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## Rule 1: Develop new skills

*Show up everyday.* No matter how you feel, follow the discipline. *Your feelings
should be OFF.* Do things without thinking.

## Rule 2: Get comfortable with being uncomfortable

You need to start small and develop as you progress (eg. go to the gym 2 times a
week, then 3 times, then 4). Get good at your skills through consistency. *Do
uncomfortable things until they become comfortable.*

- Everyone has their own insecurities and everyone is focused on trying to become
their higher self.

## Rule 3: Push yourself to do things that scare you

I will never be confident if I don’t do the things I am uncomfortable with. Until I

develop skills, until I push myself, *until I can prove to myself that I can do
better — that’s when I will feel confident.*

## Rule 4: Accept and really feel certain emotions until they go away

If you get red in the face and notice it, you will keep getting redder and more
awkward. If you accept and ignore that your getting red, nobody will care either
and slowly it will go away.

- Wave at people on the bus. Some will wave back, some will ignore. *Push yourself
to talk to people (people love having conversations because it’s beautiful).*

## Rule 5: Be open to talk to strangers/network

God sends *people* to give you *opportunities.*

## Rule 6: Let go of perfectionism

If Liz wouldn’t have uploaded her first video where her lips looked bad, she
wouldn‘t have had this youtube channel and success.

- When you’re creating a craft or a business, and you’re insecure about your
business or yourself, it does not matter to others, what matters is “Is what I am
saying good for people, will it uplift people?” If yes, then does it matter the way
I look? It doesn’t affect anyone!
- What matters is what I am delivering, what I am serving to people, in order to
achieve my goal. Not what they think of me.

## Rule 7: Create routines

A routine organises your mind.

## Rule 8: Take care of your inner and outer appearance

Always be clean and smell good. Always wear ironed clothes. Always look after
yourself because it shows to the world how they should take care of me.

## Rule 8: Work on your posture

Good posture can make anyone look aristocratic. Move a lot to develop back muscles
and good posture.
## Rule 9: Create another version of you until it becomes you

Create another version of you that can do anything and be anything. Act like the
highest version of yourself and you will become the highest version of yourself.

- What is your higher version?

- What are your highest version’s hobbies?
- What is she good at?
- With whom does she hang out?
- Who does she date?

** “Is this something the highest version of myself would do?” if it’s not, don’t
do it.

## Rule 10: Use the “okay and?” mentality

They do not find you attractive - okay and?

You tried a business and it failed - okay and?

Do it again, and again, and again until you are successful.

## Rule 11: Realize this life is temporary

Becoming the best version of you will put people down. Put your energy and time
into becoming your highest version.

## Rule 12: Realize how weird other people are

Every person has something weird about them, a weird quirk, all these little things
and that’s the beauty of it. People are weird, people have insecurities, people
laugh in a weird way, people talk in weird way and that’s amazing. Meet people,
sign up to classes, and you will see that those people are just exactly like you.

## Rule 13: Quit social media

It’s gonna drain you, so quit and focus on working on yourself for yourself.

## Rule 14: You are not that important

It gives you freedom, it allows you to do whatever you feel is good and best for
you. People have lots and lots of problems. You are least of their problems. You
are not that important, and everyone must be focused on themselves. You are
thinking about you, and they are thinking about them.

## Rule 15: Love yourself whilst in the process

Trying to become the highest version of yourself doesn’t mean you don’t need to
love this version. Take care and love yourself for working so hard on your goals.
There are bad days, so what? You always come out on top of it. You try to break
her? Nope, she comes back again. You try to subdue me but I come back multiplied
because I want to win and I am going to win.

## Rule 16: Talk to yourself like you would talk to someone you love

Why is telling yourself that you are beautiful, amazing, mesmerizing considered
cringy? We talk like this to our friends, to our family, to our lover. But talking
to yourself like that is cringy? If you are not willing to look yourself in the eye
and tell yourself how amazing and proud you are, you will not be able to accept
those compliments or love from someone else.

## Rule 17: Walk into places like you own the place

You’re scared of that job interview? — why did they choose you to come in? if you
were not qualified, you would not be called to come.

You’re scared to do that presentation in front of people? — these people are there
to listen to what you’re saying. You have the time to speak your mind. It’s a form
of respect they have for you.

You’re scared to go on that date? — think about: do I even like this person, are
they even good enough?

- *If you are involved in things it’s because you are capable of mastering them.*
- Thing exist, things already happened. If it’s possible for other people, it’s
possible for you.

## Rule 18: You don’t need to prove yourself

If what you are trying to do is a good thing and has good intentions, that’s good
enough. People are different and they will not understand you. The vision was given
to you, not them. When something is given to you and you want it bad enough, you do
not listen and do not wait for their approval.

- The fact that you think it’s good and you have good intention is enough to
accomplish what you want to accomplish. People only come when you are successful.

## Rule 19: Realize you know nothing and be willing to learn from others

We all don’t know anything and that’s amazing. The more you realize that you know
nothing the more you are willing to learn.

## Rule 20: Stop trying to “fill in” and really listen to people

Listen to people without interrupting. Do not constantly agree with them, because
if they think what they are saying is valuable, they do not need your reassurance.
Don’t just react. Hear and think about the conversations you have because people
teach beautiful things.

- You’re only gonna learn if you’re willing to listen to them, if you actually
believe that what another person teaches you can be valuable. Either way you don’t
know it all, you will never know it all.

## Rule 21: God always provides

God removes people and things from your life because *He knows what He is doing and
He has a better plan.* Everything always worked out for the best and without God I
would not be where I am today. I was meant to be successful, I was meant for
greatness, so whatever He does is for my greatness. Allow Him. *God always

- Thank Him for everything

- Ask Him

There is no good or bad there is just fate. Anything that happens in your life was
meant to happen, to put you to a point where you are now.

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