Team Building
1. Make an alphabet
2. Hula Hoop Pass through the full body
3. Rabbit, Arrow & Wall
4. Paper ball challenge in Dustbin
5. Pass the tissue paper challenge
6. Birthday Graph
7. Stand in a row & run from both teams & sit at a time
8. Round Circle running in a group
9. Pass the through Knees support (Hula hoop handles or Balls
10. Drop Hula Hoop at the same time. (With Fingers supports)
11. Longest chain of own stuff or Longest tower
12. No Expression...(Max. Duration)
13. Present fun art in the Team in the acting form
14. Pass through the elbow
15. Push the bottle with ballon air
16. Fast ballon brust with air
17. Pick the Bottle (Head, Shoulder, Stomach, Waist, Knee, Foot)
18. Pass electricity by pressing the hand
19. Pass the balloon through the below legs & Ups
1. Ask 5 ques.
2. Ask 3 questions to 3 person
3. Find 3 Common things
4. Communication pass
5. What's you know about him/her only appreciable points?
6. Sunshine Cards Game or separate slip for everyone.
7. Paper Airplane Game (Like & Dislike)
8. 3 truths & 1 lie.