Tax Constitutional Provision

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Discuss the constitutional provisions relating to collection and levy of Tax.

---- 2020 (7 marks)

The system of taxation is the backbone of a nation’s economy which keeps
revenue consistent, manages growth in the economy, and fuels its industrial
activity. India’s three-tier federal structure consists of Union Government,
the State Governments, and the Local Bodies which are empowered with the
responsibility of the different taxes and duties, which are applicable in the
country. The local bodies would include local councils and the municipalities.
The government of India is authorized to levy taxes on individuals and
organisations according to the Constitution. However, Article 265 of the
Indian constitutionstates that the right to levy/charge taxes hasn’t been
given to any except the authority of law. The 7th schedule of the
constitution has defined the subjects on which Union/State or both can levy
taxes. As per the 73rd and 74th amendments of the constitution, limited
financial powers have been given to the local governments which are
enshrined in Part IXand IX-A of the constitution.

Definition of Tax
A tax may be defined as a monetary burden rested upon individuals or
people with property to help add to the government’s revenue. Tax is,
therefore, a mandatory contribution and not a voluntary payment or donation
which one decides on one’s own.  It is a payment exacted by the legislative
authority. It may be direct tax or indirect tax. Revenue growth which may be
a little faster than GDP (Gross Domestic Product) can result from revenue
mobilization with an effective tax system and measures.

 The government uses this tax to carry out functions such as:

 Social welfare projects like schools, hospitals, housing projects for

the poor, etc.
 Infrastructure such as roads, bridges, flyovers, railways, ports, etc.
 Security infrastructure of the country such as military equipment
 Enforcement of law and order
 Pensions for the elderly and benefits schemes to the unemployed or
the ones below the poverty line.

Taxation system in India

India’s tax system is a three-tier federal structure which is made up of the
1. Union List (List 1 of the 7th schedule to the Constitution of India)
contains those matters on which the Central Government has the
power to make laws [Article 246(1)].
2. The State List has only those matters on which the State
Government has the power to make laws [Article 246(3)].
3. The Concurrent List has those matters on which both the Central
and State Governments have the power to make laws [Article
Law made by Union Government prevails whenever there is a conflict
between the Centre and state concerning entries in the concurrent list.  But if
any provision repugnant to earlier law made by parliament is part of law
made by the state, if the law made by the state government gets the assent
of the President of India, it prevails.

Distribution of powers of taxation

 List 1 in the 7th schedule to the constitution has the powers of the
Central Government listed in Entries 82-92B.
 List 2 in the schedule has the powers of the State Government listed
in Entries 45-63.
 As regards list 3, it doesn’t deal with taxation and hence both centre
and state do not have any concurrent powers of taxation.
 Entry 97 of List 1 in the 7th Schedule contains residuary powers of
taxation belonging only to the centre.

Constitutional Provisions Regarding

Taxation in India
The roots of every law in India lie in the Constitution, therefore
understanding the provisions of the Constitution is foremost to have a clear
understanding of any law. The Constitutional provisions regarding taxation in
India can be divided into the following categories: 

 Only by the authority of law can taxes be levied. (Article 265)

 Levy of duty on tax and its distribution between centre and states
(Article 268, Article 269, and Article 270)
  Restriction on power of the states to levy taxes (Article 286)

 Sale/purchase of goods which take place outside the respective

 Sale/purchase of goods which take place during the import and
export of the goods

 Taxes imposed by the state or purpose of the state (Article 276,

and Article 277)
 Taxes imposed by the state or purpose of the union (Article
271, Article 279, and Article 284)
  Grants-in-Aid (Article 273, Article 275, Article 274, an Article 282)

Article 265
Without the ‘authority of law,’ no taxes can be collected is what this article
means in simple terms. The law here means only a statute law or an act of
the legislature. The law when applied should not violate any other
constitutional provision. This article acts as an armour instrument for
arbitrary tax extraction.

In the case Tangkhul v. Simirei Shailei, all the villagers were paying Rs 50 a

day to the head man in place of a custom to render free a day’s labour. This
was done every year and the practice had been continuing for generations.
The Court, in this case, held that the amount of Rs. 50 was like a collection
of tax and no law had authorized it, and therefore it violated Art 265. Article
265 is infringed every time the law does not authorize the tax imposed.

In the case, Lord Krishna Sugar Mills v. UOI, sugar merchants had to meet
some export targets in a promotion scheme started by the government but if
they fell short of the targets then an additional excise duty was to be levied
on the shortfall. The court intervened here and said that the government had
no authority of law to collect this additional excise tax. What this means in
effect is that the government on its own cannot levy this tax by itself
because it has not been passed by the Parliament. 

Article 266 
This article has provisions for the Consolidated Funds and Public Accounts of
India and the States. In this matter, the law is that subject to the provisions
of Article 267 and provisions of Chapter 1 (part XII), the whole or part of the
net proceeds of certain taxes and duties to States, all loans raised by the
Government by the issue of treasury bills, all money received by the
Government in repayment of loans, all revenues received by the Government
of India, and loans or ways and means of advances shall form one
consolidated fund to be entitled the Consolidated Fund of India. The same
holds for the revenues received by the Government of a State where it is
called the Consolidated Fund of the State. Money out of the Consolidated
Fund of India or a State can be taken only in agreement with the law and for
the purposes and as per the Constitution.

Article 268 
This gives the duties levied by the Union government but are collected and
claimed by the State governments such as stamp duties, excise on medicinal
and toilet preparations which although are mentioned in the Union List and
levied by the Government of India but collected by the state (these duties
collected by states do not form a part of the Consolidated Fund of India but
are with the state only) within which these duties are eligible for levy except
in union territories which are collected by the Government of India.

Article 269 provides the list of various taxes that are levied and collected by
the Union and the manner of distribution and assignment of Tax to States. In
the case of M/S. Kalpana Glass Fibre Pvt. Ltd. Maharashtra v. State of Orissa
and Others, placing faith in a judgement of the Apex Court in the
case of  Gannon Dunkerley & Co. and others v. State of Rajasthan and
others, the advocate from the appellant side submitted that to arrive at a
Taxable Turnover, turnover relating to inter-State transactions, export,
import under the CST Act are to be excluded. Thus, the provision of the State
Sales Tax Act is always subject to the provisions of Sections 3 and 5 of the
CST Act. Sale or purchase in the course of interstate trade or commerce and
levy and collection of tax thereon is prohibited by Article 269 of the
Constitution of India.

Article 269(A)
This article is newly inserted which gives the power of collection of GST on
inter-state trade or commerce to the Government of India i.e. the Centre and
is named IGST by the Model Draft Law. But out of all the collecting by
Centre, there are two ways within which states get their share out of such

1. Direct Apportionment (let say out of total net proceeds 42% is

directly apportioned to states). 
2. Through the Consolidated Fund of India (CFI). Out of the whole
amount in CFI a selected prescribed percentage goes to the States.

 Article 270
This Article gives provision for the taxes levied and distributed between the
Union and the States:  
 All taxes and duties named within the Union List, except the duties
and taxes named in articles 268, 269 and 269A, separately.  
 Taxes and surcharges on taxes, duties, and cess on particular
functions which are specified in Article 271 under any law created by
Parliament are extracted by the Union Government. 
 It is distributed between the Union and the States as mentioned in
clause (2). 
 The proceeds from any tax/duty levied in any financial year, is
assigned to the states where this tax/duty is extractable in that year
but it doesn’t form a part of the Consolidated Fund of India. 
 Any tax collected by the centre should also be divided among the
centre and states as provided in clause (2). 
 With the introduction of GST 2 sub-clauses having been added to
this Article- Article 270(1A) and Article 20(1B7).
The Supreme Court of India has set a famous judicial precedent under Article
270 of the Constitution of India in the case T.M. Kanniyan v. I.T.O. The SC,
in this case, propounded that the Income-tax collected forms a part of the
Consolidated Fund of India. The Income-tax thus extracted cannot be
distributed between the centre, union territories, and states which are under
Presidential rule.

Article 271
At times the Parliament for the Union Government (only when such a
requirement arises), decides to increase any of the taxes /duties mentioned
in article 269 and Article 270 by levying an additional surcharge on them and
the proceeds from them form a part of the Consolidated Fund of India. Article
271 is an exception to Article 269 and Article 270. The collection of the
surcharge is also done by the Union and the State has no role to play in it. 

Cess and surcharge

There seems to be a lot of confusion between cess and surcharge. Cess is
described in Article 270 of the Constitution of India. Cess is like a fee
imposed for a particular purpose that the legislation charging it decides.
Article 271 deals with a surcharge which is nothing but an additional tax on
the existing tax collected by the union for a particular purpose. Proceeds
from both the cess and surcharge form part of the Consolidated Fund of India
In the case of m/s SRD Nutrients Private Limited v. Commissioner of Central
Excise, Guwahati, the Supreme Court was presented with the question:  If on
excisable goods an education cess can be levied before the imposition of cess
on goods manufactured but cleared after imposition of such cess. The
judgement given in this case was in favour of the manufacturer but the
judges, Justice A K Sikri and Justice Ashok Bhushan observed that education
and higher education cess are surcharges.

The constitution has provisions for sanctioning grants to the states or other
federating units. It is Central Government financial assistance to the states
to balance/correct/adjust the financial requirements of the units when the
revenue proceeds go to the centre but the welfare measures and functions
are entrusted to the states. These are charged to the Consolidated Fund of
India and the authority to grant is with the Parliament.

Article 273 
This grant is charged to the Consolidated Fund of India every year in place of
any share of the net proceeds, export duty on products of jute to the states
of Assam, Bihar, Orissa, and West Bengal. This grant will continue and will be
charged to the Consolidated Fund of India as long as the Union government
continues to levy export duty on jute, or products of jute or the time of
expiration which is 10 years from its commencement.

Article 275
These grants are sanctioned as the parliament by law decides to give to
those states which are in dire need of funds and assistance in procuring
these funds. These funds /grants are mainly used for the development of the
state and for the widening of the welfare measures/schemes undertaken by
the state government. It is also used for social welfare work for the
Scheduled tribes in their areas.

Article 276
This article talks about the taxes that are levied by the state government,
governed by the state government and the taxes are collected also by the
state government. But the taxes levied are not uniform across the different
states and may vary. These are sales tax and VAT, professional tax and
stamp duty to name a few.

Article 277 
Except for cesses, fees, duties or taxes which were levied immediately before
the commencement of the constitution by any municipality or other local
body for the purposes of the State, despite being mentioned in the Union List
can continue to be levied and applied for the same purposes until a new law
contradicting it has been passed by the parliament.

In the case Hyderabad Chemical and Pharmaceutical Works Ltd. v. State of

Andhra Pradesh,  the appellant was manufacturing medicines for making
which they had to use alcohol, the licenses for which were procured under
the Hyderabad Abkari Act and had to pay some fees to the State Government
for the supervision. But the parliament passed the Medicinal and Toilet
Preparations Act, 1955 under which no fee had to be paid but the petitioner
challenged the levy of taxes by the state after the passing of the Medicinal
and Toilet Preparations Act, 1955 because according to Article 277, entry 84
of list 1 in the 7thschedule, the state could not levy any fee. The difference
between tax and fee was explained. Proceeds from tax collection are used for
the benefit of all the taxpayers but a fee collected is used only for a specific

Article 279
This article deals with the calculation of “net proceeds” etc. Here ‘net
proceeds’ means the proceeds which are left after deducting the cost of
collection of the tax, ascertained and certified by the Comptroller and
Auditor-General of India.

 Article 282  
It is normally meant for special, temporary or ad hoc schemes and the power
to grant sanctions under it is not restricted.  In the case Bhim Singh v. Union
of India & Ors the Supreme Court said that from the time of the applicability
of the Constitution of India, welfare schemes have been there intending to
advance public welfare and for public purposes by grants which have been
disbursed by the Union Government. In this case, the Scheme was MPLAD
(Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme) and it falls within
the meaning of ‘public purpose’ to fulfil the development and welfare projects
undertaken by the state as reflected in the Directive Principles of State Policy
but subject to fulfilling the constitutional requirements. Articles 275 and 282
are sources of granting funds under the Constitution. Article 282 is normally
meant for special, temporary or ad hoc schemes and the power to grant
sanctions under it is not restricted. In the case Cf. Narayanan Nambudripad,
Kidangazhi Manakkal v. State of Madras, the  Supreme Court held that the
practice of religion is a private purpose. And donations and endowments
made are therefore not a state affair unless the state takes the responsibility
of the management of such religious endowment for a public purpose and
uses the funds for public welfare measures. So it can be seen that Article 282
can be used for a public purpose but at times in the name of public purpose
it can even be misused.
 Article 286
This article restricts the power of the State to tax

1) The state cannot exercise taxation on imports/exports nor can it impose

taxes outside the territory of the state.

2) Only parliament can lay down principles to ascertain when a sale/purchase

takes place during export or import or outside the state. (Sections 3, 4, 5 of
the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 have been constituted with these powers)

3) Taxes on sale/purchase of goods that are of special importance can be

restricted by the parliament and the State Government can levy taxes on
these goods of special importance subject to these restrictions (Section
14 and Section 15 of Central Sales Act, 1956 have been constituted to
impose restrictions on the state Government to levy taxes on these goods of
special importance).  In the case of K. Gopinath v. the State of
Kerala,  Cashew nuts were purchased and imported by the Cashew
Corporation of India from African suppliers and sold by it to local users after
processing it. The apex court held that this sale was not in the course of
import and did not come under an exemption of the Central Sales Tax Act,
1956. The issue before the court was to decide whether the purchases of raw
cashew nuts from African suppliers made by the appellants from the cashew
corporation of India) fall under the nature of import and, therefore protected
from liability to tax under Kerala General Sales Tax Act, 1963. The
judgement here went against the appellants.

Article 289 
State Governments are exempted from Union taxation as regards their
property and income but if there is any law made by the parliament in this
regard then the Union can impose the tax to such extent.

Some other tax-related  provisions

1. Article 301 which states that trade, commerce and inter-course are
exempted from any taxation throughout India except for the
provisions mentioned in Article 302, 303, and 304 of the Indian
Constitution, 1949.
2. Article 302 empowers the parliament to impose restrictions on trade
and commerce in view of public interest. 
3. Article 303– Whenever there is the scarcity of goods this article
comes in play. Discrimination against the different State
Governments is not permitted under the law except when there is a
scarcity of goods in a particular state and this preference to that
state can be made only by the Parliament and in keeping with the
4. Article 304– permits a State Government to impose taxes on goods
imported from other States and Union Territories but it cannot
discriminate between goods from within the State and goods from
outside the State. The State can also exercise the power to impose
some restrictions on freedom of trade and commerce within its

Article 366
Apart from all these provisions, there are other provisions also that require
mention such as Article 366 which gives the definition of:

 Goods;
 Services;
 Taxation;
 State;
 Taxes that are levied on the sale/purchase of goods;
 Goods and service tax etc.

India is a big country with people belonging to different communities and
different wealth groups and income. Taxation to all cannot be the same.  This
is the reason for the tax system in India being a complicated one for long.
India has been grappling with the problem of tax evasion which seems to be
making our taxation system hollow from the core. India has a high tax rate
but a low yield of direct taxes. So, over the years the government has made
an attempt to reduce the taxes. Also, for a nation to prosper its tax collection
system has to be strong and efficient even if the tax rates are not high else
its coffers will be depleted and developmental programmes truncated.  One
of the biggest problems faced by India’s taxation system is the power of the
government to make retrospective amendments regarding the tax statues.
The practice began with the judgement given by the supreme court in the
case of Chhotabhai Jethamal Patel & Co v. UOI & Others  after which an
amendment bill was passed for retrospective levy of excise duties.

After the implementation of the GST which is an all-inclusive indirect tax, the
process has become smoother and helped prevent the cascading effect it had
earlier. The Constitution of India has provisions with respect to the
distribution of financial resources under chapter two of part twelfth which is
in rhythm with the Federal, State and Concurrent list under 7thSchedule. To
sum up, the Parliament rights are not bound and the Indian Constitution
gives wide powers to the Parliament and it is neither rigid nor the same. So,
according to future needs, there are provisions that can change the said rules
of law. Paying taxes may not be the best task, however, it pays for all the
development and infrastructure that one enjoys.

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