Linux Interview Questions
Linux Interview Questions
Linux Interview Questions
Interview questions
Q2 Tell me Boot Process?
Q3 How to Configure MySQL in Linux?
Q3 If I have directory name like example xyz in that directory there
many files & sub directory but I want to (delete only sub
directories) no files from xyz directory how I can do that?
Q4 Tell me the Package name of DNS?
Q5. What is the name of configuration file of DNS & where it's
Q6 What is the Port No of FTP
Q7 What is Port No of NFS
Q8 What is Port No of Samba
Q9 What is Port No of Apache
Q10 What is Port No of DNS
Q11 What is A record & AAAA record?
Q12 what is zone in DNS
Interview questions
1. Tell me about yourself.
2. Difference between hard link and soft link?
3. How to work sticky bit?
4. How to lvm extend?
5os patching step by step?
6. How to check ram?
7. Explain top command, what is pairamiter?
8. Crontab files?
9. Which file system used in rhel7?
10. If want extend the file system what is command?
Interview questions
1) Tell me something about yourself
2) Role and Responsibilities
3) Boot process
4) LVM
5) How we can take remote backup and 3rd party tool for same
6) What is LDAP and requirement?
7) Windows knowledge
8) What is AD and purpose of AD?
9) What is SSH and port No
10) What if I don't have Internet connectivity so how can I patch
Interview questions
1. What is the use of cut command in linux
2. What needs to be done before you can run a shell from a
command line
3. How do you access command line arguments from within shell
4. How to execute privileged command on linux
5. It is possible to substitute ls command with 'echo' command
6. What is the use of $ in shell scripting
7. How to use agruments in script and print it
8. How to check if file exists in a shell script
9. What is the equivalent of a file shortcut that we have on window
on a linux
10. How can you find out how long sysyten been running
11. How will you copy a file from one machine to another
12. By which command you monitor continuously updating log file
13. How you find the disk space usage details of all the file system
on machine
14. What command will you use to find whether a particular file
exists in system
15. How to check CPU and memory usage of a process in system
16. How to stop a process
17. How to create an empty file
18. How to create and remove directories
19. How to rename a file or shift its location from one directory to
20. How to see what file contains without using vi editor
21. How to get help or details for any command in the linux
22. What is the command to change the users passwd in linux
[15/09, 5:58 am] सचिन ये वले : Interview questions
1. create blank file using command?
2. Difference between hardlink and symlink?
3. find total link files in your machine?
4. Run cron job on every Monday to Friday?
5 . Run cron job On month of 1st Monday and last Friday ?
5. How to take remote of another machine ? Using command?
6. Hardlink and symlink command?
[15/09, 5:58 am] सचिन ये वले : tell me about yourself ?
1)what is top command ?
2)How to create the shell script in Linux | How to run shell script in
Linux ?
3)How to Use Command Line Arguments in a Bash Script ?
4)how to execute cmd in privileges linux ?
5How to Check if a File or Directory Exists in Bash?
6)How do I print all arguments submitted on a command line from
a bash script?
7)What is pid in Linux ?
8)What is used ' ' and " " in shell scripting?
9)Cut command use in Linux?
10)How to create and use alias command in Linux ?
11)You are logged in to a Linux system, how will you change your
12)How to file rename and transfer one machine to another?
13)disk space usage cmd?
14)What is the use of $ in shell scripting ?
[15/09, 5:58 am] सचिन ये वले : Interview questions
1) what is configuration of nfs.
2)what is lock file in nfs and http?
3)what is will you do if server utilization is high.
4) what you will do if server down for 2 hr and running fine. in that
case what will do
5) what is daily activities in current organization?
5) do you know the raid configuration on single server and how
many disk required for raid 5 configuration?
[15/09, 5:58 am] सचिन ये वले : Interview questions
1) what is daily activities in current organization?
2) what command for memory utilization?
3)boot process
4)what are run level in Linux?
5)what are troubleshooting you have performed ?
[15/09, 5:58 am] सचिन ये वले : Interview questions
1. What are the files systems available in Linux?
2.which is main directory in linux?
3. how to extend partition in lvm?
4.what is top cmd?
5.what is rpm?
6.what are the tools we use in linux to configure packages?
7.Explain runlevels in Linux
8. What is export?
9. What is fstab? Use of fstab?
10. What are the default directories in linux?
11. Can root change the password of normal user?
12. Cmd for password change of user
13. Default partitions in linux?
14. What is the use of swap?
[15/09, 5:58 am] सचिन ये वले : Interview Questions