Form 16
Form 16
Form 16
CERTIFICATE UNDER SECTION 203 OF THE INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 FOR TAX DEDUCTED AT SOU FROM INCOME CHARGEABLE UNDER THE HEAD SALARIES Name and Address of the Employer: Harison Motors (P) Ltd. Tanna tower, Office no. 201/202, 2nd Floor, Above Style Spa Showroom, 45/3 Law College Rd, Pune - 411004 PAN No. of the Deductor TAN No. of the Deductor PAN No. of the Employee
Name and Designation of the Employee Anil Gurjar Vice President - Admin & Finance.
Acknowledgement Nos. of all quarterly statements of TDS Period under sub-section (3) of section 200 as provided by From To TIN Facilitation Centre or NSDL web-site 16/12/2010 31/03/11 Quarter Acknowledgement No.
DETAILS OF SALARY PAID AND ANY OTHER INCOME AND TAX DEDUCTED 1 Gross Salary * a) Salary as per provisions contained in section 17(1) b) Value of perquisites under section 17(2) (as per Form No.12BA, wherever applicable) c) Profits in lieu of salary under section 17(3) (as per Form No. 12BA, wherever applicable) d) Total 2 Less :Allowance to the extent exempt under Section 10 3 Balance 1-2 4 Deductions : a) Entertainment Allowance b) Tax on Employment 5 Aggregate of 4 (a) and (b) 6 Income chargeable under the head Salaries (3-5) 7 Add: Any other income reported by the employee a) Other Income 8 Gross total income (6+7) 9 Deductions under chapter VI-A Rs. Rs. Rs. 83,209 0 0 83,209Rs. 0 Rs. Rs. Rs. 0 900 Rs. 83,209 83,209
10 Aggregate of deductible amount under chapter VI-A 11 Total income (8-10) 12 Tax on total income 13 Surcharge(on tax computed at S.No.12) 14 Education Cess(on tax at S.No.12 and Surcharge at S.No.13) 15 Tax payable (12 + 13 + 14) 16 Relief under section 89 (attach details) 17 Tax Payable (15 - 16) 18 Less: Tax deducted at source u/s 192(1) a) b) tax paid by the employer on behalf of the employee u/s 192 (1A) on perquisites u/s 17(2) 19 Tax payable/refundable (17 - 18) Sl.No DETAILS OF TAX DEDUCTED AND DEPOSITED INTO CENTRAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT TDS Surcharge Education Total tax Cheque/ BSR Date on (Rs.) (Rs.) Cess(Rs.) deposited DD No. Code of which (Rs.) (if any) Bank tax branch deposit ed (dd/mm /yy) 6,252.00 6,252.00Rs. Rs. 0 0 6,252.00 6,252.00
Signature of the person responsible for deduction of tax Full Name: Anil Shrikant Gurjar Designation : Vice President
* See section 15 and 16 and Rule 3. Furnish separate details of value of the perquisites and profits in lieu of or in addition to salary or
he Employee:
Rs. Rs.
0 0
ACCOUNT Date on Transfer which voucher/ tax Challan deposit Identificat ed ion No. (dd/mm /yy)