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LASER Unit 2

 Introduction
 Difference Between Laser and Normal Light
 Properties of Laser
 Basic Concept of Laser
 Relationship between Einstein’s Coefficient
 Various Laser Types
 Application of Laser
LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of radiation)
The concept of Laser Stimulated emission-------> Einstein (1917)

First Laser ----> Pink Ruby Laser--> 1960 Theodor Maiman

A laser differ from other light sources because it emits

highly coherent,
highly monochromatic,
highly directional light
LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of radiation)
The concept of Laser Stimulated emission-------> Einstein (1917)

First Laser ----> Pink Ruby Laser--> 1960 Theodor Maiman

A laser differ from other light sources because it emits

highly coherent,
highly monochromatic,
highly directional light
LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of radiation)
The concept of Laser Stimulated emission-------> Einstein (1917)

First Laser ----> Pink Ruby Laser--> 1960 Theodor Maiman

A laser differ from other light sources because it emits

highly coherent,
highly monochromatic,
highly directional light
LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of radiation)
The concept of Laser Stimulated emission-------> Einstein (1917)

First Laser ----> Pink Ruby Laser--> 1960 Theodor Maiman

A laser differ from other light sources because it emits

highly coherent,
highly monochromatic,
highly directional light
~ Quantum of Energy ~


- Light as Waves
- Light as Particles
. Photoelectric Effect - photon energy
. Compton Effect - photon momentum

In physics, a quantum is the minimum unit of any physical entity involved in an interaction.
The word comes from the Latin “quantus” for “how much.”
Light waves:

Light Waves Characterized by:

 Amplitude (A)
 Frequency (ν)
 Wavelength (λ)
amplitude Maxwell Showed us that
Energy of EM wave ~ A2


Properties of Laser
 The light emitted from a laser is monochromatic, that is, it is of one
color/wavelength. In contrast, ordinary white light is a combination of
many colors (or wavelengths) of light.

 Lasers emit light that is highly directional, that is, laser light is emitted as
a relatively narrow beam in a specific direction. Ordinary light, such as
from a light bulb, is emitted in many directions away from the source.

 The light from a laser is said to be coherent, which means that the
wavelengths of the laser light are in phase in space and time. Ordinary
light can be a mixture of many wavelengths.

These three properties of laser light are what can make it more
hazardous than ordinary light. Laser light can deposit a lot of energy
within a small area. 8

Nearly monochromatic light

He-Ne Laser Comparison of the wavelengths of red and
λ0 = 632.8 nm blue light
Δλ = 0.2 nm
Diode Laser
λ0 = 900 nm
Δλ = 10 nm

Conventional light source


Incoherent light waves Coherent light waves

Basic concepts for a laser
• Absorption

• Spontaneous Emission

• Stimulated Emission

• Population inversion

P12 = r (n) B12

Before After
• Energy is absorbed by an atom, the electrons are excited into
vacant energy shells.
• Probability of absorption P12
• P12 = r (n) B12
• r (n)=energy density of radiation, B12 = Einstein’s coefficient of
absorption of radiation
Spontaneous Emission
τ = 10-8 s

P21’= A21

• The atom decays from level 2 to level 1 through the emission of

a photon with the energy hv. It is a completely random process.

• Probability of Spontaneous Emission

P21’= A21, Einstein’s coefficient of spontaneous emission
Stimulated Emission
P21’’= r (n) B21

• Atoms in an upper energy level can be triggered or stimulated in

phase by an incoming photon of a specific energy.
• B21 = Einstein’s coefficient of stimulated emission

• Probability of stimulated and spontaneous emission :

• P21 = r (n) B21 + A21
Relationship between Einstein’s Coefficient
, N2 Total Probability of absorption
transition from 1 to 2 state per unit
N1P12 = N1 ρ (υ).B12 -------(1)

, N1 Total Probability of emission transition

from 2 to 1 state per unit time
N2P21 = N2 A21+N2 ρ (υ).B21 -------(2)
ρ (υ) = ------ (5) At Thermal Equilibrium
N1P12 = N2P21 --------- (3)
N1 ρ (υ).B12 = N2 A21+N2 ρ (υ).B21 --- (4)
Einstein A and B coefficient relationship:

Using Boltzman equation for population inversion of atoms in

energy states E1 and E2


So the ratio, = =

ρ (υ) = =
Einstein A and B coefficient relationship:
ρ (υ) =

At Equilibrium =

ρ (υ) = -----------(5)

But from Plank’s radiation law

ρ (υ) = ---------(6)

= ,
Relationship between Einstein’s A and B coefficients
Why Two State Laser Not Possible
(i) ;B12 = B21, The probability of spontaneous emission is same
as that of induced absorption. This means that if these two processes will
occur at equal rates, so no population inversion can be attained in a two-
level system.

(ii) The ratio of spontaneous emission and stimulated emission is

proportional to υ3. This implies that the probability of spontaneous
emission dominates over induced emission more and more as the energy
difference between the two states increases.

Hence Two State Laser Not Possible

Stimulated Emission
The stimulated photons have unique properties:

• In phase with the incident photon

• Same wavelength as the incident photon

• Travel in same direction as incident photon

Population Inversion
• A state in which a substance has been energized, or
excited to specific energy levels.
• More atoms or molecules are in a higher excited state.
• The process of producing a population inversion is
called pumping.
• Examples:
→by lamps of appropriate intensity
→by electrical discharge
Lasing Action
Two level system

E2 E2

hn hn

hn =E2 - E1
E1 E1

absorption Spontaneous Stimulated


Laser is not possible because Population inversition condition is not achieved

Laser Component
1. Lasing material (crystal, gas, semiconductor, dye, etc...)
2. Pump source (adds energy to the lasing material , e.g. flash lamp, electrical current to cause electron collisions, radiation
from a laser, etc.)
3. Optical cavity consisting of reflectors to act as the feedback mechanism for light amplification

•Optical: flashlamps and high-energy light sources

•Electrical: application of a potential difference across the laser medium
•Semiconductor: movement of electrons in “junctions,” between “holes”
Three-State lasers

E1 < E 2 < E 3 τ = 10-8 s , Excited State

A population inversion
(N2 > N1 ) has thus been
achieved between level 1
and 2
τ = 10-3 s Metastable State

Ex: Ruby Laser

Four-State lasers

E 1 < E2 < E 3 < E 4

τ = 10-8 s , Excited State
As long as N3 > 0, then N3 > N2,
and a population inversion is
τ = 10-3 s , Metastable State

Ex: He-Ne Laser, Carbon dioxide

Ruby Laser
Ruby laser (Al2O3-Cr3+): Solid-state lasers, 3-
State Laser, It emits deep red light of
wavelength 694.3 nm

Optical Pumping : xenon lamps

Nd-YAG Laser
Nd-YAG laser (neodymium-doped yttrium
aluminum garnet; Nd:Y3Al5O12): Solid-state
lasers, 4-State Laser, It emits infrared light of
wavelength 1060 nm

Optical Pumping : krypton flash lamps

He-Ne Laser

He-Ne laser (He-Ne 7:1): Gas lasers, 4-State

Laser, It emits deep red light of wavelength
632.8 nm. It can also be constructed to
produce: Green at 543.5 nm and the infrared:
1523 nm

Pumping : Electric Discharge

For Stimulated Emission photons which is true

(i) In phase with the incident photon

(ii) Same wavelength as the incident photon
(iii) Travel in same direction as incident photon
(iv) Einstein Coefficient of Stimulated emission is A21
(a) i, ii
(b) ii, iii
(c) ii, iv
(d) i, ii, iii
Why two state laser is not possible?
(i) Because at max you can have absorption rate equal to spontaneous
(ii) For larger difference in energy level the spontaneous emission will
(iii) Because Population inversion condition cant not be achieved
(iv) Because life time of excited state in 10-8 s
(a) i, ii,
(b) ii, iii, iv
(c) i, iv
(d) i, ii, iii, iv
Ruby Laser is
(i) 3- Sate Laser
(ii) 4- State Laser
(iii) Continuous Laser
(iv) Pulsed Laser

(a) i, iii,
(b) ii, iii,
(c) i, iv
(d) ii, iv,
Nd-YAG Laser is
(i) Krypton Flash Lamp is used
(ii) 4- State Laser
(iii) Infrared Laser
(iv) Xeon Flash Lamp is used

(a) ii, iii,

(b) ii, iii,iv
(c) i, iii, iv
(d) i, ii, iii
Population Inversion is defined as
(i) Number of atoms in the metastable state is greater than ground state
(ii) Number of atoms in the ground state is greater than metastable state
(iii) Population Inversion is achieved by pumping source
(iv) Population inversion can be achieved in two state laser

(a) i, iii,iv
(b) ii, iii,iv
(c) ii, iii
(d) i, iii,

Evolution of the imaging device can be distinguished:

- Direct image plane imaging image formation as a 2-D function by direct

mapping each point of an object to corresponding points of the object image.

- Holographic imaging: recording of amplitude and phase of the wave field

radiated by the object in form of a hologram and subsequent reproduction of
the wave field by reconstruction of holograms

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