiling temperature (p < 0.05). In addition, due to increas-
This reflects other findings about, time-dependent variation of ing evaporation temperature, the processing time and average
fruit juices using current heating methods (microwave heat, power decreased (p < 0.05). Increasing of the evaporation tem-
ohmic heating) (Bozkir and Baysal, 2017; Icier et al., 2017; perature increased the SWRR value and energy efficiency (p <
Sabancı and Icier, 2017). 0.05). Shorter total evaporation process time caused to work
other system equipment (lamp, pump, and agitator) less and
3.2.2. The change of temperature and electrical current consume lesser energy. The evaporation process of 100 ◦ C
during the evaporation was carried out under atmospheric conditions. Therefore, the
After the evaporation process started, it was determined that TCE value was lower than the evaporation process carried out
the current value increased (Fig. 5). As seen in Fig. 5, it had been under vacuum, since the vacuum pump was not used.
determined that in all evaporation applications, as the tem- In Eq. (9), the inlet energy (the initial product, lamp, pump,
perature of the sample increased, the current value increased, agitator, and ohmic heating energy) were considered in the
and the current value decreased during boiling after reaching energy entering the system, while in Eq. (13), the energy of the
the boiling temperature. It was found that the current value product and the amount of evaporated water energy was taken
Food and Bioproducts Processing 1 3 1 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 156–163 161

Fig. 5 – Variation of current and temperature with time for four different evaporation temperatures.

Table 1 – Model constant expressing the time dependent TSSC change in the ohmic heating assisted evaporation process.
Evaporation temperature (◦ C) A (TSSC %) k (min−1 ) R2

65 11.38 ± 0.08c 0.028 ± 0.000a 1.00 ± 0.00

75 11.46 ± 0.34b 0.033 ± 0.006a 0.99 ± 0.00
85 10.95 ± 0.17a 0.042 ± 0.001b 1.00 ± 0.00
100 10.79 ± 0.05a 0.054 ± 0.002c 0.99 ± 0.00

TSSC: total soluble solid content; OAVE: ohmic assisted vacuum evaporation; OAE: ohmic assisted evaporation.
Different superscripts showed the statistically different values for related property in the same column (p < 0.05).

Table 2 – Equations showing the current change depending on the temperature in the heating period and the TSSC value
in the boiling period.
Periods Evaporation temperature (◦ C) Equations R2

65 0.0204xT + 0.3728 0.9953

75 0.0233xT + 0.2862 0.9988
85 0.0208xT + 0.3994 0.9957
100 0.0247xT + 0.2756 0.9938
65 −0.0311xTSSC (%) + 1.873 0.9874
75 −0.0625xTSSC (%) + 2.598 0.9798
85 −0.0366xTSSC (%) + 2.442 0.9711
100 −0.058xTSSC (%) + 3.052 0.9982

Table 3 – Total energy consumed, SWRR and energy efficiencies of OAVE and OAE processes.
Evaporation temperature (◦ C) Process Time (min) TCE (kJ) AP (kW) SWRR (g/kJ) ␩energy (%)

65 54 1999 ± 87d 0.58 ± 0.03d 0.11 ± 0.00a 28.83 ± 1.22a

75 48 1431 ± 39c 0.49 ± 0.01c 0.15 ± 0.00b 39.83 ± 0.45b
85 38 997 ± 22b 0.42 ± 0.01b 0.22 ± 0.00c 58.90 ± 1.32c
100 34 757 ± 9a 0.37 ± 0.00a 0.29 ± 0.00d 78.34 ± 0.55d

TCE: total consumed energy; AP: average power; SWRR: Specific water removal ratio.
Different superscripts showed the statistically different values for related property in the same column (p < 0.05).

into account as energy exiting the system. Because of the wall ture (65 ◦ C). They reported that the voltage gradient had an
energy, the heating energy of the test cell and the energy of effect on the processing time that getting shorter as the volt-
the heated air in the environment are ignored as the energy age gradient increased. They also reported that decreasing
out the evaporation system, which may cause an increase in voltage gradient had a negative impact on energy efficiency
the energy loss value occurring in the system. Cokgezme et al. and SWRR. Darvishi et al. (2015) reported that processing time
(2017a), evaporated the pomegranate juice in different voltage was shorter due to the increase in voltage gradient. They also
gradients up to 40% TSSC at constant evaporation tempera- reported that the increasing voltage gradient increased energy
162 Food and Bioproducts Processing 1 3 1 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 156–163

Table 4 – Exergy values of the system according to the second law of thermodynamics.
Evaporation temperature (◦ C) Exdest (kJ) ␩exergy (%) IP (kJ)

65 1117 ± 66 d
5.38 ± 0.03 a
1057 ± 67d
75 560 ± 8c 12.43 ± 0.01b 490 ± 8c
85 298 ± 17b 24.24 ± 1.08c 226 ± 16b
100 61 ± 15a 65.31 ± 0.46d 21 ± 1a

IP: improvement potential.

Different superscripts showed the statistically different values for related property in the same column (p < 0.05).

efficiency. Bozkurt and Icier (2010) investigated ground beef to the increase in evaporation temperature. As a result, it was
samples using ohmic heating in different fat and different found that the change in the evaporation temperature during
voltage gradients. They reported that increasing voltage gra- the OAVE had a significant effect on time to reach the target
dient decreased process time and increased energy efficiency. TSSC, the EC values, and the performance values.
According to the second law of thermodynamics, Exdest ,
exergy efficiency, and IP values obtained during the evapora- Declaration of Competing Interest
tion of orange juice using OAVE are given in Table 4. Increased
evaporation temperatures, as in energy analysis, were found The authors report no declarations of interest.
to have an effect on the second law. The highest Exdest value
was obtained in the process at 65 ◦ C, but the lowest Exdest value
was determined at 100 ◦ C. It also increased exergy efficiency
due to the increased evaporation temperature.
Achir, N., Dhuique-Mayer, C., Hadjal, T., Madani, K., Pain, J.P.,
IP values have been used to minimize exergy losses in the
Dornier, M., 2016. Pasteurization of citrus juices with ohmic
system. In this way, the most suitable and efficient process- heating to preserve the carotenoid profile. Innov. Food Sci.
ing condition can be determined. IP values decreased due to Emerg. Technol. 33, 397–404,
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IP values are parallel to the exergy efficiency. The highest IP Assiry, A.M., 2011. Application of ohmic heating technique to
value was obtained in evaporation at 65 ◦ C, but the lowest IP approach near-ZLD during the evaporation process of
seawater. Desalination 280, 217–223,
value was obtained at an evaporation temperature of 100 ◦ C
(Table 4-p < 0.05).
Assiry, A.M., Gaily, M.H., Alsamee, M., Sarifudin, A., 2010.
As a result, according to the second law of thermodynam- Electrical conductivity of seawater during ohmic heating.
ics, different absolute pressure values, and therefore boiling Desalination 260, 9–17,
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Ohmic heating assisted vacuum evaporation of pomegranate

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