Course - Outline-EG 231

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Lecturer: Dr. Musonda Kabaso

Tutor: Dr. Musonda Kabaso
Email: [email protected]
Cel. +260 954929556
Office hours: 08:00 – 17:00, Monday to Friday, may also book a special appointment.

Delivery Mode: 2 hours of Lectures and Tutorials per week for 27 weeks
Modes of Assessment: Quizzes, Assignments, Three Tests, Final Examination
Final Grade Calculation: Continuous Assessment 40%; Semester Examination 60% (One 3-hour closed book examination)
Textbook: R.C Hibbeler, Engineering Mechanics: Statics, 13thEdition, (2013), Pearson.
R.C Hibbeler, Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, 13th Edition, (2013), Pearson.

Any other book on Engineering Mechanics.

Attendance Policy:
1. Class attendance is mandatory. Missing more than 80% of the classes will result in an automatic grade of “F”.
2. Students must bring their calculators and lecture notes to all lectures (there may be a quiz at any time).
3. All Assignments must be turned in on the exact due date after being assigned.
4. Cheating on the quizzes, assignments and tests will result in a “zero score”, and/or be punished according to the rules of CBU.
5. No make-up quizzes or tests will be given. Re-test may be allowed in exceptional cases (e.g. sickness).

Exit Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:
o Explain the concept of static body in Equilibrium, Kinetics and Kinematics motion of a particle.
o Apply the basic principles of statics and dynamics on mechanisms and bodies.
o Analyzesystems and calculate related forces, loads, displacement, velocity and acceleration of a body or mechanism
o Solveproblems involving kinetics of a particle and kinematics of a rigid body
o Determinefriction forces and their influence upon the equilibrium of a system
o Analyze the reactions and pin forces induced in coplanar and space systems using equilibrium equations and free body diagrams

Duration Main Topic Detailed Subtopics Taught Learning outcomes Assessment
 Mechanics  Understand the basic quantities
 Fundamental concepts and idealization of mechanics
 Unit measurements and Numerical  Explain and understand Newton’s
General calculations laws of motion and gravitation
Principles of  Scalar and vectors  Express force and position in
Mechanics,  Coplanar forces Cartesian vector form and
Hand out
Week 1 Force  Cartesian Vectors determine the vector’s magnitude
Vectors and  Position vectors and direction
Equilibrium  Condition for the Equilibrium of a  Solve particle Equilibrium
particle problems
of a Particle
 Free body diagram
 Three dimensional systems

 Scalar formulation  Understand the principles of

 Cross product moment of force and moment of
 Vector formulation couple Tutorials
Force System
Week 2  Principle of moment  Reduce a simple distributed questions
Resultant loading to a resultant force acting
 Moment of the couple
 Reduction of simple distributed loading at a specified location

 Conditions for rigid body equilibrium  Understand the concept of free

Equilibrium  Equations of Equilibrium body diagram for a rigid body
Week 3 of a Rigid  Two and Three force members  Solve rigid body equilibrium Tutorials
body  Constraints and statistical determinacy problems questions

Week 4 Structural  Simple trusses  Understand how to determine

 The method of joints forces in a member of a truss Tutorial
 Zero force members  Analyze the forces acting on the questions and
 The Method of sections members of a frame and machines solve example in
 Space trusses composed of pin-connected chapter 6 of
 Frames and Machines members
Analysis Engineering
Statics, 13th
Edition by
 Internal Loading developed in structural  Understand the method of sections
members  Analyze the forces and shape of Tutorial
 Shear and moment equations and cables supporting various types of Questions
Internal diagrams loading
Week 5  Relationship between distributed load,
Forces Group
shear and moment
Assignment 1
 Cables

 Characteristics of dry friction  Understand the concept of dry

 Problems involving dry friction friction Tutorial
Friction  Wedges  Understand the concept of rolling Questions and
 Frictional forces on screws and flat resistance Hand out
Week 6
 Frictional forces on bearings
 Rolling resistance

Week 7 Center of  Center of gravity, center of mass and  Understand how to determine the
gravity and centroid of a body location of the center of gravity Hand out and
centroids  Composite bodies and centroid of a body Tutorial
 Pappus and Guldinus theorems  Explore and understand the Questions

 General distributed loading pappus and Guldinus theorems
 Fluid pressure

 Moment of Inertia for area  Understand how to determine the

 Parallel axis theorem moment of inertia Tutorial
 Radius of Gyration Questions
Moment of  Composite areas
Week 8
Inertia  Product of inertia for an area
 Mohr’s circle
 Mass moment of area

 Definition of work  Understand the principle of virtual

 Principle of virtual work work Tutorial
 System of connected rigid bodies  Investigate the type of equilibrium Questions
Virtual  Conservative forces or stability of a rigid body Group
Week 9
Work  Potential Energy Assignment 2
 Potential Energy criterion for criterion
 Stability of Equilibrium Configuration

 All topics covered in term 1  End of term test TEST

Week 10 TEST 1
Weeks11& Kinematics  Rectilinear Kinematics  Investigate particle motion along a Tutorial
12 of a particle o Continuous Motion curved path using different Questions
o Erratic Motion coordinate systems. And Quiz
 Curvilinear Motion  Examine the principle of relative
o Rectangular components motion of two particles using
o Normal and tangential translating axes
component  Analyse dependent motion of two
o Cylindrical component particles.
 Motion of a Projectile

 Absolute dependent motion analysis

 Planar rigid body motion  Classify various rigid body planar Tutorial
Planar  Translation motions. Questions
Weeks Kinematics  Rotation about a fixed axis  Investigate rigid-body translation Assignment3
 Absolute motion analysis and angular motion about a fixed
13&14 of a rigid
 Relative motion analysis axis.
 Analyse velocity and acceleration
using a rotating frame of reference.

 Newton’s Second law of motion  Analyse the accelerated motion of Tutorial

 Equation of Motion a particle using the equation of Questions
Kinetics of a o System of a particle motion with different coordinate
o Rectangular coordinates systems.
Week 15 o Normal and tangential  Investigate the central force
Force and motion and apply it to solve
Acceleration problems in space mechanics.
o Cylindrical coordinates
 Central force motion and space

Kinetics of a  The Work of a force  Apply the principle of work and

particle:  Principle of work and Energy energyto solve problems involving Tutorial
 Power and efficiency force, velocity and displacement. Questions
Work and
Week 16  Conservative forces and potential  Understand the concept of
Energy conservative force and solve kinetic
 Conservation of Energy problems.

Week 17 Kinetics of a  Principle of linear impulse and  Understand the conservation of

particle: momentum Linear impulse and momentum. Tutorial
Impulse and  Conservation of linear momentum for  Analyse the mechanics of impact Questions
system of particles  Understand steady fluid streams and

 Impact propulsion with variable mass.
 Angular momentum
 Principle of angular impulse and
Momentum momentum
 Steady flow of a fluid stream
 Propulsion with variable mass

 Mass moment of inertia  Determine the mass moment of inertia

Planar  Planar Kinetic Equations of Motion of a body. Hand-out
Kinetics of a  Equation of Motion  Develop the planar kinetic equations
Week 18 rigid body: o Translation of motion for a symmetric rigid body.
Force and o Rotation about a fixed axis
Acceleration o General Plane Motion

Planar  Kinetic Energy  Develop formulations for the kinetic

kinetics of a  The Work of a Force energy of a body. Tutorial
 The Work of a Couple Moment  Apply the principle of work and questions
Week 19 rigid body:
 Principle of Work and Energy energy to solve rigid body planar
Work and kinetic problems that involve force,
 Conservation of Energy
Energy velocity and displacement.
 All topics covered in term two  End of term test TEST
Week 20 TEST 2

Planar  Linear and Angular Momentum  Develop formulations for the linear
Kinetics of a  Principle of Impulse and Momentum and angular momentum of a body Tutorial
Weeks  Conservation of Momentum  Understand the application of the Questions + Hand
rigid body:
21&22  Eccentric Impact conservation of momentum out
Impulse and
 Analyse the mechanics of eccentric
Momentum impact.
Weeks Three  Rotation about a fixed point  Analyse the kinematics of a body
23&24  The Time Derivative of a Vector subjected to rotation about a fixed Handout + Quiz

Measured from either a Fixed or point.
Kinematics translating-rotating system  Analyse a relative motion of a rigid
 General Motion body using translating and rotating
of a rigid
 Relative-Motion Analysis Using axes.
Translating and Rotating Axes

 Moments and Products of Inertia  Find the moment of inertia and

 Angular Momentum product of inertia of a body about Tutorial
 Kinetic Energy various axes. Questions
Three  Equations of Motion  Apply the principle of work and
Weeks Dimensional  Gyroscopic Motion energy and linear and angular impulse
 Torque-Free Motion and momentum to a rigid body having
25&26 Kinetics of a
three dimensional motion.
Rigid body  Develop the equations of motion in
three dimensions
 Study gyroscopic and torque-free
 Undamped Free vibrations  Understand vibration of a rigid body.
 Energy Methods  Analyse undamped forced vibrations Hand out
Weeks  Undamped forced vibration and viscous damped forced vibration.
27&28  Viscous damped free vibration
 Viscous damped forced vibration

Week 29 Revision  Selected topics 

Week 30 TEST 3 All topics covered in term three End of term test TEST

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