Microbial Biofortification A Green
Microbial Biofortification A Green
Microbial Biofortification A Green
13.1 Introduction
For sustainable agriculture, the use of microbial based biofertilizers has prestigious
role in enhancing level of crop productivity and in food safety. Microorganisms as
invisible soil engineers maintain soil health, construct a hub for different biogeo-
chemical cycles (Gadd 2010) and many soil microorganisms such as bacteria, acti-
nomycetes, cyanobacteria and mycorrhiza present an eco-friendly approach for
improved uptake of nutrients and enhanced plant growth. Microorganisms particu-
larly plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are dwelled in rhizospheric
region and efficiently colonize the roots of plants and confer tolerance in plants
against several abiotic and biotic stresses (Prasad et al. 2015). Plant growth promot-
ing microorganisms make nutrients available to plants by numerous mechanisms
such as atmospheric nitrogen fixation, solubilizing the nutrients fixed in the soil
matrix, and production of phytohormones. Such microorganisms make sure for fur-
ther enhancement of micronutrients in plants, as they play a key role in organic mate-
rial mineralization and as well as transforming inorganic nutrients. Microorganisms
can also influence nutrient availability through presenting different characteristics
such as chelation, solubilization and oxidation or reduction (Khan 2005) and also
conferred resistance from pathogens causing diseases to the host plant by the secre-
tions of antibiotics (Bonfante and Genre 2015). The aim of modern agriculture sys-
tem, besides augmented crop yield, is also to produce nutritious safe food crops with
improved level of micronutrients in the edible portion of crop plants. Human popula-
tion is mainly dependent on crop based foods for the basic diet, and having foods
with poor level of essential micronutrients creates serious health issues in humans.
Deficiency of micronutrients (zinc, iron, selenium, copper, manganese and vitamins)
in both humans and plants is narrated as ‘hidden hunger’ (Sharma et al. 2016), and
bestows threat of malnutrition among world population. Therefore, implementation
of biofortification strategy is an important mode for providing the preeminent solu-
tion for producing food crops with elevated level of necessary micronutrients.
‘Biofortification’ and ‘standard fortification’ are two different terms, where bioforti-
fication is related with consigning the nutrients aggregation inside plant cells whereas
latter involves use of additives with the foods. Biofortification process deals with
several approaches for enhancing bioavailability of key nutrients in crops.
Retarded growth
Zinc Delayed wound healing
Micronutrients malnutrition
Skeletal abnormalities
Impairments in physical
growth and Increased risk of
Iron Anemia
fatigue and
impaired immune functions
Fig. 13.1 Schematic representation of health effects of micronutrient (Zn, Fe and Se) malnutrition
in humans
258 A. Khan et al.
results in DNA damage through using similar strategies as radiation and various chem-
icals, and therefore considered a major factor to cause cancer and other disabilities. To
circumvent problems associated with micronutrients malnutrition, investigation of
those strategies are required which can improve the nutrient assimilation in plants.
Biofortification of vital food crops through genetic amendment and various biotechno-
logical techniques is a sustainable solution for alleviating the micronutrient malnutri-
tion. The techniques of genetic modification are being optimized for the development
and production of healthy foods in addition to step up in the levels and activity of
biologically active components in food crop system. Techniques of genetic modifica-
tion have typically been targeted at escalating yields of staple food crops in developing
countries. Though, the food crops with improved nutritional quality have gathered less
consideration. An excellent example of a genetically modified biofortified crop is
golden rice. Ordinary rice is not able to synthesise beta-carotene; however, due to
genetic modification, golden rice can produce rice with beta-carotene in it. Moreover,
stearidonic acid assimilation in soybean crop is also reported through genetic transfor-
mation (Singh et al. 2017).
Table 13.1 Genetically modified crops with description of macronutrient and micronutrient
Characteristics Crop (details of characteristics)
Protein and amino acids
Quality of protein Maize (amino acid composition; protein↑)
and level
Potato (amino acid composition; protein↑)
Rice (amino acid composition; protein↑)
Soybean (amino acid balance)
Sweet potato (protein↑)
Essential amino acid
Maize (Lys↑, Met↑, Trp↑)
Potato (Met ↑)
Sorghum (Lys↑)
Soybean (Lys↑, Trp↑, Cys↑, Met↑)
Oils and fatty acids
Canola (lauric acid↑; + ω-3 fatty acids; 8:0 and 10:0 fatty acids↑; lauric
and myristic acids↑; oleic acid↑; γ-Linolenic acid)
Cotton (oleic acid↑, oleic + stearic acids↑)
Grass, legumes (↓trans-fatty acids)
Linseed (+ ω-3 and ω-6 fatty acids)
Maize (oil↑)
Oil palm (oleic acid↑ or stearic acids↑, oleic acid↑,+palmitic acid↓)
Rice (α-linolenic acid↑)
Soybean (oleic acid↑, α-linolenic acid↑, stearidonic acid↑, Arachidonic
Fructans Maize (fructan↑)
Potato (fructan↑)
Starch Rice (amylase↑)
Wheat (amylose↑)
Micronutrients and functional metabolites (Vitamins and carotenoids)
Canola (vitamin E↑)
Maize (vitamin E↑, vitamin C↑, provitamin A)
Mustard (+β-carotene)
Soyabean (Vitamin E)
Potato (β-carotene and lutein↑)
Rice (+β-carotene, Vitamin B9↑)
Wheat (provitamin A↑)
Strawberry (vitamin C↑)
Tomato (folate↑, phytoene and β-carotene↑, lycopene↑)
260 A. Khan et al.
Table 13.1 (continued)
Characteristics Crop (details of characteristics)
Mineral availabilities
Alfalfa (phytase↑)
Carrot (calcium↑)
Lettuce (iron↑)
Rice (iron↑, zinc↑)
Maize (phytase↑, ferritin↑)
Soybean (phytase↑)
Wheat (phytase↑, iron↑, zinc↑)
Alfalfa (phytase↑)
Carrot (calcium↑)
Lettuce (iron↑)
Barley (zinc↑, phytase↑)
Modified from Singh et al. (2017)
13.3.5 B
iofortification Through Plant Growth Promoting
Microorganisms (PGPM)
13.4 M
echanisms of Plant Growth Promoting
Iron is a vital component for all forms of life including prokaryotes as well as
eukaryotes. It is the component of electron transport carrier, cofactor of various
enzymes and important part of various constituent such as hemoglobin. Due to the
aerobic environment conditions, iron is present in its oxidized form (Fe3+, insoluble
at neutral pH) instead of reduced form (Fe2+, soluble at neutral pH) which are taken
up by plants. To sequester the iron, many fungi, bacteria and some plants have an
unusual adaptation to produce low molecular weight compounds called as sidero-
phores, a group of low molecular weight compounds (<10 KD) those have immense
affinity towards Fe3+ ions. Siderophores are PGPM secreted compounds that are
ultimately taken up by plants therefore transporting molecule of iron to the plants
cells. Plant roots might be able of take up siderophore and use them as sources of
iron. Therefore, microbial siderophore can enhance plant growth by improving iron
uptake as well as by inhibiting the plant pathogen by means of competition ulti-
mately leads to the iron biofortification in plants and their grains (Srivastava et al.
2013). Many researchers has been reported the siderophore production in wide
range of bacterial species viz. Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Azotobacter, Arthrobacter,
Burkholderia, Enterobacter, Rhodospirrilum, Serratia, Azospirillum and Rhizobium
and fungal species viz. Aspergillus Penicillium Rhizopus, Syncephalastrum (Leong
and Neilands 1982; Das et al. 2007; Duran et al. 2016; Srivastava et al. 2013). There
are many types of siderophore such as hydroxamate, catacholate and carboxalate
that are secreted by microbes varies from species to species. Furthermore, mixed
type of siderophore has been secreted by many baceterial species (Wandersman and
Delepelaire 2004). Hence we can say that use of siderophore producing PGPM is
better approach over other conventional methods such as chemical fertilizers to
enhance iron content in plants and grains.
Zinc is one of the essential nutrients required for growth and metabolic activities.
Zinc ions takes part in many physiological activities, it act as cofactor in various
enzymes; take part in defense; play role in cell division and growth in prokaryotes
as well as in eukaryotes. Zinc ions are highly reactive in nature and present in close
interaction with soil constituents therefore soluble zinc is very low in soil. Generally,
it is found in the form of oxides, phosphates and carbonates. Plant associated micro-
organisms adopt several mechanisms to solubilize zinc such as chelation (Whiting
et al. 2001), reduction in soil pH (Subramanian et al. 2009), or through improving
root growth and root absorptive area (Burkert and Robson 1994). Zinc chelation by
microbes and making them available for plants roots is a well known phenomenon.
Microbes produce chealating compounds, which forms complex upon binding with
zinc. In addition, they releases chealated zinc at the root surface and enhance the
13 Microbial Biofortification: A Green Technology Through Plant Growth Promoting… 263
zinc availability ultimately lead to the zinc biofotification in plants. Whiting et al.
(2001) reported production of metallophores as the possible strategies used by bac-
teria to chelate Zn. Reduction in soil pH also enhance availability of zinc. Decline
in pH has been reported, when Pseudomonas and Bacillus spp. solubilized zinc
complex compounds (ZnS, ZnO and ZnCO3) into zinc ions in a broth culture
(Saravanan et al. 2004). Zinc solubilization methods differ from one microorganism
to another to improve Zn availability in soil system and plant tissues. Many microbes
including many bacterial and fungal species (Pseudomonas, Microbacterium,
Enterobacter, Bacillus, Arbuscular mycorrhizae) have the incredible capability to
solubilize Zn from complex compounds (Whiting et al. 2001; Fasim et al. 2002;
Subramanian et al. 2009) and consequently take part in improvement of food quality
and nutrient status of plants and grains.
13.4.3 Biofertilizers
In the present era, use of chemical fertilizers to enhance plant growth, productivity
and to replenish soil nutrient status is very common. But several problems coincide
with the use of chemical fertilizers such as high cost, unavailability of large portion
of nutrients, toxic and non-degradable nature, leading to enhancement of environ-
mental pollution and making land unsuitable for cultivation. Therefore as an alter-
native strategy, application of biofertilizers can be used to enhance crop productivity
and biofortification of nutrients in grains. Biofertilizers which are the fertilizers
based on source of biological origin such as microbes (including bacteria and fungi)
are used instead of synthetic compounds. Use of biofertilizers is an ecofriendly
approach as they are of biological origin and keeps environment healthy due to its
low persistence. The objective of biofertilizers is to increase the soil organic con-
tents improve soil structure and reduce loss of nutrients such as nitrogen, iron, zinc,
calcium and phosphorus (Lal and Greenland 1979). Biofertilizers serves as source
of all nutrients due to their ability to solubilize complex form of nutrients into solu-
ble form (Singh et al. 2010, 2013, 2018). Plants utilize phosphorus in the form of
orthophosphate (Pi). Plant growth promoting microorganisms possess various
mechanisms to enhance phosphate solubilization (Fig. 13.2). Jones et al. (1998)
reported 3.1–4.7 times more efficacy in mycorrhizal associated plants for phospho-
rus uptake than nonmycorrhizal plants. Commercially biofertilizers are developed
by coating of various bacteria (Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Rhizobium, Pseudomonas
and Bacillus) on seeds, a process called bacterization. Azotobacter chrococcum
secretes azotobacterin, Bacillus megaterium secretes phosphobacterin, which is
used for preparation of biofertilizers (Kumar and Bohra 2006). These bacteria may
or may not form symbiotic association but enhances lateral root hairs of plants to
increase mineral and water absorption, also increases nitrogen availability, secretes
plant growth stimulating substances such as vitamin, auxins, gibberellic acid, cyto-
kinins which leads to increase in photosynthesis capacity ultimately enhancing
nutrient status in plants. Rhizobial biofertilizers are able to fix 50–150 N/ha/annum.
264 A. Khan et al.
It has been well known, that application of biofertilizers with plants, significantly
increases plant growth, high nutrient status, low level of pathogen attack (Gupta
et al. 2003; Yadav et al. 2016). Therefore, such free living and symbiotic microor-
ganisms are promoted to reduce the dependence on chemical fertilizers. Some bio-
fertilizers are listed in Table 13.2.
Table 13.3 Major biocontrol agents, their target pathogen and mechanism of action
agent Target pathogen Crop Action References
Bacillus R. solani, All Cotton Lytic enzymes Shaikh and Sayyed
thuringiensis phytopathogen (2015)
Pseudomonas Erwinia Potato, Siderophor, Shaikh and Sayyed
fluorescence carotovora,Puccinia wheat, Sugar Antibiotics (2015)
ultimum, Fusarium beat production
Strepromyces S. sclerotiorum Potato, Lytic enzymes Shaikh and Sayyed
sp. Tomato (2015)
Trichoderma Botrytis cinerea, Bean, Lytic enzymes, Woo et al. (1999),
harzianum Meloidogyne javanica Tomato Competition Sahebani and
Hadavi (2008) and
Puyam (2016)
Trichoderma Sclerotium rolfsii Groundnut Lytic enzymes, Hirpara et al.
viride Competition (2017) and Puyam
Pseudomonas Bipolaris maydis Maize Antibiotics Shaikh and Sayyed
cepacia production (2015)
266 A. Khan et al.
1. The PGPR may have ability to produce siderophore that chelates iron, which
makes iron unavailable for plant pathogens (Singh et al. 2017)
2. The PGPR may possess capacity to secrete some anti-pathogenic metabolites
such as antibiotics, cell wall degrading hydrolytic enzyme (Glucanases, chitin-
ases, proteases, lipase, pectinases) or hydrogen cyanide (HCN), which sup-
presses pathogen growth (Maksimov et al. 2011).
3. The PGPR may compete for nutrients and niche with pathogen (Kamilov et al.
4. The PGPR may stimulate Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR) or Systemic
Acquired Resistance (SAR) (Van loon et al. 1998).
A wide range of microorganisms are reported to act as biocontrol agents, as they
possess one or more than one mechanisms to suppress pathogen attack or growth.
Due to less persistence in environment, specificity for target pest, cost effectiveness
and ecofriendly nature, biocontrol agents are good alternative to pesticides.
13.5 Conclusion
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