Core Airway Skills Manual v2.0.3 2017 - 0529 RH

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Core Airway Skills

Dr John Roos | Dr Ross Hofmeyr

Second Edition, 2017

Adapted from the original “Advanced Airway Management” by Dr John Roos.
Updated copies of this manual can be found online from



DR JOHN ROOS, MB.ChB. (U.C.T.)., D.A. (S.A.)., F.C.A. (S.A.). M.Med. (Anaes).
Senior Specialist and Head: Anaesthesiology
Mitchells Plain Hospital, Cape Town

S.A. Red Cross Air Mercy Service

Metro Emergency Medical Services
Department of Anaesthesia and Division of Emergency Medicine
University of Cape Town

No part of this document may be reproduced without permission.

March 2016

Dr Roos qualified as a paramedic in 1987, graduated from medical school in 1994, and as a
specialist anaesthetist in 2004. He currently heads the Anaesthesiology service at Mitchells
Plain Hospital in Cape Town.

He has previously worked as an Emergency Medical Services doctor on both a part-time and
full-time basis, and has many years of experience teaching and examining prehospital
Emergency Care (Advanced Life Support) at the Western Cape Government Metro EMS
Provincial Academy of Emergency Care

He participated in Wilderness Search and Rescue activities, and actively participated on the
Red Cross Air Mercy Service and South African Airforce helicopter rescue teams for a
number of years.

Dr Roos is an honorary senior lecturer in the Department of Anaesthesia of the University of

Cape Town (Groote Schuur Hospital), and is a past lecturer and examiner for the Division of
Emergency Medicine, Universities of Cape Town and Stellenbosch. He is an examiner for
the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa.

He is the honorary Chief Medical Officer of the SA Red Cross Air Mercy Service, has been
involved in aeromedical training for many years, and is integrally involved in the AMS
Continuing Quality Improvement programme.

Email: [email protected]


This work is based nearly entirely on the phenomenal volume “ADVANCED AIRWAY
MEDICINE ENVIRONMENTS” by Dr John Roos. Dr Roos has been a leader in cross-
disciplinary airway education in South Africa for many years, and has created a wealth of
material – and the backbone of this entire workshop – almost singlehandedly.

In this revised edition for the Core Airway Skills workshop, the formatting and referencing of
the manual have been updated. Some changes to the protocols and editorial changes have
been made, but credit for the content still falls firmly to Dr Roos, in respect for his years of

We hope that this is a useful resource, which will continue to grow and expand over time.
Regular updates on airway topics, video tutorials, links to journal articles and discussion of all
topics regarding the airway can be found on the open-access medical education website,
www.OpenAirway.Org to accompany this volume.

Dr Ross Hofmeyr
MBChB (Stell), DipPEC, DA, MMed(Anaes)(UCT), FCA (SA), FAWM
Inaugural UCT-Storz Fellow in Airway & Thoracic Anaesthesia
Department of Anaesthesia & Perioperative Medicine
Octorber 2016
[email protected]

Preface to the original manual by Dr John Roos ................................................................... 1
Preface to the First Edition of the Revised Core Airway Skills workshop manual ................. 2
Workshop Overview................................................................................................................... 8
Workshop material appropriate to Airway Management covered in separate lectures ......... 9
Illustrations ............................................................................................................................. 9
The Argument For and Against: San Diego ............................................................................ 10
Lessons learned from the international literature ................................................................. 14
Lessons learned from the Western Cape Prehospital Intubation Study .............................. 15
Conditions for the implementation of a successful airway management programme ......... 17
JRCALC Position Statement: ........................................................................................... 17
Paramedic Intubation: Risk-benefit analysis ................................................................... 18
Training requirements: ..................................................................................................... 18
NAEMSP conditions for a successful prehospital/Emergency RSI Programme: ................ 20
Education and training in airway management .................................................................... 22
Basic airway management techniques: ............................................................................ 23
Advanced airway techniques:........................................................................................... 23
FACE-MASK VENTILATION ................................................................................................... 25
The “Starfish maneuver” ...................................................................................................... 25
Predictors of difficult facemask ventilation ........................................................................... 27
Intra-oral face-mask ............................................................................................................. 27
TRACHEAL INTUBATION – INTRODUCTION: ...................................................................... 29
TRACHEAL INTUBATION – PREPARATION ......................................................................... 30
THE DECISION TO INTUBATE........................................................................................... 30
PRE-INTUBATION FASTING .............................................................................................. 31
PRE-INTUBATION PHASE ................................................................................................. 31
Environmental assessmenT ............................................................................................. 31
Patient assessmenT ......................................................................................................... 32
Equipment assessment and preparation .......................................................................... 32
Patient positioning ............................................................................................................ 33
Optimal external laryngeal manipulation .......................................................................... 34
Greenland’s curves .......................................................................................................... 35
Pre-intubation monitoring ................................................................................................. 36
Pharmacology................................................................................................................... 37
Calculating ET tube diameter and depth .......................................................................... 37
Pre-oxygenation ............................................................................................................... 38
Supplemental oxygen and FiO2 ........................................................................................ 39

Apnoeic oxygenation and NO DESAT ............................................................................. 39
Functional Residual Capacity and Time to Terminal Desaturation: ................................. 41
Closing capacity ............................................................................................................... 43
INTUBATION PHASE .......................................................................................................... 44
Rapid Sequence Induction/Intubation .................................................................................. 48
Cricoid pressure and aspiration........................................................................................ 50
Confirming correct placement of the tracheal tube: ............................................................. 50
Clinical tests: .................................................................................................................... 51
Non-clinical adjuncts and devices for confirming correct ET tube placement .................. 55
Securing the Tracheal Tube ................................................................................................. 61
Method 1: Gauze roller bandage ...................................................................................... 62
Method 2: Zinc oxide tape ................................................................................................ 62
Method 3: Elastoplast (two tails) ...................................................................................... 63
Method 3: Elastoplast (three tails) .................................................................................... 64
Method 4: Commercial devices ........................................................................................ 65
Method 5: Home-made devices ....................................................................................... 65
Method 6: Single feeding tube.......................................................................................... 66
Method 7: Double feeding tube ........................................................................................ 68
Caution: Armoured ET tubes ............................................................................................... 69
POST-INTUBATION PHASE ................................................................................................... 70
Ventilation ............................................................................................................................ 70
Hypotension ......................................................................................................................... 70
Sedation and analgesia ....................................................................................................... 70
Neuromuscular blockade ..................................................................................................... 70
Nasogastric/orogastric tube placement................................................................................ 71
Documentation ..................................................................................................................... 72
UNRECOGNISED OESOPHAGEAL INTUBATION ................................................................ 73
THE POST-INTUBATION MISPLACED TRACHEAL TUBE ............................................... 73
RE-CONFIRMATION OF TRACHEAL TUBE PLACEMENT ............................................... 74
TRANSFERRING PATIENTS .............................................................................................. 75
LARYNGOSPASM ............................................................................................................... 75
THE DIFFICULT AND FAILED AIRWAY................................................................................. 78
DEFINING THE DIFFICULT AND FAILED AIRWAY........................................................... 78
History .............................................................................................................................. 79
Examination ...................................................................................................................... 79
Reliability of clinical tests .................................................................................................. 80

Clinical tests ..................................................................................................................... 80
Mallampatti and Cormack & Lehane score correlation .................................................... 82
LEMON (mnemonic for difficult laryngoscopy and intubation): ........................................ 82
Pnemonic for difficult placement of a supraglottic airway device: RODS ........................ 83
DIFFICULT INTUBATION STATISTICS .............................................................................. 83
The failed emergency airway ............................................................................................... 86
ALGORITHMS FOR DIFFICULT AND FAILED INTUBATION ............................................ 87
DAS Guidelines ................................................................................................................ 87
Vortex approach ............................................................................................................... 93
SURGICAL AIRWAY INTERVENTIONS ................................................................................. 96
Cricothyroidotomy ................................................................................................................ 99
Mnemonic for difficult cricothyroidotomy: SHORTY ......................................................... 99
MELKER/COOK SURGICAL AIRWAY KITS ..................................................................... 101
Complications of needle and/or surgical cricothyroidotomy:.............................................. 102
RETROGRADE INTUBATION ........................................................................................... 102
ALTERNATIVE AND ‘ASSIST’ AIRWAY DEVICES: ............................................................. 106
McCoy Laryngoscope ........................................................................................................ 106
Short-handled laryngoscope .............................................................................................. 106
Polio Macintosh blade ........................................................................................................ 107
Nasopharangeal airway ..................................................................................................... 107
Gum Elastic Bougies .......................................................................................................... 108
Parker Flex-tip® ETTs ........................................................................................................ 111
Parker Steerable Introducers ............................................................................................. 111
Rubber-coated malleable stylet ......................................................................................... 112
Aintree tube exchange catheters ....................................................................................... 112
Airtraq® Optical Laryngoscope ........................................................................................... 113
Pentax AWS P-Blade ......................................................................................................... 116
King Vision video laryngoscope ......................................................................................... 116
Supraglottic Airway Devices .............................................................................................. 118
Cricoid pressure and LMA insertion ............................................................................... 119
Cuffed oropharangeal airways ....................................................................................... 119
LMA Classic® (or ‘standard’ LMA) .................................................................................. 120
ProSeal® LMA and LMA Supreme®................................................................................ 122
Intubating LMA (Fastrach®) ............................................................................................ 123
Combitube® ........................................................................................................................ 125

King Airway® or Laryngeal Tube® ...................................................................................... 126
The i-Gel® supraglottic airway device ................................................................................ 127
Glidescope® video laryngoscopy ....................................................................................... 129
C-Mac video-laryngoscope ................................................................................................ 130
Flexible fibre-optic (endoscopic) awake and asleep oral or nasal intubation .................... 131
Double-lumen endotracheal tubes ..................................................................................... 131
Bronchial blockers .............................................................................................................. 132
Nebulizer attachments ....................................................................................................... 133
SPECIAL CASES .................................................................................................................. 135
The Paediatric Patient ........................................................................................................ 135
Cuffed versus uncuffed tracheal tubes in paediatric patients ........................................ 139
Paediatric Percutaneous Cricothyroidotomy .................................................................. 141
The Pregnant Patient ......................................................................................................... 144
The Obese Patient ............................................................................................................. 147
The Trauma Patient ........................................................................................................... 147
Traumatic Brain Injury: ................................................................................................... 149
PHARMACOLOGY ................................................................................................................ 152
INTRAVENOUS ANAESTHETIC AGENTS ....................................................................... 152
Midazolam ...................................................................................................................... 152
Sodium Thiopentone ...................................................................................................... 153
Etomidate ....................................................................................................................... 155
Propofol .......................................................................................................................... 157
Ketamine ........................................................................................................................ 158
MAGNESIUM SULPHATE ................................................................................................. 160
Introduction: .................................................................................................................... 160
Magnesium physiology: .................................................................................................. 160
Hypomagnesaemia (<1mmol/litre) ................................................................................. 161
Hypermagnesaemia: (>2.5mmol/litre): ........................................................................... 161
Magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) properties ...................................................................... 162
Magnesium sulphate pharmacology: ............................................................................. 162
PRESSOR DRUGS............................................................................................................ 163
Cerebral Perfusion Pressure: ......................................................................................... 163
Ephedrine ....................................................................................................................... 164
Phenylephrine................................................................................................................. 165
Neuromuscular blockade ................................................................................................... 165
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 165
The Rationale of Paralysing Ventilated Patients ............................................................ 166

Transport Ventilators ...................................................................................................... 166
The Dangers of Paralysing a Patient ............................................................................. 167
Distinction between Depolarising and Non-depolarising Blockade ................................ 167
Suxemethonium Hydrochloride (Scoline) ....................................................................... 168
Non-depolarising Muscle Relaxant Drugs ...................................................................... 171
APPENDIX 1: DRUG INFUSION PROTOCOLS ................................................................. 175
References for above drug infusion protocols: .................................................................. 192
ISSUE FOR ADVANCED AIRWAY MANAGEMENT ............................................................ 193
ABLE TO PERFORM............................................................................................................. 194
APPENDIX 4: DIFFICULT AIRWAY ALGORITHMS ............................................................. 195
ASA Difficult Airway Algorithm ........................................................................................... 195
Resuscitation Council of SA Advanced Airway Management Algorithm ........................... 196
Difficult Airway Society Intubation Guidelines .................................................................... 198
DAS 2015 Surgical Airway Algorithm................................................................................. 199
Vortex Approach ................................................................................................................ 200
References ............................................................................................................................ 201

The two-day workshop covers all aspects of airway management, from basic face-mask
ventilation to tracheal intubation, and includes difficult and failed airway management, as well
as the use of rescue airway devices. Delegates will gain insight into the true morbidity and
mortality, the risk-benefit analysis and the appropriateness of emergency tracheal intubation.

Delegates will similarly gain an understanding of the under-estimated and even unrecognised
difficulties associated with facemask ventilation, and will learn how to avoid the nightmare of
the missed oesophageal intubation, and the unrecognised misplaced tracheal tube.

This workshop places emphasis on many basic concepts, surprisingly not routinely taught
during intubation training. It revisits many core concepts, dispels myths, highlights pitfalls
and offers many useful tips to smooth airway interventions.

Standard tracheal intubation is examined in terms of the pre-intubation, intubation and post-
intubation phases, and emphasis is placed on rapid sequence intubation, and confirmation of
tracheal tube placement.

Candidates will learn how to predict the difficult airway, and will learn how to manage the
difficult and failed airway, including the “can’t intubate, can’t oxygenate” scenario. Candidates
will also gain insight and skill in the use of alternative and “assist” airway devices, supraglottic
“rescue” airway devices, and emergency surgical airway procedures.

‘Special cases’ are discussed in detail – namely the paediatric, pregnant, obese and the
trauma patient – including the head-injured patient.

The pharmacology of induction agents, neuromuscular paralysis and pressor agents is

similarly discussed in great detail. The management of the associated concepts of
ventilation, hypotension, sedation, analgesia and neuromuscular blockade during the post-
intubation phase will be discussed at length.

In the three-day workshop, the additional third day will be spent on a ventilation workshop,
which will include the following:

• Ventilation in the aviation (and/or transport/emergency medicine) environment:

o Pitfalls and tips in emergency ventilation
o Ventilators and ventilatory modes
o Physiology and pathophysiology of positive pressure ventilation
o ‘T-piece’ ventilation and the alveolar gas equation
o Sedation and analgesia in the ventilated patient
o Monitoring of the ventilated patient
• Neuromuscular blockade in the ventilated patient
• How long will your oxygen cylinder last?
• Ventilatory strategies – how to set the ventilator
• Pulse oximetry
• Capnography
• The misplaced tracheal tube
• Traumatic brain injury (as an optional extra – time-permitting)
• Arterial blood gas analysis (as an optional extra – time-permitting)


This lecture series presumes that the delegates have an adequate grasp of the lecture
material below, which knowledge is considered fundamental to the practice of Advanced
Airway Management:

• Pulse Oximetry
• Capnography
• Mechanical Ventilation in the Emergency Medicine Environment
• Sedation, Analgesia and Neuromuscular Blockade in the ventilated patient
• Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
• Traumatic Brain Injury


All aspects of these notes are fully illustrated with photographs, diagrams and graphs in the
accompanying slide presentations on the same subject matter.

Cover image by Dr Mark Barley, courtesy of the Difficult Airway Society:

The magnitude of the problem…

It is well-established that endotracheal intubation in the prehospital environment is associated

with a considerably greater degree of difficulty, and a much higher complication and failure
rate than intubation undertaken in the controlled operating-theatre environment. The reasons
for this are many-fold and will be discussed in detail below.

There have been many conflicting international studies over the past decade that have
examined prehospital endotracheal intubation in terms of difficulty and failure, adequacy of
training, skills maintenance, and most importantly, on patient outcome. Notwithstanding the
volume of research on the subject, there remains a quagmire of controversy.

The “San Diego Paramedic Rapid Sequence Intubation Trial” was a landmark study in the
field of prehospital endotracheal intubation.[1] This study made the prehospital emergency
medicine fraternity sit up and take notice, since its damning results led its researchers to
terminate the study early, on ethical grounds.

The authors discovered a significant degree of:

• Inadvertent hyperventilation,
• Oxygen desaturation,
• Bradycardia and…
• Hypotension…

…during and after intubation.

A number of further studies found that mortality in the field-intubated groups was significantly
greater than in the non-intubated groups. All of the authors concluded that endotracheal
intubation conferred no demonstrable survival benefit or functional advantage over BVM

Worse still, not only have these studies failed to demonstrate benefit, but have demonstrated
evidence of actual harm!

The more recent OPALS Major Trauma Study showed no overall benefit in survival to
hospital discharge in patients receiving Advanced Life Support prehospital care.[5] This was
a before-and-after controlled trial across 17 cities, and included 2867 major trauma patients,
controlled for age, injury severity and physiologic measures. Of the 598 patients with a GCS
score of less than 9, mortality was actually greater during the ALS phase (79% ALS vs 86%
BLS survival)!!

It is not only prehospital practitioners that have been placed under the spotlight. Bowles et al
studied in-hospital (but out-of-theatre) intubations in one large UK deanery, covering nine
hospitals, over one month.[6] Doctors with at least six-months full-time anaesthesia training,
the majority of whom identified anaesthesia as their base specialty, undertook 136
intubations. At least one severe adverse incident was identified per patient in 39% of
intubations, despite specialist presence in more than 40% of cases. These included death,
cardiac arrest, significant hypotension or hypoxaemia. It is clear from the above that even
anaesthetists are not very good at out-of-theatre intubation.

Whilst the benefits of field intubation appear ‘intuitively obvious’, my observations and reading
around the subject have forced me to ask the question, “Are paramedic field intubation
techniques and conditions optimal, is our emergency practitioner training adequate, and do
we undertake prehospital endotracheal intubation appropriately?”

Or, more simply put, “Are we helping or hurting our patients?”

Spaite and Criss, in an editorial comment on the landmark San Diego Paramedic Rapid-
Sequence Intubation Trial, stated very aptly:

“…except for defibrillation, essentially no EMS intervention has been prospectively evaluated
with robust methodologies that allow us to conclude that safety has been established… the
vast majority of EMS systems have implemented interventions based on the ‘Mount Everest’
approach – because it’s there. We can no longer assume that, because we believe we are
improving patient outcomes, this excuses us from verifying that we are in fact improving
patient outcomes. The blind Mount Everest approach to EMS must end.”[7]

A further example of the “Mount Everest approach” in EMS would be that of the use of
emergency lights and sirens in high speed responses. Whilst the benefits once again appear
intuitively obvious, there is no evidence that the employment of these devices reduces
morbidity or mortality.

In fact, the London Metropolitan Police have demonstrated that high-speed car chases
significantly increase injuries and deaths from motor vehicle accidents, without decreasing
loss of life from reduced violent crime. High-speed car chases by law enforcement
authorities in the United Kingdom have thus been banned!
Wang and colleagues, accomplished researchers in the field, have left us with the following
sage wisdom:

“Unfortunately, we cannot begin to fix the sinking ship until we shine bright lights on the holes
in the hull. Perhaps more alarming is the fact that we often do not recognise that the ship is
slowly sinking. Many EMS systems do not bother to track intubation errors or success rates.
Is it possible that we lack the courage to look because we are afraid of what we may find?
Or is it that we do not care to know?”[8]

One needs to bear in mind the adage, “Absence of evidence is not evidence for absence”.
ie. The fact that we continue to embrace a practice without rigorous supportive evidence (on
the basis of expert opinion, ‘common sense’, or whatever) does not necessarily imply bad
practice. We should therefore not always elect to throw the baby out with the bathwater, but
seek to gain the requisite supportive evidence required to justify the continuation of such

There are multiple reasons to explain the anticipated observation that endotracheal intubation
in the field is very much more difficult than intubation in the operating-theatre environment.
These would include:

• The inherent dangers of a chaotic casualty scene;

• Concerns for personal safety;
• A working environment that comprises:
o poor lighting;
o high noise levels;
o adverse weather conditions;
o bright sunlight (obscuring laryngoscopy);
o paramedics working on their knees or lying flat on the ground;
o the ubiquitous presence of such hazards as broken glass, leaking motor fuel and
oil, and body fluids on the ground.
• Patients are often found in challenging locations – crumpled on the floor of a cramped
bathroom, trapped inside motor vehicle wreckage, or lying face-down in a muddy ditch,
• ‘Jump bags’, oxygen cylinders, portable suction units and cardiac monitor-defibrillator
units often have to be carried some considerable distance from the response vehicle, up
flights of stairs, across busy freeways, or down elevator shafts, to name but a few of a
paramedic’s daily challenges.
• In order to begin resuscitation, equipment first has to be unpacked from ‘jump bags’, and
laid out as best as possible under the circumstances.
• Paramedics work alone or with personnel who are not trained in advanced life support,
and are unfamiliar with the practice of, and demands imposed by, endotracheal
• Patients often have fluctuating levels of consciousness, and notwithstanding, are more
often than not combative. Paramedics have an extremely limited pharmacological
armamentarium, and are unable to institute neuromuscular blockade.

• Added to this are the difficulties imposed by:

o cervical spine immobilisation;

o the potential full stomach and aspiration;
o craniofacial trauma;
o neck, facial and upper airway burns;
o upper airway haemorrhage.
Many studies report a 10 to 15 percent (or higher) failure rate in prehospital intubation,
compared to a 1% accepted in-hospital failure rate. This high failure rate has been
suggested by numerous authors to be the result of placing RSI in the hands of relative
‘beginners’ in airway management. Further to this, the shocking study by Katz and Falk,
which revealed a staggering 25% of intubations to be missed oesophageal intubations, has
been alleged to be the consequence of inadequate training and medical oversight.[9]

If this is indeed the case, this study underscores the fundamental importance of close medical
supervision and clinical governance by an experienced specialist in airway management.

We are thus reminded that RSI is not a simple procedure, and can result in significant
morbidity and mortality when placed in the wrong hands (as has been evidenced by the San
Diego trial). Further to this, RSI is a specialised technique applied to a small subset of
patients, as not all patients intubated in the field require paralysis.

RSI is not the complete answer to difficult intubation, as up to 40% of failed intubations in
many studies are not attributable to inadequate relaxation!

Blind nasal intubations are associated with much longer intubation times, a failure rate of 25
to 40 percent, epistaxis and a high incidence of missed oesophageal intubation.[10-12]
Considering the results of numerous studies, blind nasal intubation cannot be recommended
in the prehospital or emergency environments, and should in fact be outlawed.

There are numerous studies reporting dismal missed oesophageal intubation rates of 1 to 2
percent, many of them inappropriately prefixing their alarming percentage-proclamation with
the disarming adverb ‘only’. Three studies reported rates at 5.8%, 9% and (shockingly) 25%

Bag-valve-mask ventilation has been proven to be a vastly safer practice, with no deaths
attributed to complications of face-mask BVM ventilation in any of the studies cited.[15-18]

The North American anaesthetic mortality rate is believed to be between 3.3 to 5 deaths per
million anesthetics, or at worst 1 death per 200 000 anaesthetics.[19]

If we were to accept an unrecognized oesophageal intubation rate of “only one percent”, and
presuming that the patient died from this oversight (which would certainly be the case if
neuromuscular blocking drugs were used universally), this would translate into 2000 deaths
per 200 000 prehospital intubations.

To rework these statistics into more meaningful figures, we would have to accept that the
practice of intubation undertaken by American paramedics in the field was 2000 times more
likely to kill a patient than if that same intubation was undertaken by an American

anaesthesiologist in an operating theatre. This clearly makes prehospital intubation by North
American paramedics an extremely hazardous and often-times lethal procedure.

If we extrapolate these “success” rates to the airline industry: if we were to accept a failure
rate of “only one percent”, we would have to accept no less than 30 airline crashes at
London’s Heathrow Airport alone, every single day!

To further illustrate this silent epidemic, or massacre, inflicted on the unwitting American
public by its paramedics: There are approximately 200 000 EMTs in the USA, of which about
10% (20 000) are paramedics (or EMT-Ps). If each paramedic intubates only one person per
week, and if each paramedic has a missed oeophageal intubation rate of “only one percent”,
this translates into 10 400 missed oesophageal intubations per annum – the equivalent of
three “9/11” catastrophes every year!

Thus, a missed oesophageal intubation rate of “only one percent” should invoke a state of
abject horror in the minds of paramedics and administrators alike, and should not be fobbed
off with the idle complacency of, “a small but important experience with failed prehospital
airway management which remains to be addressed”.[20]

To rub further salt into EMS’s wounds, Bledsoe has reported recent studies which show
misplaced ETTs amongst American paramedics to be, not in the order of one percent, but in
the order of FIVE PERCENT![21]

The EMS community needs to take full ownership of this highly lethal epidemic, and needs to
introduce every measure to urgently intervene in this inexcusable cause of utter shame to the


1. There exists a high incidence of unrecognised peri-intubation oxygen desaturation

and bradycardia reported in the literature.

2. A very high incidence of inadvertent hyperventilation has been consistently reported

in the literature.

3. This hyperventilation and hypocarbia is strongly associated with poor outcomes in

head-injured patients.

4. There is a high incidence of emergency tracheostomy in the prehospital environment

in comparison with the operating-theatre environment. This practice often precedes
other less invasive airway rescue procedures such as LMA or Combitube placement.

5. There is an extremely high incidence of unrecognised oesophageal intubation,

misplaced or dislodged endotracheal tubes, and there exists an unacceptable level of
complacency towards this problem.

6. A high incidence of pulmonary aspiration is reported in the literature, occurring both

before intubation, and during the intubation attempt.
7. Non-pharmacologically-facilitated intubation is associated with a dismal, almost
imperceptible success rate. We should be directing our efforts elsewhere.

8. Inadequate relaxation accounts for only 20 to 40% of difficult and failed intubations.
Consequently, paralysing drugs are not a panacea to the problems faced with difficult
intubation in the prehospital setting.

9. Prehospital RSI is regularly associated with failure rates of 10% and higher, whereas
the in-hospital RSI failure rate is reported to approximate1% in many studies.

10. Basic airway management is not to be under-estimated. There is no substitute for a

good face-mask seal and adequate bag-valve-mask ventilation.

11. Blind nasotracheal intubation is associated with prolonged intubation times, low
success rates, an increased incidence of oesophageal intubation, and high
complication rates. It is not to be encouraged in the prehospital setting.

12. There exists a general paucity of ‘difficult airway’ equipment amongst paramedic
personnel, which includes alternative airway devices.

13. Failed intubation algorithms and protocols need to be developed and implemented.

14. Suxemethonium is associated with potentially lethal complications in the prehospital

environment, as yet to be fully quantified.

15. Suxemethonium’s relative short duration of action cannot be relied upon to restore
ventilation before terminal desaturation, in a “can’t intubate, can’t oxygenate” (CICO)

16. The still experimental reversal agent Sugammadex (Org 25969) may yield rocuronium
a safe alternative to suxemethonium in the future. Its appropriateness in the field will
have to be established.



1. We have a very high frequency of intubation amongst our paramedics, when

compared to North American statistics.
2. We have a very favourable success rate of 90% in non-paralysed patients, which
mirrors the best rates published in the USA, and is certainly better than their norm.
3. We have documented an extremely high rate of difficult and failed intubation (in
comparison to the operating theatre environment).
4. Pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents occurs in more than 50% of patients before
the first attempt at intubation.
5. There is a very high incidence of pulmonary aspiration occurring during the intubation
procedure itself.
6. Difficult intubation carries an especially high risk of aspiration.
7. Accordingly, it has become clear that the wisdom of intubating non-paralysed patients
with depressed levels of consciousness, in an attempt to secure the airway against
aspiration, is a dubious practice, as this may lead to an increased incidence of

aspiration. This indication for intubation needs to be revisited. We also need to
emphasise the role of cricoid pressure in this regard.
8. We have shown in our study, which is supported by the international literature, that
the single-most important factor relating to difficult intubation is patient effort.
9. However, not all difficult and failed intubations are related to combativeness.
Accordingly, we must look beyond this single parameter to improve prehospital
intubation success rates in a significant proportion of patients.
10. We have detected a disproportionately high incidence of Cormack & Lehane grade III
and IV laryngoscopic views.
11. One technique at improving visualisation of the vocal cords, which is sorely
overlooked by paramedics, is the application of cricoid pressure, as “optimal external
laryngeal manipulation”.
12. Cricoid pressure is also overlooked in terms of attempting to minimise aspiration.
13. In-line neck stabilisation is overlooked in a large percentage of patients who would
benefit from this precaution.
14. The only drugs that paramedics have at their disposal, to ablate the intubation
response, are morphine and midazolam. The efficacy of midazolam for this purpose
must be seriously questioned. So, too, must the injudicious use of morphine in a
cardiovascularly unstable head-injured patient. We need to look towards more
efficacious and judicious approaches to ablating airway reflexes, and to teaching
paramedics which patients not to intubate.
15. Our somewhat startling revelations on oxygen saturation have revealed that pre-
oxygenation, assisted ventilation and the management of ‘peri-intubation’ oxygen
saturation are matters that require urgent attention amongst those performing field
16. We have demonstrated a high incidence of pharangeal trauma post-intubation. It is
highly likely that this is due to patient effort, and is a matter that needs to be
addressed under the heading of ‘reducing patient struggling’.
17. We have revealed a relatively high rate of emergency tracheostomy (in comparison to
hospital statistics, and not the prehospital environment).
18. Paramedic experience and frequency of intubation do not appear to be important
factors relating to failed intubation in our study, but geographic area certainly does –
with a three times higher rate of failed intubation coming from beyond the greater
Cape Town metropolitan area, ie. the more outlying or rural areas.
19. There is real cause for concern regarding erosion of skills for our paramedics working
in outlying areas, some of whom have very little exposure to endotracheal intubation.
20. We have documented the very important finding that “day hospital” doctors, or more
correctly, doctors working in clinics and the satellite emergency (casualty)
departments of Community Health Centres on the Cape Flats, are calling upon

paramedics to intubate patients in their departments, before interhospital transfer to
referral institutions.
21. Paramedics are managing critically ill and unconscious patients for lengthy periods (a
mean of 60 minutes and a maximum of 5 hours, in our study), without having the
necessary equipment to maintain an acceptable level of Advanced Life Support care.
As evidenced from the U.S. data, pulse oximetry and capnography have become
mandatory essential equipment, and not “luxurious extravagances”. In terms of
patient safety, this aspect of equipment provision requires urgent attention by the
22. We have highlighted some glaring deficiencies in essential equipment. In a small
percentage of cases there was an absence of some items as fundamentally basic as
oxygen and suction apparatus. But far more commonly, there was an absence of the
more advanced equipment required for adequate and safe monitoring of patients, for
adjuncts to assist with difficult intubation, and alternative airway devices for the
management of difficult airways following failed intubation. Continuous waveform
capnography has become recognised internationally as an essential monitoring
device for the intubated, ventilated patient.




United Kingdom Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee, July 2008.[22]

JRCALC assessed three aspects of paramedic intubation:

• Assessment of benefit in terms of patient outcome

• Assessment adequacy of current paramedic student training

• Assessment of adequacy of ongoing competency

The group concluded that “paramedic intubation can no longer be recommended as a

mandatory component of paramedic practice and should not be continued to be practiced in
its current format”, and that “for the majority of paramedics… greater emphasis should be
placed on airway management using a supraglottic airway device(SAD)”.

JRCALC has recommended that prehospital practice no longer emphasizes chasing the
illusive “gold standard” of Tracheal Intubation, but rather concentrates on the rapid
establishment of a clear airway and optimal gas exchange. The primary aim should not be
the use of a particular airway device, but to ensure a secure and effective airway, oxygenation
and ventilation of the patient.

A working knowledge of tracheal intubation will be required of UK paramedics, but they will no
longer be required to be “signed-off” as competent in that intervention.

Where ambulance services permit tracheal intubation as a specialist skill for some providers,
these individuals should be trained in the provision of drug-assisted intubation (DAI).

• There is a paucity of evidence to suggest that tracheal intubation without the use
of drugs improves patient outcome.
• Tracheal Intubation should be developed as a specialist skill for a selected subset
of providers and should include the provision of drug-assisted intubation.
• Supraglottic airway devices have been shown to be safe and effective in elective
and emergency procedures.
• Current evidence suggests they are suitable alternatives in the prehospital


Unrecognised oesophageal intubation is almost universally fatal. The benefit of correctly
placed tubes would have to improve outcome for a great many patients in order to show a
statistical benefit to offset the detrimental outcomes of oesophageal intubation. Such a
benefit for tracheal intubation in cardiac arrest is very unlikely, especially in that ETCO2 may
be unhelpful in confirming correct tube placement in cardiac arrest victims.

Additionally, Tracheal Intubation requires cessation of compressions during cardiac arrest

resuscitation, whereas SAD placement does not. One drawback to SAD placement is that it
is easier to dislodge an SAD than an ETT.

Intubation for trauma:

One study of anaesthesia registrars showed that a 90% in-hospital success rate was only
achieved after 57 intubation attempts.[23] Furthermore, such elective intubation is much
easier under the controlled conditions of the operating theatre environment.

The San Diego study, paramedics intubated with midazolam and suxemethonium, where
intubation still failed in 13% of patients! Compare this to the in-hospital accepted RSI failure
rate of no more than 1%. This re-inforces the findings of other studies, where paralysis has
been identified as only one of many factors influencing successful intubation.
Suxemethonium is not the panacea (magic salve) for difficult and failed tracheal intubation.

Current EMS training programs require that 10 to 25 in-hospital intubations need to be done
to certify a paramedic student as competent. The Western Cape Provincial Ambulance
College requires a minimum 10 supervised intubations before graduation. These numbers
are not based on any scientific derivation from learning curves, but rather on what is
subjectively thought to be a reasonable number of achievable intubations during the
prescribed training period.

The scientific literature has indicated that 32 intubations are required to achieve a 75%
success rate, and 53 for a 90% success rate. [24]

These figures are similar to those reported in other studies.[23,25]

Therefore, paramedics required to perform only 10 intubations during their training course
may possibly achieve as little as a 50% or lower success rate once qualified. This
guarantees the same chance of success as flipping a coin!

Even worse, Bledsoe 22 reports that the current USA National Standards Curriculum for
‘Emergency Medical Technician – Paramedic’ requires only five intubations to be performed
prior to graduation![21]

Skill fade is faster with more complex tasks, and is accelerated by lack of practical
experience. In the UK, and many parts of the USA, paramedics intubate once to twice per
year, and in one Pennsylvania study, individual paramedics intubate on average less than
once in two years! A significant fall-off in paramedic intubation success rates parallels lack of
ongoing exposure to the procedure.

Training opportunities for initial and ongoing training are extremely limited, and it is now
widely recognised that major challenges face exposure to practical procedures with respect to
Continuing Medical Education and skill enhancement/retention.

Moreover, adequate initial and ongoing training would necessitate the removal of paramedics
from frontline service for considerable periods, which would have major logistic, service
delivery and financial implications.

It is suspected that a small but significant number of patients with partial or complete airway
obstruction will not be able to be managed with SADs, and will require drug-assisted
intubation. A recent British NCEPOD review found that 13.7% of major trauma victims
arriving at UK hospitals by ambulance did so with a partially or completely obstructed
airway.[22,26] The JRCALC report concluded that “…if prehospital intubation is to be part of
prehospital trauma management, then it needs to be in the context of a physician-based
prehospital care system”.

In the South African context, patients often need to be transported long distances, within time-
frames of many hours. Many General Practitioners are unfamiliar and uncomfortable with
tracheal intubation and rely on paramedics to undertake this procedure for them. In addition,
South Africa is a vast country in terms of travel distances and times, and we simply do not
have the resources to provide country-wide physician-based prehospital Advanced Life
Support with concomitant Advanced Airway Management.



Following the large number of disastrous American prehospital RSI studies reported in the
literature, with very high rates of failed prehospital intubation and missed oesophageal
intubations, the National Association of Emergency Medical Services Physicians (NAEMSP)
in the United States published a Position Paper in January 2005[27] outlining their policy
towards prehospital RSI thus:

• Drug-assisted intubation (DAI) should not be considered mandatory, and nor is it
appropriate for many prehospital EMS systems;
• DAI should only be used in EMS systems where the medical director(s) identify a
specific need and;
• Possess adequate resources to develop and maintain a DAI protocol.
• DAI is a powerful technique that can be harmful if not performed properly.
• EMS providers performing DAI must demonstrate ongoing competence in order to
maximise patient safety and quality of care.
• EMS providers must have received specific training, and possess specific knowledge
and experience in the technique and in the drugs used to perform DAI, as well as in
the techniques confirming proper tube placement.
• Medical direction with concurrent and retrospective oversight and supervision is
• Proper patient selection must be adhered to.
• Training of airway management in patients who cannot be intubated, as well as back-
up ‘rescue’ airway methods and devices must be taught.
• Standardised DAI protocols must be in place.
• Resources for drug storage and delivery must be in place.
• Continuous monitoring of heart rate and rhythm, oxygen saturation and end-tidal
carbon dioxide before, during and after DAI.
• Training and equipment to verify initial and ongoing tube placement.
• Continuous quality assurance, quality control, performance review and supplemental
training where necessary.
• Research or clinical audit to clarify the role of DAI on improved patient outcome within
the EMS system.

It follows from the above that:

• The same standards of training, scrutiny of practice and Performance Review as

seen in the operating theatre setting must apply to the emergency and prehospital
• Medical practitioner involvement in the process/programme is essential (according to
the American model) for…
• Adequate Quality Assurance monitoring and intervention to occur.
• Multiple intubation attempts are associated with increased morbidity and risk of death
in the field. Early recognition of defined difficult and failed intubation is essential to
limit further futile and harmful attempts.
• Backup ‘rescue’ airway devices and protocols must be available.

• Precautions must be put in place to prevent ETT dislodgement, including the practice
of physically documenting tube depth (referenced at the teeth, or less satisfactorily,
the corner of the mouth).
• There must be continuous vigilance of tube depth and monitoring of ETT placement.
Consequently, tracheal intubation should not be carried out in the absence of
continuous (preferably wave-form) capnography.
• All attempts must be made to avoid oxygen desaturation, bradycardia and
hypotension, and attention must be focused on the poor outcomes associated with
these indices.
• Both hypo- and hyperventilation must be avoided at all costs (emphasising the
importance of capnography again).
• The Paramedic who intubates the patient is the person who must take ultimate
responsibility for the airway and the resuscitation attempt, and is the person who
should hand over the patient (and attendant responsibility) to the Emergency
Department doctor. (ETT placement should be assessed by the receiving doctor
before the patient is transferred from the ambulance stretcher/trauma board to the
hospital trolley).
• Paramedics should be taught to self-train their “airway assistants” at the beginning of
a shift, in order that the assistant knows exactly what is required of them during the
intubation procedure. This should include the pre-intubation equipment check and
patient preparation. The assistant should be thoroughly familiar with the drugs and
equipment used, the anticipated sequence of events, and the protocols in the case of
a difficult or failed intubation. Tracheal intubation and especially Rapid Sequence
Intubation is not a single-operator procedure!
• All patients must be assumed to have a full stomach, and all patients should have
cricoid pressure applied by the assistant – either indicated as Sellick’s manouvre or
as OELM.
• All Paramedics undertaking tracheal intubation should be fully conversant with
Difficult Airway and Failed Intubation drills, including the Can’t Intubate – Can’t
oxygenate (CICO) scenario.
• All Paramedics utilising DAI or RSI should demonstrate proficiency of their skills and
keep a record (log book) of successful tracheal intubations, and the circumstances
under which those intubations occurred.


Until recently, airway management knowledge and skills were acquired hapharzardly ‘on-the-
job’ wherever training opportunities arose. During the long course of an intense specialist
training, most anaesthesiologists were exposed to a sufficient number of challenging airway

cases to enable them to become competent in advanced airway management. Taking into
account the ASA closed claims analysis, it must be questioned whether this belief has ever
been justified.[28]

Every anaesthesia department should set minimum standards for airway management to
ensure that every trainee receives structured training to meet such minimum standards.

The overall requirements of such a programme should include:

• The patient’s safety is the highest priority; and therefore, the patient must be
protected from the total novice.

• Basic airway knowledge and skills should be taught throughout the specialist training

• Advanced airway techniques should be taught as soon as possible in the training


• New techniques and devices (especially supraglottic airway devices) should be

taught selectively after the acquisition of basic airway skills.

• The decision-making processes (integration of skills and techniques and the

application of a difficult airway algorithm) should be taught as soon as possible.

• Senior trainees need to be taught how to teach airway management skills to junior

To meet the above, there should be a defined syllabus of core knowledge and skills, and a
definition of basic and advanced airway techniques, according to the following:


• Facemask ventilation – single and two-handed
• Simple manouvres to open the airway (head-tilt, chin-lift, jaw-thrust)
• Insertion of oropharangeal and nasopharangeal airways
• Oral intubation under direct laryngoscopy
• Pulling back the upper lip to aid visualisation
• Use of cricoid pressure (OELM)
• Use of stylet and gum elastic bougie
• Use of steerable introducer
• Rapid sequence induction/intubation
• Use of laryngeal mask airway and “Proseal-equivalent” LMA
• Use of King Airway a.k.a. Laryngeal Tube


• Nasotracheal intubation
• Use of alternative blades (Macintosh and Miller)

• Use of tube exchange catheters or gum elastic bougie
• Intubating laryngeal mask airway (I-LMA)
• Use of Airtraq® optical laryngoscope
• Use of light wands eg. Laerdal
• Fibre-optic and awake fibre-optic intubation
• Retrograde intubation
• Percutaneous cricothyroidotomy
• Transtracheal jet ventilation
• Placement of double-lumen endotracheal tubes
• Surgical cricothyroidotomy

Bag-mask ventilation is the foundation ‘starting block’ of airway management!

The single most important skill required of an ‘airway technician’ is that of bag-mask
ventilation, in conjunction with the use of oropharangeal and/or nasopharangeal airways.

Substantial skill is required to establish and maintain an adequate mask seal, position the
head, and ensure a patent airway all with one hand, whilst ventilating with the other hand.

The above includes simultaneous chin lift, jaw thrust and head tilt – pushing the mask onto
the face (maintaining a facemask seal), whilst at the same time lifting the face into the mask,
and additionally ventilating the patient.


The index finger and thumb are used to apply the mask to the face, while the little finger is
applied to the angle of the mandible, facilitating the jaw-thrust. The two middle fingers are
applied to the bony mandible (and not the soft tissue under the chin), facilitating the chin-lift.
The entire hand is used to simultaneously apply the head tilt. Avoid the application of the
operator’s fingers to the soft tissues, as this will occlude the airway, especially in paediatric

Adequacy of mask ventilation is determined by mask seal, assessment of the chest rising,
bag compliance and skin colour, in addition to pulse oximetry. Pulse oximetry measures
oxygenation and not ventilation – there is an importance difference between the two! This is
further discussed in detail under Ventilation in the Transport Environment.

Adequacy of ventilation in a non-intubated spontaneously-ventilating patient can also be

assessed by placing the stethoscope over the angle of the mandible. Tidal flow of air can be
assessed by auscultating the tracheal breath sounds, whether or not an oro- or
nasopharangeal airway has been inserted. Such assessment can take place prior to
intubation or after extubation, and provides an immediate and clear indication of airway
obstruction. This method is especially useful in children, as children can display normal
chest movement even when totally obstructed. Remember that SpO2 is a late warning
device, and is foolhardy to rely on to inform you of airway obstruction!

Remember that inadequate ventilation can be masked by an increased FiO2, and an

increased FiO2 is almost universally administered during resuscitative attempts during airway,
ventilation and other medical emergencies. Inadequate ventilation results in hypercarbia,
and this has serious implications in terms of cardiovascular stress, peripheral and cerebral
vascular resistance. This is discussed in detail under Traumatic Brain Injury, and Ventilation
in the Transport Environment.

Bag-mask ventilation is not seen as a glamorous, impressive or challenging intervention, and

appears easily done. It therefore does not receive much focus of attention during airway and
ventilation training. Most healthcare providers under-estimate the degree of difficulty
involved, and therefore over-estimate their own ability to adequately bag-mask ventilate

Unless meticulous attention is paid to BVM ventilation, it is easy to deliver inadequate to non-
existent ventilation without even realising it. This is an uncomfortable truth that may never be
discovered, as the vast majority of cardiac arrest resuscitation victims die, regardless of
whether or not they are adequately ventilated. Poor technique by an unwitting practitioner
may thus never be discovered.

Unfortunately, training on live patients is an extremely limited privilege, and the artificial
experience of ventilating a plastic manikin regrettably falls far short of a realistic true-to-life

It is my anecdotal experience in training paramedic students in the operating theatre

environment, that using a collapsible anaesthetic breathing bag (as opposed to a self-inflating
BVM resuscitator), readily unmasks how surprisingly inadequate some senior and

experienced ambulance personnel are at maintaining a good face-mask seal, and therefore
adequate ventilation.

It may well be revealed in the future that poorly-executed BVM ventilation could be an even
greater killer than missed oesophageal intubation! See later…


Difficult facemask seal:

• Beards

• Edentulous patients

• Limited jaw protrusion

Difficult ventilation:

• Snoring patients

• Mallampati III and IV

• Asthma/chronic obstructive airways disease

In a recent study,[29] independent predictors of (i) difficult facemask ventilation and (ii)
impossible facemask ventilation were identified thus:

Independent predictors of grade III (difficult to ventilate) facemask ventilation:

• Beard
• Mallampati III or IV
• 57 years or older
• Severely limited jaw protrusion
• Snoring
Independent predictors of grade IV (impossible to ventilate) facemask ventilation:

• Thyromental distance of less than 6cm

• Snoring
For those who like mnemonics, the following is a useful (but not comprehensive) list of
predictors of difficult facemask ventilation:

Mask seal (bushy beards, edentulous patients)
Age greater than 55
No teeth
Stiff – limited neck mobility, stiff lungs: bronchospasm, pneumonia, etc.
Snoring – history of…


For those patients with “collapsed” facial contours (such as the edentulous patient), and in
bearded patients, in whom a good face-mask ‘fit’ is almost impossible to achieve, the intra-
oral ‘face-mask’ is placed between the teeth and the lips.

The lips are positioned over the soft, pliable plastic once inserted, and pressure is applied
with the operator’s hand to create an air-tight seal.

An oropharangeal airway (supplied) can be inserted prior to insertion of the intra-oral face-

Nu-Mask As it actually appears

Nu-mask in-situ – placed superficial to Nostrils must be occluded and pressure

the teeth, but deep to the lips. applied to lips to keep an air-tight seal.

The airway technician needs to have a planned approach to Emergency Department and
prehospital intubation. This includes having a pre-thought-out “rescue plan” in the event of a
failed intubation, and a “Can’t Intubate, Can’t oxygenate” scenario (CICO).

In addition, the airway technician needs to make an environmental assessment, a patient

assessment, and a full assessment and preparation of equipment and drugs required for

Tracheal intubation training and practice can be conceptualized in terms of:

• The pre-intubation phase,

• The intubation phase itself, and
• The post-intubation phase

Furthermore, the sequence of action in terms of difficult laryngoscopy and/or failed intubation
(according to UK Difficult Airway Society algorithms) can be broken down into:

• Plan A: Direct laryngoscopy

• Plan B: Laryngeal mask airway insertion

• Plan C: Revert to facemask ventilation

• Plan D: Cricothyroidotomy (needle or surgical)



Emergency Medical personnel must be able to:

• Rapidly assess the need for intubation, and assess the urgency of intubation.
• Determine the most appropriate method of airway management.
• Use a range of airway devices.
• Decide which drugs are best to use.
• Manage the airway in the context of the patient’s overall condition and projected clinical
• Consider the “fasting” status of the patient (see below) with respect to aspiration risk.
• Recognise the difficult and failed airway early, and institute an alternative “rescue” plan.
(Have a “Plan B” up your sleeve).

Diligent maintenance of knowledge and skills, sound clinical judgement, and decisiveness to
act are prerequisites in emergency airway management. Indecision often leads to delayed
intervention, a deteriorating clinical condition, and therefore increased difficulty and a greater
likelihood of failure.

Optimal airway management, oxygenation and ventilation are the foundation upon which all
subsequent resuscitative measures are based.

Indications for tracheal intubation:

• Failure of airway maintenance.

• Failure of ventilation.
• Anticipated clinical course (eg. multiple rib fractures, polytrauma patient with
expected clinical decompensation, or burns to the head, neck or upper airway).

Any patient who requires an airway to be established, also requires that airway to be
maintained. Such patients almost invariably also require assisted positive pressure
ventilation! (This is discussed in detail in the lecture Ventilation in the Transport

The gag reflex does not correlate well with airway protection and is of no clinical value in
assessing the need for intubation.

The assessment of spontaneous or volitional swallowing is a better tool for assessing the
ability to protect the airway.

In cases where intubation is indicated to facilitate ventilation, assisted active positve pressure
ventilation must be administered. Consider the institution of “T-piece ventilation” for

conditions such as asthma or bronchiolitis. This is further discussed under Ventilation in the
Transport Environment.


Pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents is associated with significant morbidity and mortality.
ASA recommendations on pre-operative fasting in normal, healthy sub jects is as follows:

Clear (non-particulate) fluids: 2hrs

Breast milk: 4hrs

Light meals: 6hrs

The trauma patient is never considered to be fasted, as pain and other causes of sympathetic
nervous system stimulation cause unquantifiable delayed gastric emptying, as does the
administration of opiate medication.

Poorly-controlled diabetes mellitus, renal failure and sepsis have similar effects on delayed
gastric emptying. Patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux and increased intra-abdominal
pressure (such as occurs in pregnancy and obesity) are predisposed to passive regurgitation
of gastric contents.

Gastric emptying is enhanced with prokinetic agents such as metoclopramide. The IV route
is better than the oral route, although no particular benefit has been demonstrated in the
trauma patient.

H2-receptor blockers and proton-pump inhibitors should be routinely administered through

labour in high-risk patients, or should be adminstered the night before for elective surgery in
pregnant and obese patients (eg. Ranitidine 150mg P.O.).

Sodium citrate is a non-particulate antacid, and is routinely administered as 30ml of 0.3M

solution prior to intubation in pregnancy.


It goes without saying that the immediate environment must be checked for hazards to the
patient and rescuer before commencement of resuscitation. In terms of intubation, special
attention needs to be given to the presence of bright sunlight and other bright lights such as
car headlights facing the airway technician. As one’s eyes accommodate to the surrounding
bright light, the light of the laryngoscope may be inadequate to illuminate the posterior
pharynx and glottic area. Ambient light may need to be shielded by assistants holding up

blankets or trauma boards, or a blanket may need to be placed over the head of the airway
technician and patient during intubation.

The patient must be assessed for:

1. The need and urgency for intubation.

2. Predictors of difficult intubation (see later).

3. Tracheal tube size.

4. Adequacy of patient positioning.

5. Ability to urgently reposition the patient if required.


All necessary equipment and drugs must be checked and prepared, as follows:

1. Oxygen supply (cylinder). Checked full, with no leaks.

2. Bag-valve mask resuscitator (with masks and reservoir bag) attached to oxygen
supply. Check that one-way valve is correctly assembled and that BVM can generate
a positive airway pressure (by occluding the gas outlet and squeezing the bag).

3. Oropharangeal airways.

4. Laryngoscope with range of blades, spare bulbs and batteries. Check blade
connection to handle and apply pressure in all directions, ensuring constant contact
and no faltering of light. (Remember, in the State sector you are usually using
equipment provided on the lowest tender price!)

5. Range of endotracheal tubes (with cuffs checked).

6. Suction unit with soft suction catheters and Yankhauer or equivalent rigid suction

7. Alternative airway devices (LMAs, Comitubes, Layngeal Tubes, etc.)

8. Rubber coated malleable stylets, gum elastic bougies and/or steerable (Parker)

9. Patient monitoring equipment: ECG, NIBP, SPO2, ETCO2.

10. Intubation and resuscitation drugs and fluids as required (according to protocols and
scope of practice): Atropine, adrenalin, benzodiazepines, neuromuscular blockade,
IV fluids and vasopressors (ephedrine, phenylephrine) as appropriate.

Note: syringes must be clearly labelled!

Whilst simultaneously pre-oxygenating the patient and assisting ventilation where necessary,
drugs and equipment must be prepared, IV access and appropriate monitoring must be
established, and the patient adequately positioned.

Non-trauma patients should be positioned in the classic “morning sniff” position, with neck
extended and the occiput raised from the surface by approximately 5cm, achieved by placing
a flattened blanket roll or similar under the head. A good rule of thumb is to ensure that the
earlobes are higher than the sternal notch (or clavicles) in the supine patient.

Non-trauma patients should have extra blankets and/or padding placed under the head, neck
and upper back to ensure that the lobe of the ear remains above the height of the clavicles.
Obese and pregnant patients are almost impossible to reposition after induction, owing to
their dead-weight. It is therefore critically important to position them properly before induction
or intubation takes place. See the accompanying photographs of the “ramp” position.

“Morning sniff” and “ramp” positions illustrated:

Note earlobe to sternal notch

(or to clavicle in mid-clavicular line).

This is not widely taught and is especially

important in obesity!

Positioning such as this (and middle right above) is known as the “ramp” position for obvious

How not to do it:

The practitioner here struggled for over 30 minutes to intubate this patient – notice the blood
on the laryngoscope blade. Shifting the blanket roll from under the neck to under the occiput
facilitated immediate intubation with ease.

Trauma patients should have all C-spine precautions observed, but should still place patient
in “earlobe to sternal notch” position with appropriate occipital padding and cervical spine
support. Slight movement of the cervical spine is not important as there is no evidence that
slight movement of the cervical spine causes further injury.

Maiman et al showed that a force between 645 and 7439 Newtons is required to cause spinal
injury. It is the force of a strong impact that causes injury and not minor post-injury
movement of the cervical spine.[30]


The airway technician must be ready to apply or request the application of cricoid pressure
(for rapid sequence intubation) or optimal external laryngeal manipulation (OELM) in order to
protect the airway from aspiration and/or improve visualisation of the vocal cords.
The use of cricoid pressure or OELM is extremely valuable in transforming a Cormack &
LeHane Grade III or IV view to Grade I or II. This is under-taught and under-emphasized, or
not taught at all to junior doctors, paramedics, etc.

In a recent 2017 study of 2365 Emergency Department tracheal intubations in non-cardiac
arrest patients, a significantly higher success rate was found in the RSI group vs non-RSI
group (73% vs 63%), without any difference in complication rates detected.[31] Could it be
that the “OELM-effect” of cricoid pressure could have improved views of the glottis structures,
improving intubation success rates? This was not postulated by the authors, but was
perhaps a significant oversight on their part.

The conceptual model of Greenland’s curves explain the reasons why the “earlobe to sternal
notch” or “ramping” position works so well. Greenland describes a primary and secondary
curve, both of which need to be straightened out in order to obtain unobstructed glottis

Hyperextension straightens out the primary

Greenland’s curves curve.

Hyperextension straightens out the primary curve, assisted with a laryngoscope. Note that
this position still presents a difficult airway situation, as the tracheal tube must still be angled
upwards in order to pass through the vocal cords and into the trachea. (It is for these types
of situation that the Parker steerable introducer was developed).

Heal elevation by itself helps to straighten out the Combining head lift with head extension flattens
secondary curve without affecting the primary out both curves, substantially improving direct
curve. Additionally, application of cricoid visualization of the glottis structures.
pressure (OELM) assists to straighten out the
secondary curve.

A short-handled laryngoscope and an extra assistant may be required to provide downward
(caudad) traction on large breasts in the case of pregnancy and/or obesity.

Patients should ideally be intubated on trolleys, stretchers or operating tables that can rapidly
be placed into the Trendelenberg (head-down) position (where this luxury exists!).
Trendelenberg position often improves visualisation of the vocal cords in its own right, but is
essential in the event of a patient regurgitating or actively vomiting. On regurgitation or
vomiting, the patient should immediately be turned into the left lateral position and
simultaneously placed in Trendelenberg position, to facilitate the gravitational flow of stomach
contents from the posterior pharynx out of the mouth, rather than through the glottic opening
and into the lungs.

The reason why left lateral position, as opposed to right lateral, is advocated, is because it is
possible to shift the tongue out of the way and gain a view of the vocal cords with a left-
handed laryngoscope, whilst in left lateral position (as the tongue falls away from the visual
axis, owing to the action of gravity. This is not easily achievable in the right lateral position,
as the tongue must be lifted up against gravity, and balanced on the laryngoscope blade – an
impossible task.

The easiest and quickest method of placing a supine non-trauma patient into a lateral position
is to lift the arm furthest from the pactitioner into the vertical position, holding the arm at the
wrist. Grab the far leg at the knee, simultaneously bend the knee, and pull both the knee and
the arm in the direction of the practitioner. This method provides a great amount of leverage
and even very large patients can easily be moved in this manner. This technique will be
illustrated and demonstrated during the accompanying Powerpoint presentation.

Trendelenberg position is also useful in countering residual hypotension following the

intubation procedure, whilst waiting for IV fluid boluses and vasopressors or inotropes to take

ECG, NIBP, SPO2 and ETCO2 should all be available and attached for measurements before,
during and after intubation, where time and practicality exist. Please note a word of caution –
do not substitute a cardiac monitor with a pulse oximeter. With the onset of a sudden
bradycardia there will be loss of cardiac output, and the pusle oximeter will give the practioner
no more information than to alarm “searching for pulse”!

Pulse oximetry and capnography are dealt with in great detail in separate lectures on these
two subjects, respectively.

In addition, the following times should be monitored for clinical audit purposes:

1. Time at which decision is taken to intubate.
2. Time at which practitioner is ready to intubate (equipment prepared and checked).
3. Time of first attempt at laryngoscopy.
4. Time of confirmed successful placement of ET tube.

Depending on circumstances, protocols and scope of practice, the airway practitioner may
elect to draw up certain drugs prior to intubation. Whether drawn up or not, emergency
intubation and resuscitation drugs should at least be within arm’s reach. It is critically
important to label syringes clearly. It may be worthwhile for individuals or services to compile
quick-reference pre-printed cards with dosages according to age and/or weight, (as is done
with the Breslow® tapes). Please see the addendum for a list of essential and other useful
peri-intubation drugs.

Please note that there is currently no evidence of benefit for the administration of lignocaine
1 to 2mg/kg IV to ablate the cardiovascular response to intubation.

50th centile Body Weight (kg) = Age (yrs) x 2 + 9


As with drug dosages, it is very useful to have quick-reference pre-printed cards with ET tube
internal diameter and depth guidelines. My experience of using the small finger as a guide to
ET size is highly inaccurate. The following formulae are far more useful, and should be
committed to memory.

ETT size (internal diameter in mm) = 4 + Age (yrs)

ETT depth in cm (at teeth/gums) = 12 + Age (yrs)

Another more user-friendly formula for ETT depth at the teeth (as taught by ATLS) is:

Internal diameter (mm) divided by 3 = distance at the teeth in cm.

It has been classically taught that, as a rule of thumb, tube distance at the teeth is
approximately 21cm in adult females and 24cm in adult males. However, new evidence
suggests 20cm in the adult female and 22cm in the adult male as a more accurate and safer
guideline.[34] Please see the section on “referencing tracheal tube depth” (p64) under “clinical
tests for confirming correct placement of the tracheal tube”.

As an additional rule of thumb, a ‘small’ adult female will accept a size 7mm ETT, and an
‘average’ female will accept a 7.5mm ETT. A ‘small’ adult male will accept a size 7.5mm
ETT, and an ‘average’ adult male will accept a size 8mm ETT.

Pre-oxygenation is achieved with gentle (low pressure) assisted ventilation as necessary.
High airway pressures (above 15cmH2O) lead to gastric inflation, splinting of the diaphragm
with consequent ventilation difficulty, and increased risk of aspiration.

In a Position Paper on Prehospital Intubation, the U.S. National Association of EMS

Physicians recommended that “pre-oxygenation should preferably be performed by permitting
the patient to breathe using a non-rebreather mask until oxygen saturation is 100%”.[10]

They make no mention of assessing adequacy of ventilation. Similar protocols are followed
in numerous other studies, not least of which is the San Diego trial. I am surprised at this
(what I consider to be a seriously flawed) recommendation, since hypoventilation is extremely
common in this group of patients, (especially following traumatic brain injury, the
administration of benzodiazepine sedatives and/or opiate analgesics) and would almost
certainly be masked by the administration of high concentration supplemental oxygen. Of
additional concern is that hypercapnia and its consequences would not be addressed.

Baillard and colleagues studied critically ill hypoxaemic patients requiring intubation in the
Intensive Care Unit.[35] They demonstrated a mean SpO2 of 98% in those receiving non-
invasive (face mask) assisted ventilation, in contrast to a mean SpO2 of 93% in the non-
positive pressure ventilation group. They also recommended the use of PEEP valves to
maintain positive pressure (see PEEP and Functional Residual Capacity in the next section

High-concentration oxygen can be more effectively administered via a BVM resuscitator with
reservoir bag whilst cautiously providing assisted ventilation. Be aware that some BVM
resuscitators will not deliver supplemental oxygen whilst lightly held over the face of a
spontaneously breathing patient, and especially without a good face mask seal.

If and when ventilation is judged to be inadequate, ventilation can easily be assisted without
wasting critical seconds and taking the trouble to change oxygen delivery devices.
Moreover, a BVM resuscitator will be required post-intubation, in any event. There is an
indisputable and irresistible logic to having a BVM resuscitator at hand and connected to a
portable oxygen supply prior to intubation!

Patients should preferably be pre-oxygenated in a 20 degree head-up position, as opposed to

lying in the flat supine position. A slight head-up position decreases the pressure of the

abdominal contents on the diaphragm, thereby increasing Functional Residual Capacity (see

Lane and colleagues demonstrated that, in pre-oxygenated patients, time to desaturation to

an SpO2 of 95% took 386 seconds in the head-up group, as opposed to 283 seconds in the
supine group.[36] The head-up position thus increases time to desaturation by 36%.


There is considerable confusion about the actual percentage of oxygen that can be delivered
through a non-rebreather oxygen mask. Many well-conducted studies have shown that the
maximum percentage oxygen that can be delivered through a “non-rebreather” mask is 70%
to 75% at a flow rate of 15L/min, since the mask does not form an effective seal to prevent
the entrainment of ambient air, there are no one-way valves and the reservoir is too small to
meet the large flow requirements during inspiration. The “non-rebreather” mask is therefore
erroneously named.[37]


Oxygen is taken up from the alveoli at a rate of 250ml/min to meet basal requirements whilst
at rest. As a result, the alveolar partial pressure of oxygen (PAO2) drops during periods of

This partial pressure gradient generates a mass flow of oxygen along a concentration
gradient from pharynx to alveoli.

At the same time, only 8 to 20ml/min of carbon dioxide crosses from the bloodstream into the
alveoli.[37] This is because the considerably higher solubility of carbon dioxide in the blood
allows it to stay within the bloodstream.

As a result of the above, the arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) can be maintained
above 13.3kPa for up to 100 minutes without a single breath being taken. This is, however,
associated with marked hypercapnia and respiratory acidosis.[38]

Taha et al. and Ramachandran et al demonstrated in two separate studies that nasal prongs
(NPO2) oxygenation at 5L/min can significantly prolong time to desaturation, and that the
mean SpO2 remains significantly higher in apnoeic patients during the intubation process.[39,40]
Taha demonstrated that no desaturation takes place for up to 6 minutes with NPO2 at 5L/min,
following the onset of apnoea, where his control group (no NPO2) desaturated to 95% within
3.65 minutes.

NO DESAT: Nasal Oxygen During Efforts at Securing A Tube

A pharyngeal FiO2 of almost 100% can be achieved with NPO2 at a flow rate of 15L/min.
Mouth opening does not affect FiO2 is not affected by mouth-opening. Nasal prongs can be
left in place during face mask ventilation and intubation attempts. This is referred to as the
“NODESAT” technique.[37]

THRIVE: Trans-nasal Humidified Rapid-Insufflation Ventilatory Exchange:

Significantly extended apnoea times of 25 patients with difficult airways, who were undergoing
general anaesthesia for hypopharyngeal or laryngotracheal surgery, was achieved through
continuous delivery of trans-nasal high-flow humidified oxygen at 70L/min.[41]

The high-flow trans-nasal oxygen was initially intended to provide pre-oxygenation, and
continued as post-oxygenation during intravenous induction of anaesthesia and
neuromuscular blockade until a definitive airway was secured. Upper airway patency was
maintained with jaw-thrust while trans-nasal humidified high-flow oxygen was administered.
There were 12 obese patients and nine stridulous patients in the group.

The median apnoea time was 17 (5 – 65) minutes. No patient experienced arterial
desaturation < 90%.

Mean post-apnoea end-tidal carbon dioxide level was 7.8 kPa; the rate of increase in end-
tidal carbon dioxide was 0.15 kPa/min.

This procedure combines the benefits of 'classical' apnoeic oxygenation with continuous
positive airway pressure and gaseous exchange through flow-dependent deadspace flushing.

THRIVE works by more than simply passive apnoeic oxygenation:

• Positive Airway Pressure (PEEP) of 7cmH2O.

• Splints upper airways enhancing patency.
• Reduces shunt (through reduced deadspace).
• High flows facilitate oxygen delivery and carbon dioxide removal.

The disadvantage of THRIVE is that it requires highly-specialised equipment in order to

administer high-flow transnasal oxygen. However, investigations are in progress which seek
to examine if this can be achieved for shorter periods using normal nasal cannulae.

The OptiFlow high-flow humidified oxygen delivery system. The oxygen humidification unit (a)
receives oxygen from a standard oxygen regulator and delivers humidified oxygen to a
custom-built trans-nasal oxygen cannula (b and c) like a standard nasal oxygen cannula (d).

Apnoea time vs SaO2 Apnoea time vs ETCO2


Pre-oxygenation is essential during the pre-intubation phase, during both RSI and non-RSI
intubation. Desaturation is related to Functional Residual Capacity (FRC), which is the sum
of Expiratory Reserve Volume and Residual Volume.

FRC is normally in the order of 30ml/kg, and is markedly reduced in pregnancy, obesity,
restrictive pulmonary disease, and instances where the stomach has been inflated with air (as
occurs with high-pressure face-mask ventilation). When FRC is reduced, oxygen
desaturation occurs rapidly, for reasons explained below:

FRC can be considered the “reserve oxygen tank inside the chest”. In other words, FRC
determines the amount of oxygen left in the lungs at the end of passive exhalation, and this
determines the time to desaturation.

For example, if FRC is 2000ml and a patient breathes 20% oxygen, “oxygen reserve” is
400ml. If basal oxygen consumption is 200ml/min, then desaturation occurs approximately 2
minutes after the last breath (in a non-preoxygenated patient). If the patient now breathes
100% oxygen, the “oxygen reserve” is now 2000ml. At basal oxygen consumption of
200ml/min, desaturation will now take 10 minutes.

Please note that the above is an over-simplified mathematical model, as FRC and basal
oxygen consumption have been rounded off for the sake of mathematical simplicity, and
water vapour pressure (6.3kPa) has not been factored into the above calculation.

Administration of 100% oxygen for 3 minutes, whilst breathing normally, displaces

nitrogen from the lungs, allowing several minutes of apnoea (in healthy lungs, with
normal FRC) before desaturation occurs. Similar preoxygenation can be achieved
with eight Vital Capacity breaths.

Preoxygenation does not only serve to “top up” the FRC, it also creates an oxygen surplus in
the bloodstream (dissolved in plasma) and in metabolically active tissues.

The below graphs demonstrates two important facts. The first is that oxygen desaturation
from 100% to 90% is a relatively slow process; however, desaturation from 90% to 0% occurs
extremely rapidly.

The second fact is that it is a false belief that most patients will achieve neuromuscular
recovery from suxemethonium before reaching terminal desaturation (saturation at which
unconsciousness and no respiratory drive occurs). This dispels the fallacy of the notion that
suxemethonium is a short-acting muscle relaxant under these circumstances! This is further
discussed under Neuromuscular Blockade.

Another important consideration, in terms of lung mechanics, is that of Closing Capacity.
Small airways, lacking rigid cartilagenous support, depend upon outward radial traction –
provided by elastic recoil of lung parenchyma – to keep them open. Patency of these
airways is highly dependent on lung volume. The volume at which these smaller airways
begins to close (in dependent areas of the lung) is known as closing capacity. At lower lung
volumes, alveoli continue to be perfused, but not ventilated, and intrapulmonary shunting

Closing capacity is normally well below FRC, but rises with age. At the age of 44, closing
capacity equals FRC in the supine position, and by age 66 equals FRC in the upright position.


Normal intubation non-RSI, non-trauma) will be discussed in a stepwise approach, followed

by a discussion of Rapid Sequence Intubation (RSI).

All of the following steps are illustrated by means of detailed photographs and diagrams in the
accompanying Powerpoint slide presentation.

1. The patient’s head and neck must be manipulated into the classic “morning sniff”

2. The patient must be pre-oxygenated with the mask gently applied to the face.

3. Supplemental ventilation may be administered if the patient’s tidal volumes and or

respiratory rate is judged to be inadequate.

4. Once the patient is sedated and/or relaxed, prepare for laryngoscopy.

5. The head and neck are extended with the right hand manipulating the head.

6. The laryngoscope blade is placed in the right-hand corner of the mouth, and gently
introduced deeper into the oral cavity.

7. The tongue is picked up with the flange of the blade (left curled edge) and then
manipulated into the centre of the oral cavity.

8. Do not fulcrum the blade on the teeth!!

9. The blade is introduced further into the oral cavity, whilst looking for the epiglottis.

Tip of blade inserted into vallecula

10. If the upper lip obscures the view into the oral cavity/hypopharynx, ask the assistant
to retract the upper lip with a finger.

11. If the patient has a “passion gap”, consider the placement of a “reversed”
oropharangeal airway into the gap (as illustrated). Degree of difficulty associated
with a passion gap is wholly under-estimated, as either the laryngoscope blade or the
ET tube tends to track into this gap, making manouvreability of both laryngoscope
and ET tube extremely difficult.

12. If the epiglottis is not visible, the blade may not be advanced far enough, or
conversely it may be advanced too far (and often is).

13. Under such circumstances, consider withdrawing the blade slowly, until the epiglottis
“flops” into view. (Some courses teach students to intentionally advance the blade
‘too deeply’, and then to slowly withdraw.

The Rock of Gibralter: Sailors of old, in trying to find the entrance to the
Mediterranean Sea never looked for the actual entrance to the Mediterranean Sea –
they focused on the Rock of Gibralter instead. By finding the Rock of Gibralter, they
knew – by relation – exactly where the entrance would be. The same can be said
about the epiglottis and the vocal cords. Always first look for the epiglottis before
looking for the vocal cords – because even if the vocal cords cannot be seen, if you
can see the epiglottis then you will know where the vocal cords should be!

The Rock of Gibralter heralding the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea

14. Aim to introduce the tip of the blade into the vallecula.

15. Once the tip of the blade is in the vallecula, minimal further advancement and lifting of
the blade will lift the epiglottis and bring the vocal cords into view.

16. If you can see the epiglottis, but can’t visualise the cords, consider the application of
cricoid pressure as Optimal External Laryngeal Manipulation.

17. If cricoid pressure is already being applied, consider the slow progressive release of
pressure, as the over-zealous administration of cricoid pressure itself can distort the
anatomy of the hypopharynx and glottic opening, completely obstructing the view of
the cords.

18. You can often “talk the cords into view” by giving verbal commands to your assistant,
eg. “Apply more pressure to the left/right, apply more/less pressure now”.

19. Failing talking the cords into view, you can apply OELM with your right hand whilst
holding the laryngoscope in the left, and then asking your assistant to mimic exactly
what you have done.

20. If you can see the cords, but are unable to adequately guide the ET tube through the
cords, consider repositioning of the patient, the use of a rubber-coated malleable
stylet, steerable (Parker) introducer, or the use of a gum elastic bougie.
21. Inflate the ETT cuff once the tube has been placed through the cords.

22. Inflate the cuff slowly, whilst listening at the mouth for an air leak, and simultaneously
applying positive airway pressure. Inflate the cuff to a pressure that just prevents an
air leak. This precludes against over-inflation.

23. Confirm ETT placement clinically and with the use of adjunct devices.

24. Release of cricoid pressure is only allowed after ET tube placement is confirmed and
the cuff has been inflated.

25. Note the tube distance at the teeth (or corner of the mouth) and document this.

It has been classically taught that, as a rule of thumb, tube distance at the teeth is
approximately 21cm in the adult females and 24cm in adult males. This is not a ‘hard
and fast’ rule. Please see the section below where 20cm in females and 22cm in males
has been advocated – and which doctrine is supported on this course.

26. Secure the ET tube. The airway is not secure until the ET tube is secure! (And
the ETT is not secure until the head and neck are immobilised).

27. Re-confirm ET tube position after securing the tube. Beware migration of the tube
into the right mainstem bronchus.

28. Do not strap an oropharangeal airway into the mouth whilst securing the ET tube –
this can cause considerable swelling, distortion and pressure sores in the mouth and
of the tongue. This practice is frowned upon and is to be strongly discouraged,
except where armoured tubes are used (discussed elsewhere).


Some people seem to forget that the ‘R’ in ‘RSI’ stands for RAPID, and there’s a ‘R’eason for
that! The purpose of RSI is to minimise the exposure of an unprotected airway to aspiration
of gastric contents. The emphasis is on “rapid”, and therefore time is of critical importance
during RSI.

The classic Rapid Sequence Induction is described as follows. Any variant on this theme is
known as “Modified Rapid Sequence Induction”.

• The patient is pre-oxygenated (but not ventilated).

• A precalculated dose of sodium thiopentone is given as a rapid IV bolus, followed by
a rapid precalculated dose of suxemethonium.
• Cricoid pressure is immediately applied and maintained (until the verbal command
to release cricoid pressure is given, following confirmation of correct ET tube
• The patient is observed for fasciculation of tongue, face and neck muscles.
• Once fasciculations have faded (or 30 to 45 seconds have passed if no fasciculations
are observed), the patient is swiftly intubated.
• The ET tube cuff is inflated.
• ET tube position is confirmed (auscultation and capnography).
• Cricoid pressure is released after correct tube placement is confirmed.
• The ET tube is secured.
• Tube placement is reconfirmed after strapping.
• Distance markings at the teeth are noted and documented.
• The patient is ventilated.

Caution: Note that in obese patients, and/or those with large breasts, it may not be possible
to insert a standard laryngoscope, as the handle often snags on the hand of the assistant
applying cricoid pressure. Under these circumstances a short-handled laryngoscope can be
used, if available. Polio blades are an alternative, but in practice are seldom available
outside of the obstetric operating theatre suite, and even then are sometimes little more than
wishful thinking.

If a short-handled laryngoscope or polio blade is not available, the standard laryngoscope is

inserted sideways, with the handle pointing to the patient’s right shoulder rather than to the
patient’s feet. Once the blade is inserted as deeply as possible, the laryngoscope is correctly
orientated, with the handle turned downwards towards the feet.

Caution: Note that cricoid pressure is capable of displacing the cervical spine approximately
5mm in normal patients, suggesting that it might present a hazard in patients with unstable
cervical spines. Notwithstanding this, cricoid pressure is still routinely applied to all trauma
patients considered to be at risk of aspiration.

There are three large studies assessing the effects of cricoid pressure on c-spine movement
in trauma patients, and there are no documented cases of secondary iatrogenic neurological
injury recorded in the literature.[42-44]

Modified Rapid Sequence Induction includes the use of Fentanyl, Midazolam, Propofol,
Etomidate, Ketamine and Rocuronium.

The use of gum elastic bougies is dealt with in detail in the section on alternative and ‘assist’
airway devices.

Additionally, when the BURP manoeuvre is applied (cricoid ring directed backwards, upwards
and rightwards), airway obstruction is 28 times more likely than when simple backward
pressure is applied.[45]


Aspiration is the largest cause of death associated with airway management in UK
anaesthesia. The NAP4 audit demonstrated that, of 29 aspiration events, eight patients
died and two were left permanently brain-damaged – yielding a long-term morbidity and
mortality of one third.[46,47]

The Royal College of Anaesthetists and the Difficult Airway Society therefore strongly
recommend the application of cricoid pressure whilst intubating patients with potential full


Confirmation of tube placement is done firstly by:

1. Clinical tests
a. Auscultation
b. Misting of the tube
c. Referencing tube depth
2. Non-clinical adjuncts:
a. Oesophageal detector device (EDD)
b. Colorimetric devices
c. Capnography


Note that all clinical and non-clinical adjuncts to confirming correct ET tube placement are
“single snapshots in time” and become irrelevant historical data immediately following
completion of the test. The only exception to this rule is the institution of continuous end-
tidal capnography.

Note, however, that ETCO2 will not reliably warn of tube dislodgement into the hypopharynx
(above the cords) or into the right mainstem bronchus. ETCO2 may also be unreliable in
confirming tube placement in the trachea (false negative) where there exists either
inadequate circulation or ventilation during CPR.

Observing the tube passing through the vocal cords:

It is not always possible to observe the tube passing through the vocal cords, even when the
cords are easily viewed (Cormack and LeHane Grades I and II), as in some instances, the
tube itself obscures the vocal cords as it is advanced through the cords.

Seeing the tube passing through the cords is always reassuring, but is NOT a reliable method
of assessing tube placement, as it occurs fairly frequently in the controlled environment of the
operating theatre that the practitioner “swears blind” that he or she saw the tube pass through
the cords, yet further confirmatory tests prove oesophageal placement! The lesson to learn
from this is that, no matter how good you think you may be, or however confident you are,
NEVER fully trust your own eyes! Never pit your personal pride against a patient’s life, and
always use further clinical and non-clinical adjuncts to confirm tube placement.

a) Auscultating the left axilla:

Some advocate the second step to confirming tube placement should be to auscultate the
epigastrium. Whilst this not a bad dictum to teach, I prefer auscultating the left axilla first, as
breath sounds in the left axilla immediately tells you two important things:

1. The tube is correctly placed in the trachea.

2. The tube has not been advanced into the right mainstem bronchus, and is therefore
correctly placed.

I believe it is better to be able to confirm correct ET tube placement on first auscultation, in

a situation where seconds count, rather than depending on the second and third auscultation
under such circumstances. After auscultating the epigastrium, the practitioner still has to
auscultate both lung fields in order to confirm tube placement – which can result in
considerable delays in identifying a misplaced tube, during which time the patient is rendered
apnoeic and the airway potentially unprotected. This is especially important in patients with
reduced FRC and increased closing capacities.


Be careful to auscultate the left axilla and not the left apex. Auscultating the apices of the
lungs creates the danger of interpreting transmitted sounds from the oesophagus or trachea

as breath sounds, as the stethoscope diaphragm is placed very close to the mediastinum.
Placing the stethoscope as far from the mediastinum as possible (ie. the axilla), minimises the
incidence of incorrect interpretation of lung sounds.

Note the distance between (a) trachea and the apex and (b) the trachea and axilla

A further word of caution involves interpretation of lung sounds in the paediatric age group.
The smaller size of the paediatric chest means that much smaller distances between the
mediastinum and axilla exist, and accurate interpretation of chest sounds may not be
possible. To illustrate this point, if you place a stethoscope on the top of a toddler’s head,
you will hear perfectly transmitted breath sounds! Believe it or not!

Auscultation of the epigastrium:

Following auscultation of the left axilla, I auscultate the epigastrium. Ventilation of the
stomach results in pathognomonic auscultatory sounds. The presence of air in the stomach
mandates immediate removal of the ET tube and recommencement of face-mask ventilation.

Auscultation of the right axilla:

This step is theoretically unncessary, as the presence of breath sounds in the left axilla alone
confirms correct tube placement. Auscultation of the epigastrium therefore serves as a
double safety check, and auscultation of the right axilla a triple safety check. I, however,
never skip this third check, as confirmation of correct tube placement is of such critical
importance that every attention to every detail cannot be over-emphasised.

b) Misting of the tracheal tube:

Misting of the tube is to be completely discounted as providing any value to confirmation of

tube placement. Since the stomach is a warm and moist environment (as are the lungs),
ventilation of the stomach through a relatively colder ET tube will produce as much tidal

misting as occurs with lung ventilation. Misting of the tube must be thoroughly
‘unlearned’ as a method of confirming correct ET tube placement!

Tidal “misting” of the ET tube

“Tickling” the carina:

If the tube is too deep, it may come into contact with the carina (the bifurcation of the trachea
into the left and right mainstem bronchi). The carina is richly innervated with
parasympathetic fibres, and an overly-deep tube may cause unexplained bronchospasm,
bronchorrhoea and bradycardia.

c) Referencing tracheal tube depth:

The “rule of thumb” of placing the tracheal tube at a depth of 21cm at the teeth in females and
24cm in males must be revised. In a recent study, it has been shown that 20cm in females
and 22cm in men is safer and more reliable at preventing endobronchial intubation 33.

The 21/24cm (or 21/23cm) rule risks carinal stimulation and endobronchial intubation in 20%
of patients.

Additionally, the study by Sitzwohl et al,[34] which compared (1) auscultation, (2) observation
and palpation of symmetrical chest expansion and (3) tube depth, demonstrated that:

• Inexperienced clinicians missed detection of endobronchial intubation in 55% of

cases, in comparison to experienced clinicians;
• Referencing tube depth alone achieved far more reliable results than auscultation,
• Utilising all three (auscultation, observation of chest movements and referencing of
tube depth) resulted in 100% detection of right mainstem bronchus intubation by
both inexperienced and experienced clinicians.

The take-home message from the above is that:

• The new tube depth rule should be a 20/22cm rule.

• Inexperienced clinicians should rely on monitoring of tube depth more than on
• Utilising all three parameters provides 100% efficacy at preventing endobronchial

This is an important practice-changing lesson, and should be adhered to by all clinicians.

Right mainstem bronchus intubation:

Right mainstem bronchus intubation will not be detected by:

(1) end-tidal capnography, as carbon dioxide is 40 times more soluble than oxygen, and is
fully vented through one-lung ventilation.

Similarly, right mainstem bronchus intubation may not be detected by:

(2) airway pressure monitoring, as the excessive right lung tidal volume is displaced into the
non-ventilated collapsed left lung. The left lung collapses as it is in direct communication
with the atmosphere (no tracheal tube cuff isolating the left mainstem bronchus, trachea or

Right mainstem bronchus intubation may also not be evident from:

(3) pulse oximetry whilst adminstering a high FiO2, as such high FiO2 masks the resultant 50%
V/Q mismatch.

The only guard against right mainstem bronchus intubation is a high degree of clinical
vigilance through auscultation of the left axilla, and monitoring and recording of tube depth at
the lips, teeth or gums.

Schematic representation of
right mainstem bronchus

Note that the increased right

lung volume (and pressure)
is displaced into the left
lung. The left lung
undergoes collapse, as it is
in direct communication with
the atmosphere, and
experiences the pressure

Non-clinical adjuncts to confirmation of correct tube placement are generally done following
clinical tube confirmation. It must be stressed that tube placement is initially a clinical
assessment requiring additional back-up confirmation through other objective means.

a) Oesophageal Detector Devices (EDDs or ODDs):

Oesophageal detector devices (known as either the EDD or ODD; depending on American or
British spelling of the word “oesophagus”):

Oesophageal detector devices (ODD) are designed to aspirate air via the endotracheal tube
and depend on the structural differences between the trachea and oesophagus to indicate
ETT position. The ability to aspirate air easily when connected to an ETT indicates tracheal
intubation as the trachea and main bronchi have a rigid structure and do not collapse when a
negative pressure is applied. Failure to aspirate air indicates oesophageal intubation as the
oesophagus collapses around the end of the ETT.

The ODD is made by connecting a 60 ml catheter-tip syringe to a right-angled endotracheal
tube connector by a short length of rubber tubing. The device is attached to an ETT and the
syringe aspirated. If resistance is encountered when the syringe is aspirated i.e. with an
oesophageal intubation, when the plunger is released it usually rebounds to its original
position. O'Leary regarded the aspiration of 30mls of air as indicating tracheal intubation.[48]

Nunn described an adaptation using an Ellick's evacuator (a rubber bulb) and a connector.
The bulb is squeezed and attached to the ETT.[49] Passive re-inflation indicates a tracheal
intubation, while a failure to reinflate occurs with an oesophageal intubation. The bulb from a
disposable bulb syringe may also be used.

Advantages of the ODD:

1. ODDs can be easily assembled using inexpensive and readily available equipment.
They are easy to use (even by non-anaesthetists), portable, non-electronic, and
provide a highly reliable assessment of ETT position. They are ideal for use in
countries where capnography is not routinely available. They may also be useful for
intubations performed outside the operating room (e.g., in the recovery room,
emergency room, intensive care unit, and out in the field).
2. ODDs provide a rapid assessment of ETT position. In Wee's original study, the
average time to perform the test was 6.9 seconds (range 5 - 16 seconds).[50] Nunn
obtained a result with the Ellick's bulb in 3 - 5 seconds.[49] When the bulb from a
disposable bulb syringe was used, full re-inflation of the bulb took up to 30 seconds in
only 6% of tracheal intubations. The result of the ODD test is obtained more rapidly
than that from capnography, and relies solely on observation.
3. ODDs are useful in patients in cardiac arrest as the test result does not depend on
carbon dioxide being present in exhaled gas.
4. ODDs are useful when a Combitube has been used. They can indicate whether the
Combitube is positioned in the trachea or oesophagus, and whether or not the airway
is patent.
5. ODDs can be re-used after cleaning or sterilisation.

The disadvantages of the ODD include:

1. Some false results may occur. However, the incidence of this is low.
2. Regurgitation of gastric air, distension of the oesophagus with air, or an ODD that is
not airtight may give a false impression of tracheal intubation when the tube is in fact
in the oesophagus.
3. Thick secretions may occlude a tracheal tube and give a false impression of
oesophageal intubation. Occlusion of the bevel of a reinforced ETT by the wall of the
trachea has been described to cause failure of bulb refill. Bronchial intubation,
bronchospasm, tracheal compression, obesity, and chronic obstructive airways
disease, may also cause resistance to aspiration or delayed refill of the bulb-type
4. Wee had no problem in identifying tracheal intubation in two patients with moderate
bronchospasm (peak airway pressures of 3.0 - 4.2kPa). However, delayed refill of the
bulb-type ODD has been observed in an asthmatic patient. Th[50]e slow re-inflation of
the bulb seen in the presence of bronchospasm represents the slow exhalation that is
characteristic of acute asthma.

False positive results (ETT in oesophagus but interpreted as in trachea):

• Regurgitation of gas from the stomach.

• Oesophageal distension with gas.
• Oesophageal detector device not airtight.

False negative results: (ETT in trachea but interpreted as in oesophagus):

• Thick secretions occluding the ETT.

• Occlusion of the end of an ETT (with no Murphy eye) by the mucosa of the tracheal
• Endobronchial intubation.
• Bronchospasm.
• Tracheal compression.
• Morbid obesity and pregnancy.
• The under one-year old age group.
• Chronic obstructive airways disease.

Whilst there are multiple studies confirming 100% efficacy of the bulb and syringe-type EDDs,
the following cautions exist:

Haynes and Morton found the device unreliable in the under one-year old age group.[51] They
hypothesized this failure was due to either air reflux from a hiatal hernia, a relatively non

collapsible oesophagus due to the ETT splinting it open, inadvertent intubation of the stomach
with free air return, or a relatively immature/collapsible trachea which collapsed on aspiration.
The esophageal detector device therefore cannot be recommended in children under one

Lang, Wafai et al found a 30% false negative rate for confirmation of tracheal intubation in
morbidly obese patients.[52] Tracheal responses to the EDD were observed simultaneously by
fiberoptic bronchoscopy. This observation revealed invagination of the tracheal wall as
negative pressure occurred. They hypothesize that the mechanism is due to a reduced airway
calibre in obese patients combined with a collapse of large airways resulting in reduced FRC
and less air available for aspiration. The same applies to pregnant patients.

Tanigawa et al found in a study of out of hospital cardiac arrest patients that both the bulb and
syringe-type esophageal detector device (EDD) failed to confirm endotracheal tube placement
in more than 25% of tracheal intubations in their study.[53]

One must therefore not rely too heavily on the results of the EDD alone, and proper clinical
judgment in conjunction with all available modalities should be used to confirm ETT placement
in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients.


ODDs are best used where capnography is unavailable.

It must be stressed that ODDs do not replace capnography, but are the best alternative
method to capnography in differentiating oesophageal from tracheal intubation. The ODDs
must not be used on their own, but always in conjunction with clinical methods to assess
endotracheal tube position.

b) Colorimetric end-tidal carbon dioxide detection devices:

Colorimetric devices make use of the fact that carbon dioxide forms acidic solutions in water.
Paper impregnated with an aqueous solution of a pH-sensitive dye can be maintained inside
a hydrophobic filter. When CO2 containing gas comes into contact with the test paper, the pH
drops and the indicator dye changes colour. Disposable devices such as the Easycap or
Stat-Cap can analyse CO2 semi-quantitatively and can be used to confirm tracheal intubation
in the field or emergency department.

These devices are not readily available due to expense and

unreliability. Anecdotal reports have found them to be extremely
sensitive to moisture & fluids, rendering them inaccurate and

Colorimetric devices do not give accurate values of expired CO2 levels, but simply give a
“yes” or “no” colour change indication. The normal colour is purple, and changes to yellow on
exposure to CO2. (Remember Yellow stands for Yes, and Purple stands for Problem!). The
colour change is reversible and changes with tidal breathing.

False-positive readings (CO2 is detected but the tube is located in the oesophagus) can occur
if the device becomes contaminated with gastric contents during oesophageal intubation), and
can theoretically occur if a patient has ingested large amounts of carbonated drinks.

False-negative readings (in this context defined as failure to detect CO2 despite correct tube
placement in the trachea) can occur under the following circumstances:

• During cardiac arrest; as blood flow and delivery of CO2 to the lungs is low.
• Pulmonary embolus; because pulmonary blood flow and carbon dioxide delivery to
the lungs are reduced.
• The detector is contaminated with gastric contents or acidic drugs.
• During severe airway obstruction (eg. status asthmaticus), where exhalation of CO2-
rich expired air is markedly reduced.
• Intubation of the hypopharynx (ETT sitting above the vocal cords).

c) Continuous waveform end-tidal capnography:

The advantages of continuous waveform end-tidal capnography are discussed in detail in the
lecture Capnography and will not be dealt with further in this section, except to say that
ETCO2 monitoring is the true gold standard of airway and ventilation monitoring and is
considered a ‘non-negotiable’ essential monitor for the care of intubated, ventilated patients.

The NAP4 audit (which analysed 2.9 million anaesthetics across the UK over a period of one
year), demonstrated that 74% of deaths or serious injury under anaesthesia are associated
with the absence of capnography![46]

Advantages include:

1. The gold standard in confirming endotracheal tube placement.

2. Continuous breath-by-breath monitor of tube placement/dislodgement.
3. Ventilator or circuit disconnect/obstruction alarm.
4. Apnoea alarm.
5. Monitors adequacy of ventilation (hyper- and hypoventilation).
6. Fresh gas flow/rebreathing monitor.
7. Monitor of bronchospasm/expiratory obstruction (slope of expiratory phase).
8. Indirect monitor of sedation/paralysis/patient fighting ventilator.

9. Indirect (crude) monitor of metabolic rate (malignant hyperthermia, thyroid crisis,
10. Crude monitor of cardiac output (gradually diminishing expired CO2 level predicts
imminent cardiovascular collapse).

Disadvantages include:

1. ETCO2 may provide false-negative information (tube in the trachea but no ETCO2
return) in a cardiac arrest situation where there is either inadequate circulation,
inadequate ventilation, or both.
2. “Saddle” pulmonary embolus.
3. ETCO2 will not detect an ETT in the right mainstem bronchus.
4. ETCO2 will not reliably detect an ETT in the hypopharynx.

Capnography may provide a “false negative” result to correct tracheal tube placement in the
situation of cardiac arrest, where there is a low to absent cardiac output (ineffective CPR) and
inadequate ventilation.

All other confirmatory procedures for correct tube placement are “single snapshots in time”
and become historical data immediately after being performed:

• Visualisation of ETT passing through cords

• Auscultation of left axilla and epigastrium
• Oesophageal detector devices
• Colorimetric carbon dioxide detection devices
• Chest x-ray
• Ultrasound

Tracheal intubation and the management of intubated patients should not be

undertaken without the presence of end-tidal capnography. Failure to do so will be
construed as negligent practice by a court of law.

A simple addition to SOPs requiring all ETT patients to have their head/neck immobilized by
any means possible will play a significant role in reducing the number of accidental
extubations, inadvertent oesophageal intubations and secondary right main stem bronchus
intubations in the EMS environment.

Pulse oximetry:

It must be stressed that there is no place for pulse oximetry in confirming ET tube placement.
Pulse oximetry is a late warning device, and as such, patients effectively ventilated with
100% oxygen may only desaturate 10 to 15 minutes after oesophageal intubation, circuit
disconnection or other malfunction. This is discussed in detail in the lecture Pulse Oximetry.

DOPES pnemonic for assessing tracheal tube placement:

Dislodged tube

Obstructed tube


Equipment failure – ventilator, circuit, ETCO2

Stacking – breath-stacking


It seems an obvious thing to state, but securing the tracheal tube:

1. Secures the airway – note that the airway is not secure until the ETT is secure.
2. Securing the tube additionally frees up both hands and
3. Allows the practitioner to move more than one arm’s radius from the patient’s mouth!
(I have noted on more than one occasion where a paramedic desperately holds onto
the tube with one hand, whilst managing the rest of the resuscitation with the other

There are many ways to secure the ETT, and any method which provides secure and reliable
fixing is acceptable. Meticulous detail should be paid to monitoring and documenting tube
distance at the teeth, and tube placement should always be rechecked after securing the
tube, as the tube has a high tendency to migrate deeper, into the right mainstem bronchus,
on strapping.

Please note that the airway is not secure until the ETT is secure, and the ETT is not secure
until such time as the head and neck are immobilised!!

See below – “The post-intubation misplaced ETT”.

All methods of tube fixation will be illustrated in the accompanying Powerpoint presentation.

Please see below for illustrations.


A gauze roller bandage (Kling®-type or equivalent) can be ‘larks-footed’ over the tube, and
secured around the back of the head. Ensure the bandage passes over one ear and below
the other. This prevents slippage of the bandage. Knot the bandage on the side of the head
and not at the back, over the occiput. Gauze bandages tend to erode into the corners of the
mouth when in place for an extended period.

Lark’s-footed gauze bandage.


Zinc oxide tape can also be used to secure the ETT, as shown in the accompanying
Powerpoint presentation. Two strips of gauze are used. One strip is wrapped around the
tube and the two limbs placed over the maxilla and upper cheek as shown. A second mirror-
image strip is secured to the tube, with the limbs placed over the mandible and lower cheek.

Tube strapping with zinc oxide tape – see text above for explanation.

Make sure not to fix the tube too high on the shaft, as tightening the tube will pull it deeper
into the trachea, and may result in carinal stimulation or right mainstem bronchus intubation.

Left: Strapping fixed too high on the shaft of the tube – on tightening the strapping, the tube
will be pulled deeper into the trachea. Right: Fixing the strapping at the correct height around
the tube ensures the tube is not pulled deeper into the trachea.


Wide Elastoplast® or equivalent strapping can also be used, as demonstrated in the
accompanying Powerpoint illustrations, a few of which are included here. Two “tails” are cut
into either end of a wide Elastoplast strip. The strip is placed behind the patient’s head, over
the occiput.

One tail is wrapped around the tube

in one direction, and then the second
tail wrapped around the tube in the
opposite direction, as shown below.

The same is done with the other side of the Elastoplast, creating a very secure ETT. The
only disadvantage of this system is that tube depth at the level of the lips or teeth cannot be


A variation on the above theme is to cut three tails into the broad Elastoplast tape, as shown
below. The top (cephalad) tails are wrapped over each other, over the top lip (maxilla). The
second two tails are used to secure the tube, in a manner similar to that described above.
The third two tails are used to secure the oro-/nasogastric tube.

Cut three tails at each end of the broad The top (cephalad) two tails wrap over each
Elastoplast tape. other, over the top lip (maxilla).

Each limb of the second tail is strapped in Each limb of the third (caudad) tail is used
opposite directions around the tube. to secure the orogastric tube.


Commercially available tube holders such as the Thomas Tube Holder, distributed by
Laerdal® are the most ideal, but are reasonably

Thomas tube holder


Cable-ties and PVC tubing can be used to make an ingenious home-made tracheal tube
holder, which is very cheap to make (under R2 each) and is extremely effective.

Home-made tracheal tube ties, using cable ties and “fish tank” tubing – obtainable from any
hardware store, are cheap and very effective.

When securing tubes on burns patients, when one can’t fix the tube to the skin, one of the
following two methods may be employed:


The method of fixation involves introducing a feeding tube into the nostril, over the soft palate
and retrieving it through the mouth, with the use of a Magill forceps. The tracheal tube is
then secured by tying it in position with the feeding tube, as shown below. Beware tying the
tube too tightly, as the feeding tube can have something of a “cheesewire” effect, cutting into
the tissues of the soft palate.

A feeding tube or suction catheter is passed through the
Nostril over the soft palate and out of the mouth.

Feeding tube fed through the nostril. Feeding tube retrieved through the mouth.

Feeding tube tied around the tracheal tube. Feeding tube knotted securely.

In the second method, one feeding tube is fed through each nostril, and the tips retrieved
through the mouth, with a Magill forceps, as above. The two proximal tips are then tied to
each other with thin nylon suture, as shown. It is better not to tie a simple knot, as the knot
may cause an area of pressure necrosis in the posterior nasopharynx (soft palate). The
distal ends are then pulled outwards, and the tracheal tube (and/or nasogastric tube) can be
secured to the two ends of the feeding tubes by tying simple knots, using tape or by using
small cable ties.

The two proximal ends of the feeding tube

tied together with nylon suture.

Two feeding tubes, one through each nostril,

proximal ends brought out through the mouth.

The distal ends of the feeding tube are seen The distal ends are used to tie the tracheal
protruding from the nostrils. The proximal ends tube or nasogastric tube (in this case
(sutured together) are apposed against the nasogastric tube). Surgical tape/plaster or
posterior nasopharynx. cable ties can be used.

Two or more methods of tube fixation can be used simultaneously where deemed necessary
and appropriate.


Beware the use of armoured Et tubes! ‘Armoured’ or ‘reinforced’ ET tubes have a wire coil
spiralling through the outer wall of the tube. They are specially designed to prevent kinking
of the tube, and are used predominantly in ENT, facial, head and neck surgery, and where
patients are operated on in the prone position.

Armoured tubes are far more “floppy” than ordinary PVC ET tubes, and most require the use
of a stylet, gum elastic bougie or other introducer. An unwitting practitioner attempting to
intubate a patient with an armoured tube, without an introducer, is analagous to trying to pick
one’s nose with a piece of cooked spaghetti!

Another caution with armoured tubes is that if a patient bites an armoured tube, the wire coils
will be crushed into a flattened configuration, and will not spring open again! This constitutes
a true airway emergency as the tube then represents a total airway obstruction. A gum
elastic bougie cannot be introduced into the tube, and hence a fresh tube cannot be
railroaded over the old one. A bite block or oropharangeal airway should be used as a
precaution when armoured ET tubes are used in non-paralysed patients outside of the
operating theatre. Since the practice of securing bite blocks and oropharangeal airways into
the mouths of intubated patients is a dubious practice, there exists very little place for the use
of armoured ET tubes in the emergency environment, outside of the operating theatre.

Armoured or “reinforced” tracheal tube. Bitten armoured tracheal tube – stays collapsed!

The post-intubation phase commences with confirmation of correct ET tube placement and
securing of the ET tube – the following will have occurred:

• Tube placement is confirmed as being correct.

• The tube is adequately secured, and placement re-confirmed.
• Tube distance at the teeth is noted and documented.

In addition, the following must be managed during the post-intubation phase:

• Ventilation
• Hypotension
• Sedation
• Analgesia
• Neuromuscular blockade
• Nasogastric or orogastric tube placement
• Documentation


Either the patient must be connected to a mechanical ventilator with appropriate tidal volume,
rate and airway pressure settings, or the practitioner should continue (or should instruct and
guide a fellow practitioner) in appropriate manual BVM ventilation. Correct ventilation
technique is beyond the scope of this text, and is discussed in detail in the lecture Ventilation
in the Transport Environment.


Hypotension should be sought and managed by raising the legs, administering an appropriate
IV fluid bolus, or administering vasopressors and/or inotropes, according to protocol and
scope of practice. Please see the appropriate pharmacology sections for guidance on the
use of inotrope infusions and pressor agents.


The patient must receive appropriate sedation and analgesia (remember that sedation is not
analagous with analgesia in the unconscious patient). Please see the appropriate sections
for guidance on sedation and analgesia.


Neuromuscular blockade should be considered simultaneously, where there is any chance of

the patient fighting the ventilator.

The above issues are dealt with in detail in separate lectures on Ventilation in the Transport
Environment and Neuromuscular Blockade. Head injury issues are specifically dealt with in
the lecture Traumatic Brain Injury.


Gastric tube placement may be indicated for numerous reasons, not least of which is deflating
an over-distended air-filled stomach. Traumatic brain injury with basal skull fracture is a
relative contra-indication to nasogastric tube placement.

Placement of the NGT with a Magill’s forceps under direct laryngoscopy can be a difficult and
time-consuming procedure. One must ensure guidance of the NGT into the posterior
hypopharynx, and check that it does not coil upon itself while advancing it. Keeping NGTs in
the deep freeze helps to keep the point rigid, which aids initial placement into the
oesophagus. It is useful to have an assistant guide and advance the NGT, as it has a
tendency to slide back out each time one releases the NGT following advancement into the
oesophagus (in a “three steps forward, two steps backwards” nature).

A further ‘trick’ is to grip the larynx (anterior neck) with one hand and simultaneously lift it
upwards (anteriorly) whilst simultaneously inserting the NGT with the other hand. (See

Grasping the larynx and applying anterior (upward) traction

Another simpler and quicker trick to rapid placement of a gastric tube involves the intentional
placement of a second large-bore ETT into the oesophagus and then simply channelling a
well-lubricated gastric tube through the ETT.

It is critically important to continue with general patient monitoring and management, such as
ECG, NIBP, SPO2, ETCO2, fluid status and urine output, core temperature, pressure area
vigilance, etc.

Repeated regular ETT position checks and a state of ‘hypervigilance’ cannot be over-
emphasised. Multiple clinical rechecks must be done every time the patient is moved.

“Just because you’ve never been hurt in a car accident doesn’t mean you don’t need to wear
your seatbelt”.


The following parameters must be noted in the documentation relating to airway


• Reason for intubation

• Intubated by whom
• Intubated where (location)
• Time intubated
• Method used (RSI or non-RSI, application of OELM, positioning, etc)
• Equipment used – blade type and size, gum elastic bougie, other adjuncts
• Drugs used
• Methods of confirmation of ETT placement, use of ETCO2
• Observations before, during and after tracheal intubation
• ETT distance at teeth
• Intubation views (Cormack & LeHane), difficulty of intubation and reasons for any
difficulties encountered
• Ventilation

Note: It is very useful to mark a difficult intubation by wrapping a short strip of red electrical
insulation tape around the ET tube once placed. This warns practitioners involved in the care
that the tube was difficult to place.

Red insulation tape signposts a difficult intubation.

The most catastrophic complication of RSI is unrecognised oesophageal intubation, which
can occur either at the time of intitial intubation, or subsequently as a result of tube
displacement into the pharynx and/or oesophagus. Continuous end-tidal carbon dioxide
monitoring is the only modality to reliably warn against this complication.

Unrecognised oeophageal intubation occurs with alarming regularity in some prehospital

studies, and is regularly reported at between one and five percent, and in one notorious
study, by Katz and Falk9, as high as twenty-five percent![9]

One might not consider a failure rate of one percent as high, but considering the universal
fatal outcome associated with this complication: If we translated a failure rate of “only one
percent” to the airline industry, this would extrapolate to no less than 30 airline crashes per
day at Heathrow airport alone. As can be seen, one percent is in reality an extremely high

The Fourth National Audit Project 52 of major complications of airway management in the UK
highlighted the fact that airway interventions outside of the operating theatre were more likely
to result in adverse events with serious outcomes. Seventy-four percent of deaths or
serious neurological injury were associated with the absence of capnography![46,47,54]


The ETT may relocate to the oesophagus, right mainstem bronchus or posterior pharynx),
under certain circumstances. Note well that missed oesophageal intubation carries a 100%
mortality in the paralysed patient!

Be aware that all tracheal tube position checks provide a “single snapshot in time”, and
become historical information immediately after the check has been been completed. The
only exception to this rule is provided by continuous end-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring.
However, ETCO2 will not alert the airway technician to either a tube placed in the posterior
pharynx (just above the glottic opening) or right mainstem bronchus intubation. Clinical
vigilance is the only guard against these misplaced tubes.

In a study of ETT movement in secured ETTs by Matera, the average displacement of the
fixed ETT tip away from the carina during neck extension was almost 30mm.[55] Biphasic
(proximal and distal) movement of the ETT was observed to a varying degree on extension of
the head from neutral (owing to the biomechanics of neck extension). Neck flexion similarly

revealed that the ETT tip moved away from the carina up to 10 mm, and moved towards the
carina up to 25mm from a neutral position.

Another critical issue to understand is that the lung root is not a rigid structure. The lung root
moves when a patient coughs or gags. Therefore, even with the proximal ETT secured at the
teeth/nose level, a C-collar in place and the patient fully immobilized, the lung root (carina)
can still move in relation to the ETT tip. This occurs because the proximal end of the ETT is
secured to the mouth/nose, and not in spite of it.

Right mainstem bronchus intubation:

Right mainstem bronchus intubation is also ‘technically’ a misplaced post-intubation tracheal

tube, and may have imported consequences, such as hypoxaemia, right lung barotrauma and
left lung atelectasis.

Please review this topic, under the section “Confirming correct placement of the tracheal


Re-confirmation of proper ETT placement should occur at various times during transport 46 of
any intubated patient, and include:

1. Following initial intubation.

2. After securing the ETT in position.
3. After completion of packaging the patient for transport from the scene;
4. Prior to loading the patient into a transport unit;
5. After loading the patient into a transport unit;
6. After removing the patient from the transport unit at the receiving facility; and
7. Before placing the patient on a receiving facility bed or trolley.
8. After placing the patient on a receiving facility bed or trolley.
9. After any significant patient movement (e.g., following attachment or removal of a
BVM, defibrillation, a sudden stop or bump in the road, etc.).

10. At each time that a new practitioner takes over responsibility for patient care and
airway management.


When transferring patients from one stretcher, trolley or bed to another, it is safest and wisest
to completely disconnect the patient circuit or BVM resuscitator from the ETT. There are
many things that can snag an ET tube or ventilator circuit whilst transferring a patient. Most
patients ventilated with supplemental oxygen will withstand short periods of apnoea with

However, few patients can withstand a life-threatening event such as an inadvertent

extubation, lost airway and emergency re-intubation – especially where the intubation is
known to be difficult, or where there is a considerable amount of airway swelling.

When transferring a patient from one stretcher/trolley to another, the receiving doctor should
be asked to confirm ETT placement before the patient is transferred to the receiving

This provides protection for the transferring doctor, paramedic or registered nurse, in that they
cannot then be blamed for a missed oesophageal intubation, in the event that the tracheal
tube dislodges during the actual transfer from one bed to another.

The same principle applies when responsibility for patient care is transferred from one doctor,
paramedic or registered nurse to another.


Management of laryngospasm can present a major challenge to the airway practitioner.

Laryngospasm can manifest itself before intubation in the non-RSI or drug-assisted
intubation. Laryngospasm is not encountered during RSI, owing to the use of muscle
relaxant drugs which paralyse the vocal cords.

Laryngospasm is most often encountered following extubation, in the “twilight zone of

emergence” – where the patient is in that plane of anaesthesia that is somewhere between
deep and awake.

Laryngospasm usually occurs due to an error of judgement in the timing of extubation. (It
has been said that good judgement comes from experience; and experience comes from bad
judgement!). The most reliable assessment of a sufficiently light plane of anaesthesia to
enable extubation without encountering laryngospasm, is the application of “Aunty Gwen’s

“Aunty Gwen’s rule” states simply that once spontaneous upper limb (elbow) flexion is
observed (without purposeful movement being necessary), it will be safe to extubate the
patient. In my anecdotal experience, Aunty Gwen’s rule is truly 100% reliable!

Obviously, an awake patient with eyes open who swallows on, or coughs against, a tracheal
tube in situ can also be safely extubated.

The most important resources in the management of tight laryngospasm are a high level of
vigilance, nerves of steel, an unshakeable resolve, and judicious patience.

Tight laryngospasm may or may not present with obvious signs of airway obstruction, such as
stridor, severe dyspnoea, use of accessory muscles, etc. Laryngospasm may present with a
silent airway and the appearance of an unobstructed breathing pattern with normal inspiration
and expiration. This is especially so in the paediatric age group. Placement of the
stethoscope over the angle of the mandible will reveal absent bronchial breath sounds, and
therefore no air movement in the trachea, despite the appearance of normal breathing.

A silent airway to the naked airway means either unobstructed clear air entry, or complete
airway obstruction. In the context of laryngospasm, noise is good! Although loud stridor can
be frightening very intimidating, it is generally much better than soft stridor (or silence), as the
louder the stridor the better the air movement through the vocal cords. If stridor is not
obviously apparent, the vibrations generated by obstructed air movement can often be
perceived through the hand which applies the face-mask to the face during positive pressure

Spirometry (the measurement of tidal volume) is of no value in assessing the course of

laryngospasm. During tight laryngospasm, spurious tidal volumes (and airway pressure
traces) will be generated by ventilation of the upper airway, oesophagus and stomach.

Capnography, however, remains a very useful monitoring modality, as any amount of end-
tidal CO2 (no matter how little) indicates true air movement and therefore yields the (slow)
breaking of laryngospasm. Generally, the greater the ETCO2 return, the greater the relief of

Vigilance and early recognition are essential as, in the well pre-oxygenated patient,
desaturation may not occur for several minutes. The shape of the oxygen-haemoglobin
dissociation curve dictates that once saturation starts to fall – once the patient is on the
“slippery slope of hypoxia” – saturation will rapidly crash to frightening depths!

Remember, too, that pulse oximeters display averaged readings, which, depending on the
make and model of pulse oximeter, may take up to 30 seconds to average. Therefore,
saturation values may not change on the pulse oximeter for some time, even after effective
ventilation has been established – and hence the requirement for “nerves of steel”.

Poorly managed laryngospasm will result in prolonged hypoxia and hypercarbia, and the
attendant problems associated with each. However, negative pressure pulmonary oedema is
a very real likelihood following prolonged tight laryngospasm, and understandably
exacerbates both hypoxia and hypercarbia.

Treatment includes the use of positive pressure ventilation and the judicious use of morphine
and frusemide (as in the management of pulmonary oedema of other aetiologies).

Management of tight laryngospasm:

• Change to 100% oxygen or as high an FiO2 as possible (with BVM and reservoir
• Maintain gentle, yet firm and constant airway pressure with a good face-mask seal.
High airway pressure itself helps to relieve laryngospasm, but be very mindful that
gastric sphincter opening pressure occurs at approximately 15cmH2O, with
consequent insufflation of the stomach, splinting of the diaphragms and increasing
difficulty with face-mask ventilation.
• Propofol by incrementally increased IV boluses – propofol ablates airway reflexes
very effectively. Boluses of 0.5 to 1mg/kg (up to 2mg/kg) should completely alleviate
laryngospasm. Propofol will obviously deepen the patient as well, and must
therefore be used with great caution in the difficult airway situation.
• Suxemethonium by incrementally increased IV boluses – 0.25mg/kg (or smaller dose)
to 1mg/kg will also ablate airway reflexes, but comes with the attendant side-effects
related to suxemethonium administration. Beware the administration of
suxemethonium following the administration of neostigmine (for non-depolarising
muscle relaxant reversal). Neostigmine works against both pseudo- and plasma
cholinesterase, and since suxemethonium depends upon the action of
pseudocholinesterase for its reversal, the administration of suxemthonium following
neostigmine may delay the offset of suxemthonium by up to six hours. Be prepared
for prolonged ventilation under such circumstances.

Never lose sight of the fact that the patient needs oxygen, and not a tracheal tube!

There are four key questions that must be asked, when it comes to difficult airways:

1. Is the airway difficult? (anatomic concerns)

2. Is the patient compromised? (physiologic concerns)
3. What is your primary approach?
4. What is your secondary approach – ie. what is your “bail-out” or rescue plan?

An airway ‘strategy’ vs an airway ‘plan’:

An airway “plan” suggests a single approach to airway management. A “strategy” is a co-

ordinated logical sequence of plans – which aim to achieve good gas exchange and the
prevention of aspiration. Anaesthetists should approach airway management with
strategies rather than with plans.[46,47,56]

Planning for failure:

Where failed airways were managed with multiple repeated attempts of doing the same thing
over and over, the situation regularly deteriorated into a ‘can’t intubate, can’t oxygenate’

It is well recognised that, rather than repeating a technique that has already failed, a change
of approach is required.

The NAP4 airway audit highlighted a general failure to ‘plan for failure’ – for when airway
management was unexpectedly difficult. Where the response was unstructured, the
outcomes were poor (which occurred often). This reinforces the adage that “a good
anaesthetist is always surprised by an easy airway” – implying that it is good practice to
expect, and plan for difficulty with all routine airway management.

NAP4 revealed that unanticipated difficult airway often occurred in young, fit, healthy patients
undergoing elective surgery, where a specialist anaesthetist was often involved. One quarter
of cases occurred on emergence from anaesthesia and in the recovery room. Similarly,
quarter of cases occurred in the Emergency Department and Intensive Care Unit.


The failed airway can be defined as:

1. Failure to maintain acceptable oxygenation saturation during or after one or more

failed attempts at laryngoscopy.
2. Three failed attempts at oral intubation by an experienced intubator, even when
oxygen saturation can be maintained.
Benumof defines the six components of the ‘best attempt’ as:[57]

• Experienced endoscopist
• No significant muscle tone
• Optimal morning sniff position
• A range of blade lengths
• Different types of blade (Magill –curved; Miller – straight).


A history of difficult airway management may not always be a luxury afforded the emergency
practitioner. However, it is still worth discussion.

Previous anaesthetics: If the patient has had previous anaesthetics, and significant airway
difficulties were encountered, it is very likely that the patient would have been told of this.

Previous neck surgery, radiotherapy or burns to the neck could result in scarring and
contracture formation, which could result in difficult intubation.

Diabetes mellitus (chronic hyperglycaemia) leads to glycosylation of tissue proteins, and a

‘limited mobility joint syndrome’. Evaluation of temporo-mandibular joint and cervical spine
mobility will help to predict difficult intubations, which occur in 30% of type I (insulin-
dependent) diabetics.

Rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and other auto-immune diseases: Rheumatoid

arthritis is characterised by immune-mediated joint destruction with chronic and progressive
inflammation of synovial tissue. All synovial tissues are involved, including those of the
cervical spine and temporomandibular joint. Atlanto-axial subluxation may lead to the
protrusion of the odontoid process into the foramen magnum during intubation, compromising
vertebral blood flow and compressing the spinal cord or brainstem. Additionally, crico-
arytenoid arthritis can cause narrowing of the glottic opening, leading to post-extubation
airway obstruction.

• Neck masses, scars
• Small mouth
• Prominent underbite (recessed mandible)
• Large tongue

• Bull neck
• Morbid obesity
• Large breasts
• Prognathic mandible (protruding, over-riding upper teeth)
• Loose teeth
• “Passion gap”


No single test predicts intubation difficulty with certainty. However, combining tests
increases the positive predictive value, but no combination of tests are failsafe! It must be
emphasised that it is not unknown for a Mallampatti I score to correlate with a Cormack &
Lehane grade III or IV view.

“A good anaesthetist [paramedic] is always surprised by an easy airway”.

1. Ability to push out mandible:
a. Lower incisors brought edge to edge with upper incisors.
b. Lower incisors cannot be brought edge to edge with upper incisors.
2. Inter-incisor distance of less than three centimetres.
3. Thyromental distance of less than 6cm has a 75% positive predictive value.
4. Short fat (“bull”) neck.
5. Range of motion of head and neck.
6. Mallampati score (ties in very closely with Cormack & LeHane grading of vocal cord

It is important to consider the respiratory functional reserve (Functional Residual Capacity) of

the patient, when a difficult or prolonged intubation is anticipated.

Benumof has summarised the clinical tests thus:

Pre-operative airway examinations, acceptable end-points and significance of end-points.

ASA Difficult Airway Algorithm. Benumof JL, San Diego, California.

Pre-op examination Acceptable end-points Significance of end-points

1 Length of upper incisors Qualitative/short incisors Long incisors → blade

enters mouth in cephalad

2 Involuntary: maxillary teeth No over-riding of maxillary Over-riding maxillary teeth
anterior to mandibular teeth anterior to → blade enters mouth in
teeth mandibular teeth more cephalad direction

3 Voluntary: Protrusion of Anterior protrusion of Test of TMJ function –

mandibular teeth anterior mandibular teeth relative to means good mouth
to maxillary teeth maxillary teeth opening and mandible will
move anteriorly on

4 Inter-incisor distance >3cm 2cm phlange on blade can

be inserted between teeth
with ease

5 Oropharangeal Class < or = to Class IITongue is small in

relation to size of
oropharangeal cavity

6 Narrowness of palate Should not appear very A narrow palate

narrow or highly arched desreases the
oropharangeal volume
and room for both blade
and ETT

7 Mandibular space length >5cm or > 3 ordinary sized Larynx is relatively

(thyromental distance) finger-breadths posterior to other airway

8 Mandibular space (MS) Qualitative palpation of Laryngoscopy retracts

compliance normal resilience/softness tongue into MS.
Compliance of MS
determines whether or not
tongue will displace into

9 Length of neck Qualitative. A quantitative A short neck decreases

index is not yet available the ability to align the
upper airway axes

10 Thickness of neck Qualitative. A quantitative A thick neck decreases

index is not yet available the ability to align the
upper airway axes

11 Range of motion of head Neck flexed on chest 35O The ‘morning sniff’
and neck and head extended on position aligns the oral,
neck 80O = ‘morning sniff’ pharangeal and laryngeal
position axes to create a
favourable line of sight

None of the above tests should be considered a fail-safe predictor of airway difficulty, and
most are not applicable in the emergency setting. Many studies show that the more
predictors used, the better the prediction. It is not uncommmon for a Mallampati score of 1 to
be associated with a Cormack & LeHane Grade IV view! Pathological states such as cancer,
bleeding, oedema, presence of a beard, large breasts and obesity are very important
determinants of difficult facemask ventilation and intubation.



The ‘lemon law’ is fine for those who like to remember facts through mnemonics. However, I
am not keen on the ‘lemon law’ as it is hardly comprehensive. It is included here for the sake
of completeness (…or the lack thereof!).

Look externally – if it looks like a difficult airway, it most likely will be.
Evaluate 3-3-2
- Accommodate three fingers in mouth;
- Three fingers under mandible – between tip of mentum (chin) and thyroid cartilage
- 2 fingers to identify larynx to base of tongue (thyrohyoid distance)
Mallampati score
Obstruction – upper airway obstruction
Neck mobility.

Measurement of thyromental (left) and thyrohyoid (right) distances.


• Restricted mouth opening
• Obstruction/Obesity
• Distorted anatomy
• Stiff lungs or c-spine


• Failed intubation in general population: 1:3000

• Failed intubation in pregnancy: 1:300
• Difficult laryngoscopy: 1:50 to 1:100
• Can’t intubate can’t oxygenate: 1:5000

(LMA provides “rescue” ventilation in 94% of cases of CICO).[58]

If one does one intubation per week, one will experience:

• One difficult laryngoscopy per year.

• One failed intubation every 60 years.
• One CICO every 100 years.

If one does 25 intubations per week, one will experience:

• One difficult laryngoscopy every 2 weeks.

• One failed intubation every 2.5 years.

• One CICO every 4 years.

Incidence of difficult and failed airway:

• 0.05% in surgical patients (1:2000)

• 0.36% in parturients (~1:300 - 7.2 times higher than in the general population).
• Failure of in-hospital RSI: 1% (1:100)
• Failure of cricothyroidotomy: 0.5% in medical and 2.3% in surgical patients.

Sources: Clinical Anesthesiology, 3rd edition. Morgan & Mikhail. McGraw-Hill, and Manual of
Emergency Airway Management, 2nd edition, Walls & Murphy, Lippincott Williams and


• Rapid Sequence Induction (with ‘rescue’ airway devices on hand) and…

• ENT surgeon scrubbed and ready, and patient prepared for emergency tracheostomy.
• Propofol “quick-look” – the problem with this technique is that it is one of those situations
in which you will “only know if you can fly once you’ve jumped over the cliff”. Recovery
from propofol (as with suxemethonium), may take longer than time to terminal
desaturation, in the event that you find yourself in failed airway “can’t intubate, can’t
oxygenate” situation. Please see the section on suxemethonium for a further discussion
of this concept.
• Inhalation induction – to be undertaken by an experienced anaesthesiologist in an
operating theatre. There is great wisdom in maintaining spontaneous ventilation in an
adult or paediatric threatened airway situation. Inhalation induction allows for
spontaneous breathing whilst deepening anaesthesia to a depth at which laryngoscopy
can be undertaken.
• Classic LMA and Proseal LMA – see elsewhere – there is strong evidence that the
‘standard’ LMAs will provide rescue from a “can’t intubate, can’t oxygenate” scenario
more than 90% of the time. Remember that the LMA will not allow adequate ventilation
during “tight” laryngospasm or other glottic or subglottic obstruction.
• Intubating LMA – as above for ‘standard’ LMAs. In order to successfully pass a tracheal
tube through the I-LMA, flaccid (paralysed) vocal cords are required.
• Awake flexible fibre-optic nasal intubation – undertaken by an anaesthesiologist in an
operating theatre. This is an elective procedure undertaken in a patient previously
identified to have a difficult airway, and is not suited to the emergency “failed airway”.
• Airtraq optical laryngoscope – also requires flaccid (or paralysed) vocal cords in order to
pass a tracheal tube.
• Awake ‘elective’ tracheostomy under local anaesthetic.


There are numerous algorithms that have gained widespread international acceptance, the
two commonest being the American Society of Anesthesiologists and the UK Difficult Airway
Society algorithms. These tend to be convoluted and confusing at first glance, and can be
quite intimidating to the uninitiated. They have been designed more for elective general
anaesthesia in the operating theatre environment than for emergency medicine. One seldom
has the luxury of pre-intubation examination and preparation in the emergency setting, and so
not all limbs of the algorithm are entirely relevant under emergency airway circumstances.

The Resuscitation Council of South Africa has a simple linear algorithm which is very easy to
follow, and is well worth reviewing. However, the 2015 UK Difficult Airway Society guidelines
are without a doubt the guidelines of choice.

Benumof has described “optimal” intubating conditions thus:

1. Experienced Endoscopist
2. No significant muscle tone
3. Optimal ‘morning sniff’ position
4. Optimal external laryngeal manipulation
5. Change of blade length x 1
6. Change of blade type x 1

I believe that the following can be added to the above:

1. Extra padding for optimal positioning of the patient (or repositioning in the case of
a failed intubation) so that the ear lobe lies above the clavicles in a horizontal
plane, at the mid-clavicular line (“ramping”).
2. The early use of a gum elastic bougie.
3. Trained and experienced assistant.

The problem with multiple repeated attempts at direct laryngoscopy is the creation of
laryngeal oedema and bleeding, which can evolve into a ‘Can’t Intubate, Can’t oxygenate’
situation. Laryngoscopy should be limited, and the “best attempt” at layngoscopy should be
made as early as possible to prevent a Difficult Airway situation from evolving into a CICO

Benumof has clearly demonstrated that it is a complete fallacy that a patient will achieve
neuromuscular recovery sufficiently, from a dose of suxemethonium 1mg/kg, to establish
spontaneous ventilation, before terminal desaturation and death occur. This is fully
discussed in the lecture on Neuromuscular blockade.

Thus, a CICO situation must be recognised as early as possible, and ‘rescue’ airway
interventions implemented immediately upon such recognition.


Under normal circumstances the patient will be pre-oxygenated and ventilation gently
assisted where appropriate.

Each following step presumes failure of the former step:

1. Difficult facemask ventilation:

• Call for assistance – or declare the situation to your assistant.

• Ensure adequate head tilt, jaw thrust, chin lift (non-trauma).
• Consider oropharangeal and nasopharangeal airway insertion.
• Consider two-person (two-handed) facemask ventilation.
• Consider suctioning patient.
• Consider paralysis – with caution.
• Consider LMA insertion if difficult facemask seal.

2. Failed intubation:

• Call for assistance – or declare the situation to your assistant.

• Revert to facemask ventilation.
o If difficult facemask ventilation, revert to above (1).
• Maintain cricoid pressure if RSI.
• Hand over to more experienced endoscopist if present.
• Ensure optimal positioning and reposition patient if necessary (remember – earlobes
higher than clavicles).
• Ensure adequate sedation/relaxation.
• Ensure optimal external laryngeal manipulation:
o Consider releasing cricoid pressure (may be causing distortion of normal
o Cricoid pressure might not be adequate.
o Consider applying cricoid pressure yourself.
• Cant’ see epiglottis?
o May be too deep? – consider withdrawing laryngoscope blade slowly.
o May not be deep enough? – consider larger blade/inserting deeper.
• Can see epiglottis, can’t see cords?
o Consider more OELM.
o Consider “blind” introduction of gum elastic bougie by ‘feel’.
o Consider railroading with Parker Flex-tip ETT (if available) or ‘regular’ ETT.

• Consider standard LMA, or ProSeal equivalent if available.
• Consider Laryngeal Tube (King Airway).
• Consider surgical cricothyroidotomy.

Once airway established with above, consider the following in order to create a definitive
endotracheal airway:

• Consider I-LMA if available.

• Consider Airtraq optical laryngoscope if available.
• Consider flexible fibre-optic laryngoscopy.

Flexible fibre-optic laryngoscopy is not a good first option in a failed RSI or CICO situation.
Fibre-optic intubation precludes ventilation, and visualisation of the cords is extremely difficult
in the presence of blood and secretions (which are usually present by the time the FO-scope
is brought into action!). I-LMA is a better option, as it is possible to ventilate the patient
through an I-LMA before ‘blind’ placement of the ETT.


Please see appendices for American Society of Anesthesiologists, Resuscitation Council of

South Africa and United Kingdom Difficult Airway Society algorithms. All of these algorithms
are self-explanatory.

Practice guidelines and algorithms are systematically developed recommendations, based

upon available evidence and expert opinion, that assist the practitioner. These may be
adopted, modified or rejected according to clinical need, constraints and challenges. They
do not necessarily constitute minimum standards or requirements, and do not guarantee
outcomes when closely followed.

The Resuscitation Council of South Africa algorithm is refreshingly simple and ‘linear’ in its
approach to the difficult and failed airway.

The Difficult Airway Society of the United Kingdom’s new 2015 guidelines (and algorithms) for
unanticipated difficult airway have been simplified, and are undoubtedly the most up-to-date
and current. These guidelines are based on published evidence and expert opinion,
emphasise early recognition and declaration of airway difficulty, and provide a simplified,
single algorithm for routine and emergency (RSI) intubation.[59]

The DAS 2015 guidelines focus on preoperative patient assessment, including front of neck
access, adequate preparation, patient positioning, mandatory pre-oxygenation, maintenance
of oxygenation throughout the difficult airway scenario, and minimising airway trauma which
could potentially lead to a can’t intubate can’t oxygenate situation.

Features of the DAS 2015 guidelines:

This is essentially linear algorithm, starting with direct laryngoscopy, moving on to supraglottic
device placement in the event of failure, reverting to facemask ventilation in the event of
failure of SGA placement, and then proceeding directly to surgical airway intervention in the
event of facemask ventilation failure.

Human Factors are acknowledged as a causative or contributory aspect of the failed airway,
and receive appropriate attention: judgement and decision-making, team briefing, avoiding
tunnel-vision, communication and assertiveness training, and planning for the event of failure.
There is also a focus on adequate rehearsal and simulation training.

Graded assertiveness model – PACE:

Probe: “Are you sure you can ventilate adequately?”

Alert: “It doesn’t appear to me that you’re oxygenating the patient!”
Challenge: “This is an airway emergency. It doesn’t appear that you’re in control of the
Emergency: “Please provide 100% oxygen while I ready the Difficult Airway cart”.

Plan A: Facemask ventilation and tracheal intubation:

Optimise position - Morning sniff, ramp and 20 degrees’ head-up.

Focus on pre-oxygenation with gentle facemask ventilation.

Ensure full neuromuscular paralysis.

No more than three attempts at laryngoscopy/intubation, with one additional attempt by an

experienced colleague, minimises the likelihood of airway trauma and swelling.

Use of optimal external laryngeal manipulation (cricoid pressure), and the appropriate
relaxation of cricoid pressure is advocated.

The use of bougies is encouraged.

Maintenance of oxygenation through nasal prongs oxygenation (NODESAT) is encouraged.

Plan B: Maintenance of oxygenation – SGA insertion:

Cricoid pressure must be relaxed whilst inserting the supraglottic airway device.

Second-generation SGAs (ProSeal LMA) are encouraged, since they provide more reliable
first-time placement, have higher sealing pressures and separate gastric ports for drainage,
reducing the likelihood of aspiration.

Enhancing the chances of first-time placement is important, as this decreases the chances of
desaturation and further airway trauma. Each successive attempt at placement is associated
with a decreased likelihood of success – only 4% of SGAs are successfully placed on the
third or fourth attempt.

Bougie-assisted placement of the ProSeal LMA is associated with 100% success rate, and
should be considered.

Placement of the Fastrach Intubating Laryngeal Mask Airway may be considered.

Successful oxygenation and ventilation during this stage provides the team with the
opportunity to stop and think, and review the immediate plan to follow.

Plan C: Facemask ventilation:

Ensure full paralysis. If sugammadex has been given, a muscle relaxant other than
rocuronium or vecuronium must be administered.

Use oropharangeal and nasopharangeal airways and a two-person, four-handed technique if


Plan D: Emergency front of neck access:

Cognitive processing and motor skills decline in high-stress situations, and so a simple rescue
plan, with a high chance of successful outcome, is advised. Equipment needs to be familiar,
readily available, and the procedure needs to be rehearsed. A cuffed tube provides an
airway seal, allows normal minute ventilation, provides protection against aspiration, allows
coupling to a standard ventilator circuit, provides a secure route for exhalation and facilitates
ETCO2 monitoring. Needle cricothyroidotomy facilitates none of the above.
100% oxygen is administered to the upper airway by whatever means possible (facemask,
nasal cannula or SGA). The procedure is done under complete neuromuscular paralysis with
the neck fully extended.

The “laryngeal handshake” is performed as follows:

A: The non-dominant hand identifies hyoid bone & thyroid cartilage (laminae).

B: The larynx is stabilised between thumb and middle finger.

C: The cricothyroid membrane is palpated with the index finger.

A scalpel with No. 10 blade, a bougie with coude (angled) tip and a 6.0mm cuffed ET tube is
all that is required to perform the procedure.

The scalpel-bougie-tube surgical airway technique is performed as follows:

• Stand on patient’s left if you are right-handed

• Vice versa if you are left-handed

• Perform laryngeal handshake

• Stabilise larynx

• Scalpel cutting edge faces you

• Scalpel blade perpendicular to skin

• Transverse stab incision

• Rotate scalpel 90o – cutting edge faces down

• Rotate scalpel 90o – cutting edge faces down

• Swap hands – hold scalpel in non-dominant hand

• Feed bougie (horizontal) through incision 10 – 15 cm

• Remove scalpel

• Railroad lubricated ET tube (rotate as required)

• Avoid endobronchial intubation

• Remove bougie

• Inflate cuff

• Ventilate and confirm ETCO2

In the event of obesity and an impalpable cricothyroid membrane:

• Perform an 8 – 10 cm vertical midline incision

• Use blunt finger-dissection to identify larynx

• Proceed with scalpel technique as above

Factors influencing performance during emergency airway management can be divided into:

1. Preparation:
• Training
• Experience
• Consultation
• Planning

2. Implementation:
• Cognitive overload
• Poor evaluation
• Poor Situational Awareness
• Poor recall of options
• Poor decision-making
• Omission, fixation
• Failure to act

Problems occur with implementation far more than with preparation. Psychological barriers
to surgical airway interventions may reduce performance.
Guidance tools are comprised of two types; foundation tools used for training such as
protocols and guidelines, and implementation tools such as algorithms, checklists, SOPs,
manualsand visual aids.

Well-constructed implementation tools have the potential to facilitate team situational

awareness, improve communication, prompt decision-making, and guide key actions during
high-acuity high-stress situations. A low-content, graphic design is more suited to real-time
use during crisis situations.

The Vortex model makes two assumptions. The first is that it will be used by competent
clinicians – Vortex is not a training substitute; it is there to prompt decision-making, not
provide core knowledge. The second assumption is that teams will have prior training in the
tool’s use – such as is provided in a simulation environment.

Vortex attempts to address impaired decision-making:

• Failure to consider all available techniques
• Failure to consider all the strategies available for optimizing success at each
• Excessive airway instrumentation
• Failure to recognize the significance of achieving oxygenation
• Failure to recognize the ‘can't intubate, can't oxygenate’ (CICO)
• Lack of priming for emergency front-of-neck access
• Delayed implementation of emergency front-of-neck access
• Impaired teamwork

Vortex provies three means or ‘lifelines’ for securing a non-surgical airway:

• Face mask
• Tracheal Tube
It does not matter where one starts in the vortex:
• Failure of ‘best effort’ at one modality necessitates moving to the next ‘lifeline’.
• ‘Best effort’ is defined by context – acknowledgement of failure prompts the whole
team to move to the next option.
• A maximum of three attempts at each lifeline; but fewer attempts are acceptable,
before moving on to the next lifeline.
• Any repeat attempt must include ‘optimisation’ methods, rather than simply doing
“more of the same”.

The green zone of the vortex implies that the patient is adequately oxygenated. One can use
the green zone to consider options, and formulate a plan for the immediate next steps.

Narrowing of the funnel implies diminishing time and options. The horizontal green surfaces
represent time to pause and plan, whereas the deepening blue colour lower down in the
funnel suggests imminent hypoxaemia if airway patency is not restored.

If best efforts at all lifelines have been unsuccessful, CICO rescue is a crucial intervention to
make the patient safe. The visibility of the green zone at the bottom of the funnel is intended
to convey this path to safety and to encourage clinicians to proceed in this circumstance.
CICO status should not reach ‘go’ unless best efforts at all three lifelines have been


• Consider additional escalation in CICO status if:
• Predicted difficult airway
• SpO2 < 90o
• Rapidly deteriorating SpO2
• Consecutive unsuccessful attempts at any two lifelines

Team Situational Awareness and team communication enhanced by Vortex model:

Cardiac arrest management includes verbal declarations, such as ‘no pulse’ or ‘shockable
rhythm’, which convey critical moments of situational awareness to the clinical team. The
Vortex model encourages similar verbal declarations, enhancing a shared team situational
awareness. Vortex introduces standardized terminology, such as ‘completed best effort’, ‘in
the green zone’, ‘CICO status’, and ‘sucked into the Vortex’

The first thing to say about surgical airway intervention, is that its contemplation loudly
heralds the ultimate failed airway. The second thing to say is that it is a technique or
intervention that is used very seldom indeed, and is therefore often doomed to failure.
Supraglottic rescue airway devices should always be attempted before surgical airway
intervention is considered.

Surgical airway interventions must be considered after repositioning of the patient

(earlobe/sternal notch or ramping), application of external laryngeal manipulation, the use of
gum elastic bougies, stylets, etc., and after attempting airway rescue with supraglottic airway

In the wrong hands, surgical airway intervention following a ‘failed airway scenario’ leads to
no more than a ‘bleeding failed airway scenario’.

The NAP4 study (which assessed 2.9 million anaesthetics undertaken in the UK over the
course of one year) revealed a very high failure rate (60%) of emergency cannula
cricothyroidotomy. Causes of failure were related to equipment, training, insertion
technique and ventilation technique.

In contrast, emergency surgical airway intervention (tracheostomy) was almost universally


The NAP4 investigators concluded that (1) all anaesthetists (and others managing difficult
airways) should be trained to perform surgical airway techniques (2) that cricothyroidotomy
must be taught to the highest standards to ensure success in emergency situations, and that
(3) we must consider that cannula cricothyroidotomy may be an intrinsically inferior
procedure (and therefore a poorer option) in comparison to a formal surgical airway.[46,47]

Non-cuffed cricothyroidotomy tubes are prone to high leakage rates past the tube, especially
in obese or heavily gravid obstetric patients, where the abdominal contents push up on the
diaphragm, preventing the delivery of adequate tidal volumes to the lungs.

The use of such devices is presently discouraged, but if such devices are used, practitioners
must remember to place a large wet (preferably abdominal) swab in the posterior pharynx,
and to occlude the nostrils, if the tidal volume generated by positive pressure ventilation is to
be delivered to the lungs and not lost to the atmosphere.

Furthermore, anaesthetists, emergency physicians and paramedics are generally not very
comfortable with surgical procedures (wielding cold steel), but may be very comfortable
utilising the Seldinger guidewire technique. The easy, unobstructed, threading of the
guidewire helps in confirming correct tracheal placement.

Remember that in many cases of a failed airway scenario, a poorly-executed attempt at
surgical airway placement results in nothing more than a bleeding failed airway scenario (as
already mentioned above). We therefore need to teach, and maintain currency in safe and
effective emergency surgical airway management through (at minimum) bi-annual simulator

However, the DAS 2015 guidelines very strongly advocate the scalpel-bougie-tube
surgical airway technique, and this is our primary focus, with the Seldinger technique
as an additional option for those practitioners comfortable and practiced in its use.
Needle cricothyroidotomy with uncuffed ‘cannula over needle’ type of devices is
strongly discouraged!

Needle ‘cric’ sets such as the VBM Quicktrach II and Rusch TracheoQuick sets are now discouraged by
DAS 2015, owing to the very high rate of failure.

The advantages of the DAS 2015 scalpel-bougie-tube surgical airway technique is that this
technique’s reliability has been unquestionably proven, and it affords standardized training,
using familiar, cost-effective and readily available equipment. The technique is covered in
great detail in the chapter on the Difficult and Failed Airway in this manual, under the DAS

The disadvantage of using the Seldinger-guidewire techniques is that it may be more time-
consuming, and that cognitive processing and motor skills decline in high-stress situations,
reducing the likelihood of first-time success.

Some patients have such gross neck pathology (obesity, Ludwig’s angina) that surgical
airway interventions are simply not possible. In these instances, awake fibre-optic intubation
or semi-elective retrograde intubation (at least, placement of a guidewire) may be the only
viable safe alternative.

Morbid obesity and Ludwig’s angina can preclude surgical airway intervention.

The patient on the left is undergoing awake fibre-optic intubation – for obvious reasons.

Statistically speaking, most anaesthesiologists, during the course of their professional

careers, will never undertake a single surgical airway procedure.

If you find that in your practice that you are undertaking many surgical airway procedures,
then it is probably safe to say that you are doing something wrong! If surgical airway
intervention precedes the use of repositioning of the patient, employment of optimal external
laryngeal manipulation, the use of gum elastic bougies, and the use of sugraglottic rescue
airway devices such as the LMA, LTA or combitube, then it is safe to say that you are
definitely doing something wrong!

Emergency Physicians and Paramedics generally carry out surgical airway interventions far
more frequently than anaesthesiologists. This could be due to the fact that, owing to a more
challenging working environment, they have a lower threshold for proceeding to surgical
airway intervention. It could also be due to the fact that many paramedics do not routinely
carry airway “assist” devices and supraglottic rescue airways.

A caveat to the above could be the postulated existence of a special cohort of threatened or
obstructed airway patients, seen in the prehospital (and emergency unit) environment, who
would not survive long enough to get to hospital without ‘heroic’ surgical airway interventions
carried out in the field.

Additionally, surgical interventions should only be undertaken in the “can’t intubate, can’t
oxygenate” scenario, and should not be used to create a definitive airway (in the emergency
setting) where bag-valve-mask or supraglottic airway ventilation is successful, until all DAS
2015 options have been exhausted.


Cricothyroidotomy should be considered a last-resort rescue airway technique, and is

indicated once a “failed away” (can’t intubate, can’t oxygenate) scenario has been declared.

One must consider the following:

• Will the technique be effective – is the obstruction above or below the level of the
cricothyroid membrane?
• Will the anatomy allow for a successful procedure to be performed – eg. obesity
or Ludwig’s angina?
• Which type of surgical technique should be used – open surgical vs


• Surgery – previous (scars)
• Haematoma, incl. abscess or infection (swelling) – Ludwig’s angina.
• Obesity
• Radiation distortion and other deformity
• Tumour
• Young – patients under 20 kg

Surgical cricothyroitomy is contra-indicated in children below the age of 12 years (unless they
are of large size), as this age-group has a soft larynx with small diameter, and a soft and
pliable cricoid cartilage. Transtracheal jet ventilation only should be used in this age group.
The cricothyroid membrane, rather than the trachea, is the site of access for surgical
intervention because it is more anterior than the trachea, has less overlying thyroid tissue and
generally has less vascularity (but can still be a site of considerable haemorrhage!).

The cricothyroid membrane is identified by locating the laryngeal prominence (notch) on the
thyroid cartilage. Below this, another prominence can be felt – the cricoid cartilage.
Approximately one finger-breadth below the thyroid notch, and immediately above the cricoid
cartilage, a distinct “valley” can be palpated. This is the cricothyroid membrane.

In the event that laryngeal anatomy cannot be identified as above, the cricothyroid membrane
can be relatively accurately delineated by placing the four fingers of the flat hand
longitudinally against the anterior aspect of the throat. The little finger is placed in the sternal
notch, and the area of skin underlying the index finger indicates the height of the cricothyroid

The little finger is placed in the suprasternal notch whilst the flat of the hand is placed over the
throat as shown. The index finger delineates the cricothyroid membrane as shown.


The Melker Universal Emergency Cricothyrotomy sets offer the opton of either a purely
surgical (scalpe-based) technique, or a Seldinger technique, and provide a cuffed
tracheostomy tube.

Melker/Cook cuffed Seldinger technique cricothyroidotomy set. This set is considered the
gold standard or “Rolls-Royce” of emergency surgical airway devices.


• Paratracheal insertion and continued ‘failed airway’.

• Haemorrhage – can be catastrophic.
• Aspiration of blood.
• Laceration of posterior trachea wall and oesophagus.
• Pneumomediastinum.
• Barotrauma.
• Infection.
• Subglottic stenosis (later complication).
• Vocal cord trauma/paralysis and hoarseness


Retrograde intubation cannot really be considered an emergency procedure, as it can be

fairly time-consuming, and would therefore not be fully appropriate in a failed airway situation,
in an already-desaturated patient.

It really is an elective procedure, which implies pre-planning, preparation and the setting up of
equipment and trays beforehand.

However, in a true emergency situation, it is a technique that can be considered. As with

cricothyroidotomy, it is a technique that is seldom undertaken, and practitioners are invariably
poorly prepared to undertake such a procedure – and the less so the more emergent the

The initial approach to the technique is essentially similar to the cricothyroidotomy procedures
discussed above, and is detailed below.

• Landmarks are palpated and identified.

• The cricothyroid membrane is punctured with needle and syringe.
• The Seldinger technique is used to place needle and guidewire into the trachea (with
“bubble technique” as previously described), but the guidewire is angled or aimed
upwards (cephalad) and not downwards (caudad).
• The guidewire is advanced and the distal end retrieved with a Magills forceps from the
mouth or posterior pharynx, or from the nose – whichever is desired.
• The insertion needle (at the cricothyroid membrane) is removed, and an artery forceps is
attached to the guidewire (clamped in position) at the distal (cricothyroid) end, preventing
the guidewire from being pulled right through and out the mouth or nose.
• A tracheal tube can be loaded directly onto the oral or nasal end of the guidewire (pulled
fairly taught), although the guidewire can act as a “cheese-wire” and cut into the soft
tissues of the posterior pharynx, with this technique.
• It may be better to load an Aintree tube-exchange catheter onto the oral or nasal end of
the guidewire first, and then load the tracheal tube over the tube-exchange catheter.
• The tracheal tube is then advanced as far as possible – through the vocal cords.
• The guidewire is then removed first, facilitating further advancement of the tracheal tube,
by railroading the tube along the tube-exchange catheter.
• The tube-exchange catheter is then withdrawn after the tracheal tube has been placed at
an adequate depth.
• The tracheal tube cuff is inflated, the patient is ventilated, and tube placement is
confirmed through clinical means and capnography.
• The tube is then strapped in position and tube placement reconfirmed.

Please see the section on the paediatric airway under “Special Cases” for more information
and illustrations on both needle cricothyroidotomy and retrograde intubation in the paediatric

1.1 Needle is inserted through the cricothyroid membrane and angled upwards.
1.2 Seldinger wire is inserted, advanced and retrieved from the posterior pharynx
1.3 Tube-exchange catheter and ETT are advanced over the Seldinger wire.
1.4 The tube-exchange catheter and Seldinger wire are removed, the tracheal tube is
connected to the ventilator circuit or BVMR, tube placement is confirmed and the tube

Useful tip:[60]

If one finds one’s self in the unfortunate situation of having to anticipate a cricothyroidtomy as
a “”Plan B” in a potential failed airway situation, it might be prudent to place a central venous
catheter through the cricothyroid membrane, under local anaesthetic, prior to commencement
of the intubation procedure itself.

CT scan of the neck and airway will help to assess airway patency and the value of this

Prior placement of the central venous catheter provides a guide to the surgical ‘track’ and
clearly delineates the anatomy, which is especially useful in obesity or in neck distortion due
to tumour.

Jet ventilation can be carried out through the central venous catheter if needed.

Single-lumen CVP catheter placed prior to

induction of anaesthesia. Tracheostomy in situ in recovery room.



The McCoy laryngoscope has a lever on the handle that retracts a hinged tip Magill blade.
This provides added leverage in order to lift the epiglottis to gain a better view of the cords.
Whilst being a good idea on paper, personal anecdotal experience with the McCoy blade
during difficult airway situations has revealed that whilst there may be some benefit, the
overall additional performance of the McCoy laryngoscope is unremarkable.

McCoy Laryngoscope


Short-handled laryngoscopes are especially useful when intubating obese or pregnant

patients, especially those with large breasts, who require RSI. The assistant’s hand, which
applies cricoid pressure, can completely obstruct the handle of a conventional laryngoscope,
while inserting the laryngoscope.

Short-handled compared to normal laryngoscope

A trick to placing a conventional laryngoscope under such circumstances is to turn the

laryngoscope ‘sideways’, with the handle perpendicular to the head-to-foot plane of the
patient, insert the blade, and then turn the blade back into the normal orientation. This is
demonstrated in the accompanying Powerpoint presentation.


The polio blade was designed many years ago when polio was an endemic disease. Polio
resulted in significant chest wall contracture and deformity, which resulted in difficult
intubation. The Polio blade attaches to the laryngoscope handle at 45 rather than the
standard 90o, and this makes it possible to wield the laryngoscope and place the blade in the
vallecula in situations such as patients with large breasts, or in obesity.

The first problem with the polio blade is that there are very few around, even though they are
reasonably easy to obtain. The second problem isthat they are rather disconcerting to use
when used for the first time, as the 45o angle throws the operator considerably “off balance”,
when ‘brought up’ on a 90o angle The last place to introduce yourself to a Polio blade is
your first Can’t Intubate Can’t oxygenate situation!

Polio Macintosh blade Heine “polio” angled handle


Nasopharangeal airways are very useful adjuncts to oropharangeal airways. They can be
used in conjunction with OPAs during difficult mask ventilation, or can be used as stand-alone
devices in patients who will not tolerate OPAs, or in non-paralysed patients with clenched
jaws (as occurs in head injury). They are constructed of soft latex, are available in different
sizes, and are unlikely to induce epistaxis, except in patients with hyperaemic nasal mucosa,
such as pregnant women at term!

In the absence of NPAs, ETTs can be ‘cut down’ to serve

as NPAs. The primary disadvantage of this makeshift
arangement is that epistaxis may be caused by the
relatively hard ETT, which could further compromise airway


Unlike the McCoy blade, the correct use of the GEB makes this simple device indispensible
on the difficult airway trolley. Under most circumstances, a patient with a Cormack & LeHane
grade III or IV view can be reliably intubated, without requiring a direct view of the vocal

The GEB can be ‘preloaded’ onto the ETT (with lubrication) or can be placed without loading
the ETT. The ETT can then be ‘rail-roaded’ in a Seldinger-technique once the GEB has been
correctly placed in the trachea. Rail-roading is easier and less traumatic if a Parker Flex-tip
is used instead of a standard ETT.

If the ETT is to be preloaded, the tube and GEB should be kinked by holding it forcibly
between the index and middle finger, and the opposing thumb (see picture). This prevents
slipping of the GEB in the tube as it is advanced into the trachea.

Note that the GEB is intentionally ‘floppy’, and has a kink at the anterior tip (Coude tip). The
tube can be roughly preformed, and blindly passed into the hypopharynx with the kinked tip is
angled upwards towards the “roof” of the trachea in the supine patient. The GEB is then
blindly advanced, and usually tracks upwards into the trachea, as opposed to downwards into
the oesophagus. It is helpful if one can visualise the tip of the epiglottis, as this indicates to
the practitioner where the vocal cords are, roughly, even if they are not in direct vision.

An added advantage of the GEB is that the technique of blind placement can be practiced on
elective patients, by intentionally creating a suboptimal view of the cords, in elective patients
with otherwise normal laryngoscopic views.

Gum elastic bougie

Tips on railroading the ETT over the gum elastic bougie:

A standard ETT held in the “neutral” position, poised for intubation, has the bevelled opening
oriented towards the left, with the ‘leading edge’ of the tube facing to the right. This often
results in impingement of the tube against the right arytenoid cartilage. The tube also
commonly impinges on the posterior (“bottom” in the supine patient) aspect of the glottic

opening. This is a function of the shape of the tube, the mechanics of placing the tube
through the vocal cords, and the action of gravity. By rotating the tube 90o in the anti-
clockwise direction (“quarter-round anti-clockwise”), the bevelled opening faces
‘downwards’ (or posteriorly), and the ‘leading edge’ now faces upwards (or anteriorly). This
orientation of the bevelled edge assists in freeing up any impingement on either arytenoid and
on the posterior aspect of the glottic opening. Clockwise rotation would orientate the
bevelled opening anteriorly (facing ‘upwards’), and would therefore place the ‘leading edge’
posteriorly, where it can once again impinge on posterior glottic structures. It is very unlikely
that the tube will impinge in the anterior glottis.

Use of the Parker Flex-tip tubes largely overcomes the problems of impingement, as
discussed below.

Standard ETT held in neutral position in right hand. View from left.

Close up of ETT tip, viewed from left. Note bevel opens to left; Murphy eye on right; leading
edge on right

ETT held in neutral position, tip viewed from above

90o anti-clockwise rotation of tube places places leading edge anteriorly, bevel angled to allow
easy ‘slippage’ over the posterior aspect of the glottis:

View of rotated tube from left

View of rotated tube from above. Notice rounded ‘shoulders’ allow slippage past arytenoid
cartilages and through vocal cords.


‘Regular’ ETTs create a ‘step’ when railroading over a gum elastic bougie, which can cause
snagging of the tube on hypopharangeal structures and on the vocal cords. The Parker Flex-
tip is specially designed with a soft atraumatic tip with a three-dimensional taper, creating a
gradual transition from gum elastic bougie surface to ETT surface. This aids snag-free
railroading through the cords, and is also extremely advantageous for nasal intubations.
Parker Flex-tip ETTs are minimally more expensive than regular ETTs, and are available
through SSEM in South Africa.

Parker Flex-tip endotracheal tube


These steerable introducers are very simple, inexpensive and ingenious plastic devices,
which facilitate up-down movement of the tip of the tube, on pressing the “plunger”. By
turning the ETT sideways, left-right movement can also be achieved. If the patient is
adequately positioned, it is seldom necessary to use such a steerable introducer. However,
in the trauma situation, where in-line neck stabilisation must be maintained, these introducers
may be of great value.

Parker steerable introducer

Parker steerable introducer


The rubber-coated malleable stylet is a standard part of any intubation kit, as it provides
rigidity and allows for the “hockey-stick” shaping of the ETT, in order to facilitate intubation.
Malleable stylets are particularly useful when using armoured (re-inforced) ETTs. Non-
rubber coated malleable stylets must be used with great caution as they can cause
considerable trauma if the tip inadvertently projects beyond the tip of the ETT.

Rubber-coated malleable stylet


The Aintree catheter looks very similar to a gum elastic bougie, except that it is hollow, has a
Murphy eye, and a detachable 15mm universal connector. This allows ventilation, or at least
entrainment of oxygen through the catheter when it is placed in situ.

The Aintree catheter is placed inside the ETT due to be exchanged. The ETT is then
removed by slipping it over the catheter. The new ETT is then railroaded over the catheter
and the catheter removed.

The Aintree catheter is a very useful device, as it can be ‘loaded’ onto a flexible fibre-optic
scope, and can be introduced into the trachea via either a standard LMA or I-LMA with the aid
of the scope. The LMA is then removed, leaving the catheter in place. A standard or Parker
Flex-tip ETT can then be railroaded over the catheter.

This is a very useful technique during emergency intubation where blood and sectretions
prevent an adequate view with the fibre-optic scope. By placing the scope through the LMA,
blood and secretions are isolated, it is possible to still ventilate the patient, and the tip of the
scope is taken to the “doorstep” of the glottic aperture, minimizing the potential for a fibre-
optic navigational nightmare.

Aintree exchange catheter 15mm connector detaches

Note the catheter is hollow


The Airtraq is a very useful and relatively inexpensive disposable optical laryngoscope
(inexpensive in comparison to a law suit or flexible fibre-optic bronchoscope). These devices
cost in the region of R500 each and are strictly single-use. They essentially work on the
principle of a “reverse” periscope, and are very useful for elective intubation where the vocal
cords are not visible. The Airtraq is marketed by Teleflex Medical in South Africa.

Airtraq Optical Laryngoscope

One problem that we have encountered with the Aitraq is that the smaller the tracheal tube
used, the more it tends to angulate downwards.

Sometimes the manoeuvrability of the Airtraq in the mouth is somewhat limited, which does
not enable ‘upward’ displacement of the Airtraq and the ETT. As a consequence, the tube
cannot be manoeuvred upwards to clear the arytenoid cartileges, causing the tube to snag
and prevent the tube from passing between the cords.

The solution to this is to pull the tube tip back to the distal opening of the Airtraq, and insert a
gum elastic bougie (with kinked tip) into the tube, just protruding through the distal end. The
bougie can then be swivelled between the index finger and thumb, allowing for full rotation
and steerage of the bougie. The bougie is then advanced through the cords, and the
tracheal tube railroaded over the bougie.

The above technique works extremely well.

The tip of the tracheal tube is pulled back to the distal outlet of the Airtraq and the gum elastic
bougie inserted into the tube, with the kinked tip protruding through the tube tip

By swiveling the gum elastic bougie

between the tips of the index finger, it is
fully steerable and can be directed
through the cords under direct
visualization. The tube is then
railroaded off the bougie, through the
vocal cords.


The Pentax AWS P-Blade is marketed by Marcus Medical and costs more than R60 000.
The disposable blades cost around R250 each, but can be sterilised and re-used. It has an
adjustable video screen for a fibre-optic camera, and is compatible with a wide range of
tracheal tubes. It looks like a very promising device, but the very high cost is obviously a
hugely limiting factor.

Pentax AWS P-Blade


The King Vision video laryngoscope is marketed by SSEM in South Africa. It has a simple
two-piece design which comprises a reuseable monitor that attaches to disposable blades.
In some respects this is similar to the Pentax AWS P-blade above, which also has a
reuseable monitor and disposable blades. Except for the addition of the video screen, it is
almost identical to the Airtraq.

This is an excellent option for getting started in video laryngoscopy due to low-pricing, quality
imaging and simplicity of use. It is well-suited to the prehospital or aeromedical environment
owing to its extremely light-weight and compact design, and will easily fit into a jump bag.

Like with the Pentax AWS P-blade, the operator does not need to lean over the patient,
thereby allowing one to keep one’s face a reasonable distance from the patient’s airway, and
allowing improved situational awareness.

The King Vision video laryngoscope

Left above: The King Vision with gum elastic bougie pre-loaded

Right above: Incredible views obtained – bougie passing through cords, soon to be followed
by rail-roaded tracheal tube

One word of caution, though – patients must not be placed in the standard “morning sniff” –
earlobe to sterna notch – position when using the King Vision. Patients should be placed
with their necks in a hyper-extended position, as shown in the accompanying photographs

Left above: The normal morning sniff position – earlobe to sterna notch.

Right above: Neck hyper-extension is necessary to accommodate insertion of the King Vision.

The same technique of using a ‘steerable’ gum elastic bougie (as described with the Airtraq
above) works exceptionally well with the King Vision.

Steerable introducer loaded into the King Vision


SADs under discussion here will include the following:

• Cuffed Oropharangeal Airways (COPAs)

• LMA Classic and variants (Ambu® LMA)
• Intubating LMA and Air-Qsp disposable intubating LMA
• Proseal LMA & LMA Supreme
• Combitube
• King LT Airway

Devices such as the Pharyngeal Airway Express and the Glotttic Aperture Seal Airway will not
be discussed here.

The first supraglottic airway device was invented by Archie Brain in 1981, and is known as the
Laryngeal Mask Airway or LMA. The LMA has been commercially available since 1988, and
has been used on more than 200 million occasions.

SADs are generally easy to use, require relatively little training, produce little in the way of
adverse cardiovascular responses, and have a significant role in emergency airway

SADs are only tolerated in patients with adequately anaesthetised airways, or in patients
sufficiently obtunded (Traumatic Brain Injury, adequate sedation) to accept such an airway

Placement of an SAD does not constitute definitive airway management, as the airway is not
fully protected until an ETT has been passed into the trachea with the cuff inflated. Whilst
SADs cannot guarantee prevention of aspiration of gastric contents, they are efficacious at
preventing aspiration of blood and saliva from the pharynx.

The lower sealing pressures of SADs compared to tracheal tubes may result in a leak when
ventilating during chest compressions – which may cause gastric inflation and regurgitation.

One disadvantage of the LMA is that it is relatively easy to dislodge, with loss of airway
patency and ventilation, and sometimes triggers tight laryngospasm.


There exists considerable controversy with regard to the application of cricoid pressure whilst
inserting an LMA as a ‘rescue’ airway device under the circumstances of a failed intubation.
Takashi et al 57 claim that the application of cricoid pressure makes LMA insertion ‘much more
difficult’, and advocate the release of cricoid pressure while placing the LMA.[61] Brimacombe
et al quote numerous references where they suggest that the application of cricoid pressure
creates ‘minimal’ increased difficulty and that it should be applied.

Pnemonic for difficult placement of a supraglottic airway device: RODS:

• Restricted mouth opening

• Obstruction/Obesity
• Distorted anatomy
• Stiff lungs or c-spine


Cuffed oropharangeal airways (known as COPAs), have an inflatable cuff at the distal end,
which helps to seal the pharynx. They also have a standard 15mm ISO attachment for a
breathing circit or BVM at the proximal end, through which the patient can be ventilated
without the need for a face mask. COPAs do not reduce the risk of pulmonary aspiration of
stomach contents.

Cuffed OPA


There are a number of maufacturers now providing extremely competitively priced disposable

Much of which has already been mentioned above applies to the LMA. It is worth repeating
that the LMA Classic (and variants) will only be accepted in sufficiently obtunded patients, and
is relatively easy to dislodge, with consequent loss of airway patency and/or the onset of
laryngospasm, and/or the risk of aspiration of blood, saliva and secretions from the upper

It is well worth emphasizing that as a ‘rescue’ airway device, the LMA Classic has been
reported to successfully ventilate patients 94% of the time, in a CICO situation.[58]

The LMA Classic will only provide a seal up to peak airway pressures of 25 to 30 cmH2O.
Pressures beyond these will result in leak, and/or gastric insufflation. Pressures above 15cm
cmH2O may result in gastric insufflation.

Insertion techniques:

The tip of the LMA can fold either forward or backwards on insertion, and the epiglottis can
herniate into the tube portion of the LMA. Whilst LMA insertion is usually straight-forward
and trouble-free, successful insertion and achievement of an adequate seal is sometimes

The LMA can be inserted fully deflated or partially inflated. My preference is to use a
partially inflated cuff, as this lends stability to the cuff, reducing the incidence of the tip “folding
over” upon itself. An advantage of the Ambu® LMA is that the tip has been intentionally
reinforced, and the angle of the tube has been anatomically angled to assist insertion.

Three methods of insertion have been described:

1. One holds the device in the left hand, like a ballpoint pen. The index finger presses
the tubing against the hard palate, inducing a curve in the device. This necessitates
the operator placing their finger/hand into the patient’s mouth. Rubber gloves are
therefore essential. The LMA is then ‘slid’ as far as it will go, into the hypophaynx.
The device is then released, and the cuff fully inflated. “Re-seating” of the device is
seen on inflation (the tip of the tube moves one to two cm in a cephalad direction).
This is usually an indication that the tube is correctly placed and will provide a good

seal. Re-seating is not always observed with the Ambu® LMA, owing to the
preformed curvature of the tube. The patient is then ventilated through the device.

2. The device is held by the tip of the tube, and inserted into the mouth, angled at about
the seven o’clock position (with the operator positioned at the patient’s head). The
cuff is then slid down over the left hard palate and down into the posterior pharynx,
simultaneously angling into the midline as the LMA is advanced. The palate and
posterior pharynx thus provide support and guidance for the cuff, assisting in (but not
guaranteeing) the prevention of the cuff folding over. This precludes the need for
inserting a finger or hand into the patient’s mouth, although gloves should still be
worn. Re-seating is observed on full inflation of the cuff.

3. If the above two methods are unsuccessful in providing adequate insertion and mask
seal, the third and last method usually proves successful (third time lucky), a method
which I call the “reverse-plop” technique:

The LMA is reversed on initial insertion, in exactly the same way that an oropharangeal
airway is often anatomically reversed on initial insertion, and then “cork-screwed” into correct
anatomical position as it is advanced. Once the LMA is fully inserted in the reverse position,
it is then held by the tip of the tube and given a strong twist. This usually results in a clear
“plop” being felt or heard as the LMA aligns itself anatomically. The LMA is then fully inflated
and the patient ventilated, after observing re-seating.

The ‘Ambu’ LMA – variation on the LMA Classic

The Proseal LMA (P-LMA) has an additional posterior cuff to improve the seal around the
glottis to facilitate higher positive pressure ventilation. An oesophageal drain tube guides
positioning of the device and facilitates gastric deflation. The Proseal LMA can be
considered the “Rolls-Royce” of all supraglottic airway devices.

The Proseal LMA or its disposable equivalent, the LMA Supreme, is perhaps the most
suitable supraglottic device for pregnant patients, obese patients, and those with potentially
full stomachs. The higher sealing pressures allow for high ventilatory pressures in these
patients and provides better protection against aspiration. The gastric port allows for
insertion of a gastric tube for deflation and drainage of the stomach. Additionally, passage
of a gastric tube through the port confirms correct placement and ‘seating’ of the LMA in the
posterior pharynx.

Face mask ventilation with high airway pressures leads to inflation of the stomach,
consequent splinting of the diaphragms, and increasing difficulty in ventilation. Deflation of
the stomach improves ventilation significantly, and reduction of gastric fluid volume reduces,
but does not eliminate, the risk of pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents.

Note that the inability to aspirate gastric contents from a naso- or orogastric tube does not
necessarily imply an empty stomach!

The LMA Supreme® has a rigid structure, which can create challenges in the correct
placement of the device – take care to ensure correct ‘seating’. Note that an ill-fitting P-LMA
may result in leakage of air through the gastric drainage port, amounting to a significant circuit
leak, with consequent under-ventilation!!

(The disposable equivalent of the P-LMA is the ‘LMA Supreme®’, marketed by Marland
Medical in South Africa).

Proseal LMA: The “Rolls-Royce” of Laryngeal Mask Airways

LMA Supreme – disposable version of the Proseal LMA.

The LMA Supreme in situ – notice the large gastric drainage port – assists in deflating the
stomach and confirming correct positioning through successful passage of a NG tube – but
also a potential cause of a large air leak in a poorly-fitting LMA.


The Intubating LMA (or I-LMA), commercially available as the Fastrach, is available in sizes 3,
4 and 5, through Marland Medical in South Africa. Disposable and re-usable versions are
available. The re-usable version costs in the order of R4500 each, and the disposables in
the order of R1500 each. Despite their expense, these devices are invaluable and should be
considered an essential item in any difficult airway kit.

The obvious advantage of the I-LMA over flexible fibre-optic intubation is that, firstly, the
patient can be ventilated once the LMA is inserted. This is not the case with the flexible fibre-
optic scope.

Secondly, intubation is undertaken as a fully “blind” procedure. Usually, as a difficult or failed

intubation scenario unfolds, an increasing amount of blood and secretions complicate one’s
efforts to successfully place an ET tube. Fibre-optic intubation can be rendered impossible
under these circumstances, as one reaches a point where “pink froth” completely obliterates
any view of the vocal cords.

Additionally, flexible fibre-optic intubation requires a considerable amount of skill and

experience on the part of the operator, whereas this is not the case with I-LMA intubation.

In a study of 254 patients with recognised difficult airway, 100% were successfully ventilated
with the I-LMA and 96.5% were successfully intubated.[62] In another study of 100 patients
with anticipated difficult airways, randomised to fibre-optic and I-LMA, 92% were successfully
intubated by fibre-optic laryngoscopy and 94% were successfully intubated using the I-LMA,
both groups within three attempts.[58]

The I-LMA is a truly amazing device, as it can be used to rescue the patient from a “can’t
intubate – can’t oxygenate” situation, in addition to reliably placing a tracheal tube completely

Fastrach Intubating LMA


The Combitube is strictly a ‘rescue’ airway device. It is a double-lumen device with two cuffs
or balloons. It is only available in two sizes (37FR and 41FR), for small and large adults. It
is placed blindly, with the intention of placing the distal tube into the oeophagus, although
tracheal placement is equally acceptable (as it will function as an ETT).

Once placed, both the distal and pharyngeal cuffs are inflated through separate ports. The
operator must then test both lumens to check whether the distal tip is placed in the
oesophagus or trachea, and through which lumen to ventilate.

The portion of the tube between the pharyngeal and the oesophageal cuffs is fenestrated.
When placed in the oesophagus, the proximal and distal cuffs seal the pharynx and

oesophagus respectively, and air is directed through the fenestrations and through the vocal

As with all SADs, the Combitube does not protect against pulmonary aspiration, and may not
ventilate effectively in the presence of laryngospasm or upper airway obstruction.

The Combitube has fallen out of favour since the advent of the more “user-friendly” King
Airway or Laryngeal Tube. The Combitube can be fairly difficult to insert, as it is a fairly rigid
device. There have been reports in the literature of oesophageal perforation and lethal
pneumomediastinum with the use of the Combitube.



The King Airway is synonymously known as the Laryngeal Tube, or as the King Laryngeal
Tube. It is a simplified modification of the Combitube, with only one lumen, and two cuffs, but
with only one inflation port for both cuffs. It is latex free, and is considerably more compliant
than the Combitube, lending itself to atraumatic and easy insertion.

It is available as both disposable and re-usable devices. The re-usable device has a gastric
tube port (similar to the Proseal LMA).

It is placed blindly into the oesophagus, the cuffs are inflated, and the patient ventilated
through a port placed midway between the two cuffs, in the same way as the Combitube.
The distal lumen is too large to be placed in the trachea, so tracheal placement is highly

There are numerous reports in the literature, and much favourable comment in the literature
on the advantages of using this device as a first-line airway device in the prehospital setting.

From limited personal experience with this device, I must caution that patient positioning is
important, with adequate neck extension being important for efficacious ventilation. This may
limit its value in the emergency and trauma settings.

King Airway or Laryngeal Tube

The Laryngeal Tube (King Airway; LT) provides a better seal than the LMA, with leak
pressures of 26 cmH2O +/- 7.3 cmH2O compared to the LMA of 19.2 cmH2O +/- 8.6 cmH2O.
In 20% of cases, the P-LMA leak pressure exceeds 40 cmH2O, and has been used
successfully in ventilating morbidly obese and pregnant patients. (The LT is marketed by
SSEM in South Africa).

Placement of the King Airway aka the Laryngeal Tube Airway


Like the Cobra device, the i-Gel confers no special advantage over the standard LMA. The i-
Gel does not need to be inflated, and has a more rigid “stem” than the various LMAs,
minimising torsion following insertion. The largest size i-Gel should always be selected as,
unlike the LMA, if an air leak occurs, the device cannot be further inflated. A limitation in the
prehospital environment is that the gel-rubber compound becomes very sticky at high ambient
temperature – such as occurs in the boot (trunk) of a response vehicle. The i-Gel is still

trying to gain market-share in the supraglottic airway market, and therefore – once again –
experience with this device is somewhat limited.

The latest advent with the i-Gel is a port for a supplemental oxygen supply – enabling the
entrainment of oxygen whilst placing the device in emergency airway situations. The value of
this additional port is currently untested.

Rigid thick stem of the i-Gel limits torsion

The additional oxygen port on
the latest version of the i-Gel

It has been suggested that the i-Gel can be used as a conduit for blind intubation, in a manner
similar to that of the Fastrach intubating LMA. This can be demonstrated with remarkable
reliability in airway manikins, but clinical results in live patients have proven dismal, and
we cannot recommend this practice.

Back to the humble LMA:

There is no doubt that the LMA (in all its guises) is an extremely efficacious supraglottic
airway device, has been extensively studied, and for which most anaesthetists have a vast
experience base.

The undisputed adage remains, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.


These devices are extremely expensive, costing in the order of R120 000 and above. This
device comprises essentially an endoscopic camera placed at the tip of a laryngoscope blade,
with the image displayed on a plasma screen. It is very useful for intubating patients in
whom direct laryngoscopy is not possible.

Glidescope also provide a standard Macintosh blade (for intubation training) in addition to
their patented difficult airway blade.

Above left: Glidescope Ranger – portable machine ideal for prehospital fieldwork.

Above right: The shape of the Glidescope blade (straight tip) and the pre-formed
accompanying tracheal tube introducer (shaped to the Glidescope blade), facilitates easy
intubation in the “impossible” airway.

Above left: The Glidescope blade compared to a standard Macintosh blade. Note the
increased angle of the Glidescope blade, and the straight (non-curved) tip.

Above right: The Glidescope blade with it’s pre-formed commercially-supplied introducer.


The C-Mac by Karl Storz is conceptually very similar to the Glidescope. The advantage of
the C-Mac is that a flexible fibre-scope can be attached through an external port, allowing the
C-Mac video screen to be used as the fibre-scope screen. This is a potentially significant
cost-saving, and increases the portability of the fibre-scope. The range of Karl Storz flexible
scopes are all compatible with the C-Mac. The Glidescope unfortunately has no such
external port for “enslaving” an external camera and scope.

A regular Macintosh blade, as well as a D-blade for difficult intubation (pictured below) is
available for the C-Mac.

The curvature of the D-blade lends itself to excellent visualisation of the glottic structures, but
placement of the tracheal tube through the vocal cords can be exceedingly difficult, as the
curvature is extreme. Guiding the tube upwards, to follow the curvature of the blade, can be
extremely challenging in a truly difficult intubation. The C-Mac is unfortunately not supplied
with a commercially available introducer pre-shaped to the blade contour.

The curvature of the D-blade provides excellent glottis views in truly difficult intubations, but it
can be exceedingly difficult to coax the tracheal tube through the glottic opening owing to the
extreme curvature of the blade.


Flexible fibre-optic intubation is the subject of an entire lecture in its own right, and will be
expanded upon in due course. In short, flexible fibre-optic intubation is not a viable first-line
option in the emergency situation, as it can be a time-consuming and difficult process in the
face of blood and secretions in the upper airway. It is especially inappropriate in situations
where one is faced with a difficult airway in an hypoxic patient that is difficult to ventilate.

Fibre-optic intubation is largely an elective procedure, but may be useful when guided through
an LMA in the emergency setting, with the additional use of an Aintree tube exchange
catheter (see later). This technique requires considerable training, and comparable results
are obtained with the blind placement of an ETT through an I-LMA.


Double-lumen endotracheal tubes have very specific indications, such as in thoracic surgery
where single-lung ventilation is undertaken, and is primarily the domain of specialist

Correct placement must be confirmed before placement of patients in the lateral position, as
misplaced tubes under these circumstances can be catastrophic. Confirmation of correct
endobronchial tube placement will be expanded upon at a later date.


Bronchial blockers can be used through standard tracheal tubes, in order to isolate one lung
by blocking off one mainstem bronchus. The clinical setting in which bronchial blockers may
be used includes haemorrhage into the lung from a stabbed chest – where the patient bleeds
copiously into the tracheal tube, with blood spillage into the opposite lung.

A word of warning is that, whilst bronchial blockers may isolate one lung, they cause a
massive shunt (V/Q mismatch), as ventilation to the blocked lung is stopped, but that non-
ventilated lung is still fully perfused, thereby returning de-oxygenated blood to the central
circulation. Low oxygen saturation would therefore be the order of the day under such

Blood from one lung (stabbed chest) over-flowing into the tracheal tube, contaminating the
other lung and filling the HME device with coagulated blood – resulting in near-total airway

Left: The Rusch EZ Blocker placed into a standard tracheal tube. Right: the “business end” of
the EZ blocker showing two inflatable cuffs. The EZ Blocker is advanced to the carina and
one cuff inflated at a time. This should ideally done under fibrescope guidance.


There are three types of in-circuit nebulizer attachments. Please note that the unit featured
below requires the addition of a respirator solution, and requires a separate (additional)
oxygen supply as driving gas.

The attachment featured below is designed to accept a metred-dose inhaler, and does not
require a separate oxygen supply. The MDI is activated (squeezed) during inspiration.

Note that HMEs (heat and moisture exchange devices) must be removed from the circuit
when these devices are used, or else the ‘atomised’ nebules will simply be trapped in the

The Mucosal Atomisation Device (MAD) featured below has a standard Luer connection at
the proximal end. This allows the attachment of a standard syringe through which a
salbutamol (or other) respirator solution can be directly injected into the tracheal tube. The
distal end has an atomising nozzle, creating a fine nebulised spray.



The infant airway is different to the adult airway for the following reasons:

• The infant has a large tongue and epiglottis, which make airway obstruction more
likely, more difficult to manage, and makes laryngoscopy more difficult.

• The larynx is situated more cephalad (C3 in the preterm infant, between C3 and C4 in
the term infant, and between C4 and C5 in the adult. This changes the angle of
insertion of the laryngoscope, rendering the straight blade more useful than the
curved blade.

Position of the larynx 62

• In general, children obstruct far more easily than adults do, owing to smaller airway
diameters and also due to more pliable and collapsible airways.
• The importance of assisting ventilation by applying gentle PEEP cannot be over-
emphasised. This cannot be done with a standard BVMR and will require the
employment of a paediatric Ayres T-piece (Mapleson F) anaesthetic breathing circuit.
• It must also be noted that children may completely obstruct, yet it may appear to the
casual observer as though the patient is breathing normally. One cannot wait for oxygen
desaturation to signal airway obstruction in this group, and so a state of hyper-vigilance is
always necessary. Continuous waveform capnography is always a good idea.
• The epiglottis is short and stubby, and is angled over the laryngeal inlet, making it more
difficult to control with the laryngoscope blade.
• The vocal cords are angled – increasing the chances of a blindly-passed ETT lodging in
the anterior commissure.

Anatomic differences between the child and adult.

Traditionally, it was thought that the infant larynx is funnel-shaped with the narrowest portion
is at the cricoid cartilage. Newer evidence has shown that this is not correct, but an
important principle is that the least stretchable portion of the airway is at the level of the
complete cricoid ring. Thus, tracheal tubes that may pass through the vocal cords easily may
sit very tightly in the subglottic area. It is this appropriate to use high volume, low pressure
cuffed endotracheal tubes of appropriate size in small children, provided that a leak is present
with the cuff deflated, and a cuff pressure manometer is used to confirm cuff pressure within
the safe range (<30 cmH2O). See below for more discussion.

The paediatric trachea is remarkably short in comparison to the adult. This fact, in
combination with the associated relief in successfully placing the tube through the cords
during difficult intubations, results in the subconscious tendency to advance the tracheal tube
too far!

This results in right mainstem bronchus intubation and carinal stimulation presenting as
bradycardia and bronchospasm through intense vagal stimulation.

Most traditional paediatric tracheal tubes are uncuffed, to prevent the development of
circumferential mucosal necrosis from an over-inflated cuff. Consequently, paediatric tubes
are associated with high leak rates, and therefore may require higher tidal volumes and gas
flow rates to compensate for this.

Aspiration is usually not a problem, as the glottic air leak generated by positive airway
pressure blows secretions out of and away from the glottic opening.

The paediatric trachea is much more susceptible to dynamic collapse than the adult trachea.
Such airway collapse can be countered with the use of Positive End Expiratory Pressure

Effect of PEEP on paediatric airways 52

Airway oedema has a very significant effect on paediatric airflow resistance. The Hagen-
Poiseuille equation (page 152) dictates that resistance to flow is inversely proportional to
radius to the 4th power. This means that halving airway diameter increases airway resistance
by sixteen times. The mucosal lining of the paediatric airway makes up a greater proportion
of airway diameter up to the age of five years. Mucosal oedema and airway trauma
(laryngoscopy) can therefore have a profound effect on work of breathing up to this age.

Type 1 muscle fibres are very much reduced in the infant diaphragm and intercostals
muscles, under the age of two years, and is even less in the neonate. Type 1 fibres allow for
repetitive motion without fatigue. This accounts for apnoea seen in infants with an increased
respiratory workload.[63]

Paediatric airway resistance under different conditions 52

• A large occiput makes for difficult positioning of the head during airway manipulation.
Placing a towel under the torso and the use of a head-ring greatly assists in
stabilising the head.

Owing to the large occiput, intubation is often made easier by placing a towel or blanket
under the torso of the patient, and not under the head, as in adults.

(These illustrations are from the APLS manual).

• Placing a nasogastric tube pre-intubation assists with deflating a hyper-inflated

stomach – which is almost an inevitable consequence of face-mask ventilation,
especially during bag-valve-mask resuscitation. Deflating the stomach reduces the
risks of aspiration, and reduces diaphragm splinting – rendering ventilation easier.

• Furthermore, the nasogastric tube in situ delineates the oesophageal ‘track’ –

directing the airway technician away from “where you don’t want to go”!

• Fasting reduces gastric volume but does not guarantee an empty stomach. Breast
milk is cleared more rapidly than formula milk. In infants, prolonged fasting does not
further decrease aspiration risk, but increases the risk of dehydration and
hypoglycaemia – hence the recommendation of clear apple juice 2 hours pre-

• Infants are at greater risk of aspiration, as they have reduced gastro-oesophageal

sphincter tone. They also have an increased tendency to distend the stomach during
mask ventilation, and therefore splinting of the diaphragm. However, the incidence
of pneumonitis following aspiration is lower in infants than in adults.

Red Cross Childrens’ Hospital routinely uses a gentle and careful inhalational induction
technique for non-fasted children without IV access, and consequently has a very low risk of
pulmonary aspiration.

The ASA pre-anaesthetic fasting guidelines in healthy patients are as follows:

Clear (non-particulate) fluids: 2hrs

Breast milk: 4hrs

Light meals: 6hrs

Drug dosages are often higher in children (for example, suxemethonium is administered at
2mg/kg in the paediatric age group. From toddlers upwards, propofol dosage requirements
may be two to four times higher than that required for adults.

Resuscitation aids based on age, weight and height are invaluable in paediatric resuscitation,
and pre-constructed tables are of immense value to those practitoners who do not regularly
work with children.

The formulae for estimating tracheal tube size and depth are discussed elsewhere in this

IV access in the neonate and in the ‘chubby toddler’ can be extremely challenging and may
require specialist intervention.

Always keep in mind that it may be better to refer to an anaesthesiologist (where possible) for
an inhalation (gas) induction in the operating theatre, when faced with a threatened airway in
a paediatric patient (epiglottitis or croup).


Uncuffed tracheal tubes have been seen as the gold standard in paediatric anaesthesia for
more than 50 years, as cuffed tubes (high-pressure low-volume cuffs used many years ago)
were thought to damage airway mucosa, resulting in much-feared subglottic stenosis.

There is a growing body of evidence that newer low-pressure high-volume cuffed tubes are
not associated with increased airway morbidity, provided that tube sizes are carefully selected
and cuff pressures carefully monitored 63, 64.[64,65]

In fact, smaller-diameter cuffed tubes actually reduce the pressure exerted on the non-
distensible cricoid region, in comparison to larger-diameter uncuffed tubes.

It has now been recognised that circular uncuffed tubes placed to fit ‘snugly’ into the non-
circular (elliptoid) cricoid area may cause pressure damage and ischaemia on the airway
mucosa at this point, as the region of the cricoid ring remains the smallest functional part of
the infant airway.

The Broselow tape predicts the appropriate tracheal tube size to within 0.5mm in 98.5% of
patients.[66] However, some tube replacements will still be needed, especially if uncuffed
tubes are used.

Cuffed and uncuffed tracheal tubes – advantages and disadvantages:[67]

Advantages of cuffed tubes Disadvantages of uncuffed tubes

• Clinically significant loss of tidal

• Reliably sealed airway.
• Better control of ventilation.
• Unreliable oxygenation and
• Better capnograph tracing.
• Reduced pollution – volatile agents,
• Higher gas flow (consumption).
infectious droplets.
• Greater incidence of reintubation to
• Lower fresh gas flows.
change tube size.
• Protection against aspiration.
• Increased risk of aspiration.
• ‘Close’ subglottic fit unnecessary.
• Increased pressure on laryngeal
• Centralises tube in trachea – takes
structures with over-sized uncuffed
pressure off of mucosa.
• Difficult airways – reduced need for
• Airway injury from repeated tube
tube exchanges.
• Limited tube movement.
• Higher risk of dispersion of
• Cuff lifts tube from tracheal wall.
infectious droplets in communicable

When using the modified Cole’s formula (tube internal diameter = age/4 + 4), reduce tube size
by 0.5 to 1.0 mm when using cuffed tubes, in order to compensate for the volume of the cuff.
Beware of using a tube size that is too small, which may result in increased resistance to gas

We tend to calculate tube size based on internal diameter, but the external diameter of
different manufacturers may vary considerably. Over-sized outer diameters, poorly
positioned tubes, lack of depth markings and cuff over-inflation have been identified with
airway injury.

Cuff deflation results in sharp folds and edges in the cuff membrane, which can lead to
mucosal damage through ‘cutting’ the mucosa through cuff movement. Cuff deflation should
only be carried out immediately prior to extubation, and should not be used as a means to
create an air leak in an over-sized cuff.[67]

Folds of the membrane of a deflated tracheal

tube cuff result in ‘sharp’ edges that can cut
tracheal mucosa.

1. The cricothyroid membrane is located with the index finger-tip, between the thyroid
and cricoids cartilages. This space is very narrow (1mm) so that only a fingernail can
discern it.
2. A large IV cannula (14G) is then inserted through the membrane and air aspirated.
3. The cannula is advanced and the needle removed.
4. A 2ml syringe is attached and air aspirated again, confirming intraluminal placement.
5. A 3mm tracheal tube adaptor can be attached to the hub of any IV cannula.
6. Alternatively, the 2ml syringe can be left in place (connected to the hub of the
cannula) and the adaptor of a 7.5mm tracheal tube inserted into the barrel of the
7. A standard 22mm airway connector is then attached, and ventilation achieved
through this

Technique for paediatric percutaneous cricothyroidtomy:[63]

Components of a paediatric cricothyroidotomy

set: (1) 14g IV cannula; (2) 2ml syringe;

(3) 3mm ET tube connector; (4) 7.5mm ET

tube connector.

Syringe connects to IV cannula.

7.5mm ET tube connector fits into barrel of
syringe. Breathing circuit or bag-valve-
mask resuscitator can be connected to
facilitate ventilation.

Alternatively, a 3mm ET tube connector

can be connected directly to the cannula,
and the ventilation system attached to the

Case report – paediatric retrograde intubation:[68]

This seven month old child with congenital

trismus was anaesthetised with sevoflurane
and oxygen, and kept breathing spont-
aneously while cricothyroid puncture was
carried out under local anaesthesia.

The patient was positioned with a shoulder

roll and head ring.

The epidural catheter was rail-roaded using

a 5F feeding tube, and brought out of the
right nostril from the oral cavity.

The tip of the epidural catheter was tied to

the Murphy’s eye on a 4mm ET tube.

After being well-lubricated, the tube was then

guided into the oral cavity and then pulled
through the larynx and into the trachea.

Resistance was overcome with the

application of gentle cricoid pressure,
lubrication and manipulation.


An alternative method would have been,

instead of tying the tube through the

Murphy’s eye, to have rail-roaded the tube
over the epidural catheter, pulled tight in a
“cheese-wire” type of technique.


Anatomic challenges related to pregnancy, airway swelling, decreased gastric motility, and
the need to rapidly secure an emergency airway in the face of rapid oxygen desaturation, can
prove an enormously daunting task to the airway technician.

Backup rescue airway devices and alternative laryngoscopes such as the Airtraq and
KingVision optical laryngoscopes, video-laryngoscopes, polio Macintosh blades and Mc Coy
laryngoscopes are very strongly recommended.

The ProSeal LMA is the supraglottic rescue airway device of choice, as it provides a more
reliable seal, which reduces the risk of aspiration and facilitates ventilation at higher
pressures68, 69.[69,70]

The pregnant patient has a markedly reduced FRC (up to 20%), and a Closing Capacity
exceeding FRC in up to one half of patients. This results in increased atelectasis and shunt,
with consequent rapid desaturation.

Thoracic breathing predominates over abdominal (diaphragmatic breathing), which is

markedly impaired in the supine position.

A relative anaemia (reduced oxygen carrying capacity) is countered by an increased cardiac

output and a rightward shifted oxygen haemoglobin dissociation curve.

An increased metabolic rate, increased myocardial oxygen demand, increased work of

breathing (minute ventilation is increased by 50% at term) and foetal oxygen requirements
mean that oxygen consumption is greatly enhanced!

The additive effect of the above factors leads to early, rapid and profound oxygen
desaturation on administration of induction agents and muscle relaxants, despite ‘adequate’

Face-mask ventilation is more difficult in the obstetric patient, as a result of the higher intra-
abdominal pressures experienced during pregnancy. Insufflation of air into the stomach, with
splinting of the diaphragm, increasing difficulty with ventilation and an increased risk of
aspiration are the order of the day!

In addition, the pregnant patient is always considered to have a full stomach, due to
decreased gastric emptying. This leads to a greater risk of pulmonary aspiration. Please
see the section above on Pre-intubation Fasting. Fasting during labour may reduce gastric
volumes, but in no way guarantees an empty stomach.

Tracheal intubation in parturients is notoriously difficult, reflected by a ten times greater

failure rate in pregnancy as compared to the general population.

The incidence of difficult intubation in the pregnant population is in the order of 5 to 15%,[71,72]
and the incidence of failed intubation is in the order of 1:250, which is roughly ten times the
failure rate in the non-pregnant population.[73]

The prevalence of Mallampati class IV scores increase with gestational age, and correlate
directly with weight gain (34% at 38 weeks).[74] Additionally, oral and pharyngeal volumes
decrease between the onset and end of labour.[75]

The incidence of difficult intubation in the morbidly obese obstetric population rises to 50%.
In addition, the morbidly obese parturient is at increased risk of emergency caesarean section
and failed neuraxial (spinal and epidural) anaesthesia.[76]

Large breasts may necessitate an assistant to retract the breast ‘downwards’ in a caudad
direction. Large breasts may also make insertion of the laryngoscope into the oral cavity
nearly impossible, and may require the use of a short-handled laryngoscope and/or a polio
Macintosh blade and/or “sideways” insertion of the laryngoscope handle. Please see the
chapter on difficult intubation.

Engorgement of the nasal mucosa precludes the use of blind nasal intubation, as the
increased risk of epistaxis would be disastrous in a difficult or failed intubation scenario.
Similarly, avoid the use of nasopharangeal airways if at all possible.

In terms of pre-oxygenation, three minutes of normal tidal volume breathing is superior to

four maximal deep (vital capacity) breaths over 30 seconds, but equivalent to eight vital
capacity breaths over 60 seconds.[77,78] Apnoeic oxygenation using high-flow nasal cannulas
(THRIVE) has been reported with good success in this population.[79]

It must be stated here that, whether buying a house, kicking a ball, making love or intubating
a pregnant or obese patient, POSITION is everything!! The “ramp” position described
previously in this manual is of critical importance in both face-mask ventilation and intubation
of pregnant and obese patient.

The airway technician must simultaneously manage the effects of aortocaval compression
in the supine pregnant patient. Aortocaval compression results in profound hypotension from
decreased venous return as the gravid uterus compresses the inferior vena cava.

This is commonly severe enough to result in maternal unconsciousness (and an unprotected

airway) and foetal distress as the placental blood flow is significantly reduced.

Aortocaval compression is managed by the simultaneous insertion of a wedge under the right
buttock (15o of left lateral tilt), lifting the uterus off the inferior vena cava) and the
administration of “co-loaded” IV fluid boluses and vasopressor agents.

Note that aspiration of stomach contents on emergence from general anaesthesia or during
recovery carries a relatively high risk, as revealed in the UK Confidential Enquiries into
Maternal and Child Health for 2006 to 2008 78.

Your problems are not over once the patient has been successfully intubated!.

78. Cooper GM, McClure JH. Anaesthesia chapter from Saving mothers' lives; reviewing
maternal deaths to make pregnancy safer. Br J Anaesth 2008; 100:17.

Care must be taken when extubating the patient with a difficult airway. Airway compromise
during emergence has become the main cause of airway tragedies in the obstetric population.
This is especially important if the parturient is obese, has a history of obstructive sleep apnea,
has received large amounts of intravenous fluids or blood products, has undergone a lengthy
surgical procedure, or has an underlying disease process that increases the risk of airway
edema, such as pre-eclampsia79.

79. Mhyre JM, Riesner MN, Polley LS, Naughton NN. A series of anesthesia-related maternal
deaths in Michigan, 1985-2003. Anesthesiology 2007; 106:1096.

It goes without saying that tracheal intubation of the pregnant patient in the field, by a non-
anaesthetist, and without obstetric anaesthesia experience, is a decision not to be taken


All factors described above in the pregnant patient, excepting for aortocaval compression and
foetal oxygen requirements, apply equally to the obese patient. Similarly, obese patients are
generally very difficult to intubate, have a higher incidence of failed airway management, are
difficult to ventilate by face-mask, and desaturate rapidly.

These patients are sometimes untruthful about their fasting status, as many struggle to forego
food for six hours, and therefore are at higher risk of aspiration, even under elective

Intubating the obese patient can, accordingly, be a frightening experience, and the risk:
benefit ratio needs to be carefully assessed. In addition, IV access can be extremely difficult
to attain in the obese patient.

Correct positioning before intubation cannot be over-emphasized, as it is almost impossible to

reposition these patients after induction.


The primary and secondary surveys in the trauma patient are done as per normal. As well as
managing the airway as a priority, associated injuries and haemorrhage may have to be
managed simultaneously.

Intubation in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) requires a separate discussion – please see the
discussion of cerebral perfusion pressure under the section “Pressor Drugs” – ephedrine and

The trauma patient (and especially the head-injured patient is always considered to have a
cervical spine and/or other spinal injuries, requiring full spinal precautions, including in-line
neck stabilisation during intubation.

Induction agents and muscle relaxant drugs must be carefully chosen in the
haemodynamically unstable or shocked patient. Please see the section on pharmacology,
where this is discussed in detail.

Please note that the “six-hour rule” to patient fasting does not apply in the trauma patient,
owing to delayed gastric emptying. All trauma patients are considered at risk of aspiration,
unless the traumatic event itself occurred six or more hours after the previous meal. All
trauma patients are therefore intubated with the RSI technique, even though cricoid pressure
can cause up to 5mm cervical vertebral displacement.

The incidence of associated C-spine injuries in major trauma has been reported to be in the
order of 2%, and hence the routine use of in-line neck stabilisation. However, despite the
application of in-line neck stabilisation, face-mask ventilation and laryngoscopy are still
associated with some C-spine movement (C1 on C2). Under such circumstances, flexible
fibre-optic intubation may be better, but the hardware and skills are seldom available, and the
practice is also associated with a higher aspiration risk. The patient may be better off with
“doing what you do best” and resorting to the familiarity of direct laryngoscopy.

The Fastrach Intubating LMA, Airtraq optical laryngoscope or video laryngoscopy may provide
safe alternatives to conventional laryngoscopy in the patient with the unstable C-spine.

In addition to C-spine immobilisation, the airway technician may be further challenged by

bleeding from major vessels, and airway obstruction from haematoma and/or oedema
formation. Formal tracheostomy can be considered in the awake patient, if awake fibre-optic
intubation is not possible. In the true emergency setting, a needle or surgical
cricothyroidotomy may be required.

The particularly challenging trauma airway is the ‘gunshot’ or stabbed neck, where there is
direct local tissue damage, swelling and bleeding into the airway itself. Here, the only option
(besides surgical cricothyroidotomy) may be to “go for the bubbles”…

An assistant performs slow cardiac compressions of a lesser intensity and depth than
undertaken during standard CPR. This causes the expulsion of air from the trachea, and the
appearance of bubbles at the glottic opening. Either a tracheal tube or gum elastic bougie
(or gum elastic bougie loaded with a tracheal tube) can be directed through the bubbles and
into the trachea (with a little bit of luck!), and the tracheal tube ‘rail-roaded’ over the gum
elastic bougie.

The Monro-Kelly doctrine states that the cranium is a rigid box, containing, blood,
cerebrospinal fluid and brain tissue. An increase in the volume of any one of these three
constituents requires a compensatory decrease in one or both of the other two constituents.

Once the compensatory mechanism is overwhelmed, there is an exponential rise in

intracerebral pressure. As intracerebral pressure rises progressively, cerebral perfusion
decreases progressively. Once intracerebral pressure reaches (or rises above) mean arterial
pressure, then cerebral perfusion ceases.

Cerebral perfusion pressure is defined by the equation:

CPP = Cerebral perfusion pressure

CPP = MAP – ICP (or CVP)*
MAP = Mean arterial pressure

[* whichever of the two is greatest]

Mean Arterial Pressure is slightly less than halfway between systolic and
diastolic BP. This is because systole is shorter than diastole. MAP can
be approximated as DBP + 1/3 of pulse pressure, and can be accurately
measured by integrating the area under the arterial pressure waveform
From the above equation it can be seen that a rise in intracerebral pressure (cerebral
oedema, cerebral vasodilation or intracerebral haematoma) or a drop in blood pressure, will
decrease cerebral blood flow.

An umbra of dense ischaemia occurs in stroke and traumatic brain injury, surrounded by a
penumbra zone of partial and variable ischaemia.

Umbra and penumbra: zones of cerebral ischaemia

Unwitting mismanagement of blood pressure and ventilation can result in an increased
penumbra of partial ischaemia, and can result in encroachment of the umbra into the
penumbra zone.

Considering that the brain consumes 10 times more oxygen than the rest of the body’s
tissues, even small decreases in perfusion are critical events and can have catastrophic

Hence, maintaining end-tidal carbon dioxide within normal parameters is critically important.
Hypoventilation and hypercarbia will increase intracerebral pressure through vasodilation, and
conversely, hyperventilation and hypocarbia will increase ischaemia through vasoconstriction.

Furthermore, a significant decrease in blood pressure post-intubation, such as that resulting

from the concomitant administration of benzodiazepines and opiates, or the administration of
induction agents such as sodium thiopentone and propofol, will seriously compromise
cerebral perfusion.

It is for this reason that drugs used in drug-assisted intubation must be selected judiciously,
ventilation must be titrated against end-tidal capnographic endpoints, and the use of pressor
drugs must be available to the airway technician.

This is especially important in the polytrauma patient with TBI, who is flown by helicopter in
the feet-down (reverse-Trendelenberg) position. It is equally important on initial ascent,
when such a patient is flown by fixed-wing aircraft, when loaded head-first.

Beware reverse Trendelenberg position on helicopters

and fixed-wing aircraft when flying head-injured patients

Please refer to the lecture “Traumatic Brain Injury” for a detailed discussion of this topic.
Please also see the pharmacology section “Pressor Agents”.

Note also that Rapid Sequence Induction in severely hypertensive patients can result in
catastrophic intracerebral haemorrhage. Hypertension should thus be controlled pre-
intubation if at all possible.

As well as the administration of large doses of opioids such as fentanyl or alfentanil, labetolol
by IV bolus (5mg increments) every 3 to 4 minutes can be considered in non-asthmatic

Magnesium sulphate is a calcium channel blocker, and can be used in dosages of 2 to 4g by

rapid IV bolus to safely attenuate the intubation response. It has been used in the obstetric
setting of safely intubating pre-eclamptic and eclamptic patients with severe hypertension for
many years.

Magnesium sulphate is a non-scheduled, cost-effective and freely available drug. Additional

advantages are that it is an anticonvulsant drug (always beneficial in TBI, and that it prolongs
the action of non-deporarising muscle relaxants (a very convenient side-effect when
transporting ventilated patients under neuromuscular blockade). Please see the
Pharmacology section for more details.


Lastly, beware the insertion of nasogastric tubes and nasotracheal tubes in patients with
basal skull fractures:

Left: Intracerebral misplaced nasogastric tubes.



Midazolam is a benzodiazepine, which has the following five principle actions: sedation,
anxiolysis, anticonvulsant properties, spinal cord-mediated muscle relaxation and retrograde

All benzodiazepine actions are caused by facilitation of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric

acid),which is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter of the CNS. Benzodiazepine receptors
are found in the CNS in very close proximity to the GABA receptor, or may exist as part of the
GABA receptor. GABA receptors are found exclusively on postsynaptic membranes within
the CNS, with maximal density in the cerebral cortex.

The GABA Receptor is a large macromolecule with separate binding sites for GABA,
barbiturates, alcohol, and benzodiazapines – explaining the synergistic effects amongst these

Binding of benzodiazepines to their receptors increases the affinity of GABA for its receptor.
This results in enhanced opening of chloride (Cl-) channels; with a consequent influx of
chloride. The consequent hyperpolarisation of the postsynaptic cell membrane causes
resistance to excitation.

Midazolam is the only water-soluble benzodiazepine which is stable in aqueous solution at
low pH. At physiological pH it becomes lipid-soluble (due to ring closure), facilitating rapid
crossing of the blood-brain barrier. Because of this, there is no need for stabilising or
solubilising preparations such as propylene. There is therefore no no pain on injection (cf.
diazepam). Midazolam has two to three times the affinity of diazapam for the GABA
receptor, and is therefore twice as potent.

Despite rapidly crossing the blood-brain barrier, midazolam, has a slow effect-site
equilibration time varying between 0.9 to 5.6 minutes, with an average of about 3 minutes.
The long and highly variable inter-individual effect-site equilibration time renders midazolam a
less than ideal anaesthetic induction agent.

Midazolam is extensively bound to plasma proteins (96 to 98%), and rapidly redistributes from
brain to other (inactive) storage sites. Hepatic clearance is rapid (more than 10 times that of
diazepam). Water-soluble metabolites are excreted as glucuronide conjugates in the urine.

Midazolam decreases cerebral metabolic oxygen requirements, and decreases cerebral blood
flow. The cerebral vasomotor response to elevated CO2 is preserved. There is some
evidence that patients with severe head trauma experience raised intracranial pressure when
Midazolam is injected rapidly, but the clinical significance of this is not known. Midazolam
does NOT attenuate raised ICP associated with endotracheal intubation!!

Benzodiazapines do NOT possess neuroprotective activity, as do the barbiturates.

Midazolam causes dose-dependent decreases in ventilation. Transient apnoea can occur

with rapid injection of a large dose. Synergistic effects with opioids and alcohol occur.

Blood pressure decreases and heart rate increases as compensation for a decreased
systemic vascular resistance, although cardiac output remains unchanged. There is usually
no significant drop in blood pressure when midazolam is injected slowly in normovolaemic
patients, but a significant drop in blood pressure occurs in hypovolaemic patients.

Midazolam is packaded in 3ml (15mg) and 5ml (5mg) ampoules. The adult and paediatric
dose is 0.1 to 0.2mg/kg as an IV bolus.

STP is a barbiturate which is readily soluble in water or saline. It is highly alkaline, the pH of
a 2.5% (25mg/ml) solution being 10.5. The powder form is stable at room temperature
indefinitely, and the prepared solution is stable for at least 6 days at room temperature and for
two weeks in the refrigerator. Unlike propofol, the alkalinity of the solution renders it

Thiopentone is packaged as 500mg pale yellow powder in a 20ml multi-dose vial, and is
reconstituted with 20ml sterile water to a concentration of 25mg/ml. The standard dose is 3
to 5mg/kg, usually erring on the side of the smaller dose.

The high pH renders this drug incompatible with highly acidic drugs such as opiates, non-
depolarising muscle relaxants and adrenalin. Vecuronium precipitates into a solid ‘cement’
when mixed with thiopentone, which blocks IV lines solid! Thiopentone must never be mixed
to a concentration greater than 2.5%.

The term “thiobarbiturate” denotes the inclusion of a sulphur atom on the number two carbon
atom, which increases lipid solubility considerably. This increased lipid solubility confers a
greater potency, more rapid onset of action and a shorter duration of action.

Barbiturates produce their sedative-hypnotic (and anticonvulsive effects) through their action
on the GABA receptor. Activation of the GABA receptor results in an influx of chloride with
consequent hyperpolarisation of the cell membrane. The interaction of thiopentone
(etomidate, propofol and midazolam) at the GABA receptor complex decreases the rate of
dissociation of GABA from its receptor.

Barbiturates depress the reticular activating system and selectively depress impulse
transmission in the sympathetic ganglia, leading to a drop in blood pressure. They also
decrease the sensitivity of the neuromuscular junction to the depolarising action of acetyl

Rapid awakening is due to redistribution from the brain to inactive sites, rather than due to
rapid metabolism. Thiopentone undergoes hepatic metabolism and renal excretion. It is
highly lipid-soluble, and highly protein-bound, displacing other highly-protein bound drugs
from their binding sites.

Dose requirements decrease with age. Thiopentone decreases intracranial pressure by

causing cerebral vasoconstriction, and by decreasing cerebral blood flow – due to a drop in
blood pressure.

Thiopentone confers cerebral protection as it decreases CMRO2 (by 55% with iso-electric
EEG), but confer no protection during global ischaemia. It is a potent anticonvulsant.

Thiopentone depresses the medullary vasomotor centre, and causes transient vasodilation
with a drop in blood pressure. There is minimal to no myocardial depression, the drop in
blood pressure overcome by an increased carotid sinus mediated increase in peripheral
sympathetic nervous system activity. However, a negative inoptropic effect is readily
demonstrated in the isolated heart. Histamine release can occur, but is seldom of clinical
significance. Thiopentone should be avoided in shocked patients, those on

antihypertensives and beta blockers, any patients maximally adrenergically driven or
otherwise unable to compensate for drops in blood pressure (eg. hypovolaemia).

There is a dose-dependent depression of medullary and pontine ventilatory centres, and a

decreased sensitivity to CO2 drive. These respiratory depressant effects are enhanced by
other respiratory depressant drugs.

Laryngeal and cough reflexes are not suppressed. Instrumenting the airway under
thiopentone will result in laryngospasm and a profound sympathetic response.
Bronchospasm can be accentuated (also histamine release).

Intra-arterial injection is catastrophic! Immediate intense vasoconstriction occurs, with

blanching of skin, followed by cyanosis and possibly gangrene. The mechanism not fully

Etomidate is a carboxylated imidizole-containing compound – which means that it is
chemically unrelated to any other drug used for IV induction of anaesthesia, yet like
midazolam is water soluble at acidic pH and lipid soluble at physiological pH. Like the other
IV induction agents, it produces its inhibitory effect on the CNS through its action at the GABA

It is packaged as a 0.2% solution (2mg/ml), in 10ml ampoules. The usual dosage is 0.2 to
0.3mg/kg IV. It is formulated with propylene glycol, which causes considerable pain on
injection, and is associated with occasional venous irritation.

Etomidate has a very large volume of distribution, and is therefore distributed widely
throughout the body. Etomidate penetrates the brain rapidly, reaching peak brain levels at
one minute. Like thiopentone and propofol, rapid awakening occurs due to redistribution.
Hepatic clearance is five times that of thiopentone. It is also a highly protein-bound, and
therefore displaces other highly protein-bound drugs from their binding sites (eg. warfarin).

Clinically, etomidate is associated with myoclonic movements, which are due to disinhibition
of subcortical structures that normally suppress extrapyramidal (involuntary) motor activity.
Myoclonus, dystonia and tremor occur in more than 50% of patients.

There is significant suppression of adrenocortical function. Even with a single bolus dose,
cortisol production can be inhibited for 4 to 8 hrs. This may be very important in sepsis and
shock. Etomidate has not escaped serious suspicion, but so far little evidence exists to
implicate the drug directly as a cause of increased peri-operative morbidity in non-elective
surgery. For this reason, etomidate has been withdrawn in a number of countries such as
the United States, Canada, the Republic of Ireland and Australia.

Etomidate’s depressive effects on myocardial contractility are minimal, with minimal changes
in heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output. Mean arterial pressure may decrease by up
to 15%, because of decreases in systemic vascular resistance. Administration of etomidate
to severely hypovolaemic patients could still result in severe hypotension.

Despite the above concerns, etomidate is widely used as the agent of choice in
cardiovascular instability (hypovolaemic shock, etc.). Until etomidate has either been fully
implicated or freed from its suspicions, ketamine (or even low-dose thiopentone) may be a
more judicious choice under these circumstances.

Etomidate is associated with an increased incidence of nausea and vomiting.

Etomidate is a potent cerebral vasoconstrictor, lowers intracranial pressure and decreases

cerebral blood flow and CMRO2 by 35 to 40%, in a similar fashion to comparable doses of

Etomidate produces an increase in the excitatory spikes seen on EEG, and may activate
seizure foci. Etomidate should therefore be used with caution in patients with a history of
seizures. Paradoxically, etomidate also possesses anticonvulsant properties, and has been
used to terminate status epilepticus.

Etomidate causes less ventilatory depression than barbiturates, the effects lasting for three to
five minutes. Decreases in tidal volume are offset by an increased respiratory rate.
Etomidate may stimulate ventilation independently of CO2-responsive medullary centres, and
for this reason may be preferable when spontaneous ventilation is preferred.

More on Etomidate:

Etomidate used as a stand-alone agent in RSI carries only a 55% success rate, which is no
better than that for midazolam, and is therefore not the answer to drug assisted intubation
without paralysis.[80,81]

The biggest single criticism levelled against etomidate is its propensity to cause
adrenocortical suppression. While this inhibition has previously not been thought to be
significant in single induction-dose boluses of the drug, a 2005 editorial in the “Anaesthesia”
journal has prompted a sobering revisitation of the subject.

Etomidate has escaped scrutiny in the examination of an unacceptably high mortality rate in
emergency surgery, in which etomidate was used. The authors point to the moratorium
placed on etomidate infusions in the ICU setting, where its use increased mortality from 28%
to 77% in polytrauma patients. The authors thus question the allegedly benign effect of
adrenocortical suppression following single bolus induction-dose etomidate administration in
the context of critical illness, emergency surgery and septic shock.

Considering that etomidate has been withdrawn in the United States, Australia, Canada, and
the Republic of Ireland, the authors caution against the blind administration of this drug, and
urge the consideration of safer induction agents under the circumstances 82.[82]

Thus, the fact that the potentially lethal complications of etomidate are currently being
debated in the international literature, and the fact that etomidate offers at best a 55%
successful intubation rate in the combative patient, we are forced to look elsewhere for
acceptable stand-alone alternatives.

Propofol is chemically distinct from all other sedative-hypnotics. It is a substituted isopropyl
phenol that is administered as an aqueous 1% solution (10mg/ml), comprising soybean oil,
glycerol and egg lecithin. Awakening is more rapid and complete than with the other
induction agents, and there are minimal residual CNS effects.

Propofol is formulated without any preservative, and serves as a nutrient bacterial growth
medium. Propofol solutions must be used within six hours of opening, as sepsis and death
have been linked to contaminated solutions.

Severe pain is often experienced on injection. This can be attenuated by the addition of 10
to 20mg lignocaine (2ml 1% lignocaine added to 18ml propofol).

Propofol has a significant anti-emetic effect (by an unknown mechanism), is anticonvulsant on

the basis of its GABA activity, and is antipruritic, thought to be mediated at a spinal cord level.

Propofol is packaged as a 20ml ampoule of a 1% solution (10mg/ml) and is administered at a

bolus dose of 2mg/kg in adults. Double to triple this dose is required for the paediatric age
group from toddlers upwards, and half to one quarter (or less) is required for the debilitated
and the elderly.

Propofol decreases the rate of dissociation of GABA from its receptor, with functional
inhibition of the post-synaptic neuron, in a similar manner to thiopentone and etomidate.

Clearance exceeds hepatic blood flow, emphasising that tissue uptake as well as metabolism
are important in removing the drug from the circulation. There is rapid and extensive hepatic
metabolism with renal excretion of inactive water-soluble metabolites. Propofol is safe to
adminster to cirrhotic patients, and despite 75% renal clearance, is safe to administer in renal

Patients older than 60yrs have smaller volumes of distribution and slower clearance rates.
Children require higher doses because of larger volumes of distribution and higher clearance

Propofol decreases cerebral blood flow, intracranial pressure and CMRO2.

Large doses may decrease systolic blood pressure to the point that cerebral circulation is
compromised. Cerebral autoregulation, with respect to CO2 response, is unaffected by
propofol. Cortical EEG changes are similar to those induced by thiopentone.

Decreases in blood pressure are greater than that for comparable doses of thiopentone.
This is due to (1) inhibition of sympathetic vasoconstriction, and decreased SVR, and (2) has
a direct negative inotropic effect on the myocardium due to intracellular calcium antagonism.
The baroreceptor mediated reflex is often suppressed – as heart rate often remains
unchanged even in the presence of severe hypotension. Sympathetic activity may be
suppressed more than parasympathetic activity, as profound bradycardia and asystole have
been described in healthy patients. The blood pressure drop is exaggerated in hypovolemic
patients, patients with impaired LV function, the elderly and debilitated.

Propofol suppresses the intubation response to a much greater degree than thiopentone.
Ablation of upper airway reflexes allows for much easier airway instrumentation, most
commonly seen with the ease of LMA placement following administration of propofol.
Respiratory depression is dose-dependent. Apnoea occurs in 25 to 30%, and is enhanced
by opiates and other respiratory depressants. There is a heightened ventilatory response to
hypercarbia, and a decreased response to hypoxia. Propofol has significant bronchodilatory
effects, and a decreased incidence of intra-operative bronchospasm is seen.

Ketamine is a phencyclidine derivative producing "dissociative anaesthesia". It dissociates
thalamic sensory input from the cortical and limbic systems. The patient may appear to be
awake or semi-rousable with varying degrees of hypertonic and purposeful muscle
movements, but is amnestic and experiences intense analgesia. Ketamine is a potent
hallucinogen, has a very high abuse potential and is marketed as a street drug known as
"Special K". Emergence delirium and long emergence times limit its use.

Ketamine has been reported to work at mu, kappa and delta opioid receptors, but its principle
site of action is as a non-competitive antagonist at the NMDA (N-methyl D-aspartamate)
receptor. The NMDA receptor is an excitatory calcium channel receptor of the glutamate
receptor family.

Ketamine can be administered by the IV, IM, subcutaneous, oral, sublingual and intranasal
routes. Ketamine is highly lipid-soluble (about five to ten times that of thiopentone), and
therefore has a rapid onset of action and a relatively short duration of action. Peak plasma
concentrations occur at about one minute after IV administration, and five minutes after IM

Ketamine is transferred to highly perfused tissues, with rapid transfer across the blood-brain
barrier. It has a large volume of distribution and a high hepatic clearance. It is not
significantly protein bound. Active metabolites may contribute to its duration of action,
especially with multiple dosing.

Ketamine is administered at a dose of 2mg/kg IV and 5mg/kg IM. The IM route is associated
with longer onset and emergence times. Intense analgesia occurs with doses of 0.2 to
0.5mg/kg. Ketamine can be administered by the oral, sublingual and intranasal routes as

The following important drug interactions must be noted:

Ketamine used in combination with theophylline can precipitate seizures. Co-administration

in the presence of beta blockers can unmask myocardial depression. Enhanced
arhythmogenicity may be seen when ketamine is given with adrenalin. The use of atropine
increases the incidence and magnitude of emergence delirium.

Ketamine hallucinations, or emergence delirium, otherwise known as "bad trips" can last as
long as 24 hours, and can be severe enough to leave the patient with post-traumatic stress
disorder. Hallucinations can be attenuated with the co-administration of a benzodiazepine,
midazolam being the benzodiazepine of choice. Please note that ketamine should never be
adminstered without the concurrent administration of midazolam!

Ketamine is a potent cerebral vasodilator, increasing cerebral blood flow by 50% in

normocapneic patients. Benzodiazepines blunt this response. Nonetheless, ketamine has
been shown to be used without adverse effect in traumatic brain injury and raised intracranial
pressure 83, 84.[83,84]

Ketamine raises systolic blood pressure, heart rate, cardiac output, cardiac work, and
myocardial oxygen requirements. These effects are progressive over 3 to 5 minutes, settle
over 10 to 20 minutes, and are attenuated by the co-administration of benzodiazepines.
Myocardial depression may be unmasked in catecholamine-depleted (severely shocked) or
beta-blocked patients.

Ketamine does not significantly depress ventilation, and the CO2 ventilatory drive is
maintained. Upper airway reflexes remain relatively intact, but protection against aspiration
is not guaranteed. If a patient's airway is compromised, the patient should be intubated.
Salivary and mucous secretions are increased significantly, and the co-administration of an
antisialogogue should be considered. Ketamine is a potent bronchodilator.


Whilst not being an anaesthetic induction agent, magnesium sulphate should be considered
prior to intubation of patients with severe/uncontrolled hypertension. Malignant hypertension,
in conjunction with the sympathetic surge accompanying laryngoscopy and intubation, can
cause cardiovascular effects and intracranial haemorrhage. It is for this reason that it is
included in this section on pharmacological induction agents.

Magnesium is the second-most important intracellular cation, potassium being the first. The
normal plasma magnesium concentration is 1 mmol/litre.

It plays an essential role in the regulation of most cell functions, activating over 300 enzyme
systems. It is critically important in energy metabolism, being essential to the production and
functioning of ATP. It is also important for DNA, RNA and protein synthesis. It is a “natural”
physiological calcium antagonist, and possesses potent membrane-stabilising properties.

It is THE drug of choice in exogenous (and endogenous) adrenalin overdose, or in
adrenalin-induced dysrhythmias.

Most commonly seen in the ICU setting. Signs and symptoms are similar to that of

Sx hypocalcaemia:

• Neuromuscular irritability and neuropsychiatric manifestations, viz. paraesthesiae,

circum-oral numbness, muscle cramps, anxiety, tetany, convulsions, laryngeal stridor,
dystonia, psychosis.
• Increased risk of dysrhythmias, and respiratory muscle impairment.
• CNS irritability – hyper-reflexia and convulsions.
• Skeletal muscle spasm: Trousseau’s sign (inflation of BP cuff above diastolic
pressure for 3 minutes causes severe tetanic spasm of fingers and wrist), and
Chvostek’s sign (gentle tapping over facial nerve area causes twitching of facial

Magnesium is a CNS depressant (it was used as a genaral anaesthetic in the early 1900’s).
Signs and symptoms of hypermagnesaemia are dose-dependent and include:

• Slowing of cardiac conduction – widened QRS and prolonged P-Q interval.

• Sedation, hypoventilation, muscle weakness, decreased deep tendon reflexes.
• Hypotension, bradycardia and diffuse vasodilation (flushing).
• Arreflexia, coma and respiratory paralysis.

Treatment of hypermagnesaemia:

• IV fluid loading, diuresis, dialysis.

• Temporary reversal with Calcium administration.

Calcium chloride is the antidote to magnesium sulphate overdose:

Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) 10% solution = 100mg/ml.

Dosage: 8 to 16mg/kg (10% solution) given IV slowly (or 500 to 1000mg, or half to one full
10ml ampoule for a 70kg adult).


1. Calcium chloride releases three times more Ca++ ions than calcium gluconate;

2. Rapid administration can cause bradycardia;

3. Caution in patients on digitalis – can cause digitalis toxicity and ventricular irritability;

4. If given with NaHCO3, Ca++ will precipitate out as carbonates;

5. Calcium may produce vasospasm in coronary and cerebral arteries;

6. Mechanism of action: Ca++ ions bind to sites on actin and myosin fibrils in the sarcoplasmic
reticulum, causing positive inotrope and vasoconstrictor effects.


Magnesium penetrates the blood-brain barrier poorly, and does not have direct anticonvulsant
properties. However, it does have anticonvulsant properties, but by an unknown mechanism.
Anticonvulsant activity is thought to be due to cerebral vasodilation – breaking vasospasm –
thought to be an important cause of convulsions in eclampsia.

Magnesium interferes with the release of neurotransmitters from ALL synapses, and therefore
produces enhanced action of local anaesthetics, depolarising and non-depolarising muscle
relaxants. It causes severe muscle weakness in Eaton-Lambert syndrome and Myasthenia

Eaton-Lambert Syndrome: rare non-metastatic manifestation of small cell carcinoma of the

bronchus, causing defective acetyl choline release at the neuromuscular junction.

Myasthenia Gravis: acquired condition of unknown cause, where antibodies to post-synaptic

acetyl choline receptors lead to weakness and fatiguability of proximal limb, ocular and bulbar

• It has a direct vasodilatory action on blood vessels (as mentioned above).

• It reduces systemic vascular resistance by sympathetic blockade and inhibition of
catecholamine release.
• It causes a marked decrease in contractile force (negatively inotropic) in the isolated
heart. It also causes bradycardia in the isolated heart, but in the intact patient causes a
reflex tachycardia because of vagal inhibition (inhibits acetyl choline release).
• It has no effect on respiratory drive, but is an effective bronchodilator, and may increase
the efficacy of beta-agonists.
• It is a powerful tocolytic.
• It acts as a diuretic on the kidney, enhanced by its vasodilatory effect.


Packaged as 50% w/v = 500mg/ml in one millilitre ampoules.

Routes: IM and IV.


• GPH – lowers blood pressure and anticonvulsant.
• Anti-arryhthmic: treatment of choice in Torsade de Pointes)
• Reduces peri-infarct VT and VF; has a cardioprotective effect in acute MI.
• Endogenous and exogenous adrenalin overdose.
• Magnesium deficiency (known or suspected), eg. patients on diuretics, alcoholics, chronic
diseases and other poor nutritional states.
• (Prophylaxis 1 to 2g over 1 to 5 minutes).
• Status Asthmaticus.


See the drug protocols at the end of this manual.

a) Obstetrics: 60mg/kg (4 to 6g). Halve dose if patient has already received

MgSO4. [Infusion rate: 4g in 250ml D5W or saline at max 3ml/minute].
b) Myocardial Infarction: (VT) 1 to 2g or 2 to 4ml of 50% solution, diluted to 10ml,
given over 1 to 2 minutes. If VF, give rapid IV.
c) Convulsions: IM 1 to 5 g as 50% solution (undiluted), or IV 1 to 4g as 10%
solution given IV slowly.
d) Asthma: see drug protocol at the end of this manual.


Calcium chloride – see box above.

See drug protocols in the back of the AAM manual for exact dosages.



CPP = Cerebral perfusion press.

CPP = MAP – ICP (or CVP)*
MAP = Mean arterial pressure
[* whichever of the two is greatest]

Mean Arterial Pressure is slightly less than halfway between systolic and diastolic BP. This
is because systole is shorter than diastole. MAP can be approximated as DBP + 1/3 of pulse
pressure, and can be accurately measured by integrating the area under the arterial pressure
waveform graph.

Intracranial hypertension is defined as a sustained rise in intracranial pressure above
15mmHg. Normal cerebral perfusion pressure is in the order of 60mmHg, where the MAP is
about 75mmHg.

When intracranial pressure rises, the mean arterial pressure must be increased, in order to
maintain an adequate cerebral perfusion pressure, or else cerebral perfusion rapidly becomes
compromised. Intracerebral pressures can rise well above 20mmHg following Traumatic
Brain Injury or haaemorrhagic stroke, and it therefore becomes critical to maintain mean
arterial pressures above 80mmHg.

The administration of benzodiazepines, opiates (often in conjunction with each other, and
therefore with synergistic side-effects) and other anaesthetic IV induction agents, can drop
mean arterial pressure considerably.

This results in the serious compromise of cerebral perfusion pressure. A low mean arterial
pressure in the face of a raised intracranial pressure can entirely obliterate cerebral perfusion!

It is for this reason that IV induction agents must be carefully administered to patients with
intracranial hypertension, and that pressor drugs are available to be adminsistered in the
presence of a low mean arterial pressure following tracheal intubation.

These concepts, including the Monro-Kelly doctrine, are fully discussed in the lectures
Traumatic Brain Injury and Ventilation in the Emergency Medicine Environment.

Ephedrine is an indirect-acting alpha agonist and a direct-acting beta agonist. It causes the
release of noradrenalin to be released from sympathetic nerve terminals. Ephedrine acts as
a pure alpha agonist in the presence of beta blockade.

Administration of ephedrine thus results in an increased cardiac output (increased heart rate
and stroke volume) and an increase in vascular tone. Both systolic and diastolic pressure are
elevated. The cardiovascular effects of ephedrine are similar to those of adrenalin, but the
effects are 250 times less intense and last ten times longer than adrenalin.

Renal and splanchnic blood flow are decreased, while coronary and skeletal blood flow are

Ephedrine is packaged as 50mg/ml one millilitre ampoules, and is usually diluted into a 10ml
syringe, constituted as 5mg/ml in 10ml. It is administered at bolus doses of 5 to 10 mg IV
(and as high as 25mg) titrated to effect to restore blood pressure during sympathetic

Uterine blood flow is not greatly affected by ephedrine, as alpha-mediated vasoconstriction in
the uterine vascular bed is less than that which occurs in the systemic vascular bed.

Ephedrine also has beta-2 stimulatory effects, and can be used as an adjunct to treat
bronchospasm. It also has an anti-emetic effect similar to that of droperidol.

Subsequent doses of ephedrine produce lesser responses to the drug, a phenomenon known
as tachyphylaxis, thought to be due to the fact that some receptor sites are still bound by
ephedrine at the time of subsequent doses, and also due to depletion of noradrenalin stores
in sympathetic nerve terminals.

Phenylephrine is structurally almost identical to adrenalin, having predominantly a direct alpha
agonist effect, with a slight indirect alpha agonist effect. There is minimal effect on beta
receptors. The resulting venoconstriction is greater than arterial constriction. Clinically,
phenylephrine mimics the effects of noradrenalin, but is less potent and longer lasting.

Phenylephrine is packaged as 10mg in one millilitre ampoules, and is diluted as 10mg in

200ml saline (50mcg/ml). It is administered IV in one to two millilitre (50 to 100mcg) boluses,
or can be run as a continuous infusion through a 60drops/ml paediatric IV administration set,
if regular top-up doses are required.

Phenylephrine is of great value in patients with coronary artery disease and aortic stenosis
because, in contrast to other sympathomimetics, it increases coronary perfusion pressure
without chronotropic side-effects.

Phenylephrine causes reflex slowing of the heart in response to blood pressure increases,
mediated by the carotid body baroreceptors. Cardiac output falls as a result of a decreased
heart rate and an increased afterload. Renal, splanchnic and cutaneous blood flows are
decreased, while coronary blood flow and pulmonary arterial pressure are increased.

The reflex vagal effects mediated by phenylephrine can be used to slow the heart rate in
haemodynamically significant tachyarrhythmias.


Muscle relaxant drugs are not formally taught to emergency medicine doctors, registrars and
paramedics as part of their pharmacology syllabus. This is a great pity since, even though
these drugs are not included in the Advanced Life Support protocol, they are extremely useful

drugs, and as such are used regularly during patient management whilst in the Emergency
Unit, resuscitation unit and during the interfacility transfer of ventilated patients.

As said, these drugs are extremely useful, and therefore powerful drugs. Like all powerful
drugs, they are also extremely dangerous, and should not be used without specific medical
direction. The knowledge imparted by way of this course manual does not suggest a tacit
approval for the autonomous use of these drugs by paramedics, but is intended to render
their use by paramedics safer, under circumstances where prescribed by a medical


In years gone by, for various reasons not least of which was the relative state of
"unsophistication" of ventilators, patients were routinely paralysed with non-depolarising
muscle relaxants.

This is no longer the case – in modern intensive care units, paralysing patients has become
the extreme exception, rather than the rule, and a practice severely frowned upon. Part of
the reason for this trend is that modern ventilators have achieved a degree of sophistication
which allows for synchronisation between the ventilator's inspiratory and expiratory cycling,
and the patient's spontaneous efforts at breathing.

We have also realised that it is an extremely insensitive (and cruel) practice to paralyse
patients without adequate sedation. Long-term infusions of muscle relaxants have also been
shown to have direct toxic effects on nerve tissue, causing a type of "intensive care
neuropathy". Muscle relaxant drugs also have other side-effects to which the patient is

In order to keep transport ventilators compact, light-weight and simple, they have remained
extremely basic machines, without the ability to synchronise breath cycles to the patient's
respiratory efforts. This often results in patients "fighting" the ventilator – ie. the patient
attempting to exhale at the time that the ventilator is in its inhalation cycle, and vice versa.

Adequate sedation with an appropriate benzodiazapine or other sedative agent often

overcomes this problem. Sometimes, however, even deep sedation is unable to overcome
the potent respiratory stimulus seen in some patients, and paralysis must be considered, or
else adequate ventilation cannot be achieved.

It is also important to prevent patients from gagging or coughing against the tracheal tube,
especially in cases of head injury. This is discussed in detail in the lectures on “Ventilation in
the Emergency Medicine Environment” and “Traumatic Brain Injury”.

Paralysis without sedation must never be undertaken!


Paralysing patients is an extremely dangerous practice, and the decision to paralyse should
not be taken lightly. In the case of either a ventilator malfunction, a ventilator circuit
"disconnect", or a dislodged tracheal tube, the patient will be rendered apnoeic. Thus
ventilator failure, disconnect and/or other apnoea alarms, as well as continuous (preferably
waveform) capnography should be used at all times and without exception.

Under normal circumstances, in a non-paralysed patient experiencing ventilatory failure, the

patient will be able to maintain at least some degree of spontaneous ventilation, albeit it
inadequate. In the case of a paralysed patient, he or she will not be able to take one single
breath! It sometimes occurs, through pharangeal and upper airway oedema, or due to
natural anatomic variances, that a patient who is not intubated, cannot be ventilated despite
the best face-mask seal, orophrangeal airway in situ, and ventilation technique.

In the case of a dislodged tracheal tube, a "Can't intubate, Can’t oxygenate" (CICO) scenario
is probably the single-most frightening event a medical professional can experience, and will
rapidly lead to hypoxic brain damage and death by asphyxia, if not immediately detected and

Hence, under circumstances where a patient is going to be paralysed for the purposes of an
interfacility transfer, full monitoring (preferably including capnography with disconnect alarm)
and the utmost vigilance are mandatory. It goes without saying that an emergency back-up
system for ventilation, and equipment for emergency re-intubation must be at hand at all

For example, the transfer of a ventilated patient in a hospital elevator, or down a long
passage, without intubation equipment, a spare oxygen cylinder, and a bag-valve mask
resuscitator (with face mask, suction unit and oropharangeal airways), consitutes the most
gross criminal negligence!!


(The physiology of the neuromuscular junction must to be understood before reading this

Depolarising muscle relaxants resemble Acetylcholine (Ach) and therefore bind to the post-
synaptic nicotinic receptor, and generate an action potential. They are therefore cholinergic
in action. They are not metabolised by Ach esterhase, and therefore produce a prolonged
depolarisation of the muscle end-plate (competitive binding to the Ach receptor prevents
repolarisation, and therefore subsequent depolarisation).
So, the big thing to remember is that initial depolarisation and a brief period of intense muscle
contraction occur, followed by paralysis, lasting for three to five minutes (or longer). These
drugs can be thought of as "nicotinic agonists".

There is only one depolarising muscle relaxant in clinical use worldwide, and that is
suxemethonium hydrochloride, also known as "sux", succinyl choline or Scoline (trade name).
They are all the same drug.

Non-depolarising muscle relaxants (NDMRs), of which there are many, also bind to the
nicotinic receptor, but bind in such a way that they do not trigger a response (depolarisation).
Instead, they bind competitively, and then "hog" the receptor site, preventing the binding of
Ach and consequent activation of the receptor. Depolarisation and therefore muscle
contraction do not occur.

NDMRs can therefore be thought of as "nicotinic antagonists",or "blockers", in the same way
that beta blockers prevent the action of adrenalin at beta receptors.

The different NDMRs all have different characteristics: dose, onset and duration of action,
histamine release, intrinsic sympathomimetic activity, metabolism and excretion. I am not
going to present a comprehensive or exhaustive breakdown of the various agents, but will
offer only a summary of the more salient points. A full discussion could be dedicated to each


"Sux" consists of two Ach molecules joined end to end, and hence the profound muscle
contraction and cholinergic side-effects seen with the use of this drug.

It is common practice to keep suxemothonium in the fridge, to prevent its spontaneous

breakdown, and it is a common belief that sux will degrade over a matter of hours. However,
the degradation rate of sux has been reported as 0.3% per month at 4OC, 2% per month at
room temperature, and 8% per month at 37OC 85. Sux can therefore be stored at room
temperature for five months whilst losing only 10% efficacy, and at 37OC for one month.[85]

Only a very small percentage of drug reaches the "effect site" -- the nicotinic receptor -- as it
is rapidly hydrolysed (broken down) by an enzyme similar to acetylcholinesterase, called

In some people with genetic abberations, there is a deficiency of pseudocholinesterase, which

results in a condition called "Scoline Apnoea". Paralysis can last for six to eight hours (where
it is normally of only three to five minutes duration).

Onset of action of sux is about 30 seconds, or one arm-brain circulation time. This drug is
the most ideal drug that we have for "rapid sequence induction" (RSI) – a method of
emergency intubation performed where there is a high risk of aspiration of stomach contents.

Suxamethonium has a relatively short duration of action – in the region of three to five
minutes in normal, healthy individuals. This fact lulls the unsuspecting into a false sense of
security – or a fool’s paradise. The uncomfortable truth is demonstated in Benumof’s graph

Benumof has demonstrated that ill or debilitated adults, obese and pregnant patients, and
children will achieve terminal desaturation before attaining even 10% neuromuscular
recovery![86] Terminal desaturation is defined as hypoxia leading to unconsciousness and
death before the brainstem’s respiratory centre is activated, and breathing occurs. The
implication of this is that, in a can’t intubate – can’t oxygenate RSI scenario, the patient will
asphyxiate and die before neuromuscular recovery is attained, regardless of the claim that
suxemethonium is a short-acting neuromuscular blocker!
Additionally, conditions such as pregnancy, scoline apnoea, and organophosphate poisoning
markedly prolong the action of suxamethonium. Organophosphates are cholinesterase
inhibitors, and so inhibit the action of pseudocholinesterase as well as acetylcholinesterase.

Please see the next section, non-depolarising muscle relaxants, for a full discussion of
rocuronium and sugammadex regarding neuromuscular reversal.

Because sux is literally "pure" acetylcholine, it has marked cholinergic side-effects: profound
bradycardia, salivation, bronchial secretions and bronchoconstriction are seen. This is seen
especially after a second dose, where atropine (at a dose of 20 mcg/kg) must always be
administered concurrently.

Rapid and severe (and potentially fatal) hyperkalaemia is commonly seen after sux
administration, owing to the muscle injury that follows the profound muscle contraction seen
with sux administration. Patients always wake up with stiff and painful muscles (as though
they had run a marathon) after sux administration.

The following patients are particularly at risk of fatal hyperkalaemia:

• Any kind of muscle disease, such as muscular dystrophy.

• Renal failure (already hyperkalaemic).
• Any burn injury or severe trauma (tissue damage).
• Neurological disorders or injury (up-regulation of nicotinic receptors occurs after a
denervating injury, as a natural process, owing to lack of stimulation of those receptors --
and therefore profound muscle contraction occurs with subsequent life-threatening
potassium release).

Owing to the generalised muscle contractions, patients experience raised intragastric

pressure (risk of aspiration), raised intra-ocular pressure (hazardous in eye trauma), and
raised intracranial pressure.

However, the risks of aspiration are generally thought to be more hazardous than the side-
effects of the raised pressures described above, so sux is still administered with caution,
where these patients present with a potential full stomach.

“The administration of suxemethonium, with all of its problems, is infinitely better than having
a patient’s lungs filled with vomit.” – Prof. MFM James, Dept. of Anaesthesia, University of
Cape Town.

Sux is a powerful trigger for a condition known as Malignant Hyperthermia, which is a

catastrophic, life-threatening hypermetabolic state. Malignant Hyperthermia requires highly
specialised in-hospital treatment and a specific antidote (Dantrolene hydrochloride), if the
patient is to stand any chance of survival.

As can be seen, suxemethonium is not a drug that anyone should be using complacently,
whether inside or outside of the controlled hospital environment.


These are a group of drugs which share many common characteristics. They therefore
share a common set of rules, although each drug has exceptions to these common rules.

NDMRs generally take three to five minutes before maximum paralysis is achieved, and are
therefore not suitable for rapid sequence induction. A controversial exception is Rocuronium
(Esmeron), which in high dose can be used for RSI. One of the other problems, in terms of
RSI, is that their duration of action varies between twenty minutes and an hour – depending
on the dosage and pharmacokinetics of the drug. Hence, a failed intubation can quickly turn
into a nightmare situation with no light at the end of the proverbial paralysis tunnel.

All of the NDMRs have a prescribed induction dose, based on lean body mass. Top-up
doses are generally administered on an “as-needed” basis, at 10% of the calculated induction
dose. There is no maximum dose, as these drugs are constantly redistributed and

All of the NDMRs are highly charged molecules and do not cross biological membranes
easily. They therefore do not redistribute to other compartments (see notes on
pharmacokinetics), do not cross the blood-brain barrier, and importantly, do not cross the
placenta. The same is true for suxemethonium.

Some of these drugs need to be refrigerated, and others do not.

They are not metabolised by pseudocholinesterase (except for Mivacurium), and depend on
being "washed away" from the synaptic cleft and metabolised over time. They are
metabolised by the liver, and metabolites are excreted by the kidneys. Some have active
metabolites. Renal and/or liver failure results in prolonged duration of action. A notable
exception to this is Atracurium, which undergoes Hoffman elimination – this is a non-
enzymatic degradation process; or a kind of "self-destruct" mechanism.

Reversal of the paralysing effects of NDMRs are brought about by (1) the passage of time
and (2) the administration of an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor -- neostigmine. Neostigmine
(similar to organophosphate poisons) allows for an excess of Ach in the synaptic cleft.
Competitive binding of Ach to the nicotinic receptor then displaces the NDMR molecule, and
its action is terminated.

However, neostigmine's action also has an effect at muscarinic receptors (parasympathetic),

and so must be combined with either atropine or glycopyrrolate, to counter the cholinergic
parasympathetic side-effects of Ach. Atropine has no effect at the nicotinic receptor site.

NDMRs are divided into two major groups, the amino steroids and the benzyl isoquinilones.
The significance of this distinction is that the amino steroids are non-histamine releasers,
while the benzyl isoquinilones release histamine. Histamine can cause or exacerbate
bronchospasm. Histamine also causes a transient vasodilation and drop in blood pressure,
with a resultant baroreceptor- mediated reflex tachycardia. Histamine releasers would be
unsuitable for asthmatics and patients with ischaemic heart disease.

Pancuronium (Pavulon) is a non-histamine releaser, but has intrinsic vagolytic and

sympathomimetic properties – it elevates heart rate and blood pressure, and is a very good
bronchodilator. It is also a long-acting NDMR (duration of action 45 to 60 minutes).
Because of its bronchodilator effect, it is an ideal agent for paralysing ventilated asthmatics,
and because of its increased cardiac output, is indicated for shocked patients (eg.
hypovolaemia), that require prolonged paralysis for ventilation. It is relatively contra-
indicated in ischaemic heart disease and head injuries. Pancuronium must be refrigerated.
The usual induction dose is 0.1mg/kg.

Vecuronium (Norcuron) is very similar to Pancuronium, except that it is devoid of the

bronchodilator and sympathomimetic properties of Pancuronium. It is a haemodynamically
stable drug, and is therefore safe to use in ischaemic heart disease and head injuries. It
must be reconstituted from its powder form before use, and does not need to be refrigerated.
It is not a histamine releaser, and has an intermediate duration of action of about 30 minutes.
Vecuronium is a very close cousin of Pancuronium, and is also dosed at 0.1mg/kg.

Mivacurium (Mivacron) is a short-acting agent, and as such is not suitable for longer term
ventilation or interfacility transfers. Duration of action is ten to fifteen minutes. Mivacurium is
the exception in that it is the only NDMR to be metabolised by pseudocholinesterase.
Mivacurium is a histamine releaser. The usual dose is 0.2mg/kg.

Atracurium's claim to fame is its non-enzymatic Hoffman elimination – it does not depend on
either the liver or kidneys for metabolism and/or excretion. Atracurium is a histamine
releaser. Atracurium's usual dose is 0.5mg/kg, with an intermediate duration action of 20 to
30 minutes.

Cisatracurium (Nimbex) is one of ten isomers of Atracurium, which does not release
histamine. Cisatracurium should be kept in a cool place, but does not strictly need to be
refrigerated. Cisatracurium's usual dose is 0.15mg/kg. With the advent of cisatracurium,
atracurium has become more or less obsolete because of function, but is still widely used
because of price.

Rocuronium (Esmeron) is the newest NDMR, and is marketed as the only alternative to
suxemethonium for RSI. It is still less ideal than suxemethonium, despite all of
suxemethonium’s problems. Of concern is its long duration of action at the high dose (0.9 to

1.1 mg/kg) required for RSI. This would be catastrophic in a Can’t Intubate Can’t oxygenate
RSI situation. Rocuronium does not need to be refrigerated, and can be stored at room
temperature (25oC or below) for up to eight weeks. It is not a histamine releaser. The usual
induction dose is 0.6mg/kg.

Sugammadex is the agent-specific reversal agent to rocuronium. This compound causes

rapid reversal of neuromuscular blockade induced by rocuronium. The rocuronium molecule
becomes encapsulated by the Sugammadex molecule, bound through van der waal’s and
hydrophobic forces in the plasma. This results in reversal from profound rocuronium-induced
neuromuscular blockade within two minutes.

As previously mentioned, the alleged short duration of action of suxamethonium is somewhat

of a myth, lulling unsuspecting clinicians into a false sense of security. In a recent study
comparing spontaneous return of neuromuscular function from suxamethonium versus
reversal of an intubating dose of rocuronium by an “escape bolus” of sugammadex, the
rocuronium-sugammadex combination won hands-down, as shown in the table below:[87]

Median time from Suxamethonium Rocuronium/Sugammadex

tracheal intubation to:

Return of spontaneous 406 seconds 216 seconds


90% recovery of first twitch 518 seconds 168 seconds

of Train of Four:

Whilst the above information may be very exciting, the authors draw attention to the fact that
an “escape bolus” of 16mg/kg of sugammadex for a 75 kg patient costs in the order of 760
Euros – or in the region of R9000 ZAR (South African rands).

Alcuronium (Alloferin) is an older NDMR, which confers no advantage over the more
modern agents. It is a histamine releaser, and is of intermediate duration of action (20 to 30
minutes). The usual induction dose is 0.2mg/kg.

D-tubocurarine (curare) and older such agents are no longer available, and have been
withdrawn from the market. However, many text books still refer to the practice of
neuromuscular paralysis as "curarisation", although today curare carries little more than
historical significance.


• Sedation –midazolam, diazepam.

• Induction agents – propofol, etomidate, thiopentone, ketamine.
• Neuromuscular blockade – suxemethonium, rocuronium, pancuronium, atracurium,
cisatracurium, vecuronium.
• Analgesia – opiates (morphine, fentanyl, alfentanil).
• Vasopressors – ephedrine, phenylephrine.
• Anticholnergics: atropine, glycopyrrolate.
• Adrenergic – adrenalin.

1. Safe drug administration depends on the practitioner having a full understanding of
the pharmacological profile of a given drug. These drug infusion protocols are not a
substitute for knowledge of indications, contra-indications, side-effects, special
precautions, kinetics and dynamics of each individual drug.
2. It is incumbent upon all practitioners to follow HPCSA protocols and institutional
policies, and to seek advice and clarification when in doubt.
4. Always label solutions clearly, documenting generic drug name, diluent,
concentration, patient name, time and date of mixing, and the name of the practitioner
who mixed the drug.
5. It is always a good idea to ask a colleague to double-check your drug infusion
mixtures, and to document this in the patient’s clinical record.
6. When documenting a drug infusion in the patient’s clinical records, be sure to
document the drug name, drug concentration mixed, rate administered, and time
commenced. It is an accepted standard of care and is institutional policy. Failure to
comply with this exposes the patient to clinical risk, and both the individual
practitioner and the institution to medico-legal culpability.
7. When mixing drugs for infusion:
a. Check that the diluent is compatible with the drug.
b. Remember to first remove an equal volume of diluent from the total diluent
volume, equal to the volume of ‘neat’ drug to be added to the diluent.
8. The drug dosages and volumes specified in these protocols are intended for use with
a 50ml syringe driver. If you are mixing solutions of 100ml, multiply drug
dose/volume by two; and if mixing 200ml volumes, multiply by four. Infusion rates
remain unchanged.
9. Be cautious when flushing inotropes – very small volumes of relatively dilute inotrope
can have catastrophic effects when even small boluses are administered in an
uncontrolled manner. When replenishing and reloading syringes into the syringe
driver, disconnect the syringe from the administration tubing first.
10. When using very low infusion rates, check deadspace volumes in administration sets
and IV catheters (esp. central lines). It may be prudent to halve the concentration
and double the flow-rate when deadspace volumes are large and/or when flow rates
are low.


Trade names: Presentation and strength:

Dormicum. 5mg/5ml and 15mg/3ml ampoules.


Loading dose:
Adult: Paediatric:
0.1 to 0.2mg/kg IV. 0.2 to 0.5mg/kg IV or IM.
Administer 0.2mg/kg and repeat after 10
minutes if necessary.

Commonly for 70kg adult: Neonatal:

7 to 14mg As above.
Usually 5 to 10mg.
May require higher dose.

Constant infusion:
Adult dosage range: Paediatric dosage range:
1 to 4mcg/kg/min = 60 to 1 to 4mcg/kg/min.
Neonatal dosage range:
As above.
Regime for 70kg adult: Regime for paediatrics:
Mixture: Mixture:
Add 50mg in 50ml total volume = Add 3mg/kg into 50ml total volume.
(Or 45mg in 45ml – 3 x 15mg

Rate: Rate:
For 70kg adult: 4.2mg/hr to 16.8mg/hr. 1 to 4ml/hr.
5 to 15ml/hr.
Alternative adult regime: Alternative paediatric regime:
Mixture: Mixture:
10mg in 50ml = 0.2mg/ml.

Rate: Rate:
[240mcg/kg/hr approximates
Additional notes:
Double the strength and halve the rate if volume restriction is required.


Trade names: Presentation and strength:

Morphine. 10mg/1ml and 15mg/1ml ampoules.


Loading dose:
Adult: Paediatric:
0.1 to 0.2mg/kg. 0.1 to 0.2mg/kg.

Commonly for 70kg adult: Neonatal:

7 to 14mg for a 70kg patient. As above.
Usually 5 to 10mg, but may be up to

Constant infusion:
Adult dosage range: Paediatric dosage range:
20 to 80mcg/kg/hr. 20 to 80mcg/kg/hr.
Neonatal dosage range:
10 to 30mcg/kg/hr.
Regime for 70kg adult: Regime for paediatrics:
Mixture: Mixture:
Add 20mg in 50ml total volume = Add 1mg/kg into 50ml total volume.
Rate: Paediatric rate:
20 to 80mcg/kg/min = 1.4 to 5.6mg/hr. 1 to 4ml/hr (20 to 80mcg/kg/hr).
Run at 3.5 to 14ml/hr (20 to
80mcg/70kg/hr) Or for practical Neonatal rate:
purposes: 5 to 15ml/hr. 0.5 to 1.5ml/hr (10 to 30mcg/kg/hr).

Alternative adult regime: Alternative paediatric regime:

Mixture: Mixture:
40mg morphine in 50ml total volume.

Rate: Rate:
Morphine concentration 1mg/ml at rate
1 to 10ml/hr.

Additional notes:
Many units consider 2 to 5mg/70kg/hr adequate. However, if a higher dose is
required, the GSH C27 Respiratory ICU high-dose infusion at a concentration of
1mg/ml with a rate of 1 to 10ml/hr, titrated to effect, may be required. This
provides a maximum rate of 143mcg/kg/hr for a 70kg patient.

Australian Royal Flying Doctor Service (Western Operations) use a morphine

infusion regimen of concentration 1mg/ml (50mg/50ml), run at a rate of 2.5 to


Caution: Mixing of midazolam and morphine into the same syringe is

frowned upon by some healthcare professionals, but the mixture is inherently
stable and safe, and is used within the intensive care units of many academic
hospitals throughout the world. Ketamine and midazolam are also routinely
mixed in the same syringe. Check that local or institutional policy is
accepting of this practice before implementation.


“Normal strength” combined infusion for adults (50ml syringe driver):

Add 50mg midazolam and 20mg morphine into 50ml total volume.
Run at 5 to 15ml/hr.

“Normal strength” combined infusion for adults (100ml ml infusion pump):

Add 100mg midazolam and 40mg morphine into 100ml total volume.
Run at 5 to 15ml/hr.
Or add 100mg midazolam and 40mg morphine into 200ml total volume.
Run at 10 to 30ml/hr.

“High dose” combined infusion for adults:

Add 50mg midazolam and 40mg morphine to a total volume of 50ml.
Run at 5 to 15ml/hr.

Australian Royal Flying Doctor Service (Western Operations):

Syringe driver: 50mg midazolam + 50mg morphine in 50ml total volume.
Mix 30ml volumes (1mg/ml) for shorter flights.
Run at 2.5 to 15ml/hr.
Infusion pump: 50mg midazolam + 50mg morphine in 500ml total volume.
Run at 25 to 150ml/hr.

Normal strength combined infusion for paediatrics:

Caution: this regime not applicable to neonates:
Add 3mg/kg midazolam and 1mg/kg morphine into a total volume of 50ml.
Run at 1 to 4ml/hr.

Normal strength combined infusion for neonates:

Add 3mg/kg midazolam and 0.5mg/kg morphine into a total volume of 50ml.
Run at 1 to 3ml/hr.


Trade names: Presentation and strength:

Morphine and Dormicum Midazolam: 5mg/5ml and 15mg/3ml
Morphine: 10mg/1ml and 15mg/1ml

Loading dose:
Adult: Paediatric:
Midazolam: 0.1 to 0.2mg/kg IV. Midazolam: 0.2 to 0.5mg/kg IV or IM.
Morphine: 0.1 to 0.2mg/kg. Administer 0.2mg/kg and repeat after 10
minutes if necessary.
Morphine: 0.1 to 0.2mg/kg.
Commonly for 70kg adult: Neonatal:
Midazolam: 1 to 4mcg/kg/min. Midazolam: As above.
60 to 240mcg/kg/hr.
For 70kg adult: 4.2mg/hr to 16.8mg/hr.
Morphine: 7 to 14mg for a 70kg patient.
Usually 5 to 10mg, but may be up to
Constant infusion:
Adult dosage range: Paediatric dosage range:
Midazolam: 1 to 4mcg/kg/min = 60 to Midazolam: 1 to 4mcg/kg/min.
240mcg/kg/hr. Morphine: 20 to 80mcg/kg/hr.
For 70kg adult: 4.2mg/hr to 16.8mg/hr. Neonatal dosage range:
Morphine: 20 to 80mcg/kg/hr. Midazolam: as above.
Morphine: 0.5 to 1.5ml/hr (10 to
Regime for 70kg adult: Regime for paediatrics:
Mixture: Mixture:
Add 50mg midazolam and 20mg Add 3mg/kg midazolam and 1mg/kg
morphine to a total volume of 50ml. morphine into a total volume of 50ml.
Rate: Rate:
Run at 5 to 15ml/hr. Run at 1 to 4ml/hr.
Alternative adult regime: Neonatal regime:
Mixture: (higher-dose morphine Mixture:
infusion): Add 3mg/kg midazolam and 0.5mg/kg
Add 50mg midazolam and 40mg morphine into a total volume of 50ml.
morphine into 50ml total volume.
Rate: Rate:
Run at 5 to 15ml/hr. Run at 1 to 3ml/hr.
Additional notes:
To mix solution for infusion pump, double strength for 100ml IV bag and quadruple strength
for 200ml IV bag. Keep rate the same.
Australian Royal Flying Doctor Service (Western Operations):
Syringe driver: 50mg midazolam + 50mg morphine in 50ml total volume. Mix 30ml volumes
(1mg/ml) for shorter flights. Run at 2.5 to 15ml/hr. Infusion pump: 50mg midazolam +
50mg morphine in 500ml total volume.Run at 25 – 150ml/h

Trade names: Presentation and strength:

Ketalar. 200mg/20ml vial (10mg/ml).
Brevinase. 500mg/10ml vial (50mg/ml).
1000mg/10ml vial (100mg/ml).
Cautions: see SAMF.
Ketamine is supplied in different concentrations.concentrations.
Ensure that you are working with the correct concentration to avoid major drug
error.Use 100mg/ml or 50mg/ml vials for mixing 50ml infusions.
Always combine low-dose midazolam with ketamine to prevent emergence
delirium.The mixture of ketamine and midazolam is safe and stable when mixed in
the same syringe, and is an internationally accepted practice.
Loading dose:
Adult: Paediatric:
IV anaesthetic induction: 2mg/kg; For As for adult.
IM anaesthesia induction: 5mg/kg
(onset 5 minutes).
For sedation and analgesia: half to one
quarter or less of above dose.
Commonly for 70kg adult: Neonatal:
IV anaesthetic induction: 140mg. As for paediatric.
Usually 100 to 150mg
IM anaesthesia induction: 350mg.
Constant infusion:
Adult dosage range: Paediatric dosage range:
For anaesthesia: ketamine 4mg/kg/hr. As for adult.
Add low-dose midazolam at Neonatal dosage range:
0.1mg/kg/hr. As for paediatric.

For sedation: ketamine 2mg/kg/hr and

midazolam 0.05mg/kg/hr.
Regime for 70kg adult: Regime for paediatrics:
Mixture: Mixture:
800mg ketamine + 20mg midazolam 200mg ketamine + 5mg midazolam into
into 50ml total volume. 50ml total volume.
Rate: Rate:
Run at 0.25ml/kg/hr for anaesthesia. Run at 1ml/kg/hr for anaesthesia.
Run at 0.125ml/kg/hr for sedation. Run at 0.5ml/kg/hr for sedation.
Usually about 20ml/hr for anaesthesia
and about 10ml/hr for sedation.
Alternative adult regime: Alternative paediatric regime:
Mixture: Mixture:

Rate: Rate:

Additional notes:
Must use 50mg/ml or 100mg/ml multi-dose vials to mix infusions, therefore must
have these in stock.
Can mix smaller volumes for shorter flights.

Trade names: Presentation and strength:

Diprivan 10mg/ml (1%) 20ml ampoules.
20mg/ml (2%) in 50ml vials.
Cautions: see SAMF.
Beware two separate strengths – source of drug error.
Both strengths cause irritation (burning) when administered through peripheral veins.
Propofol infusions must be administered with strict aseptic technique, and should be
completed within 6 hours of opening the ampoule, as propofol is a preservative-free
bacterial culture medium. Propofol can cause severe hypotension in the elderly, in
dehydrated patients or those otherwise haemodynamically unstable.
Doses may need to be doubled in children, or halved in the elderly.
Propofol is incompatible with atracurium.
Propofol should be used with great caution by those unfamiliar with the drug.
Loading dose:
Adult: Paediatric:
IV anaesthetic induction: 1.5 to IV anaesthetic induction: up to 4mg/kg.
2.5mg/kg. (150 to 200% or more of adult dose in
Commonly for 70kg adult: Neonatal:
120 to 150mg slow IV bolus. Not recommended.

Constant infusion:
Adult dosage range: Paediatric dosage range:
Maintenance of anaesthesia: Not recommended in children due to
4 to 12mg/kg/hr. propofol infusion syndrome.
Sedation in ICU: 1 to 3mg/kg/hr. Neonatal dosage range:
Not recommended.
Regime for 70kg adult: Regime for paediatrics:
Mixture: Mixture:
1% solution = 10mg/ml. N/A
2% solution = 20mg/ml.
Rate: Rate:
Range: 70 to 210mg/hr. N/A
1% solution: 7 to 20ml/hr.
2% solution: 3.5 to 10ml/hr.
Alternative adult regime: Alternative paediatric regime:
Mixture: Mixture:
(For administration through peripheral N/A
5mg/ml = 1000mg in 200ml saline.
Add 100ml of 1% solution to 100ml
saline or 50ml of 2% solution to 150ml
Rate: Rate:
14 to 48ml/hr. N/A
Additional notes:
Total Intravenous Anaesthesia (TIVA) regimes are not recommended in the prehospital
environment, and are beyond the scope of this protocol.
Propofol 2% solution may not be available in Western Cape district-level government
hospitals – in which case use propofol 1%. Propofol may be used for status epilepticus.

Trade names: Presentation and strength:

Adrenalin 1mg/1ml ampoules

Cautions: see SAMF.

Be very cautious when flushing IV lines and bolusing even dilute adrenalin
infusions. Very small boluses (inadvertently ‘bumping’ the syringe plunger) can
precipitate severe tachycardia, hypertension, myocardial ischaemia/infarction and
cardiac failure, even in the very young and very fit.
Loading dose:
Adult: Paediatric:
IV 0.1 to 1mg for cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest: IV 0.1ml/kg of 1:10 000.
SC: 0.1 to 0.5mg. Anaphylaxis: IV: 0.05 to 0.1ml/kg 1: 10
000 or IM 0.01mg/kg (0.01ml/kg of 1:
Repeat if required.

Commonly for 70kg adult: Neonatal:

IV: 1mg As above.
SC: 0.5mg

Constant infusion:
Adult dosage range: Paediatric dosage range:
0.01 to 1mcg/kg/min titrated to 0.05 to 1mcg/kg/min as below:
response. Neonatal dosage range:
As above.
Regime for 70kg adult: Regime for paediatrics:
Mixture: Mixture:
Mix 1mg/50ml or 4mg/200ml = 0.3mg/kg in 50ml total volume.

Rate: Rate:
0.01mcg/kg/min = 2.1ml/hr 0.5 to 10ml/hr.
1mcg/kg/min = 200ml/hr.
Usually start at 5 to 10ml/hr.
Alternative adult regime (1): Alternative adult regime (2):
Mixture: Mixture:
Double strength = 2mg/50ml or Quadruple strength = 4mg/50ml or
8mg/200ml. 16mg/200ml.
Rate: Rate:
Maximum rate 100ml/hr. Maximum rate 50ml/hr.
Additional notes:
Lower doses tend to produce predominantly beta effects, while higher doses tend
to produce predominantly alpha effects.
Maximum rates quoted above are very high and seldom, if ever, necessary.
Usual dose is seldom more than 20ml/hr (0.1mcg/kg/min) single strength solution.



Trade names: Presentation and strength:

Dobutrex 250mg in 20ml ampoules (25mg/ml)

Cautions: see SAMF.

Avoid in diluents containing sodium bicarbonate.
Can be mixed with saline or D5W.
Administer via central line or large peripheral line – be extremely cautious of
vasoconstriction, ischaemic pain and local necrosis.
Loading dose:
Adult: Paediatric:

Commonly for 70kg adult: Neonatal:


Constant infusion:
Adult dosage range: Paediatric dosage range:
5 to 40mcg/kg/min. 5 to 20mcg/kg/min:
Neonatal dosage range:
As above.
Regime for 70kg adult: Regime for paediatrics:
Mixture: Mixture:
250mg in 50ml total volume = 5mg/ml. <30kg: 15mg/kg in 50ml.
500mg in 100ml total volume = 5mg/ml.
Rate: Rate:
5mcg/70kg/min = 4.2ml/hr. 1 to 4ml/hr.
10mcg/70kg/min = 8.4ml/hr.
20mcg/70kg/min = 16.8ml/hr.
40mcg/70kg/min = 33.6ml/hr.
Alternative adult regime: Alternative paediatric regime:
Mixture: (infusion pump) Mixture:
500mg in 200ml = 2.5mg/ml. If greater volumes required for larger
children, can stay with above, or:
>30kg: 6mg/kg in 100ml.
Rate: Rate:
5mcg/70kg/min = 8.4ml/hr. 5 to 20ml/hr.
10mcg/70kg/min = 16.8ml/hr.
20mcg/70kg/min = 33.6ml/hr.
40mcg/70kg/min = 67.2ml/hr.
Additional notes:
Add heparin 1u/ml to the solution.
Caution with dilutions – heparin is available as 1000u/ml and 5000u/ml.
If 1000u/ml then: 0.1ml = 100u (use insulin syringe).



Trade names: Presentation and strength:

Cordarone X. 150mg/3ml ampoules.
Cautions: see SAMF.
Amiodarone is incompatible with saline – mix with D5W only.
Correct hypokalaemia – amiodarone may be ineffective or arrythmogenic.
Use a large vein or central line – thrombophlebitis of peripheral veins is common.
IV bolus is associated with hypotension – infusion is preferred method.
Unsafe in porphyria (avoid sunlight exposure).
Contra-indicated in 2nd and 3rd degree AV block.
Caution with beta blockers and calcium antagonists.
Loading dose:
Adult: Paediatric:
Acute resuscitation: slow IV bolus of Not for paediatric use.
150mg to 300mg over 1 to 2 minutes.
Otherwise slow IV infusion: 5mg/kg
over 20 mins.
Follow with a constant infusion.
Commonly for 70kg adult: Neonatal:
350 to 400mg diluted in 100 to 200ml Not for neonatal use.
D5W over 20 to 30 minutes.
Constant infusion:
Adult dosage range: Paediatric dosage range:
0.4 to 0.7mg/kg/hr. N/A
Neonatal dosage range:
Regime for 70kg adult: Regime for paediatrics:
Mixture: Mixture:
Dilute 600mg (4 amps or 12ml) into N/A
50ml D5W = 12mg/ml.
Rate: Rate:
28 to 50mg/hr = 2.3 to 4.2ml/hr. N/A
Alternative adult regime: Alternative paediatric regime:
Mixture: Mixture:
Mainenance dose for 70kg patient after N/A
loading-dose infusion completed:
Mix 600mg (4 amps or 12ml) in 500ml
Rate: Rate:
Run at 23 to 42ml/hr. N/A
Additional notes:



Trade names: Presentation and strength:

Tridil, 1mg/ml as 10ml ampoules.
Nitrocine. 50ml vials.
Cautions: See SAMF.
Up to 80% of GTN is absorbed by PVC giving sets and plastic IV fluid bags.
Use minimum volume administration tubing. See additional notes below.
Loading dose:
Adult: Paediatric:
Boluses of 0.1mg may be given. N/A

Commonly for 70kg adult: Neonatal:

0.1ml bolus (use insulin syringe) for N/A
acute hypertensive emergencies.
Beware precipitous BP drop.
Constant infusion:
Adult dosage range: Paediatric dosage range:
Start at 25 to 50mcg/min. 0.5 to 5mcg/kg/min.
Maximum rate 200mcg/min. Neonatal dosage range:
Regime for 70kg adult: Regime for paediatrics:
Mixture: Mixture:
Use solution of 50mg/50ml. <30kg: 3mg/kg in 50ml D5W.
Rate: Rate:
Start at 1.5 to 3ml/hr. 0.5 to 5ml/hr.
Maximum rate 12ml/hr.
Increase by 1ml/hr every 5 mins
according to clinical response.
Alternative adult regime: Alternative paediatric regime:
Mixture: Mixture:
If greater volumes required for larger
children, can stay with above, or:
>30kg: 3mg/kg in 100ml D5W.
Rate: Rate:
1 to 10ml/hr.
Additional notes:
Due to GTN absorption by PVC tubing, use clinical response (blood pressure) and
not calculated dose to establish a dose that is appropriate for the patient.
Slow or stop infusion if patient becomes hypotensive.


Trade names: Presentation and strength:

Ventolin 5mg in 5ml ampoules.

Cautions: See SAMF.

Salbutamol is incompatible with ketamine, aminophylline and magnesium sulphate.
Do not use in severe antepartum haemorrhage.
Beware hypokalaemia.
Use with extreme caution in heart disease.
Loading dose:
Adult: Paediatric:
N/A. N/A.

Commonly for 70kg adult: Neonatal:

N/A. N/A.

Constant infusion:
Adult dosage range: Paediatric dosage range:
10 to 50mcg/min = 600mcg to 3mg/hr. N/A.
Neonatal dosage range:
Regime for 70kg adult: Regime for paediatrics:
Mixture: Mixture:
Add 5mg into 50ml saline = 0.1mg/ml. N/A.

Rate: Rate:
Start at 6ml/hr. N/A.
Maximum rate 30ml/hr.
Alternative adult regime: Alternative paediatric regime:
Mixture: Mixture:
Add 5mg into 200ml saline = N/A.
Rate: Rate:
Start at 24ml/hr. N/A.
Maximum rate 120ml/hr.
Additional notes:
Consider stopping infusion if maternal heart rate goes above 130 beats/min.


Trade names: Presentation and strength:

Ventolin 5mg/5ml ampoule.

Cautions: see SAMF.

Salbutamol is incompatible with ketamine, aminophylline and magnesium sulphate.
Beware hypokalaemia.
Loading dose:
Adult: Paediatric:
4 to 5mcg/kg over 10 minutes. 5 to 10mcg/kg/min for 1 hour.
Then 1 to 2mcg/kg/min.
Commonly for 70kg adult: Neonatal:
350mcg (3.5ml) over 10 minutes.

Constant infusion:
Adult dosage range: Paediatric dosage range:
Start at 5mcg/min = 300mcg/hr. 0.3mg to 0.6mg/kg/hr for 1 hour.
Maximum dose 20mcg/min = 1.2mg/hr. Then 0.06 to 0.12mg/kg/hr.
Neonatal dosage range:
As above.
Regime for 70kg adult: Regime for paediatrics:
Mixture: Mixture:
5mg in 50ml saline = 100mcg/ml. Dilute to 10mg/50ml saline = 0.2mg/ml.
Rate: Rate:
Start at 3ml/hr. 1.5 to 3ml/kg/hr for one hour.
Maximum dose 12ml/hr. Then 0.3 to 0.6 ml/kg/hr.
Alternative adult regime: Alternative paediatric regime:
Mixture: Mixture:
50mg in 500ml = 10mcg/ml.
Rate: Rate:
Run at 30 to 120ml/hr.
Additional notes:


Trade names: Presentation and strength:

Actrapid 100u/ml (1000u/10ml vials).
Humulin R.
Cautions: see SAMF.
Some insulin is absorbed by the PVC admin tubing – delivery may vary.
Colloid facilitates better insulin delivery than normal saline.
Insulin infusions in transit are inherently unsafe and should be discouraged, unless
deemed essential by the referring or receiving doctor. See additional notes below.
Loading dose:
Adult: Paediatric:
10u IV (0.1ml). IV 0.025 to 0.1u/kg prn.

Commonly for 70kg adult: Neonatal:

As above.

Constant infusion:
Adult dosage range: Paediatric dosage range:
5 to 15u/hr. 0.025 to 0.1u/kg/hr.
Neonatal dosage range:

Regime for 70kg adult: Regime for paediatrics:

Mixture: Mixture:
Dilute 50u (0.5ml) in 50ml colloid. 2.5u/kg in 50ml colloid.

Rate: Rate:
Commence at 5 to 10ml/hr. 0.5 to 2ml/hr.
Maximum 15ml/hr.
Alternative adult regime: Alternative paediatric regime:
Mixture: Mixture:
100u (1ml) in 500ml colloid = 0.2 IU/ml.

Rate: Rate:
Start at 25ml/hr.
Maximum 75ml/hr.
Additional notes:
In DKA, “infection hunt” (antibiotics), hypovolaemia, acid-base and electrolyte
disturbances (esp. serum potassium) are far more important than bringing blood
sugar levels under control, in the short-term. Insulin treatment without controlled
potassium supplementation can result in potentially lethal hypokalaemia, and
should not be undertaken without access to arterial blood gas and electrolyte
monitoring facilities.
In DKA, if decrease in blood sugar level (BSL) is less than 4mmol/l/hr, double
infusion rate every hour until decrease in BSL is greater than 4mmol/l/hr, or until
BSL is less than 15mmol/l.
When decrease in BSL is greater than 4mmol/l/hr, maintain insulin infusion at
current rate until BSL is less than 15mmol/l.


Trade names: Presentation and strength:

Mannitol 12.5g/50ml (25% m/v) = 250mg/ml.

Cautions: see SAMF.

Must insert urinary catheter before administering mannitol.

Loading dose:
Adult: Paediatric:
N/A. N/A.

Commonly for 70kg adult: Neonatal:

N/A N/A.

Constant infusion:
Adult dosage range: Paediatric dosage range:
0.25 to 1g/kg given 6 to 8 hourly As for adult.
(GSH). Neonatal dosage range:
0.25 to 2g/kg given 6 to 8 hourly As for paediatric.
Regime for 70kg adult: Regime for paediatrics:
Mixture: Mixture:
12.5g/50ml (25% m/v) = 250mg/ml. 12.5g/50ml (25% m/v) = 250mg/ml.
Rate: Rate:
70 to 280ml rapidly (30 minutes). 1ml/kg to 4ml/kg.
Alternative adult regime: Alternative paediatric regime:
Mixture: Mixture:
12.5g/50ml (25% m/v) = 250mg/ml. 12.5g/50ml (25% m/v) = 250mg/ml.
Rate: Rate:
70 to 560ml (SAMF). 1ml/kg to 8ml/kg (SAMF).
Additional notes:
Osmotherapy is the second-best option, after CSF drainage, for controlling raised
intracranial pressure.
Indications for mannitol infusion are:
• Deteriorating LOC.
• New onset focal signs.
• Suspected significantly raised ICP on clinical grounds (assuming an
intracranial pressure monitor has not been placed).
Give rapidly (GSH). [SAMF says give over 30 to 60 minutes.]
Dose can be repeated if the patient’s condition improves, remains improved, or if
condition deteriorates after an initial improvement.



Trade names: Presentation and strength:

Magnesium sulphate. 1g/2ml ampoules (500mg/ml).
Cautions: see SAMF.
Indicated in all eclamptics and severe pre-eclamptics.
Contra-indicated in myasthenia gravis and heart block.
Magnesium toxicity – stop infusion when:
• Patella reflex (knee-jerk) disappears.
• Respiratory depression.
• Bradycardia.
Antidote = 10ml of 10% calcium chloride by slow IV injection – slowly and
cautiously (reverses therapeutic effects of magnesium sulphate and patient may
have convulsions).
Loading dose:
Adult: Paediatric:
4g loading dose over 5 to 10 minutes. N/A.

Commonly for 70kg adult: Neonatal:

4g (8ml) in 200ml saline over 5 to 10 N/A.
minutes by infusion pump or gravity

Constant infusion:
Adult dosage range: Paediatric dosage range:
1 to 2g hourly by constant infusion. N/A.
Start at 1g/hour. Neonatal dosage range:
Regime for 70kg adult: Regime for paediatrics:
Mixture: Mixture:
1g/50ml saline = 20mg/ml. N/A.
Rate: Rate:
50 to 100ml/hr. N/A.
Alternative adult regime: Alternative paediatric regime:
Mixture: Mixture:
4g/200ml = 20mg/ml. N/A.
Rate: Rate:
50 to 100ml/hr. N/A.
Additional notes:
Eclampsia and pre-eclampsia:
The above is known as the Zuspan regimen and is used by GSH.
The Pritchard regimen describes the same loading dose, followed by 10g IM (5g into each
buttock). Then 5g IM every 4 hours (alternating buttocks). This is continued for 24 hours
(limited by some to 12 hours).
Suppression of labour:
Use 6g loading dose and 2g/hr for suppression of labour where salbutamol contra-indicated
or ineffective.
Acute severe asthma:
Adult: 1 to 2g IV over 20 minutes.
Paediatric: 40mg/kg to a maximum of 2g.



Trade names: Presentation and strength:
Atropine sulphate. 0.5mg/ml and 1mg/ml ampoules.
Cautions: see SAMF.
Organophosphate poisoning – avoid aminoglycosides, suxamethonium,
phenothiazines and theophylline. Control convulsions with a benzodiazepine.
Loading dose:
Adult: Paediatric:
SAMF: Initial test dose of 1mg in adults. SAMF: Initial test dose of 0.01mg/kg IV
Followed by 0.05mg/kg every 15 bolus.
minutes until full atropinization is Followed by 0.05mg/kg every 15
achieved. minutes until full atropinization is
GSH:1-2mg IV initial dose. Repeat and
double dose every 5 minutes until GSH: (Unclear history or minimal
atropinised. Give initial dose IM while symptoms: 0.01 mg/kg and then
acquiring IV access if necessary. proceed with a doubling dose every 5
minutes titrated against response; if the
child is clearly symptomatic or confirmed
history start with 0.03 mg/kg and titrate
using a doubling dose)
Commonly for 70kg adult: Neonatal:
1mg IV bolus test dose. N/A.
Followed by 2 to 4mg every 15 minutes.
Dose varies widely according to level of
poisoning – if atropinised with only one
or two doses then the poisoning is likely
very mild. Can require very large
Constant infusion:
Adult dosage range: Paediatric dosage range:
0.02 to 0.08mg/kg/hr constant infusion Range from 0.01 to 0.03 mg/kg (or as
once full atropinization has been for adult)
achieved. [Commence at 10% of total loading dose
Higher doses may be required – can per hour and titrate to keep patient
require 10-20mg/hr in severe atropinised.]
poisonings. Neonatal dosage range:
Regime for 70kg adult: Regime for paediatrics:
Mixture: Mixture:
10mg/50ml = 40mg/200ml = 0.2mg/ml. 1mg/50ml = 4mg/200ml = 20mcg/ml.
Rate: Rate:
Start at 0.02mg/kg/hr = 1.4 to 5.6mg/hr. 1 to 4ml/kg/hr.
7 to 28ml/hr.
Alternative adult regime: Alternative paediatric regime:
Mixture: Mixture:
40mg/200ml = 0.2mg/ml. 1mg/50ml = 4mg/200ml = 20mcg/ml.

Rate: Rate:
Commence at 10% of total loading 0.5ml/kg/hr to 1.5ml/kg/hr titrated
dose per hour and titrate to keep upwards to effect.
patient atropinised. See next…
10 to 20mg/hr = 50 to 100ml/hr.
Additional notes:
The primary end point of atropinisation is drying of bronchial secretions
(manifest as crepitations and wheeze). Pupil size can only be used as an end
point if miosis is present on admission. Also: the dilation of pupils often lags
behind other signs of atropinsiation.
Generally, aim to keep heart rate above 100 bpm. Dosage requirements are
extremely variable may need to be doubled or quadrupled – double or quadruple
the concentration rather than the rate. If fluid volumes are too great, double or
quadruple the concentration, and administer half to one quarter of the rate.
See Eddleston et al for further guidance and for an example of an atropine
monitoring sheet.
Good notes at
Acknowledgements to Dr Ross Hofmeyr for contributing to this protocol.


South African Medicines Formulary.
9th edition.
Division of Clinical Pharmacology.
University of Cape Town.

Drug Doses.
14th edition.
Frank Shann.
Intensive Care Unit.
Royal Children’s Hospital.
Pareville, Victoria, Australia.

Royal Flying Doctor Service.

Western Operations.
Clinical Manual.
Part 2: Drug Infusion Guidelines.
Version 5, June 2008.

Drugs in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care.

3rd edition.
Martin Susada and Susan Smith.
Oxford Medical Publications.

Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia.

2nd edition.
Keith Allman and Iain Wilson.
Oxford Medical Publications.


1. BVM resuscitator, with reservoir bag and range of face mask sizes.
2. Oropharangeal airways – range of sizes.
3. Endotracheal tubes – range of sizes.
4. Suction unit with range of suction catheters (rigid and soft).
5. Oxygen supply.
6. Laryngoscope with range of blades, spare bulbs and batteries.
7. Gum elastic bougies and rubber coated malleable stylets.
8. LMAs – standard, Proseal®-equivalent, I-LMA in a range of sizes.
9. King Airway or Laryngeal Tube – range of sizes.
10. i-Gel supraglottic airway device – range of sizes.
11. Needle cricothryroidotomy and/or surgical cricothyroidotomy sets.
12. Sanders injector or other appropriate device for jet insufflation.
13. Appropriate drugs including: Atropine, Adrenalin, Midazolam, Flumazenil,
neuromuscular blockade, etc.
14. ECG, NIBP, pulse oximetry and end-tidal capnography.
15. Acceptable method of securing endotracheal tube.

Endotracheal intubation should not be considered in the absence of continuous end-tidal

capnography, and RSI should not be considered without the presence of at least two
alternative backup ‘rescue’ airway devices.

A trained assistant should be available to assist the advanced airway practitioner with all
aspects of patient management, but especially with advanced airway management.


• One-hand face-mask seal

• Two-handed face-mask seal
• Bag-valve-mask ventilation
• Insert OPA
• Insert NPA
• Cricoid pressure
• OELM – “talking the cords into view”
• Use of malleable stylet
• Gum elastic bougie – railroading an ETT
• Steerable introducer
• Use regular ETT
• Use Parker Flexi-tip ETT
• Reinforced ETT
• Double-lumen ETT
• Regular laryngoscopy
• Nasal intubation
• Throat pack insertion
• NGT/OGT insertion*
• Oral intubation
• Magill forceps use
• LMA insertion – three techniques: ballpoint pen, holding by tip, ‘reverse-plop’
• Proseal insertion, nasogastric drainage.
• King Laryngeal Tube Airway insertion
• Combitube insertion*
• I-LMA insertion.
• Airtraq intubation.
• Fibre-optic intubation*
• Video laryngoscopy.
• Needle cricothyroidotomy.
• Jet insufflation – Sanders injector (trans-tracheal jet insufflation).
• Jet insufflation – prehospital devices.
• Surgical cricothyroidotomy and tracheostomy, cuffed trachy tube, cuffed ETT.
• Retrograde intubation.







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