Spa Applicant Guide Rics
Spa Applicant Guide Rics
Spa Applicant Guide Rics
Applicant guide
August 2019
Published by: RICS, Parliament Square, London SW1P 3AD.
All rights in this publication, including full copyright or publishing right, content and design, are owned by
RICS, except where otherwise described. Any dispute arising out of this publication is subject to the law and
jurisdiction of England and Wales
Section one
Eligibility.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Senior profile .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
RICS pathway........................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Senior professional competencies................................................................................................................................................... 7
Section two
Vetting........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Application form.................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Checklist ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Section three
Ethics .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Ethics module ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Plagiarism.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Section four
Submission ............................................................................................................................................................................................10
Case studies ...........................................................................................................................................................................................10
Continuing professional development (CPD) record ............................................................................................................. 11
You must have 10 years’ relevant experience. Behaviours The RICS competencies are not only a list of tasks
This is reduced to 5 years if you have an or functions, they are also based upon attitudes
With your senior profile you should be able to
undergraduate degree (or equivalent professional and behaviours.
demonstrate how you:
qualification) and a relevant post-graduate degree RICS has drawn up competencies in a generic way
(master’s level or higher). • pursue opportunities to develop the industry
so that they can be applied to different areas of
and profession
practice and geographical locations. It is important
Senior profile •
advocate best practice standards
take responsibility to deliver professionalism
that you interpret them within the context of your
own area of practice or specialism and geography.
The definition, indicators and behaviours are • act with integrity to promote responsible
The competencies are in three distinct categories:
designed to frame how you can demonstrate business
Mandatory competencies – personal,
your senior profile.
interpersonal, professional practice and business
Note: You are required to demonstrate at least
skills common to all pathways and compulsory for
Definition one behaviour.
all candidates.
An individual with advanced responsibilities
Technical competencies which are split into:
who is recognised for their impact and career
RICS pathway
progression within the profession. • Core competencies – primary skills of your
chosen pathway
Indicators RICS professionals work within a variety of • Optional competencies – selected as
disciplines. These are represented by the additional skill requirements for your
You must be able to demonstrate your
RICS professional groups and defined by RICS pathway from a list of competencies relevant
responsibility for:
pathways. A pathway is the area of the profession to that pathway.
• Leadership
that you wish to qualify in. You need to select Senior professional competencies – leadership
• Managing people (level, numbers)
this based on your qualifications, experience and and management skills required to demonstrate
• Managing resources (extent, amount, type) current job role. your senior profile.
In addition, the following elements of your career A guide is available for each pathway. It is vital Each competency is defined at three levels of
may indicate your seniority: reading to prepare for your assessment. It details attainment.
• Position in the organisation structure the competencies you will need to meet and Level 1 – knowledge and understanding
• Decision making (level, impact) provides examples of the knowledge and activities
Level 2 – application of knowledge and
• International dimension that fall within the scope of each competency.
• Client base (type, profile)
• Recognition from peers, media, professional
Competencies Level 3 – reasoned advice and depth of
bodies, or industry stakeholders To be competent to practise as an RICS chartered
professional you must have the skill and/or ability The senior professional competencies are detailed
to perform a variety of tasks or functions. on the following pages. For full guidance on the
Note: This list is not exhaustive. You may
mandatory and technical competencies download
identify other indicators relevant to your career.
your pathway guide at
Managing people Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the principles and practice of managing Provide evidence of the application of the skills required to manage people.
people. Examples of activities and knowledge comprised within this level are: Examples of activities and knowledge comprised within this level are:
This competency covers the principles
and practice of managing people. • Human resource management legislation and techniques • Tthe principles of human resource legislation
Candidates should be aware of the skills • Eeffective organisational design and communication strategies • Applying human resource techniques
required to manage people. Candidates • The climate and culture necessary for the creation of high performing teams. • Effecting improved human resource performance
should have an understanding of the • How use of effective organisational design and communication
appropriate application of these skills. strategies improves human resource performance
• How climate and culture affect human resource performance.
Managing resources Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the resources required and their cost for the Provide evidence of the application in your area of practice, giving reasoned
effective operation of a business. Examples of knowledge comprised within this level are: advice on the most effective use, allocation and cost of resources.
This competency is about managing the
• Types of resources required Examples of activities and knowledge comprised within this level are:
effective use, allocation and costing
of resources (not including human • How to manage financial resources • Setting financial objectives
resources). • Accounting techniques • Constructing a budget
• Budgeting techniques • Monitoring and managing financial resources
• Forecasting techniques • Setting personal objectives
• Methods for obtaining resources and monitoring their use • Preparing reports and recommendations for the use and allocation of
• Personal resource management resources.
• Costing of resources
• Relationship between cost and value of resources.
Application form Checklist
At the vetting stage you must provide details of Your application will be reviewed by trained staff
your qualifications and employment history on the and RICS chartered professionals using the
RICS template. You must relate your experience to following checklist:
your selected pathway. • Qualifications and years’ experience –
You must also provide a written statement Do you meet the requirements?
(maximum 400 words) to demonstrate your senior • Pathway – Do you have experience relevant
profile. You should consider your senior profile on to the pathway?
two bases: • Indicators – Have you referenced the
1. What you are doing? Reference the indicators required indicators?
to demonstrate your responsibilities and • Behaviours – Have you referenced one of
activities as a senior professional. the behaviours?
2. How you are doing it? Reference the • Career progression – Have you provided
behaviours to demonstrate your progression evidence of how your career has progressed?
and impact as a senior professional. • Advanced responsibilities – Have you
To support your statement you must also provide provided evidence of how your responsibilities
an organisation chart or description of the have increased?
organisation structure (in context of your role). • Impact – Have you provided evidence of your
outcomes as a senior professional?
If you receive confirmation that you are eligible for
the assessment, you will be invited to enrol on the
senior professional assessment. You must submit
for final assessment within 12 months of the vetting
decision otherwise you will be required to apply for
vetting again.
Behaving ethically is at the heart of what it means
to be a professional; it distinguishes professionals Ethics module Plagiarism
from others in the marketplace. RICS has five You are required to successfully complete the RICS RICS uses Feedback Studio, a system to help check
ethical standards. You must understand them ethics module prior to final assessment. The module candidates’ submissions are their own work and
and how you apply them in your everyday role. includes online learning and an online assessment. stand up to independent scrutiny. The system
The standards are: It can be accessed via your Assessment Resource will compare a candidate’s submission against
Centre (ARC) account. submissions from other candidates and other
Take responsibility existing works. RICS reserve the right at any time
either to submit or require you to submit your
Please note once successfully completed this is
Treat each other with respect documentation into Feedback Studio. If the system
valid for 12 months.
flags concerns with the level of similarities between
Always provide a high standard work you have submitted and existing works then we
of service There will be a significant emphasis on may refer the matter for further investigation which
professional practice and ethics in the interview, could result in disciplinary action being taken against
Act with integrity so you must familiarise yourself with them. you. In addition, the progress of your application may
Please note you can be referred on Conduct be impacted including potential removal from
Act in a way that promotes trust rules, ethics and professional practice alone. the assessment process pending the outcome
of the investigation.
in the profession
At the submission stage you will provide: what you achieved and explain the impact to the pathway and the mandatory competencies,
• Application form from vetting stage on your client, employer, career and future especially ethics, rules of conduct and
projects. professionalism. For each case study you must state
• Your competency selections
the technical and mandatory competencies you
• Three case studies
Appendices have demonstrated.
• Record of continuing professional
You may insert illustrations, photographs or
plans t the end of each case study. Please keep Important notes on your
case studies
Case studies
the attachments to a minimum ensuring they are
relevant to the case study. Project selection: Your involvement in each project
You must provide three case studies focussed on must be within three years of your application for
the required RICS competencies. Each case study Case study on senior final assessment. A project may have started over
must be on a defined project. This could be a project professional competence three years ago but your case study should reference
related to a technical or professional service for a 1000-1500 words covering a project that your involvement in the past three years. One project
client or an internal or external activity/initiative for demonstrates your experience against the must be based in the country you will be assessed
your employer/business. You are recommended to leadership, managing people and managing in. You should expect to be assessed in the country
select projects in which you have played a leading resources competencies. where you work. This is because you are required to
role in terms of strategy, management, decision- have a working knowledge of the legislation and are
making, problem-solving and client relationship Case study on technical competent to practise in the country where you are
management. The detailed technical work of working.
the project may be dealt with by employees or
competence 1
contractors under your supervision. 1000-1500 words covering a project that
Your case study validity will be calculated on
demonstrates your experience against a minimum
For each case study you should include the following a rolling period from the date you submit for
of two core technical competencies selected for
details. assessment. You should check that activities you
your pathway. You must demonstrate at least one
• A brief overview of the key issues – describe the discuss in your case study are within the required
competency required to Level 3 as stated in the
project and its objectives 36 months, working back from the date you
pathway guide.
• An account of your role/personal involvement – submit.
explain what you were responsible for and how Case study on technical
you performed
your responsibilities
competence 2 Confidentiality: you must ensure you have
your employer’s and client’s consent to disclose
1000-1500 words covering a project that
• An outline of some of the problems faced and any sensitive details in your final assessment
demonstrates your experience against a minimum
the experience you have used to resolve these submission. If you cannot get this consent you
of two technical competencies (different from other
problems – describe your approach to the should disguise facts that might otherwise make
case study) selected for your pathway.
project and how you were able to deliver on the the project identifiable. The information contained
objectives All case studies should provide evidence of your in your submission will be treated as confidential
• A note of the outcome and successful delivery senior profile, and relevance of your experience by your panel of assessors and RICS.
with emphasis on the role you played – describe
Interview structure • The device is fully charged and does not require
implications of your work
Understand your clients’ and employer’s
mains power.
Chairperson’s opening and introductions 5 minutes objectives
• Your presentation is ready to start before
entering the interview room. • Have an up to date knowledge of legal and
Your personal introduction where you will be given the 10 minutes technical matters relevant to the work you
opportunity to brief the panel on your background and You are responsible for your own equipment and
do and the law of the region or country in which
career history, based on the application you submitted. removal of all your presentation materials from the
you practise
room. No allowance can be made by RICS for issues
• Meet the competency requirements of your
Discussion of your case studies and wider experience 40 minutes with your equipment.
chosen pathway
to include leadership, managing people and managing The panel may request you to power off electronic
resources. There will also be discussion of wider devices and remove devices and other materials from
professional issues including ethics. view on completion of your presentation.
Total 60 minutes
Ethics, rules of conduct Result There are two main distinctions of a conflict
of interest:
North America Greater China (Hong Kong) Japan South Asia Europe Middle East
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