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So, okay, here's the deal:

Originally I put this list of "equivalents" together for my own personal use. But I shared it with a few people, and they seemed to find it use
that's how you got here, obviously. Welcome. Hope you find it useful too. I understand it can be a little confusing, so here's some general s
Each line contains approximate "equivalent" yeast strains (or ones shown "NOT" to be equivalents, where noted) from different manufactu
By "equivalent", I mean "close enough, for most intents & purposes". These will usually not be 100% identical, but 95% should be pretty d
Sources include actual genomic testing, review of real people's actual tasting results, and my own personal reviews and analysis of various
The list is generally arranged in order by White Labs first, then Wyeast. (Hey, it's MY list.)
Mangrove Jack doesn't make their own yeast, they just repack yeast from others. So of the options out there, another is either the same or it
You might want to do word searches to find your favorite yeasts. Hit Control-F then type in a search term, hit Enter a few times until you f
Sorry, no, I don't have Imperial or Omega or kveik or several other recent developments on here yet. You can figure out some stuff yoursel
Sorry, no, I am NOT going to add the probable source breweries for every line on here. Reason being, most sources on sources are in fact W
To add constructive feedback, you can message me on any forum and I may consider it. My username everywhere is dmtaylor, dmtaylo1, o
More background information about this list: https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/forum/index.php?topic=33038.msg422354#msg422

More background information about this list: https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/forum/index.php?topic=33038.msg422354#msg422

Have fun trying new yeasts that you never thought you'd try before! I love to split batches to compare. Experiment, learn, and share results.

Danstar-Lallemand Fermentis Mangrove Jack

(NOT US-05)

(NOT US-05)

SafAle US-05 M44 West Coast Ale?

BRY-97 American West Coast Ale M44 West Coast, or M66 Hophead?

(NOT S-04)

(NOT New England) (NOT S-04)

(NOT S-33)

(NOT S-33)

(NOT S-04) (NOT M36)

(NOT S-04)

Pagina 1

M79 Burton Ale?

(NOT S-04)

(NOT S-04)

(NOT S-04)

(NOT S-04)

(NOT BRY-97)

(NOT Windsor)

(NOT Diamond) (NOT W-34/70) (NOT M76)

Nottingham Ale M42 New World, & M66 Hophead?

Nottingham + Windsor = M36 LB M36 Liberty Bell = M42 + M15 blend

Pagina 2

(NOT BRY-97)

New England M66 Hophead Ale?

Munich Classic (NOT WB-06) (NOT M20)

(NOT Munich Classic OR "Regular") (NOT WB-06) M20 Bavarian Wheat

(NOT WB-06)

(NOT WB-06)

(NOT WB-06)

Wit-Style Ale (was: Munich) (NOT WB-06) M21 Witbier

Abbaye Ale (NOT BE-256) (NOT M29 or M31)

(NOT Abbaye) SafAle BE-256 (Abbaye) M41 Belgian Ale

Belle Saison Ale (NOT BE-134) M29 French Saison

Pagina 3

(NOT T-58)

SafAle T-58 (NO equivalent)


Farmhouse? SafAle WB-06 M47 Abbey Ale

(NOT Belle Saison) SafAle BE-134 M31 Tripel Ale

SafLager S-23 M84 Bohemian Lager

(NOT S-23) (NOT M84)

(NOT Diamond Lager) (NOT W-34/70) (NOT M76)

(NOT Diamond Lager)

Diamond Lager (NOT W-34/70) M76 Bavarian Lager

Pagina 4

SafLager S-189

Koln Kolsch-Style Ale? (NOT K-97)

Koln Kolsch-Style Ale? SafAle K-97 M54 Californian "Lager"

SafAle S-04 (NOT M36 or M42)

Windsor Ale M15 Empire

London ESB Ale SafAle S-33 M10 Workhorse

(NOT New England or Verdant) (NOT S-04)

Verdant IPA M66 Hophead Ale?

(NOT M44 West Coast Ale)

(NOT Diamond Lager) SafLager W-34/70 (NOT M76 Bavarian Lager)

Pagina 5

Pagina 6

, and they seemed to find it useful, so…

using, so here's some general stuff:
oted) from different manufacturers.
cal, but 95% should be pretty darn close.
eviews and analysis of various data.

another is either the same or it's a blend.

it Enter a few times until you find it.
n figure out some stuff yourself, for now.
sources on sources are in fact WRONG.
where is dmtaylor, dmtaylo1, or dmtaylo2.


riment, learn, and share results. Cheers!

White Labs Wyeast Sources

WLP001 California Ale (NOT 1056) suregork, Dunham, DMT

(NOT WLP001) 1056 American Ale suregork, Dunham, DMT

suregork, Dunham, DMT,

(NOT WLP001) (NOT 1056)
hobbybrauer.de & MJ

(NOT WLP051) (NOT 1272 or 1764) various, hobbybrauer.de & MJ

WLP002 English Ale (NOT 1968) suregork, AHA, DMT, Brulosophy

(NOT WLP002) 1968 London ESB suregork, DMT, NB, Bruolosophy

WLP003 German Ale II 2575 Kolsch II KE, suregork, DMT

WLP004 Irish Ale 1084 Irish Ale KE, suregork

WLP005 British Ale (NOT 1187) suregork, DMT, AHA

(NOT WLP005) 1187 Ringwood "Ale" various, Langdon

WLP006 - Bedford British Ale suregork, AHA, NB

WLP007 Dry English Ale (NOT 1098) suregork, DMT

WLP008 East Coast Ale suregork, Chris White

WLP009 - Australian Ale suregork

Pagina 7

(NOT WLP009) suregork

WLP011 European Ale 1338 European Ale KE, suregork

WLP013 London Ale (NOT 1028) various

(NOT WLP013) 1028 London Ale suregork, NB

WLP017 - Whitbread II Ale (NOT 1098) suregork

(NOT WLP017) 1098 British Ale suregork

WLP019 - California IV Ale 1272 American Ale II qq, DMT

WLP022 Essex Ale 1469 West Yorkshire Ale suregork, HBT

WLP023 Burton Ale 1275 Thames Valley Ale KE, NB, DMT

WLP025 Southwold Ale 1335 British Ale II KE

WLP026 Premium Bitter suregork, NB, Langdon

WLP028 Edinburgh Scottish Ale (NOT 1728) suregork

(NOT WLP028) 1728 Scottish Ale suregork

WLP029 German "Ale"/Kolsch 2124 Bohemian Lager various, suregork, DMT

WLP030 - Thames 1882 Thames Valley II? NB, suregork

WLP033 Klassic Ale 1768 English Special Bitter KE, NB

WLP036 Düsseldorf Alt (NOT 1007) suregork, DMT, NB

WLP037 - Yorkshire Square Ale suregork, NB, HBT

WLP038 - Manchester suregork, NB

suregork, DMT, HBT,

WLP039 - East Midlands Ale
thehomebrewforum.co.uk, Brulosophy


WLP041 - Pacific Ale 1332 Northwest Ale suregork, AHA

Pagina 8

WLP051 California V "Ale" (NOT 1272) suregork, NB, Dunham

WLP066 London Fog (NOT 1318)
WLP072 - French Ale suregork

WLP076 - Old Sonoma

WLP085 - English Ale Blend HBT

WLP090 - San Diego Super various

WLP095 - Burlington Ale mfr, HBT, DMT

WLP099 Super High Gravity Ale suregork

WLP300 Hefeweizen Ale 3333 German Wheat various, DMT

(NOT WLP300) (NOT 3068) various

WLP320 American Hefeweizen Ale 1010 American Wheat? suregork, DMT

WLP351 Bavarian Weizen 3638 Bavarian Wheat various, Langdon

WLP380 Hefeweizen IV Ale 3068 Weihenstephan Weizen suregork, DMT, Langdon

WLP400 Belgian Wit Ale 3944 Belgian Witbier KE, HBT, suregork, DMT

WLP410 Belgian Wit II 3942 Belgian Wheat? HBT, suregork, DMT

WLP500 Trappist Ale 1214 Belgian Ale various, Langdon

WLP510 Belgian Bastone Ale suregork

WLP515 - Antwerp suregork, HBT, Langdon

WLP530 Abbey Ale 3787 Trappist High Gravity KE, suregork

(NOT WLP500 or WLP540) (NOT 1214) Beechum, DMT, HBT, NB

WLP540 Abbey IV Ale 1762 Abbey II KE

WLP545 - Belgian Strong Ale 3711 French Saison various, NB, Langdon

Pagina 9

WLP550 Belgian Ale 3522 Belgian Ardennes KE, DMT

WLP565 Saison Ale 3724 Belgian Saison KE, suregork, LukeWarmCage

(NOT WLP565) (NOT 3724) suregork, HBT, mfr

WLP566 Saison II Falcons, HBT, mfr

WLP570 Belgian Golden Ale 1388 Belgian Strong Ale various

WLP585 - Belgian Saison III suregork, qq

WLP590 - French Saison (NOT 3711) DMT, HBT, mfr, reddit

WLP720 Sweet Mead /Wine 3463 Forbidden Fruit KE, suregork

WLP800 Pilsner "Lager" (NOT 2001) suregork, Langdon

suregork, Langdon, AHA, HBT,
(NOT WLP800) 2001 Urquell https://www.jimsbeerkit.co.uk/forum/vie
wtopic.php?t=19118, DMT
WLP802 Czech Budejovice Lager 2000 Budvar suregork

WLP810 San Francisco Lager 2112 California Lager KE, HBT, DMT

WLP820 Oktoberfest Lager (NOT 2206) DMT, HBT, LeFreek, suregork

(NOT WLP820) 2206 Bavarian Lager DMT, suregork

WLP830 German Lager 2278 Czech Pils various, suregork

WLP833 German Bock 2487 Hella-Bock KE

WLP838 Southern German "Lager" (NOT 2308) HBT, Langdon

(NOT WLP838) 2308 Munich Lager HBT, Langdon, DMT

WLP840 American Pilsner Lager 2272 North American Lager? suregork

WLP850 Copenhagen Lager 2042 Danish Lager suregork, MoreBeer

WLP860 Munich Helles Lager 2352 Munich Lager II brewginner.com

WLP862 Cry Havoc! / WLP1983

2007 Pilsen Lager suregork
Charlie's Fist Bump

Pagina 10

WLP885 Zurich Lager SC, DMT

WLP920 Old Bavarian Lager 2247 European Lager KE

WLP940 Mexican Lager (NOT 2001) DMT

(NOT WLP036) 1007 German Ale suregork, DMT, NB, AHA

(NOT WLP036) (NOT 1007) suregork, DMT, NB, AHA

suregork, DMT,
1026 British Cask Ale
thehomebrewforum.co.uk, Brulosophy

1099 Whitbread Ale various

(NOT WLP002) (NOT 1968) DMT, HBT, chino_brews

(NOT WLP066) 1318 London Ale III qq, DMT, HBT

(NOT 1318) HBT

1450 Denny’s Favorite 50

1764 Pacman NB, suregork

1882 Thames Valley II? HBT, mfr

1945 NeoBrittania suregork, HBT

2035 American Lager suregork, DMT, HBT

2105 Rocky Mountain Lager

2565 Kolsch suregork

3056 Bavarian Wheat Blend

3725 Biere De Garde

3726 Farmhouse Ale Falcons, various

3763 Roeselare Ale Blend

3864 Canadian Belgian Ale DMT

Pagina 11

3942 Belgian Wheat HBT

Pagina 12

Attributes & Comments Other Manufacturers

cousin to 1056, 74% atten

close relative to US-05, 75% atten

offshoot of 1056, 83% atten

laggy, clean, hi floc, 81% atten

ancestor to WLP007, hi floc, not Fullers,

(NOT A09 Pub)
64% atten
close to Conan, prolly not Fullers, 69%
(NOT A09 Pub)

ancestor to 1007, 78% atten

cousin of 1028, 1728, and Notty

adapted for conicals, 71% atten

fruity lager!, very fast, hi floc, 71% atten

fast, fruity (pear), close to WLP013

Whitbread "dry", hi sulfur

hazy, very old, British origin

cousin of WLP025 (NOT Coopers Dry)

Pagina 13

very old mosaic of British origin Coopers Dry Ale=Mauribrew 514

very close sister to WLP072

fast, fruity, sulfur, hazy, 70% atten

very close relative to 1728 Scottish


accentuates hops, 77% atten

very clean / low esters, 73% atten

POF- relative of WLP351 weizen

mosaic (i.e., very old and very unique)

very close relative to 1028 London

lager!, hi floc, 74% atten, cleanest when

fermented cold

closely related to WLP002/007


no fusels hot, 68% atten, unlike 1007

POF+, clove, saisony, clumpy floc, 70%



fast, peachy, hi floc, 78% atten A09 Pub?

fruitier blend than M42/Notty, 78%

related to WLP007, slow, choc/vanilla,
80% atten

Pagina 14

pastorianus!, close to WLP001 AND


mild haze, 77% atten

very close sister to WLP011

WLP002 & 007, laggy, hi floc, 72%


close to Wyeast 1764 Pacman

close to 1318; hazy, peach, 78% atten;


actually in the wine family

73% atten, balanced clove & banana

71% atten, mild banana/clove/pepper Mauribrew Weiss

close relative to WLP800 and 2565

POF+ lager!, mild clove/banana, 80%


77% atten, balanced clove & banana

spicy, pear, 75% atten

73% atten, close to WLP400, 510, 720 Brewferm Blanche

banana, spicy, raisin, hazy, ~85% atten

very close relative to WLP400 &410

lager!, close relative to 001/1056?

very close relative to WLP400/3944

banana, gum, pineapple, hi 93% atten,

English in origin!

British origin

slow, pepper, lemon, hi 95% atten

Pagina 15

85% atten

finicky, needs open/O2 to finish, 80%+


apple, POF+, ~75% atten

mild spice and lemony fruit, 82% atten

mild clove & gum, tart, hazy, 83% atten

back after discon 2 yrs, weak, WLP590

props better
hazy, pear, cinn, clove, pepper, 85%

very close relative to WLP400 &410

ale, close relative to WLP320 and 2565

pastorianus, diacetyl, fruity, 76% atten

fast, warm, hi floc, 71% atten

laggy, low 70% atten, distant relation

from all others

clean, 77% atten, close to WLP029! OYL-107 Oktoberfest

S. cerevisiae (ALE), close to S-04!

true pastorianus, slow, 81% atten

very close relation to WLP051

close to 2308

Augustiner L17 Harvest, OYL-114 Bayern

Pagina 16

81% atten

83% atten

descend of WLP003, 80% atten, clean

descend of WLP003, 80% atten, tart,

Brewferm "Lager"=Mauribrew 497
hazy, yeasty
clean, 77% atten, close to WLP838
A09 Pub?

v fast, fruity, hi floc, v low 60% atten Munton's Ale?

fast, clean, good body, 67% atten,

Edme Ale
NOT Bodd, close to 1098; hazy,
Imperial A38 Juice
diacetyl, 75% atten
close to 1318, hazy, apricot, vanilla,
76% atten

descended from Chico 001/1056

stone fruit, hi floc, diacetyl, 75% atten

virtually identical to 1318

tart, powdery, sulfur, 74% atten Superior Dry Lager

close relative to WLP320 & WLP800

tropical, lemon, cinnamon spice, 90%


mild fruit and clove, 83% atten

Pagina 17


Pagina 18


yellow 50/50 odds of being this or that

orange Surprise! Not the "equivalent" that you or KE probably expected

purple Langdon & suregork, Oct 2019

red Newest development from Dunham, June 2020


KE Kristen England, http://mrmalty.com/yeast.htm

Kristoffer Krogerus, http://beer.suregork.com/?p=4000 and


qq suregork's buddy, same site

AHA AHA forum, https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/forum/index.php

Knowledgeable guy "Mark" from AHA forum, a.k.a. "S. cerevisiae" or

"Saccharomyces", same site
Drew Beechum, saison lover, said something somewhere once about this and I
jotted it down
David M. Taylor, based on his own personal batch data, miscellaneous
DMT catscratchy notes, and other intuitive insights following more than 200 hours
of research and pondering

Pagina 19

HBT Homebrewtalk forum, https://www.homebrewtalk.com/forum/

Northern_Brewer, who is a particularly knowledgeable individual on HBT,

Another dude from HBT, https://www.homebrewtalk.com/forum/threads/dry-

Brigida Gallone, et al., 2016, "Domestication and Divergence of

Gallone study
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Beer Yeasts",


Justin Fay, et al., 2018, "A polyploid admixed origin of beer yeasts derived
Fay study
from European and Asian wine populations",


Quinn K. Langdon, et al., 2019, "Genomic diversity and global distribution of

Langdon study
Saccharomyces eubayanus, the wild ancestor of hybrid lager-brewing yeasts",


Dunham study Maitreya J. Dunham, et al., June 2020, "Genomic stability and adaptation of beer brewing yeasts during serial repitching in


Pagina 20

brewing yeasts during serial repitching in the brewery",


Pagina 21

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