F3Ferg 0713
F3Ferg 0713
F3Ferg 0713
Fatality Prevention
Findings From the 2012 Forum
By Jan K. Wachter and Lon H. Ferguson
2-day fatality prevention forum showcases and breakout sessions. The
was held in late October 2012 to breakout sessions served to document
examine the nature and cause of actual best practices used to prevent fa-
fatalities in the workplace and recom- talities and serious injuries (FSIs) as they
mended prevention strategies. It was relate to one of these areas:
a natural extension of the 2007 Fatality •leadership and organizational attri-
Prevention Forum (Cekada, Janicak & butes;
Ferguson, 2009). The 2012 forum had •developing a risk profile;
these objectives: •effective risk assessment method-
1) Identify practical approaches a fa- ologies;
cility can use to develop a risk profile. •managing the contractor/contracted
2) Recognize the most effective lead- services risk;
ership styles and organizational attri- •effective control for high-risk tasks.
butes necessary for a fatality prevention
effort, including (but not limited to) Presentation Highlights
training, root-cause analysis and em- Several key themes emerged, as re-
ployee engagement. flected in the findings presented in se-
3) Determine the role of human perfor- lect presentations (Fisher, 2012; Krause,
mance concepts in preventing fatalities, 2012; Newell, Comingore, Murray, et
especially as it relates to human-systems al., 2012).
integration and the recognition/elimina-
tion of error precursors.
4) Evaluate the influence of a person’s IN BRIEF
perception of risk, the required mental •Indiana University of Pennsylvania, in cooperation with
and physical aspects of the task, latent Alcoa Foundation, DuPont Sustainable Solutions, Edison
conditions and performance modes as Mission Group and U.S. Steel, hosted an international 2-day
they relate to fatality prevention. forum to study the nature and cause of workplace fatalities,
5) Discover best practices, innovative as well as to recommend prevention strategies.
technological concepts and tools that •Three key findings emerged:
have the potential to transform the abil- 1) A new measure, the fatalities and serious injuries (FSI)
ity to identify, assess, mitigate or elimi- potential rate, is being advocated for use in measuring an
nate the risk of fatal and life-altering organization’s risk for having FSIs.
injuries. 2) To reduce FSIs, organizations need to identify, under-
6) Identify areas of future safety re- stand and control the precursors of all incidents that have
search and public policy that could drive the potential to cause FSIs.
significant improvement in the ability to 3) Management of risk associated with FSI precursors
predict and prevent fatalities. must occur at the task level—individual tasks must be ana-
These objectives were met through lyzed and controlled for their FSI potential.
a series of presentations, best practices
Jan K. Wachter, Sc.D., CSP, CIH, is an associate professor in the Lon H. Ferguson, Ed.D., CSP, is a professor of safety sciences at
Safety Sciences Department at Indiana University of Pennsylvania IUP and chairs the university’s Safety Sciences Department. He holds
(IUP). He hold a B.S. in Biology, an M.S. in Environmental Health, a B.S. and an M.S. in Safety Sciences from IUP, and an Ed.D. from
and an M.B.A. and a Sc.D. in Environmental Health from Univer- University of Pittsburgh. Ferguson is currently vice president of BCSP
sity of Pittsburgh. He also holds degrees in theology. Before joining and is a member of ASSE’s Educational Standards Committee. He is
academia, Wachter was employed by Fortune 100 companies and the a past recepient of ASSE’s William E. Tarrants Safety Educator of the
U.S. Department of Energy. He is a professional member of ASSE’s Year Award. Ferguson is a professional member of ASSE’s Western
Western Pennyslvania Chapter and a member of the Society’s Aca- Pennsylvania Chapter and a member of the Society’s Academics
demics Practice Specialty. Practice Specialty.
Note. Adapted from “Best Practices Showcase: Alcoa Inc.,” by J. Shockey, 2012, presentation at Fatality Prevention
Forum 2012, Coraopolis, PA, USA.
The firm systemically identifies risks by reporting, 9) Change management matters at all levels of
reviewing and analyzing past major incidents, in- the organization.
cluding those without injury, using a risk assessment 10) Organizations must capture institutional
tool to develop a fatality risk profile, and recording knowledge about hazards and risks to advance the
identified risks in a database. Workers (and contrac- next generation’s chance for success.
tors) are empowered to stop work if an unaccept-
able risk cannot be effectively reduced or controlled. Life-Changing Injury & Fatality Elimination
In addition, the company implements concepts such According to Williams (2012), over a 10-year
as LOP, improved causal factors analysis and a focus period, International Paper has experienced a sig-
on the high-risk tasks of the day. The company also nificant decrease in total injuries (56%), yet seri-
acknowledges the presence of human performance ous injuries have not declined proportionately
triggers and traps (“To err is human: look for it, plan (33%). To address this issue, in 2010, the company
for it, defend against it”) and uses human perfor- launched LIFE, a multiyear effort to identify and
mance tools in particular to defend against human mitigate the potential hazards and risks that lead
error (Wachter & Yorio, 2013). to FSIs. LIFE stands for life-changing injury and
The company also has institutionalized a lessons fatality elimination, and the organization has set a
learned program. Shockey (2012) shares these top LIFE goal of zero.
10 lessons from Alcoa’s fatality prevention journey: A LIFE incident is defined as a fatality, amputa-
1) Have a plan (roadmap). Knowing a company’s tion or an injury that results in 14 or more calendar
risk profile provides focus and direction to the plan. days away from work and involves organ damage,
2) Manage the exposures (predictive), not the concussion or other brain trauma, bone fracture,
outcomes. crushing injury, degloving, and/or serious second-
3) Senior leadership sets the tone. or third-degree burns.
4) Organizations cannot prevent fatalities with- The strategy has nine components:
out engaging those who perform the work. 1) Communicate effectively.
5) Developing workers’ hazard recognition and 2) Engage stakeholders.
risk assessment skills is essential. Actively looking for 3) Make safety a core value.
hidden potentials must be a daily, sustained focus. 4) Learn from past mistakes (called LIFE les-
6) Fatalities occur at the task level and are influ- sons).
enced by multiple causal factors. 5) Benchmark best practices.
7) Relying on a single LOP for high-risk tasks 6) Use manufacturing excellence tools, project
makes an organization vulnerable. teams and be data driven.
8) Individual perception of risk is often biased 7) Train and educate on LIFE (e.g., LIFE leader
and limited by personal experiences. guide, LIFE newsletter).
www.asse.org JULY 2013 ProfessionalSafety 45
8) Change the way that safety performance is KCC is pursuing a dual-path strategy for preven-
measured (use leading indicators). tion based on risk assessment and mitigation (Figure
9) Be global (in terms of engagement). 3, p. 44). For low-severity exposure, risk assessment
To learn from past mistakes, LIFE lessons (a one- is a function of severity and experience-based likeli-
page summary of incident investigation findings hood; risk mitigation steps can be selected from the
and corrective actions) are distributed throughout low to middle order from the control hierarchy. For
the company. likely precursors to FSIs, risk assessment is a func-
According to Williams (2012), incident analysis tion of severity and control-based likelihood; risk
under this program has led to the creation of focus mitigation should involve LOP selected from the
areas based on their contribution percentage to LIFE upper levels of the control hierarchy.
events: machine guarding, 30%; falls, 27%; other KCC’s fatality prevention structure (Figure 5,
(e.g., primarily acute trauma due to material han- p. 48) has as its foundation a code of conduct, glob-
dling), 18%; motorized equipment, 17%; harmful al SH&E policy and a safety management system.
substances or environments, 6%; and driver safety, From this structure, the following activities are di-
2%. Project teams were formed to focus on these five rected to achieve zero injuries and fatalities: apply-
focus areas. For example, in the motorized equip- ing learnings from failures in safety systems and
ment focus area, several initiatives were conducted processes; mitigating recognized hazards through
or implemented in 2011: pedestrian safety training, adherence to robust internal standards; and build-
traffic flow risk assessments, motorized equipment ing SH&E capability through education and prac-
operator training and collision avoidance systems. tical training, including global rollout of employee
Results of adopting this strategy have shown and leadership-specific sentinel event hazard recog-
steady progress in reducing LIFE events over the nition training.
previous 2 years, Williams (2012) reports. One rea- A part of the implementation strategy is to con-
son the process has succeeded is that senior man- duct sentinel event training pilots for all business
agement views fatalities and fatality potential on a units and to revise its safety management system.
personal, individualized level. This entailed revising key safety performance stan-
dards that affect control of sentinel event hazards;
Controlling Sentinel Event Hazards a refocused scope of global management system
Since 1970, 125 employees have died on the job assessments on these performance standards; and
across all business units at Kimberly-Clark Corp. embracing sentinel event reporting (e.g., KCC has
(KCC) (Jacobi, 2012). From 1997 until 2009, KCC a dedicated input interface as part of global safety
experienced an average of two fatal injuries per reporting process).
year, leading it to embark on a journey to reduce According to Jacobi (2012), a key strategy involves
the number of fatalities. communications such as global deployment of
A primary KCC message is that prevention of fa- e-newsletters, mini-posters and hazard bulletins for
talities requires some process for predicting their eight sentinel event hazard categories. Other com-
occurrence (Jacobi, 2012). An organization can- munication essentials are CEO and executive line
not identify the characteristics and causes of fatal of sight on measureable objectives, a dedicated in-
events until it measures and trends loss incidents tranet (SharePoint) site for tools (solutions), a web-
that, while not resulting in a fatality, could have. based reporting interface with database used for
The first key realization is that data analysis sug- trends, and a global communications plan linked to
gests that fatal and near-fatal events at KCC can message branding. From July 2009 to the date of this
be classified into priority groups (called sentinel writing is the longest period in more than 40 years
event hazards) with predictive power. Based on an without an employee or contractor fatality in a KCC
analysis of fatal and near-fatal events from 1999 to manufacturing facility or distribution center.
2008, KCC identified and categorized the following
sentinel event hazards: Best Practices Breakout Sessions
•contact with energy equipment (26.2%); Leadership & Organizational Attributes
•transportation (road) (16.7%); The first best practice focuses on leadership in-
•lift-truck events (14.3%); volvement in serious injury/fatality investigations
•falls (14.3%); and their follow-ups leading to the implementa-
•fires and explosions (9.5%); tion of corrective and preventive actions. In this
•electrical contact (arc potential) (7.1%); case, it entails a team process. A root-cause analy-
•confined space operation (7.1%); sis incident investigation begins immediately; the
•falling objects (4.8%). executive review team visits site within 2 weeks of
The second key realization is that addressing incident; the team reviews completed investiga-
fatalities is a different problem set and requires a tion report, as well as recommended interim and
different approach (Jacobi, 2012). The company long-term corrective actions; the team determines
recognizes that fatality elimination is a separate but application to other lines of business within the
parallel effort to injury elimination. This approach company; the team develops communications plan
is based on the research and publications of Manu- for sharing lessons learned; the team conducts pe-
ele (2008) and others who suggest that efforts to riodic reviews of status of corrective actions with
reduce incidents and using traditional measures of the business unit executive; and a senior executive
severity do not address issues leading to death. (e.g., EVP, COO, CEO) visits the site of the event
46 ProfessionalSafety JULY 2013 www.asse.org
initially and 6 months after to increase active, vis- change processes, particularly for situations involv-
ible leadership. ing high-risk work systems, settings and activities.
Another best practice involves reducing risk Since innovation is fundamental to developing new
through pretask hazard assessments/prejob briefs, technologies, products and processes that sustain
in which senior management takes an active role in business growth, the addition of new technologies
high-risk area management. By taking a few min- or changes to familiar core business manufacturing
utes before performing tasks, potential hazards are operations often introduces new or unfamiliar haz-
identified and steps necessary for avoiding them ards. Process change must be managed to control
are outlined. Pretask hazard assessments increase
safety awareness, thus decreasing operational risk.
this risk.
A procedural checklist for risk management is
To prevent
Here’s the typical process: another best practice in use. It is important to eval- FSIs, an
1) Before performing work, supervisors and uate the quality of such checklists and compliance organization
workers meet to discuss the assigned task, its ob-
jectives and its hazards to clearly understand what
with their use in the execution of both routine and
complex high-risk procedures and tasks.
must look
to accomplish and what to avoid. Developing and consistently applying standard- at all of its
2) The briefing is a structured, risk-based review ized, valid and reliable quantitative tools for rou- incidents
of the work activity from a human performance
perspective to enhance workers’ situational aware-
tine assessment of organizational exposure to FSIs
at the site, process and task levels is also consid-
and assess
ness (mental model) before they start to work. A ered a best practice. The tool incorporates input their poten-
pretask hazard assessment/brief provides the op- from all major stakeholders as well as specialized tial for lead-
portunity to ensure understanding of the task’s
scope, limits, precautions, hazards and responsibil-
external expertise as appropriate.
The processes covered provide useful means of
ing to FSIs.
ities. It also provides a forum to ask questions and assessing risk profile pre- and postintervention
raise concerns, and to use operating experience to (e.g., introduction of controls), and reflecting se-
identify error precursors and flawed defenses. verity potential with and without controls. Initial
Another best practice involves leadership think- risk is assessed assuming no controls are present.
ing outside the box and emphasizes several factors: Potential risk is assessed assuming all listed con-
1) integrating safety/leadership in engineering trols are in place. The difference between these
and business curricula; 2) integrating safety in the assessments indicates the effectiveness of risk re-
strategic decision-making planning processes; duction (helpful in communicating the importance
3) preserving corporate memory; 4) allocating safe- of controls to employees and useful as an audit
ty capital; and 5) using risk tolerance screening. tool). Contractors should be required to implement
Improving management systems is another best similar procedures.
practice. Specifically, this entails using the strength- Some organizations apply personality inven-
of-defense matrix (e.g., prevention through design, tory methods for workers involved in high-risk
engineering controls, administrative/procedural work processes. This provides a basis for coaching
controls, administrative/behavioral controls) to as- decision-making strategies appropriate to the level
sess and manage risk. of potential risk. One assessment tool being used
In addition, the SH&E profession needs to iden- generates a safety insight report. This report inven-
tify a new set of metrics or measurements relevant tories a worker’s characteristics along a continuum
to FSI prevention. These metrics include: 1) mea- related to reasoning (open-minded vs. cautious;
suring precursors, such as employees observ- taking chances vs. being conservative; analytical
ing the risk, and using potential severity incident vs. intuitive), emotion (emotional vs. calm; overly
rates (whereby incidents are ranked based on their confident vs. coachable; impatient vs. patient), and
potential for ending up as a serious event in the personality (spontaneous vs. deliberate; expedient
future); 2) measuring engagement; 3) classifying vs. rule oriented; distractible vs. focused; impulsive
risks; 4) using raw numbers, not the rates; and vs. detailed).
5) assessing wellness indicators. These metrics dif- The basis of inventorying reasoning, emotional
fer from traditional lagging indicators, preventive and personality characteristics is that they influence
action tracking and serious event focus, including behaviors. Related to this practice is the idea to de-
fatality assessments. velop and apply methods for determining cognitive
and physical capabilities of individuals assigned to
Developing a Risk Profile perform high-risk procedures and tasks. An orga-
In this context, a risk profile is associated with nization would then reassign workers whose capa-
an organization’s exposure to FSIs. Risk profiles bilities do not fit high-risk task requirements.
should be determined by applying valid and reli- One other best practice involves the develop-
able methods (e.g., measuring FSI potential risk, ment and reinforcement of the use of real-time
not risk of minor injuries, lost-time injuries) and hazard assessment reporting and rating forms.
techniques (e.g., providing consistent results if An example is the HIRAC-lite approach used for
applied by multiple people at the same time and nonroutine or infrequent tasks. A checklist, with
place). Risk profiles are determined at the site, pro- color-coded (red/yellow/green questions to iden-
cess, task and individual levels. tify hazards and controls, is provided on a pocket
Let’s highlight five best practices. The first deals card for use on the job site.
with evaluating the quality of management of
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Figure 5
Fatality Prevention Structure
step level. Risk assessments typically are
conducted at the system, hazard and task
level, but rarely at the specific critical step:
systems hazard task critical step
A critical step is the unrecoverable step
in a task; if it fails, an FSI may result.
Managing the Contractor/
Contracted Services Risk
Several best practices aim to expand
contractors’ abilities to assess the risk they
bring to a host employer’s site. It is also
noted that the prequalification process
does not always lead to selection of the
best contractor due to the 1) need to se-
lect less-than-perfect vendors; 2) limited
vendor pool; or 3) no choice on vendor
selection. The knowledge/awareness gap
Note. Adapted from “Best Practices Showcase: Introducing a Global Fatality Prevention places both a contractor’s and an employ-
Strategy—Progress to Date, Kimberly-Clark,” by D. Jacobi, 2012, presentation at Fatality er’s workers at risk for FSIs since many
Prevention Forum 2012, Coraopolis, PA, USA. contractors perform work that occurs
during nonroutine operations or conduct
high-risk tasks that a host employer’s per-
KCC’s fatal- Effective Risk Assessment Methodologies sonnel are not qualified or do not wish to perform.
ity prevention An organization must address inherent risk at Some companies use tools that require contrac-
structure has as its various stages of work planning and execution. tors to perform a risk assessment before starting a
foundation a code This can be achieved using three different ap- job task in order to increase contractors’ level of
of conduct, global proaches: risk perception. Others believe a host employer
SH&E policy and a 1) systems-based approach that requires the or- should use contract mechanisms to manage con-
safety management ganization to assess and prioritize its safety man- tractor risk. The contract can specify controls that
system. From this agement system on an ongoing basis; flow directly from the scope of work. Most believe
structure, many 2) hazard-based approach that begins with the it is also essential to monitor contractors while on
other activities are hazardous characteristics of the materials, environ- site, since highest risk is present during work.
pursued to achieve ment or work site, considering the possible activi- Several methods can be used to identify, assess,
zero injuries and ties that may affect them and the consequences; mitigate or eliminate the risk of fatal and life-alter-
fatalities. 3) task-based approach that begins with a job, ing injuries. These include a process for mentoring
breaks it into specific tasks, identifies associated deficient contractors so that they can continue to
hazards, then assesses the risks. be hired. This is essential in environments where
During this breakout session, 16 best practices the contractor pool is limited or in countries where
were shared. Several of them adopt and/or adapt a a host employer may have no say in contractor
traditional risk matrix to qualitatively and/or quan- selection. In addition, some are empowering em-
titatively assess risk level as described in Appendix ployees to take responsibility for monitoring con-
F of ANSI/AIHA/ASSE Z10-2012, Occupational tractors while on site and providing methods for
Health and Safety Management Systems. A com- them to report unsafe practices and conditions to a
mon element throughout the best practices is a high contractor or host employer manager for correction
level of employee involvement in assessing risk. rather than allowing the behavior or condition to
Five practices identified to be best overall in ad- continue. Another practice involves in-person vis-
dressing risk at the systems, hazard or task level its by senior management to convey a strong mes-
had several common characteristics: sage about contractor performance expectations.
1) an internal system to communicate lessons Due to the lack of consistent control measures to
learned across their organizations; manage known high-risk activities, some of which
2) status tracking of outstanding corrective or are known to result in fatalities, another approach is
preventive actions as a result of risk assessment to standardize required controls for both employees
activities; and contractors who perform tasks within the scope
3) targeted training being demanded; of a global safe-permit-to-work program.
4) high level of management/labor cooperation;
5) employee participation; Effective Control for High-Risk Tasks
6) risk assessment authority being delegated to Four of the top five best practices for control-
the appropriate level of management to ensure ling high-risk tasks utilize a risk assessment matrix,
process completion and success. color-coding (red/yellow/green), and a checklist or
Most participants recognized that many of these hazard pictogram methodology to address potential
best practices lack an effective tool for worker/ human performance issues specific to a worker’s
supervisor/planner risk assessment at the critical assigned task. Frontline employees are often in-
48 ProfessionalSafety JULY 2013 www.asse.org
For More Information
Find more information about the 2012 Fatality Prevention Forum,
including PowerPoint files for all of the presentations and descrip-
volved in the internal development of the prejob
tions of best practices, at www.iup.edu/page.aspx?id=128336.
hazard recognition and evaluation tools. For each
Additional related information on the human performance
best practice that addresses the issue of worker risk
approach to managing organizational and human error can be
recognition and evaluation, training is mandatory to
found in Human Performance Tools: Engaging Workers as the Best
ensure that workers understand they have authority
Defense Against Errors & Error Precursors, by J.K. Wachter & P.L.
to stop any job recognized to be unsafe.
Yorio, Professional Safety, February 2013, pp. 54-64.
None of the best practices specifically addresses
the process of identifying and evaluating the critical
task (unrecoverable step) in a job process, which if it ee engagement is critical to identify and manage
fails has a high probability to result in a serious injury precursors (e.g., unmitigated high-risk situations,
or fatality. Effective risk assessment methodologies high-risk activities) that lead to high potential
could be developed to help work planners, schedul- events that lead to negative outcomes. Equally im-
ers, managers, supervisors, crew leaders and workers portant is senior management’s ability to see the
to identify the critical step(s) in a job packet and the specifics behind the typical rates reviewed at high
high-potential/high-severity hazard(s) associated corporate levels—that real people comprise these
with the critical step(s). Effective risk assessment rates, each with a different background story that
methodologies would evaluate the hazard, then needs to be heard and addressed.
eliminate or control the risk at an acceptable level. Several gaps in current knowledge and practice
require future research and discussion:
Conclusion 1) implementing a management system specifi-
The pressing issue for many industries is that cally for FSI;
while overall OSHA injury and illness rates have 2) defining and effectively using FSI leading in-
dropped dramatically in recent years, FSIs have not dicators;
experienced a similar decline. To address this di- 3) incorporating human factors (such as error
lemma, several themes were common among the proofing, literacy, training and qualifications, and
presentations, best practice showcases and break- fitness for duty) into management systems;
out sessions. The major theme was that to prevent 4) using safety considerations in strategic-level
FSIs, an organization must look at all of its inci- decision making;
dents and assess their potential for leading to FSIs. 5) making the critical step the next logical pro-
At this forum, many presenters and organizations gression in the risk assessment process. PS
advocated tracking potential FSIs as an important
new performance measure. This measure has both References
lagging and leading characteristics. Cekada, T.L., Janicak, C.A. & Ferguson, L.H. (2009,
Not all incidents are equal in their FSI potential, March). Preventing occupational fatalities: A review
and it appears that reducing minor incidents will of findings from a recent industry forum. Professional
not necessarily reduce serious and fatal incidents Safety, 54(3), 29-32.
proportionately. Thus, the traditional Heinrich Fisher, R. (2012). Keys to improving work methods/
model and supporting principles have been de- instruction. Presentation at Fatality Prevention Forum
termined to be descriptive, but not predictive, in 2012, Coraopolis, PA, USA.
nature. Once potential FSIs are identified, an or- Jacobi, D. (2012). Best practices showcase: Introduc-
ganization can determine classes/characteristics of ing a global fatality prevention strategy: Progress to
date, Kimberly-Clark. Presentation at Fatality Preven-
activities or situations associated with these poten-
tion Forum 2012, Coraopolis, PA, USA.
tial FSIs, and investigate mitigation options. These Krause, T. (2012). New perspectives in fatality and
classes/characteristics are precursors to FSIs and serious injury prevention. Presentation at Fatality Pre-
must be aggressively managed. vention Forum 2012, Coraopolis, PA, USA.
In terms of risk assessment and mitigation, a dual- Manuele, F.A. (2008). Advanced safety management
track prevention strategy is proposed: one track for focusing on Z10 and serious injury prevention. Hoboken,
less-serious personal safety hazards (low-severity NJ: Wiley.
exposure) and another track for hazards with poten- Murray, G. (2012). Best practices showcase: Exxon
tial to cause serious injury and death. For low-sever- Mobil Corp. Presentation at Fatality Prevention Forum
ity exposure, risk assessment would be a function of 2012, Coraopolis, PA, USA.
Newell, S., Comingore, R., Murray, G., et al.
severity and experience-based likelihood; risk miti- (2012). A model for fatality and serious injury preven-
gation steps would then be selected from the low tion. Presentation at Fatality Prevention Forum 2012,
to middle order of the control hierarchy. For likely Coraopolis, PA, USA.
precursors to fatal or serious injury, risk assessment Shockey, J. (2012). Best practices showcase: Alcoa.
would be a function of severity and control-based Presentation at Fatality Prevention Forum 2012,
likelihood; risk mitigation would involve LOP se- Coraopolis, PA, USA.
lected from the upper levels of the control hierarchy. Wachter, J.K. & Yorio, P.L. (2013, Feb.). Hu-
It also appears that management of risk associat- man performance tools: Engaging workers as the best
ed with FSI precursors must occur at the task level; defense against errors and error precursors. Professional
Safety, 57(2), 54-64.
individual tasks must be analyzed and controlled
Williams, J. (2012). Best practices showcase: Interna-
for their FSI potential. As a part of this analysis, tional Paper. Presentation at Fatality Prevention Forum
critical steps associated with these tasks must be 2012, Coraopolis, PA, USA.
understood and controlled. Additionally, employ-
www.asse.org JULY 2013 ProfessionalSafety 49