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3 authors:
Shardul Agrawala
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
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In the context of scaled up funding for climate change adaptation, it is more important than ever to
ensure the effectiveness, equity and efficiency of adaptation interventions. Robust monitoring and
evaluation (M&E) is an essential part of this, both to ensure that the prospective benefits of interventions
are being realised and to help improve the design of future interventions. This paper is the first empirical
assessment of M&E frameworks used by development co-operation agencies for projects and programmes
with adaptation-specific or adaptation-related components. It has analysed 106 project documents across
six bilateral development agencies. Based on this, it identifies the characteristics of M&E for adaptation
and shares lessons learned on the choice and use of indicators for adaptation.
This analysis has found that Result Based Management, the Logical Framework Approach and the
accompanying logframe are the most common M&E approaches used for adaptation. In applying these
approaches, the long-term perspective of most adaptation initiatives means that it is particularly important
to clearly differentiate between outcomes, outputs and activities. In addition, M&E frameworks for
adaptation should combine qualitative, quantitative and binary indicators. The baselines for these
indicators should include the effects of future climate change, particularly for projects with long-term
implications, such as investments in infrastructure. Significant challenges remain in relation to dealing with
shifting baselines, attribution and time lags between interventions and outcomes.
De plus en plus de fonds étant alloués à l’adaptation au changement climatique, il est plus que jamais
capital de veiller à l’efficacité, à l’équité et à l’efficience des actions menées dans ce cadre. Un système de
suivi et d’évaluation rigoureux s’impose, à la fois pour garantir que les avantages attendus de ces actions se
concrétiseront et pour mieux préparer les actions à mener dans l’avenir. Le présent document est la
première étude empirique des cadres de suivi et d’évaluation appliqués par les agences de coopération pour
le développement à des projets et des programmes portant intégralement ou partiellement sur l’adaptation.
Cent-six documents de projets de six agences bilatérales de développement ont été analysés. Cela a permis
d’identifier les caractéristiques des systèmes de suivi et d’évaluation appliqués à l’adaptation et d’en tirer
des enseignements concernant le choix des indicateurs et leur utilisation.
D’après cette analyse, les deux approches de suivi et d’évaluation les plus employées sont en
l’occurrence la gestion axée sur les résultats et la méthode du cadre logique et la matrice qui s’y rapporte.
La plupart des initiatives d’adaptation s’inscrivant dans le long terme, il est particulièrement important de
bien différencier les résultats, les produits et les activités lorsque l’on applique ces approches. En outre, les
systèmes de suivi et d’évaluation appliqués à l’adaptation doivent associer des indicateurs qualitatifs,
quantitatifs et binaires. Pour ces indicateurs, les références doivent intégrer les effets des changements
climatiques futurs, notamment dans le cas des projets qui ont des implications à long terme
(investissements dans les infrastructures, par exemple). La prise en charge des variations des références, de
l’attribution des résultats et des décalages temporels entre actions et résultats pose encore des problèmes
Mots clés : adaptation au changement climatique ; suivi et évaluation ; coopération pour le développement
This report on “Monitoring and Evaluation for Adaptation: Lessons from Development Co-operation
Agencies” is an output of the OECD Task Team on Climate Change and Development Co-operation that is
overseen jointly by the Working Party on Global and Structural Policies (WPGSP), predecessor to the
Working Party on Climate, Investment and Development (WPCID) of the Environment Policy Committee
(EPOC) and the Network on Environment and Development Co-operation (ENVIRONET) of the
Development Assistance Committee (DAC).
This report has been authored by Nicolina Lamhauge, Elisa Lanzi and Shardul Agrawala. Financial
support from the UK Department for International Development (DFID), the US Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)/Swedish
Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) is gratefully acknowledged. In addition to these agencies the
authors gratefully acknowledge the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the Directorate
General for International Cooperation of the Netherlands (DGIS), Japan’s International Cooperation
Agency (JICA) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) for provision of extensive
documentation on their monitoring and evaluation framework for adaptation and related projects.
In addition to Task Team members, the authors would like to thank Marie-Christine Tremblay,
Michael Mullan, Remy Paris, Shannon Wang, Victoria Schreitter, Nicholas Kingsmill and Jane Ellis for
valuable input and feedback.
This document does not necessarily represent the views of either the OECD or its member countries.
It is published under the responsibility of the authors.
This paper is released as part of the OECD Environment Working Papers series [ENV/WKP(2011)8]. It
can be downloaded on the OECD website: or
Further enquiries on ongoing work on Adaptation to Climate Change should be directed to Michael
Mullan, OECD Environment Directorate (Email: [email protected]; Tel: +33 1 45 24 13 17).
ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................................................... 3
RÉSUMÉ ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
FOREWORD .................................................................................................................................................. 5
ACRONYMS .................................................................................................................................................. 8
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................ 9
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 11
2. Data Sources ................................................................................................................................... 12
3. Overview of M&E Approaches ...................................................................................................... 18
3.1 Different Applications of the Logframe.................................................................................... 19
3.2 Intermediate Performance and Review Measures ..................................................................... 23
4. Indicators for M&E for adaptation ................................................................................................. 24
4.1 Indicators on Risk Reduction .................................................................................................... 25
4.2 Indicators on Policy and Administrative Management ............................................................. 29
4.3 Indicators on Environmental Education and Training .............................................................. 33
4.4 Indicators on Research .............................................................................................................. 35
4.5 Indicators on Co-ordination ...................................................................................................... 37
5. Baselines and targets for M&E for adaptation ............................................................................... 40
6. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 42
BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................................................... 45
ANNEX 1: COMPLETE LIST OF PROJECTS ........................................................................................... 47
The industrialised countries have made a joint commitment to mobilise USD 100 billion per year by
2020 for climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives in developing countries (UNFCCC, 2011).
With significantly scaled up financing for adaptation also comes the need to evaluate the benefits from
investments and their impact in reducing vulnerability to climate change. Monitoring and evaluation
(M&E) is an important tool to identify good practices and single out less effective approaches, contributing
to evidence based decision making.
Adaptation-specific initiatives are still recent but development co-operation agencies have a long
history in implementing projects and programmes with adaptation-related components. M&E for
adaptation faces a number of challenges, ranging from the ambiguous definition of adaptation to the
identification of targets and the choice of indicators used to monitor performance. Furthermore, the
implementation of projects and programmes that specifically target adaptation is still relatively recent.
Development co-operation agencies however, have a long history in implementing projects in climate
sensitive areas. Many of these activities include adaptation-related components.
This paper is the first empirical assessment of M&E frameworks used by development co-operation
agencies for their projects and programmes with adaptation-specific or adaptation-related components.
Specifically, it draws on the extensive experience of six bilateral development agencies1 in evaluating their
activities. Comparing the approaches used by the agencies in evaluating their projects and programmes, the
analysis aims to get a better understanding of i) the particular characteristics of M&E in the context of
adaptation and ii) what lessons can be learned on the choice and use of indicators for adaptation.
Documents for 106 projects and programmes were reviewed for this analysis. The documents were
grouped into five broad categories of adaptation to climate change: i) risk reduction, ii) policy and
administrative management, iii) education, training and awareness, iv) research and v) co-ordination.
Across the sample, the majority of the activities were concentrated in the last four categories. Relatively
few activities focus specifically on risk reduction measures.
Result Based Management (RBM), the Logical Framework Approach and the accompanying
logframe are the most common approaches used by the agencies to distinguish between outcomes, outputs
and activities. A core component of M&E is the selection of appropriate and measurable indicators. While
outputs and outcomes outline what the activity hopes to achieve, indicators show how results will be
measured. Clear differentiation between the layers of results is particularly important in the context of
adaptation where short and intermediate objectives contribute to long-term outcomes that may not
materialise until far into the future.
This analysis shows that M&E frameworks for adaptation should combine qualitative, quantitative
and binary indicators. On their own, any category of indicator is not enough. For instance, the development
of a policy framework does not ensure its implementation and sustainability. It therefore needs to be
complemented with quantitative indicators that for example measure the number of projects that have been
developed in response to the policy or the number of households benefitting. Qualitative indicators are
needed to assess the change brought about by the policy. Such differentiation helps clarify the relative
contribution of each activity towards the long-term objective. In some cases, surveys, focus group
discussions or other means of direct consultation with beneficiaries is needed in order to assess the level of
Carefully defined baselines are essential in order to measure project or programme impact. In the
context of adaptation, this requires consideration of future climate change. This is particularly the case in
large infrastructure projects where a failure to consider possible climate impacts can lead to high costs in
the future. Similarly, milestones and targets are required in order to effectively monitor progress and
evaluate results in a changing environmental context. Indicators, such as the number of villages or regions
with new strategies or policy forums, do on their own not explain the contribution of the project. Instead,
the number of new climate strategies should be referenced in relation to the total number of villages
vulnerable to climate change at the start of the programme.
In the context of adaptation, M&E activities also need to recognise the longer time horizon of
potential climate change impacts and need to be scheduled accordingly. Furthermore, it is important to
consider possible barriers to programme or project success. These can for example be cultural barriers or
barriers due to geographic separation of stakeholders. Another barrier may arise when many development
agencies operate in the same area, each placing different conditions on beneficiaries. In the context of
adaptation where potential gains may not materialise until far into the future, the incentives for
beneficiaries to comply with project or programme conditions are often limited. Such barriers need to be
reflected in the evaluation framework and carefully monitored over time.
The level of detail included in M&E frameworks for adaptation is likely to depend on the type and
scale of the activity. In the sample analysed for this study, there is some differentiation across the agencies
in the level of detail included in their M&E frameworks. While some have detailed indicators
corresponding to every component of an intervention, others focus on an aggregate assessment of change
in climate vulnerability. The preferred approach is likely to depend on the type and the scale of the activity.
For risk reduction measures, an overall vulnerability assessment may be more appropriate than, for
example, for training activities aimed at increasing people’s adaptive capacity through the introduction of
new livelihood activities.
While adaptation projects and programmes focus on addressing the risks of climate change, they are,
at their core, development projects. The specific features of adaptation call for refinement rather than
replacement of development agencies’ existing M&E frameworks. Important aspects of this in the context
of adaptation include developing indicators, baselines, milestones and targets. The timing of monitoring
and evaluation activities also needs to be adjusted to the longer time-horizon of many adaptation
A wider lesson from the M&E of development interventions can be applied to M&E of adaptation to
climate change. It is important to examine the contribution of specific interventions to the overall country
strategy. In the context of adaptation, this would mean complementing individual project and programme
evaluations with overall assessments of trends in the country’s vulnerability to climate change. A
framework for linking individual assessments with national level assessments could help to broaden the
focus from the means of achieving outcomes (individual interventions) to the desired end result (countries’
becoming less vulnerable to climate change). By doing so, the combination of country-level monitoring
and project level M&E should highlight the issues of whether the overall level of action is sufficient, how
the distribution of vulnerability is changing and whether the composition of interventions is coherent.
1. Introduction
Meeting the challenge of climate change will require a tremendous effort by developed and
developing countries alike. In the face of this challenge, the industrialised countries have made a joint
commitment to mobilise “new and additional” resources for climate change adaptation and mitigation
initiatives in developing countries approaching USD 100 billion per year by 2020 (UNFCCC, 2011). With
significantly scaled up financing for adaptation also comes the need to evaluate the benefits from
investments and their contribution to reducing vulnerability to climate change. Monitoring and evaluation
(M&E) is an important tool to help identify good practices and single out less effective approaches,
contributing to evidence based decision making. M&E can also be an effective tool for prioritisation of
inputs and communication of outcomes. However, M&E for adaptation faces a number of challenges,
ranging from the ambiguous definition of adaptation to the identification of targets and the choice of
indicators used to monitor performance.
Adaptation remains a rather vague concept whose boundaries have yet to be defined. Choices made as
part of farming practices, land use planning and infrastructure design might all reflect some considerations
of current or future climate change, but it remains difficult to isolate and evaluate the individual adaptation
components. Similarly, adaptation-specific activities initiated through the international climate change
regime require comparison against a “counter-factual” baseline, which is difficult to establish. This is
further complicated by the fact that baseline climatic risks evolve under climate change. Furthermore,
adaptation strategies viewed as successful in the short-term might, in fact, exacerbate longer-term
vulnerability. For example, poorly designed coastal and flood defences can in the short-term lower
vulnerability, encouraging population growth and development. In the long-term however, vulnerability
can be exacerbated if extreme weather events exceed the design threshold of the defences. These
complexities need to be considered when designing, implementing and interpreting evaluations of
adaptation activities.
There is growing literature on M&E for adaptation. This literature has primarily focused on the
challenge of conducting M&E, categorisation of adaptation interventions into thematic areas, consideration
of possible M&E approaches, and identification of factors to be considered when implementing adaptation
activities and devising corresponding indicators (Adger et al., 2004; Brooks et al., 2005; de Franca et al.,
2009; Tompkins et al., 2010). In a joint initiative, the Deutche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the World Resources Institute (WRI) propose a six-step process for developing
an M&E system for adaptation-related activities in developing countries. The framework suggests that
practitioners undertake an examination of the adaptation context that contributes to the formulation of an
adaptation theory of change, as well as the selection of indicators and baselines (McGray and Spearman,
Evaluation efforts are also underway within the context of adaptation-specific projects, which usually
have clearly defined objectives, time-frames and budgets. In some cases such evaluations have been
extended to project portfolios and not just individual projects. Examples of such M&E frameworks have
been developed by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) and the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP). GEF (2008) outlines the overall goal of an M&E system for adaptation “to identify
aspects that are working, those that are not working, and the reasons why, as well as providing mechanisms
to adjust the adaptation process accordingly”. In a linked but slightly different approach, the UNDP
framework emphasises that adaptation is not a discrete outcome, but a diverse set of activities aimed at
achieving development objectives under a changing climate (Brooks and Frankel-Reed, 2008). The
framework encompasses evaluation at the level of specific projects, as well as portfolios of projects. Four
clusters of indicators are developed to evaluate projects and portfolios in terms of coverage, impact,
sustainability, and replicability. More recently, result based management frameworks are being developed
at the programmatic level by the multilateral banks for the Pilot Programme on Climate Resilience
(PPCR), under the Climate Investment Funds (CIFs) and for the Adaptation Fund.
These initiatives are still relatively recent, and the frameworks that are being developed are yet to be
comprehensively tested and applied in the evaluation of adaptation projects and programmes in real world
settings. Furthermore, adaptation-specific activities do not yet have a long record of implementation. There
is, however, a long history of implementing development projects and programmes that have adaptation-
related aspects, such as livelihood diversification in drought-prone areas and flood control infrastructure.
Many of these activities have also been assessed using existing M&E mechanisms within development co-
operation agencies. Therefore, prior to establishing dedicated M&E mechanisms for climate change
adaptation, it is worth examining the suitability of existing M&E tools used by development agencies for
adaptation-related projects.
This study draws on the extensive experience of bilateral development agencies in evaluating their
activities. Based on these findings the study outlines some lessons on M&E for adaptation. While many
actors, such as non-governmental organisations, international funds and multilateral development agencies
contribute to the implementation of development projects, most adaptation financing is channelled through
multilateral or bilateral development agencies. Furthermore, bilateral development agencies require the use
of rigorous M&E practices in order to ensure efficient use of taxpayers’ money and to demonstrate that
development objectives are met.
ii) What lessons can be learned on the choice and use of indicators in the context of adaptation?
This paper will use the definition of adaptation proposed by the OECD Development Assistance
Committee (DAC): “An activity should be classified as adaptation-related if it intends to reduce the
vulnerability of human or natural systems to the impacts of climate change and climate related risks, by
maintaining or increasing adaptive capacity or resilience” (OECD, 2010).
2. Data Sources
In order to benefit from the experience of development agencies in monitoring and evaluating their
activities, some of the major bilateral agencies were contacted and asked if they could provide examples of
their activities with an adaptation component and all available M&E documents. The following agencies
Some of the projects and programmes supplied by the agencies are funded through climate funds or
programmes summarised in Table 1. However, projects with indirect adaptation components are also
considered. Since adaptation-related activities have been underway for some time, they are more likely to
have completed their M&E activities than the more recent adaptation-specific initiatives that in many cases
only have ex ante evaluations and in some cases mid-term reviews. The value of adaptation-specific
evaluations however, is that they have already taken the first step in exploring appropriate indicators,
baselines and targets for adaptation.
Most documents were directly provided by the agencies. When evaluations were available online, the
selection was made according to project themes, description and a series of keywords2. First, a distinction
was made between projects with an explicit adaptation focus (e.g. introduction of climate policies and
climate disaster risk reduction) and those with no adaptation element (e.g. human rights and political
reform). Activities in the first category were automatically included, while activities in the second category
were excluded. The remaining projects (on e.g. irrigation, forestry and water supply), which could have an
adaptation component depending on the context, were screened using the keywords listed in Table 2. Some
of the keywords apply to all the projects whereas others are specific to certain areas. When still in doubt,
the project description was analysed to determine its relevance for adaptation.
2. This is the case for JICA where online information was used to select relevant project documents. All the
examples from JICA are official development assistance loans rather than grant aid since these were the
only documents available.
The number of relevant activities varies across the agencies and covers a total of 106 projects and
programmes. Some programmes have multiple donors, in which case they have been recorded under the
agency that supplied the document. Some projects and programmes only have ex ante evaluations; others
have ex ante and ex post evaluations as well as a number of intermediate reviews. This is in part due to the
timing of the projects. For example, while the earliest project from CIDA considered in this analysis
started in 2001, the earliest from JICA started in 1988.
The projects reviewed cover different themes and geographical areas, primarily in developing
countries, but some are also in emerging economies such as China, India, the Philippines, Indonesia and
Tunisia. The geographic distribution is in part explained by the type of activities implemented. For
example, most flood prevention and control activities are located in a few countries particularly vulnerable
to extreme weather events, such as Indonesia and Bangladesh. Figure 1 illustrates where the activities are
located. Not surprisingly, there are many projects in South-East Asia, which is particularly vulnerable to
extreme weather events, and Africa and South America, where many regions experience water scarcity.
* Note: Darker colours indicate higher numbers of projects/programmes implemented in the country.
Table 4 outlines a small subsection of the sample from the six agencies. A complete list is outlined in
Annex 1.
Table 4. Examples of Project Documents Considered
Agency Programme/project title Location Period
Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change (RVCC) Project Bangladesh 2001 - 2006
Building Nigeria's Response to Climate Change Nigeria 2010 - 2011
Capacity Building for the Development of Adaptation Pacific Island
2001 - 2004
Measures in Pacific Island Countries (CBDAMPIC) Countries
Malawi: Enhancing Community Resilience Malawi 2011 - 2016
Preparing for the Future - West Bengal Flood Rehabilitation
DFID India 2001 - 2002
and Mitigation Programme
Longer Term Response to Floods: Reconstruction of the EN1
Mozambique 2001 - 2003
Between Chicumbane and Xai-Xai
Lake Nasser Flood and Drought Control/Integration of
Egypt 2002 - 2004
Climate Change Uncertainty and Flooding Risk
DGIS Adaptation to Changing Conditions in the Hustai Buffer Zone
Mongolia 2009 - 2012
and the Hustai National Park
SouthSouthNorth and the Climate Challenge Global 2000 - 2008
Integrated Water Resources and Flood Management Project
Indonesia 2007 - 2013
for Semarang
Watershed Management Project Morocco 2007 - 2013
Support Program to Respond to Climate Change Sri Lanka 2008 - 2013
Strengthening Climate Change Adaptation in China and
China 2009 - 2012
SDC WOTR-SDC Partnership for Climate Change Adaptation India 2009 - 2013
International Agricultural Research for Climate Change
Global 2009 - 2010
Mitigation and Adaptation
Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) Cambodia 2010 - 2012
Adapting to Climate Change Induced Water Stress in the Nile
Sida Nile River Basin 2009 - 2014
River Basin
Regional Climate Change Programme for Southern Africa Southern Africa 2009 - 2014
To facilitate this analysis, the project and programme documents were grouped into five categories.
The categorisation is based on the OECD DAC adaptation marker (OECD, 2010). The adaptation marker
was introduced by the DAC to help identify funding flows related to adaptation to climate change in the
Creditor Reporting System (OECD, 2010). The adaptation marker also gives an indicative, although not
exhaustive, list of activities that can be considered relevant for adaptation. These are divided into enabling
environment activities (policy and administrative management, environmental education/training, and
environmental research) and sectoral activities (health, water and sanitation, agriculture, forestry, fishing,
flood prevention/control, and disaster prevention and preparedness). Based on this classification, the
project and programme documents analysed for this study were categorised as follows: i) Climate risk
reduction, ii) Policy and administrative management for climate change, iii) Education, training and
awareness on climate change, iv) Climate scenario and impact research, and v) Co-ordination on climate
change measures and activities across relevant actors. Table 5 provides a description of the categories.
Climate risk reduction Implementation of initiatives that reduce the vulnerability to climate
change through sectoral measures such as water conservation, irrigation,
infrastructure, and flood prevention.
Policy and administrative Implementation or improvement of legislation integrating climate change
management for climate change issues, mainstreaming adaptation, and taking into consideration all
Education, training and Dissemination of information on climate change risks, institutional
awareness on climate change capacity building, and training activities aimed at changing behaviour, or
increasing disaster preparedness.
Climate scenarios and impact Development of climate change studies, scenarios and climate impact
research studies, tools and equipment necessary to better understand climate
change and associated vulnerabilities.
Co-ordination on climate Creation of linkages between institutions, participation of stakeholders in
change measures and activities dialogues and decision making, strengthened community of practice on
across relevant actors climate change, and use of research for dissemination and policy making.
The degree to which these activities contribute to climate change adaptation varies. Risk reduction
activities have the most direct impact on people’s ability to adapt to climate change or, in the case of
infrastructure projects, on damages to the physical environment. Policy making, on the other hand, ensures
that climate change risks are taken into account in laws, planning, policies and negotiations. Education,
training and awareness aim to change people’s behaviour and habits in accordance with current and
projected climate conditions. Such activities do not directly reduce people’s vulnerability, but train them to
adapt to the current climate, to consider future climate change in their decision making and to be prepared
for extreme events. Climate change research also supports risk reduction by supplying information that is
necessary to understand where training, policy and risk reduction activities are most needed. Finally, co-
ordination activities ensure that there is a dialogue between stakeholders, that research is disseminated and
that community of practice is strengthened.
The category in Table 5 on climate risk reduction includes sectoral activities on adaptation. Climate
change affects each of these sectors differently, calling for tailored adaptation responses. Across the
sectors, it is relevant to consider appropriate policy measures, education, training and awareness raising
needs, possible research gaps and co-ordination measures. Table 6 provides a few examples of sectoral
activities sensitive to climate change as well as related enabling activities.
The agencies considered in this analysis engage in a range of adaptation-related activities. The sample
analysed for this study however, consists mainly of enabling interventions. Risk reduction activities are
less common in the sample from all the agencies except for JICA that primarily focuses on the
development of climate proof infrastructure. Across the agencies, comprehensive programmes that focus
on the overall country approach to climate change adaptation tend to include measures for policy and
administrative management. These programmes also include co-ordination activities that in particular
focus on linking institutions and facilitating dialogues between different actors. Finally, there are several
examples of projects that include climate research, such as the development of climate change scenarios,
impacts and vulnerability assessments. It should be emphasised that the distribution of project and
programme activities does not necessarily respond to the general approach of the six agencies, but merely
reflects what was observed in the sample.
Monitoring refers to the systematic collection of data on pre-defined project or programme indicators.
It enables the stakeholders involved to check whether an initiative is on track in achieving set objectives
(OECD, 2002; GEF, 2010). Evaluation measures change over time, as well as the strengths and
weaknesses of project or programme design. A majority of the agencies in this study use Result Based
Management (RBM) to design and manage their projects and programmes. RBM is defined as “a
management strategy focusing on performance and achievement of outputs, outcomes and impacts”
(OECD, 2002). The three levels are:
• Output: the products, capital goods and services which result from a development intervention;
may also include changes resulting from the intervention that are relevant to the achievement of
• Outcome: the likely or achieved short-term and medium-term effects of an intervention’s outputs.
• Impact: positive and negative, primary and secondary long-term effects produced by a
development intervention, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended.
Once objectives have been defined, there are a number of practical challenges in accounting for
unexpected outcomes and measuring attribution. Longer-term impacts are unlikely to result from the
project alone, but rather from a series of interventions in the target area (Bakewell and Garbutt, 2005). The
challenge is to identify the short- and long-term outcomes attributable to that specific intervention. This is
sometimes referred to as the ‘attribution gap”. Furthermore, the requirement to use objectively verifiable
indicators can lead to the use of indicators that are easily measurable within the time-frame of the project,
rather than those that are most closely aligned to the intended outcomes.
The application of the LFA and logframes varies greatly across development agencies. While some apply the
LFA followed by the logframe, others apply one or neither of the two. Bakewell and Garbutt (2005) summarise the
application of the LFA as follows:
• LFA as a formal procedure: LFA is a standard tool used for planning projects, and in some cases also
providing the monitoring and evaluation framework. For donors or implementing partners, the LFA provides
a common basis for comparison across interventions.
• LFA as a brand: a logframe is produced at some stage during the planning process, without any
participatory process, in order to meet donor requirements for funding proposals.
• LFA as a way of thinking: stakeholders agree on programme components, objectives, indicators and
assumptions, without producing a logframe. There is greater emphasis on the LFA as a tool for working
through a hierarchy of objectives, risks and assumptions.
Although there are challenges in applying logframes and the LFA to development interventions, most
agencies examined in this study use varying formats of logframes. The logframes employed by SDC for
example, include a brief narrative description, indicators, means of verification, assumptions and risks (see
Table 7 for an example). In ex ante evaluations the logframe is usually accompanied by a general
description of the activity, a proposed management structure, context and risk analysis, the M&E format
and a proposed budget. When evaluating projects and programmes, evaluators draw extensively on the
objectives and means of evaluation outlined in the logframe. This is complemented with additional
information outlined in project documents and interim reports produced as part of monitoring activities. It
is therefore important that the logframe carefully defines baselines, intermediate milestones and targets in
order to ensure an objective evaluation of progress or achievement of results.
Realising the limitation of the “typical logframe” outlined in Box 1, DFID revised the format used for
its activities in 2009. The new logframe is divided into three main categories on goal, purpose and outputs.
Each category has a brief description, corresponding indicators, baseline values, milestones, targets,
assumptions, data sources, roles and responsibilities, and the value of inputs provided by project partners.
The logframe also identifies the percentage weight allocated to each output. Instead of a column on
assumptions made when setting project objectives, the output category outlines possible risks factors to
achieve set objectives (see an example in Table 8). If they change, this will impact the likelihood of set
objectives being achieved and should therefore be factored in when undertaking project evaluations.
The separation of baseline indicators, intermediate milestones and final targets is useful for
monitoring project activities and assessing whether the objectives have been achieved. This is particularly
important in the context of adaptation where baseline climatic risks may evolve as a result of climate
change. Depending on the timescale of the intervention, this may in turn require adjustments in the
intermediate milestones as well as the final target.
JICA uses a different approach to M&E and does not include logframes in ex ante evaluations.
Instead, ex ante evaluations provide a general project description, outlining project objectives, costs,
timelines and implementation structure. Unlike logframes that outline detailed indicators for every
component of the intervention, JICA selects a few indictors relevant to one or two key aspects of the
intervention (see Box 2 for an example of outcome targets from a JICA ex ante evaluation).
Eighty thousand km² of area (equivalent to the area of Hokkaido) will benefit from the project. The number of
beneficiaries is expected to reach around 16.02 million (equivalent to the population of the Netherlands). When the
trees planted in the afforestation programme matures, it is estimated that the annual amount of soil erosion will be
reduced by 8.03 million tons per year (equivalent to the amount carried by 40 large tankers) and that 610,000 tons of
CO2 per year (equivalent to the amount of CO2 residents of Kobe emit per year) will be absorbed.
(3) Internal Rate of Return (Financial and Economic Internal Rate of Return)
Based on the conditions below, the financial internal rate of return (FIRR) is 6.8%.
2. Benefit: Income from the sale of forestry products (seeds, felled vegetation, etc.)
Source: JICA
A common feature of the approaches used by SDC and DFID is the separation between goals,
outcomes and outputs. When evaluating the success in achieving set goals, indicators measure broad
impacts that are partially - but not exclusively - brought about by the intervention. At outcome and output
levels, however, indicators measure more tangible achievements directly resulting from the activity. With
accurate baseline data, the evaluator is able to assess whether milestones and targets have been achieved.
The approaches differ in the additional level of detail introduced in DFID’s revised format, which clearly
outlines who does what by when and how. This is crucial when many stakeholders are involved and
programme structures are complex.
The advantage of the approach used by JICA is that it gives managers flexibility to revise project
components according to the situation on the ground. This helps evaluators to examine unintended aspects
of the intervention that were not specified in the ex ante evaluation. This however, requires a good
understanding of the activity to ensure that evaluators do not lose sight of the broad objectives when
assessing impact and effectiveness. For all three approaches, a certain level of flexibility is needed to
ensure that all relevant issues are considered.
There is some variation in the summative evaluations used by the six agencies included in this study.
An interesting example is CIDA’s annual performance reports that assess results achieved to date, lessons
learned, expected long-term impact, and contribution of interventions to particular focus areas (e.g. gender
equality). The section on lessons learned focuses on a few core components rather than specific activities,
and provides suggestions for moving forward. These vary from the need to assess the potential impact of
climate change on the recipient area, to the need to ensure greater participation of women in training
activities. The report also includes a review of risk factors in achieving set objectives and corresponding
mitigation measures. For example, in the project on Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change in
Bangladesh, one stated risk is that “communities do not have the necessary social capital to build upon to
understand and plan climate change initiatives”. In response “the project will attempt to increase the
communities’ understanding through workshops and communication campaigns”.
Similarly, DFID annually reviews all multi-year activities exceeding GBP 1 million3. The review
format is structured as an excel sheet where project managers record progress made in achieving set
objectives. They also make recommendations for moving forward. The review is usually divided into five
sections on: i) project data, ii) recommendations, iii) assessment, iv) risk management and v) lessons
learned. Progress made in contributing to the goal, purpose and each of the defined outputs is evaluated.
An example is DFID’s South Asia Water Initiative. The target for the first output is: “Dialogue and
research builds a partnership for regional co-operation on water among the countries of the Greater
Himalaya (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Nepal, and Pakistan)”. Progress is evaluated
using two indicators: i) collaboration between researchers in the region and ii) the engagement of national
figures in debates on the evidence produced by the initiative.
Progress made on each objective is scored on a scale from 1-5. A score of 1 is given if the output is
“likely to be completely achieved” and 5 if it is “unlikely to be achieved”. Based on the annual review, the
first output for the South Asia Water Initiative is allocated a score of 3 out of 5, meaning that it is “likely to
be partly achieved”. The programme score of 3 is based on little progress made in establishing a
knowledge forum and a grant scheme, both of which support enhanced national engagement. Further
delaying progress is poor communication and lack of clarity on governance, architecture and memberships
of a regional dialogue. In response to the score, the evaluator recommends that the governance structure of
3. This is equivalent to around USD 647.000 using a yearly average currency exchange rate for 2010 (IRS
(n.d.) and HMRS (n.d.).
the dialogue and other emerging bodies is urgently clarified. A similar assessment is made for every output
as well as for higher-level objectives, providing a clear overview to funding agencies and implementing
A shared characteristic of the performance and review measures used by CIDA and DFID is the
completion of the evaluations by implementing staff. Since the goal of the evaluations is to monitor
progress and make recommendations for moving forward, implementing staff might be best placed to
assess achievement of results, possible risks and appropriate strategies to address such risks. The approach
used by CIDA provides a broader overview while DFID’s annual review zooms in on each individual
output and outcome. The value of the two approaches will in part depend on the audience. If the goal of the
review is to provide funding agencies an overview of the status of the intervention, CIDA’s approach
might be preferred since it provides a succinct summary without getting into too many details. However, if
the purpose of the review is to assess progress on each component and offer guidance moving forward, the
approach used by DFID might be the best fit. In both cases, there is a trade-off between making use of the
project staff’s specialised knowledge and the objectivity gained by using external evaluators.
A core component of RBM employed by most development agencies is the selection of concise and
measurable indicators. While outputs and outcomes outline what the agency hopes to achieve, indicators
show how results will be measured. Indicators can therefore be used by programme staff and partners to
prioritise inputs and communicate outcomes.
Indicators range from input indicators to process, output and outcome indicators. Development
agencies have traditionally focused primarily on outputs since they have less control over outcomes. An
example is the number of schools built (output) compared to the number of children attending school
(outcome). While school attendance depends on a range of factors, the construction of a school may
directly result from a donor investment. Further complicating the reporting of outcome indicators is that no
discernable change may occur over the course of the intervention. Finally, outcome indicators are often
more difficult and costly to collect. However, with a narrow focus on outputs there is a risk of overstating
results. For example, if a newly constructed school remains empty after project completion, the change
brought about by the intervention is limited. Similarly, if people do not apply the training they have
received as part of a development initiative there is no sustainable long-term change. This has led many
development agencies to shift their emphasis towards outcomes rather than solely assessing outputs.
Indicators can be quantitative (e.g. the number of bridges constructed) or qualitative, requiring a more
subjective evaluation. It is important to keep in mind that indicators simply provide an overview of change,
but do not explain how that change came about. Finally, it is important to ensure that the means of
collecting indicators will remain constant over time. This is crucial in order to ensure comparability,
especially in the context of adaptation where end of programme evaluations may not take place until
twenty or fifty years after programme completion.
When analysing the project documents for this study, the indicators were grouped into the broad
categories of adaptation activities outlined in Section 2.1, Table 5. Although the phrasing of the indicators
differs from one agency to another, there is overlap in the kinds of indicators used. In the rest of this
section, a few indicators for each category will be identified and analysed. It should be noted that the
indicators identified do not necessarily reflect the general approach used by the agencies, but only what
was identified in the sample.
Although risk reduction measures, such as construction of dikes, afforestation and new farming
techniques, have the most immediate impact on people’s vulnerability to climate change, they are not the
primary focus of the sample considered in this study. The sample from JICA is an exception and focuses
almost exclusively on risk reduction activities. The sample from other agencies includes a number of
projects and programmes with a sectoral focus for example: water, afforestation or infrastructure.
However, the majority of their activities are primarily directed towards policy mainstreaming, research,
awareness raising or co-ordination. Within these broader initiatives, sub-components include risk reduction
measures. Table 9 outlines some generalised risk reduction indicators identified across the six agencies.
The indicators vary according to the context and the sector, but can be grouped into two broad
categories. The first includes quantitative indicators such as the number of households benefitting from risk
reduction measures and the number of risk reduction measures employed. The second category includes
measures of coverage such as the area of afforestation; the impact of climate shocks before and after the
construction of disaster management infrastructure; and changes in livelihoods based on project
intervention. An afforestation project can for example be evaluated using an indicator on the area of land
afforested. Alternatively, the indicator can focus on the number of people benefitting from the project.
Often, agencies will use a combination of the two.
Some projects aim to build adaptive capacity to reduce people’s vulnerability to climate change. In
2006, CIDA concluded a five-year project in Bangladesh on awareness of climate change and associated
vulnerabilities. In collaboration with local organisations, the project identified and tested indigenous
adaptation measures and used a participatory approach to address people’s perceived vulnerabilities. The
project consisted of four components: i) household capacity to innovate livelihood strategies less
vulnerable to climate change; ii) improved capacity of communities to implement adaptation strategies; iii)
increased capacity of local partners in raising awareness on climate change; and iv) regular interaction by
project partners with national level stakeholders on policy advocacy issues. While the last three
components focus on training, awareness raising and co-ordination, the first output considers people’s
adaptive capacity based on their livelihood choices.
The ambiguity of concepts such as adaptive capacity and climate resilient livelihoods makes it
difficult to define objective indicators. The first outcome indicator for this project is the number of
households that seek out, test, adapt and adopt improved livelihood practices. The complementary output
indicator measures the percentage of households with new livelihood activities resulting from the project.
Complementing the output are two activities, one of which considers the ability of households to
implement diversified and sustainable livelihoods while the other focuses on dissemination of research
findings. For the former there are three performance indicators outlined in Figure 2.
Source: CIDA
The example illustrates how indicators become more focused as we move from longer-term outcomes
to outputs and more immediate activities in the logframe. By looking at the outcome and output indicators,
it is not clear how the uptake of new livelihood strategies is directly related to the project. It is from a
corresponding activity indicator that we learn that household members have received training on
alternative livelihood strategies. The activity indicators also include more detailed target values and
timelines with reference to specific geographic areas. The final project report notes that the information
was collected through male and female focus group discussions. Given that the indicators consider change
in livelihood strategies as a result of the project, it is only through direct consultation with beneficiaries
that the reasoning for the change in their livelihood choices can be understood.
A DGIS project on indigenous watershed management in the Matanzas river basin in Guatemala
reinforces the observation that indicators get more focused as we move down the hierarchy of objectives.
The long-term goal of the project is the development of an indigenous model on integrated watershed
management. Activities include improvement of watershed management, early warning systems, soil
conservation techniques and agricultural practices. Contributing to the overall goal are shorter-term outputs
such as the development and adoption of a strategy for the Matanzas watershed. One activity contributing
to this output is: “implementation of early warning systems to reduce the vulnerability of the watershed”.
An example of an output indicator is: “existence of early warning mechanisms which enable the
management of risk of flooding in the watershed”.
Risk reduction is the primary focus of the majority of the sample from JICA. The rest of this section
will therefore focus on JICA’s use of indicators for this category of activities. As mentioned earlier, JICA’s
evaluations usually outline a few relevant indicators. These only measure one aspect of the project rather
than every component. One example is an ongoing project in Indonesia. Over the past decade, Indonesia
has experienced almost 50 floods affecting over 3 million people. The project document states that the
floods are in part caused by changes in rainfall patterns, thought to be a result of global warming. While
construction of flood control infrastructure has been concentrated on Java Island, control measures in
outlying cities remain limited. The objective of the project is to help mitigate flood damage in major
outlying cities by improving flood control infrastructure, upgrading the administrative capacity of river
basin management officers and preparing integrated water resource management plans. Although there are
three stated goals, performance indicators measure the level of flooding more generally:
• maximum channel capacity (m3/s) at the water-level measurement point or the initially scheduled
construction section;
• maximum flood inundation area caused by dike damage or overflow (km2);
• maximum number of inundated households caused by dike damage or overflow.
A similar format is used in all JICA ex ante evaluations examined for this study, but the types of
indicator used vary by project. For example, a project on mitigation of flood damage in the Philippines
focuses on the improvement of drainage channels, rivers, roads and construction of a diversion channel.
Rather than monitoring progress on each component, the indicators focus on the impact of floods before
and after the intervention as illustrated in Table 10.
Table 10. Indicators for a JICA Flood Management Project
The project aims to have a significant impact on the more frequent but less devastating floods. The
anticipated impact is lower on the more devastating but less frequent floods. The differentiation between
more or less frequent floods is also used in other JICA evaluations (see Table 11) and incorporates the
level of foresight not noted in other project documents focusing on enabling activities.
2-year flood scale 5-year flood scale 10-year flood scale 30-year flood scale
Baseline Target (at Baseline Target Baseline Target (at Baseline Target (at
time of (at time time of time of
project of project project
completion) project completion) completion)
1,792 0 10,925 0 20,518 144 52,786 962
population 55 0 379 0 599 2 1,221 13
(‘000 people)
houses 11,650 0 80,720 60 127,427 324 259,753 2,830
Source: JICA
A second project in the Philippines aims to enhance flood control in the lower Pampanga River basin
by implementing river improvement works. There have been several floods since the dike was completed
in 2001. This has enabled comparison of flood depth, flood duration, the number of households flooded,
agricultural losses and highest water levels between 1998 and 2004 (see Table 12). Despite the overall
reduction in flood impact, it is clear that households are still subjected to flooding and that total
agricultural losses continue to be significant. This is confirmed by a beneficiary survey. All respondents
living on the left bank reported that their property had been inundated since project completion, compared
to 40 percent of respondents living on the right bank. However, the frequency had decreased (69-78
percent) and the damages were less serious (56-77 percent).
A short beneficiary survey was also conducted for an ex post evaluation examining the impact of an
irrigation project in Indonesia. The findings illustrate that agricultural production and income increased as
the result of having a more stable water supply. Although there was no significant change in unit rice
yields, the more stable water supply during dry seasons enabled farmers to switch from single to multiple
cropping. The distinction between water supply for irrigation during dry and wet season was also
incorporated in an ex ante evaluation for a similar project (Table 13). This distinction highlights the
multitude of issues that have to be considered when evaluating sectoral activities with both seasonal and
longer-term impacts.
The examples outlined above illustrate different approaches to M&E of risk reduction initiatives used
by the agencies. The examples from CIDA and DGIS illustrate the benefits of carefully differentiating
between outcomes, outputs and activities. Such differentiation helps clarify the relative contribution of
each activity and output towards the final outcome. The examples also illustrate the importance of
combining different types of indicators, especially when evaluating complex terms such as adaptive
capacity and climate resilient livelihoods. An unbiased assessment of such indicators may require direct
consultation with beneficiaries or the use of household surveys.
The examples in this section raise the issue of whether to use detailed objectively verifiable indicators
corresponding to every component of an intervention or to focus more generally on overall vulnerability
measures. The approach used by JICA shows that an approach based on a few measures of overall
vulnerability provide insight when the project is discrete and there is a direct link between outputs and
outcomes. If these conditions are not met, the use of a more extensive suite of indicators is required.
Comparing indicators that broadly fall under the theme of policy and administrative management
there is some overlap between the agencies. For example, CIDA, DFID, DGIS, SDC and Sida all have
indicators on coverage of climate change and/or adaptation strategies, while indicators on the level of
resources allocated for climate change are only identified in documents from CIDA and DGIS.
Depending on the type and scale of projects, indicators vary from binary indicators to quantitative
targets. For binary indicators, there are two possibilities, usually yes/no such as: “National Disaster
Management Framework for Action drafted, approved and implemented by 2008”, “all government
disaster management programmes include climate change by 2008” and “local disaster management plans
exist and are put in place”. These are relatively easy to monitor with simple check boxes on whether the
indicator has been met. Example of a baseline value for binary indicators includes: “no systems relating to
river management” in 2007 compared to “establishment of government regulations/plans relating to
integrated watershed management” by 2009. The inclusion of targets is useful for monitoring purposes and
allocation of inputs.
Supplementing some binary indicators are intermediate quantitative targets. These include “number of
policy submissions to Hyogo Framework for Action per year”, “number of appropriate climate adaptation
strategies mainstreamed into regional development processes” and “number of local ministries that have
formulated a disaster control plan”. For the last indicator, the baseline value was zero in 2008 and the
target sixty-three by 2013. Table 14 summaries some common indicators identified in the sample.
Policy and administrative management are complex processes. The introduction of a policy or
guideline does not always result in its application, and when it does, it might be an isolated instance rather
than a mainstreamed approach. Attempts to measure the level of integration often result in qualitative
indicators where it is difficult to identify appropriate targets. It is for example not clear what measures
could be used to determine the “level of integration of ecosystem functions/services into national/regional
development strategies”. Similarly, an assessment of the “quality of policy assessments discussed at
regional forums” is problematic. Such indicators require a scale on which the different kinds of
collaborations or policy assessments are ranked, and based on such ranking a target can be set against
which achievement can be assessed.
Regulatory measures such as guidelines and directives are intended to influence people’s behaviour,
and subsequently also their ability to adapt to climate change. Despite this potentially important role, such
measures were not common in the projects analysed. One example, however, can be found in a partnership
programme proposal between SDC and the Watershed Organization Trust in India. The partnership aims to
empower rural communities to effectively adapt to climate change through capacity building, using an
ecosystem approach. One element of this was the design of risk reduction strategies and the generation of
accompanying advisories. Corresponding indicators include the “number of advisories on water use, crop
planning and management, pest management, etc. issued” and the “number and type of disaster risk
reduction instruments e.g. insurance instruments promoted”. These quantitative indicators provide some
information on the enabling environment but regulations alone have limited impact without effective
enacting agents. These are, however, isolated examples of regulatory indicators in a big partnership
programme, rather than the primary focus of the intervention.
As illustrated in Table 14, all agencies except JICA include in at least one of their projects or
programmes indicators on the number of localities (villages, communities, countries or regions) with
adaptation or environmentally sustainable strategies. The focus and scale varies by agency: SDC considers
the number of villages with diversified adaptation strategies; DFID focuses on the percentage of risk
reduction action plans implemented in a given area; CIDA looks at the number of governments endorsing
climate change strategies; and Sida the number of strategies adopted at regional and national levels.
The indicator used by DFID specifies that “80% of risk reduction action plans within seven districts in
Bangladesh reflect all hazard emphasis (beyond flooding and cyclones) and potential climate change
impacts by 2007”. This is in support of a programme output seeking to expand risk reduction across a
broader range of hazards. Additional indicators documenting progress in delivering this output are i) “all
hazards risk reduction, including Climate Change Impacts reflected in final versions of PRSP and key
development policy frameworks by December 2006”; and ii) “multi hazard risk reduction programmes
being undertaken in seven districts by end of 2008”. While the first indicator reflects on the enabling
environment, the second ensures that the policies in place are implemented. This highlights the importance
of considering all indicators contributing to the same output or outcome as a package rather than stand-
alone measures. The challenge for the end of project evaluation is then to determine whether progress on
paper has translated to change on the ground.
Several Sida activities include indicators on the integration of adaptation and climate change policies
at national and regional levels. One programme focuses on the link between poverty reduction and
environmental management. In order to measure progress on mainstreaming climate change towards more
resilient rural livelihoods, indicators include i) “number and types of decision makers convinced for
integrating ecosystem values into poverty reduction processes”, ii) “level of integration of ecosystem
values into poverty reduction processes”, iii) “level of integration of ecosystem functions and services into
national and regional development strategies” and iv) “status of climate change into development actions”.
It is clear that it is only when the four indicators are considered that the real value of the individual
indicator is apparent. The first indicator considers actors important in providing the enabling environment
while the second and third examine the integration of ecosystem functions in development strategies, and
the fourth looks at the implementation of climate change activities in development programmes.
A CIDA project focuses on capacity building for adaptation in Pacific Island countries. A long-term
outcome includes mainstreaming of climate change into national and sectoral planning and budgeting
processes. In the shorter-term, the project aims to develop regional linkages that will provide advocacy
platforms and joint climate change activities for the Caribbean and Pacific regions. The differing time-
scales of the two goals are reflected in the respective indicators, the former focusing on the number of
policies, projects and plans that incorporate adaptation strategies, while the latter considers the number of
successfully implemented programmes and activities. The indicators should not be viewed in isolation, but
as contributing to a set of indicators for that particular output. Additional indicators include: i) “work plan
for the two regions deliberated and agreed upon” and ii) “memorandum of understanding between the two
regions developed”. It is once the enabling environment for regional collaboration is established that joint
programming and activities are possible as indicated in the iii) indicator “number of programmes and
activities developed by the 2 regions implemented successfully”.
The examples above encourage careful phrasing of indicators. Furthermore, they highlight the
importance of combining qualitative indicators with quantitative measures. This could also be seen in a
DGIS project that aims to implement integrated water resource management into national policies though
the establishment of watershed management plans. A range of indicators are used to measure progress. For
example, quantitative indicators on the number of inhabitants benefitting from the watershed are combined
with qualitative measures on institutional strengthening of environmental authorities in charge of water
resource management. While the quantitative indicator refers to the number of beneficiaries, the qualitative
indicators relate to improvements in the overall political and management process.
Binary indicators are common in the documents analysed, but their value when used on their own is
limited. This is clear in a DFID end of project report. The report includes a summary scoring progress on
achieving set targets. One indicator for example states: “mechanisms for risk management integrated into
the poverty reduction strategy and medium term investment framework”. The reported progress in
achieving this indicator is: “[Poverty Reduction Strategy] 1&2 include a separate policy matrix on disaster
management, poverty reduction and growth”. In the margin, the evaluator adds: “integration has happened
on paper but success in implementation remains to be seen”. This illustrates that simple binary indicators
are not always enough since the mere development or adaptation of a framework does not ensure its
implementation. Furthermore, the development of a framework is not an inherently binary process. M&E
approaches should also consider how well the framework has been designed, how well it has been
implemented and so on. The proposed binary indicator above encourages a bare minimum approach to this.
Finally, the information that can be extracted from quantitative indicators varies depending on the use
of the data, the scale and the time horizon. In Sida’s projects, indicators vary from the number of polices
on regional/transboundary levels to the number of African countries with formulated climate change
adaptation policies. While the baseline value for the second indicator is not reported, the target is that fifty
adaptation policies have been adopted across Africa by the end of the fourth year. This supports a longer-
term outcome with a similar but slightly different target: “number of countries with adaptation to climate
change plans integrated into their development plans increased by 30% in 2012 and 50% in 2015”.
Depending on the context, it might in some cases be more appropriate to provide simple numerical
illustrations (e.g. the number of policies adopted) while in other contexts an examination of change
occurring over time (e.g. percentage change in policies adopted) might be more informative.
The examples illustrate the importance of assessing the enabling environment (e.g. the number of
policies developed and adopted) when evaluating the impact of policy and administrative management.
This should be followed by an evaluation of whether the directives adopted are implemented in practice
(e.g. the number of climate change adaptation projects implemented) and how many people, communities
or regions are benefitting from such activities (e.g. 500 households benefit from projects). The final
indicator should illustrate whether beneficiaries have internalised lessons and subsequently become more
resilient to climate change impacts. The identification of relevant actors can also provide a useful context.
Sida measured the “number and types of decision makers convinced for integrating ecosystem values into
poverty reduction processes” in one of their studies. It would be overly burdensome to include all groups
of indicators for every activity, but it is useful to consider the broad categories.
Environmental education and training includes initiatives related to the diffusion of information on
climate change risks, training aimed at changing people’s behaviour or improving their disaster
preparedness, and adoption of training curricula in schools and businesses. Under this category of
indicators quantitative indicators are common in the sample. These range from the number of articles
published and trainings conducted to the number of visits on relevant websites. Complementing some of
the quantitative targets are binary indicators such as development of knowledge platforms and advocacy
campaigns. Examples of qualitative indicators include the ability of village groups and commune officials
to conduct risk assessments and identify adaptation measures. With no information on the means of
verification it is unclear how evaluators will assess indicators of this type. Table 15 summarises common
indicators on education and training identified in the sample across the agencies.
Simple quantitative indicators can easily record the number of people trained, but qualitative
measures are needed to assess sustainability and long-term effects such effectiveness of the training or
participants’ response to the training. Other combinations of qualitative and quantitative indicators include:
A similar example can be found in Sida’s evaluation of a regional climate change programme in
Southern Africa. The programme considers the number of policy makers and practitioners that demand and
use information generated by the programme. A complementary indicator examines the capacity of policy
makers and practitioners to use the information: “At least 3 regional advocacy, transboundary sectoral
interest and political and economic groups, with [programme] support, have capacity to respond to climate
change by Year 2”. While some groups at baseline stated climate change to be a key strategic intervention,
none had undertaken transboundary activities. An intermediate goal is that at least one transboundary
interest group has the capacity to facilitate a response to climate change in the water sector. By programme
end, the target is that 4 interest groups have the required capacity. The means of verification for measuring
capacity include surveys, evaluations of grantee agreements and review of activities by transboundary
interest groups.
Special care has to be taken when developing indicators for complex issues such as capacity
development. A good example can be found in a joint China-UK-Swiss partnership programme on climate
change adaptation in China. One output focuses on increased awareness and capacity among Chinese
policy makers and other stakeholders to address climate change adaptation within China’s development
process. There are three indicators in support of this output:
• Training for Chinese policymakers and researchers at national and provincial level, provided as
much as possible through existing government programmes by end [programme year] 2.
• Project training and capacity building approaches being extended to at least 4 provinces in
addition to the three provinces included in the project.
The means of verification include evidence of adaptation being integrated into government training
curricula, publicly available information materials, and provincial training records.
An alternative example can be found in a CIDA project that includes indicators of village groups and
commune officials’ capacity to assess factors of vulnerability. There are no baseline, milestone or target
values. Instead, there is a risk analysis with corresponding mitigation measures. On the capacity for village
groups and commune officials, the risk is rated as medium on the basis that resistance to adopt new
practices or techniques for anticipatory adaptation must be overcome. Possible mitigation measures include
the identification of motivated partners at the local level, strong support in the early stages of the project,
inclusion of a phase out plan, and support to the application of new knowledge through co-financing of
pilot projects. It is important to recognise that achievement of some indicators is only feasible when these
pre-conditions are in place.
A further CIDA project includes an indicator of district officials’ ability to conduct participatory risk
assessments. It is not clear how ‘ability’ will be measured. For a different CIDA project, level of capacity
is measured through “seminar material, reports prepared by the facilitator and structured participant
evaluation”. Although this provides a measure for understanding the topic discussed, attribution to the
seminar is difficult unless evaluations are done at the beginning and the end of the seminar. An additional
goal of the project is to increase the level of knowledge of the participating communities on climate change
adaptation. Also here, it is unclear how the knowledge level will be measured since identified data sources
include the project communication strategy and an awareness raising information package.
The examples illustrate the prevalent use of quantitative indicators when evaluating education and
training initiatives in the sample. While such indicators concisely outline the amount of training sessions
conducted or educational material published, they do not capture the impact of these activities on adaptive
capacity. In order to assess impact, the quantitative measures need to be combined with qualitative
indicators on the use or outreach of material published and impact of training sessions. Furthermore, when
assessing progress in achieving set targets, the evaluator needs to be aware of possible barriers to
programme success. For example, if multiple projects are implemented in the same area, there is a risk that
stakeholders will comply with the conditions of the activity from which they will gain the most.
An additional challenge when evaluating education and training activities is the development of
appropriate indicators for complex issues such as ability, level of knowledge and capacity development.
This may require the use of surveys and a review of activities by relevant stakeholders. Alternatively, a
combination of quantitative and qualitative indicators with both short- and longer-term objectives can be
used. This is for example the case when evaluating training courses, where a combination of the number of
people trained and the level of internalisation should be used.
Unlike the previous categories of indicators discussed, there is less overlap between agencies funding
research activities, as illustrated in Table 16. There is however some overlap on the development of
climate change models and tools, and the production of climate scenarios. The majority of these indicators
are either binary indicators monitoring the development of new models and tools, or quantitative measures
such as the number of stakeholders or organisations requesting knowledge products or engaging with
knowledge networks.
The majority of binary indicators are clear and unproblematic. These include “scenarios developed,
and integrated into national development plans and water resources management policies”, “tools
developed for climate and hydrological analysis to assess climate change threats” and “conceptual
framework available and agencies/peers ready to apply it”. However, dealing with an abstract concept such
as knowledge (creation and diffusion) leads to the challenge of choosing objective indicators. Similarly,
when using am indicator such as “robust studies identify risks and benefits of managing specific
transboundary rivers” is only useful if an exact definition of “robust” must be provided. Otherwise the
evaluation requires a value judgment by the evaluator.
For one SDC project on adaptive capacity of rural communities in India, the objective is to strengthen
people’s own capacity to take ownership of community-led sustainable adaptation strategies. One approach
in doing so is through action research on adaptation strategies for water, organic farming and energy.
Indicators for measuring progress include:
• appropriate dialogue platforms at the district level are promoted and organised;
• community needs and concerns are adequately reflected in the research agenda.
For all three indicators, “collective”, “appropriate” and “adequately” were not defined in the project
A Sida project on adaption in the Mekong River Basin included the development of tools to analyse
the expected climate change impacts. The indicator on the development of the tools (“tools for assessment
and adaptation planning developed and the climate change database for the Mekong basin established”) is
associated with an indicator on the overall assessment of climate change impacts (“basin-wide assessment
of climate change, its impacts and adaptation to climate change”). In this way the evaluation does not only
consider the development of the tools but also their longer term effects.
It is important that climate studies are not just created and published but that they are also diffused,
used for policy making and continuously revised. This is illustrated in the evaluation of a Sida project to
improve the resilience of ecosystems and economies in the Nile Basin vulnerable to water stress induced
by climate change. The research component of the project considers the identification of climate
vulnerabilities. The indicators for the main outcomes consider the development of scenarios and their use
in policy making (“scenarios developed, and integrated into national development plans and water resource
management policies”), the long-term availability of information (“availability of continuous and reliable
predictions on flood and other potential risks and impacts”) and how the information is used for decision
making processes (“knowledge platform becomes a basis for better sharing of information and for
provision of advisory service). With this combination of indicators the evaluation considers the long term
impact of the newly created knowledge on policy making as well as the need to continue the research after
project completion.
Although indicators on environmental research are generally easier to define than indicators on risk
reduction, environmental policy/management and education/training, the examples above illustrate the
challenge in applying indicators that require a value judgement. When including such indicators, it is
therefore important to provide clear guidelines on how these can be assessed in order to ensure an unbiased
objective evaluation. Also in this category of indicators, is it important to include measures on long-term
impact of research findings or tools, and on the quality of the research. For example writing an article can
be an output on its own, but numbers on how many people have read the article, this illustrates the level of
outreach. Finally, an indicator on the use of the content of the article in policy making, training or practices
would illustrate the indirect contribution of the article to reduced climate vulnerability.
Programmes broadly categorised under the theme of co-ordination focus for example on linkages
between institutions, participation of stakeholders in dialogue and decision making and the use of research
for dissemination and policy making. While all the agencies include some aspect of co-ordination in at
least one of their initiatives analysed, co-ordination is generally a supplementary component to broader
goals such as policy mainstreaming, environmental research, training and education. It is nonetheless
important to devise good indicators since co-ordination is fundamental for the success of the activities.
Table 17 summarises common indicators on co-ordination.
Indicators on co-ordination can broadly be grouped into three categories. The first category consists of
quantitative indicators referring to the number of collaborations between institutions or the number of
stakeholders engaged in decision making processes. The second consists of binary indicators on the
establishment of working groups or dialogue platforms. The indicators for these two categories are easy to
quantify and monitor but usually do not fully reflect the benefits gained from these activities. The third
category of indicators refers to the level of co-ordination (e.g. level of stakeholder participation and level
of incorporation of research) or the improvement of community practices. These are harder to evaluate and
monitor as they need a reference scale and supplementary information to be fully understood.
A CIDA project focusing on reducing vulnerability to climate change in Bangladesh outlines a set of
activities that correspond to the identified outputs. One activity aims to establish linkages between research
institutions, project partners and target beneficiaries in order to disseminate research findings on climate
change. Monitoring progress in achieving this activity are three indicators:
• linkages are established and maintained between research organisations and project partners;
Without the second indicator, limited information can be derived from the third indicator on project
Since the early 1980s, SDC has supported civil society organisations in Kutch, India. The programme
assists communities dependent on climate-sensitive sectors in strengthening their coping mechanisms. The
fifth and concluding phase focuses on enabling communities in scaling up successful adaptation
approaches and sharing lessons learned with other regions vulnerable to climate change. One outcome
focuses on implementation of gender-sensitive adaptation strategies. The first output supporting this long-
term outcome, aims to increase the adaptive capacity of communities through experimentation of new
technologies and practices. Evaluating progress is a binary indicator assessing whether communities have
adopted two new technologies or practices that strengthen their sustainability. A corresponding activity
focuses on strengthening people’s livelihoods through organisation of people/producer collectives and the
introduction of a rehabilitation policy in the face of displacement from industrial planning. This distinction
between activities, outputs and outcomes enables stakeholders to understand the logic behind set objectives
and clearly illustrates how these will be implemented. Depending on the timeframe, project managers and
evaluators will concentrate on activities, outputs or outcomes.
A DFID-financed initiative in South Asia focuses on improved water management between South
Asian countries to better enable poor people to adapt to climate change. In order to achieve the
intermediate purpose of improved water management within and between South Asian countries, the
initiative seeks to establish partnerships between governments and technical professionals to fill priority
knowledge gaps, develop capacity and build political will. More immediate actions include collaboration
between researchers in the region, and regular national and transnational dialogues by leading national
figures discussing evidence produced by the initiative. The logframe includes baseline values, milestones
and targets. While there was limited knowledge sharing across national borders at the start of the initiative,
milestones include the establishment of new knowledge partnerships across the region at the end of the
first year and generation of relevant results and data sharing by the end of the second year. The target for
the third year is to have credible knowledge partnerships that provide relevant and robust analysis, that
existing knowledge gaps are closed and that a co-ordinated architecture for collecting and managing data is
developed. However, possible challenges in achieving this goal include historical barriers to co-operation
between knowledge institutions.
This section has shown that co-ordination often is a supplementary component of donor activities. It is
nevertheless an important component since co-ordination between stakeholders usually is required to
implement initiatives. While quantitative and binary indicators are generally unproblematic, these often
have to be combined with qualitative measures. These can be more challenging to define, especially for
concepts such as stakeholder participation or community practice. One approach is to use indirect measures
of involvement in decision-making. Such activities include number of local stakeholders that participate in
environmental management, number of proposals developed and the realisation of established plans.
Co-ordination activities can be problematic when stakeholders are geographically far apart or
culturally very different. When assessing regional or global co-ordination in particular, it is important to be
aware of possible barriers to such co-ordination and effectively integrate these in the evaluation
framework. Similarly, when assessing the contribution of donor funds to a multilateral initiative, it can be
difficult to identify the specific contribution of the funds, since they may not be earmarked for particular
Baseline data is a fundamental component of any evaluation in that it provides a reference point
against which results can be measured. There are two main challenges in setting the baseline for climate
change intervention: the first is that, by its very nature, the baseline will be changing over time. Historical
baselines can be increasingly misleading as the extent of climate change increases. Secondly, the weather
experienced at any given point in time is the results of a combination of the climate trend and natural
variability. Some adaptation activities can only be evaluated after the occurrence of extreme climate
events, and the timing of these is inherently uncertain. For example, when evaluating the impact of a flood
management project, it cannot be assumed that the project has successfully reduced people’s vulnerability
to climate change if the area has not been flooded. Targets on the other hand provide a benchmark for
monitoring and evaluating progress. This section will analyse some of the baselines, milestones and targets
identified in the sample.
In the context of adaptation it is useful to distinguish between current and future climate vulnerability.
Projects that focus exclusively on current climate conditions differ from development projects only in that
they include the challenge of identifying where there is an adaptation component and how vulnerability to
climate impacts can be reduced. When incorporating future climate predictions, it is necessary to consult
research studies that analyse climate risks and uncertainties (Fankhauser et al., 1999). Such uncertainties
include the degree to which current consumption should be sacrificed for future gains (discount rate) and
the probability that should be associated with extreme climate change scenarios (Smith et al., 1998).
Projects should use climate projections, where possible, to account for how the climate will vary over
the life of the project. This can be complemented with an analysis of past trends. Climate models are a
useful tool to establish projected baselines and targets, as they provide information on possible climate
scenarios, present and future climate vulnerabilities, estimates of climate change and adaptation costs, and
levels of uncertainty of projections. While the target should be set with reference to present and future
benefits, relevant uncertainties should also be taken into consideration, especially in cases where
projections substantially differ or contradict each other. In such cases, no-regret adaptation measures might
be necessary. Although the projects and programmes analysed for this study did not draw on climate
models to establish baselines and targets, the development of climate scenarios and the integration of
research results in decision making processes is an integral component in many projects and programmes
Projections for baselines and targets are only used in one JICA project on “Countermeasures for
sediment in Wonogiri Multipurpose Dam reservoir”. The project aims to secure long term capacity of the
reservoir for irrigation, water availability and flood control. In order to achieve this, the project will
conduct various countermeasures for sedimentation including the construction of dikes and watershed
conservation. The main indicator measures the volume of sedimentation. Baseline values and targets are
based on projected values for 2014 (see Table 18). Despite the use of projected values, the timeline, which
is two years after project completion, shows some limitations. Two years is too early for any climate
impact to be realised.
Table 18. Indicator, Baseline and Target for JICA Project
Target (2014)
(Predicted values for 2014, in the
Indicator (Expected value 2 years after
case of not carrying out the
project completion)
Volume of sedimentation in the
reservoir from the Keduang River 0.77 0
6 3
(10 m /year)
Source: JICA
The need to consider long term impacts in adaptation also affects the timing of monitoring and
evaluation. Whereas development agencies usually perform evaluations 2 to 5 years after project
completion, in the context of adaptation a longer-term review is needed. This would enable agencies to
compare actual results with values projected in climate scenarios.
Only a few projects and programmes include long-term targets. One example is DFID’s project
“South Asia Water Initiative (SAWI)”, running from 2009 to 2011. Outcome indicators have final targets
set for the third year after project completion. However, for the long-term goal the target year is seven
years after project completion. For the indicator “countries in South Asia co-operating at a regional level to
invest in improving water management”, the corresponding baseline, milestone and target are:
• Baseline: Major water insecurity with natural scarcity and variability, weak management,
increasing demand, climate change, limited co-operation on water across borders, insufficient
data sharing or joint investments to manage water variability, floods and droughts having
significant impact.
• Milestone (2011): 3 significant investment projects in development, with at least one involving
co-operation between 2 or more countries.
• Target (2018): Substantial investment at scale in regional water management being underway in
the three major river basins, reducing the impacts of climate change and reducing vulnerability of
the 700 million people living in these basins.
This illustrates the value of including milestones and targets that help track progress and guide project
managers in prioritising inputs. The majority of the projects analysed for this study outline target values for
each indicator. In a few cases, milestones are also specified to help track progress. In Sida’s “Regional
Climate Change Programme”, baseline and target values are complemented with two or three milestones.
For example, the indicator “capacity of target audience to deal with climate change issues” has the
following reference levels:
This brief assessment on the use of baseline values, intermediate milestones and targets has outlined
the distinction between benchmarks based on current and future climate vulnerability. While the latter
demands a certain level of technical expertise in order to effectively incorporate model scenarios into
project and programme development, it is particularly important for large infrastructural projects.
Consideration of future climate vulnerability also applies to activities that for example are dependent on
water availability or are vulnerable to extreme weather events. A second observation is the need to adjust
the timing of evaluations. For many adaptation initiatives no discernable change may take place over the
lifetime of the project. Further complicating the matter is that in some cases no change may be the desired
outcome. In those cases, the question is whether assessing if status quo has been maintained is enough or if
alternative measures are needed. Finally, the use of intermediate milestones is useful in monitoring
progress and allocating inputs. However, this applies to all development activities and is not unique to
adaptation interventions.
6. Conclusion
Monitoring and evaluation is inherently challenging for any development project, but this is
particularly the case for climate change adaptation projects. Reasons for this include the uncertainty
relating to climate, long-time horizons and in some cases the need to separate out the effects of current
climate variability from climate change. In the context of scaled up funding for climate change adaptation,
it is more important than ever to ensure the effectiveness, equity and efficiency of adaptation interventions.
Fortunately, there is already a body of work on this that can be used to inform future efforts. This analysis
has identified some of the difficulties faced by previous studies, but also examples of best practice that
should help to inform future work in this area.
Lessons learned
Result Based Management, the Logical Framework Approach and the accompanying logframe are the
most common M&E approaches applied by the six agencies analysed in this study to adaptation related and
specific activities. This is no different than for their mainstream development activities. However, given
the longer-term perspective of most adaptation initiatives, it is particularly important to clearly differentiate
between outcomes, outputs and activities. Such differentiation helps clarify the relative contribution of
each activity towards the long-term objective.
The type of activity will to a large extent determine the choice of indicators. However, a general
lesson from these case studies is that a combination of qualitative, quantitative and binary indicators should
be used. On their own, any category of indicator is not enough. For instance, the development of a policy
framework does not ensure its implementation and sustainability. While such indicators describe whether a
goal has been achieved, they do not provide information on the extent to which change has taken place and
resulted in improved adaptive capacity. This requires the use of complementary indicators that measure the
level of implementation on the ground and the potential coverage of related activities. Examples include
the number of projects and activities that have been developed in response to the policy, the number of
households benefitting and how.
The use of complementary indicators is particularly important when assessing the long-term outcome
of an activity. A small set of indicators with different foci can highlight the various aspects of the project.
For example, when evaluating training activities, participation in a training session does on its own not
make people less vulnerable to climate change. Complementary information is needed on the content of the
training, what the desired outcomes are and if these have been achieved in partice. In order to assess the
outcome of that training, it is ultimately necessary to evaluate the extent to which participants have done
things differently as a result. Such differentiation helps clarify the relative contribution of each activity
towards the long-term objective. Surveys, focus group discussions or other means of consultation with
When choosing indicators, it is important to carefully define baseline values and make the scale of the
project explicit. Quantitative indicators, such as the number of villages or regions with new strategies or
policy forums, are on their own not enough since they do not explain the contribution of the project.
Instead, the number of villages with new climate change strategies should be referenced in relation to the
total number of villages vulnerable to climate change impacts. These can be represented either as the
number of localities at risk or as percentages depending on the context. In order to better understand the
contribution of a project to adaptation and to differentiate adaptation from general development, such
reference points are crucial.
When evaluating adaptation, an additional issue to keep in mind are the possible barriers to
programme or project success. Commonly identified barriers include the need to co-ordinate a diverse set
of stakeholders which may be geographically separated or culturally different. This is particularly the case
with large multilateral initiatives. Another barrier may arise if there is poor coordination between
development agencies operating in the same area. In this case, a potential risk is whether the project can
compete with other initiatives in the area, some of which will provide to local officials or stakeholders.
This is a challenge in the context of adaptation where potential gains often do not materialise until many
years after project or programme completion, creating little incentives for beneficiaries to comply with
conditions attached. Such barriers need to be reflected in the evaluation framework and carefully
monitored over time.
Finally, the different approaches used by the agencies – particularly in the context of climate risk
reduction – raise the question of whether to use detailed indicators corresponding to every component of an
intervention or if a more aggregate measure that captures reduction in overall climate vulnerability is
preferable. The answer for this is likely to depend on the type and the scale of the activity. For risk
reduction measures, a general assessment on vulnerability may be more appropriate than, for example, for
training activities aimed at increasing people’s adaptive capacity through the introduction of new
livelihood activities.
Approaches to consider
There are a few issues that would be useful to consider when developing M&E frameworks for
adaptation that were not identified in the sample analysed. For example, the incorporation of future climate
risk in baselines is limited in the documents analysed. Although this demands a certain level of technical
expertise, the inclusion of climate risk is particularly important in risk reduction activities such as large
infrastructural projects. The application of milestones and targets is not unique to adaptation projects. In
the context of adaptation however, the timing of monitoring and evaluation activities need to be adjusted to
the longer time horizon of potential climate change impacts. For example, additional evaluations should be
planned after the project end date to verify longer-term impacts.
Furthermore, when setting targets, it is important that these are carefully selected to ensure that the
corresponding indicators can monitor progress and evaluate results. The analysis identified some vaguely
defined targets, such as “ability”, “robustness” or “wellbeing”. These are difficult to monitor unless
carefully defined and in some cases combined with guidelines on how they should be assessed or a scoring
system against which they can be ranked. In the absence of these, evaluators will have to make a value
judgment, biasing the evaluation. An explicit statement of the assumptions made when defining indicators
can also help clarifying complex concepts.
This analysis has shown that many adaptation projects and programmes do not differ significantly
from other development activities. Development agencies have for a long time included adaptation-related
components in their initiatives, particularly in climate sensitive areas. Most adaptation-specific activities
aim to reduce people’s vulnerability to climate change by ensuring that the enabling environment is in
place (e.g. policy mainstreaming) or by reducing potential risks to climate change impacts (e.g.
introduction of climate resilient crops). While these projects have a clear focus on adaptation, they are, at
their core, development projects. As such, there is scope to bring in insights from areas ranging from
education to conflict resolution and health policy. Beyond the context of developing countries, it would
also be helpful to develop closer links between the work that’s underway on M&E of adaptation within
industrialised countries and that within developing countries.
Another lesson that can be brought in from the wider development community is the need to situate
the evaluation of specific interventions within broader country objectives. In the context of adaptation, this
would mean complementing individual project and programme evaluations with overall assessments of
trends in countries’ vulnerability to climate change. A framework for linking individual assessments with
national level assessments could help to broaden the focus from the means of achieving outcomes
(individual interventions) to the desired end result (countries’ becoming less vulnerable to climate change).
By doing so, the combination of country-level monitoring and project level M&E should highlight the
issues of whether the overall level of action is sufficient, how the distribution of vulnerability is changing
and whether the composition of interventions is coherent. There is a need for further research to
operationalise this type of approach.
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ASEAN-Swiss Partnership on Social Forestry and Climate Change ASEAN countries 2010-2011
Bolivia, Ecuador,
Programme Régional pour la Gestions Sociale des Forêts andines ECOBONA 2010-2011
Strengthening Climate Change Adaptation in China and Globally China 2009-2012
International Agricultural Research 'Environment for People Global 2010-2011
International Agricultural Research for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Global 2009- 2010
WOTR-SDC Partnership for Climate Change Adaptation India 2009-2013
Coping with desertification Mongolia 2007-2011
MASAL - Projet de Gestion Durable des Resources Naturelles Peru 2010-2011
SANBASUR: Proyecto Saneamiento Básico Ambiental en la Sierra Sur Peru 2009-2011
Climate for Development in Africa Africa 2009 - 2012
Regional Community Forestry Training Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RECOFTC) Strategic
Asia-Pacific 2008 - 2013
Plan 2008-2013
Facing Disaster and a Changing Climate Through LDRRF: Supporting Community Driven
Bangladesh 2010 - 2014
Risk Reduction Initiatives
Diagnostico Rápido y Fortalecimiento de LIDEMA (Liga de Defensa del Medio Ambiente)
para la Construcción e Implementación de un Programa de Reducción de la Vulnerabilidad Bolivia 2011 - 2011
de los Medios de Vida
Programa BABA CARAPA en beneficio del Bosque y de sus Pobladores Bolivia 2009 - 2016
Proyectos de "Cosecha de Agua" en el Norte del Departamento de Potosí y del Sur del
Bolivia 2008 - 2010
Departamento de Cochabamba
Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) Cambodia 2010 - 2012
Spatial Planning in the Coastal Zone - Disaster Prevention and Sustainable Development COBSEA 2009 - 2012
Programme d'Appui aux Initiatives du RESO Climat Mali pour l'Adaptation aux Changements
Mali 2010 - 2011
Climatiques (PAIRCC)
Réhabilitation des Écosystèmes Dégradées du Delta Intérieur du Niger (REDDIN) Mali 2009 - 2011
Étude de Cartographie des Initiatives d'Adaptation aux Changements Climatiques 2009-2011
Mali 2009 - 2011
Program de Gestion Décentralisée des Forets (GEDEFOR) : Composante Adaptation aux
Mali 2009 - 2011
Changements Climatiques
2009 -
Adapting to Climate Change Induced Water Stress in the Nile River Basin Nile River Basin
Managing Climate Impacts on Health in Water and Agriculture Sectors and Disaster Risk Philippines,
2009 - 2010
Reduction Nepal, Tajikistan
SEAFDEC Proposal for Activities Related to Climate Change and Adaptation in Southeast
Southeast Asia 2009 - 2011
Asia with Special Focus on the Andaman Sea
Regional Climate Change Programme for Southern Africa Southern Africa 2009 - 2014
Southern Indo-
Mekong River Commission Climate Change and Adaptation Initiative Chinese 2009 - 2025
Poverty Reduction and Environmental Management Initiative - PREMI West Africa 2009 - 2012
Water and Sanitation Programme Kenya 2004 - 2010