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Pipe Flow Tutorial 2018

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Pipe Flow Tutorial for STAR-CCM+

ME 448/548 Gerald Recktenwald

January 19, 2018 [email protected]

1 Overview
This tutorial provides a recipe for simu-
lating laminar flow in a pipe with STAR- L

CCM+. The focus in on the procedure

for creating a model and visualizing the
results. The flow field itself is trivial.
The schematic to the right depicts flow
through a pipe of diameter D and length D
L, with an average inlet velocity of V .
The flow is two-dimensional and axisymmetric. We will solve this problem
with a three-dimensional model even though it is computational wasteful. The
goal of this tutorial is to create a simple end-to-end recipe for laminar flows in
three-dimensional geometries. In other tutorials we will explore how to exploit
symmetry and how to reduce a three-dimensional mesh to a two-dimensional
mesh for even greater savings in computational effort.

1.1 Modeling Procedure

The main steps in obtaining a solution are
1. Build a geometric model of the fluid domain.
2. Assign fluid properties to the material in the domain.
3. Assign boundary conditions.
4. Generate a mesh.
5. Set parameters that control the solution.
6. Run the solver.
7. View the results.

1.2 Model Parameters and Boundary conditions

The pipe flow model is specified by defining the geometry D and L and the
inlet velocity V . The fluid is air, and STAR-CCM+ provides the density ρ and
viscosity µ from its internal database of thermophysical properties. The location
of the inlet and outlet boundaries and a choice of models at those boundaries
must be specified.
The inlet boundary condition can be specified as uniform velocity or pre-
scribed mass flow rate1 . We will choose a Reynolds number, ReD , so that the
flow is laminar. We then choose a pipe diameter that is convenient, and from
ReD and pipe diameter compute the average velocity.
1 A velocity profile could also be specified at the inlet, but the procedure is a bit more

involved than the two simple boundary condition treatments discusses in this tutorial.

Let the tube have a diameter of 3 cm. The density and viscosity of air at
15 ◦C are
kg N·s kg
ρ = 1.23 , µ = 1.79 × 10−5 = 1.79 × 10−5
m3 m2 m·s
For laminar flow, choose ReD = 500
ρV D µ 1.79 × 10−5 m·s m
ReD = =⇒ V = ReD =   500 = 0.24
µ ρD kg
1.23 m3 (0.03 m) s

The mass flow rate is

kg  m π  kg
ṁ = ρV A = 1.23 3 0.2425 (0.03 m)2 = 2.11 × 10−4 .
m s 4 s
The outlet boundary condition can be specified as a pressure outlet or a
mass flow split condition. For this tutorial, we will use a pressure outlet. The
choice of outlet boundary condition has little influence on the simulation results
for the simple pipe flow problem.
Although the type of outlet boundary condition is not important for this
problem, we need to consider where to locate the outlet boundary. In other
words, how long should the pipe be? White2 gives the following estimate for
the entrance length for laminar fully-developed flow in a pipe
≈ 0.06ReD
For ReD = 500 and D = 3 cm, White’s formula gives L3 ∼ 15D = 45 cm. The
purpose of this demonstration is not to simulate the developing flow. However,
using Le as a reference value allows us to choose a realistic length for the domain.
We will choose L = 45 cm.

2 Start a New Simulation

Create a new Simulation Model
1. Launch STAR-CCM+

2. From the File menu, select New Simulation.

3. In the dialog box, make sure the Serial but-
ton (in upper left corner) is selected.
4. Check the Power-On-Demand box, enter
the Power-On-Demand Key, and click
The result is a new, blank simulation window,
as shown in Figure 1.

2 Frank M. White, Fluid Mechanics, sixth ed., 2008, McGraw-Hill, p. 347


Simulation Tree Menus Graphics

(initially empty)

. Properties Output

Figure 1: STAR-CCM+ user interface appearance after creating a new simulation.

2.1 Orientation to the User Interface

STAR-CCM+ has a complex user interface that is more similar to a CAD tool
than a typical business application. Figure 1 shows the state of the interface at
the start of a new simulation.
The STAR-CCM+ interface is divided into four primary panes3 . The upper
left pane contains the Simulation Tree, which appears as a list of icons that look
like folders in a file browser. Each of the folder icons is a node in a hierarchy
of model features and parameters. The Simulation Tree is manipulated by
expanding nodes with + sign to the left of the node, or right-clicking on the
node names to reveal a pop-up menu. During model creation, additional nodes
appear when features that are selected by the user require additional parameters
to be specified.
Below the Simulation Tree, in the lower left corner of the user interface,
is the Properties Pane. When you select a node in the Simulation Tree, pa-
rameter choices or numerical values associated with that node are revealed in
the Properties Pane. Thus, an important mode of setting simulation parame-
ters is to select a node in the Simulation Tree, and then choose the value of a
corresponding parameter in the Properties Pane.
The upper right corner of the user interface is the Graphics Pane, which
is empty at the start of a simulation. In creating a model and solving for
the flow field, you will create Scenes, which appear as tabbed sub-panes of
the Graphics Pane. For example, a Geometry Scene is used to display and
3 Refer to the Using the Workspace section of the User Guide for more information.

manipulate manipulate three-dimensional images of the domain geometry and

mesh during the problem specification phase of the simulation. Other Scenes in
the Graphics Pane are used to monitor convergence of the solution, and display
field variables (velocity, pressure, turbulence quantities, etc.) after a solution is
The Output Pane in the lower right quadrant is used by STAR-CCM+ to
display messages for the user. During meshing and during iterations toward
convergence, large amounts of text messages will scroll by in the Output Pane.
Although this information seems superfluous at first, the Output Pane can reveal
important aspects of the simulation status or numerical values important for
interpreting the results of a simulation.
For more information on the STAR-CCM+ user interface, refer to Using the
Star-CCM+ Workspace, in the on-line help: Select Help from the menus at the
top of the window.

3 Build the geometry of the model

The geometry of simple flow models can be created with a 3D-CAD tool that
is built into STAR-CCM+. We will use the 3D-CAD tool to create a cylindrical
object, and then incorporate that object as the fluid domain for the pipe flow
CFD simulations require specifying the geometry and boundary conditions
on a fluid volume. Thus, unlike a typical CAD tool for drawing physical parts,
the STAR-CCM+ interface is designed to ultimately create volumes occupied by
fluid, not volumes occupied by solid parts. Although we are creating a model
of flow in a pipe, we will not be drawing the pipe. Rather, we will be drawing
a cylindrical plug that corresponds to the fluid inside the pipe.

3.1 Open the CAD tool and set the grid scale
1. Right click on the plus sign (+) next to the Geometry node in the Simulation

2. Right click on the 3D-CAD Models node and select New from the pop-up
menu. The Simulation Tree pane is replaced by a CAD Tree pane.

3. Right-click on the XY plane icon under the

Features node, and select Create Sketch from
the pop-up menu. The CAD Tree pane is re-
placed by a pane with two sub-panels, each
one highlighted by a light blue box. The up-
per sub-panel labeled Create Sketch Entities
contains icons for primitive sketching opera-
tions. The lower sub-panel labeled Display
Options contains icons for grid spacing, snap-
to-grid and other options. Note that the icons
in both panels contain tool-tips that are dis-
played when the mouse pointer hovers above
the icon.

4. Before drawing any features, set the grid scale for the CAD tool. Click on
the icon in the lower right corner of the Display Options panel.

5. Set the grid spacing to 0.005 m

Note that all physical quantities are specified with dimensions. Thus, the input
to the grid spacing dialog box could be 0.005 m, 0.5 cm, or 5 mm. Only SI and
metric units are accepted. If the units are not specified, the value is assumed
to be in the m-kg-s system.

3.2 Sketch a circle and extrude it to create a cylinder

During the following steps, it may be Mouse input to the CAD Tool
helpful to zoom in or rotate the geo-
metric model in the Graphics pane. Re- • Drag and rotate an object
with the left mouse button
fer to the instructions in the box to the
right for an introduction to the mouse • Zoom in with the middle
movements that manipulate models in mouse button or scroll wheel
the graphics pane. • Pan with the right mouse

1. Select the Create circle from center tool.

2. Left-click at the origin of the XY plane and then right-click and drag to
enlarge the circle until its radius is 0.015 m. Hint: dragging mouse pointer
along a grid line takes advantage of the snap-to-grid feature, making it easy
to specify the radius.
3. Click OK in the lower left corner of the CAD panel. Don’t skip this step!
The result is a new entity, Sketch 1, in the CAD tree.
4. Right-click on Sketch 1 node in the CAD tree, and select Create Extrude
from the pop-up menu. A dialog box appears as shown in the left half of
Figure 2.

5. Enter 0.45m for the Distance parameter, and click the OK button in the
bottom left corner of the CAD pane.

The preceding steps create a three-dimensional cylinder in the Graphics Pane.

You will likely need to manipulate the image with the mouse to make the cylin-
der visible. The default viewing position is so close to the origin that the cylinder
does not fit into the viewport of the Graphics pane. For example, to make the
cylinder visible, try zooming away by using the middle mouse button or the
scroll wheel, and rotating the image with the left mouse button.

Figure 2: Dialog box for setting the extrusion distance (left). Extruded cylinder

3.3 Save the Model

Select Save from the file menu, and save the .sim file to the hard drive of your
computer. It’s a good idea at this point to create a directory for the simulation
results as well as a meaningful file name. As you build the model and run
different cases, you will accumulate alternate .sim files for the same physical
problem. You will also generate external graphics files to be incorporated into
reports. Therefore, a little thought at this point will help you stay organized

3.4 Label the surfaces

Labeling surfaces in the 3D-CAD tool will make it easier to identify boundaries
of the Regions later in the model setup. It is possible to label the surfaces later
using tools in the simulation mode.
Label the inlet, outlet and pipe wall surfaces with the following steps. Make
sure you are in the 3D-CAD mode as described in Figure 3.
1. Rotate the model so that the inlet (or outlet) end is visible. We will define
the inlet as the (x, y) plane containing (x, y, z) = (0, 0, 0).
2. Right-click on the face, and select Rename from the pop-up menu.

Note: The steps to label the surface geometry require that you are
in working in the 3D-CAD mode of STAR-CCM+. If you are in the
Simulation mode, you will see the Simulation Tree for the model as
in the screen shot below right. Select the 3D-CAD mode by clicking
the 3D-CAD button as shown in the screen shot below left.

Figure 3: Toggling between the 3D CAD mode and the Simulation mode.

3. Change the name of the surface to inlet (or outlet).

4. Repeat the preceding steps to label the outlet (or inlet) and the pipe walls.
5. Close the 3D-CAD model, and return to the Simulation Pane.
Notice that the view of the part shows up as a Geometry Scene.
It’s possible that the geometry of the model will not be visible. In that case
you will either need to open and select an existing Geometry Scene, or create a
new Geometry Scene with the following steps.
1. Right click on Scenes at the top level of the simulation tree and select
New →Geometry Scene.

2. Expand the Geometry Scene node and select the Parts corresponding to
the CAD model you just created.

3.5 Create a Geometry Part from the CAD Model

Simple CAD object becomes a fluid region
The 3D-CAD model is part of the current STAR-
3D-CAD object Part Region
CCM+ model file (the .sim file), but as a CAD
model it is not directly used in a CFD simulation.
Multiple CAD objects become a fluid region
All or part of a 3D-CAD model is a basis for a STAR-
3D-CAD object Part
CCM+ Part, and the Part is used to create a Re- 3D-CAD object Part Region
gion. These steps are represented in the first row of Imported object Part
the schematic to the right. This three-step proce-
dure may seem like a lot of unnecessary work just Multiple CAD objects become multiple regions
3D-CAD object Part
to build a model of flow in a pipe. The complexity
3D-CAD object Part Region
arises from the way that STAR-CCM+ manages def- Imported object Part Region
initions of the geometries used in flow simulations.
The complexity of the steps to define a fluid region for a simple model
becomes an important asset when working with geometrically complex models
imported from CAD tools. As depicted by the other examples in the schematic
above and to the right, multiple CAD objects (which may be imported from
other CAD tools) can be used to create separate Parts, which can be combined
into a single Region. Alternatively, multiple CAD objects can be used to create
separate Parts, which can be used to create multiple Regions.

3.5.1 Procedure to Create a Geometry Part

Use these steps to create a geometry Part from the 3D-CAD model. Make sure
you are in the Simulation mode as described in Figure 3.

1. Expand the Bodies node.

2. Select Body 1 (or whatever you named the pipe object)
3. Right click and select New Geometry Part
You can rename the 3D CAD model (or not). I suggest Pipe_fluid or similar
name for the part. Notice that a new Part is created under the Parts node. Also
note that the names assigned in the CAD tool (Inlet, Outlet and Walls) have
been propagated to the nodes of the Parts tree.

3.6 Save the Model

Select Save from the file menu.

4 Create a Region that contains the pipe object

The physical problem being modeled is specified in three distinct and indepen-
dent categories.
• Regions
• Mesh Continuum

• Physics Continuum

A region defines the topological relationship between material in the simulation,

i.e., it defines how the geometric entities (volumes or areas and their boundaries)
in the model are connected to each other. Boundary conditions are defined
on the region and the boundary conditions are independent of the mesh, the
kind of simulation (e.g., laminar or turbulent flow) or the thermophysical fluid
Each region has a Mesh Continuum that consistes of a surface and volume
mesh. Each region also has a Physics Continuum that specifies the physical
behaviors of the material, e.g., fluid or solid, compressible or incompressible,
liquid or gas. The Physics Continuum also specifies other factors that determine
the physical behavior such as steady or transient as well as the solution methods
The three categories (Region, Mesh and Physics) influence each other. For
example, wall boundaries and inlet boundaries influence the interior mesh differ-
ently. However, the three categories are sufficiently distinct that you can make
major changes in on category, e.g., changing a boundary condition from con-
stant wall temperature to adiabatic, without influencing the other categories.
This flexibility comes at a cost of greater complexity in setting up the model.
From the Star-CCM+ User’s Guide4 :
“Regions are volume domains (or areas in a two-dimensional case) in
space that are completely surrounded by boundaries. They are not nec-
essarily contiguous, and are discretized by a conformal mesh consisting
of connected faces, cells and vertices.”
Translation: A region is a volume of material with the same physical properties
and the same meshing model. For the pipe flow tutorial, there is only one
Region. The boundaries of the region are used to impose boundary conditions
on the model
Regions are distinct. Information (e.g. mass flow or heat transfer) between
regions is only shared when the regions are explicitly joined by an interface. For
the pipe flow tutorial, there is only one region and it is the volume occupied by
the fluid inside the pipe.

4.1 Create the Region

For this model there is only one region. The region is created from a part that
was created with the built-in CAD tool
CAD Model −→ Part −→ Region
1. Right click on the Region node and select New
2. Select the Geometric Parts for the region
a. In the Properties pane, click in the area to the right of Parts
b. Expand the Parts node in the pop-up window
c. Select the Pipe Fluid region (or Body 1 if you didn’t name the Part)
d. Click OK
Notice that the there is one boundary called “Default” in the list of Boundaries.
Expand the Boundaries node if you do not see the Default boundary.
4 See “What are Regions?” in the StarCCM+ User Guide

Figure 4: Assigning the inlet surface patch to the inlet boundary of the fluid region

4.2 Assign the Types of Boundary Conditions

There is only one Boundary called “Default”. We will create two new boundary
surfaces – the inlet and the outlet – and we will rename the remaining part of
the boundary.

4.2.1 Assign the Inlet Boundary

1. Right click on Boundaries and select New.
2. Right click on the newly created boundary and select Rename. . . (from
the bottom of the menu).
3. Enter “inlet” and click OK.

4. Click on the [...] button in the Part Surfaces item in the Properties Pane.
5. Expand the nodes and click on the inlet – See Figure 4
6. Click OK

7. Set the boundary type to inlet with a prescribed velocity – See Figure 6
a. Select the Type characteristic in the inlet property pane
b. Select Velocity Inlet from the pop-up menu

The value of the inlet velocity cannot be assigned until the fluid continua is
defined in a later step in this tutorial.

Figure 5: Specifying the type of inlet boundary condition.

4.2.2 Assign the Outlet Boundary

Repeat the steps used to create the inlet boundary. Instruction steps are ab-

1. Create a new boundary and rename it “outlet”. New.

2. Assign the outlet part to the outlet boundary using the Part Surfaces item
in the Properties Pane.
3. Set the Type to Pressure outlet.

4.2.3 Assign the Wall Boundary

The default condition is that all surfaces are solid, adiabatic walls. Therefore,
no additional steps need to be taken. However, it is good practice to assign a
meaningful name to each boundary.
1. Right click on the Default boundary in the list of boundaries.

2. Select Rename. . . and enter “pipe_wall”.

4.3 Save the Model

Select Save from the file menu.

5 Create a Physics Continua

The Physics Continua defines the physical behavior of the material in the region.
It is also used to specify the type of global solution algorithm can be used to
solve the flow field. Different solution methods may be required as more (or

Figure 6: Specifying the magnitude of the inlet velocity.

less) complicated physics are included in the model. Refer to Modeling Physics
section of the User Guide.

1. Right click on the Continua node and choose New→Physics Continuum.

2. Right click on the newly created Physics 1 node and choose Select mod-
els. . .
3. In the Model Selection dialog box, make the following choices
• Three Dimensional
• Steady
• Gas
• Segregated flow
• Constant Density
• Laminar
4. Click “Close”

6 Assign the Boundary Values

The type of boundary condition for each boundary surface was prescribed in
§ 4.2. After the fluid continua is selected, the values of boundary values can be
specified. For the pipe flow problem, the boundary values are (1) no slip at the
wall, (2) velocity at the inlet, and (3) pressure at the outlet.
The no-slip condition is the default condition for all surfaces. Therefore,
there is no need to change the boundary value on the pipe wall.

1. Expand the Physics Values node and select Constant

2. Set the Value to 0.24 m/s

7 Create a Mesh Continuum

In this tutorial we will first use the polyhedral mesher with prism layers, which is
the mesh type commonly used for complex geometries. Although the polyhedral
mesher is easy to use, for this problem it creates a mesh that is topologically
more complex than necessary for the simple pie flow. In follow-up exercises, we
will explore different meshing models. Our immediate goal is to walk through
the basic CFD analysis procedure from start to finish, not to use the optimal
It’s a good idea to define the regions before defining the mesh because the
type of boundary (not the boundary values) influences the allowable types of
mesh adjacent to the boundary.

7.1 Specify the mesh type

1. Right click on the Continua node and choose New→Mesh Continuum.
2. Right click on the newly created Mesh 1 node and choose Select Meshing
Models. . .
3. In the Model Selection dialog box, make the following choices
• Surface Remesher
• Polyhedral Mesher
• Prism Layer Mesher
4. Click “Close”
5. Set the Base size
a. Open the Reference Value node under the Mesh 1 node
b. Select the Base Size node
c. In the Properties Pane, set the base size value to 0.005 m

7.2 Generate the mesh

1. Set the Base size
a. Open the Reference Value node under the Mesh 1 node
b. Select the Base Size node
c. In the Properties Pane, set the base size value to 0.005 m
2. Click on the Generate Solid Mesh icon

3. Open a Mesh Scene to view the mesh


a. Right click on the Scenes node at the top level of the Simulation tree
and select New Scene→Mesh
b. Expand the newly created Mesh Scene 1 node to inspect properties
c. Rotate and zoom in the new graphics pane for Mesh Scene 1

8 Solve the flow field

Now that the physical domain and boundary conditions (region), fluid physics
(physics continuum) and mesh (mesh continuum) are defined, we can tell Star-
CCM+ to solve the numerical model. For complex problems, the solution may
not converge, or the solution may yield results that are not sufficiently resolved.
For those reasons and others, we may try a solution and decide to modify
the definitions of the regions, physics continuum or mesh continuum. In other
words, for most problems of interest, we will need to iterate through a range
of adjustments until the solution is acceptable. The pipe flow problem is very
simple and as long as the preceding steps were completed correctly, the solution
should be obtained relatively easily and quickly.

8.1 Adjust the stopping criteria for the simulation

The default setting is to have the solver complete 1000 iterations. For the
pipe flow problem, that is more than necessary. Instead, we’ll start with 100
1. Open the Stopping Criteria Node
2. Change the Maximum Steps property to 100

8.2 Prepare to monitor the solution

It’s possible to begin the solution immediately, but it is often helpful to have
a way to visualize the solution as it is happening. We’ll do that by creating a
display of the fluid pressure.

8.3 Open a Scalar Scene

1. Right-click the Scene node and select New Scenes→Scalar

2. Open the Displayers

3. Select the Scalar Field node of the Scalar 1 node
4. In the Properties panel, click on the ¡Select Function¿ pop-up and (scroll
down to) select Pressure.

8.4 Create a reports to monitor the pressure

In addition to plots, we may want to extract numerical quantities from the
solution. Numerical results, like overall pressure drop, or total shear stress on
a surface, are obtained by creating reports.

1. Right-click Reports and select New Report→Maximum

2. Click on the Maximum 1 node that was just created
3. Rename the report to Maximum Pressure

4. Click on the Scalar Property and select Pressure from the pop-up menu for
scalar Properties
5. Click on the [ ] value for the Parts Property (or click the [...] icon.)
6. A dialog box opens

a. Select the Region 1

b. Click OK
7. Right-click on Reports and select New Report→Minimum
8. Repeat the steps for the maximum pressure report. This time the output
of the report will be the minimum pressure.

8.5 Make the Monitor Plot visible

Select the Plots→Maximum Pressure Plot node in the Simulation Tree

8.6 Run the simulation

Click the run button in the row of menu icons at the top of the screen. The run
button is the second from the end of the solver buttons.
mesh buttons solver buttons

8.7 Residual Plot

While the simulation is running, inspect the residual plot. Figure 7 show the
residual plot at the end of 200 iterations. As a solution progresses the resid-
ual plot is one of the best indicators of whether the solution converges. At
convergence, the residuals are several orders of magnitude smaller than 1.

Figure 7: Residual plot

9 Inspect the solution

9.1 Monitor Plot – Maximum Pressure

Figure 8: Maximum pressure value in the domain during iterations toward conver-

9.2 Scalar plot – pressure on pipe wall

1. Select Scalar Scene 1

2. Open the Displayers node and select the Scalar 1 node

3. Expand the Parts node
a. Make the Pipe wall visible
b. In the Parts property, click on the [ ] value

c. Select wall and click the > icon to move the wall from the Select From
list to the Selected list
d. Click close
4. Select Scalar Field node in the Scalar 1 scene. The result should be a
shaded surface plot of the pressure on the pipe wall.

9.3 Velocity Vector Plot

By default, scalars and vectors are only viewable on the surfaces of the fluid
Regions. To display the velocity vectors inside the domain, we first need to
create a surface on which the vectors are displayed. The simplest surface is a
plane aligned with one of the coordinate axes.
1. Click on the Derived Parts node and Select New→Plane Section.
2. In the New Section dialog box, leave defaults for Plane Parameters (or
adjust as necessary to put the plane through the center)
3. Scenes→New Scene→Geometry
With a new (derived) part ready to be selected, create the velocity field plot as
a Vector Displayer
1. Right click Scenes node and select New→Vector Displayer
2. Click create

Figure 9: Velocity Vectors

9.3.1 Modify vector length

1. Under the Geometry Scene 2 node
2. Open the Displayers

3. Select Section Vectors

4. Select Relative Length
5. In the properties pane, set the Glyph Length (%) to a new value, say 2

9.4 Plots to add

1. Velocity Profile plot
2. Pressure along pipe axis

9.5 Exporting plots and data for use in model documen-

Show how to export the profile data

10 Future Updates to the Tutorial

10.1 Modify the model and rerun it
Change the inlet BC from uniform velocity to a mass flow rate

11 Explore alternative mesh models

1. Use a polyhedral mesh without the prism layers
a. Change the mesh models to de-select the prism layer
b. Delete the current mesh and create a new volume mesh
c. Re-run the analysis
2. Use a trimmed mesh
3. Use a generalized cylinder mesh

12 Engineering Analysis
The images created in post-processing with STAR-CCM+ usually need to be
incorporated into a report or used in a presentation. It is important to know how
to display the CFD simulation results in a way that contributes to engineering
analysis. The three-dimensional velocity vector plots and surface contour plots
are impressive and useful for obtaining a qualitative picture of the flow field.
However, engineering analysis requires quantitative information such as pressure
drop or total heat transfer rate, or the net aerodynamic force on an object.

12.1 To do
1. Add steps to the tutorial on how to extract engineering data
2. Write up a separate, short paper that shows these engineering results
properly formatted and discussed
3. Interpret the engineering analysis write-up in terms of good practice for
documentation and in terms of expectations for homework.

Plot velocity profile at axial locations.

1. Show how to plot velocity profiles in StarCCM+
2. Show how to export the data and create the plot in Matlab
Plot pressure along the centerline.
1. Show how to plot pressure along the centerline in StarCCM+
2. Show how to export the data and create the plot in Matlab
Discuss whether the flow is fully-developed.
1. Velocity profiles are not invariant along the length of the pipe

2. How does the velocity profile at the exit compare to the model of fully
developed laminar flow (parabolic profile)?
3. Pressure drop becomes linear almost immediately after the entrance (?)

Questions for further model development

1. How might mesh be refined to improve the result?
2. Does the domain need to be lengthened?

13 Homework
1. Refine the mesh
2. Add prism layers
3. Use cylindrical mesh elements

Does the inlet boundary condition affect the result? Compare the solution
results for uniform inlet velocity versus total mass flow rate at the inlet.
Compare quantitative measures:
1. Pressure gradient at the inlet. Extract pressure gradient as a numerical
value (line fit?)
2. pressure distribution over the inlet (p = f (r))

Compare numerical friction factor to theoretical friction factor

1. Rerun the model for different inlet velocities
2. Tabulate and plot dp/dx versus mdot
3. Compute fRe from dp/dx assuming that the flow is fully-developed

4. Repeat with a 2D model

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