Course - Outline-EG 231
Course - Outline-EG 231
Course - Outline-EG 231
Delivery Mode: 2 hours of Lectures and Tutorials per week for 27 weeks
Modes of Assessment: Quizzes, Assignments, Three Tests, Final Examination
Final Grade Calculation: Continuous Assessment 40%; Semester Examination 60% (One 3-hour closed book examination)
Textbook: R.C Hibbeler, Engineering Mechanics: Statics, 13thEdition, (2013), Pearson.
R.C Hibbeler, Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, 13th Edition, (2013), Pearson.
Attendance Policy:
1. Class attendance is mandatory. Missing more than 80% of the classes will result in an automatic grade of “F”.
2. Students must bring their calculators and lecture notes to all lectures (there may be a quiz at any time).
3. All Assignments must be turned in on the exact due date after being assigned.
4. Cheating on the quizzes, assignments and tests will result in a “zero score”, and/or be punished according to the rules of CBU.
5. No make-up quizzes or tests will be given. Re-test may be allowed in exceptional cases (e.g. sickness).
Exit Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:
o Explain the concept of static body in Equilibrium, Kinetics and Kinematics motion of a particle.
o Apply the basic principles of statics and dynamics on mechanisms and bodies.
o Analyzesystems and calculate related forces, loads, displacement, velocity and acceleration of a body or mechanism
o Solveproblems involving kinetics of a particle and kinematics of a rigid body
o Determinefriction forces and their influence upon the equilibrium of a system
o Analyze the reactions and pin forces induced in coplanar and space systems using equilibrium equations and free body diagrams
Duration Main Topic Detailed Subtopics Taught Learning outcomes Assessment
Mechanics Understand the basic quantities
Fundamental concepts and idealization of mechanics
Unit measurements and Numerical Explain and understand Newton’s
General calculations laws of motion and gravitation
Principles of Scalar and vectors Express force and position in
Mechanics, Coplanar forces Cartesian vector form and
Hand out
Week 1 Force Cartesian Vectors determine the vector’s magnitude
Vectors and Position vectors and direction
Equilibrium Condition for the Equilibrium of a Solve particle Equilibrium
particle problems
of a Particle
Free body diagram
Three dimensional systems
The method of joints forces in a member of a truss Tutorial
Zero force members Analyze the forces acting on the questions and
The Method of sections members of a frame and machines solve example in
Space trusses composed of pin-connected chapter 6 of
Frames and Machines members
Analysis Engineering
Statics, 13th
Edition by
Internal Loading developed in structural Understand the method of sections
members Analyze the forces and shape of Tutorial
Shear and moment equations and cables supporting various types of Questions
Internal diagrams loading
Week 5 Relationship between distributed load,
Forces Group
shear and moment
Assignment 1
Week 7 Center of Center of gravity, center of mass and Understand how to determine the
gravity and centroid of a body location of the center of gravity Hand out and
centroids Composite bodies and centroid of a body Tutorial
Pappus and Guldinus theorems Explore and understand the Questions
General distributed loading pappus and Guldinus theorems
Fluid pressure
Absolute dependent motion analysis
Planar rigid body motion Classify various rigid body planar Tutorial
Planar Translation motions. Questions
Weeks Kinematics Rotation about a fixed axis Investigate rigid-body translation Assignment3
Absolute motion analysis and angular motion about a fixed
13&14 of a rigid
Relative motion analysis axis.
Analyse velocity and acceleration
using a rotating frame of reference.
Impact propulsion with variable mass.
Angular momentum
Principle of angular impulse and
Momentum momentum
Steady flow of a fluid stream
Propulsion with variable mass
Planar Linear and Angular Momentum Develop formulations for the linear
Kinetics of a Principle of Impulse and Momentum and angular momentum of a body Tutorial
Weeks Conservation of Momentum Understand the application of the Questions + Hand
rigid body:
21&22 Eccentric Impact conservation of momentum out
Impulse and
Analyse the mechanics of eccentric
Momentum impact.
Weeks Three Rotation about a fixed point Analyse the kinematics of a body
23&24 The Time Derivative of a Vector subjected to rotation about a fixed Handout + Quiz
Measured from either a Fixed or point.
Kinematics translating-rotating system Analyse a relative motion of a rigid
General Motion body using translating and rotating
of a rigid
Relative-Motion Analysis Using axes.
Translating and Rotating Axes
Week 30 TEST 3 All topics covered in term three End of term test TEST