Handbook of Phytoalexin Metabolism and Ac
Handbook of Phytoalexin Metabolism and Ac
Handbook of Phytoalexin Metabolism and Ac
and Action
R. P. Purkayastha
University of Calcutta
Calcutta, West Bengal, India
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M. Daniel
R. P. Purkayastha
Preface iii
Contributors ix
Index 593
This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Several landmarks have been established in the domain of plant sciences
during the past half centurybut the discovery of phytoalexin is undoubtedly
an outstanding one since it has opened up a new vista in plant pathology.
Muller and Borger (1940) laid a firm foundation for the phytoalexin con-
cept, although in the beginning it did not receive much researchers’ atten-
tion. However, ithas been studied withan increasing awarenessfor the last
two decades but the controversy as to whether phytoalexin alone confers,
resistance to all plant diseases or this is one of the several mechanisms of
disease resistance of plants remains.
Muller and Borger (1940) tested several varieties of potato tubers against
virulent and avirulent strains of Phytophthora infestans. They observed
that when the cut surfaceof a potato tuber was inoculated withan avirulent
strain of P . infestans and reinoculated after 24 hr with a virulent strain, it
failed to induce any symptom. It strongly suggestedthat the postinfectional
production of an antifungal substance caused inhibition of fungal growth
in host tissues. They have drawn a number of conclusionsfrom their experi-
ments that form the basic postulatesof the phytoalexin theory. It would be
worthwhile to include these conclusions as summarized by Cruickshank
(1963): “l.) Phytoalexin inhibitsthe growth of the fungus inthe hypersensi-
tive tissue and this is formed or activated onlywhen the parasite comes in
contact with host cells;2.) the defensive reaction takes place in living cells
only; 3.) the inhibitory substance may be regarded asthe product of ‘necro-
biosis’ ofthe host cells;4.) phytoalexin is nonspecific in its toxicity towards
fungi; 5.) basic response of resistant and susceptible plants is similar
but the
speed of phytoalexinformation differs; 6.) the defense reactionis restricted
to the tissue colonized bythe fungus and its immediate neighborhood;7.)
the resistant state is ‘acquired’ after attempted infection and is not ‘inher-
ited’; 8.) the speed of host reaction is determined by the sensitivity of the
host cell. This is specificand genotypically determined.” Accordingto the
original definition of Muller and Borger (1940)’ phytoalexin is a chemical
compound produced by living host cells only when theseare invaded by a
parasite and consequently necrobiosis occurs.
Muller (1956) redefined phytoalexins as “antibiotics” that are the result
of an interaction of two different metabolic systems, host and parasite, and
that inhibit the growth of microorganisms pathogenic to plants. The term
phytoalexin (PA) means “warding off compound in plants” (phyton, Gr.
for “plant”; alexin, Greek for “warding off compound”). Various defini-
tions of phytoalexin have been proposed earlier by different researchers.
But considering the present state of knowledge it has become imperative
to modify its original definition. Phytoalexin may now be defined as an
Progress in Research 3
level. Several working models have been proposed (Albersheim and Ander-
sonProuty, 1975; Yoshikawa, 1983; Ellingboe, 1982; Purkayastha, 1986;
Gabriel etal., 1988) but all of them remainto be confirmed.
The rate of production of PASis generally higher in case of incompati-
ble host-parasite interaction (Akazawaand Wada, 1961; Cruickshank and
Perrin, 1968; Partridge and Keen, 1976; Purkayastha et al., 1983). It is not
unreasonable to speculate that elicitor molecules of avirulent pathogens are
probably more stimulatory to PA biosynthesis. The degree of stimulation
may depend on several factors such as quantity of elicitors released bythe
organism; speed of release; chemical nature of the elicitor; presence or
absence of receptors inthe host cell membrane, if present; strong or weak
response of receptor;duration of treatment; and environmental conditions.
Several comprehensive reviews pertaining to elicitors of PAS have been
published (Albersheim and Anderson-Prouty, 1975; Callow, 1977; Darvill
and Albersheim, 1984; Keen and Brueggar, 1977; Purkayastha, 1986;
Yoshikawa, 1983; alsoseeSmithet al., Yoshikawa and Paxton in this
volume). Therefore, a brief account of the elicitation of some common
phytoalexins (Fig.1) is given below.
A. Pisatin
The isolates of Fusarium solani which differed in their pathogenicity also
showed differential pisatin-eliciting potential.It was confirmed when their
culture filtrates were tested on pea (Daniels and Hadwiger, 1976). There
was a difference in the concentration of elicitor in the culture filtrates of
isolates. The elicitor was fairly heat-stable and also stable in freezing,but
eliciting activitywas reduced significantly by pronase digestion. This strong-
ly suggests that some of the activities were due to proteinaceous compo-
nents. An interesting observationwas made by Shiraishi et al. (1978) who
detected both elicitor and suppressor of pisatin inthe pycnospore germina-
tion fluid of Mycosphaerella pinoides (pea pathogen) (Crute et al., 1985).
The elicitor and suppressor were highand low molecular weight substances,
respectively. The suppressor usually counteracts the activity of elicitor. The
components of suppressor were identified as low molecular weight peptides
which inhibited pisatin accumulation in pea leaves when inoculated sepa-
rately with nonpathogens likeErysiphe graminis hordei and Stemphylium
sarcinaeforme. As a result pea leaves became susceptible to S. sarcinae-
forme. Yamoto et al. (1986) demonstrated that pisatin could be induced in
pea leaves by elicitors fromMycosphaerella pinoides,M . melonis, and M.
ligulicola. Accumulation of pisatin increased after removal of epidermis
and application of elicitors (high molecular weight compound > 10,OOO Da)
from germination fluid of the fungus. The authors also studied the effect
8 Purkayastha
Phaseollidin Kievitone
*b I
Glyceollin un
' 0' CH3 CH2
Maackiain Rishitin
Lubimin Capsidiol
Momilactone A Momilactone B
B. Phaseollin
An elicitor of phaseollin was isolated from the mycelial walls and culture
filtrates of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum,which wasidentified asa poly-
saccharide. The molecular weight varied between 1 million and 5 million
DA, and consisted predominantlyof 3-and 4-linked glucosyl residues( A n -
derson-Prouty and Albersheim, 1975). An amount equivalent to 100 ng of
glucose eliciteda similar responsein the bean tissue.
The regulation system of phaseollin synthesis in cell suspension cultures
of dwarf french bean(Phaseolus vulgaris)was studied by Dixon and Chris-
topher (1979). Considerableamount of phaseollin accumulated when french
bean was treated with an elicitor from the cell wall of C. lindemuthianum.
10 Purkayastha
But the elicitors isolated from the cell walls of P. megasperma var. sojae
and Botrytis cinerea were less effective.
A carbohydrate-rich extracellular component from a raceof C. linde-
muthianum showed a high level ofPA activity on a resistant cultivar “Dark
Red” of kidney bean but not on the susceptible cultivar “Great Northern.”
Other extracellular components were also recognized as elicitors by both
cultivars. It is noteworthy that the two cultivarsof Phaseolus vulgaris dis-
played a differential response to extracellular components. These observa-
tions support the hypothesis that both general and specific mechanisms
exist in race-cultivar interaction (Tepperand Anderson, 1986).
A glucan was isolated from the cell wall extracts of Fusarium oxy-
sporum f. sp. lycopersici (Anderson, 1980a)and a polypeptide (monilicolin
A) from mycelia of Monilinia fructicola (Cruickshank and Perrin, 1968).
Both compounds elicited phaseollin production. Apart from biotic elicitors,
several abiotic agents such as mercuric chloride (Fraile et1980),
al., abscisic
acid, benzylaminopurine, silvernitrate (Stoessel and Magnalato, 1983), ox-
adiazone, herbicides (Rubin et al., 1983; Ricci and Rouse, 1983), ozone
and SO2also elicited phaseollinin P . vulgaris.
C. Clyceollin
An elicitor of glyceollin was isolated from the mycelial cell wall of Phy-
tophthora megaspermavar. sojae by Ebel et al. (1976). This elicitor stimu-
lated the activity of phenylalanine ammonialyaseand also induced glyceol-
lin production in soybeancell cultures. They concluded that the action of
elicitors is not species or variety specificbut is a part of the general defense
response of plants. Ayers et al. (1976a) also isolated a branched 0-glucan
elicitor from both cell walls and culture filtrates of P. megasperma. The
elicitor was considered to be predominant by a 3-3, 6-linked glucosyl resi-
due. The hyphal cell walls of P. megasperma f. sp. glycinea (Pmg) also
showed considerable eliciting activity which was due to three classes of
carbohydrates. The activities of other glucans or glucomannans and man-
nans obtained from other sources were much lower as reported by Keenet
al. (1983). Chitin and Chitosan also actedas elicitors ofPASin other plants
but their activities were very low in the case of soybean cotyledons.
Purkayastha and Ghosh (1983) reported elicitor activity of fresh myce-
lial wall extract of Myrothecium roridum. Spores suspended in mycelial
wall extract, drops placed on leaf surfaces of soybean, and incubated for 48
hr. The results of bioassay test revealedthat the spores suspended in myce-
lial wall extract were more inhibitory than the spores suspended in sterile
distilled waterand incubated on leaf surfaces for a similar period. Mycelial
wall extract induced greater production of glyceollin in soybean leaves.
Progress in Research 11
Soybean leaves treated with only mycelial wall extract and mycelial wall
extract containing conidia ofColletotrichum dematium var. truncata pro-
duced 73.22 and 217 pg/g (fresh wt) glyceollin, respectively,after 48 hr of
incubation (Purkayastha and Banerjee, unpublished).
There is evidencethat oligogalacturonides derivedfrom the pectic poly-
saccharides of plant cell walls can serve as regulatory molecules that induce
glyceollin accumulation in soybean (Davis et al., 1986). This is inconsistent
with the hypothesis that oligogalacturonides play a major role in plant
disease resistance.
An elicitor was also extracted from wounded, frozen cotyledons of
soybean. When extract was heated at 95OC for 10 min its eliciting activity
was lost. It suggests that the elicitor is thermolabile. But addition of calcium
chloridewithelicitorenhancedelicitingactivity.Lyon and Albersheim
(1982) observed maximum accumulation of glyceollin when elicitor was
applied immediatelyafter the cuttingof soybean cotyledons.
Elicitors extractedfrom the cell wallsof Saccharomyces cerevisiaewere
identified asstructural glucans. Theseare able to stimulate glyceollin accu-
mulation in soybean (Albersheim et al., 1978). Specific elicitorsof glyceol-
lin were also detected in the cellular envelops of incompatible races of
Pseudomonas glycinea. However, elicitor activity couldnot be detected in
lipopolysaccharide preparations, exopolysaccharide fractions, or the cul-
ture fluids of various races of P. glycinea. Elicitors were solubilized with
sodiumdodecyl sulfate and then preparations fromfivebacterialraces
excepting one had similar specificity for elicitation of glyceollin in cotyle-
dons of two soybean cultivars (Brueggar and Keen, 1979). These observa-
tions suggest that elicitors are not always race-specific.
Cahill and Ward (1989) compared the release of glyceollin elicitors into
culture fluids of a metalaxyl-sensitive and a tolerant (50- > 500 pg/ml)
isolate of Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. glycinea following addition of
metalaxyl to the culture medium. The elicitor activity was increased mark-
edly by metalaxyl treatment in culture fluidsthe of sensitive isolate butnot
in that of tolerant isolate. Most elicitor activity was detected in fractions
(obtained by gel filtration) correspondingto the second ofthe two carbohy-
drate peaks. These findingsare very interesting because stimulationof elici-
tor activity may cause more accumulation of PA which in turn may stimu-
late host defense responses.
Among the abiotic elicitorsof glyceollin, gibberellic acid, sodium azide
(Purkayastha and Chakraborty, 1985), cloxacilin (Purkayastha and Baner-
jee, 1990), and benzyl penicillin (Purkayastha and Banerjee, unpublished)
are already known.Benzyl penicillin (100 ppm) and cloxacillin (100 ppm)-
treated soybean leaves produced 17.67 pg/g (fresh wt of leaves) and 35.25
pg/g glyceollin, respectively. Ghosh and Purkayastha (1990) demonstrated
12 Purkayastha
D. RishitinandLubimin
Elicitation of rishitin formation in potato by a glucan and a lipoglycopro-
tein isolated from the cell wall and cytoplasm of Phytophthora infestans
was noted earlier by Chalova et al.(1976, 1977). The elicitors of terpenoid
PASsuch as rishitinand lubimin, were also obtainedfrom autoclaved soni-
cates of P. infestans, P. parasitica, Pythium aphanidermatum, Achylafla-
gellata, and Aphanomyces euteichesand were able to elicit PA production
in potato tuber slices. Potatoes treated with glucan extractedfrom P . meg-
asperma var. sojae produced a greater amount of rishitin (29 pg/g freshwt)
while glucan produced a lower amount (19.5 pg/g fresh wt) (Cline et al.,
Elicitors of rishitin could playan important role in regulating defense
reaction in potatoes (Terekhovaet al., 1980). Two potato cultivars [Temp.
(R.I.) and Belorusskii rannii (r)] having two different resistant genes were
inoculated with two races of P. infestans. The tubers were extracted with
acetone and the acetone extract contained more rishitin-inducing substances
than alcohol extract of the same. It was suggested that the intensity of
release of rishitin inducers depended on the races ofP. infestans.
When spores ofP. infestans were killed by freezing, followed by thaw-
ing, only sporangia and cystospores elicited terpeneformation in the slices
of potato. Even dead cystospores were also ableto elicit rishitin and lubi-
min accumulation in potatoes (Henfling et al., 1980). Bostock et al. (1982)
detected two fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic and arachidonic acids) in the
mycelia of P. infestans which elicited sesquiterpenoidPA accumulation in
An interesting observation was made by Metlitskii et al. (1984). They
detected two types of substances in the cell walls of P. infestans, namely,
elicitors and suppressors of defense reaction in potatoes. Elicitors were
extracted from six races differing in genes for virulence in potatoes. Eventu-
ally these elicitors were tested on tuber discs carryingthe resistant gene R,.
The extracts from incompatible races acted as elicitors of rishitin while
those from the compatible races acted as suppressorsof rishitin. Eliciting
activity was found to be 50% higher than the control while the suppressing
activity reached up to 200%. A pronase-sensitive, heat-labile elicitor of
rishitin was obtained from the germination fluid of P . infestans. Rishitin
accumulation in potato tuber slices was observed when treated with this
elicitor. Gel permeation chromatography of germination fluid revealed the
Progress in Research 13
min in potato tubers when treated with arachidonic acid (Zook et al., 1987).
The same cations, however, in the presence of poly-L-lysine(PL) increased
lubimin accumulation even greater than rishitin. On the contrary, Mg2+,
which did not affect arachidonic acid, elicited both rishitin and lubimin.
But it inhibitedthe accumulation of PAS after treatment with PL. Zook et
al. (1987) suggested that the mobilization of calcium may play a central
regulatory role inthe expression ofPA accumulation inpotato tissues after
E. Momilactone
Momilactone (Aand B) and oryzalexin (A,B, C, D) are two knownPASof
rice. Induction of momilactone A in rice coleoptiles and leaf sheaths by
gibberellic acid (GA,)was recorded by Ghosal and Purkayastha (1984).
Since GA is a degraded diterpene (Birch et al., 1958) it may as aactprecur-
sor. Besides, gibberellin-mediated enzyme production may also account for
the elicitation of momilactone biosynthesis in plants. A fungicide known
as 2,2,-dichloro-3,3-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylicacid (WL 28323) has
been found to activate the natural resistance of rice plants against blast
disease causedby Pyricularia oryzae (Cartwright et al., 1977). The activity
of this fungicide is unique because it doesnot itself stimulate momilactone
production but rather increases the capacity of rice plants to synthesize
more momilactones in response to fungal infection. Sodium azide and x-ray
also elicited momilactone in rice
(Purkayastha and Ghosal, unpublished).
F. Other Phytoalexins
A high molecular weight elicitor of casbene (a castor PA) was isolated from
3-day-old culture of Rhizopus stolonifer. The purified fraction showed
eliciting activity which contained both protein and carbohydrates. Heat
treatment (at 6OoC or higher) for 15 min inactivated the elicitor. Higher
concentration (2 x lo-* M), however, increased (about 14-fold) casbene
synthetase activity in extractsof treated split seedlings (Stekoll and West,
1978).Victorin,ahost-specifictoxinobtainedfrom Helminthosporiurn
victoriae, was tested for its ability to elicit the oat PA, avenalumin. This
toxin elicitedPA in Avena sativaas reportedby Mayama et al. (1986).
An elicitor detected in the culture filtrate of Chaetomium globosum
was found to be heat-labile. It is interesting to note that the elicitor activity
was correlatedwith the activityofpectinolyticenzymesin the culture
filtrate of the said fungus.The culture filtrates inducedthe release of heat-
stable elicitors from carrot cell homogenates. The eliciting activities of cul-
ture filtrates of Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium moniliforme, and Helmintho-
sporium oryzae were also recorded earlier (Amin et al., 1986). Elicitation
Progress in Research 15
Although a large numberof biotic and abiotic elicitors of PAS have been
reported by previous workers, very little work has beendone so far on the
structure of elicitors. Albersheim et al.
(1986) presented the structure of
elicitor-active heptaglucosidesand identified the structure of active elicitor
of PA. The structure is given in Fig.2.
: 1G
G + 6G + 6G+6G4 6G+
7 3
Figure 2 Structures of eight hepta-@-glucosidealditols. Structureshownin box
(right top) was active as an elicitor of PA accumulation. The seven other hepta-8-
glucoside alditolswere inactive as elicitors, even at the concentration25 times more
than thatof the active elicitor (Albersheimet al., 1986).
16 Purkayastha
Generally, PAS have been considered as a possible means by which plants
attempt to defend themselves against parasiticattack. But some pathogens
or strains of a pathogen are moderately or highly tolerant to these toxic
compounds (phytoalexins) while others.are sensitive to them. It has been
conclusively demonstratedin a few diseases that virulent parasites canme-
tabolize these toxic compounds and hence it is presumedthat these parasites
could have their own detoxification mechanisms. The study of such mecha-
nisms of parasites is important because 1.) pathogenicity of an organism
may depend on its ability to detoxify the host's toxic compounds, 2.) con-
trol of detoxification mechanism may help to enhance disease resistanceof
host plants,and 3.) genes for PA detoxification might be usedthe in patho-
gens for biocontrol of weeds in the crop field as suggested by Van Etten et
al., 1989; (seealso Higgins et al. inthis volume).
Several pathogensof pea could metabolize PASsuch as pisatin, maacki-
ain, and medicarpin. For instance, Nectria hematococca can detoxify PAS
as follows:
terocarpans Pisatin
(pea) N. haematococca
es pea)
(chick pea)
[ la-hydroxydienones
tive to pisatin and also nonpathogenic on pea (Van Etten et al., 1980).
Evidence suggests that N. haematococca DNA fragment that confers the
ability to demethylate pisatin containsthe structural gene for cytochrome
P450. Apart from N. haematococca, Ascochyta pisi, and Fusarium oxy-
sporum f. sp. pisi can also degrade pisatinby demethylation (Fuchset al.,
1980; Sanz Plater0 and Fuchs, 1978). However, P. pisi and Rhizoctonia
solani differ significantly in their rate of demethylation and in virulence.
These findings indicatethat each parasite requiresa specific detoxification
system for its pathogenicity. Thereare reports that some pathogens cannot
metabolize the PAS of their own hosts. Therefore, PA metabolism cannot
be strictly correlated with host specificity (VanEtten et al., 1989).
Fusarium solani f. sp. phaseoli can detoxify all four PAS ofbean
(Phaseolus vulgaris),namely kievitone, phaseollin, phaseollidin, and phase-
ollin isoflavan. An extracellular enzymatic system is involved in conversion
of kievitone to kievitone hydrate (Fig. 3). Generally, kievitone hydrate is
apparently mediatedby a single enzyme designated as kievitone hydratase.
Detoxification of kievitone occurs by hydration of the isopentenyl side
chains (VanEtten et al., 1989).
A few pathogens (F. solani f. sp. phaseoli, Colletotrichum lindemuthia-
num) and nonpathogens (Saptorianodorum,Stemphyliumbotryosum)
have been foundto detoxify phaseollin. The initial metabolites of phaseol-
lin producedby the aforesaid organisms are shown below.
F. solani f. sp.
la-hydroxyphaseollone C. Iinde
(van den Heuvel rnuthianum
et al., 1974)
6a-Hydroxyphaseollin S.
(Burden etal., 1974) nodorum
12.13-Dihydro- S.
dihydroxyphaseollin botryomm
(Bailey etal., 1977)
Phaseollin isoflavan
(Higgins et al., 1974)
by Fusarium
OH O ’ OH OH 0 /
te Kievitone Kievitone
H o q $
by Phytophthora
H0 a
Copsi d io1
by Botrytig
’ 1-1 0
1 lubimin -cyclodehydroisolubimin
LubiminL 2-dehydro-
B. fabae
reduced acidWyerone
(Vicia faba)
B. fabae
l epoxide Wyerone
B. cinerea and B. fabae
B. cinerea
(Capsicum fmtescens)
models, the two basic factors common to all cases are that 1.) both host
and pathogen genes or their products are involved in disease reaction and
2.) more or lessPA accumulates in host tissues after infection. The involve-
ment of antigen (protein) in disease reaction was also suspected when one
of the host antigens was found to be missing after chemical induction of
resistanceinsusceptiblehostcultivars (Chakraborty and Purkayastha,
1983; Purkayastha and Banerjee, 1990).
A number of previous workers presented conclusive evidence that resis-
tant cultivars of different host species produced more PAS in response to
fungal infection than the susceptible ones. Resistant cultivar of soybean
Harosoy 63 produced seven times morePA than susceptible cultivarHaro-
soy when plants were inoculated with Phytophthora megaspermavar. sojae
(Klarman,1968).Keen et al. (1971) alsoreportedthat PA (6a-hydroxy-
phaseollin) accumulated more rapidly (20-50 times faster) in the hypocotyls
of Harosoy 63 than in Harosoy when inoculated with that pathogen. The
resistant tomato plants also produced more rishitin (phytoalexin)than the
susceptible plants (Tijamosand Smith, 1974)after inoculation with Verticil-
lium alboatrum. The leaves of highly resistant sugarbeet showed greater
amounts of 0-vulgarin than susceptible ones when infected with Cercospora
beticola (Johnson et al., 1976). Besides, monogenically resistant cowpeas
accumulated 10-fold or more kievitone than the near-isogenic susceptible
cultivar (to Phytophthora vignae) (Partridge and Keen,1976). In 1981,
Vaziri et al. noted that the rate of medicarpin production was higher in
resistant cultivarof alfalfa following inoculation with P. megasperma f. sp.
medicaginis. A number of resistant rice cultivars, such as Mahsuri, Rupsail,
and Bad Kalamkati, produced greater amountof PA momilactone A than
the susceptible cultivars (Jaya, IR-8, CR-126-42-1) when inoculated with
Acrocylindrium (= Sarocladium) oryzae (Purkayastha et al., 1983). In a
separate investigation, Purkayastha and Chakraborty (1983) demonstrated
that UPSM-19, a resistant (to Macrophomina phaseolina) cultivar of soy-
bean, was able to produce significantly higher amounts of glyceollin than a
susceptible cultivar Soymax. The rapid accumulation of PA in resistant
cultivar ILC 3279 of Cicer arietinum after inoculation withAscochyta ra-
biei was also noted by Weigard et al. (1986). The average production of
medicarpin in the resistant cultivar was found to be 20 pmol/g fresh wt,
while it was only 5 pmol/g in susceptible cultivars. Kessmann and Barz
(1987) prepared cell suspension cultures of C.arietinurn from both resistant
cultivar ILC3279 and susceptible cultivar ILC1429 and inoculated withA .
rabiei. These two cultures differed in their accumulation of medicarpin and
maackiain. In view of the above facts it can be presumed that PAis associ-
ated with disease resistance of many plants. Hahn et al. (1985), however,
stated that phytoalexins maynot be solely responsiblefor the initial inhibi-
22 Purkayastha
Peterman (1967). During the last three decades the common antigen rela-
tionship has been detected ainnumber of host-parasite systems (Table 1).
In viewof the findings summarized in the table it is reasonable to
speculate that common antigenic substances underlie compatibility of host
and parasite albeitthere are exceptions. For instance,Phytophthora infest-
ans shared antigens in common with its hostspotato and tomato and also
with its nonhost tobacco but not with nonsolanaceous species (Palmerly
and Callow, 1978).
More than 100 host pathogenhon-pathogen combinations including
several cultivars of soybean, rice, groundnut, pigeon pea, jute, and bean
and their respective pathogens and nonpathogens were examined. The re-
sults of immunodiffusion and immunoelectrophoretic tests reveal that there
is no common antigenic relationship between hostsand nonpathogens (45
combinations tested) while more than 50% combinations exhibited cross
reactive antigens between known hosts and pathogens (67 combinations
tested) irrespectiveof virulent and avirulent strains.No cross-reactive anti-
gen was detectedin immunodiffusion test using resistant hosts (10 cultivars)
and their parasitesbut it was detected at a very low titer by enzyme-linked
immunoassay in case ofa resistant soybean cultivarUPSM-19. All known
susceptible cultivars, however, showed common antigenic relationship (28
combinations tested). Absence and presence of common antigens in immu-
nodiffusion test could be regarded an as indication of resistant (incompati-
ble) and susceptible (compatible) reactions, respectively. The absence or
failure to detectcommonantigensmaybedue to severalreasons.The
method of extraction of antigens as well as the age of plant tissues and
culture of microbes have a marked influenceon the yield of antigenic sub-
stance and may account for the failure to detect (DeVay and Adler, 1976).
Besides, avirulence of pathogen, resistance of host, or low titer of antigen/
antiserum of host/pathogen or due to any other technical error. The degree
of susceptibility or resistance of a cultivar or virulence or avirulence of a
pathogen cannot always be accurately determined on the basis ofthe results
of immunodiffusion or immunoelectrophoretic tests because ina number
of cases no correlation could be established between the two. The common
antigen concept could be related with parasitism to some extent but not
with pathogenicity. This viewwas also expressed earlier by a group of
workers. It is necessary to mention that a threshold titer of both host and
pathogen antigens isessential for compatible interaction. The examples
cited above clearly indicate that host-pathogen antigens have a role in
disease reaction. On the contrary, PA accumulation/production is also
involved in disease reaction of plants. Therefore, it is not unnatural to
speculate that a relationship exists among them. Both factors should be
24 Purkayastha
absence of
Host Ref.Parasite antigens
1 4
Table 1 Continued
absence of
Host Ref.
Parasite antigens
1 2 3 4
Host pg/g absence
Parasite fresh
cultivars CRA" of wt Ref.
In the past half century phytoalexin has been fully established as one the of
major factors in plant disease resistance. Its application in plant protection,
plant breeding, germplasm screening,and the study of biogenetic relation-
ships among plants is now more or less known. But whether higher rate of
production/accumulation of PA or inability of a parasite to degrade/detox-
ify PA is more important in plant disease resistanceis not clear. Since PA
detoxifying mechanisms of parasites differ in many respects, it is not un-
usual to find differential tolerance of pathogens to a PA. A specific gene
which controls detoxification couldbe considered asa diagnostic character
of that strain of a pathogen. Besides, pathogen’s host range could also be
determined usingthis diagnostic character (Van Etten et al., 1989).
Another important aspect of PA research is the elicitation of PA by
biotic and abiotic agents along with identification and determination of the
structure of elicitor. It is also not clearly understood asto how both biotic
and abiotic agents elicit similarPA in a host plant.It is a matter of specula-
tion that both may cause similar change in DNA sequence and consequently
more ornew mRNA or both could activate enzymes involved inPA biosyn-
thesis. What are the factors affecting elicitor activityof a pathogen? How
long doesan elicitor remain active? an Is elicitor capable of eliciting similar
amounts of PA in differentplant tissues? If not, is it due to any difference
in cell membrane receptors? These questions remain unanswered. A potent
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Progress in Research 35
One of the main interests in host-parasite interaction has been the role of
phytoalexins in plant diseases for about five decades. Reviews by Ingham
(1970), Cruickshank et al. (1971), and KuC (1972) show that the role of
phytoalexins in disease resistance rather
is diverse dependingon host-para-
site combinations. However, the roles were found to be more important
than generally believed when we conducted preciseand careful experiments.
Here we describe our results and discuss on the role of phytoalexins in host-
parasite specificity inplant diseases.
In addition, taking the rate of phytoalexin accumulation as an indica-
tion of a defense reaction, we found that some pathogenic fungi secrete
factors which suppress defense reactions of hosts. The factors, which are
called suppressors, are demonstrated to be responsiblefor the host-specific
pathogenicity of these fungal plant pathogens.
The mechanisms of elicitationand suppression of phytoalexin biosyn-
thesis and associated defense reactions are also described inthis chapter.
corn leaves, although they didnot show any direct evidencefor its produc-
tion. Bailey and Ingham (1971) reported that phaseollin was detected in
bean leaves inoculated withUromyces appendiculatusonly when the leaves
responded with cellular browning, but 'they did not describe the role of
phaseollin inthe resistance of bean against rust fungus. Klarman and Ham-
merschlag (1972) extracted hydroxyphaseollin from soybean leaves which
had been infected with tobacco necrosis virus.
Oku et al. (197%)first presented evidencethat phytoalexin may partici-
pate in resistance of barley to powdery mildew diseaseand then proved the
role of pisatin in resistanceof pea against powdery mildew fungus (Oku et
al., 1975a). Later on, many reports appeared indicating that phytoalexin
may play some roles in resistance of obligate parasitic diseases. We will
describe our results on barley and pea powdery mildew diseases.
Age of colonies
0 W
15 17
25 41
'Tested with Kobinkatagi-Race 1combination.
bEstimated from germ tube growth of Cochliobolus miya-
'Significantly different at95% level of confidence.
Host Specificity
Diseases in Plant 45
T2 - T2 I
T2 - RACE 1
6 8 10 12 13 15 16 19
Time after inoculation to ,pisatin application (hr)
rcent Race
Race 1 98.ab
Hr 74
Hr 4 97.O
E. graminis triciti t2 97.0
'Refer to Fig.1.
bNosignificant difference at95% level of confidence.
water Distilled 0
germination 0
High fraction 27.2
Low fraction 0
Mixture of low and high molecular
weight fraction (1 : 1) 0
Degree of colonization by
Legume A . alternaria A . alternaria
species M. pinodes (15B) (15B) + F5
Arachis hypogaea 0 0 0
Glycine may 0-1 0 0
Lespedeza buergeri 2 0 2
Lotus corniculatus 0 0 0
L. bicolor 0 0 0
Medicago sativa 1 0 1
Millettia japonica 2 0 l
Pisum sativum 4 0 4
Trifolium pratense 1 0 1
T. repens 0 0 0
Viciafaba 0 0 0
Vigna sinensis 0 0 0
Number indicates the amount of infection hyphae; from nothing (0) to abundant formation
Kidney bean
. ., ,I. . .1 .~ ..._.
.,. . . . ..
. .
Figure 6 Evidence that pea plasma membrane ATPase is suppressed by the pea
pathogen M. pinodes but not by the nonpathogen M. ligulicola at host-parasite
proton pump ATPase of pea plasma membrane, hence the activity of pea
cells to defend. The inhibitory activity of suppressor on pea plasma mem-
brane ATPase in vivo was found to be temporary.
in plant cell surfacefor elicitors and several scientists demonstrate the bind-
ing of elicitors to receptors @bel and Grisebach, 1988; Yoshikawa et al.,
1983). As the result of interaction between elicitor and receptor, some signal
substances which directlyor indirectly activatethe gene for resistance may
be producedand so activate; hence defense reactions.
We have recentlyfound that protein kinasemay playan important role
in the process of elicitationof defense reaction in pea plant (Shiraishi et al.,
1990). Verapamil, a Ca” channel blocker, and K-252a, a strong inhibitor
of protein kinase, inhibit pisatin accumulation in pea epicotyl which had
been treated with elicitorfrom M. pinodes. Since LaCl, and EGTA didnot
inhibit pisatin accumulation and, further, since verapamil inhibits pisatin
accumulation even if applied 6 hr after the elicitor treatment, when the
pisatin biosynthetic pathway has already been activated, it can hardly be
considered that Ca” plays a role as second messenger for signaling of
pisatin biosynthesis in pea tissue induced by elicitor. On the other hand,
K-252a inhibits pisatin accumulation when applied to pea epicotyl only
before the elicitor treatment. This fact suggests that signal transduction
occurs very rapidly after the elicitor treatment and, further, that protein
kinase may play a key role inthe signal transduction for pisatin biosynthesis
because K-252a inhibitsmarkedly the invitrophosphorylation ofpea
plasma membrane proteins.
Rapid and transient phosphorylation of specific proteins by treatment
with fungal elicitors was reported in parsley cell suspension cultures by
Dietrich et al.(1990), and they also suggestthat protein phosphorylationis
involved inthe signal transduction process following elicitor treatment.
As for the substrate of protein kinase, Harrison et al. (1991) suggested
that the phosphorylation of regulatory proteins bindingto silencer region
may regulate the expression of CHS gene in bean because the DNA binding
activity ofthe proteins is lost by treatment with alkaline phosphatase. Datta
and Cashmore (1989) reported that the phosphorylationof nuclear protein
binding to promoters of certain photoregulatedgenes decreasesthe binding
activity. Kobayashi (1991) found, using his system of barley and Erysiphe
pisi, a non-host resistance combination, that the rearrangement of cyto-
plasmic strand, mainly composed of actin filaments, plays a very important
rolein the expressionofdefensereaction. That is,severalcytoplasmic
strands composed of actin filaments are rearranged and appeared underthe
appressoria when inoculated. However, we found that K-252a completely
inhibits the appearance of actin filaments. This isnot direct evidence,but it
is possible to assume that the phosphorylation of actin by protein kinase
may be one of the processes for the expression of defense reaction not only
in pea but also in barley.
Host Specificity in Plant Diseases 55
resistance is reportedto be expressed at the tissue or organ level but not at
the cellular level.For example, Tomiyamaet (1967) clarified that potato
tuber tissue needs more than 10 cell layersin order to keep resistance against
late blight disease.
Anyway, the feature of activation of genes encoding phytoalexin bio-
synthesis was examined using cultured bean cells by several scientists. Iso-
lated bean cells cultured in the dark were treated with elicitor prepared
from Colletotrichum lindemuthianurn, and the amount of mature mRNA
accumulated in the cellswasdeterminedby northern blot hybridization
analysis with cDNA of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), chalcone syn-
thase (CHS), and chalcone isomerase (CHI), which are key enzymes for
isoflavonoid phytoalexin biosynthesis. Results show that all mRNA (PAL,
CHS, and CHI) accumulate very rapidly, reaching a maximum level 3 hr
after treatment with elicitor, and then decrease to the original level (Ed-
wards et al., 1985; Hahlbrock and Scheel, 1981, Lamb et al., 1989; Mehdy
and Lamb, 1987; Ryder et al., 1984).
We studied the effect of elicitor and suppressor isolatedfrom the pea
pathogen M. pinodes on the defense reaction of pea with respect to the
pisatin biosynthesis at enzyme (PAL and CHS, which are key enzymes for
pisatin biosynthesis) and their gene activation, using pea epicotyl tissues
(Yamadaetal., 1989). Pea epicotylgrownin the dark has a minimal
amount of PAL and CHS. However, treatment of etiolated pea epicotyl
tissue with elicitor activates the accumulation of PAL and CHS mRNAs
within an hr, followed by an increase in enzyme activity, and then pisatin
biosynthesis. Concomitant presence of suppressor with elicitor results the in
delayof the gene transcriptions for 3 hr and increase of PAL enzyme
activity for 6 hr. As the result, pisatin accumulationis delayed for 6-9 in
pea epicotyl. Thusit was demonstrated that the pisatin biosynthesis is acti-
vated in pea epicotyl tissues by treatment with elicitorat the gene level,and
56 Oku and Shiraishi
In this chapter, the importance of phytoalexinsin resistance mechanisms of
plant was described from biological and biochemical perspectives.
There isa large amountof information on the mechanism of resistance
of plants against invading microorganisms but little is known about the
pathogenicity of pathogens, especially how pathogens escape the defense
reaction of host plant to infect and colonize these plants. Host-specific
toxins are certainly pathogenicity factors, but they have been found in
limited genera of pathogenic fungi and are hardly considered to be the
determinant of pathogenicity in obligate parasites.
The most important description in this chapter maybe the finding of
suppression of defense reaction and the mode of action. Though the known
data on suppressors are limited at the present time, the biological evidence
shows that many more suppressors will befound in the future to be determi-
nants of pathogenicity.
Another major interest on our part is to clarify the series of molecular
events inthe process of defense reaction elicitation.
Progress in these basic fieldsof plant pathology may shed lightfor the
development ofnew control measure of plant diseases without polluting the
Host Specificity in Plant Diseases 57
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suppressor fromM. pinodes. J. Phytopathol. 112136-143.
Yoshikawa, M., Keen, N. T., and Wang, M. C. (1983). A receptor on soybean
membranes for a fungal elicitor of phytoalexin accumulation. Plant Physiol.
Yoshioka, H., Shiraishi, T., Yamada, T., Ichinose, Y.,and Oku, H.(1ggO). Sup-
60 Shiraishi Oku and
Disease resistance in many plant-fungal pathogen interactions has been
suggested to be due to inducible production of antibiotic low molecular
weight compounds, i.e., phytoalexins (Keen, 1981). The induction of phy-
toalexins in infected plants is presumed to be mediated by an initial recogni-
tion processbetweenplants and pathogens whichinvolvesdetectionof
certain unique molecules of pathogen origin, termed elicitors, by recogni-
tional receptor-like molecules in plants, thereby setting off a cascade of
biochemical events leading ultimatelyto phytoalexin accumulation (Yoshi-
kawa, 1983; Yoshikawaand Masago, 1982). However, detailed mechanisms
involved in each biochemical process leading to the phytoalexin production
are poorly understood. The main subject of this chapter is the molecular
basis ofthe elicitation of glyceollin,a phytoalexin (Yoshikawa et al., 1978a)
produced by the expression of monogenic resistance in soybean (Glycine
max) to incompatible races of Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. glycinea
Released carbohydrate
Cell wall bound elicilor (I) Elicitor-active (a) Elicitor-inactive (m)
8-1.6 m.6 (various chain length)
C-$-C * - C-$-"
B-i.3 C
2 Fungus
Fraclion number
of Pmg cell walls (Sharp et al., 1984), was chemically synthesized and was
also used for structural comparison. "C-NMR and sugar analysis indicated
the presence of @-1,6-and @-1,3-glucose linkagesfor various size fractions
of the released elicitors. The released elicitors, as well as G7, were not
decomposed by @-1,3-endoglucanase, suggestingthe main chain to be 0-
1,6-linked.'In contrast, @-1,3-exoglucanase partially degraded both the elic-
itors resulting in complete loss of elicitor activity. These results indicate
that the released elicitors are composed of @-1,6-linked main chains of
different length and originally bound to fungal cell walls by @-1,3-linked
side chains. Elicitors are thus released, upon infection, dueto the attack of
the side chains by the host @-1,3-endoglucanase, leaving one or two of
@-1,3-linked glucose moieties to each side chain ofthe released elicitors.
64 Yoshikawa
transmission n
Figure 2 Schematicrepresentationofpossiblesequenceofbiochemicalevents
leading to plant defense reactions. The scheme exemplifies phytoalexin accumula-
tion mechanism in the Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. glycinea-soybean interac-
tion, but it may be applicable to other plant-pathogen systems. Contact of incom-
patible fungal races with host cells results in rapid release of phytoalexin elicitors
from fungal cell wall surface, due to attack by &1,3-endoglucanase constitutively
present in host cells. The released elicitors then interact with the complementary
receptors on plant plasma membrane. This interaction generates second messengers
which transmit the signal to the nucleus where de novo transcription is invoked.
The resulting new messenger RNA leads to the synthesis of enzymes involved in
phytoalexin biosynthesisand the phytoalexin is formed. Levels of phytoalexin accu-
mulation are accelerated by simultaneous inhibition of the phytoalexin-degrading
system, which may also result from the elicitor-receptor interaction. Compatible
fungal races may either possess elicitorsthat, upon release, cannot interact withthe
host receptors, or produce “suppressors” that interfere with the elicitor-receptor
interaction or inhibit one ofthe subsequent host metabolic processes leadingto the
phytoalexin accumulation.
Keen, N. T. (1981). Evaluation of the role of phytoalexins. Plant Disease Control
(R. C. Staples, ed.), John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp. 155-177.
K&n, N. T., and Yoshikawa, M. (1983). /3-1,3-Endoglucanase from soybean re-
leases elicitor-active carbohydrates from fungus cell walls. Plant Physiol. 71:
Sharp, J. K., McNeil, M., and Albersheim, P. (1984). The primary structure of one
elicitor-active and seven elicitor-inactive hexa(P-D-glucopyranosy~)-D-g~ucitols
isolated from the mycelial walls of Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. glycinea.
J. Biol. Chem.25911321-11336.
Takeuchi, Y., Yoshikawa, M., Takeba, G., Tanaka, K., Shibata, D., and Horino,
0. (1990). Molecular cloning and ethylene induction of mRNA encoding a
phytoalexin elicitor-releasing factor, /3-1,3-endoglucanase, in soybean. Plant
Physiol. 93:673-682.
Yoshikawa, M. (1978). Diverse modes of action of biotic and abiotic phytoalexin
elicitors. Nature 275546447.
Yoshikawa, M. (1983). Macromolecules, recognition, and the triggering of resis-
tance. Biochemical Plant Pathology(J. A. Callow, ed.), John Wiley and Sons,
New York, pp. 267-298.
Yoshikawa, M.,Keen,N. T., and Wang, M.C.(1983). A receptor on soybean
membranes for a fungal elicitor of phytoalexin accumulation. Plant Physiol.
Yoshikawa, M.,and Masago, H. (1982). Biochemical mechanismof glyceollin accu-
mulation in soybean. Plant Infection: The Physiological and Biochemical Basis
(Y. Asada et al., eds.), Japan Sci. Soc. Press, Tokyo/Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
pp. 265-280.
Yoshikawa, M., Matama, M., and Masago, H. (1981). Release of a soluble phyto-
alexin elicitorfrom mycelial walls of Phytophthora megasperma var. sojae by
soybean tissues.Plant Physiol.621032-1035.
Yoshikawa, M., Yamauchi, K., and Masago, H. (1978a).Glyceollin: its role in
restricting fungal growth in resistant soybean hypocotyls infected with Phy-
tophthora megasperma var. sojae. Physiol. Plant Pathol. 12:73-82.
Yoshikawa, M., Yamauchi, K., and Masago, H. (1978b). De novo messenger RNA
and protein synthesis are required for phytoalexin-mediated disease resistance
in soybean hypocotyls.Plant Physiol.61:314-317.
Yoshikawa, M., Yamauchi,K., and Masago, H. (1979). Biosynthesis and biodegra-
dation of glyceollin by soybean hypocotyls infected with Phytophthora meg-
asperma var. sojae. Physiol. Plant Pathol.14:157-169.
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Soybean Phytoalexins: Elicitation,
Nature, Mode of Action, and Role
Jack Paxton
University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois
I was pleased to be asked to write a chapter on my research and to discuss
where phytoalexin research should go inthe future. Some of my thoughts
along these lines were discussed previously (Paxton, 1988b).
The objectives of my research are to understand how a plant “recog-
nizes” a pathogen or pest, and what it does to defend itself after it recog-
nizes the pathogen or pest. Armed with this information, we can improve
disease control in soybeansand other crops. Through better understanding
of plant disease, gained by study of a model system, scientists should be
able to increase crop yields by preventingcrop losses inan environmentally
sound and sustainable way.
Soybeans, Glycine max [L.]Merr., are a major world crop. The value
of U.S. production alone in 1991 was over $10 billion. Phytophthora root
rot is a serious disease of soybeans and Phytophthora sojae Kauf. and
Gerd. (Hansen and Maxwell,1991)(previouslyknownas Phytophthora
megasperma Dreshs. f. sp. glycinea Kuan and Erwin) causes losses esti-
mated at 3% of this crop on average each year(Plant Pathology Extension,
University of Illinois, 1990). Some farmers’ soybean crops can be decimated
by this disease while others escape unscathed, as seen by above-ground
symptoms. Evidence is accumulating, however, that a large toll istaken on
soybean roots. This root loss is translated into yield losses which go unre-
ported because they are considered normal. The plant replaces roots that
have beenrotted off at the expense of seed production.
Research inthe summer of 1991 by Morris Huckand me (unpublished),
using a minirhizotron, confirmedthat root loss duringthe growing season
in soybeans is substantial. But generally this root lossgoesunobserved
because of problems in observing roots (Paxton, 1974). Kittle and Gray
(1982), establishedthat soybean yields could be reduced by pathogens by at
70 Paxton
Previous work on elicitors of phytoalexins was summarized recently (Pax-
ton, 1989). These compounds often arise from pathogen cell wallsand seem
to be specifically recognized by the plant cell membrane.
An important insight from my laboratory was Frank’s discovery that
fungi release elicitors, then called inducers, of phytoalexin production in
soybeans (Frank and Paxton, 1971). We were the first to recognize that P .
sojae cultures release compounds capable of inducing phytoalexin produc-
tion in soybean plants. This elicitor appeared to be a glycoprotein with a
molecular weight of about 10,OOO. We found elicitor activity in extracts of
Venturia inaequalis, Rhizoctonia solani, Diplodia zeae, and Helminthospo-
rium turcicum, suggestingthat elicitors of phytoalexin productionare com-
mon in fungi. We also found that plants may have the abilityto stimulate
the production of these elicitors. For this research we developed a useful
cut-cotyledon bioassay that has been widely used in subsequent elicitor
Ayers et al. (1976a,b) explored the composition of elicitors released
from purifiedP. sojae cell wallsafter autoclaving. Theyfound at least four
fractions, with varying composition and ability to elicit defense responses
on soybean cotyledons. They suggested that the elicitor activity of each
fraction resides in the 3 and 3,6 highly branched glucan component of the
Soybean Phytoalexins 71
fraction. They also suggested that the mannosyl residues, which represent
about 1% of the undegraded glucan, participate in the activity of this
Keen, in one of the first studies looking for specific elicitors, which
would explain race specificityin fungal pathogens, presented evidence that
culture filtrates of race 1 of P. sojae contained elicitors that differed in
some respects from race 3 of this fungus. Although hewas not able to
purify and identify this specific elicitor, he speculatedthat absence of this
elicitor may be involved in the difference between race 3 and race 1 reac-
tions of soybean cultivars (Keen, 1975). Keen and LeGrand (1980) later
reported the isolation of specific elicitors extractedfrom the cell walls ofP.
sojae with an alkali treatment. Surfaceglycoproteins on P. sojae were
suggested to play the role of race-specific phytoalexin elicitors. Isolated cell
walls of P.sojae were extracted with0.1 N NaOH at O O C . The high molecu-
lar weight glycoproteins in this extract elicited glyceollin accumulation in a
race-specific fashion. The glycoprotein contained only glucose and man-
nose as sugars. And while its activity was diminished by boilingor pronase
treatment, the elicitor activity was destroyed by periodate treatment. This
suggested that the carbohydrate portions are important for elicitor activity.
A s they point out, this observation is clouded by considerable variation in
replicates, a high concentration requirementfor activity, and a lack of total
The specificity in this case was not very clear-cut sincethe differences
between the levels of glyceollin induced by elicitorpreparations from viru-
lent and avirulent raceswere small. This work remainsto be confirmedbut
provides an interesting lead toward finding a very useful type of compound.
We suggested that this type of compound could be very useful in plant
breeding efforts (Paxton and Jacobsen, 1974).
Race-specific moleculesthat protect soybeansfrom P.sojae were found
by Wadeand Albersheim (1979). These appearedto be glycoproteinsfound
in the incompatible races of the pathogen but not the compatible races.
Introduction of this glycoproteinfraction into wounds 90 min before subse-
quentinoculation was sufficient to protectsoybeanplants.Subsequent
work by Desjardins etal. (1982) indicated that glycoprotein fractions from
both compatible and incompatible racesof P. sojae could protect soybean
plants from subsequent infection by this fungus. Variability in
the bioassay
unfortunately prevented further purification and identification of these
Bonhoff and Grisebach (1988) found that laminarin and polytran N
also are effective elicitors of glyceollin, comparable to the glucan elicitor
isolated from P. sojae by Sharp and coworkers (1984). Interestingly, on cut
soybean cotyledons,the reverse wastrue in that laminarin was lesseffective
72 Paxton
Phytoalexins were first defined byMuller and Borgerin1941 and our
understanding of them as progressed to a more recent definition (Paxton,
1981). They are compounds producedde novo in plantsafter microorgan-
ism attack or other stress and they play a role in plant disease and insect
resistance. The precise role of these compounds ishard to determine as is
true for finding and assaying manyantifungal compounds (Paxton, 1991c;
Vaillancourt and Paxton, 1986).
Glyceollin is the phytoalexin identified from soybeans and occurs as a
series of isomers. Five isomers have been identified but their activity has
not been studied. Some species of Glycine appear to produce almost exclu-
sively one isomer and various tissues of soybean produce predominantly
different isomers(Keen et al., 1986). Why this is the case isnot understood
but certainly is worth investigating.
A phytoalexin, PA,,was identified in soybeans (Keen and Paxton,
1975)but has yetto be characterized.It is a yellow compound witha strong
absorbance at 492 nm at pH 7, which shifts to 430 nm at pH 2. It may
represent an oxidation product of glyceollin, but that has yet to be deter-
My laboratory also discovered phytoalexin accumulation incorn (Lim
et al., 1970). Despite efforts by Simcox and other graduate students, this
elusive compoundor compounds hasnot been identified.
Several metabolic processesare activated when a plant is attacked by a
pathogen (Paxton, 1991a). Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase is one ofthe first
enzymes to be activated. This enzyme has been studied extensively, partly
because the assay for it is relatively simple.
It is my opinion that crucial parts of plants, such as seeds, accumulate
compounds that can serve as primary deterrents to pathogen and insect
attack. Failing in this role, these compounds can then be converted to much
more toxic compoundsthat serve as secondary defense. Phytoalexins, then,
would be a secondary defense, and they are toxic to plant cells as well as
pathogens and insects. Among the compounds naturally accumulated in
soybeans, precursors of glyceollinare common, especially isoflavanoids in
seeds. Isoflavanoids serve as precursors for glyceollins in soybean tissues
and studies show these isoflavanoids to be held as complex conjugates in
different concentrations in different tissues in soybeans (Graham, 1991;
Graham and Graham, 1991).
74 Paxton
The roleof phytoalexins inplant disease and pest resistance has been very
hard to determine with scientific precision. Regardless of this difficulty,
considerable evidence has accumulated that phytoalexins playan important
role in soybean disease resistance. Someof the first evidence in soybeans
was that the removal of phytoalexins can causea resistant plant to become
susceptible (Klarmanand Gerdemann, 1963). Later we found that addition
of a phytoalexin back into the plant can make a susceptible plant become
resistant (Chamberlainand Paxton, 1968). The phytoalexins accumulate in
the plant after inoculation witha timing appropriate to inhibition of patho-
gen growth (Frankand Paxton, 1970). Another approach was our discovery
that prior inoculation witha non-pathogen will make the susceptible plant
become resistant to subsequent inoculation with what would have beena
pathogen (Paxton and Chamberlain, 1967; Svoboda and Paxton, 1972).
More evidencefor the role of phytoalexins and an explanation of the impact
of environment on plant disease wasthe finding that environmental condi-
tions could affect phytoalexin accumulation (Murch and Paxton, 1979). We
found that anaerobic conditions, such as would occur around soybean roots
during flooding, drastically depressed the soybean plant’s ability to accu-
mulateglyceollin.Thiscouldexplain why flooding is so important for
disease development in the field.
Other environmental effects that influence glyceollin accumulation in
soybeans are salinity and temperature (Murch and Paxton, 1980a, 1980b).
All of these environmental effects on glyceollin accumulation in soybeans
relate nicely to field conditions of wet, cold soils which are ideal for Phy-
tophthora root rot development (Murch and Paxton, 1980~).Calcium ion
seems to play an important role in elicitation and therefore disease resis-
tance aswell (Stab and Ebel, 1987).
One of the best proofs of the role of phytoalexins in plant disease
resistance comes fromthe work of Schafer et al. (1989). They transferred a
gene for pisatin demethylase (pisatin is a phytoalexin in peas) into a corn
pathogen and converted it to a pea pathogen as well. This clearly suggests
that pathogens have to have the ability to deal with phytoalexins of their
host in orderto be pathogens. Our work would suggest that this is true for
soybean Phytophthora root rot as well (Paxton, 1982).
It also is probable that a pathogen must have an extensive set of en-
zymes to be a pathogen. This could help explain the common occurrence of
loss of virulence in pathogens held in culture. Some enzymes necessary for
pathogenicity probably are not necessary for survival as saprophytes on
artificial media.
Soybean Phytoalexins 75
My initial studies onthe nature of disease resistance in walnuts introduced
me to compounds which can accumulate in plants and be stored in relatively
nontoxic forms such as glycosides (Paxton and Wilson, 1965). The plant
cell is armed with glycosides whichare hydrolyzed rapidlyto the aglycone,
which is often more toxic. This happens when the cell is damaged and
protects the plant fromattack, much likeour white blood cells produce free
radicals to help destroy foreign organismsour in bodies.
Phytoalexins were discovered in soybeans by Dr. Gerdemann, shortly
after the first phytoalexin was characterized in peas byPerrin and Bottom-
ley (1961)in Australia.
Gerdemann’s story of serendipity deservesto be retold here. Dr. Gerde-
mann was a mycologist and as such realized that Phytophthora species
require thiamine to grow. He reasoned that one explanation for resistance
of soybean varietieswas that the resistant cultivars had tissues deficient in
thiamine and the fungus therefore couldn’t grow. As a typical mycologist
without a large research budget, he set upa simple experiment in which he
introduced a thiamine solution into a soybean stem via a string wick that
had been threadedthrough the stem with a lacing needle (Fig. 1). When he
then inoculated the plant in the wick wound, he found that the plant was
susceptible. Being a good scientist, he also ran a control experiment in
which just plain waterwas introduced into the wound via the wick,and the
result was that the inoculated plantwas again susceptible. It appeared that
it was not something hewas putting into the plant that made it susceptible,
but rather something he was taking out of the plant. When he tested the
exposed tip of the wick for materials that would inhibit the growth of
Phytophthora, he found that nothing.inhibitory to the growth ofthe patho-
genwas on the tip from the uninoculated plant. But the tip from the
resistant inoculated plant contained compounds inhibitory to the growth of
the pathogen, when addedto media with the fungus.
During my first sabbatical, spent with Dr. Cruickshank in Australia,
we explored the accumulation of phytoalexins in plant cells and found that
the process could occur withoutprofound changes in the cell or cell death
(Paxton et al., 1974). The plant cells, however, were often subsequently
killed by phytoalexins, whichare toxic to the plant cell as well as the fungal
or bacterial pathogen (Bhandal etal., 1987). There stillis a need for study
of cell death and how it relates to phytoalexin accumulation. Pectic sub-
stances released from cell wallson cell death can elicit phytoalexin accumu-
lation and may bea signal to the plant that repair processesare needed.
l Workwith
Kogan found that phytoalexins could
insect attack
on soybeans, just as they play a role in protecting soybeans from plant
pathogens. Physiologically significant levels of glyceollin deter insect feed-
ing by casual feedersbut not true pests of soybeans, as would be anticipated
(Hartet al., 1983; Fischer etal., 199Ob). If true soybean pests were deterred
by glyceollin it would suggest that the compound did not occur at feeding
sites. The true soybean pest must havea method of blocking accumulation
at the feeding siteor excluding or detoxifying the compound. This pointis
confirmed inthe work of Schafer et al. (1989).
Soybean Phytoalexins 77
Afanas’ev, I. B. (1989). Superoxide Ion, Vols. 1 and 2. CRC Press, B o a Raton,
Ayers, A. R., Ebel, J., Valent, B., and Albersheim, P. (1976a). Host-pathogen
interactions. X. Fractionation and biological activity of an elicitor isolated
from the mycelium walls ofPhytophthora megasperma var. sojae. Plant Phys-
iol. 22760-765.
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interactions XI. Composition and structure of wall-released elicitor fractions.
Plant Physiol.52766-774.
Bhandal, 1. S., and Paxton, J. (1991). Phytoalexinbiosynthesisinduced by the
fungal glucan, Polytran L, in soybean, pea and sweet pepper tissues. Journal
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Bhandal, I. S., Paxton, J. D., and Widholm, J. M. (1987). Effect of Phytophthora
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tion and cellviabilityincellsuspensionculturesofsoybean (Glycine may
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and callose in soybean roots and localized resistance against Phytophthora
megasperma f. sp. glycinea, Plant Sci.54~203-209.
Boydston, R., Paxton, J. D., and Koeppe, D.E. (1983). Glyceollin: a site specific
inhibitor of electrontransport in isolated soybean mitochondria. Plant Physiol.
Chamberlain, D. W., and Paxton, J. D. (1968). Protection of soybean plants by
phytoalexin. Phytopathology 581349-1350.
Chappell, J., Hahlbrock, K., and Boller, T. (1984). Rapid induction of ethylene
biosynthesis in cultured parsley cells by fungal elicitor and its relationship to
the induction of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, PIanta 161~475480.
Cline, K., Wade, M., and Albersheim, P. (1978). Host-pathogen interactions. XV.
Fungal glucans which elicit phytoalexin accumulationin soybean also elicitthe
accumulation of phytoalexins in other plants. Plant Physiol. 62918-921.
Desjardins, A., Ross, L. M., Spellman, M. W., Darvill, A. G., and Albersheim, P.
(1982).Host-pathogen interactions. XX. Biological variation in the protection
of soybeansfrom infection by Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. glycinea. Plant
Physiol. 69:1046-1050.
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root rot of soybean. Plant Dk. 6.5~435-436.
80 Paxton
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Toxins Vol. 6, Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 439-457.
Paxton, J. D. (1991a). Biosynthesisand accumulation of legume phytoalexins. My-
cotoxins and Phytoalexins(R.P. Sharma, ed.), Telford Press, pp. 485-499.
Paxton, J. D. (1991b). Phytoalexins and their potential role in the control of insect
pests. American Chemical Society Symposium Series No. 449, pp. 198-207.
Paxton, J. D. (1991~).Assays for antifungal activity. Meth. Plant Biochem. 6:33-
Paxton, J. D., and Chamberlain, D. W. (1967). Acquired local resistance of soy-
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Paxton, J. D., and Chamberlain, D. W. (1969). Phytoalexin production and disease
resistance in soybeansas affected by age. Phytopathology 59775-777.
Paxton, J. D., Cruickshank, I. A. M., and Goodchild, D. (1974). Phaseollin pro-
duction by live beanendocarp. Physiol. Plant Pathol.4:167-171.
Paxton, J. D., and Jacobsen, B. J. (1974). A new method for screening soybeans
for Phytophthora root rotresistance. Proc. Am. Phytopathol. Soc. 1:67-68.
Paxton, J. D., and Wilson, E. E. (1965). Anatomical and physiological aspects of
branch wilt disease ofPersian walnut. Phytopathology 55:21-26.
Perrin, D. R., and Bottomley, W.(1961). Pisatin: an antifungal substance from
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production in soybeancell suspensions. Agron. Abstr. 6 (Abstr).
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B. (1984). Comparison of the structures and elicitor activitiesof a synthetic and
mycelial-wall-derived hexa @-D-glucopyranosy1)-D-glucitol,J. Biol. Chem.259
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elicitor in soybean cells,
Soybean Phytoalexins 83
A. GeneralBackground
The fungal pathogen Phytophthora megasperma Drechs. f. sp. glycinea
(Hildeb.) Kuan and Erwin (recently redesignatedas P . sojae) can infect all
vegetativesoybeanorgans(Sinclair, 1982). It causessymptomsranging
from rapid pre- and postemergence seedling damping offto slowly spread-
ing lesions on older plant tissues. The soybean-P. sojae association pro-
vides an excellent systemfor the study of molecular aspects of host-patho-
gen interactions. Resistance to the pathogen in soybean is determined by
major dominant Rps genes occurring at seven loci, with several allelic forms
at two of these loci. There are at least 25 known races ofP.sojae which are
characterized by their different specific interactions with these Rps genes
(Schmitthenner, 1985). Where a given Rps gene provides effective resistance
to a given race of P. sojae, the interaction between host and pathogen is
termed incompatible. Wherea given Rps gene provides no resistance to a
given race ofP . sojae, the interaction is termed compatible.
Antibiotic pterocarpan phytoalexins have generally been accepted to
play a role inthe Rps gene-mediated restriction ofthe spread of P . sojae in
incompatible interactions (Keen and Yoshikawa, 1982). Research to date
has ledto the characterization of four isomeric pterocarpan antibiotics now
referred to as glyceollins I-IV (Burden and Bailey, 1975; Lyne and Mul-
heirn, 1978; Lyne et al., 1976; Partridge and Keen, 1977; Sims et al.,1972).
Both the timing and magnitude of the accumulation of the glyceollins differ
markedly in compatibleand incompatible infectionsand are consistent with
the proposed role of the glyceollins in race-specific resistance (Darvill and
Albersheim, 1984; Ebel, 1986; Keen and Yoshikawa, 1982).
86 Graham
nary complexity ofthe interactions taking place in infected tissues. The fact
that one is trying to observe discrete molecular events in the interaction
between two living systems leads to great difficulties in reproducibility.
Moreover, there are almost certainly multiple signaling processes taking
place, leading to overlapping or possibly conflicting effectson the process
under measurement. These problems are greatly compounded by the fact
that in most systemsthe genetics of eitherthe host or pathogen (orboth) is
ambiguous, a fact that is often overlooked in the literature. For instance,
although near-isogenic isolines of soybean are available carryingthe various
Rps resistance genes, nearly all work on the soybean-P. sojae interaction to
date has used genetically undefined fieldor laboratory isolates of the fun-
gus. Recentefforts at obtaining pure-breeding races of P. sojae have shown
that although such isolates may displaya particular race phenotype, they
often harbor the genes whichare determinant for other race characteristics
as well @hat et al., 1993). Even though the interaction of such an isolate
may show the appropriate gross symptomatic phenotype, it is completely
unknown as to howsuchgeneticheterogeneitymay affect more subtle
interactions measured at a molecular level. Also, different researchers use
different isolatesof a given race or favor the use of different races in their
studies. In addition to heterogeneity in isolates as regards race characteris-
tics, different isolatesof a given race can differ greatly in their aggressive-
ness. The aggressiveness of a particular race can dramatically effect the
spatial and temporal aspectsof interaction with the host at a cellular level
(Graham and Graham, unpublished).
Electrophoretic karyotypingof a large number of field and laboratory
isolates of P. sojae (our results, unpublished) has confirmed the remarkable
genetic heterogeneity ofdifferent isolates of P. sojae. As many as10 differ-
ent chromosomes are found in various P. sojae isolates, but no isolate
carries all of these and some isolates share as few as one or two chromo-
somes in common with others.
In the soybean system, two complementary approaches are being un-
dertaken to circumvent some of these problems associated with examina-
tion of intact infected tissues. First of all, pure-breeding races are being
developed from defined field parentage@hat et al., 1993). These racesand
subsequent variants generated by mutation or transformation will greatly
facilitate the interpretation of infection studies. Second, as described in
detail below,we have determinedthat P. sojae wall glucan elicitor prepara-
tions not only induce allof the multiple phenylpropanoid responses seen in
incompatible infections,but induce them with similarspatial and temporal
coordination. This crucially important finding allows us to examine host
responses to purified elicitor molecules and thus isolate and study very
specific cellular responses of the host.
90 Graham
genistein are also present inthe root and hypocotyl, and both daidzein and
genistein conjugates are secreted by soybean roots. The detection of free
daidzein and genistein in soybeanroot exudates may be the result of enzy-
matichydrolysisduringcollection or processingofsamples(Graham,
1991b). Very much lower amounts of conjugated glyceteine (peak 19.5 of
Graham, 1991b) have since been identified by Morris et al. (1991), present
predominantly inthe lower hypocotyl.
In cotyledon tissues, malonylglucosyl conjugates of daidzeinand gen-
istein are at about equal and relatively high levels. Althoughboth are pres-
ent in very young leaves, the malonylated conjugate of genisteinthe is only
major isoflavone in older leaves (Graham, 1991b).
The seed contains vast storesof the isoflavones (Graham, 1991b).The
relative amounts and distribution in the various parts of the embryo are
very similar to those seen in the counterparts of young germinated seed-
lings, suggesting that there may be very little net synthesis or turnover of
these compounds in the first few days postgermination (Graham, unpub-
lished). The deposition of daidzein and genistein and their conjugates has
also been investigated during seed development and maturation (Graham
and Olah, unpublished). As in seedling tissues, the free isoflavones do not
accumulate to appreciable amounts during seeddevelopment.However,
accumulation of the glucosyl conjugate of daidzein occurs first and then
falls off as the malonylglucosyl conjugate of daidzein accumulates later in
embryo development.The malonylglucosyl conjugate of genistein accumu-
lates later than the malonylglucosyl conjugate of diadzein without prior
accumulation of the corresponding glucosyl conjugate.The timing of these
various accumulationsis interesting and may reflect developmentally pro-
grammed inductionof the corresponding enzymes.
During seed imbibition, the conjugates of both daidzein and genistein
are released in a continuousbut saturable manner (Graham, 1991b). If the
imbibition medium is replaced,the exudate quickly reestablishessaturating
amounts of the isoflavones.Thissuggests that the verylargestoresof
daidzein and genistein present in the seed (and, as noted above, in the
root) may be available in the rhizosphere, where they may play a role as
chemoattractantsfor P.sojae (Morris and Ward, 1992).
Light has a particularly strong effect on the amounts of and distribu-
tion of the isoflavones in soybean tissues (Graham, 1991b). In the dark,
isoflavone levels in the root tips are greatly reduced, while those in the
cotyledon are higher. It is possible that at least part of the root isoflavone
pools may be transported to the roots from the larger stores present in the
cotyledons (Graham, 1991b).
Older soybean leavesare predominated by glycosides of the flavonols
kaempferol, quercetin (Buttery and Buzzell, 1975),and isorhamnetin (LeVan
92 Graham
B. Genetics
Although the genetics of flavonoland flavonol glycosideformation in soy-
bean has been described, there is littleinformation available on the genetics
of isoflavone and isoflavone conjugate formation. However, evidence to
date suggests much less genetic diversity in the nature of the isoflavone
aglycones and their conjugates. We have examined over 100 soybean lines
of various genetic backgrounds and none of these vary markedly in the
amounts or distributions of the isoflavones. Amongthe lines examined are:
1.) the Williams isoline series (Williams, Williams 79, Williams 82) carrying
no Rps resistance genes and the Rps 1c.and l k genes respectively, 2.) the
Harosoy differentials, carryinga wider range ofRps genes integrated back
into the Harosoy background,3.) soybeans from allof the various flavonol
genetic groups describedby Buttery and Buzzel (1975), 4.) the Bradyrhizo-
biurn japonicurn response mutants of the cultivar Bragg (Abbasi et al.,
unpublished),including the nonnodulating mutants nod49 and nod139
(Carroll et al., 1986),and the supernodulating mutants nts382 and nts1007
(Carroll et al., 1985),and 5.) Glycinesojae. Thus the presence and distribu-
tion of the isoflavones isnot influenced by the Rps genes, the genes control-
ling flavonol metabolism, or the genes controlling Bradyrhizobiurn nodula-
tion. The fact that Glycine sojaecontains the same compounds with similar
organ-specific distribution (Abbasi etal., unpublished) underscoresthe lack
of genetic diversity in these compounds within the genus.
" -- D I STAL
signals in situ (e.g., host cell wall oligogalacturonides) which act indepen-
dently or as coelicitors withP.sojae wall glucan, 3.) inherent differences in
the responses of specific cell populationsto the same elicitor,or 4.) differ-
ential conditioning of cellular responses to the elicitor by cellular growth
regulators. As detailed below, preliminary evidence from our laboratory
and others suggeststhat each of these mechanisms mayoperate to achieve
differential control of these pathways in specific situations. What is not
clearishowthesevariousmechanismsofregulationworktogether to
achieve the sophisticated and precise control of the various pathways sug-
gested byinfection and elicitor studies with various tissues.
A. Multiple PrimaryElicitors
As noted above,we have demonstratedthat the classical unfractionatedP.
sojae wallglucan preparation ofAyerset al. (1976) triggers all of the
various phenylpropanoid responsesthat occur in incompatible infections.
Moreover, the responses induced by the wall glucanand incompatible infec-
tions are nearly identical in regardto the precise composition ofthe prod-
ucts and their timingand spatial coordination. This finding underscoresthe
potential importanceof the wall glucan as a primary determinant of defense
gene stimulationinsoybean and providesapointoffocus for future
The possible existence of multiple primary signals in the classical P.
sojae wall glucan preparation has been documented in several cases. First
of all, by its very nature, the branched /31,3/61,6 glucan itself is heteroge-
neous in both size and position of branch points. Thus, dependingon how
they are generated, elicitor fragments of different sizesand activities canbe
released. Albersheim and coworkers have elegantly demonstrated that the
highest per unit activity in acid hydrolysates is found in a seven-residue
branched 01,3//31,6 glucan (Sharp etal., 1984). However, using enzymatic
cluded that the highest glyceollin elicitor activity is present in the largest
wall glucan fragments. Thus,it is still nottotally clear as to which subfrac-
tions of the P. sojae glucan possess the most potent glyceollin elicitor activ-
ity inplanta. Nonetheless, the enzymatic release of the glucan elicitorfrom
the pathogen cell wall has been attributed to a now cloned /3-1,3-endoglu-
canase (Takeuchi et al., 1990a,b) and elegant research on the receptor for
highly defined glucan elicitors iswell underway (Cheong and Hahn, 1991;
Cheong et al., 1991; Cosio et al., 1992).
There is also evidence for elicitors with distinctlydifferent activities in
the P. sojae wall glucan preparations. In addition to the glucan elicitor
active in soybean, Hahlbrock and coworkers identified a minor protein-
Responses of Soybean to P. sojae 101
strated to possess elicitor activity @bel, 1986). The activity of the pectate
lyase from Erwinia carotovora has been particularly well characterized.
This enzyme has been reportedas a glyceollin elicitor and as a synergist to
glyceollin elicitation byP. sojae wall glucan (Davis et al., 1986). Recently,
the discovery of proteinaceous inhibitors of endopolygalacturonidase (Cer-
vone et al., 1989) led to the hypothesis that the expression of these inhibi-
tors in host tissues could lead to limited digestion of host cell wall pectin
fractions and thus the accumulation of the oligogalacturonide elicitor syn-
ergists or to factors which leadto host cell death (Doares et al.,1989).
Preliminary experiments in our laboratory, using a purified pectate
lyase preparation from Aspergillus japonicus, suggests one possible expla-
nation for the synergism exerted by these preparations. Although we ob-
served no changes in the various phenylpropanoids in responseto pectate
lyase alone, treatment of soybean cotyledon tissues with low levels of P.
sojae wall glucan in the presence of pectate lyase ledto an increase in the
relative flux of metabolites into glyceollin and a marked decrease in the
accumulation of isoflavone conjugates.Pectate lyase thus has the effect of
shifting somewhat the balance of response to P. sojae wall glucan specifi-
cally away from the isoflavones and in favor of glyceollin. Since host cell
wall degradation might be expected to occur at the infection front, this
could be an additional factor contributing to the local accumulation of
glyceollin vs. distal accumulationof isoflavones. Although a direct elicitor
synergistic activity of the released pectic oligomers has been proposed, it
seems possiblethat dissolution of the middle lamella of cells in the vicinity
of the infection front may also simply expose more cells to the wall glucan
elicitor, thus facilitating its activity.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Figure 2 (a) Activities of glucan elicitors in infiltration asssay. (b) Activities of
glucan elicitors in cut
cot assay.
104 Graham
0 l 2 3
Wound exudate
glyceollin and phenolic
Inhibition of daidzein and genistein conjugate accumu-
acid Inhibitiongenistein
of conjugate accumulation
inhibition of glyceollin accumulation)
ACC/ethylene No significant
Glutathione(reduced)Inhibitionofdaidzein and genistein conjugateforma-
tion, stimulation of phenolic polymer accumulation
(slight stimulation of glyceollin accumulation)
of accumulation
of and genistein
and glyceollin accumulations)
Pectate lyase
of and genistein conjugate
accumulation, slight inhibition of glyceollin accumu-
of and genistein conjugate accu-
Traumatic acid No significant
“Reported here, for simplicity, are those effects only on washed cotyledon cells in the presence
of the P. sojae wall glucan. Full details of other effects of these factors will bereported
elsewhere. Effects in parentheses were minor.
0 24 48
2 1
/A 0-0
-.-. 72
TIME (hr)
As noted above,our current research directions center on further character-
ization of the primary signals triggering the various phenylpropanoid re-
sponses and the secondary signals that condition cellular response. Our
immediate objectives are to fractionate and characterize the various possi-
ble primary elicitor activities associated withthe P. sojae wall glucan, my-
colaminaran, and hostoligogalacturonide preparations and the cellular
conditioningactivitiesassociated with thewoundcompetencyfactors.
Complementaryto this are our efforts to more fully characterize the role@)
that cellular growth regulators may play in mediating or conditioning the
responses of different cell populations. Taken together, these research ef-
forts should provide us with important clues as to the signal transduction
processes per se. Cotyledon tissues have proven to be particularly valuable
in such studies due to their relative cellular uniformity and to the much
greater ease of treatment, analysis, and interpretation of results. Since all
of the responses we have elucidated are expressed in cotyledons, wewill
continue to employ them for the initial characterizations of elicitor and
growth regulator responses.
Abeles,F.B.,Biles,C. L., and Dunn, L. J. (1989). Hormonal regulation and
distribution of peroxidase isozymes in the Cucurbitaceae. Plant Physiol. 91:
Ayers, A. R., Ebel, J., Valent, B. S. and Albersheim, P. (1976). Host- pathogen
interactions. X. Fractionation andbiologicalactivity of an elicitorisolated
from the mycelial wallsof Phytophthora megasperma var. sojae. Plant Physiol.
57: 760-765.
Barz, W., and Hoesel, W. (1979). Metabolism and degradation of phenolic com-
pounds in plants. The Biochemistryof Plant Phenolics(Swain, T.et al., eds.),
Academic Press, New York, pp. 339-369.
Bhat, R. G., McBlain, B. A., and Schmitthenner, A. F. (1993). Development of
pure lines of Phytophthora sojaeraces. Phytopathology 83:473-477.
Bhattacharyya, M. K., and Ward, E. W. B. (1986a). Expression of gene-specific
Responses of Soybean to P. sojae 111
Fett and Zacharius (1982, 1983) demonstrated that bacteria as well as fun-
gal cell wall elicitors can induce the accumulation of the phytoalexin gly-
ceollin in soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) cell suspension cultures. More-
over, the typical hypersensitive response(HR) as defined by rapid host cell
death displayed by the intact plant was not a prerequisite for phytoalexin
induction in soybean cell cultures. The concentrationof glyceollin produced
declined with successive culture transfers. Some interesting responses by
separate cell lines ofthe same cultivarto challenge with a biotic agentwere
observed, suggestingfurther study.
A subsequent study by Zacharius and Kalan (1990) revealed that soy-
bean cell suspension cultures producing glyceollin when challenged with
Pseudomonas syringae pv. gZycinea (Psg) or fungal cell wall elicitor did not
undergo an HR but rather darkened with a gradual decline in culture viabil-
ity. A cell line, Sb-l (CV. Mandarin), which failed to darken on challenge
with Psg, also didnot accumulate glyceollin withinthe cells or media. This
Sb-l culture was found to have rather low levels ofconstituent isoflavonoid
which exhibited a small declineon exposure to biotic agentsand produced
only trace amountsofglyceollin.The other celllinesof CV. Mandarin
having high levels of constituent isoflavonoids, exhibited a dramatic decline
118 Zacharius et al.
A. Suspension Cell Cultures
Calluses of soybean CV. Mandarin cell line Sb-4a were initiated from epi-
cotyl tissue of 7- to 10-day old plants by the procedure described by Fett
and Zacharius (1982). Calluses of soybean CV. Clark were also initiated
from epicotyl explants on B5 media (Gamborg, 1975) containing 10 mg/
liter 2,4-D and 0.21 mg/liter kinetin. A suspension cell culture was devel-
oped from friable calluses of each cultivar and grown in 1B5 media on a
reciprocating shakerat 150 rpmat 26-27OC under 17.5 4.5 pmol/m2/sec
photosynthetic photon flux (PPF).
B. Bacterial Cultures
Xanthomonas campestrispv. glycines strains XP175and S-9-8 were grown
overnight on nutrient agar at 28OC, suspended in sterile distilled water,
washed three times, and resuspended in sterile distilled waterto 1.0 OD at
600 nm. Strain XP175 is virulentand causes bacterial pustule disease on CV.
Mandarin and CV. Clark while strain S-9-8 isavirulent (Fett, 1984).
Culture Darkening 119
C. Fungal Elicitor
A cell-free mycelial elicitor
was prepared from Phytophthora infestans race
0 by the procedure of Alves et al. (1979)with an added final filtration
step through a 0.45-pm Millipore filter before autoclaving. The elicitor
preparation contained 6.4mg dry wt per milliliter distilled water.
F. PeroxidaseAssay
The peroxidase assay was carried
out according to the method of Worthing-
ton (1972).
The large cell aggregates of both Sb-Clark and Sb4A dramatically dark-
ened when challenged with either virulent strain XP175 or avirulent strain
S-9-8 or the fungal elicitor. On the other hand, these challenges with the
change in coloror color intensity (Fig.1).
Small aggregates
2560 Control 0 0
576 XP175'Strain 0
S-9-8b Strain 50 73 38 908 1395
P. infestans elicitor 1201 975
Large aggregates
3240 Control 0 0
812 Strain
3585 xP175"
515 1837 742 0
S-9-8b Strain 867 40
107 77 1140
P. infmamelicitor 1441 385 1 1 01100
9 912 980
'Strain m175 = X.campestdspv. glycines XP175.
bStrainS-9-8 = X . campestrispv. glycines S-9-8.
122 Zacharius et al.
There was little change inthe soybean cell viability inthe other interactions
(Table 2).
Following exposureto the stressing agent strain XP175,the larger cell
aggregates ofboth soybean cultivarswere found to have higher peroxidase
levels than the small aggregates. The changes from the prestressed levels
were of similar magnitude for both cell cultivars (Table3).
Attachment of the bacterial strainsto soybean cells of either aggregate
size of Sb-Clark or Sb-4A cultures was not observed using phase contrast
light microscopy and bacterial-induced clumping of cells of any of the
cultures did not occur.
In our earlier report (Zacharius and Kalan, 1990), data werepresented
which appeared to relate soybean suspension culture darkening with gly-
ceollin induction during bacterial or fungal elicitor stress. A high level of
cellular daidzein also seemed prerequisiteto both phenomena. Concurrent
with glyceollin induction, a large decline of the cellular daidzein and gen-
istein usually occurred. In the present study,the small aggregates were able
mall Clark 0 89
Control Large 0 92
Small XP175"
2.20 x 10' 89
Large XP175 1.12 x 109 85
Small 2.23
S-9-8" X 10' 83
Large 1.13
S-9-8 x 10'' 0
elicitorFungal Small 0 88
Fungal Large elicitor 0 84
Control Small 0 85
Control Large 0 88
Small XP175 8.60 x lo7 85
Large XP175 6.47
87 X 10'
Small 1.17
S-9-8 X I
O' 45
Large S-9-8 1.40 x 10" 15
elicitorFungal Small 0 85
Large elicitor
, Fungal 0 83
'Xanthomonas campestris pv. glycines.
Culture 123
Absorbance change at
460 nm/mg protein
after Suspension Aggregate
Soybean cultivar size (pm) Suspension m175
The use of plant cell suspension cultures to study the interaction of plants
with biotic elicitors such as bacteria may lead to results that do not accu-
rately reflect responses of the intact plant. This is evidenced by the result
for glyceollininduction,bacterialgrowth, and bacterialimmobilization
presented here and in our earlier studiesof the interaction of soybean cells
with plant pathogenic bacteria (Fett,1984; Fett and Zacharius, 1982, 1983).
Careful considerations need to be given to the age of the cell suspension
culture, the culture medium, and cell aggregate size distribution. The fact
that plant cells in suspension cultures are continually bathed in large vol-
umes of liquid whereas leaf intercellular spaces (where leaf-spotting bacte-
ria reside and grow) are initially deficient in free water may preclude certain
important interactions such as prolonged bacterial cell-plant cell contact
from taking place. However, response of cell suspension culture to bacterial
inoculationcanaccuratelyreflectcertainin planta phenomenaduring
plant-bacterial interactionsas demonstrated by recent studies of Orlandi et
al. (1992).
Future research should be directedat determining optimal cell suspen-
sion culture conditionsand cell aggregate sizesto be used in order to more
closely mimic inplanta phenomena.
Alves, L. M., Heisler, E. G., Kissinger, J. C., Patterson, J. M., and Kalan, E. B.
(1979). Effectsofcontrolledatmosphere on production of sesquiterpenoid
stress metabolites by white potato tuber. Possibleinvolvement of cyanide-
resistant respiration.Plant Physiol.63:359-362.
Apostol, I., Heinstein, P. F., and Low, P. S. (1989). Rapidstimulation of an
oxidative burst during elicitation of cultured plant cells. Plant Physiol.90:109-
Fett, W. F. (1984). Accumulation of isoflavonoids and isoflavone glucosides after
inoculation of soybean leaves with Xanthomonas campestrispv. glycines and
Culture 127
pv. campestris and a study of their role in resistance. Physiol. Plant Pathol.
Fett, W. F., and Zacharius, R. M. (1982). Bacterially induced glyceollin production
in soybeancell suspension cultures.Plant Sci.Lett. 24:303-309.
Fett, W. F., and Zacharius, R. M. (1983). Bacterial growth and phytoalexin elicita-
tion in soybeancell suspension culturesinoculated with Pseudomonas syringae
pathovars. Physiol. Plant Pathol.22151-172.
Gamborg, 0 . L. (1975). Callus and cell culture. Plant Tissue Culture Methods(0.
L. Gamborg and L. R. Wetter, eds.), National Research Council of Canada,
Graham, M. Y., and Graham, T. L. (1991). Rapid accumulation of anionic peroxi-
dases and phenolic polymersin soybean cotyledon tissues followingtreatment
with Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. glycinea wall glucan. Plant Physiol.97:
Hahlbrock, K., Ebel, J., and Oaks, A. (1974). Determination of specific growth
stages of plant cell suspension cultures bymonitoring conductivity changes in
the medium. Planta 11875-84.
Jones, S. B., and Fett, W. F. (1985). Fate of Xanthomonas campestrisinfiltrated
into soybean leaves: an ultrastructural study. Phytopathology 45:733-741.
Kinnersley, A. M., and Dougall, D. K. (1980). Increase in anthocyanin yield from
wild carrot cell cultures by a selection system based on cell aggregate size.
Planta 149200-204.
Kuboi, T., and Yamada, Y. (1976). Caffeic acid-0-methyl transferase in a suspen-
sion of cell aggregates of tobacco.Phytochemistry 15:397-400.
Kuboi, T., and Yamada, Y. (1978). Regulation of the enzyme activities relatedto
lignin synthesis in cell aggregates of tobacco cell culture. Biochim. Biophy.
Montillet, J. L.,and Degouske, N. (1991). Hydroperoxydes induce glyceollin accu-
mulation in soybean.Plant Physiol. Biochem. 29689-694.
Orlandi, E. W., Hutcheson, S. W., and Baker, C. J. (1992). Early physiological
responses associated with race-specific recognition in soybean leaf tissue and
cell suspension treated with Pseudomonas syringaepv. glycinea. Physiol.Mol.
Plant Pathol.40173-180.
Phillips, J. H. (1973). Dye exclusion testsfor cell viability. Tissue Culture Methods
andApplications (F. F. Kruse, Jr., and M. K. Patterson, Jr., eds.), Academic
Press, New York, pp. 406-408.
Siegel, N. R., and Enns, R.K. (1979). Soluble polyvinvlpyrrolidine and bovine
serum albumin adsorb polyphenols from soybean suspension cultures. Plant
Physiol. 63:206-208.
Singh, B. D., Rao, G. S. R. L., and Singh, R. P. (1982). Polyphenol accumulation
in callus culturesof cowpea (Vigna sinensis). Indian J. Exp. Biol.20387-389.
Verma, D.P. S., and van Huystee,R. B. (1970). Cellular differentiation and peroxi-
dase isozymes in cellculture of peanut cotyledons. Can. J. Bot. 48429-43 1.
Watts, M. J., Galpin, I. J., and Collin, H. A. (1984). The effect of growth regula-
tors, light and temperature on flavour production in celery tissue cultures. N.
Phytol. 98583-591.
128 Zacharius et al.
WorthingtonBiochemicalCorporation(1972). EnzymesandEnzymeReagents,
Freehold, NJ, pp. 43-44.
Zacharius, R. M., and Kalan, E. B. (1984). Biotransformation of the potato stress
metabolite, solavetivone, by cell suspension cultures of two solanaceous and
three non-solanaceous species.Plant Cell Rep. 3~189-192.
Zacharius, R. M., and Kalan, E. B. (1990). Isoflavonoid changes in soybean cell
suspensions when challenged with intact bacteria or fungal elicitors. J. Plant
Physiol. 135~732-736.
Phytoalexins as a Factor in
Wilt Resistance of Cotton
M. H. Avazkhodjaev, S.S. Zeltser, and H. V. Nuritdinova
Institute of ExperimentalBiolofl of Plants, Academyof Sciences
of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Raviprakash C. Dani
for Cotton Research, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Central Institute
The Verticillium wilt of cotton (Gossypiurn spp.) always remaineda serious
problem in the cultivation of this crop. According to contemporary scien-
tific thinking, the plant cell, likethe animal cell, possessesan immunologi-
cal control system, the function ofwhichinvolves not only to defend
against pathogenic microorganisms,but also to support the structural and
functional integrity of the body. Disease resistance is significant in this
context, for it is the result of interaction betweenthe host plant genotype,
the pathogen, and the surrounding environmental factors.
Among the principal causesof increase in susceptibilityto wilt disease
of cotton, the foremost are crop monoculture and planting of identical
cultivars. Second comesthe public’s compulsive use of pesticides, different
chemicals, and fertilizers. Third, there is the annual carryover of infected
plant partsin the soil.
It is well knownthat in wild pathosystems a more or less rigid selection
operates, thus upholding the balance of nature, whereas under cultural
conditions two genotypesoperate, i.e., that of the host plant and that of
the parasite, which interact through metabolic changes within these two
bodies. In contrast to animals, the plant body system isnot endowed with
highly specific antigen-antibody reactions. Immunity in plants is brought
about by a whole series of less specific defense reactions. In the past 10-15
years, thanks to developments in molecular biology, particularly molecular
genetics, it has been demonstrated that immunity involvesnot only a bodily
reaction but a complex of several reactions, directed support
in of its func-
tional integrity, i.e., homeostasis. Considerable biochemicaland molecular
130 Avazkhodjaev et al.
070 Suppression
Cultivar/form Hyphal Conidial
of cotton growthgermination
66.4 29.0
77.5 24.2
Chemomutant L3 75.9 29.7
L4 23.0 50.0
L-4727 24.0
1306 7.4 4.0
Express 71.8
132al. et Avazkhodjaev
ton and the fungus V. dahliae, the structure of the substances that deter-
mine the fungitoxicity of the diffusates was resolved by means of IR, UV,
nuclear magnetic resonance, and mass spectrometry (Sadykov et al.,1974;
Karimdjanov et al., 1976). In the light of these investigations, and those
carried out at the National Cotton Pathology Research Laboratory in the
United States, the chemical structure of the cotton phytoalexins has been
clearly established. Thesefall into the category of sesquiterpenoid andtri-
terpenoid aldehydes, akinto gossypol (Fig. 1).
Ho \ CH /
4 CH, H,C
Tashkent 6
sbusp. mexlcanum
c cheao-mutant L-3
2 5 10
Transverse section
Longitudinal section
It has been establishedthat not only the pathogen but certain cultural
fluids containing inducers, extracts of fungalmycelia, and severalhigh
molecular weight metabolites ofthe pathogen, after their contact with the
plant can selectively act as inducers, resulting in the formation of phyto-
alexins inthe plant. Analogous behavioris displayed byan array of chemi-
cal substances, such as saltsof heavy metals, antibiotics, inhibitors of fer-
ments, fungicides, etc.
On the basis ofreports in the literature on the nature of plant defense
reactions (Metlitski et al., 1976; Dyakov, 1983; Albersheim and Valent,
1978; Zaki et al., 1972), we initiated a search for the inducer metabolites
among various fractions isolated from mycelia and cultural fluids of the
pathogen. Initially, a certain protein-lipopolysaccharide complex (PLPC)
and its componentswere studied (Malyshevaand Zeltser, 1968). Our experi-
ments established the phytoalexin activity of phytotoxic metabolites of V.
dahliae, isolated by the scientists of the Institute of Microbiology of the
UzbekAcademyofSciences(Borodin, 1978). The metabolites included
di-2-ethylhexylphthalate, transaminic acid, an oligosaccharide, a polypep-
tide, a pigment, a common protein, and lipids from fungal mycelia and
other sources.
Our subsequentefforts were directedto the study of pathogen cell wall
derivatives. A s per contemporary thinking, first in order of importance,
considering the interaction of higher plants and their specific pathogens in
the initial stage of infection, come host membrane and membranolytic
agents of the inducer pathogen.
Subsequent progress of the disease would be mainly decided by the
status of the plant membrane sensitivity towardthe specific pathogen me-
tabolites that interact with them. This interaction presupposes the presence
of receptor areason the host membranes as also the presencethe of specific
factors complementary to them on the pathogen envelopes. This theory is
reflected in the series of reports concerning certain fungal, bacterial, and
viral diseases (Hadwigerand Schwochan, 1969; Dyakov, 1976,1983; Metlit-
ski, 1976; Metlitski and Ozeretskovskaya, 1985). In this context, investiga-
tions by Albersheim and his group (Anderson-Prouty and Albersheim,
1975; Albersheim and Valent, 1978) are of considerable interest. Utilizing
the methods of isolation and fractionation of cell walls with some modifica-
tions, wewere able to isolate and identify the nature of the most active
phytoalexin-inducing components of cell walls, differing in the degree of
virulence of the races of V. dahliae (race 2 and the avirulent radiomutant
R-177). Results of our experiments showedthat comparatively high phyto-
alexin-inducing activity is exhibited by alkaline and lipid fractions of the
cell walls of the fungus V. dahliae.
Spectral data characterized the activephytoalexin-inducingcompo-
138 Avazkhodjaev et al.
specific and race- and cultivar-specific suppressors, which obstruct the ac-
tion of the elicitors (Terekhova and Dyakov, 1980; Heath, 1981; Bushnell
and Rowell, 1981). Specificity of suppression is conditioned through a se-
ries of corresponding areas on suppressor and receptor, which must be
complementary to each other, and thus effectively ensure the suppression
of the effects of the elicitor by rendering cellthe incapable of switching on
the defense reaction.
Our experience points to the fact that the high varietal breakdown in
cotton is largely due to the strength of the virulent race 2 of V. dahliae t o
inhibit the synthesis and accumulation of lethal doses of phytoalexins in the
infected tissues.
Subsequent studies have underlined the significant role of suppressor
metabolites in races of V. dahliae, blocking the defense reaction of cotton
in the initial stage of Verticillium wilt. Suppression of phytoalexin forma-
is displayed under influenceof the avirulent
tion is race-specific, since it not
mutant R-177, which apparently is one of the means to overcome the culti-
var resistance of cotton (Table 3; Fig. 6; see also Avazkhodjaev et al.,
1984a,b). As can be seen from the Fig. 6, in the experiment involving the
introduction of metabolite (analogous to the suppressor of the virulent
race 2) from the avirulent mutant R-177, no suppression of induction of
phytoalexin formation was noticeable: the xylem vessels of the host plant
showed the presence of lethal doses of the phytoalexin isohemigossypol.
Suppression of the defense reaction -the formationof phytoalexin -by the
suppressor of virulent race 2 was noticed in the host plant only in the
initial determinative stages of the disease, since the process of phytoalexin
formation was restored in the infected tissues on the fifth day of the experi
m - Inductor
- Supressor o f race 2
1 3 5
exposure of experiment (days)
The results confirm that the high incidenceof breakdown in wilt resis-
tance of cotton is related to the ability ofthe race to suppress the formation
and accumulation of lethal dosesof phytoalexins. Since the suppression is
race-specific, it is presumably one of the ways to surmount the cultivar
resistance. On the basis of the collected information, our laboratory has
proposed a method for selectionof the wilt-resistantformsof cotton
(Anonymous, 1986), which is used by plant breeders for obtaining an in-
ducer of the Verticillium wilt of the selection material, whichis resistant to
the race prevalentat the given time.
Results of chemical analysis of the suppressor metabolite isolated from
virulent race 2 of V. dahliae, as well as the phytoalexin-inducing prepara-
tions from the cell walls of the pathogen, indicate that the suppressor me-
tabolite from virulent race 2 of Verticillium dahliae is glycoproteinaceous
in nature and contains 34.4% carbohydrates and 56.3% common proteins.
It was established with the help 'of IR spectroscopy, that the suppressor
144 Avazkhodjaev et al.
Fr. I 21.97
0.26 t t
I1 27.22
0.11 t t
,D K
1st fraction of lectin
2 - 2nd fraction
IHG - lsohemigossypol
2 R-l77 2
Lectin fraction
Variant of lectins I I1 I I1
Sugar heptanes
Glucose 9.1 8.7 14.9 11.0 7.7 11.1
11.1 14.2 17.0 10.8
Mannose 9.8 9.9 17.4 15.3 9.7 7.3
Aggregate 6.0 6.3 6.1 7.4 0.8 5.0
Xylose 33.0 41.6 32.9 36.8 74.3 57.3
Arabinose 31.2 42.6 32.3 36.4 74.2 57.8
Buffer 45.0 51.1 40.9 46.6 77.1 58.8
148 al. Avazkhodjaev et
was most evident in the variant with the first fraction of lectin and the
conidia of R-177.
The experimental resultsthus pointed to the fact that agglutination is a
specific indicator of the interaction of lectin with components of sugars
from the surfaces of conidial cell walls of the fungus V. dahliae. Specific
inhibition of agglutinationof the conidia by lectins and by its fractions-
sugar heptanes (glucose, galactose, mannose)-indicates that lectins form
glycoconjugates with these sugars, i.e., they are componentsof the fungal
cell walls, reacting withthe lectins ofthe cotton plant.
Thus the property of the lectins to participate in the twin processes
of recognition and the interaction of cells in the cotton plant fungus V.
dahliae, whichemphasizestheirdefensiverole and ability to immobi-
lize the pathogen, has been ably established from the resultsour of investi-
gations. The degree of agglutination of the fungal conidia may serve as
a test for the resistance of the plants and the virulence of the initiator of
Since surface metabolites localized the in membranes ofboth the host plant
and the pathogen are known to interact, it was expected that the lectins
participating inthe defense mechanisms would be concentrated in the plas-
malemma and in membranes of the microsomal fraction of plants. We
investigated the receptor function of the plasmalemma and microsomal
fractions of the cotton plant, with the intention to gain an insight into the
relation of its components withthe membrane-active fungal metabolites-
the elicitor of phytoalexin formation. The chemical composition of the
hydrolysates of plasmalemma of the unaffected cells is knownto be akinto
that of lectin. Model studies on the composition of incubation mixtures
of plasmalemma and microsomal fractions with elicitor showed that the
incubating components possessed the ability to form conjugates. In the
presence of microsomal fractionsand plasmalemma, we observed a strong
agglutination of conidia, especially in the avirulent race of V. dahliae (see
Avazkhodjaev et al., 199ob). We have thus established that a property of
metabolites of plant and pathogen (elicitors, immunodepressors, lectins) is
that when present on the cell membrane surface they participate in the
host-pathogen interaction, resulting in realizationof either the markers of
resistance of the host plant or the markers of virulence of the pathogen.
With the help of the elicitor of phytoalexin formation, isolated from the
fungal cell wall, specific sites of reaction have been identified
the receptor
sections of microsomal fractions cotton
of cells.
Wilt Resistance 149
-Virulent race 2
Avirulent radio-mutant
cl? R - 177.
E 50 A
40 I.
c, 30 B
m 20
* 10
a A
VI 40
0 II
2 30
20 B
2 5 IO
Days after inoculation
070 of infectedplants
low 070 Healthy
Experimental variant plants intensity
CV. S4727
Control (injection of race 2) a a -
Avirulent mutant + reinoculation
with race2 after 1 day50 50 -
Avirulent mutant + reinoculation
with race2 after 2 days 45 55 -
Avirulent mutant + reinoculation
with race2 after 3 days 30 70 -
CV. Uzbekistan-l
Control (injection of race2) a a
108 F, the corresponding values were 36.0, 50.0, and 72.0 pg/g fresh wt,
only the resistance of the body but also a complex set of reactions directed
in support of its functional integrity, i.e., homeostasis.
One ofthe modes ofcontrol of the immunosystem incotton, subject to
the compounding influence of various anthropogenic factors (xenobiotics
such as pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, as well as ontogenic xenobiotics,
such as pathogen toxins, phytoalexins, quinones, etc., that are induced in
the plant tissues during disease incidence), isthe elucidation of activity of
the enzyme system, metabolizing or expelling the foreign elements fromthe
plant body. Endogenic xenobiotics, such as phytoalexins, accumulating in
the tissues in high concentrations, display toxic effects not only toward the
pathogen, but toward the plant itself. It has been noted byus that one such
system, very effective in detoxification and utilization of both exogenic and
of g1utathione-glutathione-S-
transferase(Avazkhodjaevetal., 1991). It hasbeenestablished that
under the influence of this enzyme the phytoalexin isohemigossypol isme-
tabolized to 60-70%. Varietal differences have been detected the in activity
of this system in various cotton cultivars and species, which leads to the
recommendation for its use asa physiological test for the desired selection
of varieties with overall resistanceto diseases and pesticides.
Results of our research have elucidatedthe phenomenon of phytoalexins in
considerable details. Oneof the characteristics of phytoalexin formation in
the cotton plant differing from other host-pathogen systems is its produc-
tion in the cells surrounding infected tissues into which the fungus does not
penetrate. Defense reactions, relating to the incompatibility of the plant
and the wilt fungus, are developed inthe parenchyma, cell walls of which
subsequently collapse from within,and the gaps are sealed due to infected
segments of the xylem vessels. Mechanicaland chemical barriersare simul-
taneously created in the path of infection by the cells since the latter are
saturated with fungitoxic phytoalexins.It is demonstrated that the process
of phytoalexin formation, in response to races of V. dahliae differing in
virulence, is a feature of all varieties of cotton regardless of the status of
their wilt resistance. A major factor limiting the disease resistance is the
rate of formation and accumulation of lethal (to pathogen) dosesof phyto-
alexins. Induction of phytoalexin formation in the cotton plant, similar to
that in many other crops, is polygenic in character. Various metabolites of
V. dahliae which induce phytoalexin formation (toxins, elicitors, proteins,
their different fractions, etc.), as well as metabolites that block the induc-
tion of phytoalexin formation in cotton and suppressors that display high
race specificity, have been identified. Suppression of phytoalexin formation
156 Avazkhodjaev et al.
and partial metabolization are two of the means employed by the virulent
races of the wilt fungusto overcome cotton plant resistance (Avazkhodjaev
et al., 1991).
The characteristics of receptor substances of the surface structures of
the cells ofthe cotton plant, which displaythe ability to bind complementa-
rily with the pathogen inductors such as lectins, have been enlisted. We
have identified two fractions of the cotton plant lectins, differing with
respect to chemical compositionas well as in their physiological actions: the
first fraction blocks phytoalexin formation, whereas the second inducesit.
Also elucidated is the ability of lectins to immobilize infectious structures
of the fungus V. dahliae, hyphal growth, and the association of inductor
with phytoalexinformation.
It may be noted in conclusion that for resolving important problems
related with wilt disease of cotton it is imperative that systems of an all-
inclusive and objective assessment of realization of immunological control
of the plant be exploited. Ascertainingthe realistic criteria of immunologi-
cal control in plant permits not only the stimulation of activity of the
protector metabolites but alsothe realization of simultaneous selectionfor
resistance to diseases, vermins, pesticides, etc.
In confirmation of the same,
the data obtained byus on the activityof glutathione-glutathione-4
transferase system in thecotton plant and its role inthe biotransformation
of xenobiotics should prove useful. In the course of research on wild and
cultivated new forms of cotton, some differences were detected, both the in
phytoalexin-inducing ability and in the glutathione-S-transferase activity.
Several of these would be useful in selection as initial materials
for constitu-
tion of complex-resistant varieties of cotton.
The authors acknowledge several friends and colleagues for tireless help
and active interest. Thanks are especially due to our numerous colleagues
in the Institute of Microbiology and the Bashkir branch of the erstwhile
USSR, and to Dr. R. W. Jayashankar of IEBP, for valuable assistance.We
are also grateful to Dr. RamDas Akella,SeniorLecturerinRussian,
Nagpur University, for a reviewof the English version of the text and
valuable advice on translation. The fourth author (R. G. D.) thanks the
Ministryof Human ResourceDevelopment,Governmentof India, and
the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, for award of a postdoctoral
fellowship inthe erstwhile USSR. He also acknowledges the help by way of
useful personal discussions with Dr. Margaret Essenberg and her colleagues
at the Oklahoma State University, and with Dr. AloisBell of the National
Wilt Resistance 157
Albersheim, P., and Anderson-Prouty, A. J. (1975). Carbohydrates, proteins, cell
surfaces and the biochemistry of pathogenesis. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. 2 6
Albersheim, P.,and Valent, B. (1978). Host-pathogen interactions in plants. J. Cell
Biol. 6(3):627-643.
Anderson-Prouty, A. J., and Albershiem, P. (1975). Isolation of a pathogen-
synthesized fraction rich in glycon,that elicits a defence response in the patho-
gen host. Plant Physiol. 56(2):286-291.
Anonymous (1986). Patent No. 1507264, 19-12-1986. Institute of Experimental Bi-
ology of Plants, Tashkent (in Russian).
Avazkhodjaev, M. X. (1985). Physiological basis of wilt-resistance ofcotton plant
and the paths of its induction. D. Sc. dissertation, Academy of Sciences, USSR,
Baku. (in Russian).
Avazkhodjaev, M. X., and Zeltser, S. S. (1980). Physiological Factors of Wilt-
Resistant Cotton Plant,FAN, Academy of Sciences, Uzbekistan (in Russian).
Avazkhodjaev, M. X., Jumaniyazov, I., Tashmuxamedov, B. A., and Gagelgans,
A. (1984). Phytoalexin inducing properties of cyclopolyethers. Proc. of Second
All-Union Conf. Macrocycles, 1984 (in Russian).
Avazkhodjaev, M. X., Zeltser, S. S., and Adilova, A. N. (1984a). Characteristics
of a metabolite of the fungus Verticillium dahliae, inducer of phytoalexins in
the cotton plant. Uzbekskii BiologickeskiiZ . 1:3-5 (in Russian).
Avazkhodjaev, M. X., Zeltser, S. S., and Adilova, A. N. (1984b). Induction and
blockage of phytoalexin formation in the cotton plant. Doklady Academii
Nauk. Uzbek. SSR 8:260-266 (in Russian).
Avazkhodjaev, M. X., Nuritdinova, X. V., Zeltser, S.S., and Adilova, A.N.
(1987). Some properties of lectines of cotton plant in relation to the Verticillium
wilt. Doklady Academii Nauk. Uzbek. SSR 156-58 (in Russian).
Avazkhodjaev, M. X., Nuritdinova, X. V., Zeltser, S. S., and Madaminova, L. M.
(1989a). Formation of determinate complexes of lectine of the cotton plant,
with components of the elicitor of the Verticillium wilt pathogen. Uzbekskii
Biologickeskii Z . 3:6-8 (in Russian).
Avazkhodjaev, M. X., Nuritdinova, X. V., Zeltser, S. S., and Madaminova, L. M.
(1989b). Receptor function ofplasmalemmain the wiltdiseaseof cotton.
Doklady Academii Nauk.Uzbek. SSR 1154-56 (in Russian).
Avazkhodjaev, M. X., Nuritdinova, X. V., and Zeltser, S. S. (1990a). Dynamics of
pathological changes in xylem of the cotton plant under the influence of the
fungus Verticillium dahliae. Micologia i Fitopatologia 24(3):240-244 (in Rus-
Avazkhodjaev, M. X., Zeltser, S.S., Nuritdinova, X. V., and Musaev, X. A.
(1990b). Receptor function of plasmalemma in the wilt disease of the cotton
158al. et Avazkhodjaev
H. J.Zeringue, Jr.
Southern Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service,
U.S. Department of Agriculture, New Orleans, Louisiana
A. Fungi and Elicitor Preparation
In most cases, A. Javus SRRC I O 0 0 was maintained on potato dextrose
agar platesat 29OC. Fungal sporeswere inoculated on a defined medium of
Adye and Mateles (1984) contained in 2.8 liter Fernback culture flasks.
Inculated mediawere keptat 29OC without shakingfor 10-14 days. Mycelia
were washed with distilled H20,homogenized with 0.1M phosphate buffer,
filtered, defatted with CHCL,-MeOH (1:l v/v), washed with MqCO, and
air-dried (Zeringue et al., 1982). Mycelia were resuspended in HzO, auto-
claved for 3 hr at 12I0C, filteredonfilter paper, and the filtrate was
concentrated by vacuumdistillation,dialyzedagainst H20 at 2OC, and
lyophilized. The hot-water-soluble mycelial extract elicitor was prepared
from a IO-day-old culture and contained 44.6% protein and 37.5% carbo-
B. Plants and Treatments of Leaf Disks and Cotton Boll
Disks and TLC Quantitation
Acala SJ-2 cotton plants were grown under greenhouse conditions and were
at least 2 months old at the time of leaf treatment. Both leaves and cotton
boll surfaces were slightly abraded with 6- to 8-mm diameter wounds pro-
duced by carborundum disks or by a scalpel blade. Two areas of fifth or
sixth true leaves per plant were scratched in areas midway between the
outer margin of the leaf to the medium. Similar wounds were produced on
developing cotton boll carpel surfaces in areas between the suture lines of
the boll. Usually 10 pg of the mycelial extractin 10 p1 sterile, distilled H 2 0
was applied to the wounded areas, and 2 days after treatment wounded
areas wereexcisedwith14- to 18-mm-diametercorkborers.Leafdisks
(20 disks at a time) were placed in 40 m1 50% aqueous EtOH and were
vacuum-infiltrated; the flaskscontaining the disksweresubsequently
placed on a reciprocating shaker for 12 hr at room temperature. Cotton
boll disks (24 disks) were vacuum-infiltrated with 40 m1 methyl alcohol-
acetone (4:lv/v). The disks were removedfrom the alcohol extractand the
extract was concentrated to dryness byrotary evaporation under vacuumat
5OOC. The residue was dissolved in MeOHto produce a 5% (w/v) solution
whichwas spotted on silica gel thin-layer chromatography (TLC) plates
and developed in CH3CN-CHC1, :4 (1v/v). Plates were spotted with treated
leaf or boll extracts and standards and scanned densitometrically at 365
nm with a Schoeffelspectrodensitometer(Model SD 3000) to obtain a
semiquantitative analysis of the fluorescent spots. The Rf’ values of the
compounds in plant extracts weredeterminedin three different solvent
systems (Table1).
Cotton Strategies of Defense Expression 163
R' values
Band color
(365 nm) System In System I I ~ System I I I ~
A. Induction of Phytoalexins
Early research at the Southern Regional Research Center (SRRC) showed
that five cotton autofluorescent (365 nm illumination) phytoalexins could
be induced in the cotton leaf or the developing cotton boll by a cell-free,
hot-water-soluble, mycelial extractof A. flaws (Zeringue, 1984), including
164 Zeringue
29.1" 58.3 12.6 0 0 0
86.2b 13.8 0 0 0 0
Lacinilene C 18.9" 77.0 4.1 0 0 0
92.6b 7.4 0 0 0 0
2-Hydroxy-7-methoxycadalene 34.5" 58.0 4.6 2.1 0.9 0
81.5b 18.5 0 0 0 0
Lacinilene C 7-methyl ether 42.7' 53.1 4.2 0 0 0
94. lb 5.9 0 0 0 0
'Two days after treatment.
bFive days after treatment.
Source:Data from Zeringue (1987a).
B. Phytotoxic Effects
To understand the cyclic production of the induced phytoalexins incotton
leaves, a sensitive bioassay was developed that utilized the aquatic macro-
phyte Lemna minor L. (Einhelling et al., 1985; Zeringue, 1987a).LAC and
LACME from excised leaf disks exhibited phytotoxic properties in the L.
minor assay (Table 3). Both lacinilenes inhibited the growth of L. minor,
but LAC produced the greatest inhibition. Both compounds produced root
discoloration and some frond bleaching occurred with LAC. The phyto-
toxic properties of the two lacinilenes may explain some of the results
described in Table4. It is possible that cell death in the cotton leaf releases
constitutive material (an endogenous elicitor) which initiates phytoalexin
biosynthesis and the accumulation of the compounds shown in Table 1
Cotton Strategies of Defense Expression 167
No. of
frondsafter Dry wt of
No. of
leaf 1 week of
incubation L. minor as
disks percentage of
Component control ControlTreated
Lacinilene C 1 24' 32 77
2 41
1 l' 28
27 27 3 8d
4 1Id
28 32
5 27 Sd 30
Lacinilene C 7-
methyl ether 1 28 30 84
22' 2
3 63 2v 32
30 4 20' 62
27 5 18' 64
'Separated by preparativeTLC.
bAliquots prepared from SO-leaf disks
to represent the amountof component in 1-5 leaf disks.
aoots have a brownish discoloration.
dSome bleachingof fronds resulted.
Source: Data from Zeringue (1987a).
margraves and Bailey, 1978). This reasoning could also explainthe induc-
tion of the compounds in wounded control leaves on days5-6 after wound-
ing. The synergistic effect produced by a fungal extractand an endogenous
elicitor may explain the peak accumulations of the compounds in treated
leaf extractson days 2 and 6 (Table 1). Synergistic elicitor effects have been
observed betweenthe 6-glucan elicitor ofPhytophora megasperma and the
endogenous elicitor of soybean tissue (Darvilland Albersheim, 1984). Simi-
lar synergism has been observed between 6-glucan and fatty acid elicitorsin
potato (Block and KuC, 1983; Kuranty and Osman, 1983; Preisig and KuC,
The lacinilene and cadalene precursorsare induced in the green tissues
of the cotton plant in contrast to the terpenoid phytoalexins desoxyhemi-
gossypol and hemigossypol, together with their methyl esters, which are
formed in germinating seed, youngroots, hypocotyls, xylem vessels, cam-
bial tissues, andcotton boll endocarp (Halloin and Bell, 1979; Veech, 1978;
Hunter et al., 1978; Bell and Stipanovic, 1977). Varied levels of A. flaws
inhibition were observed in direct bioautography on TLC plates that con-
tained the five separated induced compounds (unpublished). Essenberg et
168 Zeringue
al. (1982) demonstrated that DHC and LAC are bacteriostatic and accumu-
late in leaves and cotyledons of blight-resistant lines of cotton when the
tissues weretreated with a bacterial suspension of Xanthomonas campestris
pv. malvacearum. Halloin and Greenblatt (1982) found accumulation of
lacinilenes and cadalenes in cotton boll tissues after puncture inoculation
of bolls with Diplodia gossypina; the bolls exhibited a bright, yellowish
fluorescence under long-waveUV light and also resistance to infection by
Diplodia gossypina.
Table 5 Ferulic Acid and Scopoletin Concentrations' in Leaf Disks from the First True
Leaf of Acala SJ-2 Cotton Plants That Were Wounded and Wounded-Plus-Treated with
Cell-Free A. flavus Extract
Wounded plus treated
Ferulic acid extract
with fungal
Day after
wounding Cis trans Scopoletin Scopoletin
Ferulic acid
1 tb t 2.4 f 0.12 t 179.6 f 2.64
2 t t 2.1 f 0.20 t 61.8 f 3.28
3 262 f 5.4' 1268 f: 6.2 1.3 f 0.30 t 53.5 f 2.73
4 47 f 2.3 472 f 6.7 1.0 f 0.03 t 36.2 f 1.66
5 t t t t 27.4 f 4.84
6 1 1 t t 18.1 f 2.13
7 1 1 t t 14.3 f 2.55
'Data reported, in &g fresh wt, are from analyses of extracts of 80 leaf disks for each day (20
wounded leaves and20 wounded-plus-treated leaves). Each leaf disk was15 mm in diameter, includ-
ing a wounded area6 mm in diameter. These data represent the meanof three test runs.
%ace amounts, less than 1 pg/g fresh wt.
'Mean * SE.
Source: Data from Zeringue et al.
Cotton of Defense Expression 169
Cut 225 a‘ b 197 b
A. flavus inoculatedleaves
Woundedleaves 1003 c 702 c 337 d
A. flovus inoculatedleaves
e 339
225f g
A. flavus
cultures h h 229
i 317A. flavus
i 401
’There were at least three replicatesof each treatment condition, and the data represent the
means of the analysesof three subsamples in each treatment.
bControl leaves treated the same as receptor leaves, except they received only filtered com-
pressed air.
’Means in separatecolumns in each treatment followed by the same letter are not significantly
different atP = 0.05 accordingto Duncan’s Multiple Range Test.
Source: Data from Zeringue (1987b).
Cotton Strategies of Defense Expression 175
biosynthesis. This brief chapter has described several strategies that the
cotton plant may utilize in defense against Aspergiffussp. It is apparent
that induction of a combination of defense mechanisms in cotton plants
will protect cottonseed from aflatoxin contamination. Elucidation of the
defense systems will provide a basis for development of commercialcotton
cultivars with enhanced resistance to A. fravus and aflatoxin.
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pathological Society, Ames,IA, Paper No.A486.
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Xanthornonas campestris pv. malvacearum, of two phytoalexins from leaves
and cotyledons of resistant cotton. Phytopathology 72: 1349-1356.
Groopman, J. D., Groy, R. G., and Wogan, G . N. (1981). In vitro reactions of
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Agric. Food Chem.221407-1409.
Halloin, J. M., and Greenblatt, G. A. (1982). Abstract, Beltwide Cotton Production
Research Conference,January 3-7, 1982, Las Vegas, p. 46.
Hargreaves, J. A., and Bailey, J. A. (1978). Phytoalexin production by hypocotyls
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in some plants.Phytochemistry 12869-872.
180 Zeringue
Shih, M., and Kut, J. (1973). Incorporation of I4C from acetate and mevalonate
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Sesquiterpenoid Phytoalexins
Synthesized in Cotton Leaves and
Cotyledons During the Hypersensitive
Response to Xanthomonas campestris
pv. malvacearum
Margaret Essenberg andMargaret L. Pierce
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma
Our work has focused on evaluation of the role of phytoalexins in heritable
resistance of cotton to bacterial blight. The most thorough studies of this
type by other workers have been with fungal diseases, and mostly with
isoflavonoid phytoalexins (Mansfield, 1982; Hahn et al., 1985). This study
evaluates the role of sesquiterpenoid phytoalexins in a bacterial leafspot
disease. Cotton (Gossypiurnspp.) andXanthomonas campestrispv. malva-
ceamrn are a genetically interesting system because of the race/cultivar
specificity due to a number of major host genes for resistance, each of
which confers resistanceto a different setof races (Brinkerhoff,1970). The
and Gabriel, 1991), each of which contains several 102-nucleotide-base-pair
repeats of unknown function (D. W. Gabriel, personal communication).
Upland cotton (Gossypiurn hirsutumL.) lines possessing several resistance
genes have been developed whose resistance'to bacterial blight is so high
that no macroscopic symptomsor only pinpoint lesions are produced after
inoculation with most races of the pathogen (Brinkerhoff et al.,1984).
Objectives of our work have been to determine whether phytoalexins
contribute significantly to the high resistance of those cotton lines and to
learn how the phytoalexins are biosynthesized. In evaluating the role of
phytoalexins, we have taken an analytical approach by asking whether the
pathogen is exposed to inhibitory doses of the phytoalexins at the time it
becomes inhibited during incompatible interactions. Results of the study
184 Essenberg and Pierce
the same excitation and emission ranges as employed for fluorescence mi-
croscopy (Pierce and Essenberg, 1987). Necrotic cells were stained in 0.25-
cm2 leaf discs withan aqueous solution of Evan’s blue, Exhaustive extrac-
tion of phytoalexins was performed by vacuum infiltration with ethanol/
water (70:30) and sonication for 30-45 min at 20-30°C. The relative fluo-
rescence intensities of cells before and after tissue extraction were viewed
with a video camerafitted to the fluorescence microscope, amplified, digi-
tized, and analyzed by computer (Essenberg et al., 1992b). Alkaline hydro-
lysis of materials remainingafter extraction was performed with 1N NaOH
at room temperature for 24 hr. Detailsofthemethod for determining
average phytoalexin concentration in the yellow-green fluorescent cells of
foliar tissue were described by Essenberg et al. (1992a). Important in that
method was determination of the fraction of the leaf tissue waterthat was
in the hypersensitively responding (i.e., yellow-green fluorescent and/or
brown) cells.The fraction of leaf tissue waterthat was in all mesophyll cells
was determined by stereological analysis of cross-sections. The fraction of
mesophyll cells that were hypersensitively responding was determined in
fresh, unsectioned leaf samples by counting cells that were fluorescent and/
or Evan’s blue-stainable, aswell as total mesophyll cells.
Incorporation of [1 ,2-13C]acetateinto DHC was by infiltration of inoc-
ulated OK1.2 cotyledons with a20 mM solution at 52 hr postinoculation,
followedbyharvest at 70 hr (Essenberg et al., 1985). Incorporation of
[5-3H]mevalonolactone into DHC and2-hydroxy-7-methoxycadalene(HMC)
was by infiltration of inoculated cotyledons with 30 a pCi/ml solutionat 26
hr postinoculation, followedby harvestat 43 hr. Degradation wasby oxida-
tion with a ruthenium-containing catalyst, followed by esterification of the
resulting labeled isobutyric acid and HPLC of the esterto constant specific
radioactivity (Davis etal., 1991). 6-Cadinene wasidentified by comparison
of its proton nuclear magnetic resonanceand mass spectra with spectra of
authentic 6-cadinene isolatedfrom cade oiland by cochromatography with
authentic 6-cadinene (Davis, 1993). Cell-freepreparations of the sesquiter-
pene cyclase were obtained by homogenizing inoculated, glandless cotyle-
dons in cold buffer containing enzyme-stabilizing additives and then pre-
paring from the homogenate a 27,OOOg supernatant (Munck and Croteau,
1990). Cyclase activity was assayed by incubating an aliquot of the superna-
tant (10 pg protein per assay) with0.3 pCi [l-3H]FPPfor 30 min at 3OoC,
followed by hexane extractionof the reaction mixture, passage ofthe hex-
ane through silica to removepolarcompounds, and liquid scintillation
counting of the eluate. Cochromatography of the eluate with authentic
8-cadinene by normal phase HPLC verified the identity ofthe predominant
product as 6-cadinene (Davis, 1993).
186 Essenberg and Pierce
white light (300-700 nm), DHC and LC can induce single-strand breaks in
DNA, inactivate enzymes,and destroy the infectivity of cauliflower mosaic
virus, apparently by crosslinkingthe viral DNA to coat protein (Sun et al.,
1988, 1989). During exposure of DHC to light and oxygen, free radicals
were detected by spin trapping with phenyl-tert-butylnitrone(Steidl, 1988).
DHC, LC,and LCME were more inhibitoryto liquid cultures of X.cam-
pesfris pv. malvacearum when they were exposed to white light (300-700
m)than in the dark (Steidl, 1988; Sun et al., 1989; Samad and Essenberg,
unpublished). In the light, 0.10 mM DHC inhibited bacterial growth com-
PA Synthesis and X. campestris pv. malvacearum 189
pletely. HMC remained inactiveand therefore does not qualify asa phyto-
alexin. The broadly destructive effects observedfrom photoactivated DHC
suggest that during the hypersensitive response in sunlit
cotton plants, these
phytoalexins probably damage many components of the infecting bacterial
cells. The only other report of phototoxic phytoalexins of which we are
aware is on thiophenes elicited in Tagetes by Fusarium oxysporum (Kour-
any et al.,1988). However,the growing numbers ofplant species discovered
to contain phototoxins (Downum etal., 1991) suggestthat other phytoalex-
ins may have unrecognized phototoxicity.
into account, it was calculated that more than 90% of the DHC and more
than 75% of the LC and LCME were associated with the fluorescent cells
at infection centers (Table 2).
Since the bacterial colonies are in the intercellular spaces rather than
inside the necrotic cells, itwas important to know whetherthe phytoalexins
can penetrate the host plasma membrane to contact the bacteria. Evan's
blue, a dye that stains onlycells with damaged plasma membranes (Taylor
and West, 1980), was usedto assess membrane integrity.Of the fluorescent
cells observed in leaf samples 2, 3, and 4 days after inoculation, 98 2% *
were stained by Evan's blueand/or were dark brown (Pierceand Essenberg,
unpublished). We know that the dark brown cells have dysfunctional mem-
branesbecausethey are collapsed(Essenbergetal.,1979a, 199213).We
conclude that all of the fluorescent cells have damaged membranes perme-
able to small molecules.
An efflux experiment demonstratedthat the phytoalexins were able to
diffuse from the fluorescent cells. The abaxial epidermis was peeled from
strips of inoculated resistant cotyledons,and the strips were gently stirred
in a buffered 0.4 M mannitol solution (Pierce et al., unpublished). The
phytoalexins LC, LCME, and DHC diffused into the medium with first-
order kineticsand half-times of3 hr, 6 hr, and 16 hr, respectively.
However, not all of the yellow-green fluorescent material in hypersen-
Phytoalexins Contribution to
Fraction of total
mesophyll @mol/mm2)
tissue W O ) DHC LC
Experiment 1
Brightly fluorescent 23 93
86 62 100 88
Less fluorescent 77 11 0 7 12 0
Experiment 2
Brightly fluorescent 23 140 71 79
92 75
Less fluorescent 77 8 47 18 25 21
'Cells were isolated from resistant OK1.2 cotyledons three days after infiltration with 5 x
10' cells/ml of X. campestris pv. malvacearum and subjected to fluorescence-activated cell
was assumed that the phytoalexin amounts lost during isolation and sorting had the same
distribution between brightly fluorescent and less fluorescent cells in the intact tissue as the
amounts recovered in the sorted cells.
Source: Reproduced with permissionfrom Pierce and Essenberg, 1987. Copyright 1987,Aca-
demic Press, Ltd.
PA Synthesis and X. campestris pv. malvacearum 191
The findings described above, that the phytoalexins are predominantly lo-
calized in cells which can be identified
by their autofluorescence, enabled us
to determine the average phytoalexin concentrations in those cells. Tissue
water content was determinedas the differencebetweenfresh and dry
192 Essenberg and Pierce
E. BiosyntheticPathways
The structures of phytoalexins produced in cotton leaves and cotyledons
suggest that they are terpenoid in origin, and isotope incorporation into
DHC and HMC from labeled acetate and mevalonolactone has confirmed
this (Essenberg et al., 1985; Davis et al., 1991). Several things have been
learned about how trans, tram-farnesylpyrophosphate(FPP), a common
intermediate of terpene biosynthesis, enters the specialized pathway to the
cotton leaf phytoalexins. When acetate containing I3C at 90% enrichment
in both positions was fed to cotyledons during phytoalexin biosynthesis, the
positions of adjacent carbon atoms labeledfrom the same acetate molecule
were deduced from the I3C nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of DHC
(Essenberg et al., 1985). Thisinformation showed which of thethree possi-
194 and Essenberg
This enzymic activity is strongly infection-induced. Thus it appears that
biosynthesis of the phytoalexins from FPP begins with cyclization and is
followed by hydroxylationand aromatization. Inthis, it follows the pattern
that has been found for biosynthesis of other cyclic sesquiterpenes (Cane,
We willcontinue our exploration ofthe foliar tissue’s responseto individual
bacterial colonies. The observation that cells become Evan’s blue-stainable
(i.e., necrotic) as they become visibly fluorescent raises the question of
where biosynthesis of these fluorescent phytoalexins occurs. Is ita inshort
burst just before death? Or in living, neighboring cells followed by trans-
port to the dead or dying cells? Or inboth places? Our biosynthetic studies
PA Synthesis and X. campestris pv. malvacearum 195
are providing tools for answering these questions. We are currently per-
forming pulse label experimentsto gain information about time and place
of biosynthesis relativeto host cell death. We are also purifyingthe sesqui-
terpene cyclase described above. itIfis provento catalyze a reaction on the
biosynthetic pathway to the phytoalexins, then an immunocytochemical
stain for it or an in situ hybridization probe for its messenger RNA can
reveal the cells in which phytoalexin biosynthesis is induced.
We are also working to elucidate the rest of the biosynthetic pathway.
Several putative intermediates have been identified. Isotopic incorporation
and dilution experiments will be conducted to show whether these com-
pounds are biosynthetic intermediates betweenFPP and the phytoalexins.
Assays for later enzymes of the pathway may then be developed, so that
these enzymes may be isolated.
Preparation and identification of cDNA clones for biosynthetic en-
zymes will give us the opportunity to block these steps in plants by trans-
forming them with antisense constructsof the genes. This strategy is now
being applied by other investigatorsto legumes to test the role of isoflavo-
noid phytoalexins in disease resistance. Such manipulation of genes affect-
ing phytoalexin concentration or activity offers promise of powerful tests
of whether phytoalexins are necessary for resistance. The analyses of phyto-
alexin concentrations inplanta that we have described inthis chapter have,
by comparison, provided evidence concerning whether phytoalexin accu-
mulation is sufficient to account for observed disease resistance.
The cDNA clonesfor biosynthetic enzymes may be used as probes for
identification of genomic clones. The cadalene and lacinilene phytoalexins
that we study are only four of a large group of terpenoids in cotton that
have the same carbon skeleton and function variously as constitutive de-
fenses against herbivory, as attractants to pollinating insects, or as infec-
tion-induced defenses against fungal and bacterial pathogens (Bell, 1986).
Isolation of genes for the biosynthetic enzymes, along with their variously
regulated promoters, will open up possibilities of crop improvement by
enhancing or repressing synthesis of these compounds inparticular organs
of the plant or by introducing genes for foreign defense proteins under the
regulation of cotton’s own stress-responsive promoters.
We thank our colleagues Ellen C. Cover, Paul E. Richardson, Vernon E.
Scholes, Roushan A. Samad, and Judith L. Shevell for permission to de-
scribe their unpublished work, and Oral Roberts University for use of the
microspectrophotometer and the cell sorter. The work described here was
supported by a grant from the Herman FraschFoundation, by the Cooper-
196 Essenberg and Pierce
Bakker, J., Gommers, F. J., Smits, L., Fuchs, A., and De Vries, F. W. (1983).
Photoactivation of isoflavonoid phytoalexins: involvement of free radicals.
Photochem. Photobiol.38(3): 323-329.
Bell, A. A. (1986). Physiology of secondary products. Cotton Physiology (J. R.
Mauney and J. McD. Stewart, eds.), Cotton Foundation, Memphis, pp. 597-
Brinkerhoff, L. A. (1970).Variation inXanthomonas malvacearum and its relation
to control. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 8 85-1 10.
Brinkerhoff, L. A., Verhalen, L. M., Johnson, W. M., Essenberg, M., and Rich-
ardson, P. E. (1984). Development of immunity to bacterial blight of cotton
lications for other diseases. Plant Dis. 68(2): 168-173.
Cane,and T
D.itsE. ( 990). Enzymatic formation of sesquiterpenes. Chem. Rev. 90(7):
1089-1 103.
Davis, G. D. (1993). 6-Cadinene synthase from hypersensitively responding cotton
cotyledons: identification of substrate and product and partial purification of
the enzyme. PhD thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater.
Davis, G. D., Eisenbraun, E. J., and Essenberg, M. (1991).Tritium transfer during
biosynthesis of cadalene stress compounds in cotton. Phytochemistry, 30(1):
De Feyter, R., and Gabriel, D. W. (1991).At least six avirulence genesare clustered
on a 90-kilobase plasmid in Xanthomonas campestrispv. malvacearum. Mol.
Plant-Microbe Interact.4(5): 423-432.
Downum, K. R., Swain, L. A., and Faleiro, L. J. (1991). Influence of light on plant
allelochemicals: a synergistic defense in higher plants. Arch. Insect Biochem.
Physiol. I7(4): 201-212.
Elzen, G. W., Williams, H. J., Bell, A. A., Stipanovic, R. D., and Vinson, S. B.
(1985).Quantification of volatile terpenes of glanded and glandless Gossypium
hirsutum L. cultivars and lines by gas chromatography. J. Agric. Food Chem.
33(6): 1079-1082.
Essenberg, M., and Pierce, M. L. (1994). Role of phytoalexins in resistance of
cotton to bacterial blight.Bacterial Pathogenesis and Disease Resistance(S.-D.
Kung and D. D. Bills, eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, pp.303-304.
Essenberg, M., Cason, E. T. Jr., Hamilton, B., Brinkerhoff, L. A., Gholson,
R. K., and Richardson, P. E. (1979a). Single cell colonies of Xanthomonas
malvacearum in susceptible and immune cotton leaves and the local resistant
response to colonies in immune leaves. Physiol. Plant Pathol.15(1): 53-68.
PA Synthesis and X. campestris pv. malvacearum 197
A. The Groundnut Crop
Groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L.), or “peanuts” as theyare known in the
United States, are an important oilseed crop belonging to the Fabaceae
(Leguminosae). They are cultivated in most of the tropical regions of the
world, where rainfall is adequate, lying between the latitudes 40°N and
4OoS (McDonald, 1984). The total area devoted to groundnut cultivation is
approximately 20 million ha (FAO, 1990; Wynneetal., 1991) and the
average annual world production is estimated at 23.1 million t of pods
(FAO, 1990).
The growth habit of the plant is unusual in that the pods are borne
underground. After fertilization, the gynophore (or peg) elongates toward
the ground and, on penetrating the soil, begins to form a pod. Once the
kernels have differentiatedthe pod tissue becomes woodyand dies, giving
rise to the familiar pittedstructure of the mature groundnut.
B. ProductionConstraints
Only a third of the world production of groundnuts comes from large
commercial plantations, the remainder being produced by small holdings in
developing countries where yieldsare extremely low, averaging 780 kg/ha.
Low yields are caused by variety of constraints, among which pests and
diseases are the most significant (Gibbons,1980). In contrast, yields are far
higher in developed countries, averaging 3000 kg/ha, and some cultivars
are capable of yields as high as5000 kg/ha under ideal growing conditions
(McDonald, 1984).
Groundnuts are host to approximately 50 genera of fungi, 1bacterium,
15 viruses, 16 nematodes, and 2 phanerogamic parasites, aswell as a num-
ber of insect pests; theyare also susceptibleto physiological disorders such
as deficiency diseasesand injuries caused by climaticfactors (Jackson and
Bell, 1969; Feakin, 1973; COPR, 1981; Porter et al., 1984; Subrahmanyam
and Ravindranath, 1988). Many of these agents are major constraints to
groundnut production worldwideand reduce yields as wellas quality of the
crop substantially.
Two of the more serious disorders ofgroundnuts are leaf spot diseases
and infection of kernels by fungi of the Aspergillusflavus group. The main
causal agents of leaf spot diseases are Cercospora arachidicola (early leaf
spot), Phaeoisariopsis personata (late leaf spot), and rust, Puccinia ara-
chidis, which can cause losses ofup to 50% (Subrahmanyam and McDon-
ald, 1983, 1987). In addition, web blotch, causedby Phorna arachidicola, is
important in some African countries (Cole,1982). The A. flavus group of
fungi consists of A . flavus itself and the closely related A . parasiticus.
They produce powerful mycotoxins which can have serious consequences if
consumed (see below).
C. Disease Control Strategies
Effective chemicalcontrol measures are available for leaf spot diseasesbut
not for infection of kernels by the A . flavus group of fungi, which often
occurs in the soil. Use of chemical methods to control leaf spot diseases is
limited in developing countriesfor several reasons including lack of money
to pay the high costs of the chemicals, lack of local availability of the
chemicals themselvesand the means of applying them, and lack of knowl-
edge about their use. Hence, control measures have been directedto select-
ing and breeding disease-resistant cultivars.
Although disease control by breeding resistant cultivars can be very
effective and is particularly appropriate for developing countries, the pro-
cess is painfully long. Moreover, resistance genes for each disease and pest
have to be introduced separately into agronomically acceptable cultivars.
One way in which this process might be accelerated is to enhance the plant’s
defense mechanisms.
In this chapter we review one defense mechanism, the phytoalexin re-
sponse, and suggest ways in which it might be exploited to increase the
resistance ofgroundnuts to its more important parasites.
Groundnut Phytoalexins and Disease Resistance 201
A. Definition and Role in Defense
Phytoalexins are low molecular weight antimicrobial compounds that are
synthesized byand accumulated in plants in response to microbial challenge
(Paxton, 1981). Although the role of these compounds in resistance is not
included inthis definition, there isnow ample evidence to suggest that rapid
accumulation of sufficient concentration of phytoalexin in the vicinity of
the challenging parasiteis inhibitory for its growthand is crucial for defense
(reviewed by Mansfield, 1982; Strange, 1992). Such evidence comes from
two types of experiments: biochemical and genetic.
Biochemicalevidencedemonstrates that phytoalexinsaccumulate to
inhibitory concentrations at the time that the parasite ceases to grow. For
example, Hahn etal. (1985) showed,using a radioimmuneassay, that
within 8 hr of inoculation the concentration of the soybean phytoalexin,
glyceollin I, exceeded the amount required to inhibit the in vitro growthof
Phytophthora megaspermaf. sp. glycinea in roots of a resistant cultivarbut
not in those ofa susceptible cultivar. Similar results were also obtained for
interactions of soybean roots and the soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera
glycines; again usinga radioimmune assay,Huang and Barker (1991) found
that concentrations ofglyceollin I in the head region of the nematode
reached 0.3 pmol/ml by 24 hr after inoculationin a resistantcultivar
whereas nonewas found ina susceptible cultivar.
Genetic evidence for the role of phytoalexins in resistance has been
reviewedby VanEtten et al. (1989) with particular reference to the pea
parasite, Nectria haematococca. In brief, only strains of the fungus that
were tolerant of the pea phytoalexin pisatinand were able to degrade it by
demethylation were virulent. When these were crossed with strains that
were avirulent and sensitive to pisatin, the progeny generally fell into the
two parental phenotypes, i.e. 1.) those that were tolerant of pisatin, were
able to degrade it, and were virulent (Pda'), and 2.) those that were sensi-
tive to pisatin, couldnot degrade it, and were avirulent (Pda-).
The importanceof pisatin demethylase,the enzyme responsiblefor the
degradation of pisatin, has been corroborated by experiments in which a
Pda- isolate was transformed with a fragment of DNA containing a gene
which conferred the ability to demethylate pisatin (Ciufetti et al., 1988).
Three of the transformants were more tolerant of pisatin and two were
significantly more pathogenic to pea.
Recently, VanEtten's team (Miao et al., 1991) mapped one Pda gene
(Pdad) to a small, meiotically unstable chromosome which was dispensable
for normal growth. They point out that these properties are characteristic
of B chromosomes and suggest that such genetic elements might be an
202 Strange Subba Rao and
important meansbywhichvariationcouldbegeneratedinpathogenic
fungi. This would be of particular significance
if such genetic elements were
laterally transmissibleand could confer phytoalexin tolerance
to other fungi
in a manner analogousto R plasmids in bacteria (Miao al.,
et 1991).
1988a, 1990, 1991; Edwardsand Strange, 1991; Arora and Strange, 1991).
Ethyl acetate extracts were usually dried over anhydrous sodium sulfate
before reductionof the volume by film evaporation. (See Fig. 1 for a sum-
mary of these techniques.)
Phytoalexins are often detected initially by their antifungal activity. The
most widely used technique is the thin layer chromatography (TLC) bioas-
say (Homan and Fuchs, 1970). Solutions of phytoalexins extracted from
the plant are spotted on a TLC plateand chromatographed. After removal
of the solvent, the plate is sprayed with a suspension of spores ofa darkly
pigmented fungus in a nutrient solution and the plate incubated at high
humidity and suitable temperaturesfor growth of the fungus for 48-72 hr.
The phytoalexins appear as white spots devoid of fungal growth whereas
the remainder of the plate is covered by a dark mat of fungal mycelium
(Fig. 2). Suitable test fungi are Cladosporium cucumerinum (Aguamah et
al., 1981; Edwards and Strange, 1991), C. herbarum (Ingham, 1976), and
C.cladosporioides (Subba Rao et al., 1988a, 1990, 1991).
Once pure preparations of phytoalexins have beenobtained, mass and nu-
clear magnetic resonance spectrometryare powerful meansfor their identi-
fication and generally provide enough data to propose a structure if the
compound is new. For example, these techniques were usedto deduce the.
structure of the arachidins fromgroundnut cotyledons (Keen and Ingham,
1976; Aguamah et al., 1981; Cooksey etal., 1988).
204 Subba Rao and Strange
1 (discarded)
Preparative HPLCon Si column
(mobile phase, Petroleum ether
b.p. 40-60°C:EtOAc -
7:3 V/V)
Active fractions dissolved in
Analytical HPLC ODS column
(mobile phase MeCN-H,O 1:l V/V)
Infected leaves
Method 1
Method 2
Figure 1 Continued.
and 207
Quantitative Determination
For many phytoalexins, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
is the methodof choice (Strange,1987; Subba Rao et al., 1988a, 1990,1991;
Edwards and Strange, 1991; Arora and Strange, 1991). The compounds are
usually separated by reverse phase chromatography using an ODS silica
column and quantitated by referenceto internal standard compounds and/
or external standards of the authentic phytoalexins.
Although no work has yet been achieved with a radioimmunoassay
of groundnut cotyledons, this sensitive technique will undoubtedly be of
importance for establishing whether phytoalexins accumulate at the right
time and in the right place to explain the cessation of growth of invading
microorganisms (Hahn et al., 1985; Huang and Barker, 1991).
OH 10.11
1. 33.4'-Trihydroxystilbene (sh),281,297 306,
2. Arachidin I (4-(3-methylbut-l-enyl)- 220,245
3,5,3',4'-tetrahydroxystilbene) (sh), 346 (sh)
3. Arachidin I1 (4-(3-methylbut-2-enyl)- 220,295
(sh), 307,
3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene) (sh) 324,340
4. Arachidin I11 (4-(3-methylbut-l-enyl)- 219,241
(sh), 327
3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene) 331,346 (sh),
(sh), 364 (SW
5. Arachidin IV (3-isopentadienyl-
4,3 ',5 "trihydroxystilbene)
carpin 6. 287
7. 282 (sh), 287
212,2388. Daidzein
262 (sh), 305
8 9. 249,
262 (sh), 305
10. 7,4'-Dimethoxy-2'-hydroxyisoflavanone 277,311
11. 7,2'-Dihydroxy4'-rnethoxyisoflavanone 275,311
Fatty acid-related compounds
12. phenol -
sphenyls 13-15. Alkyl -
17. 13-Hydroxyoctadecadiene-9,ll-methyloate -
18. 9-Hydroxyoctadecadiene-10,12-methyloate -
19. 1,2,3(2-Acetyloxy)tricarboxylic propanic acid -
al., 1985), Puccinia urachidis (Subba Rao et al., 1988a, 1990, 1991), and
Rhizoctonia bataticola(Narayanaswamy and Mahadevan, 1983).
Two other factors that profoundly affect phytoalexin elicitation and
accumulation are the genotype of the plant and environmental conditions.
These topics will be discussed later along with the role of phytoalexins in
Biosynthesis and Degradation
Elicitor treatment causesthe derepression ofthe biosynthetic pathway lead-
ing to phytoalexin synthesis. Once synthesizedthe phytoalexin may be sub-
216 Subba Rao and Strange
BiologicaI Activity
The spectrum of biological activity of groundnut phytoalexins has hardly
begun to be explored and so far has been confined to antifungal activity,
especially against parasites ofgroundnut (Table 4). The lowest EDsovalue
Groundnut Phytoalexins and Disease Resistance
Strange218 and Rao Subba
(2.2 pg/ml) was that of the two isomeric dienolsfor the inhibition of germ
tube growth of uredospores ofPuccinia arachidis, and the highest (140 pg/
ml) was that of demethylmedicarpinfor inhibition of spore germination of
CIadosporium spp. (Table4).
Role in Defense
Attempts to assess the role of phytoalexins in resistance have been made
mainly with leaf spot fungi and fungi of the A . fravus group. In order to
provide a context for evaluating thesedata, it is worth reviewing the criteria
that have been proposed to establish whether a phytoalexin can be consid-
ered to play a role in defense. These
are as follows:
1. The compound must accumulate in response to infection.
2. The compound mustbe inhibitory to the invading organism.
3. The compound must accumulate to inhibitory concentrations in the
vicinity of the parasite at the time the parasite ceases growing.
4. Varying the rate of accumulation of the phytoalexin causes a corre-
sponding variation in the resistance ofthe plant.
5. Varying the sensitivity of the invading organism causesa corresponding
variation in its virulence (Strange, 1992).
Of these criteria, the first three are mandatory and the remaining two
provide corroborativeevidence.
Resistance to Toxigenic Aspergihs Species. Groundnuts are frequent-
ly infected by the mycotoxigenic fungiA . flavus and A. parasiticus. Strains
of A. fravus normally synthesize aflatoxinB, and GI whereas strains of A .
parasiticus usually produceaflatoxin B,, B1,G,, and G2.In addition to their
toxigenicity, these compoundsare reported to be carcinogenic, mutagenic,
and teratogenic (Hayes, 1980). Aflatoxin B1 is the most toxic of the four
compounds and is alsoa powerful liver carcinogen (Heathcote and Hibbert,
1978). Infection of groundnuts usually takes place before harvest from soil
infested by the fungi but may also occur during harvest and storage (Wil-
liams and McDonald, 1983; Strange, 1991).
In attempts to find a simple method for screening genotypesfor resis-
tance to mycotoxigenic AspergiIIus spp. an in vitro technique has been
established. Groundnut cotyledons are hydrated to 20% moisture and
rolled ina spore suspension ofthe fungi before incubation. Results of such
tests have shownthat cultivars which are resistant inthe in vitro screenare
also resistant inthe field (Mehan et al.,1981; Zambettakis, 1983).
Susceptibility to Aspergillus spp. isinfluenced by the environment
(Strange, 1991). In particular, drought stress and high temperatures increase
susceptibility (Hill et al., 1983; Coleet al., 1985; WottonandStrange,
and 219
ranged from 28 to 935 pg/g fresh wt and was negatively correlated with
susceptibility in the in vitro screen (see above). No such correlation was
obtained with phytoalexin accumulation at 96 hr after wounding (Wotton
and Strange, 1985). It seems, therefore, that resistance to A. flavus may be
related to early accumulationof phytoalexin rather than the final amounts
found after prolonged incubation. Similar conclusions have been reached
by workers investigating other systems (Mansfield, 1982).
5. At present thereare no data reporting variation in the sensitivity of
A. flavus to groundnut phytoalexins.
Resistance to Leaf Spot Fungi. The possibility that phytoalexins play
a role in limiting infection bythe leaf spot fungi, Cercospora arachidicola
(early leafspot), Phaeoisariopsispersonata (late leaf spot), Phoma arachid-
icola (web blotch), and Puccinia arachidis (rust) will be discussed in the
context of the five criteria previously stated.
1. Cole (1982) reported that early colonization of groundnut leaflets
by C. arachidicola prevented their subsequent parasitism by P. arachidi-
cola. Juice from the C. arachidicola-infected leaflets, but not healthy leaf-
lets, contained a compound that was inhibitory to P. arachidicola. The
compound was isolated by Strange et al. (1985) and identified as medicar-
pin. These results suggested that the accumulation of medicarpin prevented
the colonization of early leaf spot-infected leaves with web blotch.
In similar experiments Subba Rao (1987) found that the in vitro toxicity
of crude extracts from resistant genotypes infected with rust were always
more toxic toward uredospore germination of the fungus than those of
susceptibleones.Moreover, the highertoxicitylevelsweremaintained
throughout the latent period (Subba Rao, 1987).
In further experiments Subba Rao et al. (1988b) isolated 12 antifungal
compounds from rust-infected leaves and determined the structures of eight
decadien-9,l l-methyloate and9-hydroxyoctadecadien-l0,12-methyloate, a nonyl
phenol, 1,2,3(2-acetyloxy)tricarboxylic propanic acid, and three alkyl bis
phenyl ethers with aliphatic chains correspondingto 11, 12, and 13 carbon
atoms were reported as phytoalexins for the first time. Medicarpin and
arachidin I1 were also isolatedbut in very low concentrations (SubbaRao,
In contrast, Edwards and Strange (1991) found that concentrations of
both formononetin and medicarpin exceeded 120 pg/g fresh wt in leaves
infected by Cercospora arachidicola. These workers, in addition, found
demethylmedicarpin (>50 pg/g fresh wt) a possible degradation product
of medicarpin. Cole et al. (unpublished) also found medicarpin and low
concentrations of demethylmedicarpin inthe healthy upper leavesof plants
infected naturally inthe field withC. arachidicola or P. arachidicola. These
and 221
We now have some knowledge of the chemistry of the phytoalexins pro-
duced by groundnuts. However, it is likely that this is still incomplete.
Much work remains to be done in establishing the variation in the phyto-
alexin response among Arachis spp. as well as the mechanisms by which
they are elicited. A further area of research is the effect of environmental
conditions on the phytoalexin response, particularlydrought stress.
Research aimed at assessing the role of phytoalexins in resistance is
urgently needed.The evidence so far is circumstantial. Critical biochemical
and genetic experiments along the lines outlined inthis chapter now needto
be done.
If, as seems likely, the phytoalexin response is found to play a crucial
role inthe resistance ofgroundnuts to infectious disease,then this response
should be exploited by conventional plant breeding and, perhaps, by genetic
The authors thank Dr. A. RavisC (Director of Research Retd, ORSTOM,
Paris) for his comments.
Aguamah, G. E., Langcake, P., Leworthy, D. P., Page, J. A., Pryce, R. J., and
Strange, R. N.(1981). Two novel stilbene phytoalexins from Arachis hypogaea.
Phytochemistry20 1381-1383.
Arora, M. K., and Strange, R. N. (1991). Phytoalexin accumulation ingroundnuts
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Cole, D. L. (1982). Interactions between Cercospora arachidicolaand Phoma ara-
chidicola, and their effectson defoliation and kernel yield ofgroundnut. Plant
Pathol. 31: 355-362.
Cole, R. J., Sanders, T. H., Hill, R. A., and Blankenship, P. D. (1985). Geocar-
posphere temperatures that induce preharvest aflatoxin contamination of pea-
nuts under drought stress. Mycopathologia 91:41-46.
Cooksey, C. J., Garratt, P. J., Richards, S. E., and Strange, R. N.(1988). A dienyl
stilbene phytoalexin fromArachis hypogaea. Phytochemistry27: 1015-1016.
Strange224 and Rao Subba
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Dixon, R. A., Dey, P. M., and Lamb, C. J. (1983). Phytoalexins: enzymologyand
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pp. 641-679.
Edwards, C. (1992). Investigation of the Phytoalexin Response of Arachis hypogaea
L. and its possible involvementin resistance to pathogens, PhD thesis, Univer-
sity ofLondon.
Edwards, C., and Strange, R. N. (1991). Separation and identification of phytoalex-
ins from leaves ofgroundnut (Arachis hypogaea) and development of a method
for their determination by reversed-phase high-performance liquidchromatog-
raphy. J. Chromatogr. 547: 185-193.
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Gibbons, R.W. (1980). Groundnut improvement research technologyfor the semi-
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and 225
A. GeneralInformation
Crucifers are distributed all around the world and are present in almost
every available kind of environment from the Arctic Circle to the tropics
(Hedge, 1976). However, the greatest number of genera are found in tem-
perate regionsof the Northern Hemisphere.
Cruciferous crops are grown as 1.) oilseed crop for seed-based condi-
ments and oils, including oils of industrial use, 2.) forage and fodder crops
for animal feeds, and 3.) vegetables for human consumption. Manyof the
cruciferous crops, especially within the genus Brassica, have been cultivated
in the neolithic age and have been described by the ancient Greeks, Ro-
mans, Indians, and Chinese (Prakash and Hinata, 1980). Age-old breeding
has selected a wide range of crop types within each of the species, and
the extensive variation within species has caused considerable taxonomic
confusion(Crisp, 1976; Prakash and Hinata, 1980; Williams and Hill,
1986). Each of the main cultivatedBrassica species thus contains numerous
varieties which are grown for oil, vegetables, or animal feeds. However,
varieties of different species, i.e., B. napus, B. juncea,and B. rapa, grown
for oil are often referred to by the samecommonname,oilseedrape.
Rapeseed oil isthe fourth commonly traded oil inthe world. Mostnorthern
European countries produce rapeseed, i.e.,B. napus var. oleifera, as their
main edible oil crop (Williams and Hill, 1986). Canada, India, and the
European Economic Community(EEC)are currently the main oilseed rape
The six major cultivatedBrassica species are genetically closely related.
Three diploid species, B. nigra (bb), B. rapa syn. campestris (aa), and B.
oleracea (cc), are the natural genitors of the three allotetraploid species B.
napus (aacc), B. juncea (aabb), and B. carinata (bbcc) (Fig. 1) (U,1935).
230 Rouxel et al.
B.y-uncea B. carinata
(aebb) (bbcc)
B. rapa
n = 18
8. napus
n = 17
\ 8. olerucea
n = 10 n = 19 n=9
C. Objectives
The aim of our study of Brassica defense responses was, first, to have a
better knowledge ofthe biochemical events associated with resistance
to L.
232 Rouxel et al.
maculans and, second, to know whetherit was possible to screen for disease
resistance genesat an early stage usinga qualitative and quantitative analy-
sis of plant phytoalexin response. Breeding programsto transfer resistance
genes from the B genome ina B. napus background were mainly interested
in this work. Third, we wished to test whether this host-pathogen system
could bea suitable modelfor further research of the molecular and genetic
determinants of plant-pathogen interaction, and for a study of the earliest
events leadingto resistance or susceptibility.
F. HPLCApparatus
A Waters multisolvent delivery system equipped with a Waters U6K injec-
tor was used for high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC). Chro-
matographic and spectral data from the eluate were acquired witha Waters
990 photodiode array detector. Data were computed by the Waters 990+
software loadedon NEC APC 111.
A. First Reports
The fiist evidence of the accumulation of antifungal compounds, synthe-
sized de novo byBrassica plants, was obtained in parallelby our team and
that of Dr. Takasugi, in Japan (Takasugi et al., 1986; Sarniguet, 1986;
Rouxel et al., 1987). Using the standard Cladosporium TLC bioassay, we
showed that elicited B. juncea extracts displayed a large fungitoxic spot,
which was not detected in control plants, when plants were elicited using
the abiotic elicitor silver nitrate (Rouxel et al., 1989). The fungitoxic spot
was localized at Rf 0.55 when silica gel TLC plates were developed using
ethyl acetate.B. napus plants challenged by the abiotic elicitor displayeda
much weaker fungitoxic spot at the same RP Such a weak fungitoxic spot
was also observed whenB. junceaplants were inoculated withL. maculans.
B. Chemical Structures
The phytoalexin was extracted from elicitedB. juncea leaves byeither mac-
erating the tissues in ethanol with a Waring blender or immersion of the
samples in hot ethanol.It was then purified using column chromatography
and HPLC.
The chemical structure of the compound was established on the basis
of physicochemical data, i.e., UV, IR, high-resolution mass spectroscopy
(HR MS), 13Cand 'H NMR, and nuclear Overhauser enhancement (nOe)
difference experiments (Devys et al.,1988). These data confirmed that the
new compound, brassilexin, was a sulfurcontaining indole sharing struc-
tural similarities with brassinin, cyclobrassinin, or methoxybrassinin, pre-
viously characterized from other Brassica species (Takasugi et al., 1988)
(Fig. 2).
Using similar elicitation, purification, and analysis procedures,an ad-
ditional phytoalexin, cyclobrassinin sulfoxide,was obtained fromB. juncea
(Fig. 2) (Devyset al., 1990).
236 Rouxel et al.
dks- QJ$L H
W" 3 12
10 11
14: R=H
15: R=OCHa
\ F4
Figure 2 Chemical structures of phytoalexins from the crucifers (1-15) and some
indole glucosinolates (16-18). (1) Brassilexin (Devys et al., 1988), (2) brassinin, (3)
methoxybrassinin (Takasugi et al., 1988), (4) 4-methoxybrassinin (Monde et al.,
1990a), (5) cyclobrassinin (Takasugi et al., 1988), (6)cyclobrassinin sulfoxide(Devys
et al., 1990),(7) spirobrassinin (Takasugi et al., 1987),(8) brassitin (Monde and
Takasugi, submitted), (9) methoxybrassitin (Takasugi et al., 1988), (10) methoxy-
brassenin B (Monde et al., 1991c), (11) brassicanal A (Monde et al., 1990b), (12)
brassicanal B (Monde et al., 1990b), (13) brassicanal C (Monde et al., 1991b), (14)
camalexin(Browne et al., 1991; Tsuji et al., 1992), and (15)methoxycamalexin
(Browne et al., 1991); (16) glucobrassicin, (17) neoglucobrassicin, (18) 4-methoxy-
Phytoalexins from the Crucifers 237
1 2
3 4
C. Synthesis
Brassilexin has been synthesized with an overall 11% yield, starting from
3-indolecarbaldehyde(Fig.3)(Devys and Barbier, 199Oa). In addition,
brassilexin was obtained in30% yield by periodate-induced degradation of
cyclobrassinin (Devysand Barbier, 199Ob).
Three other phytoalexins have been successfully synthesized:
1. Brassinin was obtained from 3-(aminomethy1)indole treated with car-
bon disulfide in the presence of pyridine
and triethylamine. The dithio-
carbamate saltthus obtained was methylated with methyl iodine to give
brassinin in66% yield (Takasugiet al., 1988).
238 Rouxel et al.
D. Toxicology Studies
Brassilexin inhibitedboth the germination of L. maculans pycniospores in
water and its hyphal growth. The germination was completely suppressed
at 12.5 mg/liter (75 PM), and a significant reduction in hyphal growth was
obtained for concentrations aslow as 1.5-3.12 mg/liter (9-18 pM) (Rouxel
et al., 1989). A similar effect on Alternaria brassicae conidia or mycelium
was observed (Rouxel, 1988).
These data can be compared with those reported for other phytoalexins
from various plant families, i.e., toxicity values ranging from 10 to 100 p M
(Smith, 1982).
Since itwas observed that the compound may have a fungistatic effect
rather than a lethal one (Rouxel etal., 1989), the possible metabolization of
brassilexin by L. maculans has been assessed in liquid growth medium (Fig.
4). Pycniospores of the virulent isolate IIal and the nonvirulent one SVl
were grown in liquid Fries medium, theinpresence of increasing concentra-
tions of the phytoalexin. After21 days of growth,the mycelium was freeze-
dried and weighed, and the phytoalexin was extracted from the medium
and determined. Under these conditions, the growth of both isolates was
totally suppressed for concentrations above12 mg/liter (70 PM). However,
the virulent isolate IIal displayed a highly heterogeneous sensitivityto the
phytoalexin. In a few cases it was even able to grow in the presence of 16
mg/liter brassilexin, which was not the case for the nonvirulent isolateSV1.
Except for lethal concentrations, only low a rate of the initial concentration
of brassilexin could be extractedfrom the medium thus suggesting, in both
the virulent and nonvirulent isolate, an ability to metabolize the compound
(Fig. 4).
Similar experiments, performed with brassinin, showed that this phyto-
alexin was metabolized into methyl(3-indolylmethy1)dithiocarbamate S-
oxide, which is metabolized twoto three times fasterthan brassinin (Soled-
ade et al., 1991). The carboxylic acid that eventually resulted from this
degradation was at least 10 times less toxic to the fungus than brassinin.
.Moreover, recent findings by Taylor et al. (1991b) showed that virulent
isolates were able to specifically and rapidly metabolize brassinin, as com-
pared to nonvirulent isolates.
Phytoalexins from the Crucifers 239
l4 I loo
0 6 10 12 16 14
Phytoalexin concentration (mg.T')
E. Analytical Conditions
Figure 5 Sampleclean-up protocol using reverse phasecartridges.(From Koll-
mann et al., 1989.)
0 4 17 14 32 37 42 47
tions and phytoalexin accumulation,fraction 4, was also the one that con-
tained the main toxic activity. Even though sirodesmin PL, the main toxin
produced in vitro, did not induce a phytoalexin response inBrassica plants
(see below), we did not succeed in separating the toxic from the eliciting
activity using liquid chromatography or HPLC procedures. It is thus un-
clear whether uncharacterized elicitorsor toxic compounds originated the
response. So far, the best biotic inducers we tested were various nonhost
bacteria which consistently induced a visible hypersensitive responseand a
rapid and seemingly specific accumulation of phytoalexins (Table 1).
Similar resultswere obtained by Dahiya and Rimmer (1989) when com-
paring the efficiency of chemicalsto that of L. maculans to induce cyclo-
brassinin and methoxybrassinin accumulation in Brassica plants. AgNO,
and, to a lesser extent, CuCI, and HgClz were found to induce the highest
accumulation of both methoxybrassinin and cyclobrassinin. The authors
also observed that “the effectiveness of a chemical agent as a phytoalexin
elicitor appearsto be specificfor a plant species as
well asfor plant organs.”
Dahiya and Rimmer (1989) pointed out the importance of the age of the
plants or temperature conditions for the accumulation of phytoalexins.
They showed that plant tissues from 35-day-old plants accumulated more
oggoo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
x ss
0 0
244 Rouxel et al.
0 4h 6h 15h 18h Id 2d 3d 7d 10d 14d
3 120
Brassilexin accumulation
&g/g fresh wt)
16 -
14 --
12 "
10 "
8 "
6 --
4 "
2 "
o ! I I I I I I
0 0.05 0.1 0.5 1 2
Ethylene treatment W1.1")
and between the presence of these two variables and the B genome, there
are some exceptionsto this relationship, which means that the data should
be interpreted with care. 1.) One B. nigra line, obtained from wild plants
collected in Turkey, and individuals within otherlines with the B genome,
which consistently gavea hypersensitive reactionto the pathogen, accumu-
lated only low amounts of brassilexin. 2.) Two B. rapa lines, 76-1 and 75-1,
which were obtained from wild plants collected in Sicily and Algeria and
lack theB genome, gave a hypersensitive reactiont o inoculation. However,
only 75-1 accumulated amounts of brassilexin similar to that of plants
possessing theB genome. Recent findingsthat 76-1 segregates for resistance
suggest that the genetic determinants of hypersensitive resistance could be
different from that of species withthe B genome (Mithen, personal commu-
nication). 3.) The accessions of S. alba and R. sativus, which are very
closely related t o Brassica, developed a superficially similar hypersensitive
reaction to the pathogen but did not accumulate any of these five indole
phytoalexins. Closely related compounds have nonetheless been observed
to be elicited in R . sativus (Takasugi et al., 1987), S. alba, Camelina sativa,
252 Rouxel et al.
Mean disease accumulation
severity class oLg/g)
Brassica B. juncea CV.Aurea
1.3 f 0.5 a 5.9 f 1.9 b
B. nigra CV.Junius
1.1 f 0.4 a 4.3 f 0.5 b
B. carinata CV.Awassa 67 1.0 + 0.4 a 4.6 f 2.0 b
B. napus CV. Brutor 7.8 f 0.5 1.7c f 0.3 a
CV.Primor 7.9 f 0.6 1.8c f 0.7 a
CV.Jet Neuf 7.2 f 0.7 c 2.0 f 0.8 a
CV. Bienvenu 7.5 f 0.7 c 2.5 f 0.7 a
Interspecific 85-2 4.9 f 2.7 bc *
2.4 0.6 a
hybrid 85-3 7.7 f 0.8 c 1.9 f 0.7 a
progeny 85-4 2.5 f 0.7 b 5.3 f 1.7
'Disease severity was assessed according to a cotyledon inoculation test (Williams and Del-
wiche, 1979). The scale is divided into 10 classes, with the higher ratings being representative
of susceptibility. Brassilexin accumulation was quantitated in individual plants following an
abiotic elicitation. Values are mean f SD. In each column, values followed by different letters
are significantly different(P = 0.01).
Source: From Rouxel et a1 (1990a).
Phytoalexins from the Crucifers 253
hybrid progeny, 85-2, was further separated into five classes according to
the result of the cotyledon inoculation test and its ability to accumulate
brassilexin. Each of the plants were self-pollinated twice again
and individ-
uals belonging to each of the classes were assessed for resistance to L.
rnaculans. All of the families displayed moderate to high susceptibility to
the pathogen, and noneaccumulatedmorebrassilexin than the parent
plants. The lowest susceptibility of line 85-2-4 was not associated with a
higher accumulationof brassilexin. However, plants of line 85-2-4 accumu-
lated higher amountsof cyclobrassinin than the other lines. This difference
was of low significance due to the highly variable accumulation of this
compound from one plant to the other (data not shown).
To assess the usefulness of this methodology, we are currently under-
taking a similar work with B. napus-B. nigra addition lines (Jahier et al.,
1987; Rouxel et al.,1990~).
The data presented here demonstrate that crucifers, like most plant fami-
lies, accumulate fungitoxic compounds when challenged by microorganisms
or abiotic stress. Accordingto Paxton’s definition(1981), these compounds
are phytoalexins: 1.) they are toxicto Brassica pathogens aswell as to other
microorganisms; 2.) theyare low molecular weight compounds; 3.) they are
absent, or nondetected, in healthy plants and are synthesized de novo; 4.)
they accumulate duringa plant-microorganism interaction.
As compared to other plant families, e.g., the Fabaceae (Legumino-
seae) (Ingham,1982), in which more than 100 phytoalexins have been char-
acterized, only limited numbers of phytoalexins from cruciferous plants
have been described. However, the first characterizations of these com-
pounds are quite recent and up to now only a few cruciferous plants have
been assessedfor phytoalexin production.
As has been described for other plant families, all the phytoalexins
from the crucifers displaystructural similarities. As comparedto the usual
phytoalexins from other plant species, these compounds are characterized
by their structural originality, i.e., the presence of an indole or oxindole
system linked withone or more sulfur atoms. Cruciferous plants all contain
a large group of sulfur-containingglycosides, the glucosinolates.These
compounds may be hydrolyzed, e.g., following tissue damage, by the en-
dogenous enzyme myrosinase. Amongthe glucosinolates some, like gluco-
brassicin (Fig. 2),contain an indole moiety,thus suggesting close biochemi-
cal relationships between these compounds and indole phytoalexins. Indole
phytoalexins have been shown not to be degradation products of indole
glucosinolates (Takasugi etal., 1988), but the hydrolysis products of indole
254 Rouxel et al.
According to Hill and Williams (1988) and to the data presented here, L.
rnaculans in combination with Brassica has considerable potential as a
model host-pathogen system for the study of the genetic and molecular
bases of plant-microorganism interactionsand plant disease resistance.
The main interests of this systemare 1.)the ease ofculture of both host
and pathogen; 2.) the development of a methodology allowinga reproduc-
tive induction of the sexual state of the pathogen in culture along with
the ability to develop tetrad analyses (Mengistu et al., 1990); 3.) the high
pathogenic variability of the pathogen in natural populations along with
the finding that cultivar-isolate type-specific interactions occur in this
tem; 4.) the broad genetic basis of Brassica crops, like B. napus, and the
ease with which the interaction can be studied due to 5.) the rapid and
intense production of pycniospores which can easily bequantified, 6.) the
256 Rouxel et al.
rapid evaluation ofthe result of the interaction using a seedling test which
allows a differentiation of specific resistance vs. susceptibility (Williams
and Delwiche, 1979; Rouxel et al., 1990a), 7.) the possible use of rapid-
cycling Brassica to undertake genetic analyses. Moreover, 8.) the recent
development of powerful biochemicaland molecular tools for the study of
microorganisms now allows an unequivocal characterization of L. macu-
lansisolates (Koch et al., 1991; Taylor et al., 1991a; Balesdent et al., 1992).
9.) Both the host and the pathogen are amenable to cellular and molecular
biology techniques. In this respect, it is important to keep in mind that
Arabidopsis thaliana, one of the most studied model plants, is a crucifer.
Finally, 10.) the data presented here, along with similar studies performed
by other teams, give a new insight into Brassica defense reactions, thus
providing new tools to develop a quantification of the interaction and fa-
voring a questfor defense genes or disease resistance genes.
This work was supported by a grant from the Institut National de la Re-
chercheAgronomique (AIP, 1986). The authors wish to thank H. H.
Hoppe (GesamthochsuleKassel,FachbereichLandwirtschaft,Witzen-
hausen, F.R.G.) for single-ascospore lines of L. maculans; M. Takasugi
(Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science,Hokkaido University, Sap-
poro, Japan), M. Devys and M. Barbier (Chimie des Substances Naturelles,
CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette)for authentic samples of indole phytoalexins;N. N.
Roy (Department of Agriculture,Perth, Australia) for interspecific hybrid
progeny; A.-M. Chkre, M. Renard (AmClioration des Plantes, INRA, Le
Rheu), L. Boulidard (AmClioration desPlantes, INRA, Versailles), and R.
Mithen (John Innes Centrefor Plant Science Research, Colney Lane, Nor-
wich NR4 7UH, UK) for crucifer seeds and breeding lines; J. F. Bousquet
(Pathologie VCgCtale, INRA, Versailles) who permitted this researchto take
place in his lab and then allowed the development of a fruitful collabora-
tion; N. T. Keen and D. Cooksey (University of California, Plant Pathol-
ogy, Riverside,CA92521,USA) for reviewof the manuscript. Special
thanks are due to A. Sarniguet (PathologieVCgCtale, INRA, Le Rheu) who
initiated this work.We are very grateful to C. Sutre, A. Delaunay, and F.
Bouchenak, whose help to perform part of this work was greatly appreci-
Alabouvette, C., and Brunin, B. (1970). Recherches sur la maladie du colza due A
Leptosphaeria maculans (Desm.) Ces. et De Not. I. R61e des restes de culture
from Phytoalexins 257
the phytoalexin brassinin by the “blackleg” fungus. J. Org. Chem. 56: 2619-
Somei, M., Kobayashi, K., Shimizu, K., and Kawasaki, T. (1992). A simple synthe-
sis of a phytoalexin, methoxybrassinin. Heterocycles 33:77-80.
Takasugi, M., Katsui, N., and Shirata, A. (1986). Isolation of three novel sulphur-
containing phytoalexins from the Chinese cabbage Brassica campestris L. ssp.
pekinensis (Cruciferae). J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun.1631-1632.
Takasugi, M., Monde, K., Katsui. N., and Shirata, A. (1987). Spirobrassinin, a
novel sulphur-containing phytoalexin from the daikon Raphanus sativus L.
ssp. hortensis (Cruciferae). Chem. Lett. 1631-1632.
Takasugi, M., Monde, K., Katsui,N., and Shirata, A. (1988). Novel sulphur-
containing phytoalexins from the Chinese cabbage Brassica campestris L. ssp.
pekinensis (Cruciferae). Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.61: 285-289.
Taylor, J. L., Borgmann, I., and S6guin-Swartz, G.(1991a). Electrophoretic karyo-
typing of Leptosphaeria maculans differenciates highly virulent from weakly
virulent isolates. Curr. Genet.1 9 273-277.
Taylor, J. L., Soledade, M., Pedras, C., and Morales, V. M. (1991b). Molecular
genetic and chemical characterization of the rapeseed “blackleg” causalorgan-
ism. 3rd Congress of the International Societyfor Plant Molecular Biology:
Molecular Biology of Plant Growth and Development (R. B. Hallick, ed.),
Tucson, Arizona, October, 6-11, 1991 (abst).
TempCte,C.,Devys,M., and Barbier, M. (1991). Growth inhibition of human
cancer cell cultures with the indole sulphur-containing phytoalexins and their
analogues. Z. Naturforschung. C 46c:706-707.
Tsuji, J., Jackson, E. P., Gage, D. A., Hammerschmidt, R., and Somerville, S. C.
(1992). Phytoalexin accumulation inArabidopsis thaliana during the hypersen-
sitive reactionto Pseudomonas syringaepv. syringae. Plant Physiol.98: 1304-
U.N. (1935). Genome-analysis inBrassica with special reference to the experimental
formation of B. napus and peculiar mode of fertilization. Jap. J. Bot. 7: 389-
Williams, P.H., and Delwiche, P. A. (1979). Screening for resistance to blackleg of
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Williams, P. H., and Hill, C. B. (1986). Rapid-cycling populations of Brassica.
Science232: 1385-1389.
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Scoparone (6,7-Dimethoxycoumarin),
a Citrus Phytoalexin Involvedin
Resistance to Pathogens
Uzi Afek
The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel
Abraham Sztejnberg
The Hebrew Universityof Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel
Not much work has been done on induced resistance of Citrus to patho-
gens. Studies with Phytophthora citrophthora (Smith and Smith) Leonian
indicated that morphological exclusionof the fungus inmature cells cannot
be responsible for Citrus resistance to this pathogen, and biochemical or
physiological factors may also be involved in resistantand susceptible reac-
tions. Mature cells of resistant Citrus species may possess inhibitors, or
hypersensitivity reaction may be induced by substances produced by the
plant cells after infection (Broadbent,1969).
Two fungitoxic compounds were found by Hartmann and Nienhaus
(1974a, b) in bark of Citrus limon (L.)Burm. infected by P. citrophthora
and Hendersonula toruloideaNatrass. Oneof these compoundswas identi-
fied as xanthoxylin(2-hydroxy-4,6-dimethoxyacetophenone).No xanthoxy-
lin could be demonstrated in healthy bark or following mechanical wound-
ing or chemical treatments. Musumeci and Olivera (1975, 1976) reported
about total phenol increase in sweet orange [Citrus sinensis (L.)Osbeck]
and sour orange (C.aurantium L.) following inoculation withP. citroph-
thora. However, the increaseintheresistantspecies(sourorange) was
higher than in the susceptible species (sweet orange). These investigators
pointed to compound 1 as a phytoalexin accumulated inCitrus tissue after
inoculation withP . citrophthora.
Xanthyletin (6,7-dimethylpyranocoumarin)(Kahn et al., 1985) and ses-
elin (7,8-dimethylpyranocoumarin)(Vernenghi et al., 1987) were isolated
from Citrus tissue infected with P . citrophthora and P . parasitica Dastur.
Both xanthyletin and seselin showed an inhibitory activity against these
264 Afek and Sztejnberg
pathogens in vitro. Ismail et al. (1978) reported that the synthesis of umbel-
liferone (7-hydroxycoumarin) was greatly enhanced during healing of in-
jured grapefruit. Ben-Yehoshua et al. (1987, 1988) isolated several antifun-
gal substances from pomelo fruit, some of whichare coumarin derivatives.
Several studies reported that scoparone is involved in defense mecha-
nisms ofCitrus against pathogens such as P. citrophthora (Afek and Sztejn-
berg,1986,1988a), Guignardia citricarpa Kiely(DeLangeet al., 1976),
Penicillumdigitatum Sacc.(Kimet al., 1991;Rodovet al., 1992), and
Diaporthe citri (Faw.) (Aritmo et al., 1986). Treatments such asy irradia-
tion (Riov, 1971; Dubery and Schabort, 1987; Afek and Sztejnberg, 1993),
high temperature (Afekand Sztejnberg, 1988b, 1993; Aritmo and Homma,
1988;Kim etal.,1991), UV illumination (Rodov et al.,1992),andfo-
setyl-A1 and phosphorous acid (Afek and Sztejnberg, 1989) were found to
stimulate scoparone production in Citrus.
This chapter examinesthe role of scoparone as a phytoalexin involved
in Citrus resistance to pathogens. Different chemical and physical treat-
ments that may increase scoparone concentration in Citrus tissue and an
attempt to understand the biosynthesis of scoparone from phenylalanine
are discussed.
A. Inoculation
Incisions were made in the bark of branches and agar discs were cut from
an actively growing zone of mycelia of P. citrophthora on PDA medium
and placed overthe incisions, fungal side downward. The inoculated branch
Scoparone (6,7-Dimethoxycoumarin), a Cifrus Phytoalexin 265
sections were incubated ina humid chamber at 2OoC and 28OC in darkness
(Afek and Sztejnberg, 1988a). Fruits were inoculated by removing pieces of
flavedo witha 3-mm-diameter cork borerto a depth of 0.2-0.5 mm at four
to five sitesaround the equatorial plane of the fruit. A 3-mm-diameter disc,
cut from an actively growing PDA culture of P. citrophthora, was placed
on the fruit wounds and the inoculated fruits were incubated in a humid
chamber at 24OC in darkness.
Slices of inoculated, necroticbark, cut from the outer edge of the wounds,
were extracted with distilled water. The antifungal component extracted
from the inoculated bark was concentrated and was eluted with EtOAc/
petroleum ether (1 : 1, v/v) and partitioned withCHC13from which it crys-
tallized uponevaporation, as colorless needles with mp 146-147OC.
Ultraviolet (UV)spectrophotometry, infrared (IR) analysis, ‘HNMR
(nuclear magnetic resonance) and 13C NMRspectra indicatedthat the active
antifungal agentthat was extracted and purified from Citrus bark and fruit
inoculated withP. citrophthora was scoparone (Fig. 1).
C. Scoparone Quantification
Solutions of Citrus samples were analyzed spectrofluorometrically withex-
citation at 340 nm and emission reading at 430 nm. Concentration of sco-
parone in the Citrus tissue was calculated by a comparison with the stan-
dard curve (Afekand Sztejnberg, 1988a;Afek et al., 1986).
D. y Irradiation
y Ionizing irradiation was appliedwithcobalt radiant <“CO).Branches
and fruits were irradiated with 0-, loo-, 200-, 300-, and 400-krad dose.
Inoculation of the irradiated branch and fruit with P. citrophthora was
done 24 hr later.
Figure 1 Scoparone.
266 and Afek
F. Bioassay
EDSo values were determined by adding increasing concentrations of scopar
one or fosetyl-Al or H3P03 to cooled molten PDA immediately before it
was poured into Petri plates. Disc of P. citrophthora, taken from an ac-
tively growing colony on PDA, was placed fungal side downward in the
center of each plate. Plateswere incubated in darknessat 25OC for 8 days
(Afek and Sztejnberg, 1988a, 1989).
ED, of scoparone
Fungal species Olg/ml)
Phytophthora citrophthora 97
Verticillium dahliae 61
Penicillium digitatum 64
Penicillium italicum 60
Colletotrichum 54
tomloideaHendersonula 90
(Diplodia) natalensis 85
Source: Data from Afek et al. (1986).
SCOPARONE (pg m 1 - a )
8- -
- 28 C -
Y=25.70-8.93 X
r2=0 - 9 5 6
0 I I I l I I l l
10 100 1000
SCOPARONE (pg g-x fr. wt.)
B. Temperature Effect
In all the tested species, scoparone concentration,after inoculation withP.
citrophthora, was higher whilethe lesion length wasshorter at 28OC (Figs.
2and 5). It was especially expressed in rough lemon, which showed resistant
reaction. The concentration of scoparone increasedup to 290 pg/g fresh wt
(as comparedto 42 pg/g fresh wt at 2OoCafter 4 days of incubation). The
lesion length inthe bark of rough lemon, at 28OC 4 days after the inocula-
tion, was 5.2 mm. However, in the other species scoparone concentrations
in the same period were 587,515, and 326 pg/g fresh in macrophylla,
trifoliate, and sour orange, and 53 and 39 pg/g fresh wt in Shamouti and
Niva, respectively. Lesion length inthe bark in these conditions was 1.3 mm
in macrophylla, 1.9 mm in trifoliate, 3.5 mm in sour orange, 10.8 mm in
Shamouti, and 11.7 mm in Niva (Fig.5).
200 -
-150 -
$100 -
3 50-
L\ Heat treatment
period k
ob , (4
" \
0 I 2 3 4 5 IO 40 70
U V - Irradiation.
/ o 1.5x10~erg/rnrn~
e 3 II
c 0 4.5 11
ov!! -
3 500 -
400 -
g 200
0 IO 20 30
Days aftertreatment
I ' O r l
................................ ...................................... .__.
only when treated with more than 500 pg/ml fosetyl-Al or200 pg/ml H3PO3
(Figs. 9 and 10). Fosetyl-Al and H3PO3 did not induce scoparone produc-
tion in healthy tissue in any of the species tested. The regression analysis
showed that inhibition of mycelial growth area of P. citrophthora was
significantly correlated with increasing concentrations of fosetyl-Al (I? =
0.960, P < 0.01) and H3P03 (? = 0.949, P < 0.01). The EDSovalues of
fosetyl-Al andformycelialgrowth were 55 and 7 pg/ml, respec-
Probablytheargument as t o whetherfosetyl-Al andactdirectly
against pathogens in vivo (Coffey and Bower, 1984; Fenn and Coffey,
1984, 1985;Ouimette and Coffey, 1989) or act indirectly against pathogens
in vivo by increasing resistance (Bompeix et al., 1980; Guest, 1984a, b;
Khan et al., 1985, 1986; Vernenghi and Ravise, 1985) will remain open.
Results of the present study support both opinions for direct and indirect
effectsof fosetyl-A1 andon P.citrophthora in vivo. Similarly,Smil-
lie et al.
(1989) presented evidence for both direct and indirect modes of
action of phosphiteon Phytophthora spp. causing disease in plants.
Scoparone (6,7-Dimethoxycoumarin), a Citrus Phytoalexin 279
le00 , I P
AOA""> I
was labeled withI4C.Total incorporation was 1 lolo and 15% in the resistant
species, sour orange, and macrophylla, respectively, as compared to 1.5%
in the susceptible species, Shamoutiand Niva.
Phenylalanineis deaminated to trans-cinnamic acid by the enzyme PAL
(Hanson and Havir, 1981; Legrand, 1983; Jones, 1984).
It is known that AOA is a competitive inhibitor of PAL (Amerhein,
1978; Hoagland and Duke, 1982). The precursor of simple coumarin and
7-methoxycoumarin, whose chemicalstructure is similar to scoparone (6,7-
dimethoxycoumarin),is cinnamic acid (Brown, 1978). We can assume that
the biosynthetic pathways of scoparone and 7-methoxycoumarin are simi-
lar. Inhibition of PAL activity by AOA may inhibit the production of
scoparone in the biosynthesis pathway (Fig. 11). Resultsof the present
research showthat resistant species responded as susceptible species follow-
ing treatment with 10 mM AOA. Scoparone concentrations inthe bark of
the resistant speciestreated with 10 m M AOA 4 days after inoculation with
P. citrophthora was 32.5-43.4 pg/g fresh wt as compared to 295-472 pg/g
fresh wt in the control (inoculated and nontreated branches).
Lesion length inthis group, 4 days after the inoculation variedfrom 9.2
to 12.0 mm as compared to 2.8 to 5.1 in the nontreated control (Fig. 12).
The effectof AOA on scoparone concentrationand on lesion length inthe
susceptible species was insignificant.
We believe that the present research establishesthe role of scoparone as a
phytoalexin conferring resistance of Citrus to P. citrophthora. This chapter
confirms the hypothesis of Broadbent (1969) that morphological exclusion
of P. citrophthora in Citrus tissue cannot be responsiblefor the resistance
to this pathogen, and that biochemical or physiological differences must
exist between resistantand susceptible species. Our study shows differences
between resistant and susceptible Citrus species following inoculation with
P. citrophthora. Scoparone accumulates inboth groups but the concentra-
and reaches 10-15 times higher
tion in the resistant species rapidly increases
Afek and Sztejnberg
than that in the susceptible species. The advance of the pathogen (lesion
length) at that time is 2-6 times greater in the susceptible species as com-
pared to the resistant species.
The effect of physical treatments, such as temperature, y irradiation,
and UV illumination, and of chemical treatments, such as fosetyl-Al and
phosphorous acid, onCitrus resistance is expansively discussed in this chap-
ter. Difference between the high- and low-temperature effect on Citrus can
give a good explanation for seasonal influences on Citrus susceptibility.
Furthermore, nonchemical approaches, such as high temperature and y-
irradiation treatments, applied to increase resistance against diseases may
replace, orat least reduce, the use of chemicals against pathogens.
Results of fosetyl-Al and phosphorous acid experiments give another
point of view for the argument whether these compounds act directly on
pathogens in vivo, similar to the effect of fungicides, or indirectly by in-
creasing resistance. Probably, in Citrus, these compounds act against P.
citrophthora in bothways.
An understanding of the biosynthetic pathway of scoparone in Citrus
can give a good opportunity to understand the mechanism of resistance.
Scoparone (6,7-Dimethoxycoumarin), a Citrus Phytoalexin 283
Afek, U., and Sztejnberg, A. (1988a). Accumulation of scoparone, a phytoalexin
associated with resistance of Citrus to Phytophthora citrophthora. Phytopa-
thology 7 8 1678-1682.
Afek, U., and Sztejnberg, A. (1988b). The involvementof scoparone (6,7-
dimethoxycoumarin) in resistance of Citrus rootstocks against Phytophthoru
citrophthora. Proceedingof the Sixth International Citrus Congress,2. Mar-
graf Publishers, Weikersheim, Germany. pp. 779-785.
Afek, U., and Sztejnberg, A. (1989). Effect of fosetyl-Al and phosphorous acid on
scoparone, a phytoalexin associated with resistance of Citrus to Phytophthora
citrophthora. Phytopathology79:736-739.
Afex, U.,and Sztejnberg, A. (1993). Temperature and gamma irradiation effects
on scoparone, a citrus phytoalexin conferring resistance to Phytophthora ci-
trophthora. Phytopathology83: 753-758.
Afek, U., Sztejnberg, A., and Carmely, S. (1986). 6,7-Dimethoxycoumarin, a Cit-
rus phytoalexin conferring resistance againstPhytophthora gummosis. Phyto-
chemistry 25: 1855-1856.
Amerhein, N. (1978). Novel inhibitors of phenylpropanoid metabolism in higher
plants. Regulation of Secondary Product and Plant Hormone Metabolism (M.
Luckner and K. Schreiber, eds.), PergamonPress, Oxford. pp. 173-182.
Amerhein, N., and Zenk, M. H. (1977). Metabolism of phenylpropanoid com-
pounds. Physiologie Vegetale 15: 251-260.
Aritmo, Y., and Homma, Y. (1988). Studies on Citrus melanose and Citrus stem-
end rot by Diaporthe citri (Faw.) Wolf. 9. Effect of light and temperature on
the self-defense reaction of Citrus plants. Ann. Phytophatol. Soc. Jpn. 54:
Aritmo, Y., Homma, Y., and Ohsawa, T. (1986). Studies on Citrus melanose and
Citrus stem-end rot by Diaporthe citri(Faw.) Wolf. 5. Identification of phyto-
alexin in melanosespot. Ann. Phytopathol. Soc. Jpn. 52: 620-625.
Bailey, J. A., and Mansfield, J. W. (1982). Phythoalexins.Wiley. New York.
Ben-Yehoshua, S., Shapiro, B., and Moran, R. (1987). Individual seal-packing
enables the use of curing at high temperatures to reduce decayand heal injury
of Citrus fruits. HortScience 22: 777-783.
Ben-Yehoshua, S., Shapiro, B., Kim, J. J., Sharoni, J., Carmeli, S.,and Kashman,
Y. (1988).Resistance of Citrus fruit to pathogens and its enhancement by
curing. Proceedings of the Sixth International Citrus Congress, 3. Margraf
Publishers, Weikersheim, Germany. pp. 1371-1379.
Bompeix, G., and Saindrenan, P. (1984). In vitro antifungal activity of fosetyl-Al
and phosphorous acid on Phytophthora species. Fruits 39 777-785.
Bompeix, G., Ravise, A., Raynal, G.; Fettouche, F., and Durand, M. C. (1980).
284 Afek and Sztejnberg
Sanders, P. L., Houser, W. I., and Cole, H. (1983). Control of Pythium spp. and
Pythium blight ofturfgrass with fosetyl aluminum.Plant Dis. 67: 1382-1383.
Sequeira, L. (1969). Synthesis of scopolin and scopoletin intobacco plants infected
with Pseudomonassalanacearum. Phytopathology 5 9 473-478.
Smillie, R., Grant, B. R., and Guest, D. (1989). The mode of action of phosphite:
evidence for both direct and indirect modes of action on three Phytophthora
spp. in plants. Phytopathology 79 921-926.
Tatum, J. H., and Berry,R. E. (1977). 6,7-Dimethoxycoumarin in the peels of
Citrus. PhytochemistryId: 1091-1092.
Vernenghi, A.,and Ravise, A. (1985). Stimulation de la reaction dela tomate contre
le Phytophthora parasitica par lephosetyl-AI par des eliciteurs fongiques.
Fruits 40: 495-502.
Vernenghi, A., Ramiandrasoa, F., Chuilon, S., and Ravise, A. (1987). Phytoale-
xines desCitrus: seselin proprietes inhibitriceset modulation de synthese.Fruit
42: 103-1 11.
Stilbene Phytoalexins and
Disease Resistance in Vitis
Wilhelm Dercks
Fachhochschule Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany
L. L. Creasy and C. J. Luczka-Bayles
Cornell University, Ithaca, New
A. General Information onStilbeneCompounds
Stilbenes have been found in a number of plant families (Ingham, 1976,
1982; Ingham and Harborne, 1976). Their antifungal nature has been impli-
cated in preventing wood decay (Hart and Shrimpton, 1979; Hart, 1981)
and in disease resistanceof plants againstdifferent pathogens (Wardet al.,
1975; Ingham, 1976; Hart, 1981; Aguamah et al., 1981). Biosynthetically,
stilbenes are derived from the shikimic-polymalonic acid pathway. Stilbene
synthase, which isthe key enzyme inthe biosynthesis of stilbenes in ground-
nuts (Arachishypogaea)and also in Vitis spp. (Fritzemeierand Kindl, 1981;
Melchior and Kindl, 1991), converts one molecule of p-coumaroyl-CoA and
three molecules of malonyl-CoA into 4,3 ',5 "trihydroxystilbene, common-
ly known as trans-resveratrol (Ingham, 1976; Rupprich and Kindl, 1978).
In UV-irradiated grapevine leaves, phenylalanine was a goodbut tyrosine a
poorprecursor (Lkgcake and Pryce, 1977b), indicating that the4'-hy-
droxylisprobablyintroduced at thecinnamicacidstage.trans-Resver-
atrol (hereafter resveratrol) appears to be the most widely distributed stil-
bene in several plant families.
erea when the leaves were examined under long-wavelength ultraviolet radi-
ation (365 nm).The compound responsiblewas identified as resveratrol.It
was not detectable in healthy leaves but accumulated locallyto high levels
at the sites of infection in diseased leaves. Resveratrol
was also foundto be
a major constituent of lignified stem tissue (Langcake and Pryce, 1976;
Pool et al., 1981). In addition to the predominant resveratrol, other com-
pounds considered oligomers of resveratrol and termed viniferins were also
synthesized. The most important ones were a- and winiferin (Langcake
and Pryce, 1977a,c; Pryce and Langcake, 1977). These three compounds
were produced sequentially inthe leaves following infection suggesting,the
occurrence of a polymerization process. A similar compound, pterostil-
bene, was also identified,but was onlyfound in very small amounts (Lang-
cake et al., 1979). The structural formulas and chemical names of these
four stilbenes are given in Fig.1.
These initial findings stimulated research projects in several different
groups around the world. Whereas each group focusedon specific aspects,
the overall goal, for a long time, has beenthe same: the elucidation of the
involvement of stilbenes in disease resistanceVitisof spp. Only recently has
attention been directed to other aspects, e.g., the significance for human
health of the contents of resveratrol in grapes.The purpose of this chapter
is to highlight the major achievements made with emphasis on the results
generated inour laboratory and to indicate some potentialfuture prospects
of stilbene research.
(trans-4, 3’,5’-trihydroxy stilbene)
resveratrol) OH
(cyclic trimer of resveratrol)
0 CH3
C. Induction of Stilbenes
To assess the general capacityfor phytoalexin synthesis (stilbene production
potential) in Vitis spp., the lower surfaces of leaves were exposedto 8 min
UV irradiation (254 nm) from a spectroline UV lamp (0.6 mW/cm*). UV
irradiation is known to cause rapid transcription of defense genes in plants
(Chappel and Hahlbrock, 1984). After 48 hr in darkness (to avoid photo-
chemical alternations of stilbenes: Battersby and Greenock, 1961; Black-
burn and Timmons, 1969; Blaichand Bachmann, 1980) leaf discs werecut,
blotted, weighed, and stored at -2OOC until extracted.
To assess fungal elicitation of stilbenes, leaves were inoculated as de-
scribed belowand samples collectedat appropriate times following inocula-
tion (see below).
292 Dercks et al.
V. doanlana
v. tiparia 8-50
nmol stilbenes/
Vitis spp. potential
area leaf cm2
V. rupestris B-38 44 H
V. longii 34
V. rupestris 6544 29
V. treleasei 28
V. champini CH-3-48 27
V. riparia B-50 25
V. andersonii 20
V. cinerea 1-66 18
V. vinifera CV.
“Chardonnay” 16
V. argentifolia GBC-17
15 Low
‘Meanof three tests (one test induced by UV irradiation, two tests in-
duced by inoculations withB. cinerea).
bGreenhouse plants.
Source: Data from Luczka (1982).
a low capacity for stilbene synthesis. Another common feature was that
resveratrol was the predominant stilbene in native American Vitis spp.
whereas winiferin was morecommoninEuropean V. vinifera spp. In
summary, UV irradiation has madeit possible to select Vitis spp. with high
and low phytoalexin potentialto study specific questions like,for instance,
the relation between stilbene contents and disease resistance (see below).
In berries, no stilbenesother than resveratrol were found in significant
amounts. The resveratrol productionpotential changed during the season.
Greenhouse-grown berries had highest potentialafter set but before matu-
ration. In field samplesthe highest potentialwas reached near vkraisonbut
it decreased after late August, independentof maturity (Creasyand Coffee,
1988). Similar results were obtained by Jeandet al.et(1991). The resveratrol
production potentialwas also found to be species-specific (Table4).
stilbenes/ production
Vitisspp. fresh g wt potential
nmol resveratrol/
Vitisspp. cm2 berryskin
Stilbene production
Leaf stage potential
Shoot base Old Low
Shoot center Mature High
Shoot tip Young Intermediate
Source: DatafromLuczka(1982);Stem(1984);DercksandCreasy(unpub-
Stilbenes 299
Level of resistance
Group to B. cinerea of Vitis spp.
B. Plasmopara viticola
Relationship Between Stilbene Production Potential
and Disease Resistance
When 17 Vitis spp. were analyzed (Dercks and Creasy, 1989a), four differ-
ent groups were found (Table 8). Although the number of species tested
was smaller than for B. cinerea, and it cannot be said that all species will
follow the samepattern, the overall picture appears to be the same. Resis-
tance can be mediatedby factors other than stilbenes, but high concentra-
tions ofstilbenes are neverlinkedwithsusceptibility. Thus, for downy
Stilbenes 301
Stilbene synthesis
Oh 2h 4h 6 h 8 h 10h I d 2d 3d4d 5d
Time (hours: h; days: d) after inoculation
Hypersensitive reactions were seen after only a few hours by light and
electron microscopic studies,and there is strong evidence that stilbenes are
involved inthis reaction (Langcakeand Lovell, 1980; Langcake, 1981). Our
findings mayhaveimplications for studieswith other pathogens which
develop as rapid asP. viticola.
Comparative Relevance of Resveratrol and E- Viniferin
The antifungal properties of stilbenes ingenerd have already been reviewed
above. There isa lot of heterogeneityin these data concerning pathogens of
Vitis spp. from several research groups. One concept has been that resvera-
trol should not be considereda phytoalexin because of its low fungitoxicity
compared with that of winiferin (Langcake, 1981). In retrospect, it ap-
pears possible that the variability of the data can be attributed to the fact
that most studies were carried out with concentrations beyond the limits
of solubility of the compounds. When soluble concentrations of the two
substances were used (60-70 pg/ml) resveratrol was twice as inhibitory as
e-viniferintowardgerminationofsporangiaof P. viticola (Dercksand
Creasy, 1989a). These would, however, be equimolar concentrations. For-
mer comparisons hadbeen made on a weight basis. In addition, e-viniferin
was found to be less stablethan resveratrol in water. Inthe presence of P.
viticola sporangia, a rapid degradationof winiferin, but not of resveratrol,
was observed(Table10).Theseresults,togetherwith the fact that e-
viniferinhasneverbeendetectedbyusinleaftissuecolonizedby the
304 Dercks et al.
A. Grapesand Juice
Resveratrol is found in all parts of the grape cluster (Creasy and Coffee,
1988). The component parts of “Riesling” berries, analyzed at harvest for
their residual resveratrol content, showed great differences. The highest
concentration was found in the seeds which, although contributing only7%
of berry weight, had73% of the total berry resveratrol. The skin and pulp,
composing half of berry weight, contained 18% of the resveratrol. The
small percentage remaining was found in the juice (Siemann and Creasy,
unpublished data).
B. Wines
Wines should reflectthe grapes from which they were made. Wine analyses
revealed unexpected large differences in resveratrol concentration and we
found that wine-making techniques greatly influenced the transfer of res-
Stilbenes 305
veratrol into wine (e.g., fermentation on or off skins) or removal from wine
(i.e., use of resins for fining; Siemann and Creasy, 1992). Research wines
made froma disease-resistant variety had a higher concentrationof resvera-
trol than one made from a more susceptible variety. In the same experi-
ment, wines from both varieties produced from vineyard plots not treated
with fungicides had higher concentrations than those from the fungicide-
sprayed plots (Siemannand Creasy, unpublisheddata).
A. Stilbenes and Disease Resistance in VifisSpecies
There is nodoubt today that stilbene phytoalexins are very important fac-
tors in the resistance of Vitis spp. to B. cinerea and P. viticola (Fregoni,
1983; Stein, 1984; Jeandet and Bessis, 1989). A leaf high in concentrations
of these compoundswill successfully ward off a challenge by these patho-
gens. There is evidencethat this might also be the case with berries (Pezet
and Pont, 1988a; Jeandet et al., 1991),but less information is available for
these organs, largely because berries are experimentally more difficult to
work with than leaves. With regard to B. cinerea, however, more data on
berries are urgently needed because this pathogen is eminently more impor-
tant on fruit than on leaves. The realization that at some developmental
stages there is a good correlation between the resistance of berries and
leaves, and that the conclusions from studies with leaves maybe extended
to berries, certainly needs more substantiation (Stein and Hoos, 1984; Stein
and Blaich, 1985).
With regardto Uncinula necatorthere is virtually noinformation in the
literature on the relationship between stilbene contents and resistance of
leaves or berries. The reason might bethat researchers maynot have found
a good correlation between resveratrol concentrations and disease resis-
tance but never reported on their negative findings.It is interestingto note
that stilbenes can only be induced by UV irradiation on the abaxial leaf
surfaces (Langcake and Pryce, 1977b; Pool et al., 1981) and that powdery
mildew is found more frequently on the adaxial than on the abaxial leaf
surfaces, although it is principally able to attack all green parts of the
plant (Bulit and Lafon, 1978). Furthermore, U.necator only penetratesthe
epidermal cells and not the deeper cell layers (Heintz and Blaich, 1990). If
it were generallytrue that a large part of the resveratrol synthesisis located
not just in but below the epidermal cells,which is suggested bythe findings
of Blaichand Bachmann (1980), then it would also be conceivable that only
insufficient amountsof the antifungal compound might come into physical
contact with the pathogen to account for inhibition of fungal growth. This
is certainly different from B. cinerea and P. viticola, which both penetrate
the outer cell layersand continue to grow inside the tissue of the inner cell
The antifungal properties of stilbenes initially stirred hopes that these
compounds might be used as biochemical markers of resistance in breeding
programs. Before this question can be finally resolved it is necessary to
overcome the difficulties discussed in Section 1II.C. A phenotype high in
stilbene production potential at any given point in time may not remain so
throughout its lifetime. Not all leaveson a plant are the same in potential;
Stilbenes 309
neither are different plants within a clone, nor different clones within a
species. Because ofthis, stilbenes have failedto serve as qualitative markers
of resistance in breeding and screening efforts (Luczka, 1982; Barlass et al.,
1987). Luczka’s work (1982) has also shown the difficulty of determining
traits of inheritanceof high stilbene accumulationthrough crosses between
parents of known stilbene production potential. None of the progeny fol-
lowed an obvious pattern and phenotypes belonging to all groups of stil-
bene production potential werefound irrespective ofthe parents’ potential.
It is of the utmost importance to characterize the genetics of stilbene syn-
thase expression in Vitis spp. to finally elucidate the involvement of stil-
benes in disease resistancethroughout the host’s life cycle.
In view of this, hopes for future disease resistance is some plant species
by introducing a gene from groundnut (Arachis hypogaea)which codesfor
stilbene synthase shouldmeet with cautious enthusiasm (Hain et al., 1990).
Even though the gene was expressed in transgenic tobacco plantsand res-
veratrol was identified, it is difficultto see whythe basic featuresof stilbene
production (see above) would be any more predictable or usable in trans-
genic plantsthan in its native location.
parts (which seems to be the case for e-viniferin) with little relevance for
disease resistanceto pathogens that attack green organs?Also, there is little
information on the location of stilbenes withinthe cell and cell layersapart
from Blaich and Bachmann’s cytological studies(1980) which showed that
resveratrol appears to be deposited within small areas of the cytoplasm or
in the periplasm, probably near plasmodesmata, mostly in and below the
epidermal cells. Isthis commonly the case or were the deeper cell layersjust
not sufficiently challengedin this particular experiment?
Almost all research to date has been devoted to the elucidation of mecha-
nisms of local stilbene accumulation.To the best of our knowledge, nobody
has looked deeply into the question of whether synthesis of stilbenes can
also be part of a process of systemic acquired resistance, the signal for
in plant. If so, the upper leaves ofthe plant could
which is translocatible the
be “immunized”by challenging the lower leaves with an appropriate agent
or compound.
This workwas supported by the New York State College of Agriculture and
Life Sciencesand the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
The authors thank J. M. Babcock, J. A. Becker, and J. 0. Becker for
typing and editorial assistance with the manuscript. We are also grateful
to R. Pezet for providing a paperinpress and R. Blaich for valuable
Afek, U., and Sztejnberg,A. (1989). Effects of fosetyl-Al and phosphorous acidon
scoparone, a phytoalexin associated with resistance of Citrus to Phytophthora
citrophthora. Phytopathology79 736-739.
Aguaniah, G. E., Langcake, P., Leworthy, D. P., Page, J. A., Pryce, R. J., and
Stilbenes and 311
Smillie, R. H., Dunstan, R. H., Grant, B. R., Griffith, J. M., Iser, J., and Niere,
J. 0 . (1990). The mode of action of the antifungal agent phosphite.Eur. Med.
Plant Prot. Org. (EPPO) Bull. 2 0 185-192.
Smillie, R.H., Grant, B. R., and Guest, D. I. (1989). The mode of action of
phosphite: evidence for both direct and indirect modes of action on three
Phytophthora spp. in plants.Phytopathology 79: 921-926.
Stein, U. (1984). Untersuchungen uber biochemische und morphologische Merk-
male der Botrytisresistenz bei Vitaceen. PhD Thesis, University of Karlsruhe,
Stein, U., and Blaich, R. (1985). Untersuchungen uber die Stilbenproduktion und
Botrytisanfalligkeit bei Vith-Arten.Vitis24: 75-87.
Stein, U.,and HOOS,G. (1984). Induktions- und Nachweismethoden fur Stilbene
bei Vitaceen. Vitis 23: 179-194.
Van Etten, H. D., Mathews, D. E.,and Mathews, P.S. (1989). Phytoalexin detoxi-
fication: importance for pathogenicity and practical implications. Ann. Rev.
Phytopathol. 27: 143-164.
Ward, E. W. B., Unwin, C. H., and Stoessl, A. (1975). Postinfectional inhibitors
from plants. XV. Antifungal activity of the phytoalexin orchinol and related
phenanthrenes and stilbenes. Can. J. Bot. 53: 964-971.
Zitnak, A., and Johnston, G. R. (1970). Glycoalkaloid content of B5141-6 potatoes.
Am. Potato J. 47: 256-260.
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Mode of Toxic Actionof Vitaceae
Stilbenes on Fungal Cells
Roger Pezet and Vincent Pont
of Changins, Nyon, Switzerland
Swiss Federal Agricultural Research Station
Though the toxicity of phytoalexins is well documented, their mechanism
of action on fungal cells ispoorly understood. However, many fragmentary
reports are available and it is possibleto propose a mechanism of fungitoxic
mode of action of the hydroxystilbenes. These compounds belong to the
large family of plant phenolics from which numerous other phytoalexins
are recognized. According to their basic common chemical structure, it is
expected that all phenolics act on similar biochemical pathways and that
their fungicidal mode of action is identical.
In a well-documented review, Smith (1982) discussed the toxicity of
phytoalexins. We can assumethat extensive membrane damages occur soon
after fungi are exposed to phytoalexins and suppression of exogenous respi-
ration may reflect insufficient uptake of substrate due to membrane dam-
ages. More precise is the toxic effect of rishitin to membranes; it acts by
increasing their permeabilityto small molecular weight compounds (Lyon,
Both phaseollin and pisatin have been shownto be toxic to plant and
fungal cells in a similar manner by disrupting either the structure or the
functioning of the plasma membrane (Hargreaves,1980). Laks and Prun-
ner (1989) suggest that pisatin and maackiain, as well as other flavonoid
phytoalexin analogues, function primarily against fungi as uncouplers of
oxidative phosphorylation. Accordingto O’Neil and Mansfield (1982), the
antifungal activity of flavonoids and isoflavonoids depends on some com-
mon physiochemical attributes, perhaps lipophilicity, and on the ability
to penetrate fungal cell wall and membranes rather than on a common
Onemaybesurprised that so manybiocidemolecules are phenols
possessing important conjugated systems. In such molecules, electrons of
chemical bondsare not immobile. They move inside the molecules, and this
Pont 318 and Pezet
A. Effect on Respiration
The first observed effect of hydroxystilbenes on conidia ofBotrytis cinerea
is a decrease of oxygen uptake. This effect may be slight or important,
depending on the substituents of the hydroxystilbenic basic structure (Table
2). Pterostilbene is the bestinhibitor of conidial respiration. We observed
that oxygen uptake was interrupted some minutes after the addition of
pterostilbene (Fig.2).
R Ref.
~~ ~
H (1) -
21 4-CH3
(2) (1967)
et al.
(3) 3&(OCH3)2 -
(4) 4-c1 Massarani (1957)
Veschambre etal. (1967)
(5) al. et (1953)
Spath and Schlager (1940)
3,5-(OH)z (6) 254-254.5 Nonomura et al. (1963)
Rupprich et al. (1980)
et(7) 3-Cl al. (1967)
(8) 3,4-C12 -
148-150 (9) -
H 8.33 (1)
4-CH3 (2)
3,4-(OCH3)2 7.71
4-c1 5.40
~,~-(OCH~)Z (5) 2.79
3,5-(OH)z (6) 6.74
3-Cl (7)
3 ,4-C& (8)
3,5-C12 (9)
Conidia only: 10.4 nmol O,/min
*Cell respiration was measured polarographically witha Clark electrode
(PO, analyzer, Bachofer) at25 f 0.01 "C.
320 Pezet and Pont
! 9
that previously described (Buckley et al., 1966; Gull and Trinci, 1971).
Figure 6 shows that healthy conidia possess several nuclei; mitochondria
are usually round to ovoid with many cristae; numerous vacuoles, probably
containing glycogen, are located in the cytoplasm. Few round lipid bodies
are visible and the plasma membrane appears well defined with its three
layers-the external, dense to the electron, and the two internal layers,
more clear.
Applicationofpterostilbene at 5 X M ondormantconidiain-
duces very rapid modifications of their ultrastructure. Chronological obser-
vations, after 1-10 min following the addition of pterostilbene, show that
mitochondria and nuclear membrane are very rapidly (5 min) affected by
dense lipid bodies are visible in the cytoplasm. Soon after endoplasmic
reticula are disorganized and ribosomes tend to disappear. Before a com-
plete disorganization of cytoplasmic organelles and a disruption of the
cell membranes, large electron-dense lipid bodies are formed close to the
mitochondrial and nuclear membranes. The ultimate stage, where cyto-
Pont 322 and Pezet
80. 3
C- l
Pont 328 and Pezet
0 0.172 +0.07 114.16
-0.17 0.153 +0.23 125.31
-0.12 0.162 -0.09 142.85
+0.23 0.216 +0.23 123.64
+0.05 0.189 +0.09 142.85
+0.16 0.205 -0.60 125.20
+0.37 0.236 +0.27 123.64
+0.52 0.255 +0.43 133.12
+0.75 0.286 +OS5 133.12
Many natural phenolics like hydroxystilbenes possessan important conju-
gated system. This electronic character, associated with the nature of the
substituents, determinethe U value relatingto the biological effects of hy-
droxystilbenes. We found among the high conjugated phenols not only
many phytoalexins but other active compounds, such as fungitoxins and
bactericidal compounds aswell (Pont and Pezet, 1991).
Pterostilbene is produced in a very low concentration by leaves and
immature berriesof grapevines comparingto resveratrol. Thelow fungitox-
icity of this last compound, even at high concentration, is explained by
its hydrophilic character incompatible with the lipophilicity of biological
membranes. Its direct role in the defense mechanism of Vitaceae against
fungal attacks is probablyvery poor. Pterostilbene, even at low concentra-
tions, displays, when associated to glycolic acid, a high toxicity toward
B. cinerea (Pezet and Pont, 1988). This organic acid, at a relatively high
concentration in immature berries, is toxic to B. cinerea conidia where it
provokes important damages to the organelle membranes. Microorganisms
can oxidize glycolic acidto glyoxylic acid (Corpeand Stone, 1960), proba-
bly as it has been described for plants, by glycolate oxidase witha concomi-
tant production of hydrogen peroxide (Metzler,1977).
The synergistic effects of pterostilbene and glycolic acid may increase
peroxide productionand consequent damagesto the biological membranes.
All these informations suggestthat the mechanism of action of hydroxy-
stilbenes involvesimportant lipid peroxidationby blocking flavin enzymes
such as cytochromec reductase and similar monooxygenases.
We are grateful to Paul Parey, Editor for authorization to use previously
from the Journal ofPhytopathology, Vols. 129
published figures and tables
and 130.
Bondi, A. (1964).Van der Waals volumesand radii. J. Phys. Chem. 158441451.
Buckley, P.M., Sjaholm, V. E., and Sommer, N. F. (1966). Electron microscopy
of Botrytis cinerea conidia. J. Bacteriol. 91(5):2037-2044.
Corpe, N. A., and Stone, R. W. (1960). Oxidation of glycolic acid by Penicillium
crysogenum. J. Bacteriol. 80452-456.
330 Pezet and Pont
Salemme, F. R., Krant, J., and Kaman, M. D.(1973). Structural bases for function
in cytochrome c. J. Biol. Chem.248(22):7701-7716.
Slifkin, M. A. (1980). The significance of charge transfer interactions in biology.
Molecular Interactions,Vol. 2. H. Ratajezak and W. J. Orville-Thomas, eds.),
Wiley, London, pp. 271-304.
Smith, D. A. (1982). Toxicity of phytoalexins. Phytoalexins(J. A. Bailey and J. W.
Mansfield, eds.), Blackie, Glasgow, pp.218-252.
Spath, E.,and Schlager, J. (1940). Uber dieInhaltstoffe des roten Sandelholzes. 11.
Mitteil.: Die Konstitution des Pterostilbens. Ber.
Veschambre, H., Dauphin, G., and Kerkomard, A. (1967). Transmission deseffets
Clectroniques dans les moltcules de trans-hydroxy4 stilbtnes et d’hydroxy-4
tolanes. Bull. Soc. Chim. 8:2846-2854.
Werner, P. (1980). Zum Wirkungsmechanismus des systemischen Fungicides Chlo-
roneb und zu den moglischen Ursachen erzeugter Resistenz gegenuber Mucor
mucedo L. Fres. Dissertation Martin-Luther-University, Halle-Wittemberg, 1-
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Inducible Compoundsin Phaseolus,
Vigna, and Dioscorea Species
S. A. Adesanya
Obafem' Awolowo University, lie-e-ife,Nigeria
M. F. Roberts
London University, London, England
Phytoalexins are inducible compounds first observed by Muller and Borger
in 1940 and defined by Muller (1958) as antibiotics produced asa result of
biochemical interactions betweena host plant and a parasite. This defini-
tion hasbeenmodifiedbyseveralworkers (Harborne, 1977; Deverall,
1982). Essentially, they are chemical compounds that accumulate in the
living hypersensitive tissuesaround the infection sites (Bailey, 1973; Rahe,
1973; Mansfield et al., 1974). The cause of hypersensitive reaction may be
infection dueto microorganisms or to the toxic effects of their breakdown
products and metabolites (biotic inducers), or chemical and physical factors
(abiotic inducers) (Cruickshank and Perrin, 1968; Hadwiger and Schwo-
chau, 1971; Bailey et al., 1980). There are indications of different modes of
activity for these two groupsof inducers. Biotic inducersappear to activate
defense genes in the host, which leads to enzyme synthesisfor the produc-
tion of the compounds (Darvilland Albersheim, 1984; Dhawale et al.,1989;
Ellis et al.,1989; Preisig et al.,1991); the mode of action of abiotic inducers
is not clear since phytoalexins have been known to accumulate in tissues
treated with agents blocking genetic transcription and translation processes
(Yoshikawa, 1978). There are indications to suggest that on infection con-
stitutive compounds inthe host cause the parasite to release elicitors which
activate the phytoalexin productiongenes (Kiraly et al., 1972; Keen et al.,
1983; Ersek and Kiraly, 1986). The induced phytoalexins demonstrate toxic-
ity against nonpathogens as well as pathogens; pathogens, however, usually
have a way of avoiding their toxic effects by catabolism or the formation of
conjugates with glycosides (Taniand Mayama, 1982; Weltring et al., 1982;
Willeke and Barz, 1982; Denny and Van Etten, 1983; Tahara et al., 1987).
334 and Adesanya
(Kay, 1979; Duke, 1981). The two dominant genera,Vigna (80 species) and
Phaseolus (28 species), are difficult to separate taxonomically. Many spe-
cies in one genus often have synonyms in the other, such as P . aureus
(Roxb.) syn. V, radiata (L.) R. Wilczek. This is complicated by their wide-
spread distribution in temperateand tropical zoneswhich might have led to
the evolution of regional characteristics and subsequent classificationinto
Asiatic and tropical groups (Maekawa, 1955; Verdecourt, 1970; Marechal
et al., 1978). This confusion provided a reason for the use of chemical
characteristics for a chemotaxonomic solution. Earlier workon the protein
and hybridization properties of Phaseolus species indicated intergeneric
differences inthe Phaseolus-Vigna complex that was largely in conformity
with the classification by Marechal et al. (1978) and also shows that P .
lunatus is possibly less evolved than other members of the genus (Kloz,
1962; Klozand Klozova, 1974).
Production of phytoalexinsinvolves the synthesisofindividualen-
zymes for the several steps in their biosynthesis. Various intermediates as
well as final products will accumulate and differences in these factors may
permit the separation of close species chemotaxonomically.The inducible
constituents of only a few species in the Phaseolus-Vigna complex have
beeninvestigated.These are P . vulgaris (20compounds)(Woodward,
1979a, 1979b, 1980; Ingham, 1982; Biggs et al., 1983), P . lunatus (2), P .
aureus (2), V. unguiculata (7) (Ingham, 1982), P . mungo (none) (Smith,
1971), and Voandozeia subterranea (syn. Vigna subterranea) (1) (Ingham,
1982). Our work has extended the investigation and data in four species, P .
lunatus, P . aureus, P . mungo, and P . coccineus (Adesanya et al., 1984a,
1985; O'Neill et al., 1983, 1986), while recent work by Ingham (1990b) has
provided additional data for V. subterranea, V. angularis, and V. umbel-
lata (Table 1).The large number of known and novel isoflavonoids isolated
(Fig. 1) providedan opportunity for a detailed analysis of their biosynthetic
pathways and their comparative toxicities toward the fungi Aspergilus niger
and Cladosporium cucumerinum.
B. Dioscorea Species
The major genus of the Dioscoreaceae isDioscorea, which is divided arbi-
trarily into several sections with several species spread overthe
Other minor genera include Tamus and Rajunia (Coursey, 1967). Most of
the species are typified by twining stems and large storage tubers which in
some are reduced to rhizomes and in others grow on the aerial part as
bulbils. The tuberous species have a high carbohydrate content and are
cultivated in the tropics as food crops (Coursey, 1967). The nonpoisonous
species such as D..rotundata Poir., D. alata L., and D. cayanensis L. are
widely consumed;the poisonous ones suchas D. dumentorum Kunth. Pax.
336 and Adesanya Roberts
and D . hispida L. are only safeafter the removalof the poisonous alkaloid
These tubers deteriorate rapidly in storage dueto microbial infection,
with an estimated loss of over half of the yearly harvests in Nigeria (Cour-
sey, 1967). Thus, concerted efforts are being made to find ways of increas-
ing their shelf life (dormancy period) and also of preventing microbial
The peel of D . rotundata has been shown to contain the constitutive
antifungal phenanthrenesbatatasin I (77), and hircinol (81) (Coxon et al.,
1982), and that of D . decipiens, 2,7-dihydroxy-l,3,5-trimethoxy-9,10-
dihyrophenanthrene (80) (Sunderet al., 1978). Constitutivecompounds
responsible for dormancy in the bulbils of D . opposita (D. batatas) have
been isolated and characterized as the phenanthrene batatasin I and the
dihydrostilbenes (bibenzyls)batatasin 11, I11 (72), IV (71), and V (73) (Fig.
1) (Hashimoto et al.,1972;Hashimoto andTajima, 1978). The distribution
of these substances in Dioscorea species varies, with some species having
none (Ireland et al.,1981). Chemical investigations in breeding experiments
have linked resistance to anthracnose disease in D . alata to the level of
phenolics (Alozie et al.,1987) indicating a possible role for inducible com-
pounds in the resistance to infection. A subsequent study of tissues of D .
batatas inoculated with bacteria led to the isolation of dihydropinosylvin
(68) as the major compound, together with batatasin I, batatasin IV, 3-
hydroxy-5-methoxybibenzyl(69), 6,7dihydroxy-2,4-dimethoxy-9,1Oaihydro-
phenanthrene (78), and 2,7~dihydroxy-4,6dimethoxy-9,l0-dihydrophenan-
threne (79) (Fig. 1) (Takasugi et al.,1987). This study has been extended to
the inducible compounds in D . rotundata, D . alata, D . dumentorum, D.
bulbifera, and D . mangenotiana, with the aim of evaluating their potential
in prolonging dormancy, disease resistance, crop protection, and chemotax-
onomy inthe various sections.
Plant Materials and Microorganisms
Seedsof Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. Prince, P . aureus Roxb. (synonym,
Vigna radiata (L.)R. Wilczek), P . mungo L. (synonym V. mungo (L.)
Hepper.), and P. lunatus L. were purchased from Thompson and Morgan
Ltd., London and those of P . coccineus L., var. Scarlet Emperor, were
obtained from Northrop King Seeds (Minneapolis, MN). Seeds Sorghumof
bicolor (L.) Mench. and tubers of Dioscorea rotundata Poir., D . alata L.,
D . dumentorum (Kunth.) Pax. were broughtat the market in Ile-ife,Nige-
ria. Wild bulbils ofD . bulbifera L. and tubers of D . mangenotiana Meige.
were collectedat various sitesaround Ile-ife.
Phaseolus, Vigna, and Dioscorea Species 337
1. R, = R, = R,= R, = R, = H Diadzein
2. & = R, = R, = R, = H. R, = OH Genistein
3. R, = R, = R, = = H, R, = OCH, lsoprunetin
4.R,=R2=R,=R5=H.R4=OH 2’-hydroxydiadzein
5. R, = R, = R, = H. R, = R, = OH 2”hydroxygenistein
6. R, = R, = R, = H, R, = OCH,, R, = OH 2’methoxygenistein
7. R, = R, = R, = H, R, = OCH,, R, = OH 2”hydroxyisoprunetin
8. R, = R, = H, R, = R, = R, = OH 8.2’dihydroxygenistein
9. R, = R, = R, = H.R, = R, = OH 8,2’dihydroxydiadzein
10. & = R, = H, R, = R, = OH, R, = CH,CH=C(CH,), 2.3dehydrokievitone
11. R2 = R, = H, R, = R, = OH, R, = CH,CH=C(CH,)CH,OH 2.3dehydrokievitol
12. R2 = R, = H. R, = R, = OH, R, = CH,CH=C(CH,), Phaseoluteone
13. R, = R, = H. R, = R, = OH, R, = CH,CH=C(CH,), Luteone
5deoxykievitone hydrate
21. R,= R, = & = H, R, = & = R, = OH, 5-deoxykievitol
& = CHz-CH=C(CH,)CH,OH
22. = & = H, R,= R, = R,= R, = OH, Kievitone
& = CH,-CH=C(CH,),
23. R, = & = H, R,= R, = R, = R, = OH, Kievitone hydrate.
& = CH,-CH,-C(CH,),OH
24. R, = & = H, R,= R, = R, = R, = OH, Kievitol
25.R, = & = H, R,= R, = R, = OH, R, = OCH,. 4“rnethoxykievitone
R, = CH,-CH=C(CH,),
26. R, = = H. R,= OH,R,= R, = R, = OCH, Trirnethoxykievitone
& = CHZ-CH=C(CH,),
27. R, = & = H, R,= R, = R, = R, = OCH,, Tetramethoxykievitone
& = CH&H=C(CHJ,
28. R, = H, R,= R, = R, = R, = OH, 3”(y,ydimethylallyl)
& = & = CH,-CH=C(CH,), kievitone
29.R, = H, R, = R, = R, = OH, R, = OCH, Isosophoranone
R2 = & = CHZ-CH=C(CH,),
30.R, = R, = & = H, R,= R, = OH, R, = & = OCH, Cajanol
31.R2 = R4= H. R,= R, = R, = OH, R, = OCH,. Sophoraisoflavanone A
Figure 1 Continued.
Phaseolus, Vigna,and Dioscorea Species 339
Cyclokievitone hydrate
45. R, = R, = R4 = R, = R, = H, R, = R, = OH Demethylmedicarpin
46. R, = R, = R4= k = R, = H, R, = OH, R, = OCH, Isomedicarpin
47. R, = R, = R4 = = R, = H, R, = OH, R, = OCH, Medicarpin
48. R, = R, = R4 = R, = H, R, = R, = & = OH Glycinol
49. R, = R, = & = R, = H, R, = R, = OH, Phaseollidin
h = CH,CH=C(CH,),
50. R, = R, = & = H, R, = R, = OH, R, = OCH,, l-methoxyphaseollidin
= CH,CH=C(CH,),
51. R, = & = R, = H, R, = R, = OH, 2(y,y-ilimethylallyl)
R, = = CH,CH=C(CH,), phaseollidin
52. R, = = R, = H, R, = R, = OH, 4(y,y-dimethylallyl)
R, = R4 = CH,CH=C(CH,), phaseollidin
53. R, = R, = H, R, = R, = = OH, 2,lO-(dimethylallyl)
R, = R, = CH,CH=C(CH,), glycinol
54. R, = R, = R, = H, R, = & = OH, R, = OCH,, Cristacarpin
R4 = CH,CH=C(CH,),
55. R, = R, = = R, = H, R, = R, = OH, Dolichin A
Dolichin B
Figure 1 Continued.
Phaseoh, Vigna, and Diosmrea Species 341
59. Neodunol
60.R, = R2 = R, = R, = H Coumesterol
61. R, = R, = = H. R, = OH Aureol
62. R, = R, = R, = H. R, = CH2CH=C(CH,)2 Psoralidin
63. R, = R, = R, = H. R, = CH,CH=C(CH,), Phaseol
64. R, = R, = R, = H. R, = CH,CH=C(CH,), Isosojagol
342 Adesanya andRoberts
65. Vignafuran
66. R, = H Pinosylvin
67. R, = OH Trans-resveratrol
Figure 1 Continued.
Phaseolus, Vigna, and Dioscorea Species 343
‘ ‘qR5 R6
D. AntimicrobialAssay
Paper discs were loaded with various graded concentrations of the dihy-
drostilbenes and placed on bacteria-seeded agar plates. Zones of inhibition
were measured for the active compounds after a 24-hr incubation period
(Takasugi et al. , 1989).
E. AntifungalAssay
Graded concentrations of the isoflavonoids were dispensed into multiwell
assay trays. The volume in each well was made up to 50 p1 by the addition
of ethanol and then 950 p1 of a spore suspension in Czapek Dox liquid
nutrient added. Controls without isoflavonoidsand test preparations were
incubated inthe dark for 3 days. MICwas taken as a range betweenthe last
well with mycelia development and the next concentration without growth
(Adesanya et al.,1986).
The dihydrostilbenes were assayed using agar plates with holes in a
circle containing various graded concentrations of the compounds and wa-
ter only inthe control. A mycelial plug was placedin the middle and zones
of limitation of mycelial growth measuredfrom the edge of each well.The
MIC was taken as a range between the well showing the least zone of
inhibition and the next concentration without a zone of inhibition (Adesa-
nya et al.,1989).
Phaseolus, Vigna, and Dioscorea Species 345
D . opposita (D. batatas),the first plant investigated in this family, produces
the phenanthrenes batatasin I (77), 6,7-dihydroxy-2,4-dimethoxy-9,10-
dihydrophenanthrene (78), 2,7-dihydroxy-4,6-dimethoxy-9,lO-dihydrophe-
nanthrene (79), and dihydrostilbenes, dihydropinosylvin (68), 3-hydroxy-5-
methoxybibenzyl (69), and batatasin IV (71) in response to the bacterium
Pseudomonas cichorri (Takasugi et al., 1987). Other compounds isolated in
our investigation ofother Dioscorea species infected with the fungi Botryo-
diplodia theobromaeare presented in Table 2 (Fagboun al., et 1987; Adesa-
nya et al., 1989; 1989; Cline et al., 1989; Kaganda and Adesanya, 1990).
Dihydropinosylvin (68) appears to be the principal induced compound in
the section Enantiophylum. On induction of one of the species, D . alata,
by the fungi,dihyropinosylvin,demethylbatatasinIV, and batatasin IV
accumulate in the infected yams (Fig. 1). By contrast, in tubers treated
withHgCl,, only dihydropinosylvin shows appreciable increase (Fig. 2).
Although the lower amounts of 68 accumulatein those induced withHgCI,,
in both cases increase inPAL activity precedesthe onset of dihydrostilbene
formation with less increase with the HgCl, treatment. TAL activity was
somewhat lower inboth treatments than in the controls. These results sug-
350 Adesanya andRoberts
0 2b 4b 6b 8b 100
lime (hr)
C. UV Spectroscopy of lsoflavonoids
The UV spectrum of most isoflavones in either
EtOH or MeOH have princi-
pal absorption maxima between 245 and 270 nm as established in earlier
reports (Mabryetal., 1970; Ingham, 1982). However,isoflavoneswith
three or more oxygen atoms on the A ring absorb at 260-270 nm, while
those with fewer oxygen atoms have their maxima at 245-255 nm. Methyla-
tion of the 5-OH group or its absence causesa hypochromic shift of 5-10
xx x
Phaseolus, Vigna, and Dioscorea Species 353
Stilbenes have also been shown to arise from phenylalanine and like flavo-
noids there is a requirement for the action of PAL to give cinnamic acid
(Rudloff and Jorgensen, 1963; Langcake and Price, 1977; Schoppner and
Kindl, 1979; Stoessl, 1982). Thisenzyme was also activated in D . alata
tissues induced withB. theobromae and HgClz indicatinga similar role in
the Dioscoreaceae for this enzyme. Cinnamic acid may be converted to
p-coumaric acid and these two acids, as their CoA derivatives react with
malonyl-CoA to give either pinosylvin or resveratrol. In recent years, the
enzyme responsiblefor the formation of pinosylvin from malonyl-CoAand
cinnamoyl-CoA has been isolated from Pinus sylvestris (Schoppner and
Kindl, 1979). The partially purified enzymefrom Rheum rhaponticum was
found to catalyze the formation of 3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene (resveratrol
67) (Rupprichet al., 1980). Stilbenesynthases, whichoccurin a small
number of genera, have been grouped into two types: those which utilize
p-coumaroyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA and form resveratrol (Schoppnerand
Kindl, 1984;Liswidowati etal., 1991), and the Pinus or Vitaceae (Fitzmeier
and Kindl, 1981) enzyme, which utilizes cinnamoyl-CoAand malonyl-CoA
and leads to pinosylvin accumulation (Gehlert et al., 1990). It is likely that
the dihydrostilbenesdihydropinosylvin (68) and dihydroresveratrol (76)
may arise from pinosylvin (66) and resveratrol (67), respectively, by the
reduction of the bridge double bond and other dihydrostilbenes derived
from these products or appropriate stilbene precursors (Stoessl, 1982). It
has also been suggested that the biosynthesis of phenanthrenes and dihydro-
phenanthrenes proceeds via dihydro-m-coumaric acid in Combretaceae and
Dioscoreaceae(Fritzmeier and Kindl, 1983); it ispossible that the 2'-
hydroxydihydrostilbenes arisefrom this route to give demethylbatatasin IV
(70), whichissubsequentlymetabolized to batatasin 111, IV,and V in
Dioscorea species (Fig. 1).
The induced formation of pinosylvin synthase is an early, selective,
and sensitive process elicited by fungior environmental stress. Young pine
Phaseolus, Vigna, and Dioscorea Species 357
E. Chemotaxonomic Considerations
Phaseolus-Vigna Complex
The distinction betweenVigna and Phaseolus species has long been a matter
of taxonomic interest. Analysis of the morphological characteristics, pro-
tein content, and enzymic activities has indicated that the Asiatic beans
which had previously been classed as Phaseolus species are better placed in
the Vigna genus (Kloz, 1962; Casimir and LeMarchand, 1966; Kloz and
Klozova, 1974; Chrispeels and Baumgartner, 1978). Marechal’s (1978) clas-
sification of the Phaseolus-Vigna complex had also placed P . aureus, an
Asiatic sample, inVigna subsection ceratotropis. Comparison of the chemi-
cal constituents of the Phaseolus and Vigna species shown in Table 1 with
those which have been reported for other species in the Leguminoseae indi-
cates some differences (Ingham,1982, 1990b). In general, most of the com-
pounds, including those with isoflavan structures that occur in the genera
Phaseolus, Vigna, Lablab, and Erythrina, are of little chemotaxonomic
importance. Recent investigations clearly showed that the ability t o produce
methoxylated derivatives, once thought to be restricted to Vigna, is far
more widespread (Table1) (Lampard, 1974; Preston, 1975; Ingham, 1981b,
1990b). Phaseollinisoflavan (43), found only in the typical Phaseolus spe-
cies P . vulgaris and P . coccineus, may be of chemotaxonomic importance.
It is interesting to note thatP . lunatus produced no cyclized derivative
of its many prenylated compounds and has the novel 8-hydroxylation path-
way. These observations confirm earlier observations that P . lunatus is
different from other Phaseolus species in its protein characteristics (Kloz,
1962; Kloz and Klozova, 1974).
358 Adesanya andRoberts
Dioscorea Species
Ireland et al. (1981) attempted to separate different sections of the genus
unsuccessfully by studying the distribution of naturally occurring dormancy
inducing batatasin I-V in tubers and bulbils of 13 tropical and 2 temperate
Dioscorea species. The major phytoalexins isolatedfrom Dioscorea species
are shown in Table2. The major phytoalexin inD . batatas (Takasugi et al.,
1987), D . rotundata (Fagboun etal., 1987), D. alata (Cline et al., 1989), and
minor in D . mangenotiana (Kaganda and Adesanya, 1990) in the section
Enantiophyllumisdihydropinosylvin. It was not found in D. bulbifera
(section Opsophyton) and D . dumentorum (section Lasiophyton). Dihy-
droresveratrol has only been found in D . dumentorum (Adesanya et al.,
F. BiologicalProperties
Antimicrobial Activities
Isofuvonoids. The isolation ofsignificantamountsofisoflavones,
isoflavanones, pterocarpans, and isoflavans allowed a further study of the
structure-activity requirements of isoflavonoids. Perrin and Cruickshank
(1969) had earlier suggested that a common three-dimensional shape was
important, but further studies didnot confirm this hypothesis (VanEtten,
1967). Harborne and Ingham (1978), as a result of work done with isoflavone
luteone (13), suggestedthat a lipophilic side chain was important for fungi-
toxicity and a similar suggestionwas proffered for kievitone with an addi-
tional requirement for phenolic hydroxyl groups by Smith (1978). Light
microscopic examination revealedthe gross effects of active isoflavonoids
on the development of hyphae as disorganized growth patterns involving
swollen hyphal tips, cellular granulation, and the production of septal plugs
(Smith, 1978; Adesanya et al., 1986). Comparative antifungal studies using
Aspergillus niger and Cladosporium cucumerinum were done on all com-
pounds with good yield, their chemical derivatives, together with demeth-
ylmedicarpin (45), medicarpin (47), and isomedicarpin (46) isolated from
Trifoliumrepens (Table 4).
Differential sensitivity of the two fungi used was observed and this
supports Van Etten's (1967) observation in the test of pterocarpans and
related isoflavonoids against Aphanomyces euteiches Drechs. and Fusarium
solani Mart. Sacc. f.sp. cucurbitae (Burk, F. R. Jones) Synd. and Hans.
The results in Table4 show that pterocarpans (45,46,47,49) and isoflavans
(37,43) are more fungitoxic than other classesof isoflavonoidsand support
the result obtainedby Van Etten (1967). He suggested that the comparable
fungitoxic activities of(-) vestitol(38), ("sativan (40) and (+)3-hydroxy-
9-methoxypterocarpan (47) were related to the fact that the isoflavans can
Phaseolus, Wgna, and Dioscorea Species 359
- 0
20 40 60 80
Time (hr 1
LA "1
Concentration x 1uSw
Concentration x 10-SM
but like other phytoalexins are toxic to the parasites aswell as host cells at
high concentrations. The role of batatasin IV in disease resistance is not
clear, since it accumulatesto a low level in Dioscorea species, includingD .
batatas (Takasugi et al., 1987; Cline et al., 1989), and also occurs naturally
in D . batatas (Hashimoto et al.,1972).
Selected species in the Phaseoleae and Dioscoreaceae have been investigated
for their inducible compounds. Large-scaleand detailed analysis of CuC1,
induced tissues ofPhaseolus species led to the isolation of many isoflavo-
noids that provided an insight into their possible biogenesis, structure-
antifungal activity relationships, and chemotaxonomy. The analysis of fun-
gitoxic spots in the TLC bioassay of fungus induced tissues of Dioscorea
species gave only a few dihydrostilbenes by comparison. Thus a detailed
large-scale analysis of induced tissues has more analytical potential than
isolation of fungitoxic compounds alone.
Although it was possible to speculate on the biosynthetic pathway to
most of the isoflavonoids and dihydrostilbenesconsidered, the .correct
pathway still needs to be established by isolating and characterizing the
terminal enzymes. This is being done for some compounds inother species
(Preisig etal., 1991). Phytoalexins have obvious chemotaxonomic potential
in these two families and so detailed analysis of induced compounds in
more species could assist in the taxonomy of these families. Such investiga-
tions could also yield more novel compoundsand new biological activities.
The bioassay of the dihydrostilbenes was extended to human fungal para-
sites. A. fumigatus and Tricophyton mentagyrophytes,in order to evaluate
their usefulness in treating human infections. Similar investigations have
shown that phaseollinisoflavan is very active against zoopathogens (Gordon
et al., 1980; Smith, 1982). Such screenings againstother test systems could
expose other potential uses of these compounds.
The role of many of these inducible compounds in disease resistance
needs to be established as they vary in composition, number, and amounts
in various species. In P. lunatus, P. mungo, and P . vulgaris, the largest
group of antifungal isoflavonoids was the isoflavanones, whereas in P .
aureus and P. coccineus there is a more even distribution of isoflavones,
isoflavanones, and pterocarpans. Only P . coccineus produces significant
levels of isoflavans, and the only fungitoxic coumestan isolated, aureol,
was found in bothP . aureus and P. mungo.
Although the work on the Dioscorea species is as yet not comprehen-
sive, variations are also noticeable in the type of major compounds pro-
duced, the seemingly inactive demethylbatatasin IV was the major inducible
366 and Adesanya Roberts
The authors with to thank the librarians at the Schoolof Pharmacy for help
in checking references and Mr. B. C. Homeyer for help with the compila-
tion of the figuresand tables.
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Involvement of Phytoalexins in the
Response of Phosphonate-Treated Plants
to Infection by Phytophthora Species
P. Saindrenan
Institut de Biologie Mol4culaire des Plantes,C.N.R.S., Strasbourg, France
David 1. Guest
University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia
The rapid and localizedpathogen-inducedsynthesisofphytoalexins is
thought to play an important defensive r d e in the early response of many
plants to infection by potential parasites (Dixonand Lamb, 1990). In sus-
ceptible hosts, the growth of biotrophic fungal pathogens is unrestricted,
and a compatible host-parasite interaction may develop given favorable
environmental conditions. Responses usually associated with resistance are
not entirely absent, but rather are not expressed soon enoughor with suffi-
cient magnitudeat the infection site to be effective (KuC and Rush, 1985).
Presumably the necessary elicitor signals are either not released in sufficient
magnitude or are not recognized sufficiently rapidly the by plant.
In terms of strategies for plant disease protection, the ability to trans-
form a compatible interactioninto an incompatible interactionby modify-
ing the pathogenic abilityof the parasite (Kiraly etal., 1972) or the defense
response of the host (Langcake, 1981) offers many exciting possibilities.A
number of chemicals appearto have this ability.The antipenetrant tricycla-
zole actsby reducing the pathogenic competence ofthe parasite (Woloshuk
etal., 1980). Probenazole(Sekizawa and Mase,1981),2,2-dichloro-3,3-
dimethylcyclopropane carboxylic acid (Langcake et al., 1983), and methyl-
2,6-dichloroisonicotinicacid (MCtraux et al., 1991) alter the host physiology
so that disease resistance is increased.
Phosphonates,including the phosphonate anion (H,PO,? and fo-
setyl-Al (aluminum tris-0-ethyl phosphonate, Aliette), are systemic com-
pounds that control diseases caused by oomycetes, particularly Phytophth-
376 and Saindrenan Guest
ora species (Bertrand et al., 1977; Pegg et al., 1985; Cohen and Coffey,
1986). Compared to other systemicfungicides,theyexertlittleactivity
on mycelial growth in vitro at the submillimolar concentrations usually
found in vivo in protected plants (Bompeix et al., 1981; Guest, 1984a).
Conversely, their effects in vitro frequently do not match their perfor-
mance in vivo. This paradox has been explained by a hypothesis propos-
ing a complex mode of action, involving the active participation of the
hostdefensereactions,mainlyphytoalexinaccumulation(Bompeix et
al., 1981; Guest, 1984a). However, at higher application rates, and with
certain host-parasite interactions,a direct modeof action is more plausible
(Fenn and Coffey, 1984; Dercks and Buchenauer, 1986; Ye and Deverall,
Bompeix and coworkers (Bompeix et al., 1980;Vo-Thi et al., 1979)
made the original observationthat tomato leaves produced more phenolic
compoundsfollowinginoculationwith P . capsici when the leaveswere
floated on a solution of fosetyl-Althan they did when floated on distilled
water. The response was associated withthe formation of necrotic blocking
zones and hypersensitive cell death (Durandand SallC, 1981) similar to that
observed in the incompatible interaction between Cladosporium fulvum
and tomato (Lazarovits and Higgins, 1975a,b). Although the involvement
of phenylpropanoid metabolism in the resistance responseof tomato has
not yet been clearly demonstrated @U&,1982), it was suggested that en-
hanced production of phenolic compounds might be a component of the
resistance mechanism of phosphonate-treated leaves. These observations
were subsequently confirmed in other plant-pathogen interactions (Guest,
1984b; Khan etal., 1986; Saindrenan et al., 1988a,b; Afekand Sztejnberg,
1989; Smillie etal., 1989; Nemestothyand Guest, 1990).
In this chapter, we will discuss the effects of phosphonates (disodium
phosphonate salt, NazHPO3.5H20,and fosetyl-AI)on the stimulation of the
plant’s defense reactions via phytoalexin accumulation in two well-defined
model systems, cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. CV. Tvu 645)-Phy-
tophthora cryptogea and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.)-Phytophthora
nicotianae var. nicotianae. Some other plant-pathogen interactionswill be
described briefly. Indeed, it has been shown that the protection given by
submillimolar concentrations of phosphonates is higher in plants having
highly active dynamic defense systems (Guestand Grant, 1991). Moreover,
experimental treatments that suppress phytoalexin accumulation provide
useful cluesto assess the role of phytoalexins and other defense reactions in
the mode of action of phosphonates. A range of biosynthetic inhibitors
have been used to identify the metabolic pathways that are important to
resistance and to the effect of phosphonate on these pathways.
Response of Plants to Phytophthora 377
a 300
0 12 24 36 48
Time after inoculation ( h )
- 10
'Leaves were floated for4 hr in darkness on control or 5 mM AOA solutions before inocula-
tion. The leaves were then inoculated and placed on again
the same mediumbut with 2.44 m M
bPhytoalexin contents of infected area were determined 24 hr after inoculation. Data are the
mean of two separate experimentsi SD.
T A L activity was assayed radiometrically. Data are the mean of two separate experimentsf
Source: From Saindrenan et al. (1988b).
150 c
0 12 24 36 48
6 12
Control 27 4
35 25
Mevinolin 28
AOA 2914 24 29
18 AHPP14 22 5
AVG11 22 4
2 POX25 25
SED (6 replicates) = 2
‘Propylene oxide (POX) treated discs were exposed
to 1 ml/liter for 1 hr before inoculation.
Response of Plants to Phytophthora 383
The evidencethat phytoalexins contribute to plant disease resistance comes
from two types of investigations that provide either circumstantial and
correlative evidenceor experimental evidence.
to of Plants 385
Massala, R., Legrand, M., and Fritig, B. (1987). Comparative effects of two com-
petitive inhibitors of phenylalanine ammonia lyase on the hypersensitive resis-
tance of tobacco to tobacco mosaic virus.Plant Physiol. Biochem. 25:217-225.
Mktraux, J. P., Ahl-Goy, P., Staub, T., Speich, J., Steinemann, A.,Ryals, J.,
and Ward, E. (1991). Induced systemic resistance in cucumber in response to
2,6-dichloro-isonicotinicacid and pathogens. Advances in Molecular Genetics
ofPlant-MicrobeInteractions, Vol. 1 (H.Hennecke and D. P. S. Verma,
eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 432-439.
Moesta, P., and Grisebach, H.(1982). L-2-Aminooxy-3-phenylpropionicacid inhib-
its phytoalexin accumulation in soybean with concomitant loss of resistance
against Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. glycinea. Physiol. Plant Pathol. 21:
Munier, R. L., and Bompeix, G. (1985). Inhibition de la L-phenylalanine ammonia
lyase de Rhodotorula glutinis par des phenylalanines N-substitudes. Comptes
Rendus de I'Acadgmie des Sciences Paris300203-206.
Muchovej, J. J., Maffia, L. A., and Muchovej, R. M. C. (1980). Effects of ex-
changeable soil aluminiumand alkaline calcium saltson the pathogenicity and
growth of Phytophthora capsici from green pepper. Phytopathology 701212-
Nemestothy, G. N., and Guest, D. I. (1990). Phytoalexin accumulation, phenylala-
nine ammonia lyase activity and ethylene biosynthesis in fosetyl-A1 treated
resistant and susceptible tobacco cultivars infected withPhytophthora nicotia-
nae var. nicotianae. Physiol.Mol. Plant Pathol.32207-219.
Paradies, I., Konze, J. R., Elstner, E. F., and Paxton, J. D. (1980). Ethylene:
Indicator but not inducer of phytoalexin synthesis in soybean.Plant Physiol.
661106-1 109.
Partridge, J. E., and Keen, N. T.(1976). Association of the phytoalexin kievitone
with single-gene resistance of cowpeas to Phytophthora vignae. Phytopathol-
ogy 66426-429.
Pegg, K. G., Whiley, A. W., Saranah, J. B., and Glass, R. J. (1985). Control of
Phytophthora root rot of avocado with phosphorous acid. Aust. Plant Pathol.
Preisig, C. L., and KuC, J. A. (1987). Phytoalexins, elicitors, enhancers, suppressors
and other considerations in the regulation of R-gene resistance to Phytophthora
infestans in potato. Molecular Determinants of Plant Disease (S. Nishimura et
al., eds.), Japan Science SocietyPresdSpringer-Verlag, pp. 203-221.
Preston, N. W. (1975). 2'-O-methoxyphaseollidinisoflavanfrom infected tissue of
Vigna unguiculata. Phytochemistry 14:1131-1132.
Preston, N. W., Chamberlain, K., and Skipp, R. A. (1975). A 2-arylbenzofuran
phytoalexin from cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata). Phytochemistry 141843-1844.
Robbins, M. P., Bolwell,G. P., and Dixon, R. A. (1985). Metabolicchanges
in elicitor-treated bean cells.Selectivity of enzyme induction in relation to
phytoalexin accumulation.Eur. J. Biochem. 148563-569.
Saindrenan, P., Barchietto, T., Avelino,J., and Bompeix,G. (1988a). Effects
of phosphite on phytoalexin accumulation in leaves of cowpea infected with
Phytophthora cryptogea. Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 32425-435.
390 and Saindrenan Guest
Until recently, our research on phytoalexins concentrated on various as-
pects of therole of thephytoalexinsmedicarpin(3-hydroxy-9-methoxy-
pterocarpan)(l),ormedicarpin and maackiain (3-hydroxy-8,9-methylene-
dioxypterocarpan(2), in foliage of alfalfa and in foliage and roots of red
clover,respectively.Withfoliage, the initial objective was to determine
whether phytoalexins might explain differences in host specificity and also
whether they mightbe involved in limiting lesion size in leaf spot diseases.
The work with roots arose initially out of our curiosity about the origins
and relationships of phytoalexins inthe roots as compared withthe leaves.
Unfortunately, because of our dissatisfaction with the genetics of these
crops, our interest gradually turned to leaf mold of tomato leaving many
interesting questionsabout these forage legume systems unanswered; how-
ever, in thischapter, we take the opportunity to briefly review some ofthat
work and to present some as-yet unpublished results.
The general picture that emerged initially from work with alfalfa was
that pathogens of alfalfa generally could rapidly convert medicarpin to
nontoxic components (Higgins and Millar, 1969; Higgins, 1972) whereas
392 Higgins et al.
Fungal Metabolism of Phytoalexins byStemphyrium bofryosum:
Inhibition by S-ContainingPterocarpanoid
The chemicals testedas inhibitors of maackiain conversionto DHMaa were
synthesized by D. K. Bates, D. A. Hay, andJ. A. Fleming (Michigan Techno-
logical University, Houghton, Michigan) and were derivatives of 6a,l la-
dihydrobenzo[3,2-c][llbenzopyrans (1 la-thioptercarpans) including 11-
thiapterocarpan (TP) (4), 3-methoxy-l l-thiapterocarpan (3-OMe-TP) (9,
3-hydroxy-ll-thiapterocarpan (3-OH-TP) (6), and dihydrobenzothiophene
5)'R =HOCH3 \ %
R \
6)R=OH 7
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
1 l -MIA!JTEROCARPAN (yg/rnl)
0 2 4 6 8
TIME (hours)
Challenge of roots of axenically grown red clover seedlings by the abiotic
elicitor CuClzwas used to clarify the role of trifolirhizin, and a comparable
glycoside of medicarpin, in the production of maackiain and medicarpin,
respectively. The kinetics (Fig. 5A) of the loss of trifolirhizin and increase
in maackiain inthe 24-hr period followingCuC12treatment were compara-
ble to those seen(McMurchy and Higgins, 1984) following inoculation
with F. roseurn. Although a glycoside of medicarpin was not isolated and
characterized, techniques similarto those used to monitor trifolirhizinlev-
els indicated the presence of such a glycoside. The kinetics (Fig. 5B) of
glycoside loss and appearance of medicarpin following CuC1, treatment
were very similarto those for trifolirhizin and maackiain.
To further test if maackiain and medicarpin were originating from their
respective glycosides as a result of &glucosidase activity in the injured
tissue, as suggested by the kinetic data, glyphosate, an inhibitor of the
398 Higgins et al.
2 1.0
'5 0.8
0 4
0 .C
- ..""_
0.6l b . . -
- ..-..- ..
2 $
5o *E 0.2 - ..-.._
z 0.0
0 12 24
TIME (hours)
1.4 -
A D Moockiain -
Z 1.2 - m Trifolirhizin
5O\ 1.0
"- .1 -
W 3 0.8
z c
3.5 0.6 -
E '3
3; 0.4
0.0 n m n
ll D Medicarpin
m Medicarpin glycoside
A con
trol CuC12 control
specific that they will not also affect the biosynthetic enzymes usedby the
plant in thefinal stages of phytoalexin synthesis.
Also, our increasing knowledge of the enzymes involved in the final
biosynthetic stepsof phytoalexin biosynthesis will allow prevention of the
final reactions via antisense techniques. Understanding the role of pools of
glycosidic precursors in phytoalexin production will be very important in
such experiments asthe appropriate antisense gene may blockthe develop-
ment of such pools. If these glycosidic compounds have a function other
than defense, phenotypic changes may be detected inthe transgenic plants.
Most experiments which have relied on blocking PAL or other enzymes
occurring early in the biosynthetic pathway of pterocarpanoid phytoalexins
have generally recognizedthat many other plant functions relyon the same
pathway, but have failed to adequately consider the effects of preformed
precursors on the experiments.
Increasingly, as bioengineering of plantsand fungi becomes more rou-
tine, we need to investigate the relative contribution of each of the plant’s
defense componentsto the final disease interactionand to understand the
interactions between components. For example, it is possible that, in at
leastsomeplants,phytoalexinschangethegrowth of the fungus just
enough that the hyphal tips become amenable to total inhibition by the
activity of chitinase and/or glucanases. Indeed, the effect of phytoalexins
on fungal development is poorly researched. Duczek and Higgins (1976b)
showed that maackiain and medicarpin inhibited formation of appressoria
by Cochliobolus (Helrninthosporium) carbonum; although appressorium
formation is a developmental response that usually proceeds phytoalexin
production, comparable developmental changes, e.g., haustorium forma-
tion in the rusts, that occur after penetration might be similarly affected.
Our reliance on in vitro bioassays of hyphal growthand our failure to
reproduce the gradual buildup of phytoalexins that occurs in plants may
prove to havemisleadus about their relative importance in resistance.
Similarly, our failure to treat plants with gradually increasing amountsof
fungal elicitors have undoubtedly created misleading data on the role of
many elicitors, e.g., in tomato, a cell wall-derived (nonspecific) elicitor
from Cladosporiumfulvum appears to be degraded by enzymes produced
by infected or stressedplants(Peever and Higgins,1989). As well, the
elicitor activity is inhibited by other low molecular weight components of
the apoplast (Lu and Higgins, unpublished). Under normal conditions of
infection by C. fulvum, it is assumed that these “suppressors” build upat
about the same rate as the nonspecific elicitor, so that nonspecific elicita-
tion of the defense response never occurs. How many other elicitors under
active study are likewise “artifacts” of our assay systems? Molecular dissec-
tions of defense responses will eventually reveal how much we have been
402 Higgins et al.
led astray by our failure to properly mimic the pathogen and plant in our
Duczek, L. J., and Higgins, V. J. (1976a). The role of medicarpinand maackiain in
the response of red clover leaves to Helminthosporium carbonum, Stemphy-
lium botryosum, and S. sarcinaeforme. Can. J. Bot. 542609-2619.
Duczek, L. J., and Higgins, V. J. (1976b). Effect of treatments with the phytoalex-
ins medicarpin and maackiain on fungal growth in vitro and in vivo. Can. J.
Bot. 54~2610-2619.
Graham, T. L., Kim, J. E.,and Graham, M. Y. (1990). Role of constitutive isofla-
vone conjugates in the accumulation of glyceollin in soybean infected with
Phytophthora megasperma.Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact.3:157-166.
Heath, M.C., and Higgins, V. J. (1973). In vitro and in vivo conversionof phaseol-
lin and pisatin by an alfalfa pathogen Stemphylium bottyosum. Physiol. Plant
Pathol. 3:107-120.
Higgins, V. J. (1972). Role ofthe phytoalexin medicarpin inthree leaf spot diseases
of alfalfa. Physiol. PlantPathol. 2:289-300.
Higgins, V. J. (1975). Induced conversion of the phytoalexin maackiain by the
alfalfa pathogen Stemphylium botryosum. Physiol. Plant Pathol. 65-18.
Higgins, V. J., and Millar, R. L. (1969). Comparative abilityof Stemphylium
bottyosum and Helminthosporium turcicum to induce and degrade a phyto-
alexin from alfalfa. Phytopathology 5 9 1493-1499.
Higgins, V. J., and Millar. R. L. (1970). Degradation of alfalfa phytoalexin by
Stemphylium lotiand Colletotrichumphomoides. Phytopathology 60269-271.
Higgins, V. J., Stoessl, A., and Heath, M. C. (1974). Conversion of phaseollin to
phaseollinisoflavan by Stemphylium-botryosum. Phytopathology64:105-107.
Hohl, B., Arnemann, M., Schwenen, L., Stockl, D., Bringmann, G., Jansen, J.,
and Barz, W. (1989). Degradationof the pterowpan phytoalexin (-)-
maackiain by Aschochyta rabei.2.Naturforschung. 44c:771-776.
Hohl, B., and Barz, W. (1987). Partial characterization of an enzyme from the
fungus Ascochyta rabieifor the reductive cleavage of pterocarpan phytoalexins
to 2'-hydroxyisoflavans. 2.Naturforschung. 42~897-901.
Hollander, H., and Amrhein, N. (1980). The site of inhibition of the shikimate
pathway by glyphosate I. Inhibition by glyphosate of phenylpropanoid synthe-
sis in buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.). Plant Physiol. 66823-
Johal, G. S., and Rahe, J. E. (1990). Role of phytoalexins in the suppression of
resistance of Phaseolus vulgaris to Colletotrichum lindemuthianum by glyo-
phosate. Can. J . Plant Pathol.12225-348.
Mackenbrock, U.,and Barz, W. (1991). Elicitor-induced formation of pterocarpan
phytoalexins in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cell suspension cultures from
constitutiveisoflavone conjugatesupon inhibition of phenylalanine ammonium
lyase. 2.Naturforschung. 46c:43-50.
Phytoalexins in Forest Legumes 403
The first report of a wilt disease of Medicago sativa L. (lucerne, alfalfa)
causedby Verticilliumalbo-atrum was from Sweden in 1918 (Hedlund,
1923), but during the period 1938-1950 the disease was reported in a num-
ber of European countries, including Germany (Richter and Klinkowski,
1938), Holland (Hansenand Weber, 1948), and France (Krietlow, 1962). In
the .United Kingdom, where there had been a large postwar increase in
lucerne cultivation, 12,800 hectares in 1942 to 44,000 hectares in 1954, the
first recorded outbreak was in 1952 (Noble et al.,1953). Following this first
occurrence the disease spread rapidly, resulting in a decline in the area
under cultivationto 15,000 hectares by 1970. Subsequently the disease was
recorded in Canada in 1964 (Aube and Sackston, 1964) and in Washington
State (Graham et al., 1977), and today the disease is of major significance
in North America.
Isaac and coworkers carried out extensive studies on a number of as-
pects of the disease in the United Kingdom (Isaac,1957a; Isaac and Lloyd,
1959; Isaac and Heale, 1961). From these studies it became apparent that a
degree of specificity existed in the interaction of V . albo-atrum with the
host plant. For example, from a large number of strains in the fungus
isolated from a range of different host plants, only those strains isolated
from lucerne were virulent when inoculated into this particular host. Sucha
reaction is unusual in Verticillium infections; the only other such casesthat
have been reportedare from peppermint (Nelson,1947) and Brussels sprout
infection causedby V . albo-atrum (sic) (V. dahliae) (Isaac, 1957b).
In common with other plant-pathogen combinations, incompatibility
406 Smith et al.
A. Growth of Plants
Seeds of lucerne, cvs. Maris Kabul and Europe, were soaked overnight in
running tap water prior to sowing in a peat-based compost. Once germi-
nated, seedlings were transferred
to a soil-based compost and maintainedat
inSynthesis Lucerne+. albostrum Interaction 409
22 *
2OC under a 16-hr photoperiod at an intensity of 12,000 lux, when
plants were intended for use in bioassay, or transferred to a greenhouse
when usedin pathogenicity studies.
C. Preparation of Elicitor
E. Extraction of Phytoalexins
Phytoalexins were extracted from leaf tissue using a modification of the
method described by Keen(1978).Leaveswereremoved from the stem
tissue of experimentalshoots, weighed, and transferred to flasks containing
40% ethanol-water (v/v), (16 ml/g fresh wt tissue). Leaf tissue was sub-
jected to vacuum infiltration for 5 min at the end of which timethe vacuum
was removed and the process repeated. Each flask was incubated in the
dark at 25 * l 0 C , on an orbital shaker (100 rpm) for 2 hr. At the end of
this time the leaf tissue was removed by filtration, washed (5 m1 distilled
water/g fresh wt), and the aqueous washings combined withthe ethanolic
filtrate. The resulting solution was partitioned three times against ethyl
acetate or diethyl ether (0.5 ml solvent/ml extract). The solvent extracts
were combined and the solvent was removed byrotary film evaporationat
3OoC under reduced pressure until 1 m1 remained. The residue was trans-
ferred to a l-dram vial and the remaining solvent removed undera stream
of filtered air at 4OOC. Samples were storedat -2OOC until required.
phcH20% CH(0Me)z
/ Me
(1) R = Me or CH,Ph
Sativan (Dewick and Martin, 1979) and vestitol (Farkas et al., 1974)
have been synthesized by this route but full details were not given for
sativan. The chalcone (1, R = Me),preparedbycondensationof 4-
benzyloxy-2-hydroxyacetophenone and 2,4-dimethoxybenzaldehyde, was
converted to the isoflavone (3, R = Me), mp 137-139OC in 73% yield by
reaction with thallium(II1)nitrate followed by acid hydrolysis. Reaction of
an acetone solution of the isoflavone with hydrogen at atmospheric pres-
sure over 10% palladiumon charcoal gave sativan (36%after recrystalliza-
tion). The synthesis of medicarpin by the same route (Dewick, 1977) was
complicated bythe need to include a I4C-labeled methylgroup at C-4’, and
the isoflavone (3, R = CH,Ph)was not reported.Thisisoflavone was
readily prepared in 70% yield (mp 134-135OC) from the known chalcone
(1, R = CH,Ph) and debenzylation by hydrogenolysis over 10% palladium
on charcoal under controlled conditions (the reaction being terminated
after 2 eqofhydrogenhadbeenconsumed)gave7,2’-dihydroxy-4‘-
methoxyisoflavone, mp 218-220OC. Reduction of this isoflavone with so-
dium borohydride in ethanol followed by the action of l M hydrochloric
acid gave medicarpin (mp 200-2Ol0C), isolated by extraction into ethyl
An alternativeroute to medicarpin was also used. This hadthe advan-
tage that the same isoflavone intermediate (3, R = Me) could be used to
synthesize sativanand medicarpin. The route to medicarpin involved selec-
tive aluminum chloride-catalyzed demethylation of(3, R = Me) in reflux-
ing acetonitrile, conditions which also removedthe benzyl protectinggroup
(Cockeretal.,1965).Theresultingcrudeproductcontaining 7,2‘-
dihydroxy-4’-methoxyisoflavonewas converted as above to medicarpin,
416 Smith et al.
In our present studies we have used elicitors derived from the two
isolates of V. albo-atrum, V, and V2,prepared as described in Section 11,
Materials and Methods. In the initial experimentsthe elicitors were used in
their crude state because there is some evidence to indicate that induction
of synthesis of the phytoalexin phaseollin in Phaseolus vulgaris, by an
elicitor from Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, relies on the presence of a
number of related polysaccharides, none of which by themselvescan induce
synthesis of the phytoalexin (Hamdan and Dixon, 1989). Fractionation in
the early stages may have led to the loss of a component without which
elicitation of the phytoalexin response may not have taken place.
Leaf tissues respond to treatment with V, elicitor by production of
phytoalexins (Fig. 3), accumulation being dependenton the time of treat-
mentwith the maximum concentration occurring 16 hr after the initial
challenge with elicitor(data not shown). The concentration of phytoalexin
accumulatedalsodepends on the concentration of elicitoremployed,
though the concentration of the elicitor that achieves maximum synthesis
of the phytoalexin is different for each of the phytoalexins. Only low con-
centrations of vestitol are accumulated by lucerne whatever may be the
elicitor concentration, though the optimum concentration of elicitor, 0.1
mg/ml carbohydrate, is the same asthat achieving maximum accumulation
of medicarpin. In contrast, sativan accumulation continues to riseeven
at the highest concentration of elicitor used, the rise in its concentration
corresponding with the decline in medicarpin accumulation. This shift to-
wards sativan accumulation is interesting and must reflect differential ef-
fects of the elicitor preparation on the separate branches of the pathways
leading to sativan and medicarpin (Fig. 1).
The effect on phytoalexin accumulation of elicitor from the V, (patho-
genic) isolate was also determined in leaf tissue,and although synthesis of
medicarpin was induced pig. 3), the concentration of elicitor required was
significantly higherthan was the case withthe V, elicitor, and little accumu-
lation occurred with elicitor concentrations below 1.0 mg/ml. In control
tissue (distilled water only) none the of phytoalexins could be detected.
The crude elicitorpreparations contained both carbohydrate and pro-
tein but the composition of the two elicitors isdifferent, the ratio of carbo-
hydrate to protein being 1 : 1 for the V, elicitor and 15 : 1 for the V,. These
ratios are consistent and have been observed over 15 different batches of
elicitor prepared using several reisolatesof each fungus. The difference in
the abilities ofV, and V, elicitors to induce phytoalexin accumulation in the
host tissue must reflect differences either in the structure of the two elicitors
or in the quantity of the structural determinant of elicitor activity each
preparation contains. This difference theirin composition led usto examine
whether it is the carbohydrate or the protein moiety that is the determi-
Smith et al.
8 .O
6 .O
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40
Elicitorconcentration (me carbohydratelml)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Elicitorconcentration (mg carbohydratelml)
3.0 I
d 0 '
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Elicitor concentration (mg carbohydratelml)
Figure 5 Activity of PAL in leaf tissue of lucerne (CV. Kabul) induced by 16-h
treatment with various concentrationsof (A) V, elicitor preparation,(B) V, elicitor.
Smith et al.
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
0 B
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Elicitor concentration (carbohydrate mg/ml)
and 320 nmol cinammic acid/mg protein/hr for leaf and cell suspension
cultures, respectively, treated withV, elicitor. Corresponding figuresfor V2
elicitor are 85 and 175 nmol cinammic acid/mgproteidhr). Since the lower
levels of activity induced by V, elicitor lead to synthesis of phytoalexins,
then the greater levelsof activity induced bythe V, elicitor should certainly
be adequateto support phytoalexin synthesis.
There are a number of possible explanations that could account for
these results. In lucerne cell suspensions at least three different isoforms of
PAL have been identified and the evidence indicates that PAL activity is
encoded by a multigene family, as is the case in bean (Jorrin and Dixon,
1990). The three isoforms each have different K,,, values and in responseto
treatmentwith an elicitor from Colletotrichumlindemuthianum a large
relative increase inthe form with the lower K, value for phenylalanine was
observed. In responseto an elicitor from yeast, however, a different pattern
of induction occurred and one of the other isoforms predominated. It is
possible thenthat in the case ofthe elicitors from Verticillium the V, elicitor
induces a different isoformof PAL, with a higher K, than that induced by
the V2elicitor, and that this isoformis lessefficient at feeding phenylalanine
substrate into the phytoalexin biosynthetic pathway. The result would an be
increased PAL activity as determined underthe assay conditions employed
where the concentrationsof phenylalanine is high but there is a failure to
synthesize phytoalexins in vivo.We have no evidence at present that could
evaluate this possibility.
It is also possiblethat both elicitor preparations from V. albo-atrum are
a mixture of componentsand that different enzymes from the biosynthetic
pathway are induced by different components of the mixture. This is cer-
tainly the case for a crude elicitor preparation from Colletotrichum linde-
muthianum in which a number of polysaccharides, each containing galac-
Smith et al.
E. Future Prospects
There are a number of possible explanations for the difference in concentra-
tion of phytoalexins accumulated by lucerne in response to the nonpatho-
genic (V,) and pathogenic (V,)isolates of V. albo-atrum. In this respect, we
have so far examined one of these possibilities, that the difference lies in
differences inthe structure of the component of the pathogen, the elicitor,
that is perceived by the host and leads to phytoalexin production. Com-
pared to the whole organism, working with an elicitor preparation, even an
unfractionated one suchas we haveused,represents a simplification
whereby the physiological and metabolic capabilities of the pathogen are
absent. While this has been helpful in identifying a difference in oneof the
to induce PAL activity by
characteristicsof the two isolates, i.e., the ability
both elicitors whereas onlythe V, elicitor is efficient'at inducing phytoalexin
synthesis, aspects such as the capacity of the fungus to metabolize the
phytoalexins are not included in this approach.
In addition to studies aimed at further characterizing the two elicitor
preparations in order to determine the structural determinant of elicitor
activity and to examine whether a suppressor of phytoalexin synthesis is
present in the V, preparation, experiments will haveto be carried out with
the fungus as the inducer. Although the complexity of the interaction will
be increased greatly bythis approach, it will take into account the respon-
siveness ofthe fungus to the defense mechanisms ofthe plant and therefore
give a more detailed pictureof the host-pathogen interaction.
A. Background
Phytoalexins are not normally present in healthy plant tissues; they are
synthesized following perception ofthe potential pathogenby the host ina
process that requires increases in the activities of the enzymes responsible
(Dixon and Harrison, 1990). Generally the induction process leading to
phytoalexin synthesis is veryrapid, and the increases in enzyme activity that
are observed are knownto result from increases in the rates of transcription
of the specific genes encoding the enzymes of the particular biosynthetic
pathway. Many legumes synthesize isoflavanoid phytoalexinsand in these
tissues increases occur inthe activities of several enzymes of the phenylpro-
Smith et al.
B. Receptor Sites
Such studies indicatethat activation of gene transcription is one of the later
events in a process that must begin with perception of the pathogen or
elicitor by the cell. The perception process must involve interaction of a
molecule that is characteristic of the pathogen, with a receptor in the host.
Since these two events-binding of the elicitor and the subsequent activa-
tion of gene transcription-do not appear to occur on the same molecule,
they must be linked by an intracellular signal transduction system that is
capable of carrying specific information between the two leading to the
biochemical response. The nature of the signal mechanism that mediates
this induction of phytoalexin synthesis has not been characterizedso far for
any plant but the kinetics of the response in bean indicate that it is .a
very rapid process. Our own studies with lucerne have indicated that the
mechanism is complexand that two signal systems may interactto control
the induced synthesis of phytoalexins.
The location and nature of a receptor for the elicitor, whether located
on the plasma membraneor at an intracellular site,will have consequences
in any considerationof the mechanism of signal transduction involved. If
the receptor is located on the plasma membrane, as the is case for the amine
and peptide hormones of mammalian systems, then binding must leadto
the generation of a second messengerthat subsequently interacts withother
elements of the cell. In contrast, if the elicitor is able to cross the plasma
membrane and interact with a receptor located inthe cytoplasm, ina man-
ner similarto that established for the steroid hormones, thena more subtle
form of transduction mechanism may operate, one in which the elicitor-
receptor complex entersthe nucleus and interacts withthe DNA directly. In
such a case as this, second-messenger molecules are not a feature of the
signal transduction mechanism.
A comprehensive discussion of the experimental evidence relating to
the location of receptor sitesfor elicitors of phytoalexin synthesis is beyond
Synthesis in Lucerne-V. albo-atrum Interaction 429
the scope of this chapter. It is relevant to note, however, that the most
detailed studiesto date, carried out in soybean usinga specific heptagluco-
side elicitorof glyceollin synthesis, have indicatedthe presence of a protein
or glycoproteinreceptor on the plasmamembrane(Cosioet al., 1990)
rather than at an internal receptor site. Hadwiger and his colleagues(1981),
however, obtained some evidence that fungal elicitors can be transported
into cells of pea, and Kendra et al.(1987) demonstrated a direct interaction
of a chitosan elicitor with DNA.
When we first started our investigations, using cell suspension cultures
of lucerne and elicitor from the V, isolate of V. albo-atrum, there had
already been some studies otherin systems aimedat establishing the role of
second messengers in the induction process. The results, at least of some of
them, appearedto indicate that the signal, representedby the interaction of
elicitor and receptor, was transduced prior to activation of gene transcrip-
tion rather than there being a direct interactionof elicitor withthe genome.
Although we do not have direct evidence of the location of the elicitor-
receptorinteractioninlucerne, our studieshaveshown that a second-
messenger system, similar to that operating in the caseof the mammalian
amineandpeptidehormones,must operate to mediate the phytoalexin
So while none of these early studies ofother workers had been carried
out with lucerne tissues, their findings appeared generally applicable and
we considered the possibility that a second messenger could be involved in
mediating induction of phytoalexin synthesis in lucerne.
C. SignalSystems
Among the second-messenger molecules that have been identified so far,
three are encountered frequently: adenosine 3',5 "cyclic monophosphate
(cyclic AMP), Ca", and diacylglycerol (DAG). Cyclic AMP is generated in
signal systems bythe activity of a receptor-regulated adenylyl cyclase, while
Ca2+and DAG are both products of the phosphatidylinositide signal path-
way and are known to function in combination in specific agonist-induced
responses (Berridge, 1987). All three of these second-messenger molecules
have now been implicated part as of the mechanism mediating the induction
of phytoalexin synthesis in lucerne.
tent with such a second-messenger role for cyclic AMP. For example, in
lucerne cell suspension cultures inthe absence of fungal elicitor, dibutyryl
cyclic AMP, an analog of cyclicAMP that can cross membranes, was found
to induce a fivefold increasein PAL activity that was also accompanied by
accumulation of the phytoalexin sativan (Cooke et al., 1989). Normally
neither medicarpin or sativan can be detected in lucerne cell suspension
cultures unless they are challenged with the fungus or the fungal elicitor.
The dependency of the elicitor-induced synthesis of phytoalexins upon an
increase in activity of PAL was discussed earlier, and this demonstration of
a direct effect of the cyclic AMP analog upon both the increase in PAL
activity and phytoalexin accumulation indicates a potential for cyclic AMP
to have a role as a second messenger inthe response induced bythe fungal
Until recently the question of the existence of cyclicAMP in plants has
beencontentious, so that itsrole as a secondmessengerinagonist-
controlled systems in plants hasn’t always received appropriate consider-
ation. However, there is now much evidence to indicate that cyclic AMP
and itsassociatedenzymes are presentinplants(Brown,1991), and in
lucerne we have useda sensitive radioimmunoassay to detect cyclicAMP at
a concentration of 2.5 pmol/g fresh wt cell suspension cultures (Cooke et
al., 1989). That identification was subsequentlyconfirmed bymass-
analyzed ion kinetic energy mass spectroscopy. In response to treatment of
lucerne cells with the V, elicitor the intracellular concentration of cyclic
AMP rose to reach a maximum concentration of 29.5 pmol/g fresh wt
within 4 minof the first challenge with elicitor, and the concentration
returned to the basal figure within 7 min of the start of the treatment
(Cooke et al.,1989) (Fig. 7).
The rapidity of the rise in cyclicAMP concentration that we observed
is comparable to those that occur in responses in mammalian tissues that
are controlled by the fast-acting hormonesand in which cyclicAMP acts as
a second messenger. Kurosaki et al. (1987a), working with suspension cul-
tures of carrot, observed a similar rise inthe intracellular concentrationof
cyclic AMP accompanying elicitor-induced phytoalexin synthesis, though
in this caseit only reacheda maximum after 30 min of treatmentof the cells
with elicitor.
These same workers were ableto demonstrate synthesis incarrot cells
of the phytoalexin 6-methoxymellein in responseto treatment with cholera
toxin, an agonist of adenylyl cyclasethat would be expectedto increase the
intracellular cyclic AMP concentration. The fact that cholera toxin stimu-
lates phytoalexin synthesis implies both that adenylyl cyclase activity is
present in carrot suspension cultures andthat cyclic AMP is a second mes-
senger in the induction of phytoalexin synthesis. In fact, adenylyl cyclase
Synthesis in Lucerne-V. albo-atmm Interaction 43 1
0.0 '
Time (mins)
E. Ca2+andPhytoalexin Synthesis
The results ofour studies with lucerne have so far been .entirely consistent
with a second-messenger role for cyclic AMP in the induction of phyto-
alexin accumulation. However, some of our earlier work had indicated that
induction of the response also depends on an elicitor-stimulated flux of
Ca” across the plasma membrane (Little, 1989). Various related observa-
tions, including inhibitionby Ca” antagonists such as La”and EGTA, of
arachidonic acid-induced lubimin synthesis in potato (Zook et al., 1987)
and inhibition of elicitor-induced 6-methoxymellein synthesis carrot in cells
by the plasma membrane Ca” channel blocker verapamil (Kurosaki et al.,
1987b) have implicated an involvement of intracellular Ca” fluxes in the
induction process.
In many animal systems elevation of intracellular Caz+acts as amajor
second messenger in signaltransduction systems and many effectors bring
about their cellular responses though the generation of raised concentra-
tions of cytosolic Ca” (Berridge, 1987). There are also some responses in
which cyclic AMP and Ca” are known to operate in concert to control a
single response (Rasmussen, 1981), and in this respect identification of a
Ca’+/CaM-responsive 3’,5 “cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase may proveto
be a link between the signal molecules cyclic AMPand Ca2+(Robinson et
al., 1992).
In fact, Ca” has been shown to be an effective inducer of both an
increase in PAL activityand phytoalexin accumulation in lucerne, with the
response demonstrating a dose dependency on the ion with a 10-fold in-
crease in PAL activity observed at a Ca” concentration of 3 mM (Little,
1989; Smith et al., 1989) (Fig. 8). Like the elicitor-induced increase inPAL
activity, the effect of Ca” can be inhibited by the mRNA transcription
inhibitor cordycepin indicating that Ca” causes an increase in gene tran-
Synthesis in Lucerne-V. albo-afmm Interaction 433
0 2 4 6 8
0 2 4 6 8 10
: P t d l n s4 . 5 P 2 Cellular
..".-" 8 , .
, .
-" -"
: :,
C. Future Development
The resultsfrom lucerne and the results of others have givenus a good deal
of encouragement in our efforts to characterize the signal system involved
in the phytoalexin response. Evidence now exists that two signal systems,
the cyclic AMPand the phosphoinositide pathways,are involved in mediat-
ing the phytoalexin response induced by the fungal elicitor. While at first
glance there may appear to be a conflict in a model for signal transduction
that features two signal systems, there are physiological responses in animal
cells that are known to be regulated by the two systems operating together
(Bolander, 1989). In these cases cross-regulation is known to occur and one
of the areas whichwill continue to be of interest to us will be characteriza-
tion of the way in which the two systems interact and examination of the
system for evidence of regulatory elements between and within the path-
ways. This will require isolationof the relevant enzymesand determination
of their kinetic parameters as well as identifying endogenous agonistsand
antagonists of their activities.
In this respect since protein kinases, those controlled by Caz+/CaMas
well as the C- and cyclie AMP-dependent type,are central mediatorsof the
second messengers Ca”, DAG, and cyclic AMP, we are currently examin-
ing lucerne tissuefor the presence of these kinases. Our initial investigations
have revealed the presence of both cyclic AMP and Ca’+/CaM-dependent
kinases, and it will be interesting to determine what their endogenous pro-
tein substrates are since these may be the ultimate targets of the transduc-
tion system.
In the future too it will be necessary to establish how the various ele-
ments of the transduction system are focused to affect the rate of gene
transcription and to this end a number of studies ofthe molecular biology
of the induction processare being carried out (Dixon and Harrison, 1990).
The role of Ca” fluxes, an essential feature of the response, will continue
to be an area of interest in which it will be important to determine the
mechanism by which the fungal elicitor can induce such a change and how
the flux affectsthe cell biochemistry.
Defense against disease in plants involvesa number of mechanisms, some
structural, some takingthe form of preexisting chemical barriers, and some
only being calledinto play oncethe attack by a pathogen has been detected
by the plant. Of this latter category, the inducible defense responses, syn-
thesis of phytoalexins has attracted a great dealof attention, while thereare
many cases of resistance in which phytoalexin synthesis is the not key event
in Synthesis Lucerne-V. albo-atnrm Interaction 439
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Stereoselective Synthesis of
Spirovetivane-Type Phytoalexins
Chuzo lwata and Yoshiji Takemoto
Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
Phytoalexins are common in all the natural product groups, e.g., isoflavo-
noids, furanoterpenoids , sesquiterpenoids, polyacetylenes, and dihydro-
phenanthrenes (Tomiyama, 1971; Grisebach and Abel, 1978). They were
defined in 1940 as defensive substances possessing antimicrobial properties
which were produced by host plants after infection (Muller and Borger,
1940), but now they are recognized to be induced by products of microbial
origin or stress treatment (injury, heat, UV light, etc.) as well as living
microorganisms (Masamune et al. , 1978). For example, representative ses-
quiterpene phytoalexins isolated from the Solanaceae family (potato, to-
bacco, etc.) are listed in Fig. 1 (1-7) (Stoessl et al., 1976). These compounds
involve unique structures. In particular, phytoalexins (4-7) belong to spiro-
vetivane sesquiterpenes bearing a spiro[4.5]decane skeleton.
Spirovetivanes are structurally characterized by the presence of a
methyl group at C-10 and an isopropyl group at C-2 in the spiro[4.5]decane
skeleton, and are furthermore divided into two groups depending on the
relative configuration between the C-1-C-5 bond and methyl group at C-10.
One group, represented by hinesol (8), and 0-vetivone (9), has the cis con-
figuration (C-10: @-methyl), which was isolated from vetiver oil as a
fragrant principle. The other, as illustrated in Fig. 1 (4-7), has the trans
configuration (C- 10: a-methyl), which is known as spirovetivane-type phy-
toalexin. Since rishitin (1) was first isolated from tuber tissue of diseased
white potatoes as phytoalexin in 1968 (Katsui et al., 1968), spirovetivane-
type phytoalexins such as solavetivone (3, lubimin (6), and oxylubimin (7)
have been successively discovered (Murai et al., 1982d).
As plants do not possess an immune system, these findings might be an
answer to the question of how plants can protect themselves against patho-
genic agents. In order to identify defense mechanisms of plants, much
effort has been made for structural determination of these phytoalexins,
Spirovetivane-Type Phytoalexins 447
phytoalexin research are the identification of new analogs, which are more
effective and less toxic with a broader spectrum of antifungal or antibacte-
rial activity. The aim is to use phytoalexins as agricultural chemicals and to
elucidate the inductive or regulative mechanism of phytoalexins against
pathogenic factors.
This chapter deals mainly with the organic synthesis of spirovetivane-
type phytoalexins. For the purpose of preparing phytoalexin analogs and
elucidating the biosynthetic pathway, it is imperative to synthesize all the
highly oxygenated spirovetivane-type phytoalexins. Many synthetic strate-
gies , especially spiroannulation techniques, have been developed in more
than a decade by many synthetic chemists (Marshall et al., 1974; Krapcho,
1976, 1978; Hiroi, 1977; Murai, 1981). Herein we describe our racemic
syntheses of solavetivone (5) and oxylubimin (7)and also some elaborations
for asymmetrical synthesis of ( -)-solavetivone in detail together with oth-
ers’ synthetic approaches. For a review of other phytoalexins and biochemi-
cal aspects, see Friend and Threlfall, 1976; Keen and Bruegger, 1977; Na-
kajima, 1978; and Tomiyama, 1981.
p 0
l1 12
(13:14=51 : M )
a, b
o CN
+ h0
16 : 17 = 3.5 : 1
Figure 3 (a) LDA, HMPA, THF; ClCH,CN (94%); (b) Ph,P-Mel, NaH, DMSO
(71010); (c) MeCOCH=CH2, dichloromaleic anhydride, C a 6 , reflux (16 59% and
17 17%); (d) MeLi, EhO, -78OC; DIBAL, Et,O, OOC; NaBH4, THF, H,O,O°C
(endo 96'70, ex0 75%); (e) MsCl,pyridine;(COzH)2, 33% aq. acetone [endo:
19(63%),20(23%), exo: 19(69%),20(26010)];(f)pyridine-Al,O,, 22OOC (60%).
450 lwata and Takemoto
B. Synthesis of (*)-Oxylubimin
Oxylubimin (7), which was isolated from tuber tissue of white potatoes
infected by Phytophthora infestans, is a most highly oxygenated spiroveti-
vane-type phytoalexin bearing six asymmetrical carbon centers (Katsui et
al., 1974; Stoessl et al., 1975). This
natural product is not only a representa-
tive from the viewpoint of its strong biological activity and the complex
stereochemistry, but it is also a promising biosynthetic intermediate inthe
major pathway to rishitin via solavetivone in vivo (Sat0 et1978). al.,
There have been tworeports on the total synthesis of (*)-7. The first
synthesis was achieved by Murai et al. in 1982 through a related approach
SpirovetivaneType Phytoalexins 45 1
,Q1-9 25 23
J (27a:2m:27c:27d = 91:7:1:1
&Et '7-
28 5
Figure 4 (a) CuCl, C&, reflux (56010); (b) LiAlH(tert-OBu),, THF, r.t. (80%);
(c)Li,liq. NH,, THF, toluene, -85OC (78%); (d) 1,2-ethanedithiol, BF,.EhO,
MeOH, r.t. (84010); (e) MeS02C1, pyridine, r.t. (98%); ( f ) diethyl malonate, NaH,
DME, reflux (67070); (g) KOH, EtOH, r.t. (99010); (h) formarin, diethylamine, re-
flux; NaOAc, AcOH, reflux (93070); (i) DIBAL, toluene, -7OOC(87010); (j) hexa-
chloroacetone, triphenylphosphine, THF, r.t. (90070); (k) Zn, c&&, EtOH, AcOH,
reflux (l) Mel, CaCO,, MeCN,HzO, reflux (63%).
452 lwata and Takemoto
32 33
(32:33 = 3525)
34 35
(2)-epioxylubimin (38)
Figure 6 (a) ClCH,COCl, AlCl,, CS, (84%); (b) NaBH4; Hz, Pd-C (100%); (c) Li,
liq. NH,, ether; EtOH (8lV0); (d) methyl acrylate, dichloromaleicanhydride, l5OoC
(70010);(e) (CO,H),; AGO, pyridine (70010); (f) TsNHNH,; MeLi (71%); (g) MsCl;
(CO,H),, H20, methyl isobutyl ketone(60%); (h) LDA; TBSC1; PhC03H (34: 51%,
35: 25%); (i) HCN, Et,Al (36: 40%, 37: 39%); 6) BH,-NH,, aq. MeOH; TBSCI,
imidazole, DMF (80% for 36, 58% for 37); (k) pyridine-Al,O,,220OC; aq. HF,
THF,MeCN(67%,70%);(l)DIBAL(57%,55%);(m)5% KOH,MeOH.
454 lwata and Takemoto
- b, C y:,&
1-BUOCO '\'Q
39 40b:X=H,Y=OH
42a:X=OH,Y=H 44
4s 46
C. Other Phytoalexins
Based on our strategy described above,we attempted to synthesize a series
other than solavetivone (S), and oxylubi-
Of spirovetivane-type phytoalexins
456 lwata and Takemoto
SpirovetivaneType 457
\, *. $"
isolubirnin (49)
lubiminol (48)
solavetivone (5)
our synthesis 1
formal synthesis
aglycone A, (51)
54 55
58 * ' I f
hlnesol (8)
solavellvone (5)
57 sgarospirol
(x S(0)TOl
e 54
(x S(0)Tol
Figure 12 Plausible reaction mechanism of the asymmetric cyclopropanation.
As was detailed in the foregoing sections, considerable progress has been
made inthe total synthesis of naturally occurring spirovetivanes. Numerous
strategies have been developed for construction of the spiro[4.5]decane ring
system, and some routes have enabled the efficient regio- and/or stereospe-
cificsynthesisoftrans-spirovetivanephytoalexins.However, structural
modifications have not been reported in synthetic spirovetivanes except for
a minor one, i.e., dideuterated (*)-solavetivone prepared by Murai et al.,
(1982a), who extended the research for establishing the biosynthetic pro-
duction of rishitin from solavetivone via lubimin and oxylubimin on the
basisofexperimentswith the ( -+)-[2,2-ZH,]solavetivone.Thesynthetic
methodology now available should allow the preparation of analogs having
more profound structural modification, which provides us much opportu-
nity to get more efficient drugs or prodrugsand to elucidate inductiveand
regulative mechanism of phytoalexin biosynthesis, including the isolation
of enzymes responsiblefor the formation of spirovetivane phytoalexins.
462 lwata and Takernoto
An attempt has been made in this chapter to review the most significant
synthetic advances reported overthe last two decades. There can be little
doubt that isolation of new types of phytoalexins from natural sources as
well as developmentof new synthetic approacheswill continue, and the next
decade should seefurther advances in synthetic methodologyand synthetic
analogs, as well as the utilization of the enzymes involved in phytoalexin
biosynthesis for the preparation of spirovetivane phytoalexins, resulting in
improved plant disease therapy.
Anderson, R. C., Gunn, D. M., Murray-Rust, J., Murray-Rust, P., and Roberts,
J. S. (1977). VetiSpirane sesquiterpene glucosidesfrom flue-cured Virginiato-
bacco: structure, absolute stereochemistry, and synthesis. X-Ray structure of
the p-bromobenzenesulphonateof one of the derived aglycones.J. Chem. Soc.,
Chem. Commun.(1): 27-28.
Buddhasukh, D., and Magnus, P. D. (1975). Synthesis of (+)-hinesol and lo-epi-
(+)-hinesol. J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun.(23): 952-953.
Caine, D. (1976). Reduction and related reactions of a,D-unsaturated compounds
with metals in liquidammonia. Org. React.23: 1-258.
Coolbear, T., and Threlfall, D. R. (1985). The biosynthesisoflubimin from
[l-'4C]isopentenyl pyrophosphate by cell-free extracts of potato tuber tissue
inoculated with an elicitor preparation from Phytophthora infestans. Phyto-
chemistry 24(9): 1963-1971.
Coxon, D. T.,Price, K. R., Howard, B., Osman, S. F., Kalan, E. B., and Zacha-
rius, R.M. (1974). Two new vetispirane derivatives: stress metabolites from
potato (Solanum tuberosum)tubers. Tetrahedron Lett. (34): 2921-2924.
Deighton, M., Hughes, C. R., and Ramage, R. (1975). Stereospecific synthesis of
(-)-agarospirol and (-)-0-vetivone. J. Chem. Soc., Chem.Commun. (16):
Dunlap, N. K., Sabol, M.R., and Watt, D. S. (1984). Oxidation of enones to
a'-acetoxyenones using manganesetriacetate. TetrahedronLett. 25(51): 5839-
Friend, J., and Threlfall, D. R. (1976). BiochemicalAspects of Plant-Parasite
Relationships. Academic Press, London.
Fujimori, T., Kasuga, R., Kaneko, H., and Noguchi, M. (1977). Isolation of sola-
vetivone from Nicotiana tabacum. Phytochemistry16(3): 392.
Fujimori, T., Kasuga, R., Kaneko, H., Sakamura, S., Noguchi, M., Furusaki, A.,
Hashiba, N., and Matsumoto, T. (1978). Solanascone: a novel sesquiterpene
ketone from Nicotiana tabacum. X-Ray structure determination of the corre-
sponding oxime.J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun.(13): 563-564.
Grisebach, H., and Ebel, J. (1978). Phytoalexins, chemical defense substances of
higher plants? Angewandte ChemieZnt. Ed. (English)Z7(9): 635-647.
Hiroi, K. (1977). Recent synthetic studies on carbocyclic spiro compounds. Yuki
Gousei Kagaku Kyokaishi35(12): 1029-1044.
SpirovetivaneType 463
Imanishi, T., Ohra, T., Sugiyama, K., Ueda, Y., Takemoto, Y., and Iwata, C.
(1992). Novel asymmetriccyclopropanation utilizing sulfinyl chirality: applica-
tion to construction of a spiro[4S]decane system. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Com-
mun. (3): 269-270.
Iwata, C., Nakashita, Y., and Hirai, R. (1974). Studies on the syntheses of spiro-
dienone compounds.IV. Photolysis of sodiumsalts of p-[2-(2-halogenomethyl-
1,3-dioxolan-2-yl)-ethyl]phenolin N,Ndimethylformamide. Chem.Pharm.
Bull. 22(1): 239.
Iwata, C., Yamada, M., Shinoo, Y., Kobayashi, K., and Okada, H. (1977). Intramo-
lecular cyclisation of phenolic a-diazoketones. Novel synthesis of the spiro-
[4.5]decane carbon framework. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun.(23): 888-889.
Iwata, C., Yamada, M., Shinoo, Y., Kobayashi, K., and Okada, H. (1980). Studies
on the synthesesofspiro-dienonecompounds.VII.Novelsynthesisof the
spiro[4.5]decane carbon framework. Chem. Pharm.Bull. 28(6): 1932-1934.
Iwata, C., Miyashita, K., Ida, Y., and Yamada, M. (1981a). Effects of neighbour-
ing hydroxy-groups in metal-ammonia reductions of a,&unsaturated carbonyl
compounds. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun.(10): 461-463.
Iwata, C., Fusaka, T., Fujiwara, T., Tomita, K., and Yamada, M. (1981b). Total
synthesisof(*)-solavetivone;X-raycrystal structure of 2-hydroxy-6,lO-
dimethylspiro[4.5]decd-en-8-one. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. (10): 463-
Iwata, C., Kubota, H., Yamada, M., Takemoto, Y., Uchida, S., Tanaka, T.,
and Imanishi, T. (1984). Stereocontrolled total synthesis of (*)-lubiminol, a
spirovetivane phytoalexin.TetrahedronLett. 25 (31): 3339-3342.
Iwata, C., Takemoto, Y., Nakamura, A., and Imanishi, T. (1985a). Oxidation of
2-trimethylsilyloxy-1,3-dienswith triphenylphosphite ozonide. A regioselective
a’-hydroxylation of a,&unsaturated ketones. TetrahedronLett. 26(27): 3227-
Iwata, C., Takemoto, Y., Kubota, H., Kuroda, T., and Imanishi, T. (1985b). A
stereoselective total synthesis of (*)-oxylubimin. Tetrahedron Lett. 26(27):
Iwata, C., Nakamura. A., Takemoto, Y., and Imanishi, T. (1986). Stereoselective
total synthesis of(*)-3-hydroxysolavetivone. Chem. Ind. (20): 712-713.
Iwata, C., Yamada, M.,Fusaka, T., Miyashita, K.,Nakamura, A., Tanaka, T.,
Fujiwara, T., and Tomita, K. (1987). Total synthesis of (i)-solavetivone and
aglycone A,. Regio- and stereo-selective Birch reduction of 6,10dimethyl-2-
hydroxyspiro[4.5]dec6,9-dien-8-one.Chem. Pharm.Bull. 35(2): 544-552.
Iwata, C., Takemoto, Y., Kubota, H., Yamada, M.,Uchida, S., Tanaka, T., and
Imanishi, T. (1988a). Synthetic studies on spirovetivane phytoalexins. IV. A
stereoselective synthesis of (~)-3-hydroxysolavetivone.Chem. Pharm. Bull.
36(10): 2643-2646.
Iwata, C., Takemoto, Y., Kubota, H.,Yamada, M., Uchida, S., Tanaka, T.,
and Imanishi, T. (1988b). Synthetic studies on spirovetivane phytoalexins. 11.
of (2RS,5RS,6SR,8RS,lOSR)-6-hydroxyrnethyl-8-
methoxymethoxy-lO-methyl-2-pivaloyloxyspiro[4.5]decane.Chem.Pharm. Bull.
36(11): 4581-4584.
464 Takemoto lwata and
Iwata, C., Takemoto, Y., Kubota, H., Yamada, M., Uchida, S., Tanaka, T., and
Imanishi, T. (1989). Synthetic studies on spirovetivane phytoalexins. 111. A
total synthesis of(&)-lubiminol. Chem. Pharm. Bull.37(4): 866-869.
Iwata, C., Takemoto, Y., Kubota, H., Kuroda, T., and Imanishi, T. (1990). Syn-
thetic studies on spirovetivane phytoalexins.V. A stereoselective total synthesis
of (*)-oxylubimin. Chem. Pharm. Bull.38(2): 361-365.
Iwata, C., Maezaki, N., Kurumada, T., Fukuyama, H., Sugiyama, K., and Iman-
ishi, T. (1991). New carbon-carbon bond formation by the Pummerer-type
reaction of vinylic sulfoxides with allylmagnesium bromide. J. Chem. Soc.,
Chem. Commun. (19): 1408-1409.
Katsui, N., Murai, A., Takasugi, M., Imaizumi, K., Masamune, T., and Tom-
iyama, K. (1968). The structure of rishitin, a new antifungal compound from
diseased potato tubers. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. (1): 43-44.
Katsui, N.,Matsunaga, A., and Masamune, T. (1974).The structure of lubiminand
oxylubimin, antifungal metabolites from diseased potato tubers. Tetrahedron
Lett. (51/52): 4483-4486.
Katsui, N., Yagihashi,F., Murai, A., and Masamune, T. (1982). Structure of
epilubimin, epioxylubimin, and isolubimin, spirovetivane stress metabolites in
diseased potato. Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 55(8): 2424-2427.
Keen, N. T., and Bruegger, B. (1977). Hostplant resistance to Pests. ACS Sympo-
sium Series,No.62 (P.A. Hedin, ed.), p. 1.
Krapcho, A. P. (1976). Synthesis of carbocyclicspiro compounds via rearrangement
routes. Synthesis (7): 425-444.
Krapcho, A. P.(1978). Synthesis of carbocyclic spiro compounds via cycloaddition
routes. Synthesis (2): 77-126.
Marshall, J. A., Anderson, N. H., and Hochstetler, A. R. (1967). The reduction of
malonic enolates with lithium aluminum hydride. J. Org. Chem. 32(1): 113-
Marshall, J. A., Brady, S. F., and Anderson, N. H. (1974). The chemistryof
spiro[4.5]decane sesquiterpenes.Fortschritte Der Chemie Organischer Naturs-
toffe, Vol. 31. Springer-Verlag. New York, pp. 283-376.
Masamune, T., Murai, A., and Katsui, N. (1978).Phytoalexin no taisha. Kagaku to
Seibutsu 16(10): 648-660.
McMurry, J. E., Blaszczak, L. C., and Johnson, M. A. (1978). On the stereochemis-
try of reduction of 9-methyl-l-carboxy-A4-3-octalone: a remarkable lithium-
ammonia reduction. TetrahedronLett. (19): 1633-1634.
Muller, K. O., and Boger, H. (1940). Arb. Biol. Reichsanstalt. Landw. Forstw.
Berlin 23: 189.
Murai, A. (1981). Recent advancesin the synthesis of spirovetivane sesquiterpenes.
Yuki Gousei Kagaku Kyokaishi 39(10): 893-908.
Murai, A., Sato, S., and Masamune, T. (1981a). Efficient synthesisof (*)-
solavetivone. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. (17): 904-905.
Murai,, A. Sato, S. and Masamune, T. (1981b). n-Cyclization: the synthesis of
(i)-solavetivone and (*)-hinesol. TetrahedronLett. 22(11): 1033-1036.
Murai, A., Sato, S., Osada, A., Katsui, N., and Masamune, T. (1982a). Biosynthe-
SpirovetivaneType 465
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas Lam.) root tissues accumulate bitter and
oily substances in the mold-damaged regions when they are infected with
pathogenic fungus such asCeratocystisfimbriata Ell. and Halst. They are
antifungal and Ehrlich's reagent-positive furanosesquiterpenes, which con-
sist of several major components such as ipomeamarone [3 + 4' + 2"]
and ipomeamaronol[3 + 4' 3"1 and many kinds of minor family com-
pounds derived from them. Ipomeamarone was first isolated and deter-
mined in the structure among phytoalexins in the plant kingdom (Hiura,
1943; Kubota andMatsura, 1953). Its chemical structure is shown in Fig.1.
These furanosesquiterpenes are produced not only by infection of patho-
genic fungibut also by treatment with poisonousheavy metal ions (Uritani
et al., 1960) and mycotoxins (Fujita and Yoshizawa, 1987) in sweet potato
root tissues. Therefore, various kinds of poisons, including mercuric chlo-
ride, have also been used as artificial phytoalexin inducers (elicitors)
for the
biochemical investigation on synthesis of furanosesquiterpenes inthe root
tissues (Oba and Uritani, 1981; Fujita and Yoshizawa, 1989; Fujita, 1985).
Using various I4C-labeled intermediates, it was elucidated that the furan-
468 Fujita et al.
I Farnesol I
Figure 1 Chemicalstructures of farnesolandipomeamarone. (I), Furan ring
moiety; (11), tetrahydrofuran ring and the nextethylene moieties; (111), the rest (the
isobutyl endof side chain) of the moiety.
A. FuranRing Moiety
The most plausible pathway of the carbon skeleton formation occurring in
the furan ring moiety is shown in Fig. 2a. The authors considered that it
wasnecessary that the hydroxylated C-l be enzymically oxidized to the
aldehyde for the closing ofthe furan ring. Therefore,a farntsol dehydroge-
nase catalyzing the oxidation of farnesol to farnesal [2 + 1' + l " ] was
highly purified and characterized in detail from cut-injured sweet potato
root tissues (Inoue et al., 1984). This enzyme isa homodimer consisting of
subunits with molwt 47,000 and needs NADP+ as a cofactor for the activ-
ity. The activity was considerably decreasedby some SH group inhibitors.
The maximal activity was detected when t,t-farnesol was used as a sub-
strate. The activitywas reduced inthe following order: c,t-farnesol(C,J >
the other
the other
472 Fujita et al.
(4 Incubation(days)
Figure 3 Changes in the activities of farnesol dehydrogenase (a), terpene reduc-
tase (b), ipomeamarone 12-hydroxylase(c), and the contentof furanosesquiterpenes
in responseto fungal inoculationor cut injury. The enzymic activities
in the casesof
fungal inoculation( 0 ) and cut injury(0),and the contentsof furanosesquiterpenes
in the casesof fungal inoculation(M) and cut injury (U).
Enzymic Conversionof Furanosesquiterpene 473
0 I 2 3
(c) Incubation time (days)
400 450
HgC12 or CdS04 (mM)
Figure 5 Terpene accumulation in discs of root tissue of sweet potato treated with
HgCl, or CdSO.,, with or without phenyl isocyanide. 0 , HgCl,; 0,HgCl, + phenyl
isocyanide; A,CdS04; A, CdS04 phenyl isocyanide.
12.9discs 2.74
Freshly prepared 0.213
discsb 74.1
Incubated 37.0 0.500
Discs treated with'
9.2 Phenyl 42.9
isocyanide(PI) 0.541
5 HgCl,d88.6 0.538
198 8.0 and PI 11
HgC1,d 0.597
CdS0,d 57.1 0.481
7 CdS0,d60.4
and PI 0.565
plasmic reticulum (Fujita and Asahi, 1985a). The localization was appar-
ently different from one of cinnamic acid 4-hydroxylase participating in the
polyphenol metabolism in sweet potato root tissues. As described above,
the terpene reductase was also located in postmitochondrial membraneous
must also occur in microsomal fraction since they are considered to be
dependent on participation of cytochromeP-450.This information strongly
suggests that a lot of processes in the second half step are performed on
microsomes. On the other hand, electron-dense vesicles containing furan-
osesquiterpenes were observed by electron microscopy and were recovered
in 2% Ficoll fraction after discontinuous Ficoll density gradient centrifuga-
tion (Oba et al., 1984). These vesicles are enveloped in a single membrane
in 7-10 nmthickandcontainingonly a littleantimycinA-insensitive
NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity, suggesting that they might origi-
nate from endoplasmic reticulum. The endoplasmic reticulum with hetero-
geneity in C. fimbriata-infected sweet potato root tissues was previously
demonstrated by the distribution of RNA and various organelle marker
enzymes after sucrose density gradient centrifugation (Fujita and Asahi,
1985a). Therefore, there might be highly differentiated endoplasmic reticu-
480 Fujita et al.
lum participating in
the biosynthesis, transport, and secretion of furanoses-
quiterpenes inC.fimbriata-infected sweetpotato root tissues.
Akazawa, T. (1964). Biosynthesis of ipomeamarone. 11. synthetic mechanism.Arch.
Biochem. Biophys. 105(3): 512-516.
Akazawa, T., Uritani, I., and Akazawa, Y. (1962). Biosynthesis of ipomeamarone.
I. the incorporation of acetate-2-CI4and mevalonate-2-CI4into ipomeamarone.
Arch. Biochem. Biophys.99(1): 52-59.
Burka, L. T. (1978). 1-(3’-Furyl)-6,7-dihydroxy-4,8-dimethylnonan-l-one, a stress
metabolite from sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas). Phytochemistry I7(2): 317-
Burka, L. T., and Iles, J. (1979). Myoporone and relatedketoalcohols from
stressed sweet potatoes.Phytochemistry 18(5):873-874.
Burka, L. T., and Kuhnert, L. (1977). Biosynthesis of furanosesquiterpenoid stress
metabolites in sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas).Oxidation of ipomeamarone
to 4-hydroxymyoporone. Phytochemistry 16(12): 2022-2023.
Burka, L. T., and Thorsen, A. (1982). Biosynthesis of furanosesquiterpenoid stress
metabolites in Ipomoea batatas:isotopic oxygen incorporation into ipomeam-
arone. Phytochemistry 21(4): 869-870.
Burka, L. T., Felice, L. J., andJackson, S. W. (1981). 6-Oxodendrolasin, 6-
hydroxydendrolasin, 9-oxofarnesol and 9-hydroxyfarnesol, stress metabolites
of the sweet potato. Phytochemistry 20(4): 647-652.
Fujita, M. (1985). Stimulation of cytochromeP450 synthesis in sliced sweet potato
root tissue by chemicals applied to surface. Agric. Biol. Chem. 49(10): 3045-
Fujita, M., and Asahi, T. (1985a). Different intracellular localization of two cyto-
chrome P-450 systems, ipomeamarone 15-hydroxylase and cinnamic acid 4-
hydroxylase, in sweet potato root tissue infected with Ceratocystisfimbriata.
Plant Cell Physiol.26(3): 389-395.
Fujita, M., and Asahi, T. (1985b). Purification and properties of sweet potato
NADPH-cytochrome c(p-450) reductase. Plant Cell Physiol.26(3): 397-405.
Fujita, M., and Yoshizawa, T. (1987). Induction of sweet potato phytoalexins by
trichothecene mycotoxins.Proc. Jpn. Assoc. Mycotoxicol. 25: 29-30 (in Japa-
Fujita, M., and Yoshizawa, T. (1989). Induction of phytoalexins by various myco-
toxins and metabolism of mycotoxins in sweet potato root tissues. J. Food
Hyg. Soc. Jpn. 36(6): 501-505 (in Japanese).
Fujita, M., Oba, K., and Uritani, I. (1981). Ipomeamarone 15-hydroxylase from
cut-injuredand Ceratocystis fimbriata-infectedsweet potatoroot tissues.
Agric. Biol. Chem.45(8): 1911-1913.
Fujita, M., Oba, K., and Uritani, I. (1982). Properties of a mixed function oxygen-
ase catalyzing ipomeamarone 15-hydroxylation in microsomes from cut-injured
482 Fujita et al.
The most widely consumed and the cheapest hot beverage in the world
today is tea. Recent available statistics show that the total amount of world
tea production reaches2.5 million tons annually, and an average of2 billion
cups of tea are drunk every day (Yamanishi,1991). Tea is made from the
young leaves and unopened leaf buds of Camellia sinensis (L.)0,Kuntze,
a species which includes some very distinct varieties. The cultivated varieties
are classifiedinto two main groupson the basis of foliar and growth charac-
teristics: China tea, Camellia sinensis var. sinensis, and Assam tea or C.
sinensis var. assamica. The former is a slow-growing dark tree with small,
erect, comparatively narrow, dark green leaves whichare resistant to cold;
the latter is a rapidly growing, taller tree, with large drooping leaves and
resistance to cold, butadapting well to tropical conditions.
The pests and blights which preyon the leaves are of vital importance,
since any damageto the leaves defeatsthe whole purpose of its cultivation.
The monocultural conditions under which tea is grown commercially makes
the transmission of disease more difficult to control than where mixed or
rotational crop cultivation is followed. The danger of disease is further
aggravated by the fact that in many tea districts virtually noother form of
cultivation is practiced and an epidemic outbreak of an easily transmitted
disease can affect very large areas in a short period. The aerial surfaces
of tea plants, like any other plant, are usually inhabited by a variety of
microorganisms, many of which are capable of influencing the growth of
foliar pathogens (Chakraborty and Chakraborty, 1988). The interaction
between these microorganisms might result inthe suppression of pathogen
activity. Besides,it is likelythat the tea plant, in the course of its adjustment
to varying environments, has evolveda very effective defense mechanism
which successfully wards off most the of fungal pathogens.
The common plant pathogens (fungi, bacteria, viruses) and pests (in-
486 Chakraborty et al.
sects and other animals) induce some typeof resistance in plantsto subse-
quentchallenges, both to the original as well as to other biotic agents
(Chessin and Zipf, 1990). In general, the defenses of higher plants against
any form of stress, whether biotic or abiotic, fall under two categories:
preformed and induced. The inducible defense systems have been much
more elaborately studied than the preformed ones. These have been termed
as alarms. According to Chessin and Zipf (1990), alarm is a complex physi-
ological phenomenonthat comprises a series of steps, i.e., perturbation by
a particular biotic or abiotic stress, followed by production of a systemi-
cally transmitted signal (electrical, chemical,or both) in the stressed tissue
and finally the induction of a new morphological or physiological state
which protects the target tissues from subsequent exposure to the same or
other stresses. Among the inducible defenses photoalexin accumulation is
believed to be an important early defense response in several plant-patho-
gen interactions (Ward, 1986; Van Etten et al., 1989). The preformed de-
fense mechanism of plants,on the other hand, deals with internal chemical
defenses which are already fully expressed in host tissues before infection
and do not rise to higher levels in response to invading microorganisms
(Schlosser, 1980). Various types of antifungal plant constituents such as
saponins, unsaturated lactones, mustard oils,and cyanogenic and phenolic
glycosides are widespread in the plant kingdom. Occurrence, distribution,
and possible function of preformed antifungal compounds have been re-
viewed (Schonbeck and Schlosser, 1976; Schlosser, 1988). The role of pre-
formed chemical barriers as an important part of the defense mechanisms
of plants is now gaining wide acceptance and needs to be carefully looked
into, before one can get a complete picture of the defense mechanisms of
The study of defense strategies in tea was promoted by a few important
considerations. First, tea, which forms the backbone of the economy of
north eastern India, is subject to attacks by foliar pathogens likeCorticium
invisum, C. theae, Exobasidum vexans, Colletotrichum camelliae, Pestalot-
iopsis theae,and Botrytis sp. (Sarmah,1960), resulting ina reduction of the
quality and quantity of tea produced. Second, almost no work has been
done on the defensemechanismsof tea plant. Our studies werebased
mainly on three foliar diseases: brown blight caused by Colletotrichum
camelliae, grey blight caused byPestalotiopsis theae, and leaf spot caused
by Bipolaris carbonum (first reported by Chakraborty, 1987). The main
objectives have been to determine the mechanism of defense of tea plant
against these pathogens, with special emphasis on both preformed and
induced chemical defenses. Since polyphenolsare major constituents of tea
leaves, their involvement inthe defense mechanism either as preformedor
induced chemicals seemed highly probable. All four forms of catechin (Fig.
Defense of Tea
Against Pathogens 487
O a
\ /
Figure 2 Chemical structures of some commonly occurring phenols and phenolic
acids of teaplants. A, catechol; B, phloroglucinol; C, protocatechuicacid; D,
p-coumaric acid;E, ellagic acid;F, caffeic acid; G, gallic acid;H, chlorogenic acid;
I, quinic acid.
of Tea 489
Tea plants (18-month-old) of seven clonal varieties (TV-l, TV-9, TV-14,
TV-16, TV-17, TV-18, and TV-26) were obtained from the clone house of
Mohurgong and Gulma TeaEstate, Sukhna, Siliguri; and five clonal varie-
ties (TV-19, TV-20, TV-23, TV-25, and Teen Ali-17/1/54) and two seed
varieties (TS-449 and CP-1) were collected from the nursery of Dey’s Tea
Plants, Khaprail, Siliguri, West Bengal.
B. FungalCulture
Colletotrichum camelliae Mass. and Pestalotiopsis theae Sawada were ob-
tained from Tocklai ExperimentalStation, Jorhat, Assam. A virulentstrain
of Bipolaris carbonum (syn. Helminthosporium carbonum), anamorph of
Cochliobolus carbonumNelson, was obtained from the Departmental stock
culture collection.
F. ChromatographicAnalysis
The water and ethyl acetate fractions of the extracts of both healthy and
infected tea leaves were analyzed by thin layer chromatography (TLC)on
silica gel G. The development of the chromatograms was carried out at
room temperature and using a chloroform-methanol solvent system (9 : 1
v/v). Following evaporation of the solvent, the thin layer plates were ob-
served under W light and sprayed separately either with diazotized p-
nitroaniline (Van Sumere et al., 1965), FeC1,-K,Fe(CN),,vanillin-H,SO,
(Stahl, 1967), or Folin-Ciocalteau phenol reagent (Harborne, 1973). Color
reactions and Rf values were noted.
Defense of Tea Against Fungal Pathogens 491
C. Fungitoxicity Assay
The extracts from leaf tissue of tea plants (TV-l8 and TV-26) were bioas-
sayed on TLC plates usingB. carbonurn as the test organism followingthe
method of Hofmans and Fuchs (1970). Fungitoxicity was ascertained by the
presence of inhibition zones,which appeared as whitespots surrounded by
a blackish backgroundof mycelia.
The regions ofthin layer chromatograms correspondingto these inhibi-
tory zones were scraped and eluted in methanol. The eluants were rechro-
matographed on TLC plates to purify them and then eluted again. The
eluants were tested for antifungal activities following spore germination
testing as described by Werder and Kern (1985).
much more susceptibleto diseases than the older leaves probably due to the
variations in the texture and physical structure of the leaves. The older
leaves havea very tough exterior,which probably makes penetration by the
pathogen difficult. The trichomes which are abundant in older leaves also
act as a barrier to certain fungi. Thisis found to be the case of the anthrac-
nose fungus Gloeosporium theae-sinensis,which infects the plant through
the trichome of young leaves. In many cases, the pathogen was inhibited
from gaining entranceby a callosity which was produced by swelling ofthe
trichome cell wall inward in sucha way that it enveloped and precededthe
invading hypha (Andoand Hamaya, 1986).
for their effecton spore germinationand germ tube growth of the respective
fungi. The results indicated that the diffusates from the resistant varieties
were more fungitoxic than those from the susceptible varieties (Chakra-
borty and Saha, 1989). Leaf exudates of tea also contained some fungitoxic
substances, which suggests the presence of antifungal compounds in the
healthy leaves. Presumably, tea leaves contain some diffusible preformed
antifungal compoundswhich play a role in their defense mechanism. Toda
et al. (1989) also reported that extracts of Japanese greentea leaves inhib-
ited the growth of various bacteria.
The results of drop diffusate tests strongly suggested that tea leaves con-
tained both preformed and postinfectional antifungal compounds.To iso-
late these compoundsthe plants were inoculated withone of the pathogens,
B. carbonurn. After 72 hr of inoculation with the pathogen the leaves of
resistant (TV-26) and susceptible (TV-18) varieties were extracted in aque-
ous methanol, concentrated in vacuum, fractionated with ethyl acetate,
spotted on TLC plates,and developed in chloroform-methanol (9 : 1). On
spraying the plates with Folin-Ciocalteau reagent, several spots appeared
indicatingthepresenceofphenoliccompounds in the extracts of both
healthy and infected leaves of the two varieties. In addition, the extract
from healthy plants contained a brown-colored spot at R, 0.8, developed
when sprayed with vanillin-H2S0,.
These crude extracts were assayed for their antifungal activityby TLC
plate bioassay method. Extract from healthy leavesof both varieties (TV-l8
and TV-26) showed a prominent inhibition zone at Rf 0.8 in TLC plates
(Fig. 3, zone A). These inhibition zones of TV-l8 and TV-26 wereof 20 and
25 mm diameter, respectively. There was no evidence ofthis inhibition zone
after 72 hr of inoculation in TV-18, whereas in TV-26 the inhibition zone
was faintly visible. Inthe extracts from inoculated leavesof both suscepti-
ble and resistant varieties, prominent inhibition zones appeared at Rf 0.6
(Fig. 3, zone B). This antifungal compound in resistant variety (TV-26) was
approximately four times morethan that of the susceptible variety (TV-18).
In case of noninoculated control of both the varieties, muchless antifungal
activity was seen at the corresponding region.
The prominent inhibiting zoneat R, 0.8 was identified as catechinon
the basis of its color reaction and R, value (Kawamura and Takeo, 1989).
Results of the present investigation also indicate that the catechin is presum-
ably cleavedto some simpler phenols.The breakdown of this compound is
almost complete in the susceptible variety but incomplete in the resistant
variety as traces of catechin are located evenafter 72 hr of inoculation. The
494 Chakraborty et al.
TU -18 TV -26
Figure 3 TLC bioassay of tea leaf extracts of susceptible (TV-18) and resistant
(TV-26) varieties. H, extracts from healthy leaves;I, extracts from leaves inoculated
with B. carbonurn (48 hr after inoculation).
variety, the phenolics showed a gradual decrease with time. Both healthy
and inoculated susceptible variety(TV-18)had less phenolicthan the resis-
tant variety, withthe inoculated leaves having morethan the healthy ones.
The level of water-soluble phenolic compound was low and did not differ
in resistant, susceptible,and noninoculated control plants (Fig.4).
All these resultstherefore suggest that the healthy leaves oftea plants
contain catechin, which is an antifungal polyphenol. Inoculation resulted
in the breakdown of catechin with the simultaneous appearance of other
antifungal phenols, mainly catechol. The concentration of this phenol kept
increasing with time thein resistant varietyup to 72 hr. Even though reports
are available on the quantitative differences in phenolcontents of resistant
and susceptible varieties, most of them are conflicting with each other.
Sridhar and Ou (1974)reported differences in total phenolic accumulation
during the interaction of Pyricularia oryzae with rice. However, no differ-
ences were found in the phenolic content in the interaction of Helmin-
thosporium maydis race T with N and T cytoplasms of a single maize
genotype (Macri et al., 1974). On the other hand, Hammerschmidt and
Nicholson (1977) demonstrated a clear difference between resistant and
susceptible interactions of maize to Colletotrichum graminicola based on
- A B
E o 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 t
The defense strategies tea of worked out in the course of the project pointed
out the involvement of phenolics in disease resistance, some of which were
preformed, and otherswere postinfectional. Thelatter could be defined as
phytoalexins (Chakraborty et al., 1989). It is well knownthat plants defend
themselves from microbial pathogens through different mechanisms includ-
ing the synthesis of antimicrobial phytoalexins,the hypersensitive response,
and cellwall modification(HalversonandStacey, 1986).Suchdefense
mechanisms may be induced by the expression of genes resulting from the
recognition of a particular microbe by a host. The exchange of molecular
signals between host and pathogen is considered to be one of the mecha-
nisms of specificity. The signal molecules involved in defense responses
need to be identified.
Preliminary work has been carriedout on both biotic and abiotic elici-
tors in the course of our project. It is now proposed to purify and identify
the fungal cell wall elicitors and establish their precise role in eliciting the
498 Chakraborty et al.
This workwas supported inpart by the Council of Scientificand Industrial
Research, New Delhi. Financial assistance received from the University
Grants Commission byA. Saha is also acknowledged.
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of Tea 501
A. AgeRelated Resistance and Metalaxyl for Control
of fhyfophthora Blight
Phytophthora blight of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) plants caused by
Phytophthora capsici Leonian is a serious soil-borne disease in the major
pepper-growing areas of the world (Leonian, 1922; Weber, 1932; Barksdale
et al., 1984). It has been reported that P. capsici attacks plants such as
pepper, eggplants, cucumber, honeydew melon, pumpkin, squash, tomato,
and watermelon (Polach and Webster, 1972). Phytophthora rots of the
lower stem of plants favored by high temperature, high soil moisture,and
atmospheric humidity are common and most severe in low-lying, poorly
drained areas. In pepper plants, a brown girdlingrot of the stems becomes
enlarged, the lower leavesdrop, and eventually the whole plant wilts.
Phytophthora blight of pepper plants has been controlled crop by rota-
tion, the use of resistant cultivars, and the application of systemic fungi-
cides such as metalaxyl. Althoughthis disease cannot be readily controlled
by any one measure, growing resistant cultivars may be very effective in
reducing damagefrom P . capsici. Recently, Kim et al. (1989) demonstrated
an age-related resistance of pepper cultivars, which is distinctly expressed
as pepper plants mature. Since the Phytophthora disease causes severe dam-
age in pepper plants onlyat later growth stages inthe field, the age-related
resistance must be considered in breeding resistant pepper cultivars.
Our earlier studies demonstrated the expression of age-related resis-
tance in pepper plants infected with P. capsici under controlled environ-
mental conditions(Kim et al., 1989). We also suggestedthat the appearance
504 Hwang
30 min was placed on the wounded sites of stems. The inoculation siteswere
then covered with plastic tape to maintain the moist condition. Metalaxyl
suspensions at various concentrations were poured into the soil before or
after stem inoculation withP. capsici.
For root samples, plants at the six-leaf and first branched-flowering
stages were inoculated by uniformly pouring 20m1 of a suspension of
motile zoospores(1 x 105/ml) perpot over the surface of soil. Immediately
after soil drenching,pots were placed in a large plastic tray filled with tap
Disease development, as measured by lesion length, in pepper plants
was rated every day after inoculation. The data are the means of three
replicates from the disease ratings of15 infected plants.
i.d.) containing Gas Chrom Q (80-120 mesh) coated with 3% SE30. The
column was kept at 162OC, the injector at 192OC, and the flame ionization
detector at 230OC. The carrier gas was nitrogen at a 40 ml/min flow rate
with hydrogen and air at 30 and 300 ml/min, respectively. Retention times
were 7.5 and 14.5 min for methyl myristate and capsidiol, respectively.
Capsidiol in the sampleswas identified by cochromatography withauthen-
tic capsidiol, which was obtained from Dr. A. Stossl, AgricultureCanada,
Research Center,London, Ontario, Canada.
A. Effect of Plant Age and Stem Part on Disease Development
About a day after inoculation withP.capsici, the inoculation sitesof stems
of pepper plants became greyishto brown, as previously described(Kim et
al., 1989). Slight differences between susceptibleCV. Hanbyul and resistant
CV. Kingkun in lesion length were observed at the six-leaf stage (Fig.l), and
the differences were more apparent at the first branched-flowering stage
(Fig. 2). When inoculated on three stem sites, lesions at the top of stems
progressed more rapidlythan those of the middle or bottom (Figs.2 and 3).
1 2 3 C 5 6 7 0
. f2 i 3t
. . . .
C S 6 7
Oays after inoculation
Figure 1 Time courses of (A) capsidiol accumulation and(B) disease development
in the stemsof pepper cultivars Hanbyul (susceptible) and Kingkun (resistant)theat
six-leaf stage inoculated with zoospore suspensions of P. capsici at the bottom of
stems. Vertical bars represent standard deviations.
Phytophthora Infection in Pepper 509
Figure 2 Time courses of (A) capsidiol accumulation and (B) disease development
in the stemsof pepper cultivarsHanbyul (susceptible) and Kingkun (resistant) at the
of P. capsici at
first branched-flowering stage inoculated with zoospore suspensions
the middle andbottom of stems. Vertical bars representstandard deviations.
The ranks of lesion length were top > middle > bottom of stems at the
first branched-flowering stage. The lesion development in Kingkun was
much slower than that in Hanbyul, as the plants reached the first branched-
flowering stage that is considered the approach of maturity.
stems of the CV. Hanbyul was more rapid than that of the CV. Kingkun. In
contrast, the concentrations of capsidiol in the two cultivars were similar,
with a maximum at the third day after inoculation. The resistant CV. King-
kun always contained more capsidiolthan the susceptible CV. Hanbyul. In
particular, a secondary accumulation of capsidiol at 7 days after inocula-
tion occurred inthe resistant CV. Kingkun. Atthe six-leaf stage, the level of
capsidiol at the top of stems2 days after inoculation was higher in Hanbyul
than in Kingkun, but declined thereafter (Fig. 3).
The lesion developmentand capsidiol concentrationat the top,middle,
and bottom of stems of the susceptible CV. Hanbyul and the resistant CV.
Kingkun at the first branched-flowering stage are compared in Figs.2 and
3. The lesion length at the top,middle, and bottom of stems increased more
rapidly in the susceptible CV. Hanbyul than in the resistant CV. Kingkun.
l The differencesbetweenthetwocultivarsbecamemoreconspicuous at the
l lowerpartsofstems.Capsidiolwasfirstdetected at allparts of stems a
Phytophfhora Infection in Pepper 511
METALAXYLbtg rn1-l)
0 Hanbyul(susceptible1
-5 R Kingkun (resistant)
3 100
A. Effect of Plant Ageon Capsidiol Production
Infection systems used here allowed a precise determination both
of disease
development and capsidiol concentrations inP. capsici-infected tissues of
pepper plants of the susceptible CV. Hanbyul and the resistant CV. Kingkun
Phytophfhora Infection in Pepper 515
1 2 3 4 5
Figure 7 Time courses of (A) disease progress and(B) capsidiol production in the
stems of pepper cultivars Hanbyul (susceptible) and Kingkun (resistant). Plants were
inoculated at the eight-leaf stage with zoospore suspensions of P. capsici at the
bottom of thestemafter soil treatmentwithmetalaxyl.Verticalbarsrepresent
standard deviations.
young tissues. In stem infections, for instance, the pathogen spread much
more slowlyat the bottom than in the middle of stems (Fig. 2). In contrast,
more capsidiol was produced inthe middle than at the bottom of the stem
following wound inoculation. These findings indicatingthat capsidiol pro-
duction decreased in older tissues of stems despite increased resistancedo
not support the concept ofa general inverse relation between the amount of
phytoalexin accumulating inside the host tissue and the rate ofdisease
development. Accordingly, the increases in disease resistance in older tis-
sues of stems may be derived from other mechanisms including possible
morphological barriers and the production of inhibitory compoundsother
than capsidiol. Hahn et al. (1985) demonstrated that most of the phyto-
alexinaccumulatedin the epidermisin P . megasperma f. sp. glycines-
soybean system. Because there is more dry matter in the bottom tissue of
pepper stems, the number of epidermal cells that can synthesize capsidiol
would be less per unit dry weight at the bottom than in the middle of stems.
On these assumptions, it should be considered that the higher amount of
capsidiol may be produced per epidermal cell at the bottom than in the
middle of stems.
Our data demonstrate that, in general, capsidiol concentrations in in-
fected organs of pepper plants were correlated with the degree of resistance
expressed to P. capsici. The resistant CV. Kingkun always contained more
capsidiol in all infected organs such as stem and root than the susceptible
CV. Hanbyul, suggestingthat the resistant cultivar synthesizes more capsid-
io1 in responseto infection. Even the susceptible cultivar accumulated con-
siderable capsidiol, especially when older plants were inoculated. As pre-
viously observed by Molot et al. (1981), however, capsidiol accumulation
may not bethe main factor restricting P . capsici growth in resistant pepper
plants, but other antifungal compounds may be induced, together with
capsidiol by the infection of P . capsici. It would appear that susceptible
cultivars also have the ability to produce capsidiol, possibly being differ-
ently expressed as plants mature. Other mechanisms, such as the preferen-
tial degradation of capsidiol in susceptible plants, should not be excluded
(Ward and Stossl, 1972; Stossl et al., 1977).
The basis for the increased resistance ofmature pepper plants to Phy-
tophthora blight seemsto be distinguishedfrom that of older tissues ofthe
same stems. Phytophthora infection was reduced and capsidiol accumu-
lated more in stemsand roots at the first branched-flowering stagethan at
the six-leaf stage. These results suggest that capsidiol accumulation in in-
fected stems and roots of mature pepper plants may contribute to the in-
crease in resistanceto P . capsici, being especially affectedby host genotype
and plant age. However, possible morphological barriersand other inhibi-
tory compounds inmature pepper plants may also playimportant roles in
Phytophthora Infection in Pepper 517
treatment may induce the plant defense reaction.In the control of rice blast
by dichlorocyclopropanes, Cartwrightet al. (1977) also suggested that the
compound acts by sensitizing the plant such that subsequent inoculation
with P. oryzae Br. and Cav. results ina resistant reaction.
stimulated in infected pepper stems. The increase followed similar patterns
in the susceptible and resistant cultivars (Fig. 5). Inhibition of disease devel-
opment aswell as stimulationof capsidiol production by metalaxylappear
to be greatly influencedby the degree of resistance of pepper cultivars to P.
capsici. Therefore, resistant pepper cultivars may possess a genetic basisfor
producing more capsidiol than susceptible ones, although the difference
between the susceptible and resistant responses of pepper plantsto P. cap-
sici is quantitative rather than qualitative (Kim et al., 1989). Whereas large
quantities ofglyceollinproducedinsoybeanby an incompatiblehost-
pathogen interaction remainedconstant over a range of metalaxyl concen-
trations (Ward et al., 1980), it isof interest that capsidiolamountsin
pepper increased significantly in infected stems of resistant cultivars with
increasing doses of metalaxyl.
When compared with inoculated, metalaxyl-untreated controls, metal-
axyl application before inoculation prevented disease development but did
not stimulate capsidiol production. However, larger quantities of capsidiol,
especially in susceptible Hanbyul, were produced in infected stems of pep-
per plants treated with metalaxyl at intervals during disease development
(Fig. 6). These results suggest that metalaxyl may cause pepper stems to
accelerate capsidiol production by affecting the host-pathogen interaction
after the pathogen spreadsinto stem tissue. Our earlier finding, that metal-
axyl is very effective for inhibition of mycelial growth of P. capsici (Sung
and Hwang, 1988), raises the possibility, although unproven, that fungal
cell wall polymers, which elicit capsidiol accumulation, may also be released
in infected stem tissue from mycelium of P. capsici by metalaxyl treatment,
as observed by Yoshikawa et al. (1981) in the P.m.f. sp. glycinea-soybean
The stimulationof capsidiol productionby metalaxyl reachedits maxi-
mum at 2 days after inoculation, when typical symptoms beganto appear
in wound-inoculated stems (Fig. 7). These results provide evidence that
metalaxyl plays a critical role in inducing capsidiol production in the early
stages of host-pathogen interaction. In contrast, capsidiol production in
the inoculated, metalaxyl-untreatedcontrols increased, with a maximum at
3 days after inoculation when considerable disease progress occurred,thus
suggesting that Phytophthora infection may be important for stimulation
of capsidiol production in the later stages of the host-pathogen interaction.
The amount of capsidiol decreased to base levels after the maximum
Phytophfhora Infection in Pepper 519
Yield losses of pepper plants caused by Phytophthora blight can be best
minimized bya combination of practices including crop rotation, host resis-
tance, and chemicalapplication(Bruin and Edgington, 1981; Davidse,
1981; Shew, 1985; Sung and Hwang, 1988; Kim et al., 1989). However, due
not only to economic burdenbut to the limit of cultivatedland, the growers
mainly rely on the use of resistant pepper cultivars and chemical control
against the Phytophthora disease.
P. capsici severely infects pepper plants only at later growth stages in
the fields. Therefore, a stable and durable type of resistance such as age-
related resistance would be valuable for use in breeding programs of pepper
cultivars. The expression of age-related resistance of pepper plants at later
developmental stages may be due to the physiological and morphological
changesinpepperstemsduringplantdevelopment (Jeun and Hwang,
1991). However, preformed antifungal substances, such as phenolics, may
not contribute to the expression of age-related resistance of pepper plants,
but rather phytoalexin “capsidiol,”which accumulates after exposure to P.
capsici, may playan important role inthis resistance.
In the present studies, it has been demonstrated that capsidiol concen-
trations in infected stems and roots of pepper plants were correlated with
the degree of resistance expressed to P. capsici. In comparable infected
organs, the resistant CV. Kingkun always contained more capsidiol than the
susceptible CV. Hanbyul. The stem and root of the two cultivars accumu-
lated more capsidiol and became increasingly resistant as plants matured.
These results suggestthat capsidiol production hasa role in increasingthe
.resistance of pepper plants with aging.
A combination of direct fungitoxicand indirect effects involving acti-
vation of natural defense mechanisms has been demonstrated in pepper
plants treated with the systemic fungicide metalaxyl (Borner et al., 1983;
Hwang et al., 1989). Metalaxyl treatment not only produced directeffects
in the fine structure of the fungal cellbut also effectedthe defense reaction
of pepper plants (Hwang et al., 1991). Due ‘to the intimate nature of the
520 Hwang
Bailey, J. A. (1982). Mechanisms of phytoalexin accumulation.Phytoalexins (J. A.
Bailey andJ. W. Mansfield, eds.), Blackie, London, pp. 289-318.
Barksdale, T. H., Papavizas, G. S., and Johnston, S. A. (1984). Resistanceto foliar
blight and crown rotof pepper caused by Phytophthora capsici. PlantDis. 6 8
Borner, H., Schatz, G., and Grisebach, H. (1983). Influence of the systemic fungi-
cide metalaxylon glyceollin accumulation in soybean infected withPhytophth-
ora megaspermaf.sp. glycinea. Physiol. Plant Pathol.23: 145-152.
Phyfophthora Infection in Pepper 521
This project was undertaken to investigate whether the fruits of Sesamum
indicum L. could produce any phytoalexin in response to infection by Al-
ternaria sesami (Kawamura) Mohanty and Beraha. S. indicum (Pedalia-
ceae), commonly known as til (sesame), is one ofimportant
the oil-yielding
plants. The plant is susceptibleto various diseases such asAlternaria blight
caused by A . sesami, Cercospora leaf spot caused by C.sesamicola, Phy-
tophthora blight caused by P . parasitica var. sesami, and root rot caused
by Macrophomina phaseolina.However, noinformation is availableso far
regarding postinfectionalantifungal compounds in sesame plant and their
role in disease resistance.
The seeds of S. indicum were procured from National Seed Corp. Alfer-
naria sesami (Kawamura) Mohantyand Beraha was isolated from infected
parts of S. indicum. Test organisms, Aspergillus niger (Van.) Tieghem,
Cladosporiumcladosporioides @res.)DeVries, Colletotrichum capsici
(Syd.) Butler and Bisby, Curvularia lunata (Wakker) Boedijn, Fusarium
solani (Mart.)Sacc. Helminthosporiumtetramera McKinney, Mycos-
phaerella rabiei Kovachevsky, and Rhizopus stolonifer (Ehrenb. Ex Fr.)
Lind were obtained from the Indian Type Culture Collection (IARI, Delhi).
Phytoalexin was detected fromfruits following the drop diffusate tech-
nique. Thoroughly washed fruits were split open longitudinally and seeds
were removed. Thesefruit halves were surface-sterilized with sodium hypo-
526 and Chauhan
chloride solution and washed twice with sterilized distilled water. Fruits
wereplaced in a humid chamber, inoculated aseptically with the spore
suspension of A . sesami (1 x lo5spores/ml), and incubated at 28 2OC.*
The drops were collected centrifugedand the supernatant is collected.
The chemicals used for induction of phytoalexin, i.e., aureofungin,
bavistine, 2,4-dinitrophenol, dithan M-45, mercuric chloride, sulfex, and
thiobendezole are applied to fruit cavities as solutions of different ppm
(200, 600, 1OOO). After incubation for 48 hr diffusates were collected, cen-
trifuged, and the supernatant was tested for phytoalexins (Kulshresthaand
Chauhan, 1988).
Alternaria sesami 37 63 48
Aspergillus niger 69 69 93
Cladosporium cladosporioides 41 50 70
Colletotrichum capsici 88 37
Curvularia lunata 77 69 70
Fusarium solani 65 66 56
Helminthosporium tetramera 100 88 88
Mycosphaerella rabiei 78 50 67
Vo Inhibition in the
spore germinationof
Incubation (hr) A . sesami
4 0
8 0
16 20
24 30
32 45
48 60
528 and Chauhan
The phytoalexin inS. indicum is found to be phenolic innature. It is highly
inhibitory to the spore germination, germ
tube growth, and mycelial growth
Alternaria sesami 60 90 30
Colletotrichum capsici 88 80 20
Curvularia lunata 60 69 35
Fusarium solani 65 84 38
Helminthosporium tetramera 100 13 40
Mycosphaerella rabiei l8 61 30
530 Chauhan and Kulshrestha
Phytoalexin production
RI = 0.16
Chemical @Pm) (4 : 1 :5 )
of some fungi tested. Phytoalexin was detected in the drops only after8 hr
of inoculation and the concentration increased up to 48 hr. A. sesami
induced phytoalexin in fruits, leaves, and stem of sesame plant. Certain
chemicals also could induce the phytoalexin. Further characterization of
this compound, elucidation of its biosynthetic pathway, mechanism of ac-
tion, and development of analogs for use in the crop protection are the
future prospects.
S. indicum Resistance to A. sesami 531
The authors thank Dr. S. Chauhan, Professor, School of Studies in Botany,
Jiwaji University, Gwalior for her keen interest in the preparation of this
Chauhan, R. K. S., and Kulshrestha, B. M. (1984). Production of phytoalexin in
Sesamum indicum against Alternaria sesami.Indian Phytopathol. 37: 482-485.
Kulshrestha, B. M. (1982). Studies on induced chemical resistancefactors in certain
plant diseases. PhD Thesis, Jiwaji University, Gwalior,India, pp. 255.
Kulshrestha, B. M., and Chauhan, R. K. S. (1988). Physicochemical nature of the
phytoalexin producedby fruits of Sesamum indicum in response to inoculation
with Alternaria sesami and its chemicalinduction. Indian Phytopathol. 41: 92-
Langcake, P., and Pryce, R. J. (1916). The production of resveraterol by Vitis
vinifera and other members ofthe Vitaceae as a response to infection or injury.
Physiol. Plant Pathol.9 11-86.
Muller, K.0.(1958). Studies on phytoalexins. 111. The formation and the immuno-
logical significance of phytoalexin producedby Phaseolus vulgarisin response
to infection with Sclerotinia ficticola and Phytophthora infestans. Aust. J.
Biol. Sci. 11: 215-300.
This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Phytoalexins andOther Postinfectional
Compounds of Some Economically
Important Plantsof India
M. Daniel
The Maharaja Sayajirao Universityof Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Studies on phytoalexins have taken rapid strides thein recent past, but still
the available data are grossly inadequate to draw any valid conclusion on
the distribution, metabolism, and role of these compounds in higher plants.
Out of the 250,000 or more angiosperms, hardly a couple of hundred spe-
cies have been analyzedfor their phytoalexins. Exceptfor the Fabaceae, no
other family has been systematically screened for their defense reactions.
Almost all the plants studied so far are the cultivated species. Nothing is
known onthe phytoalexins ofwild plants, weeds, or tree species.
Study of phytoalexins in isolation, away from other disease resistance
factors, is another reason for the ambiguity existing on the concept of
phytoalexins. All the known phytoalexins and the preformed toxic sub-
stances (inhibitins) are secondary metabolites. Though the secondary me-
tabolites in plants once were considered as waste products/excretory sub-
stances, the overwhelming evidence accumulated so far ascertains that the
plants owe their survival to these compounds.It is these compounds which
act as UV screens, deter herbivores, repel insects,and ward off pathogens.
Some of them are responsible for effective pollination, dispersalof seeds,
and dormancy. It is explicitthat during evolution plants experimented with
different defensive chemicalsand therefore the various taxa elaborated dis-
tinct classes of compounds. Concurrent with the modifications to perfect
the defense mechanisms were the attempts of the pathogens to detoxify
these compounds. The struggle between plants and microbes/herbivores to
outwit each other is the reason for the plethora of secondary metabolites
found in nature. Most plants also have to face the threats of animals and
therefore are compelled to produce the taste modifiers (bitter substances)
along with antimicrobials. In this context a compound which possessesthe
S34 Daniel
ability to alter taste as well as inhibit fungal invasion would have been the
compounds of choice for the plant. A number of secondary metabolites
such as phenolics, tannins, flavonoids, sesquiterpenes, saponins, and iri-
doids fit well into this prescription.
Phytoalexins are produced as a result of triggering the biosynthetic
pathways by the microbial invasion. It is therefore explicit that the cell
should already possess the needed machinery for doing so. The switching
on of a defense reaction meansthat the expression ofthe gene concerned is
kept suppressed under normal conditions and this repression is removed
once the signal from the pathogen is received. This gene would have formed
de novo in evolutionor would have beena modified form of a gene inher-
ited from the ancestors. This also indicates that the precursors of phyto-
alexin would be present in the plant at any giveninstant and in this context
the study of preformed substances assumes greater significance.
Our interest in phytoalexinswas purely academic, i.e., to find out the
defense reactionsof plants. Therefore we based our studies on tree species.
Trees are different from herbs in that they store more compounds for a
comparatively longer time. The life span of leaves also is longer in trees
than in herbs. The selection of plants was random. Later on some of the
herbaceous perennials also were included. The physiological similarity of
Cuscuta to fungal pathogens promptedus to include this angiospermpara-
site in our study. The studies on different plants are at various stages of
progress. All the results available with us are presented here, which collec-
tively may shed some light the on defense reactionsof plants.
al., 1979) and impart resistance in wheat varieties (Chigrin and Romru,
The production of p-hydroxybenzoic acid as a response to the non-
pathogen is interesting. This supports the view expressed by Debnam and
Smith (1976) that the non-pathogen-infested tissue produces more phyto-
alexins than the tissue infected by pathogen. The strong inhibitionof myce-
lial growth, spore germination, and germ tube growth of F. solani and
C. clavata proves the antifungal nature ofp-hydroxybenzoicacid.The
immediate production of this compoundand its marked antifungal activity
leads to the conclusion that p-hydroxybenzoic acid is indeed a phytoalexin.
This phenolic acid had been reported as a phytoalexin in Nectria-infected
apples (Swinburne, 1975).
Though p-hydroxybenzoic acid or its derivatives occur in plants as a
component of lignin, its role in imparting resistanceto the plant is proved
by the studies on carrot slices using Botrytis cinerea. Here the infection
leads to the production of inhibitors such as 6-methoxymellein, p-hydroxyben-
zoic acid, and falcarinol (Harding and Heale, 1981). The increase in p-
hydroxybenzylgroupsalsoleads to the increased production of lignin,
which either directly or indirectly acts as a potential barrier to infection
(Henderson and Friend, 1979).
B. Cassia fistula L.
C. fistula (Caesalpiniaceae) isa small to medium-sized deciduoustree com-
monly recommended in social forestry programs. The timber is used for
making carts and agricultural implements. The leaves find application an as
emollient for dropsy and rheumatic pains. The pulp from the podsis offi-
cially included inthe British Pharmacopeia asan ingredient of sennaand is
used as a mild, pleasant,and safe purgativeeven for children and expectant
mothers. The flowersof C. fistula are sometimes used asa food by natives.
Its root is a tonic, febrifuge,and a strong purgative.
The common disease observed in C. fistula is powdery mildew caused
by Oidium sp. (Salam and Rao, 1958) or Phyllactinia corylea (Pers.) Karst
(Yadav, 1963). Otherfungireported from thisplant are Pestalotiopsis
adusta (Ell. Ev.) Steyart (Kanujia and Singh, 1978) and Phoma comlanata
Tode ex. Fr. (Rajak and Rai, 1982).
The leaf spot disease of C. fistula is found in the months of January
and February after which period the leaves are shed. The spots are small,
irregular, and black. Aspergillus niger Van Tiegh. was the organism iso-
lated from diseased areas. During pathogenicity tests the lesions begin to
appear 6-8 days after inoculation withthe pathogen.
The healthy leaves from the uninfected trees were found to contain
Phytoalexins of Economically
Important 537
threemethoxyflavonols:4’-OMequercetin,4’-OMekaempferol, and
7,3 ’4”triOMe quercetin; phenolic acids such as syringic and p-coumaric
acids; proanthocyanidins; tannins and alkaloids. The diseased leaves con-
tained the hydroxyflavonolsquercetin and kaempferol,syringic and o-
coumaric acids, alkaloids, proanthocyanidins, and tannins. The amountof.
flavonols in infected leaveswere much higher than those of healthy leaves
(Abraham and Daniel, 1988a).
The healthy leaves when exposed to the pathogen A. niger produced
quercetin and kaempferol whilethe control contained the methylated deriv-
atives of these compounds.The nonpathogen F. solani also evoked similar
response when inoculatedon healthy leaves.
Quercetin, oneof the flavonols induced by the fungus, was assayed for
its antifungal activity. This compound inhibited the spore germination of
A. niger by 49% and germ tube elongation by 35% at 500 ppm. Mycelial
growth also was inhibited at 100 and 500 ppm concentrations of quercetin
(Abraham, 1989).
Evidently the process triggered bythe infection of C.fistula leaves by
A. niger is the demethylation of 4’-OMe kaempferol, 4’-OMe quercetin,
and 7,3 ’,4’-triOMe quercetin to theirhydroxylatedparentcompounds
quercetin and kaempferol. The hydroxylated compounds are more toxic
than their relatively unreactive methoxy derivatives.
The antifungal properties of quercetin and kaempferol were reported
earlier by Sporoston (1957). Quercetin inhibited the growth of fungi such as
Daedalea quercina and Fomes annosus (Alcubilla-Martin, 1970; Walchii
and Scheck, 1976). Both quercetin and kaempferol were found to be absent
from Populus maximowiczii, P. laurifolia, and other hybrids which were
susceptible to Dothichiza populea, while they were located inthe resistant
varieties of P. nigra var. italica and its hybrids.
The induction of o-coumaric acid in place of p-coumaric acid by the
pathogen and nonpathogen is interesting. Though p-coumaric acidis also
known to possess antifungal activity (Trappe et al., 1973), the formation of
o-coumaric acid had an added significance in that this phenolic acid pro-
duces coumarinby lactonization. Coumarinis a more potent antimicrobial
agent(Berkenkemp,1971).o-Coumaricacidhasbeenreported to bea
systemic fungicide (Gangulee and Kar, 1985).
and febrifuge. Its fruit is a deobstruent and is used against dysentery and
The diseases reportedon M . tomentosa leaves are leaf spots caused by
Botryodiplodiatheobromae Pat. (Shreemali and Bilgrami,1968), Cer-
cospora morindae Syd, Gleosporum morindae Payak & Tirum. (Payak,
1953), and Macrophoma morindae Ramakr. & Sund. (Ramakrishnan and
Sundaram, 1954).
The leaf spot diseaseof Morinda is noted inthe months of October to
December. The symptoms are blackish brown irregular patches on both
the surfaces and at times the whole apical portion of the leaf turns dark.
Colletotrichium gleosporoides Penzig and Sac. is the fungus isolated and
found to be pathogenic.
The results obtained from M . tomentosa were similar to those of C.
fistula. The healthy leaves contained the two methoxyflavonols 4’-OMe
kaempferol and 3 ’,4’-diOMe quercetin,and the four phenolic acids vanil-
lic, syringic, gentisic, and ferulic. The infected leaves contained the hy-
droxyflavonols kaempferol and quercetin along with four phenolic acids
found in healthy leaves. The diffusates of both the pathogen- and non-
pathogen-treated leaves contained quercetin and kaempferol (Abraham and
Daniel, 1988a).
Quercetin at 500 ppm inhibited the spore germination of C.gleospor-
oides to 32% and germ tube elongation up to 53%. The mycelial growth of
the fungus was inhibited at 100 and 500 ppm (Abraham, 1989).
Pestalotiopsis funerea (Desm.) Stey. (Bilgrami, 1963) and root rot caused
by Ganoderma lucidumKarst. (Bakshi,1974).
E. globulus grown in Baroda develops leaf spot disease inthe months
of December and January. This disease is characterized by small, round,
black spots scattered on the upper surface of the leaf. Alternaria alternata
(Fr.) Keissler is isolated from the lesions and its pathogenicityis proved in
the laboratory.
On chemical analysis,both the diseasedand the noninfected leaves were
found to contain the same compounds, i.e., 3’-OMe quercetin, 4’-OMe
kaempferol, and vanillic, syringic,and p-hydroxybenzoic acids.The proan-
thocyanidins, iridoids,and alkaloids were also the same inboth healthy and
infected leaves.
When inoculated with the spores of the pathogen, the healthy leaves
produced an additional compound fluorescing blue in UV light (long wave-
length) and having an absorption maxima of 276, 285, 296, 330, and 341
nm in methanol. The chromatographic properties and the spectral data
suggested this compound to be a coumarin. However, the nonpathogen
used (F.solani) failed to induce any response in the healthy leaves. The
diffusate from the treated leaves inhibitedthe mycelial growth ofthe patho-
gen (up to 54%) at 10 m1 dilution. The inhibitionof spore germinationand
germ tube elongation of A . alternata were 65% and 71070, respectively, at
10 m1 dilution of the diffusate. This provesthe blue fluorescing compound
induced by A . alternata to be a phytoalexin (Abraham, 1989).
portion of the leaf blade, which becomes greyish yellow. The lesions are
produced on both the surfaces of leaves but are more prominent on the
upper surfaces. Aspergillus niger van Tieghum, the fungus isolated from
the diseased portions ofthe leaf, was found to be the causative organism.
The flavonoid chemistry of the diseased leaves remained the same as
that of the healthy leaves in containing 3 '-OMe quercetin and myricetin.
The healthy leaves contained vanillic, gallic, p-hydroxybenzoic, syringic,
and p-coumaric acids, while in infected leaves, the p-coumaric acid is re-
placed by gentisic acid.
When phytoalexin was induced in the leaves of S. cumini with spores
of the pathogen, the leachates contained a visibly colored pinkish brown
compound (brown in UV, turning to pink with sodiumcarbonate spray and
&,/MeOH 274, 318, 332, and 400 nm) was located in the diffusates. The
color reactions and spectra denote this compound to be a benzoquinone.
Studies onthe characterization of this compoundis in progress. There were
no qualitative or quantitative differences in the diffusates when the leaves
were treated with sporesof the nonpathogen F. solani. Facilitated diffusion
also showedthe same result.
The diffusate from the pathogen-treated leaves containing the phyto-
alexin inhibitedthe mycelial growth ofthe pathogen at l and 5 m1 dilution.
A maximum of 35% inhibition of the mycelial growthwas observed at 5 m1
dilution of the diffusate. Spore germination and germ tube elongation of
A. niger also was inhibited (87% and 48070, respectively) at 5 m1 dilution
(Abraham, 1989).
F. Mangifera indica L.
M. indica (Anacardiaceae) is the source of mango fruits. It is a tall ever-
green tree cultivated not only for fruits but also for its timberand medicinal
values. The wood is used for plywood and its bark for tanning. The ripe
fruit is considered diuretic and laxative. The seed kernel is a medicine for
asthma and diarrhea. Baked and sugared pulp of unripe fruits is recom-
mended for cholera and plague patients.
Different parts of mango tree are known to suffer from a number of
diseases. Apart from the fruit the leaves and inflorescences ofthe tree also
are attacked by a number of pathogens. The important diseases are 1.) leaf
spot caused by species ofAsterofibertina, Aureobasidium, Cercospora, Cil-
iochoreffa, Coffetotrichium, Curvufaria, Diplodia, etc. (Mukherji and Bhasin,
1986), 2.) anthracnose by Chaetomium mangiferae Batista and Lima, and
3). powderymildewbyErysiphecichoracearumDC(Uppal and Patel,
The leaf spot disease found in Baroda is taken up for the study of
Phytoalexins of Economically
Important 541
phytoalexins. This disease occurs during January to March. The lesions are
small in size, yellow-brown in color, and are seen scattered in the upper
surface only.
Aspergillus niger van Tieghum was the fungus isolated from the dis-
eased areas of leaves. The pathogenicity of this fungus is proved by tests.
The diseased leaves contained the same components, i.e., saponins,
flavonols such as quercetin and quercetagetin, the xanthone mangiferin,
and phenolic acids, vanillic, syringic, and p-hydroxybenzoic acids. There
was no qualitative change between the diffusates of control and leaves
treated with the pathogen. However, when the nonpathogenF. solani was
used to examine the phytoalexin response, mangiferin was seen leaching
out into the diffusate. This indicates the possible role of mangiferin as a
phytoalexin. The antifungal activity of mangiferin against Fusarium has
already been proved (Ghosal et al., 1977). It is found that the walls of F.
oxysporum hyphae suspended in mangiferin were lysed within 72 hr. The
mycelium turned black and the protoplasts contracted, got detached from
the cell wall and were seen collected at one comer or the center of the
cell. The seeds of safflower treated with mangiferin was resistant to F.
oxysporum. In Mangifera, the content of mangiferin in flowers or shoots
were very high when infected F. by rnoniliformae whereas the healthy flow-
ers and shoots containedthis compound in traces.
The increased productionof mangiferin in response to F. solanimay be
the reason why this fungus is unable to infect the mango tree. It is also
evident that mangiferin is less toxicto A . niger (Abraham, 1989).
1. Heterophragmaadenophyllum Seem.
H. adenophyllum (Bignoniaceae) isa tall tree cultivated for its timber.The
important diseases ofthis tree are 1.)powdery mildew caused by Acrospor-
ium sp. (Patwardhan, 1966), 2.) leaf rust byPhragmidiella heterophragmae
Tirum. and Mund. (Ling, 1951) and Phyllospella stakmanii Sathe (Sathe,
1965), and 3). leaf spot by Sphaceloma heterophragmae Wani and Tirum.
(Wani and Tirumalachar, 1969).
Phytoalexins of Economically
Important 543
B. Triantbemaportulacastrum L.
T. portulacastrum (Aizoaceae) isa succulent annual weed. The whole plant
is used as a pot herb. The leaves are diuretic and used in edema and dropsy
due to various causes. Theroots possess cathartic and irritant properties.
Cercospora trianthemae Chiddarwar is reported to cause leaf spot in
Trianthema (Chiddarwar,1962). But the leaf spot disease occurring in Bar-
oda is found to be due to Fusarium sp.
The healthyleavesofTrianthemacontained6,7-dimethoxy-3,5,4’-
trihydroxyflavone, vanillic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, and phytoecdy-
sones. The diseased leaves, inaddition to these compounds, contained quer-
cetin and ferulic acid.By using drop diffusate technique it isfound that the
pathogen induces the formation of quercetin and -ferulic acid. The non-
pathogen Aspergillus niger failed to evoke any response in the healthy
leaves (Darshikaand Daniel, 1992).
Quercetin is found to inhibit spore germination of Fusarium at all
concentrations (33% at 200 ppm, 40% at 400 ppm, and 70% at IO00 ppm).
The germ tube growth also was found to decrease with increase in concen-
tration of quercetin.
A. Cordia myxa L.
Two trees growing side by side, one infested with Cuscuta and the other
noninfected, were taken up for chemical studies. The tree infected with
Cuscuta possessed dark green leaves but seldom bore flowers or fruits,
while the tree free of Cuscuta possessed pale green leaves and abundant
flowers and fruits. Even the diseases of the two plants were different. The
leaves of the Cuscuta-infested tree had small brown diseased spots caused
by Gleosporium sp. whilethe other tree contained grey blisters on the leaf
surface caused by Botryodiplodia sp.
On analysis,the leaves of noninfectedCordia yielded flavonols such as
quercetin, 7,3 '-diOMe quercetin, and 7,3 ',4'-triOMe quercetinand pheno-
lic acids like vanillic, p-hydroxybenzoic, melilotic, gentisic,
and p-coumaric
acids. They contained saponins and tannins also. The leaves the
of tree with
Cuscuta contained methoxyquercetins (7,3 '-diOMe and 7,3 '4"triOMe)
and syringic acid, ferulic acid, saponins,and tannins. The steroids of these
two plants (whichare being characterized) alsoare different. The study on
the barks also yielded similar results (Julie, unpublished).The phytoalexin
response of these plants is being investigated.
C. CIerodendroninerme Caertn
The plants with Cuscuta had white elliptic lesionsin the lamina caused by
AIternaria sp. whereasthe Clerodendron resistantto this parasite haddark
brown spots near the margin and near midrib causedby Cladosporium sp.
The leaves of the former plant contained very low amounts of 4'-OMe
apigeniii and 7,4'-OMe apigenin while the leaves of latter plant produced
large amountsof 4'-OMe apigenin and 7,4'-diOMe apigenin. The phenolic
acids, steroids, and alkaloids were same in both the trees. The bark of
548 Daniel
genin, and 4’-OMe apigenin, whereas the bark of the plant free of the
angiosperm parasite possessed apigenin and 4’-OMe apigenin in traces.
steroids of both the plants were different (Julie, unpublished).
The reactions of the 16 plants to the fungal invasion can be grouped into
three categories: 1.) demethylation of existing polyphenols, 2.) increase in
concentration of phenolics, and 3). production of new compounds. In al-
most all casesthe compounds converted/producedare phenolics, in which
flavonoids formthe major group followed by phenolic acids.
Phytoalexins of Economically
Important 549
The role of phenolics in the disease resistance of plants is proved beyond
doubt. Some of these compounds act as phytoalexins and others work
synergistically with the phytoalexins. The common flavonoids which are
widely distributed in plant kingdomare definitely involved in disease resis-
tance. Detailed studieson this aspect wouldbe conducted inour laboratory.
More and more plants are to be screened before drawing conclusions
on the distribution, properties, and metabolism of phytoalexins. The ten-
dency to describe phytoalexins asthe sole disease resistancefactors is to be
met with caution.It is definitely true that they form one of the very impor-
tant resistant factors of plants. They have a major defensiverolein a
number of angiosperms but in many others they may have a supportive
role. All these facts point to the highly complexnature of defense mecha-
nism of plants.
Our future work on Cuscuta would beto find out whether this plant or
any other angiosperm parasite induces phytoalexins on their hosts or not.
The induction of resistant factors in the hosts of Cuscuta also is to be
studied in detail. Another interesting feature to be probed is the nature of
relationship between Cuscuta and its hosts. It may be a case of symbiosis
I thank my research students (past and present) Joy Abraham, Darshika
Parikh, Chitra Arya, and Julie Sebastianfor permitting me to incorporate
their unpublished results in
this chapter.
Abraham, K.J. (1989). Phytoalexins and other post-infectional compoundsof some
economically important treesof Gujarat. PhD thesis, M.S.University, Baroda.
Phytoalexins of Economically
Important 551
The main objective of plant pathology is to control an increasing number
of diseases and to do so with maximal effectiveness. Since suitable resistant
varieties are neitheralwaysavailable nor availableagainstallkindsof
pathogens, the grower often is forced to resort to chemical control based
on the use of chemicals with direct toxic action on the pathogen. Such
control is mainly available against fungi, which constitute the most impor-
tant group amongthe plant pathogens. However, the lack of suitable fungi-
cides against someof the major fungal pathogensand particularly the eco-
logical hazards to which their regular and large-scale use may lead have
worried concerned scientists, prompting them to look for some suitable and
safer alternative approaches to plant diseasecontrol.
Mostplantshave a versatile,multicomponentdefense,adequately
equipped to provide them protection against most of their potential patho-
gens; only a few of them can overcomethis defense and cause disease. The
general assumptionis that varieties withina host speciesare resistant when
they possess oneor more resistantgenes and susceptible when they lack any
such gene. Plant defense primarily depends on some need-based dynamic
responses to attemptedinfection,mostly an induciblephenomenon,its
qualitative and quantitative aspects being regulated by, signals from the
invading pathogen. Even a susceptible host variety is neither completely
defenseless nor totally lacking in any genetic information for resistance.
Even sucha plant has itslatent defense potential, which finds expression at
certain growth stages and under certain stress conditions created during
cropping. This naturally led to the feeling that by manipulation of cropping
conditions or by creating certain stresses,it may be possibleto activate this
latent potential and put it into operation. In the background of great suc-
cess achieved with active immunization, based on specific antigen-antibody
reaction, in controlling some of the most serious human and animal dis-
556 Sinha
In spite of some anomalous results, there is now enough evidence
to accept
phytoalexins as a primaryfactorinplantdefense,mostlyagainsttheir
fungal pathogens. Theyare neither universal in occurrence nor responsible
558 Sinha
for host defense inall cases. Rapid production of phytoalexinand its early
accumulation to a toxic levelat the site of infection is now known to be the
basis of a major dynamic defense mechanism in many plants. About 300
phytoalexins have been characterized so far, mostly from dicotyledonous
plants, and many more, for which good evidence is available, still remain
to be characterized. Phytoalexins show great diversity in form, e.g., isofla-
vonoids, sesquiterpenoids, furanoterpenes, diterpenes, polyacetylenes, stil-
bene, etc. Some plant species produce more than one phytoalexin when
infected. In a particular host-pathogen interaction, generally one phyto-
alexin plays a dominant role. If the phytoalexin is removed from the af-
fected tissue, the normal resistance reaction is changed to a susceptible
reaction(KlarmanandGerdemann, 1963). Similarly,ifphytoalexinis
added to the site of infection, there is a change from susceptibleto resistant
host reaction (Chamberlain and Paxton, 1968). Because of their broad-
spectrumfungitoxicaction and diverseforms,alogicalconsequenceof
these studies was to explore if phytoalexins could be directly utilized to
protect plants from disease. However, few attempts were made in this direc-
tion and these did not indicate much promise in this respect. Weyrone could
provide only some protection to French bean from rust(Uromyces sp.) and
broad bean from chocolatespot (Botrytis fabae) (Fawcettet al., 1969)
diseases. Ward et al. (1975) reported good control of late blight to tomato
(Phytophthorainfestam) with capsidiol butthe protective effect lasted only
up to 8 days. Viniferin also protected vines from downy mildew (Plasmo-
para viticola) for only 7 days (Langcake, 1981). A direct comparison be-
tween seven isoflavonoid phytoalexins and two widely used fungicides, be-
nomyl and macozeb,ledRathmell and Smith (1980) to conclude that
phytoalexins have little commercial potentialfor direct use in plant disease
control like fungicides. This does not seem to be unlikely in view of their
mild toxicity, unstable nature, and lack of movement in the plant tissue.
Further, their complex ring structure does not make them suitable for easy
isolation fromthe reacting host tissueand low-cost synthetic processes.
Phytoalexin Elicitors
Elicitors are molecules of biotic origin
that signal plantsto begin the process
of phytoalexin biosynthesis. The fact that, besides the live inoculum of
pathogen, its cell-free mycelium extract, spore germination fluid, culture
filtrate, and so forth also induce phytoalexin synthesis makes this obvious.
Since this is an area of much activity, many reviews are available (Keen,
1975; Yoshikawa, 1978; Bailey, 1982; Darvill and Albersheim,1984; Dixon,
1986). Though the occurrence and functioning of elicitor-active compounds
and 559
Metal Salts
Among the metallic compounds, copper, zinc,and lithium saltsand boron
compounds have shown particularly good effect against many important
crop diseases, e.g., lithium salts on cereals against powdery mildews (sys-
temic) and rusts; copper salts against wheatrusts, brown spot of rice, and
of wheat and rust of
Verticilliumwilt of cotton; zinc salts against leaf rusts
linseed (Wain and Carter, 1972). Cupric chloride-induced resistance in cot-
ton against Verticillium wilt was associated with increased phytoalexin pro-
duction (Bell and Presley, 1969). Subramaniam (1963) achieved complete
control ofpigeonpeawilt. (Fusarium udum) byseed treatment, foliage
spray, or soil drench with100 ppm manganese sulfate. Additionof micro-
nutrients haveoften led to suppression of soil-borne pathogens, particularly
those causing vascular wilts.
Amino Acids
Among the amino acids screened for their possible suppressive effect on
plant diseases, some showed distinct promise, e.g., phenylalanine against
apple scab (Venturia inaequalis); serine and threonine against cucumber
scab (Cladosporium cucumerinum); serine against chocolate spot of bean
(Botrytis fabae);and some sulfur-containing amino acids against pea root
rot (Aphanomyces euteiches ) (VanAndel, 1966; see references). Effective
control of Fusarium wilt of tomato was achieved with root application of
methionine (Jones and Woltz, 1969) and phenylalanine (Carrasco et al.,
1978). In the later treatment, plants developed much increased phenol level.
Promising results were recorded with some amino acid derivatives also.
Presowing seed treatment with dodecyl-DL-alaninate provided rice plants
long-lasting systemic protection from blast disease (Arimoto et al., 1976).
Treatment with esters of N-allylglycine and N-allylsarcosine led tomato
plants to acquire strong resistance to Fusarium wilt; they responded to
infection with increased levels of phenolicsand stimulated peroxidase activ-
ity (Kirino et al., 1980).
Plant Growth Regulators
Plant growth regulators have been particularly effective against vascular
wilts, e.g., indoleacetic acid (IAA) 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D),
naphthaleneaceticacids (NAA), and 2,3,5-triiodobenzoicacid(TIBA)
against Fusarium wilt of tomato; I A A and naphthalene acetamide (NAM)
against Verticillium wiltof the same plant; 2,3,6-trichlorophenoxyacetic
acid (2,3,6-T), and halogenated benzoic acids against Dutch elm disease
(Ceratostomella ulmi);and benzoic acids, IAA, and TIBA against oak wilt
(Ceratocystis fagacearum) .(Wain and.Carter, 1972). In all such effective
treatments, plants showed inhibited growth. It has been suggestedthat these
and 561
Results presented so far, though often very significant and also suggestive
in nature from the perspective of plant disease control, mostly involved
one, rarely a few chemicals appliedto a plant host. There was little justifica-
tion in most casesfor selecting and using a particular chemical ona particu-
lar host against a disease. In that context, the studies conducted in our
laboratory are an exception. Studies conducted here for more than a decade
(and still continuing) have involved a large group of synthetic compounds,
tested on some important crop plants against some of their major fungal
pathogens with different levels of parasitic specialization,are more broad-
based in nature, and provide comprehensive information in the area of
and 563
crop plants against their fungal pathogens seemed worth exploring. De-
tailed observations are given disease-wise. Table l gives an approximate
idea of the magnitude of protective effect achieved against different crop
diseases with different compounds and Table 2 summarizes the nature of
changes in symptom expression achieved with strongly effective compounds
and the associated changes in host metabolism.
Brown Spot of Rice (Helminthosporium oryzae)
More than 50 compounds, mostly known phytoalexin inducersand a few
related compounds, had been testedon susceptible rice plants in different
pot experiments for their possible effectiveness against artificial inoculation
with the brown spot pathogen. In the initial experiments, plants were spray-
treated with aqueoussolutions of differentchemicals,most at M, and
a few at lower doses
M). Theconcentrationsinitially
were closeto their optimumfor phytoalexin induction in plants. Such treat-
ment, administered 2 days before challenge inoculation at the age of 3
weeks by spraying conidial suspension to the leaves till dripping, resulted in
appreciable reductions in leaf symptoms in most cases. Rarely, a compound
totally failed. Only those compounds which could reduce symptoms moder-
ately to considerably werefurther tested at a range of three concentrations,
most at and lo-’ M, and cycloheximide and growth regulators
at lo-’, and M.
Of the three
methods of application initially
tested-i.e., presowing seed treatmentby soaking seeds in chemical solution
for 24 hr, 24-hr rootdip of seedlings in chemical solution before transplant-
ing to field plots, and foliage spray 2 days prior to artificial inoculation-
wet seed treatment appearedto provide a more significant as well as a more
persistent protective effect. In all subsequent studies seed treatment was
used as the preferred modeof application.
In seed treatment, compounds such as lithiumsulfate, sodium selenite,
thioglycollic acid, L-cysteine, p-chloromercuricbenzoic acid (p-cmb), and
cycloheximideshowedsubstantialprotectiveactionagainstbrown spot.
Thesereducedleafsymptomsbymore than 70%. Compounds which
showedsomewhatlesspronounced but stillverysignificanteffects and
reduced symptoms by morethan 50% and up to 70% included ferric chlo-
ride, nickelnitrate, cadmium chloride, barium chloride, sodium molybdate,
sodium iodoacetate, IAA, 2,4-D, DL-methionine, and DL-nor-leucine (Giri
and Sinha, 1983a, b). With many of the above compounds, their induced
protective action appeared to be concentration-independent and showed
little relation to their in vitro fungitoxic action, if any. These treatments
adversely affectedboth the components of symptom expression witha sub-
stantially reduced lesion number and reduced lesion size. Treated plants
developed comparatively fewer lesions of large size groupsand many more
5 F
570 Sinha
Results from both pot and field experiments using a large and diverse group
of phytoalexin inducer chemicals, mostly in wet seed treatment, against
some important crop diseases of fungal origin establish beyonddoubt that
such treatments can provide a rational and safe alternativeto conventional
chemical control using toxic compounds like fungicides that act directly on
the pathogen. Based on these observations, the following generalizations
seem possible:
1. While most of the phytoalexin inducer chemicals tested have the
potential for providing some degree of protection to different plant species
from their fungal pathogens,when used at rather low concentrations
to M), many of them show substantial suppressive effects on symptom
expression and plant morality.
2. Resistance induced in a particular plant species by such treatment
appears to be broad spectrum innature and may be active againsta variety
of fungal pathogens with different modes of pathogenesis as well as differ-
ent levels of parasitic specialization. Many of the inducer compounds,dif-
ferent both in their chemicalnature and their biological action, if any, can
induce apparently similar resistance in a particular plant species against its
one or more pathogens. The same compoundmay also be active on more
than one plant species against their different pathogens.
3. For most of the effective compounds, the induced protectiveeffect
has little relation eitherto their in vitro toxicity(if any) or to their concen-
tration gradient. Some show their maximum effect at the lowest concentra-
tion tested, often as low as M.
576 Sinha
tive ones concomitantly induced new synthesis of RNA and protein and
increased PAL activity, and these were correlated with phytoalexin synthe-
sis (Hadwiger, 1971, 1972a, b; Hadwiger and Schwochau, 1970; Hess and
Hadwiger, 1971). It was concluded that such a property of the effective
compounds was related to their ability to bring about specific changes in
the conformation of host cell DNA by intercalating into it or complexing
with it. Heavy metals can also do the same job by complexing the host
DNA. However, most of the phytoalexin inducers we have used in our
attempts to induce resistancedo not have any abilityto complex with DNA
(Hadwiger, personal communication), except for chitosan which showed
very strong effect against all the diseases tested.It has a strong affinity with
cell DNA. Chitosan protects pea pod tissue from its pathogen, Fusarium
solani f.sp. pisi, as strongly as does prior inoculation withF. solani f.sp.
phaseoli, a nonpathogen.
Within 15 min of such treatment or inoculation withthe latter, chitosan
can be detected within host cell cytoplasm and nucleus. Chitosan induces in
pea tissue, besides phytoalexin production, increased protein synthesis and
PAL activity (Hadwigerand Beckman, 1980) as well as enhanced lignifica-
tion (Pearce and Ride, 1982)-all componentsof the host’s natural defense
response that are also induced by infection with F. solani fsp. phaseoli.
This shows that both biotically and chemically induced resistance function
almost similarly. In our extensive studies with phytoalexin inducer chemi-
cals for induction of host resistance in plants, it may seem quite natural to
place the major emphasis on phytoalexin as the causal factor. However,
most of them also coordinately induce the increased synthesis of phenolics,
particularly o-dihydroxyphenols, proteins, and lignin, and enhanced activ-
ity of PAL and PO (all componentsof both induced and natural resistance
in plants), thus broadening its scope of action. Some organic compounds
like probenazole, TEPA, and WL28325, notknownyetasphytoalexin
inducers, induce strong resistance in some crop plants, and the protected
plants respond to challenger pathogen with increased leveland/or activity
of some of the above defense components including phytoalexin synthesis
(Vo-Thi-Hai et al., 1979; Iwata et al., 1980; Cartwright et al., 1980; Shi-
mura et al., 1981). This does not happen in all cases. Phytoalexin inducer
compounds may have certain advantages over others as the effective in-
ducer of resistance because they stimulate early protein synthesis and PAL
activity, a key enzyme in aromatic metabolism that regulates not only syn-
thesis of some phytoalexinsbut also that of many toxic phenolsand lignin.
Increased protein synthesis constitutes one of the responses of many
plants with SAR to infection with their pathogen. This may involve in-
creased synthesis of existing protein or de novo synthesis of some new
protein including pathogenesis-related protein(s) (PR protein). Such pro-
580 Sinha
teins have been reported from tobacco and some other plants acquiring
SAR (mostly against viral pathogens) by treatment with acetylsalicylic acid,
aspirin, benzoic acid,2,4-D, IAA, polyacrylic acid, etc. (Bozarthand Ford,
1988 and references therein). Some of them belong to know class of pro-
teins, such as chitinase, p-l,3-glucanase, etc., with suggested involvement
in induced resistance,but not with any clear evidence. Further evidence of
possible involvement of proteins in induction of resistance in plants came
from studies on the antigenic relationship between host cultivars and patho-
gen, commonness in antigenic protein standing for compatibility, and dis-
parity for incompatibility between them (Doubly et al., 1960; DeVay and
Adler, 1976). Investigations on chemically induced resistance in rice-Hel-
minthosporium oryzae (Hait, 1982), pigeon pea-Fusarium udum (Maity,
1991), soybean-Macrophomina phaseolina (Chakrabortyand Purkayastha,
1987)/Colletotrichum dematium (Purkayastha and Bannerjee, 1990)
showed that a susceptible plant acquiring resistance lost all or some of the
antigenic proteinsit had in common with the pathogen, indicatinga shift to
reduced compatibility, but also developed (in rice and pigeon pea) one or
more new proteins correspondingto some constitutively present in resistant
plant, indicating a shift to greater resistance. Since alteration of specific
antigen@) ina susceptible host plant by chemical treatment appears to be
linked with induced resistance, their immunochemical identification and
regulation may provide a basis for their use in plant disease control. Pur-
kayastha (1973) suggested a close relation between antigens, phytoalexins,
and disease resistance.
Recognition of the potential pathogen by the host at the pathogen
elicitor-host receptor level as “nonself” is deemed as the primary eventthat
triggers a cascade of host responses leadingto the expression of resistance
(Callow, 1977; Yoshikawa, 1983). In the case of SAR in tomato to Phy-
tophthora sp. (Vo-Thi-Hai et al., 1979) and in rice to Pyricularia oryzae
(Sekizawa and Mase, 1980) developed,respectively, by treatmentwith
TEPA and probenazole,ithasbeensuggested that specific structural
changes at the host-receptor surface following chemical treatment make
such recognition of the pathogen by the susceptible plant possible. No
clear evidence is available in support; however, the fact that many of the
compounds can induce effective resistance in one or more plant species
against oneor more of their pathogens makes specific structural changes at
the receptor level that would allow such recognition seem unlikely.
It is evident from the various observationsthat even susceptible plants
having no gene for resistance specifically active againsta particular patho-
gen have some genetic information for a generalized resistance against most
of its pathogen. Such defense normally remains latent but can be activated
by prior restricted inoculation withan infectious agentor treatment with a
and 581
Immunity providesthe best form of defensefor a plant. Substantial experi-
mental findings leave littledoubt about the fact that strong systemic resis-
tance of a lasting nature can be induced in a susceptible plant cultivar
against its pathogen by prior restricted inoculation with infectious agents
of both homologous and heterologous nature, prior treatment with fluids
containing their metabolites or cell constituents, or even treatment with
synthetic chemicals. With its systemic and persistent nature, time depen-
dence for optimization of the effect, and dynamic response to challenge
with the pathogen, if and when that would occur, such biologically or
582 Sinha
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