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Movie Revenue

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Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.70618552173933
R Square 0.49869799111424
Adjusted R Square 0.49853869590964
Standard Error 125014540.407468
Observations 3149

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 4.8927832E+19 4.892783E+19 3130.6528803 0
Residual 3147 4.9183315E+19 1.562864E+16
Total 3148 9.8111147E+19

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%

Intercept 3652004.96368892 3059038.16732 1.1938409277 0.2326301814 -2345906.5075
budget 2.85844332070044 0.0510872031 55.952237492 0 2.7582757174


Observation Predicted revenue Residuals

1 92592468.8872831 -21592468.887
2 15085778.2464907 385090680.754
3 5367070.95610919 29138039.0439
4 129423511.074508 -125939180.07
5 46528654.7741955 23466730.2258
6 163724830.922914 -150800894.92
7 9368891.6050898 -9097050.6051
8 100839077.867504 -52669169.868
9 272345677.10953 846543301.89
10 40811768.1327946 6731072.86721
11 60820871.3776977 -45347538.378
12 35094881.4913937 76763481.5086
13 4755098.25025047 3639652.74975
14 66537758.0190986 254827808.981
15 95122191.226103 -54739532.226
16 575340669.103777 1269693518.9
17 80829974.6226008 -59329974.623
18 24804485.5368722 -7804485.5369
19 129423511.074508 -115741746.07
20 23661108.208592 5724211.79141
21 66537758.0190986 11200130.9809
22 195167707.450618 -170129810.45
23 183733934.167817 -158681934.17
24 175158604.205715 109441395.794
25 117989737.791706 87415760.2083
26 109414407.829605 -60962604.83
27 57962428.0569973 -53212428.057
28 595349772.34868 -45349772.349
29 12227334.9257902 -2227334.9258
30 35094881.4913937 -15094881.491
31 403834069.86175 45386875.1382
32 46528654.7741955 3471345.2258
33 66537758.0190986 357671089.981
34 29377994.8499929 53926335.15
35 289496337.033733 102504356.966
36 229469027.299024 696818372.701
37 269487233.78883 601881130.211
38 152291057.640112 -36178682.64
39 260911903.826728 -117971803.83
40 32236438.1706933 17863561.8293
41 209459924.05412 540075.94588
42 232327470.619724 -214701236.62
43 20802664.8878916 224263746.112
44 17944221.5671911 -12622713.567
45 446710719.672257 -279412527.67
46 66537758.0190986 -15787758.019
47 27091240.1934325 259123045.807
48 295213223.675134 -164730355.68
49 15085778.2464907 -3341307.2465
50 37953324.8120942 51846675.1879
51 9654735.93715985 13995264.0628
52 5652915.28817923 2177695.71182
53 27234162.3594675 2765837.64053
54 75113087.9811999 -9228384.9812
55 335231430.16494 -233231430.16
56 152291057.640112 -54164492.64
57 52245541.4155964 19825189.5844
58 175158604.205715 11724958.7943
59 23661108.208592 -22350435.209
60 6510448.28438936 -5886657.2844
61 718262835.138799 302840732.861
62 203743037.41272 278097871.587
63 129423511.074508 26336605.9255
64 289496337.033733 -95723833.034
65 432418503.068755 -98486420.069
66 603925102.310781 487479994.689
67 718262835.138799 366676263.861
68 289496337.033733 135871900.966
69 375249636.654746 -325695634.65
70 318080770.240737 -102786428.24
71 15085778.2464907 29263221.7535
72 203743037.41272 -73384126.413
73 23661108.208592 -15287523.209
74 503879586.086266 -6469734.0863
75 375249636.654746 -189990653.65
76 160866387.602213 -60635555.602
77 69396201.339799 -25411971.34
78 30521372.178273 29478627.8217
79 26519551.5292924 668101.470708
80 158007944.281513 -21241882.282
81 80829974.6226008 151146450.377
82 289496337.033733 587192144.966
83 718262835.138799 240137164.861
84 7082136.94852945 -1082136.9485
85 12227334.9257902 21072665.0742
86 40811768.1327946 -40057519.133
87 92263747.9054025 36235457.0946
88 89405304.5847021 -74693511.585
89 55103984.7362968 -3130955.7363
90 132281954.395209 -122958121.4
91 189450820.809217 -27359612.809
92 117989737.791706 -17989737.792
93 25662018.5330823 20337981.4669
94 260911903.826728 -28294473.827
95 575340669.103777 194312925.896
96 75113087.9811999 2095623.0188
97 60820871.3776977 -29142093.378
98 432418503.068755 463502532.931
99 189450820.809217 -104664906.81
100 178017047.526416 263792722.474
101 289496337.033733 -23031300.034
102 117989737.791706 14830978.2083
103 260911903.826728 -200621991.83
104 309505440.278636 -221791615.28
105 9940580.26922989 1561570.73077
106 389541853.258248 143408649.742
107 56075140.8545048 36105769.1455
108 298071666.995834 159568760
109 46528654.7741955 -3427060.7742
110 103697521.188204 -78592266.188
111 106555964.508905 -32555964.509
112 26519551.5292924 187409210.471
113 775431701.552807 -384350509.55
114 403834069.86175 52924911.1382
115 37953324.8120942 1719837.18791
116 561048452.500274 562698543.5
117 229469027.299024 -56455518.299
118 123706624.433107 146541742.567
119 9368891.6050898 11539575.3949
120 46528654.7741955 99763354.2258
121 75113087.9811999 -26581617.981
122 52245541.4155964 -42245541.416
123 718262835.138799 215696361.861
124 135140397.715909 -13013710.716
125 203743037.41272 115388012.587
126 93692969.5657527 -4232588.5658
127 268401025.326964 -267750603.33
128 9368891.6050898 -118891.60509
129 32236438.1706933 5166438.82931
130 532464019.29327 472094424.707
131 360957420.051244 615518129.949
132 20802664.8878916 22854157.1121
133 117989737.791706 6741796.20829
134 209459924.05412 -172142366.05
135 15085778.2464907 20914221.7535
136 718262835.138799 154997358.861
137 575340669.103777 490319142.896
138 260911903.826728 28935450.1733
139 403834069.86175 149965496.138
140 4352323.57726053 17647676.4227
141 403834069.86175 -135802241.86
142 260911903.826728 -89791574.827
143 646801752.121288 -227150339.12
144 103697521.188204 16375055.8118
145 432418503.068755 403878724.931
146 233302199.792083 -105487590.79
147 33665659.8310435 35034340.169
148 732555051.742301 -643265141.74
149 360957420.051244 406863038.949
150 189450820.809217 85842629.1908
151 43670211.4534951 41329788.5465
152 117989737.791706 34276269.2083
153 13656556.5861405 -856556.58614
154 26519551.5292924 -6519551.5293
155 461002936.275759 364529827.724
156 703970618.535297 176703990.465
157 60820871.3776977 -49709896.378
158 46528654.7741955 9726487.2258
159 175158604.205715 -108182287.21
160 718262835.138799 435041659.861
161 83688417.9433012 117946573.057
162 146574170.998711 -14393847.999
163 375249636.654746 -101910080.65
164 46528654.7741955 -26411315.774
165 140857284.35731 66658440.6427
166 129423511.074508 36191773.9255
167 375249636.654746 472173815.345
168 203743037.41272 -73449323.413
169 75113087.9811999 49159036.0188
170 289496337.033733 -53569785.034
171 192309264.129918 -14724385.13
172 146574170.998711 -72617929.999
173 218035254.016222 -156576272.02
174 289496337.033733 -1148645.0337
175 12227334.9257902 -1827334.9258
176 178017047.526416 191313315.474
177 295213223.675134 63159702.3249
178 75113087.9811999 -28276693.981
179 218035254.016222 598934013.984
180 43670211.4534951 117331486.547
181 232327470.619724 -197760724.62
182 246619687.223226 -84376725.223
183 21500373.7427114 -20861732.743
184 37953324.8120942 4392035.18791
185 63679314.6983981 -37486246.698
186 272345677.10953 -177034243.11
187 72254644.6604995 -48932690.66
188 37953324.8120942 -28330478.812
189 512454916.048367 31479870.9516
190 718262835.138799 237756952.861
191 432418503.068755 166627456.931
192 57962428.0569973 -13945054.057
193 375249636.654746 -163606478.65
194 266628790.468129 -93639139.468
195 146574170.998711 -77162800.999
196 166583274.243614 -13638614.244
197 203743037.41272 97111785.5873
198 432418503.068755 277291276.931
199 255195017.185328 -146655106.19
200 76499432.9917396 -46951141.992
201 52245541.4155964 -51870798.416
202 20802664.8878916 -402664.88789
203 31093060.8424131 -26706824.842
204 403834069.86175 251177154.138
205 632509535.517785 887048374.482
206 646801752.121288 16043765.8787
207 575340669.103777 533220343.896
208 518171802.689768 230635154.31
209 303788553.637235 47251865.3628
210 260911903.826728 168720238.173
211 289496337.033733 -118618421.03
212 160866387.602213 139351630.398
213 140857284.35731 249636623.643
214 75113087.9811999 60217094.0188
215 203743037.41272 -49094150.413
216 15085778.2464907 -9085778.2465
217 160866387.602213 517079011.398
218 75113087.9811999 -46771618.981
219 575340669.103777 130376762.896
220 218035254.016222 473175437.984
221 346665203.447741 302733124.552
222 39096702.1403744 -30725617.14
223 22231886.5482418 59742606.4518
224 312363883.599336 317798006.401
225 804016134.759812 601387559.24
226 375249636.654746 414554917.345
227 152291057.640112 199823254.36
228 117989737.791706 47488610.2083
229 146574170.998711 -62854782.999
230 332372986.844239 46509424.1558
231 160866387.602213 -47846132.602
232 57962428.0569973 10710799.943
233 180875490.847116 35012226.1529
234 132281954.395209 62986101.6048
235 103697521.188204 -76367521.188
236 252336573.864627 -104000128.86
237 69396201.339799 -53272350.34
238 432418503.068755 -58199830.069
239 152291057.640112 202946875.36
240 75113087.9811999 -52055972.981
241 326656100.202838 523343899.797
242 575340669.103777 -264671129.1
243 46528654.7741955 -11043046.774
244 232327470.619724 -18222850.62
245 146574170.998711 -102026490
246 40240079.4686545 -208200.46865
247 175158604.205715 -157358604.21
248 112272851.150306 -77855958.15
249 32236438.1706933 -27072034.171
250 135140397.715909 -129940397.72
251 183733934.167817 -82880181.168
252 741130381.704402 149741244.296
253 246619687.223226 42128207.7768
254 20802664.8878916 81470062.1121
255 360957420.051244 1680052.94876
256 95122191.226103 -40447965.226
257 117989737.791706 2185552.20829
258 146574170.998711 167603840
259 117989737.791706 10808527.2083
260 146574170.998711 126978421
261 203743037.41272 -113742939.41
262 146574170.998711 -121538221
263 66537758.0190986 1758534.9809
264 12227334.9257902 -9419944.9258
265 83688417.9433012 -52091506.943
266 100839077.867504 -68583637.868
267 69396201.339799 -63558527.34
268 44241900.1176352 -43566982.118
269 132281954.395209 -127674346.4
270 17944221.5671911 -2944221.5672
271 43670211.4534951 -41196211.453
272 17944221.5671911 -5744221.5672
273 232327470.619724 62476724.3803
274 432418503.068755 505794234.931
275 432418503.068755 306181197.931
276 432418503.068755 -75805064.069
277 117989737.791706 133182069.208
278 232327470.619724 13348675.3803
279 92263747.9054025 69508627.0946
280 117989737.791706 125250440.208
281 432418503.068755 -220407392.07
282 395258739.899649 -149898259.9
283 75113087.9811999 81708932.0188
284 103697521.188204 22519418.8118
285 218035254.016222 -103374470.02
286 289496337.033733 -254327371.03
287 66537758.0190986 1262305.9809
288 112272851.150306 -111637755.15
289 461002936.275759 192425324.724
290 546756235.896772 959493124.103
291 289496337.033733 230503662.966
292 56533206.396647 126783248.603
293 189450820.809217 -26007883.809
294 146574170.998711 -143249841
295 9368891.6050898 60631108.3949
296 103697521.188204 -19091491.188
297 117989737.791706 -87064047.792
298 95122191.226103 -66864131.226
299 72254644.6604995 -30359153.66
300 75113087.9811999 -66328769.981
301 60249182.7135576 27504861.2864
302 418126286.465253 -392306325.47
303 183733934.167817 279783448.832
304 618217318.914283 133998538.086
305 489587369.482763 225179202.517
306 332372986.844239 591944571.156
307 218035254.016222 117027366.984
308 89405304.5847021 62754156.4153
309 246619687.223226 -52450987.223
310 363815863.371944 -200866699.37
311 24804485.5368722 -2987187.5369
312 83688417.9433012 102750465.057
313 275204120.430231 -24915597.43
314 189450820.809217 -95925234.809
315 175158604.205715 -100950337.21
316 198026150.771319 5362190.22868
317 198026150.771319 -122310714.77
318 12799023.5899303 20596402.4101
319 89405304.5847021 -12735498.585
320 50816319.7552462 84183680.2448
321 126565067.753808 -46515303.754
322 203743037.41272 -72285355.413
323 289496337.033733 -181392887.03
324 77971531.3019003 -63149873.302
325 75113087.9811999 -53545234.981
326 55103984.7362968 15583359.2637
327 11941490.5937202 -6941490.5937
328 198026150.771319 13791755.2287
329 175158604.205715 138383736.794
330 60820871.3776977 242967763.622
331 96122646.3883481 476577353.612
332 503879586.086266 -239661366.09
333 117989737.791706 126942028.208
334 83688417.9433012 37459529.0567
335 46528654.7741955 -33467811.774
336 218035254.016222 -81052420.016
337 89405304.5847021 -58869291.585
338 72254644.6604995 109761972.34
339 346665203.447741 -252719437.45
340 6510448.28438936 17964967.7156
341 60820871.3776977 -56819750.378
342 117989737.791706 -72072968.792
343 132281954.395209 -78427366.395
344 117989737.791706 -86319117.792
345 83688417.9433012 -19242709.943
346 146574170.998711 -136191764
347 17944221.5671911 -4674258.5672
348 15371622.5785607 20628377.4214
349 103697521.188204 -88697521.188
350 7367981.2805995 -6728981.2806
351 60820871.3776977 126179128.622
352 117989737.791706 202180270.208
353 79400752.9622505 79974555.0377
354 160866387.602213 -65866387.602
355 89405304.5847021 109794695.415
356 43670211.4534951 134373549.547
357 103697521.188204 -15638735.188
358 175158604.205715 -52924633.206
359 106555964.508905 53444035.4911
360 17944221.5671911 6859907.43281
361 160866387.602213 -33265952.602
362 332372986.844239 -254744721.84
363 218035254.016222 -204935254.02
364 9368891.6050898 -1768891.6051
365 36524103.151744 -13286192.152
366 203743037.41272 -48805357.413
367 117989737.791706 -50642724.792
368 13656556.5861405 -649005.58614
369 83688417.9433012 -78003628.943
370 160866387.602213 -19819208.602
371 132281954.395209 -94223619.395
372 89405304.5847021 -80951003.585
373 72254644.6604995 -51205591.66
374 12227334.9257902 96753940.0742
375 171728472.220875 370578950.779
376 418126286.465253 276587093.535
377 109414407.829605 64153173.1704
378 403834069.86175 28137046.1382
379 75113087.9811999 337686912.019
380 203743037.41272 -185990097.41
381 146574170.998711 -36367954.999
382 80829974.6226008 34399915.3774
383 89405304.5847021 -38256653.585
384 112272851.150306 -53870953.15
385 175158604.205715 29435411.7943
386 95122191.226103 61044823.7739
387 89405304.5847021 71233578.4153
388 203743037.41272 -68995016.413
389 52245541.4155964 -22709242.416
390 160866387.602213 -38897171.602
391 12227334.9257902 -3215334.9258
392 20230976.2237515 -13430976.224
393 186592377.488517 -111983807.49
394 318080770.240737 89630778.7593
395 178017047.526416 133239878.474
396 158007944.281513 -25496909.282
397 160866387.602213 31464350.3978
398 546756235.896772 -79390989.897
399 89405304.5847021 127358341.415
400 746847268.345803 -462708168.35
401 260911903.826728 -10262067.827
402 189450820.809217 -71963347.809
403 75113087.9811999 40809087.0188
404 66537758.0190986 26004659.9809
405 103697521.188204 35302478.8118
406 260911903.826728 -195011654.83
407 146574170.998711 -116271099
408 103697521.188204 -73814876.188
409 232327470.619724 -222160968.62
410 83688417.9433012 -66788417.943
411 75113087.9811999 -66499625.981
412 140857284.35731 -105113976.36
413 37953324.8120942 -27300826.812
414 89405304.5847021 -14617705.585
415 37953324.8120942 -7553324.8121
416 461002936.275759 -107378812.28
417 718262835.138799 29599939.8612
418 432418503.068755 249911635.931
419 83688417.9433012 57079538.0567
420 601066658.990081 -298041173.99
421 289496337.033733 57955556.9663
422 518171802.689768 -110568896.69
423 46528654.7741955 -4528654.7742
424 198026150.771319 -101049880.77
425 432418503.068755 -227051766.07
426 43670211.4534951 115487235.547
427 75113087.9811999 -32140093.981
428 132281954.395209 -49315802.395
429 152291057.640112 103980228.36
430 89405304.5847021 63022655.4153
431 103697521.188204 -28302473.188
432 82259196.282951 105240803.717
433 289496337.033733 -195796337.03
434 209459924.05412 -181817217.05
435 22231886.5482418 -9855323.5482
436 232327470.619724 -113447454.62
437 75398932.3132699 -45892468.313
438 166583274.243614 -104470379.24
439 55103984.7362968 -45608576.736
440 37953324.8120942 -26741030.812
441 489587369.482763 221057196.517
442 546756235.896772 -337601913.9
443 146574170.998711 563253291
444 575340669.103777 640099324.896
445 117989737.791706 -8313426.7917
446 169441717.564314 182752316.436
447 83688417.9433012 49658088.0567
448 175158604.205715 43181990.7943
449 129423511.074508 239452248.925
450 192309264.129918 10968371.8701
451 575340669.103777 -83472121.104
452 175158604.205715 -84593183.206
453 13084867.9220004 17556902.078
454 12741854.7235163 -3097730.7235
455 283779450.392332 149233823.608
456 246619687.223226 -109321198.22
457 75113087.9811999 11062203.0188
458 19373443.2275413 121822214.772
459 75113087.9811999 -18608022.981
460 346665203.447741 -20908566.448
461 117989737.791706 73196159.2083
462 146574170.998711 -107618573
463 23089419.5444519 -15985581.544
464 146574170.998711 -104480465
465 14685596.1815926 49391139.8184
466 7333679.96075109 -1333679.9608
467 32236438.1706933 -10648738.171
468 232327470.619724 -96168047.62
469 89405304.5847021 -74010217.585
470 289496337.033733 -134031986.03
471 189450820.809217 -60566688.809
472 32236438.1706933 -1583548.1707
473 232327470.619724 -177286103.62
474 89405304.5847021 -58256976.585
475 49387098.094896 -20005449.095
476 360957420.051244 265180254.949
477 117989737.791706 -108196241.79
478 29377994.8499929 -28606495.85
479 360957420.051244 -26342420.051
480 432418503.068755 -7430292.0688
481 146574170.998711 -37150522.999
482 303788553.637235 -182574176.64
483 50530475.4231761 185329640.577
484 260911903.826728 73989433.1733
485 132281954.395209 52094299.6048
486 55103984.7362968 -32103984.736
487 60820871.3776977 18293213.6223
488 117989737.791706 -62741856.792
489 218035254.016222 -75635189.016
490 19373443.2275413 140242883.772
491 75113087.9811999 335893652.019
492 117989737.791706 59269703.2083
493 9368891.6050898 24596951.3949
494 86546861.2640016 222661447.736
495 95122191.226103 -46307282.226
496 89405304.5847021 129671213.415
497 9368891.6050898 3760954.39491
498 232327470.619724 -136221506.62
499 75113087.9811999 7353582.0188
500 146574170.998711 -41376535.999
501 89405304.5847021 -86877400.585
502 37953324.8120942 -18682012.812
503 7939669.94473958 1660330.05526
504 112272851.150306 -101972851.15
505 49387098.094896 4590151.9051
506 26519551.5292924 -8395289.5293
507 6510448.28438936 28011772.7156
508 42240989.7931448 -42053315.793
509 32236438.1706933 -16082845.171
510 212318367.374821 16756156.6252
511 260911903.826728 263116775.173
512 175158604.205715 44258650.7943
513 260911903.826728 105189762.173
514 318080770.240737 65450693.7593
515 117989737.791706 97872954.2083
516 100839077.867504 -37825796.868
517 60820871.3776977 27525601.6223
518 389541853.258248 -27709453.258
519 203743037.41272 -90462939.413
520 117989737.791706 -22969524.792
521 60820871.3776977 -6234287.3777
522 103697521.188204 78602478.8118
523 183733934.167817 -20788040.168
524 117989737.791706 -10530952.792
525 132281954.395209 -72059656.395
526 83688417.9433012 -75133409.943
527 232327470.619724 -69382547.62
528 232327470.619724 34401267.3803
529 146574170.998711 -52574170.999
530 132281954.395209 -111931200.4
531 76542309.6415501 -74126837.642
532 60820871.3776977 12455175.6223
533 12227334.9257902 772665.07421
534 117989737.791706 -93657413.792
535 6510448.28438936 31089551.7156
536 75113087.9811999 -72061087.981
537 140857284.35731 333314521.643
538 97980634.5468034 229331224.453
539 489587369.482763 -92987369.483
540 432418503.068755 -46738057.069
541 260911903.826728 -54739359.827
542 153720279.300462 25493154.6995
543 403834069.86175 -253153205.86
544 346665203.447741 262351361.552
545 203743037.41272 -68183011.413
546 66537758.0190986 438462241.981
547 183733934.167817 736366065.832
548 103697521.188204 -61742524.188
549 89405304.5847021 522494115.415
550 318080770.240737 -18812262.241
551 575340669.103777 208425671.896
552 203743037.41272 170368669.587
553 158007944.281513 32450761.7185
554 146574170.998711 43285389.0013
555 60820871.3776977 5967036.6223
556 83688417.9433012 111624384.057
557 403834069.86175 -118389466.86
558 75113087.9811999 -59676279.981
559 55103984.7362968 -49216527.736
560 175158604.205715 -87374410.206
561 203743037.41272 -164701532.41
562 146574170.998711 -123629669
563 29092150.5179228 -9252658.5179
564 60820871.3776977 14776170.6223
565 189450820.809217 -67905117.809
566 17944221.5671911 10255778.4328
567 169441717.564314 -143512996.56
568 14942856.0804557 -6942856.0805
569 89405304.5847021 -52369300.585
570 60820871.3776977 -820871.3777
571 32236438.1706933 -31932561.171
572 446710719.672257 -6107182.6723
573 403834069.86175 181340152.138
574 260911903.826728 3008276.17327
575 115702983.135146 -28944071.135
576 432418503.068755 -34568491.069
577 232327470.619724 47672529.3803
578 69396201.339799 -22044950.34
579 103697521.188204 307651402.812
580 32236438.1706933 193696996.829
581 55103984.7362968 1992205.2637
582 489587369.482763 -303817209.48
583 100839077.867504 109469021.132
584 89405304.5847021 67430034.4153
585 26519551.5292924 64296006.4707
586 266628790.468129 -123579230.47
587 46528654.7741955 -2680585.7742
588 49387098.094896 60115204.9051
589 32236438.1706933 -25059295.171
590 232327470.619724 -192868043.62
591 346665203.447741 68775469.5523
592 89405304.5847021 -50991698.585
593 103697521.188204 -78473279.188
594 50816319.7552462 -33873524.755
595 46528654.7741955 -16302510.774
596 8353389.59720448 -920288.5972
597 16514999.9068409 15485000.0932
598 26519551.5292924 -24521744.529
599 46528654.7741955 228396440.226
600 117989737.791706 453016390.208
601 318080770.240737 44663509.7593
602 37953324.8120942 269213509.188
603 489587369.482763 -89524606.483
604 103697521.188204 37098271.8118
605 146574170.998711 66328201.0013
606 360957420.051244 -122750298.05
607 203743037.41272 -80823982.413
608 77971531.3019003 128706908.698
609 129423511.074508 -66096310.075
610 60820871.3776977 -48813801.378
611 146574170.998711 -48966717.999
612 209459924.05412 -112569926.05
613 103697521.188204 8847058.8118
614 75113087.9811999 366173107.019
615 23661108.208592 73910891.7914
616 289496337.033733 -195435026.03
617 43670211.4534951 141768461.547
618 152291057.640112 64194596.3599
619 109414407.829605 44611728.1704
620 12227334.9257902 12772665.0742
621 115131294.471006 -39280670.471
622 89405304.5847021 16429251.4153
623 146574170.998711 -98405014.999
624 40257230.1285787 -1722009.1286
625 96551412.8864532 191832110.114
626 8797202.94094971 -797202.94095
627 203743037.41272 -171455993.41
628 227029780.40819 -167029780.41
629 40811768.1327946 -38175131.133
630 169441717.564314 -119076340.56
631 180875490.847116 -162155315.85
632 89405304.5847021 -43513092.585
633 89405304.5847021 -47924453.585
634 117989737.791706 -110589737.79
635 160866387.602213 -151415490.6
636 30092605.680168 -917957.68017
637 89405304.5847021 -89296956.585
638 46528654.7741955 20654132.2258
639 32236438.1706933 -28167348.171
640 198026150.771319 500465196.229
641 506738037.982296 -322750314.98
642 55103984.7362968 483296015.264
643 575340669.103777 48592661.8962
644 403834069.86175 -33264295.862
645 375249636.654746 27920505.3453
646 346665203.447741 -60496631.448
647 117989737.791706 40744082.2083
648 203743037.41272 36288056.5873
649 23661108.208592 446992891.791
650 203743037.41272 73705344.5873
651 360957420.051244 183314981.949
652 175158604.205715 -115106466.21
653 26519551.5292924 -25966380.529
654 146574170.998711 -26492329.999
655 178017047.526416 -82320051.526
656 246619687.223226 68536721.7768
657 97980634.5468034 -43280529.547
658 95122191.226103 17897098.7739
659 10169255.7348859 73150744.2651
660 60820871.3776977 -393032.3777
661 46528654.7741955 38777719.2258
662 17944221.5671911 8066642.43281
663 42240989.7931448 -22985116.793
664 175158604.205715 -74024545.206
665 123706624.433107 240183053.567
666 155149500.960812 -71867204.961
667 89405304.5847021 -35495553.585
668 198026150.771319 -126956266.77
669 198026150.771319 -5026150.7713
670 375249636.654746 -255980150.65
671 32236438.1706933 104599717.829
672 60820871.3776977 -38598563.378
673 175158604.205715 -15828324.206
674 75113087.9811999 -36805460.981
675 69396201.339799 -39854411.34
676 146574170.998711 -27436386.999
677 89405304.5847021 -7254662.5847
678 218035254.016222 -2371395.0162
679 123706624.433107 -91537654.433
680 226610583.978323 -17414285.978
681 189450820.809217 -145905456.81
682 42240989.7931448 -35180113.793
683 22231886.5482418 657131.451758
684 72254644.6604995 -63820498.66
685 15085778.2464907 -6885778.2465
686 60820871.3776977 -33092753.378
687 60820871.3776977 -23148521.378
688 35094881.4913937 -32894881.491
689 26519551.5292924 -24500542.529
690 360957420.051244 391142808.949
691 503879586.086266 241120413.914
692 89405304.5847021 2304522.4153
693 461002936.275759 -27325753.276
694 346665203.447741 68819710.5523
695 46528654.7741955 77198033.2258
696 86546861.2640016 29056367.736
697 360957420.051244 185430684.949
698 175158604.205715 48506003.7943
699 189450820.809217 -60545454.809
700 103697521.188204 -33874322.188
701 160866387.602213 7301303.39779
702 103697521.188204 -42515579.188
703 89405304.5847021 -25052697.585
704 103697521.188204 -53333731.188
705 89405304.5847021 39860756.4153
706 112272851.150306 -22025227.15
707 60820871.3776977 -19224620.378
708 117989737.791706 -21371038.792
709 218035254.016222 -150403351.02
710 218035254.016222 -158616641.02
711 166583274.243614 -114548385.24
712 117989737.791706 11550761.2083
713 117989737.791706 -57515397.792
714 166583274.243614 -18738241.244
715 238044357.261125 -141958880.26
716 37953324.8120942 18345149.1879
717 63679314.6983981 -22508530.698
718 140857284.35731 -63111716.357
719 160866387.602213 53148701.3978
720 95122191.226103 56914190.7739
721 29377994.8499929 -4839481.85
722 12227334.9257902 -9869482.9258
723 103697521.188204 -74297521.188
724 12799023.5899303 -4799023.5899
725 19373443.2275413 39599460.7725
726 103697521.188204 -43446150.188
727 25662018.5330823 -24589416.533
728 52245541.4155964 19379653.5844
729 60820871.3776977 -47429697.378
730 109414407.829605 283202217.17
731 46528654.7741955 309767946.226
732 532464019.29327 254172013.707
733 32236438.1706933 141685515.829
734 532464019.29327 -188992203.29
735 63679314.6983981 142059399.302
736 89405304.5847021 -54963431.585
737 75113087.9811999 96486912.0188
738 132281954.395209 -27405721.395
739 289496337.033733 -195675579.03
740 160866387.602213 -90850167.602
741 26519551.5292924 414786593.471
742 192309264.129918 -92990277.13
743 155149500.960812 -56311628.961
744 246619687.223226 64692936.7768
745 11895321.0172042 13104678.9828
746 123706624.433107 -99578729.433
747 160866387.602213 -119255503.6
748 57962428.0569973 86254039.943
749 75113087.9811999 214204706.019
750 66537758.0190986 22343062.9809
751 103697521.188204 -29139406.188
752 117989737.791706 -62282326.792
753 175158604.205715 -127774915.21
754 49387098.094896 -45944245.095
755 52245541.4155964 -42745541.416
756 32236438.1706933 53741827.8293
757 75113087.9811999 -64523985.981
758 20802664.8878916 98311852.1121
759 55103984.7362968 -28275619.736
760 35094881.4913937 4268753.50861
761 18801754.5634012 -14903955.563
762 32236438.1706933 -28508692.171
763 75113087.9811999 -59634287.981
764 5081226.62403914 28375090.376
765 37953324.8120942 58117182.1879
766 51673852.7514563 -49392763.751
767 37953324.8120942 -17814488.812
768 35094881.4913937 740303125.509
769 318080770.240737 -138833902.24
770 400975626.54105 420732924.459
771 66537758.0190986 29170698.9809
772 160866387.602213 42561196.3978
773 89405304.5847021 -5379488.5847
774 103697521.188204 90867150.8118
775 289496337.033733 47032806.9663
776 218035254.016222 -17759254.016
777 37953324.8120942 42620449.1879
778 117989737.791706 31305863.2083
779 146574170.998711 8872191.00129
780 23661108.208592 138116727.791
781 75113087.9811999 77387255.0188
782 53674763.0759466 -15674763.076
783 203743037.41272 -118110579.41
784 46528654.7741955 -14973799.774
785 20802664.8878916 27225305.1121
786 461002936.275759 -296494870.28
787 77971531.3019003 -12265759.302
788 289496337.033733 -77507294.034
789 75113087.9811999 -924150.9812
790 40525543.6277629 45056863.3722
791 192309264.129918 -3110951.1299
792 37953324.8120942 -15031426.812
793 40811768.1327946 83110601.8672
794 389541853.258248 -312608910.26
795 23661108.208592 93038891.7914
796 75113087.9811999 -55268108.981
797 14514089.5823506 9175787.41765
798 246619687.223226 -27516032.223
799 146574170.998711 -97462968.999
800 60820871.3776977 -42388871.378
801 146574170.998711 -96505860.999
802 198026150.771319 -168264139.77
803 29377994.8499929 -7806805.85
804 46528654.7741955 -34492505.774
805 346665203.447741 -297996296.45
806 17372532.903051 62012347.0969
807 66537758.0190986 -54537758.019
808 158007944.281513 -150741735.28
809 17944221.5671911 5563345.43281
810 146574170.998711 -64404286.999
811 55103984.7362968 -30192314.736
812 17944221.5671911 -13101522.567
813 9368891.6050898 -1468891.6051
814 60820871.3776977 -748275.3777
815 13656556.5861405 -1656556.5861
816 14276684.4307931 -9276684.4308
817 143715727.67801 -39316179.678
818 375249636.654746 -98676698.655
819 55103984.7362968 303887696.264
820 117989737.791706 106930577.208
821 130852732.734858 101471395.265
822 203743037.41272 -42717397.413
823 46528654.7741955 331381889.226
824 246619687.223226 -86231624.223
825 12227334.9257902 2752670.07421
826 20802664.8878916 117727900.112
827 475295152.879261 -85613217.879
828 52245541.4155964 161280194.584
829 189450820.809217 28313470.1908
830 318080770.240737 160126749.759
831 403834069.86175 -220488480.86
832 132281954.395209 -1098424.3952
833 45099433.1138453 102199327.886
834 39382546.4724444 -27100995.472
835 72254644.6604995 100108656.34
836 24232796.8727321 91786750.1273
837 218035254.016222 -77570590.016
838 140857284.35731 -90542144.357
839 52245541.4155964 -48487213.416
840 117989737.791706 2466256.20829
841 318080770.240737 -245901875.24
842 35094881.4913937 26524891.5086
843 17944221.5671911 -14844907.567
844 35094881.4913937 28993670.5086
845 50816319.7552462 -13504647.755
846 112272851.150306 1883378.84969
847 146574170.998711 -89860023.999
848 189450820.809217 -99994059.809
849 22231886.5482418 15063558.4518
850 175158604.205715 -118798624.21
851 19373443.2275413 -13890144.228
852 95122191.226103 -58388282.226
853 26519551.5292924 -5490796.5293
854 39382546.4724444 -16014960.472
855 9368891.6050898 -3401853.6051
856 82259196.282951 -57510526.283
857 15085778.2464907 20478694.7535
858 75113087.9811999 -50210364.981
859 40811768.1327946 -35954401.133
860 60820871.3776977 -43384362.378
861 55103984.7362968 -28576474.736
862 14799933.9144206 13550066.0856
863 46528654.7741955 30471345.2258
864 27948773.1896427 -12087207.19
865 75113087.9811999 -59681910.981
866 46528654.7741955 -12757480.774
867 63679314.6983981 -46079314.698
868 19373443.2275413 -14373443.228
869 15085778.2464907 26338288.7535
870 199426787.998462 -5749629.9985
871 49387098.094896 -38085449.095
872 10512268.93337 -4781165.9334
873 29377994.8499929 5195785.15001
874 9368891.6050898 -8805185.6051
875 56533206.396647 -50042805.397
876 11161135.567169 -5798135.5672
877 9368891.6050898 -7696161.6051
878 318080770.240737 -22842569.241
879 55103984.7362968 48111109.2637
880 175158604.205715 38875619.7943
881 60820871.3776977 -36945744.378
882 6510448.28438936 110724698.716
883 289496337.033733 -186457079.03
884 69396201.339799 300488449.66
885 289496337.033733 72715402.9663
886 72254644.6604995 162455810.34
887 112272851.150306 -13935556.15
888 43670211.4534951 419329788.547
889 115131294.471006 -76261830.471
890 318080770.240737 14930297.7593
891 503879586.086266 -352917111.09
892 117989737.791706 26067135.2083
893 75113087.9811999 1157366.0188
894 146574170.998711 27074844.0013
895 189450820.809217 -55629004.809
896 346665203.447741 -118847955.45
897 175158604.205715 -78888792.206
898 189450820.809217 61370674.1908
899 303788553.637235 -188015820.64
900 35094881.4913937 53394761.5086
901 117989737.791706 -32576839.792
902 146574170.998711 -111765768
903 160866387.602213 -71346614.602
904 43670211.4534951 -30119037.453
905 72254644.6604995 60745355.3395
906 103697521.188204 -28471828.188
907 117989737.791706 -52235509.792
908 75113087.9811999 17878747.0188
909 57962428.0569973 214780493.943
910 132281954.395209 -14666743.395
911 43098522.789355 9195459.21065
912 75113087.9811999 -36060026.981
913 43670211.4534951 276475481.547
914 95122191.226103 -39964652.226
915 43670211.4534951 -8999491.4535
916 146574170.998711 -96855559.999
917 29377994.8499929 -4377994.85
918 27948773.1896427 -23508718.19
919 27948773.1896427 -8823372.1896
920 283779450.392332 -273762128.39
921 83688417.9433012 -74800274.943
922 15085778.2464907 -14730090.246
923 9368891.6050898 -196891.60509
924 169441717.564314 -125441717.56
925 6510448.28438936 -5658242.2844
926 9826242.53640187 -694242.5364
927 57962428.0569973 25295797.943
928 83688417.9433012 249311582.057
929 275204120.430231 -48706911.43
930 46528654.7741955 367682894.226
931 260911903.826728 -23709604.827
932 232327470.619724 -54260901.62
933 89405304.5847021 -42363304.585
934 117989737.791706 126537845.208
935 56533206.396647 -45852931.397
936 203743037.41272 -48759002.413
937 135140397.715909 -21425567.716
938 255195017.185328 -149878750.19
939 146574170.998711 -3722973.9987
940 103697521.188204 218034005.812
941 203743037.41272 164357382.587
942 212318367.374821 -60824712.375
943 57962428.0569973 83444595.943
944 35094881.4913937 -5094881.4914
945 503879586.086266 -201410569.09
946 232327470.619724 -75219715.62
947 103697521.188204 -57480880.188
948 238044357.261125 -190609927.26
949 15085778.2464907 -12720311.246
950 175158604.205715 -144358373.21
951 163724830.922914 -21680192.923
952 92263747.9054025 -24157502.905
953 155149500.960812 -59923384.961
954 103697521.188204 -61633416.188
955 89405304.5847021 -61794431.585
956 9368891.6050898 2171715.39491
957 123706624.433107 -88304304.433
958 112272851.150306 7727148.84969
959 26519551.5292924 -15890230.529
960 146574170.998711 -86412779.999
961 43670211.4534951 -12921069.453
962 11369801.9295801 26429841.0704
963 77971531.3019003 -49191276.302
964 160866387.602213 -127038069.6
965 129423511.074508 -108023511.07
966 7225059.11456447 -1225059.1146
967 8368436.44284465 22131563.5572
968 29377994.8499929 12212891.15
969 46528654.7741955 -37291184.774
970 9368891.6050898 -1568891.6051
971 17944221.5671911 -10714221.567
972 60820871.3776977 -3232386.3777
973 109414407.829605 -102932212.83
974 112272851.150306 -94892725.15
975 39382546.4724444 -35503553.472
976 43670211.4534951 -43230647.453
977 375249636.654746 144062328.345
978 35094881.4913937 69836919.5086
979 83688417.9433012 -50548799.943
980 27948773.1896427 10748443.8104
981 346665203.447741 115317945.552
982 160866387.602213 146210907.398
983 158007944.281513 -2997912.2815
984 20802664.8878916 14599093.1121
985 189450820.809217 233159598.191
986 17944221.5671911 37254063.4328
987 275204120.430231 -118698732.43
988 46528654.7741955 -339086.7742
989 232327470.619724 -51325992.62
990 75113087.9811999 2165243.0188
991 83688417.9433012 12500485.0567
992 117989737.791706 5504872.20829
993 23661108.208592 -22327984.209
994 126565067.753808 32109112.2462
995 232327470.619724 -17409063.62
996 75113087.9811999 -4103753.9812
997 232327470.619724 -115684124.62
998 77971531.3019003 -42045318.302
999 146574170.998711 -56124162.999
1000 20802664.8878916 233898167.112
1001 30807216.5103431 80777570.4897
1002 232327470.619724 -157426131.62
1003 175158604.205715 -107845778.21
1004 132281954.395209 45769632.6048
1005 232327470.619724 77165210.3803
1006 63679314.6983981 -8752428.6984
1007 49387098.094896 -43519412.095
1008 135140397.715909 -34279579.716
1009 117989737.791706 -71547209.792
1010 52245541.4155964 -45509619.416
1011 80829974.6226008 -36477557.623
1012 49387098.094896 27612901.9051
1013 80829974.6226008 -64310514.623
1014 63679314.6983981 -53668264.698
1015 12227334.9257902 8739309.07421
1016 117989737.791706 -87790632.792
1017 46528654.7741955 -25999460.774
1018 117989737.791706 -47889737.792
1019 75113087.9811999 -69334734.981
1020 12227334.9257902 -8118239.9258
1021 75113087.9811999 -74335664.981
1022 37953324.8120942 -16951761.812
1023 75113087.9811999 -54393636.981
1024 575340669.103777 -43475669.104
1025 57962428.0569973 323147333.943
1026 415267843.144552 -186120334.14
1027 77971531.3019003 -47448305.302
1028 432418503.068755 -97263860.069
1029 246619687.223226 204097462.777
1030 97980634.5468034 171977593.453
1031 89405304.5847021 261042840.415
1032 203743037.41272 -1276281.4127
1033 218035254.016222 -109890145.02
1034 380966523.296147 210772855.704
1035 149432614.319411 -161615.31941
1036 77971531.3019003 31477705.6981
1037 119704803.784127 -29304803.784
1038 146574170.998711 -110225387
1039 75113087.9811999 18503921.0188
1040 192309264.129918 -134532158.13
1041 49387098.094896 -43487098.095
1042 66537758.0190986 -51137758.019
1043 106555964.508905 -4311194.5089
1044 117989737.791706 43844538.2083
1045 146574170.998711 30797270.0013
1046 203743037.41272 -145684670.41
1047 198026150.771319 -79962846.771
1048 63679314.6983981 113520685.302
1049 281636761.279135 -148736761.28
1050 155149500.960812 2237694.03919
1051 203743037.41272 105714471.587
1052 203743037.41272 -87070125.413
1053 60820871.3776977 -36675258.378
1054 60820871.3776977 127063135.622
1055 175158604.205715 -25452752.206
1056 180875490.847116 -53209075.847
1057 22231886.5482418 -19830376.548
1058 17944221.5671911 24421359.4328
1059 203743037.41272 -137765742.41
1060 66537758.0190986 -48828603.019
1061 55103984.7362968 -32794761.736
1062 210889145.714471 -47922968.714
1063 46528654.7741955 -35624808.774
1064 232327470.619724 -212846731.62
1065 218035254.016222 -166892595.02
1066 13656556.5861405 -1056556.5861
1067 272345677.10953 -217600939.11
1068 23661108.208592 -9042381.2086
1069 26519551.5292924 -25989785.529
1070 26519551.5292924 -2955824.5293
1071 16514999.9068409 -6114999.9068
1072 75113087.9811999 -63340626.981
1073 26519551.5292924 -13848251.529
1074 37953324.8120942 -31198426.812
1075 160866387.602213 -142239968.6
1076 17944221.5671911 -15963883.567
1077 43670211.4534951 -19032742.453
1078 346665203.447741 482334796.552
1079 346665203.447741 569712.552258
1080 432418503.068755 16908114.9312
1081 266628790.468129 364813301.532
1082 575340669.103777 -203987668.1
1083 86546861.2640016 200959332.736
1084 218035254.016222 -100336360.02
1085 198026150.771319 18996437.2287
1086 55103984.7362968 334821986.264
1087 33665659.8310435 759244894.169
1088 432418503.068755 42550259.9312
1089 203743037.41272 239081100.587
1090 218035254.016222 5976979.98378
1091 146574170.998711 -23659059.999
1092 46528654.7741955 5972886.2258
1093 9368891.6050898 69529873.3949
1094 60820871.3776977 116422313.622
1095 109414407.829605 55920745.1704
1096 83688417.9433012 13905722.0567
1097 203743037.41272 -8007161.4127
1098 146574170.998711 55718731.0013
1099 246619687.223226 -38543482.223
1100 232327470.619724 284315468.38
1101 175158604.205715 68923771.7943
1102 289496337.033733 -194613448.03
1103 45956966.1100554 76556090.8899
1104 60820871.3776977 -48181574.378
1105 37953324.8120942 -20298412.812
1106 117989737.791706 -104345445.79
1107 60820871.3776977 -19193440.378
1108 289496337.033733 -47200775.034
1109 77971531.3019003 -16482266.302
1110 14514089.5823506 2285910.41765
1111 89405304.5847021 -56071773.585
1112 75113087.9811999 15923672.0188
1113 75113087.9811999 39864016.0188
1114 80829974.6226008 -20302101.623
1115 232327470.619724 -73115001.62
1116 146574170.998711 -58250683.999
1117 60820871.3776977 -40609477.378
1118 89405304.5847021 -72268002.585
1119 123706624.433107 -59924814.433
1120 60820871.3776977 -19583223.378
1121 146574170.998711 -33264427.999
1122 175158604.205715 -100616897.21
1123 203743037.41272 -147040136.41
1124 19373443.2275413 79693762.7725
1125 6510448.28438936 -6065873.2844
1126 46528654.7741955 -16400691.774
1127 55103984.7362968 -37903059.736
1128 72254644.6604995 -35644649.66
1129 7082136.94852945 -4346136.9485
1130 107985186.169255 -86150341.169
1131 318080770.240737 152410061.759
1132 146574170.998711 -75012526.999
1133 432418503.068755 -268706429.07
1134 332372986.844239 -167770823.84
1135 7367981.2805995 20894592.7194
1136 575340669.103777 -355489497.1
1137 318080770.240737 -89342377.241
1138 318080770.240737 -192543579.24
1139 146574170.998711 13199374.0013
1140 561048452.500274 -363360849.5
1141 260911903.826728 -72778581.827
1142 34237348.4951836 87962651.5048
1143 218035254.016222 -110035254.02
1144 303788553.637235 -170069842.64
1145 55103984.7362968 -29364969.736
1146 117989737.791706 23080122.2083
1147 75113087.9811999 -8991061.9812
1148 232327470.619724 -180228380.62
1149 57962428.0569973 -25161255.057
1150 66537758.0190986 44090206.9809
1151 37953324.8120942 41614342.1879
1152 160866387.602213 37818726.3978
1153 75113087.9811999 -33515257.981
1154 23661108.208592 25423721.7914
1155 260911903.826728 -200037288.83
1156 232327470.619724 -154326884.62
1157 160866387.602213 -86628824.602
1158 203743037.41272 -165113559.41
1159 15657466.9106308 16342533.0894
1160 8797202.94094971 -1997202.9409
1161 15657466.9106308 22719030.0894
1162 112272851.150306 -60471664.15
1163 109414407.829605 -13366774.83
1164 46528654.7741955 -29448487.774
1165 60820871.3776977 -42567456.378
1166 200884594.092019 -114496737.09
1167 60820871.3776977 -55290107.378
1168 32236438.1706933 -23434498.171
1169 89405304.5847021 -76404047.585
1170 103697521.188204 -86858611.188
1171 69396201.339799 -50742586.34
1172 49387098.094896 620447.905104
1173 169441717.564314 -128142225.56
1174 35094881.4913937 3010513.50861
1175 40811768.1327946 34699354.8672
1176 103697521.188204 -60046736.188
1177 46528654.7741955 -16478626.774
1178 37953324.8120942 -22703324.812
1179 103697521.188204 -33995884.188
1180 75113087.9811999 -72776915.981
1181 103697521.188204 -99045544.188
1182 146574170.998711 -136032648
1183 7082136.94852945 -4221116.9485
1184 5938759.62024928 -4937322.6202
1185 43670211.4534951 189885496.547
1186 100839077.867504 247480783.132
1187 512454916.048367 -141913660.05
1188 40811768.1327946 55249089.8672
1189 83688417.9433012 -30506817.943
1190 20802664.8878916 -19532142.888
1191 29377994.8499929 10345101.15
1192 489587369.482763 -190217285.48
1193 432418503.068755 -186891354.07
1194 446710719.672257 -31024502.672
1195 123706624.433107 56567498.5669
1196 17944221.5671911 64775663.4328
1197 189450820.809217 71867100.1908
1198 518171802.689768 -145936938.69
1199 83688417.9433012 -31090418.943
1200 260911903.826728 -59315595.827
1201 146574170.998711 88415413.0013
1202 89405304.5847021 41381092.4153
1203 60820871.3776977 60642354.6223
1204 89405304.5847021 -13899331.585
1205 89405304.5847021 -35752080.585
1206 132281954.395209 174494777.605
1207 266628790.468129 227842733.532
1208 117989737.791706 -22840302.792
1209 175158604.205715 -69957701.206
1210 93692969.5657527 -78984273.566
1211 203743037.41272 -31898197.413
1212 238044357.261125 -47723789.261
1213 89405304.5847021 47301378.4153
1214 89405304.5847021 -42279009.585
1215 152291057.640112 -74346332.64
1216 37953324.8120942 58846675.1879
1217 246619687.223226 -175134644.22
1218 117989737.791706 -73082477.792
1219 13942400.9182105 30842652.0818
1220 8225514.27680963 -3805514.2768
1221 4366615.79386403 7654656.20614
1222 132281954.395209 -111272774.4
1223 232327470.619724 -141138565.62
1224 37953324.8120942 30753668.1879
1225 89405304.5847021 -56391499.585
1226 140857284.35731 -16552103.357
1227 80829974.6226008 -55806540.623
1228 117989737.791706 -49223616.792
1229 80829974.6226008 16070025.3774
1230 60820871.3776977 -15184503.378
1231 146574170.998711 -46554078.999
1232 57962428.0569973 52917084.943
1233 103697521.188204 -71941779.188
1234 6088856.47901926 -4903073.479
1235 49387098.094896 -46537956.095
1236 22231886.5482418 -20710625.548
1237 26519551.5292924 -20884723.529
1238 40002694.3262003 -21187974.326
1239 109414407.829605 -14010010.83
1240 17944221.5671911 23889125.4328
1241 11941490.5937202 -6344782.5937
1242 75113087.9811999 -63905957.981
1243 15085778.2464907 -14939376.246
1244 7811039.99530806 -5191039.9953
1245 80829974.6226008 -4829974.6226
1246 23661108.208592 -18940737.209
1247 46528654.7741955 8656066.2258
1248 35094881.4913937 -32262055.491
1249 12227334.9257902 6956680.07421
1250 489587369.482763 154984032.517
1251 75113087.9811999 -9449811.9812
1252 129423511.074508 -117080879.07
1253 89405304.5847021 121414306.415
1254 418126286.465253 -16997647.465
1255 112272851.150306 -2366479.1503
1256 146574170.998711 41867443.0013
1257 40811768.1327946 277188372.867
1258 389541853.258248 -143918005.26
1259 175158604.205715 -127494045.21
1260 117989737.791706 -42483881.792
1261 146574170.998711 113521816
1262 52245541.4155964 63104884.5844
1263 55103984.7362968 -48891702.736
1264 152291057.640112 -76840620.64
1265 103697521.188204 -60767059.188
1266 60820871.3776977 4001924.6223
1267 22231886.5482418 76178174.4518
1268 275204120.430231 -84990665.43
1269 40811768.1327946 -17948172.133
1270 13656556.5861405 2909683.41386
1271 203743037.41272 51257173.5873
1272 192309264.129918 20095131.8701
1273 67966979.6794488 -52446956.679
1274 13657011.0786285 62921629.9214
1275 13942400.9182105 35857599.0818
1276 203743037.41272 -92511996.413
1277 17944221.5671911 -15493375.567
1278 23661108.208592 -17622166.209
1279 89405304.5847021 13414703.4153
1280 140857284.35731 -55358750.357
1281 22231886.5482418 35272182.4518
1282 23661108.208592 15801329.7914
1283 46528654.7741955 -38589782.774
1284 55103984.7362968 -47065923.736
1285 146574170.998711 -66190880.999
1286 43670211.4534951 -25580030.453
1287 103697521.188204 -43795608.188
1288 43670211.4534951 -23892564.453
1289 40811768.1327946 50226507.8672
1290 232327470.619724 -178501955.62
1291 14244075.3093906 48304871.6906
1292 103697521.188204 -63434501.188
1293 17944221.5671911 -14680636.567
1294 26519551.5292924 -25666679.529
1295 14315427.7715619 -8021266.7716
1296 10798113.26544 -798113.26544
1297 132281954.395209 -93881993.395
1298 26519551.5292924 -7571126.5293
1299 22517730.8803118 15192879.1197
1300 4509537.95989906 3298986.0401
1301 89405304.5847021 91543695.4153
1302 432418503.068755 191304314.931
1303 140857284.35731 55540130.6427
1304 89405304.5847021 15767810.4153
1305 432418503.068755 -304030183.07
1306 43670211.4534951 129376451.547
1307 80829974.6226008 20794868.3774
1308 169441717.564314 -97776755.564
1309 95122191.226103 -67486886.226
1310 35094881.4913937 26981259.5086
1311 117989737.791706 -20851051.792
1312 103697521.188204 70267488.8118
1313 132281954.395209 79718045.6048
1314 89405304.5847021 -25623226.585
1315 89405304.5847021 70854014.4153
1316 26519551.5292924 16480448.4707
1317 11655646.2616502 49267333.7383
1318 95122191.226103 -76712300.226
1319 135140397.715909 14859602.2841
1320 75113087.9811999 -35941957.981
1321 77971531.3019003 -48313780.302
1322 26519551.5292924 43301782.4707
1323 46528654.7741955 -29895619.774
1324 55103984.7362968 -34828172.736
1325 46528654.7741955 29757441.2258
1326 52245541.4155964 20999339.5844
1327 59391649.7173475 -24536659.717
1328 203743037.41272 -136630373.41
1329 60820871.3776977 -16853616.378
1330 15085778.2464907 29823707.7535
1331 103697521.188204 -76589561.188
1332 46528654.7741955 -40602244.774
1333 7939669.94473958 -939669.94474
1334 32236438.1706933 -10449700.171
1335 32236438.1706933 -14724532.171
1336 60820871.3776977 -55609883.378
1337 103697521.188204 -81662689.188
1338 37953324.8120942 -36308569.812
1339 46528654.7741955 155429033.226
1340 46528654.7741955 377234.225805
1341 3937849.29575897 6240481.70424
1342 7939669.94473958 -7227375.9447
1343 109414407.829605 160579711.17
1344 232327470.619724 225368888.38
1345 218035254.016222 40234753.9838
1346 117989737.791706 51847272.2083
1347 20802664.8878916 161011105.112
1348 175158604.205715 911566.794285
1349 375249636.654746 -3373358.6547
1350 46528654.7741955 310301946.226
1351 60820871.3776977 147124203.622
1352 112272851.150306 140004075.85
1353 6367526.11835434 53232473.8816
1354 10798113.26544 114082948.735
1355 226610583.978323 -47345379.978
1356 112272851.150306 70661.8496944
1357 12227334.9257902 65485104.0742
1358 238044357.261125 -148251855.26
1359 218035254.016222 8868762.98378
1360 117989737.791706 -31074720.792
1361 80829974.6226008 -24521093.623
1362 218035254.016222 -85760770.016
1363 23661108.208592 143560462.791
1364 117989737.791706 18010262.2083
1365 49387098.094896 -29704174.095
1366 120848181.112407 94151818.8876
1367 46528654.7741955 -27106393.774
1368 146574170.998711 14877367.0013
1369 103697521.188204 -86189003.188
1370 117989737.791706 -38289737.792
1371 203743037.41272 -117084479.41
1372 160866387.602213 -103934082.6
1373 20802664.8878916 81506224.1121
1374 63679314.6983981 7761935.3016
1375 232327470.619724 -1642017.6197
1376 117989737.791706 -63307190.792
1377 37953324.8120942 43319441.1879
1378 66537758.0190986 81342784.9809
1379 60820871.3776977 -33180843.378
1380 17944221.5671911 92055778.4328
1381 218035254.016222 -175750085.02
1382 103697521.188204 -31261082.188
1383 46528654.7741955 -13807019.774
1384 26519551.5292924 33859032.4707
1385 5873015.42387317 134126984.576
1386 86546861.2640016 -37643908.264
1387 32236438.1706933 15300520.8293
1388 5081226.62403914 -2081226.624
1389 80829974.6226008 -63543675.623
1390 132281954.395209 38080627.6048
1391 146574170.998711 -102139732
1392 53674763.0759466 -34494794.076
1393 175158604.205715 -141201996.21
1394 109414407.829605 -71451633.83
1395 46528654.7741955 -16425937.774
1396 146574170.998711 -120374654
1397 7939669.94473958 -5564572.9447
1398 37953324.8120942 -34805142.812
1399 60820871.3776977 -44271394.378
1400 23661108.208592 -15440893.209
1401 75113087.9811999 -64788646.981
1402 232327470.619724 -226337830.62
1403 17944221.5671911 -13903633.567
1404 20802664.8878916 36428859.1121
1405 15085778.2464907 -11617206.246
1406 75113087.9811999 -59956887.981
1407 40811768.1327946 -39660438.133
1408 60820871.3776977 -60474277.378
1409 260911903.826728 -244732944.83
1410 89405304.5847021 -75405304.585
1411 32236438.1706933 -18401308.171
1412 25090329.8689422 -21742682.869
1413 5958620.0844415 26041379.9156
1414 140857284.35731 184914139.643
1415 103697521.188204 222853572.812
1416 575340669.103777 -140340669.1
1417 332372986.844239 -46232286.844
1418 37953324.8120942 47558975.1879
1419 123706624.433107 77878703.5669
1420 117989737.791706 55940858.2083
1421 60820871.3776977 -14731584.378
1422 46528654.7741955 -26898894.774
1423 146574170.998711 -42095754.999
1424 155149500.960812 -28458774.961
1425 23661108.208592 24465275.7914
1426 338089873.48564 -76159442.486
1427 146574170.998711 -2081340.9987
1428 178017047.526416 -46076636.526
1429 518171802.689768 -161428741.69
1430 103697521.188204 46786243.8118
1431 20802664.8878916 23901330.1121
1432 203743037.41272 -41743037.413
1433 432418503.068755 -217134761.07
1434 220893697.336922 -150933946.34
1435 117989737.791706 78791455.2083
1436 75113087.9811999 88556912.0188
1437 75113087.9811999 -12013087.981
1438 163724830.922914 -144023666.92
1439 109414407.829605 3672067.17039
1440 117989737.791706 -83762439.792
1441 132281954.395209 -39907280.395
1442 89405304.5847021 6309570.4153
1443 80829974.6226008 -51829974.623
1444 103697521.188204 -10451133.188
1445 52245541.4155964 4858353.5844
1446 218035254.016222 -198436666.02
1447 106555964.508905 -62205038.509
1448 89405304.5847021 -54110834.585
1449 60820871.3776977 4748997.6223
1450 57962428.0569973 -39206492.057
1451 117989737.791706 -27960081.792
1452 11369801.9295801 129630198.07
1453 175158604.205715 -143438446.21
1454 60820871.3776977 -43395871.378
1455 9368891.6050898 -1497369.6051
1456 117989737.791706 -89820066.792
1457 75113087.9811999 -46281942.981
1458 55103984.7362968 -18970970.736
1459 146574170.998711 -71574170.999
1460 146574170.998711 5447930.00129
1461 58248272.3890673 -52520059.389
1462 95122191.226103 -42844706.226
1463 216606032.355872 -154433982.36
1464 63679314.6983981 -35670852.698
1465 75113087.9811999 -63975286.981
1466 9626151.50395284 30373848.496
1467 15085778.2464907 -1683826.2465
1468 43670211.4534951 -16154425.453
1469 26519551.5292924 843160.470708
1470 11329783.7230903 -4729783.7231
1471 9368891.6050898 -8527158.6051
1472 12227334.9257902 -11925130.926
1473 46528654.7741955 -9659240.7742
1474 40811768.1327946 286991962.867
1475 123706624.433107 -16036267.433
1476 575340669.103777 450150440.896
1477 21946042.2161717 56425157.7838
1478 57962428.0569973 -32125812.057
1479 475295152.879261 -4072263.8793
1480 60820871.3776977 11437254.6223
1481 218035254.016222 70464962.9838
1482 318080770.240737 256400070.759
1483 46528654.7741955 -13972535.774
1484 117989737.791706 214010262.208
1485 103697521.188204 27585427.8118
1486 75113087.9811999 -44701904.981
1487 289496337.033733 94839270.9663
1488 89405304.5847021 198148290.415
1489 117989737.791706 199385293.208
1490 117989737.791706 -57023883.792
1491 32236438.1706933 131640376.829
1492 152291057.640112 457550579.36
1493 160866387.602213 169577657.398
1494 41669301.1290048 -36289050.129
1495 146574170.998711 -106371151
1496 83688417.9433012 -67314089.943
1497 97980634.5468034 -77335307.547
1498 103697521.188204 -46577203.188
1499 175158604.205715 81538915.7943
1500 17944221.5671911 41034431.4328
1501 9368891.6050898 -8796082.6051
1502 60820871.3776977 6379128.6223
1503 103697521.188204 9676581.8118
1504 12227334.9257902 -1050865.9258
1505 146574170.998711 3695976.00129
1506 89405304.5847021 -67193878.585
1507 89405304.5847021 19204005.4153
1508 246619687.223226 -168237254.22
1509 158007944.281513 -27576576.282
1510 69396201.339799 -16208542.34
1511 89405304.5847021 91217119.4153
1512 57962428.0569973 -22575216.057
1513 66537758.0190986 -31112932.019
1514 66537758.0190986 -9058682.0191
1515 335231430.16494 -157103670.16
1516 89405304.5847021 -72474420.585
1517 12227334.9257902 5342989.07421
1518 6253188.38552632 3346811.61447
1519 60820871.3776977 -43540545.378
1520 16514999.9068409 -9503682.9068
1521 175158604.205715 -97238258.206
1522 55103984.7362968 -43103984.736
1523 83688417.9433012 -76686156.943
1524 66537758.0190986 -42348836.019
1525 20802664.8878916 6362916.11211
1526 50816319.7552462 -37196244.755
1527 32236438.1706933 -135438.17069
1528 9368891.6050898 12810538.3949
1529 60820871.3776977 -46966871.378
1530 89405304.5847021 -54663238.585
1531 89405304.5847021 -71209694.585
1532 75113087.9811999 -27049652.981
1533 22231886.5482418 31983529.4518
1534 39382546.4724444 -38298863.472
1535 89405304.5847021 -70787020.585
1536 95122191.226103 -89207283.226
1537 32236438.1706933 -6482154.1707
1538 89405304.5847021 -60202420.585
1539 100839077.867504 -81145186.868
1540 75113087.9811999 -50750315.981
1541 12118859.860213 -9107664.8602
1542 117989737.791706 -95555822.792
1543 55103984.7362968 -40993971.736
1544 37953324.8120942 -33013385.812
1545 23661108.208592 -23208029.209
1546 375249636.654746 -3309565.6547
1547 117989737.791706 554816554.208
1548 146574170.998711 -114556368
1549 55103984.7362968 43131563.2637
1550 117989737.791706 8259075.20829
1551 146574170.998711 70398372.0013
1552 60820871.3776977 -55461226.378
1553 266628790.468129 -78556141.468
1554 239473578.921475 -1792279.9215
1555 75113087.9811999 72667352.0188
1556 95122191.226103 30919130.7739
1557 115131294.471006 -13901502.471
1558 38826644.9907645 -2596425.9908
1559 49387098.094896 197888275.905
1560 46528654.7741955 23095058.2258
1561 389541853.258248 -143817250.26
1562 246619687.223226 93867964.7768
1563 37953324.8120942 -22945163.812
1564 13656556.5861405 5847482.41386
1565 37953324.8120942 5539798.18791
1566 89405304.5847021 -33821500.585
1567 97980634.5468034 6175208.4532
1568 46528654.7741955 -11994871.774
1569 17367487.75059 -17157791.751
1570 25090329.8689422 -6090329.8689
1571 89405304.5847021 69886504.4153
1572 27091240.1934325 52944161.8066
1573 203743037.41272 -145784341.41
1574 289496337.033733 -119063410.03
1575 146574170.998711 -86364836.999
1576 30807216.5103431 -13642839.51
1577 89405304.5847021 -19205304.585
1578 89405304.5847021 -46518585.585
1579 95122191.226103 -26066496.226
1580 60820871.3776977 -53257143.378
1581 46528654.7741955 170085733.226
1582 40811768.1327946 -22811768.133
1583 60820871.3776977 -14751303.378
1584 46528654.7741955 12860778.2258
1585 95122191.226103 -76569731.226
1586 32236438.1706933 -21400686.171
1587 175158604.205715 -17237871.206
1588 95122191.226103 -11506777.226
1589 260911903.826728 -120104356.83
1590 146574170.998711 23554289.0013
1591 43670211.4534951 -8877051.4535
1592 5652915.28817923 -741190.28818
1593 60820871.3776977 -56186809.378
1594 220893697.336922 15456963.6631
1595 42240989.7931448 -13213075.793
1596 40811768.1327946 3914875.86721
1597 52245541.4155964 -28245541.416
1598 17944221.5671911 -5711593.5672
1599 117989737.791706 -93270522.792
1600 75113087.9811999 -61701130.981
1601 52245541.4155964 -44931514.416
1602 35094881.4913937 14702266.5086
1603 75113087.9811999 -55283130.981
1604 106555964.508905 -54131431.509
1605 432418503.068755 -59355639.069
1606 6081681.7862843 -5261742.7863
1607 26519551.5292924 -26376100.529
1608 60820871.3776977 -60515801.378
1609 6510448.28438936 3526941.71561
1610 72254644.6604995 -59882234.66
1611 160866387.602213 -146491206.6
1612 14424863.2740949 -6424863.2741
1613 10226424.6012999 773575.3987
1614 20802664.8878916 -19933339.888
1615 575340669.103777 10750057.8962
1616 503879586.086266 462671013.914
1617 146574170.998711 76235429.0013
1618 106555964.508905 -94023187.509
1619 146574170.998711 402794144
1620 20802664.8878916 2538903.11211
1621 260911903.826728 -113974993.83
1622 175158604.205715 -144740044.21
1623 646801752.121288 -22774976.121
1624 575340669.103777 -15488273.104
1625 146574170.998711 -35233369.999
1626 89405304.5847021 -26032547.585
1627 246619687.223226 -63601165.223
1628 360957420.051244 -128244281.05
1629 35094881.4913937 117988220.509
1630 203743037.41272 -102372020.41
1631 218035254.016222 30082866.9838
1632 489587369.482763 -267482688.48
1633 289496337.033733 -139330211.03
1634 260911903.826728 -86333152.827
1635 77971531.3019003 -6103204.3019
1636 66537758.0190986 -2890102.0191
1637 175158604.205715 -37607010.206
1638 11655646.2616502 74617686.7383
1639 75113087.9811999 41653468.0188
1640 146574170.998711 -105091964
1641 346665203.447741 -87489415.448
1642 37953324.8120942 -5705083.8121
1643 35094881.4913937 43779961.5086
1644 69396201.339799 -23243401.34
1645 209459924.05412 198787992.946
1646 29377994.8499929 -23269274.85
1647 175158604.205715 -117668230.21
1648 147145859.662851 -19276480.663
1649 152291057.640112 52708628.3599
1650 395258739.899649 -310126909.9
1651 117989737.791706 -26236535.792
1652 103697521.188204 -21610366.188
1653 55103984.7362968 -8014994.7363
1654 60820871.3776977 -30394775.378
1655 35094881.4913937 18097004.5086
1656 103697521.188204 -26220513.188
1657 52245541.4155964 -27323304.416
1658 243761243.902526 -120453298.9
1659 32236438.1706933 -29240627.171
1660 80829974.6226008 -59681145.623
1661 17944221.5671911 15672470.4328
1662 37953324.8120942 -26659661.812
1663 13656556.5861405 21049293.4139
1664 66537758.0190986 -42537758.019
1665 232327470.619724 -198863501.62
1666 23661108.208592 -23278162.209
1667 46528654.7741955 -38389866.774
1668 60820871.3776977 -39536357.378
1669 60820871.3776977 -54400552.378
1670 40811768.1327946 -24054605.133
1671 46528654.7741955 -11521474.774
1672 180875490.847116 -72995994.847
1673 32236438.1706933 53063561.8293
1674 89405304.5847021 -65785695.585
1675 26519551.5292924 -25930247.529
1676 23661108.208592 -22231809.209
1677 112272851.150306 95011073.8497
1678 132281954.395209 -121078928.4
1679 55103984.7362968 9966427.2637
1680 17944221.5671911 -16648037.567
1681 95122191.226103 -54899462.226
1682 20802664.8878916 4256975.11211
1683 89405304.5847021 -65357304.585
1684 112272851.150306 -84151751.15
1685 16911703.2462177 -5911703.2462
1686 43670211.4534951 -11024665.453
1687 115131294.471006 -108517014.47
1688 6510448.28438936 -6235787.2844
1689 9368891.6050898 -5368891.6051
1690 13084867.9220004 7132.07799963
1691 255195017.185328 -11557926.185
1692 269487233.78883 213372951.211
1693 275204120.430231 268310232.57
1694 432418503.068755 -19312333.069
1695 146860015.330781 7102947.66922
1696 32236438.1706933 86351441.8293
1697 375249636.654746 -257418005.65
1698 60820871.3776977 -7820871.3777
1699 132281954.395209 -58519438.395
1700 175158604.205715 -124609497.21
1701 35094881.4913937 -2159562.4914
1702 303788553.637235 43645624.3628
1703 160866387.602213 -95201666.602
1704 60820871.3776977 56939262.6223
1705 146574170.998711 -117642770
1706 77971531.3019003 -26807425.302
1707 46528654.7741955 269831823.226
1708 109414407.829605 -83164387.83
1709 175158604.205715 -119171283.21
1710 32236438.1706933 -3352927.1707
1711 81458832.1531549 -75961881.153
1712 83688417.9433012 50714032.0567
1713 106555964.508905 -23395230.509
1714 60820871.3776977 -29492972.378
1715 120848181.112407 -29211195.112
1716 22231886.5482418 -10381672.548
1717 10798113.26544 -5262708.2654
1718 23661108.208592 7769225.79141
1719 40811768.1327946 74144930.8672
1720 175158604.205715 -101510376.21
1721 60820871.3776977 -28815623.378
1722 160866387.602213 -5959694.6022
1723 97980634.5468034 -35958620.547
1724 60820871.3776977 -58851678.378
1725 203743037.41272 -25901479.413
1726 106555964.508905 50288788.4911
1727 19373443.2275413 -3673443.2275
1728 132281954.395209 -49481954.395
1729 103697521.188204 -76287632.188
1730 7510903.44663452 -3613334.4466
1731 90119915.4148772 24981706.5851
1732 112272851.150306 187015753.85
1733 55103984.7362968 31896015.2637
1734 72254644.6604995 -2073216.6605
1735 146574170.998711 -91078607.999
1736 89405304.5847021 -63932211.585
1737 46528654.7741955 -7107187.7742
1738 60820871.3776977 -43846412.378
1739 66537758.0190986 -57058040.019
1740 12799023.5899303 -7466097.5899
1741 4580999.04291657 -80999.042917
1742 166583274.243614 -149591372.24
1743 22231886.5482418 9667113.45176
1744 60820871.3776977 -26931712.378
1745 97980634.5468034 -88485845.547
1746 55103984.7362968 -53272636.736
1747 22231886.5482418 -9598139.5482
1748 60820871.3776977 71854530.6223
1749 46528654.7741955 -45896112.774
1750 75113087.9811999 -65043087.981
1751 40811768.1327946 57630185.8672
1752 92263747.9054025 -77129454.905
1753 75113087.9811999 -38761737.981
1754 32236438.1706933 -25784810.171
1755 60820871.3776977 -39650308.378
1756 103697521.188204 -34781633.188
1757 15085778.2464907 -685778.24649
1758 11083957.5975101 -7917957.5975
1759 46528654.7741955 -41311156.774
1760 575340669.103777 168218937.896
1761 29377994.8499929 79404852.15
1762 52245541.4155964 84375729.5844
1763 37953324.8120942 76241522.1879
1764 355240533.409843 -10099130.41
1765 203743037.41272 22247940.5873
1766 117989737.791706 -20437687.792
1767 232327470.619724 766388.380276
1768 218035254.016222 -65104631.016
1769 17944221.5671911 26086024.4328
1770 26519551.5292924 36945309.4707
1771 75113087.9811999 19566510.0188
1772 289496337.033733 -207393958.03
1773 46528654.7741955 -37073422.774
1774 289496337.033733 -40208232.034
1775 160866387.602213 -11843737.602
1776 126565067.753808 -34590249.754
1777 89405304.5847021 106709265.415
1778 23661108.208592 1744336.79141
1779 89405304.5847021 -21035870.585
1780 246619687.223226 -165703195.22
1781 160866387.602213 -97457773.602
1782 80829974.6226008 34675052.3774
1783 16514999.9068409 42338106.0932
1784 77971531.3019003 -34653182.302
1785 66537758.0190986 -32749597.019
1786 46528654.7741955 -6245333.7742
1787 175158604.205715 -69980043.206
1788 30807216.5103431 -30687216.51
1789 60820871.3776977 -9913637.3777
1790 55103984.7362968 96564789.2637
1791 146574170.998711 -27365181.999
1792 46528654.7741955 -1666467.7742
1793 15085778.2464907 -5781169.2465
1794 52245541.4155964 10857124.5844
1795 60820871.3776977 4643452.6223
1796 189450820.809217 -119750820.81
1797 160866387.602213 -32959763.602
1798 37953324.8120942 -14946475.812
1799 60820871.3776977 -11041143.378
1800 146574170.998711 -35770494.999
1801 8797202.94094971 32361554.0591
1802 83688417.9433012 8912632.0567
1803 218035254.016222 -171351877.02
1804 7939669.94473958 -4373444.9447
1805 66537758.0190986 -55841548.019
1806 189450820.809217 -16595755.809
1807 9368891.6050898 -4320198.6051
1808 75113087.9811999 44659144.0188
1809 140857284.35731 -119941819.36
1810 16514999.9068409 -12908604.907
1811 6510448.28438936 -2275297.2844
1812 26519551.5292924 -16389551.529
1813 75113087.9811999 -23270408.981
1814 175158604.205715 -122836204.21
1815 75113087.9811999 -68439665.981
1816 246619687.223226 -88151395.223
1817 17944221.5671911 -15477777.567
1818 23661108.208592 -21599042.209
1819 40811768.1327946 -29680879.133
1820 20802664.8878916 -14131952.888
1821 137998841.03661 -125619439.04
1822 9368891.6050898 -8978232.6051
1823 33049731.039629 -21461526.04
1824 63679314.6983981 -45916609.698
1825 218035254.016222 78304272.9838
1826 603925102.310781 -144565547.31
1827 66537758.0190986 -61266092.019
1828 13656556.5861405 7002866.41386
1829 117989737.791706 -90935922.792
1830 89405304.5847021 -67605002.585
1831 143715727.67801 -123292338.68
1832 27948773.1896427 -22947118.19
1833 4035050.66087939 -2702819.6609
1834 260911903.826728 -250539612.83
1835 232327470.619724 42142923.3803
1836 7082136.94852945 96829532.0515
1837 575340669.103777 491629033.896
1838 7939669.94473958 89069480.0553
1839 175158604.205715 88959596.7943
1840 289496337.033733 23077085.9663
1841 46528654.7741955 61757766.2258
1842 32236438.1706933 51321433.8293
1843 169441717.564314 -11278929.564
1844 289496337.033733 -10764968.034
1845 83688417.9433012 -22988417.943
1846 189450820.809217 -32476263.809
1847 17944221.5671911 36474650.4328
1848 318080770.240737 245668552.759
1849 10914737.7529246 -3714737.7529
1850 160866387.602213 70582815.3978
1851 432418503.068755 -113915580.07
1852 46528654.7741955 -30743506.774
1853 16800844.2389109 6397807.76109
1854 166583274.243614 -51315899.244
1855 5652915.28817923 12333865.7118
1856 232327470.619724 -55441812.62
1857 60820871.3776977 -26742951.378
1858 132281954.395209 -81410841.395
1859 6367526.11835434 654682.881646
1860 86546861.2640016 -65420636.264
1861 83688417.9433012 -45528512.943
1862 36524103.151744 20945363.8483
1863 60249182.7135576 -18952862.714
1864 203743037.41272 -85743037.413
1865 46528654.7741955 76855473.2258
1866 75113087.9811999 -34660444.981
1867 55103984.7362968 44896015.2637
1868 132281954.395209 32902282.6048
1869 24518641.2048021 -14188894.205
1870 32236438.1706933 -11469822.171
1871 92263747.9054025 -39055567.905
1872 175158604.205715 -161762665.21
1873 86546861.2640016 -36505129.264
1874 103697521.188204 -8968992.1882
1875 175158604.205715 -136127267.21
1876 169441717.564314 -84161467.564
1877 13656556.5861405 -9496878.5861
1878 55103984.7362968 -13721143.736
1879 55103984.7362968 -54427286.736
1880 46528654.7741955 -31661140.774
1881 175158604.205715 -139727491.21
1882 89405304.5847021 -38953997.585
1883 6510448.28438936 6839920.71561
1884 37953324.8120942 415584.187906
1885 117989737.791706 -101117066.79
1886 8225514.27680963 -2825514.2768
1887 23661108.208592 -23087773.209
1888 137998841.03661 -34260115.037
1889 43670211.4534951 -22261183.453
1890 15085778.2464907 -14555730.246
1891 132281954.395209 -130127414.4
1892 55103984.7362968 421580690.264
1893 6367526.11835434 -5552860.1184
1894 475295152.879261 176810290.121
1895 432418503.068755 841800505.931
1896 418126286.465253 190996761.535
1897 189450820.809217 -150043204.81
1898 318080770.240737 19499280.7593
1899 11589902.065274 22165064.9347
1900 346665203.447741 -103976238.45
1901 275204120.430231 -161025507.43
1902 232327470.619724 22128515.3803
1903 36524103.151744 57548924.8483
1904 60820871.3776977 75446604.6223
1905 80829974.6226008 -60671166.623
1906 15085778.2464907 104638077.754
1907 23661108.208592 10605455.7914
1908 46528654.7741955 47471345.2258
1909 40811768.1327946 14025465.8672
1910 6161718.19926391 4300781.80074
1911 40811768.1327946 -7411768.1328
1912 298071666.995834 202116768
1913 232327470.619724 39102718.3803
1914 289496337.033733 -21069703.034
1915 123706624.433107 -77485435.433
1916 189450820.809217 -45755482.809
1917 183733934.167817 5281676.83218
1918 132281954.395209 -41598038.395
1919 10798113.26544 15983609.7346
1920 72254644.6604995 83466487.3395
1921 86546861.2640016 11638720.736
1922 232327470.619724 -62474711.62
1923 72254644.6604995 -30149533.66
1924 461002936.275759 -399304037.28
1925 23375263.8765219 -15382224.877
1926 117989737.791706 6837578.20829
1927 117989737.791706 -59204557.792
1928 146288326.666641 -120166688.67
1929 289496337.033733 -220807506.03
1930 17944221.5671911 -1769844.5672
1931 103697521.188204 -4274000.1882
1932 218035254.016222 -99034844.016
1933 62250093.0380479 -52160720.038
1934 32236438.1706933 -28571369.171
1935 11655646.2616502 -9828941.2617
1936 26519551.5292924 74003629.4707
1937 103697521.188204 -67599139.188
1938 60820871.3776977 -21677032.378
1939 46528654.7741955 -37765764.774
1940 103697521.188204 51847757.8118
1941 95122191.226103 -53076345.226
1942 195167707.450618 -169864669.45
1943 75113087.9811999 -44998600.981
1944 83688417.9433012 -24892603.943
1945 16514999.9068409 -9124891.9068
1946 25947862.8651523 -3506539.8652
1947 77971531.3019003 38428468.6981
1948 37953324.8120942 37828317.1879
1949 146574170.998711 -97574170.999
1950 37953324.8120942 16046675.1879
1951 89405304.5847021 4367217.4153
1952 7367981.2805995 -7013277.2806
1953 69396201.339799 -58568385.34
1954 103697521.188204 -68374229.188
1955 155149500.960812 -125449500.96
1956 185449000.160237 -166036007.16
1957 46528654.7741955 -46211654.774
1958 103697521.188204 -92136715.188
1959 9522241.37235874 -9022241.3724
1960 9368891.6050898 -7937268.6051
1961 4543839.27974746 -3262663.2797
1962 25090329.8689422 -20844459.869
1963 52245541.4155964 -50245541.416
1964 14228245.2502806 -11272245.25
1965 360957420.051244 116242579.949
1966 232327470.619724 252245364.38
1967 69396201.339799 282187205.66
1968 432418503.068755 152930506.931
1969 45385277.4459153 25521695.5541
1970 83688417.9433012 18667963.0567
1971 203743037.41272 -32559174.413
1972 6796292.61645941 -2691105.6165
1973 60820871.3776977 -36559302.378
1974 175158604.205715 -104084672.21
1975 132281954.395209 27796631.6048
1976 17944221.5671911 -9740986.5672
1977 106555964.508905 -41983702.509
1978 35094881.4913937 6132187.50861
1979 289496337.033733 -189409544.03
1980 32236438.1706933 -22600149.171
1981 80829974.6226008 -42707869.623
1982 60820871.3776977 -5864731.3777
1983 175158604.205715 -4889854.2057
1984 80829974.6226008 48170025.3774
1985 175158604.205715 -132096622.21
1986 203743037.41272 -131634429.41
1987 57962428.0569973 -8131821.057
1988 75113087.9811999 24244050.0188
1989 23375263.8765219 20911867.1235
1990 175158604.205715 -81803686.206
1991 89405304.5847021 -11838489.585
1992 75113087.9811999 -15920959.981
1993 6418080.54692425 -2148080.5469
1994 39382546.4724444 36610514.5276
1995 117989737.791706 -33388056.792
1996 46528654.7741955 -21759188.774
1997 175158604.205715 -101984038.21
1998 75113087.9811999 47531732.0188
1999 60820871.3776977 -24200363.378
2000 55103984.7362968 67091935.2637
2001 189450820.809217 -125129319.81
2002 9368891.6050898 -4189854.6051
2003 117989737.791706 -105783709.79
2004 132281954.395209 -101928722.4
2005 7939669.94473958 -6773787.9447
2006 32236438.1706933 58959980.8293
2007 60820871.3776977 -48338096.378
2008 46528654.7741955 54206063.2258
2009 26519551.5292924 -20028311.529
2010 32236438.1706933 -2785519.1707
2011 75113087.9811999 -18623529.981
2012 103697521.188204 -71214111.188
2013 146574170.998711 -66615571.999
2014 26519551.5292924 14880448.4707
2015 146574170.998711 -80572166.999
2016 103697521.188204 -58218411.188
2017 126565067.753808 28184850.2462
2018 17086688.570981 -9060816.571
2019 32236438.1706933 18515898.8293
2020 39382546.4724444 -12176426.472
2021 10455100.066956 -2278556.067
2022 15085778.2464907 -14218779.246
2023 92263747.9054025 -68077966.905
2024 7225059.11456447 3774940.88544
2025 117989737.791706 -99087722.792
2026 60820871.3776977 -43388708.378
2027 89405304.5847021 -61731180.585
2028 32236438.1706933 -30604599.171
2029 5392796.94599549 -2190796.946
2030 20802664.8878916 -13950214.888
2031 203743037.41272 -192479071.41
2032 10400789.6438627 -3508789.6439
2033 4223693.62782901 -1927960.6278
2034 4509537.95989906 -2435537.9599
2035 9368891.6050898 5305184.39491
2036 272345677.10953 667989858.89
2037 103697521.188204 355573097.812
2038 89405304.5847021 -7011016.5847
2039 175158604.205715 294002087.794
2040 175158604.205715 -50562206.206
2041 46528654.7741955 31526170.2258
2042 318080770.240737 -24751697.241
2043 746847268.345803 -155052332.35
2044 46528654.7741955 99969116.2258
2045 475295152.879261 -169419422.88
2046 232327470.619724 14656807.3803
2047 123706624.433107 -34544462.433
2048 375249636.654746 -131406509.65
2049 60820871.3776977 123115202.622
2050 332372986.844239 -57669646.844
2051 97980634.5468034 5004227.4532
2052 22231886.5482418 -4538211.5482
2053 27948773.1896427 15579860.8104
2054 122785345.292402 64694172.7076
2055 80829974.6226008 -53629658.623
2056 346665203.447741 -178687607.45
2057 146574170.998711 -90605170.999
2058 117989737.791706 -6178284.7917
2059 66537758.0190986 -23478860.019
2060 150861835.979761 -95749479.98
2061 46528654.7741955 17709785.2258
2062 26519551.5292924 12668231.4707
2063 49387098.094896 -17831037.095
2064 77971531.3019003 -10052873.302
2065 60820871.3776977 -24214128.378
2066 46528654.7741955 86904201.2258
2067 52245541.4155964 73340592.5844
2068 89405304.5847021 -61967423.585
2069 132281954.395209 -18365480.395
2070 32236438.1706933 34584597.8293
2071 28520461.8537827 -20860543.854
2072 103697521.188204 -18280616.188
2073 60820871.3776977 239144164.622
2074 112272851.150306 7450506.84969
2075 12227334.9257902 -8227334.9258
2076 218035254.016222 -119875291.02
2077 175158604.205715 -55217789.206
2078 57962428.0569973 -28039956.057
2079 9368891.6050898 4462611.39491
2080 189450820.809217 -149448708.81
2081 9368891.6050898 -4767848.6051
2082 49387098.094896 -30823010.095
2083 146574170.998711 141354023
2084 49387098.094896 -49068116.095
2085 17944221.5671911 -11110776.567
2086 375249636.654746 -224843170.65
2087 260911903.826728 -99285782.827
2088 25090329.8689422 1006522.13106
2089 189450820.809217 -172232740.81
2090 9368891.6050898 5031108.39491
2091 56533206.396647 -24620413.397
2092 37953324.8120942 -2468268.8121
2093 12227334.9257902 6265027.07421
2094 35094881.4913937 -21984433.491
2095 32236438.1706933 763561.829307
2096 6510448.28438936 39732551.7156
2097 39382546.4724444 -28657318.472
2098 103697521.188204 -30663061.188
2099 175158604.205715 -70834521.206
2100 89405304.5847021 24875746.4153
2101 17944221.5671911 -3944221.5672
2102 17944221.5671911 -8737751.5672
2103 39382546.4724444 9620137.52756
2104 32236438.1706933 -6631423.1707
2105 7939669.94473958 -7565702.9447
2106 103697521.188204 -17327706.188
2107 77971531.3019003 -49152536.302
2108 75113087.9811999 -23410604.981
2109 246619687.223226 -63007916.223
2110 49387098.094896 -30458227.095
2111 120848181.112407 -113399796.11
2112 132281954.395209 -114981065.4
2113 86546861.2640016 -69616676.264
2114 60820871.3776977 -43013302.378
2115 97980634.5468034 -83980634.547
2116 123706624.433107 -112619055.43
2117 75113087.9811999 -62113087.981
2118 43670211.4534951 -23870211.453
2119 37953324.8120942 17307233.1879
2120 89405304.5847021 -79506892.585
2121 36524103.151744 -33248518.152
2122 160866387.602213 -149400299.6
2123 29377994.8499929 -2272899.85
2124 37953324.8120942 -33068661.812
2125 6510448.28438936 1289551.71561
2126 32236438.1706933 -2844020.1707
2127 22231886.5482418 -20206854.548
2128 23661108.208592 -22414967.209
2129 12227334.9257902 -508739.92579
2130 12227334.9257902 3142238.07421
2131 4735354.98223439 -377354.98223
2132 37953324.8120942 -25050534.812
2133 41955145.4610748 -25255145.461
2134 289496337.033733 -46096337.034
2135 89405304.5847021 85195013.4153
2136 7082136.94852945 7578870.05147
2137 175158604.205715 30595842.7943
2138 218035254.016222 -21552372.016
2139 22231886.5482418 233041926.452
2140 15085778.2464907 14953613.7535
2141 92263747.9054025 12120440.0946
2142 89405304.5847021 1405587.4153
2143 432418503.068755 -131418503.07
2144 4223693.62782901 10276306.3722
2145 103697521.188204 66302478.8118
2146 89405304.5847021 102097121.415
2147 295213223.675134 -148132810.68
2148 17944221.5671911 25940430.4328
2149 117989737.791706 -3159626.7917
2150 75113087.9811999 -64113087.981
2151 97980634.5468034 42490111.4532
2152 203743037.41272 14870150.5873
2153 75113087.9811999 78884731.0188
2154 37953324.8120942 -25875883.812
2155 46528654.7741955 -19066613.774
2156 203743037.41272 -142463585.41
2157 83688417.9433012 8692509.0567
2158 20802664.8878916 29442035.1121
2159 92263747.9054025 85130684.0946
2160 232327470.619724 -19453028.62
2161 129423511.074508 -81232807.075
2162 146574170.998711 -129902666
2163 461002936.275759 -279328119.28
2164 21946042.2161717 13111653.7838
2165 135140397.715909 -27943899.716
2166 25090329.8689422 120702966.131
2167 117989737.791706 -57527390.792
2168 117989737.791706 20269324.2083
2169 23661108.208592 48838891.7914
2170 260911903.826728 -78621637.827
2171 232327470.619724 -217255956.62
2172 20802664.8878916 37197335.1121
2173 132281954.395209 -89794564.395
2174 75113087.9811999 -38119919.981
2175 63679314.6983981 8738079.3016
2176 60820871.3776977 40093573.6223
2177 117989737.791706 -55218678.792
2178 80829974.6226008 20816606.3774
2179 46528654.7741955 -6423112.7742
2180 43670211.4534951 28857383.5465
2181 218035254.016222 -203467371.02
2182 89405304.5847021 -25571855.585
2183 37953324.8120942 63379637.1879
2184 32236438.1706933 -31940688.171
2185 17944221.5671911 -14895086.567
2186 80829974.6226008 -67829974.623
2187 15085778.2464907 10259221.7535
2188 77971531.3019003 -41171531.302
2189 117989737.791706 -103631704.79
2190 20802664.8878916 -17902689.888
2191 17944221.5671911 1961137.43281
2192 7082136.94852945 -82136.948529
2193 83688417.9433012 -50688080.943
2194 40811768.1327946 -23882645.133
2195 37953324.8120942 -16820237.812
2196 17944221.5671911 -71425.567191
2197 20802664.8878916 -17519293.888
2198 5367070.95610919 -1367070.9561
2199 26519551.5292924 -26061319.529
2200 75113087.9811999 -64393730.981
2201 26519551.5292924 -23087209.529
2202 32236438.1706933 -16441249.171
2203 39382546.4724444 -38155222.472
2204 17944221.5671911 -17097517.567
2205 6796292.61645941 -5396292.6165
2206 33665659.8310435 -33542150.831
2207 220893697.336922 749868187.663
2208 260911903.826728 328478635.173
2209 475295152.879261 19583606.1207
2210 518171802.689768 3140057.31023
2211 266628790.468129 38025391.5319
2212 389541853.258248 195637074.742
2213 103697521.188204 13302478.8118
2214 49387098.094896 -18529284.095
2215 432418503.068755 -122438509.07
2216 109414407.829605 -12958710.83
2217 266628790.468129 -2523245.4681
2218 198026150.771319 -129758288.77
2219 69396201.339799 -16093887.34
2220 80829974.6226008 12452629.3774
2221 289496337.033733 -121690871.03
2222 55103984.7362968 44102230.2637
2223 289496337.033733 21154247.9663
2224 160866387.602213 62520911.3978
2225 46528654.7741955 15020052.2258
2226 37953324.8120942 62176547.1879
2227 69396201.339799 81420498.6602
2228 60820871.3776977 -9404407.3777
2229 117989737.791706 23601586.2083
2230 117989737.791706 72222375.2083
2231 95122191.226103 -44214769.226
2232 72254644.6604995 -49172918.66
2233 89405304.5847021 84554133.4153
2234 146574170.998711 -40270182.999
2235 121705714.108617 -15334063.109
2236 189450820.809217 -61343178.809
2237 32236438.1706933 10096856.8293
2238 15085778.2464907 -10785778.246
2239 46528654.7741955 14870897.2258
2240 43670211.4534951 111194189.547
2241 103697521.188204 -79537587.188
2242 43670211.4534951 -20817573.453
2243 212318367.374821 -108426958.37
2244 89405304.5847021 -53244929.585
2245 46528654.7741955 -42995427.774
2246 40811768.1327946 -30159733.133
2247 146574170.998711 -103781610
2248 10798113.26544 1550791.73456
2249 203743037.41272 -39743037.413
2250 9368891.6050898 -7891889.6051
2251 75113087.9811999 -10675240.981
2252 92263747.9054025 -50751740.905
2253 20802664.8878916 19043679.1121
2254 75113087.9811999 -73715803.981
2255 83688417.9433012 6761511.0567
2256 117989737.791706 -91833956.792
2257 29377994.8499929 -26877994.85
2258 75113087.9811999 -47467596.981
2259 83688417.9433012 -69677585.943
2260 69396201.339799 -61961475.34
2261 186592377.488517 -84997256.489
2262 10798113.26544 3601886.73456
2263 55103984.7362968 -52158384.736
2264 12227334.9257902 10917164.0742
2265 33665659.8310435 -19521659.831
2266 22231886.5482418 6219735.45176
2267 37953324.8120942 18356441.1879
2268 89405304.5847021 -30999991.585
2269 26519551.5292924 -23066508.529
2270 17944221.5671911 -7514514.5672
2271 52245541.4155964 -37346124.416
2272 7939669.94473958 -7522744.9447
2273 35094881.4913937 -32287027.491
2274 52245541.4155964 -50675623.416
2275 35094881.4913937 24732446.5086
2276 6510448.28438936 2627889.71561
2277 27948773.1896427 -19012110.19
2278 60820871.3776977 -24978970.378
2279 75113087.9811999 -71048592.981
2280 35094881.4913937 24425416.5086
2281 32236438.1706933 -21665030.171
2282 55103984.7362968 -54721810.736
2283 60820871.3776977 -49479855.378
2284 20802664.8878916 -6454135.8879
2285 146574170.998711 -85461254.999
2286 17944221.5671911 -17201323.567
2287 32236438.1706933 -30477186.171
2288 20802664.8878916 -8802664.8879
2289 106174067.905929 -85956987.906
2290 13656556.5861405 -13542773.586
2291 75113087.9811999 -57919856.981
2292 8511358.60887967 -6567709.6089
2293 60820871.3776977 -58523378.378
2294 366674306.692645 -17250024.693
2295 518171802.689768 240367982.31
2296 117989737.791706 8079771.20829
2297 303788553.637235 -36742788.637
2298 418126286.465253 -111184616.47
2299 49387098.094896 4091067.9051
2300 17944221.5671911 -8184117.5672
2301 32236438.1706933 72067412.8293
2302 212318367.374821 137461175.625
2303 103697521.188204 13283140.8118
2304 32236438.1706933 31951928.8293
2305 160866387.602213 -8602507.6022
2306 232327470.619724 -92254080.62
2307 52245541.4155964 76797329.5844
2308 75113087.9811999 206816707.019
2309 132281954.395209 43090547.6048
2310 175158604.205715 -66902834.206
2311 126565067.753808 -69883501.754
2312 89405304.5847021 25503525.4153
2313 20802664.8878916 -10393287.888
2314 32236438.1706933 20645579.8293
2315 75113087.9811999 -4670147.9812
2316 175158604.205715 -112800704.21
2317 75113087.9811999 -51533087.981
2318 27948773.1896427 4273793.81036
2319 46528654.7741955 -8598189.7742
2320 75113087.9811999 47376734.0188
2321 77971531.3019003 32258800.6981
2322 33665659.8310435 42236548.169
2323 37953324.8120942 -31138535.812
2324 46528654.7741955 -43671942.774
2325 60820871.3776977 39704560.6223
2326 146574170.998711 -104296806
2327 32236438.1706933 -24648953.171
2328 146574170.998711 -57858978.999
2329 17944221.5671911 8944154.43281
2330 95122191.226103 78276326.7739
2331 66537758.0190986 123295598.981
2332 17944221.5671911 310259284.433
2333 60820871.3776977 -23223400.378
2334 246619687.223226 -102619687.22
2335 175158604.205715 -113810807.21
2336 26519551.5292924 2491265.47071
2337 46528654.7741955 17727858.2258
2338 203743037.41272 -170181900.41
2339 66537758.0190986 -66124304.019
2340 32236438.1706933 -14736438.171
2341 57962428.0569973 -51034360.057
2342 103697521.188204 -84402620.188
2343 69396201.339799 -32753363.34
2344 203743037.41272 -183872470.41
2345 89405304.5847021 -74397313.585
2346 60820871.3776977 10172026.6223
2347 17944221.5671911 -15329448.567
2348 43670211.4534951 -5095849.4535
2349 75113087.9811999 -52913087.981
2350 23661108.208592 -14761108.209
2351 146574170.998711 -133809970
2352 5652915.28817923 -3985723.2882
2353 9368891.6050898 -6567383.6051
2354 60820871.3776977 -47019116.378
2355 12227334.9257902 -4944483.9258
2356 37953324.8120942 -6773808.8121
2357 37953324.8120942 -1502588.8121
2358 43670211.4534951 -25135020.453
2359 6510448.28438936 3502975.71561
2360 6110266.2194913 -3658721.2195
2361 14514089.5823506 13685910.4176
2362 13656556.5861405 14243443.4139
2363 16514999.9068409 -15770183.907
2364 49387098.094896 -47700669.095
2365 23661108.208592 -9649654.2086
2366 5081226.62403914 11918773.376
2367 29377994.8499929 -26422955.85
2368 175158604.205715 125069479.794
2369 29377994.8499929 -24600529.85
2370 29377994.8499929 -28331828.85
2371 20802664.8878916 -20403053.888
2372 4080771.46179399 11119228.5382
2373 503879586.086266 231219495.914
2374 60820871.3776977 22886438.6223
2375 4652460.12593408 -3652460.1259
2376 260911903.826728 223723856.173
2377 389541853.258248 -106971171.26
2378 175158604.205715 -37571541.206
2379 68538668.3435889 -30419185.344
2380 575340669.103777 -250106806.1
2381 375249636.654746 -313601136.65
2382 129423511.074508 170976920.925
2383 146574170.998711 96211966.0013
2384 55103984.7362968 213053415.264
2385 60820871.3776977 -26260294.378
2386 95122191.226103 -34381364.226
2387 117989737.791706 -25076566.792
2388 46528654.7741955 49879997.2258
2389 35094881.4913937 13477118.5086
2390 109414407.829605 54305661.1704
2391 175158604.205715 -148485362.21
2392 20802664.8878916 -9680574.8879
2393 503879586.086266 -330879586.09
2394 46528654.7741955 -38069196.774
2395 232327470.619724 -108598294.62
2396 3977867.50224877 26022132.4978
2397 55103984.7362968 86670694.2637
2398 75113087.9811999 -2483417.9812
2399 103697521.188204 -88392631.188
2400 92263747.9054025 -64874980.905
2401 112272851.150306 93026055.8497
2402 60820871.3776977 23325960.6223
2403 175158604.205715 -120155469.21
2404 37953324.8120942 14269981.1879
2405 117989737.791706 -30149695.792
2406 25090329.8689422 206321254.131
2407 137998841.03661 -35173045.037
2408 20802664.8878916 -1242390.8879
2409 83688417.9433012 -44173704.943
2410 49387098.094896 43436447.9051
2411 146574170.998711 24695364.0013
2412 13656556.5861405 20343443.4139
2413 46528654.7741955 -30920109.774
2414 117989737.791706 27906684.2083
2415 17944221.5671911 26849000.4328
2416 15085778.2464907 16499122.7535
2417 60820871.3776977 -48422243.378
2418 103697521.188204 -101590964.19
2419 16514999.9068409 129683896.093
2420 20802664.8878916 -7571203.8879
2421 32236438.1706933 -25213710.171
2422 109414407.829605 -9338065.8296
2423 117989737.791706 -68361958.792
2424 160866387.602213 -154450085.6
2425 10798113.26544 -10473975.265
2426 27948773.1896427 -5492264.1896
2427 60820871.3776977 -50134030.378
2428 103697521.188204 -85380370.188
2429 63679314.6983981 -21679314.698
2430 60820871.3776977 -50378063.378
2431 13656556.5861405 -4173977.5861
2432 17944221.5671911 -6301967.5672
2433 23661108.208592 -3404133.2086
2434 7939669.94473958 -7520708.9447
2435 32236438.1706933 -14939194.171
2436 22231886.5482418 -20682931.548
2437 89405304.5847021 -74036407.585
2438 9368891.6050898 -8746085.6051
2439 6224603.95231932 -5843183.9523
2440 49387098.094896 -33959906.095
2441 23661108.208592 -16368933.209
2442 9368891.6050898 -6862445.6051
2443 200884594.092019 342629390.908
2444 346665203.447741 16593655.5523
2445 89405304.5847021 -22919224.585
2446 375249636.654746 -53362428.655
2447 35094881.4913937 200388122.509
2448 146574170.998711 -105536429
2449 418126286.465253 103044538.535
2450 346665203.447741 -160611478.45
2451 166583274.243614 -17365919.244
2452 25090329.8689422 35632404.1311
2453 189450820.809217 22330003.1908
2454 52245541.4155964 75485194.5844
2455 8797202.94094971 643069.05905
2456 226610583.978323 21774037.0217
2457 15085778.2464907 -14898666.246
2458 160866387.602213 98340839.3978
2459 403834069.86175 -294255954.86
2460 9368891.6050898 15231940.3949
2461 163724830.922914 -50717950.923
2462 60820871.3776977 -28616841.378
2463 146574170.998711 -49137064.999
2464 17944221.5671911 -14723850.567
2465 15085778.2464907 -14484882.246
2466 146574170.998711 -105745631
2467 10798113.26544 -3943502.2654
2468 57962428.0569973 12105480.943
2469 12227334.9257902 6772383.07421
2470 4795382.2919691 41322714.708
2471 260911903.826728 -98072236.827
2472 17944221.5671911 124873770.433
2473 158007944.281513 -29238599.282
2474 32236438.1706933 7819000.82931
2475 55103984.7362968 46460950.2637
2476 15085778.2464907 77835424.7535
2477 97980634.5468034 212959451.453
2478 17944221.5671911 350799822.433
2479 183733934.167817 219788.832183
2480 75113087.9811999 -58113087.981
2481 9368891.6050898 -4004033.6051
2482 117989737.791706 -76126011.792
2483 15085778.2464907 21604288.7535
2484 95122191.226103 2796471.7739
2485 169441717.564314 -66587286.564
2486 5081226.62403914 -4909466.624
2487 289496337.033733 -282392364.03
2488 89405304.5847021 -38028443.585
2489 35094881.4913937 37683830.5086
2490 218035254.016222 -204438343.02
2491 166583274.243614 -138299637.24
2492 106555964.508905 -56396820.509
2493 132281954.395209 -76211521.395
2494 32236438.1706933 70930550.8293
2495 26519551.5292924 -19780410.529
2496 57962428.0569973 11668689.943
2497 146574170.998711 -136722561
2498 52245541.4155964 -35265443.416
2499 35094881.4913937 -11664115.491
2500 75113087.9811999 -72707667.981
2501 189450820.809217 50708434.1908
2502 146574170.998711 -87674139.999
2503 40811768.1327946 -32991080.133
2504 52245541.4155964 -31790265.416
2505 22231886.5482418 -18014771.548
2506 20802664.8878916 -16403675.888
2507 43670211.4534951 -18187280.453
2508 76628062.9411711 -56548042.941
2509 66537758.0190986 -52981770.019
2510 132281954.395209 -7367112.3952
2511 20802664.8878916 -18777426.888
2512 20230976.2237515 -13230976.224
2513 46528654.7741955 -25528654.774
2514 19373443.2275413 -14508443.228
2515 106555964.508905 -103552668.51
2516 503879586.086266 353731587.914
2517 260911903.826728 625774913.173
2518 389541853.258248 -20670846.258
2519 17944221.5671911 13780062.4328
2520 75113087.9811999 -8132631.9812
2521 55103984.7362968 -19411064.736
2522 155149500.960812 -15345152.961
2523 89405304.5847021 61713914.4153
2524 112272851.150306 -4675609.1503
2525 49387098.094896 18876067.9051
2526 229469027.299024 126223732.701
2527 183733934.167817 112921496.832
2528 117989737.791706 -76192671.792
2529 17944221.5671911 80505840.4328
2530 17372532.903051 63206401.0969
2531 200884594.092019 -88619455.092
2532 26519551.5292924 -470469.52929
2533 503879586.086266 -122369716.09
2534 50816319.7552462 16867669.2448
2535 39382546.4724444 -18965983.472
2536 40811768.1327946 27760609.8672
2537 9333589.83007915 9818890.16992
2538 160866387.602213 26495366.3978
2539 89405304.5847021 -49059118.585
2540 132281954.395209 -2887119.3952
2541 15085778.2464907 -2076850.2465
2542 77971531.3019003 12602656.6981
2543 249478130.543927 -141533894.54
2544 5081226.62403914 -838248.62404
2545 189450820.809217 -145359753.81
2546 75113087.9811999 -18690400.981
2547 60820871.3776977 -8518075.3777
2548 6510448.28438936 8053578.71561
2549 60820871.3776977 60876451.6223
2550 60820871.3776977 56403399.6223
2551 175158604.205715 -45976774.206
2552 55103984.7362968 7542778.2637
2553 46528654.7741955 -25962327.774
2554 37953324.8120942 -15014297.812
2555 20802664.8878916 -18680103.888
2556 55103984.7362968 33819266.2637
2557 75113087.9811999 4704851.0188
2558 83688417.9433012 -38451874.943
2559 218035254.016222 -181280620.02
2560 4223693.62782901 282228.372171
2561 66537758.0190986 10574417.9809
2562 15085778.2464907 110642479.754
2563 75113087.9811999 -36364692.981
2564 132281954.395209 16130110.6048
2565 52245541.4155964 3288913.5844
2566 40811768.1327946 -3146913.1328
2567 12227334.9257902 6410355.07421
2568 55103984.7362968 -29791597.736
2569 49387098.094896 -28759726.095
2570 160866387.602213 -126632379.6
2571 46528654.7741955 -36626539.774
2572 60820871.3776977 -52234495.378
2573 23661108.208592 -17430832.209
2574 189450820.809217 -152600719.81
2575 103697521.188204 -90018608.188
2576 20802664.8878916 -17857912.888
2577 77971531.3019003 -39178248.302
2578 13370712.2540704 17692325.7459
2579 40811768.1327946 -13311768.133
2580 17944221.5671911 -12468161.567
2581 6510448.28438936 -4765590.2844
2582 117989737.791706 -81951828.792
2583 12227334.9257902 -2347363.9258
2584 12227334.9257902 -5423318.9258
2585 532464019.29327 6519187.70673
2586 75113087.9811999 151717480.019
2587 15085778.2464907 1405301.75351
2588 46528654.7741955 78684249.2258
2589 95122191.226103 52210505.7739
2590 132281954.395209 -30579894.395
2591 503879586.086266 -171953439.09
2592 432418503.068755 487420254.931
2593 418126286.465253 328794987.535
2594 117989737.791706 -66918930.792
2595 475295152.879261 277305714.121
2596 49387098.094896 -1585709.0949
2597 461002936.275759 337955228.724
2598 215176810.695521 96417221.3045
2599 15085778.2464907 23165646.7535
2600 40811768.1327946 7253903.86721
2601 101410766.531644 133391128.468
2602 4795382.2919691 95204617.708
2603 75113087.9811999 42606070.0188
2604 180875490.847116 -128571489.85
2605 32236438.1706933 107116194.829
2606 17944221.5671911 22155778.4328
2607 69396201.339799 -36023595.34
2608 75113087.9811999 -54316240.981
2609 11083957.5975101 108416042.402
2610 55103984.7362968 211482815.264
2611 32808126.8348334 2811394.16517
2612 72254644.6604995 -3525286.6605
2613 103697521.188204 -93201204.188
2614 140857284.35731 -50474076.357
2615 260911903.826728 -158911903.83
2616 29377994.8499929 -12281941.85
2617 23661108.208592 30938891.7914
2618 189450820.809217 -71692320.809
2619 43670211.4534951 -31355560.453
2620 175158604.205715 -124281459.21
2621 117989737.791706 -94051867.792
2622 46528654.7741955 241947.225805
2623 60820871.3776977 -43957288.378
2624 29092150.5179228 -24992150.518
2625 49387098.094896 70367179.9051
2626 57962428.0569973 -17116346.057
2627 8511358.60887967 333236.39112
2628 8797202.94094971 12310543.0591
2629 37953324.8120942 -6797889.8121
2630 232327470.619724 -54350244.62
2631 11369801.9295801 -7869801.9296
2632 26519551.5292924 -9663427.5293
2633 49387098.094896 19024176.9051
2634 5081226.62403914 -4930949.624
2635 37953324.8120942 -5226368.8121
2636 218035254.016222 -212625737.02
2637 55103984.7362968 -47131017.736
2638 53674763.0759466 -46656574.076
2639 75113087.9811999 24886912.0188
2640 112272851.150306 -106862102.15
2641 37953324.8120942 23187705.1879
2642 47957876.4345457 -46720261.435
2643 46528654.7741955 -36085338.774
2644 117989737.791706 -107030262.79
2645 23661108.208592 -13431777.209
2646 72254644.6604995 -67692498.66
2647 12227334.9257902 -12123599.926
2648 23661108.208592 -22561108.209
2649 5081226.62403914 -4236038.624
2650 57962428.0569973 -55842434.057
2651 332372986.844239 230443269.156
2652 380966523.296147 -7414429.2961
2653 260911903.826728 236454965.173
2654 203743037.41272 11786163.5873
2655 375249636.654746 -86201873.655
2656 46528654.7741955 26798011.2258
2657 432418503.068755 191610867.931
2658 103697521.188204 -12344020.188
2659 13656556.5861405 26767388.4139
2660 66537758.0190986 -51090604.019
2661 175158604.205715 186208028.794
2662 26519551.5292924 48432753.4707
2663 15085778.2464907 137839314.754
2664 60820871.3776977 106901438.622
2665 418126286.465253 -145213856.47
2666 137998841.03661 19888801.9634
2667 175158604.205715 -9825424.2057
2668 32236438.1706933 151238163.829
2669 186592377.488517 -89021127.489
2670 17944221.5671911 20331261.4328
2671 63679314.6983981 -19750382.698
2672 34523192.8272537 79334340.1727
2673 189450820.809217 -118296228.81
2674 22231886.5482418 2561622.45176
2675 60820871.3776977 155376620.622
2676 152291057.640112 -99464463.64
2677 46528654.7741955 105302882.226
2678 37953324.8120942 3251774.18791
2679 60820871.3776977 -13578926.378
2680 3937849.29575897 -2160914.2958
2681 160866387.602213 -151376558.6
2682 46528654.7741955 -11430839.774
2683 43670211.4534951 41775863.5465
2684 46528654.7741955 29171843.2258
2685 11083957.5975101 -10530759.598
2686 4309446.92745003 -2048734.9275
2687 175158604.205715 -10724737.206
2688 7939669.94473958 3866449.05526
2689 60820871.3776977 -39656072.378
2690 26519551.5292924 -15670768.529
2691 95122191.226103 -14924198.226
2692 89405304.5847021 -34586003.585
2693 35094881.4913937 -3421974.4914
2694 103697521.188204 -64357344.188
2695 9940580.26922989 11989837.7308
2696 46528654.7741955 2941249.2258
2697 146574170.998711 -77148204.999
2698 12227334.9257902 -8397197.9258
2699 260911903.826728 -191780043.83
2700 7939669.94473958 -5639669.9447
2701 13656556.5861405 343443.41386
2702 7225059.11456447 1274940.88544
2703 103697521.188204 -40481649.188
2704 75113087.9811999 -70960857.981
2705 89405304.5847021 -54327063.585
2706 46528654.7741955 -34528654.774
2707 60820871.3776977 -38655263.378
2708 64108081.1965032 -24669407.197
2709 26519551.5292924 -18240534.529
2710 23661108.208592 -8958670.2086
2711 6510448.28438936 -4831574.2844
2712 10798113.26544 -7598113.2654
2713 55103984.7362968 -38401120.736
2714 9368891.6050898 -8715270.6051
2715 16120243.1673655 -13088442.167
2716 269487233.78883 99293575.2112
2717 6510448.28438936 -6046448.2844
2718 303788553.637235 412604151.363
2719 232327470.619724 428613309.38
2720 4795382.2919691 233565.708031
2721 246619687.223226 111755915.777
2722 432418503.068755 233273777.931
2723 103697521.188204 5060999.8118
2724 132281954.395209 243859351.605
2725 289496337.033733 -189357486.03
2726 8797202.94094971 16707310.0591
2727 218035254.016222 -77860248.016
2728 52245541.4155964 45297410.5844
2729 77971531.3019003 105321599.698
2730 4509537.95989906 65490462.0401
2731 218035254.016222 42661739.9838
2732 432418503.068755 -144823926.07
2733 135140397.715909 206490810.284
2734 103697521.188204 -35347637.188
2735 69396201.339799 7092687.6602
2736 13656556.5861405 14559361.4139
2737 72254644.6604995 14800704.3395
2738 15085778.2464907 37340076.7535
2739 203743037.41272 -98797272.413
2740 89405304.5847021 -26788658.585
2741 12227334.9257902 165284697.074
2742 403834069.86175 -145811836.86
2743 229469027.299024 -79795239.299
2744 86546861.2640016 -7910604.264
2745 175158604.205715 -11754805.206
2746 117989737.791706 -81096016.792
2747 103697521.188204 -72613922.188
2748 25090329.8689422 7301717.13106
2749 13656556.5861405 244193565.414
2750 103697521.188204 -89266268.188
2751 54246451.7400867 -23258756.74
2752 15085778.2464907 -848778.24649
2753 103697521.188204 -34390297.188
2754 160866387.602213 -50866387.602
2755 11083957.5975101 21896922.4025
2756 63679314.6983981 -62708498.698
2757 32236438.1706933 1461208.82931
2758 7939669.94473958 -527453.94474
2759 117989737.791706 -95945460.792
2760 60820871.3776977 88460734.6223
2761 49387098.094896 -8894339.0949
2762 23661108.208592 -23101039.209
2763 35094881.4913937 -18143083.491
2764 5938759.62024928 -3954097.6202
2765 40811768.1327946 -39027005.133
2766 17944221.5671911 -12815163.567
2767 203743037.41272 -183819004.41
2768 83688417.9433012 -73561959.943
2769 11083957.5975101 -8233694.5975
2770 37953324.8120942 -783267.81209
2771 6510448.28438936 11475444.7156
2772 40811768.1327946 -13804625.133
2773 260911903.826728 -246083822.83
2774 26519551.5292924 -26093327.529
2775 26519551.5292924 -3926142.5293
2776 20802664.8878916 -2052418.8879
2777 4109355.895001 2597012.105
2778 52245541.4155964 -43525541.416
2779 9368891.6050898 -9244397.6051
2780 40811768.1327946 -31021868.133
2781 4366615.79386403 -179684.79386
2782 83688417.9433012 420361801.057
2783 375249636.654746 256494923.345
2784 175158604.205715 309250613.794
2785 218035254.016222 149239764.984
2786 289496337.033733 -46507871.034
2787 89405304.5847021 854231.415298
2788 4366615.79386403 -3864797.7939
2789 175158604.205715 -68019205.206
2790 77971531.3019003 12454873.6981
2791 60820871.3776977 75329562.6223
2792 260911903.826728 86413898.1733
2793 17372532.903051 -7035145.9031
2794 20802664.8878916 11636323.1121
2795 89405304.5847021 122980228.415
2796 32236438.1706933 25263561.8293
2797 123706624.433107 48256761.5669
2798 35094881.4913937 33138747.5086
2799 57962428.0569973 50084702.943
2800 75113087.9811999 154623256.019
2801 32236438.1706933 8248600.82931
2802 83688417.9433012 -14791588.943
2803 289496337.033733 -87470225.034
2804 117989737.791706 33171753.2083
2805 69396201.339799 116595444.66
2806 160866387.602213 -142997339.6
2807 32236438.1706933 26981350.8293
2808 4366615.79386403 -824262.79386
2809 26519551.5292924 -20860265.529
2810 375249636.654746 179737840.345
2811 16514999.9068409 10577880.0932
2812 103697521.188204 -81878173.188
2813 175158604.205715 -124508525.21
2814 100839077.867504 -5230082.8675
2815 52245541.4155964 -32945541.416
2816 232327470.619724 -163812626.62
2817 55103984.7362968 -44602046.736
2818 32236438.1706933 -14962845.171
2819 83688417.9433012 -6172113.9433
2820 9368891.6050898 1756957.39491
2821 32236438.1706933 -26126438.171
2822 66537758.0190986 -47186189.019
2823 4009310.37877648 -809310.37878
2824 149432614.319411 -76653614.319
2825 112272851.150306 -82365166.15
2826 5081226.62403914 -4477283.624
2827 46528654.7741955 -41503872.774
2828 6510448.28438936 3537225.71561
2829 240902800.581825 -181434525.58
2830 83688417.9433012 -53672252.943
2831 15085778.2464907 -12658927.246
2832 43670211.4534951 -38561391.453
2833 218035254.016222 -189035254.02
2834 203743037.41272 -150155633.41
2835 10798113.26544 -10690554.265
2836 35094881.4913937 -21898636.491
2837 9368891.6050898 -9248271.6051
2838 17944221.5671911 -17162119.567
2839 37953324.8120942 -33031158.812
2840 117989737.791706 8557087.20829
2841 132281954.395209 655959821.605
2842 232327470.619724 240899487.38
2843 17944221.5671911 85646049.4328
2844 26519551.5292924 25767862.4707
2845 432418503.068755 171481850.931
2846 72254644.6604995 27711108.3395
2847 83688417.9433012 -22907436.943
2848 275204120.430231 -198771393.43
2849 232327470.619724 -109882698.62
2850 89405304.5847021 164729605.415
2851 89405304.5847021 25258156.4153
2852 132281954.395209 4603812.60479
2853 43670211.4534951 -41914999.453
2854 49387098.094896 17081233.9051
2855 89405304.5847021 -24778518.585
2856 175158604.205715 -45326215.206
2857 146574170.998711 14028023.0013
2858 29377994.8499929 3595942.15001
2859 17944221.5671911 -12467428.567
2860 23661108.208592 -6831563.2086
2861 32236438.1706933 -19408625.171
2862 117989737.791706 -43392094.792
2863 40811768.1327946 4488231.86721
2864 132281954.395209 -37346190.395
2865 35094881.4913937 -222848.49139
2866 117989737.791706 -98667602.792
2867 80829974.6226008 4734335.3774
2868 23661108.208592 12772866.7914
2869 6510448.28438936 14867912.7156
2870 75113087.9811999 -24441237.981
2871 69396201.339799 -17515188.34
2872 54818140.4042268 -47869507.404
2873 26519551.5292924 -4351192.5293
2874 20802664.8878916 -2605266.8879
2875 60820871.3776977 6371987.6223
2876 9368891.6050898 8975837.39491
2877 32236438.1706933 -29043336.171
2878 72254644.6604995 -41703149.66
2879 218035254.016222 -163785960.02
2880 37953324.8120942 2902094.18791
2881 46528654.7741955 -40123409.774
2882 46528654.7741955 -17197586.774
2883 4166524.761415 -3266524.7614
2884 32236438.1706933 -31637793.171
2885 72254644.6604995 -57471968.66
2886 117989737.791706 -89017229.792
2887 4906861.58147642 -2625861.5815
2888 6510448.28438936 2489551.71561
2889 57962428.0569973 -55392428.057
2890 403834069.86175 37984733.1382
2891 260911903.826728 43408350.1733
2892 275204120.430231 602040661.57
2893 203743037.41272 -43630366.413
2894 71111267.3322193 31280114.6678
2895 146574170.998711 78229304.0013
2896 37953324.8120942 62046675.1879
2897 37953324.8120942 4977716.18791
2898 13656556.5861405 69796982.4139
2899 11083957.5975101 73216042.4025
2900 232327470.619724 17872529.3803
2901 286637893.713032 -40404780.713
2902 243761243.902526 31889459.0975
2903 44672184.4491435 -40707502.449
2904 218035254.016222 225104750.984
2905 117989737.791706 42593280.2083
2906 432418503.068755 -139600662.07
2907 175158604.205715 -56820243.206
2908 72254644.6604995 10933520.3395
2909 103697521.188204 44236658.8118
2910 246619687.223226 -24388501.223
2911 146574170.998711 -91393041.999
2912 232327470.619724 -68593773.62
2913 8511358.60887967 1188641.39112
2914 29377994.8499929 -5441086.85
2915 75113087.9811999 2886912.0188
2916 60820871.3776977 -37878650.378
2917 30807216.5103431 -23007216.51
2918 103697521.188204 -11478211.188
2919 9368891.6050898 8647398.39491
2920 432418503.068755 -393425745.07
2921 60820871.3776977 -21520871.378
2922 15085778.2464907 -13981096.246
2923 22231886.5482418 -8863449.5482
2924 5081226.62403914 3598587.37596
2925 5252733.22328117 7046934.77672
2926 17944221.5671911 -2764919.5672
2927 46528654.7741955 646383.225805
2928 52245541.4155964 13289525.5844
2929 17944221.5671911 -2827587.5672
2930 17944221.5671911 -175464.56719
2931 46528654.7741955 6441359.2258
2932 11655646.2616502 7514354.73835
2933 220893697.336922 -185758877.34
2934 203743037.41272 -185081010.41
2935 146574170.998711 -139765621
2936 7225059.11456447 -3812562.1146
2937 5938759.62024928 -3122643.6202
2938 4509537.95989906 -2759326.9599
2939 95122191.226103 -9954552.2261
2940 218035254.016222 309033596.984
2941 117989737.791706 -71518714.792
2942 218035254.016222 657923053.984
2943 175158604.205715 -96849473.206
2944 115131294.471006 -79843506.471
2945 89405304.5847021 50756487.4153
2946 29377994.8499929 14818689.15
2947 218035254.016222 124660180.984
2948 143715727.67801 -71015727.678
2949 12227334.9257902 17771878.0742
2950 12227334.9257902 -279380.92579
2951 175158604.205715 -81783453.206
2952 103697521.188204 -52017320.188
2953 20665459.6084979 -18545020.608
2954 3937849.29575897 38726560.7042
2955 7225059.11456447 14497716.8854
2956 75113087.9811999 -61003803.981
2957 89405304.5847021 -58335093.585
2958 49387098.094896 27126951.9051
2959 8797202.94094971 58940887.0591
2960 17944221.5671911 46338090.4328
2961 203743037.41272 -27638693.413
2962 180875490.847116 -139056426.85
2963 63679314.6983981 -63199000.698
2964 37953324.8120942 -13123680.812
2965 146574170.998711 -62812326.999
2966 75113087.9811999 -59269479.981
2967 12227334.9257902 3710730.07421
2968 232327470.619724 -105780952.62
2969 89405304.5847021 -70200375.585
2970 43670211.4534951 -32252849.453
2971 72254644.6604995 -55963668.66
2972 46528654.7741955 20438332.2258
2973 12227334.9257902 -9150514.9258
2974 12227334.9257902 -11027334.926
2975 10798113.26544 22601886.7346
2976 203743037.41272 -180583732.41
2977 52245541.4155964 66855216.5844
2978 12227334.9257902 77101292.0742
2979 218035254.016222 314645416.984
2980 46528654.7741955 60688741.2258
2981 60820871.3776977 17557872.6223
2982 132281954.395209 48718045.6048
2983 52245541.4155964 -9079970.4156
2984 163724830.922914 -106500940.92
2985 175158604.205715 -148870284.21
2986 10798113.26544 49343569.7346
2987 17944221.5671911 7618702.43281
2988 12227334.9257902 -11478881.926
2989 117989737.791706 -79817237.792
2990 132281954.395209 -74400898.395
2991 12227334.9257902 7244722.07421
2992 89405304.5847021 -75883475.585
2993 146574170.998711 -76739355.999
2994 49387098.094896 -34564752.095
2995 43670211.4534951 -37256296.453
2996 7939669.94473958 -7766603.9447
2997 75113087.9811999 -33508614.981
2998 60820871.3776977 26044692.6223
2999 69396201.339799 -60029974.34
3000 43670211.4534951 -33245741.453
3001 37953324.8120942 -32411299.812
3002 35094881.4913937 -11116479.491
3003 83688417.9433012 -75343361.943
3004 17944221.5671911 -17803555.567
3005 37953324.8120942 -20660943.812
3006 4295154.71084652 -4183854.7108
3007 232327470.619724 -86555943.62
3008 75113087.9811999 95650938.0188
3009 4652460.12593408 24747539.8741
3010 89405304.5847021 103047527.415
3011 69396201.339799 17534209.6602
3012 5795837.45421425 -1788045.4542
3013 10798113.26544 -7473075.2654
3014 246619687.223226 -97575174.223
3015 323797656.882138 -86414932.882
3016 429560059.748054 -365100743.75
3017 19659287.5596114 -1189607.5596
3018 206601480.73342 87855124.2666
3019 103697521.188204 -77825687.188
3020 4109355.895001 16601157.105
3021 5738668.58780024 2261331.4122
3022 57962428.0569973 -18694913.057
3023 6081681.7862843 -4837720.7863
3024 9368891.6050898 3732780.39491
3025 77971531.3019003 -20079728.302
3026 60820871.3776977 -27294036.378
3027 60820871.3776977 -33633496.378
3028 75113087.9811999 -68613087.981
3029 117989737.791706 -109495847.79
3030 46528654.7741955 -23797812.774
3031 46528654.7741955 98471345.2258
3032 140857284.35731 79815932.6427
3033 13942400.9182105 -8019356.9182
3034 39668390.8045145 -11017815.805
3035 132281954.395209 92552609.6048
3036 383824966.616847 -83689599.617
3037 89405304.5847021 -88910001.585
3038 112272851.150306 84739130.8497
3039 17944221.5671911 68418150.4328
3040 146574170.998711 -108071831
3041 126565067.753808 -57868297.754
3042 249478130.543927 -235104305.54
3043 37953324.8120942 -28369193.812
3044 40811768.1327946 -5048163.1328
3045 66537758.0190986 18234983.9809
3046 89405304.5847021 -4758473.5847
3047 29377994.8499929 -10714756.85
3048 46528654.7741955 -29021286.774
3049 60820871.3776977 -50483394.378
3050 60820871.3776977 -44215108.378
3051 117989737.791706 -71443540.792
3052 60820871.3776977 -59145165.378
3053 6510448.28438936 -4453255.2844
3054 27948773.1896427 6462466.81036
3055 15085778.2464907 -10455733.246
3056 4938304.45800412 -3964779.458
3057 32236438.1706933 -11894277.171
3058 29377994.8499929 -7867143.85
3059 14514089.5823506 -14402358.582
3060 72254644.6604995 -58554644.66
3061 40811768.1327946 -32784797.133
3062 7906577.74641583 177018908.254
3063 57962428.0569973 82790188.943
3064 232327470.619724 -109763931.62
3065 175158604.205715 -3400741.2057
3066 232327470.619724 111069776.38
3067 132281954.395209 8938723.60479
3068 132281954.395209 45980665.6048
3069 189450820.809217 -10071287.809
3070 17944221.5671911 187759596.433
3071 89405304.5847021 -38272706.585
3072 246619687.223226 -49310660.223
3073 40811768.1327946 32368954.8672
3074 83688417.9433012 -43140977.943
3075 41383456.7969347 12446958.2031
3076 13084867.9220004 51025860.078
3077 6510448.28438936 95248041.7156
3078 75113087.9811999 5823144.0188
3079 12227334.9257902 -8840334.9258
3080 32236438.1706933 -27818858.171
3081 103697521.188204 -91191333.188
3082 66537758.0190986 -44137604.019
3083 60820871.3776977 -12272445.378
3084 32236438.1706933 12224411.8293
3085 60820871.3776977 -53820871.378
3086 6510448.28438936 56371641.7156
3087 117989737.791706 68177401.2083
3088 55103984.7362968 206468759.264
3089 368103528.352995 -13855465.353
3090 60820871.3776977 19726994.6223
3091 132281954.395209 -121614061.4
3092 246619687.223226 -134135923.22
3093 80829974.6226008 -23959560.623
3094 26519551.5292924 -9059531.5293
3095 52245541.4155964 -42618049.416
3096 9368891.6050898 2464804.39491
3097 20802664.8878916 -11802664.888
3098 172300160.885015 210956975.115
3099 89405304.5847021 284148728.415
3100 17658377.2351211 26448654.7649
3101 432418503.068755 -117985838.07
3102 160866387.602213 185213385.398
3103 40811768.1327946 57025369.8672
3104 8025423.2443606 -757838.24436
3105 83688417.9433012 16965731.0567
3106 75113087.9811999 -40170899.981
3107 4280862.49424302 -2239942.4942
3108 7939669.94473958 3158461.05526
3109 52245541.4155964 -21914376.416
3110 109414407.829605 -45614062.83
3111 32236438.1706933 1346736.82931
3112 46528654.7741955 4525132.2258
3113 137998841.03661 -127459841.04
3114 75113087.9811999 -47510018.981
3115 146574170.998711 54230363.0013
3116 26519551.5292924 100872687.471
3117 11369801.9295801 4622813.07042
3118 26519551.5292924 -25041875.529
3119 9824184.45721097 875815.542789
3120 232327470.619724 -30743329.62
3121 4509537.95989906 3490462.0401
3122 4252278.06103602 747721.938964
3123 89405304.5847021 -40977241.585
3124 4023602.59537998 50644351.4046
3125 29377994.8499929 -25027220.85
3126 26519551.5292924 -24243994.529
3127 89405304.5847021 11086378.4153
3128 32236438.1706933 -30081742.171
3129 289496337.033733 -120168650.03
3130 7939669.94473958 22508330.0553
3131 346665203.447741 -176708397.45
3132 39430150.9875073 -31320990.988
3133 4080771.46179399 -1189483.4618
3134 117989737.791706 -794676.79171
3135 89405304.5847021 -43850771.585
3136 318080770.240737 -214129309.24
3137 103697521.188204 -84219415.188
3138 23661108.208592 -11261108.209
3139 137998841.03661 -99913063.037
3140 95122191.226103 -91555554.226
3141 232327470.619724 -141452900.62
3142 60820871.3776977 74859128.6223
3143 60820871.3776977 49041810.6223
3144 83688417.9433012 -83019141.943
3145 6104549.3328499 261342600.667
3146 38810857.8083043 45649988.1917
3147 3937849.29575897 23062150.7042
3148 4223693.62782901 -2023693.6278
3149 89405304.5847021 -74945304.585
budget Residual Plot



0 100000000 200000000 300


Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%

9649916.4349 -2345906.5075 9649916.4349 -1000000000
2.958610924 2.7582757174 2.958610924 budget
ual Plot

200000000 300000000

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.67387807407624
R Square 0.45411165872071
Adjusted R Square 0.45393819563164
Standard Error 130455596.718212
Observations 3149

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 4.4553416E+19 4.455342E+19 2617.9152071 0
Residual 3147 5.3557732E+19 1.701866E+16
Total 3148 9.8111147E+19

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%

Intercept -6964587.6545839 3413834.23049 -2.0401071594 0.0414229762 -13658154.185
popularity 4511492.50349807 88174.3876193 51.165566615 0 4338607.3867


Observation Predicted revenue Residuals

1 52787265.7565084 18212734.2435
2 214019819.472636 186156639.527
3 8418537.07011371 26086572.9299
4 17307801.4393062 -13823470.439
5 179298407.706319 -109303022.71
6 12716956.2941641 206979.705836
7 172397682.910878 -172125841.91
8 82465785.3403252 -34295877.34
9 550792728.368394 568096250.632
10 470319450.032468 -422776609.03
11 6620441.12941202 8852891.87059
12 51029985.2884858 60828377.7115
13 7618572.75387094 776178.246129
14 464348106.227225 -142982539.23
15 13798135.4726274 26584523.5274
16 444301505.839572 1400732682.16
17 72290298.9698779 -50790298.97
18 7683790.8895015 9316209.1105
19 10044465.4338969 3637299.5661
20 9826546.81150043 19558773.1885
21 151962715.202553 -74224826.203
22 68096009.5043008 -43058112.504
23 55561571.9795945 -30509571.98
24 460868261.225994 -176268261.23
25 114035491.001161 91370006.9988
26 132863419.964814 -84411616.965
27 12118763.9686477 -7368763.9686
28 269256097.479514 280743902.52
29 53212131.0515328 -43212131.052
30 126319928.680278 -106319928.68
31 147358637.849899 301862307.15
32 82301571.5246904 -32301571.525
33 199245967.299043 224962880.701
34 27430936.4507428 55873393.5493
35 421662994.359256 -29662300.359
36 475381511.546615 450905888.453
37 615845044.091996 255523319.908
38 173796841.103973 -57684466.104
39 155763191.976008 -12823091.976
40 81122177.1544259 -31022177.154
41 266982991.004612 -56982991.005
42 58743798.3318619 -41117564.332
43 641155062.927213 -396088651.93
44 215601490.09496 -210279982.09
45 169070371.471191 -1772179.4712
46 84422780.5584926 -33672780.558
47 164292971.599537 121921314.4
48 326309934.005754 -195827066.01
49 151214957.877561 -139470486.88
50 91989685.8714772 -2189685.8715
51 30874066.92598 -7224066.926
52 34488949.9208254 -26658338.921
53 29006033.8284891 993966.171511
54 309318020.077294 -243433317.08
55 198832096.51125 -96832096.511
56 173822570.14572 -75696005.146
57 86814074.6025092 -14743343.603
58 51086374.433287 135797188.567
59 7111341.14021015 -5800668.1402
60 -6770489.7126059 7394280.71261
61 484109661.495523 536993906.504
62 336097725.267914 145743183.732
63 303051714.892173 -147291597.89
64 201286122.858527 -7513618.8585
65 264939812.74515 68992270.2549
66 520159531.855912 571245565.144
67 499734444.31617 585204654.684
68 363526805.666501 61841432.3335
69 123151354.104327 -73597352.104
70 99765071.764541 115529270.235
71 188850067.450845 -144501067.45
72 124027598.735818 6331312.26418
73 59228711.5921079 -50855126.592
74 294417318.268981 202992533.731
75 285375042.12004 -100116059.12
76 97375230.4211105 2855601.57889
77 88629553.3238269 -44645323.324
78 58736237.070426 1263762.92957
79 36112906.7623846 -8925253.7624
80 260092827.613122 -123326765.61
81 125591534.681111 106384890.319
82 590346810.301026 286341671.699
83 418787504.382301 539612495.618
84 391747928.200496 -385747928.2
85 97295819.1300639 -63995819.13
86 85067829.2451502 -84313580.245
87 55587143.1191043 72912061.8809
88 153344621.448315 -138632828.45
89 136621556.381123 -84648527.381
90 44409618.1716901 -35085785.172
91 118772116.003569 43319091.9964
92 66365355.8650339 33634644.135
93 8163240.73232576 37836759.2677
94 208012916.083481 24604513.9165
95 197289739.034601 572363855.965
96 163650607.250918 -86441896.251
97 28687644.2680397 2991133.73196
98 449825905.105478 446095130.895
99 227501760.652927 -142715846.65
100 211194109.303965 230615660.696
101 184147716.256986 82317320.743
102 165856948.148262 -33036232.148
103 111027493.977886 -50737581.978
104 78152261.6393731 9561563.36063
105 16526604.931878 -5024453.9319
106 447053439.571333 85897063.4287
107 139414824.407202 -47233914.407
108 422986494.823067 34653932.1769
109 82614660.0814481 -39513066.081
110 17963862.6791649 7141392.32084
111 9720156.79528294 64279843.2047
112 541015169.171233 -327086407.17
113 254366426.270372 136714765.73
114 229172461.068315 227586519.932
115 176344891.466516 -136671729.47
116 121746520.453662 1002000475.55
117 104011265.951371 69002243.0486
118 100122612.056936 170125754.943
119 98070248.3987369 -77161781.399
120 72309251.7498851 73982757.2501
121 61966601.0477057 -13435131.048
122 8018507.54132103 1981492.45868
123 439157222.374548 494801974.625
124 392288391.467937 -270161704.47
125 320551546.181155 -1420496.1812
126 218490311.532262 -129029930.53
127 138989083.882632 -138338661.88
128 101140287.46692 -91890287.467
129 30507860.0564861 6895016.94351
130 838141393.239233 166417050.761
131 489228987.384017 487246562.616
132 98744721.0395024 -55087899.04
133 91130242.0380683 33601291.9619
134 43634967.8398845 -6317409.8399
135 33586759.6959459 2413240.30405
136 695882868.659993 177377325.34
137 651024769.358758 414635042.641
138 279195578.654118 10651775.3459
139 256894414.025752 296905151.974
140 -3419709.4889153 25419709.4889
141 451400465.615616 -183368637.62
142 242292819.658928 -71172490.659
143 236559470.617722 183091942.382
144 221260724.337318 -101188147.34
145 92016037.4991901 744281190.501
146 59974682.3660688 67839926.6339
147 381931407.754074 -313231407.75
148 214310386.658816 -125020476.66
149 197465560.920448 570354898.08
150 156835506.071702 118457943.928
151 114699059.364545 -29699059.365
152 106814373.542599 45451633.4574
153 7839915.59907756 4960084.40092
154 -3765294.3261758 23765294.3262
155 749088063.718811 76444700.2812
156 477464986.457118 403209622.543
157 199401081.434298 -188290106.43
158 189939403.407754 -133684261.41
159 88158165.5181064 -21181848.518
160 887990985.288875 265313509.711
161 271675701.13899 -70040710.139
162 185007999.228001 -52827676.228
163 164782229.427063 108557326.573
164 135643013.657115 -115525674.66
165 106590657.652336 100925067.348
166 66324914.8462326 99290370.1538
167 337307942.154962 510115509.845
168 197401912.784208 -67108198.784
169 183382088.910188 -59109964.91
170 146584574.012118 89341977.9879
171 126149588.257824 51435290.7422
172 86990767.2064087 -13034526.206
173 84163306.5786464 -22704324.579
174 75712559.2807939 212635132.719
175 23420156.454238 -13020156.454
176 638366261.278713 -269035898.28
177 290563646.487418 67809279.5126
178 280211056.967253 -233374662.97
179 265721717.556901 551247550.443
180 110105381.002111 50896316.9979
181 75420724.3652201 -40853978.365
182 67907573.4854147 94335388.5146
183 60575405.6388796 -59936764.639
184 59444067.6867623 -17098707.687
185 55774983.6209799 -29581915.621
186 49503715.7941049 45807718.2059
187 20147876.2001083 3174077.79989
188 19019556.4364759 -9396710.4365
189 621360185.775285 -77425398.775
190 538771455.069991 417248332.93
191 394265742.54028 204780217.46
192 348089840.790267 -304072466.79
193 193753757.532149 17889400.4679
194 193594560.496179 -20604909.496
195 184893529.12871 -115482159.13
196 145737252.559066 7207407.44093
197 144839934.746091 156014888.254
198 107936327.590309 601773452.41
199 101766275.09775 6773635.90225
200 37229925.2372957 -7681634.2373
201 35215097.1967259 -34840354.197
202 27342831.513642 -6942831.5136
203 9225034.02750154 -4838798.0275
204 1220039062.22363 -565027838.22
205 644714337.26546 874843572.735
206 441468784.81155 221376733.188
207 412626741.052807 695934271.947
208 297070883.418196 451736073.582
209 269121027.905452 81919391.0945
210 253527694.699046 176104447.301
211 231209183.382004 -60331267.382
212 211874744.64349 88343273.3565
213 122983219.801706 267510688.198
214 109368419.67868 25961762.3213
215 78426519.7801533 76222367.2198
216 19994304.9952892 -13994304.995
217 616222899.635134 61722499.3649
218 609971766.599302 -581630297.6
219 395777327.126562 309940104.873
220 302301372.481977 388909319.518
221 191482708.297829 457915619.702
222 139765268.121888 -131394183.12
223 107129546.408894 -25155053.409
224 750663296.441333 -120501406.44
225 598835147.354417 806568546.646
226 352509334.938634 437295219.061
227 326633435.08721 25480876.9128
228 211599078.917049 -46120730.917
229 184648983.677557 -100929595.68
230 167762891.317259 211119519.683
231 117142781.462945 -4122526.4629
232 103442822.407423 -34769594.407
233 77997964.084261 137889752.916
234 73896038.404708 121372017.595
235 63006721.1328947 -35676721.133
236 59914526.1250271 88421918.875
237 22893141.9459494 -6769290.9459
238 512037618.223655 -137818945.22
239 300449476.993171 54788456.0068
240 227249658.451831 -204192543.45
241 192030250.097008 657969749.903
242 162975669.926425 147693870.074
243 152720271.489263 -117234663.49
244 145035237.256567 69069382.7434
245 122630836.145243 -78083155.145
246 92388528.8777415 -52356649.878
247 52388603.2099442 -34588603.21
248 41733251.9393624 -7316358.9394
249 6605151.68131766 -1440747.6813
250 -6302377.250443 11502377.2504
251 655130281.674852 -554276528.67
252 515014255.862538 375857370.137
253 355382533.077397 -66634638.077
254 263551373.858243 -161278646.86
255 201086308.855547 161551164.144
256 190920553.77443 -136246327.77
257 180578367.755979 -60403077.756
258 163953405.093276 150224605.907
259 134629764.021277 -5831499.0213
260 115024527.456733 158528064.543
261 105649596.408046 -15649498.408
262 90435797.0199899 -65399847.02
263 79061340.9133055 -10765047.913
264 41567968.9000043 -38760578.9
265 41323973.8509376 -9727062.8509
266 34242243.4647641 -1986803.4648
267 28571910.9508475 -22734236.951
268 24847976.1592076 -24173058.159
269 17224677.1899292 -12617069.19
270 11438291.0428526 3561708.95715
271 -2902250.3217491 5376250.32175
272 -3194707.8232884 15394707.8233
273 362592949.27574 -67788754.276
274 345583264.578308 592629473.422
275 312385514.663705 426214186.336
276 297324916.538083 59288522.4619
277 217094753.510185 34077053.4898
278 200902596.369313 44773549.6307
279 183482496.687345 -21710121.687
280 175209326.245923 68030851.7541
281 159838964.533518 52172146.4665
282 150855080.63205 94505399.368
283 133987968.120714 22834051.8793
284 105192586.728934 21024353.2711
285 81951204.5053762 32709579.4946
286 63531764.1189593 -28362798.119
287 34431793.8222986 33368270.1777
288 17921738.8736597 -17286642.874
289 567278150.567964 86150110.432
290 454661327.282219 1051588032.72
291 452041652.464691 67958347.5353
292 298287235.935049 -114970780.94
293 187278863.491129 -23835926.491
294 175169318.330402 -171844988.33
295 150658735.966805 -80658735.967
296 119670385.741463 -35064355.741
297 109777418.054569 -78851728.055
298 108901859.169938 -80643799.17
299 65880550.880608 -23985059.881
300 58962538.045894 -50178220.046
301 45789521.31478 41964522.6852
302 41129912.0008996 -15309951.001
303 463629163.804853 -111780.80485
304 398466442.836705 353749414.163
305 318879153.956078 395887418.044
306 236815105.317448 687502452.683
307 225240018.62764 109822602.372
308 221418924.333445 -69259463.333
309 195905739.456318 -1737039.4563
310 163030976.313025 -81812.313025
311 156232328.546969 -134415030.55
312 153554459.987638 32884423.0124
313 133283236.899728 117005286.1
314 125028766.594732 -31503180.595
315 124821770.295687 -50613503.296
316 116196004.157654 87192336.8423
317 113910901.624184 -38195465.624
318 111147941.804744 -77752515.805
319 97858366.1533101 -21188560.153
320 87319790.3546888 47680209.6453
321 78949054.3763859 1100709.62361
322 69414574.3953132 62043107.6047
323 68644652.1076512 39458797.8923
324 46915544.7287281 -32093886.729
325 39199706.025218 -17631853.025
326 32287946.1191138 38399397.8809
327 8240157.16801789 -3240157.168
328 622727361.998023 -410909456
329 260334291.714894 53208049.2851
330 229692541.412625 74096093.5874
331 202860737.506576 369839262.493
332 194429755.057381 69788464.9426
333 160290546.887148 84641219.1129
334 158083087.139664 -36935140.14
335 129264615.929252 -116203772.93
336 93098773.1425672 43884060.8574
337 79232682.8870958 -48696669.887
338 72465141.861851 109551475.138
339 70004609.9423832 23941156.0576
340 59829249.893726 -35353833.894
341 51830572.1906941 -47829451.191
342 48208782.1008258 -2292013.1008
343 41450827.9971509 12403760.0028
344 40106822.7999113 -8436202.7999
345 27025010.4012481 37420697.5988
346 26613007.3713511 -16230600.371
347 19924579.8786476 -6654616.8786
348 11211651.7054469 24788348.2946
349 6017177.88632176 8982822.11368
350 -6639462.4358268 7278462.43583
351 425790856.609211 -238790856.61
352 303402063.865517 16767944.1345
353 267030704.549329 -107655396.55
354 231183192.673691 -136183192.67
355 201521203.198407 -2321203.1984
356 192152696.515046 -14108935.515
357 166410481.209486 -78351695.209
358 100639877.229924 21594093.7701
359 98517522.2770262 61482477.723
360 96777633.6126047 -71973504.613
361 79400361.5289733 48200073.471
362 77464371.8199022 163893.180098
363 77219321.0815897 -64119321.082
364 72615785.1080353 -65015785.108
365 62312037.0057136 -39074126.006
366 58390295.8252578 96547384.1747
367 57098303.625091 10248709.3749
368 28321771.2489911 -15314220.249
369 24792660.7496222 -19107871.75
370 24738297.264955 116308881.735
371 23731449.4369794 14326885.563
372 15379639.1697286 -6925338.1697
373 5456963.30469989 15592089.6953
374 568366115.031153 -459384840.03
375 387946066.398843 154361356.601
376 343915704.161703 350797675.838
377 253680498.95014 -80112917.95
378 237375103.34743 194596012.653
379 216402374.755673 196397625.244
380 204319307.544449 -186566367.54
381 201378035.495301 -91171819.495
382 194763479.18085 -79533589.181
383 148328635.807106 -97179984.807
384 130000553.143885 -71598655.144
385 122966901.733321 81627114.2667
386 120355099.470211 35811915.5298
387 114632438.154746 46006444.8453
388 97956712.1783939 36791308.8216
389 77806816.6583803 -48270517.658
390 70775984.9306313 51193231.0694
391 17148505.1505002 -8136505.1505
392 13293322.0189485 -6493322.0189
393 11700526.056111 62908043.9439
394 5991241.31591915 401720307.684
395 503562594.584641 -192305668.58
396 374847394.552694 -242336359.55
397 353603182.388047 -161272444.39
398 346244753.143649 121120492.856
399 310897182.309786 -94133536.31
400 191211720.989113 92927379.0109
401 178943046.464803 71706789.5352
402 158473642.534199 -40986169.534
403 137878358.939763 -21956183.94
404 110657438.805287 -18115020.805
405 104093172.097772 34906827.9022
406 101025203.804648 -35124954.805
407 97133288.1011329 -66830216.101
408 38617908.4634594 -8735263.4635
409 33292429.9250177 -23125927.925
410 30546776.1908213 -13646776.191
411 26585085.744247 -17971623.744
412 25635975.9973311 10107332.0027
413 14660565.9140736 -4008067.9141
414 10383143.1761345 64404455.8239
415 8325983.80140444 22074016.1986
416 7450415.89378806 346173708.106
417 525746541.614782 222116233.385
418 509701626.054746 172628512.945
419 291559193.026672 -150791237.03
420 285959321.002675 17066163.9973
421 258533389.625855 88918504.3741
422 248039427.976601 159563478.023
423 205103359.826632 -163103359.83
424 179240800.458542 -82264530.459
425 169004318.709447 36362418.2906
426 161676964.625413 -2519517.6254
427 141258499.956666 -98285505.957
428 136756174.805935 -53790022.806
429 129947173.164583 126324112.835
430 115885577.381473 36542382.6185
431 113022990.273078 -37627942.273
432 108681490.807112 78818509.1929
433 105548854.780443 -11848854.78
434 62662376.9560727 -35019669.956
435 49541643.9115818 -37165080.912
436 41806947.1694071 77073068.8306
437 40159715.5380224 -10653251.538
438 33917952.8721202 28194942.1279
439 20955640.8868896 -11460232.887
440 16305992.9484569 -5093698.9485
441 1092900033.30465 -382255467.3
442 580934113.548592 -371779791.55
443 420796485.528587 289030976.471
444 343497533.921554 871942460.078
445 328874108.442505 -219197797.44
446 262933488.867949 89260545.1321
447 252529567.58608 -119183061.59
448 249596768.119853 -31256173.12
449 240645506.820678 128230253.179
450 240332377.660488 -37054741.66
451 205009895.236437 286858652.764
452 198371622.005895 -107806201.01
453 193150381.501747 -162508611.5
454 186436306.174161 -176792182.17
455 181899946.323983 251113327.676
456 137602539.822577 -304050.82258
457 136924647.470493 -50749356.47
458 133054093.683982 8141564.31602
459 130806671.135902 -74301606.136
460 109215899.651614 216540737.348
461 98295114.7195888 92890782.2804
462 94283414.3786132 -55327816.379
463 89063459.6498283 -81959621.65
464 85140112.3780413 -43046406.378
465 83027348.8582056 -18950612.858
466 76167895.196187 -70167895.196
467 72723496.9915563 -51135796.992
468 71783622.2697951 64375800.7302
469 68369739.800458 -52974652.8
470 64477927.8612704 90986423.1387
471 64191037.5414805 64693094.4585
472 58648010.3230276 -27995120.323
473 57140693.6086539 -2099326.6087
474 41324632.5288431 -10176304.529
475 28473136.3339759 908512.666024
476 25769529.7099121 600368145.29
477 10532017.9172574 -738521.91726
478 -3726188.7091555 4497687.70916
479 360720341.52485 -26105341.525
480 323790603.804489 101197607.196
481 276921867.63922 -167498219.64
482 258231584.311849 -137017207.31
483 243236398.316034 -7376282.316
484 225538341.069434 109362995.931
485 197046844.789705 -12670590.79
486 153303733.791756 -130303733.79
487 136513537.716112 -57399452.716
488 133193381.503535 -77945500.504
489 133136807.387541 9263257.61246
490 121617067.687767 37999259.3122
491 112934574.042995 298072165.957
492 111477235.642575 65782205.3574
493 109856292.478008 -75890449.478
494 109284821.72259 199923487.277
495 101975635.418868 -53160726.419
496 94666755.8966355 124409762.103
497 92919143.5570479 -79789297.557
498 89555550.6946474 6550413.30535
499 86331507.3183651 -3864837.3184
500 53334735.3718079 51862899.6282
501 52898117.6388118 -50370213.639
502 50172503.954316 -30901191.954
503 48357138.0203109 -38757138.02
504 38364989.6822208 -28064989.682
505 29039973.7865929 24937276.2134
506 25679642.7332724 -7555380.7333
507 19928956.026376 14593264.9736
508 16315751.306742 -16128077.307
509 6930186.67022468 9223406.32978
510 4325363.68601748 224749160.314
511 253956620.337324 270072058.663
512 253591762.404089 -34174507.404
513 227096502.304322 139005163.696
514 213797944.271314 169733519.729
515 196156176.91668 19706515.0833
516 182276836.407726 -119263555.41
517 180278538.475689 -91932065.476
518 171710199.125733 190122200.874
519 162248575.237099 -48968477.237
520 136882361.251258 -41862148.251
521 132484287.669298 -77897703.669
522 118067109.581539 64232890.4185
523 104458147.329812 58487746.6702
524 90758977.785478 16699807.2145
525 88309995.2868191 -28087697.287
526 84470110.6263468 -75915102.626
527 77399600.3220295 85545322.678
528 69457573.430364 197271164.57
529 69149677.6014778 24850322.3985
530 58512079.0538972 -38161325.054
531 50585562.6734587 -48170090.673
532 40165720.3345445 33110326.6655
533 28788909.2287733 -15788909.229
534 13413611.9435692 10918712.0564
535 5817219.51558172 31782780.4844
536 1583558.25492657 1468441.74507
537 358342126.297601 115829679.702
538 352057874.395301 -24746015.395
539 341227770.462596 55372229.5374
540 325157089.768873 60523356.2311
541 268352125.215096 -62179581.215
542 251879321.660058 -72665887.66
543 246839569.476341 -96158705.476
544 224601953.731378 384414611.269
545 209734731.708933 -74174705.709
546 182369240.797182 322630759.203
547 175359220.584352 744740779.416
548 175166358.79132 -133211361.79
549 165245473.988815 446653946.011
550 160840583.541682 138427924.458
551 151612506.085477 632153834.915
552 134658605.992851 239453101.007
553 130704395.600848 59754310.3992
554 130173487.674529 59686072.3255
555 123973289.389061 -57185381.389
556 110743617.335088 84569184.6649
557 105171721.076106 180272881.924
558 104344011.080966 -88907203.081
559 103786386.096042 -97898929.096
560 90870371.0468818 -3086177.0469
561 78252119.0144455 -39210614.014
562 76022381.5169792 -53077879.517
563 70413342.1402151 -50573850.14
564 43849981.0611087 31747060.9389
565 36205360.7782588 85340342.2217
566 35254847.9571743 -7054847.9572
567 31792516.5698422 -5863795.5698
568 31311469.6586717 -23311469.659
569 29514763.2576611 7521240.74234
570 24281648.5052435 35718351.4948
571 12288053.213349 -11984176.213
572 904549245.534914 -463945708.53
573 537685583.939324 47488638.0607
574 487172743.842265 -223252563.84
575 282847771.691968 -196088859.69
576 277615861.508049 120234150.492
577 259724053.704393 20275946.2956
578 235223008.635948 -187871757.64
579 192012393.609679 219336530.39
580 190345022.675759 35588412.3242
581 160431422.752062 -103335232.75
582 138842532.560148 46927627.4399
583 127872211.440434 82435887.5596
584 126076050.930017 30759288.07
585 121417023.598669 -30601465.599
586 115598032.89527 27451527.1047
587 105365652.092861 -61517583.093
588 98719068.6931275 10783234.3069
589 70085640.8592385 -62908497.859
590 69049093.8761123 -29589666.876
591 65009255.3563924 350431417.644
592 50878742.0137986 -12465136.014
593 50688681.8576112 -25464439.858
594 47636765.4548148 -30693970.455
595 41947119.2414907 -11720975.241
596 8493202.2710466 -1060101.271
597 4546751.64614914 27453248.3539
598 -6810028.4329066 8807835.43291
599 529761187.960362 -254836092.96
600 438570818.578943 132435309.421
601 339701708.496871 23042571.5031
602 328505352.579747 -21338518.58
603 325961227.215682 74101535.7843
604 321359013.109431 -180563220.11
605 290350031.82887 -77447659.829
606 218941970.581265 19265151.4187
607 201464029.05391 -78544974.054
608 192902402.804799 13776037.1952
609 186727441.808397 -123400240.81
610 162799757.810729 -150792687.81
611 141589810.431646 -43982357.432
612 138428287.318477 -41538289.318
613 137213450.663105 -24668870.663
614 132370760.47194 308915434.528
615 129348877.074739 -31776877.075
616 126613135.089573 -32551824.09
617 115628318.544446 69810354.4556
618 107714348.62466 108771305.375
619 102296352.909449 51729783.0906
620 96300290.6367795 -71300290.637
621 93029043.5144331 -17178419.514
622 82927017.7764203 22907538.2236
623 80714789.38136 -32545633.381
624 71371790.6766132 -32836569.677
625 70213807.8497704 218169715.15
626 60187877.4558141 -52187877.456
627 57299448.5183595 -25012404.518
628 54527276.2312275 5472723.76877
629 48622873.9517519 -45986236.952
630 48508859.5132035 1856517.4868
631 43846795.9474012 -25126620.947
632 43546172.6444306 2346039.35557
633 34894668.441665 6586182.55834
634 33541432.7307632 -26141432.731
635 28081692.1754174 -18630795.175
636 24620141.2762884 4554506.72371
637 11375585.8085465 -11267237.809
638 10299473.0361646 56883313.9638
639 7509056.27334852 -3439966.2733
640 476079845.471231 222411501.529
641 378177376.795943 -194189653.8
642 347268013.781352 191131986.219
643 341774658.095363 282158672.905
644 329169782.638199 41399991.3618
645 303829401.458434 99340740.5416
646 298454449.893199 -12285877.893
647 290809405.530053 -132075585.53
648 253341627.213725 -13310533.214
649 219297259.6389 251356740.361
650 201546530.717322 75901851.2827
651 179721396.220462 364551005.78
652 176749581.367065 -116697443.37
653 170508942.062796 -169955771.06
654 167313298.531823 -47231457.532
655 161666344.57206 -65969348.572
656 157199375.988079 157957033.012
657 151387044.247615 -96686939.248
658 146082318.574689 -33063028.575
659 141352844.287899 -58032844.288
660 138501075.738528 -78073236.739
661 131402494.927854 -46096120.928
662 129603099.677312 -103592235.68
663 128643040.53809 -109387167.54
664 127823049.706624 -26688990.707
665 123729519.91462 240160158.085
666 120938611.399121 -37656315.399
667 118051711.857625 -64141960.858
668 94870278.3464533 -23800394.346
669 94059206.7356669 98940793.2643
670 90508770.411234 28760715.5888
671 88945190.8738491 47890965.1262
672 86999785.6799232 -64777477.68
673 82125925.5870517 77204354.4129
674 71140324.0422288 -32832697.042
675 63758123.7438298 -34216333.744
676 57920838.9383288 61216945.0617
677 57006291.7354822 25144350.2645
678 53122826.0574261 162541032.943
679 44782840.412027 -12613870.412
680 38528874.1589028 170667423.841
681 31968081.3006158 11577282.6994
682 25794243.6658463 -18733367.666
683 23659274.5799084 -770256.57991
684 18147295.4528646 -9713149.4529
685 6254347.04723066 1945652.95277
686 2181980.66656057 25546137.3334
687 2072143.87007041 35600206.1299
688 -662100.29958465 2862100.29958
689 -2527606.9612736 4546615.96127
690 923427658.099681 -171327429.1
691 400143111.956675 344856888.043
692 287926647.538676 -196216820.54
693 277929527.535847 155747655.464
694 275641104.543895 139843809.456
695 269059039.998454 -145332352
696 241659875.306657 -126056646.31
697 240857713.893565 305530391.106
698 219348952.320005 4315655.67999
699 217076378.201218 -88171012.201
700 196729064.280744 -126905865.28
701 180137852.09346 -11970161.093
702 161475237.749612 -100293295.75
703 160777300.836336 -96424693.836
704 151482349.526751 -101118559.53
705 143580781.699857 -14314720.7
706 141931934.954156 -51684310.954
707 125203198.940887 -83606947.941
708 108440617.710858 -11821918.711
709 102905151.753841 -35273248.754
710 99127390.3451416 -39708777.345
711 96325573.0407692 -44290684.041
712 96136577.5968126 33403921.4032
713 93932907.5030314 -33458567.503
714 87875146.0588845 59969886.9411
715 76261075.5623543 19824401.4376
716 76147602.5029063 -19849128.503
717 73100784.0866389 -31930000.087
718 65220095.4470509 12525472.5529
719 60996797.0846763 153018291.915
720 60885584.2829726 91150797.717
721 56642728.6005953 -32104215.601
722 50271454.5193952 -47913602.519
723 49408478.1873561 -20008478.187
724 45979071.6723145 -37979071.672
725 40135263.2486534 18837640.7513
726 36007545.3664579 24243825.6335
727 27118831.3993508 -26046229.399
728 25563701.887425 46061493.1126
729 8721533.41814114 4669640.58186
730 566378157.439934 -173761532.44
731 357918632.496298 -1622031.4963
732 334440162.318696 452195870.681
733 325623740.507465 -151701786.51
734 287874589.426678 55597226.5733
735 279966213.757596 -74227499.758
736 235169583.541722 -200727710.54
737 235055632.264069 -63455632.264
738 227999044.425617 -123122811.43
739 222071850.086014 -128251092.09
740 213201159.531458 -143184939.53
741 207713172.521548 233592972.478
742 207239971.095841 -107920984.1
743 200789200.005237 -101951328.01
744 182833870.387133 128478753.613
745 170381370.589275 -145381370.59
746 150162760.52694 -126034865.53
747 140369424.640494 -98758540.64
748 140123006.919953 4093461.08005
749 136469131.0954 152848662.905
750 118899006.241722 -30018185.242
751 110941816.223752 -36383701.224
752 102726415.443837 -47019004.444
753 90246553.4439457 -42862864.444
754 85933720.0013466 -82490867.001
755 80159424.6541794 -70659424.654
756 72402937.4032128 13575328.5968
757 71264024.6551822 -60674922.655
758 66166029.1032444 52948487.8968
759 65680687.2512105 -38852322.251
760 64609916.0859528 -25246281.086
761 51840921.5544971 -47943122.554
762 43869448.1512613 -40141702.151
763 34402509.7244584 -18923709.724
764 20528398.0353158 12927918.9647
765 20262955.3508875 75807551.6491
766 12697647.1062491 -10416558.106
767 9298724.74605368 10840111.2539
768 563259619.827338 212138387.173
769 381500248.927007 -202253380.93
770 365245120.373771 456463430.626
771 362207401.637883 -266498944.64
772 264839201.950829 -61411617.951
773 243080494.669591 -159054678.67
774 232661410.261417 -38096738.261
775 210514642.440998 126014501.559
776 168229487.917941 32046512.0821
777 167283590.353688 -86709816.354
778 160341332.75826 -11045731.758
779 140530056.331081 14916305.6689
780 130478654.05045 31299181.9495
781 122640355.394425 29859987.6056
782 122088550.23483 -84088550.235
783 115094225.504419 -29461767.504
784 113529224.846896 -81974369.847
785 111628808.256215 -63600838.256
786 98319548.9629877 66188517.037
787 92237993.9073773 -26532221.907
788 86211009.8650891 125778033.135
789 85799286.5477274 -11610349.548
790 82127504.6094279 3454902.39057
791 76948766.876155 112249546.124
792 76146163.3367977 -53224265.337
793 75876940.0216514 48045429.9783
794 73743892.83152 3189050.16848
795 72806300.9249655 43893699.075
796 72454927.8428231 -52609948.843
797 70789835.212617 -47099958.213
798 67384136.5906813 151719518.409
799 61670931.363504 -12559729.364
800 57866060.3963513 -39434060.396
801 54286885.8646711 -4218575.8647
802 51453045.9865089 -21691034.987
803 47949890.1035126 -26378701.104
804 47912449.2272261 -35876300.227
805 43282859.3844639 5386047.61554
806 43049822.7506882 36335057.2493
807 34036799.1191398 -22036799.119
808 33880011.2201658 -26613802.22
809 24474108.7754427 -966541.77544
810 22662676.8629007 59507207.1371
811 13356875.4138452 11554794.5862
812 10827412.4004165 -5984713.4004
813 10327322.4793887 -2427322.4794
814 6508019.24771735 53564576.7523
815 6294567.00289934 5705432.9971
816 5110579.93326632 -110579.93327
817 519528026.66975 -415128478.67
818 400589253.450346 -124016315.45
819 360666492.350329 -1674811.3503
820 305583582.531106 -80663267.531
821 272795588.923134 -40471460.923
822 261145394.906128 -100119754.91
823 260381806.753941 117528737.246
824 257317560.442132 -96929497.442
825 249123471.952804 -234143466.95
826 217720885.508775 -79190320.509
827 213086721.012615 176595213.987
828 199401248.359521 14124487.6405
829 195218048.142517 22546242.8575
830 194407919.433664 283799600.566
831 192402416.648099 -9056827.6481
832 190708676.040496 -59525146.04
833 180230960.275747 -32932199.276
834 152149242.860111 -139867691.86
835 152038621.063925 20324679.9361
836 149287260.291712 -33267713.292
837 146742205.560191 -6277541.5602
838 132531098.915514 -82215958.916
839 106330570.109509 -102572242.11
840 102607411.29458 17848582.7054
841 95192638.0203057 -23013743.02
842 88701290.566125 -27081517.566
843 82395875.252491 -79296561.252
844 79798212.0068868 -15709660.007
845 75308270.903078 -37996598.903
846 68833981.402053 45322248.5979
847 65973131.2182723 -9258984.2183
848 64581498.1946733 24875262.8053
849 63325976.8999048 -26030531.9
850 61634329.6248231 -5274349.6248
851 60776694.8999081 -55293395.9
852 58400216.597273 -21666307.597
853 54668215.2570368 -33639460.257
854 53259379.9125219 -29891793.913
855 51680407.1627151 -45713369.163
856 50516667.6714378 -25767997.671
857 44533390.9685236 -8968917.9685
858 41308165.5812053 -16405442.581
859 40736284.2799694 -35878917.28
860 40410504.8947993 -22973995.895
861 38804052.6441537 -12276542.644
862 36082666.2281336 -7732666.2281
863 35790822.2895748 41209177.7104
864 35681684.7744227 -19820118.774
865 27045357.2324389 -11614180.232
866 23974880.5494831 9796293.45052
867 19273715.878153 -1673715.8782
868 15742047.3625346 -10742047.363
869 15558925.8818176 25865141.1182
870 14358034.249774 179319123.75
871 13916968.1851695 -2615319.1852
872 13892308.3671454 -8161205.3671
873 10860504.1979296 23713275.8021
874 7135549.80898392 -6571843.809
875 1537581.63482342 4952819.36518
876 -4566982.0325549 9929982.03255
877 -6820459.0035747 8493189.00357
878 460960137.770828 -165721936.77
879 398217760.346927 -295002666.35
880 383174923.967291 -169140699.97
881 324933428.01652 -301058301.02
882 318756509.03237 -201521362.03
883 259174617.078362 -156135359.08
884 250688941.805548 119195709.194
885 223972546.38923 138239193.611
886 216579793.709866 18130661.2901
887 203406587.496067 -105069292.5
888 198188694.519356 264811305.481
889 197807261.362662 -158937797.36
890 186520337.233531 146490730.766
891 181599282.41758 -30636807.418
892 179640135.217489 -35583262.217
893 165703264.15613 -89432810.156
894 165036100.13322 8612914.86678
895 143896053.818986 -10074237.819
896 136066002.171258 91751245.8287
897 123953628.304731 -27683816.305
898 121794612.96375 129026882.036
899 118614773.191017 -2842040.191
900 117801955.632631 -29312312.633
901 110660073.516909 -25247175.517
902 106896320.292433 -72087917.292
903 96183993.3830244 -6664220.383
904 95663628.8146859 -82112454.815
905 93454143.4070677 39545856.5929
906 84891876.5260213 -9666183.526
907 80435676.8746461 -14681448.875
908 78579278.9163217 14412556.0837
909 75030904.3439629 197712017.656
910 73099602.0756029 44515608.9244
911 71261534.3113203 -18967552.311
912 70514521.382591 -31461460.383
913 68571205.0096943 251574487.99
914 59505545.7951075 -4348006.7951
915 58364657.0133604 -23693937.013
916 53030164.5128967 -3311553.5129
917 48383047.5217585 -23383047.522
918 34676817.4916561 -30236762.492
919 32627566.7632846 -13502165.763
920 24748082.6921951 -14730760.692
921 13051966.1929963 -4163823.193
922 7645727.42724949 -7290039.4272
923 1458386.89541702 7713613.10458
924 34979.4301158488 43965020.5699
925 -5700995.2997267 6553201.29973
926 -6146654.0636997 15278654.0637
927 402721375.784514 -319463149.78
928 295200635.177886 37799364.8221
929 268785580.391847 -42288371.392
930 236897715.256679 177313833.743
931 232124790.785589 5077508.21441
932 204570196.154061 -26503627.154
933 202267733.397438 -155225733.4
934 199524448.196806 45003134.8032
935 193848092.840398 -183167817.84
936 190969323.008393 -35985288.008
937 179462499.711656 -65747669.712
938 174117739.054254 -68801472.054
939 164430193.155523 -21578996.156
940 156225940.273584 165505586.726
941 149028896.139021 219071523.861
942 145904895.109004 5588759.891
943 145849507.515539 -4442483.5155
944 143190487.971887 -113190487.97
945 141248962.661514 161220054.338
946 139043271.419091 18064483.5809
947 122382054.40263 -76165413.403
948 103315174.238529 -55880744.239
949 96745137.332102 -94379670.332
950 95608877.3416634 -64808646.342
951 88766089.1329528 53278548.867
952 79917919.9489746 -11811674.949
953 77015582.0801318 18210533.9199
954 68749404.4520899 -26685299.452
955 67663578.436348 -40052705.436
956 63221350.8772561 -51680743.877
957 59947171.2847824 -24544851.285
958 59710945.0258068 60289054.9742
959 54017333.2105721 -43388012.211
960 53452566.5330142 6708824.46699
961 45113207.9850731 -14364065.985
962 44284703.9672532 -6485060.9673
963 43713373.0681027 -14933118.068
964 32747937.8947705 1080380.10523
965 28637720.091996 -7237720.092
966 27774761.8059269 -21774761.806
967 24233289.8170985 6266710.1829
968 23343591.9149611 18247294.085
969 21788579.7018404 -12551109.702
970 17314171.6667211 -9514171.6667
971 17164886.3797804 -9934886.3798
972 14460169.9285607 43128315.0714
973 11674851.1522736 -5192656.1523
974 8494289.54073994 8885836.45926
975 -2888323.3443908 6767316.34439
976 -5563710.5828452 6003274.58285
977 534836833.578437 -15524868.578
978 417948790.856946 -313016989.86
979 417368942.259949 -384229324.26
980 394989264.127544 -356292047.13
981 365878849.725737 96104299.2743
982 356577645.487543 -49500350.488
983 296070500.558978 -141060468.56
984 291305250.136635 -255903492.14
985 287175556.220723 135434862.779
986 261263821.584345 -206065536.58
987 249338065.605225 -92832677.605
988 215136589.815459 -168947021.82
989 214452904.707001 -33451426.707
990 212081325.885225 -134802994.89
991 196300418.355002 -100111515.36
992 192083941.369292 -68589331.369
993 165152401.898468 -163819277.9
994 162914254.978975 -4240074.979
995 160080866.250063 54837540.7499
996 151037033.636208 -80027699.636
997 146661896.482136 -30018550.482
998 146151588.030588 -110225375.03
999 133615963.983353 -43165955.983
1000 127631572.94179 127069259.058
1001 122406479.623044 -10821692.623
1002 104279483.203689 -29378144.204
1003 90508612.5089963 -23195786.509
1004 81630766.7273302 96420820.2727
1005 67075072.2852367 242417608.715
1006 58536454.6478936 -3609568.6479
1007 55440469.9863231 -49572783.986
1008 51554532.010375 49306285.9896
1009 51170437.0731047 -4727909.0731
1010 48586064.6844159 -41850142.684
1011 46588186.3211818 -2235769.3212
1012 39271168.0664734 37728831.9335
1013 37721208.7249566 -21201748.725
1014 33559149.3618245 -23548099.362
1015 28953926.0900737 -7987282.0901
1016 28370942.0057867 1828162.99421
1017 28268819.8614775 -7739625.8615
1018 22001152.2056203 48098847.7944
1019 11172487.439024 -5394134.439
1020 10801394.6231488 -6692299.6231
1021 10404085.5243357 -9626662.5243
1022 3135046.99240205 17866516.0076
1023 1502631.10239882 19216819.8976
1024 362232747.202768 169632252.797
1025 338630323.768632 42479438.2314
1026 291777693.631602 -62630184.632
1027 291233503.871352 -260710277.87
1028 273514364.420283 61640278.5797
1029 267917727.136411 182799422.864
1030 221972452.883177 47985775.1168
1031 216474910.532144 133973234.468
1032 214997387.714264 -12530631.714
1033 212944545.837859 -104799436.84
1034 212170901.568882 379568477.431
1035 168991208.312232 -19720209.312
1036 166609365.84501 -57160128.845
1037 146526353.201361 -56126353.201
1038 132992421.58146 -96643637.581
1039 132979117.190067 -39362108.19
1040 126131158.810947 -68354052.811
1041 125013860.623501 -119113860.62
1042 124907682.647431 -109507682.65
1043 116945507.430245 -14700737.43
1044 105786890.147913 56047385.8521
1045 100655717.080104 76715723.9199
1046 91042610.8076804 -32984243.808
1047 87388098.8626843 30675205.1373
1048 86958221.2994885 90241778.7005
1049 84818858.0198522 48081141.9801
1050 84774938.6403306 72612256.3597
1051 84305319.3396715 225152189.66
1052 83670994.4706947 33001917.5293
1053 81935775.2010142 -57790162.201
1054 81623277.6497744 106260729.35
1055 75801507.8669929 73904344.133
1056 74679368.8480903 52987046.1519
1057 67812299.7867258 -65410789.787
1058 59713182.7260885 -17347601.726
1059 56585613.105501 9391681.8945
1060 56020111.054665 -38310956.055
1061 55819972.2242248 -33510749.224
1062 49879478.0047213 113086699
1063 44599998.6438452 -33696152.644
1064 43666449.0345739 -24185710.035
1065 40880169.3103835 10262489.6896
1066 39142604.0646012 -26542604.065
1067 31241374.5996448 23503363.4004
1068 29483967.8098322 -14865240.81
1069 24310075.419508 -23780309.42
1070 21886542.2500614 1677184.74994
1071 16606124.4987446 -6206124.4987
1072 15924631.9756437 -4152170.9756
1073 15904596.4374357 -3233296.4374
1074 14556111.3281401 -7801213.3281
1075 12734790.2240304 5891628.77597
1076 5360949.72124044 -3380611.7212
1077 5208253.74596705 19429215.254
1078 442772944.506999 386227055.493
1079 425752838.261885 -78517922.262
1080 383249846.323297 66076771.6767
1081 344108800.552345 287333291.448
1082 317244310.883108 54108690.1169
1083 315593113.649812 -28086919.65
1084 313913900.04807 -196215006.05
1085 303130652.476507 -86108064.477
1086 300536918.740873 89389052.2591
1087 246156299.425193 546754254.575
1088 236230086.550042 238738676.45
1089 197773713.904406 245050424.096
1090 196750191.600138 27262042.3999
1091 193697769.910181 -70782658.91
1092 186817288.181604 -134315747.18
1093 179354291.56396 -100455526.56
1094 177573190.415519 -330005.41552
1095 174290330.711468 -8955177.7115
1096 163249779.187953 -65655639.188
1097 153652057.104966 42083818.895
1098 153362112.504751 48930789.4952
1099 149914019.38776 58162185.6122
1100 141145626.925721 375497312.074
1101 132671532.654163 111410843.346
1102 129526201.287589 -34643312.288
1103 126850759.911225 -4337702.9112
1104 125546911.508759 -112907614.51
1105 124878732.400036 -107223820.4
1106 114554529.190703 -100910237.19
1107 111300804.70524 -69673373.705
1108 103603011.971744 138692550.028
1109 101827613.349828 -40338348.35
1110 91507253.9321082 -74707253.932
1111 90510723.887488 -57177192.887
1112 82137655.4675608 8899104.53244
1113 80571071.2761686 34406032.7238
1114 78361270.0640752 -17833397.064
1115 68292832.3877509 90919636.6122
1116 66352597.364234 21970889.6358
1117 65554933.909168 -45343539.909
1118 59473175.8363949 -42335873.836
1119 56407016.651765 7374793.34824
1120 43579174.2120937 -2341526.2121
1121 43140075.1582207 70169667.8418
1122 42661423.8495696 31880283.1504
1123 38814974.9675047 17887926.0325
1124 36333514.2343131 62733691.7657
1125 33130900.4474224 -32686325.447
1126 25959188.3432667 4168774.65673
1127 24443232.1207488 -7242307.1207
1128 19073396.5880127 17536598.412
1129 6426582.2965367 -3690582.2965
1130 5603672.52942115 16231172.4706
1131 446045039.789936 24445792.2101
1132 329802672.85256 -258241028.85
1133 276800783.691919 -113088709.69
1134 265836268.863058 -101234105.86
1135 258514301.501073 -230251727.5
1136 227059336.629079 -7208164.6291
1137 204329828.344967 24408564.655
1138 200331003.803597 -74793812.804
1139 199916257.786258 -40142712.786
1140 188607958.205645 9079644.79436
1141 188599688.639886 -466366.63989
1142 156487706.091622 -34287706.092
1143 150816227.65861 -42816227.659
1144 144203295.48146 -10484584.481
1145 136897786.044128 -111158771.04
1146 127724996.928553 13344863.0714
1147 126275291.973449 -60153265.973
1148 120366260.902665 -68267170.903
1149 112326803.818894 -79525630.819
1150 97783894.9465549 12844070.0534
1151 97529491.8842826 -17961824.884
1152 89007192.3153247 109677921.685
1153 87565910.3167247 -45968080.317
1154 71692661.5579395 -22607831.558
1155 65482240.2304592 -4607625.2305
1156 64142778.1061706 13857807.8938
1157 61944566.9183187 12292996.0817
1158 53865611.7176795 -15236133.718
1159 49612343.5106041 -17612343.511
1160 46076772.5539703 -39276772.554
1161 46014252.2908568 -7637755.2909
1162 44921108.6342742 6880078.36573
1163 44883622.6430626 51164010.3569
1164 44374627.035833 -27294460.036
1165 43069010.1283056 -24815595.128
1166 42768711.6527953 43619145.3472
1167 39135227.774358 -33604463.774
1168 36010202.6355424 -27208262.636
1169 34999339.5792387 -21998082.579
1170 33967191.3013033 -17128281.301
1171 33533898.5382824 -14880283.538
1172 32881365.2855614 17126180.7144
1173 27951098.0019187 13348393.9981
1174 27530189.2858198 10575205.7142
1175 24264189.0292549 51246933.9707
1176 21224449.1447255 22426335.8553
1177 21079765.5801383 8970262.41986
1178 17071354.1171978 -1821354.1172
1179 11935759.7867359 57765877.2133
1180 9245949.30674776 -6909777.3067
1181 8841011.27411128 -4189034.2741
1182 7986516.54797873 2555006.45202
1183 6955220.94212659 -4094200.9421
1184 -4283678.3493052 5285115.34931
1185 648846674.91598 -415290966.92
1186 587720390.802204 -239400529.8
1187 351502748.777223 19038507.2228
1188 323761707.695004 -227700849.7
1189 269633298.856239 -216451698.86
1190 269183940.668413 -267913418.67
1191 266951360.93067 -227228264.93
1192 246892205.059379 52477878.9406
1193 219993838.592933 25533310.4071
1194 217085080.870257 198601136.13
1195 207601670.984324 -27327547.984
1196 198264893.62774 -115545008.63
1197 187614744.108014 73703176.892
1198 186988562.483007 185246301.517
1199 180889272.750365 -128291273.75
1200 176190025.463349 25406282.5367
1201 173134350.987297 61855233.0127
1202 167377140.66224 -36590743.662
1203 143882090.749688 -22418864.75
1204 143692562.949616 -68186589.95
1205 138611756.184117 -84958532.184
1206 138384083.714928 168392648.285
1207 137764069.300172 356707454.7
1208 128393302.359066 -33243867.359
1209 124054559.415019 -18853656.415
1210 118865503.898391 -104156807.9
1211 113386183.46558 58458656.5344
1212 110630780.396083 79689787.6039
1213 110317159.48321 26389523.5168
1214 101234338.55114 -54108043.551
1215 99794076.149846 -21849351.15
1216 94246695.3411272 2553304.65887
1217 91796846.6359077 -20311803.636
1218 89414196.6115278 -44506936.612
1219 88314565.4287252 -43529512.429
1220 86920888.699022 -82500888.699
1221 85978848.4608591 -73957576.461
1222 84953950.1513769 -63944770.151
1223 80449044.426934 10739860.5731
1224 79635311.0355705 -10928318.036
1225 74990991.1697845 -41977186.17
1226 74705030.2174502 49600150.7825
1227 71216279.5300177 -46192845.53
1228 70442418.7094001 -1676297.7094
1229 66070033.5657549 30829966.4342
1230 60066644.6292601 -14430276.629
1231 45351613.294928 54668478.7051
1232 44796487.6768501 66083025.3232
1233 38297529.334816 -6541787.3348
1234 34857547.8813462 -33671764.881
1235 32929949.5483316 -30080807.548
1236 31078126.2434058 -29556865.243
1237 28235182.1733714 -22600354.173
1238 24965523.0963862 -6150803.0964
1239 22984459.0657127 72419937.9343
1240 22228224.6463063 19605122.3537
1241 19783767.1746285 -14187059.175
1242 11093017.4985749 114112.501425
1243 9561496.62691992 -9415094.6269
1244 9269824.12507627 -6649824.1251
1245 7127433.63397012 68872566.366
1246 2988202.42290569 1732168.57709
1247 2081455.59059762 53103265.4094
1248 -1606418.8414618 4439244.84146
1249 -5632677.7687462 24816692.7687
1250 441927089.289011 202644312.711
1251 363212647.88602 -297549371.89
1252 327643860.528741 -315301228.53
1253 277876522.010423 -67056911.01
1254 263879084.162205 137249554.838
1255 254205550.959189 -144299178.96
1256 229351819.964284 -40910205.964
1257 218499095.408166 99501045.5918
1258 172925721.527965 72698126.472
1259 168465678.084977 -120801119.08
1260 163464106.662316 -87958250.662
1261 160273069.36519 99822917.6348
1262 140770938.450321 -25420512.45
1263 140641760.885468 -134429478.89
1264 137472996.826831 -62022559.827
1265 130889186.333791 -87958724.334
1266 130129536.71456 -65306740.715
1267 120364000.64492 -21953939.645
1268 120263443.98851 69950011.0115
1269 117313108.350922 -94449512.351
1270 114311598.853867 -97745358.854
1271 111232410.478887 143767800.521
1272 109782885.983484 102621510.017
1273 92722640.9895655 -77202617.99
1274 92534331.2924695 -15955690.292
1275 92425924.639103 -42625924.639
1276 91339097.0720253 19891943.928
1277 89324616.4163783 -86873770.416
1278 89025824.7793641 -82986882.779
1279 84334265.075574 18485742.9244
1280 76951383.541807 8547150.45819
1281 72914414.3313193 -15410345.331
1282 72875484.6625067 -33413046.663
1283 61498614.9073329 -53559742.907
1284 60330025.5616143 -52291964.562
1285 59842964.8309366 20540325.1691
1286 59493288.0699755 -41403107.07
1287 56327194.8149006 3574718.1851
1288 54639571.7911321 -34861924.791
1289 38013296.2841106 53024979.7159
1290 35252759.1361451 18572755.8639
1291 32915431.5654553 29633515.4345
1292 32452584.015044 7810435.98496
1293 27652653.7498273 -24389068.75
1294 26571925.7206143 -25719053.721
1295 24340000.1492837 -18045839.149
1296 23845251.8353801 -13845251.835
1297 20808227.8693378 17591733.1307
1298 15290122.1354742 3658302.86453
1299 13303089.4002185 24407520.5998
1300 -1033887.8853054 8842411.88531
1301 352849343.57116 -171900343.57
1302 289338505.583168 334384312.417
1303 232339068.633535 -35941653.634
1304 221633878.905267 -116460763.91
1305 209746217.968847 -81357897.969
1306 200546517.800489 -27499854.8
1307 181761935.256809 -80137092.257
1308 179947652.081005 -108282690.08
1309 178347367.040611 -150712062.04
1310 170508274.361906 -108432133.36
1311 151926839.814166 -54788153.814
1312 146451990.270426 27513019.7296
1313 140219945.359376 71780054.6406
1314 133757773.727215 -69975695.727
1315 131516703.36058 28742615.6394
1316 111943453.277886 -68943453.278
1317 110060753.318266 -49137773.318
1318 109430551.953438 -91020660.953
1319 108851289.850466 41148710.1495
1320 95096439.4656536 -55925309.466
1321 94638022.2008807 -64980271.201
1322 91093008.690437 -21271674.69
1323 83531530.702934 -66898495.703
1324 72814674.255052 -52538862.255
1325 71992757.0162872 4293338.98371
1326 60768190.736539 12476690.2635
1327 60763007.0316525 -25908017.032
1328 59718131.8333649 7394532.16664
1329 56812017.8452965 -12844762.845
1330 56385975.0507287 -11476489.051
1331 48723051.6427921 -21615091.643
1332 44596822.5531227 -38670412.553
1333 43320124.3125428 -36320124.313
1334 41460694.6312561 -19673956.631
1335 38476062.6276569 -20964156.628
1336 27848822.4668644 -22637834.467
1337 21215092.3092733 819739.690727
1338 19388325.8337118 -17743570.834
1339 17447793.0516897 184509894.948
1340 16334027.3628736 30571861.6371
1341 13624501.6606453 -3446170.6606
1342 9360906.64722939 -8648612.6472
1343 445758293.837906 -175764174.84
1344 332710185.403305 124986173.597
1345 326086827.166979 -67816819.167
1346 298769266.351585 -128932256.35
1347 298048582.493106 -116234812.49
1348 276207603.634574 -100137432.63
1349 260682362.384524 111193915.615
1350 258765239.737102 98065361.2629
1351 232874948.224593 -24929873.225
1352 215417633.240964 36859293.759
1353 213654352.487912 -154054352.49
1354 208740994.278173 -83859932.278
1355 207045615.998791 -27780411.999
1356 200917637.685319 -88574124.685
1357 178210001.116865 -100497562.12
1358 169556949.472171 -79764447.472
1359 164097682.623538 62806334.3765
1360 159784474.727061 -72869457.727
1361 159606234.681233 -103297353.68
1362 158179705.263119 -25905221.263
1363 154985139.978854 12236431.0211
1364 145288471.842281 -9288471.8423
1365 143955975.462418 -124273051.46
1366 141005919.537365 73994080.4626
1367 138785741.892514 -119363480.89
1368 138457566.904825 22993971.0952
1369 118924094.651534 -101415576.65
1370 114889575.181476 -35189575.181
1371 110892311.616511 -24233753.617
1372 107631540.179758 -50699235.18
1373 103566960.635149 -1258071.6351
1374 101901380.763752 -30460130.764
1375 99037683.828202 131647769.172
1376 97199327.3283991 -42516780.328
1377 92099012.8693145 -10826246.869
1378 86419752.1117335 61460790.8883
1379 85501830.3124942 -57861802.312
1380 85197250.4305981 24802749.5694
1381 84255016.1982575 -41969847.198
1382 82248114.8500164 -9811675.85
1383 82184232.1161669 -49462597.116
1384 81835962.9408668 -21457378.941
1385 80225035.2896578 59774964.7103
1386 79824139.5543044 -30921186.554
1387 77240723.6020263 -29703764.602
1388 69740240.9931707 -66740240.993
1389 68764720.9691393 -51478421.969
1390 67848179.6866061 102514402.313
1391 59460223.3414174 -15025784.341
1392 57569804.2181241 -38389835.218
1393 49978428.5698005 -16021820.57
1394 44350508.5969093 -6387734.5969
1395 40336796.1302771 -10234079.13
1396 38552153.4602209 -12352636.46
1397 38195425.2364768 -35820328.236
1398 30438554.5086473 -27290372.509
1399 30198091.9582109 -13648614.958
1400 27867256.4252336 -19647041.425
1401 26751848.5531463 -16427407.553
1402 26162814.5574121 -20173174.557
1403 20891329.5612522 -16850741.561
1404 19572949.6414325 37658574.3586
1405 13526196.238994 -10057624.239
1406 11388646.5793441 3767553.42066
1407 9641747.05557215 -8490417.0556
1408 9369437.87955351 -9022843.8796
1409 9246779.4213684 6932179.57863
1410 7986922.58230404 6013077.4177
1411 6980783.05865141 6854346.94135
1412 -4385534.3155567 7733181.31556
1413 412910392.120979 -380910392.12
1414 393857957.755874 -68086533.756
1415 371519212.394953 -44968118.395
1416 306156397.711291 128843602.289
1417 296828805.753443 -10688105.753
1418 284525970.207896 -199013670.21
1419 275969270.508599 -74383942.509
1420 264768840.713745 -90838244.714
1421 245519308.264147 -199430021.26
1422 230932633.403032 -211302873.4
1423 226469350.708426 -121990934.71
1424 216778272.311064 -90087546.311
1425 216432177.675151 -168305793.68
1426 195632636.257619 66297794.7424
1427 189060961.679413 -44568131.679
1428 186494594.657306 -54554183.657
1429 185864357.200537 170878703.799
1430 175870805.788279 -25387040.788
1431 174381683.923171 -129677688.92
1432 161989137.349193 10862.6508074
1433 153557992.486268 61725749.5137
1434 152687540.61115 -82727789.611
1435 148770491.382898 48010701.6171
1436 145091572.263458 18578427.7365
1437 134537928.079875 -71437928.08
1438 126079583.428647 -106378419.43
1439 122528813.253769 -9442338.2538
1440 105015790.360707 -70788492.361
1441 104444694.059167 -12070020.059
1442 101724124.22329 -6009249.2233
1443 100941208.837218 -71941208.837
1444 100567084.29838 -7320696.2984
1445 99019222.8008777 -41915327.801
1446 86412281.0801477 -66813693.08
1447 82610789.2208801 -38259863.221
1448 77429664.9080728 -42135194.908
1449 77250883.4831442 -11681014.483
1450 74029411.6575889 -55273475.658
1451 73653270.4816022 16376385.5184
1452 71231239.6391593 69768760.3608
1453 71081223.4904329 -39361065.49
1454 70800653.7716404 -53375653.772
1455 69419103.9337867 -61547581.934
1456 67135805.9973188 -38966134.997
1457 56963667.1543091 -28132522.154
1458 53815886.0473059 -17682872.047
1459 49272294.2746455 25727705.7254
1460 41560335.4546883 110461765.545
1461 40674129.4477487 -34945916.448
1462 34787682.908437 17489802.0916
1463 33116946.4011091 29055103.5989
1464 24832298.7227579 3176163.27724
1465 18525908.9267432 -7388107.9267
1466 12385217.2273969 27614782.7726
1467 10051192.0692196 3350759.93078
1468 9506226.33225956 18009559.6677
1469 8830860.41597841 18531851.584
1470 1594900.14708036 5005099.85292
1471 700893.76960218 140839.230398
1472 -1528505.3659264 1830709.36593
1473 422213879.174381 -385344465.17
1474 404870086.876618 -77066355.877
1475 363813691.474799 -256143334.47
1476 347323392.351833 678167717.648
1477 327945124.463647 -249573924.46
1478 282590526.389418 -256753910.39
1479 274286695.844942 196936193.155
1480 247851217.53234 -175593091.53
1481 233109663.13358 55390553.8664
1482 213106192.61426 361374648.386
1483 197483972.321354 -164927853.32
1484 188587191.805651 143412808.194
1485 187288202.280611 -56005253.281
1486 172520747.403389 -142109564.4
1487 161189497.86041 223146110.14
1488 157400805.105375 130152789.895
1489 156527244.811923 160847786.188
1490 145460558.212334 -84494704.212
1491 142478019.541257 21398795.4587
1492 131901853.987096 477939783.013
1493 128254948.418461 202189096.582
1494 127397408.434889 -122017157.43
1495 122983549.140659 -82780529.141
1496 121148481.518891 -104774153.52
1497 120952091.738721 -100306764.74
1498 119063856.1778 -61943538.178
1499 117064872.498902 139632647.501
1500 115960107.237631 -56981454.238
1501 111605731.972059 -111032922.97
1502 106012171.526075 -38812171.526
1503 99538536.1914629 13835566.8085
1504 98152768.1081184 -86976299.108
1505 95758072.3987541 54512074.6012
1506 90204939.4370934 -67993513.437
1507 83550230.839361 25059079.1606
1508 77976678.8626295 405754.137371
1509 76950828.6282291 53480539.3718
1510 76467354.5340917 -23279695.534
1511 75397345.811067 105225078.189
1512 74115427.7736606 -38728215.774
1513 73215994.0707007 -37791168.071
1514 72929884.2391138 -15450808.239
1515 69299666.6812491 108828093.319
1516 69204875.7122581 -52273991.712
1517 67716827.5823668 -50146503.582
1518 65289667.1729473 -55689667.173
1519 63691475.4650757 -46411149.465
1520 62331720.6475063 -55320403.648
1521 62299486.0335689 15620859.9664
1522 54520743.5900824 -42520743.59
1523 51331086.8096618 -44328825.81
1524 49652342.4031401 -25463420.403
1525 46353674.4293575 -19188093.429
1526 41518076.3044081 -27898001.304
1527 38714404.7766167 -6613404.7766
1528 36675034.2168279 -14495604.217
1529 35694262.8155225 -21840262.816
1530 33637378.6418351 1104687.35816
1531 30749680.5661661 -12554070.566
1532 29931313.8720016 18132121.128
1533 23926048.1546253 30289367.8454
1534 22567809.1985371 -21484126.199
1535 21701304.8793603 -3083020.8794
1536 17162585.5186036 -11247677.519
1537 15271552.8323298 10482731.1677
1538 13443735.1790151 15759148.821
1539 10901364.7855338 8792526.21447
1540 9761820.42855275 14600951.5714
1541 9442059.37438231 -6430864.3744
1542 8721718.38933378 13712196.6107
1543 7735758.7716493 6374254.22835
1544 6542545.69984662 -1602606.6998
1545 3266484.81499896 -2813405.815
1546 398791360.526807 -26851289.527
1547 322760440.583255 350045851.417
1548 225390287.419947 -193372484.42
1549 218652481.641793 -120416933.64
1550 208006018.011443 -81757205.011
1551 197490401.198172 19482141.8018
1552 194097334.755246 -188737689.76
1553 187896013.108145 176635.891855
1554 178803474.421223 58877824.5788
1555 167579742.767587 -19799302.768
1556 165451482.271002 -39410160.271
1557 162184475.951609 -60954683.952
1558 158075002.545098 -121844783.55
1559 154443381.913064 92831992.0869
1560 151424246.014799 -81800533.015
1561 127990078.693581 117734524.306
1562 124861133.06778 215626518.932
1563 124197871.485885 -109189710.49
1564 111504448.965356 -92000409.965
1565 111324932.167149 -67831809.167
1566 109548184.608974 -53964380.609
1567 107690279.812153 -3534436.8122
1568 107309230.132323 -72775447.132
1569 107185917.507725 -106976221.51
1570 107091343.090374 -88091343.09
1571 106094957.413514 53196851.5865
1572 105976747.286937 -25941345.287
1573 104310364.369875 -46351668.37
1574 103114214.316453 67318712.6835
1575 85920817.1327866 -25711483.133
1576 83166104.3216432 -66001727.322
1577 81362535.9405348 -11162535.941
1578 79712696.666483 -36825977.666
1579 76373596.696884 -7317901.6969
1580 73530571.4199846 -65966843.42
1581 72610407.4089711 144003980.591
1582 72584060.2927507 -54584060.293
1583 68214007.5907298 -22144439.591
1584 68057801.6742887 -8668368.6743
1585 67354829.9353786 -48802369.935
1586 66656690.0049398 -55820938.005
1587 66473586.5701928 91447146.4298
1588 64773272.718012 18842141.282
1589 62288856.9572306 78518690.0428
1590 57242517.9944578 112885942.006
1591 52303972.1220711 -17510812.122
1592 48878806.4099829 -43967081.41
1593 40934992.967286 -36300930.967
1594 40500649.0265117 195850011.973
1595 38073123.1861995 -9045209.1862
1596 35891545.8712079 8835098.12879
1597 34501383.594165 -10501383.594
1598 31169551.6389892 -18936923.639
1599 30497474.600743 -5778259.6007
1600 29703596.2878875 -16291639.288
1601 28513839.0193425 -21199812.019
1602 27138650.3859187 22658497.6141
1603 24621165.3850867 -4791208.3851
1604 24470846.9663627 27953686.0336
1605 19898345.5497398 353164518.45
1606 17509880.2115229 -16689941.212
1607 10821809.1267271 -10678358.127
1608 9195154.41265087 -8890084.4127
1609 8025843.22813172 2011546.77187
1610 7079729.11223813 5292680.88776
1611 3910572.55375337 10464608.4462
1612 823037.917641886 7176962.08236
1613 282285.914680104 10717714.0853
1614 -294323.43069948 1163648.4307
1615 479955434.083377 106135292.917
1616 418014920.314062 548535679.686
1617 368823771.572321 -146014171.57
1618 310637067.698005 -298104290.7
1619 303773075.474528 245595239.525
1620 281883859.738148 -258542291.74
1621 230394168.726769 -83457258.727
1622 229516701.480809 -199098141.48
1623 227791732.322096 396235043.678
1624 218549538.405848 341302857.594
1625 214188977.884054 -102848176.88
1626 210659871.896178 -147287114.9
1627 210156840.482038 -27138318.482
1628 208172437.946912 24540701.0531
1629 196378016.026062 -43294914.026
1630 191949530.473136 -90578513.473
1631 182549262.882549 65568858.1175
1632 176873836.893596 45230844.1064
1633 176192335.34751 -26026209.348
1634 174678301.020799 -99550.020799
1635 172331188.022869 -100462861.02
1636 169011532.58596 -105363876.59
1637 168175422.191779 -30623828.192
1638 157456278.417198 -71182945.417
1639 147150017.413552 -30383461.414
1640 146364665.821528 -104882458.82
1641 144694263.164645 114481524.835
1642 141646668.771667 -109398427.77
1643 133626322.370141 -54751479.37
1644 125519228.990758 -79366428.991
1645 123183791.735427 285064125.265
1646 121796178.451648 -115687458.45
1647 114930913.987285 -57440539.987
1648 113075941.660592 14793437.3394
1649 111467581.048617 93532104.9514
1650 110672164.316818 -25540334.317
1651 101369818.67102 -9616616.671
1652 82785447.1416605 -698292.14166
1653 79812490.8806604 -32723500.881
1654 79749857.8302343 -49323761.83
1655 78407201.5692533 -25215315.569
1656 75969818.1178209 1507189.88218
1657 75464124.9231038 -50541887.923
1658 73264912.1839161 50043032.8161
1659 72491687.4837416 -69495876.484
1660 70604476.0316183 -49455647.032
1661 69235806.5048621 -35619114.505
1662 64394122.3765255 -53100459.377
1663 62233636.2889878 -27527786.289
1664 60104843.4362872 -36104843.436
1665 55296968.4327718 -21832999.433
1666 54553348.1464052 -54170402.146
1667 54248705.103614 -46109917.104
1668 48570599.2881139 -27286085.288
1669 48220205.1998447 -41799886.2
1670 46635999.1187339 -29878836.119
1671 44353783.9404668 -9346603.9405
1672 42917915.732871 64961580.2671
1673 42176384.2675335 43123615.7325
1674 35662325.9600902 -12042716.96
1675 32363152.6991471 -31773848.699
1676 25317482.6725541 -23888183.673
1677 24209563.8780226 183074361.122
1678 22422624.858282 -11219598.858
1679 22368301.9770474 42702110.023
1680 21302885.9533913 -20006701.953
1681 18675491.9721891 21547237.0278
1682 18018460.7614422 7041179.23856
1683 16953491.3755439 7094508.62446
1684 14447339.2438808 13673760.7561
1685 13315726.0907208 -2315726.0907
1686 8080355.59205149 24565190.4079
1687 5745928.91104145 868351.088959
1688 -3587442.2687029 3862103.2687
1689 -4781142.5816959 8781142.5817
1690 861627835.224089 -848535835.22
1691 628476853.159406 -384839762.16
1692 617575612.012906 -134715427.01
1693 449540038.894486 93974314.1055
1694 361992447.066062 51113722.9339
1695 262073887.132303 -108110924.13
1696 235425028.758763 -116837148.76
1697 221144815.071918 -103313184.07
1698 207392797.904397 -154392797.9
1699 185129214.008585 -111366698.01
1700 184946444.424283 -134397337.42
1701 156889233.435926 -123953914.44
1702 139539941.628801 207894236.371
1703 138802727.66179 -73138006.662
1704 136006667.021852 -18246533.022
1705 130126802.750103 -101195401.75
1706 128896225.497386 -77732119.497
1707 127675573.528177 188684904.472
1708 126812606.219123 -100562586.22
1709 125047764.489664 -69060443.49
1710 121929538.170052 -93046027.17
1711 119630021.418034 -114133070.42
1712 119553488.459204 14848961.5408
1713 115368546.806094 -32207812.806
1714 112121630.162819 -80793731.163
1715 107590774.333496 -15953788.333
1716 101326571.503882 -89476357.504
1717 99834038.950442 -94298633.95
1718 99562618.5384466 -68132284.538
1719 98506888.6891955 16449810.3108
1720 96760350.0848237 -23112122.085
1721 83097042.3943997 -51091794.394
1722 82084221.3503493 72822471.6497
1723 81651627.8686664 -19629613.869
1724 80985618.7878375 -79016425.788
1725 80736056.5570215 97105501.443
1726 79508889.9926375 77335863.0074
1727 79327807.7065321 -63627807.707
1728 75081532.3128372 7718467.68716
1729 66768164.4732087 -39358275.473
1730 65366339.9880443 -61468770.988
1731 63347645.5983991 51753976.4016
1732 62520765.7178804 236767839.282
1733 62124530.3542832 24875469.6457
1734 61777664.2531517 8403763.74685
1735 60678290.2254218 -5182727.2254
1736 57894717.3967335 -32421624.397
1737 51366867.456707 -11945400.457
1738 50077383.6463722 -33102924.646
1739 49181730.5741302 -39702012.574
1740 46873078.0497927 -41540152.05
1741 46593252.7272632 -42093252.727
1742 45405494.0498973 -28413592.05
1743 43603689.6623577 -11704689.662
1744 41824451.7603206 -7935292.7603
1745 41088230.3216598 -31593441.322
1746 34740465.6278954 -32909117.628
1747 31503262.2279804 -18869515.228
1748 30712623.1667424 101962778.833
1749 29768733.216653 -29136191.217
1750 28887201.115947 -18817201.116
1751 23424473.9525639 75017480.0474
1752 22303016.1690293 -7168723.169
1753 18415408.940855 17935941.0591
1754 18248573.9480756 -11796945.948
1755 17498010.4747461 3672552.52525
1756 9920259.53378309 58995628.4662
1757 -741642.42391382 15141642.4239
1758 -2922533.9920448 6088533.99204
1759 -5840120.7055495 11057618.7055
1760 395399602.416707 348160004.583
1761 367380296.988364 -258597449.99
1762 311857728.690199 -175236457.69
1763 198208175.143986 -84013328.144
1764 197945904.038787 147195498.961
1765 190861430.665172 35129547.3348
1766 187712034.443852 -90159984.444
1767 182025090.614538 51068768.3855
1768 158802643.125017 -5872020.125
1769 154868278.788536 -110838032.79
1770 154256705.376255 -90791844.376
1771 151703606.6536 -57024008.654
1772 138630018.705771 -56527639.706
1773 132816775.643821 -123361543.64
1774 132275563.468624 117012541.531
1775 126116789.707323 22905860.2927
1776 124344237.837176 -32369419.837
1777 113857517.13339 82257052.8666
1778 108129076.596029 -82723631.596
1779 107873419.338841 -39503985.339
1780 101797729.223485 -20881237.223
1781 95841801.1881265 -32433187.188
1782 95161653.0897917 20343373.9102
1783 94929202.9500414 -36076096.95
1784 92632835.2197909 -49314486.22
1785 91679290.675744 -57891129.676
1786 90190971.8563026 -49907650.856
1787 88917246.6892824 16261314.3107
1788 88817723.1646553 -88697723.165
1789 87664712.0025513 -36757478.003
1790 86495594.8122098 65173179.1878
1791 84771888.8713983 34437100.1286
1792 80035615.7654059 -35173428.765
1793 79237785.3851173 -69933176.385
1794 78957445.7524424 -15854779.752
1795 77094244.4634227 -11629920.463
1796 75513606.9728822 -5813606.9729
1797 70168584.6489153 57738039.3511
1798 69423308.6447999 -46416459.645
1799 66017718.2986844 -16237990.299
1800 65138626.9154227 45665049.0846
1801 65120653.1292888 -23961896.129
1802 64294192.817573 28306857.1824
1803 61351594.3896289 -14668217.39
1804 60784802.0519369 -57218577.052
1805 59469246.3264244 -48773036.326
1806 59114719.711022 113740345.289
1807 58984157.1179707 -53935464.118
1808 58925358.8361727 60846873.1638
1809 58846209.2116913 -37930744.212
1810 58769477.7471918 -55163082.747
1811 56276652.5643839 -52041501.564
1812 46438251.3793205 -36308251.379
1813 44599200.1096721 7243478.89033
1814 33310123.9986164 19012276.0014
1815 30555375.0955329 -23881953.096
1816 30403545.3268202 128064746.673
1817 28183006.7625685 -25716562.763
1818 24848296.4751753 -22786230.475
1819 23553119.1613011 -12422230.161
1820 22347864.9160066 -15677152.916
1821 20407593.8005497 -8028191.8005
1822 16770667.6533322 -16380008.653
1823 14781555.1200324 -3193350.12
1824 14607285.1876073 3155419.81239
1825 14099164.8099233 282240362.19
1826 10438611.976465 448920943.024
1827 10220278.2967582 -4948612.2968
1828 9531644.08102427 11127778.919
1829 7909500.85945151 19144314.1405
1830 5897208.27766874 15903093.7223
1831 5705614.21403019 14717774.786
1832 4859222.12843392 142432.871566
1833 3232806.52346035 -1900575.5235
1834 -2432437.0269123 12804728.0269
1835 343039982.863341 -68569588.863
1836 280218857.337792 -176307188.34
1837 263704290.896649 803265412.103
1838 257385647.886995 -160376497.89
1839 247880722.693313 16237478.3067
1840 235450951.794688 77122471.2053
1841 235296618.147636 -127010197.15
1842 234831947.954253 -151274075.95
1843 197638892.462432 -39476104.462
1844 179931559.587245 98799809.4128
1845 174786978.363716 -114086978.36
1846 168957890.940094 -11983333.94
1847 164503626.719002 -110084754.72
1848 158400651.096985 405348671.903
1849 157961836.26714 -150761836.27
1850 156327990.234013 75121212.766
1851 145385518.557524 173117404.442
1852 140516273.721483 -124731125.72
1853 138054812.43456 -114856160.43
1854 136464687.275284 -21197312.275
1855 127302676.1153 -109315895.12
1856 125741997.467595 51143660.5324
1857 116004482.277895 -81926562.278
1858 110333712.149206 -59462599.149
1859 109964306.631527 -102942097.63
1860 102395619.279003 -81269394.279
1861 92623478.3843386 -54463573.384
1862 86639831.7390391 -29170364.739
1863 84671422.4448379 -43375102.445
1864 81965731.5112375 36034268.4888
1865 79264822.7596908 44119305.2403
1866 78285652.9382241 -37833009.938
1867 75952692.4922776 24047307.5077
1868 69944070.2244787 95240166.7755
1869 68963095.8060106 -58633348.806
1870 68761355.3957317 -47994739.396
1871 64748567.7850628 -11540387.785
1872 61697003.2786817 -48301064.279
1873 60676981.8925958 -10635249.893
1874 60479495.8197477 34249033.1803
1875 60024579.4731575 -20993242.473
1876 58017578.8720813 27262671.1279
1877 51605047.1919367 -47445369.192
1878 48273616.7595936 -6890775.7596
1879 42622494.1807569 -41945796.181
1880 42242712.2303199 -27375198.23
1881 38170927.8321828 -2739814.8322
1882 37992764.4817272 12458542.5183
1883 37128024.1561192 -23777655.156
1884 36164094.1563293 2204814.84367
1885 33552431.7494868 -16679760.749
1886 31541803.9084378 -26141803.908
1887 29960119.7516364 -29386784.752
1888 28492251.5277132 75246474.4723
1889 23413479.4453328 -2004451.4453
1890 15654118.3736415 -15124070.374
1891 10399664.2616823 -8245124.2617
1892 2901717.11161363 473782957.888
1893 -6158433.5706263 6973099.57063
1894 912182487.83367 -260077044.83
1895 737997263.191792 536221745.808
1896 445149716.056647 163973331.943
1897 378444975.973788 -339037359.97
1898 315654930.120095 21925120.8799
1899 297189147.682683 -263434180.68
1900 294213037.888422 -51524072.888
1901 280094728.133051 -165916115.13
1902 254883109.460827 -427123.46083
1903 249314267.482269 -155241239.48
1904 230212125.492761 -93944649.493
1905 208964538.731721 -188805730.73
1906 199060026.135511 -79336170.136
1907 197453136.270093 -163186572.27
1908 194654495.056443 -100654495.06
1909 190601541.628015 -135764307.63
1910 190319022.944461 -179856522.94
1911 189033301.718874 -155633301.72
1912 184323777.251935 315864657.748
1913 168370178.811663 103060010.188
1914 158658518.9855 109768115.015
1915 146612964.834443 -100391775.83
1916 137287493.278072 6407844.72193
1917 134221293.49001 54794317.51
1918 132063103.752156 -41379187.752
1919 131014714.101209 -104232991.1
1920 130388961.067988 25332170.932
1921 117352502.703463 -19166920.703
1922 116932906.831682 52919852.1683
1923 116318558.851511 -74213447.852
1924 115838946.594957 -54140047.595
1925 111154194.733354 -103161155.73
1926 106436657.855729 18390658.1443
1927 94505140.7006826 -35719960.701
1928 89618445.4116386 -63496807.412
1929 80506078.7151632 -11817247.715
1930 80271287.1108036 -64096910.111
1931 80044503.4056378 19379017.5944
1932 77401720.7235062 41598689.2765
1933 70238318.7885419 -60148945.789
1934 67187106.1785761 -63522037.179
1935 64112235.3019219 -62285530.302
1936 59774719.4838362 40748461.5162
1937 59351383.5847705 -23253001.585
1938 55776485.9479836 -16632646.948
1939 55440072.9749828 -46677182.975
1940 55241774.833484 100303504.167
1941 54443791.0624503 -12397945.062
1942 48449673.2430501 -23146635.243
1943 47635073.645126 -17520586.645
1944 46538988.4954311 12256825.5046
1945 45247068.4791444 -37856960.479
1946 42664780.3999922 -20223457.4
1947 41329116.9523916 75070883.0476
1948 39491103.3260189 36290538.674
1949 34153912.9530381 14846087.047
1950 31909093.5361326 22090906.4639
1951 29389510.6912865 64383011.3087
1952 27346625.6788375 -26991921.679
1953 24260638.4846547 -13432822.485
1954 24117939.976769 11205352.0232
1955 22155445.2492399 7544554.75076
1956 13313614.7122292 6099378.28777
1957 10194851.5250085 -9877851.525
1958 9939099.5264777 1621706.47352
1959 5571194.29488846 -5071194.2949
1960 3338740.87893499 -1907117.8789
1961 -171619.85758934 1452795.85759
1962 -785972.34925319 5031842.34925
1963 -1747452.6086137 3747452.60861
1964 -2880694.4105674 5836694.41057
1965 639759559.043046 -162559559.04
1966 487877511.155192 -3304676.1552
1967 377880069.439963 -26296662.44
1968 312753160.699308 272595849.301
1969 230991066.253937 -160084093.25
1970 193929597.463966 -91573216.464
1971 186836570.300564 -15652707.301
1972 174781316.440624 -170676129.44
1973 168092216.735537 -143830647.74
1974 158558566.869085 -87484634.869
1975 153908467.781402 6170118.2186
1976 152074798.72231 -143871563.72
1977 146094440.955046 -81522178.955
1978 143193916.706189 -101966847.71
1979 135536384.531794 -35449591.532
1980 132273975.423262 -122637686.42
1981 128973439.691583 -90851334.692
1982 123271228.971637 -68315088.972
1983 123186746.763016 47082003.237
1984 120385750.55028 8614249.44972
1985 117620765.070706 -74558783.071
1986 117409112.911397 -45300504.911
1987 117074554.161815 -67243947.162
1988 113995478.574147 -14638340.574
1989 108589158.601535 -64302027.602
1990 102004048.798655 -8649130.7987
1991 97690344.6380023 -20123529.638
1992 91067590.9416723 -31875462.942
1993 85724021.3182915 -81454021.318
1994 84697521.4289706 -8704460.429
1995 81346858.5040851 3254822.49591
1996 81087289.7828963 -56317823.783
1997 75957438.5823913 -2782872.5824
1998 75273324.8821459 47371495.1179
1999 70386246.1162391 -33765738.116
2000 67343731.66382 54852188.3362
2001 61584107.6902742 2737393.30973
2002 60013034.563841 -54833997.564
2003 59889947.5138681 -47683919.514
2004 58511799.341362 -28158567.341
2005 58471570.3627083 -57305688.363
2006 58216206.3525328 32980212.6475
2007 56337864.4946714 -43855089.495
2008 54871539.2011845 45863178.7988
2009 52330161.3360539 -45838921.336
2010 51247087.3307392 -21796168.331
2011 50949964.9459513 5539593.05405
2012 50229881.1159754 -17746471.116
2013 49886109.8987014 30072489.1013
2014 49156100.7852179 -7756100.7852
2015 47402303.189408 18599700.8106
2016 45568327.348826 -89217.348826
2017 40009054.245868 114740863.754
2018 36425941.1812323 -28400069.181
2019 33335839.5058863 17416497.4941
2020 32648626.410291 -5442506.4103
2021 30912207.0836046 -22735663.084
2022 28036419.3481448 -27169420.348
2023 24920926.9929892 -735145.99299
2024 24179661.7057094 -13179661.706
2025 23519052.8814072 -4617037.8814
2026 18285491.4912317 -853328.49123
2027 16196259.9162943 11477864.0837
2028 11029193.4141279 -9397354.4141
2029 10623456.8473183 -7421456.8473
2030 9101730.42588843 -2249280.4259
2031 7819176.26803898 3444789.73196
2032 -4131140.2762694 11023140.2763
2033 -4184231.5200506 6479964.52005
2034 -6712539.5913985 8786539.5914
2035 448140312.253336 -433466236.25
2036 379619741.552744 560715794.447
2037 363932700.135548 95337918.8645
2038 281087626.426206 -198693338.43
2039 261685443.116259 207475248.884
2040 223780419.969476 -99184021.969
2041 215428821.742373 -137373996.74
2042 213329051.320948 80000021.6791
2043 212663750.544442 379131185.456
2044 207128956.799808 -60631185.8
2045 206533800.708746 99341929.2913
2046 198712406.615132 48271871.3849
2047 196736774.421432 -107574612.42
2048 186310376.883911 57532750.1161
2049 184829317.055907 -893243.05591
2050 180256175.007349 94447164.9927
2051 176723640.28517 -73738778.285
2052 176600941.223552 -158907266.22
2053 174790316.868168 -131261682.87
2054 171630783.323193 15848734.6768
2055 170449092.603245 -143248776.6
2056 165041004.125572 2936591.87443
2057 161105534.473428 -105136534.47
2058 156808013.036385 -44996560.036
2059 154265574.970517 -111206676.97
2060 153108440.304264 -97996084.304
2061 149854237.600596 -85615797.601
2062 143596675.687947 -104408892.69
2063 138564493.78865 -107008432.79
2064 132808686.537762 -64890028.538
2065 130532683.684672 -93925940.685
2066 128124458.00929 5308397.99071
2067 117798355.461613 7787778.53839
2068 114568253.150899 -87130372.151
2069 113933531.270582 -17057.270582
2070 111544240.329237 -44723204.329
2071 110753980.233369 -103094062.23
2072 109897671.88725 -24480766.887
2073 107105612.941163 192859423.059
2074 101695358.947088 18027999.0529
2075 101228225.478798 -97228225.479
2076 96820524.3718354 1339438.62816
2077 95085936.7111055 24854878.2889
2078 92106623.7571679 -62184151.757
2079 87031830.8111756 -73200327.811
2080 86842993.2694566 -46840881.269
2081 84761241.74909 -80160198.749
2082 82770929.1587843 -64206841.159
2083 82498904.2067934 205429289.793
2084 77807353.5259882 -77488371.526
2085 73543722.4206323 -66710277.421
2086 73220424.3563391 77186041.6437
2087 71796809.3623828 89829311.6376
2088 69687059.5195395 -43590207.52
2089 68844082.6337683 -51626002.634
2090 68236822.20832 -53836822.208
2091 68223229.0814069 -36310436.081
2092 67046988.2444024 -31561932.244
2093 66630500.790957 -48138138.791
2094 65237148.8887141 -52126700.889
2095 60280818.7128786 -27280818.713
2096 56823422.8983454 -10580422.898
2097 55921349.9722709 -45196121.972
2098 52846659.5553169 20187800.4447
2099 52049005.1232359 52275077.8768
2100 51536553.7127486 62744497.2873
2101 51254486.1784449 -37254486.178
2102 50264326.3612397 -41057856.361
2103 46397652.4582816 2605031.54172
2104 44242575.6502556 -18637560.65
2105 42951594.0244096 -42577627.024
2106 42849774.1500981 43520040.8499
2107 42326256.0484997 -13507261.048
2108 38669208.6447167 13033274.3553
2109 37676905.8685722 145934865.131
2110 36875353.5069683 -17946482.507
2111 35532435.579422 -28084050.579
2112 33752696.901717 -16451807.902
2113 33365493.5461118 -16435308.546
2114 30229618.2678254 -12422049.268
2115 27609302.8183611 -13609302.818
2116 26192612.9653977 -15105043.965
2117 25953332.4259971 -12953332.426
2118 23590014.1469947 -3790014.147
2119 22531487.1723915 32729070.8276
2120 18623203.7740736 -8724791.7741
2121 14917964.6073682 -11642379.607
2122 14239535.3876771 -2773447.3877
2123 12637982.6178903 14467112.3821
2124 12138285.1967104 -7253622.1967
2125 10409169.9763872 -2609169.9764
2126 7881105.5256345 21511312.4744
2127 4941719.28035289 -2916687.2804
2128 4539921.24649884 -3293780.2465
2129 695231.846510289 11023363.1535
2130 193337.328481135 15176235.6715
2131 -2593560.4701822 6951560.47018
2132 -3802969.8000725 16705759.8001
2133 -3893375.5983501 20593375.5984
2134 339708633.637863 -96308633.638
2135 328769207.218814 -154168889.22
2136 294970955.094533 -280309948.09
2137 272069062.681863 -66314615.682
2138 270210621.017434 -73727739.017
2139 264741036.385446 -9467223.3854
2140 214661849.970808 -184622457.97
2141 208475411.737477 -104091223.74
2142 196429325.230304 -105618433.23
2143 195726100.847814 105273899.152
2144 167950767.911075 -153450767.91
2145 164925478.337034 5074521.66297
2146 160770659.91937 30731766.0806
2147 159007559.626018 -11927146.626
2148 152325281.297597 -108440629.3
2149 127872012.934764 -13041901.935
2150 127461620.507691 -116461620.51
2151 127367091.205265 13103654.7947
2152 125965871.260096 92647316.7399
2153 121468580.934999 32529238.065
2154 116299366.962401 -104221925.96
2155 115446988.126253 -87984947.126
2156 105914885.701729 -44635433.702
2157 105451271.197592 -13070344.198
2158 102896142.303311 -52651442.303
2159 99539984.3805565 77854447.6194
2160 99198595.2313243 113675846.769
2161 91179909.0590393 -42989205.059
2162 89185179.7175727 -72513674.718
2163 88380158.0182335 93294658.9818
2164 87804175.7703119 -52746479.77
2165 81656306.2863925 25540191.7136
2166 81396606.7319212 64396689.2681
2167 79139064.9061557 -18676717.906
2168 72495968.8901274 65763093.1099
2169 70242424.2467201 2257575.75328
2170 66583468.481608 115706797.518
2171 63744729.122587 -48673215.123
2172 63590715.7915025 -5590715.7915
2173 59864407.9548058 -17377017.955
2174 58732654.9453782 -21739486.945
2175 57684608.1678606 14732785.8321
2176 54657820.7783087 46256624.2217
2177 53695573.5652226 9075485.43478
2178 53074927.5415164 48571653.4585
2179 52757805.7104605 -12652263.71
2180 47890690.2988817 24636904.7011
2181 46604224.6770317 -32036341.677
2182 44507589.7428961 19325859.2571
2183 43339731.258963 57993230.741
2184 37273082.1745841 -36977332.175
2185 32526351.4289687 -29477216.429
2186 32356777.9602397 -19356777.96
2187 30513418.2152504 -5168418.2153
2188 28966973.3263938 7833026.67361
2189 25621855.0257951 -11263822.026
2190 25342440.2490835 -22442465.249
2191 24881442.4105985 -4976083.4106
2192 24258879.0025783 -17258879.003
2193 23518534.0597693 9481802.94023
2194 20691294.4951396 -3762171.4951
2195 20303599.3868515 829487.613148
2196 17674870.0038683 197925.996132
2197 17448194.5745225 -14164823.575
2198 14960692.9528688 -10960692.953
2199 11489140.0748596 -11030908.075
2200 10579596.1171993 139760.882801
2201 6709340.08919345 -3276998.0892
2202 6387386.44966631 9407802.55033
2203 6347103.33310258 -5119779.3331
2204 844963.771208887 1740.22879111
2205 -1460241.972856 2860241.97286
2206 -6797333.0930017 6920842.093
2207 610598751.269976 360163133.73
2208 462779027.180479 126611511.82
2209 296493146.19969 198385612.8
2210 292556611.835316 228755248.165
2211 288098729.397237 16555452.6028
2212 282597983.886527 302580944.113
2213 220007891.892081 -103007891.89
2214 193948469.037108 -163090655.04
2215 181822777.244711 128157216.755
2216 180576084.940772 -84120387.941
2217 174415231.381427 89690313.6186
2218 170769634.145618 -102501772.15
2219 168079498.83817 -114777184.84
2220 165732900.150385 -72450296.15
2221 163111754.586301 4693711.4137
2222 149558107.744159 -50351892.744
2223 139159735.598069 171490849.402
2224 137635288.746659 85752010.2533
2225 135441201.062956 -73892494.063
2226 123956687.096648 -23826815.097
2227 123747218.499711 27069481.5003
2228 119443940.398234 -68027476.398
2229 116215435.155866 25375888.8441
2230 112664962.739493 77547150.2605
2231 112631356.631835 -61723934.632
2232 111799884.051947 -88718158.052
2233 103067078.242776 70892359.7572
2234 101018224.525745 5285763.47425
2235 98789917.1714024 7581733.8286
2236 96700410.3954223 31407231.6046
2237 96295233.2536831 -53961938.254
2238 96241352.4987138 -91941352.499
2239 96072640.725053 -34673088.725
2240 94133975.7009273 60730425.2991
2241 87363926.2858505 -63203992.286
2242 86841084.9081277 -63988446.908
2243 86832513.072371 17058895.9276
2244 84868908.517686 -48708533.518
2245 82877098.1118691 -79343871.112
2246 81752554.4674622 -71100519.467
2247 79776809.4864502 -36984248.486
2248 75639080.6023895 -63290175.602
2249 75436176.2270446 88563823.773
2250 75254322.4757211 -73777320.476
2251 69444648.0043415 -5006801.0043
2252 68543062.3194574 -27031055.319
2253 64901899.8807792 -25055555.881
2254 62212721.0097416 -60815437.01
2255 59599240.4714202 30850688.5286
2256 59486926.8655456 -33331145.866
2257 56971196.8352975 -54471196.835
2258 52984923.2660716 -25339432.266
2259 52339906.1598615 -38329074.16
2260 51095776.3836643 -43661050.384
2261 49074934.5235874 52520186.4764
2262 47310724.4030795 -32910724.403
2263 45936293.7003963 -42990693.7
2264 43752717.7942258 -20608218.794
2265 43677114.2028521 -29533114.203
2266 43304216.7899755 -14852594.79
2267 43274192.8073647 13035573.1926
2268 43203962.4035628 15201350.5964
2269 41723231.9145122 -38270188.915
2270 39388931.5552922 -28959224.555
2271 38762050.6489461 -23862633.649
2272 37504408.952701 -37087483.953
2273 36822104.3609495 -34014250.361
2274 36271652.6491052 -34701734.649
2275 35160968.309669 24666359.6903
2276 34159859.1001577 -25021521.1
2277 33771884.2793344 -24835221.279
2278 30324328.0299513 5517572.97005
2279 29970712.7360346 -25906217.736
2280 27873252.1987708 31647045.8012
2281 23426061.9979251 -12854653.998
2282 21610614.8570549 -21228440.857
2283 20567530.7212912 -9226514.7213
2284 16132417.7858773 -1783888.7859
2285 12347392.8742475 48765523.1258
2286 11664109.2886227 -10921211.289
2287 11638700.562843 -9879448.5628
2288 10594321.6287307 1405678.37127
2289 9956847.73798646 10260232.262
2290 9473522.52310171 -9359739.5231
2291 5543750.88598968 11649480.114
2292 2415369.19675153 -471720.19675
2293 -6179750.3727054 8477243.37271
2294 514553808.426138 -165129526.43
2295 492099632.018023 266440152.982
2296 320756074.693801 -194686565.69
2297 274911542.068169 -7865777.0682
2298 271791669.053793 35150000.9462
2299 239138569.071674 -185660403.07
2300 201079207.766347 -191319103.77
2301 200322810.93321 -96018959.933
2302 199304882.879646 150474660.12
2303 190378204.703122 -73397542.703
2304 165281863.687348 -101093496.69
2305 164750396.335959 -12486516.336
2306 161412649.814111 -21339259.814
2307 157360738.540451 -28317867.54
2308 152339424.826596 129590370.173
2309 134269201.028904 41103300.9711
2310 131341282.997567 -23085512.998
2311 122126771.59932 -65445205.599
2312 113473855.2994 1434974.7006
2313 111321837.283292 -100912460.28
2314 110742484.95047 -57860466.95
2315 109603684.989752 -39160744.99
2316 107147019.41936 -44789119.419
2317 105386995.963895 -81806995.964
2318 104698952.753679 -72476385.754
2319 104074986.27149 -66144521.271
2320 102919502.811494 19570319.1885
2321 102870634.324696 7359697.6753
2322 98828571.6391724 -22926363.639
2323 95485303.0505001 -88670514.051
2324 91963532.7494345 -89106820.749
2325 90743345.4639533 9782086.53605
2326 90651631.3328497 -48374266.333
2327 79942444.4222237 -72354959.422
2328 77878680.2224685 10836511.7775
2329 74594006.8984316 -47705630.898
2330 69288451.1108854 104110066.889
2331 66275220.7563065 123558136.244
2332 65546222.2171438 262657283.783
2333 64338712.2255975 -26741241.226
2334 56794454.6049804 87205545.395
2335 56706403.8057896 4641393.19421
2336 56141140.8640564 -27130323.864
2337 54310350.1371818 9946162.86282
2338 52892230.1410948 -19331093.141
2339 51203073.209875 -50789619.21
2340 50748436.57582 -33248436.576
2341 46120177.6233464 -39192109.623
2342 43544246.2371316 -24249345.237
2343 43488321.7760582 -6845483.7761
2344 42348448.0801244 -22477881.08
2345 41562225.7700473 -26554234.77
2346 37498309.4148363 33494588.5852
2347 34403141.3334089 -31788368.333
2348 33120099.934369 5454262.06563
2349 33055120.9078412 -10855120.908
2350 31795390.3905669 -22895390.391
2351 29757499.6003193 -16993298.6
2352 27914049.6254799 -26246857.625
2353 23392713.0453392 -20591205.045
2354 21895619.3729784 -8093864.373
2355 15609183.9083066 -8326332.9083
2356 13894789.6880223 17284726.312
2357 13698413.4423301 22752322.5577
2358 13425206.4793032 5109984.5207
2359 11037237.4052617 -1023813.4053
2360 9741491.64333199 -7289946.6433
2361 9580733.63095484 18619266.369
2362 8459623.23234306 19440376.7677
2363 7061105.67118369 -6316289.6712
2364 5887422.85042865 -4200993.8504
2365 5542072.61077838 8469381.38922
2366 4481213.19455082 12518786.8054
2367 3706571.88573019 -751532.88573
2368 2706987.56068514 297521096.439
2369 2338502.38747693 2438962.61252
2370 2101694.14596832 -1055528.146
2371 -5992523.4338102 6392134.43381
2372 -6365109.5537041 21565109.5537
2373 409003872.71623 326095209.284
2374 276961225.899821 -193253915.9
2375 260382866.954679 -259382866.95
2376 201466555.489712 283169204.51
2377 194994075.097181 87576606.9028
2378 176409996.814834 -38822933.815
2379 173002448.480972 -134882965.48
2380 172341262.185629 152892600.814
2381 171005066.381913 -109356566.38
2382 167422503.719363 132977928.281
2383 167254563.41092 75531573.5891
2384 157575097.595263 110582302.405
2385 153386528.70218 -118825951.7
2386 149262704.238015 -88521877.238
2387 141501475.408427 -48588304.408
2388 140824029.694102 -44415377.694
2389 140018471.127155 -91446471.127
2390 137138559.887547 26581509.1125
2391 127419848.598601 -100746606.6
2392 123054027.676549 -111931937.68
2393 115216473.416787 57783526.5832
2394 112020902.069694 -103561444.07
2395 110237468.479629 13491707.5204
2396 108827509.77348 -78827509.773
2397 107805706.347856 33968972.6521
2398 105834973.635015 -33205303.635
2399 104045251.0244 -88740361.024
2400 95518115.1354781 -68129348.135
2401 93790245.0870858 111508661.913
2402 92512861.0996454 -8366029.0996
2403 88180623.7277888 -33177488.728
2404 86084476.0348435 -33861170.035
2405 82514838.7983157 5325203.20168
2406 82285027.88168 149126556.118
2407 81125276.5497758 21700519.4502
2408 80608629.4512602 -61048355.451
2409 77178122.1320478 -37663409.132
2410 76184109.5002446 16639436.4998
2411 74789990.6442761 96479544.3557
2412 74355994.0884246 -40355994.088
2413 72762602.6085766 -57154057.609
2414 72704002.8324487 73192419.1676
2415 71102526.7580345 -26309304.758
2416 70766339.3596588 -39181438.36
2417 70756590.0243587 -58357962.024
2418 68964661.2939093 -66858104.294
2419 60719087.652131 85479808.3479
2420 60657027.5612529 -47425566.561
2421 60614750.3650026 -53592022.365
2422 57790122.9545324 42286219.0455
2423 52636279.6368938 -3008500.6369
2424 50195020.8134009 -43778718.813
2425 48096233.8973411 -47772095.897
2426 44630667.769884 -22174158.77
2427 44253001.7094312 -33566160.709
2428 41467276.8988187 -23150125.899
2429 39084509.5756337 2915490.42437
2430 34960653.5310212 -24517845.531
2431 30959131.1171335 -21476552.117
2432 29167252.0131016 -17524998.013
2433 24041925.8395776 -3784950.8396
2434 19281105.7028737 -18862144.703
2435 18514237.6956366 -1216993.6956
2436 17774321.3446154 -16225366.345
2437 12671331.5704762 2697565.42952
2438 12261178.2525057 -11638372.253
2439 11519448.2814981 -11138028.281
2440 6668398.2947242 8758793.70528
2441 4888149.81836635 2404025.18163
2442 1863771.56581134 642674.434189
2443 506706157.446153 36807827.5538
2444 387117900.742961 -23859041.743
2445 326830704.608418 -260344624.61
2446 303233194.189619 18654013.8104
2447 267186035.236224 -31703031.236
2448 253230924.210674 -212193182.21
2449 249053489.68109 272117335.319
2450 225596485.184819 -39542760.185
2451 212394455.045415 -63177100.045
2452 198809065.342019 -138086331.34
2453 190933357.390155 20847466.6098
2454 190075709.130763 -62344973.131
2455 182503584.020951 -173063312.02
2456 179122757.257188 69261863.7428
2457 173568676.882101 -173381564.88
2458 172964001.541857 86243225.4581
2459 168641360.114556 -59063245.115
2460 160490112.75804 -135889280.76
2461 153086473.847265 -40079593.847
2462 151985570.423576 -119781540.42
2463 150445892.773475 -53008786.773
2464 128384807.218682 -125164436.22
2465 117835457.975962 -117234561.98
2466 117693643.720607 -76865103.721
2467 109083392.605294 -102228781.61
2468 107091898.003952 -37023989.004
2469 103085584.385026 -84085866.385
2470 99522488.8126279 -53404391.813
2471 89746842.4882882 73092824.5117
2472 84737529.3444916 58080462.6555
2473 84533848.9924362 44235496.0076
2474 82660672.7934913 -42605233.793
2475 76386048.4161937 25178886.5838
2476 76147584.4569362 16773618.5431
2477 75668590.2748549 235271495.725
2478 74763652.5510407 293980391.449
2479 68788144.6382175 115165578.362
2480 65042965.2283786 -48042965.228
2481 62293192.5015265 -56928334.502
2482 61986555.3790487 -20122829.379
2483 57128043.3836741 -20437976.384
2484 54349649.7483798 43569013.2516
2485 53650607.5194403 49203823.4806
2486 48089340.3367957 -47917580.337
2487 47589466.9674082 -40485493.967
2488 46796111.987683 4580749.01232
2489 43686331.1820368 29092380.818
2490 40611085.8515048 -27014174.852
2491 34896423.4122489 -6612786.4122
2492 34434396.9534731 15724747.0465
2493 33605865.8666982 22464567.1333
2494 33582902.3698554 69584086.6301
2495 32322522.1976606 -25583381.198
2496 31763859.56946 37867258.4305
2497 29981856.1225182 -20130246.123
2498 27778601.0860474 -10798503.086
2499 24900323.0067257 -1469557.0067
2500 24652926.2923114 -22247506.292
2501 21131521.4221385 219027733.578
2502 21122927.0289193 37777103.9711
2503 20871948.1894572 -13051260.189
2504 19147439.2029801 1307836.79702
2505 18752421.9423588 -14535306.942
2506 18735088.7881603 -14336099.788
2507 16054211.0633292 9428719.93667
2508 13224372.8790175 6855647.12098
2509 12728961.3757159 827026.624284
2510 12618068.8899799 112296773.11
2511 11750224.6575295 -9724986.6575
2512 7480697.03147153 -480697.03147
2513 6766541.3026453 14233458.6974
2514 2695162.93883348 2169837.06117
2515 -2144269.9547439 5147565.95474
2516 573465829.461734 284145344.538
2517 306394198.48115 580292618.519
2518 279393764.008305 89477242.9917
2519 275248094.897438 -243523810.9
2520 235805415.249195 -168824959.25
2521 229730311.627865 -194037391.63
2522 198605709.817424 -58801361.817
2523 190429383.074082 -39310164.074
2524 179172767.151589 -71575525.152
2525 178385182.370776 -110122016.37
2526 176758992.340427 178933767.66
2527 174114377.992339 122541053.008
2528 170706617.618329 -128909551.62
2529 168744871.798556 -70294809.799
2530 168225328.321853 -87646394.322
2531 167335874.040311 -55070735.04
2532 163665048.538422 -137615966.54
2533 156205169.362098 225304700.638
2534 156158168.633197 -88474179.633
2535 150131098.872551 -129714535.87
2536 148828157.280078 -80255779.28
2537 141198370.78458 -122045890.78
2538 141173774.127451 46187979.8725
2539 137073607.929974 -96727421.93
2540 127839358.752024 1555476.24798
2541 127715229.547283 -114706301.55
2542 125414981.933479 -34840793.933
2543 115287529.423717 -7343293.4237
2544 112165887.904279 -107922909.9
2545 105177937.912775 -61086870.913
2546 103386284.383369 -46963597.383
2547 98120528.9826884 -45817732.983
2548 94922210.136661 -80358183.137
2549 91454171.711312 30243151.2887
2550 87739489.9907968 29484781.0092
2551 77991431.4431159 51190398.5569
2552 76464886.7476923 -13818123.748
2553 75451398.0027514 -54885071.003
2554 66048261.102933 -43109234.103
2555 65849868.2200917 -63727307.22
2556 65345411.1743206 23577839.8257
2557 61890397.4278292 17927541.5722
2558 59080612.8276955 -13844069.828
2559 58198552.8823666 -21443918.882
2560 56068514.8577351 -51562592.858
2561 53538672.878936 23573503.1211
2562 51194307.3799407 74533950.6201
2563 47684181.2410266 -8935786.241
2564 47468283.7672717 100943781.233
2565 46846992.6001375 8687462.39986
2566 42867522.3616069 -5202667.3616
2567 39190610.8563309 -20552920.856
2568 36497827.302783 -11185440.303
2569 34179308.1443403 -13551936.144
2570 31991942.5844668 2242065.41553
2571 29464843.5931099 -19562728.593
2572 24772643.2573842 -16186267.257
2573 24772038.7173887 -18541762.717
2574 23744780.8973272 13105320.1027
2575 23388503.8228335 -9709590.8228
2576 21334064.878083 -18389312.878
2577 19626884.5343118 19166398.4657
2578 18708597.3041798 12354440.6958
2579 14431332.4684783 13068667.5315
2580 11756427.9597218 -6280367.9597
2581 8483475.49320905 -6738617.4932
2582 8444568.38185889 27593340.6181
2583 4332952.01640837 5547018.98359
2584 -6874429.988394 13678445.9884
2585 557487972.72627 -18504765.726
2586 357920558.903597 -131089990.9
2587 279575297.44366 -263084217.44
2588 277579963.562198 -152367059.56
2589 260110715.680898 -112778018.68
2590 232552453.205965 -130850393.21
2591 226247782.288594 105678364.711
2592 206522851.31644 713315906.684
2593 196003814.791852 550917459.208
2594 191969024.632243 -140898217.63
2595 191726892.82958 560873974.17
2596 188008985.391925 -140207596.39
2597 186968535.967783 611989629.032
2598 159745292.414668 151848739.585
2599 154962054.671714 -116710629.67
2600 153292770.864972 -105227098.86
2601 150344794.737964 84457100.262
2602 142556131.522462 -42556131.522
2603 135794419.345532 -18075261.346
2604 128174021.265933 -75870020.266
2605 124972963.943956 14379669.056
2606 112637596.025967 -72537596.026
2607 111497961.439136 -78125355.439
2608 109648484.110312 -88851637.11
2609 95870052.1541834 23629947.8458
2610 90658123.3705623 175928676.629
2611 86626558.9280938 -51007037.928
2612 86388072.4113739 -17658714.411
2613 84515126.2985467 -74018809.299
2614 80323800.8835444 10059407.1165
2615 79767745.8980107 22232254.102
2616 75547465.7241209 -58451412.724
2617 72968597.3562864 -18368597.356
2618 69125261.4040489 48633238.596
2619 68011337.8129952 -55696686.813
2620 67446056.8252918 -16568911.825
2621 66495873.3431601 -42558003.343
2622 61892030.5881154 -15121428.588
2623 61302716.879846 -44439133.88
2624 61068687.7177195 -56968687.718
2625 59624807.0994375 60129470.9006
2626 54683215.9696109 -13837133.97
2627 53107662.9311218 -44263067.931
2628 49299313.6032489 -28191567.603
2629 44963958.7900724 -13808523.79
2630 44935441.6459578 133041784.354
2631 40299792.8687635 -36799792.869
2632 37244325.9213668 -20388201.921
2633 34490840.2361844 33920434.7638
2634 32063336.9533347 -31913059.953
2635 30980168.2066773 1746787.79332
2636 29571143.3794773 -24161626.379
2637 28548464.7243068 -20575497.724
2638 25429746.6520112 -18411557.652
2639 24117055.7242384 75882944.2758
2640 23537261.2651513 -18126512.265
2641 23277385.7624723 37863644.2375
2642 22950469.4811913 -21712854.481
2643 6720894.02149491 3722421.97851
2644 6172061.93545936 4787413.06454
2645 4104174.23155598 6125156.76844
2646 3652943.77434111 909202.225659
2647 1072464.80368278 -968729.80368
2648 -5820495.7131593 6920495.71316
2649 -6470222.8175431 7315410.81754
2650 -6656777.5440552 8776771.54406
2651 474932942.869977 87883313.13
2652 373656428.204158 -104334.20416
2653 324969005.646402 172397863.354
2654 283836957.026792 -68307756.027
2655 267382533.292214 21665229.7078
2656 257197793.850642 -183871127.85
2657 249100558.082379 374928812.918
2658 227305808.48753 -135952307.49
2659 220052190.236973 -179628245.24
2660 213127374.071564 -197680220.07
2661 206591574.881746 154775058.118
2662 197838399.683922 -122886094.68
2663 183366194.922098 -30441101.922
2664 178711376.813256 -10989066.813
2665 167787803.778864 105124626.221
2666 166978180.357171 -9090537.3572
2667 162383726.018026 2949453.98197
2668 154075131.337466 29399470.6625
2669 152671971.450521 -55100721.451
2670 151427137.881493 -113151654.88
2671 148381984.20596 -104453052.21
2672 141661335.633796 -27803802.634
2673 134356714.960487 -63202122.96
2674 123920712.455426 -99127203.455
2675 121600505.998787 94596986.0012
2676 118979518.336939 -66152924.337
2677 115591107.754277 36240429.2457
2678 113036078.112831 -71830979.113
2679 112576541.997917 -65334596.998
2680 107639489.429549 -105862554.43
2681 94561746.397124 -85071917.397
2682 91644849.9419723 -56547034.942
2683 90846482.6940758 -5400407.6941
2684 88207552.8265422 -12507054.827
2685 78887535.6646082 -78334337.665
2686 76275214.5798602 -74014502.58
2687 74720590.3550948 89713276.6449
2688 71972951.5641969 -60166832.564
2689 60471343.5527939 -39306544.553
2690 59139343.4371061 -48290560.437
2691 59092933.7137226 21105059.2863
2692 58839897.6336789 -4020596.6337
2693 57469964.8890217 -25797057.889
2694 54701347.6579825 -15361170.658
2695 50058281.9871124 -28127863.987
2696 49773660.9480517 -303756.94805
2697 48576441.6709059 20849524.3291
2698 45537716.8721898 -41707579.872
2699 44268277.623048 24863582.377
2700 44256371.7943313 -41956371.794
2701 41443203.57482 -27443203.575
2702 37717198.008121 -29217198.008
2703 37198534.2724563 26017337.7275
2704 31758531.4968133 -27606301.497
2705 30870737.4445124 4207503.55549
2706 29640011.3125432 -17640011.313
2707 27680679.141259 -5515071.1413
2708 20473281.1314006 18965392.8686
2709 19830203.966967 -11551186.967
2710 17850082.8382266 -3147644.8382
2711 17050917.056157 -15372043.056
2712 16334667.9948091 -13134667.995
2713 13304912.04319 3397951.95681
2714 10991477.3367987 -10337856.337
2715 2422659.76863718 609141.231363
2716 1423919.09269029 367356889.907
2717 -3929729.2049433 4393729.20494
2718 489992634.185607 226400070.814
2719 377031358.44722 283909421.553
2720 285303359.015652 -280274411.02
2721 246840300.338126 111535302.662
2722 224237316.861275 441454964.139
2723 219418366.143664 -110659845.14
2724 215693465.892628 160447840.107
2725 203848167.870816 -103709316.87
2726 165393184.764872 -139888671.76
2727 157113156.854844 -16938150.855
2728 146029669.457173 -48486717.457
2729 134021280.98136 49271850.0186
2730 129739531.72211 -59739531.722
2731 126386816.068135 134310177.932
2732 125370593.358737 162223983.641
2733 123707012.07852 217924195.921
2734 118116149.505052 -49766265.505
2735 112990268.41795 -36501379.418
2736 108415930.823879 -80200012.824
2737 104476766.259374 -17421417.259
2738 102040898.669423 -49615043.669
2739 99782156.7866518 5163608.21335
2740 96691094.1634026 -34074448.163
2741 95850742.9662685 81661289.0337
2742 94867828.6060239 163154404.394
2743 92885650.2367019 56788137.7633
2744 85769546.7891443 -7133289.7891
2745 85528145.8482671 77875653.1517
2746 80732072.9091409 -43838351.909
2747 72933439.2952066 -41849840.295
2748 71169224.6632062 -38777177.663
2749 69742618.54972 188107503.45
2750 68974261.7499568 -54543008.75
2751 65112527.93129 -34124832.931
2752 60534689.4190355 -46297689.419
2753 58468150.6513907 10839073.3486
2754 58068292.5593131 51931707.4407
2755 56256824.5548311 -23275944.555
2756 55509983.062817 -54539167.063
2757 53739226.7666865 -20041579.767
2758 53002130.09848 -45589914.098
2759 52222282.5273103 -30178005.527
2760 48313105.8534767 100968500.147
2761 46303817.9257013 -5811058.9257
2762 45822482.2790106 -45262413.279
2763 43657259.1243442 -26705461.124
2764 43589961.1906696 -41605299.191
2765 40294956.5487997 -38510193.549
2766 38579759.2828498 -33450701.283
2767 30813658.0413582 -10889625.041
2768 30768191.2199079 -20641733.22
2769 29132567.6587347 -26282304.659
2770 27137599.2081654 10032457.7918
2771 22508338.704356 -4522445.7044
2772 22024133.7484331 4983009.25157
2773 19030799.0757946 -4202718.0758
2774 16696015.9868768 -16269791.987
2775 13259142.951742 9334266.04826
2776 11320568.1574663 7429677.84253
2777 7855227.60463443 -1148859.6046
2778 3029545.74020774 5690454.25979
2779 1571981.76516259 -1447487.7652
2780 467351.848666098 9322548.15133
2781 -381553.13825462 4568484.13825
2782 412523048.909107 91527170.0909
2783 375112124.421307 256632435.579
2784 296653137.258342 187756080.742
2785 205501305.045888 161773713.954
2786 204088364.243195 38900101.7568
2787 200181335.039793 -109921799.04
2788 194501302.816994 -193999484.82
2789 171415517.458389 -64276118.458
2790 161565941.306395 -71139536.306
2791 156051589.134294 -19901155.134
2792 154613456.157461 192712345.843
2793 154343217.756502 -144005830.76
2794 152518039.326302 -120079051.33
2795 148193724.135281 64191808.8647
2796 147437652.129605 -89937652.13
2797 142989735.578466 28973650.4215
2798 136956079.038765 -68722450.039
2799 129309297.751006 -21262166.751
2800 117931002.364201 111805341.636
2801 110017930.231423 -69532891.231
2802 108173104.25137 -39276275.251
2803 106540810.171665 95485301.8283
2804 105203599.282135 45957891.7179
2805 100585455.095855 85406190.9041
2806 98900015.6344578 -81030967.634
2807 98226309.9474179 -39008520.947
2808 91501280.7160335 -87958927.716
2809 87886591.7153658 -82227305.715
2810 86327604.8773495 468659872.123
2811 85084945.8477085 -57992065.848
2812 78046909.2664314 -56227561.266
2813 77293359.1850646 -26643280.185
2814 76011549.4234783 19597445.5765
2815 70011025.2847232 -50711025.285
2816 68447856.2931561 66987.7068439
2817 67567596.4333361 -57065658.433
2818 63813687.2855029 -46540094.286
2819 58591021.1497234 18925282.8503
2820 56568550.6408528 -45442701.641
2821 56370053.9936839 -50260053.994
2822 51178052.4724506 -31826483.472
2823 50932509.9814553 -47732509.981
2824 40094032.7186639 32684967.2813
2825 36628678.6313545 -6720993.6314
2826 31469728.3042019 -30865785.304
2827 26859452.1608472 -21834670.161
2828 24286187.066702 -14238513.067
2829 21224611.5584556 38243663.4415
2830 21013000.0025791 9003164.99742
2831 20519203.6135937 -18092352.614
2832 19354047.5136703 -14245227.514
2833 14882883.241661 14117116.7583
2834 14789978.0765364 38797425.9235
2835 13899671.1229111 -13792112.123
2836 13502903.4031985 -306658.4032
2837 10681867.1407611 -10561247.141
2838 10143059.5910683 -9360957.5911
2839 359089.563059654 4563076.43694
2840 512948822.410556 -386401997.41
2841 401135486.916699 387106289.083
2842 271359296.635242 201867661.365
2843 247053463.847424 -143463192.85
2844 223614541.413108 -171327127.41
2845 192177297.683667 411723056.316
2846 185537657.470896 -85571904.471
2847 164904328.460178 -104123347.46
2848 160206754.936881 -83774027.937
2849 158449244.38274 -36004472.383
2850 148079393.892257 106055516.108
2851 143653525.004983 -28990064.005
2852 117935085.264917 18950681.7351
2853 102261794.876872 -100506582.88
2854 98708471.1972368 -32240139.197
2855 98283222.4253495 -33656436.425
2856 94548690.1378189 35283698.8622
2857 85821266.5392044 74780927.4608
2858 85306482.6870928 -52332545.687
2859 82995678.1808311 -77518885.181
2860 80113678.1201939 -63284133.12
2861 75895116.824948 -63067303.825
2862 74883721.4125288 -286078.41253
2863 71406023.8817298 -26106023.882
2864 70951319.5752872 23984444.4247
2865 69082172.1391479 -34210139.139
2866 63369584.9864436 -44047449.986
2867 59751692.8260984 25812617.1739
2868 59541980.6085658 -23108005.609
2869 58535958.3837182 -37157597.384
2870 57730643.4373663 -7058793.4374
2871 50678788.154551 1202224.84545
2872 50568053.5710527 -43619420.571
2873 50124068.5707984 -27955709.571
2874 49887783.6624202 -31690385.662
2875 45478038.8493535 21714820.1506
2876 41146879.7242053 -22802150.724
2877 33197178.7837913 -30004076.784
2878 31973314.6319199 -1421819.6319
2879 31015682.6756648 23233611.3243
2880 29506295.186232 11349123.8138
2881 26628296.8194455 -20223051.819
2882 26532332.8624036 2798735.1376
2883 24941219.6862699 -24041219.686
2884 13653127.0805799 -13054482.081
2885 11625648.8150304 3157027.18497
2886 11536781.4356965 17435726.5643
2887 1757778.56093415 523221.439066
2888 -448828.51446678 9448828.51447
2889 -3632164.6938901 6202164.69389
2890 405082875.932038 36735927.068
2891 297235223.555621 7085030.44438
2892 287319472.831585 589925309.168
2893 256512006.386678 -96399335.387
2894 251546973.541803 -149155591.54
2895 232270250.326886 -7466775.3269
2896 214415797.68116 -114415797.68
2897 209554646.462671 -166623605.46
2898 201091393.307599 -117637854.31
2899 200600118.842923 -116300118.84
2900 156016304.751424 94183695.2486
2901 147816139.281693 98416973.7183
2902 134856610.887337 140794092.113
2903 132676829.146362 -128712147.15
2904 125728611.869337 317411393.131
2905 119488103.398351 41094914.6016
2906 113539172.687866 179278668.312
2907 99961208.9011306 18377152.0989
2908 98350966.9967821 -15162801.997
2909 90228250.318859 57705929.6811
2910 88760260.2846382 133470925.715
2911 84343784.3247563 -29162655.325
2912 81013544.9264342 82720152.0736
2913 77980874.5506577 -68280874.551
2914 76562501.9109905 -52625593.911
2915 62986721.6866267 15013278.3134
2916 61665544.6414548 -38723323.641
2917 56671782.6123178 -48871782.612
2918 54878243.2790446 37341066.721
2919 52691378.494839 -34675088.495
2920 48809185.0576689 -9816427.0577
2921 48530329.7060277 -9230329.706
2922 47454708.6863287 -46350026.686
2923 46655497.789334 -33287060.789
2924 45271931.3143312 -36592117.314
2925 41443979.5515306 -29144311.552
2926 40883182.9873758 -25703880.987
2927 39026004.5408483 8149033.45915
2928 37393877.3863653 28141189.6136
2929 35821130.4962133 -20704496.496
2930 35002890.1238389 -17234133.124
2931 34205461.2663831 18764552.7336
2932 33958448.0288316 -14788447.029
2933 33555052.9266313 1579767.07337
2934 23181232.3227452 -4519205.3227
2935 21897180.3493846 -15088630.349
2936 13136096.5052016 -9723599.5052
2937 9473766.1436969 -6657650.1437
2938 -2065517.3416028 3815728.3416
2939 207607409.602789 -122439770.6
2940 204513315.256577 322555535.743
2941 179174883.041573 -132703860.04
2942 135070153.362006 740888154.638
2943 120940406.973137 -42631275.973
2944 118945677.631671 -83657889.632
2945 118774114.594748 21387677.4053
2946 117556408.630143 -73359724.63
2947 98933693.9259964 243761741.074
2948 91143433.6421486 -18443433.642
2949 90516259.4887898 -60517046.489
2950 87563902.7025606 -75615948.703
2951 77558332.6742726 15816818.3257
2952 75424365.1396705 -23744164.14
2953 74780340.5618111 -72659901.562
2954 74448822.5581766 -31784412.558
2955 67555239.455369 -45832463.455
2956 66297363.1615137 -52188079.162
2957 64747119.5959692 -33676908.596
2958 64266393.0007664 12247656.9992
2959 59981386.443929 7756703.55607
2960 59591598.0031192 4690713.99688
2961 54134794.4293932 121969549.571
2962 52668356.3485937 -10849292.349
2963 50739242.1540979 -50258928.154
2964 50123076.0424476 -25293432.042
2965 48329256.9966393 35432587.0034
2966 46193087.8536954 -30349479.854
2967 39693186.6097281 -23755121.61
2968 38547375.7896597 87999142.2103
2969 36379084.820091 -17174155.82
2970 26816759.9072866 -15399397.907
2971 22762507.1690181 -6471531.169
2972 14186245.6382258 52780741.3618
2973 12604845.7054521 -9528025.7055
2974 -1193910.5244045 2393910.5244
2975 -2572279.7600432 35972279.76
2976 269346088.220481 -246186783.22
2977 267467791.477545 -148367033.48
2978 238474287.892474 -149145660.89
2979 210087417.635394 322593253.365
2980 179129984.668178 -71912588.668
2981 159144253.337382 -80765509.337
2982 113588744.967494 67411255.0325
2983 101555132.737094 -58389561.737
2984 98777569.2164203 -41553679.216
2985 77921137.8784189 -51632817.878
2986 77226814.670638 -17085131.671
2987 69858243.5910922 -44295319.591
2988 69281589.1307876 -68533136.131
2989 65487469.0502707 -27314969.05
2990 54875265.6939923 3005790.30601
2991 43375399.1186957 -23903342.119
2992 41283194.4701985 -27761365.47
2993 37673680.1514323 32161134.8486
2994 35445264.5212694 -20622918.521
2995 35316267.4161169 -28902352.416
2996 27138235.3286084 -26965169.329
2997 20492730.1755832 21111742.8244
2998 20395981.2188456 66469582.7812
2999 17821764.1997822 -8455537.1998
3000 14091585.5025174 -3667115.5025
3001 12572105.8043543 -7030080.8044
3002 8806498.35645952 15171903.6435
3003 1009380.60400637 7335675.39599
3004 -382843.42511062 523509.425111
3005 -2083955.8114646 19376336.8115
3006 -6393089.8302108 6504389.83021
3007 244145030.952209 -98373503.952
3008 204815679.995654 -34051653.996
3009 151107394.873293 -121707394.87
3010 130097924.686588 62354907.3134
3011 116346051.886827 -29415640.887
3012 106661871.561504 -102654079.56
3013 98690330.4858802 -95365292.486
3014 97841222.4817968 51203290.5182
3015 96101103.7312576 141281620.269
3016 94770177.3507857 -30310861.351
3017 93828750.6756032 -75359070.676
3018 89865282.7009826 204591322.299
3019 79153736.2797771 -53281902.28
3020 78989175.0792195 -58278662.079
3021 77147782.3449618 -69147782.345
3022 63764200.7242321 -24496685.724
3023 57271738.931403 -56027777.931
3024 45667927.5688258 -32566255.569
3025 32748393.5555133 25143409.4445
3026 26869977.4728579 6656857.52714
3027 22178692.9701104 5008682.02989
3028 18992573.1998125 -12492573.2
3029 16502788.762952 -8008898.763
3030 -5452357.9248739 28183199.9249
3031 284048094.875956 -139048094.88
3032 158090661.935577 62582555.0644
3033 153981887.810404 -148058843.81
3034 144421990.080567 -115771415.08
3035 136451378.372399 88383185.6276
3036 130524486.302793 169610880.697
3037 119086932.461955 -118591629.46
3038 92282535.8728643 104729446.127
3039 83195230.5172458 3167141.48275
3040 79960499.4152227 -41458159.415
3041 77203260.1682773 -8506490.1683
3042 75021574.5774657 -60647749.577
3043 71958266.656098 -62374135.656
3044 68294176.812517 -32530571.813
3045 55231186.3605783 29541555.6394
3046 40897827.2920422 43749003.708
3047 37852245.0247207 -19189007.025
3048 35347292.9500634 -17839924.95
3049 35269568.9572132 -24932091.957
3050 34311458.7827528 -17705695.783
3051 26243574.7847172 20302622.2153
3052 18540097.5706667 -16864391.571
3053 14997583.4270699 -12940390.427
3054 14891116.7154798 19520123.2845
3055 13781104.5884267 -9151059.5884
3056 13077063.6257933 -12103538.626
3057 12017318.5482141 8324842.45179
3058 11687397.6129258 9823453.38707
3059 4583957.92482549 -4472226.9248
3060 3229296.58229263 10470703.4177
3061 930767.847132917 7096203.15287
3062 354727554.595739 -169802068.6
3063 291889023.732111 -151136406.73
3064 181031759.218103 -58468220.218
3065 180333190.695876 -8575327.6959
3066 156924626.094616 186472620.905
3067 152638351.808385 -11417673.808
3068 139881254.082661 38381365.9173
3069 134466835.981005 44912697.019
3070 124582097.256438 81121720.7436
3071 122172545.20226 -71039947.202
3072 113129132.157208 84179894.8428
3073 107249015.241879 -34068292.242
3074 106000401.042133 -65452961.042
3075 104271078.293155 -50440663.293
3076 84637816.3371793 -20527088.337
3077 52374270.1982606 49384219.8017
3078 50510568.1335731 30425663.8664
3079 49720303.5262128 -46333303.526
3080 39996237.0956656 -35578657.096
3081 39522607.0781709 -27016419.078
3082 39320893.7368469 -16920739.737
3083 38595720.9433272 9952705.05667
3084 18746669.7894168 25714180.2106
3085 4789537.61522489 2210462.38478
3086 182393259.983271 -119511169.98
3087 139560013.258949 46607125.7411
3088 126069328.806187 135503415.194
3089 112809195.15483 241438867.845
3090 70475357.1161682 10072508.8838
3091 58752807.7823914 -48084914.782
3092 46153634.8517523 66330129.1482
3093 45723152.7485611 11147261.2514
3094 28651340.2878641 -11191320.288
3095 21842347.6694971 -12214855.669
3096 19842033.1003111 -8008337.1003
3097 -496496.94425874 9496496.94426
3098 442208502.656901 -58951366.657
3099 325263727.917178 48290305.0828
3100 210356298.07711 -166249266.08
3101 209469731.15077 104962933.849
3102 208890428.444366 137189344.556
3103 164553717.820269 -66716579.82
3104 116495201.828993 -109227616.83
3105 92946699.7532593 7707449.24674
3106 80689173.1269252 -45746985.127
3107 57413471.9798929 -55372551.98
3108 55240114.6042427 -44141983.604
3109 50372994.6811714 -20041829.681
3110 21427213.6638027 42373131.3362
3111 132597025.355468 -99013850.355
3112 101222486.860334 -50168699.86
3113 94910836.6640597 -84371836.664
3114 83316851.3321551 -55713782.332
3115 72743676.8975245 128060857.102
3116 72154151.1491074 55238087.8509
3117 59802447.1167627 -43809832.117
3118 55946573.726858 -54468897.727
3119 52882309.3690796 -42182309.369
3120 43508618.9808315 158075522.019
3121 22241312.486059 -14241312.486
3122 2255373.62660748 2744626.37339
3123 244805576.615616 -196377513.62
3124 63468188.1666 -8800234.1666
3125 32460158.8109573 -28109384.811
3126 30949359.2243709 -28673802.224
3127 29042157.3489646 71449525.651
3128 -4627381.8941917 6782077.89419
3129 223634563.416838 -54306876.417
3130 136011904.864648 -105563904.86
3131 119313368.782198 50643437.2178
3132 43127424.9332409 -35018264.933
3133 31700382.8699357 -28809094.87
3134 189608413.248743 -72413352.249
3135 37382747.5343592 8171785.46564
3136 81577837.8972792 22373623.1027
3137 56430237.3036805 -36952131.304
3138 17120511.339516 -4720511.3395
3139 40004258.5293368 -1918480.5293
3140 11525511.7274228 -7958874.7274
3141 58591666.2931514 32282903.7068
3142 82452711.03505 53227288.965
3143 62247103.0941107 47615578.9059
3144 4039772.67606854 -3370496.6761
3145 208016502.720021 59430647.28
3146 122380773.138759 -37919927.139
3147 -1623467.7716326 28623467.7716
3148 -4155046.6750455 6355046.67505
3149 79402166.1259747 -64942166.126
popularity Residual Plot

-500000000 0 50 100 150 200


Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%

-271021.12424 -13658154.185 -271021.12424
4684377.6203 4338607.3867 4684377.6203
esidual Plot

150 200 250 300


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.848719964763525
R Square 0.7203255785882
Adjusted R Square 0.720147781753227
Standard Error 720.695717751133
Observations 3149

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 2 4208610068.81 2104305034.4 4051.3970831 0
Residual 3146 1634039691.12 519402.31758
Total 3148 5842649759.94

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%

Intercept -331.327666976928 19.763916402 -16.764271829 1.741858E-60 -370.07914013
budget 4.3047430292429E-06 3.4143334E-07 12.607857938 1.366768E-35 3.6352884E-06
popularity 39.8135411379765 0.56472116278 70.501238066 0 38.706282003


Observation Predicted vote_count Residuals

1 329.919483151841 -183.91948315
2 1636.06007460803 -666.06007461
3 -192.990041874591 258.990041875
4 72.282814511175 -17.282814511
5 1376.99871523403 -525.99871523
6 83.4259093490376 -35.425909349
7 1260.13874109172 -382.13874109
8 604.249100965341 -234.24910097
9 4995.47948675559 3068.52051324
10 3936.62540194654 -598.62540195
11 -125.346072249689 166.34607225
12 227.821725082884 19.1782749171
13 -200.971274897913 260.971274898
14 3922.67148336262 406.328516637
15 -10.3466082190762 77.3466082191
16 4512.00618357123 3049.99381643
17 484.318090079121 -249.31809008
18 -170.201862399011 212.201862399
19 8.18448638005501 62.8155136199
20 -153.014119179521 217.01411918
21 1165.89673380463 -449.8967338
22 619.493560188272 -160.49356019
23 491.659233253721 -289.65923325
24 4055.54237960144 -7.5423796014
25 908.677551065184 -406.67755107
26 1061.91820836064 -236.91820836
27 -81.1285795930579 114.128579593
28 2997.37840792551 -660.37840793
29 212.641033307804 -57.641033308
30 892.2491304661 -387.24913047
31 1633.22581662609 157.774183374
32 521.009810325844 399.990189674
33 1583.16744876676 -537.16744877
34 10.9526218378271 123.047378162
35 3881.74892469052 2689.25107531
36 4265.41070813441 3221.58929187
37 5565.25594771241 3139.74405229
38 1487.72334569407 -180.72334569
39 1492.15814703424 -345.15814703
40 489.07803925534 -255.07803926
41 2396.17812590243 939.821874098
42 592.922744127934 -293.92274413
43 5414.1020873908 478.897912609
44 1654.32292758422 -526.32292758
45 1889.40118151935 -962.40118152
46 569.862502489257 -362.86250249
47 1215.30475357384 -274.30475357
48 3048.87568899506 -71.875688995
49 1081.81246390235 -364.8124639
50 593.59237388404 -270.59237388
51 11.6352312106844 131.364768789
52 37.5096287555004 49.4903712445
53 21.6241661833967 41.3758338166
54 2567.45826731584 380.541732684
55 1984.16091869222 -495.16091869
56 1487.95040231918 -716.95040232
57 569.441755755521 -217.44175576
58 439.251762966471 -147.25176297
59 -176.975580405083 217.975580405
60 -325.310025967306 332.310025967
61 5078.54695387045 3218.45304613
62 2997.50034508311 2050.49965492
63 2593.94876970475 1680.0512303
64 1936.94160592633 -26.941605926
65 2713.91720623219 578.082793768
66 5224.49430053343 -2129.4943005
67 5216.43434548629 3889.56565451
68 3368.70195889605 6730.2980411
69 1376.55114734441 -682.55114734
70 1084.07431598659 14.9256840134
71 1413.93913419303 557.060865807
72 1125.99935061736 -429.99935062
73 282.955821648875 -81.955821649
74 3081.67228399845 -322.672284
75 2808.16152270466 2.83847729534
76 826.223300925993 -404.22330093
77 611.291660647394 -256.29166065
78 288.941158768437 -148.94115877
79 83.2655351369997 -16.265535137
80 2257.88764011371 -711.88764011
81 954.697003276636 -412.69700328
82 5370.36938457185 444.630615428
83 4502.08442236184 21.9155776382
84 3192.44237563824 -881.44237564
85 601.67586545425 -59.675865454
86 536.812315524438 -149.81231552
87 354.133119469118 -75.133119469
88 1212.52988419747 -436.5298842
89 1013.29332796254 62.7066720375
90 315.758806201926 -225.7588062
91 1058.0964432641 175.903556736
92 487.992625882775 -352.99262588
93 -164.679335032882 243.679335033
94 1953.25755894457 480.742441055
95 2332.14815839916 2570.8518416
96 1281.95562522373 255.044374776
97 69.3951357382705 -6.3951357383
98 4345.52139006274 1262.47860994
99 2017.62639411923 5.37360588077
100 1856.49377317268 27.5062268273
101 1785.69661200453 -283.696612
102 1365.99754314236 336.002456858
103 1097.36938229545 -616.3693823
104 880.428858960773 -433.42885896
105 -114.549437454008 211.549437454
106 4256.48346993441 2139.51653007
107 1039.40621933459 -2.4062193346
108 3906.34293383356 1532.65706617
109 523.772790453738 272.227209546
110 39.3298124002733 117.6701876
111 -29.1154542585918 345.115454259
112 4538.98545032818 3889.01454967
113 3137.17712517207 -1737.1771252
114 2355.2259116802 -460.22591168
115 1338.01995423721 175.980045763
116 1643.96190567024 1655.03809433
117 988.099587931413 -455.09958793
118 794.507052946793 -293.50705295
119 604.205395456129 -83.205395456
120 432.828430414527 -94.828430415
121 384.602839885651 -4.6028398857
122 -125.92248307417 161.922483074
123 4681.84546698831 611.154533012
124 3390.06440613602 -305.06440614
125 2860.30662479451 3569.69337521
126 1793.89222358833 261.107776412
127 1355.40648348241 -698.40648348
128 631.298231505734 -236.29823151
129 42.4109563804516 60.5890436195
130 7923.03885363367 4078.96114637
131 4585.63169475058 2420.36830525
132 627.376531786769 -238.37653179
133 706.540659302516 -239.5406593
134 425.150644096847 -237.1506441
135 43.7535280493941 6.24647195061
136 6947.42765993975 56.5723400603
137 6336.3215625542 -1090.3215626
138 2581.4385572216 1757.56144278
139 2599.86981026591 -117.86981027
140 -298.989753866845 319.989753867
141 4316.36932357642 -2395.3693236
142 2255.77481906385 -947.77481906
143 2786.31880590019 -1156.3188059
144 1833.40748371915 30.5925162809
145 1187.87946281335 1950.12053719
146 605.253109370203 -400.25310937
147 3145.8465201564 -147.84652016
148 2719.11480587854 -408.11480588
149 2010.84404453117 693.155955469
150 1394.00265282855 34.9973471715
151 802.610167189606 -189.61016719
152 844.951798052033 -335.95179805
153 -185.612572808438 231.612572808
154 -268.656228739776 283.65622874
155 7029.53214984166 6722.46785016
156 4998.38454148936 -532.38454149
157 1575.92683187968 -742.92683188
158 1470.90460553079 1574.09539447
159 766.40719507004 -399.40719507
160 8642.76559930522 -1401.7655993
161 2248.18220407415 -893.18220407
162 1578.05138526136 -413.05138526
163 1743.94011363142 -179.94011363
164 991.743541801981 485.256458198
165 877.415468408027 -315.41546841
166 504.854709416985 210.145290583
167 3266.46498887503 3228.53501112
168 1773.52148848443 -220.52148848
169 1456.08428799895 453.915712001
170 1454.20504732208 519.794952678
171 1127.50675720171 -135.5067572
172 713.057573059207 -317.05757306
173 795.724047034122 -405.72404703
174 828.765490047183 -402.76549005
175 -50.2706317988674 91.2706317989
176 5626.25201447702 235.747985523
177 2733.41771415907 -125.41771416
178 2310.59177085494 817.408229145
179 2397.96172310776 862.038276892
180 762.071342772719 -367.07134277
181 740.095210926733 -551.09521093
182 695.316002728394 -43.316002728
183 291.58627190172 -32.586271902
184 306.380036181311 -74.380036181
185 312.743365775509 -35.743365776
186 571.646196848281 -384.64619685
187 11.2513743434956 49.7486256565
188 -50.3628688324861 85.3628688325
189 5979.8297657653 -1258.8297658
190 5560.93267555019 -800.93267555
191 3855.20763774973 -0.2076377497
192 2883.78785944265 873.212140557
193 1999.61140758736 -842.61140759
194 1834.62627204999 -23.62627205
195 1577.04119628207 -639.04119628
196 1261.62355664935 112.376443351
197 1309.66646195133 222.333538049
198 1328.37468118728 2711.62531881
199 1007.03042010768 -391.03042011
200 168.391560907828 -21.391560908
201 114.085128646023 38.914871354
202 -2.73912589478516 39.7391258948
203 -147.130086929874 171.13008693
204 11099.5401617329 -4114.5401617
205 6366.72739172648 5409.27260827
206 4594.62623495718 1764.37376504
207 4232.47905371437 3371.52094629
208 3126.61348795766 -497.61348796
209 2557.10264133461 1211.89735867
210 2354.92164447539 863.078355525
211 2201.01009328431 79.9899067157
212 1836.67186450809 -814.67186451
213 1022.07844789536 -113.0784479
214 802.919894522421 252.080105478
215 723.573671858104 -285.57367186
216 -76.1987391816994 153.198739182
217 5405.01025592565 2521.98974407
218 5220.7022428205 2984.29775718
219 4083.78439579724 95.2156042028
220 2720.77409507629 6734.22590492
221 1936.5221591944 2055.47784081
222 1016.92975817516 -296.92975818
223 703.524280556295 -247.52428056
224 6819.58680834476 448.413191655
225 6220.13198897835 546.868011022
226 3400.6159990957 2476.3840009
227 2836.49340731375 958.506592686
228 1769.66799226529 813.332007735
229 1574.88310328468 -157.88310328
230 1705.67305817889 -589.67305818
231 1000.67027296261 130.329727037
232 724.798539806994 -183.79853981
233 685.353759724382 -299.35375972
234 575.973979794405 -204.97397979
235 436.8292422739 -212.82924227
236 633.387519444398 -417.38751944
237 31.1733701644171 41.8266298356
238 4894.53451544731 2464.46548455
239 2605.42218378322 -1006.4221838
240 1843.21189227072 -571.21189227
241 1911.22096822345 2204.77903178
242 2029.32939033283 -631.32939033
243 1142.4489029872 510.551097013
244 1354.43742043962 -10.43742044
245 1027.57817788264 -445.57817788
246 600.555924225279 -223.55592423
247 450.743822175324 -179.74382218
248 262.00689854732 12.9931014527
249 -168.528430633035 193.528430633
250 -127.465536622898 129.465536623
251 5782.80256774597 3630.19743225
252 5385.71533891297 -1809.7153389
253 3232.25829421598 1430.74170578
254 2081.78135385475 -898.78135385
255 2042.7968399204 307.20316008
256 1552.74380632753 -565.74380633
257 1495.9128305349 -274.91283053
258 1392.24636639536 -477.2463664
259 1090.42027488825 -323.42027489
260 960.453144727127 -47.453144727
261 963.815028878318 -155.81502888
262 743.459670834659 -315.45967083
263 522.548249455051 -260.54824946
264 109.882283630687 84.1177163693
265 215.347623616395 -67.347623616
266 178.6804079457 -9.6804079457
267 81.2880280551867 -24.288028055
268 10.5428786957058 67.4571213043
269 75.8539930449507 5.14600695505
270 -147.400098225841 158.400098226
271 -235.211479958165 245.211479958
272 -276.535080025621 284.535080026
273 3274.36589436334 3061.63410564
274 3425.58887244429 2068.41112756
275 3132.62152718361 310.378472816
276 2999.71301795477 -870.71301795
277 1818.16685740252 988.833142597
278 1847.46215639579 -264.4621564
279 1482.79883634597 932.201163654
280 1448.53149168388 -571.53149168
281 1786.41107812369 -996.41107812
282 1651.16740042862 -118.16740043
283 1020.1853347144 401.814665286
284 809.11595095108 500.884049049
285 776.202432662103 -255.20243266
286 721.270999278786 -457.27099928
287 128.696257525698 -45.696257526
288 51.8723024543968 -2.8723024544
289 5425.0749882902 -1441.0749883
290 4560.38330443768 -384.38330444
291 4149.83802231385 35.1619776861
292 2442.13169718822 777.868302812
293 1662.66271644535 -262.66271645
294 1491.2258554935 -944.22585549
295 1068.29436635696 -110.29436636
296 936.881307122173 -195.88130712
297 871.10041616001 -309.10041616
298 828.935738556796 -127.93573856
299 414.838374284201 -73.838374284
300 358.092237061648 -57.092237062
301 219.45681081163 26.5431891884
302 717.289978565766 -611.28997857
303 4092.82134127291 4814.17865873
304 4172.08676075305 2413.91323925
305 3276.02220727312 2487.97779273
306 2315.05302736497 2116.94697264
307 2040.7141416465 -584.71414165
308 1813.27987020647 2134.72012979
309 1824.88903039424 -599.88903039
310 1711.26648036967 58.7335196303
311 1140.72646352109 -255.72646352
312 1205.77220556439 -487.77220556
313 1315.29815312733 -132.29815313
314 1113.31085745278 -48.310857453
315 1089.96041741207 -573.96041741
316 1048.27670241309 29.7232975869
317 1028.11086513192 -461.11086513
318 724.780629278471 138.219370722
319 722.868357315386 -226.86835732
320 571.752283134761 -219.75228313
321 611.956933843769 -309.95693384
322 644.044013317315 -14.044013317
323 766.391804891078 -448.39180489
324 256.083279325564 -16.083279326
325 183.686909989062 -49.686909989
326 92.5580101005829 46.4419898994
327 -184.663320510387 209.66332051
328 5518.37324749565 -1572.3732475
329 2285.84699863795 723.153001362
330 1843.2464133799 -745.24641338
331 1659.62158156665 3005.37841843
332 2199.29046509386 -1207.2904651
333 1316.87452112071 552.125478879
334 1245.73695853161 112.263041468
335 935.454719392157 -306.45471939
336 874.57878642554 -443.57878643
337 558.498272167873 -228.49827217
338 472.946834778195 -87.946834778
339 864.488178757191 -510.48817876
340 262.427063374917 -31.427063375
341 273.62952428871 -78.629524289
342 327.76239255633 -92.762392556
343 289.647732263242 -139.64773226
344 256.263284517236 -101.26328452
345 89.160476216012 69.839523784
346 180.228930842013 -72.228930842
347 -72.5093144307439 149.509314431
348 -153.274440004767 195.274440005
349 -66.0986740913921 91.0986740914
350 -322.862298383262 323.862298383
351 3573.79751883193 100.202481168
352 2579.82159775193 -630.82159775
353 2200.73338608296 -217.73338608
354 2007.06729115788 446.932708842
355 1637.6841580674 -680.68415807
356 1486.13198764843 -6.1319876484
357 1349.35871061253 -453.35871061
358 876.55724903234 248.442750968
359 754.513812732348 -416.51381273
360 605.712407991169 -127.71240799
361 667.596597782421 -356.59659778
362 908.796233509703 -567.79623351
363 734.443960225995 -258.44396023
364 379.571902086989 -139.57190209
365 329.537252208725 -127.53725221
366 546.755684006097 -262.75568401
367 406.211670844798 -151.21167084
368 -4.86192280344523 86.8619228034
369 69.4601786713652 21.5398213286
370 185.208487290211 -65.20848729
371 133.275709767855 17.7242902321
372 -4.99945743164446 133.999457432
373 -118.394693883872 176.394693884
374 4758.83152739865 -1839.8315274
375 3406.84446412441 1062.15553588
376 3389.34907715495 582.650922845
377 2128.11874856386 -213.11874856
378 2427.61353851687 -1335.6135385
379 1747.48552780543 -38.485527805
380 1834.56691428109 -1008.5669143
381 1722.51557573779 -341.51557574
382 1565.13358403097 -500.13358403
383 1168.26423363528 -263.26423364
384 1040.95839296288 -284.95839296
385 1073.59135866798 -437.59135867
386 930.009618986495 -389.00961899
387 870.898129095509 -251.8981291
388 895.925973868369 -402.92597387
389 489.953463483976 -196.95346348
390 591.487201120173 -335.48720112
391 -105.617426011825 187.617426012
392 -127.585811770875 199.585811771
393 108.893942391677 -45.893942392
394 256.528165053824 3249.47183495
395 4436.62101646181 -1396.6210165
396 3270.5870224305 1171.41297757
397 3087.41338345971 -133.41338346
398 3603.61617445628 814.383825544
399 2602.91795608012 -163.91795608
400 2536.79474312642 -412.79474313
401 1696.7184094189 -456.71840942
402 1408.45906905637 -501.45906906
403 1054.51770583037 46.4822941696
404 801.381150595093 -271.3811506
405 799.413709484084 -269.41370948
406 1009.10001445822 -483.10001446
407 802.564465195631 -415.5644652
408 221.600025829879 -62.60002583
409 368.316562848014 -277.31656285
410 120.23976251268 -23.239762513
411 72.3639491048369 35.6360508952
412 162.997225246981 -59.997225247
413 -88.8305928393756 143.830592839
414 -49.0931134961179 105.093113496
415 -144.732746137667 195.732746138
416 484.642409193932 4696.35759081
417 5445.98891198071 586.011088019
418 4873.9195814221 -1649.9195814
419 2423.65234430447 1524.3476557
420 3153.39243391409 -1039.3924339
421 2442.14391064267 -516.14391064
422 2693.91502580457 2100.0849742
423 1604.7252429871 235.274757013
424 1604.64171667712 -605.64171668
425 1867.29455631733 23.7054436827
426 1217.18622206043 -104.18622206
427 1084.34716544364 -111.34716544
428 1130.70938600611 -364.70938601
429 1100.75372155353 -384.75372155
430 881.95697716324 -375.95697716
431 878.218602321997 -425.21860232
432 807.619662694777 -280.61966269
433 1092.06828338199 -129.06828338
434 593.065926014991 -308.06592601
435 195.315894229873 -5.3158942299
436 443.456459970011 -247.45645997
437 192.589387337818 -49.589387338
438 274.827660467749 -129.82766047
439 -7.44862854537172 106.448628545
440 -74.309837929074 133.309837929
441 10106.6912370239 -5696.691237
442 5674.73000161718 -2828.7300016
443 3658.86490582262 -1222.8649058
444 3622.41962663523 5183.58037336
445 2804.61024449088 1586.38975551
446 2300.17520840821 -1126.1752084
447 2079.21918900742 527.780810993
448 2191.08925781501 806.910742185
449 2043.21924274818 -823.21924275
450 2135.16025094176 -615.16025094
451 2400.27788626529 1129.72211373
452 1739.03166035128 -137.03166035
453 1448.87572316341 365.124276837
454 1389.1080050617 -313.10800506
455 1757.25074571779 448.749254282
456 1310.3682071204 -598.36820712
457 1046.10128248797 526.898717512
458 928.001482442146 -366.00148244
459 992.110656926794 -366.11065693
460 1210.52450591525 -613.52450592
461 769.7700568983 -329.7700569
462 777.4145697671 -297.41456977
463 545.384010333227 -66.384010333
464 696.725700162538 -422.72570016
465 479.459896783568 -206.45989678
466 407.85399722453 -71.853997225
467 414.960394615601 653.039605384
468 707.998091450872 -319.99809145
469 462.63371490129 -174.6337149
470 729.620814566866 -241.62081457
471 576.423025648859 -173.42302565
472 290.745410975488 532.254589025
473 578.775480047047 -209.77548005
474 223.962922451887 16.0370775481
475 50.2831491808115 4.71685081919
476 495.641038756993 1942.35896124
477 -4.73187615967669 75.7318761597
478 -264.006381935949 278.006381936
479 3451.55372509143 434.446274909
480 3233.27047768874 -137.27047769
481 2389.18352796209 -883.18352796
482 2461.00421932738 -901.00421933
483 1947.27273424058 757.727265759
484 2107.91795749289 1127.08204251
485 1662.76946762518 -32.769467625
486 1160.51213772322 -222.51213772
487 1020.94955840556 -370.94955841
488 1077.74432022012 -369.74432022
489 1227.91106443775 -334.91106444
490 827.070691879296 -205.07069188
491 834.390906250346 -173.39090625
492 886.101163122271 72.8988368777
493 708.216241188494 -82.216241188
494 819.401121722106 777.598878278
495 767.812397660129 -223.81239766
496 694.702665772736 519.297334227
497 558.747329336857 98.2526706631
498 864.833862073434 -471.83386207
499 599.621084375182 -182.62108438
500 416.045928476187 93.9540715238
501 326.097953193536 -40.097953194
502 224.559267602197 -18.559267602
503 163.339014417259 77.6609855827
504 232.282267987871 -146.28226799
505 55.2854419300102 75.71455807
506 -8.8071406580612 105.807140658
507 -89.6896674128118 166.689667413
508 -67.7666066957281 99.7666066957
509 -165.660024248208 212.660024248
510 82.5514432795564 2404.44855672
511 2358.70687708554 3407.29312291
512 2226.3447456958 -316.3447457
513 2121.66859907696 -55.668599077
514 2090.40480575462 -1.4048057546
515 1633.38568356042 -577.38568356
516 1485.07321507291 -421.07321507
517 1407.17200181956 1278.82799818
518 1826.60257751472 -964.60257751
519 1463.29624717375 -568.29624717
520 1110.29925560553 -323.29925561
521 985.391766306901 -373.39176631
522 922.732530126723 -247.73253013
523 923.167389967407 -476.16738997
524 703.264283561649 -349.26428356
525 703.175934544853 -33.175934545
526 596.108644524793 -232.10864452
527 757.558624476083 -365.55862448
528 687.470906470331 -277.47090647
529 555.611460851 -104.61146085
530 440.211835004503 -184.211835
531 286.318506882946 -115.31850688
532 170.688189711934 223.311810288
533 -2.89184101447603 122.891841014
534 20.6979482765951 60.3020517234
535 -214.224552855969 253.224552856
536 -148.272423988215 179.272423988
537 3099.100962883 52.899037117
538 2979.071824011 2785.92817599
539 3473.24686451664 -355.24686452
540 3245.32960116402 1272.67039884
541 2485.74599445274 -690.74599445
542 2178.94702772611 -878.94702773
543 2511.13665448797 -1234.1366545
544 2228.79670902574 3568.20329097
545 1882.35757614856 -698.35757615
546 1434.23175967158 -95.231759672
547 1548.86338626078 3307.13661374
548 1426.62859237187 -279.62859237
549 1317.55390492471 -453.55390492
550 1623.06056028972 1068.93943971
551 1929.0504270655 2391.94957293
552 1219.81709373404 -227.81709373
553 1116.04563179724 -487.0456318
554 1094.14144197269 -581.14144197
555 910.282923746991 -93.282923747
556 827.970127033369 -337.97012703
557 1260.92983139382 -493.92983139
558 758.579912078927 -185.57991208
559 723.525717376031 -93.525717376
560 790.342180290745 -306.34218029
561 722.034599798333 -327.0345998
562 616.262493709147 -172.26249371
563 389.838255408322 10.1617445917
564 203.20148013331 -93.201480133
565 329.451786702386 -184.4517867
566 62.7790094060747 94.2209905939
567 260.375607250233 -192.37560725
568 23.459048068734 -4.4590480687
569 119.741821408772 39.2581785912
570 30.5125944462644 83.4874055537
571 -118.377303538583 163.377303539
572 8379.94026275339 -4748.9402628
573 5077.82822111697 3698.17177888
574 4416.81951276075 -531.81951276
575 2394.98790710703 459.012092893
576 2825.78226829255 -797.78226829
577 2366.55656020787 -693.55656021
578 1904.96654963411 2192.03345037
579 1575.29342994668 520.706570053
580 1452.96044624121 1358.03955376
581 1223.41339211295 175.586607887
582 1687.2141960149 453.785803985
583 1004.95698467865 -463.95698468
584 971.88704742842 5.11295257158
585 836.067177224805 54.9328227752
586 1146.31348911833 -567.31348912
587 724.548377617816 -178.54837762
588 670.197582284288 -192.19758228
589 391.68153655285 -55.681536553
590 683.866108828616 -432.86610883
591 820.404595518626 3232.59540448
592 308.27713348539 -70.277133485
593 328.123583770544 -203.12358377
594 221.552932674696 -22.552932675
595 164.885169792379 -13.885169792
596 -187.833807755358 266.833807755
597 -210.369724132861 267.369724133
598 -295.525750637138 312.525750637
599 4469.80321577462 -629.80321577
600 3772.67446677018 -518.67446677
601 3201.49491452319 -1077.4949145
602 2680.82320026009 1078.17679974
603 3338.5209069484 -497.52090695
604 2716.76644636388 -1535.7664464
605 2507.6859452791 -855.68594528
606 2200.37154986649 -782.37154987
607 1809.36932223028 184.63067777
608 1544.40499882503 -556.40499883
609 1567.39686295211 249.603137048
610 1252.92323547306 -706.92323547
611 1194.88952819526 -127.8895282
612 1261.6936998018 -496.6936998
613 1091.69737661635 134.302623384
614 1005.91361350392 585.086386496
615 901.760372666048 -377.76037267
616 1277.95878192082 -656.95878192
617 810.810801139042 -303.81080114
618 904.550918656858 108.449081343
619 792.166417632301 675.833582368
620 592.890410399039 -109.8904104
621 718.992679280966 -228.99267928
622 591.10046622661 -229.10046623
623 657.672597660297 -262.67259766
624 415.110809241143 -196.11080924
625 489.669317601004 1171.3306824
626 269.035715810451 11.9642841895
627 537.129048453722 -296.12904845
628 547.734105052879 -346.73410505
629 215.188656453662 -77.188656454
630 407.895924957954 -229.89592496
631 383.972579001469 -205.972579
632 243.567826751967 -0.567826752
633 167.219031266856 38.7809687331
634 198.324270454326 -146.32427045
635 214.713665610908 -119.71366561
636 -12.7762229400556 40.7762229401
637 -40.3348909030447 81.334890903
638 -114.402640868707 181.402640869
639 -160.551548784794 172.551548785
640 4224.22127284548 -1923.2212728
641 3825.15249757526 -1057.1524976
642 2872.23056231909 3006.76943768
643 3607.21539266422 3241.78460734
644 3237.69384727427 3809.30615273
645 2971.01968862746 2108.98031137
646 2880.53876374512 1919.46123625
647 2468.69244918596 222.307550814
648 2267.18475401338 -371.18475401
649 1695.54726840752 846.452731592
650 1810.09739245707 -386.09739246
651 1854.25328644077 537.746713559
652 1548.21897390803 -564.21897391
653 1269.29922045622 -496.29922046
654 1421.897142836 -512.89714284
655 1419.41542335901 42.584576641
656 1483.30863476035 -643.30863476
657 1208.16865946356 -442.16865946
658 1157.05015942576 -344.05015943
659 987.375984591516 -179.37598459
660 1038.48941395389 -120.48941395
661 954.321321385375 150.678678615
662 895.394379650687 -176.39437965
663 923.512254404468 -219.5122544
664 1116.44645528119 464.553544719
665 1002.83602532203 259.163974678
666 1025.55866619784 291.441333802
667 901.072931364604 -444.07293136
668 860.078969351783 -437.07896935
669 852.921330739538 -415.92133074
670 1088.483097202 -654.4830972
671 558.115476045873 -99.115476046
672 583.994869450654 -249.99486945
673 713.173186044651 -186.17318604
674 465.560172198106 -206.5601722
675 391.803390640138 -130.80339064
676 456.517905957503 -180.51790596
677 362.35224338086 -28.352243381
678 521.794422366468 -238.79442237
679 306.138231931918 -133.13823193
680 405.918255852966 709.081744147
681 292.058152408317 -106.05815241
682 15.8802895747617 112.119710425
683 -33.0938338891221 187.093833889
684 -6.40358215226979 59.4035821523
685 -197.452710140299 269.45271014
686 -164.515111783724 252.515111784
687 -165.484412256269 189.484412256
688 -228.35657388862 244.356573889
689 -257.733742050443 274.73374205
690 8417.39837178462 -2833.3983718
691 4014.69350326601 3443.30649673
692 2400.20492256365 -333.20492256
693 2871.59777484614 -603.59777485
694 2679.21291362897 -338.21291363
695 2169.12873064751 1141.87126935
696 1987.59981371254 1079.40018629
697 2393.77613765136 -465.77613765
698 1924.15483251175 -408.15483251
699 1925.62327258054 -673.62327258
700 1616.91765112207 -241.91765112
701 1556.59646237621 482.403537624
702 1305.80560299609 -184.805603
703 1278.12265340874 -409.12265341
704 1217.61920657859 -394.61920658
705 1126.36482126354 -77.364821264
706 1146.251831923 1130.74816808
707 921.136771891402 339.863228109
708 859.303265785416 -385.30326579
709 961.119251238855 -659.11925124
710 927.780825177395 -542.78082518
711 825.569649062694 -498.56964906
712 750.721148700212 -190.7211487
713 731.273945836579 -89.273945837
714 750.995343106102 -309.99534311
715 756.120725479448 -161.12072548
716 453.787323245742 -70.787323246
717 465.64209475556 -109.64209476
718 512.323743444678 -179.32374344
719 505.186692519296 -295.18669252
720 405.196159244117 -82.196159244
721 268.744225740614 -33.744225741
722 186.68981073679 63.3101892632
723 316.825894269526 -101.82589427
724 149.67084245711 115.329157543
725 108.00063457169 98.9993654283
726 198.563791486822 -95.563791487
727 2.60215512388612 128.397844876
728 28.9123784114201 81.0876215886
729 -106.804109870911 118.804109871
730 4887.64923218525 -1326.6492322
731 2953.30714581136 359.692854189
732 3477.91794011008 -982.91794011
733 2646.78373051116 663.216269489
734 3066.98068364511 -498.98068365
735 2291.21207804687 2450.78792195
736 1934.62827888465 -361.62827888
737 1912.09895331638 1090.90104668
738 1935.92002091984 -301.92002092
739 2120.37389699467 -844.37389699
740 1848.37736411098 -660.37736411
741 1597.62341887344 407.376581127
742 1843.12255186665 381.877448133
743 1730.23338124973 -488.23338125
744 1709.5308874886 289.469112511
745 1246.14969329492 -438.14969329
746 1236.10714606813 98.8928539319
747 1205.64344158241 -547.64344158
748 1048.4980769127 -389.49807691
749 1042.08138886635 -246.08138887
750 874.112288664702 -366.11228866
751 859.852416727343 -118.85241673
752 808.875912342549 -376.87591234
753 784.837042516974 12.162957483
754 557.367957562778 -299.36795756
755 510.715030781196 -179.71503078
756 412.131483263584 -140.13148326
757 466.651819682568 -140.65181968
758 339.872321013957 57.127678986
759 387.24613642279 -4.2461364228
760 347.663469923779 -10.663469924
761 210.44113402221 55.5588659778
762 160.325845270891 -4.3258452709
763 141.3520569179 -4.3520569179
764 -86.5520137164303 186.552013716
765 -39.3899782000719 320.3899782
766 -85.4904193533552 158.490419353
767 -136.148389278744 186.148389279
768 4748.20508180809 1875.79491819
769 3570.36351125306 -1572.3635113
770 3551.75091951746 1713.24908048
771 3021.28837325514 -509.28837326
772 2304.07873667319 -532.07873667
773 2004.44140289718 411.558597103
774 1934.01757620813 -53.017576208
775 2018.38251350945 -520.38251351
776 1537.60101268783 -364.60101269
777 1258.05473555637 940.945264444
778 1317.3227021533 208.677297847
779 1185.53728756841 300.462712432
780 911.730559264903 -378.73055926
781 920.043608723367 30.9563912766
782 882.888401973918 -89.888401974
783 1047.16308470903 -474.16308471
784 796.591219188231 -255.59121919
785 741.077515669625 -183.07751567
786 1286.55485054625 -852.55485055
787 656.050073784134 -257.05007378
788 921.413431698147 -439.4134317
789 594.924280927135 -111.92428093
790 510.433151575885 -104.43315158
791 693.313654900764 -205.3136549
792 453.774622726119 -14.774622726
793 455.703492687953 186.296507312
794 962.05818056493 -631.05818056
795 402.776903261919 -121.77690326
796 477.161439950301 -90.16143995
797 371.206585594229 9.79341440577
798 690.696716244943 -330.69671624
799 489.612155571165 -202.61215557
800 326.892199063719 -66.892199064
801 424.448576333357 -201.44857633
802 476.925552756403 -226.92555276
803 192.030658591597 -77.030658592
804 217.52870418915 -40.528704189
805 628.670982055311 -405.67098206
806 130.708056432586 455.291943567
807 125.210462558444 -27.210462558
808 261.578599499049 -157.5785995
809 -32.3601053274332 104.360105327
810 145.367597018483 508.632402982
811 -74.5070934601003 146.50709346
812 -152.791050763629 192.791050764
813 -170.11853125942 256.118531259
814 -126.338185881306 155.338185881
815 -199.250143935675 234.250143936
816 -208.764833263622 255.764833264
817 4525.85769277745 -1463.8576928
818 3824.91722803321 -1173.917228
819 2990.47100653541 -595.47100654
820 2599.07331612857 791.926683871
821 2329.09337937334 1093.90662063
822 2336.05234623742 644.947653763
823 2092.55287853729 734.447121463
824 2366.84317512151 -839.84317512
825 1941.54210636092 3.45789363908
826 1677.33115652863 -472.33115653
827 2320.8891870432 170.110812957
828 1563.01407589297 -636.01407589
829 1732.72535192018 -281.72535192
830 1919.28947065397 1045.71052935
831 2030.73336846211 -1030.7333685
832 1606.83566256168 298.164337438
833 1383.07604155388 -9.0760415539
834 1126.64776588518 -377.64776589
835 1175.17608269277 -335.17608269
836 1078.57587285724 -525.57587286
837 1347.97755671837 -492.97755672
838 1106.33767642855 -411.33767643
839 741.673183854892 -470.67318385
840 807.825710754411 -265.82571075
841 1043.72297353492 -371.72297353
842 560.267819414114 -120.26781941
843 478.794602483822 -7.7946024838
844 481.698901434527 -97.698901435
845 465.751636243402 -148.75163624
846 501.168552145414 348.831447855
847 527.578706722209 -259.57870672
848 579.868808007268 -265.86880801
849 316.961471179106 -24.961471179
850 532.336578604341 -341.3365786
851 290.159529340273 9.84047065973
852 383.262998871829 -9.2629988718
853 247.014568856301 -21.014568856
854 253.95305930195 -116.9530593
855 194.81895604556 2.18104395444
856 294.320000354714 -89.320000355
857 140.356626504086 312.643373496
858 202.293887880519 175.706112119
859 145.590167241413 61.4098327586
860 172.848392826999 -5.848392827
861 150.062101040102 7.9378989599
862 65.349218550856 23.6507814491
863 110.556368012778 32.4436319872
864 81.6124089490299 96.387591051
865 76.4258061988155 33.5741938012
866 6.28167794329096 148.718322057
867 -9.37724591575082 74.3772459158
868 -107.267439888482 152.267439888
869 -115.340586067137 206.340586067
870 151.674524440926 -127.67452444
871 -78.1738080133886 126.173808013
872 -136.935934026952 147.935934027
873 -135.28004632241 173.280046322
874 -198.285656089551 217.28565609
875 -176.658993476031 206.658993476
876 -298.860439482576 306.860439483
877 -321.446257719707 323.44625772
878 4271.59033382886 -442.59033383
879 3321.85778197758 1213.14221802
880 3369.90522588841 213.094774112
881 2683.73921124699 332.260788753
882 2547.43830421523 -756.43830422
883 2447.80268887169 -152.80268887
884 2041.45210646649 -451.45210647
885 2137.14738168964 -894.14738169
886 1744.74649209498 246.253507905
887 1688.7604598377 346.239540162
888 1539.39916135359 206.600838646
889 1643.65162162207 -379.65162162
890 1849.68222246267 -924.68222246
891 2086.06262533389 -760.06262533
892 1487.63300745214 -254.63300745
893 1300.07014942485 83.9298505751
894 1401.8010588789 -478.80105888
895 1279.81307716885 -813.81307717
896 1447.4743978625 -196.47439786
897 1082.29913750443 -501.2991375
898 1084.76972421719 -246.76972422
899 1228.89762737309 341.102372627
900 817.078736171591 -280.07873617
901 878.889776229491 23.1102237705
902 888.722401505693 -113.72240151
903 815.710734456216 -242.71073446
904 634.62409679532 -258.6240968
905 658.173004569589 -181.17300457
906 629.96389424986 166.03610575
907 612.162023018285 -334.16202302
908 531.208322045104 -30.208322045
909 474.065757307347 3968.93424269
910 568.945496309612 -290.94549631
911 418.41672068034 -127.41672068
912 460.037516466234 -74.037516466
913 395.535739926461 -104.53573993
914 393.017435891256 -88.017435891
915 305.463814014207 -48.463814014
916 413.358116313962 -224.35811631
917 195.853236303336 73.1467636967
918 72.7445398636629 34.2554601363
919 54.6600748861009 45.3399251139
920 370.398793118385 -234.39879312
921 -34.1504613454813 103.150461345
922 -185.173895545018 222.173895545
923 -248.386140359675 256.38614036
924 -19.8819816458916 1677.88198165
925 -315.871827905137 319.871827905
926 -314.811227025448 318.811227025
927 3365.90655170198 -324.9065517
928 2455.78776440691 325.212235593
929 2511.0949150044 -501.094915
930 1885.30775019245 866.692249808
931 2166.04282116583 -681.04282117
932 1879.82841540975 -861.82841541
933 1644.27222416013 3052.72777584
934 1663.11039374695 1236.88960625
935 1520.46506097197 -219.46506097
936 1716.75442581846 -193.75442582
937 1511.89384725884 -363.89384726
938 1645.52599211442 -827.52599211
939 1396.45398086345 1046.54601914
940 1259.48099515395 -448.48099515
941 1346.63369321981 318.36630678
942 1331.97887649238 -505.97887649
943 1099.03396206871 599.966037931
944 1041.13039445054 -122.13039445
945 1729.97445400411 232.025545996
946 1301.55882689597 862.441173104
947 960.811554531482 494.188445469
948 994.870866316339 -559.87086632
949 601.12088802511 -263.12088803
950 832.159099005243 -345.15909901
951 754.55309762141 -36.553097621
952 568.85017451994 -106.85017452
953 637.94163406486 -345.94163406
954 487.507938601971 -130.5079386
955 456.401900374669 -218.40190037
956 296.666811714982 56.333188285
957 439.962173912141 -241.96217391
958 420.658524967644 31.3414750324
959 241.270589649243 19.7294103508
960 417.085778543629 -49.085778544
961 188.520893103568 -55.520893104
962 132.565818737922 -73.565818738
963 227.82438428311 -26.824384283
964 255.892890836999 -67.892890837
965 172.268391793868 82.7316082061
966 -19.3749068551392 91.3749068551
967 -48.906201487801 181.906201488
968 -25.1178492300625 91.1178492301
969 -13.0122427869604 98.012242787
970 -108.460175996941 155.460175997
971 -96.8633769854675 187.863376985
972 -56.16112628924 172.161126289
973 -7.56069826049779 59.5606982605
974 -31.324143411658 111.324143412
975 -241.545690100537 271.545690101
976 -258.69864246815 260.698642468
977 5009.64080896775 870.359191032
978 3465.84926219399 1004.15073781
979 3533.91277868928 -24.912778689
980 3252.47151614478 142.528483855
981 3475.55341008549 401.446589915
982 3113.66276964031 -588.66276964
983 2575.38757184758 -1047.3875718
984 2326.70697305755 430.293026942
985 2544.24261100433 2452.757389
986 2057.2891547915 828.710845209
987 2339.47223594903 -921.47223595
988 1693.26765208946 1232.73234791
989 1967.04248552558 -890.04248553
990 1709.35263567951 -258.35263568
991 1583.00168574677 3061.99831425
992 1597.4485480418 -591.44854804
993 1217.72346189845 -330.7234619
994 1352.94275300619 222.057246994
995 1487.21382833896 55.786171661
996 1170.64190108105 -458.64190108
997 1368.79255101879 -598.79255102
998 1131.83299836093 -366.83299836
999 1124.52100528386 -415.52100528
1000 882.300565389093 -250.30056539
1001 851.256157797509 -320.2561578
1002 994.77132560839 -507.77132561
1003 787.149691681055 -308.14969168
1004 644.232305398408 -211.2323054
1005 666.44553464953 -196.44553465
1006 337.113114865441 -14.113114865
1007 288.267595994537 -38.267595995
1008 383.116811720958 -151.11681172
1009 353.898748093636 -167.89874809
1010 232.082789888489 -55.082789888
1011 257.499111996294 -19.499111996
1012 145.574869217501 40.4251307825
1013 179.248781972892 -50.248781973
1014 116.690500674759 -64.690500675
1015 -1.43558112027227 157.43558112
1016 152.695125548784 -17.695125549
1017 44.1753305005119 35.8246694995
1018 96.4822673754516 37.5177326245
1019 -63.6509320442087 85.6509320442
1020 -161.630141513857 196.630141514
1021 -70.43201418437 89.4320141844
1022 -190.542326011646 222.542326012
1023 -148.986599289148 176.986599289
1024 3787.75630493449 1772.24369507
1025 2800.30841892618 3278.69158107
1026 2924.93078512105 -782.93078512
1027 2412.16867889769 -1321.1686789
1028 2789.58690214611 -472.58690215
1029 2460.38875287097 1322.61124713
1030 1831.07894209705 1254.9210579
1031 1769.64936506606 13.3506349339
1032 1928.80007188601 -480.80007189
1033 1932.20763047591 332.792369524
1034 2170.7506376678 151.249362332
1035 1441.00929827174 -514.00929827
1036 1312.37116349687 670.628836503
1037 1197.98951763667 -459.98951764
1038 1119.0182961361 -453.01829614
1039 1011.28231027221 474.717689728
1040 1127.34411888616 -432.34411889
1041 902.246905079952 -278.24690508
1042 927.138351564727 -207.13835156
1043 917.139228693653 -323.13922869
1044 835.884343684941 -99.884343685
1045 833.649604082846 16.3503959172
1046 834.90961195674 -381.90961196
1047 794.049365967142 -492.04936597
1048 587.932810325393 -166.93281033
1049 897.291487554125 -426.29148755
1050 706.417301789936 -208.41730179
1051 775.453582535849 -320.45358254
1052 769.855719024767 -417.85571902
1053 539.305403743051 101.694596257
1054 536.547639189046 -130.54763919
1055 657.360732654543 -452.36073265
1056 656.067436439321 -316.06743644
1057 356.552892571073 -51.552892571
1058 278.621752519032 -29.621752519
1059 530.829511093625 -302.82951109
1060 319.211337748943 -107.21133775
1061 300.226157320009 -27.22615732
1062 482.41029156094 8.58970843906
1063 188.29660694712 54.7033930529
1064 459.866407220851 -141.86640722
1065 413.754008321987 -247.75400832
1066 90.6310148701559 67.3689851298
1067 410.482574863398 -231.48257486
1068 20.4609645043768 118.539035496
1069 -20.8934567819401 105.893456782
1070 -42.2809327593908 141.280932759
1071 -103.946775010651 192.946775011
1072 -21.7136569948503 81.7136569949
1073 -95.0711004281737 137.071100428
1074 -89.7523957573432 167.752395757
1075 79.2785492479132 114.721450752
1076 -201.032123221986 256.032123222
1077 -163.636965072156 199.636965072
1078 4154.13731629114 -1601.1373163
1079 4003.93631304505 -210.93631305
1080 3757.99328199795 2767.006718
1081 3162.90175597932 1989.09824402
1082 3390.73714580761 -927.73714581
1083 2640.05441137766 -700.05441138
1084 2823.25367220295 2663.7463278
1085 2697.95921993587 -234.95921994
1086 2459.8325868433 1394.16741316
1087 1947.64263158212 1321.35736842
1088 2460.55629206848 1163.44370793
1089 1776.8026020367 1111.19739796
1090 1789.29381910494 -519.2938191
1091 1654.7378792024 4.2621207976
1092 1443.35220177583 -492.35220178
1093 1321.53022618795 -561.53022619
1094 1383.29753318138 -449.29753318
1095 1427.5072044528 -404.50720445
1096 1291.33258043551 -468.33258044
1097 1387.43269912803 -546.43269913
1098 1298.77910188132 -466.77910188
1099 1419.01597673494 -74.015976735
1100 1320.11193706627 52.8880629337
1101 1159.23390868801 183.766091312
1102 1303.66634562007 -586.66634562
1103 913.291694854599 -207.29169485
1104 924.17000633654 -127.17000634
1105 883.835437778816 -247.83543778
1106 913.258019346026 -521.25801935
1107 798.44931438413 -301.44931438
1108 1074.89638458086 -531.89638458
1109 740.677657199935 -336.6776572
1110 554.0360598362 372.963940164
1111 658.02603354102 -61.026033541
1112 562.610695228107 -232.61069523
1113 548.785721762733 713.214278237
1114 537.89389835518 -192.89389836
1115 677.192164927657 -299.19216493
1116 530.927463480866 161.072536519
1117 394.745859835596 -95.745859836
1118 384.122287675106 -28.122287675
1119 408.720607621794 -224.72060762
1120 200.811632512962 -71.811632513
1121 326.078911244831 -121.07891124
1122 364.902284076686 -157.90228408
1123 374.005127143829 -265.00512714
1124 74.4505199119984 130.549480088
1125 26.8163795109197 183.183620489
1126 23.7930269961716 106.206973004
1127 23.3290701771764 66.6709298228
1128 1.76918231836947 65.2308176816
1129 -207.986029062155 225.986029062
1130 -63.2907094740701 86.2907094741
1131 4139.96585111526 -1171.9658511
1132 2855.85217744741 -1707.8521774
1133 2818.58927525577 202.410724744
1134 2571.16234990051 -1048.1623499
1135 2017.09732256384 517.902677436
1136 2594.86234834178 -107.86234834
1137 2006.84948062874 -294.84948063
1138 1971.56019105152 331.439808948
1139 1709.61551064659 -76.615510647
1140 2234.00845909325 363.991540907
1141 1781.93746280184 1362.0625372
1142 1157.18580082725 -363.18580083
1143 1383.93045839928 -691.9304584
1144 1454.71418011714 -671.71418012
1145 1015.73103145933 -179.73103146
1146 1029.48628719324 -298.48628719
1147 952.121617699481 -155.1216177
1148 1136.73578309093 -548.73578309
1149 803.198927066944 -165.19892707
1150 687.773210957878 -333.77321096
1151 642.480695080678 -138.48069508
1152 752.376069857663 -223.37606986
1153 610.514586806567 -159.51458681
1154 392.949129699715 -8.9491296997
1155 695.436356294244 -326.43635629
1156 640.568285637949 -457.56828564
1157 513.550681428021 -210.55068143
1158 506.825728073833 -326.82572807
1159 186.038903265787 23.9610967342
1160 144.506404263054 47.4935957369
1161 154.286051480147 60.7139485199
1162 290.139465223743 -26.139465224
1163 285.503911481185 270.496088519
1164 186.307721499572 -13.3077215
1165 196.309477467539 -144.30947747
1166 404.591777161674 126.408222838
1167 161.594179712903 41.4058202871
1168 90.9686659314796 46.0313340685
1169 168.142745234798 -11.142745235
1170 180.557838812384 -38.557838812
1171 125.077150343496 -59.077150343
1172 89.1853981756808 6.81460182432
1173 226.475412123315 -96.475412123
1174 20.4380058013484 137.561994199
1175 0.225314837360145 87.7746851626
1176 68.1042131733819 -11.104213173
1177 -19.2674676757713 271.267467676
1178 -67.5555901156396 174.555590116
1179 -13.8676876078922 54.8676876079
1180 -80.6524687028177 129.652468703
1181 -41.1785824223099 94.1785824223
1182 15.8517190706366 65.1482809294
1183 -203.320837565771 227.320837566
1184 -304.225073867702 314.225073868
1185 5516.4178592161 206.582140784
1186 5063.07841390585 307.921586094
1187 3598.36062645482 1259.63937355
1188 2643.26567695147 -583.26567695
1189 2230.15817605204 -1099.1581761
1190 2131.48828127073 1320.51171873
1191 2124.70018232321 1903.29981768
1192 2640.74344994971 -915.74344995
1193 2317.2727721545 2.7272278455
1194 2313.12694553325 -799.12694553
1195 1743.00069019847 281.999309802
1196 1501.32892480022 275.6710752
1197 1665.62683458307 44.3731654169
1198 2155.14628287668 -852.14628288
1199 1446.99962455797 -563.99962456
1200 1672.42323109152 -624.42323109
1201 1473.26744018718 137.732559813
1202 1336.36568367178 -71.365683672
1203 1085.9764179431 1014.02358206
1204 1127.35128137232 -360.35128137
1205 1082.51358985106 -361.51358985
1206 1145.07554493617 -468.07554494
1207 1341.926892352 -391.92689235
1208 1035.38402629617 -338.3840263
1209 1083.18984604677 694.810153953
1210 914.711692086019 -357.71169209
1211 1032.08975766127 -444.08975766
1212 1059.43047413508 -274.43047414
1213 832.816158488705 -11.816158489
1214 752.661029216639 -124.66102922
1215 834.655181546472 -322.65518155
1216 613.510292244547 61.4897077555
1217 906.136825016371 -329.13682502
1218 691.396703032782 -258.39670303
1219 524.999904251369 -225.99990425
1220 504.091338505163 -132.09133851
1221 489.966509704206 -56.966509704
1222 673.559119054806 -397.55911905
1223 784.469711710393 -415.46971171
1224 484.566057120359 -109.56605712
1225 521.065700230571 -246.06570023
1226 596.027493451913 -257.02749345
1227 474.839959035191 -230.83995904
1228 523.972361890411 153.02763811
1229 429.424772099725 -16.4247721
1230 346.312169465213 -89.312169465
1231 345.595548924209 -125.59554892
1232 207.249578221274 -66.249578221
1233 218.772707019506 -75.77270702
1234 41.4189910529453 114.581008947
1235 89.6141502001956 0.3858497998
1236 32.3769068185651 86.6230931814
1237 13.7452795330867 118.254720467
1238 5.19608427476612 122.803915725
1239 92.2456384599917 70.75436154
1240 -52.1798434954938 189.179843495
1241 -82.7919350381526 208.791935038
1242 -64.3522475713542 146.352247571
1243 -168.267393809105 204.267393809
1244 -181.79695006664 193.796950067
1245 -90.7387049189851 134.738704919
1246 -213.361932108361 227.361932108
1247 -186.925952253575 219.925952254
1248 -236.690105438374 245.690105438
1249 -306.659445393199 307.659445393
1250 4361.90986673886 393.090133261
1251 3043.07381576569 -1053.0738158
1252 2810.97238244786 -506.97238245
1253 2311.51341174973 1070.48658825
1254 2683.03265073424 -1296.0326507
1255 2137.05703132428 -192.05703132
1256 1969.38186618982 1349.61813381
1257 1714.33199451193 1377.66800549
1258 1837.32946027644 -874.32946028
1259 1475.11422556838 650.885774432
1260 1344.88091868527 -612.88091869
1261 1359.76771375478 1075.23228625
1262 1045.60653200537 1201.39346799
1263 1048.77129391121 -354.77129391
1264 1167.16848113514 -431.16848114
1265 1035.88627688664 102.113723113
1266 964.611287577639 -267.61128758
1267 820.317223857466 328.682776143
1268 1200.39957792704 -566.39957793
1269 821.37418616653 279.625813833
1270 753.991059029003 136.008940971
1271 1013.08289256262 -425.08289256
1272 983.071988932185 -381.07198893
1273 645.260442838531 -214.26044284
1274 561.809192529958 16.19080747
1275 561.282302798737 -201.2823028
1276 837.526078253245 -393.52607825
1277 539.940159336444 -184.94015934
1278 545.912834378903 131.087165621
1279 603.519305046074 629.480694954
1280 615.851372228252 -97.851372228
1281 401.578623447128 -37.578623447
1282 403.38744391527 -129.38744392
1283 337.425471343898 207.574528656
1284 340.026997938362 -164.02699794
1285 473.480504972879 -157.48050497
1286 315.423887973612 -24.423887974
1287 377.88298543374 -81.882985434
1288 272.590250859073 10.4097491409
1289 121.560027657388 230.439972343
1290 385.616302929747 -220.61630293
1291 36.5615306320217 139.438469368
1292 167.191557154461 77.8084428455
1293 -4.30971379991871 107.3097138
1294 -0.932818491792204 63.9328184918
1295 -39.0084739269245 148.008473927
1296 -48.671572399763 114.6715724
1297 107.478525787504 11.5214742125
1298 -100.493784358248 181.493784358
1299 -124.055821030916 180.055821031
1300 -277.698318413158 303.698318413
1301 2973.14224369927 1975.8577563
1302 2929.2336143313 1439.76638567
1303 1987.13459788752 -720.13459789
1304 1815.17682618753 -643.17682619
1305 2226.83838376373 -1272.8383838
1306 1560.20675310436 -84.206753104
1307 1450.39605460459 -302.3960546
1308 1567.8321923831 1240.16780762
1309 1441.78649300511 -354.78649301
1310 1282.20755713986 -69.20755714
1311 1243.06551105188 -341.06551105
1312 1173.22671007433 471.773289926
1313 1161.27686923145 -200.27686923
1314 1039.67760373759 223.322396262
1315 1019.90034661793 -41.900346618
1316 752.463717527696 -191.46371753
1317 713.464385296262 -237.4643853
1318 833.601407815673 -213.60140782
1319 888.755870983581 -227.75587098
1320 676.970871911584 -133.97087191
1321 677.230121212256 -251.23012121
1322 568.460301211731 -247.46030121
1323 531.864096419209 -174.86409642
1324 450.202970515943 -151.20297052
1325 430.035391063074 -63.035391063
1326 339.589025651522 206.410974348
1327 350.305137465861 -14.305137466
1328 558.47372487445 -254.47372487
1329 317.590362379947 -41.59036238
1330 244.954682154696 5.0453178453
1331 310.777062777975 -77.777062778
1332 188.268578214159 6.73142178584
1333 118.887792939826 41.1122070602
1334 139.068798454209 50.9312015458
1335 112.729672551887 83.2703274481
1336 61.9926040344865 64.0073959655
1337 68.0216398890617 43.9783601109
1338 -47.108509979868 131.10850998
1339 -51.3193191553582 679.319319155
1340 -61.1482074967138 133.148207497
1341 -149.200214609703 213.20021461
1342 -180.799441048289 223.799441048
1343 3823.18910111934 -851.18910112
1344 3010.65302155481 -379.65302155
1345 2930.6787281556 -402.67872816
1346 2538.93755011983 -1411.9375501
1347 2386.21631281003 -805.21631281
1348 2425.92763860801 -506.92763861
1349 2590.25070501083 434.749294989
1350 2078.28681084965 -380.28681085
1351 1871.33088529863 690.669114701
1352 1794.75692630724 -126.75692631
1353 1619.70539302834 -679.70539303
1354 1583.01777259528 -596.0177726
1355 1893.06430086534 -738.06430087
1356 1666.79568751374 -465.79568751
1357 1315.7367024565 257.263297544
1358 1579.44895023697 43.551049763
1359 1501.13817917203 -621.13817917
1360 1312.4084769571 302.591523043
1361 1254.87386419367 68.1261358063
1362 1448.91252770304 -524.9125277
1363 1127.99823230243 -87.998232302
1364 1184.48247314752 -326.48247315
1365 1069.40947218934 -677.40947219
1366 1150.99405299737 475.005947003
1367 1019.4778536264 186.522146374
1368 1167.24774304044 -535.24774304
1369 930.295351147128 -375.29535115
1370 916.214771978638 -322.21477198
1371 1010.08154876394 -497.08154876
1372 916.734370196999 -181.7343702
1373 669.932389824788 -19.932389825
1374 719.804933264867 566.195066735
1375 948.512887871622 102.487112128
1376 760.099825518379 -249.09982552
1377 594.557175426437 -177.55717543
1378 587.485608152112 -159.48560815
1379 570.77553957307 -278.77553957
1380 503.51650234512 246.483497655
1381 796.533376698375 -387.5333767
1382 606.632920261759 -121.63292026
1383 519.974299934387 -79.974299934
1384 486.767652607999 -1.767652608
1385 441.458192946558 -117.45819295
1386 559.413084381819 -167.41308438
1387 454.824538764364 -37.824538764
1388 347.738353065519 -2.7383530655
1389 453.205161340191 -209.20516134
1390 522.602136289596 -209.60213629
1391 470.102843583357 -12.102843583
1392 313.515905684704 -141.51590568
1393 429.474234093183 -299.47423409
1394 280.799224951993 -59.799224952
1395 150.674204045672 64.3257959543
1396 285.590888906436 -79.590888906
1397 73.6627554768342 92.3372445232
1398 50.4088268199758 103.59117318
1399 82.7247093112651 5.27529068873
1400 6.19362278341839 111.806377217
1401 73.835616839461 70.1643831605
1402 305.398308076224 -194.39830808
1403 -63.9778299544515 123.977829954
1404 -71.307678611336 148.307678611
1405 -133.279253857052 179.279253857
1406 -61.7433458476648 118.743345848
1407 -128.816503276157 188.816503276
1408 -101.086407601004 132.086407601
1409 199.163153889541 -149.16315389
1410 -70.2395582955193 124.239558296
1411 -165.213515384346 238.213515384
1412 -276.282165890047 283.28216589
1413 3377.50734841571 -1057.5073484
1414 3412.52518241058 -1212.5251824
1415 3159.42597781491 -71.425977815
1416 3292.88724649864 -1149.8872465
1417 2844.66887606649 594.331123934
1418 2292.70885718475 -355.70885718
1419 2346.3389943304 1727.66100567
1420 2238.88665924696 1178.11334075
1421 1982.91629704603 -204.91629705
1422 1832.66640554044 -244.66640554
1423 1943.94431792657 -628.94431793
1424 1871.33559687185 -385.33559687
1425 1670.26316153181 -500.26316153
1426 1960.23069461723 -413.23069462
1427 1613.81843733224 -46.818437332
1428 1638.52263796403 -49.522637964
1429 2145.22526600113 284.774733999
1430 1432.84527775286 804.154722247
1431 1294.86635494078 -294.86635494
1432 1461.00672967707 -96.006729677
1433 1730.98202913474 -260.98202913
1434 1404.74938053006 666.25061947
1435 1215.21100214676 221.788997853
1436 1118.17370551945 86.8262944806
1437 1025.0386850062 -255.03868501
1438 1083.84154019145 -490.84154019
1439 970.716175083186 -291.71617508
1440 829.07945304718 -144.07945305
1441 845.563291461361 -238.56329146
1442 756.983346496742 -158.9833465
1443 737.159955107011 -174.15995511
1444 768.296281815006 -332.29628182
1445 677.151160018981 -143.15116002
1446 815.571057477862 -561.57105748
1447 614.138234049543 -356.13823405
1448 542.586790452081 -231.58679045
1449 497.961629151436 -134.96162915
1450 465.227668750751 -123.22766875
1451 552.307858186014 59.692141814
1452 370.366725127002 47.633274873
1453 615.704620832701 -381.70462083
1454 441.038895539614 151.96110446
1455 351.3614601241 -65.361460124
1456 494.791783370613 -146.79178337
1457 340.452369897974 -36.452369898
1458 282.540265702779 -102.5402657
1459 380.195228155379 -144.19522816
1460 312.137841493499 -99.137841493
1461 171.300588563536 36.6994114365
1462 174.884379010796 -33.884379011
1463 343.091848877534 -163.09184888
1464 39.6767792391032 52.3232207609
1465 1.24239287635439 118.757607124
1466 -151.570356664406 204.570356664
1467 -163.945872799825 229.9458728
1468 -125.707719209158 172.707719209
1469 -157.496224679429 188.496224679
1470 -244.228368700321 274.2283687
1471 -255.070953357365 269.070953357
1472 -270.440469816864 293.440469817
1473 3520.7072792726 1216.29272073
1474 3359.04028783201 1070.95971217
1475 3121.55860628093 -1585.5586063
1476 3656.18250485877 988.817495141
1477 2651.77267338489 1476.22732662
1478 2305.76192980063 -702.7619298
1479 2860.97380731925 1709.02619268
1480 2003.49519981651 1648.50480018
1481 2110.16309119823 714.836908802
1482 2084.30015567839 777.699844322
1483 1537.48479037583 -898.48479038
1484 1566.59002783075 2262.40997217
1485 1533.60283959821 -119.6028396
1486 1360.23386453947 -536.23386454
1487 1583.09226945536 -173.09226946
1488 1248.32536313672 95.6746368633
1489 1283.6636974586 520.336302541
1490 1186.00112086069 -362.00112086
1491 1030.53817756416 40.4618224358
1492 1118.00361508176 267.996384918
1493 1098.73420986874 599.265790131
1494 911.658707463341 190.341292537
1495 1030.69084034235 -280.69084034
1496 919.792176586966 -279.79217659
1497 939.582768473903 -165.58276847
1498 931.528734838042 -201.52873484
1499 1021.50644806691 49.4935519331
1500 774.996121131766 274.003878868
1501 723.654897289732 -204.65489729
1502 751.777572276808 -307.77757228
1503 759.219431452205 -306.21943145
1504 609.238367966327 -41.238367966
1505 790.428302518247 -337.42830252
1506 655.327511536229 -292.32751154
1507 596.600268985869 -257.60026899
1508 784.17500910988 -357.17500911
1509 641.674933338149 -234.67493334
1510 503.961281295568 1285.0387187
1511 524.65174569441 -130.65174569
1512 465.986753726087 -137.98675373
1513 470.963556184844 -169.96355618
1514 468.438661032955 -149.43866103
1515 841.048141769705 -413.04814177
1516 470.003718941964 -157.00371894
1517 340.643757811161 -175.64375781
1518 310.227358815518 46.7726411845
1519 378.300996109178 -158.30099611
1520 299.577757484009 -101.57775748
1521 538.20652785556 -313.20652786
1522 288.760574116012 -52.760574116
1523 303.659552129104 -108.65955213
1524 263.016316042041 -28.016316042
1525 165.0299607003 1.9700392997
1526 167.556016574022 68.443983426
1527 114.833021930206 82.1669780698
1528 62.3978043737931 66.6021956262
1529 131.227953938016 -0.227953938
1530 156.123554741278 5.87644525872
1531 130.639862583847 22.3601374162
1532 101.894130329368 36.1058696706
1533 -30.7395795745513 146.739579575
1534 -16.8974657211753 110.897465721
1535 50.7887096983691 110.211290302
1536 19.3443798981108 66.6556201019
1537 -92.0481708350864 161.048170835
1538 -22.0836470016558 88.0836470017
1539 -27.3008793492503 90.3008793493
1540 -76.0999495278546 105.099949528
1541 -173.789521219652 267.78952122
1542 -20.7076169308657 112.707616931
1543 -124.112974108668 191.112974109
1544 -160.471437084921 176.471437085
1545 -210.906113450347 239.90611345
1546 3809.05097450015 -1748.0509745
1547 2750.65764086149 396.342359139
1548 1934.42167534365 -752.42167534
1549 1737.20933024329 355.790669757
1550 1737.95953257802 -531.95953258
1551 1688.20753069546 -38.207530695
1552 1529.12171440954 22.8782855905
1553 1784.33707159487 -117.33707159
1554 1663.20112517739 440.798874823
1555 1316.62991503099 14.370084969
1556 1327.98139671218 1031.01860329
1557 1329.28354247474 -531.28354247
1558 1178.10492220253 -430.1049222
1559 1161.9599502916 697.040049708
1560 1131.01158739741 -426.0115874
1561 1440.77619920796 610.223800792
1562 1197.92636628957 251.07363371
1563 877.826897590896 -246.82689759
1564 729.218197835049 -205.21819784
1565 764.224292968193 -267.22429297
1566 826.030020028819 -315.03002003
1567 822.548395859271 -386.54839586
1568 741.700290021303 646.299709979
1569 696.696089731654 -238.69608973
1570 707.491882519181 133.508117481
1571 795.555581049119 -213.55558105
1572 700.668988606726 -195.66898861
1573 951.996419005051 -512.99641901
1574 1070.58278646626 312.417213534
1575 703.615353829383 -419.61535383
1576 504.963152739738 232.03684726
1577 577.294045871406 -201.29404587
1578 562.734353317872 -244.73435332
1579 541.876563546825 -147.87656355
1580 465.130188722826 -67.130188723
1581 435.48610372611 123.513896274
1582 426.644106587379 -122.64410659
1583 418.211960982319 -123.21196098
1584 395.309741787743 582.690258212
1585 462.286706931836 -35.286706932
1586 361.421334238013 -178.42133424
1587 575.042613319533 -222.04261332
1588 439.504682048945 -126.50468205
1589 667.255018029926 -377.25501803
1590 450.531780793244 -153.53178079
1591 251.978780611943 -116.97878061
1592 164.49889956919 75.5011004308
1593 177.476955865535 -38.476955866
1594 414.70951683008 1613.29048317
1595 124.24036654104 19.759633459
1596 102.835759073738 155.164240926
1597 107.786666251536 59.2133337485
1598 26.7266136858618 40.2733863141
1599 171.461596486039 -19.461596486
1600 99.8845418404283 110.11545816
1601 54.9470899782012 40.0529100218
1602 16.9827080066069 200.017291993
1603 55.0325174443586 91.9674825556
1604 101.058143388854 -5.0581433889
1605 551.446909067762 3469.55309093
1606 -111.683519066005 167.683519066
1607 -139.926270093993 163.926270094
1608 -102.624444508705 135.624444509
1609 -194.733634724167 237.733634724
1610 -104.073922390707 153.073922391
1611 1.40557196741722 26.5944280326
1612 -246.378876645616 268.378876646
1613 -257.473709490161 275.47370949
1614 -246.634689161266 263.634689161
1615 4826.64909559304 -1861.6490956
1616 4172.41070587583 -1280.4107059
1617 3200.21008515171 -932.21008515
1618 2626.45092472773 -818.45092473
1619 2626.14317422692 2070.85682577
1620 2243.56399677725 1010.43600322
1621 2150.77022734468 -834.77022734
1622 2013.88436197022 -958.88436197
1623 2708.9442543412 1451.05574566
1624 2519.76409618382 -486.76409618
1625 1835.57106267818 -307.57106268
1626 1718.33213916522 -395.33213917
1627 1950.65379593669 -836.65379594
1628 2105.33133196916 127.668668031
1629 1510.50584715721 85.4941528428
1630 1725.40467408797 -216.40467409
1631 1663.97181995348 282.028180047
1632 2022.83725167477 -1002.8372517
1633 1715.49104591701 -761.49104592
1634 1659.08239028638 -11.082390286
1635 1362.86576201072 -250.86576201
1636 1316.35111042652 -7.3511104265
1637 1472.55274177219 -147.55274177
1638 1131.72590004314 -277.72590004
1639 1136.33931049385 86.6606895061
1640 1237.02722461071 -585.02722461
1641 1523.61807398367 -609.61807398
1642 1031.81106314299 -98.811063143
1643 956.72743903384 411.272560966
1644 936.839939535846 -275.83993954
1645 1127.1623110091 471.837688991
1646 843.717929878365 -172.71792988
1647 1002.67444404094 -410.67444404
1648 944.117987898826 707.882012101
1649 937.672878495151 -105.6728785
1650 1296.5565503563 -863.55655036
1651 796.904060149442 -339.90406015
1652 611.374832451915 349.625167548
1653 511.958112496929 -169.9581125
1654 520.014867163796 150.985132836
1655 469.423351549619 145.57664845
1656 551.227480702705 -93.227480703
1657 469.279406350176 133.72059365
1658 738.289322224463 -406.28932222
1659 412.91469524485 -158.91469524
1660 469.44084472147 -136.44084472
1661 362.658104848933 -47.658104849
1662 350.06385165331 158.936148347
1663 294.407428256885 211.592571743
1664 355.258756776514 -233.25875678
1665 562.504760749567 -295.50476075
1666 241.696133256144 -29.696133256
1667 273.445628311204 -30.445628311
1668 244.860538157196 -69.860538157
1669 241.768339857633 -56.768339858
1670 197.654653495874 -62.654653496
1671 186.123782939515 -30.12378294
1672 375.775289389489 -180.77528939
1673 145.384699179714 103.61530082
1674 173.99354417273 27.0064558273
1675 50.1742715389238 -29.174271539
1676 -16.3079157021551 36.3079157022
1677 107.361828212334 3320.63817179
1678 121.725443161858 32.2745568381
1679 5.01798652345713 68.9820134765
1680 -60.3458794776807 146.345879478
1681 32.6956518510255 90.304348149
1682 -85.0259119729195 119.025911973
1683 8.88965564850318 154.110344351
1684 21.2110185261361 32.7889814739
1685 -132.386838511772 197.386838512
1686 -138.290908326438 199.290908326
1687 -51.2734513218001 83.2734513218
1688 -297.219900525736 350.219900526
1689 -303.449462159731 309.44946216
1690 7348.13291642 -3094.1329164
1691 5655.20688304216 -3142.206883
1692 5580.52806377107 -1233.5280638
1693 4106.23777823371 -1732.2377782
1694 3570.39852501718 -1599.398525
1695 2258.58182560292 283.418174397
1696 1850.78770081257 -544.78770081
1697 2241.33518199831 -974.335182
1698 1646.45305622752 1954.54694377
1699 1557.59738033844 -382.59738034
1700 1620.5555995985 -447.5555996
1701 1162.02066871084 -328.02066871
1702 1413.56047537092 -718.56047537
1703 1191.8174727785 -530.81747278
1704 1016.47646724516 -10.476467245
1705 1093.729451449 -493.72945145
1706 979.555878198667 -428.5558782
1707 921.431554118998 39.568445881
1708 1008.52028698639 -316.52028699
1709 1091.95479712829 -482.95479713
1710 849.199561183647 346.800438816
1711 903.034194602101 -438.0341946
1712 905.716497253046 -106.71649725
1713 903.222684083662 -292.22268408
1714 805.693029872315 344.306970128
1715 856.108212629875 -341.10821263
1716 652.313516064455 -93.313516064
1717 621.923069946348 337.076930054
1718 638.899151315998 -155.89915132
1719 655.410882543299 -128.41088254
1720 842.32074892343 -238.32074892
1721 549.553488859048 -181.55348886
1722 691.281434524157 -206.28143452
1723 592.759486861715 -95.759486862
1724 530.920353471064 -165.92035347
1725 743.95513927808 -465.95513928
1726 586.764234772421 -207.76423477
1727 453.871536466316 -175.87153647
1728 586.435863626313 -319.43586363
1729 470.023662757064 -148.02366276
1730 312.798076880025 1335.20192312
1731 419.390342561711 -117.39034256
1732 445.454955777951 138.545044222
1733 355.863351502027 78.136648498
1734 378.630745567091 -153.63074557
1735 480.852181182281 -182.85218118
1736 370.192524969456 -96.192524969
1737 248.013653943711 18.9863460563
1738 258.157783134787 38.8422168652
1739 258.863206311774 -66.863206312
1740 157.560373396094 189.439626604
1741 142.714802297937 132.285197702
1742 376.20424325072 -186.20424325
1743 142.913948400726 14.0860515993
1744 185.326354755052 485.673645245
1745 234.790921983986 -2.790921984
1746 114.201288079845 -37.20128808
1747 36.1286960541611 105.871303946
1748 87.2654038645101 95.7345961355
1749 57.4119394549492 99.5880605451
1750 92.6799232496412 -67.67992325
1751 -7.18509994756914 161.185099948
1752 60.4035041498074 28.5964958502
1753 0.267239813261966 114.732760187
1754 -65.7762103766642 146.776210377
1755 -29.3524394827368 61.3524394827
1756 -31.6543074842009 256.654307484
1757 -259.191727637124 281.191727637
1758 -284.464552172491 307.464552172
1759 -256.833195477349 271.833195477
1760 4080.45100706546 -552.45100707
1761 3010.97707939795 -1056.9770794
1762 2555.43303755719 -1336.4330376
1763 1530.96159016574 -470.96159017
1764 2006.47354601118 -620.47354601
1765 1715.80228498215 97.1977150179
1766 1558.86683786664 230.133162133
1767 1680.86975900904 -637.86975901
1768 1454.40990183629 -522.40990184
1769 1118.35745608784 -68.357456088
1770 1125.87460135245 128.125398648
1771 1176.52435178419 166.475648216
1772 1384.00676711259 -576.00676711
1773 966.802229515472 -229.80222952
1774 1327.92923516559 -360.92923517
1775 1079.86513943597 -443.86513944
1776 1012.56560221257 -439.56560221
1777 864.059516388403 428.940483612
1778 714.497421737117 166.502578263
1779 811.250357660497 -288.25035766
1780 994.393771028769 -480.39377103
1781 812.690917174441 -354.69091717
1782 686.155862707219 124.844137293
1783 587.247791655661 -179.24779166
1784 659.534515090989 -26.534515091
1785 633.900592732635 -153.90059273
1786 590.633103374223 -98.633103374
1787 773.10602243421 -373.10602243
1788 554.838212739939 -247.83821274
1789 589.862788211275 -154.86278821
1790 570.935941475211 422.064058525
1791 693.476158748398 -259.47615875
1792 501.012941713261 -119.01294171
1793 446.619982522585 -70.619982523
1794 500.10766826997 -201.10766827
1795 496.579303003125 -15.579303003
1796 676.343746673038 -438.34374667
1797 586.126944822603 -125.12694482
1798 394.445996636869 -30.445996637
1799 398.829893071988 126.170106928
1800 520.214276577294 -204.21427658
1801 312.567045419892 109.43295458
1802 418.057870184991 -91.057870185
1803 594.412609419868 -256.41260942
1804 273.012102156726 68.9878978433
1805 349.649665846831 -44.649665847
1806 531.624948601031 -234.6249486
1807 259.273933878194 -41.273933878
1808 357.76413366913 -147.76413367
1809 456.074734575992 -224.07473458
1810 268.141264096251 -17.141264096
1811 231.075691338112 -10.075691338
1812 174.385831214499 -40.385831214
1813 231.336990242767 -72.336990243
1814 282.377850971499 -78.377850971
1815 107.401418034361 19.5985819656
1816 364.346114875478 1340.65388512
1817 0.370606842097231 72.6293931579
1818 -20.4484443534224 76.4484443534
1819 -6.04981682201975 129.049816822
1820 -46.8192851688129 159.819285169
1821 112.552449952314 -38.552449952
1822 -113.256553111374 199.256553111
1823 -95.1475609507139 170.147560951
1824 -50.5581034970288 126.558103497
1825 177.413900570801 3919.58609943
1826 726.250139255898 2798.74986074
1827 -84.9683265651422 122.968326565
1828 -170.683211525437 207.683211525
1829 -27.875368182559 83.8753681826
1830 -88.6811109235478 154.681110924
1831 -8.58179483297992 79.581794833
1832 -190.393226343132 297.393226343
1833 -240.759665650009 262.75966565
1834 96.0950529977819 -80.095052998
1835 3101.81261359741 -175.8126136
1836 2208.20772437158 -24.207724372
1837 2918.25098150475 1678.7490185
1838 2007.99799814258 -270.99799814
1839 2175.94530154527 2361.05469845
1840 2238.44334205181 657.556657948
1841 1871.17820313737 596.821796863
1842 1845.55381269457 1066.44618731
1843 1723.95589782241 -728.95589782
1844 1748.48938471007 -49.48938471
1845 1393.14739086579 830.852609134
1846 1500.98167767983 -111.98167768
1847 1203.38858955662 -426.38858956
1848 1601.52836209023 -422.52836209
1849 1135.07161606989 -408.07161607
1850 1346.47643803935 -217.47643804
1851 1658.86063544766 -507.86063545
1852 1034.74965117673 -148.74965118
1853 968.258135254806 -280.25813525
1854 1179.7939494641 -644.79394946
1855 856.582940558065 -165.58294056
1856 1184.176205237 -681.17620524
1857 839.958872561043 -297.95887256
1858 897.533379809784 -379.53337981
1859 704.649476809715 -3.6494768097
1860 758.604490744017 -303.60449074
1861 668.061427865154 -177.06142787
1862 544.227990508854 -137.22799051
1863 562.58631151766 -57.586311518
1864 754.806917118352 -363.80691712
1865 494.210758396296 -156.2107584
1866 528.61709753368 -114.61709753
1867 477.895717003415 -94.895717003
1868 541.098193655442 -40.098193655
1869 370.152364881484 -22.152364881
1870 379.994828941373 -68.994828941
1871 434.981920068431 -1.9819200684
1872 532.88966831783 -284.88966832
1873 390.44103164125 -148.44103164
1874 414.526691866934 12.4733081331
1875 518.130669177359 -198.13066918
1876 491.809571954068 -215.80957195
1877 200.611025198256 382.388974802
1878 233.63020631268 -97.630206313
1879 183.759525802004 -79.759525802
1880 167.493753007739 43.5062469923
1881 325.274035159165 -103.27403516
1882 194.559467728798 -12.559467729
1883 62.090659383132 81.9093406169
1884 100.936231691723 52.0637683083
1885 198.42133586762 -74.421335868
1886 15.3755822928126 45.6244177072
1887 24.6629652631611 139.337034737
1888 183.898873061143 67.1011269389
1889 -2.97738251807948 41.9773825181
1890 -114.500520349126 180.500520349
1891 15.6238291301731 -4.6238291302
1892 -166.772984370304 2580.77298437
1893 -320.123919246743 348.123919247
1894 8490.35041304192 -2355.350413
1895 6888.60933957393 -1593.6093396
1896 4282.73070064577 -1176.7307006
1897 3349.68754860766 -2063.6875486
1898 2989.28412188701 -592.28412189
1899 2364.75768625354 -722.75768625
1900 2843.10866024737 -501.10866025
1901 2610.8971907437 -1653.8971907
1902 2323.83563522829 1415.16436477
1903 1979.81617657775 -573.81617658
1904 1847.83169909922 -497.8316991
1905 1690.45673777512 -688.45673778
1906 1504.04115914238 390.958840858
1907 1502.77472058821 563.225279412
1908 1512.51489196679 -559.51489197
1909 1468.13843346451 -705.13843346
1910 1413.46313489088 8.53686510912
1911 1454.29884842953 1513.70115157
1912 1800.16456453517 -822.16456454
1913 1560.36631311443 144.633686886
1914 1560.75659418217 -439.75659418
1915 1204.78049824037 -279.78049824
1916 1221.49308733079 -542.49308733
1917 1185.82464654621 -495.82464655
1918 1089.29342946441 -379.29342946
1919 897.089900404865 -279.0899004
1920 984.119657750668 -149.11965775
1921 890.597726475633 -296.59772648
1922 1106.43672275994 -608.43672276
1923 859.949543971417 -138.94954397
1924 1441.16205820362 -931.1620582
1925 740.763360054687 -157.76336005
1926 841.618488947338 -286.61848895
1927 736.323855580979 -324.32385558
1928 735.816137470226 -234.81613747
1929 871.067895082318 -490.06789508
1930 460.045291182797 -205.04529118
1931 587.186234974161 -262.18623497
1932 736.053621694204 -398.05362169
1933 438.228708219092 -144.22870822
1934 366.102212269605 58.8977877304
1935 307.972586106892 58.0274138931
1936 292.079038307883 1393.92096169
1937 404.57119646476 -79.571196465
1938 308.451880655465 -25.451880655
1939 283.959349373674 -127.95934937
1940 368.304245571354 80.6957544286
1941 348.347876954222 -86.347876954
1942 446.116298374951 -239.11629837
1943 258.128318345335 -144.12831835
1944 261.369688359427 22.6303116406
1945 148.807141904866 2294.1928581
1946 140.224319224812 12.7756807752
1947 206.783524994806 -40.783524995
1948 130.296807231006 6.70319276899
1949 246.776787091647 -142.77678709
1950 63.3862098080638 -38.386209808
1951 118.636478066158 4.36352193384
1952 -22.9379349441298 49.9379349441
1953 43.2414118729137 11.7585881271
1954 93.6390259176345 3.36097408237
1955 153.805549862528 -65.805549863
1956 121.407416627405 23.5925833726
1957 -115.325916887696 167.325916888
1958 -31.4880461364087 122.488046136
1959 -211.86002081157 228.860020812
1960 -231.792174921696 254.792174922
1961 -270.037218819729 281.03721882
1962 -244.516334889995 251.51633489
1963 -212.106258372431 231.106258372
1964 -279.36010405981 296.36010406
1965 5914.05130369883 -3278.0513037
1966 4379.99159461073 -1367.9915946
1967 3163.90308882587 -691.90308883
1968 3135.86597246448 1717.13402754
1969 1831.46017331357 469.539826686
1970 1562.07939118398 -546.07939118
1971 1680.28323145902 -463.28323146
1972 1277.29983738503 -222.29983739
1973 1299.62873946327 -343.62873946
1974 1387.68480400854 -838.68480401
1975 1282.07692600754 -275.07692601
1976 1093.70522992354 153.294770076
1977 1174.37611052776 -280.37611053
1978 1041.16065274181 -23.160652742
1979 1356.70570624283 -784.70570624
1980 940.488348167242 -240.48834817
1981 984.542029984486 -281.54202998
1982 904.087299729263 -271.08729973
1983 1075.53147252763 -431.53147253
1984 908.756397038772 -301.75639704
1985 1026.41215316531 -357.41215317
1986 1067.59177098879 -391.59177099
1987 845.097423727234 -262.09742373
1988 843.753299330188 102.24670067
1989 718.127132359444 -163.12713236
1990 888.595948161018 -401.59594816
1991 721.385581602784 296.614418397
1992 641.41662321809 -197.41662322
1993 490.807135452253 -67.807135452
1994 531.39200873967 378.60799126
1995 620.203124108381 -226.20312411
1996 510.293876287934 -130.29387629
1997 658.736808076895 -283.73680808
1998 502.033556302312 -62.033556302
1999 437.381782904844 -217.3817829
2000 401.922363211236 40.0776367888
2001 553.417089410608 225.582910589
2002 268.353690629498 -128.35369063
2003 430.847692897861 -210.8476929
2004 440.209366564952 -140.20936656
2005 252.598027446558 -10.598027447
2006 286.93477732609 -25.934777326
2007 313.405999019887 -24.40599902
2008 278.942086733008 20.057913267
2009 226.381440042791 445.618559957
2010 225.432889280283 -64.43288928
2011 287.381954713121 -51.381954713
2012 324.074705890977 -86.074705891
2013 385.612099308448 -275.61209931
2014 198.370623175168 -87.370623175
2015 363.692714421394 178.307285579
2016 282.936886747669 -43.936886748
2017 268.314714354964 137.685285645
2018 71.8223855058978 67.1776144941
2019 67.3676366938396 130.632363306
2020 72.0648966131046 104.935103387
2021 13.1771429356529 349.822857064
2022 -5.22775776580079 107.227757766
2023 83.5063465471878 47.4936534528
2024 -51.1013622630053 163.101362263
2025 109.877612918406 -4.8776129184
2026 -22.402985877103 105.402985877
2027 2.20715183619953 78.7928481638
2028 -129.486635176477 153.486635176
2029 -173.4930679728 232.493067973
2030 -163.715305727991 207.715305728
2031 100.469815787605 -71.469815788
2032 -296.159234359638 300.15923436
2033 -305.930309797944 315.930309798
2034 -327.811941151858 330.811941152
2035 3693.54420686773 -1861.5442069
2036 3484.89230368679 2637.10769631
2037 3092.47564647791 3080.52435352
2038 2339.85113760364 -876.8511376
2039 2297.77079588691 772.229204113
2040 1963.26216105702 -577.26216106
2041 1695.84657421667 2029.15342578
2042 2086.26686498352 6.73313501648
2043 2726.10709608542 603.892903915
2044 1622.60096556848 -221.60096557
2045 2263.06021760799 -789.06021761
2046 1828.13391639308 -673.13391639
2047 1647.11889366858 -725.11889367
2048 1933.92420065651 598.075799343
2049 1447.33223927376 -195.33223927
2050 1815.92523387421 376.074766126
2051 1431.76198425693 633.238015743
2052 1316.60348510366 -441.6034851
2053 1309.234363816 12.765636184
2054 1424.17321504741 -498.17321505
2055 1350.5611715751 -522.56117158
2056 1703.17634824512 574.823651755
2057 1367.1141481791 -570.11414818
2058 1286.14145337778 -342.14145338
2059 1186.21927718373 -311.21927718
2060 1302.99758063408 -454.99758063
2061 1117.15639545431 79.8436045457
2062 1031.80073772563 229.199262274
2063 1021.8301007847 -184.83010078
2064 1014.08301715788 -385.08301716
2065 968.169025613729 -18.169025614
2066 925.392921835145 123.607078165
2067 842.87542314122 -155.87542314
2068 870.331701845739 -146.33170185
2069 929.30148018168 -354.30148018
2070 757.550182957965 -250.55018296
2071 744.980038272974 -212.98003827
2072 850.637930952828 -237.63793095
2073 761.427100615337 -148.42710062
2074 791.16743959239 -270.16743959
2075 636.379020078839 161.620979921
2076 907.422927373772 -135.42292737
2077 827.544192011317 -436.54419201
2078 624.757542075037 -159.75754208
2079 506.792290506985 58.207709493
2080 776.324625957876 -402.32462596
2081 486.754533387652 -147.75453339
2082 529.456594920918 -151.45659492
2083 673.417260638721 345.582739361
2084 485.653458266128 -194.65345827
2085 400.6750997566 -51.675099757
2086 935.914900240476 -562.91490024
2087 751.161896724047 -203.16189672
2088 377.402232247285 31.5977677527
2089 617.48575645358 -348.48575645
2090 340.927923533482 -116.92792353
2091 411.836225316541 106.163774683
2092 373.475169367428 -79.475169367
2093 331.057015427007 30.942984573
2094 353.198746548192 -19.198746548
2095 305.154807411227 -67.154807411
2096 235.900893456329 15.0991065437
2097 277.444720742084 45.5552792579
2098 347.167555089531 -145.16755509
2099 447.746897679704 -237.74689768
2100 314.082266291636 -30.082266292
2101 203.974468341535 -12.974468342
2102 195.236391400278 124.7636086
2103 193.398892789392 16.6011072106
2104 163.618664004249 -41.618664004
2105 115.635544204888 135.364455795
2106 258.945883874582 291.054116125
2107 215.583193484204 -71.583193484
2108 179.00531531373 -78.005315314
2109 428.532908695007 -115.5329087
2110 124.432007636802 -29.432007637
2111 220.199445831498 27.8005541685
2112 221.712374104949 -85.712374105
2113 149.419448655355 -64.419448655
2114 83.0029263367372 27.9970736633
2115 115.840522702088 32.1594772979
2116 142.081041404209 -6.0810414042
2117 66.7887793122037 44.2112206878
2118 -1.4194786533505 112.419478653
2119 -19.3703760554986 128.370376055
2120 23.6247268507506 155.375273149
2121 -88.7114425779109 124.711442578
2122 92.5577985049093 -30.557798505
2123 -119.593949063 274.593949063
2124 -111.089507605254 168.089507605
2125 -173.700977025337 206.700977025
2126 -157.268245487769 188.268245488
2127 -198.274681988368 204.274681988
2128 -199.668144261036 230.668144261
2129 -250.81617632225 278.816176322
2130 -255.245353146768 280.245353147
2131 -291.122222834199 310.122222834
2132 -251.769739504848 262.769739505
2133 -246.540922814772 253.540922815
2134 3158.50859801641 -1478.508598
2135 2760.63706973991 1758.36293026
2136 2338.39374384386 1358.60625616
2137 2389.40536347529 -768.40536348
2138 2437.57591784526 -332.57591785
2139 2094.43239691329 -577.43239691
2140 1641.72593964738 778.274060353
2141 1703.35920538899 -508.35920539
2142 1592.74876411619 -626.74876412
2143 2103.112031714 -672.11203171
2144 1213.14655352896 -330.14655353
2145 1336.25368541155 -413.25368541
2146 1278.06404787619 -430.06404788
2147 1572.44633447788 -640.44633448
2148 1095.91571754106 8.08428245894
2149 1030.7836910583 -360.78369106
2150 962.5908670365 -257.59086704
2151 996.194598142979 -333.19459814
2152 1143.10444229646 -326.1044423
2153 909.702797870059 -56.70279787
2154 808.123260816502 73.8767391835
2155 813.515318509326 -242.51531851
2156 966.156184537855 -433.15618454
2157 781.26561838169 -217.26561838
2158 664.012474579442 38.9875254206
2159 742.013239481939 -107.01323948
2160 949.93291744339 -48.932917443
2161 724.197938693876 -158.19793869
2162 732.423078536424 -458.42307854
2163 1198.84056309957 -615.8405631
2164 532.549039010769 -126.54903901
2165 648.762432884033 -340.76243288
2166 480.737999576115 -130.73799958
2167 600.719531668148 -229.71953167
2168 542.094769172677 -171.09476917
2169 380.150907646748 -99.150907647
2170 705.154602804777 -239.1546028
2171 637.055536903346 -278.0555369
2172 317.145398072002 36.854601928
2173 452.146023587694 -120.14602359
2174 356.063538072962 -15.063538073
2175 329.595641468392 -91.595641468
2176 298.579754808434 532.420245192
2177 376.182864831055 -171.18286483
2178 314.744056596546 -32.744056597
2179 260.288566811961 34.711433188
2180 213.031940450999 76.968059549
2181 464.2683145387 -243.26831454
2182 252.052251622634 -47.052251623
2183 164.260624396662 64.7393756033
2184 102.113471434528 74.8865285655
2185 38.7002574883202 255.299742512
2186 131.908132560911 -33.908132561
2187 16.6315484876761 140.368451512
2188 97.6886493132858 12.3113506867
2189 128.434664629276 -3.4346646293
2190 -20.3924102218228 114.392410222
2191 -28.7654203251676 114.765420325
2192 -50.6175134456257 199.617513446
2193 58.2161180102602 89.7838819897
2194 -31.3051783210249 127.305178321
2195 -39.0312980079598 369.031298008
2196 -92.3628144816896 208.362814482
2197 -90.0584630133831 119.058463013
2198 -135.256067548541 232.256067549
2199 -134.037130715946 152.037130716
2200 -68.8831479934793 113.883147993
2201 -176.21846277248 253.218462772
2202 -170.450190450224 220.45019045
2203 -160.043827985938 191.043827986
2204 -240.885318646936 255.885318647
2205 -278.017062881467 293.017062881
2206 -284.651857759269 286.651857759
2207 5445.77722419154 -808.77722419
2208 4201.54701899751 210.452981002
2209 3056.94386025443 1170.05613975
2210 3086.77542167834 3209.22457832
2211 2668.61759827633 824.382401724
2212 2805.17793297631 -406.17793298
2213 1822.35134297221 454.648657028
2214 1510.58901487564 -24.589014876
2215 1980.41637261725 -230.41637262
2216 1482.97845579536 -278.9784558
2217 1665.37030894757 -433.37030895
2218 1529.88438787192 -648.88438787
2219 1312.43073417853 65.5692658215
2220 1308.94117063507 -240.94117064
2221 1600.05602306343 -435.05602306
2222 1127.45730351529 -29.457303515
2223 1388.68147404531 -328.68147405
2224 1181.51492273823 -409.51492274
2225 989.962562666256 -405.96256267
2226 875.69846568166 -296.69846568
2227 921.202096288295 -281.20209629
2228 870.31180061319 -236.31180061
2229 927.915374515972 -298.91537452
2230 896.582754657043 -197.58275466
2231 861.848239355163 -201.84823936
2232 820.072619675949 -252.07261968
2233 768.834802541448 -262.83480254
2234 836.848701740365 -327.84870174
2235 779.732812774164 -248.73281277
2236 863.315501362085 198.684498638
2237 622.978980624123 -181.97898062
2238 596.675029326855 -66.675029327
2239 642.538335464131 -232.53833546
2240 621.125036977701 -130.12503698
2241 651.779525048708 -257.77952505
2242 556.765890338586 -205.76589034
2243 810.670083335756 -483.67008334
2244 608.237488365712 -249.23748837
2245 526.088783955275 -236.08878396
2246 507.555295005655 -4.5552950057
2247 649.395004135842 -363.39500414
2248 408.404601551485 -144.40460155
2249 697.184142012701 -365.18414201
2250 402.856771994452 -123.85677199
2251 450.59597406661 -152.59597407
2252 468.468014553972 -175.46801455
2253 328.716487160014 36.28351284
2254 386.774827808893 -101.77482781
2255 376.625311396638 191.374688603
2256 427.291069640923 -149.29106964
2257 271.642930230247 -125.64293023
2258 305.340290392358 -120.34029039
2259 312.562297876508 -16.562297877
2260 280.059242304215 -198.0592423
2261 438.719947394158 -177.71994739
2262 158.409245460795 70.5907545392
2263 213.003527292835 -199.00352729
2264 129.162508502787 -23.162508503
2265 160.780885899719 -37.7808859
2266 140.271125539988 55.72887446
2267 163.68225308455 117.317746915
2268 240.547850216028 -100.54785022
2269 132.776181795165 82.2238182048
2270 99.2619487601538 21.7380512398
2271 145.386693942865 43.6133060571
2272 67.5645950078126 83.4354049922
2273 102.438373264536 50.5616267355
2274 123.409141472208 -64.409141472
2275 87.7789876039921 47.221012396
2276 35.8968529059637 143.103147094
2277 64.758580528043 87.241419472
2278 83.8387320058467 47.1612679942
2279 102.241821984126 35.7581780159
2280 23.4655070965624 115.534492903
2281 -20.0853146688173 106.085314669
2282 -1.66853845650144 61.6685384565
2283 -2.2641819903626 26.2641819904
2284 -101.670082286274 315.670082286
2285 54.3360851377217 82.6639148623
2286 -145.407271237721 203.407271238
2287 -124.107785955195 178.107785955
2288 -150.54331415082 182.543314151
2289 -27.6018032192649 76.6018032193
2290 -171.196129375917 199.196129376
2291 -113.324057763758 160.324057764
2292 -241.232275108719 280.232275109
2293 -238.306683521542 245.306683522
2294 4817.73059226006 -2966.7305923
2295 4847.72575833087 -351.72575833
2296 2732.96928080471 -1037.9692808
2297 2608.20344082582 -1361.2034408
2298 2752.86054557052 -830.86054557
2299 1909.38783929139 -208.38783929
2300 1526.1650098975 267.834990102
2301 1541.01358673652 -558.01358674
2302 1803.22926829187 -781.22926829
2303 1560.87185056735 1091.12814943
2304 1231.78018036267 -129.78018036
2305 1420.80346209193 -298.80346209
2306 1498.96670605581 -795.96670606
2307 1192.01011969771 1127.9898803
2308 1182.13539357738 173.864606423
2309 1108.76205201318 2.23794798682
2310 1147.49456757515 -479.49456758
2311 992.996649540133 -417.99664954
2312 860.673733036488 -266.67373304
2313 738.368522703514 78.6314772965
2314 750.474759308171 -169.47475931
2315 804.996091065684 -275.99609107
2316 933.982230465618 -409.98223047
2317 767.784165773369 -252.78416577
2318 690.683982445449 -152.68398245
2319 713.158360514899 28.8416394851
2320 746.008746651069 -35.008746651
2321 749.882229402706 129.117770597
2322 647.487849893953 179.512150106
2323 624.440900896273 -238.4409009
2324 606.275803873792 -131.27580387
2325 617.031469056747 -117.03146906
2326 745.364390456241 -372.36439046
2327 478.666997315465 -95.666997315
2328 632.644173345779 -233.64417335
2329 409.943771760603 -11.943771761
2330 479.350750850031 507.64924915
2331 409.711816618007 79.288183382
2332 330.097834449015 172.902165551
2333 384.012805974997 -96.012805975
2334 597.243665165087 -309.24366517
2335 488.848048551624 -262.84804855
2336 260.013013207651 -161.01301321
2337 273.989640537314 -3.9896405373
2338 498.235717692068 -229.23571769
2339 276.701384723856 -173.70138472
2340 221.032338391844 -61.032338392
2341 218.931030445321 -10.931030445
2342 265.074541516116 -98.074541516
2343 212.924096509254 112.075903491
2344 405.18772957975 -226.18772958
2345 226.059662782377 -24.059662782
2346 147.148513141188 51.8514868588
2347 55.2627702288007 152.737229771
2348 82.6827252735932 17.3172747264
2349 129.461464162255 53.5385358377
2350 40.8590739845488 99.1409260155
2351 207.978809761018 -95.978809761
2352 -20.5133122521289 51.5133122521
2353 -54.8175605988526 146.817560599
2354 9.45608843629378 115.543911564
2355 -119.201806248103 213.201806248
2356 -95.5885034985946 125.588503499
2357 -97.3215073172484 172.321507317
2358 -91.1230496829961 137.123049683
2359 -168.158334895814 216.158334896
2360 -180.195846070146 231.19584607
2361 -168.958577475542 227.958577476
2362 -180.143705170643 353.143705171
2363 -188.180761758761 218.180761759
2364 -149.033868903677 197.033868904
2365 -190.824242927434 207.824242927
2366 -228.167067561944 258.167067562
2367 -198.412896080934 215.412896081
2368 12.3077509817601 1350.69224902
2369 -210.485994109155 305.485994109
2370 -212.575806883487 224.575806883
2371 -296.920823973717 308.920823974
2372 -325.391611803209 343.391611803
2373 4092.88897022972 2777.11102977
2374 2260.38857041769 -79.388570418
2375 2029.49774934105 48.502250659
2376 1895.48647839818 270.513521602
2377 2032.08082071739 -958.08082072
2378 1545.22216885303 -432.22216885
2379 1354.5839269866 -452.58392699
2380 2111.97995273635 -1016.9799527
2381 1798.85612532926 -538.85612533
2382 1397.03241123733 -533.03241124
2383 1421.37881034392 -567.37881034
2384 1198.20656332059 1514.79343668
2385 1169.85228188867 -308.85228189
2386 1185.11679487805 -353.11679488
2387 1151.06254876735 -179.06254877
2388 1037.465571699 -17.465571699
2389 1013.13761311705 -149.13761312
2390 1099.64595789194 122.354042108
2391 1112.88823948261 -370.88823948
2392 841.904114195316 -183.9041142
2393 1500.23993030375 -349.2399303
2394 783.280397793112 -285.28039779
2395 1047.35004356019 -416.35004356
2396 691.018575168403 -111.01857517
2397 758.995879870643 123.004120129
2398 771.737530967746 -212.73753097
2399 798.990810050117 28.0091899499
2400 706.520582336585 -269.52058234
2401 721.405475980228 250.59452402
2402 632.647295416049 -251.64729542
2403 766.605386877825 -386.60538688
2404 541.479394736473 -106.47939474
2405 630.510451773592 -294.51045177
2406 488.578241351169 1755.42175865
2407 648.38088324009 -54.38088324
2408 467.327051937091 -95.327051937
2409 531.757460593906 -60.757460594
2410 471.328466537602 478.671533462
2411 605.386748117109 38.6132518829
2412 401.386214226923 -131.38621423
2413 436.8292135364 -78.829213536
2414 543.930651181632 10.0693488184
2415 379.131753765594 -25.131753766
2416 371.860185277831 48.1398147222
2417 440.650036683319 -301.65003668
2418 489.407562090288 -145.40756209
2419 285.346407204239 316.653592796
2420 291.25584667621 87.7441533238
2421 308.101726099177 -98.101726099
2422 399.402689036414 -69.402689036
2423 366.8346851854 -219.83468519
2424 409.861927243462 -286.86192724
2425 165.341300548952 275.658699451
2426 160.586429709697 -75.58642971
2427 206.758103390248 -19.75810339
2428 246.745462141802 -34.745462142
2429 165.451338912673 18.5486610873
2430 124.753913827111 48.2460861729
2431 18.412555769781 51.5874442302
2432 9.05648823092275 173.943511769
2433 -27.5645972558009 77.5645972558
2434 -93.2545204056037 204.254520406
2435 -63.4317501932133 199.431750193
2436 -85.0280502369796 130.028050237
2437 -28.9000437528065 96.9000437528
2438 -153.052417037085 194.052417037
2439 -164.333338854206 237.333338854
2440 -142.141826424364 185.141826424
2441 -196.595056461219 226.595056461
2442 -244.808654807181 270.808654807
2443 4498.80063802529 1979.19936197
2444 3662.98624539446 -1359.9862454
2445 2743.52994757021 -480.52994757
2446 2965.75820972545 -1047.7582097
2447 2135.38064935107 160.619350649
2448 2180.11294875607 -240.11294876
2449 2552.19802886328 -949.19802886
2450 2237.57336528836 -1013.5733653
2451 1849.86775106505 -714.86775107
2452 1516.89305189185 1387.10694811
2453 1694.91331712229 -9.9133171223
2454 1480.71697810768 -274.71697811
2455 1348.46151810888 93.5384818911
2456 1646.64742566567 -731.64742567
2457 1279.0821502609 -686.08215026
2458 1493.28783583356 -610.28783583
2459 1821.04404701327 -873.04404701
2460 1155.05543800172 -198.055438
2461 1322.17507213387 -480.17507213
2462 1157.48894314555 -442.48894315
2463 1273.04370851681 -518.04370852
2464 884.643051374706 -201.64305137
2465 787.241190323381 -156.24119032
2466 984.007870816424 -224.00787082
2467 703.54783646244 344.452163538
2468 757.001324421035 -44.001324421
2469 652.770055897638 -291.7700559
2470 610.133705874573 -56.133705875
2471 909.569426323654 -337.56942632
2472 499.45950250316 63.5404974968
2473 708.594448994306 -6.5944489943
2474 502.655133613589 -54.655133614
2475 481.720046510965 -77.720046511
2476 419.349219757634 -117.34921976
2477 539.959684315977 471.040315684
2478 411.440880348015 259.559119652
2479 608.382622298525 -277.3826223
2480 411.751494519932 118.24850548
2481 288.475892269584 -98.47589227
2482 449.350080616748 -165.35008062
2483 251.503372655235 2.49662734477
2484 347.517087791296 -126.51708779
2485 453.271417792906 125.728582207
2486 156.670979399607 53.3290206004
2487 580.581570451189 -438.58157045
2488 272.24826756799 -51.248267568
2489 163.014596478885 134.985403521
2490 411.379369474353 -183.37936947
2491 283.462580523917 -192.46258052
2492 188.985632348335 9.01436765167
2493 220.416602595073 -44.416602595
2494 69.5479456471787 348.452054353
2495 49.8157107874351 118.184289213
2496 92.2377334964505 121.762266504
2497 209.958737161809 -165.95873716
2498 48.4586771789452 111.541322821
2499 -2.77034248004765 76.77034248
2500 55.31280477397 62.687195226
2501 196.426424730309 1403.57357527
2502 131.779434495798 -56.779434496
2503 -29.7109246932369 164.710924693
2504 -27.7105990491745 128.710599049
2505 -76.396394891184 176.396394891
2506 -78.7017300308576 130.701730031
2507 -67.9223057879574 115.922305788
2508 -43.2617021531235 127.261702153
2509 -62.8294098122533 139.829409812
2510 35.2010630191623 341.798936981
2511 -140.342567335236 184.342567335
2512 -178.881737427208 188.881737427
2513 -145.580465679691 197.58046568
2514 -222.405095403301 238.405095403
2515 -133.818020454688 147.818020455
2516 5544.2518785006 1015.7481215
2517 2821.46408503531 -550.46408504
2518 2776.90096258618 -1257.9009626
2519 2180.69918825688 -629.69918826
2520 1918.71572497226 -120.71572497
2521 1834.97024628782 771.029753712
2522 1710.96426435561 -278.96426436
2523 1539.79978023181 450.200219768
2524 1474.89903759947 -907.8990376
2525 1373.24432163905 288.755678361
2526 1630.09214251046 -600.09214251
2527 1537.8777552952 -558.8777553
2528 1408.7954675105 -668.79546751
2529 1240.81721995335 119.182780047
2530 1235.37134395005 -348.37134395
2531 1503.88648735147 -234.88648735
2532 1208.90243687178 -204.90243687
2533 1861.96171770455 -438.9617177
2534 1179.24517009798 -166.2451701
2535 1108.83781527376 342.162184726
2536 1099.49183704003 157.50816296
2537 984.754277318352 -157.75427732
2538 1212.74175801835 -461.74175802
2539 1068.93956113548 -269.93956114
2540 1052.01923579376 214.980764206
2541 874.429341823929 -324.42934182
2542 948.8341971285 544.165802872
2543 1117.74486397405 -478.74486397
2544 722.141111640641 -135.14111164
2545 938.128967260293 -529.12896726
2546 750.12805468491 -213.12805468
2547 682.134491898484 -250.1344919
2548 572.119480064547 -123.11948006
2549 623.304450784906 104.695549215
2550 590.522697655637 -162.52269766
2551 676.686623658328 -150.68662366
2552 482.415788142351 -179.41578814
2553 460.55760629214 -39.557606292
2554 364.661486511549 -0.6614865115
2555 337.082227864549 54.9177721355
2556 384.28735329958 -62.2873533
2557 383.93034936229 -79.930349362
2558 372.04846614804 -27.048466148
2559 566.587283840407 -253.58728384
2560 225.795099194317 27.2049008057
2561 297.312854970986 -74.312854971
2562 199.138652487053 -16.138652487
2563 258.561688740621 125.438311259
2564 342.751272314322 949.248727686
2565 216.735625304786 63.2643746952
2566 164.398163702075 63.6018362979
2567 88.9022992467836 148.097700753
2568 129.709856759321 34.2901432407
2569 100.639634520453 2.36036547955
2570 249.221295934967 -60.221295935
2571 54.7301391374363 -17.730139137
2572 34.8455817553928 111.154418245
2573 -21.1214126392777 69.1214126393
2574 219.488219366776 -139.48821937
2575 87.2018133322819 -32.201813332
2576 -55.7659850656332 166.765985066
2577 15.2631528578268 73.7368471422
2578 -90.1278470204514 174.12784702
2579 -86.5488156488944 153.548815649
2580 -144.592566745414 199.592566745
2581 -190.695068551754 215.695068552
2582 -23.1534423900538 63.1534423901
2583 -218.713602391254 312.713602391
2584 -317.617804083098 320.617804083
2585 5446.29606963418 -805.29606963
2586 2996.37157648586 1372.62842351
2587 2214.58164302367 440.418356976
2588 2244.32516299792 -756.325163
2589 2163.34115416098 535.658845839
2590 1976.10346966853 -667.10346967
2591 2480.08187394957 -744.08187395
2592 2198.39244470501 789.607555295
2593 2084.03911871962 -276.03911872
2594 1596.43441752194 -551.43441752
2595 2132.39050342443 -173.39050342
2596 1458.17357225605 258.826427744
2597 2068.87468998271 209.125310017
2598 1458.42395934658 -739.42395935
2599 1114.88027732469 -104.88027732
2600 1138.89167567204 -401.89167567
2601 1204.13658701141 -329.13658701
2602 989.901976134696 223.098023865
2603 1036.127114535 -62.127114535
2604 1128.1532357725 -425.15323577
2605 876.057537154079 26.9424628459
2606 745.675239692998 20.324760307
2607 813.103435033129 -308.10343503
2608 805.391439529184 -149.39143953
2609 587.371694836719 21.6283051633
2610 607.669905206165 -389.66990521
2611 538.514693132811 -85.514693133
2612 595.815523524727 146.184476475
2613 626.639105242968 -319.63910524
2614 645.612671059089 -133.61267106
2615 821.504739901412 -487.5047399
2616 435.576937661675 240.423062338
2617 404.209155590817 -131.20915559
2618 619.967135405005 -267.96713541
2619 390.59495909832 -36.594959098
2620 583.624581365988 -325.62458137
2621 489.144431627896 -276.14443163
2622 340.897331571753 40.1026684282
2623 357.220402906819 -86.220402907
2624 307.372467649231 10.6275323508
2625 325.194018383352 216.805981617
2626 294.499122202257 -85.499122202
2627 206.122945011198 8.8770549888
2628 172.945057443746 230.054942556
2629 178.594295477156 39.4057045228
2630 471.065160072141 223.934839928
2631 97.3993141215702 10.6006858784
2632 93.2502138648283 87.7497861352
2633 103.388878976654 33.6111210233
2634 15.2428501297366 136.75714987
2635 55.1885220606722 29.8114779393
2636 313.952807548304 -235.95280755
2637 59.5574019356781 23.4425980643
2638 29.8826062625729 -13.882606263
2639 50.5837921711423 72.4162078289
2640 101.428814311953 -26.428814312
2641 -12.7878838585336 170.787883859
2642 -0.606291887664554 16.6062918877
2643 -145.983299088925 177.983299089
2644 -43.2081202643696 71.2081202644
2645 -203.513574945389 229.513574945
2646 -134.315014205797 153.315014206
2647 -247.487127266457 283.487127266
2648 -291.097950807342 294.097950807
2649 -324.812567437948 326.812567438
2650 -246.82115113655 251.821151137
2651 4416.42287641888 1579.57712358
2652 3595.84680105414 -2249.8468011
2653 2985.38519287941 820.614807121
2654 2536.30346962408 -147.30346962
2655 2649.37914861524 -60.379148615
2656 2064.45423299791 -620.454233
2657 2574.13711868418 386.862881316
2658 1886.75484189615 -458.7548419
2659 1687.14286671149 -253.14286671
2660 1705.66969368066 -1046.6696937
2661 1811.5720517453 -634.57205175
2662 1510.47938077647 699.520619224
2663 1365.54442127942 -114.54442128
2664 1393.34193222092 -412.34193222
2665 1835.03519943034 -992.03519943
2666 1406.025524099 -540.0255241
2667 1421.4415111332 -642.44151113
2668 1132.88171182075 -267.88171182
2669 1352.95506764868 -596.95506765
2670 1087.98967758485 -229.98967758
2671 1129.99234149605 562.007658504
2672 1026.77480533014 -206.77480533
2673 1195.62921566903 -508.62921567
2674 851.704905843789 -187.70490584
2675 889.343310293801 694.656689706
2676 1003.96509199714 -328.965092
2677 814.787162080979 -134.78716208
2678 779.325011732251 -24.325011732
2679 809.707588479421 -344.70758848
2680 680.474129351048 -153.47412935
2681 801.394541520281 -320.39454152
2682 603.463454954888 -253.46345495
2683 592.113188245245 -94.113188245
2684 573.129597588946 -218.12959759
2685 437.502418015398 -129.50241802
2686 404.246663616181 328.753336384
2687 647.821726706213 -141.82172671
2688 371.746578722699 -8.7465787227
2689 349.883603359454 -18.883603359
2690 286.471898241716 -94.471898242
2691 389.376169045859 -30.376169046
2692 378.533660905568 -238.53366091
2693 284.654002329241 -80.654002329
2694 363.535021291977 -214.53502129
2695 181.364786681085 14.6352133189
2696 233.953740772081 1.04625922792
2697 374.054387570257 -105.05438757
2698 144.914974935274 -17.914974935
2699 508.224924087545 -203.22492409
2700 127.150098064484 16.8499019355
2701 110.933611665138 18.0663883349
2702 68.3662547318157 10.6337452682
2703 209.074168211837 6.92583178816
2704 118.019171879824 63.9808281202
2705 131.708179333202 9.2918206668
2706 56.2759794992004 40.7240205008
2707 60.5087533562742 102.491246644
2708 1.85452780535326 144.145472195
2709 -60.4279448100805 208.42794481
2710 -82.2070899260281 148.207089926
2711 -115.088118778667 174.088118779
2712 -114.951841839409 209.951841839
2713 -74.9656658269275 150.965665827
2714 -164.257420614334 195.257420614
2715 -229.709149566185 257.709149566
2716 143.041299847136 1933.95870015
2717 -300.240553891874 313.240553892
2718 4506.27595283352 1244.72404717
2719 3401.78363850676 -450.78363851
2720 2249.63422875964 -541.63422876
2721 2274.38223767327 291.617762327
2722 2354.72111025409 -474.72111025
2723 1817.14882792463 -355.14882792
2724 1827.32432741711 929.675672583
2725 1959.5514372438 -830.55143724
2726 1197.46368665046 -17.46368665
2727 1439.50032788323 -565.50032788
2728 1092.01438996203 630.985610038
2729 1024.78406093141 -236.78406093
2730 876.366088710799 158.633911289
2731 1168.34295989856 164.657040101
2732 1482.23060732336 -311.23060732
2733 1019.85636768226 -476.85636768
2734 923.165303318893 -392.16530332
2735 826.272918357208 -170.27291836
2736 701.962285520943 -198.96228552
2737 755.44672231121 -214.44672231
2738 647.85553552743 374.144464473
2739 912.035368697158 -356.0353687
2740 712.567280376133 -169.56728038
2741 588.923190092345 133.076809908
2742 1169.99884870443 -386.9988487
2743 889.916966859153 -285.91696686
2744 611.880802180925 -180.88080218
2745 743.197493128245 206.802506872
2746 614.777693043968 -226.77769304
2747 524.43169348353 307.568306516
2748 390.482214730885 -150.48221473
2749 360.673563889427 2.32643611057
2750 489.492285305829 -169.49228531
2751 380.940755397265 -138.9407554
2752 281.566736822686 -14.566736823
2753 396.776740262013 -143.77674026
2754 479.342886882272 -225.34288688
2755 237.788299671599 -0.7882996716
2756 310.404758182606 -34.404758183
2757 247.425809777819 43.5741902222
2758 204.330678051049 74.669321949
2759 363.181195582873 9.81880441713
2760 242.588180296746 -33.588180297
2761 207.637411549613 16.3625884504
2762 164.646977768875 116.353022231
2763 162.758038019792 128.24196198
2764 118.255760528359 192.744239472
2765 141.695487206672 101.304512793
2766 92.1210716487286 72.8789283513
2767 303.394179580441 -206.39417958
2768 122.19373148465 9.80626851535
2769 -1.58098154352899 21.5809815435
2770 21.2781744807646 43.7218255192
2771 -66.9268326567496 227.926832657
2772 -19.5429842355502 128.542984236
2773 285.506302792977 -176.50630279
2774 -88.0868896011264 223.086889601
2775 -118.417004494201 180.417004494
2776 -144.134249739052 218.134249739
2777 -199.855287367487 289.855287367
2778 -169.949650524943 196.949650525
2779 -247.383675207362 283.383675207
2780 -209.779767806241 213.779767806
2781 -272.156756397316 295.156756397
2782 3491.14817825507 -75.148178255
2783 3600.0837114334 -455.08371143
2784 2606.3577497933 1449.64225021
2785 1866.52165776483 -309.52165776
2786 1961.67114998753 -214.67114999
2787 1625.85993448484 -564.85993448
2788 1447.66802368257 -378.66802368
2789 1501.14630944145 -712.14630944
2790 1267.86336697748 -244.86336698
2791 1193.37121560448 -463.3712156
2792 1482.01182532939 -428.01182533
2793 1112.86288812373 -250.86288812
2794 1101.92153392896 -304.92153393
2795 1167.07364950109 -68.073649501
2796 1074.306517184 -332.30651718
2797 1172.80580540351 -399.8058054
2798 986.112261019676 -264.11226102
2799 953.06800482056 -365.06800482
2800 878.483965111702 -215.48396511
2801 744.080624974329 -290.08062497
2802 805.285565699184 -190.2855657
2803 1100.82220611262 -473.82220611
2804 830.736850951213 -114.73685095
2805 716.801486203605 -204.8014862
2806 839.679401932724 -234.67940193
2807 640.020569705117 79.9794302949
2808 538.701508953921 -157.70150895
2809 540.163941627066 -81.163941627
2810 1051.5846637326 -600.58466373
2811 500.373052350951 -178.37305235
2812 569.557635042629 -155.55763504
2813 670.526194810967 -299.52619481
2814 547.291012928988 -202.29101293
2815 421.156261600669 -103.1562616
2816 678.56023782824 -381.56023783
2817 403.897950936043 -157.89795094
2818 336.332074832636 28.6679251674
2819 367.727860850206 153.27213915
2820 237.956410292523 53.0435897075
2821 270.642638343478 -91.642638343
2822 276.480578824705 -122.48057882
2823 180.147433270041 -43.14743327
2824 303.502586449782 -78.50258645
2825 216.959469291345 -66.959469291
2826 10.004303827425 95.9956961726
2827 31.7377793167137 52.2622206833
2828 -51.2374706869661 177.237470687
2829 274.733311864523 -140.73331186
2830 36.1049911090857 67.8950088909
2831 -71.5665531109193 151.566553111
2832 -38.8015272069484 106.801527207
2833 184.330149683125 -139.33014968
2834 161.986554284256 -57.986554284
2835 -136.440484024891 176.440484025
2836 -103.351609965247 158.351609965
2837 -166.98970450201 218.989704502
2838 -158.830406632389 195.830406632
2839 -215.039916382172 238.039916382
2840 4429.05408238839 1448.94591761
2841 3463.83453485439 1912.16546515
2842 2469.23659851415 -972.23659851
2843 1931.88394533906 -948.88394534
2844 1737.95165925583 -215.95165926
2845 2071.79414286529 -261.79414287
2846 1470.80225585773 -504.80225586
2847 1305.933838326 31.066161674
2848 1552.89593082952 -694.89593083
2849 1472.81490286454 -277.81490286
2850 1166.06469474157 -433.06469474
2851 1127.00677480085 -271.0067748
2852 964.61485695129 -354.61485695
2853 692.852356234597 -274.85235623
2854 670.104060276155 -239.10406028
2855 726.617678111431 -257.61767811
2856 822.803036278442 -247.80303628
2857 702.736828230632 114.263171769
2858 521.699439920124 -142.69943992
2859 484.087812778116 362.912187222
2860 467.263891181628 -161.26389118
2861 442.949672357469 607.050327643
2862 563.166483955363 -231.16648396
2863 416.248034538971 -126.24803454
2864 549.98708429053 -250.98708429
2865 387.130752694478 -115.13075269
2866 461.555200347383 20.4447996526
2867 373.66594754953 -151.66594755
2868 285.720394318414 -69.720394318
2869 251.013874791058 59.9861252089
2870 347.220870959136 2.77912904086
2871 276.379356323914 -52.379356324
2872 253.447943507543 -47.447943508
2873 206.912857307568 38.0871426924
2874 196.218176845522 -105.21817685
2875 217.568952910231 -26.56895291
2876 101.861464112249 98.1385358878
2877 66.1439675069639 38.856032493
2878 115.609871917078 25.3901280829
2879 326.700745098814 -213.7007451
2880 42.1817168656832 296.818283134
2881 29.6978529094272 70.3021470906
2882 28.8509790758813 192.149020924
2883 -48.9867523060402 160.986752306
2884 -106.330641701677 156.330641702
2885 -63.9565641203065 116.95656412
2886 4.13507721424435 39.8649227858
2887 -252.463738011325 289.463738011
2888 -269.521898650833 290.521898651
2889 -220.129197632664 223.129197633
2890 3907.62049802717 -793.62049803
2891 2740.63690318883 -732.63690319
2892 2674.65495384392 -2.6549538439
2893 2295.16308303143 -433.16308303
2894 2051.60701004598 1498.39298995
2895 1995.13676818949 1243.86323181
2896 1673.9924931612 -109.99249316
2897 1631.09324333086 -480.09324333
2898 1519.81543172825 -445.81543173
2899 1511.60570725325 -156.60570725
2900 1451.34441565382 -163.34441565
2901 1460.76876400685 -856.76876401
2902 1281.83087265044 -461.83087265
2903 962.771416318913 -229.77141632
2904 1162.53436331423 -496.53436331
2905 956.796395952248 -104.79639595
2906 1377.81931699423 -867.81931699
2907 870.568058225413 -496.56805823
2908 701.387060069701 -120.38706007
2909 677.056943249504 189.94305675
2910 879.339206374305 919.660793626
2911 689.698172202733 -323.6981722
2912 789.451381045283 -458.45138105
2913 425.626941367203 -189.62694137
2914 444.534546468767 248.465453531
2915 393.605318553606 -107.60531855
2916 360.422327325758 -152.42232733
2917 271.152996460164 62.8470035398
2918 365.096110239997 -155.09611024
2919 203.740692852087 11.2593071479
2920 806.582631268316 -607.58263127
2921 244.505162488999 -120.50516249
2922 166.137009170078 149.86299083
2923 169.845897930593 -41.845897931
2924 131.807582213105 78.1924177869
2925 98.2845150882394 69.7154849118
2926 112.448591720463 90.5514082795
2927 139.106578735738 90.8934212643
2928 133.312680203197 174.687319797
2929 67.7764050897135 102.22359491
2930 60.555502760601 148.444497239
2931 96.5656905891871 100.434309411
2932 41.8679546280371 150.132045372
2933 353.415216587766 -266.41521659
2934 236.038665835282 -193.03866584
2935 138.612154798815 -62.612154799
2936 -148.559894462588 210.559894463
2937 -182.816785623652 195.816785624
2938 -286.802361424556 309.802361425
2939 1700.00390273037 -639.00390273
2940 1857.80273113686 406.197268863
2941 1483.52719620875 -307.52719621
2942 1244.97267972994 2217.02732027
2943 1055.70771319191 -363.70771319
2944 947.704791244904 -15.704791245
2945 907.448074639323 -333.44807464
2946 806.302318509588 -225.30231851
2947 926.071470602177 -442.0714706
2948 745.39976135999 -308.39976136
2949 541.846822966438 -180.84682297
2950 515.792523137417 -71.792523137
2951 672.864563522623 -320.86456352
2952 546.4139041385 100.586095862
2953 415.686266000523 38.3137339995
2954 387.569291349952 -26.56929135
2955 331.684455907047 -16.684455907
2956 422.82145056564 -182.82145057
2957 430.664396892482 27.3356031075
2958 366.155622793583 -1.1556227936
2959 267.213450032566 60.7865499674
2960 277.548777585364 67.4512224146
2961 509.201242819372 -99.201242819
2962 461.822106106235 -219.82210611
2963 268.303371716677 -63.303371717
2964 224.123070445489 62.8769295545
2965 371.873003651308 -222.87300365
2966 245.402915259109 -141.40291526
2967 93.3374879160131 99.662512084
2968 414.691017243659 -281.69101724
2969 180.318880707484 -53.318880707
2970 27.0562807476821 106.943719252
2971 34.3252722964687 57.6747277035
2972 -80.1022002127291 348.102200213
2973 -145.714837698116 235.714837698
2974 -267.487698538366 277.487698538
2975 -281.804062395627 300.804062396
2976 2408.42277362431 -972.42277362
2977 2163.69558261122 -596.69558261
2978 1847.56395448699 580.436045513
2979 1906.99371487323 1330.00628513
2980 1375.51239611627 272.487603884
2981 1220.6637165629 -427.66371656
2982 926.258770113752 497.741229886
2983 699.530351492638 149.469648507
2984 842.903565641941 -461.90356564
2985 676.066288873857 -304.06628887
2986 422.416220897714 93.5837791023
2987 368.151059679117 -12.151059679
2988 354.452646605916 -143.45264661
2989 480.245348726277 -290.24534873
2990 408.117263595275 -164.1172636
2991 125.832702989712 90.1672970103
2992 223.597235076534 -92.597235077
2993 277.838435989591 -171.83843599
2994 111.811592858557 -3.8115928586
2995 102.063718218313 -42.063718218
2996 -23.9160136169855 130.916013617
2997 18.5994246437843 93.4005753562
2998 -3.77809189213414 329.778091892
2999 -13.5811110558645 69.5811110559
3000 -85.242310962129 158.242310962
3001 -107.261077302968 150.261077303
3002 -144.796988713845 198.796988714
3003 -140.425264281117 186.425264281
3004 -251.720613681177 258.720613681
3005 -236.599585925045 269.599585925
3006 -325.315679658154 331.315679658
3007 2229.07299733978 -915.07299734
3008 1645.23392301533 605.766076985
3009 1065.1509173978 -171.1509174
3010 1007.37974438731 -364.37974439
3011 855.887424661869 -309.88742466
3012 674.644817023162 -118.64481702
3013 611.82993913246 -161.82993913
3014 959.477932467422 -358.47793247
3015 1060.34959293173 -439.34959293
3016 1207.87977186969 -333.87977187
3017 582.27161040637 -93.271610406
3018 828.824533663534 -142.82453366
3019 579.325290157714 -200.32529016
3020 427.895804292342 25.1041957077
3021 414.099372122299 -80.099372122
3022 374.638047363079 -164.63804736
3023 239.211533211905 -129.21153321
3024 141.759330330356 -16.75933033
3025 131.059364156609 323.940635843
3026 53.3543794544032 46.6456205456
3027 11.9541890749961 60.045810925
3028 5.36066575812555 4.63933424187
3029 47.9596733677074 32.0403266323
3030 -253.41122161654 263.411221617
3031 2301.40587674098 -366.40587674
3032 1331.89866605204 -419.89866605
3033 1104.50849016536 -362.50849017
3034 1058.88588562176 -423.88588562
3035 1128.01958316683 21.9804168332
3036 1454.53264671393 -495.53264671
3037 910.208665954748 -246.20866595
3038 708.100069226704 -197.10006923
3039 485.848845329731 -36.84884533
3040 651.016052276816 -260.01605228
3041 596.550447083771 -316.55044708
3042 762.401205863549 -367.40120586
3043 416.816787453346 148.183212547
3044 388.786246403641 -80.786246404
3045 312.249143810145 -8.2491438101
3046 220.19640220607 138.803597794
3047 102.919791748872 -23.919791749
3048 106.642258969962 -2.64225897
3049 127.480066429452 -49.480066429
3050 119.024824884438 -67.024824884
3051 133.921289106418 -14.921289106
3052 -20.1561086829813 32.156108683
3053 -133.208615010959 157.208615011
3054 -101.862602048952 171.862602049
3055 -131.029709155674 200.029709156
3056 -152.524649071773 190.524649072
3057 -120.766514142273 192.766514142
3058 -127.982781621395 246.982781621
3059 -213.054701979566 231.05470198
3060 -138.053664972818 172.053664973
3061 -205.69016067409 215.690160674
3062 2866.98228536174 -952.98228536
3063 2387.82038522034 -149.82038522
3064 1672.10369314836 -841.10369315
3065 1579.84402422662 -307.84402423
3066 1459.36027495883 -385.36027496
3067 1270.8682595845 -288.86825958
3068 1158.2879472576 -408.28794726
3069 1196.60102439467 546.398975605
3070 851.084456430752 -182.08445643
3071 937.438938348361 -416.43893835
3072 1094.3924469665 -438.39244697
3073 732.559412629248 -223.55941263
3074 786.111642981922 -255.11164298
3075 707.140318627824 -526.14031863
3076 491.261480467215 13.7385195328
3077 196.637495829797 65.3625041702
3078 283.504314873988 -52.504314874
3079 181.825949670128 -33.82594967
3080 126.145084119575 90.8549158804
3081 229.583914861359 -94.583914861
3082 171.842152243382 53.1578477566
3083 156.833077395918 65.1669226041
3084 -61.3805565537847 128.380556554
3085 -141.503641463255 161.503641463
3086 1344.0441233505 -297.04412335
3087 1133.92930891466 -302.92930891
3088 920.170808901209 658.829191099
3089 1274.52060862598 -732.52060863
3090 438.168179969401 -123.16817997
3091 442.336245746084 -307.33624575
3092 503.339327596432 -384.3393276
3093 249.865263618498 -2.8652636185
3094 17.4178398218182 159.582160178
3095 -3.92825894519225 143.928258945
3096 -86.1520118806742 251.152011881
3097 -248.418853380282 263.41885338
3098 3886.56683974846 -29.566839748
3099 2729.70151032675 2539.29848967
3100 1607.60407576159 -478.60407576
3101 2224.39841089509 -1280.3984109
3102 1810.33552555365 -353.33552555
3103 1238.26858353782 -176.26858354
3104 764.780827494045 -100.78082749
3105 670.913829206444 -177.91382921
3106 549.827960642643 -224.82796064
3107 237.750327311873 0.24967268813
3108 224.080702708578 1.91929729142
3109 247.852296516583 -49.852296517
3110 78.5030790247729 20.4969209752
3111 943.339236593968 -127.33923659
3112 687.985293605426 -208.98529361
3113 770.037289472512 -350.03728947
3114 573.016999356587 164.983000643
3115 587.328201754828 232.671798245
3116 401.326479479044 -43.326479479
3117 269.508594276729 448.491405723
3118 258.295974618993 -27.295974619
3119 206.111301196285 53.8886988037
3120 458.47357029768 -238.4735703
3121 -72.2966366500942 196.29663665
3122 -249.058289645209 290.058289645
3123 2019.66510568981 -757.66510569
3124 290.79526052658 24.2047394734
3125 55.3350853297155 -14.33508533
3126 37.6976632712693 57.3023367287
3127 115.571114093322 31.4288859067
3128 -267.654592816723 273.654592817
3129 2134.16471044175 -644.16471044
3130 936.884944725431 -2.8849447254
3131 1299.63382002987 -686.63382003
3132 164.61110166928 -22.611101669
3133 10.5331508714102 8.46684912859
3134 1575.60222100274 318.397778997
3135 189.176119577368 -46.176119577
3136 923.573509834567 -534.57350983
3137 378.792326713331 -143.79232671
3138 -88.6454969176148 135.645496918
3139 285.491364677706 -181.49136468
3140 -30.4023212454617 54.4023212455
3141 591.58019170722 -299.58019171
3142 543.867318913722 -274.86731891
3143 365.554531659691 -75.55453166
3144 -113.682309631032 139.682309631
3145 1569.555807597 -164.5558076
3146 863.082580721985 -223.08258072
3147 -283.762259829082 288.762259829
3148 -305.672756000322 332.672756
3149 559.993947467804 -301.99394747
budget Residual Plot

-2000 0 50000000 10000000015000000020000000025000000030000

Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%

-292.57619383 -370.07914013 -292.57619383
4.9741976E-06 3.6352884E-06 4.9741976E-06
40.920800273 38.706282003 40.920800273

popularity Residual Plot


-2000 0 50 100 150 200 250


al Plot

200 250 300


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.7958745321218
R Square 0.6334162708801
Adjusted R Square 0.63318322337271
Standard Error 106921836.800252
Observations 3149

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 2 6.2145197E+19 3.10726E+19 2717.9705888 0
Residual 3146 3.596595E+19 1.143228E+16
Total 3148 9.8111147E+19

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%

Intercept -41359757.132018 2932158.73499 -14.105565513 7.409429E-44 -47108894.508
budget 1.98705043860658 0.0506547754 39.227307254 2.36926E-274 1.887730692
popularity 2848751.47763259 83781.5773251 34.002122765 4.2265E-216 2684479.4033


Observation Predicted revenue Residuals

1 58197221.6292818 12802778.3707
2 106127556.313121 294048902.687
3 -30453956.635475 64959066.6355
4 61397098.3615188 -57912767.362
5 106060510.133117 -36065125.133
6 82342845.4574252 -69418909.457
7 75871438.3560624 -75599597.356
8 82670162.9326585 -34500254.933
9 497615075.06221 621273903.938
10 285849681.322959 -238306840.32
11 6959426.33331887 8513906.66668
12 17118079.1711548 94740283.8288
13 -31384502.290787 39779253.2908
14 299962570.545895 21402996.4541
15 35336338.2224818 5046320.77752
16 640999258.167078 1204034929.83
17 62335567.7034227 -40835567.703
18 -17405964.167349 34405964.1673
19 56810713.886335 -43128948.886
20 -16847755.584733 46233075.5847
21 102708924.755204 -24971035.755
22 139169129.486446 -114131232.49
23 123306141.795411 -98254141.795
24 373273162.584455 -88673162.584
25 114526943.030458 90878554.9695
26 120454560.323781 -72002757.324
27 8444254.72430781 -3694254.7243
28 544377370.116593 5622629.88341
29 2599576.86951227 7400423.13049
30 64659405.5330938 -44659405.533
31 334273662.955324 114947282.045
32 44812512.894099 5187487.1059
33 132565615.012964 291643232.987
34 -1757481.7428683 85061811.7429
35 427999279.097961 -35998585.098
36 420191414.832702 506095985.167
37 536704870.123699 334663493.876
38 176107449.279653 -59995074.28
39 240228139.976458 -97288039.976
40 34132540.0897834 15967459.9102
41 274690223.170202 -64690223.17
42 159095394.593986 -141469160.59
43 379813322.453374 -134746911.45
44 109113341.986017 -103791833.99
45 377789147.121838 -210490955.12
46 60061289.0853469 -9311289.0853
47 83073485.8446668 203140800.155
48 371763333.883286 -241280465.88
49 66469850.5466253 -54725379.547
50 44968855.9638918 44831144.0361
51 -13293988.280288 36943988.2803
52 -13793265.436618 21623876.4366
53 -2253184.9684374 32253184.9684
54 208031020.79778 -142146317.8
55 319087020.32768 -217087020.33
56 176123695.70933 -77997130.709
57 51636003.3692758 20434727.6307
58 114519157.207596 72364405.7924
59 -18562253.871534 19872926.8715
60 -39250144.858589 39873935.8586
61 765488371.183126 255615196.817
62 314358154.548635 167482754.451
63 241828163.035175 -86068046.035
64 288843791.676232 -95071287.676
65 428390006.266071 -94457923.266
66 708769800.852395 382635296.148
67 775354534.789404 309584564.211
68 391289575.310578 34078662.6894
69 299117632.706986 -249563630.71
70 244609513.866481 -29315171.866
71 90234286.3568647 -45885286.357
72 180447905.146334 -50088994.146
73 14346907.7795272 -5973322.7795
74 496679639.048395 730212.951605
75 401552685.094515 -216293702.09
76 133812690.564133 -33581858.564
77 64704677.7805324 -20720447.781
78 18804859.1208846 41195140.8791
79 1737639.34709897 25450013.6529
80 234572568.127324 -97806506.127
81 95992273.0784809 135984151.922
82 534513535.642602 342174946.357
83 724241136.15965 234158863.84
84 212789029.238158 -206789029.24
85 30435924.033081 2864075.96692
86 42585146.7754081 -41830897.775
87 59736674.4833756 68762530.5166
88 119477923.631667 -104766130.63
89 85073651.8536442 -33100622.854
90 80497407.971684 -71173574.972
91 167194113.869492 -5102905.8695
92 84425958.0897334 15574041.9103
93 -16507103.669985 62507103.67
94 273220875.449618 -40603445.45
95 485025345.95672 284628249.043
96 116050316.582866 -38841605.583
97 20893612.747159 10785165.2528
98 545135080.849885 350785955.15
99 235850713.790064 -151064799.79
100 217605155.708202 224204614.292
101 278021860.554203 -11556823.554
102 147249252.22335 -14428536.223
103 211980085.551839 -151690173.55
104 225001099.536896 -137287274.54
105 -22154891.231849 33657042.2318
106 513578669.630231 19371833.3698
107 87512542.4737796 4668367.52622
108 434796145.844762 22844281.1552
109 45010210.5491438 -1908616.5491
110 43927909.8539369 -18822654.854
111 40709527.8775127 33290472.1225
112 320554763.609635 -106626001.61
113 660159565.405799 -269078373.41
114 385934449.181506 70824531.8185
115 98234380.931193 -58561218.931
116 427388838.493794 696358157.506
117 185692180.916667 -12678671.917
118 109715850.444587 160532516.555
119 28937881.7268703 -8029414.7269
120 38502930.0451012 107789078.955
121 51842637.4836766 -3311167.4837
122 1881074.61290269 8118925.3871
123 737103457.040019 196855739.96
124 302150160.768499 -180023473.77
125 304541624.739352 14589425.2606
126 163594305.399006 -74133924.399
127 234842314.836645 -234191892.84
128 30876437.166139 -21626437.166
129 2172471.32976175 35230405.6702
130 859881039.095913 144677404.904
131 520339630.121517 456135919.878
132 37311974.6759542 6344847.32405
133 100063578.239636 24667955.7604
134 133658622.092843 -96341064.093
135 -7805680.9147071 43805680.9147
136 899211132.855678 -25950938.856
137 771533267.02439 294126544.976
138 318168687.071315 -28321333.071
139 403439289.184925 150360276.815
140 -38634540.393518 60634540.3935
141 526258822.065779 -258226994.07
142 294866689.08844 -123746360.09
143 559498213.762506 -139846800.76
144 172298340.392762 -52225763.393
145 319198456.048981 517098771.951
146 160550212.205448 -32735603.205
147 225070022.767031 -156370022.77
148 605060693.091042 -515770783.09
149 336107584.603812 431712874.396
150 191228984.506254 84064465.4937
151 63282637.3890228 21717362.611
152 109967217.171602 42298789.8284
153 -25056876.98428 37856876.9843
154 -23443181.454062 43443181.4541
155 753972654.534688 71560109.4653
156 751357383.805038 129317225.195
157 128689459.909055 -117578484.91
158 112779695.015823 -56524553.016
159 137927889.362084 -70951572.362
160 1020516505.8974 132787989.103
161 190223183.998499 11411807.0015
162 179212558.496889 -47032235.497
163 325405167.818444 -52065611.818
164 78494606.3423259 -58377267.342
165 125722356.792182 81793368.2078
166 92348623.6359142 73266661.3641
167 434345364.146408 413078087.854
168 226779620.294604 -96485906.295
169 128509627.440446 -4237503.4404
170 254302868.027535 -18376316.028
171 173839619.346915 3745259.65309
172 117320239.194915 -43363998.195
173 165211119.239011 -103752137.24
174 209551212.886334 78796479.1137
175 -16212364.320644 26612364.3206
176 487340126.60708 -118009763.61
177 349191582.005435 9181343.99456
178 189651625.485733 -142815231.49
179 279854951.884172 537114316.116
180 60381990.2057222 100619707.794
181 169625926.927368 -135059180.93
182 174817050.729647 -12574088.73
183 13695231.3836565 -13056590.384
184 24418145.1243449 17927214.8757
185 39984780.7138325 -13791712.714
186 181079513.009358 -85768079.009
187 23449435.6195864 -127481.61959
188 -1107639.539497 10730485.5395
189 709086656.380363 -165151869.38
190 800004191.633803 156015596.366
191 510051991.366219 88993968.6338
192 220590922.549932 -176573548.55
193 343699043.611132 -132055885.61
194 268090603.050691 -95100952.051
195 179140277.125647 -109728907.13
196 168324663.757432 -15380003.757
197 193589714.185422 107265108.815
198 329251215.725795 380458564.274
199 202158050.548833 -93618139.549
200 37186550.0394881 -7638259.0395
201 19054177.506752 -18679434.507
202 -7774266.3262948 28174266.3263
203 -12061245.630117 16447481.6301
204 1011610473.68766 -356599249.69
205 807289596.062189 712268313.938
206 688886816.566952 -26041298.567
207 620998441.825258 487562571.175
208 508290467.03679 240516489.963
209 341612936.608233 9427482.39177
210 301960875.069407 127671266.931
211 307738506.189323 -136860590.19
212 206112635.665739 94105382.3343
213 136073329.471177 254420578.529
214 81774195.7790204 53555986.221
215 151653411.75953 2995475.24047
216 -16388544.652844 22388544.6528
217 461435547.787907 216509851.212
218 397876798.884799 -369535329.88
219 610358993.176632 95358438.8234
220 302952927.983722 388257764.016
221 322394500.521238 327003827.479
222 75931244.9483457 -67560159.948
223 43600041.2565086 38374451.7435
224 651640701.793076 -21478811.793
225 897542517.706941 507861176.293
226 443944180.972764 345860373.027
227 272615084.526412 79499227.4736
228 176132811.825102 -10654463.825
229 178985860.551802 -95266472.552
230 297481530.06309 81400880.9369
231 146294777.189776 -33274522.19
232 66110214.7628417 2563013.23716
233 135486399.650314 80401317.3497
234 99116408.9217631 96151647.0782
235 72369918.6741591 -45039918.674
236 173743995.823926 -25407550.824
237 23195864.6988766 -7072013.6989
238 584418247.015859 -210199574.02
239 256081400.994226 99156532.0058
240 156209508.01323 -133152393.01
241 308830889.022826 541169110.977
242 463357958.722959 -152688418.72
243 89277925.4868276 -53792317.487
244 213583541.022954 521078.977046
245 139824920.067976 -95277239.068
246 46810343.0379087 -6778464.0379
247 115341440.775361 -97541440.775
248 64898081.5161075 -30481188.516
249 -12920732.471505 18085136.4715
250 50462711.3320268 -45262711.332
251 501899754.964952 -401046001.96
252 800899272.122797 89972353.8772
253 356341172.799016 -67593277.799
254 141378022.746973 -39105295.747
255 338393881.438453 24243591.5615
256 147179093.245988 -92504867.246
257 156544993.228752 -36369703.229
258 165917777.200955 148260233.799
259 127531057.666875 1267207.33313
260 135021967.807959 138530624.192
261 168843239.673304 -78843141.673
262 119495580.008253 -94459630.008
263 56675844.2243343 11620448.7757
264 -4753050.6942575 7560440.69426
265 44769141.2447424 -13172230.245
266 52219733.0431787 -19964293.043
267 26781685.041323 -20944011.041
268 6944187.70314839 -6269269.7031
269 63331660.55415 -58724052.554
270 -19804131.450307 34804131.4503
271 -10975915.513503 13449915.5135
272 -29044039.7755 41244039.7755
273 350958889.226334 -56154694.226
274 479311769.383925 458900968.616
275 458349274.367038 280250426.633
276 448839361.376796 -92225922.377
277 179603018.43758 71568788.5624
278 248860607.692236 -3184461.6922
279 140495331.884972 21277043.115
280 153154748.2215 90085429.7785
281 362024785.352776 -150013674.35
282 330520316.824682 -85159836.825
283 97320043.4000708 59501976.5999
284 99007898.646141 27209041.3539
285 163814302.32199 -49153518.322
286 201859732.031803 -166690766.03
287 28494818.0732324 39305245.9268
288 49862462.37721 -49227366.377
289 639170012.540904 14258248.4591
290 627670393.076626 878578966.923
291 447181677.627771 72818322.3722
292 188149878.785215 -4833423.7852
293 210452236.981006 -47009299.981
294 172999989.879462 -169675659.88
295 62144527.0997348 7855472.90027
296 108149807.071751 -23543777.072
297 111838211.620827 -80912521.621
298 95388942.3664556 -67130882.366
299 52327024.2382416 -10431533.238
300 49945742.1860168 -41161424.186
301 31295067.4407527 56458976.5592
302 277131503.516902 -251311542.52
303 380977667.190793 82539715.8092
304 641862773.712737 110353083.287
305 502190647.822257 212575924.178
306 341084084.320758 583233473.679
307 254293056.446599 80769564.5534
308 162462982.519044 -10303521.519
309 255640628.328666 -61471928.329
310 316351149.110436 -153401985.11
311 76394006.8674587 -54576708.867
312 115636323.883182 70802559.1168
313 235968576.331714 14319946.6683
314 171144833.63746 -77619247.637
315 161078875.02913 -86870608.029
316 171528596.755317 31859744.2447
317 170085684.190636 -94370248.191
318 39580163.4477372 -6184737.4477
319 84441502.3947077 -7771696.3947
320 50961808.9468577 84038191.0531
321 98333000.8595457 -18283236.86
322 145962879.69913 -14505197.699
323 205088230.627658 -96984780.628
324 44325800.0414159 -29504142.041
325 37466635.3544189 -15898782.354
326 19192898.1628895 51494445.8371
327 -25996377.411354 30996377.4114
328 491374402.327675 -279556496.33
329 246647341.635549 66894999.3645
330 147816797.770306 155971837.23
331 155414109.291475 417285890.709
332 433543167.421085 -169324947.42
333 143734385.733957 101197380.266
334 118495894.918927 2652052.08107
335 74467010.1669827 -61406167.167
336 170853359.264362 -33870525.264
337 72680440.4655559 -42144427.466
338 56484819.7511186 125531797.249
339 245687975.591462 -151742209.59
340 2803811.00332976 21671604.9967
341 35507058.3120773 -31505937.312
342 72961112.1879773 -27044343.188
343 78629099.8951024 -24774511.895
344 67845184.6956223 -36174564.696
345 35740157.3277053 28705550.6723
346 79195110.4458583 -68812703.446
347 -14445521.668324 27715484.6683
348 -21735586.724284 57735586.7243
349 36384256.411083 -21384256.411
350 -38571293.437842 39210293.4378
351 271641754.753918 -84641754.754
352 234101186.774247 86068821.2258
353 184309556.60923 -24934248.609
354 218304824.794764 -123304824.79
355 149898700.867017 49301299.133
356 112190213.564629 65853547.4354
357 137663524.744113 -49604738.744
358 145809381.940173 -23575410.94
359 96780024.7097382 63219975.2903
360 34082820.1643247 -9278691.1643
361 122462580.97689 5137854.02311
362 240463139.664197 -162834874.66
363 160826386.485923 -147726386.49
364 12864832.7623633 -5264832.7624
365 25235579.7656271 -1997668.7656
366 139001673.437139 15936006.5629
367 78574340.5282797 -11227327.528
368 -12123747.537183 25131298.5372
369 34330555.214052 -28645766.214
370 87946589.6011243 53100589.3989
371 67440317.9527893 -29381982.953
372 32360867.1757527 -23906566.176
373 14172957.8716756 6876095.12832
374 327890081.493507 -218908806.49
375 324842474.539188 217464948.461
376 468323547.425972 226389832.574
377 196743689.035805 -23176108.036
378 391113952.260587 40857163.7394
379 149360063.969209 263439936.031
380 231147562.506483 -213394622.51
381 189549307.359757 -79343091.36
382 139670430.351614 -24440540.352
383 116310613.3688 -65161962.369
384 120633872.839723 -62231974.84
385 159907630.800362 44686385.1996
386 102621013.616443 53546001.3836
387 95033376.893658 65605506.1063
388 163985619.872432 -29237598.872
389 45948431.1616616 -16412132.162
390 117016776.609679 4952439.39032
391 -20172556.187275 29184556.1873
392 -17043144.315601 23843144.3156
393 97597430.9558702 -22988860.956
394 185396661.834332 222314887.166
395 402219261.53033 -90962335.53
396 307033564.544966 -174522529.54
397 295606100.663034 -103275362.66
398 559211479.416094 -91846233.416
399 218963424.31928 -2199778.3193
400 600410448.819904 -316271348.82
401 254864902.572221 -4215066.5722
402 192263374.714037 -74775901.714
403 99776604.4130262 16145570.587
404 76626986.8866383 15915431.1134
405 98313680.7010537 40686319.2989
406 205664206.962075 -139763957.96
407 123724665.526857 -93421593.527
408 56969767.5986808 -27087122.599
409 143024299.872993 -132857797.87
410 37963952.5549263 -21063952.555
411 29501218.5577986 -20887756.558
412 74604069.7048916 -38860761.705
413 -3860094.6709312 14512592.6709
414 29205863.5192687 45581735.4807
415 -7860023.7719237 38260023.7719
416 285670569.698829 67953554.3012
417 791779697.982801 -43916922.983
418 582943200.53451 99386938.4655
419 202778480.688366 -62010524.688
420 558898608.699552 -255873123.7
421 324992191.71622 22459702.2838
422 477329885.581448 -69726979.581
423 122354872.902418 -80354872.902
424 211337807.671648 -114361537.67
425 367812186.358421 -162445449.36
426 92946518.4492738 66210928.5507
427 101910971.633861 -58937977.634
428 138809017.591363 -55842865.591
429 148418872.552732 107852413.447
430 95824663.1965941 56603296.8034
431 103952354.089554 -28557306.09
432 86308065.2780496 101191934.722
433 228391140.211006 -134691140.21
434 145673351.097321 -118030644.1
435 7236549.08495412 5140013.91505
436 148400734.292971 -29520718.293
437 38271531.922708 -8765067.9227
438 97717122.0261664 -35604227.026
439 12037190.5450111 -2541782.545
440 -2821100.8807605 14033394.8808
441 990940905.536978 -280296339.54
442 707404491.311789 -498250169.31
443 328099606.017577 381727855.982
444 577347270.774873 638092723.225
445 250185337.323262 -140509026.32
446 244314486.249642 107879547.75
447 178133487.250136 -44786981.25
448 239867204.866227 -21526609.866
449 202422184.344248 166453575.656
450 245939570.699785 -42661934.7
451 489900186.460274 1968361.53973
452 207521432.248643 -116956011.25
453 91558755.3195562 -60916985.32
454 87080751.7378869 -77436627.738
455 272628420.530786 160384853.469
456 218825466.610333 -81526977.61
457 99174389.7456606 -12999098.746
458 57982871.1401239 83212786.8599
459 95311234.9006123 -38806169.901
460 270447679.705442 55308957.2946
461 104587788.71382 86598108.2862
462 121925132.008449 -82969534.008
463 32788447.8947215 -25684609.895
464 116151655.700026 -74057949.7
465 23135058.2044829 40941677.7955
466 13693008.779735 -7693008.7797
467 28829250.2127445 -7241550.2127
468 167329303.368622 -31169880.369
469 65821108.405156 -50426021.405
470 202457180.737946 -46992829.738
471 132729260.431501 -3845128.4315
472 19941379.200152 10711510.7998
473 158083124.941427 -103041757.94
474 48743658.0396712 -17595330.04
475 12809961.4062257 16571687.5938
476 227691285.067591 398446389.932
477 49170373.855345 -39376877.855
478 -21431438.037647 22202937.0376
479 439193713.444052 -104578713.44
480 465550940.892505 -40562729.893
481 237250950.059851 -127827302.06
482 334736870.981653 -213522493.98
483 149215593.178542 86644522.8215
484 284287186.717157 50614150.2828
485 176879154.041895 7497099.9581
486 95607500.1337466 -72607500.134
487 88979545.0742284 -9865460.0742
488 126624063.625172 -71376182.625
489 196135105.632872 -53735040.633
490 50761038.3029468 108855288.697
491 84026019.8720299 326980720.128
492 112911549.958812 64347891.0412
493 36380099.6758601 -2414256.6759
494 89669610.1685662 219538698.831
495 91015425.147935 -42200516.148
496 82426181.6493713 136650336.351
497 25685251.3572479 -12555405.357
498 178551267.568146 -82445303.568
499 67227693.025075 15238976.9749
500 96068365.1541779 9129269.84582
501 56051657.0627924 -53523753.063
502 18563678.8114136 707633.188586
503 -3446651.3547857 13046651.3548
504 62771215.057913 -52471215.058
505 13167887.0881298 40809362.9119
506 -4850374.7738197 22974636.7738
507 -22390960.133817 56913181.1338
508 165636.626595464 22037.3734045
509 -12715491.322547 28869084.3225
510 110823888.42527 118250635.575
511 302231717.267391 221796961.733
512 242389817.030943 -22972562.031
513 285271077.107496 80830588.8925
514 316614801.207749 66916662.7923
515 166381495.634645 49481196.3654
516 145695177.158406 -82681896.158
517 116614659.282169 -28268186.282
518 339715039.696819 22117360.3032
519 204582282.67221 -91302184.672
520 128953444.97716 -33933231.977
521 86435302.3395429 -31848718.34
522 107137429.166636 75162570.8334
523 154181554.127827 8764339.87217
524 99829145.9342869 7629639.06571
525 108218004.665214 -47995706.665
526 72013477.9687383 -63458469.969
527 170875474.788002 -7930551.788
528 165860535.535529 100868202.464
529 106054603.635238 -12054603.635
530 89402311.6693613 -69051557.669
531 45649682.8716401 -43234210.872
532 28141366.3740311 45134680.626
533 -12822301.633486 25822301.6335
534 50989936.9453929 -26657612.945
535 -31301720.864533 68901720.8645
536 13714172.84664 -10662172.847
537 284689121.724917 189482684.275
538 250915216.71631 76396642.2837
539 516302530.807018 -119702530.81
540 466413799.227565 -80733353.228
541 311321661.617298 -105149117.62
542 226405629.596774 -47192195.597
543 397090225.489199 -246409361.49
544 343307424.413663 265709140.586
545 234567095.527677 -99007069.528
546 121908920.022892 383091079.977
547 198951558.077296 721148441.923
548 143192364.519394 -101237367.52
549 126992636.60826 484906783.392
550 283175233.367819 16093274.6322
551 456182765.644973 327583575.355
552 187160782.893269 186950924.107
553 152871116.424205 37587589.5758
554 144587676.444643 45271883.5554
555 81061089.9457169 -14273181.946
556 88603706.3690036 106709095.631
557 307635019.224248 -22190416.224
558 78601566.8971443 -63164758.897
559 64340105.2955113 -58452648.296
560 139640493.229153 -51856299.229
561 151543287.573659 -112501782.57
562 110394326.114979 -87449824.115
563 25184763.0486407 -5345271.0486
564 30467767.9319735 45129274.068
565 115057893.811705 6487809.18829
566 -4765327.4072576 32965327.4073
567 98362080.0636366 -72433359.064
568 -9341749.9668548 17341749.9669
569 41286395.8341281 -4250391.8341
570 18111476.4740794 41888523.5259
571 -9332302.6727048 9636179.6727
572 842202315.853036 -401598778.85
573 580742977.393928 4431244.60607
574 449494463.670563 -185574283.67
575 219532677.42254 -132773765.42
576 436394211.662811 -38544199.663
577 286003019.736562 -6003019.7366
578 157270125.269999 -109918874.27
579 153829679.453164 257519244.547
580 103100568.370641 122832866.629
581 100108231.198252 -43012041.198
582 388507738.933023 -202737578.93
583 111341744.088209 98966354.9118
584 102259368.907993 54575970.092
585 55602347.9101935 35213210.0898
586 218840222.366024 -75790662.366
587 59376170.8294428 -15528101.829
588 57166281.0611183 52336021.9389
589 27163593.7700271 -19986450.77
590 165602603.879242 -126143176.88
591 242533692.669101 172906980.331
592 54776535.9601437 -16362929.96
593 64591775.9509269 -39367533.951
594 25904230.8321221 -8961435.8321
595 19330966.4919533 10895177.508
596 -28330866.671492 35763967.6715
597 -25149272.686771 57149272.6868
598 -25365758.246293 27363565.2463
599 327357866.236406 -52432771.236
600 319452584.215574 251553543.784
601 396115882.967047 -33371602.967
602 194315076.642751 112851757.357
603 506662575.160573 -106599812.16
604 235504728.927588 -94708935.928
605 245730073.664179 -32827701.664
606 349668718.465402 -111461596.47
607 229344616.183804 -106425561.18
608 136508215.802206 70170224.1978
609 168375986.272162 -105048785.27
610 105577801.256158 -93570731.256
611 151796436.361289 -54188983.361
612 193515223.588902 -96625225.589
613 119227256.957567 -6682676.9576
614 96298868.5503927 344987326.45
615 58623812.7894778 38948187.2105
616 241692037.776363 -147630726.78
617 63869411.8233797 121569261.177
618 134380105.623396 82105548.3766
619 101153192.234761 52872943.7652
620 29807304.2882692 -4807304.2883
621 99275513.1716866 -23424889.172
622 75013203.2855479 30821352.7145
623 113357315.375617 -65188159.376
624 33551387.9182551 4983833.08174
625 71953158.8194034 216430364.181
626 4619904.30667501 3380095.69332
627 138312865.271107 -106025821.27
628 152750204.229173 -92750204.229
629 19572225.8487256 -16935588.849
630 108917501.938679 -58552124.939
631 113921875.134907 -95201700.135
632 50146434.5447841 -4254222.5448
633 44683500.6349387 -3202649.6349
634 63699513.4690342 -56299513.469
635 90057753.7411742 -80606856.741
636 -3035576.7663261 32210224.7663
637 29832534.7180698 -29724186.718
638 -652726.00473422 67835513.0047
639 -12349968.020452 16419058.0205
640 398774818.249252 299716528.751
641 551556418.818028 -367568695.82
642 218084934.995906 320315065
643 576259372.468086 47673958.5319
644 449077082.658262 -78507308.658
645 413205565.686304 -10035423.686
646 389941084.42855 -103772512.43
647 226149637.69982 -67415817.7
648 262102375.240083 -22071281.24
649 115421111.586192 355232888.414
650 229396711.302075 48051670.6979
651 324903151.620881 219369250.379
652 193868340.689356 -133816202.69
653 86601108.3328395 -86047937.333
654 168039359.225159 -47957518.225
655 186331183.102805 -90634187.103
656 231199756.480063 83956652.5199
657 124202976.042579 -69502871.043
658 118866292.397785 -5847002.3978
659 56824758.7596201 26495241.2404
660 90234562.5376995 -29806723.538
661 75816959.4246944 9489414.57531
662 54810239.0580292 -28799375.058
663 71093944.9254905 -51838071.925
664 162974012.647128 -61839953.647
665 124622273.006471 239267404.994
666 144717527.494547 -61435231.495
667 97192454.1848101 -43282703.185
668 158062611.19308 -86992727.193
669 157550465.501183 35449534.4988
670 278505693.65193 -159236207.65
671 39072329.2782764 97763826.7217
672 57714420.6909208 -35492112.691
673 134118872.190117 25211407.8099
674 57635322.9233124 -19327695.923
675 48999781.5157343 -19457991.516
676 98964229.2837476 20173554.7163
677 58645735.8558276 23504906.1442
678 145610817.413687 70053041.5863
679 74771925.3193544 -42602955.319
680 142356716.348353 66839581.6516
681 112382292.297635 -68836928.298
682 6150766.6235513 910109.376449
683 -9106698.2597034 31995716.2597
684 22186182.4155935 -13752036.416
685 -25064548.320542 33264548.3205
686 4156790.4446062 23571327.5554
687 4087434.74113175 33584915.2589
688 -15522539.224365 17722539.2244
689 -22661652.124937 24680661.1249
690 794511448.833016 -42411219.833
691 563439477.562627 181560522.437
692 204458835.245825 -112749008.25
693 456462778.344111 -22785595.344
694 375535751.554079 39949162.4459
695 162739255.288338 -39012567.288
696 173256943.896132 -57653714.896
697 363507266.594635 182880838.405
698 220767425.826771 2897182.17323
699 229267676.437976 -100362310.44
700 156807989.299248 -86984790.299
701 186072589.167321 -17904898.167
702 134547198.586441 -73365256.586
703 124171238.842316 -59818631.842
704 128237256.794757 -77873466.795
705 113312612.952503 15953448.0475
706 128167863.317565 -37920239.318
707 81837708.0272946 -40241457.027
708 110994098.07049 -14375399.07
709 177045530.821209 -109413627.82
710 174660088.888893 -115241475.89
711 137123992.376305 -85089103.376
712 103224795.023092 26315703.9769
713 101833302.422582 -41358962.423
714 131788027.319818 16057005.6802
715 174130661.893569 -78045184.894
716 34965479.3939424 21332994.6061
717 50925040.4259884 -9754256.426
718 99599194.6409831 -21853626.641
719 110841774.477988 103173314.522
720 65069389.8173612 86966992.1826
721 16688107.1585128 7850405.84149
722 742706.530113272 1615145.46989
723 63783399.9878765 -34383399.988
724 -1570279.5467838 9570279.54678
725 -690096.90698982 59663000.907
726 55321471.4474681 4929899.55253
727 -4537723.9402795 5610325.94028
728 12959869.1094158 58665325.8906
729 8286146.87148193 5105027.12852
730 394194514.008773 -1577889.0088
731 218849044.949694 137447556.05
732 541822298.056746 244813734.943
733 188521401.280484 -14599447.28
734 512418781.486545 -168946965.49
735 181548819.139864 24189894.8601
736 171145743.425247 -136703870.43
737 161138537.467392 10461462.5326
738 196423711.498306 -91547478.498
739 301968798.779105 -208148040.78
740 206950191.390174 -136933971.39
741 110093468.435705 331212676.564
742 225043594.029901 -125724607.03
743 195138642.481468 -96300770.481
744 247386484.872285 63926139.1277
745 76354502.1117286 -51354502.112
746 141313364.301553 -117185469.3
747 160961084.187113 -119350200.19
748 89271669.5915681 54944798.4084
749 98886757.006467 190431036.994
750 81831068.9934687 7049752.00653
751 102638210.789165 -28080095.789
752 107385903.633938 -51678492.634
753 139246587.816086 -91862898.816
754 49093058.9623299 -45650205.962
755 47433969.5947027 -37933969.595
756 28626835.0252528 57351430.9747
757 57713432.8400776 -47124330.84
758 16740379.6393247 102374137.361
759 40278519.0673915 -13450154.067
760 25693034.7751897 13670600.2248
761 6303951.90045019 -2406152.9005
762 10609555.9085337 -6881809.9085
763 34437478.1432108 -18958678.143
764 -23005971.744287 56462288.7443
765 -322503.69100115 96393010.691
766 4438275.60772279 -2157186.6077
767 -7245793.0708254 27384629.0708
768 340562023.087348 434835983.913
769 422509289.07842 -243262421.08
770 469869560.635278 351838990.365
771 235466512.334625 -139758055.33
772 239556684.591743 -36129100.592
773 176141034.838779 -92115218.839
774 179497226.536787 15067445.4632
775 294671078.051316 41858065.9487
776 218294141.791649 -18018141.792
777 92512683.5296283 -11938909.53
778 143766454.12934 5529146.87066
779 151127261.790442 4319100.20956
780 59337202.8320095 102440633.168
781 90154669.9684288 62345673.0316
782 74903358.0368987 -36903358.037
783 174806986.941669 -89174528.942
784 64531003.7207278 -32976148.721
785 45447544.5495821 2580425.45042
786 343049270.184613 -178541204.18
787 72944354.5369614 -7238582.537
788 216180388.617353 -4191345.6174
789 66891625.8132586 7297311.18674
790 40529529.3170554 45052877.6829
791 142772092.91235 46426220.0876
792 34964570.642221 -12042672.642
793 36781621.8363999 87140748.1636
794 277854877.101524 -200921934.1
795 22920384.8815452 93779615.1185
796 58465420.6163798 -38620441.616
797 15288539.8200585 8401337.17994
798 174486530.036957 44617124.963
799 101332199.823252 -52220997.823
800 39318126.5851086 -20886126.585
801 96669594.1535322 -46601284.154
802 130647092.992794 -100885081.99
803 11199072.9876293 10372116.0124
804 23097733.8307559 -11061584.831
805 228814706.639385 -180145799.64
806 -240653.29691945 79625533.2969
807 28245401.3351112 -16245401.335
808 91732012.7104198 -84465803.71
809 -11572752.366984 35080319.367
810 76700700.920771 5469183.07923
811 7239001.39746532 17672668.6025
812 -20189866.644136 25032565.6441
813 -26466796.363748 34366796.3637
814 6888438.29524775 53184157.7048
815 -26032676.920422 38032676.9204
816 -26349214.916255 31349214.9163
817 388455920.55115 -284056372.55
818 474303920.858953 -197730982.86
819 226545313.81551 132446367.184
820 235478692.005002 -10558377.005
821 223716661.8148 8607466.1852
822 267030011.654773 -106004371.65
823 157260074.948815 220650469.051
824 294418708.008905 -134030645.01
825 126306470.196885 -111326465.2
826 112438670.347531 26091894.6525
827 425453478.206917 -35771543.207
828 122728413.99704 90797322.003
829 215465381.520048 2298909.47995
830 304371100.954505 173836419.045
831 362716252.920848 -179370663.92
832 172876960.183478 -41693430.183
833 105655838.936749 41642922.0633
834 83949727.2182842 -71668176.218
835 106730955.876028 65632345.124
836 71611180.3262946 44408366.6737
837 204726142.438999 -64261478.439
838 142102273.265859 -91787133.266
839 63959562.672692 -60201234.673
840 107310759.267461 13145234.7325
841 241722281.453888 -169543386.45
842 40905370.5144992 20714402.4855
843 25001555.9601701 -21902241.96
844 35283581.6760065 28804970.324
845 43377216.0965188 -6065544.0965
846 82010654.1385601 32145575.8614
847 104048794.871085 -47334647.871
848 132975814.174388 -43519053.174
849 15940573.0721862 21354871.9278
850 121179592.288579 -64819612.289
851 12343795.7286226 -6860496.7286
852 63500021.1745879 -26766112.175
853 13454263.6019511 7574491.39805
854 21506391.0105001 1861194.9895
855 -354670.27577423 6321708.27577
856 49580280.4650383 -24831610.465
857 -893504.51439706 36457977.5144
858 38798007.903745 -13895284.904
859 14592292.0544098 -9734925.0544
860 28295933.9317045 -10859424.932
861 23307449.628336 3220060.37166
862 -6428362.6323426 34778362.6323
863 15443614.3518539 61556385.6481
864 2458872.35391571 13402693.6461
865 29791853.8810497 -14360676.881
866 7982517.72682185 25788656.2732
867 16936301.6712061 663698.328794
868 -16093028.36391 21093028.3639
869 -19189234.844297 60613301.8443
870 108197353.029368 85479804.9706
871 3618567.31869728 7683081.6813
872 -23420889.921929 29151992.9219
873 -12220769.297621 46794549.2976
874 -28482219.664138 29045925.6641
875 769313.369388666 5721087.63061
876 -34625823.749519 39988823.7495
877 -37294647.191348 38967377.1913
878 472683699.338626 -177445498.34
879 250256808.428289 -147041714.43
880 324214229.394091 -110180005.39
881 207956012.505454 -184080885.51
882 166301680.388825 -49066533.389
883 325397090.461239 -222357832.46
884 167035984.33675 202848666.663
885 303168980.625383 59042759.3746
886 147485043.531212 87225411.4688
887 166985617.559632 -68648322.56
888 116001603.746577 346998396.253
889 165437011.320562 -126567547.32
890 299390540.434865 33620527.5651
891 425441452.110018 -274478977.11
892 155952552.627706 -11895679.628
893 117346452.925165 -41075998.925
894 166601437.673066 7047577.32693
895 183058454.754493 -49236638.754
896 287401995.637057 -59584747.637
897 160530692.631041 -64260880.631
898 169102649.165689 81718845.8343
899 246576778.357221 -130804045.36
900 59280788.9694833 29208854.0305
901 112395558.45242 -26982660.452
902 129889466.279507 -95081063.28
903 133060491.980221 -43540718.98
904 51262843.3044181 -37711669.304
905 69738183.0493193 63261816.9507
906 86189152.2683738 -10963459.268
907 93310567.281884 -27556339.282
908 62332600.747266 30659234.2527
909 48169700.9521904 224573221.048
910 98613504.5796592 19001706.4203
911 35456895.4168682 16837086.5831
912 57240164.0595956 -18187103.06
913 34155515.2334359 285990177.767
914 64197973.8328623 -9040434.8329
915 27710659.4205226 6960060.57948
916 95876045.9419229 -46157434.942
917 11472587.3144998 13527412.6855
918 1824355.69354521 2615699.30645
919 530370.158611633 18595030.8414
920 173395937.403162 -163378615.4
921 26916972.9149154 -18028829.915
922 -24185970.574828 24541658.5748
923 -32067025.851058 41239025.8511
924 78308997.678457 -34308997.678
925 -38574819.833301 39427025.8333
926 -36551249.541733 45683249.5417
927 255087636.424449 -171829410.42
928 205077844.746034 127922155.254
929 321530616.154799 -95033407.155
930 142431203.948407 271780345.052
931 288446155.915642 -51243856.916
932 251176488.810971 -73109919.811
933 150370092.320275 -103328092.32
934 168508367.790343 76019215.2097
935 122202487.099895 -111522212.1
936 222717804.916511 -67733769.917
937 167762688.518666 -54047858.519
938 247843893.913342 -142527626.91
939 166218841.803366 -23367644.803
940 131232565.140908 190498961.859
941 196234805.571167 171865614.429
942 200223327.531294 -48729672.531
943 92887629.7246478 48519394.2754
944 75312206.2798962 -45312206.28
945 399962515.164225 -97493498.164
946 209799954.655428 -52692199.655
947 109862071.937394 -63645430.937
948 191213789.820748 -143779359.82
949 32075250.1688247 -29709783.169
950 142632591.032388 -111832360.03
951 130363556.869269 11681081.1307
952 75100179.2198457 -6993934.2198
953 116982627.219849 -21756511.22
954 75996097.2787891 -33931992.279
955 65375207.5801196 -37764334.58
956 6932780.70293874 4607826.29706
957 84347339.6523221 -48945019.652
958 76249974.4217754 43750025.5782
959 13043268.5287701 -2413947.5288
960 96142768.8452707 -35981377.845
961 19343121.4115741 11406020.5884
962 -3633701.8122872 41433344.8123
963 42303810.3688703 -13523555.369
964 93004223.0919925 -59175905.092
965 68551298.9898655 -47151298.99
966 -16940016.443208 22940016.4432
967 -18381434.84144 48881434.8414
968 -4338407.8503313 45929293.8503
969 6601992.81950075 2635477.1805
970 -22054997.622871 29854997.6229
971 -16188111.493446 23418111.4934
972 11909770.1460365 45678714.854
973 43930856.8688332 -37448661.869
974 43909563.1544721 -26529437.154
975 -13947697.075601 17826690.0756
976 -12656476.623951 13096040.624
977 559073648.828571 -39761683.829
978 248806481.340475 -143874680.34
979 282220197.315622 -249080579.32
980 229341217.124109 -190644000.12
981 432515766.421816 29467382.5782
982 297484305.302249 9592989.69775
983 257290426.770959 -102280394.77
984 158903020.515848 -123501262.52
985 273531329.056053 149079089.944
986 137946512.871633 -82748227.872
987 309250614.261476 -152745226.26
988 128690288.229815 -82500720.23
989 257416858.394068 -76415380.394
990 146631566.837702 -69353235.838
991 142627970.653609 -46439067.654
992 163810109.995881 -40315499.996
993 81231706.777325 -79898582.777
994 151352259.80786 7321920.19214
995 223084001.855794 -8165594.8558
996 108085560.696589 -37076226.697
997 214610684.006978 -97967338.007
998 106987729.496333 -71061516.496
999 146761404.864644 -56311396.865
1000 55552382.2521589 199148449.748
1001 59207708.8934263 52377078.1066
1002 187848595.328122 -112947256.33
1003 139412063.243167 -72099237.243
1004 104000450.89259 74051136.1074
1005 164356121.275198 145136559.725
1006 41728492.947037 13198393.053
1007 29838302.1449875 -23970616.145
1008 86996066.0079381 13864751.9921
1009 74831229.2217473 -28388701.222
1010 27497184.6398459 -20761262.64
1011 46106142.224054 -1753725.2241
1012 19628305.6303654 57371694.3696
1013 40507149.0948853 -23987689.095
1014 25956742.1825618 -15945692.183
1015 -12718102.850689 33684746.8507
1016 60434642.0143123 -30235537.014
1017 10693896.7107 9835297.2893
1018 56412481.2567885 13687518.7432
1019 19769037.4310168 -13990684.431
1020 -24180396.271121 28289491.2711
1021 19283835.230595 -18506412.231
1022 -11137805.768342 32139368.7683
1023 13663071.9426342 7056379.05737
1024 589177494.692398 -57312494.692
1025 214617774.401691 166491987.598
1026 433414302.298294 -204266793.3
1027 198598725.593231 -168075499.59
1028 433804349.021963 -98649706.022
1029 301112111.690739 149605038.309
1030 168773655.699909 101184572.3
1031 159341118.388499 191107026.612
1032 237890164.126335 -35423408.126
1033 246529163.178258 -138384054.18
1034 359302525.729195 232436853.271
1035 171085914.464575 -21814915.465
1036 119905655.156794 -10456418.157
1037 136235308.836485 -45835308.836
1038 146367673.225418 -110018889.23
1039 96683011.2921455 -3066002.2921
1040 173827982.197129 -116050876.2
1041 73769949.870855 -67869949.871
1042 85625207.1364684 -70225207.136
1043 108416251.500389 -6171481.5004
1044 109318419.720074 52515856.2799
1045 125948879.520545 51422561.4795
1046 159619757.249132 -101561390.25
1047 153338039.48122 -35274735.481
1048 59675225.582164 117524774.418
1049 209837729.849144 -76937729.849
1050 121882220.524992 35504974.475
1051 155365540.044991 154091968.955
1052 154964999.889733 -38292087.89
1053 54516785.468574 -30371172.469
1054 54319460.9999728 133564546
1055 130125361.326203 19580490.6738
1056 133390895.097136 -5724480.0971
1057 18773431.365325 -16371921.365
1058 10678722.9284911 31686858.0715
1059 137862118.719808 -71884823.72
1060 42126615.2152248 -24417460.215
1061 34052037.1477477 -11742814.148
1062 138595201.089888 24370975.9101
1063 21006109.2770911 -10102263.277
1064 149574904.189507 -130094165.19
1065 137880274.478894 -86737615.479
1066 -5291005.723075 17891005.7231
1067 169547880.97796 -114803142.98
1068 -4435209.8314097 19053936.8314
1069 -5715178.8061391 6244944.80614
1070 -7245502.46116 30809229.4612
1071 -17534463.129509 27934463.1295
1072 22769747.0099693 -10997286.01
1073 -11022761.751655 23694061.7517
1074 -3926051.8138929 10680949.8139
1075 80367056.1334097 -61740637.133
1076 -23641627.590797 25621965.5908
1077 -5854592.4858492 30492061.4858
1078 481070023.346657 347929976.653
1079 470322792.185874 -123087876.19
1080 503096078.084473 -53769460.084
1081 363131803.591818 268310288.408
1082 560769850.361251 -189416849.36
1083 219941588.016214 67564605.9838
1084 310285580.102131 -192586686.1
1085 289567218.166337 -72544630.166
1086 188576900.582742 201349070.417
1087 139335747.429607 653574806.57
1088 410261443.52163 64707319.4784
1089 227014391.601378 215809746.399
1090 236303347.546681 -12291113.547
1091 184699655.516768 -61784544.517
1092 110808256.438248 -58306715.438
1093 80264141.9157849 -1365376.9158
1094 114906385.517346 62336799.4827
1095 146613303.380935 18721849.6191
1096 121758367.724904 -24164227.725
1097 199154069.345374 -3418193.3454
1098 159229977.013278 43062924.9867
1099 226599467.248917 -18523262.249
1100 211127472.844005 305515466.156
1101 166035554.465134 78046821.5349
1102 243531473.756718 -148648584.76
1103 72545386.99616 49967670.0038
1104 82054743.0073696 -69415446.007
1105 65736422.3121706 -48081510.312
1106 114854686.190457 -101210394.19
1107 73059135.0626444 -31431704.063
1108 227162450.908691 15133111.0913
1109 78999654.9803143 -17510389.98
1110 28370413.9768087 -11570413.977
1111 79801883.3006614 -46468352.301
1112 64579513.5927281 26457246.4073
1113 63590304.5833805 51386799.4166
1114 66169041.4068256 -5641168.4068
1115 165125067.669046 -5912598.669
1116 104288406.20662 -15964919.207
1117 44173213.8459172 -23961819.846
1118 60203433.1637971 -43066131.164
1119 82111932.9140782 -18330122.914
1120 30296768.7757772 10940879.2242
1121 89631015.8014082 23678727.1986
1122 109199279.050703 -34657572.051
1123 126640969.263206 -69938068.263
1124 -3090685.6509127 102157891.651
1125 -14054681.474833 14499256.4748
1126 9235495.4842349 20892467.5158
1127 14239406.4797891 2961518.52021
1128 22770962.723916 13839032.2761
1129 -30519532.763479 33255532.7635
1130 39103726.903559 -17268881.904
1131 463265661.432289 7225170.56771
1132 270642177.435957 -199080533.44
1133 435879536.279602 -272167462.28
1134 359409302.077204 -194807139.08
1135 128858260.358248 -100595686.36
1136 503823157.339547 -283971985.34
1137 310636223.339192 -81897830.339
1138 308111192.584472 -182574001.58
1139 188626277.695986 -28852732.696
1140 469608041.882675 -271920438.88
1141 260962524.067525 -72829202.068
1142 83112529.7410033 39087470.259
1143 207298656.183348 -99298656.183
1144 262734477.971886 -129015766.97
1145 85248075.2091167 -59509060.209
1146 123171089.110382 17898770.8896
1147 92449926.1264663 -26327900.126
1148 198006482.480715 -145907392.48
1149 71719944.8363296 -38918771.836
1150 68498074.5452137 42129890.4548
1151 48466929.0633242 31100737.9367
1152 128528749.40713 70156364.5929
1153 68007148.4631245 -26409318.463
1154 22217184.823049 26867645.177
1155 183220842.615819 -122346227.62
1156 162504543.916044 -84503957.916
1157 111440237.339657 -37202674.34
1158 136144592.210186 -97515114.21
1159 2710975.86056496 29289024.1394
1160 -4290457.5988334 11090457.5988
1161 438985.455845337 37937511.5442
1162 66911032.1002145 -15109845.1
1163 64900311.3855803 31147321.6144
1164 20863799.897026 -3783632.897
1165 29974629.109935 -11721214.11
1166 127150479.157052 -40762622.157
1167 27490668.8052677 -21959904.805
1168 5646888.39692383 3155051.60308
1169 44749594.5179713 -31748337.518
1170 54033103.6504484 -37194193.65
1171 29914898.5977546 -11261283.598
1172 15593507.8112867 34414038.1887
1173 95936442.2479709 -54636950.248
1174 2279291.66685275 35826103.3331
1175 4191098.73561483 71320024.2644
1176 45986785.1606148 -2336000.1606
1177 6154416.92859546 23895611.0714
1178 -2337818.7388346 17587818.7388
1179 40121504.9870745 29580132.0129
1180 18552537.9362749 -16216365.936
1181 38167346.9359628 -33515369.936
1182 67433538.5901921 -56892015.59
1183 -30185727.460336 33046747.4603
1184 -38077274.703064 39078711.7031
1185 400566542.415182 -167010834.42
1186 401709771.836846 -53389910.837
1187 538686999.991197 -168145743.99
1188 193306784.550189 -97245926.55
1189 188933522.868308 -135751922.87
1190 144934669.025537 -143664147.03
1191 149486072.941378 -109762976.94
1192 456734975.030886 -157364891.03
1193 400009174.383831 -154482025.38
1194 408107711.154169 7578505.84583
1195 177582776.455559 2691346.54444
1196 98166265.2115748 -15446380.212
1197 210664326.528515 50653594.4715
1198 438779728.809432 -66544864.809
1199 132896706.824803 -80298707.825
1200 253126526.050534 -51530218.051
1201 171715023.491707 63274560.5083
1202 128338663.135187 2447733.86481
1203 93632368.1313736 27830857.8686
1204 113383196.467864 -37877223.468
1205 110174955.343766 -56521731.344
1206 139836949.679546 166939782.32
1207 232836816.378484 261634707.622
1208 123593086.061769 -28443651.062
1209 160594424.899098 -55393521.899
1210 100686893.331758 -85978197.332
1211 173728455.32974 -1883615.3297
1212 195833179.930552 -5512611.9306
1213 92308523.3152906 44398159.6847
1214 86573237.3691776 -39446942.369
1215 129378903.050549 -51434178.051
1216 46394029.3531219 50405970.6469
1217 189901770.949013 -118416727.95
1218 98979992.9425856 -54072732.943
1219 25957002.2921478 18828050.7079
1220 21102873.6547188 -16682873.655
1221 17825510.615307 -5804238.6153
1222 106098852.62602 -85089672.626
1223 172801025.676776 -81612120.677
1224 37167769.3962588 31539223.6037
1225 70002052.8725402 -36988247.873
1226 105588392.655049 18716788.345
1227 61657385.380403 -36633951.38
1228 87000391.8925788 -18234270.893
1229 58407823.1161219 38492176.8839
1230 40707670.6396079 4928697.36039
1231 91027476.6244952 8992615.3755
1232 29078382.7046228 81801130.2954
1233 56767466.3612482 -25011724.361
1234 -13257471.681 14443254.681
1235 15624186.0159493 -12775044.016
1236 -4422114.4723341 5943375.47233
1237 -3236696.6505633 8871524.65056
1238 4071522.73107393 14743197.2689
1239 51072232.4180276 44332164.582
1240 -12990900.73507 54824247.7351
1241 -18707242.820518 24303950.8205
1242 19718856.6737383 -8511726.6737
1243 -22976271.049863 23122673.0499
1244 -28217489.047898 30837489.0479
1245 21188916.3971184 54811083.6029
1246 -21165781.973221 25886152.9732
1247 -5841937.6288513 61026658.6289
1248 -16118822.791154 18951648.7912
1249 -34557580.312462 53741595.3125
1250 579888435.711196 64682966.2888
1251 242062419.605939 -176399143.61
1252 257356707.33975 -245014075.34
1253 198112751.344144 12706859.6559
1254 417784964.171872 -16656325.172
1255 199062280.02013 -89155908.02
1256 207213164.670658 -18771550.671
1257 126839418.803911 191160722.196
1258 340482573.109935 -94858725.11
1259 188637525.898659 -140972966.9
1260 145738308.624631 -70232452.625
1261 163593854.056798 96502132.9432
1262 85706700.7040695 29643725.2959
1263 87612182.841617 -81399900.842
1264 153171003.086387 -77720566.086
1265 115233842.951204 -72303380.951
1266 84948410.74955 -20125614.75
1267 51956848.0186409 46453212.9814
1268 227747316.013639 -37533861.014
1269 62946210.5315861 -40082614.532
1270 42173948.4605002 -25607708.461
1271 172368469.920573 82631741.0794
1272 163504975.711389 48899420.2886
1273 66295705.1293231 -50775682.129
1274 28423155.8501413 48155485.1499
1275 28553092.3037262 21246907.6963
1276 159806971.498739 -48575930.499
1277 29376662.7820153 -26925816.782
1278 33162093.6976164 -27123151.698
1279 75901800.0902085 26918207.9098
1280 107006837.293289 -21508303.293
1281 21995127.1426519 35508941.8573
1282 22964070.4854547 16498367.5145
1283 31676626.4093329 -23737754.409
1284 36899879.8736589 -28861818.874
1285 100177942.699544 -19794652.7
1286 28423325.880179 -10333144.88
1287 68152176.8839384 -8250263.8839
1288 25358479.5104591 -5580832.5105
1289 12872879.6713095 78165396.3287
1290 144262136.516302 -90436621.516
1291 -8814697.3758377 71363644.3758
1292 53076715.1068747 -12813695.107
1293 -9565681.6059264 12829266.6059
1294 -4286948.7065736 5139820.70657
1295 -14179994.885219 20474155.8852
1296 -16937465.931967 26937465.932
1297 65594469.4328572 -27194508.433
1298 -11410767.400411 30359192.4004
1299 -15447336.417766 53157946.4178
1300 -37018741.677975 44827265.678
1301 245453833.267217 -64504833.267
1302 443796396.107286 179926421.893
1303 205125341.794347 -8727926.7943
1304 162598714.131947 -57425599.132
1305 393538383.537466 -265150063.54
1306 117490435.336326 55556227.6637
1307 131460693.233266 -29835850.233
1308 191913639.969595 -120248677.97
1309 139239839.382938 -111604534.38
1310 92561838.0334406 -30485697.033
1311 138453179.378372 -41314493.378
1312 125060870.409682 48904139.5903
1313 140996192.118339 71003807.8817
1314 107109940.897709 -43327862.898
1315 105694832.147449 54564486.8526
1316 49620325.9010998 -6620325.9011
1317 38098845.4437117 22824134.5563
1318 95722781.8546164 -77312890.855
1319 123175716.851635 26824283.1484
1320 72762250.244571 -33591120.245
1321 74459836.1967839 -44802085.197
1322 36454453.4582801 33366880.5417
1323 45589162.3119431 -28956127.312
1324 44783226.9889601 -24507414.989
1325 38303081.5826908 37983014.4173
1326 35189505.876063 38055375.1239
1327 40153858.7571316 -5298868.7571
1328 139840126.51829 -72727462.518
1329 38652558.5336319 5314696.46637
1330 6590729.67013634 38318756.3299
1331 63350592.0246313 -36242632.025
1332 21004103.7560509 -15077693.756
1333 -6627239.6482903 13627239.6483
1334 9088564.76335348 12698173.2366
1335 7203939.03830791 10307966.9617
1336 20363944.3849228 -15152956.385
1337 45980876.8500502 -23946044.85
1338 -874782.59371535 2519537.59372
1339 3861032.40027882 198096655.6
1340 3157752.57674123 43748136.4233
1341 -28160210.667188 38338541.6672
1342 -28070558.334578 28782852.3346
1343 318029915.618841 -48035796.619
1344 332089619.761442 125606739.239
1345 317972092.734085 -59702084.734
1346 231175838.066884 -61338828.067
1347 163161052.198217 18652717.8018
1348 256670437.263227 -80600266.263
1349 385960659.212012 -14084381.212
1350 156239304.621847 200591296.378
1351 149826307.062628 58118767.9374
1352 174569911.291066 77707015.7089
1353 99836280.8156712 -40236280.816
1354 99813702.1312571 25067359.8687
1355 248765475.079523 -69500271.08
1356 165413987.008186 -53070474.008
1357 81528637.8783562 -3816198.8784
1358 233041711.496674 -143249209.5
1359 215685141.238374 11218875.7616
1360 143414829.885705 -56499812.886
1361 117470625.710441 -61161744.71
1362 211948274.395081 -79673790.395
1363 74811657.892279 92409913.1077
1364 134261426.747882 1738573.25212
1365 85730820.3798964 -66047896.38
1366 133544288.45134 81455711.5487
1367 80479060.8654022 -61056799.865
1368 149818602.336647 11632935.6634
1369 107678566.602321 -90170048.602
1370 115066248.718943 -35366248.719
1371 172153716.790431 -85495158.79
1372 140288968.105844 -83356663.106
1373 40356945.3066147 61951943.6934
1374 69110982.7226922 2330267.27731
1375 184538696.507545 46146756.4925
1376 103895861.164921 -49213314.165
1377 45037889.7584493 36234876.2416
1378 61322263.2881577 86558279.7118
1379 56768546.889051 -29128518.889
1380 26770465.4001943 83229534.5998
1381 165269028.659049 -122983859.66
1382 84519766.8099723 -12083327.81
1383 44738419.7169173 -12016784.717
1384 30609154.4276039 29769429.5724
1385 15239479.7219273 124760520.278
1386 71066861.345667 -22163908.346
1387 31681622.4535052 15855336.5465
1388 8068514.19013705 -5068514.1901
1389 60109365.281203 -42823066.281
1390 95297529.3721801 75065052.6278
1391 99936263.1704365 -55501824.17
1392 34163431.5253104 -14983462.525
1393 113819552.273465 -79862944.273
1394 64563680.1209714 -26600906.121
1395 18314138.8370301 11788578.163
1396 86734003.624993 -60534486.625
1397 -9863196.2755142 12238293.2755
1398 6102809.68677552 -2954627.6868
1399 21847374.7418704 -5297897.7419
1400 -5456071.3184252 13676286.3184
1401 29606519.8074178 -19282078.807
1402 138522352.391606 -132532712.39
1403 -13835074.109188 17875662.1092
1404 -12680505.768636 69912029.7686
1405 -20472788.25132 23941360.2513
1406 19905529.6605646 -4749329.6606
1407 -5042143.51112 6193473.51112
1408 8695261.7686877 -8348667.7687
1409 147711340.615975 -131532381.62
1410 27692786.2056934 -13692786.206
1411 -12683542.574726 26518672.5747
1412 -24828353.02651 28176000.0265
1413 225370910.032927 -193370910.03
1414 307115353.679787 18656070.3202
1415 267178048.061374 59373045.9386
1416 553768462.459667 -118768462.46
1417 378979330.220576 -92838630.221
1418 166544592.613345 -81032292.613
1419 220753035.525248 -19167707.525
1420 209706498.884599 -35775902.885
1421 157810502.828989 -111721215.83
1422 138664593.290936 -119034833.29
1423 205393048.922823 -100914632.92
1424 205234834.22331 -78544108.223
1425 113611974.926552 -65485590.927
1426 319053793.193379 -57123362.193
1427 181771774.269341 -37278944.269
1428 202008813.967211 -70068402.967
1429 438069856.974975 -81326795.975
1430 143637182.818869 6846582.18113
1431 85072424.1528013 -40368429.153
1432 204418462.369737 -42418462.37
1433 358058707.965592 -142774965.97
1434 210467334.549859 -140507583.55
1435 136460124.474585 60321068.5254
1436 104331339.259294 59338660.7407
1437 97667311.9026972 -34567311.903
1438 153924910.884171 -134223746.88
1439 113928842.700175 -842367.70017
1440 108831513.966268 -74604215.966
1441 118406151.256002 -26031477.256
1442 86882509.2245953 8832365.7754
1443 80426991.2748501 -51426991.275
1444 96087156.3699171 -2840768.3699
1445 59342861.7842832 -2238966.7843
1446 166631219.00186 -147032631
1447 86735825.5311143 -42384899.531
1448 71541936.9375201 -36247466.938
1449 51558542.2278986 14011326.7721
1450 47537315.1579252 -28781379.158
1451 89027862.5629673 1001793.43703
1452 13381506.1821629 127618493.818
1453 127144769.630186 -95424611.63
1454 47485588.2315285 -30060588.232
1455 10846310.0203661 -2974788.0204
1456 84912453.6233261 -56742782.623
1457 48683568.658834 -19852423.659
1458 32786570.4638567 3346443.53614
1459 93503164.1548714 -18503164.155
1460 88633499.8327518 63388601.1672
1461 26674052.4808026 -20945839.481
1462 48590046.2196113 3687438.78039
1463 131984714.574431 -69812664.574
1464 20446231.2742884 7562230.72571
1465 24412305.775706 -13274504.776
1466 -24988518.081509 64988518.0815
1467 -22667056.169475 36069008.1695
1468 -3140666.71815 30656452.7182
1469 -15489424.59724 42852136.5972
1470 -30617708.879213 37217708.8792
1471 -32545339.770407 33387072.7704
1472 -31966028.361988 32268232.362
1473 259447844.31308 -222578430.31
1474 244522122.902819 83281608.0972
1475 276221801.977859 -168551444.98
1476 579763083.246692 445728026.753
1477 182833841.925564 -104462641.93
1478 179231822.753432 -153395206.75
1479 464097789.06402 7125099.93598
1480 159282971.19025 -87024845.19
1481 259262290.330365 29237926.6696
1482 316177999.294932 258302841.705
1483 117543662.111868 -84987543.112
1484 161602111.095603 170397888.904
1485 150846620.738367 -19563671.738
1486 121651306.686821 -91240123.687
1487 263525048.572282 120810559.428
1488 122039173.412674 165514421.587
1489 141358074.050126 176016956.95
1490 134370089.524245 -73404235.524
1491 72875272.4616874 91001542.5383
1492 149653142.559191 460188494.441
1493 153311479.979303 177132565.021
1494 69909988.8572919 -64529737.857
1495 140047638.307248 -99844618.307
1496 95173787.5993706 -78799459.599
1497 104985030.791831 -84339703.792
1498 107766818.074347 -50646500.074
1499 156180834.293542 100516685.706
1500 46195463.60584 12783189.3942
1501 37484771.4313476 -36911962.431
1502 69719663.3529778 -2519663.353
1503 95437686.6130405 17936416.387
1504 30977038.6787543 -19800569.679
1505 122856294.857688 27413852.1423
1506 79608797.7742589 -57397371.774
1507 75406726.9659166 33202583.0341
1508 181175119.328794 -102792686.33
1509 118928789.528497 11502578.4715
1510 57024939.479592 -3837280.4796
1511 70258642.7668821 110363781.233
1512 47591629.4535977 -12204417.454
1513 52984839.4310793 -17560013.431
1514 52804177.3098708 4674898.69013
1515 237294642.174898 -59166882.175
1516 66348449.337435 -49417565.337
1517 11758469.5514323 5811854.44857
1518 6072920.08353563 3527079.91646
1519 42996545.5943354 -25716219.594
1520 11338655.7980779 -4327338.7981
1521 121599600.811436 -43679254.811
1522 33231647.9997161 -21231648
1523 51088065.1498354 -44085804.15
1524 38105730.6983628 -13916808.698
1525 4230002.06275687 22935578.9372
1526 22040625.8843403 -8420550.8843
1527 7354438.57887124 24746561.4211
1528 -9829711.699179 32009141.6992
1529 25317894.7170111 -11463894.717
1530 43889593.4806432 -9147527.4806
1531 42066176.029846 -23870566.03
1532 31614171.7137764 16449263.2862
1533 -8938245.887328 63153661.8873
1534 2126405.92695247 -1042722.927
1535 36352640.3012647 -17734356.301
1536 37460797.4856778 -31545889.486
1537 -7448391.9842801 33202675.9843
1538 31138453.6729432 -1935569.6729
1539 37481292.8096763 -17787401.81
1540 18878281.2727362 5484490.72726
1541 -25114145.912184 28125340.9122
1542 48027272.4424242 -25593357.442
1543 3689585.2501516 10420427.7498
1544 -8986163.7185466 13926102.7185
1545 -20990062.435826 21443141.4358
1546 473168653.512596 -101228582.51
1547 246324903.035875 426481388.964
1548 204711681.695652 -172693878.7
1549 136871525.698432 -38635977.698
1550 173863997.77828 -47615184.778
1551 187094486.933954 29878056.066
1552 125340444.881938 -119980799.88
1553 264492293.781766 -76419644.782
1554 239873892.458208 -2192593.4582
1555 118531342.673512 29249097.3265
1556 131096820.024196 -5055498.0242
1557 142943244.014412 -41713452.014
1558 87305072.5497276 -51074853.55
1559 92353022.3672982 154922351.633
1560 88459558.9523451 -18835845.952
1561 312108264.868578 -66383661.869
1562 210779991.350937 129707660.649
1563 65306497.2854207 -50298336.285
1564 40401392.6185847 -20897353.619
1565 57177966.6766942 -13684843.677
1566 91822959.323431 -36239155.323
1567 96610949.2007381 7544893.79926
1568 60603430.0585157 -26069647.059
1569 40254143.5165663 -40044447.517
1570 45562968.4676026 -26562968.468
1571 89642442.3286582 69649366.6713
1572 46250099.7808178 33785302.2192
1573 167997590.64592 -110038894.65
1574 226853802.929847 -56420875.93
1575 116644626.445728 -56435292.446
1576 34429638.8786701 -17265261.879
1577 74025321.7943889 -3825321.7944
1578 72983541.9252731 -30096822.925
1579 74849190.6738431 -5793495.6738
1580 49209376.2968985 -41645648.297
1581 38693092.7524876 177921295.248
1582 34702355.1666451 -16702355.167
1583 45852267.9668338 217300.033166
1584 35818380.6026393 23571052.3974
1585 69154351.3012095 -50601891.301
1586 24998405.9069555 -14162653.907
1587 124235308.409813 33685424.5902
1588 67524244.4281815 16091169.5718
1589 181204402.311152 -40396855.311
1590 98535908.1040796 71592551.8959
1591 23883680.8704887 10909479.1295
1592 -4706887.7235608 9618612.72356
1593 28627118.3834882 -23993056.383
1594 139627679.396948 96722981.6031
1595 13904182.1839577 15123731.816
1596 11533114.7001304 33193529.2999
1597 18603507.871742 5396492.12826
1598 -7344960.1815498 19577588.1815
1599 61777426.6620578 -37058211.662
1600 31470380.9829429 -18058423.983
1601 14822713.2806634 -7508686.2807
1602 2032057.07236345 47765090.9276
1603 28261114.308313 -8431157.3083
1604 50023751.5825022 2400781.4175
1605 273660226.439788 99402637.5602
1606 -24216526.788169 25036465.7882
1607 -14232253.477652 14375704.4777
1608 8585211.65035527 -8280141.6504
1609 -29907100.3349 39944490.3349
1610 15197642.3831741 -2825232.3832
1611 74795063.470746 -60419882.471
1612 -28953547.662851 36953547.6629
1613 -32213551.74218 43213551.7422
1614 -25225561.196941 26094886.1969
1615 663512690.404678 -77421963.405
1616 574724510.271114 391826089.729
1617 295281786.733895 -72472186.734
1618 230721479.335725 -218188702.34
1619 254205963.935579 295162351.064
1620 152953947.166345 -129612379.17
1621 287353366.302568 -140416456.3
1622 227187782.376977 -196769222.38
1623 553961884.619591 70064891.3804
1624 498449702.713614 61402693.2864
1625 197638690.425678 -86297889.426
1626 155669251.507671 -92296494.508
1627 264639389.841277 -81620867.841
1628 342868369.804347 -110155230.8
1629 108897111.722712 44185990.2773
1630 223336750.301305 -121965733.3
1631 227336266.999253 20781854.0007
1632 412522349.249277 -190417668.25
1633 272998488.997356 -122832363
1634 252171957.859154 -77593206.859
1635 123518661.134592 -51650334.135
1636 113474285.370391 -49826629.37
1637 188454245.774843 -50902651.775
1638 68026429.7307442 18246903.2693
1639 105631130.549739 11135425.4503
1640 154811486.55518 -113329279.56
1641 292850252.77929 -33674464.779
1642 76324422.5091113 -44076181.509
1643 69272978.4923801 9601864.50762
1644 87998414.3841226 -41845614.384
1645 183889189.790928 224358727.209
1646 57828813.1204833 -51720093.12
1647 154833360.600864 -97342986.601
1648 134188956.552467 -6319577.5525
1649 136750058.893929 68249627.1061
1650 305147085.651219 -220015255.65
1651 106529289.762117 -14776087.762
1652 84859061.6572127 -2771906.6572
1653 49201951.0446793 -2112961.0447
1654 53136502.7051285 -22710406.705
1655 34405237.527914 18786648.4721
1656 80555378.7324147 -3078370.7324
1657 44469154.2843684 -19546917.284
1658 176212855.636959 -52904910.637
1659 28682875.6643208 -25687064.664
1660 61271066.1925213 -40122237.193
1661 16691719.4124011 16924972.5876
1662 27543823.7331181 -16250160.733
1663 9289670.65359608 25416179.3464
1664 44705891.8955822 -20705891.896
1665 156918917.128808 -123454948.13
1666 11394681.1019725 -11011735.102
1667 27098719.8185466 -18959931.819
1668 33448570.4356003 -12164056.436
1669 33227316.454587 -26806997.455
1670 18317627.1517217 -1560464.1517
1671 20850638.6651993 14156541.3348
1672 113335339.995674 -5455843.9957
1673 9540482.15151069 75759517.8485
1674 45168232.7913667 -21548623.791
1675 -630117.53604422 1219421.53604
1676 -7066108.7372933 8495407.73729
1677 53832867.0178883 153451057.982
1678 66613869.5103648 -55410843.51
1679 12929205.8514448 52141206.1486
1680 -13575199.604393 14871383.6044
1681 38416112.0499445 1806616.95006
1682 -13662077.275272 38721717.2753
1683 33354665.5237308 -9306665.5237
1684 47668576.1917526 -19547476.192
1685 -19336394.16493 30336394.1649
1686 -4041023.1689102 36686569.1689
1687 44161179.8316682 -37546899.832
1688 -37240231.043557 37514892.0436
1689 -36006934.607169 40006934.6072
1690 513664329.601025 -500572329.6
1691 534745888.470417 -291108797.47
1692 537797625.551756 -54937440.552
1693 435666798.437894 107847554.562
1694 489673236.863365 -76567066.863
1695 228073998.073107 -74111035.073
1696 131566033.810531 -12978153.811
1697 360994941.937425 -243163310.94
1698 133735775.310303 -80735775.31
1699 169353846.558557 -95591330.559
1700 199044194.517794 -148495087.52
1701 83962186.6028461 -51026867.603
1702 259789834.670765 87644343.3292
1703 159971803.958979 -94307082.959
1704 88659484.9969649 29100649.003
1705 144558197.564352 -115626796.56
1706 96091947.3409976 -44927841.341
1707 73463620.0727795 242896857.927
1708 116633814.84198 -90383794.842
1709 161221577.536899 -105234256.54
1710 59900072.6527687 -31016561.653
1711 92665066.8799218 -87168115.88
1712 94166640.0019684 40235809.998
1713 107420490.362642 -24259756.363
1714 73577439.7552364 -42249540.755
1715 112444520.647 -20807534.647
1716 39935791.9371315 -28085577.937
1717 31045140.5801115 -25509735.58
1718 39815480.9674438 -8385146.9674
1719 51071150.114554 63885548.8854
1720 143359680.720776 -69711452.721
1721 55250059.7964196 -23244811.796
1722 124157286.138425 30749406.8616
1723 80169018.2561439 -18147004.256
1724 53916815.6173728 -51947622.617
1725 153111753.162214 24729804.8378
1726 84777152.2089105 72067600.7911
1727 24057770.6446005 -8357770.6446
1728 99864981.0450436 -17064981.045
1729 74745056.6723809 -47335167.672
1730 6995636.80788488 -3098067.8079
1731 63146703.5424396 51954918.4576
1732 78024216.7245657 221264388.275
1733 38033007.8076565 48966992.1923
1734 49736284.1819382 20445143.8181
1735 100705403.279385 -45209840.279
1736 59206726.2405604 -33733633.241
1737 25279002.8959189 14142464.1041
1738 34400019.2441119 -17425560.244
1739 37808566.0367251 -28328848.037
1740 -1005765.2564732 6338691.25647
1741 -6895229.0778673 11395229.0779
1742 104970852.333639 -87978950.334
1743 3487067.97011775 28411932.0299
1744 29188761.1323094 4700397.86769
1745 54555534.7780631 -45060745.778
1746 20741525.0461542 -18910177.046
1747 -4153665.2255909 16787412.2256
1748 22172271.9991429 110503130
1749 11641006.8707112 -11008464.871
1750 30954873.764302 -20884873.764
1751 3660866.32058603 94781087.6794
1752 38719637.2706976 -23585344.271
1753 24342531.3057643 12008818.6942
1754 -5568572.1029773 12020200.103
1755 13827994.0460093 7342568.95399
1756 38848830.9619451 30067057.0381
1757 -29482118.631913 43882118.6319
1758 -33641098.500261 36807098.5003
1759 -10843963.490876 16061461.4909
1760 610120481.459167 133439125.541
1761 212901246.471999 -104118399.47
1762 193738299.143249 -57117028.143
1763 112039803.778244 2155043.22176
1764 332436793.145174 12704609.8548
1765 222649677.024924 3341300.97508
1766 161049498.888966 -63497448.889
1767 236940534.153105 -3846675.1531
1768 212341624.301609 -59411001.302
1769 70763765.8055407 -26733519.806
1770 76338743.219804 -12873882.22
1771 108506463.727409 -13826865.727
1772 249280017.792208 -167177638.79
1773 76709997.4329086 -67254765.433
1774 245267539.940957 4020565.05904
1775 151961354.099 -2938704.099
1776 126997482.926414 -35022664.926
1777 94544058.2473509 101570511.753
1778 45224713.0631844 -19819268.063
1779 90765440.1024013 -22396006.102
1780 196216760.728315 -115300268.73
1781 132844417.029394 -69435803.029
1782 76777529.8243934 38727497.1756
1783 31922115.8846117 26930990.1154
1784 73193674.4175324 -29875325.418
1785 64643363.3995451 -30855202.4
1786 49794221.4605854 -9510900.4606
1787 138407206.041953 -33228645.042
1788 37998315.4347241 -37878315.435
1789 58134283.9274517 -7227049.9275
1790 53421951.8948219 98246822.1052
1791 115919143.453173 3289845.54683
1792 43381690.4306889 1480496.56931
1793 21020350.999706 -11715742
1794 46674988.133523 16427677.8665
1795 51459633.5765952 14004690.4234
1796 139878820.443691 -70178820.444
1797 116633237.80324 11273386.1968
1798 30719469.4428091 -7712620.4428
1799 44465435.9237412 5314292.07626
1800 103521852.764013 7281823.23599
1801 7734672.19728893 33424084.8027
1802 59273530.9055939 33327519.0944
1803 150806817.612575 -104123440.61
1804 4400713.18060155 -834488.1806
1805 44304548.3924074 -33608338.392
1806 129523853.815124 43331211.1849
1807 4257233.31514621 791459.684854
1808 49922265.6250897 69849966.3749
1809 95574447.2171175 -74658982.217
1810 9089301.57259953 -5482906.5726
1811 560547.408510588 3674603.59149
1812 8257508.48392122 1872491.51608
1813 40876109.4341454 10966569.5659
1814 103294463.904156 -50972063.904
1815 32008230.9594229 -25334808.959
1816 151135385.39359 7332906.60641
1817 -9230793.7772219 11697237.7772
1818 -7362373.1934641 9424439.19346
1819 3742098.46897072 7388790.53103
1820 -10928304.256028 17599016.256
1821 69315592.6326022 -56936190.633
1822 -22398189.562133 22788848.5621
1823 -7192436.1790736 18780641.1791
1824 13989715.5215772 3772989.47842
1825 120969590.02491 175369936.975
1826 386909967.867871 72449587.1321
1827 13206620.0820735 -7934954.0821
1828 -23988646.457694 44648069.4577
1829 47514403.1676516 -20460588.168
1830 26373250.2187569 -4572948.2188
1831 64006227.7745299 -43582838.775
1832 -17003763.556253 22005418.5563
1833 -34654406.741827 35986637.7418
1834 140336578.253224 -129964287.25
1835 338612300.615973 -64141906.616
1836 142364750.538201 -38453081.538
1837 526962366.267984 540007336.732
1838 128542989.742556 -31533839.743
1839 238783619.569177 25334581.4308
1840 310416942.211113 2156480.78889
1841 141420201.990256 -33133780.99
1842 131191536.941281 -47633664.941
1843 203084654.248942 -44921866.249
1844 275359596.894551 3371772.10545
1845 129043454.239891 -68343454.24
1846 198883582.575405 -41909025.575
1847 76847941.1938709 -22429069.194
1848 281634554.501177 282114768.499
1849 67830617.3476409 -60630617.348
1850 171038012.671464 60411190.3285
1851 352898254.487642 -34395331.488
1852 81571793.5034469 -65786645.503
1853 59352195.8332451 -36153543.833
1854 162469565.021672 -47202190.022
1855 44813335.2473216 -26826554.247
1856 201400955.03516 -24515297.035
1857 76029240.5044727 -41951320.504
1858 122124731.963561 -71253618.964
1859 34361901.5232007 -27339692.523
1860 85319469.804671 -64193244.805
1861 77161866.9841809 -39001961.984
1862 40597201.4773704 16872265.5226
1863 55846781.3605992 -14550461.361
1864 153888223.108715 -35888223.109
1865 42894978.3919839 80489149.608
1866 62147192.6060958 -21694549.606
1867 46764707.4154937 53235292.5845
1868 96620965.2998895 68563271.7001
1869 21089734.0918763 -10759987.092
1870 26327382.6562888 -5560766.6563
1871 65521594.2264834 -12313414.226
1872 121219167.144107 -107823228.14
1873 58976517.9307187 -8934785.9307
1874 70774119.3151763 23954409.6848
1875 120163126.425094 -81131789.425
1876 114921718.570535 -29641468.571
1877 2578319.83745328 1581358.16255
1878 29286941.9461176 12095899.0539
1879 25718578.7527261 -25041880.753
1880 19517616.6887678 -4650102.6888
1881 106363785.662447 -70932672.662
1882 46639772.4596467 3811534.54035
1883 -11530724.69942 24881093.6994
1884 9718163.03579053 28650745.9642
1885 63706458.7251367 -46833787.725
1886 -13865875.49089 19265875.4909
1887 -4134546.9029574 4707881.90296
1888 74420595.1630405 29318130.837
1889 5640974.35184162 15768053.6482
1890 -19129126.188119 19659174.1881
1891 59022052.2262786 -56867512.226
1892 637162.285625668 476047512.714
1893 -38963018.662555 39777684.6626
1894 866892779.54544 -214787336.55
1895 727098939.046093 547120069.954
1896 532247080.657777 76875967.3422
1897 331162787.865441 -291755171.87
1898 380931707.136094 -43351656.136
1899 156214104.32685 -122459137.33
1900 387262873.458126 -144573908.46
1901 328671701.131343 -214493088.13
1902 282946238.182275 -28490252.182
1903 143316875.473782 -49243847.474
1904 148144885.629233 -11877409.629
1905 148637593.512835 -128478785.51
1906 96681295.825895 23042560.1741
1907 101627787.386666 -67361223.387
1908 115757007.79889 -21757007.799
1909 109223696.846728 -54386462.847
1910 84958276.9149066 -74495776.915
1911 108233442.345588 -74833442.346
1912 284094184.396437 216094250.604
1913 228318232.299512 43111956.7005
1914 261926879.05207 6499754.94793
1915 139071869.781402 -92850680.781
1916 178885523.825016 -35190185.825
1917 172975291.796041 16040319.204
1918 135845609.564259 -45161693.564
1919 50733967.3576037 -23952244.358
1920 93060424.2601946 62660707.7398
1921 94763892.8471941 3421689.15281
1922 195838514.236201 -25985755.236
1923 84175763.7905174 -42070652.791
1924 354111775.520177 -292412876.52
1925 46936198.4401296 -38943159.44
1926 109728711.15164 15098604.8484
1927 102194635.211254 -43409455.211
1928 118780763.810438 -92659125.81
1929 212578048.365088 -143889217.37
1930 23659999.1243116 -7485622.1243
1931 83128311.2432315 16295209.7568
1932 160941561.508164 -41941151.508
1933 48124030.8229023 -38034657.823
1934 25333333.6181807 -21668264.618
1935 9084964.00811213 -7258259.0081
1936 16678731.2144657 83844449.7855
1937 70061780.4619398 -33963398.462
1938 37998678.9094679 1145160.09053
1939 27851001.0162509 -19088111.016
1940 67466795.7659347 88078483.2341
1941 61001762.9862543 -18955916.986
1942 126763583.115503 -101460545.12
1943 42793091.278474 -12678604.278
1944 48062127.027797 10733686.9722
1945 550667.549904414 6839440.4501
1946 5477365.6265388 16963957.3735
1947 40798287.9442137 75601712.0558
1948 11818980.5104736 63962661.4895
1949 83956764.3557034 -34956764.356
1950 7031371.62591578 46968628.3741
1951 41207305.9468546 52565216.0531
1952 -17111007.587753 17465711.5878
1953 24059361.1542678 -13231545.154
1954 47813860.4083093 -12490568.408
1955 82341564.2592091 -52641564.259
1956 97821184.7200065 -78408191.72
1957 -718788.55150052 1035788.5515
1958 38860727.3481156 -27299921.348
1959 -29363420.108325 29863420.1083
1960 -30879689.025193 32311312.0252
1961 -36450423.749046 37731599.749
1962 -22555433.928809 26801303.9288
1963 -4285574.9794564 6285574.97946
1964 -31428923.696591 34384923.6966
1965 615391143.142993 -138191143.14
1966 430068979.845327 54503855.1547
1967 247349963.027693 104233443.972
1968 458581421.973702 126767588.026
1969 137906670.144631 -66999697.145
1970 141130931.810853 -38774550.811
1971 220108206.125426 -48924343.125
1972 75588222.2582692 -71483035.258
1973 108919688.707077 -84658119.707
1974 182381747.418819 -111307815.42
1975 149639717.170441 10438868.8296
1976 68999841.6806024 -60796606.681
1977 126822148.747432 -62249886.747
1978 75314371.3310192 -34087302.331
1979 247326563.382712 -147239770.38
1980 66431997.7058443 -56795708.706
1981 98127754.1611439 -60005649.161
1982 80617778.6357736 -25661638.636
1983 160046450.459867 10222299.5401
1984 92705115.8409495 36294884.1591
1985 156531848.904361 -113469866.9
1986 176268706.963605 -104160098.96
1987 74717879.7313429 -24887272.731
1988 84695920.874504 14661217.1255
1989 45316523.6950127 -1029392.695
1990 146670778.865725 -53315860.866
1991 84335406.3434262 -6768591.3434
1992 70218261.0487671 -11026133.049
1993 19090680.0179261 -14820680.018
1994 41357793.1860693 34635267.8139
1995 93885926.76907 -9284245.7691
1996 44045762.8876398 -19276296.888
1997 130223822.723525 -57049256.724
1998 60245078.395729 62399741.6043
1999 47223913.3157991 -10603405.316
2000 41328637.2320824 80867282.7679
2001 131083132.180163 -66761631.18
2002 4906911.03088067 272125.969119
2003 80337105.2113666 -68131077.211
2004 89402135.0467697 -59048903.047
2005 2940038.65045726 -1774156.6505
2006 19668719.4987248 71527699.5013
2007 38353157.6020842 -25870382.602
2008 27492004.2037911 73242713.7962
2009 11977915.2411769 -5486675.2412
2010 15268116.3511548 14182802.6488
2011 44886257.0066881 11603300.9933
2012 64302069.3206576 -31818659.321
2013 93890753.8859122 -13932154.886
2014 9973676.13908847 31426323.8609
2015 92322370.9111501 -26320366.911
2016 61358562.671376 -15879452.671
2017 73744600.7181703 81005317.2818
2018 -4621963.6302758 12647835.6303
2019 3958179.85724948 46794157.1428
2020 8491869.88493556 18714250.1151
2021 -12713530.812486 20890074.8125
2022 -11310405.84884 12177404.8488
2023 40372699.3831323 -16186918.383
2024 -19210118.125698 30210118.1257
2025 57370949.3889409 -38468934.389
2026 14325243.61643 3106919.38357
2027 32876516.8319675 -5202392.832
2028 -10127201.192515 11759040.1925
2029 -29043791.476858 32245791.4769
2030 -19292486.435736 26144936.4357
2031 107068881.472515 -95804915.473
2032 -34879169.832189 41771169.8322
2033 -39206709.937406 41502442.9374
2034 -40604487.952883 42678487.9529
2035 249987259.711534 -235313183.71
2036 389529048.377299 550806487.623
2037 262387596.122841 196883022.877
2038 200140381.544615 -117746093.54
2039 247500517.064337 221660174.936
2040 223565646.150694 -98969248.151
2041 128874816.106779 -50819991.107
2042 316318721.920424 -22989648.92
2043 613956188.028508 -22161252.029
2044 123633922.433355 22863848.5666
2045 421315680.929413 -115439950.93
2046 247477627.161141 -493349.16114
2047 170722210.885769 -81560048.886
2048 338998971.161979 -95155844.162
2049 119488217.687668 64447856.3123
2050 305370329.68872 -30666989.689
2051 140201598.525981 -37216736.526
2052 87467284.4089698 -69773609.409
2053 90298078.7631558 -46769444.763
2054 154228773.990733 33250744.0093
2055 124317275.129262 -97116959.129
2056 305698064.968383 -137720468.97
2057 164119508.528202 -108150508.53
2058 141535363.249585 -29723910.25
2059 104163050.005701 -61104152.006
2060 162050373.073103 -106938017.07
2061 87468187.740626 -23229747.741
2062 69607539.4546136 -30419756.455
2063 82326405.6827942 -50770344.683
2064 98562444.4461816 -30643786.446
2065 85202975.1815912 -48596232.182
2066 73747065.147301 59685790.8527
2067 71200818.2974437 54385315.7026
2068 94992847.7063857 -67554966.706
2069 124397813.440096 -10481339.44
2070 53342346.4575602 13478689.5424
2071 50260176.4860406 -42600258.486
2072 101978892.89843 -16561987.898
2073 70410109.5511087 229554926.449
2074 102760749.094027 16962608.906
2075 32919015.4685476 -28919015.469
2076 173203433.947083 -75043470.947
2077 142302383.702362 -22361568.702
2078 58952048.6724382 -29029576.672
2079 21967747.4777479 -8136244.4777
2080 147032684.919363 -107030572.92
2081 20533999.3465702 -15932956.347
2082 47095936.0414326 -28531848.041
2083 114483882.634961 173444311.365
2084 43961719.7244809 -43642737.724
2085 19411923.828357 -12578478.828
2086 267589084.274541 -117182618.27
2087 187208134.655257 -25582013.655
2088 21944286.1779648 4152565.82204
2089 135667394.335496 -118449314.34
2090 10099766.2081377 4300233.79186
2091 42877515.1569442 -10964722.157
2092 29218957.9720016 6266098.028
2093 11072515.8343817 7419846.16562
2094 26089096.6931249 -12978648.693
2095 20972405.0324397 12027594.9676
2096 905801.843842275 45337198.1562
2097 23187274.0298654 -12462046.03
2098 65954416.3964714 7080043.60353
2099 115127003.856633 -10802920.857
2100 55191906.7155943 59089144.2844
2101 5337536.11054519 8662463.88945
2102 4712306.37999178 4494163.62001
2103 17173599.5431036 31829084.4569
2104 10845164.7482428 14759850.2518
2105 -6859945.6102437 7233912.61024
2106 59641950.6109782 26727864.389
2107 41427924.693303 -12608929.693
2108 37131656.3656671 14570826.6343
2109 155728099.794557 27883671.2054
2110 18115484.704423 813386.295577
2111 66943769.2122467 -59495384.212
2112 73768166.9962617 -56467277.996
2113 41730863.0342371 -24800678.034
2114 21867281.8171961 -4059712.8172
2115 46044357.0221094 -32044357.022
2116 63033251.7280654 -51945682.728
2117 29102302.1908828 -16102302.191
2118 5752445.99716138 14047554.0028
2119 1109945.40950276 54150612.5905
2120 34408994.1431055 -24510582.143
2121 -4691087.2234297 7966672.22343
2122 81317217.3062533 -69851129.306
2123 -11098392.5517 38203487.5517
2124 -5452771.7982946 10337434.7983
2125 -28402164.753048 36202164.753
2126 -12115040.032346 41507458.0323
2127 -20925772.163946 22950804.1639
2128 -20185959.599992 21432100.6
2129 -30561864.514905 42280459.5149
2130 -30878782.419289 46248355.4193
2131 -37846609.415409 42204609.4154
2132 -15518769.623225 28421559.6232
2133 -12793985.140037 29493985.14
2134 376249751.4145 -132849751.41
2135 230248593.767839 -55648275.768
2136 151679863.053651 -137018856.05
2137 254057183.523996 -48302736.524
2138 282689439.663156 -86206557.663
2139 143122752.335922 112151060.664
2140 106532962.135903 -76493570.136
2141 156276939.32956 -51892751.33
2142 146683468.906792 -55872576.907
2143 384685475.251758 -83685475.252
2144 69486773.1175888 -54986773.118
2145 136725829.707736 33274170.2923
2146 124167045.480141 67335380.5199
2147 266121379.284853 -119040966.28
2148 69158007.211392 -25273355.211
2149 123263921.374783 -8433810.3748
2150 93199025.2687701 -82199025.269
2151 109035738.887912 31435007.1121
2152 181671814.243669 36941373.7563
2153 89414760.8983918 64583058.1016
2154 60319039.9384525 -48241598.938
2155 65741962.3938458 -38279921.394
2156 169010754.806443 -107731302.81
2157 85261890.1368709 7119036.86313
2158 39933361.600654 10311338.3993
2159 87490399.3078385 89904032.6922
2160 184640302.926497 28234139.0735
2161 108043141.899079 -59852437.899
2162 118705886.157392 -102034381.16
2163 336773108.887951 -155098291.89
2164 31198461.4168302 3859234.58317
2165 106003628.113312 1192869.88669
2166 29338200.6968999 116455095.303
2167 92491830.4097094 -32029483.41
2168 88297092.2876705 49961969.7123
2169 21301442.2655581 51198557.7344
2170 183916205.759 -1625939.759
2171 162253198.573172 -147181684.57
2172 15114215.4383418 42885784.5617
2173 90256230.6222847 -47768840.622
2174 49800584.0544741 -12807416.054
2175 41190600.2392848 31226793.7607
2176 37292305.3418257 63622139.6582
2177 76425709.608796 -13654650.609
2178 50202151.1661325 51444429.8339
2179 26157301.4639878 13948240.536
2180 21096943.8637727 51430651.1362
2181 141494690.588673 -126926807.59
2182 50753514.8796736 13079934.1203
2183 14249170.6310006 87083791.369
2184 6444325.15430013 -6148575.1543
2185 -6488218.1159121 9537353.11591
2186 37119815.511643 -24119815.512
2187 -9746321.6400573 35091321.6401
2188 32992295.8265361 3807704.17346
2189 58698749.603914 -44340716.604
2190 -9037399.8827256 11937374.8827
2191 -11315544.293571 31220903.2936
2192 -19259449.420432 26259449.4204
2193 33526016.5192419 -525679.51924
2194 1935018.60789778 14994104.3921
2195 -296839.28893916 21429926.2889
2196 -15866085.777663 33738881.7777
2197 -14022168.008299 17305539.0083
2198 -26322956.478997 30322956.479
2199 -13810871.856583 14269103.8566
2200 19394660.2093293 -8675303.2093
2201 -16829044.282093 20261386.2821
2202 -13058238.856579 28853427.8566
2203 -8116049.2620058 9343373.26201
2204 -26493216.424901 27339920.4249
2205 -35698319.736732 37098319.7367
2206 -20390115.763118 20513624.7631
2207 499612276.490339 471149608.51
2208 434091216.002228 155299323
2209 478119902.192218 16758856.8078
2210 505439960.728248 15871899.2718
2211 327764622.367044 -23110440.367
2212 409734382.617989 175444545.382
2213 171507247.804927 -54507247.805
2214 117298242.875005 -86440428.875
2215 375906315.444303 -65926321.444
2216 150582400.444685 -54126703.445
2217 255979945.188955 8125599.81104
2218 205988746.904618 -137720884.9
2219 114872809.392482 -61570495.392
2220 121339267.250835 -28056663.251
2221 264738844.601872 -96933378.602
2222 93242349.8582054 5963865.14179
2223 249614503.946955 61036081.053
2224 159234632.539112 64152666.4609
2225 78367173.142477 -16818466.142
2226 65154203.0314265 34975668.9686
2227 86879490.3249925 63937209.675
2228 78201063.1097358 -26784599.11
2229 115903454.046947 25687869.9531
2230 113661532.214074 76550580.7859
2231 97743908.3554643 -46836486.355
2232 81322477.1005324 -58240751.101
2233 87730508.471948 86228929.5281
2234 126177782.399276 -19873794.399
2235 107483393.95107 -1111742.9511
2236 153257084.401677 -25149442.402
2237 43713463.9081088 -1380168.9081
2238 31757138.6375719 -27457138.638
2239 53508161.5519868 7891390.44801
2240 50296954.1746664 104567446.825
2241 87750111.3967852 -63590177.397
2242 45691907.5285526 -22839269.529
2243 162922470.778534 -59031061.779
2244 76239397.0815683 -40079022.082
2245 45175925.2713492 -41642698.271
2246 40491738.9033183 -29839703.903
2247 112765034.304653 -69972473.305
2248 15767397.5068755 -3418492.5069
2249 149765179.515113 14234820.4849
2250 14530919.3665538 -13053917.367
2251 56564599.7391839 7873247.26082
2252 67917602.1780303 -26405595.178
2253 15942153.7777891 23904190.2222
2254 51998048.2717873 -50600764.272
2255 56308934.9491234 34140994.0509
2256 80082620.5443667 -53926839.544
2257 16895516.2073448 -14395516.207
2258 46171217.6969406 -18525726.697
2259 51725077.3165003 -37714245.317
2260 41004227.7772321 -33569501.777
2261 121197248.813223 -19602127.813
2262 -2120351.7289071 16520351.7289
2263 27811055.0830827 -24865455.083
2264 -3373505.7574447 26518004.7574
2265 11481633.1548426 2662366.84516
2266 3297967.84703249 25153654.153
2267 14207786.8182851 42101979.1817
2268 49930348.1989513 8474964.80105
2269 5280241.28087819 -1827198.2809
2270 -2154888.2344864 12584595.2345
2271 21293877.3134726 -6394460.3135
2272 -10299533.84184 10716458.8418
2273 8146608.69769961 -5338754.6977
2274 19721332.3128017 -18151414.313
2275 7097695.55488382 52729632.4451
2276 -13404952.481572 22543290.4816
2277 1252941.72715576 7683721.27284
2278 21927085.656966 13914815.343
2279 31639049.8604306 -27574554.86
2280 2495916.42671488 57024381.5733
2281 -2299282.2347136 12870690.2347
2282 12450769.4357823 -12068595.436
2283 15766221.878858 -4425205.8789
2284 -14853006.376751 29201535.3768
2285 70187184.4997439 -9074268.4997
2286 -19661540.043846 20404438.0438
2287 -9742332.0191349 11501584.0191
2288 -18349999.799373 30349999.7994
2289 40593508.8752861 -20376428.875
2290 -24025346.922981 24139129.923
2291 16214809.7424574 978421.257543
2292 -32058860.970453 34002509.9705
2293 -1123168.1578309 3420661.15783
2294 540304918.240776 -190880636.24
2295 631440053.415091 127099731.585
2296 245059259.729393 -118989750.73
2297 345269317.676029 -78223552.676
2298 422781312.472202 -115839642.47
2299 145833226.397202 -92355060.397
2300 99943344.8708368 -90183240.871
2301 109400975.39113 -5097124.3911
2302 233942389.227446 115837153.773
2303 152797781.902924 -35817119.903
2304 87274605.8655469 -23086238.866
2305 176356284.132524 -24092404.133
2306 223924947.594488 -83851557.594
2307 96182217.9489159 32860653.0511
2308 108907946.819406 173021848.181
2309 137238634.793064 38133867.2069
2310 165195577.301942 -56939807.302
2311 125597278.843885 -68915712.844
2312 94301797.5729416 20607032.4271
2313 45253709.801541 -34844332.802
2314 52836083.4374642 45934.5625358
2315 81922752.471076 -11479812.471
2316 149918272.936434 -87560372.936
2317 79260152.6587493 -55680152.659
2318 46039360.1826384 -13816793.183
2319 58561188.6117157 -20630723.612
2320 77702070.7693303 44787751.2307
2321 79658263.5319312 30572068.4681
2322 46306648.5446471 29595559.4554
2323 47176139.8275485 -40361350.828
2324 50913493.0673958 -48056781.067
2325 60078266.2382852 40447165.7617
2326 119631867.127694 -77354502.128
2327 33387605.8221399 -25800120.822
2328 111566473.397966 -22851281.398
2329 20075118.8698528 6813257.13015
2330 70375323.3357714 103023194.664
2331 48602134.9890432 141231222.011
2332 14361956.3277151 313841549.672
2333 43405238.8763225 -5807767.8763
2334 167799746.853557 -23799746.854
2335 118067886.805804 -56720089.806
2336 14384332.530623 14626484.4694
2337 27137645.1587369 37118867.8413
2338 135529956.986377 -101968819.99
2339 39084929.195018 -38671475.195
2340 14953246.6990835 2546753.30092
2341 29914217.7831661 -22986149.783
2342 60080470.3209361 -40785569.321
2343 36200551.9343404 442286.06566
2344 128872157.000511 -109001590
2345 48893684.6874893 -33885693.687
2346 26457047.7603838 44535850.2396
2347 -5303131.803714 7917904.80371
2348 11770154.3160154 26804207.684
2349 33586678.5731555 -11386678.573
2350 -2975677.6506079 11875677.6506
2351 81180678.8307623 -68416477.831
2352 -17944941.831321 19612133.8313
2353 -18216743.714489 21018251.7145
2354 16604834.490092 -2803079.4901
2355 -21144550.191443 28427401.1914
2356 -4343638.8979931 35523154.898
2357 -4467639.3523115 40918375.3523
2358 -666053.16708079 19201244.1671
2359 -28005575.816089 38018999.8161
2360 -29101952.789385 31553497.7894
2361 -23361534.061284 51561534.0613
2362 -24665566.783809 52565566.7838
2363 -23561600.815754 24306416.8158
2364 -1451634.8636903 3138063.86369
2365 -19553157.888011 33564611.888
2366 -33138858.253913 50138858.2539
2367 -16738071.549473 19693110.5495
2368 83970320.0470732 216257763.953
2369 -17601929.796301 22379394.7963
2370 -17751460.761362 18797626.7614
2371 -28823651.112001 29223262.112
2372 -40683163.167382 55883163.1674
2373 569034545.112259 166064536.888
2374 177664289.409545 -93956979.41
2375 128150455.479826 -127150455.48
2376 269087220.256763 215548539.743
2377 354417485.955402 -71846803.955
2378 193653912.316883 -56066849.317
2379 117385257.570795 -79265774.571
2380 469271798.714187 -144037935.71
2381 329334536.194087 -267686036.19
2382 156186013.471787 144214418.528
2383 168002271.329671 74783865.6703
2384 98304623.9652307 169852776.035
2385 99633881.2980773 -65073304.298
2386 120874525.449445 -60133698.449
2387 131870153.421291 -38956982.421
2388 81766123.9342451 14642528.0658
2389 73309257.6622272 -24737257.662
2390 123154068.560252 40566000.4397
2391 162719414.030069 -136046172.03
2392 52661922.2041423 -41539832.204
2393 383524475.61415 -210524475.61
2394 63578583.4879624 -55119125.488
2395 191610724.899519 -67881548.9
2396 31982904.6566947 -1982904.6567
2397 66878077.9281945 74896601.0718
2398 79543025.1342238 -6913355.1342
2399 98283421.2628583 -82978531.263
2400 84950817.1305704 -57562050.131
2401 97769118.3261436 107529788.674
2402 61195614.9378482 22951217.0622
2403 137942070.44694 -82938935.447
2404 41240051.0872801 10983254.9127
2405 94623440.0391143 -6783398.0391
2406 29899188.2328812 201512395.767
2407 107655363.410492 -4829567.4105
2408 25860062.1059067 -6299788.1059
2409 67409001.07292 -27894288.073
2410 42936733.2453257 49886812.7547
2411 109616141.220089 61653393.7799
2412 16944251.6302375 17055748.3698
2413 38789195.3835855 -23180650.384
2414 88428453.9158072 57467968.0842
2415 17870447.3113011 26922774.6887
2416 15671113.6100843 15913787.3899
2417 47457764.4758465 -35059136.476
2418 76132019.7580414 -74025462.758
2419 10320369.5823981 135878526.418
2420 13261757.8149817 -30296.814982
2421 21183263.9193111 -14160535.919
2422 73050033.856549 27026308.1435
2423 75756825.6105994 -26129046.611
2424 104021065.790122 -97604763.79
2425 -1624347.0628821 1948485.06288
2426 8109647.23869329 14346861.7613
2427 30722252.5989734 -20035411.599
2428 58768982.056924 -40451831.057
2429 29445693.5797627 12554306.4202
2430 24854662.0879847 -14411854.088
2431 -10458404.457128 19940983.4571
2432 -8609298.7598556 20251552.7599
2433 -7871550.4863217 28128525.4863
2434 -21806515.626702 22225476.6267
2435 -5400820.5234654 22698064.5235
2436 -12822712.242181 14371667.2422
2437 30650724.6299607 -15281827.63
2438 -25245676.19411 25868482.1941
2439 -27899792.058263 28281212.0583
2440 -958493.19290023 16385685.1929
2441 -19966073.019688 27258248.0197
2442 -31811048.438284 34317494.4383
2443 420100646.581282 123413338.419
2444 445927021.770665 -82668162.771
2445 229024539.384178 -162538459.38
2446 412829094.63228 -90941886.632
2447 153608357.324203 81874646.6758
2448 222291463.804193 -181253721.8
2449 408423442.646099 112747382.354
2450 343935414.584398 -157881689.58
2451 210414904.166921 -61197549.167
2452 103477504.862572 -42754770.863
2453 212759842.476699 -979018.4767
2454 116839865.22143 10890870.7786
2455 81855331.2845398 -72415059.285
2456 231133774.475302 17250846.5247
2457 80584955.4693069 -80397843.469
2458 181542709.677696 77664517.3223
2459 347712494.218476 -238134379.22
2460 68352483.5885196 -43751651.589
2461 170978229.475888 -57971349.476
2462 98749255.6529766 -66545225.653
2463 157388549.755639 -59951443.756
2464 54040956.5115064 -50820585.512
2465 45392590.7277101 -44791694.728
2466 136707363.249665 -95878823.25
2467 36885582.4895184 -30030971.49
2468 68414398.9080101 1653510.09199
2469 34091832.2081315 -15092114.208
2470 26675608.4282468 19442488.5718
2471 198542561.865615 -35702894.866
2472 26480177.6246235 116337814.375
2473 123717036.533385 5052308.46661
2474 35104012.7724312 4951426.22757
2475 47038347.0874292 54526587.9126
2476 19069064.4900838 73852138.5099
2477 76391069.5677915 234549016.432
2478 20182240.4716662 348561803.528
2479 131657971.788712 52295751.2113
2480 53785186.8725168 -36785186.873
2481 6346701.36394244 -981843.36394
2482 81660994.0905609 -39797268.091
2483 7059303.70818326 29630763.2918
2484 60942318.0891705 36976344.9108
2485 112164223.997737 -9309792.9977
2486 -5602800.832353 5774560.83235
2487 191793076.14528 -184689103.15
2488 52198586.7979748 -821725.79797
2489 12480978.3734146 60297733.6266
2490 137710363.545762 -124113452.55
2491 98334970.6416413 -70051333.642
2492 56315167.9433272 -6156023.9433
2493 73675451.5306707 -17605018.531
2494 4114186.03441908 99052802.9656
2495 -655773.39185179 7394914.39185
2496 20849017.6885939 48782100.3114
2497 81322347.241745 -71470737.242
2498 14358452.2523537 2621645.74765
2499 618680.363002289 22812085.637
2500 28281169.5187155 -25875749.519
2501 105539619.735876 134619635.264
2502 75728436.2852124 -16828405.285
2503 2049091.16331662 5771596.83668
2504 8908363.36292086 11546912.6371
2505 -12205097.224327 16422212.2243
2506 -13209567.346807 17608556.3468
2507 994014.025237437 24488916.9748
2508 22117823.3692748 -2037803.3693
2509 14790711.0724833 -1234723.0725
2510 60422848.8491145 64491993.1509
2511 -17620112.637034 19645350.637
2512 -20713487.114388 27713487.1144
2513 -2883571.8918624 23883571.8919
2514 -24331395.434609 29196395.4346
2515 33217815.7203505 -30214519.72
2516 672882937.175381 184728236.825
2517 335343071.903329 551343745.097
2518 407711099.612272 -38840092.612
2519 146776787.82685 -115052503.83
2520 161611982.870466 -94631526.87
2521 143866546.640463 -108173626.64
2522 193759892.346317 -53955544.346
2523 142894845.946653 8224373.05335
2524 151683335.341168 -44086093.341
2525 107470910.600118 -39207744.6
2526 231628241.518463 124064518.482
2527 198165510.628327 98489920.3717
2528 150311543.262994 -108514477.26
2529 79526046.7604903 18924015.2395
2530 78800574.4526048 1778359.5474
2531 205807572.711078 -93542433.711
2532 82279577.9800342 -56230495.98
2533 409406510.894027 -27896640.894
2534 94429338.0819893 -26745349.082
2535 82675383.8247889 -62258820.825
2536 82846175.3735945 -14273797.374
2537 56146303.3132993 -36993823.313
2538 161468985.239309 25892768.7607
2539 109203702.014982 -68857516.015
2540 133178554.304621 -3783719.3046
2541 51631105.7735955 -38622177.774
2542 93893739.5995486 -3319551.5995
2543 206721854.413936 -98777618.414
2544 34857902.4544036 -30614924.454
2545 158610161.908291 -114519094.91
2546 77996816.8409635 -21574129.841
2547 64736538.9570071 -12433742.957
2548 24963023.7846983 -10398996.785
2549 60527112.6723495 61170210.3277
2550 58181501.9831934 59042769.0168
2551 131508173.780961 -2326343.781
2552 47088129.0195008 15558633.9805
2553 40487017.0792368 -19920690.079
2554 28588318.4623921 -5649291.4624
2555 16540741.9845237 -14418180.985
2556 40066811.2525798 48856439.7474
2557 51794519.2224679 28023419.7775
2558 55981451.0255092 -10744908.026
2559 148815850.843621 -112061216.84
2560 -1160520.0917953 5666442.0918
2561 40559727.8349884 36552448.165
2562 3312486.17597847 122415771.824
2563 42824099.938308 -4075704.9383
2564 82428781.7084776 65983283.2915
2565 26399059.315254 29135395.6847
2566 15938047.9499464 21726807.0501
2567 -6254217.3779048 24891907.3779
2568 21851199.2092364 3461187.79076
2569 16413085.0651472 4214286.93485
2570 92526854.9581342 -58292846.958
2571 11449117.8199293 -1547002.8199
2572 18421511.7948931 -9835135.7949
2573 -7410525.6396905 13640801.6397
2574 107189744.785537 -70339643.786
2575 47353262.8743997 -33674349.874
2576 -11568461.444324 14513213.4443
2577 27094559.8274111 11698723.1726
2578 -18392626.355861 49455664.3559
2579 -2017792.1436546 29517792.1437
2580 -19603246.042359 25079306.0424
2581 -29618131.531264 31362989.5313
2582 47852267.9416503 -11814358.942
2583 -28264850.677206 38144821.6772
2584 -35341676.366669 42145692.3667
2585 682664331.815778 -143681124.82
2586 238720765.752641 -11890197.753
2587 147522120.216767 -131031040.22
2588 168119734.935415 -42906830.935
2589 190868753.777588 -43536056.778
2590 199298930.725917 -97596870.726
2591 453634445.866077 -121708298.87
2592 391503010.430478 528335747.57
2593 374925583.653434 371995690.347
2594 163737546.598242 -112666739.6
2595 411965958.932261 340634908.068
2596 113547796.033417 -65746407.033
2597 399026074.429491 399932090.571
2598 210949803.391745 100644228.608
2599 68835929.5151482 -30584504.515
2600 85665325.474623 -37599653.475
2601 125929315.153793 108872579.846
2602 53848911.534148 46151088.4659
2603 98460714.8279811 19258443.172
2604 167169732.145544 -114865731.15
2605 61821823.3070708 77530809.6929
2606 44097486.33638 -3997486.3364
2607 79144779.6667882 -45772173.667
2608 81951040.5732489 -61154193.573
2609 28740812.9281621 90759187.0718
2610 56050352.4456596 210536447.554
2611 38005654.8803347 -2386133.8803
2612 65276360.2324949 3452997.76751
2613 85951255.8812282 -75454938.881
2614 109136327.451594 -18753119.452
2615 192241328.707198 -90241328.707
2616 28625375.761562 -11529322.762
2617 23022865.8672016 31577134.1328
2618 135844942.77134 -18086442.771
2619 33801990.8725646 -21487339.873
2620 124849368.185823 -73972223.186
2621 84508372.4699813 -60570502.47
2622 31925046.0844369 14845555.9156
2623 41488180.1157041 -24624597.116
2624 19284144.1130203 -15184144.113
2625 32480473.5604681 87273804.4395
2626 35321290.5252867 5524791.47471
2627 -49554.389892347 8894149.38989
2628 -2255605.8133664 23363351.8134
2629 15274778.1379779 15880656.862
2630 150376201.005136 27601024.9949
2631 -6149947.0174505 9649947.01745
2632 2452066.33516854 14404057.6648
2633 16609799.9009321 51801475.0991
2634 -15722312.453791 15872589.4538
2635 6444807.99916827 26282148.0008
2636 130739266.41864 -125329749.42
2637 16831627.8868609 -8858660.8869
2638 13868809.1998453 -6850620.1998
2639 27942797.6669538 72057202.333
2640 53408346.0726914 -47997597.073
2641 1580938.03755419 59560091.9624
2642 8329185.49435354 -7091570.4944
2643 -2912395.5593131 13355711.5593
2644 46417309.0910946 -35457834.091
2645 -20461109.11021 30690440.1102
2646 13033821.9208117 -8471675.9208
2647 -30323663.311351 30427398.3114
2648 -26727974.930801 27827974.9308
2649 -40054068.574547 40899256.5745
2650 -3411434.1826765 5531428.18268
2651 491441984.960621 71374271.0394
2652 461271471.097457 -87719377.097
2653 347072008.462068 150294860.538
2654 281358445.331857 -65829244.332
2655 390191436.888995 -101143673.89
2656 155249551.500967 -81922885.501
2657 418388415.863298 205640955.137
2658 176115467.960187 -84761966.96
2659 108943130.879578 -68519185.88
2660 141330935.58574 -125883781.59
2661 212711865.987144 148654767.013
2662 103858109.806457 -28905804.806
2663 86771532.0782521 66153560.9217
2664 115625085.632632 52097224.3674
2665 357108774.026947 -84196344.027
2666 161866599.800829 -3978956.8008
2667 184797118.33416 -19463938.334
2668 80198190.3962969 103276411.604
2669 186612898.245231 -89041648.245
2670 68590880.6159764 -30315397.616
2671 98460845.9075638 -54531913.908
2672 73949223.2738372 39908309.7262
2673 177034903.646358 -105880311.65
2674 54202709.6748077 -29409200.675
2675 79562811.8960678 136634680.104
2676 141493420.970536 -88666826.971
2677 65832965.7597988 85998571.2402
2678 58258458.2296395 -17053359.23
2679 73864690.761732 -26622745.762
2680 31204918.5264463 -29427983.526
2681 132036135.075143 -122546306.08
2682 50712262.9605187 -15614447.961
2683 48221088.9141759 37224986.0858
2684 48541804.9072134 27158693.0928
2685 18017317.5646907 -17464119.565
2686 11658475.5158392 -9397763.5158
2687 129442823.262174 34991043.7378
2688 11465394.6425151 340724.357485
2689 40963215.0421574 -19798416.042
2690 16277527.3001133 -5428744.3001
2691 63937432.7202209 16260560.2798
2692 59803553.9188818 -4984252.9189
2693 21184560.8041676 10488346.1958
2694 67125546.6751806 -27785369.675
2695 -981540.17684162 22911958.1768
2696 24272983.4041018 25196920.5959
2697 93063772.7269614 -23637806.727
2698 -2246380.1428105 6076517.14281
2699 169825429.173938 -100693569.17
2700 -6036052.4978946 8336052.49789
2701 -3838307.6970681 17838307.6971
2702 -10661932.239298 19161932.2393
2703 56073513.3500483 7142358.64995
2704 32767955.9447383 -28615725.945
2705 42142616.5782453 -7064375.5782
2706 11559726.2935514 440273.706449
2707 20257771.4173514 1907836.58265
2708 17991816.6161363 21446857.3839
2709 -8543963.384665 16822980.3847
2710 -11781347.939313 26483785.9393
2711 -24208278.407701 25887152.4077
2712 -21679973.383131 24879973.3831
2713 7206189.47794595 9496674.52205
2714 -26047420.26372 26701041.2637
2715 -26764931.79964 29796732.7996
2716 148732799.600852 220048009.399
2717 -37456365.818165 37920365.8182
2718 481080820.96575 235311884.034
2719 360075925.202793 300864854.797
2720 143985684.438874 -138956736.44
2721 287802912.863576 70572690.1364
2722 402688690.082432 263003590.918
2723 171134995.751842 -62376474.752
2724 188653437.026655 187487868.973
2725 290461577.69912 -190322726.7
2726 71051085.2116835 -45546572.212
2727 211274809.604508 -71099803.605
2728 89027290.8889424 8515661.11106
2729 99328129.0195882 83965001.9804
2730 45557251.0900134 24442748.91
2731 191872869.193323 68824124.8067
2732 340259965.120977 -52665388.121
2733 132556262.339775 209074945.66
2734 107168395.095198 -38818511.095
2735 80087086.8318081 -3598197.8318
2736 38451168.6932636 -10235250.693
2737 76698343.8195185 10357005.1805
2738 35419222.905826 17006632.0942
2739 165138284.544063 -60192519.544
2740 83704436.3786454 -21087790.379
2741 29523440.4472805 147988591.553
2742 301128695.900702 -43106462.901
2743 178666985.998985 -28993197.999
2744 74821048.5979444 3815208.40206
2745 136267181.200683 27136617.7993
2746 93497724.5564615 -56604003.556
2747 78638077.8279207 -47554478.828
2748 22880189.3496629 9511857.65034
2749 14031166.7979855 243818955.202
2750 76138081.9011858 -61706828.901
2751 39323643.5697224 -8335948.5697
2752 9210407.34394954 5026592.65605
2753 69504068.9901578 -196844.99016
2754 108992590.070075 1007409.92992
2755 3727307.84753693 29253572.1525
2756 39817447.9007878 -38846631.901
2757 16841760.9698961 16855886.0301
2758 -513602.47217845 7925818.47218
2759 75495409.9312544 -53451132.931
2760 33285977.9450144 115995628.055
2761 24069024.8962434 16423734.1038
2762 5881634.80488405 -5321565.8049
2763 12462621.0188928 4489176.98111
2764 -7847788.2806862 9832450.28069
2765 14313618.6386133 -12528855.639
2766 -2665834.6020116 7794892.60201
2767 121588591.718814 -101664558.72
2768 38103763.5799456 -27977305.58
2769 -13400121.013872 16250384.0139
2770 4018443.75187574 33151613.2481
2771 -20762226.359001 38748119.359
2772 2776630.95443773 24230512.0456
2773 153889393.760499 -139061312.76
2774 -10523025.221194 10949249.2212
2775 -12693215.491861 35286624.4919
2776 -17891416.332758 36641662.3328
2777 -31683956.786711 38390324.7867
2778 -1269171.6286137 9989171.62861
2779 -31995297.137603 32119791.1376
2780 -10835253.414726 20625153.4147
2781 -36706181.828749 40893112.8287
2782 279160290.680964 224889928.319
2783 458216559.767023 173528000.233
2784 269580631.412177 214828586.588
2785 241829179.040401 125445839.96
2786 290613248.07654 -47624782.077
2787 149052650.165674 -58793114.166
2788 86351281.6242684 -85849463.624
2789 190500182.052309 -83360783.052
2790 116721018.78744 -26294613.787
2791 101316715.712205 34833718.2878
2792 239502147.057389 107823654.943
2793 70034809.4745981 -59697422.475
2794 71266773.405632 -38827785.406
2795 116225424.304613 96160108.6954
2796 76006998.9698477 -18506998.97
2797 136784006.133449 35179379.8666
2798 71375530.8567131 -3141901.8567
2799 82443425.9560436 25603705.044
2800 87180980.7972417 142555363.203
2801 52378568.2526534 -11893529.253
2802 86980573.2395929 -18083744.24
2803 229017503.744648 -26991391.745
2804 108950104.641531 42211386.3585
2805 72254151.222655 113737494.777
2806 134775505.89104 -116906457.89
2807 44932829.2468373 14284959.7532
2808 21312613.1727989 -17770260.173
2809 34429783.1105941 -28770497.111
2810 275865524.908738 279121952.091
2811 25706026.2103583 1386853.78964
2812 81866943.9127168 -60047595.913
2813 131067380.767324 -80417301.767
2814 78594679.2449763 17014315.755
2815 41025831.3395847 -21725831.34
2816 165222956.46732 -96708112.467
2817 41469995.129154 -30968057.129
2818 23203211.0370472 -5929618.037
2819 55672301.666405 21844002.3336
2820 2731914.91647148 8393934.08353
2821 18502979.0578113 -12392979.058
2822 39069130.0193231 -19717561.019
2823 -4552644.4731176 7752644.47312
2824 89694663.3098557 -16915663.31
2825 61674833.1692254 -31767148.169
2826 -16097142.626964 16701085.627
2827 9803960.99284501 -4779178.9928
2828 -19639616.015459 29687290.0155
2829 141365308.768784 -81897033.769
2830 31943913.9573636 -1927748.9574
2831 -16057100.964676 18483951.9647
2832 3077673.46977077 2031146.53023
2833 121464463.736598 -92464463.737
2834 111470547.204387 -57883143.204
2835 -23217535.715657 23325094.7157
2836 -6578143.2849528 19774388.285
2837 -26242921.531376 26363541.5314
2838 -20621996.60453 21404098.6045
2839 -12890665.342541 17812831.3425
2840 366418072.500078 -239871247.5
2841 305749549.0113 482492226.989
2842 293350015.31866 179876942.681
2843 128973478.433616 -25383207.434
2844 120134280.448822 -67846866.449
2845 382444607.456931 221455746.543
2846 127883696.214095 -27917943.214
2847 122803121.690563 -62022140.691
2848 252969249.996125 -176536523
2849 222053725.245145 -99608953.245
2850 116153231.244667 137981678.755
2851 113358546.221328 1304914.77867
2852 126924567.689461 9961199.31054
2853 55429210.7104912 -53673998.71
2854 57159589.3438973 9308742.6561
2855 84709775.0188593 -20082989.019
2856 141963142.981399 -12130753.981
2857 116581765.895622 44020428.1044
2858 34787641.1253971 -1813704.1254
2859 25380297.4691214 -19903504.469
2860 27534578.8686537 -10705033.869
2861 30831948.1402835 -18004135.14
2862 89804822.4947224 -15207179.495
2863 33958492.0295571 11341507.9704
2864 97256986.1010402 -2321222.101
2865 28517010.6612213 6355022.33878
2866 82534298.7972895 -63212163.797
2867 54418149.520449 31146160.4796
2868 14544719.384631 21889255.6154
2869 1987170.81224275 19391190.1878
2870 49167870.6537889 1503979.34621
2871 40740923.3756574 11140089.6243
2872 30537043.5337454 -23588410.534
2873 10584892.8611234 11583466.1389
2874 6461591.47402071 11735806.526
2875 31495794.0289553 35697064.971
2876 -7005995.0495318 25350724.0495
2877 3870623.48058444 -677521.48058
2878 30916528.8664789 -365033.86648
2879 131651411.003015 -77402117.003
2880 5514140.83268604 35341278.1673
2881 9657999.51338555 -3252754.5134
2882 9597403.72070482 19733664.2793
2883 -20855381.450576 21755381.4506
2884 -8470335.9968571 9068980.99686
2885 18068132.6833325 -3285456.6833
2886 49804824.9944315 -20832316.994
2887 -34979762.740165 37260762.7402
2888 -35258374.581828 44258374.5818
2889 -1501562.8220361 4071562.82204
2890 497011892.818049 -55193089.818
2891 329559699.032274 -25239445.032
2892 333233717.386387 544011064.614
2893 264104289.760966 -103991618.76
2894 168770012.945941 -66378630.946
2895 209055987.816521 15747487.1835
2896 122273997.587917 -22273997.588
2897 119204456.475762 -76273415.476
2898 96970463.690668 -13516924.691
2899 94871906.3525167 -10571906.353
2900 220517461.943293 29682538.0567
2901 253093481.162298 -6860368.1623
2902 215104517.887363 60546185.1126
2903 75331101.500761 -71366419.501
2904 191457250.596493 251682754.404
2905 117969958.310082 42613059.6899
2906 332789094.429625 -39971253.43
2907 145380841.406642 -27042480.407
2908 72830249.2394079 10357915.7606
2909 89558769.4661768 58375410.5338
2910 187984339.001951 34246846.998
2911 115648819.727958 -60467690.728
2912 173157475.705414 -9423778.7054
2913 15656467.1317394 -5956467.1317
2914 29266313.5077631 -5329405.5078
2915 52486785.7727929 25513214.2272
2916 41717285.2557898 -18775064.256
2917 17699978.3373321 -9899978.3373
2918 67237246.2206186 24982063.7794
2919 283700.745345503 17732589.2547
2920 291915780.827599 -252923022.83
2921 33423142.479911 5876857.52009
2922 951141.832411423 153540.167589
2923 5414111.60466526 7954325.39533
2924 -7381834.7351287 16061648.7351
2925 -9679746.0013173 21979414.0013
2926 -1211353.2575797 16390655.2576
2927 17486448.3389613 29688589.661
2928 20429953.5453598 45105113.4546
2929 -4407752.1217852 19524386.1218
2930 -4924424.4797805 22693181.4798
2931 14442548.8388564 38527465.1611
2932 -9955441.3530472 29125442.353
2933 135241929.639582 -100107109.64
2934 116769148.036493 -98107121.036
2935 76217333.3163008 -69408783.316
2936 -26183502.800256 29595999.8003
2937 -29390229.274639 32206345.2746
2938 -37670157.132111 39420368.1321
2939 157715895.681373 -72548256.681
2940 241205319.559308 285863531.441
2941 155658772.282824 -109187749.28
2942 197355903.893594 678602404.106
2943 158628014.367881 -80318883.368
2944 115640396.783817 -80352608.784
2945 97648610.5151661 42513181.4848
2946 55151639.095597 -10954955.096
2947 174537780.592952 168157654.407
2948 117955361.936416 -45255361.936
2949 26155016.8763466 3844196.12365
2950 24290771.1193721 -12342817.119
2951 131234696.48786 -37859545.488
2952 80210956.1325145 -28530755.133
2953 22084450.0209355 -19964011.021
2954 10246896.0493789 32417513.9506
2955 8179097.55219644 13543678.4478
2956 54577267.9771152 -40467983.977
2957 63533629.3386525 -32463418.339
2958 35411371.6357097 41102678.3643
2959 4489516.95154376 63248573.0485
2960 10601949.0761689 53680362.9238
2961 136314565.81585 39789778.1842
2962 119492189.88295 -77673125.883
2963 36804995.7682445 -36324681.768
2964 18532467.8902247 6297176.10978
2965 92907689.6335019 -9145845.6335
2966 41882559.0874356 -26038951.087
2967 -5936869.312048 21874934.312
2968 146342499.955376 -19795981.955
2969 45620825.3336241 -26415896.334
2970 7789952.81900559 3627409.18099
2971 25100426.6896969 -8809450.6897
2972 1801550.30953616 65165436.6905
2973 -23041619.262943 26118439.2629
2974 -31754750.708649 32954750.7086
2975 -33618637.874405 67018637.8744
2976 272208284.073216 -249048979.07
2977 165708573.031875 -46607815.032
2978 119582114.830247 -30253487.83
2979 244725048.867474 287955622.133
2980 105954160.542954 1263235.45705
2981 103269557.640134 -24890813.64
2982 124180100.45717 56819899.5428
2983 60944144.9898605 -17778573.99
2984 136685238.365792 -79461348.366
2985 131463787.384188 -105175467.38
2986 16769961.4631502 43371721.5368
2987 17084753.1075156 8478170.89248
2988 12746527.6651829 -11998074.665
2989 83871622.3884523 -45699122.388
2990 87105870.4307092 -29224814.431
2991 -3611761.0872765 23083818.0873
2992 48717492.2573492 -35195663.257
2993 86179297.5860199 -16344482.586
2994 17212464.6710312 -2390118.671
2995 13156909.4428181 -6742994.4428
2996 -16845184.179535 17018250.1795
2997 25654241.7723917 15950231.2276
2998 15657898.103921 71207665.8961
2999 19993577.4653669 -10627350.465
3000 -245272.63257412 10669742.6326
3001 -5178838.7049569 10720863.705
3002 -9543656.5393991 33522058.5394
3003 19312763.5619015 -10967707.562
3004 -27268506.98829 27409172.9883
3005 -14433309.847703 31725690.8477
3006 -40551802.34115 40663102.3412
3007 276165751.016522 -130394224.02
3008 142043723.801762 28720302.1982
3009 59149196.5129816 -29749196.513
3010 104798953.934012 87653878.066
3011 82206073.6434155 4724337.35658
3012 31879191.1100949 -27871399.11
3013 30322953.5930168 -26997915.593
3014 193718451.262455 -44673938.262
3015 246270026.869898 -8887302.8699
3016 318950488.622428 -254491172.62
3017 33412998.2091519 -14943318.209
3018 160863391.804632 133593213.195
3019 82565842.3564818 -56694008.356
3020 13233094.0165303 7477418.98347
3021 13202977.7584314 -5202977.7584
3022 41055417.0295483 -1787902.0295
3023 890830.409886591 353130.590113
3024 -4151209.9162696 17252881.9163
3025 35380048.0963008 22511754.9037
3026 19745859.3230752 13780975.6769
3027 16783579.401556 10403795.5984
3028 24706977.7798008 -18206977.78
3029 52940576.7884296 -44446686.788
3030 -10599113.301374 33329955.3014
3031 172203992.777648 -27203992.778
3032 158241686.744789 62431530.2552
3033 67422189.5936751 -61499145.594
3034 79269110.6725161 -50618535.673
3035 138616555.941534 86218008.0585
3036 309734498.5627 -9599131.5627
3037 97846137.2451222 -97350834.245
3038 96817085.5235791 100194896.476
3039 25506303.44448 60856068.5555
3040 112881024.069817 -74378684.07
3041 97230630.8952522 -28533860.895
3042 181296189.120776 -166922364.12
3043 32320151.5618246 -22736020.562
3044 31993537.2103452 3770067.78965
3045 41628454.0443312 43144287.9557
3046 48474154.7548813 36172676.2451
3047 4822983.18663464 13840254.8134
3048 15163550.7453364 2343817.25466
3049 25049724.6479126 -14712247.648
3050 24444732.4478563 -7838969.4479
3051 59091330.3475436 -12545133.348
3052 14486012.9060702 -12810306.906
3053 -25504842.062722 27562035.0627
3054 -10669191.459293 45080431.4593
3055 -20311828.095331 24941873.0953
3056 -27810419.064226 28783944.0642
3057 -9503256.2488775 29845417.2489
3058 -11698633.034292 33209484.0343
3059 -26516714.34036 26628445.3404
3060 12766312.7620561 933687.237944
3061 -10542632.511695 18569603.5117
3062 189985875.352916 -5060389.3529
3063 185103296.112685 -44350679.113
3064 236313301.750263 -113749762.75
3065 196131186.601832 -24373323.602
3066 221091015.322042 122306231.678
3067 148837711.015694 -7617033.0157
3068 140782327.798659 37480292.2013
3069 177104438.821176 2275094.17882
3070 51639760.9835187 154064057.016
3071 99794526.5744916 -48661928.574
3072 203371898.595898 -6062871.5959
3073 56591306.8953306 16589416.1047
3074 85608634.4692253 -45061194.469
3075 55108318.8051992 -1277903.8052
3076 23039228.7738337 41071499.2262
3077 -1903585.5858724 103662075.586
3078 44608802.8565241 36327429.1435
3079 394685.957096808 2992314.0429
3080 8163842.94120508 -3746262.9412
3081 57541033.4299934 -45034845.43
3082 31582007.2007914 -9181853.2008
3083 27150000.859815 21398425.1402
3084 -5254052.8473378 49714902.8473
3085 5803314.67239976 1196685.3276
3086 80196027.5650205 -17313937.565
3087 130644230.256661 55522908.7433
3088 78410519.0050118 183162224.995
3089 287619520.17689 66628542.8231
3090 47280181.8549853 33267684.145
3091 89554318.1994563 -78886425.199
3092 161080673.072159 -48596909.072
3093 45559922.6157327 11310491.3843
3094 -2973916.4192605 20433936.4193
3095 10610045.1168243 -982553.11682
3096 -20458796.58993 32292492.5899
3097 -25353222.296908 34353222.2969
3098 359503533.596786 23753602.4032
3099 228035082.533452 145518950.467
3100 105602595.860467 -61495563.86
3101 393363797.803159 -78931132.803
3102 204228209.353296 141851563.647
3103 92775974.3903797 5061163.60962
3104 39638280.4503827 -32370695.45
3105 77365962.9350444 23288186.065
3106 63664879.1995619 -28722691.2
3107 -271514.99001425 2312434.99001
3108 899557.732070409 10198573.2679
3109 28625529.5201125 1705635.47989
3110 50088920.3242387 13711424.6758
3111 66635985.4041516 -33052810.404
3112 56759997.1199471 -5706210.1199
3113 116360162.258126 -105821162.26
3114 65324108.8589457 -37721039.859
3115 108324010.222367 92480523.7776
3116 24495639.7478056 102896599.252
3117 6164872.31643234 9827742.68357
3118 14261474.4256472 -12783798.426
3119 720760.150491662 9979239.84951
3120 149475243.467814 52108897.5322
3121 -22321773.568484 30321773.5685
3122 -35120594.24638 40120594.2464
3123 177230326.185039 -128802263.19
3124 3372860.12234014 51295093.8777
3125 1418186.75683442 2932587.24317
3126 -1522847.8790988 3798404.8791
3127 40987972.0243372 59503710.9757
3128 -20013439.950455 22168135.9505
3129 302955563.559685 -133627876.56
3130 51902359.2832087 -21454359.283
3131 276823658.405129 -106866852.41
3132 15141728.7925226 -7032568.7925
3133 -16646965.012431 19538253.0124
3134 162246954.48008 -45051893.48
3135 46254581.3773501 -700048.37735
3136 233125307.849683 -129173846.85
3137 68217242.3676875 -48739136.368
3138 -12242030.935767 24642030.9358
3139 81689774.2497759 -43603996.25
3140 33901305.3043877 -30334668.304
3141 158999331.845409 -68124761.845
3142 54843201.1103841 80836798.8896
3143 42084506.4137655 67778175.5862
3144 21226284.1731847 -20557008.173
3145 96093490.0087751 171353659.991
3146 64755217.9356052 19705628.0644
3147 -37788438.003799 64788438.0038
3148 -39188281.364098 41388281.3641
3149 72787459.5123162 -58327459.512
budget Residual Plot

0 100000000 200000000 30000

Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%

-35610619.756 -47108894.508 -35610619.756
2.0863701852 1.887730692 2.0863701852
3013023.552 2684479.4033 3013023.552

popularity Residual Plot


0 50 100 150 200 250

200000000 300000000

al Plot

0 200 250 300

release_date original_title
6/12/1963 Cleopatra
12/15/1939 Gone with the Wind
3/26/1970 Woodstock
11/19/1980 Heaven's Gate
12/10/1962 Lawrence of Arabia
2/21/2003 Gods and Generals
4/26/1954 七人の侍
11/18/1992 Malcolm X
12/1/2003 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
12/20/1974 The Godfather: Part II
2/15/1965 The Greatest Story Ever Told
12/22/1965 Doctor Zhivago
9/4/1916 Intolerance
11/29/1993 Schindler's List
12/25/1981 Reds
11/18/1997 Titanic
10/20/1983 The Right Stuff
8/11/2006 कभी अलविदा ना कहना
12/22/1995 Nixon
11/12/2004 Veer-Zaara
11/30/1982 Gandhi
4/6/2007 Grindhouse
6/24/1994 Wyatt Earp
12/10/1999 The Green Mile
12/20/1991 JFK
12/8/1999 Magnolia
3/24/1964 The Fall of the Roman Empire
12/14/2005 King Kong
12/1/1961 Judgment at Nuremberg
12/18/1975 Barry Lyndon
5/21/2001 Pearl Harbor
12/8/1978 The Deer Hunter
11/9/1990 Dances with Wolves
11/3/1971 Fiddler on the Roof
12/25/2013 The Wolf of Wall Street
12/18/2002 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
12/18/2001 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
11/22/1995 Casino
11/12/1998 Meet Joe Black
9/25/1962 The Longest Day
5/24/1995 Braveheart
12/25/1997 The Postman
3/14/1972 The Godfather
12/21/1968 C'era una volta il West
11/21/2004 Alexander
6/15/1977 A Bridge Too Far
3/2/1965 The Sound of Music
10/26/2012 Cloud Atlas
6/20/1963 The Great Escape
1/25/1970 Patton
12/25/1946 The Best Years of Our Lives
9/12/1994 Hoop Dreams
11/8/1951 Quo Vadis
12/8/1983 Scarface
12/17/2004 The Aviator
12/25/1998 The Thin Red Line
10/21/1964 My Fair Lady
5/14/1998 The Horse Whisperer
2/27/2013 Трудно быть богом
9/8/2000 Fiza
11/26/2012 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
7/24/1998 Saving Private Ryan
12/25/2015 The Hateful Eight
12/14/2002 Gangs of New York
11/24/2008 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
6/25/2014 Transformers: Age of Extinction
7/16/2012 The Dark Knight Rises
12/25/2012 Django Unchained
11/18/2008 Australia
6/28/2000 The Patriot
6/5/2014 Boyhood
12/22/2005 Munich
8/12/1988 The Last Temptation of Christ
5/13/2004 Troy
3/5/2009 Watchmen
12/16/1999 Any Given Sunday
10/21/1987 The Last Emperor
11/7/1963 It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
12/14/1984 A Passage to India
12/24/1990 The Godfather: Part III
11/14/1996 The English Patient
11/13/2002 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
12/11/2013 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
12/23/1966 Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo
10/2/1957 The Bridge on the River Kwai
5/5/2009 Enter the Void
12/20/1985 Out of Africa
9/2/2007 The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
10/26/1984 Amadeus
9/15/2008 Miracle at St. Anna
7/14/1999 Eyes Wide Shut
7/10/2015 Baahubali: The Beginning
5/31/2013 Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani
12/14/2011 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
10/10/2009 2012
12/28/2007 There Will Be Blood
10/15/1969 Paint Your Wagon
11/5/2005 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
3/2/2007 Zodiac
12/18/2012 Les Misérables
11/2/2007 American Gangster
12/19/2012 Zero Dark Thirty
10/28/1999 The Insider
12/11/2001 Ali
1/26/2006 Rang De Basanti
12/25/2015 The Revenant
9/8/2004 Der Untergang
5/1/2000 Gladiator
9/11/1997 Boogie Nights
11/21/1997 Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
12/3/1997 Amistad
10/8/1994 Pulp Fiction
6/28/2006 Superman Returns
12/5/2003 The Last Samurai
12/24/1997 Jackie Brown
6/28/2011 Transformers: Dark of the Moon
12/24/2003 Cold Mountain
6/30/1993 The Firm
6/16/2000 Amores perros
12/18/1985 The Color Purple
10/20/2010 Les petits mouchoirs
5/6/1963 55 Days at Peking
7/7/2009 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
9/18/2013 Prisoners
8/18/2009 Inglourious Basterds
8/15/1979 Apocalypse Now
1/10/1927 Metropolis
6/13/1962 Lolita
9/26/1968 Oliver!
7/16/2008 The Dark Knight
11/16/2001 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
10/18/1961 West Side Story
10/29/2004 Ray
12/21/2001 The Majestic
1/10/1952 The Greatest Show on Earth
3/23/2016 Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
6/20/2006 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
10/5/2006 The Departed
7/1/1998 Armageddon
11/5/1925 The Big Parade
12/3/2014 Exodus: Gods and Kings
7/11/1997 Contact
5/15/2008 The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
9/24/2002 The Pianist
6/19/2009 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
7/10/2008 Chi bi
4/10/1968 2001: A Space Odyssey
7/3/2013 The Lone Ranger
5/17/2006 The Da Vinci Code
11/9/2012 Lincoln
9/16/1981 Das Boot
7/24/1996 A Time to Kill
6/18/1959 The Nun's Story
1/1/1969 Sweet Charity
7/14/2010 Inception
10/26/2015 Spectre
12/25/2014 Inherent Vice
9/11/2007 Into the Wild
10/18/1999 Joan of Arc
4/27/2016 Captain America: Civil War
8/13/2015 Straight Outta Compton
9/13/2006 Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
7/18/2003 Bad Boys II
5/16/2001 Mulholland Drive
12/27/2000 Traffic
10/18/1996 Sleepers
11/15/2013 The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
4/23/2004 Man on Fire
8/9/2011 The Help
6/29/2001 A.I. Artificial Intelligence
12/25/2011 War Horse
9/17/1999 The Hurricane
7/31/2009 Funny People
5/26/2010 Sex and the City 2
6/19/1960 Elmer Gantry
10/1/2014 Gone Girl
6/20/2002 Minority Report
9/12/1990 GoodFellas
6/25/1996 Independence Day
12/20/1989 Born on the Fourth of July
12/24/2000 Thirteen Days
12/6/2005 Memoirs of a Geisha
6/17/1969 The Wild Bunch
2/12/2010 My Name Is Khan
9/1/2006 Zwartboek
12/15/2011 金陵十三釵
9/1/2006 Alatriste
6/1/2012 For Greater Glory - The True Story of Cristiada
5/18/2016 X-Men: Apocalypse
12/10/2014 The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
11/14/2006 Casino Royale
5/22/1980 The Shining
5/3/2005 Kingdom of Heaven
12/28/2001 Black Hawk Down
1/13/2016 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi
10/17/1997 The Devil's Advocate
12/11/1991 Hook
6/27/2007 Transformers
6/2/2005 Cinderella Man
1/26/1970 Tora! Tora! Tora!
5/15/2006 Southland Tales
12/31/1946 Duel in the Sun
9/3/2005 The Lost City
7/9/2003 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
4/25/2012 The Avengers
6/12/2013 Man of Steel
10/25/2012 Skyfall
12/7/2005 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
5/10/2013 The Great Gatsby
12/22/2000 Cast Away
12/7/2006 Blood Diamond
12/13/1978 Superman
6/14/1991 Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
9/8/2006 Babel
12/8/2004 The Phantom of the Opera
12/18/1969 Topaz
7/6/1994 Forrest Gump
9/23/1994 The Shawshank Redemption
4/16/2014 The Amazing Spider-Man 2
3/12/2012 The Hunger Games
5/15/2002 Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
5/21/2013 La grande bellezza
12/12/1969 On Her Majesty's Secret Service
9/30/2015 The Martian
4/22/2015 Avengers: Age of Ultron
5/31/2004 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
12/25/2002 Catch Me If You Can
10/15/2015 Bridge of Spies
10/8/2014 The Judge
7/14/1994 True Lies
1/30/2008 Changeling
12/19/2006 Letters from Iwo Jima
8/3/1994 Clear and Present Danger
12/16/1993 The Pelican Brief
12/6/2013 Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
7/22/2003 Seabiscuit
9/1/2004 Vanity Fair
6/10/2005 Batman Begins
6/30/1995 Apollo 13
9/9/2011 Warrior
5/17/2005 Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
5/12/2010 Robin Hood
3/20/2013 The Place Beyond the Pines
7/1/2009 Public Enemies
7/29/1998 The Negotiator
5/17/2000 Dancer in the Dark
9/22/2006 Flyboys
3/1/1991 The Doors
9/23/2000 The House of Mirth
5/4/1981 Inchon
10/15/1999 Fight Club
5/1/2007 Spider-Man 3
3/14/2014 Divergent
8/27/1964 Mary Poppins
3/20/2014 Noah
5/18/2011 The Tree of Life
12/7/2006 Apocalypto
12/19/1997 As Good as It Gets
12/25/1999 The Talented Mr. Ripley
12/6/1996 Jerry Maguire
8/9/1989 The Abyss
6/24/2016 Free State of Jones
8/29/2003 Open Range
10/16/1998 Happiness
4/13/1995 Rob Roy
9/17/1993 The Age of Innocence
12/18/2009 十月圍城
5/16/2005 Manderlay
10/4/2007 Love in the Time of Cholera
8/25/1954 The Egyptian
3/31/1995 Jefferson in Paris
12/25/1959 Solomon and Sheba
2/18/2010 Shutter Island
6/28/2007 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
5/15/2003 The Matrix Reloaded
5/13/2009 Angels & Demons
12/12/2013 American Hustle
6/27/1997 Face/Off
11/2/2012 Flight
12/11/1992 A Few Good Men
11/14/2003 Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
6/19/2003 Hulk
10/7/2003 Mystic River
9/19/1997 L.A. Confidential
3/1/2002 We Were Soldiers
7/19/2002 K-19: The Widowmaker
2/28/2014 Son of God
11/24/1999 Ride with the Devil
11/18/2015 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2
4/1/2015 Furious 7
7/1/1991 Terminator 2: Judgment Day
7/18/1986 Aliens
12/25/2014 Unbroken
3/15/2015 Child 44
3/15/2006 Das Leben der Anderen
11/9/2011 J. Edgar
12/14/1984 Dune
9/7/2012 The Master
9/9/1991 The Fisher King
5/22/2012 On the Road
11/7/2001 Gosford Park
4/7/2004 The Alamo
3/30/1999 The Matrix
6/27/2012 The Amazing Spider-Man
3/20/2014 Captain America: The Winter Soldier
5/19/1999 Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
6/6/1996 The Rock
4/16/2004 Kill Bill: Vol. 2
12/8/2006 The Holiday
7/20/2005 The Island
5/26/2011 Melancholia
9/13/2005 Walk the Line
7/16/1998 The Mask of Zorro
12/26/2009 The Lovely Bones
3/28/2003 The Core
12/10/2001 Vanilla Sky
3/21/2003 Dreamcatcher
6/12/1968 Rosemary's Baby
1/14/2005 Coach Carter
12/13/1995 Sense and Sensibility
12/21/2000 Finding Forrester
9/12/1997 Seven Years in Tibet
3/5/2004 Hidalgo
10/6/2006 Little Children
5/1/1998 He Got Game
6/13/1982 Firefox
12/18/1961 Pocketful of Miracles
10/15/2014 Fury
12/11/2001 A Beautiful Mind
11/16/1977 Close Encounters of the Third Kind
5/23/1983 Return of the Jedi
7/28/1995 Waterworld
9/7/2003 Love Actually
9/16/2005 Pride & Prejudice
12/16/2002 25th Hour
8/7/1997 Conspiracy Theory
12/25/2005 The New World
5/28/1995 The Bridges of Madison County
5/9/2008 Speed Racer
8/30/1996 Sling Blade
10/1/2007 I'm Not There.
11/18/1997 The Rainmaker
8/16/1996 Tin Cup
11/23/2005 Rent
2/6/2004 Miracle
10/13/1995 The Scarlet Letter
6/21/1996 Lone Star
9/16/1953 The Robe
9/20/1995 Le Hussard sur le toit
2/22/2006 Vượt Sóng
10/18/2013 12 Years a Slave
5/13/2016 The Conjuring 2
7/12/1997 もののけ姫
10/10/2013 Captain Phillips
3/2/1990 The Hunt for Red October
9/2/2005 Brokeback Mountain
12/20/2012 This Is 40
12/10/2009 Invictus
10/7/1983 Never Say Never Again
2/19/2016 Race
7/7/1995 First Knight
6/14/2002 Windtalkers
2/13/1998 Sphere
9/25/1961 The Hustler
11/5/1993 The Remains of the Day
12/25/2006 Dreamgirls
6/5/2014 Jersey Boys
12/14/1967 In Cold Blood
12/25/1997 Kundun
12/14/1996 Evita
12/25/2005 The Producers
10/26/2010 Barney's Version
10/24/1978 The Wiz
11/18/1975 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
12/11/2014 American Sniper
12/7/2011 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
11/25/2015 Creed
11/17/2002 Die Another Day
12/11/1988 Rain Man
1/13/2015 Blackhat
9/22/2011 Moneyball
6/17/1980 The Blues Brothers
11/18/2010 The Next Three Days
8/24/1999 The Ninth Gate
8/12/2010 Eat Pray Love
7/7/1989 Licence to Kill
12/16/1994 Legends of the Fall
9/2/2010 Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
1/16/2009 Brooklyn's Finest
3/15/1996 Executive Decision
8/26/1948 Red River
9/21/1964 The Train
10/8/1999 Random Hearts
4/24/2003 X2
9/9/2015 Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials
3/15/2006 V for Vendetta
9/24/2014 The Equalizer
5/5/2013 Star Trek Into Darkness
12/15/2004 Million Dollar Baby
3/7/2012 John Carter
11/20/1998 Enemy of the State
5/11/2001 A Knight's Tale
8/16/2013 The Butler
12/28/2001 I Am Sam
12/6/1979 Star Trek: The Motion Picture
10/18/2006 Flags of Our Fathers
10/6/1995 Assassins
9/8/2002 The Four Feathers
8/12/2005 The Great Raid
10/25/1996 Michael Collins
5/4/1984 The Bounty
10/19/2001 Riding in Cars with Boys
4/22/2009 南京!南京!
12/25/1991 The Prince of Tides
11/18/1983 Yentl
5/24/2011 X-Men: First Class
5/15/2014 X-Men: Days of Future Past
7/23/2015 Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation
7/15/1988 Die Hard
4/11/2012 Battleship
11/19/2004 National Treasure
7/11/2013 Pacific Rim
10/10/2008 The Hurt Locker
3/13/2001 Enemy at the Gates
6/27/2013 White House Down
8/7/1992 Unforgiven
9/9/2015 Legend
7/6/2012 Savages
3/17/2000 Erin Brockovich
5/24/1985 A View to a Kill
1/23/2002 The Count of Monte Cristo
6/5/1983 Octopussy
12/17/1999 Bicentennial Man
10/19/2001 The Last Castle
3/12/1971 The Andromeda Strain
2/22/1999 Message in a Bottle
10/17/2008 W.
8/17/2001 Captain Corelli's Mandolin
9/10/1998 The Red Violin
12/1/2010 Space Battleship Yamato
6/26/2014 Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
5/19/2015 Tomorrowland
3/15/2009 The Twilight Saga: New Moon
4/18/2013 Iron Man 3
10/19/2006 The Prestige
11/16/1995 GoldenEye
12/11/2015 The Big Short
12/20/2012 Jack Reacher
8/6/1993 The Fugitive
3/13/2014 Need for Speed
3/7/2013 Oz: The Great and Powerful
8/21/2013 The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones
2/5/2002 Cidade de Deus
12/20/1946 It's a Wonderful Life
4/28/2001 The Mummy Returns
6/18/1993 Last Action Hero
4/18/2013 Pain & Gain
12/16/1965 Thunderball
12/25/1993 Tombstone
3/15/2000 The Perfect Storm
6/29/1987 The Living Daylights
2/21/2003 The Life of David Gale
9/4/2010 Incendies
9/23/2005 Oliver Twist
1/8/2013 一代宗師
4/12/1940 Rebecca
5/1/2013 Mud
4/3/1998 Lost in Space
10/21/2011 Anonymous
7/21/2000 What Lies Beneath
7/31/2000 Space Cowboys
11/12/1999 Dogma
12/17/2004 Spanglish
9/9/2008 Pride and Glory
6/27/2001 Baby Boy
4/20/2011 Fast Five
10/10/2008 The Express
5/14/2010 Princess Kaiulani
11/22/2011 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
11/5/2003 The Matrix Revolutions
9/12/1997 The Game
11/6/1997 Starship Troopers
6/2/1989 Dead Poets Society
6/2/2016 Now You See Me 2
3/23/2006 Inside Man
11/14/1980 Raging Bull
4/2/1982 Conan the Barbarian
12/24/2011 Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
10/24/2005 The Legend of Zorro
12/25/1973 The Sting
11/25/1992 The Bodyguard
2/6/2009 He's Just Not That Into You
8/13/2009 El secreto de sus ojos
11/20/2009 The Blind Side
9/13/2000 Men of Honor
6/1/2007 Knocked Up
12/25/1962 To Kill a Mockingbird
7/30/2004 The Manchurian Candidate
8/31/2005 The Constant Gardener
10/15/2010 Hereafter
9/23/2011 Machine Gun Preacher
5/20/2004 2046
10/19/1939 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
2/2/1996 White Squall
12/8/1982 The Verdict
11/5/2010 Another Year
9/30/2011 Courageous
9/18/2015 Stonewall
8/3/1990 Mo' Better Blues
5/23/1997 The Lost World: Jurassic Park
12/23/2009 Sherlock Holmes
6/17/2004 The Terminal
5/19/1995 Die Hard: With a Vengeance
6/20/2007 Live Free or Die Hard
11/13/1992 Dracula
4/9/2015 The Longest Ride
11/6/2015 Spotlight
11/8/1999 The World Is Not Enough
10/10/2008 Body of Lies
4/12/2013 42
11/26/2008 Milk
11/15/1991 Cape Fear
8/9/2006 World Trade Center
7/1/1992 A League of Their Own
2/12/2010 The Ghost Writer
10/11/2013 The Fifth Estate
4/8/2005 The Interpreter
12/12/2003 Something's Gotta Give
11/23/2005 Syriana
9/22/1995 Showgirls
8/22/2013 Blood Ties
10/14/2007 The Kite Runner
7/13/1966 Torn Curtain
6/3/1994 Renaissance Man
10/6/1963 Tom Jones
10/26/1970 Waterloo
5/24/1989 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
9/22/1995 Se7en
5/30/2012 Snow White and the Huntsman
5/6/2009 Star Trek
8/4/2014 The Expendables 3
3/9/2001 Moulin Rouge!
2/25/2016 Gods of Egypt
11/20/2012 Life of Pi
8/9/2007 Stardust
7/12/1990 Ghost
6/11/1993 Jurassic Park
2/27/1997 Donnie Brasco
2/25/2004 The Passion of the Christ
9/28/2011 Real Steel
6/25/2004 Spider-Man 2
12/15/2000 What Women Want
12/4/1980 Superman II
3/10/1995 Outbreak
12/25/2014 Selma
6/23/1981 For Your Eyes Only
7/10/1998 Lethal Weapon 4
7/13/2016 The Infiltrator
9/27/1994 Ed Wood
4/17/2009 State of Play
5/17/2009 Agora
9/22/2005 Domino
7/1/2012 Amour
3/25/2002 The Rookie
2/19/2015 天將雄師
12/23/1954 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
12/14/1984 The Cotton Club
11/15/1930 Hell's Angels
4/14/2000 Keeping the Faith
3/21/1997 Selena
12/23/2011 In the Land of Blood and Honey
6/23/2015 Terminator Genisys
4/30/2008 Iron Man
5/7/1997 The Fifth Element
8/1/2013 Snowpiercer
5/3/2006 Mission: Impossible III
6/19/1992 Batman Returns
12/18/2013 Her
6/23/1989 Batman
12/5/1997 Good Will Hunting
11/21/2007 The Mist
11/22/2011 Hugo
6/26/1979 Moonraker
11/15/2007 P.S. I Love You
6/22/1984 The Karate Kid
11/18/2001 Spy Game
12/10/1987 Wall Street
10/22/2004 Sideways
9/9/2006 Rescue Dawn
11/2/2000 The Legend of Bagger Vance
7/23/2013 The Wolverine
7/20/1988 Midnight Run
2/12/2005 North Country
12/19/2003 House of Sand and Fog
12/27/2007 The Great Debaters
8/23/1938 You Can't Take It With You
1/22/2016 Airlift
6/4/1999 Limbo
7/20/2001 千と千尋の神隠し
2/11/2015 Fifty Shades of Grey
12/9/2004 Ocean's Twelve
5/16/2014 The Fault in Our Stars
12/10/2010 TRON: Legacy
7/17/2015 Trainwreck
12/25/2014 Into the Woods
6/20/1997 Batman & Robin
12/25/2003 Big Fish
12/22/1993 Philadelphia
3/22/2013 The Host
12/30/2014 A Most Violent Year
4/21/2006 Silent Hill
11/4/2005 Jarhead
11/16/2013 Saving Mr. Banks
11/24/1993 Mrs. Doubtfire
12/1/1974 The Man with the Golden Gun
8/17/2016 Ben-Hur
7/7/1977 The Spy Who Loved Me
2/10/2010 Valentine's Day
9/15/2010 The Town
6/15/1960 The Apartment
6/17/1983 Superman III
12/13/2002 About Schmidt
8/22/1997 G.I. Jane
9/3/2004 Mar adentro
4/28/2011 Bridesmaids
9/18/1951 A Streetcar Named Desire
2/15/2002 Hart's War
3/19/2009 Duplicity
3/16/2006 Find Me Guilty
1/19/2012 Red Tails
2/23/2001 3000 Miles to Graceland
9/22/1989 Black Rain
9/15/2006 Gridiron Gang
7/3/2008 黃石的孩子
9/10/2006 All the King's Men
11/7/1979 The Rose
7/3/2011 辛亥革命
3/7/1980 Coal Miner's Daughter
9/11/2003 The Visual Bible: The Gospel of John
6/23/2010 The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
2/4/2015 Jupiter Ascending
5/17/1980 The Empire Strikes Back
4/28/2010 Iron Man 2
7/22/2011 Captain America: The First Avenger
5/30/2012 Prometheus
4/10/2013 Oblivion
4/1/2005 Sin City
7/2/1990 Die Hard 2
6/18/1975 Jaws
8/9/2002 xXx
5/26/2004 The Day After Tomorrow
2/13/2013 Beautiful Creatures
7/16/1988 アキラ
12/22/2011 We Bought a Zoo
3/22/2007 Shooter
7/25/1997 Air Force One
4/15/2004 The Punisher
12/10/2008 The Reader
11/13/1940 Fantasia
9/6/2003 21 Grams
10/26/2005 Match Point
10/2/1980 The Elephant Man
1/1/2013 La migliore offerta
12/24/2015 Joy
5/13/1999 Notting Hill
4/4/2001 Blow
4/27/2012 The Five-Year Engagement
7/13/2001 The Score
5/31/2002 The Sum of All Fears
4/6/2005 Sahara
11/28/2011 The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
3/23/2007 Reign Over Me
11/14/1997 The Jackal
5/9/2014 Million Dollar Arm
8/31/2007 In the Valley of Elah
5/10/2002 Unfaithful
9/13/1998 Elizabeth
12/8/2000 Vertical Limit
2/25/2000 Reindeer Games
9/29/2002 Red Dragon
12/12/2006 We Are Marshall
11/22/2000 Quills
5/18/2006 The Wind That Shakes the Barley
12/25/1999 Play It to the Bone
1/1/1961 The Misfits
4/21/2000 Love & Basketball
8/14/1998 How Stella Got Her Groove Back
1/27/1970 The Molly Maguires
10/25/2005 Maurice Richard
11/18/2014 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1
8/2/2016 Suicide Squad
6/15/2015 Southpaw
5/25/2016 Warcraft
7/27/2016 Jason Bourne
11/26/2014 The Theory of Everything
6/25/2004 The Notebook
5/24/2000 Mission: Impossible II
11/11/1994 Interview with the Vampire
12/8/2004 Blade: Trinity
3/27/2008 21
12/18/2008 Seven Pounds
9/30/2015 The Walk
10/1/2009 The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
11/12/2015 Concussion
8/29/2007 Atonement
9/2/2013 Rush
7/24/2009 Orphan
2/26/1999 8MM
10/12/2001 Bandits
6/13/2012 Rock of Ages
10/6/2005 Elizabethtown
8/6/2009 Julie & Julia
5/24/2006 Marie Antoinette
3/1/2001 The Mexican
11/17/2000 The 6th Day
8/29/2002 Frida
1/5/2007 Freedom Writers
6/26/1998 Out of Sight
12/9/1994 Disclosure
7/5/1996 Phenomenon
5/18/2007 Sicko
5/14/2009 Fish Tank
1/9/2001 The Pledge
4/22/1962 The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
5/15/1981 Chariots of Fire
8/20/2010 Secretariat
2/14/2011 Coriolanus
11/15/2013 The Best Man Holiday
10/13/2006 One Night with the King
11/20/2008 Twilight
9/15/1999 American Beauty
5/21/2008 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
4/25/2001 Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain
7/7/2016 Star Trek Beyond
9/8/2012 Silver Linings Playbook
10/9/2015 Steve Jobs
11/8/2007 No Country for Old Men
10/5/2001 Training Day
11/20/2015 In the Heart of the Sea
9/6/2007 3:10 to Yuma
12/26/1973 The Exorcist
4/2/2004 Hellboy
9/4/2015 Black Mass
6/7/2007 Ocean's Thirteen
3/18/1959 Some Like It Hot
9/16/2005 Lord of War
9/25/1998 Ronin
9/9/2005 The Exorcism of Emily Rose
12/11/1998 Shakespeare in Love
8/6/2014 The Hundred-Foot Journey
10/19/2001 From Hell
10/12/2000 Pay It Forward
9/15/2000 Almost Famous
5/18/2014 The Homesman
1/6/2006 Running Scared
2/26/2015 The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
9/11/2009 The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans
6/25/2004 Fahrenheit 9/11
12/15/1989 Glory
12/29/1995 Dead Man Walking
5/17/2002 L'Auberge espagnole
11/12/2015 By the Sea
9/10/2010 The Conspirator
9/26/2008 Fireproof
4/16/2012 Think Like a Man
8/30/2006 Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus
9/2/2006 The Namesake
5/25/1977 Star Wars
3/9/2016 Allegiant
5/1/2002 Spider-Man
9/19/2003 Underworld
9/10/2015 Everest
9/17/2015 Sicario
9/24/2015 The Intern
5/31/1995 Batman Forever
12/25/2008 Valkyrie
2/14/2007 Hot Fuzz
12/24/2013 Lone Survivor
3/19/2009 Knowing
7/5/1973 Live and Let Die
12/14/2000 Chocolat
9/11/2004 Hotel Rwanda
3/7/2003 Tears of the Sun
7/25/2014 A Most Wanted Man
9/1/2006 The Last King of Scotland
6/13/1997 Speed 2: Cruise Control
7/31/1998 EverAfter
11/24/1999 End of Days
12/26/2013 August: Osage County
3/16/2006 Volver
6/19/1998 The X Files
9/11/1998 Rounders
12/23/1987 Good Morning, Vietnam
7/28/2005 Stealth
5/19/1993 The Piano
5/14/2008 Blindness
11/1/1976 Network
12/23/2009 It's Complicated
9/15/2006 The Black Dahlia
3/27/1985 Ladyhawke
2/14/1997 Absolute Power
8/6/1999 Mystery Men
9/6/2014 Black or White
11/17/2005 The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada
12/17/2010 How Do You Know
2/9/2003 Good bye, Lenin!
6/24/1977 Sorcerer
8/1/2003 Gigli
4/1/2016 God's Not Dead 2
2/6/2007 Hannibal Rising
6/24/1970 Catch-22
9/11/2015 90 Minutes in Heaven
4/9/1976 Family Plot
4/2/2010 Why Did I Get Married Too?
2/23/1966 Harper
5/13/1970 The Ballad of Cable Hogue
3/4/2015 Chappie
8/8/2012 The Bourne Legacy
11/19/1992 Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
9/30/2010 The Social Network
10/11/2012 Argo
3/20/2013 Olympus Has Fallen
5/12/2008 Slumdog Millionaire
7/11/2008 Hellboy II: The Golden Army
1/1/2003 올드보이
12/18/1986 Platoon
6/22/2016 Independence Day: Resurgence
10/1/2000 卧虎藏龙
8/4/2004 Collateral
6/7/2005 Mr. & Mrs. Smith
6/1/2016 The BFG
8/21/1998 Blade
10/31/1996 Romeo + Juliet
9/9/1993 True Romance
12/9/1997 Scream 2
12/13/1971 Diamonds Are Forever
5/8/1998 Deep Impact
10/22/2001 K-PAX
10/11/2014 Escobar: Paradise Lost
2/17/2006 Eight Below
6/16/2004 Around the World in 80 Days
4/10/2015 Woman in Gold
11/25/2011 Take Shelter
3/13/1992 My Cousin Vinny
3/2/2007 Becoming Jane
3/15/2011 Water for Elephants
4/19/2002 Murder by Numbers
10/11/1996 The Long Kiss Goodnight
6/30/1989 Do the Right Thing
3/1/2001 15 Minutes
1/18/2014 Wish I Was Here
1/15/1993 Alive
11/12/1982 Creepshow
12/19/2002 Antwone Fisher
9/11/2005 Harsh Times
9/7/2007 Rendition
10/9/2002 Bowling for Columbine
8/6/2015 The 33
5/16/2006 Paris, je t'aime
9/6/2009 Capitalism: A Love Story
9/20/2007 Монгол
12/12/1966 A Man for All Seasons
7/29/2016 シン・ゴジラ
9/9/2016 The Birth of a Nation
9/30/2005 The Greatest Game Ever Played
4/27/2000 Where the Heart Is
8/1/2008 Swing Vote
9/7/2014 Miss Julie
5/18/2010 Des hommes et des dieux
1/22/2016 西游记之孙悟空三打白骨精
6/6/2009 해운대
10/16/1996 Get on the Bus
10/22/1999 The Best Man
9/10/2010 The Virginity Hit
3/10/2016 The Young Messiah
3/1/1944 A Guy Named Joe
9/12/2003 The Book of Mormon Movie, Volume 1: The Journey
3/18/2015 Insurgent
8/27/2014 Birdman
6/14/2002 The Bourne Identity
10/30/1998 American History X
11/21/1976 Rocky
4/16/2014 Transcendence
7/15/1998 There's Something About Mary
7/25/2001 Planet of the Apes
11/19/2004 ハウルの動く城
9/2/2013 Riddick
3/23/1990 Pretty Woman
8/25/2005 Serenity
12/11/1997 Tomorrow Never Dies
12/6/2013 47 Ronin
2/11/2000 The Beach
6/2/1987 The Untouchables
12/18/2013 Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues
12/19/2014 Annie
1/12/2011 The Green Hornet
12/25/2003 Paycheck
12/17/1998 You've Got Mail
6/11/2004 The Chronicles of Riddick
7/27/2006 괴물
3/17/2011 The Lincoln Lawyer
12/10/2004 The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
11/23/2010 Burlesque
3/2/2012 Red Lights
11/25/1986 Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
12/19/2008 Revolutionary Road
2/16/2001 Sweet November
9/28/2007 Michael Clayton
2/1/1991 The Silence of the Lambs
7/20/1994 The Client
10/7/1986 The Color of Money
6/1/2005 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
9/11/1987 Fatal Attraction
1/25/2002 The Mothman Prophecies
12/16/1988 Dangerous Liaisons
5/27/2004 Raising Helen
6/23/1976 Logan's Run
11/5/2009 Bright Star
9/8/2000 The Way of the Gun
12/22/1995 Cutthroat Island
10/1/1999 Mystery, Alaska
11/18/2011 Another Happy Day
8/30/1940 Boom Town
6/7/2013 The Internship
3/30/2001 Brigham City
6/1/1945 The Valley of Decision
5/27/2006 El laberinto del fauno
5/23/1984 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
2/1/2010 Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
9/6/2010 The King's Speech
6/9/2000 Gone in Sixty Seconds
9/25/2008 Eagle Eye
9/26/2012 Looper
5/25/1990 Back to the Future Part III
5/22/1998 Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
1/24/2014 The Monuments Men
5/24/2002 Insomnia
8/26/2005 The Brothers Grimm
7/29/2011 Crazy, Stupid, Love.
5/15/1992 Lethal Weapon 3
2/10/2005 Hitch
11/4/1999 The Bone Collector
4/7/1995 Bad Boys
12/17/1993 What's Eating Gilbert Grape
8/4/2009 G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
1/14/2010 The Book of Eli
1/23/2013 Parker
12/22/1999 Man on the Moon
4/11/2014 Joe
2/13/2014 Winter's Tale
12/8/2011 New Year's Eve
4/28/2000 Frequency
3/4/2005 Be Cool
9/9/2006 A Good Year
6/6/2005 Goal!: The Dream Begins
9/2/1999 Boys Don't Cry
8/3/2001 Original Sin
11/17/1994 Star Trek: Generations
11/24/2009 The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day
2/3/2009 The International
6/17/1977 Exorcist II: The Heretic
10/17/1979 The Black Stallion
2/18/2000 Boiler Room
12/10/2003 Stuck on You
5/10/2000 Battlefield Earth
10/28/1941 How Green Was My Valley
8/4/1953 From Here to Eternity
11/6/1996 Set It Off
12/14/2002 Dark Blue
11/11/1947 Gentleman's Agreement
11/1/1978 Force 10 from Navarone
12/13/2002 Drumline
10/31/1997 Switchback
9/27/1996 Extreme Measures
4/1/2010 The Perfect Game
2/11/1981 Sphinx
7/14/2015 Ant-Man
5/25/1979 Alien
6/25/1982 Blade Runner
10/23/2014 Nightcrawler
6/8/2006 Cars
12/14/2006 The Pursuit of Happyness
3/22/2002 Blade II
10/16/2015 Room
12/9/2006 300
9/7/2013 Dallas Buyers Club
7/21/2003 Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life
3/6/1998 The Big Lebowski
7/12/2002 Road to Perdition
1/26/2012 The Grey
3/22/2010 Kick-Ass
5/21/2014 Blended
6/8/2016 The Neon Demon
6/27/2013 The Heat
2/10/2011 Just Go with It
10/25/2013 The Counselor
8/8/2003 S.W.A.T.
10/16/2014 The Best of Me
7/13/2007 Hairspray
3/9/1994 Four Weddings and a Funeral
6/12/1967 You Only Live Twice
1/29/2010 Edge of Darkness
12/13/2002 Star Trek: Nemesis
6/4/1992 Patriot Games
11/8/1996 Ransom
5/25/2007 We Own the Night
7/3/2013 The Immigrant
7/4/1996 Courage Under Fire
11/9/2005 Get Rich or Die Tryin'
2/14/1986 Nine 1/2 Weeks
8/6/2008 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2
3/17/2016 Miracles from Heaven
7/29/1983 Krull
9/9/2002 Moonlight Mile
12/13/1985 A Room with a View
8/23/2000 The Art of War
12/22/2010 Country Strong
6/30/1992 Boomerang
8/17/1984 Sheena
9/11/1996 Kama Sutra - A Tale of Love
9/11/1998 Without Limits
3/25/1999 Tea with Mussolini
10/1/2009 Mao's Last Dancer
6/20/2013 World War Z
7/3/1985 Back to the Future
7/14/2016 Ghostbusters
7/10/2015 Self/less
5/19/2010 Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
12/7/2001 Ocean's Eleven
12/9/2008 Gran Torino
6/9/1994 Speed
3/8/2011 Battle: Los Angeles
8/13/2015 The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
6/28/2005 War of the Worlds
6/22/2000 Me, Myself & Irene
8/11/2005 The 40 Year Old Virgin
6/7/1983 Trading Places
4/1/2009 The Boat That Rocked
12/17/2010 The Fighter
9/23/2011 Killer Elite
3/7/1986 Highlander
12/6/2013 Out of the Furnace
2/15/2002 John Q
2/3/2000 Scream 3
2/7/2003 How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
6/14/2012 That's My Boy
4/3/1997 The Saint
12/16/1982 Tootsie
1/13/2008 Astérix aux Jeux Olympiques
5/12/1995 Crimson Tide
7/30/1999 Runaway Bride
11/6/1998 The Siege
10/1/2010 Let Me In
6/16/1978 Jaws 2
6/18/1999 The General's Daughter
4/20/2000 U-571
5/31/2013 The East
7/13/1981 Time Bandits
6/7/2002 Bad Company
11/9/2005 Joyeux Noël
12/26/2013 The Railway Man
8/4/2006 Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
12/8/2006 Black Snake Moan
11/26/2003 Timeline
6/9/2003 Hollywood Homicide
5/25/1972 Frenzy
4/27/2001 Driven
9/10/2014 Beyond the Lights
12/1/1995 Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead
7/22/2005 Hustle & Flow
6/27/1956 Moby Dick
10/14/2006 The Hoax
7/6/2006 Bon Cop Bad Cop
10/27/2006 Running with Scissors
8/15/1996 The Fan
1/30/1998 Zero Effect
8/17/2012 Sparkle
11/13/2012 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2
7/15/2004 I, Robot
4/21/2011 Thor
11/5/2004 The Incredibles
5/20/2009 Terminator Salvation
5/7/2015 Pitch Perfect 2
5/29/2013 Now You See Me
6/25/2015 Ted 2
6/12/1981 Raiders of the Lost Ark
4/3/1982 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
7/13/2005 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
8/3/2007 The Bourne Ultimatum
6/1/1997 Con Air
10/9/2013 Escape Plan
12/5/2014 Wild
10/11/1963 From Russia with Love
9/9/2011 The Descendants
8/3/2001 The Princess Diaries
2/7/2013 Safe Haven
11/5/2007 Beowulf
12/25/1998 Patch Adams
2/9/2012 Safe House
12/22/2004 Meet the Fockers
12/25/2008 Marley & Me
3/11/2010 Green Zone
7/1/2015 Magic Mike XXL
2/19/2016 Triple 9
9/21/2013 Nebraska
2/16/2015 The Gunman
3/4/2008 Never Back Down
6/21/1996 Eraser
8/9/1990 Flatliners
8/28/2012 Jagten
9/17/2009 The Box
3/20/2000 Romeo Must Die
2/4/2010 Dear John
10/3/1997 Kiss the Girls
12/6/1996 Daylight
2/6/2003 Shanghai Knights
9/12/2008 Appaloosa
9/7/2013 キャプテンハーロック
4/3/2002 High Crimes
10/9/2006 Man of the Year
6/28/1996 Striptease
10/1/2004 Ladder 49
3/5/1998 A Civil Action
7/20/2013 No se Aceptan Devoluciones
8/31/2012 Jagal
8/22/2014 When the Game Stands Tall
5/12/2000 Center Stage
4/7/2000 Return to Me
10/20/1936 The Charge of the Light Brigade
12/18/2008 Obitaemyy Ostrov
5/27/2015 San Andreas
3/11/2015 Run All Night
6/12/2008 The Incredible Hulk
4/6/2016 The Huntsman: Winter's War
2/7/1976 Taxi Driver
6/16/2011 Green Lantern
2/16/2007 Ghost Rider
10/23/2013 Ender's Game
5/22/1992 Alien³
2/27/2013 Jack the Giant Slayer
12/18/2013 The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
6/4/1982 Poltergeist
9/27/1999 Three Kings
12/3/2015 Point Break
9/4/2008 RockNRolla
11/1/2001 Shallow Hal
11/21/2007 August Rush
1/25/2016 The Finest Hours
12/6/2002 Adaptation.
7/28/1995 The Net
6/3/1983 WarGames
4/10/1998 City of Angels
12/27/2002 The Hours
9/30/2005 Capote
3/10/2000 Mission to Mars
8/20/2004 Exorcist: The Beginning
9/9/2007 Elizabeth: The Golden Age
3/29/2006 Basic Instinct 2
6/27/2004 Ночной дозор
7/31/1968 Hang 'em High
8/10/1984 Red Dawn
5/24/2002 Enough
1/28/2011 The Rite
5/11/1984 Firestarter
9/11/1998 Simon Birch
7/30/2010 Dinner for Schmucks
9/9/2008 The Brothers Bloom
10/25/1984 Body Double
9/3/2004 Wicker Park
11/6/2002 Femme Fatale
11/12/1999 Anywhere But Here
9/12/2008 The Women
3/24/2008 Leatherheads
9/17/2008 The Secret Life of Bees
5/16/2007 Stomp the Yard
2/8/2008 Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins
5/19/1989 Road House
9/9/2000 Brother
7/23/1982 The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas
11/25/2009 Me and Orson Welles
2/21/1992 Radio Flyer
11/7/1997 Mad City
4/19/2013 Home Run
10/8/1993 Ruby in Paradise
11/14/2014 The Imitation Game
9/10/2014 The Maze Runner
5/27/2014 Edge of Tomorrow
1/22/2004 The Butterfly Effect
9/18/2014 A Walk Among the Tombstones
1/18/2001 Donnie Darko
10/11/2000 Memento
5/25/2016 Alice Through the Looking Glass
5/8/2012 Dark Shadows
8/13/2010 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
9/9/2012 Lo imposible
10/31/2002 28 Days Later
6/1/1990 Total Recall
12/4/2007 The Golden Compass
2/14/2014 3 Days to Kill
6/5/2008 You Don't Mess with the Zohan
4/4/2012 American Reunion
2/16/2011 Unknown
8/17/2007 Superbad
10/17/2007 30 Days of Night
9/9/2006 Stranger Than Fiction
12/26/2002 Chicago
5/10/1996 Twister
8/6/2004 The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
1/10/2013 Gangster Squad
4/14/2016 Criminal
9/19/2009 Couples Retreat
5/19/2005 The Longest Yard
9/29/2000 Remember the Titans
3/17/2000 High Fidelity
3/9/2005 Hostage
6/3/1982 Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
10/2/1998 What Dreams May Come
12/25/2013 Grudge Match
5/25/1969 Midnight Cowboy
4/7/1974 The Conversation
4/4/1997 Chasing Amy
12/17/2004 Flight of the Phoenix
7/23/1999 The Haunting
2/8/1985 Witness
12/30/2002 Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
8/6/1999 The Thomas Crown Affair
7/4/1996 Kingpin
4/30/2005 House of Wax
12/5/1991 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
4/11/2010 The Debt
9/28/2001 Don't Say a Word
9/15/1989 Sea of Love
12/13/1979 1941
8/24/2007 4 luni, 3 săptămîni și 2 zile
9/26/2007 Things We Lost in the Fire
11/13/2009 The Messenger
12/21/2011 Albert Nobbs
1/31/1997 一個好人
9/23/2011 Dolphin Tale
5/21/1975 The Return of the Pink Panther
1/16/1998 Central do Brasil
3/28/2008 Stop-Loss
9/27/2002 Los lunes al sol
11/6/1968 Shalako
3/26/1998 The Newton Boys
4/12/2001 The Other Side of Heaven
10/12/2007 Why Did I Get Married?
5/12/1995 The Perez Family
8/1/2002 Martin Lawrence Live: Runteldat
10/29/2013 Thor: The Dark World
4/16/2015 The Age of Adaline
12/25/2014 The Interview
8/5/2009 District 9
7/1/2008 The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
1/14/2016 The 5th Wave
6/5/2014 22 Jump Street
7/18/2013 The Conjuring
6/1/2016 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
7/27/2010 Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
9/25/1992 The Last of the Mohicans
6/8/2011 Super 8
9/28/2012 Pitch Perfect
2/18/2016 Midnight Special
8/5/2011 The Change-Up
2/21/2013 Snitch
2/28/2008 The Bank Job
1/13/2004 Crash
8/4/2000 Hollow Man
9/30/1999 Being John Malkovich
12/27/2010 Blue Valentine
5/28/1993 Cliffhanger
4/29/1999 Entrapment
12/25/2014 The Water Diviner
4/11/2002 Bend It Like Beckham
10/27/1995 Leaving Las Vegas
2/7/2008 Fool's Gold
10/9/2014 Kill the Messenger
9/28/2011 We Need to Talk About Kevin
11/22/2010 Love & Other Drugs
7/30/2001 Rat Race
7/12/1991 Boyz n the Hood
12/16/2009 Crazy Heart
10/20/2007 Funny Games
9/27/1997 The Ice Storm
3/20/2014 Muppets Most Wanted
10/13/1994 New Nightmare
5/5/2011 Something Borrowed
5/22/2007 Le scaphandre et le papillon
1/12/2001 Save the Last Dance
12/3/2009 Nine
9/2/1992 The Crying Game
2/12/1999 Blast from the Past
5/14/1997 The Sweet Hereafter
5/13/2005 Down in the Valley
9/11/2012 The Sweeney
5/29/1963 Hud
1/13/2006 Last Holiday
4/28/2006 Akeelah and the Bee
5/6/2011 Jumping the Broom
1/23/2003 Tupac: Resurrection
10/10/2003 Kill Bill: Vol. 1
6/22/2007 Ratatouille
3/29/2002 Panic Room
4/17/2008 Forgetting Sarah Marshall
9/24/2015 Pan
12/20/1996 Scream
8/6/2008 Pineapple Express
10/13/2010 RED
11/25/2009 The Road
10/20/2015 Brooklyn
4/11/2011 Scream 4
2/7/2013 Identity Thief
12/14/2000 Miss Congeniality
4/7/2011 Hanna
1/10/2008 27 Dresses
6/22/1979 Escape from Alcatraz
6/6/1976 The Omen
3/18/2010 Repo Men
11/21/1996 Star Trek: First Contact
12/25/2014 The Gambler
3/9/2012 The Raven
3/9/1984 Splash
9/13/2009 Whip It
12/27/2013 Labor Day
4/28/2006 United 93
4/20/2012 To Rome with Love
10/14/2015 Secret in Their Eyes
1/13/2011 The Dilemma
6/26/2015 Max
11/11/2001 Monster's Ball
9/1/1980 Flash Gordon
1/18/2008 Transsiberian
12/28/1945 Spellbound
5/16/2007 My Blueberry Nights
9/16/2010 Elle s'appelait Sarah
8/6/2009 Bandslam
8/6/2004 Little Black Book
9/14/2009 Ondine
12/21/1990 Kindergarten Cop
4/17/1998 The Object of My Affection
9/29/2006 Facing the Giants
3/25/2005 The Ballad of Jack and Rose
8/7/2013 We're the Millers
5/22/1996 Mission: Impossible
6/19/2008 Wanted
11/12/2014 Dumb and Dumber To
7/7/1978 Grease
5/30/2003 The Italian Job
3/26/2013 G.I. Joe: Retaliation
5/16/1986 Top Gun
6/2/2016 Me Before You
12/22/2010 True Grit
10/4/1962 Dr. No
9/17/1964 Goldfinger
7/11/2003 The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
1/21/2016 How to Be Single
3/29/2012 Sinister
3/24/2011 Sucker Punch
11/10/2011 Immortals
8/18/2006 The Illusionist
2/24/2006 Lucky Number Slevin
8/31/2011 The Three Musketeers
6/28/2012 Magic Mike
3/16/2010 The Bounty Hunter
10/3/2014 Left Behind
11/8/2002 8 Mile
9/7/2012 Seven Psychopaths
3/17/2005 The Ring Two
3/28/2014 Sabotage
5/17/2012 What to Expect When You're Expecting
8/22/2007 The Kingdom
5/26/2000 Shanghai Noon
9/23/1969 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
10/5/2001 The Royal Tenenbaums
6/19/2008 Get Smart
7/10/1998 Small Soldiers
2/24/2012 Act of Valor
9/28/2007 The Game Plan
9/19/2008 Lakeview Terrace
5/18/2000 Billy Elliot
7/21/2006 Lady in the Water
8/15/2008 Mirrors
3/13/2009 The Last House on the Left
11/16/2003 Monster
8/1/1973 American Graffiti
5/6/2016 Florence Foster Jenkins
11/6/2009 Precious
10/2/1973 Mean Streets
10/2/2008 How to Lose Friends & Alienate People
10/7/1994 The Specialist
9/30/2005 Into the Blue
8/25/2006 Beerfest
1/10/1997 The Relic
8/1/1986 Howard the Duck
8/10/1991 Double Impact
8/4/2002 Blood Work
1/20/1998 Buffalo '66
11/19/2008 Two Lovers
9/21/2013 Battle of the Year
2/12/2010 Mine vaganti
9/16/2011 Straw Dogs
5/15/2005 A Sound of Thunder
8/6/2008 Bottle Shock
2/24/2006 Madea's Family Reunion
12/21/1988 Talk Radio
3/12/1999 The Corruptor
11/16/2006 Infamous
12/10/2010 The Tempest
11/24/2010 The Nutcracker: The Untold Story
2/24/2004 Welcome to Mooseport
9/8/1997 The Spanish Prisoner
11/24/2004 The Work and the Glory
6/16/1960 Psycho
12/16/2014 Taken 3
6/30/2006 The Devil Wears Prada
7/2/2003 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
8/7/2013 Elysium
6/18/2015 Paper Towns
3/12/2012 21 Jump Street
10/27/2011 In Time
7/18/2013 The World's End
6/25/1982 The Thing
1/15/2005 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
10/15/2009 Law Abiding Citizen
9/20/2012 End of Watch
6/15/2010 Knight and Day
2/18/2011 I Am Number Four
8/2/2013 2 Guns
6/29/2016 The Legend of Tarzan
7/21/2011 Friends with Benefits
9/7/2008 The Wrestler
11/12/1997 Alien: Resurrection
7/13/2010 The Sorcerer's Apprentice
9/22/2006 Children of Men
4/16/2014 The Other Woman
9/5/2009 Up in the Air
1/12/2012 Contraband
1/18/2013 Broken City
6/23/2004 White Chicks
11/10/2015 Victor Frankenstein
8/11/2005 Four Brothers
6/26/2009 My Sister's Keeper
8/13/2009 Case 39
3/26/2010 Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang
12/9/2006 Smokin' Aces
8/26/1999 The Astronaut's Wife
4/4/2003 A Man Apart
1/19/2005 Assault on Precinct 13
4/10/2008 Street Kings
10/16/2008 Sex Drive
6/4/2010 Get Him to the Greek
7/27/1978 Animal House
4/24/2009 The Soloist
7/1/2011 Monte Carlo
10/8/2010 Inside Job
10/23/2009 Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant
4/11/2014 Draft Day
9/18/2009 Love Happens
10/11/1996 The Ghost and the Darkness
6/9/1995 Congo
2/11/2011 The Devil's Double
10/24/2003 Radio
4/7/2004 Deux frères
2/11/2001 The Tailor of Panama
6/21/1985 Return to Oz
7/17/1970 Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
10/2/2006 The History Boys
7/23/1993 Poetic Justice
10/5/2002 Brown Sugar
6/12/1963 Donovan's Reef
8/26/2011 Higher Ground
8/22/1997 Shooting Fish
1/21/2015 Ex Machina
12/2/2010 Black Swan
11/26/2014 Horrible Bosses 2
3/3/2010 Alice in Wonderland
10/26/1984 The Terminator
1/19/1996 From Dusk Till Dawn
11/1/2012 Wreck-It Ralph
3/19/2004 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
7/23/2004 The Bourne Supremacy
10/20/2006 Night at the Museum
8/27/2014 The November Man
11/20/1989 Back to the Future Part II
10/3/2003 School of Rock
4/9/2004 The Girl Next Door
11/16/2006 Happy Feet
8/10/2001 American Pie 2
6/1/2009 The Proposal
7/27/2011 Colombiana
10/27/2006 Saw III
7/3/2008 Mamma Mia!
10/6/2000 Meet the Parents
3/14/2014 Under the Skin
11/10/2004 Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason
2/4/2016 Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
9/8/2009 Pandorum
11/20/1990 Predator 2
7/30/2004 The Village
7/30/2015 The Gift
6/17/2010 I Spit on Your Grave
3/20/1998 Wild Things
7/7/1995 Species
4/5/2013 Before Midnight
2/9/1996 Broken Arrow
3/14/2008 Doomsday
2/3/2011 Sanctum
2/6/2002 Collateral Damage
7/14/2006 You, Me and Dupree
2/18/2000 Pitch Black
9/26/2002 Sweet Home Alabama
11/4/2011 A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas
9/18/2009 The Informant!
11/11/2005 Derailed
2/7/1997 Dante's Peak
2/14/2007 88 Minutes
2/17/1958 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
6/22/1954 On the Waterfront
3/19/2009 12 Rounds
9/13/1996 Bound
4/19/2006 The Sentinel
7/24/1981 Blow Out
9/11/2015 Our Brand Is Crisis
5/20/2010 Fair Game
8/11/2005 ต้มยำกุ้ง
9/21/2007 Sydney White
3/5/1992 The Lawnmower Man
5/25/2007 Waitress
12/9/1988 My Stepmother is an Alien
3/17/2006 Take the Lead
1/12/2001 Antitrust
7/1/1994 The Shadow
7/24/1987 La Bamba
9/16/2010 Casino Jack
9/9/2005 An Unfinished Life
12/8/2006 The Good German
3/22/1985 The Last Dragon
5/15/1998 Bulworth
8/22/2001 Summer Catch
3/3/2000 The Next Best Thing
8/9/1996 Basquiat
9/6/2002 City By The Sea
6/26/1981 Dragonslayer
3/22/1996 Girl 6
8/1/2010 The Extra Man
10/25/2011 The Adventures of Tintin
8/6/1999 The Sixth Sense
4/5/2007 Sunshine
6/11/1987 Predator
7/3/2010 Predators
6/15/2016 Central Intelligence
12/6/2002 Equilibrium
8/9/2008 Tropic Thunder
6/22/2006 Click
1/21/2011 No Strings Attached
6/12/2013 This Is the End
8/14/2009 The Time Traveler's Wife
6/29/1985 Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome
12/16/1994 Dumb and Dumber
3/10/2006 The Hills Have Eyes
3/2/2011 Rango
11/20/2007 Enchanted
9/12/2013 Machete Kills
9/28/2011 Margin Call
4/25/2008 Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay
2/26/2010 Cop Out
8/17/2000 The Cell
2/8/2008 In Bruges
8/17/2011 The Awakening
3/11/2008 Die Welle
8/4/2010 Step Up 3D
2/17/1984 Footloose
9/17/2004 Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
8/6/2010 The Other Guys
8/2/1996 Chain Reaction
4/3/2009 Adventureland
6/9/1989 Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
4/22/2005 A Lot Like Love
8/26/2010 Takers
9/14/1995 Hackers
12/9/1988 Twins
3/21/2013 Admission
2/19/2016 Risen
3/2/2011 One Day
2/9/1995 The Quick and the Dead
3/19/2015 Danny Collins
6/27/1990 Days of Thunder
2/16/2011 Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son
3/12/1997 The Devil's Own
10/15/2004 Shall We Dance?
1/18/1991 White Fang
8/11/2006 Half Nelson
3/16/2011 Dylan Dog: Dead of Night
6/5/2003 2 Fast 2 Furious
9/1/2002 Far from Heaven
8/12/1988 Young Guns
11/12/2015 Love the Coopers
4/14/1983 Lone Wolf McQuade
2/2/2012 Big Miracle
6/3/2005 Lords of Dogtown
3/4/2006 American Dreamz
2/16/1989 Major League
10/8/2010 My Soul to Take
9/12/2014 Dolphin Tale 2
4/28/2009 X-Men Origins: Wolverine
7/10/2003 Latter Days
2/19/2006 10th & Wolf
9/9/1994 Rapa Nui
12/11/1999 Gojira ni-sen mireniamu
4/7/2000 Ready to Rumble
5/15/1987 Ishtar
5/17/1950 Annie Get Your Gun
7/13/1951 Show Boat
6/8/1991 Beastmaster 2: Through the Portal of Time
10/30/2008 Quantum of Solace
4/7/2016 The Jungle Book
1/26/2014 Non-Stop
9/7/1997 Gattaca
6/29/2012 Ted
7/19/1995 The Usual Suspects
10/21/2015 The Last Witch Hunter
1/21/2015 Mortdecai
5/23/2012 Men in Black 3
6/11/2011 Cars 2
1/12/2006 Underworld: Evolution
2/7/2013 Side Effects
3/15/2012 Mirror Mirror
4/1/2010 Clash of the Titans
6/7/1984 Gremlins
12/12/1996 Mars Attacks!
11/13/2000 Unbreakable
6/29/1999 Wild Wild West
6/11/2009 The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3
8/7/2013 Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters
8/30/2000 O Brother, Where Art Thou?
2/5/2016 Hail, Caesar!
9/8/2011 Contagion
12/15/1974 Young Frankenstein
10/17/2004 Finding Neverland
6/15/1990 Gremlins 2: The New Batch
6/27/2003 Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
1/30/2015 Project Almanac
8/21/2014 If I Stay
2/26/2016 Eddie the Eagle
8/2/2002 Signs
10/18/2013 All Is Lost
12/11/2008 Inkheart
3/3/2011 The Adjustment Bureau
6/1/2006 The Break-Up
7/2/2001 Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
11/17/2001 Behind Enemy Lines
9/22/2011 Abduction
4/8/2011 Soul Surfer
9/30/2011 What's Your Number?
1/9/2008 Bienvenue chez les ch'tis
4/23/2010 The Back-Up Plan
8/18/2011 Fright Night
7/27/2000 Nutty Professor II: The Klumps
3/19/2010 The Runaways
5/7/2004 Mindhunters
6/8/2001 Y tu mamá también
10/12/2007 Lars and the Real Girl
7/9/2010 The Kids Are All Right
7/18/2013 Metegol
11/10/2000 Red Planet
1/22/2010 Hesher
9/23/2012 Promised Land
5/20/1995 To Die For
4/23/2015 Little Boy
8/28/1998 54
3/31/2000 The Skulls
11/17/1995 The American President
6/25/1981 Stripes
9/14/2001 The Glass House
1/24/1997 Prefontaine
9/25/2009 I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell
6/22/2001 The Fast and the Furious
1/30/1998 Deep Rising
1/20/2004 Barbershop 2: Back in Business
4/28/2008 War, Inc.
9/14/2001 Hardball
7/16/1999 The Wood
8/4/1995 Virtuosity
3/12/1999 The Deep End of the Ocean
5/23/1973 Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid
2/18/2005 Because of Winn-Dixie
2/20/2004 Against the Ropes
4/30/2007 Taxi to the Dark Side
5/24/1938 Alexander's Ragtime Band
10/10/2014 Whiplash
7/16/2015 Pixels
8/3/2011 Rise of the Planet of the Apes
3/12/2015 Cinderella
5/20/2009 Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
2/25/2015 Focus
6/29/2016 The Purge: Election Year
2/18/2014 Pompeii
12/5/1990 Edward Scissorhands
8/22/2008 Death Race
1/15/2014 Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit
10/6/2013 Inside Llewyn Davis
7/30/2013 The Smurfs 2
3/1/2006 16 Blocks
4/12/2007 Disturbia
2/24/2011 Drive Angry
10/10/2013 Delivery Man
11/29/1984 Beverly Hills Cop
5/27/2015 Aloha
10/20/2005 Doom
12/24/2014 Big Eyes
7/18/2013 The Frozen Ground
10/31/2013 Last Vegas
2/25/2011 Hall Pass
9/1/2010 Machete
3/20/2009 I Love You, Man
9/30/2004 Layer Cake
1/27/1995 Before Sunrise
10/2/2009 A Serious Man
12/30/2011 The Iron Lady
7/28/1999 Deep Blue Sea
9/24/2010 You Again
12/13/2002 Maid in Manhattan
8/6/2006 Snakes on a Plane
9/1/2012 The Iceman
9/24/1999 Double Jeopardy
12/19/2015 葉問3
4/19/1973 High Plains Drifter
2/10/2006 Firewall
3/4/2009 The Young Victoria
3/5/1998 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
10/20/1995 Get Shorty
6/19/1997 My Best Friend's Wedding
5/31/1984 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
6/20/2014 Think Like a Man Too
10/3/2003 Out of Time
6/27/2005 Dark Water
8/28/2009 Halloween II
8/31/2007 Death Sentence
10/7/2010 Stone
9/11/2010 Beginners
2/22/1934 It Happened One Night
9/4/2001 Rock Star
6/25/1980 Dressed to Kill
3/17/2006 She's the Man
10/16/2013 The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet
3/16/2006 Renaissance
1/14/2002 Narc
3/7/2003 Bringing Down the House
8/27/2015 刺客聶隱娘
4/19/1996 Mrs. Winterbourne
2/11/2011 Justin Bieber: Never Say Never
1/21/2010 Extraordinary Measures
6/2/2005 Beauty Shop
1/21/1998 Gods and Monsters
3/31/2006 ATL
3/25/2005 Guess Who
5/30/1956 Trapeze
7/9/2004 Riding Giants
7/19/2000 The In Crowd
6/20/2013 Monsters University
7/17/2014 The Purge: Anarchy
8/13/2014 Let's Be Cops
8/11/2006 Step Up
11/17/2000 How the Grinch Stole Christmas
12/9/2008 Yes Man
2/14/2011 Paul
12/10/2008 The Day the Earth Stood Still
11/2/2011 Tower Heist
9/8/2013 Oculus
9/7/2013 Begin Again
7/12/2007 1408
7/22/2004 Catwoman
9/15/2010 Never Let Me Go
12/14/2006 Eragon
7/30/1992 Death Becomes Her
7/29/2005 The Skeleton Key
2/5/2012 The Vow
8/25/1995 Desperado
7/24/2008 The X Files: I Want to Believe
9/26/2003 The Rundown
12/22/1989 Tango & Cash
12/1/2004 Closer
7/5/1980 The Blue Lagoon
1/27/2009 Brothers
8/22/2001 Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
12/25/1998 The Faculty
4/6/2001 Along Came a Spider
9/10/2010 Trust
11/27/2008 Doubt
6/3/1988 Big
5/24/1994 Beverly Hills Cop III
8/15/1997 Cop Land
1/11/2002 Secretary
8/8/2003 Jeepers Creepers 2
8/31/2010 The American
7/7/2000 The Kid
4/18/2008 The Forbidden Kingdom
3/3/2006 Aquamarine
3/11/2010 She's Out of My League
8/5/2005 The Dukes of Hazzard
10/9/1971 The French Connection
7/25/2007 No Reservations
10/16/1998 Practical Magic
7/24/2013 The To Do List
4/17/1993 RoboCop 3
10/31/2002 The Santa Clause 2
10/6/2005 The Proposition
12/25/2012 Parental Guidance
5/28/1993 Super Mario Bros.
4/9/2010 After.Life
9/19/2013 Dabba
4/29/2011 Prom
8/8/2002 Blue Crush
2/22/2002 Dragonfly
10/17/2008 What Just Happened
6/3/2006 The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
10/23/2003 Wonderland
10/18/2002 Auto Focus
10/15/2006 The Astronaut Farmer
3/6/2009 City Island
2/23/1996 Mary Reilly
4/10/1985 Subway
10/21/2005 Shopgirl
3/11/1999 The Rage: Carrie 2
7/13/2000 X-Men
5/24/2006 X-Men: The Last Stand
9/21/2001 Glitter
3/2/1982 The Man from Snowy River
9/7/2001 The Musketeer
6/15/2004 Mr. 3000
7/11/1990 The Adventures of Ford Fairlane
2/27/2004 Club Dread
7/15/2011 Snow Flower and the Secret Fan
4/27/2001 Town & Country
8/3/2010 The Expendables
10/1/2004 Saw
6/16/2010 Toy Story 3
9/13/2010 Insidious
6/4/1998 The Truman Show
8/8/2012 The Expendables 2
3/10/2016 10 Cloverfield Lane
9/1/2000 Snatch
8/5/2015 Goosebumps
12/8/2010 The Tourist
7/17/2013 Kick-Ass 2
2/14/2012 This Means War
8/26/2015 No Escape
7/29/2011 The Smurfs
4/10/1952 Singin' in the Rain
8/1/2003 American Wedding
6/30/2010 The Last Airbender
9/5/2005 Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
6/6/2013 The Way Way Back
5/31/1996 DragonHeart
6/19/2015 Dope
3/5/1999 Analyze This
2/12/2014 Endless Love
2/2/2005 Unleashed
1/14/2005 Hard Candy
3/4/2005 The Jacket
5/12/2006 Just My Luck
4/21/1989 Pet Sematary
9/10/2014 This Is Where I Leave You
12/10/1998 Star Trek: Insurrection
9/15/2006 The Queen
8/24/2007 War
6/29/1984 Conan the Destroyer
11/22/2011 The Muppets
11/11/2009 Harry Brown
10/21/1983 The Dead Zone
8/9/1990 Arachnophobia
10/22/2004 Alfie
9/10/1999 Stigmata
1/26/2001 The Wedding Planner
12/25/2008 The Spirit
12/17/2009 Did You Hear About the Morgans?
10/29/2010 Trolljegeren
10/5/1986 Peggy Sue Got Married
1/1/2002 Salton Sea
8/10/2004 Raise Your Voice
11/21/1995 Money Train
4/6/2005 Fever Pitch
12/23/2005 Transamerica
10/6/2006 Employee of the Month
4/26/2002 Life or Something Like It
10/22/1949 She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
10/2/2015 Freeheld
6/15/1990 Dick Tracy
3/12/2010 Our Family Wedding
11/17/2008 Oorlogswinter
1/31/1997 Shadow Conspiracy
11/9/1990 Home Alone
9/23/1968 Charly
10/24/2014 Big Hero 6
11/27/2013 Frozen
6/12/2014 How to Train Your Dragon 2
8/20/2014 Sin City: A Dame to Kill For
3/5/2014 300: Rise of an Empire
8/15/1939 The Wizard of Oz
1/30/2014 RoboCop
12/12/2014 Seventh Son
5/25/2011 The Hangover Part II
1/21/2016 Dirty Grandpa
3/11/2009 17 Again
4/5/1984 The Neverending Story
8/31/2003 Lost in Translation
4/13/2000 American Psycho
5/11/1994 The Crow
10/9/2014 St. Vincent
11/26/1942 Casablanca
9/20/2012 The Perks of Being a Wallflower
3/19/2014 Rio 2
6/24/2010 Grown Ups
5/15/2013 Epic
1/13/2012 Man on a Ledge
8/10/2016 Pete's Dragon
5/24/1988 Rambo III
12/23/1999 Galaxy Quest
7/28/2004 Garden State
12/20/2006 Rocky Balboa
9/11/2003 Once Upon a Time in Mexico
7/6/2011 Zookeeper
9/18/2008 Zack and Miri Make a Porno
8/27/1999 The 13th Warrior
9/24/1993 Dazed and Confused
1/14/2016 Ride Along 2
1/12/2010 Morning Glory
4/8/2011 Your Highness
6/5/2009 Land of the Lost
1/18/2008 Sunshine Cleaning
12/22/1994 Street Fighter
12/19/2007 Charlie Wilson's War
12/5/2008 Punisher: War Zone
9/10/2011 Killer Joe
9/19/2014 Tusk
7/26/2006 Little Miss Sunshine
3/25/2004 Jersey Girl
10/13/2006 The Grudge 2
8/20/2008 The Rocker
4/10/2009 Hannah Montana: The Movie
9/1/2010 Going the Distance
4/19/2007 The Last Legion
4/30/2004 Godsend
3/14/2003 Agent Cody Banks
10/27/2000 Requiem for a Dream
5/18/2003 Swimming Pool
9/20/1996 The First Wives Club
4/1/2002 Barbershop
2/18/1994 On Deadly Ground
1/1/1979 Prophecy
1/6/2005 Racing Stripes
3/4/1988 Prison
12/3/1999 The End of the Affair
4/7/1976 The Bad News Bears
5/15/2001 Angel Eyes
10/6/2000 Get Carter
12/17/2008 The Yellow Handkerchief
9/5/2003 The Order
10/22/1999 Beyond the Mat
7/27/2007 No End in Sight
11/28/1999 Tumbleweeds
9/20/2002 Men with Brooms
11/12/1981 Roar
6/11/1948 The Pirate
8/7/2014 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
5/23/2003 Bruce Almighty
7/29/1994 The Mask
12/14/2007 I Am Legend
2/11/1993 Groundhog Day
3/19/2004 Dawn of the Dead
8/12/2004 AVP: Alien vs. Predator
9/8/2011 Serbuan maut
3/27/2013 Trance
4/27/2005 xXx: State of the Union
9/15/2011 Johnny English Reborn
2/9/2004 The Machinist
3/26/2010 Hot Tub Time Machine
1/25/2002 A Walk to Remember
10/16/2009 Where the Wild Things Are
6/22/2012 Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
11/13/1987 The Running Man
2/26/2010 The Crazies
3/5/2004 Starsky & Hutch
4/26/2002 About a Boy
7/12/2002 Reign of Fire
8/20/2008 Babylon A.D.
5/11/2010 The Switch
4/19/2012 The Lucky One
9/21/2012 House at the End of the Street
12/19/2002 Two Weeks Notice
2/23/2007 The Number 23
9/21/2007 Good Luck Chuck
5/7/2010 Four Lions
9/24/2011 The Ides of March
5/2/2008 Made of Honor
5/3/1996 The Craft
9/11/2008 Righteous Kill
1/27/2005 Hide and Seek
9/19/2008 My Best Friend's Girl
8/18/1995 Mortal Kombat
11/6/2005 Zathura: A Space Adventure
5/20/2006 Shortbus
9/9/2009 Whiteout
10/18/2012 Alex Cross
9/10/2012 The Lords of Salem
1/7/2005 White Noise
10/20/2005 The Weather Man
1/16/2009 My Bloody Valentine
7/6/2010 It's Kind of a Funny Story
6/24/1983 Twilight Zone: The Movie
2/28/2003 Cradle 2 the Grave
1/22/2008 Untraceable
3/13/2001 Exit Wounds
1/30/2003 Whale Rider
6/22/2005 Herbie Fully Loaded
2/10/2002 Queen of the Damned
5/13/2005 Monster-in-Law
8/22/1986 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
10/1/1992 The Mighty Ducks
9/9/2009 Sorority Row
9/12/2006 This Is England
1/25/2005 Mirrormask
9/7/2001 Hearts in Atlantis
11/25/1945 The Lost Weekend
8/9/2002 FearDotCom
1/17/2003 A Guy Thing
11/22/2002 The Quiet American
2/4/2000 Gun Shy
9/6/1935 Top Hat
2/26/1999 200 Cigarettes
9/1/1999 Chill Factor
7/1/1944 Bathing Beauty
2/25/2011 The Grace Card
9/20/2001 Ayurveda: Art of Being
2/4/2015 It Follows
5/30/2003 Finding Nemo
6/5/2009 The Hangover
10/16/2013 Carrie
2/6/2014 The Lego Movie
2/5/2009 Coraline
8/6/2011 Drive
7/21/2010 Salt
11/24/2010 Tangled
1/17/2013 Mama
11/10/2004 The Polar Express
7/11/2013 Grown Ups 2
3/11/2011 Red Riding Hood
5/30/2013 After Earth
7/28/2016 Bad Moms
6/11/2001 Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
3/15/2002 Resident Evil
10/2/2011 Shame
2/20/2015 The DUFF
7/19/2008 崖の上のポニョ
2/27/1998 Dark City
8/5/2015 Fantastic Four
2/6/2016 Zoolander 2
3/26/2015 Get Hard
11/27/2013 Homefront
9/14/2007 Eastern Promises
4/26/2007 28 Weeks Later
9/30/2011 50/50
9/18/2009 Jennifer's Body
1/21/2010 Legion
10/2/2015 Burnt
5/15/2011 The Artist
10/17/1997 I Know What You Did Last Summer
3/14/2013 The Incredible Burt Wonderstone
7/30/2000 Coyote Ugly
11/11/2010 Skyline
5/25/2006 A Scanner Darkly
10/15/2008 Max Payne
5/18/1987 Beverly Hills Cop II
8/7/2002 Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams
6/29/1971 Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
6/4/2010 Killers
9/2/2003 Intolerable Cruelty
1/8/2010 Leap Year
6/11/2010 Winter's Bone
11/13/1998 I Still Know What You Did Last Summer
8/20/2003 Thirteen
4/16/1999 The Thirteenth Floor
5/26/1995 Casper
4/3/2013 Adore
9/4/2014 The Green Inferno
11/17/2011 Happy Feet Two
2/5/1999 Payback
10/29/2009 An Education
5/23/1991 Hudson Hawk
8/22/2012 Hit & Run
9/13/2009 The Invention of Lying
9/14/2012 Arbitrage
1/18/2001 Super Troopers
11/17/2001 Frailty
9/6/2007 Run Fatboy Run
1/24/2006 An Inconvenient Truth
9/15/1992 Glengarry Glen Ross
1/16/2009 Hotel for Dogs
7/13/1995 Under Siege 2: Dark Territory
8/7/2012 Hope Springs
7/28/1989 Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan
4/27/2012 Bernie
2/14/2014 About Last Night
6/12/1998 Can't Hardly Wait
8/10/2001 Session 9
7/29/2005 Sky High
12/3/2004 Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London
9/13/1996 Maximum Risk
10/7/2000 102 Dalmatians
1/1/2007 A Mighty Heart
10/13/2011 The Big Year
6/6/1996 The Phantom
8/20/2002 Serving Sara
9/29/2006 School for Scoundrels
10/28/2009 Micmacs à tire-larigot
12/2/2010 The Warrior's Way
8/13/1999 Brokedown Palace
10/27/1995 Vampire in Brooklyn
12/15/1981 La Guerre du feu
9/11/1998 Very Bad Things
9/13/1993 Romeo Is Bleeding
1/9/1997 Turbulence
3/24/2006 Stay Alive
1/1/1986 Invaders from Mars
12/14/1949 Sands of Iwo Jima
11/23/1994 A Low Down Dirty Shame
10/21/2005 The Work and the Glory II: American Zion
4/8/1983 Losin' It
9/12/2005 Dave Chappelle's Block Party
4/27/1990 Spaced Invaders
2/8/1929 The Broadway Melody
10/30/1998 Living Out Loud
12/29/2010 The Last Godfather
7/23/2014 Hercules
2/26/2014 The Grand Budapest Hotel
9/2/1992 Reservoir Dogs
3/2/2016 London Has Fallen
2/13/2004 50 First Dates
10/2/2014 Annabelle
4/9/2004 Shaun of the Dead
7/28/2015 Vacation
3/15/2009 Drag Me to Hell
3/27/2012 Wrath of the Titans
9/12/1964 Per un pugno di dollari
5/7/2008 What Happens in Vegas
11/22/1991 The Addams Family
6/7/2001 Swordfish
12/5/2014 Still Alice
6/16/2006 The Lake House
5/30/1986 Big Trouble in Little China
7/26/2012 Step Up Revolution
12/15/1998 The Prince of Egypt
1/7/2014 Ride Along
2/28/2013 Stoker
9/30/2011 A Dangerous Method
1/10/2014 The Legend of Hercules
2/3/2008 Role Models
5/22/1981 Escape from New York
12/19/2002 英雄
12/24/2008 Bedtime Stories
5/1/2010 Charlie St. Cloud
7/1/1994 Baby's Day Out
5/12/2006 Poseidon
10/17/2011 My Week with Marilyn
6/15/2000 Shaft
12/13/1989 Driving Miss Daisy
9/29/2009 Ninja Assassin
1/26/2006 Big Momma's House 2
8/19/1988 A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master
11/25/2003 The Haunted Mansion
8/17/2007 The Invasion
4/23/1998 Sliding Doors
8/21/2008 Bangkok Dangerous
11/6/2010 Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
3/25/2011 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules
2/10/2004 功夫
4/5/2007 The Reaping
9/15/1994 Timecop
9/4/2009 All About Steve
9/25/1998 Urban Legend
10/23/1998 Soldier
4/23/2008 Baby Mama
4/16/2014 Heaven is for Real
8/20/2009 World's Greatest Dad
9/2/1994 Heavenly Creatures
8/27/2004 Suspect Zero
4/9/2011 A Lonely Place to Die
11/29/1994 Highlander III: The Sorcerer
2/28/1992 Memoirs of an Invisible Man
7/3/2008 The Wackness
3/17/1981 Nighthawks
10/3/1955 The Trouble with Harry
12/22/2000 Dracula 2000
6/29/2001 Crazy/Beautiful
9/10/1999 Stir of Echoes
9/9/2009 Soul Kitchen
8/27/1993 Only the Strong
6/4/1999 Human Traffic
4/30/2007 Brooklyn Rules
10/14/2002 Abandon
5/21/2003 Les Invasions barbares
5/12/1980 The Long Riders
1/26/1996 The Funeral
9/12/2014 Atlas Shrugged Part III: Who is John Galt?
9/25/1987 From a Whisper to a Scream
9/2/1994 There Goes My Baby
6/25/2013 Despicable Me 2
7/2/1997 Men in Black
3/5/2010 How to Train Your Dragon
6/22/2008 WALL·E
2/6/2013 A Good Day to Die Hard
3/20/2013 The Croods
7/8/2011 Horrible Bosses
9/18/1987 The Princess Bride
11/21/2008 Bolt
4/13/2004 13 Going on 30
11/2/2000 Charlie's Angels
7/26/2012 The Watch
3/16/2000 Final Destination
5/12/2016 Money Monster
11/4/2010 Unstoppable
7/25/2013 Blue Jasmine
12/21/2010 Little Fockers
9/22/2005 Flightplan
11/26/2015 Krampus
11/1/2013 Philomena
2/14/2008 Step Up 2: The Streets
1/6/2009 Daybreakers
11/21/2003 Gothika
12/24/2003 Cheaper by the Dozen
10/10/2004 Team America: World Police
11/23/2010 Faster
5/31/2000 Big Momma's House
3/12/2009 Race to Witch Mountain
2/18/2000 The Whole Nine Yards
7/25/2008 Step Brothers
11/6/2009 The Fourth Kind
12/9/1995 Four Rooms
7/28/1983 National Lampoon's Vacation
9/30/1993 Cool Runnings
2/23/2012 Wanderlust
6/8/2009 A Perfect Getaway
8/7/1998 Snake Eyes
6/30/2011 Larry Crowne
8/7/2008 The Midnight Meat Train
1/18/2009 I Love You Phillip Morris
4/18/2003 Basic
5/20/1971 Escape from the Planet of the Apes
6/12/1998 Six Days Seven Nights
8/7/2015 The Diary of a Teenage Girl
7/6/2001 Kiss of the Dragon
9/13/2004 Wimbledon
7/25/1980 Caddyshack
1/1/2016 Jane Got a Gun
8/25/2000 Bring It On
4/7/2004 The Whole Ten Yards
10/10/1968 Barbarella
3/17/2005 Ice Princess
8/24/2001 Ghosts of Mars
8/23/1991 Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man
8/31/2006 Little Man
10/22/1982 Halloween III: Season of the Witch
8/20/1981 The Legend of the Lone Ranger
8/1/1997 Air Bud
6/10/1988 Poltergeist III
4/9/1999 Go
2/1/2008 The Eye
7/21/2005 Must Love Dogs
6/17/2010 Wild Target
3/25/2014 Moms' Night Out
6/5/2009 Away We Go
1/19/2001 The Believer
8/2/1991 Return to the Blue Lagoon
7/11/2003 Veronica Guerin
1/12/2000 Next Friday
5/2/2012 The Sessions
12/4/2008 Ong Bak 2
12/18/1979 The Black Hole
3/31/1995 Tank Girl
9/8/2012 Quartet
7/23/1999 Drop Dead Gorgeous
11/5/2008 The Informers
4/16/2004 Connie and Carla
4/30/2014 Barbecue
3/9/2006 The Shaggy Dog
9/5/2003 Party Monster
6/24/2011 A Better Life
5/24/1995 Tales from the Hood
12/12/2001 Le peuple migrateur
2/7/2006 Winter Passing
7/19/1996 Fled
12/3/1999 Happy, Texas
7/31/1981 Under the Rainbow
12/17/2014 Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb
5/28/2014 Maleficent
7/17/2014 Sex Tape
12/8/2009 The Princess and the Frog
11/21/2012 Rise of the Guardians
3/30/1999 10 Things I Hate About You
6/12/2009 Moon
6/4/2015 Insidious: Chapter 3
5/11/2016 The Angry Birds Movie
1/31/2013 Warm Bodies
1/22/2016 The Boy
4/8/2010 Date Night
7/10/2010 Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole
4/30/2004 Mean Girls
4/13/2001 Bridget Jones's Diary
12/25/2007 The Bucket List
9/10/2014 The Boxtrolls
1/13/2005 Elektra
8/15/2003 Freddy vs. Jason
4/21/1999 The Virgin Suicides
8/19/2015 Sinister 2
8/22/2008 The House Bunny
6/18/2009 Year One
4/23/2010 The Losers
7/31/1987 The Lost Boys
9/20/2012 Killing Them Softly
10/21/2005 Nanny McPhee
8/3/2003 Freaky Friday
3/5/1999 Cruel Intentions
2/15/2010 Centurion
4/14/1999 eXistenZ
7/2/2014 Tammy
8/9/1996 Escape from L.A.
4/3/2015 While We're Young
3/10/2006 Failure to Launch
5/25/2006 Clerks II
10/9/2003 Elf
11/10/1994 The Santa Clause
9/26/1986 Crocodile Dundee
9/8/2006 The Covenant
12/15/2006 Charlotte's Web
11/12/2004 After the Sunset
1/30/2009 New in Town
12/25/1997 Wag the Dog
10/31/2002 I Spy
7/23/2007 The Death and Life of Bobby Z
4/16/2007 In the Land of Women
3/4/2011 Take Me Home Tonight
2/25/2005 Cursed
10/5/2001 Joy Ride
1/16/1998 Hard Rain
8/25/2005 The Cave
8/26/2004 Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid
10/15/2010 Everything Must Go
9/19/2000 Urban Legends: Final Cut
10/1/1994 Don Juan DeMarco
3/11/2008 Stargate: The Ark of Truth
2/27/2009 Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li
1/20/2001 L.I.E. Long Island Expressway
9/17/2015 Captive
11/14/1997 The Man Who Knew Too Little
7/8/1988 Phantasm II
4/7/2004 Johnson Family Vacation
3/12/1999 Baby Geniuses
4/15/1999 An Ideal Husband
4/21/2001 Kissing Jessica Stein
9/7/1985 My Beautiful Laundrette
5/14/1999 East Is East
5/26/1993 Menace II Society
10/10/2009 Life During Wartime
8/15/1997 Steel
8/25/1999 In Too Deep
8/24/1977 Kingdom of the Spiders
6/1/2007 Gracie
9/9/2010 Resident Evil: Afterlife
9/13/2002 Igby Goes Down
8/26/2005 Undiscovered
3/25/2011 The 5th Quarter
4/23/1971 Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song
5/13/2009 Up
7/27/2016 Nerve
3/25/1957 12 Angry Men
4/3/2011 Rio
7/11/2013 Turbo
2/16/2007 Bridge to Terabithia
6/24/1987 Spaceballs
11/4/2009 A Christmas Carol
7/18/2013 R.I.P.D.
5/21/1985 Rambo: First Blood Part II
12/25/2015 Daddy's Home
5/8/2014 Neighbors
4/16/2009 Crank: High Voltage
9/23/2005 A History of Violence
3/12/2004 Secret Window
8/15/2008 Vicky Cristina Barcelona
1/19/1990 Tremors
9/5/2008 Burn After Reading
8/15/1997 Event Horizon
8/26/2015 We Are Your Friends
6/9/2007 Evan Almighty
3/25/2009 Chloe
3/4/2002 The Time Machine
10/1/1968 Night of the Living Dead
7/13/2001 Legally Blonde
9/3/2015 The Transporter Refueled
9/6/2006 The Fountain
4/9/2004 Ella Enchanted
7/24/2009 The Ugly Truth
2/8/2007 Premonition
12/6/2002 Analyze That
8/21/2002 One Hour Photo
7/31/1997 Spawn
12/5/2007 Juno
6/10/1996 The Cable Guy
7/7/2011 The Guard
7/16/1993 Hocus Pocus
7/21/1989 When Harry Met Sally...
6/28/2002 Mr. Deeds
7/19/1985 Day of the Dead
11/2/2012 The Man with the Iron Fists
2/9/2007 Music and Lyrics
2/27/1987 A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
7/27/2006 Scoop
8/23/2002 Undisputed
5/17/2012 Stolen
3/22/1984 Police Academy
9/7/2012 The Words
9/13/2009 The Joneses
4/3/2008 Nim's Island
8/23/1996 The Island of Dr. Moreau
1/4/2002 D-Tox
9/9/2010 Super
9/27/2013 Baggage Claim
8/26/1997 Deconstructing Harry
12/21/2007 Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story
3/17/1993 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III
1/28/2005 Alone in the Dark
8/26/1996 She's the One
10/12/1989 Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers
2/12/1988 Action Jackson
10/1/1993 Killing Zoe
5/12/2005 The Matador
7/23/2004 A Home at the End of the World
6/16/2003 Alex & Emma
9/8/2006 Sherrybaby
9/12/2005 The Quiet
3/3/2000 Drowning Mona
8/16/1999 Outside Providence
8/2/2002 Full Frontal
7/8/2010 Despicable Me
11/25/1998 A Bug's Life
4/12/2012 The Cabin in the Woods
10/28/2010 Megamind
7/9/1999 American Pie
9/7/2012 Dredd
1/23/2016 Kung Fu Panda 3
6/2/2001 Atlantis: The Lost Empire
12/10/2011 Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
7/17/2009 (500) Days of Summer
11/4/2010 Due Date
2/1/2012 The Woman in Black
1/29/1964 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
9/26/2013 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2
5/8/2015 Maggie
11/27/2014 Paddington
11/26/2002 Treasure Planet
12/24/1981 Mad Max 2
3/4/2005 The Pacifier
4/12/2012 Lockout
10/1/2014 The Book of Life
4/15/2016 Green Room
3/15/2014 The Signal
9/3/2009 Gamer
8/2/2013 The Spectacular Now
7/10/2004 A Cinderella Story
5/1/1970 Beneath the Planet of the Apes
6/11/2004 Napoleon Dynamite
2/14/2008 The Spiderwick Chronicles
10/17/2012 Paranormal Activity 4
6/26/1996 The Nutty Professor
1/7/2016 The Forest
1/9/2003 Just Married
4/14/1983 Flashdance
6/8/1999 Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
2/22/2002 My Big Fat Greek Wedding
3/30/2011 Hop
10/25/2002 Punch-Drunk Love
9/8/2007 Diary of the Dead
12/19/2012 The Guilt Trip
8/13/1982 Friday the 13th Part III
1/20/2005 Are We There Yet?
9/16/2005 Just Like Heaven
9/2/2011 Kill List
8/15/2002 The Adventures of Pluto Nash
11/21/1997 Mortal Kombat: Annihilation
9/22/2006 Jackass Number Two
8/7/2001 Osmosis Jones
7/23/2004 Thunderbirds
5/2/1997 Breakdown
5/13/2005 Kicking & Screaming
1/29/1999 She's All That
9/30/1992 Fortress
8/20/2004 Without a Paddle
10/13/1995 Jade
1/23/2004 Win a Date with Tad Hamilton!
3/30/2001 Tomcats
10/22/2005 BloodRayne
9/12/2012 Resident Evil: Retribution
10/13/1999 The Story of Us
4/13/1994 Serial Mom
2/6/2009 My Life in Ruins
8/13/1999 Detroit Rock City
2/5/1999 Simply Irresistible
3/8/2002 All About the Benjamins
5/17/1996 Flipper
10/27/2000 The Little Vampire
7/2/2003 Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde
11/23/2001 Novocaine
9/1/2006 Crossover
10/20/2006 Flicka
6/6/1980 Galaxina
1/28/2000 Isn't She Great
6/9/2015 Inside Out
6/29/2009 Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
3/18/2015 Home
1/24/2013 Spring Breakers
8/11/2014 The Giver
11/5/2010 127 Hours
11/20/1997 Anastasia
5/11/2011 Midnight in Paris
4/16/2015 Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2
5/16/2012 Moonrise Kingdom
1/19/2012 Journey 2: The Mysterious Island
7/26/2002 Austin Powers in Goldmember
12/25/2007 Aliens vs Predator: Requiem
9/10/2015 The Visit
1/6/2005 Hostel
6/20/2012 Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
1/29/2014 That Awkward Moment
3/19/2009 Monsters vs Aliens
5/2/1997 Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
5/7/2008 The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
3/14/2013 The Call
9/24/2010 Buried
6/17/2011 Mr. Popper's Penguins
4/16/2012 Safe
9/10/2004 Resident Evil: Apocalypse
11/23/1988 They Live
7/9/2004 Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
12/13/2006 Arthur et les Minimoys
6/18/2010 Monsters
10/15/2009 Astro Boy
9/6/2004 Cellular
10/10/2012 Silent Hill: Revelation 3D
9/11/1987 Hellraiser
2/14/1992 Wayne's World
10/15/2010 Jackass 3D
12/21/2005 Cheaper by the Dozen 2
11/24/2003 Honey
4/21/2016 Keanu
12/16/2011 Young Adult
10/20/1995 Mallrats
3/23/2016 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2
12/12/1986 The Golden Child
1/15/2010 The Spy Next Door
6/16/2000 Titan A.E.
10/18/1996 Swingers
8/2/2012 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days
11/13/1981 Porky's
12/19/1986 Little Shop of Horrors
9/20/2007 Resident Evil: Extinction
4/25/2003 The Lizzie McGuire Movie
7/1/2002 Halloween: Resurrection
10/7/2005 Waiting...
7/20/2014 And So It Goes
6/16/2000 Boys and Girls
3/11/2003 The Hunted
3/31/2000 Whatever It Takes
10/1/2002 Boat Trip
8/28/2008 College
2/11/1999 My Favorite Martian
8/17/2001 American Outlaws
11/14/2003 Shattered Glass
3/17/2002 Clockstoppers
12/25/1977 High Anxiety
8/4/1999 Dick
7/13/2001 Made
2/1/2000 The Broken Hearts Club: A Romantic Comedy
2/16/2000 Hanging Up
8/18/2005 Tsotsi
9/30/2004 Woman Thou Art Loosed
6/21/2012 Brave
2/18/2008 Taken
2/23/1996 Trainspotting
10/22/1982 First Blood
3/30/2011 Source Code
7/10/2008 Journey to the Center of the Earth
11/14/2015 The Good Dinosaur
5/19/2004 Shrek 2
6/6/2012 Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
1/13/2011 The Mechanic
5/16/2010 Shrek Forever After
6/13/2009 Hachi: A Dog's Tale
5/17/2007 Shrek the Third
2/5/2015 The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water
4/19/1977 Annie Hall
3/1/2013 21 & Over
6/25/1999 Big Daddy
4/12/1979 Mad Max
2/10/2006 Final Destination 3
11/30/2005 Æon Flux
10/25/2007 Saw IV
8/14/2014 As Above, So Below
11/6/2011 Haywire
2/20/2004 EuroTrip
2/7/1974 Blazing Saddles
8/22/2014 The Prince
6/8/2007 Hostel: Part II
10/17/2009 The Men Who Stare at Goats
1/18/2006 Bandidas
10/19/2000 Bedazzled
6/10/2004 The Stepford Wives
9/17/1998 Rushmore
9/16/2005 Good Night, and Good Luck.
9/17/1999 Blue Streak
2/20/2015 Hot Tub Time Machine 2
12/19/2008 The Tale of Despereaux
7/21/2006 Stormbreaker
6/24/2005 Land of the Dead
4/4/2012 The Cold Light of Day
11/13/2015 Heist
5/19/2000 Road Trip
10/29/1999 House on Haunted Hill
6/15/1973 Battle for the Planet of the Apes
6/29/2012 Beasts of the Southern Wild
12/21/2001 How High
11/26/1997 Flubber
11/21/1986 The Wraith
1/12/2002 The Good Girl
7/8/2000 Pokémon 3: The Movie
1/13/2002 May
6/28/2012 Katy Perry: Part of Me
2/23/2001 Monkeybone
9/25/2013 Metallica: Through the Never
11/27/2013 Black Nativity
12/19/1997 Spice World
12/17/2007 Virgin Territory
2/15/2002 Crossroads
9/12/2005 Slow Burn
11/25/1998 Home Fries
11/27/2002 Extreme Ops
11/16/2001 The Wash
3/27/1998 Meet the Deedles
10/1/2010 Freakonomics
10/24/2008 Roadside Romeo
2/24/2012 Sholem Aleichem: Laughing In The Darkness
11/24/1993 The Nutcracker
11/1/2001 Monsters, Inc.
11/22/2014 Penguins of Madagascar
10/30/1999 Toy Story 2
10/1/2014 Dracula Untold
6/13/2007 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer
2/29/1988 Beetlejuice
7/1/2008 Hancock
1/22/2009 Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
2/19/2016 The Witch
9/3/2014 Before I Go to Sleep
12/13/2007 Alvin and the Chipmunks
9/10/2010 Easy A
10/28/2005 Saw II
6/18/2004 DodgeBall: A True Underdog Story
2/7/2014 Mr. Peabody & Sherman
8/12/2011 Final Destination 5
4/16/2002 The Scorpion King
10/22/2004 The Grudge
7/29/2015 The Little Prince
3/29/2002 National Lampoon’s Van Wilder
10/2/2002 The Transporter
10/23/2008 Saw V
1/22/2014 I, Frankenstein
9/5/2005 Thank You for Smoking
5/16/2011 Bad Teacher
2/5/2010 From Paris with Love
10/22/2013 Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa
2/16/1996 Happy Gilmore
1/3/2013 Texas Chainsaw 3D
7/22/2011 Another Earth
1/31/2013 Bullet to the Head
6/19/2009 Whatever Works
8/30/2012 The Possession
3/19/2010 Diary of a Wimpy Kid
9/20/2007 Los cronocrímenes
10/9/2008 Bronson
5/3/2003 Daddy Day Care
2/26/1988 Bloodsport
1/28/2016 Fifty Shades of Black
9/3/2009 Extract
6/16/2006 Nacho Libre
4/13/2012 The Three Stooges
6/12/1981 History of the World: Part I
4/2/2010 Furry Vengeance
3/22/1985 Friday the 13th: A New Beginning
12/25/2006 Notes on a Scandal
6/10/2005 The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl
9/26/2008 Choke
11/25/1998 Babe: Pig in the City
2/20/1984 Repo Man
5/1/1987 Creepshow 2
1/21/1953 Niagara
10/22/2007 Lions for Lambs
4/30/1999 Idle Hands
12/3/2006 Miss Potter
9/7/2001 Knockaround Guys
10/13/2006 The Marine
4/12/2001 Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles
5/15/2000 Shadow of the Vampire
3/22/1996 Flirting with Disaster
8/4/2006 Who Killed the Electric Car?
8/30/1967 Point Blank
2/6/2004 Catch That Kid
2/11/2005 Inside Deep Throat
6/6/2003 Mambo Italiano
7/18/2001 Jurassic Park III
1/11/2002 Blue Car
9/27/2013 Gravity
3/23/2006 Ice Age: The Meltdown
3/13/1975 Monty Python and the Holy Grail
9/20/2012 Hotel Transylvania
5/25/2011 Kung Fu Panda 2
5/4/2016 Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising
9/27/2012 Taken 2
6/21/1996 The Hunchback of Notre Dame
11/14/1984 A Nightmare on Elm Street
7/21/2006 Monster House
4/5/2013 Evil Dead
1/15/2009 Paul Blart: Mall Cop
10/25/1978 Halloween
3/10/2005 Robots
10/28/2007 Bee Movie
5/26/1994 The Flintstones
10/25/2002 Ghost Ship
11/26/2003 Bad Santa
4/26/1995 Friday
2/21/2003 Old School
1/23/2015 The Boy Next Door
11/19/2009 Planet 51
9/24/2013 Runner Runner
10/20/2010 Paranormal Activity 2
8/8/2007 Rush Hour 3
11/11/2011 Jack and Jill
4/7/2016 The Boss
6/11/2008 The Happening
1/26/2012 One for the Money
8/24/2012 Premium Rush
1/30/1995 紅番區
8/13/1997 The Full Monty
3/5/2015 Unfinished Business
4/10/2001 Joe Dirt
5/15/1985 The Return of the Living Dead
7/4/2007 License to Wed
10/30/2013 Free Birds
4/13/1984 Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter
2/11/2011 The Beaver
3/25/1983 The Outsiders
7/28/1995 Kids
3/7/2012 A Thousand Words
10/3/2008 Beverly Hills Chihuahua
2/4/2011 The Roommate
2/21/1996 Bottle Rocket
7/24/2001 Jason X
1/9/2009 Død snø
7/24/2015 The Vatican Tapes
12/16/2010 Rabbit Hole
9/20/2002 Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever
9/2/2011 Shark Night
9/17/1993 Airborne
8/7/1992 Raising Cain
4/3/1981 The Howling
4/24/1998 The Big Hit
1/14/2000 Supernova
9/7/2006 Fido
10/1/1999 Drive Me Crazy
4/16/2003 A Mighty Wind
9/1/1989 Roger & Me
9/10/1977 Damnation Alley
9/18/1998 Six-String Samurai
4/3/1996 Faithful
8/31/2001 Lovely & Amazing
11/25/1992 Aladdin
6/4/2008 Kung Fu Panda
5/16/2001 Shrek
9/20/2004 Shark Tale
9/17/2009 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
4/25/2003 Identity
9/9/1997 Cube
8/3/2012 ParaNorman
1/31/2003 Final Destination 2
10/21/2010 Saw 3D
8/3/2001 Rush Hour 2
5/30/2013 Only God Forgives
1/1/2013 Movie 43
11/10/1995 Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
10/3/1985 Commando
1/16/2004 Along Came Polly
10/22/2009 Saw VI
4/15/2005 The Amityville Horror
3/22/2007 Mr. Bean's Holiday
2/17/1989 Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
4/22/2014 Brick Mansions
12/21/2005 Fun with Dick and Jane
2/1/2008 Vantage Point
11/6/1998 The Waterboy
10/7/2008 City of Ember
7/1/2001 Jeepers Creepers
10/28/2011 Like Crazy
12/30/2015 Anomalisa
10/28/2011 Puss in Boots
8/13/1982 Fast Times at Ridgemont High
4/25/2013 The Big Wedding
7/8/2008 Meet Dave
3/23/2007 TMNT
7/23/1987 Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
11/14/2003 Looney Tunes: Back in Action
8/29/2013 Getaway
8/26/2011 Our Idiot Brother
10/5/2001 Serendipity
6/25/2008 Vals Im Bashir
5/21/2010 MacGruber
2/9/2001 Saving Silverman
9/11/2011 Your Sister's Sister
8/4/2006 Barnyard
8/11/2006 Pulse
1/15/2004 Mean Creek
9/7/2009 Solitary Man
9/16/2005 Cry_Wolf
4/28/2000 The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas
4/4/2004 Laws of Attraction
2/9/2007 You Kill Me
4/21/2000 Gossip
4/2/1999 The Out-of-Towners
2/8/2007 디워
12/10/2008 Sleep Dealer
3/16/2007 I Think I Love My Wife
9/12/2004 It's All Gone Pete Tong
1/1/2007 Redacted
6/20/2003 From Justin to Kelly
7/14/2014 Lucy
6/23/1994 The Lion King
9/21/2015 Hotel Transylvania 2
10/24/2014 Ouija
8/22/1986 Stand by Me
10/30/2008 Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
11/21/2007 Hitman
9/28/2001 Zoolander
3/31/2000 The Road to El Dorado
9/24/2009 Surrogates
7/18/1995 Babe
1/9/2009 Bride Wars
4/11/1997 Anaconda
8/6/2010 Flipped
12/7/2001 Not Another Teen Movie
12/22/2011 The Darkest Hour
11/15/1996 Jingle All the Way
8/6/2014 Into the Storm
10/3/2008 Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
1/22/2010 Tucker and Dale vs Evil
4/11/2003 House of 1000 Corpses
2/19/1999 Office Space
2/14/2013 Escape from Planet Earth
6/14/2014 Earth to Echo
4/7/2002 Changing Lanes
9/5/1991 Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare
9/26/2003 Duplex
8/18/2011 Spy Kids: All the Time in the World
1/8/2014 Devil's Due
2/8/1980 The Fog
10/16/1998 Bride of Chucky
7/17/1987 Jaws: The Revenge
4/9/1985 Red Sonja
8/11/1989 A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child
8/8/2007 Daddy Day Camp
2/4/2005 Boogeyman
12/17/1973 Sleeper
5/15/1999 The Limey
9/16/2011 I Don't Know How She Does It
10/30/2001 Domestic Disturbance
10/10/2008 Quarantine
8/21/2009 Post Grad
2/17/2004 Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen
8/1/1997 بچه‌های آسمان
10/11/2002 Swept Away
11/21/2001 Out Cold
8/21/2009 Shorts
2/2/1933 42nd Street
11/15/1956 Love Me Tender
1/1/2011 兔侠传奇
7/3/2002 Men in Black II
6/18/1998 Mulan
6/26/2012 Ice Age: Continental Drift
1/19/2012 Underworld: Awakening
10/7/2009 Zombieland
1/17/2013 Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters
3/1/2012 Project X
8/31/2006 Crank
7/2/1980 Airplane!
2/23/1940 Pinocchio
11/15/1996 Space Jam
11/5/2015 The Peanuts Movie
6/14/2002 Scooby-Doo
5/12/2011 Attack the Block
12/21/2009 Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel
4/6/2003 Johnny English
7/21/2009 G-Force
3/12/2012 The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!
8/20/2010 Piranha 3D
3/18/2001 Spy Kids
2/10/2008 Jumper
7/27/2006 The Ant Bully
11/26/2008 Four Christmases
6/29/1972 Conquest of the Planet of the Apes
5/30/2004 Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle
3/22/1991 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze
12/4/2009 Armored
9/6/2013 Bad Words
11/24/2009 Old Dogs
8/6/1972 Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex *But Were Afraid to Ask
3/9/2011 Mars Needs Moms
9/17/2010 Alpha and Omega
8/19/2011 Red State
9/7/2006 Friends with Money
1/26/2003 The Station Agent
7/6/1964 A Hard Day's Night
2/28/2013 The Last Exorcism Part II
2/4/2005 The Wedding Date
12/10/1999 Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo
9/29/1995 Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers
10/21/1988 Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers
2/8/2002 Big Fat Liar
5/13/1988 Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood
6/30/2000 The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle
6/13/2013 Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return
1/30/2004 The Big Bounce
8/31/1984 C.H.U.D.
5/16/2002 Raising Victor Vargas
7/22/2005 Murderball
8/2/2005 Transporter 2
7/25/2007 The Simpsons Movie
10/23/2009 Fantastic Mr. Fox
6/18/2016 The Secret Life of Pets
5/5/2011 Priest
10/4/2012 Frankenweenie
11/14/2004 The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie
11/8/1988 Child's Play
12/14/2011 Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked
11/2/2001 The One
10/31/1985 A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge
8/6/2012 Bachelorette
7/4/2001 Cats & Dogs
5/8/2015 Hot Pursuit
2/4/1983 Videodrome
7/10/2015 The Gallows
5/1/1981 Friday the 13th Part 2
8/29/2008 Disaster Movie
3/3/2006 Ultraviolet
1/9/2009 The Unborn
8/27/2010 The Last Exorcism
10/21/2002 Jackass: The Movie
6/22/2001 Dr. Dolittle 2
6/20/2008 The Love Guru
9/7/2006 DOA: Dead or Alive
11/11/2004 Seed of Chucky
6/4/2010 Marmaduke
9/1/2000 Highlander: Endgame
8/13/1993 Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday
12/18/2013 Walking With Dinosaurs
2/6/1998 The Replacement Killers
10/25/2012 Fun Size
7/14/1999 Muppets from Space
2/3/2006 When a Stranger Calls
1/30/1999 Jawbreaker
5/14/1993 Excessive Force
7/13/2012 2016: Obama's America
8/6/1999 The Iron Giant
6/24/2016 The Shallows
5/31/2013 The Purge
5/25/2005 Madagascar
2/4/1994 Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
4/11/2013 Scary Movie 5
3/21/1997 Liar Liar
1/21/2011 Beastly
4/2/2004 Walking Tall
7/2/2003 Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
1/11/2013 A Haunted House
7/20/2011 Apollo 18
5/6/2011 Hobo with a Shotgun
5/15/1998 Quest for Camelot
7/31/2009 Aliens in the Attic
8/1/1986 Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives
4/29/2011 Hoodwinked Too! Hood VS. Evil
2/10/2006 Curious George
5/28/2004 Soul Plane
2/1/2002 Slackers
10/1/2007 My Name Is Bruce
5/31/2002 Undercover Brother
1/25/2007 Epic Movie
2/10/2009 Chéri
2/2/2001 Head Over Heels
11/22/2006 For Your Consideration
10/12/2001 Corky Romano
7/11/1997 A Simple Wish
11/22/2006 Opal Dream
10/5/2001 Max Keeble's Big Move
11/1/2012 Burn
6/21/2002 Lilo & Stitch
1/15/2008 Cloverfield
10/15/1981 The Evil Dead
9/4/2005 The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
6/28/1991 The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear
6/8/2012 Safety Not Guaranteed
8/16/2012 Robot & Frank
6/8/2007 Surf's Up
12/25/2010 Gulliver's Travels
10/22/2006 Flushed Away
9/15/2009 [REC]²
6/22/1998 Doctor Dolittle
3/27/2008 Superhero Movie
3/23/2007 Once
3/27/1952 High Noon
6/13/2003 Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd
8/31/2012 For a Good Time, Call...
1/21/2011 Silent House
8/4/2005 Red Eye
11/22/2002 Friday After Next
7/18/2013 Khumba
3/18/2010 Белка и Стрелка. Звёздные Ñ Ð¾Ð±Ð°ÐºÐ¸
4/5/2002 Big Trouble
5/19/2007 U2 3D
2/1/2012 Chronicle
10/24/2003 Scary Movie 3
3/13/1987 Evil Dead II
5/30/2003 Wrong Turn
6/21/2000 Chicken Run
12/17/1999 Stuart Little
9/1/2006 Idiocracy
7/25/2003 Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over
1/1/2014 Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones
9/30/2011 Dream House
4/12/2002 The Sweetest Thing
11/28/2007 Awake
11/9/2004 Banlieue 13
11/9/1990 Child's Play 2
6/1/2001 The Animal
1/24/2008 Meet the Spartans
8/11/2011 Glee: The Concert Movie
7/24/1998 Disturbing Behavior
1/5/2007 Code Name: The Cleaner
9/3/2004 Paparazzi
1/16/2004 Torque
8/22/2003 Marci X
9/7/1997 Two Girls and a Guy
9/6/2002 Swimfan
11/17/2006 Let's Go to Prison
6/7/2006 Conversations with Other Women
2/23/2007 Reno 911!: Miami
12/25/2006 Black Christmas
6/10/2009 Saint John of Las Vegas
10/13/2000 The Ladies Man
5/8/1998 Woo
12/20/1937 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
7/11/2016 Sausage Party
5/24/2002 Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
10/2/1998 Antz
4/22/2006 Over the Hedge
7/4/2001 Scary Movie 2
4/13/2006 Scary Movie 4
5/15/2012 The Dictator
10/19/2011 Paranormal Activity 3
3/18/1994 The Naked Gun 33â…“: The Final Insult
9/29/2006 Open Season
12/15/2000 Dude, Where’s My Car?
8/11/2011 30 Minutes or Less
9/10/2014 No Good Deed
1/29/2015 The Lazarus Effect
1/6/2012 The Devil Inside
12/21/2001 Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius
2/12/2015 Demonic
9/13/2011 Jeff, Who Lives at Home
8/11/2006 Zoom
8/6/2005 Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo
2/17/2006 Date Movie
1/27/2001 Recess: School's Out
10/3/2008 An American Carol
4/17/2015 Unfriended
8/26/2009 The Final Destination
11/1/2006 Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
5/19/2000 Dinosaur
8/18/2010 Vampires Suck
8/5/1999 Universal Soldier: The Return
7/30/2010 Cats & Dogs 2 : The Revenge of Kitty Galore
7/15/1999 Lake Placid
1/16/1998 Half Baked
8/23/2012 The Apparition
4/28/1971 Bananas
3/1/2000 3 Strikes
3/10/2002 Ice Age
10/30/1995 Toy Story
7/21/2016 Lights Out
11/4/2005 Chicken Little
6/14/1995 Pocahontas
9/9/2002 Phone Booth
8/20/1998 Lola rennt
10/8/2014 Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
12/9/2011 The Sitter
9/4/1992 El Mariachi
10/5/2005 The Squid and the Whale
10/1/1998 A Night at the Roxbury
7/17/2008 Space Chimps
1/13/2010 Devil
12/16/2005 Hoodwinked!
6/18/2010 Jonah Hex
9/16/2011 Carnage
6/10/2004 Garfield
1/26/2005 La Marche de l'empereur
2/10/2004 Before Sunset
6/11/2003 Les triplettes de Belleville
10/25/2013 Ida
12/11/2010 Yogi Bear
4/27/1975 Death Race 2000
6/13/1953 The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms
8/19/2009 9
8/6/2004 Open Water
4/29/1994 PCU
8/23/1991 Showdown in Little Tokyo
11/20/1998 The Rugrats Movie
12/18/1981 Heartbeeps
12/9/2000 The Emperor's New Groove
4/10/2007 [REC]
7/19/2002 Stuart Little 2
12/12/2012 Ernest et Célestine
11/1/2002 Tadpole
9/9/2005 Corpse Bride
2/11/2000 The Tigger Movie
4/2/2004 Home on the Range
3/25/2005 Valiant
10/11/2012 Снежная королева
9/14/2006 Happily N'Ever After
3/26/1997 Cats Don't Dance
12/17/1999 Fantasia 2000
2/7/2003 The Jungle Book 2
2/14/2002 Return to Never Land
9/23/1993 The Thief and the Cobbler
8/14/1942 Bambi
11/18/1988 The Land Before Time
7/25/1969 The Stewardesses
2/9/1933 She Done Him Wrong
4/13/2011 Winnie the Pooh

Correlation matrix
budget popularity vote_count runtime vote_average revenue
31115000 13.244365 146 248 6.7 71000000
4000000 48.98255 970 238 7.7 400176459
600000 3.409764 66 225 7.1 34505110
44000000 5.380124 55 219 6.4 3484331
15000000 41.286336 851 216 7.8 69995385 2000000000
56000000 4.362535 48 214 6.1 12923936 1800000000
2000000 39.756748 878 207 8.2 271841
34000000 19.822791 370 202 7.2 48169908
94000000 123.630332 8064 201 8.1 1118888979
13000000 105.792936 3338 200 8.3 47542841
20000000 3.011205 41 199 6.5 15473333 1000000000

11000000 12.854853 247 197 7.4 111858363 800000000

f(x) = 2.8584
385907 3.232447 60 197 7.4 8394751 600000000 R² = 0.49869
22000000 104.469351 4329 195 8.3 321365567 400000000
32000000 4.602185 67 195 7.1 40382659 200000000
200000000 100.025899 7562 194 7.5 1845034188 0
27000000 17.567332 235 193 7.3 21500000 0 500
7400000 3.246903 42 193 6.1 17000000
44000000 3.770161 71 192 7.1 13681765
7000000 3.721858 64 192 7.4 29385320
22000000 35.227212 716 191 7.4 77737889
67000000 16.637642 459 191 6.8 25037897 2000000000
63000000 13.859307 202 191 6.5 25052000 1800000000
60000000 103.698022 4048 189 8.2 284600000
40000000 26.82041 502 189 7.5 205405498
37000000 30.993736 825 188 7.5 48451803 f(x) = 96937
19000000 4.229942 33 188 6 4750000 R² = 0.55959
207000000 61.22601 2337 187 6.6 550000000 1000000000

3000000 13.338539 155 186 7.6 10000000 800000000

11000000 29.543331 505 184 7.7 20000000 600000000
140000000 34.20669 1791 183 6.6 449220945 400000000
15000000 19.786392 921 183 7.8 50000000 200000000
22000000 45.707835 1046 181 7.6 424208848 0
9000000 7.623979 134 181 7.4 83304330 0 2000
100000000 95.007934 6571 180 7.9 392000694
79000000 106.914973 7487 179 8 926287400
93000000 138.049577 8705 178 8 871368364
52000000 40.06688 1307 178 7.8 116112375
90000000 36.069611 1147 178 6.9 142940100 2000000000
10000000 19.524972 234 178 7.2 50100000 1800000000
72000000 60.722162 3336 177 7.7 210000000
80000000 14.564667 299 177 6.1 17626234
6000000 143.659698 5893 175 8.4 245066411
5000000 49.333137 1128 175 8.1 5321508 f(x) = 45114
1000000000 R² = 0.4541
155000000 39.019229 927 175 5.6 167298192
22000000 20.256571 207 175 6.9 50750000 800000000
f(x) = 45114
1000000000 R² = 0.4541
8200000 37.960289 941 174 7.4 286214286 600000000
102000000 73.872343 2977 172 6.6 130482868 400000000
4000000 35.061467 717 172 7.8 11744471 200000000
12000000 21.933822 323 172 7.3 89800000 0
2100000 8.38717 143 172 7.6 23650000 0
700000 9.188431 87 171 7.7 7830611
8250000 7.973109 63 171 7 30000000
25000000 70.105981 2948 170 8 65884703
116000000 45.616098 1489 170 7 102000000
52000000 40.072583 771 170 7.2 98126565
17000000 20.786616 352 170 7.4 72070731
60000000 12.867352 292 170 6.7 186883563
7000000 3.120016 41 170 6.7 1310673
1000000 0.043023 7 170 6.1 623791
250000000 108.849621 8297 169 7 1021103568
70000000 76.041867 5048 169 7.9 481840909
44000000 68.717016 4274 167 7.6 155760117
100000000 46.160048 1910 167 7.1 193772504
150000000 60.269279 3292 166 7.3 333932083
210000000 116.840296 3095 165 5.8 1091405097
250000000 112.31295 9106 165 7.6 1084939099
100000000 82.121691 10099 165 7.8 425368238
130000000 28.840997 694 165 6.3 49554002
110000000 23.657284 1099 165 6.8 215294342
4000000 43.40352 1971 164 7.5 44349000
70000000 29.035222 696 164 6.9 130358911
7000000 14.672151 201 164 7 8373585
175000000 66.803149 2759 163 6.9 497409852
130000000 64.798873 2811 163 7 185258983
55000000 23.127561 422 163 6.8 100230832
23000000 21.189028 355 163 7.4 43984230
9400000 14.562991 140 163 7 60000000
8000000 9.548391 67 163 6.9 27187653
54000000 59.194915 1546 162 7.1 136766062
27000000 29.381878 542 162 7 231976425
100000000 132.397737 5815 161 7.4 876688482
250000000 94.370564 4524 161 7.6 958400000
1200000 88.377076 2311 161 8.1 6000000
3000000 23.109959 542 161 7.7 33300000
13000000 20.39955 387 161 7.2 754249
31000000 13.864975 279 161 7 128499205
30000000 35.53352 776 160 7 14711793
18000000 31.82675 1076 160 7.8 51973029
45000000 11.387408 90 160 6.3 9323833
65000000 27.870312 1234 159 7.1 162091208
40000000 16.254032 135 159 7.5 100000000
7700000 3.353176 79 159 7.2 46000000
90000000 47.651083 2434 158 7.2 232617430
200000000 45.274225 4903 158 5.6 769653595
25000000 37.817905 1537 158 7.9 77208711
20000000 7.902536 63 158 6.2 31678778
150000000 101.250416 5608 157 7.5 895921036
65000000 51.970905 2023 157 7.3 84785914
61000000 48.356214 1884 157 7.1 441809770
100000000 42.361215 1502 157 7.4 266465037
40000000 38.306954 1702 157 6.7 132820716
90000000 26.153669 481 157 7.3 60289912
107000000 18.866672 447 157 6.7 87713825
2200000 5.206967 97 157 7.2 11502151
135000000 100.635882 6396 156 7.3 532950503
18339750 32.445895 1037 156 7.7 92180910
103000000 95.301296 5439 155 7.9 457640427
15000000 19.85579 796 155 7.5 43101594
35000000 5.525544 157 155 6.3 25105255
36000000 3.698276 316 155 6.8 74000000
8000000 121.463076 8428 154 8.3 213928762
270000000 57.925623 1400 154 5.4 391081192
140000000 52.341226 1895 154 7.3 456758981
12000000 40.631671 1514 154 7.3 39673162
195000000 28.529607 3299 154 6.1 1123746996
79000000 24.598479 533 154 6.7 173013509
42000000 23.736535 501 154 6.6 270248367
2000000 23.281616 521 154 7.6 20908467
15000000 17.571533 338 154 7.7 146292009
25000000 15.279021 380 154 7.1 48531470
17000000 3.321095 36 154 6.3 10000000
250000000 98.885637 5293 153 7.4 933959197
46000000 88.496873 3085 153 7.9 122126687
70000000 72.595961 6430 153 7.9 319131050
31500000 49.973462 2055 153 8 89460381
92620000 32.351527 657 153 8 650422
2000000 23.962109 395 153 7.3 9250000
10000000 8.305998 103 153 7 37402877
185000000 187.322927 12002 152 8.2 1004558444
125000000 109.984351 7006 152 7.5 976475550
6000000 23.431117 389 152 7 43656822
40000000 21.743321 467 152 7.2 124731534
72000000 11.215702 188 152 6.6 37317558
4000000 8.988455 50 152 6.6 36000000
250000000 155.790452 7004 151 5.7 873260194
200000000 145.847379 5246 151 7 1065659812
90000000 63.429157 4339 151 7.9 289847354
140000000 58.485967 2482 151 6.4 553799566
245000 0.785744 21 151 7 22000000
140000000 101.599427 1921 150 5.6 268031828
90000000 55.249434 1308 150 7.2 171120329
225000000 53.978602 1630 150 6.3 419651413
35000000 50.587541 1864 150 8 120072577
150000000 21.939663 3138 150 6 836297228
80341000 14.8375 205 150 7.1 127814609
10500000 86.201184 2998 149 7.9 68700000
255000000 49.046956 2311 149 5.9 89289910
125000000 45.313197 2704 149 6.5 767820459
65000000 36.307296 1429 149 6.7 275293450
14000000 26.967494 613 149 7.9 85000000
40000000 25.219805 509 149 7 152266007
3500000 3.281509 46 149 7.4 12800000
8000000 0.709143 15 149 6.5 20000000
160000000 167.58371 13752 148 8.1 825532764
245000000 107.376788 4466 148 6.3 880674609
20000000 45.742217 833 148 6.5 11110975
15000000 43.644978 3045 148 7.8 56255142
60000000 21.084542 367 148 6.2 66976317
250000000 198.372395 7241 147 7.1 1153304495
28000000 61.76233 1355 147 7.7 201634991
50000000 42.551902 1165 147 7.1 132180323
130000000 38.068736 1564 147 6.3 273339556
15000000 31.60985 1477 147 7.6 20117339
48000000 25.170217 562 147 6.9 207515725
44000000 16.245068 715 147 7.3 165615285
130000000 76.310119 6495 146 7.4 847423452
70000000 45.299089 1553 146 7.3 130293714
25000000 42.191509 1910 146 7.8 124272124
100000000 34.035114 1974 146 6.8 235926552
66000000 29.505574 992 146 7 177584879
50000000 20.825781 396 146 7.2 73956241
75000000 20.199057 390 146 5.7 61458982
100000000 18.325897 426 146 5.4 288347692
3000000 6.734965 41 146 7.3 10400000
61000000 143.041543 5862 145 7.9 369330363
102000000 65.948959 2608 145 7.1 358372926
25000000 63.654244 3128 145 8.2 46836394
75000000 60.442593 3260 145 6.7 816969268
14000000 25.949277 395 145 6.7 161001698
80000000 18.26121 189 145 6.9 34566746
85000000 16.595874 652 145 7.3 162242962
6244087 14.970654 259 145 7.6 638641
12000000 14.719886 232 145 7.7 42345360
21000000 13.906611 277 145 7.2 26193068
94000000 12.516546 187 145 7.1 95311434
24000000 6.009644 61 145 5.6 23321954
12000000 5.759545 35 145 6.4 9622846
178000000 139.272042 4721 144 6.4 543934787
250000000 120.965743 4760 144 7.1 956019788
150000000 88.935165 3855 144 7.3 599045960
19000000 78.699993 3757 144 8.1 44017374
130000000 44.490453 1157 144 6.6 211643158
92000000 44.455166 1811 144 7.2 172989651
50000000 42.526529 938 144 7 69411370
57000000 33.8473 1374 144 7.2 152944660
70000000 33.648404 1532 144 6.6 300854823
150000000 25.468493 4040 144 6.6 709709780
88000000 24.100863 616 144 7.3 108539911
25485000 9.795985 147 144 6.9 29548291
17000000 9.349386 153 144 5.2 374743
6000000 7.60445 37 144 6.2 20400000
9600000 3.588529 24 144 6 4386236
140000000 271.972889 6985 143 7.5 655011224
220000000 144.448633 11776 143 7.4 1519557910
225000000 99.398009 6359 143 6.5 662845518
200000000 93.004993 7604 143 6.9 1108561013
180000000 67.391328 2629 143 6.7 748806957
105000000 61.196071 3769 143 7.3 351040419
90000000 57.739713 3218 143 7.5 429632142
100000000 52.792678 2281 143 7.3 170877916
55000000 48.507081 1022 143 6.9 300218018
48000000 28.803729 909 143 6.6 390493908
25000000 25.785925 1055 143 6.9 135330182
70000000 18.927463 438 143 7 154648887
4000000 5.975604 77 143 6.1 6000000
55000000 138.133331 7927 142 8.2 677945399
25000000 136.747729 8205 142 8.5 28341469
200000000 89.270217 4179 142 6.5 705717432
75000000 68.550698 9455 142 6.9 691210692
120000000 43.987061 3992 142 6.4 649398328
12400000 32.523573 720 142 7.3 8371085
6500000 25.289665 456 142 6.5 81974493
108000000 167.93287 7268 141 7.6 630161890
280000000 134.279229 6767 141 7.3 1405403694
130000000 79.679601 5877 141 7.7 789804554
52000000 73.944049 3795 141 7.7 352114312
40000000 48.445978 2583 141 7.2 165478348
50000000 42.472324 1417 141 7.2 83719388
115000000 38.729418 1116 141 6.8 378882411
55000000 27.50916 1131 141 7.3 113020255
19000000 24.47248 541 141 7.2 68673228
62000000 18.832471 386 141 6.4 215887717
45000000 17.923254 371 141 6.3 195268056
35000000 15.50957 224 141 6.5 27330000
87000000 14.824166 216 141 6.7 148336445
23000000 6.618149 73 141 5.5 16123851
150000000 115.040024 7359 140 7.5 374218673
52000000 68.140214 1599 140 7.3 355237933
25000000 51.915025 1272 140 7.7 23057115
113000000 44.108427 4116 140 7.1 850000000
200000000 37.668301 1398 140 6.2 310669540
15000000 35.395129 1653 140 6.8 35485608
80000000 33.691694 1344 140 6.5 214104620
50000000 28.725621 582 140 6.8 44547681
12800000 22.022228 377 140 7.6 40031879
60000000 13.155999 271 140 6.3 17800000
38000000 10.794175 275 140 6.7 34416893
10000000 3.007816 25 140 6.4 5164404
46000000 0.146783 2 140 6.5 5200000
63000000 146.757391 9413 139 8.3 100853753
258000000 115.699814 3576 139 5.9 890871626
85000000 80.316463 4663 139 6.9 288747895
6000000 59.961523 1183 139 7.4 102272727
125000000 46.115758 2350 139 5.6 362637473
32000000 43.862456 987 139 6.5 54674226
40000000 41.570047 1221 139 7.3 120175290
50000000 37.885022 915 139 7.2 314178011
40000000 31.385257 767 139 7 128798265
50000000 27.039636 913 139 6.7 273552592
70000000 24.961625 808 139 7.1 90000098
50000000 21.589393 428 139 6.6 25035950
22000000 19.068175 262 139 7 68296293
3000000 10.757539 194 139 7.4 2807390
28000000 10.703456 148 139 6.5 31596911
34000000 9.133747 169 139 7 32255440
23000000 7.876883 57 139 6.5 5837674
14200000 7.05145 78 139 6.9 674918
45000000 5.361699 81 139 6.4 4607608
5000000 4.079111 11 139 6 15000000
14000000 0.900442 10 139 5.2 2474000
5000000 0.835617 8 139 5.4 12200000
80000000 81.914696 6336 138 7.8 294804195
150000000 78.144395 5494 138 7.4 938212738
150000000 70.78591 3443 138 6.7 738599701
150000000 67.447636 2129 138 6.5 356613439
40000000 49.664128 2807 138 6.8 251171807
80000000 46.075037 1583 138 6.8 245676146
31000000 42.213765 2415 138 6.5 161772375
40000000 40.379966 877 138 7.1 243240178
150000000 36.973031 790 138 6.9 212011111
137000000 34.981698 1533 138 5.3 245360480
25000000 31.242999 1422 138 7.6 156822020
35000000 24.860326 1310 138 7.7 126216940
75000000 19.708731 521 138 6.7 114660784
100000000 15.625949 264 138 6.1 35168966
22000000 9.175762 83 138 5.9 67800064
38000000 5.516207 49 138 6.6 635096
160000000 127.284427 3984 137 6.6 653428261
190000000 102.322217 4176 137 7.3 1506249360
100000000 101.74155 4185 137 7.7 520000000
18500000 67.66094 3220 137 7.7 183316455
65000000 43.055253 1400 137 7.3 163442937
50000000 40.371098 547 137 6.1 3324330
2000000 34.938177 958 137 7.9 70000000
35000000 28.069419 741 137 6 84606030
40000000 25.876582 562 137 6.5 30925690
32000000 25.682509 701 137 7 28258060
24000000 16.146572 341 137 7.2 41895491
25000000 14.613152 301 137 5.5 8784318
19800000 11.693272 246 137 6.8 87754044
145000000 10.660441 106 137 5.8 25819961
63000000 104.309993 8907 136 7.9 463517383
215000000 89.866276 6586 136 6.5 752215857
170000000 72.225265 5764 136 7.6 714766572
115000000 54.035265 4432 136 6.3 924317558
75000000 51.469576 1456 136 6.9 335062621
30000000 50.622607 3948 136 7.6 152159461
85000000 44.967453 1225 136 6.7 194168700
126000000 37.68056 1770 136 6.5 162949164
7400000 36.173598 885 136 7 21817298
28000000 35.580032 718 136 7.3 186438883
95000000 31.086791 1183 136 6.3 250288523
65000000 29.257137 1065 136 6.6 93525586
60000000 29.211255 516 136 5.4 74208267
68000000 27.299301 1078 136 6.5 203388341
68000000 26.792794 567 136 5.3 75715436
3200000 26.180367 863 136 7.5 33395426
30000000 23.234651 496 136 7.3 76669806
16500000 20.898711 352 136 7.2 135000000
43000000 19.043286 302 136 7 80049764
70000000 16.92991 630 136 7 131457682
100000000 16.759252 318 136 6.5 108103450
26000000 11.942862 240 136 6.9 14821658
25000000 10.232599 134 136 6.7 21567853
18000000 8.700565 139 136 5.5 70687344
2900000 3.370225 25 136 7.3 5000000
68000000 139.575085 3946 135 7.4 211817906
60000000 59.248437 3009 135 7.7 313542341
20000000 52.456505 1098 135 7.2 303788635
32350000 46.509071 4665 135 7.9 572700000
175000000 44.640292 992 135 5.9 264218220
40000000 37.073127 1869 135 7 244931766
28000000 36.58383 1358 135 7.7 121147947
15000000 30.196039 629 135 7.2 13060843
75000000 22.179658 431 135 6.5 136982834
30000000 19.106154 330 135 6.4 30536013
24000000 17.606087 385 135 7.3 182016617
120000000 17.060695 354 135 5.7 93945766
1000000 14.805264 231 135 7.4 24475416
20000000 13.032308 195 135 6.6 4001121
40000000 12.229516 235 135 6.7 45916769
45000000 10.731574 150 135 5.9 53854588
40000000 10.433667 155 135 6.7 31670620
28000000 7.534003 159 135 7 64445708
50000000 7.44268 108 135 5.5 10382407
5000000 5.960149 77 135 6.9 13269963
4100000 4.028875 42 135 6.4 36000000
35000000 2.877488 25 135 6.7 15000000
1300000 0.072066 1 135 5 639000
20000000 95.9229 3674 134 7.9 187000000
40000000 68.794673 1949 134 7 320170008
26500000 60.732738 1983 134 8.2 159375308
55000000 52.786917 2454 134 7.6 95000000
30000000 46.212155 957 134 7.2 199200000
14000000 44.135568 1480 134 7.5 178043761
35000000 38.429648 896 134 5.6 88058786
60000000 23.85119 1125 134 7 122233971
36000000 23.380757 338 134 5.8 160000000
5000000 22.9951 478 134 7.1 24804129
55000000 19.143321 311 134 5.9 127600435
115000000 18.714197 341 134 5.8 77628265
75000000 18.65988 476 134 5.8 13100000
2000000 17.639478 240 134 7.6 7600000
11500000 15.355589 202 134 7.5 23237911
70000000 14.486311 284 134 6.6 154937680
40000000 14.199933 255 134 6.8 67347013
3500000 7.821438 82 134 7.4 13007551
28000000 7.039189 91 134 6.8 5684789
55000000 7.027139 120 134 5.9 141047179
45000000 6.803965 151 134 6.1 38058335
30000000 4.952735 129 134 7.2 8454301
24000000 2.753313 58 134 5.9 21049053
3000000 127.525581 2919 133 8.2 108981275
58800000 87.53437 4469 133 7.4 542307423
145000000 77.77477 3972 133 6.8 694713380
37000000 57.773583 1915 133 7.3 173567581
140000000 54.159392 1092 133 5.8 431971116
25000000 49.510658 1709 133 7.6 412800000
70000000 46.832372 826 133 5.1 17752940
50000000 46.180421 1381 133 7 110206216
27000000 44.714264 1065 133 7.5 115229890
30000000 34.421696 905 133 6.9 51148651
38000000 30.359164 756 133 6.3 58401898
60000000 28.800112 636 133 5.8 204594016
32000000 28.22119 541 133 5.9 156167015
30000000 26.952727 619 133 7.2 160638883
70000000 23.25645 493 133 5.8 134748021
17000000 18.790102 293 133 6.2 29536299
55000000 17.231675 256 133 5.8 121969216
3000000 5.344815 82 133 7.3 9012000
5800000 4.49029 72 133 7.2 6800000
64000000 4.137237 63 133 5.3 74608570
110000000 2.871739 3506 133 6.8 407711549
61000000 113.161483 3040 132 6.4 311256926
54000000 84.630969 4442 132 7.7 132511035
55000000 79.922059 2954 132 7.1 192330738
190000000 78.291018 4418 132 7.4 467365246
30000000 70.456012 2439 132 7.7 216763646
260000000 43.926995 2124 132 6.1 284139100
90000000 41.207568 1240 132 6.7 250649836
65000000 36.670399 907 132 6.6 117487473
25000000 32.105328 1101 132 7.2 115922175
22000000 26.071644 530 132 7.2 92542418
35000000 24.616634 530 132 6.2 139000000
90000000 23.9366 526 132 6.7 65900249
50000000 23.073933 387 132 6 30303072
35000000 10.10364 159 132 6.5 29882645
80000000 8.923215 91 132 6.8 10166502
28000000 8.314624 97 132 6.7 16900000
25000000 7.436491 108 132 6.5 8613462
48000000 7.226115 103 132 6.5 35743308
12000000 4.793348 55 132 7.6 10652498
30000000 3.845231 56 132 5.9 74787599
12000000 3.389249 51 132 6.2 30400000
160000000 3.195174 5181 132 7.1 353624124
250000000 118.078691 6032 131 7.5 747862775
150000000 114.522237 3224 131 7.1 682330139
28000000 66.169628 3948 131 7.5 140767956
209000000 64.928382 2114 131 5.5 303025485
100000000 58.849256 1926 131 6.4 347451894
180000000 56.523205 4794 131 6.7 407602906
15000000 47.006162 1840 131 7.2 42000000
68000000 41.273567 999 131 7.2 96976270
150000000 39.004588 1891 131 6.4 205366737
14000000 37.380435 1113 131 7.7 159157447
25000000 32.854557 973 131 6.7 42972994
45000000 31.856589 766 131 6.2 82966152
52000000 30.347332 716 131 7.1 256271286
30000000 27.230493 506 131 6 152427960
35000000 26.595983 453 131 7.3 75395048
27500000 25.633663 527 131 6.2 187500000
100000000 24.939295 963 131 6.9 93700000
72000000 15.433244 285 131 7 27642707
6500000 12.524953 190 131 7 12376563
80000000 10.81051 196 131 5.8 118880016
25100000 10.445391 143 131 6.1 29506464
57000000 9.061866 145 131 5.5 62112895
18000000 6.18869 99 131 7.3 9495408
12000000 5.158067 59 131 6.3 11212294
170000000 243.791743 4410 130 7.3 710644566
190000000 130.311355 2846 130 6.2 209154322
50000000 94.815867 2436 130 5.6 709827462
200000000 77.68208 8806 130 6.8 1215439994
40000000 74.440708 4391 130 8 109676311
58000000 59.824565 1174 130 6.6 352194034
28000000 57.518472 2607 130 7.3 133346506
60000000 56.868399 2998 130 6.3 218340595
44000000 54.884297 1220 130 7.2 368875760
66000000 54.81489 1520 130 6.1 203277636
200000000 46.985445 3530 130 5.7 491868548
60000000 45.514031 1602 130 6.2 90565421
3300000 44.356711 1814 130 8.1 30641770
3180000 42.868495 1076 130 8 9644124
98000000 41.862983 2206 130 6 433013274
85000000 32.044191 712 130 6.1 137298489
25000000 31.893932 1573 130 6.1 86175291
5500000 31.036 562 130 6.5 141195658
25000000 30.537845 626 130 7.4 56505065
120000000 25.752118 597 130 6.2 325756637
40000000 23.331459 440 130 6.2 191185897
50000000 22.442241 480 130 7.3 38955598
6800000 21.285206 479 130 7.9 7103838
50000000 20.415572 274 130 6.7 42093706
3860000 19.947265 273 130 6.3 64076736
1288000 18.426825 336 130 7.7 6000000
10000000 17.663353 1068 130 7 21587700
80000000 17.455024 388 130 5 136159423
30000000 16.698316 288 130 6.3 15395087
100000000 15.835672 488 130 6.3 155464351
65000000 15.772081 403 130 6.3 128884132
10000000 14.543435 823 130 6.8 30652890
80000000 14.209329 369 130 5.8 55041367
30000000 10.703602 240 130 6.3 31148328
16000000 7.854989 55 130 7.4 29381649
125000000 7.255718 2438 130 7.1 626137675
40000000 3.87823 71 130 7.1 9793496
9000000 0.717811 14 130 4.8 771499
125000000 81.499621 3886 129 7 334615000
150000000 73.313918 3096 129 6.4 424988211
50000000 62.925175 1506 129 7.5 109423648
105000000 58.782359 1560 129 6.7 121214377
16400000 55.458584 2705 129 8.1 235860116
90000000 51.535701 3235 129 6.7 334901337
45000000 45.220386 1630 129 7.3 184376254
18000000 35.524457 938 129 7.7 23000000
20000000 31.802807 650 129 6.6 79114085
40000000 31.066874 708 129 6.9 55247881
75000000 31.054334 893 129 5.9 142400065
5500000 28.500913 622 129 7.9 159616327
25000000 26.576385 661 129 6.1 411006740
40000000 26.253357 959 129 6.2 177259441
2000000 25.894065 626 129 7.8 33965843
29000000 25.767395 1597 129 7.2 309208309
32000000 24.147269 544 129 7 48814909
30000000 22.527211 1214 129 6.2 219076518
2000000 22.139842 657 129 8 13129846
80000000 21.394281 393 129 6.2 96105964
25000000 20.679652 417 129 6.8 82466670
50000000 13.365715 510 129 5.8 105197635
30000000 13.268936 286 129 6.4 2527904
12000000 12.664787 206 129 6.9 19271312
1500000 12.2624 241 129 7.9 9600000
38000000 10.047579 86 129 6.3 10300000
16000000 7.980632 131 129 7.4 53977250
8000000 7.235794 97 129 7 18124262
1000000 5.961119 77 129 6.8 34522221
13500000 5.16023 32 129 5.2 187674
10000000 3.079862 47 129 6.3 16153593
73000000 2.502487 2487 129 6.2 229074524
90000000 57.834787 5766 128 7 524028679
60000000 57.753914 1910 128 7 219417255
90000000 51.881077 2066 128 6.9 366101666
110000000 48.93337 2089 128 6.4 383531464
40000000 45.022964 1056 128 7.1 215862692
34000000 41.946523 1064 128 7.3 63013281
20000000 41.503588 2686 128 7.8 88346473
135000000 39.604363 862 128 6 361832400
70000000 37.507136 895 128 6.5 113280098
40000000 31.884559 787 128 6.8 95020213
20000000 30.909699 612 128 7.1 54586584
35000000 27.714043 675 128 7 182300000
63000000 24.697533 447 128 5.9 162945894
40000000 21.661028 354 128 6.7 107458785
45000000 21.118196 670 128 6.7 60222298
28000000 20.267062 364 128 5.7 8555008
80000000 18.69984 392 128 6.2 162944923
80000000 16.939441 410 128 6.3 266728738
50000000 16.871194 451 128 6.3 94000000
45000000 14.513305 256 128 4.9 20350754
25500000 12.756344 171 128 6 2415472
20000000 10.446722 394 128 7.3 73276047
3000000 7.924982 120 128 6.4 13000000
40000000 4.516953 81 128 5.9 24332324
1000000 2.833166 39 128 6.1 37600000
25000000 1.894749 31 128 7 3052000
48000000 80.972475 3152 127 7.6 474171806
33000000 79.579532 5765 127 8.1 327311859
170000000 77.178973 3118 127 5.8 396600000
150000000 73.616808 4518 127 7.4 385680446
90000000 61.025639 1795 127 6.1 206172544
52500000 57.374341 1300 127 7.4 179213434
140000000 56.257249 1277 127 5.3 150680864
120000000 51.328145 5797 127 7.2 609016565
70000000 48.032734 1184 127 7.1 135560026
22000000 41.967005 1339 127 6.9 505000000
63000000 40.413191 4856 127 7.6 920100000
35000000 40.370442 1147 127 7.4 41954997
30000000 38.171417 864 127 6.9 611899420
110000000 37.195046 2692 127 6.6 299268508
200000000 35.149586 4321 127 6.7 783766341
70000000 31.39165 992 127 6.1 374111707
54000000 30.515175 629 127 6.5 190458706
50000000 30.397496 513 127 6.3 189859560
20000000 29.023184 817 127 7.4 66787908
28000000 26.090746 490 127 6.3 195312802
140000000 24.855701 767 127 6.3 285444603
25000000 24.672234 573 127 6.6 15436808
18000000 24.548633 630 127 7.3 5887457
60000000 21.685719 484 127 6.7 87784194
70000000 18.888806 395 127 6.9 39041505
50000000 18.394571 444 127 6 22944502
8900000 17.151293 400 127 7.5 19839492
20000000 11.263361 110 127 6.5 75597042
65000000 9.568884 145 127 5.9 121545703
5000000 9.358197 157 127 6.8 28200000
58000000 8.59075 68 127 6.6 25928721
3950000 8.484123 19 127 6.1 8000000
30000000 8.085872 159 127 5.9 37036004
20000000 6.92592 114 127 7 60000000
10000000 4.267466 45 127 5.8 303877
155000000 202.042635 3631 126 5.8 440603537
140000000 120.725053 8776 126 7.4 585174222
90000000 109.528572 3885 126 7.3 263920180
39200000 64.238688 2854 126 6.7 86758912
150000000 63.079003 2028 126 6.5 397850012
80000000 59.113174 1673 126 6.6 280000000
23000000 53.682367 4097 126 7.9 47351251
35000000 44.104469 2096 126 7 411348924
10000000 43.734886 2811 126 7.9 225933435
18000000 37.104353 1399 126 6.7 57096190
170000000 32.319043 2141 126 7 185770160
34000000 29.887404 541 126 5.9 210308099
30000000 29.489274 977 126 6.9 156835339
8000000 28.456572 891 126 6.9 90815558
92000000 27.166757 579 126 6.8 143049560
15000000 24.898687 546 126 7 43848069
16000000 23.425431 478 126 6.9 109502303
10000000 17.078656 336 126 6.9 7177143
80000000 16.848899 251 126 6.3 39459427
120000000 15.953444 4053 126 6.3 415440673
30000000 12.821329 238 126 7.2 38413606
35000000 12.779201 125 126 6.8 25224242
16500000 12.102725 199 126 7 16942795
15000000 10.84158 151 126 6.9 30226144
1644736 3.426314 79 126 7.2 7433101
4500000 2.551559 57 126 7.3 32000000
8000000 0.034259 17 126 7 1997807
15000000 118.968562 3840 125 8.3 274925095
40000000 98.755657 3254 125 5.2 571006128
110000000 76.840712 2124 125 6.4 362744280
12000000 74.358971 3759 125 7.6 307166834
170000000 73.79505 2841 125 6.3 400062763
35000000 72.774941 1181 125 5.9 140795793
50000000 65.90161 1652 125 5.6 212902372
125000000 50.073575 1418 125 4.2 238207122
70000000 46.199482 1994 125 7.6 122919055
26000000 44.301745 988 125 7.6 206678440
44000000 42.933027 1817 125 6 63327201
20000000 37.629309 546 125 6.5 12007070
50000000 32.927994 1067 125 6.3 97607453
72000000 32.227223 765 125 6.6 96889998
35000000 31.957947 1226 125 7.3 112544580
25000000 30.884535 1591 125 7 441286195
7000000 30.214716 524 125 6.3 97572000
100000000 29.608322 621 125 5.3 94061311
14000000 27.17347 507 125 6.6 185438673
52000000 25.41929 1013 125 5.7 216485654
37000000 24.218358 1468 125 7 154026136
3000000 22.889294 483 125 8.1 25000000
39000000 22.164202 490 125 5.3 75850624
30000000 19.925026 362 125 6.7 105834556
50000000 19.434672 395 125 6 48169156
12806000 17.363739 219 125 7.2 38535221
32500000 17.107065 1661 125 6.5 288383523
1800000 14.884756 281 125 7.6 8000000
70000000 14.244518 241 125 5.9 32287044
78146652 13.630049 201 125 5.7 60000000
13000000 12.321302 138 125 6.5 2636637
58000000 12.29603 178 125 5.9 50365377
62000000 11.262655 178 125 5.8 18720175
30000000 11.19602 243 125 6.2 45892212
30000000 9.278361 206 125 6.5 41480851
40000000 8.978408 52 125 6.5 7400000
55000000 7.768223 95 125 5.7 9450897
9250000 7.000949 28 125 6.8 29174648
30000000 4.065212 41 125 5 108348
15000000 3.826685 67 125 7.2 67182787
10000000 3.208172 12 125 8.2 4069090
68000000 107.069763 2301 124 5.8 698491347
176000003 85.36908 2768 124 5.2 183987723
18000000 78.51783 5879 124 8.2 538400000
200000000 77.300194 6849 124 6.6 623933331
140000000 74.506246 7047 124 6.6 370569774
130000000 68.889395 5080 124 6.3 403170142
120000000 67.698004 4800 124 6.4 286168572
40000000 66.003433 2691 124 7.2 158733820
70000000 57.69847 1896 124 6.6 240031094
7000000 50.152327 2542 124 7.5 470654000
70000000 46.217769 1424 124 5.8 277448382
125000000 41.380094 2392 124 6.2 544272402
60000000 40.721373 984 124 5.6 60052138
8000000 39.338097 773 124 7.8 553171
50000000 38.629763 909 124 6.5 120081841
61000000 37.378081 1462 124 6.9 95696996
85000000 36.38795 840 124 6.2 315156409
33000000 35.099611 766 124 6.1 54700105
32000000 33.923786 813 124 7.2 113019290
2280000 32.875469 808 124 7.2 83320000
20000000 32.243357 918 124 7.2 60427839
15000000 30.669913 1105 124 7.3 85306374
5000000 30.271066 719 124 7.9 26010864
13500000 30.058263 704 124 7.7 19255873
60000000 29.876507 1581 124 6.4 101134059
42000000 28.969151 1262 124 7 363889678
53000000 28.350529 1317 124 7.4 83282296
30000000 27.71063 457 124 5.7 53909751
68000000 22.572323 423 124 6.7 71069884
68000000 22.392544 437 124 5.9 193000000
130000000 21.605568 434 124 5.7 119269486
10000000 21.258991 459 124 6.9 136836156
20000000 20.82778 334 124 7.1 22222308
60000000 19.747459 527 124 6.1 159330280
25000000 17.312433 259 124 6.6 38307627
23000000 15.676123 261 124 6.6 29541790
50000000 14.382253 276 124 6.3 119137784
30000000 14.179538 334 124 7.1 82150642
75000000 13.318744 283 124 5.9 215663859
42000000 11.470135 173 124 5.4 32168970
78000000 10.083905 1115 124 6.7 209196298
65000000 8.629665 186 124 6.7 43545364
13500000 7.261196 128 124 6.8 7060876
6500000 6.787967 154 124 7.1 22889018
24000000 5.566203 53 124 5.7 8434146
4000000 2.930058 72 124 6.8 8200000
20000000 2.027393 88 124 7.4 27728118
20000000 2.003047 24 124 6 37672350
11000000 1.396985 16 124 5.9 2200000
8000000 0.983484 17 124 6.1 2019009
125000000 206.227151 5584 123 6.6 752100229
175000000 90.23792 7458 123 5.9 745000000
30000000 65.364452 2067 123 7.3 91709827
160000000 63.148529 2268 123 6.3 433677183
120000000 62.641286 2341 123 5.9 415484914
15000000 61.182331 3311 123 7.8 123726688
29000000 55.109138 3067 123 7.7 115603229
125000000 54.931334 1928 123 5.9 546388105
60000000 50.163785 1516 123 7.2 223664608
65000000 49.660055 1252 123 5.7 128905366
35000000 45.149948 1375 123 6.5 69823199
55000000 41.472404 2039 123 7.5 168167691
35000000 37.335721 1121 123 6.9 61181942
30000000 37.181019 869 123 6.3 64352607
35000000 35.120736 823 123 7 50363790
30000000 33.369305 1049 123 7.4 129266061
38000000 33.003828 2277 123 7.7 90247624
20000000 29.295801 1261 123 6.7 41596251
40000000 25.580272 474 123 6.1 96618699
75000000 24.353302 302 123 6.2 67631903
75000000 23.515938 385 123 6 59418613
57000000 22.894898 327 123 6.1 52034889
40000000 22.853006 560 123 6.6 129540499
40000000 22.364549 642 123 6.5 60474340
57000000 21.021809 441 123 5.8 147845033
82000000 18.447479 595 123 5.7 96085477
12000000 18.422327 383 123 7.3 56298474
21000000 17.746981 356 123 7.5 41170784
48000000 16.000178 333 123 6.5 77745568
55000000 15.064058 210 123 5.9 214015089
32000000 15.039407 323 123 6.2 152036382
9000000 14.098952 235 123 7.3 24538513
3000000 12.68672 250 123 6.9 2357852
35000000 12.495436 215 123 6.5 29400000
3200000 11.735287 265 123 7.4 8000000
5500000 10.439971 207 123 6.8 58972904
35000000 9.525037 103 123 6.8 60251371
7700000 7.554799 131 123 5.9 1072602
17000000 7.210095 110 123 6.7 71625195
20000000 3.476925 12 123 6.1 13391174
37000000 127.084938 3561 122 5.8 392616625
15000000 80.878605 3313 122 7.9 356296601
185000000 75.674458 2495 122 5.7 786636033
10000000 73.720244 3310 122 7.8 173921954
185000000 65.352913 2568 122 6.6 343471816
21000000 63.599973 4742 122 6.9 205738714
30000000 53.670525 1573 122 6.8 34441873
25000000 53.645267 3003 122 7.7 171600000
45000000 52.081131 1634 122 7.3 104876233
100000000 50.767332 1276 122 6.5 93820758
55000000 48.801089 1188 122 6.9 70016220
8000000 47.584643 2005 122 7.5 441306145
66000000 47.479755 2225 122 6.5 99318987
53000000 46.049902 1242 122 6.3 98837872
85000000 42.069993 1999 122 6.5 311312624
2883848 39.30982 808 122 8 25000000
42000000 34.828241 1335 122 7 24127895
55000000 32.657488 658 122 6.7 41610884
19000000 32.602868 659 122 6.3 144216468
25000000 31.792964 796 122 6.8 289317794
22000000 27.898438 508 122 7.3 88880821
35000000 26.134678 741 122 6.6 74558115
40000000 24.313684 432 122 7 55707411
60000000 21.547446 797 122 7.4 47383689
16000000 20.59148 258 122 6.4 3442853
17000000 19.311572 331 122 7 9500000
10000000 17.592299 272 122 6.3 85978266
25000000 17.339852 326 122 6 10589102
6000000 16.20985 397 122 6.8 119114517
18000000 16.102271 383 122 7.4 26828365
11000000 15.864928 337 122 7.3 39363635
5300000 13.034602 266 122 7 3897799
10000000 11.267676 156 122 5.4 3727746
25000000 9.169271 137 122 6.2 15478800
500000 6.093989 100 122 7 33456317
12000000 6.035152 281 122 6.9 96070507
16800000 4.358255 73 122 5.8 2281089
12000000 3.604863 50 122 6.8 20138836
11000000 126.393695 6624 121 8.1 775398007
110000000 86.105615 1998 121 5.9 179246868
139000000 82.502566 5265 121 6.8 821708551
22000000 81.829237 2512 121 6.6 95708457
55000000 60.246978 1772 121 6.7 203427584
30000000 55.424027 2416 121 7.2 84025816
35000000 53.114573 1881 121 7.1 194564672
100000000 48.205606 1498 121 5.2 336529144
75000000 38.832842 1173 121 6.7 200276000
12000000 38.623178 2199 121 7.4 80573774
40000000 37.084384 1526 121 7.4 149295601
50000000 32.693093 1486 121 5.9 155446362
7000000 30.465138 533 121 6.4 161777836
25000000 28.727731 951 121 6.8 152500343
17500000 28.60542 793 121 7.5 38000000
70000000 27.055085 573 121 6.4 85632458
15000000 26.708193 541 121 6.5 31554855
6000000 26.286954 558 121 7.4 48027970
160000000 23.336875 434 121 4.1 164508066
26000000 21.988861 399 121 6.8 65705772
100000000 20.652943 482 121 5.5 211989043
25000000 20.561682 483 121 6.9 74188937
12899867 19.747809 406 121 7.3 85582407
66000000 18.59991 488 121 6.6 189198313
12000000 18.422008 439 121 6.9 22921898
13000000 18.362333 642 121 7.1 123922370
135000000 17.88953 331 121 4.9 76932943
7000000 17.681707 281 121 7.1 116700000
25000000 17.603823 387 121 6.4 19844979
3800000 17.234745 381 121 7.7 23689877
85000000 16.479851 360 121 6.2 219103655
50000000 15.213484 287 121 5.7 49111202
20000000 14.370111 260 121 6.8 18432000
50000000 13.576765 223 121 6.4 50068310
68000000 12.948627 250 121 5.7 29762011
9000000 12.172131 115 121 6.5 21571189
15000000 12.163832 177 121 7 12036149
120000000 11.137655 223 121 4.9 48668907
4800000 11.086001 586 121 7.4 79384880
22000000 9.088209 98 121 7.4 12000000
54000000 9.053456 104 121 3.5 7266209
5000000 6.96858 72 121 5.7 23507567
50000000 6.567065 654 121 6 82169884
18000000 4.504377 72 121 6.7 24911670
5000000 3.943706 40 121 5.4 4842699
2000000 3.832858 86 121 6.7 7900000
20000000 2.986286 29 121 6.1 60072596
3500000 2.938973 35 121 6.2 12000000
3716946 2.676535 47 121 6.9 5000000
49000000 116.700319 3062 120 6.6 104399548
130000000 90.33681 2651 120 6 276572938
18000000 81.487685 2395 120 6.3 358991681
40000000 69.27822 3391 120 7.1 224920315
44500000 62.01056 3423 120 7.1 232324128
70000000 59.428223 2981 120 6.2 161025640
15000000 59.258969 2827 120 7.6 377910544
85000000 58.57976 1527 120 6.5 160388063
3000000 56.76349 1945 120 8 14980005
6000000 49.802914 1205 120 7.5 138530565
165000000 48.775723 2491 120 4.9 389681935
17000000 45.742254 927 120 7.2 213525736
65000000 44.815022 1451 120 7 217764291
110000000 44.635452 2965 120 6.5 478207520
140000000 44.19092 1000 120 6 183345589
45000000 43.815492 1905 120 6.5 131183530
14500000 41.493042 1374 120 6.7 147298761
12500000 35.268557 749 120 7.5 12281551
24000000 35.244037 840 120 6.1 172363301
7200000 34.634181 553 120 6.3 116019547
75000000 34.070054 855 120 5.9 140464664
48000000 30.920075 695 120 7.1 50315140
17000000 25.112567 271 120 6.1 3758328
40000000 24.287306 542 120 6.7 120455994
110000000 22.643776 672 120 5.7 72178895
11000000 21.204929 440 120 7.3 61619773
5000000 19.807295 471 120 7.1 3099314
11000000 19.231507 384 120 7.3 64088552
16500000 18.236284 317 120 6.9 37311672
38000000 16.801218 850 120 6.7 114156230
50000000 16.167093 268 120 6 56714147
65000000 15.858629 314 120 6.5 89456761
6500000 15.580335 292 120 7.6 37295445
60000000 15.205371 191 120 5.7 56359980
5500000 15.015271 300 120 6.4 5483299
32000000 14.48851 374 120 6.7 36733909
8000000 13.661289 226 120 6.7 21028755
12500000 13.349012 137 120 6.7 23367586
2000000 12.999023 197 120 6.3 5967038
27500000 12.741073 205 120 6.2 24748670
4000000 11.414843 453 120 7.3 35564473
25000000 10.699952 378 120 6 24902723
13000000 10.573191 207 120 6.8 4857367
20000000 10.50098 167 120 7 17436509
18000000 10.1449 158 120 6.5 26527510
3900000 9.541688 89 120 7.5 28350000
15000000 9.476999 143 120 6.5 77000000
8500000 9.452808 178 120 6.5 15861566
25000000 7.538513 110 120 6.9 15431177
15000000 6.857923 155 120 6.9 33771174
21000000 5.815881 65 120 5.8 17600000
5500000 5.033065 45 120 5.9 5000000
4000000 4.992475 91 120 6.5 41424067
68490000 4.72629 24 120 6 193677158
16000000 4.628525 48 120 6.5 11301649
2400000 4.623059 11 120 7 5731103
9000000 3.951041 38 120 6.8 34573780
2000000 3.125382 19 120 4.6 563706
18500000 1.884558 30 120 6.4 6490401
2627000 0.531444 8 120 6 5363000
2000000 0.031947 2 120 5 1672730
110000000 103.718387 3829 119 6.2 295238201
18000000 89.811154 4535 119 7.4 103215094
60000000 86.476817 3583 119 7.3 214034224
20000000 73.567232 3016 119 8.2 23875127
1000000 72.19808 1791 119 7.5 117235147
100000000 58.991388 2295 119 5.9 103039258
23000000 57.110486 1590 119 6.5 369884651
100000000 51.188633 1243 119 5.6 362211740
24000000 49.549984 1991 119 8.2 234710455
38000000 46.630062 2035 119 6.2 98337295
14000000 45.473484 1746 119 7 463000000
39000000 45.388937 1264 119 7.4 38869464
110000000 42.887121 925 119 6 333011068
175000000 41.796339 1326 119 5.9 150962475
40000000 41.362082 1233 119 6.3 144056873
25000000 38.272889 1384 119 7.6 76270454
50000000 38.125008 923 119 6 173649015
65000000 33.439187 466 119 6 133821816
120000000 31.703608 1251 119 5.5 227817248
60000000 29.018826 581 119 5.9 96269812
65000000 28.540267 838 119 6.3 250821495
105000000 27.835436 1570 119 6.3 115772733
11000000 27.65527 537 119 6.7 88489643
40000000 26.072228 902 119 7 85412898
50000000 25.237969 775 119 7.1 34808403
55000000 22.863516 573 119 6.9 89519773
14000000 22.748174 376 119 6 13551174
24000000 22.258428 477 119 6.9 133000000
35000000 20.360549 796 119 6.7 75225693
40000000 19.372805 278 119 6.4 65754228
25000000 18.961323 501 119 6.5 92991835
19000000 18.174804 4443 119 8.1 272742922
45000000 17.746719 278 119 6.4 117615211
13800000 17.3393 291 119 6.7 52293982
25000000 17.17372 386 119 6.3 39053061
14000000 16.742972 291 119 6.6 320145693
32000000 14.733513 305 119 6.1 55157539
14000000 14.480628 257 119 7 34670720
50000000 13.298205 189 119 5.9 49718611
9000000 12.268143 269 119 6.6 25000000
8500000 9.230073 107 119 6.8 4440055
8500000 8.775844 100 119 6.4 19125401
98000000 7.029308 136 119 5.7 10017322
28000000 4.436792 69 119 6 8888143
4000000 3.238466 37 119 6.2 355688
2000000 1.867004 8 119 6.5 9172000
58000000 1.551497 1658 119 6.1 44000000
1000000 0.280083 4 119 7.3 852206
2160000 0.1813 4 119 5.8 9132000
19000000 90.809408 3041 118 7.6 83258226
28000000 66.976776 2781 118 7.1 333000000
95000000 61.121717 2010 118 6 226497209
15000000 54.053576 2752 118 7.6 414211549
90000000 52.995628 1485 118 6.1 237202299
80000000 46.887983 1018 118 6.3 178066569
30000000 46.377628 4697 118 6.6 47042000
40000000 45.769562 2900 118 7.1 244527583
18500000 44.511363 1301 118 7.2 10680275
70000000 43.873266 1523 118 5.8 154984035
46000000 41.322708 1148 118 6.8 113714830
88000000 40.138009 818 118 5.6 105316267
50000000 37.990705 2443 118 7 142851197
35000000 36.172182 811 118 6.4 321731527
70000000 34.576913 1665 118 6.4 368100420
73000000 33.884459 826 118 6.5 151493655
19000000 33.872182 1699 118 6.5 141407024
11000000 33.282794 919 118 7.5 30000000
175000000 32.852443 1962 118 5.6 302469017
80000000 32.363538 2164 118 6.6 157107755
35000000 28.670477 1455 118 5.7 46216641
82000000 24.444186 435 118 6.9 47434430
4000000 22.987897 338 118 6.5 2365467
60000000 22.736038 487 118 6 30800231
56000000 21.219292 718 118 5.7 142044638
31000000 19.258041 462 118 7 68106245
53000000 18.61472 292 118 5.4 95226116
35000000 16.782471 357 118 6.5 42064105
30000000 16.541791 238 118 6.6 27610873
2000000 15.557144 353 118 7.2 11540607
42000000 14.831402 198 118 5.8 35402320
38000000 14.779041 452 118 6.4 120000000
8000000 13.517017 261 118 5.9 10629321
50000000 13.391833 368 118 6 60161391
14000000 11.543363 133 118 4.5 30749142
2700000 11.35972 59 118 7 37799643
26000000 11.233081 201 118 6.5 28780255
55000000 8.802525 188 118 5.1 33828318
44000000 7.89147 255 118 3 21400000
1250000 7.70019 72 118 6.8 6000000
1650000 6.915201 133 118 7.2 30500000
9000000 6.717994 66 118 6.9 41590886
15000000 6.373316 85 118 6.5 9237470
2000000 5.381536 47 118 6.8 7800000
5000000 5.348446 91 118 6.4 7230000
20000000 4.748929 116 118 6.2 57588485
37000000 4.131546 52 118 5.8 6482195
38000000 3.426555 80 118 5.7 17380126
12500000 0.903529 30 118 6.3 3878993
14000000 0.310513 2 118 6 439564
130000000 120.09361 5880 117 7 519311965
11000000 94.184658 4470 117 7.9 104931801
28000000 94.056131 3509 117 7.9 33139618
8500000 89.095538 3395 117 7.6 38697217
120000000 82.643036 3877 117 6.6 461983149
55000000 80.581367 2525 117 7.7 307077295
54000000 67.169587 1528 117 6.2 155010032
6000000 66.11334 2757 117 8.1 35401758
65000000 65.197968 4997 117 7 422610419
5000000 59.454473 2886 117 7.9 55198285
95000000 56.811056 1418 117 5.5 156505388
15000000 49.230089 2926 117 7.8 46189568
80000000 49.078546 1077 117 7.3 181001478
25000000 48.552871 1451 117 6.4 77278331
28000000 45.054936 4645 117 7.1 96188903
40000000 44.120328 1006 117 6.6 123494610
7000000 38.150787 887 117 6.4 1333124
43000000 37.654688 1575 117 6.5 158674180
80000000 37.02665 1543 117 6.3 214918407
25000000 35.022029 712 117 5 71009334
80000000 34.052253 770 117 5.8 116643346
26000000 33.93914 765 117 7.2 35926213
50000000 31.160542 709 117 6.5 90450008
6000000 29.834065 632 117 6.6 254700832
9500000 28.675891 531 117 6.5 111584787
80000000 24.657931 487 117 6.2 74901339
60000000 21.605533 479 117 6.1 67312826
45000000 19.637704 433 117 6.3 178051587
80000000 16.411345 470 117 6.4 309492681
21000000 14.518708 323 117 6.5 54926886
16000000 13.832464 250 117 6.2 5867686
46000000 12.971122 232 117 6.2 100860818
40000000 12.885985 186 117 6.3 46442528
17000000 12.313143 177 117 5.8 6735922
27000000 11.870301 238 117 6 44352417
16000000 10.248439 186 117 6.7 77000000
27000000 9.904881 129 117 5.8 16519460
21000000 8.982335 52 117 6.5 10011050
3000000 7.961559 156 117 6.9 20966644
40000000 7.832337 135 117 5.6 30199105
15000000 7.809701 80 117 5.9 20529194
40000000 6.420434 134 117 5.4 70100000
25000000 4.020194 22 117 5 5778353
3000000 3.937939 35 117 5.7 4109095
25000000 3.849873 19 117 6.2 777423
12000000 2.238646 32 117 5.8 21001563
25000000 1.876811 28 117 6.8 20719451
200000000 81.834855 5560 116 6.7 531865000
19000000 76.603233 6079 116 8 381109762
144000000 66.21806 2142 116 5.3 229147509
26000000 66.097437 1091 116 6.3 30523226
150000000 62.169881 2317 116 6.2 335154643
85000000 60.929352 3783 116 7.2 450717150
33000000 50.7453 3086 116 7.8 269958228
30000000 49.526736 1783 116 6.8 350448145
70000000 49.199234 1448 116 5.5 202466756
75000000 48.744209 2265 116 7.1 108145109
132000000 48.572726 2322 116 6.2 591739379
51000000 39.001682 927 116 6.1 149270999
26000000 38.473732 1983 116 6.2 109449237
40600000 34.022209 738 116 7.1 90400000
50000000 31.02233 666 116 7.2 36348784
25000000 31.019381 1486 116 7.2 93617009
66000000 29.501489 695 116 6.1 57777106
16000000 29.253833 624 116 6.8 5900000
22000000 29.230298 720 116 6.5 15400000
36000000 27.465433 594 116 7 102244770
40000000 24.992057 736 116 5.7 161834276
50000000 23.854701 850 116 6.3 177371441
70000000 21.723897 453 116 5.5 58058367
68000000 20.913852 302 116 5.9 118063304
21000000 20.818567 421 116 6.9 177200000
97250400 20.344364 471 116 5 132900000
53000000 20.334629 498 116 7 157387195
70000000 20.230535 455 116 5.7 309457509
70000000 20.089933 352 116 6 116672912
20000000 19.705311 641 116 6.7 24145613
20000000 19.636044 406 116 5.9 187884007
60000000 18.345613 205 116 6.1 149705852
62000000 18.096884 340 116 6.1 127666415
6500000 16.574756 305 116 6.5 2401510
5000000 14.779537 249 116 6.6 42365581
70000000 14.086292 228 116 5.4 65977295
22000000 13.960945 212 116 7.2 17709155
18000000 13.916583 273 116 6.7 22309223
72500000 12.599836 491 116 6.2 162966177
15000000 11.429607 243 116 6.6 10903846
80000000 11.22268 318 116 5.4 19480739
75000000 10.605084 166 116 5 51142659
3500000 10.219942 158 116 7.1 12600000
94000000 8.468586 179 116 4.5 54744738
7000000 8.079046 139 116 7 14618727
8000000 6.932221 85 116 6.7 529766
8000000 6.39503 99 116 6.9 23563727
4500000 5.224593 89 116 6.9 10400000
25000000 5.073536 60 116 6.4 11772461
8000000 5.069095 42 116 6.5 12671300
12000000 4.770195 78 116 5.8 6754898
55000000 4.366488 194 116 5.7 18626419
5000000 2.732031 55 116 6 1980338
14000000 2.698185 36 116 5.8 24637469
120000000 99.687084 2553 115 6.1 829000000
120000000 95.914473 3793 115 6.7 347234916
150000000 86.493424 6525 115 6.6 449326618
92000000 77.817571 5152 115 7.4 631442092
200000000 71.862892 2463 115 5.9 371353001
29000000 71.496894 1940 115 6.8 287506194
75000000 71.124686 5487 115 7.3 117698894
68000000 68.734513 2463 115 6.2 217022588
18000000 68.159596 3854 115 7.7 389925971
10500000 56.105798 3269 115 7.3 792910554
150000000 53.905592 3624 115 6.7 474968763
70000000 45.381501 2888 115 7.3 442824138
75000000 45.154631 1270 115 6.5 224012234
50000000 44.478043 1659 115 6.7 122915111
15000000 42.952942 951 115 7 52501541
2000000 41.298723 760 115 6.9 78898765
20000000 40.903931 934 115 6.7 177243185
37000000 40.176265 1023 115 6.5 165335153
28000000 37.729059 823 115 6.9 97594140
70000000 35.601665 841 115 5.5 195735876
50000000 35.537397 832 115 7 202292902
85000000 34.773106 1345 115 6.3 208076205
80000000 32.829538 1373 115 6.1 516642939
60000000 30.951203 1343 115 6.9 244082376
100000000 30.254021 717 115 6.4 94882889
14800000 29.660993 706 115 6.3 122513057
20000000 29.371987 797 115 5.6 12639297
12000000 29.223881 636 115 7.4 17654912
40000000 26.935458 392 115 5.5 13644292
20000000 26.21425 497 115 6.4 41627431
100000000 24.507987 543 115 5.6 242295562
26000000 24.114459 404 115 6.3 61489265
3800000 21.826888 927 115 7.9 16800000
30000000 21.606001 597 115 5.4 33333531
25000000 19.750059 330 115 6 91036760
25000000 19.402816 1262 115 6.6 114977104
27000000 18.913 345 115 6.2 60527873
80000000 16.681269 378 115 5.8 159212469
50000000 16.251204 692 115 6 88323487
20000000 16.074397 299 115 6.3 20211394
30000000 14.726338 356 115 6.5 17137302
42000000 14.046705 184 115 6.1 63781810
20000000 11.203335 129 115 5.8 41237648
50000000 11.106006 205 115 4.4 113309743
60000000 10.99991 207 115 6.2 74541707
70000000 10.147321 109 115 6.1 56702901
5500000 9.59729 205 115 7.5 99067206
1000000 8.887411 210 115 7.5 444575
15000000 7.297757 130 115 6.3 30127963
18000000 6.961736 90 115 6.8 17200925
24000000 5.771479 67 115 6.1 36609995
1200000 2.968235 18 115 6.8 2736000
36500000 2.785832 23 115 5.3 21834845
110000000 100.412364 2968 114 6 470490832
50000000 74.64653 1148 114 6.3 71561644
150000000 62.898336 3021 114 6.1 163712074
115000000 60.467984 1523 114 6 164602163
1300000 58.845025 2535 114 8 28262574
200000000 51.872839 2487 114 5.1 219851172
110000000 46.834704 1712 114 5.2 228738393
110000000 45.94834 2303 114 6.6 125537191
50000000 45.856409 1633 114 6.2 159773545
195000000 43.349855 2598 114 5.5 197687603
90000000 43.348022 3144 114 7 188133322
10700000 36.230204 794 114 7 122200000
75000000 34.973086 692 114 6.6 108000000
105000000 33.507289 783 114 5.5 133718711
18000000 31.887978 836 114 6.9 25739015
40000000 29.854773 731 114 5.7 141069860
25000000 29.533437 797 114 7.1 66122026
80000000 28.223664 588 114 6.3 52099090
19000000 26.441669 638 114 7.3 32801173
22000000 23.218144 354 114 5.6 110627965
12000000 23.161754 504 114 7 79567667
55000000 21.272734 529 114 6.4 198685114
25000000 20.953265 451 114 7 41597830
7000000 17.434862 384 114 6.8 49084830
90000000 16.058284 369 114 5.7 60874615
80000000 15.761384 183 114 4.7 78000586
55000000 15.274137 303 114 6.6 74237563
70000000 13.483387 180 114 4.6 38629478
4200000 12.540624 210 114 6.3 32000000
1800000 11.756943 192 114 6.7 6800000
4200000 11.743085 215 114 6.4 38376497
38000000 11.500783 264 114 6.2 51801187
37000000 11.492474 556 114 5.8 96047633
15000000 11.379652 173 114 5.9 17080167
20000000 11.090254 52 114 6.5 18253415
69000000 11.023691 531 114 5.5 86387857
20000000 10.218307 203 114 6.8 5530764
10000000 9.525626 137 114 6.4 8801940
30000000 9.301562 157 114 6.7 13001257
35000000 9.07278 142 114 6.2 16838910
23000000 8.976738 66 114 5.9 18653615
16000000 8.8321 96 114 4.6 50007546
58000000 7.739276 130 114 5.7 41299492
11000000 7.645979 158 114 7.4 38105395
13000000 6.92205 88 114 6.1 75511123
35000000 6.248273 57 114 5.7 43650785
15000000 6.216203 252 114 6.3 30050028
12000000 5.327714 107 114 6.8 15250000
35000000 4.189378 41 114 5.9 69701637
25000000 3.593165 49 114 6.6 2336172
35000000 3.503408 53 114 6.6 4651977
50000000 3.314004 81 114 5.9 10541523
1200000 3.085411 24 114 6.3 2861020
800000 0.59424 10 114 5.6 1001437
14000000 145.364591 5723 113 8 233555708
34000000 131.815575 5371 113 7 348319861
178000000 79.456485 4858 113 7.6 370541256
13000000 73.307513 2060 113 7.3 96060858
28000000 61.309619 1131 113 6.2 53181600
6000000 61.210016 3452 113 7.7 1270522
9000000 60.715151 4028 113 8.1 39723096
170000000 56.268916 1725 113 6.5 299370084
150000000 50.306728 2320 113 5.7 245527149
155000000 49.661984 1514 113 6.2 415686217
42000000 47.559928 2025 113 7 180274123
5000000 45.490374 1777 113 7.1 82719885
65000000 43.129703 1710 113 7.1 261317921
180000000 42.990906 1303 113 5.8 372234864
28000000 41.638961 883 113 6 52597999
90000000 40.597344 1048 113 5.5 201596308
50000000 39.920035 1611 113 6.1 234989584
30000000 38.643914 1265 113 6.5 130786397
20000000 33.436092 2100 113 7 121463226
30000000 33.394082 767 113 6.2 75505973
30000000 32.26789 721 113 7.1 53653224
45000000 32.217425 677 113 6.9 306776732
92000000 32.079995 950 113 6.1 494471524
40000000 30.002907 697 113 6 95149435
60000000 29.041198 1778 113 6.2 105200903
31500000 27.891012 557 113 5.7 14708696
70000000 26.676487 588 113 5.3 171844840
82000000 26.065735 785 113 6.2 190320568
30000000 25.996219 821 113 7.4 136706683
30000000 23.982956 628 113 7 47126295
52000000 23.663713 512 113 6.2 77944725
12000000 22.434102 675 113 7.3 96800000
85000000 21.891078 577 113 6.8 71485043
40000000 21.362949 433 113 6 44907260
3600000 21.119209 299 113 7.4 44785053
1600000 20.810292 372 113 7.5 4420000
250000 20.601483 433 113 6.7 12021272
45000000 20.374308 276 113 5.7 21009180
80000000 19.375768 369 113 5.2 91188905
12000000 19.195399 375 113 7 68706993
30000000 18.165957 275 113 6.6 33013805
48000000 18.102572 339 113 6.6 124305181
27000000 17.329269 244 113 6.7 25023434
40000000 17.157738 677 113 5.5 68766121
27000000 16.188572 413 113 6.7 96900000
20000000 14.857884 257 113 6.3 45636368
50000000 11.596207 220 113 6 100020092
19000000 11.47316 141 113 6.7 110879513
35000000 10.032626 143 113 5.6 31755742
852510 9.270133 156 113 7.3 1185783
16000000 8.842869 90 113 6.7 2849142
6500000 8.432401 119 113 7.1 1521261
8000000 7.802245 132 113 6.2 5634828
12716953 7.077505 128 113 6.3 18814720
37000000 6.63839 163 113 6.7 95404397
5000000 6.470766 137 113 6.7 41833347
2900000 5.928937 126 113 7.6 5596708
25000000 4.002579 82 113 6.1 11207130
4000000 3.663108 36 113 7.1 146402
1455000 3.598457 12 113 5.4 2620000
27000000 3.123583 44 113 5.9 76000000
7000000 2.206097 14 113 6.7 4720371
15000000 2.005111 33 113 6.1 55184721
11000000 1.187671 9 113 6.6 2832826
3000000 0.295226 1 113 5 19184015
170000000 99.499595 4755 112 6.8 644571402
25000000 82.052056 1990 112 7.4 65663276
44000000 74.168016 2304 112 6.1 12342632
30000000 63.13678 3382 112 7.3 210819611
145000000 60.034162 1387 112 5.2 401128639
38000000 57.889964 1945 112 5.6 109906372
50000000 52.380982 3319 112 7 188441614
13000000 49.975409 3092 112 7.4 318000141
135000000 39.873791 963 112 5.8 245623848
60000000 38.885195 2126 112 7.2 47664559
40000000 37.776566 732 112 7.1 75505856
50000000 37.069253 2435 112 6.6 260095987
17000000 32.746486 2247 112 7.3 115350426
18000000 32.717853 694 112 6.2 6212282
52000000 32.015477 736 112 5.9 75450437
35000000 30.556135 1138 112 5.8 42930462
20000000 30.387754 697 112 6.6 64822796
6500000 28.223163 1149 112 7.2 98410061
95000000 28.200874 634 112 5.6 190213455
13000000 27.546914 1101 112 7.3 22863596
3500000 26.881611 890 112 6.9 16566240
70000000 26.19909 588 112 6.1 255000211
66000000 25.877794 602 112 6 212404396
22500000 22.096286 431 112 6.8 15520023
3500159 22.054546 578 112 6.2 76578641
3600000 22.030517 360 112 7.1 49800000
70000000 21.789615 444 112 5.4 111231041
5000000 21.343093 355 112 6.6 2450846
7000000 21.276864 677 112 7.4 6038942
30000000 20.236951 1233 112 6.6 102820008
48000000 18.60049 518 112 6 85498534
6500000 17.705671 364 112 7.4 57504069
7000000 17.697042 274 112 6.8 39462438
15000000 15.175289 545 112 6.3 7938872
18000000 14.916264 176 112 6.9 8038061
50000000 14.808304 316 112 6.2 80383290
14000000 14.730796 291 112 6.4 18090181
35000000 14.029012 296 112 5.9 59901913
14000000 13.65494 283 112 7.4 19777647
13000000 9.969624 352 112 6.3 91038276
80000000 9.357734 165 112 5.1 53825515
3705538 8.839651 176 112 6.9 62548947
35000000 8.737058 245 112 6.3 40263020
5000000 7.673124 103 112 6.8 3263585
8000000 7.433574 63 112 5.9 852872
3730500 6.938854 109 112 5.7 6294161
2500000 6.82919 66 112 7.5 10000000
45000000 6.156015 119 112 6.4 38399961
8000000 4.932893 81 112 6.7 18948425
6600000 4.492455 56 112 6 37710610
300000 1.314576 26 112 8 7808524
30000000 79.754966 4949 111 7.7 180949000
150000000 65.677399 4369 111 7.5 623722818
48000000 53.043124 1267 111 6.5 196397415
30000000 50.670253 1172 111 6.4 105173115
150000000 48.03528 954 111 5.9 128388320
14000000 45.99611 1476 111 7 173046663
27000000 41.832392 1148 111 6.6 101624843
58000000 41.430245 2808 111 6.6 71664962
32000000 41.075532 1087 111 6.8 27635305
11000000 39.337949 1213 111 7.2 62076141
40000000 35.21926 902 111 6.1 97138686
35000000 34.005726 1645 111 5.6 173965010
45000000 32.624355 961 111 6.1 212000000
30000000 31.191975 1263 111 6.5 63782078
30000000 30.695228 978 111 6.1 160259319
8000000 26.356697 561 111 7.2 43000000
2800000 25.939385 476 111 7.2 60922980
32000000 25.799697 620 111 6.2 18409891
46000000 25.6713 661 111 7 150000000
25000000 22.622453 543 111 5.7 39171130
26000000 22.520842 426 111 6.1 29657751
8000000 21.735068 321 111 6.1 69821334
15000000 20.05902 357 111 6.7 16633035
18000000 17.683563 299 111 6.7 20275812
15000000 17.50138 367 111 6.9 76286096
17000000 15.013386 546 111 5.6 73244881
19500000 15.012237 336 111 6.2 34854990
70000000 14.780634 304 111 5.2 67112664
20000000 14.136476 276 111 6.8 43967255
4000000 14.042041 250 111 6.5 44909486
35000000 12.343507 233 111 6.1 27107960
15000000 11.428903 195 111 6.5 5926410
1500000 11.145915 160 111 7.3 7000000
10000000 10.733761 190 111 6 21786738
10000000 10.072199 196 111 7.2 17511906
20000000 7.716606 126 111 5.4 5210988
35000000 6.246199 112 111 5.2 22034832
12000000 5.841285 84 111 6.5 1644755
15000000 5.411154 628 111 5.8 201957688
15000000 5.164281 72 111 5.6 46905889
100000 4.563698 64 111 6.6 10178331
1500000 3.618646 43 111 6.5 712294
37000000 100.348805 2972 110 6.8 269994119
80000000 75.290998 2631 110 6.7 457696359
75000000 73.82289 2528 110 6.4 258270008
40000000 67.767785 1127 110 5.4 169837010
6000000 67.608041 1581 110 7.2 181813770
60000000 62.766854 1919 110 6.6 176070171
130000000 59.325589 3025 110 5.4 371876278
15000000 58.900647 1698 110 6.7 356830601
20000000 53.161905 2562 110 7.6 207945075
38000000 49.292384 1668 110 7.2 252276927
950000 48.901542 940 110 6.9 59600000
2500000 47.812466 987 110 7.2 124881062
78000000 47.436675 1155 110 5.7 179265204
38000000 46.078371 1201 110 5.9 112343513
3000000 41.045084 1573 110 6.7 77712439
82000000 39.127082 1623 110 5.9 89792502
75000000 37.917002 880 110 5.7 226904017
40000000 36.960953 1615 110 7.1 86915017
27000000 36.921445 1323 110 7.4 56308881
75000000 36.605246 924 110 5.6 132274484
7000000 35.897151 1040 110 6.1 167221571
40000000 33.747825 858 110 5.5 136000000
16000000 33.452469 392 110 3.7 19682924
41000000 32.798571 1626 110 6.8 215000000
15000000 32.306455 1206 110 6.7 19422261
50000000 32.233713 632 110 5.4 161451538
35000000 27.903999 555 110 5.5 17508518
40000000 27.009723 594 110 5.8 79700000
70000000 26.123705 513 110 6.5 86658558
55000000 25.400935 735 110 6.2 56932305
6000000 24.499996 650 110 7.4 102308889
21000000 24.13081 1286 110 7.4 71441250
80000000 23.496054 1051 110 6 230685453
40000000 23.088571 511 110 6.2 54682547
12000000 21.958055 417 110 6.3 81272766
22000000 20.699212 428 110 6 147880543
20000000 20.495749 292 110 5.9 27640028
5000000 20.428237 750 110 7.4 110000000
75000000 20.219385 409 110 5.3 42285169
35000000 19.774543 485 110 6 72436439
15000000 19.760383 440 110 6.2 32721635
8000000 19.683187 485 110 7 60378584
777000 19.326115 324 110 6.9 140000000
29000000 19.237254 392 110 6.6 48902953
10000000 18.664624 417 110 6.9 47536959
500000 17.002096 345 110 7.2 3000000
27000000 16.785866 244 110 6.2 17286299
45000000 16.582709 313 110 5.5 170362582
50000000 14.723467 458 110 5.8 44434439
17500000 14.304444 172 110 5.8 19179969
60000000 12.621769 130 110 5.8 33956608
37000000 11.374306 221 110 5.1 37962774
15000000 10.484642 215 110 5.3 30102717
50000000 10.089065 206 110 6.1 26199517
1500000 10.009994 166 110 7.1 2375097
12000000 8.290636 154 110 6.6 3148182
20000000 8.237336 88 110 5.9 16549477
7000000 7.720692 118 110 7 8220215
25000000 7.473455 144 110 5.5 10324441
80000000 7.342892 111 110 4.8 5989640
5000000 6.174435 60 110 6.6 4040588
6000000 5.882208 77 110 6 57231524
4000000 4.541908 46 110 6.7 3468572
25000000 4.068107 57 110 6 15156200
13000000 3.680896 60 110 6.4 1151330
20000000 3.620537 31 110 6 346594
90000000 3.593349 50 110 5.4 16178959
30000000 3.314094 54 110 4.8 14000000
10000000 3.091077 73 110 7.1 13835130
7500000 0.571663 7 110 6.1 3347647
806948 93.067866 2320 109 8.2 32000000
48000000 88.844777 2200 109 6.1 325771424
35000000 83.893257 3088 109 7 326551094
200000000 69.405188 2143 109 5.9 435000000
115000000 67.33767 3439 109 6.4 286140700
12000000 64.610671 1937 109 6.1 85512300
42000000 62.714026 4074 109 6.7 201585328
40000000 60.231382 3417 109 6.7 173930596
20000000 55.964605 1778 109 6.7 46089287
15000000 52.731379 1588 109 7.8 19629760
50000000 51.742065 1315 109 6.6 104478416
53000000 49.593978 1486 109 7.2 126690726
7000000 49.517264 1170 109 7.2 48126384
117000000 44.906918 1547 109 5.9 261930431
50000000 43.450266 1567 109 5.9 144492830
61000000 42.881415 1589 109 6.6 131940411
180000000 42.741719 2430 109 5.5 356743061
35000000 40.526587 2237 109 6.5 150483765
6000000 40.196514 1000 109 7.3 44703995
70000000 37.44963 1365 109 5.9 162000000
150000000 35.580815 1470 109 5.8 215283742
76000000 35.387874 2071 109 7.4 69959751
40000000 34.519636 1437 109 6.2 196781193
25000000 33.704181 1205 109 6.7 163670000
25000000 31.364901 770 109 6.1 63100000
56000000 29.490057 593 109 5.7 19701164
37000000 28.703007 679 109 6.3 113086475
40000000 24.821138 685 109 5.6 34227298
45000000 24.694551 607 109 6.7 92374674
30000000 24.09152 598 109 7.1 95714875
27000000 23.917982 563 109 6.1 29000000
35000000 23.835055 436 109 6 93246388
17000000 23.491962 534 109 6.4 57103895
75000000 20.697556 254 109 5.4 19598588
36000000 19.854932 258 109 5.8 44350926
30000000 18.706504 311 109 6 35294470
20000000 18.666876 363 109 6.3 65569869
19000000 17.952817 342 109 6 18755936
40000000 17.869443 612 109 5.9 90029656
2700000 17.332585 418 109 7 141000000
60000000 17.299333 234 109 6.6 31720158
20000000 17.237143 593 109 6 17425000
2000000 16.930914 286 109 7.7 7871522
40000000 16.424807 348 109 5.5 28169671
25000000 14.17009 304 109 6.5 28831145
18000000 13.472365 180 109 5.6 36133014
50000000 12.46525 236 109 6.4 75000000
50000000 10.755847 213 109 5 152022101
19100000 10.559414 208 109 6.5 5728213
32000000 9.254647 141 109 6.8 52277485
74500000 8.884318 180 109 6.9 62172050
21000000 7.047975 92 109 6.2 28008462
25000000 5.650125 120 109 6.7 11137801
2090000 4.289003 53 109 6.6 40000000
4000000 3.771652 66 109 6.6 13401952
14000000 3.650857 47 109 6.9 27515786
8000000 3.501158 31 109 7 27362712
2686000 1.897263 30 109 6 6600000
2000000 1.699101 14 109 5.3 841733
3000000 1.204941 23 109 7 302204
15000000 95.130041 4737 108 7.6 36869414
13000000 91.285683 4430 108 7.3 327803731
42000000 82.185281 1536 108 6.1 107670357
200000000 78.530105 4645 108 6.4 1025491110
6400000 74.234793 4128 108 7.3 78371200
19000000 64.181668 1603 108 6.9 25836616
165000000 62.341073 4570 108 7.1 471222889
20000000 56.481487 3652 108 7.9 72258126
75000000 53.213931 2825 108 7.2 288500217
110000000 48.780039 2862 108 6.3 574480841
15000000 45.317278 639 108 6 32556119
40000000 43.345252 3829 108 7.4 332000000
35000000 43.057323 1414 108 6.7 131282949
25000000 39.784026 824 108 6.3 30411183
100000000 37.272385 1410 108 5.9 384335608
30000000 36.432598 1344 108 6 287553595
40000000 36.238968 1804 108 6.7 317375031
40000000 33.785969 824 108 6.5 60965854
10000000 33.124871 1071 108 6.1 163876815
52000000 30.780599 1386 108 6.4 609841637
55000000 29.97224 1698 108 6.6 330444045
13300000 29.782161 1102 108 6 5380251
50000000 28.803802 750 108 6.1 40203020
28000000 28.397048 640 108 5.5 16374328
33000000 28.353517 774 108 6.5 20645327
35000000 27.934978 730 108 5.9 57120318
60000000 27.491891 1071 108 6.2 256697520
5000000 27.247013 1049 108 6.7 58978653
2000000 26.281839 519 108 6.3 572809
20000000 25.041992 444 108 6.3 67200000
35000000 23.607071 453 108 5.5 113374103
3000000 23.299907 568 108 7.4 11176469
50000000 22.769108 453 108 5.7 150270147
30000000 21.538222 363 108 5.8 22211426
30000000 20.063165 339 108 5.8 108609310
85000000 18.827753 427 108 5.5 78382433
54000000 18.600367 407 108 5.4 130431368
23000000 18.493202 1789 108 6.7 53187659
30000000 18.256028 394 108 6 180622424
19000000 17.971883 328 108 6 35387212
22000000 17.772518 301 108 6 35424826
22000000 17.7091 319 108 6.1 57479076
116000000 16.90444 428 108 5.7 178127760
30000000 16.883429 313 108 5.7 16930884
3000000 16.553594 165 108 7.6 17570324
910000 16.015599 357 108 8 9600000
20000000 15.66135 220 108 5.7 17280326
4500000 15.359952 198 108 6.9 7011317
60000000 15.352807 225 108 5.8 77920346
18000000 13.628601 236 108 7.3 12000000
28000000 12.921594 195 108 5.8 7002261
22000000 12.54949 235 108 6.5 24188922
6000000 11.81832 167 108 6.8 27165581
16500000 10.74648 236 108 6 13620075
10000000 10.125029 197 108 5.4 32101000
2000000 9.67299 129 108 6.7 22179430
20000000 9.455596 131 108 5.3 13854000
30000000 8.999675 162 108 6.6 34742066
30000000 8.359599 153 108 5.8 18195610
25000000 8.178203 138 108 5.4 48063435
6500000 6.847099 116 108 6.8 54215416
12500000 6.546037 94 108 6 1083683
30000000 6.353971 161 108 6.7 18618284
32000000 5.347936 86 108 5.9 5914908
10000000 4.928777 69 108 6.4 25754284
30000000 4.52363 66 108 6.3 29202884
34000000 3.960098 63 108 4.8 19693891
25000000 3.707511 29 108 4.3 24362772
2962051 3.636634 94 108 6.6 3011195
40000000 3.476966 92 108 5.7 22433915
18000000 3.258422 67 108 6.5 14110013
12000000 2.993939 16 108 5.7 4939939
7000000 2.26778 29 108 5.9 453079
130000000 89.938296 2061 107 6.7 371940071
40000000 73.085576 3147 107 7.7 672806292
50000000 51.502884 1182 107 7 32017803
18000000 50.009408 2093 107 7.3 98235548
40000000 47.649554 1206 107 6 126248813
50000000 45.318703 1650 107 6.2 216972543
20000000 44.566609 1552 107 6.9 5359645
92000000 43.192048 1667 107 6.5 188072649
82500000 41.176631 2104 107 6 237681299
25000000 38.688822 1331 107 6.1 147780440
32000000 38.21708 2359 107 6.3 126041322
39000000 37.492928 798 107 6.7 101229792
12305523 36.582038 748 107 5.9 36230219
16000000 35.777067 1859 107 6.5 247275374
15000000 35.107857 705 107 6.1 69623713
135000000 29.91353 2051 107 6.6 245724603
85000000 29.21998 1449 107 6.6 340487652
12000000 29.072964 631 107 5.3 15008161
3500000 26.259389 524 107 6.7 19504039
12000000 26.219598 497 107 6.2 43493123
30000000 25.825771 511 107 5.3 55583804
33000000 25.413955 436 107 6 104155843
15000000 25.329493 1388 107 7.4 34533783
4798235 25.30216 458 107 6.3 209696
7500000 25.281197 841 107 7.5 19000000
30000000 25.060342 582 107 6.6 159291809
8200000 25.03414 505 107 6.4 80035402
70000000 24.664776 439 107 5.7 57958696
100000000 24.399642 1383 107 6.1 170432927
50000000 20.58862 284 107 5.3 60209334
9500000 19.978021 737 107 6.4 17164377
30000000 19.578249 376 107 5.6 70200000
30000000 19.212552 318 107 6.5 42886719
32000000 18.47242 394 107 6 69055695
20000000 17.842246 398 107 6.2 7563728
15000000 17.638286 559 107 5.7 216614388
13000000 17.632446 304 107 5.4 18000000
20000000 16.663797 295 107 5.7 46069568
15000000 16.629173 978 107 7 59389433
32000000 16.473355 427 107 6.3 18552460
10000000 16.318608 183 107 6.6 10835752
60000000 16.278022 353 107 5.9 157920733
32000000 15.901137 313 107 5.3 83615414
90000000 15.350451 290 107 5.9 140807547
50000000 14.231899 297 107 5.9 170128460
14000000 13.13724 135 107 6.5 34793160
700000 12.378031 240 107 6.5 4911725
20000000 10.617236 139 107 4.5 4634062
76000000 10.520961 2028 107 6.2 236350661
13500000 9.982885 144 107 6.9 29027914
13000000 9.499325 258 107 6.6 44726644
17000000 9.191187 167 107 5.4 24000000
5000000 8.452666 67 107 5.5 12232628
40000000 8.303696 152 107 6.6 24719215
25000000 8.127728 210 107 7 13411957
17000000 7.864011 95 107 4.9 7314027
11000000 7.559192 217 107 6.6 49797148
25000000 7.001176 147 107 5.2 19829957
36000000 6.967857 96 107 6.7 52424533
150000000 5.954334 4021 107 6.2 373062864
850000 5.424916 56 107 6.7 819939
8000000 3.942464 24 107 6.3 143451
20000000 3.581906 33 107 6.2 305070
1000000 3.322721 43 107 5.9 10037390
24000000 3.113009 49 107 4.7 12372410
55000000 2.410546 28 107 4.2 14375181
3768785 1.726175 22 107 7.3 8000000
2300000 1.606314 18 107 6.9 11000000
6000000 1.478505 17 107 4.6 869325
200000000 107.928811 2965 106 6.1 586090727
175000000 94.199316 2892 106 6.7 966550600
50000000 83.295796 2268 106 6.8 222809600
36000000 70.398356 1808 106 7.5 12532777
50000000 68.87691 4697 106 6.3 549368315
6000000 64.025031 3254 106 8.1 23341568
90000000 52.612025 1316 106 5.7 146936910
60000000 52.417529 1055 106 5.4 30418560
225000000 52.035179 4160 106 6.2 624026776
200000000 49.98659 2033 106 5.8 559852396
50000000 49.020045 1528 106 6.4 111340801
30000000 48.237797 1323 106 6.4 63372757
85000000 48.126297 1114 106 5.5 183018522
125000000 47.686442 2233 106 5.6 232713139
11000000 45.072136 1596 106 6.9 153083102
70000000 44.090535 1509 106 6.1 101371017
75000000 42.006908 1946 106 6.9 248118121
170000000 40.748915 1020 106 5.1 222104681
100000000 40.597856 954 106 6.2 150166126
90000000 40.262261 1648 106 5.9 174578751
26000000 39.742009 1112 106 7.3 71868327
22000000 39.006187 1309 106 5.7 63647656
60000000 38.820858 1325 106 6.2 137551594
2800000 36.444894 854 106 7.7 86273333
25000000 34.160448 1223 106 7.2 116766556
50000000 33.98637 652 106 6.2 41482207
120000000 33.616115 914 106 5.2 259175788
12000000 32.940597 933 106 6.4 32248241
11000000 31.162838 1368 106 7.3 78874843
23000000 29.365851 661 106 7.2 46152800
72000000 28.848187 1599 106 6.4 408247917
9000000 28.540614 671 106 6.6 6108720
60000000 27.018886 592 106 6 57490374
50200000 26.60772 1652 106 6.5 127869379
52000000 26.251217 832 106 5.6 204999686
137000000 26.074908 433 106 5.9 85131830
40000000 24.012986 457 106 6 91753202
35000000 19.893646 961 106 5.6 82087155
18000000 19.234672 342 106 6.9 47088990
20000000 19.220789 671 106 6.2 30426096
11000000 18.923181 615 106 6.8 53191886
35000000 18.38292 458 106 5.7 77477008
17000000 18.27083 603 106 6 24922237
84000000 17.783361 332 106 4.7 123307945
10000000 17.611971 254 106 6.3 2995811
27000000 17.193659 333 106 6.3 21148829
5000000 16.890285 315 106 7.3 33616692
12000000 15.817096 509 106 7.1 11293663
3500000 15.338211 506 106 6.5 34705850
22000000 14.866351 122 106 6 24000000
80000000 13.800656 267 106 5.4 33463969
7000000 13.635828 212 106 6.7 382946
15000000 13.568302 243 106 6 8138788
20000000 12.309715 175 106 6.7 21284514
20000000 12.232048 185 106 7 6420319
13000000 11.880899 135 106 5.5 16757163
15000000 11.375032 156 106 5.8 35007180
62000000 11.056763 195 106 6.5 107879496
10000000 10.892398 249 106 6.5 85300000
30000000 9.448517 201 106 5.4 23619609
8000000 8.717235 21 106 6.7 589304
7000000 7.155519 20 106 5.7 1429299
38000000 6.909942 3428 106 6.6 207283925
45000000 6.513856 154 106 6 11203026
18000000 6.501815 74 106 5.6 65070412
5000000 6.265659 86 106 5.6 1296184
32000000 5.683281 123 106 6.3 40222729
6000000 5.537646 34 106 7.1 25059640
30000000 5.301589 163 106 5.4 24048000
38000000 4.746085 54 106 5.9 28121100
4638783 4.495256 65 106 7.2 11000000
14000000 3.334804 61 106 6.1 32645546
39000000 2.817364 32 106 4.5 6614280
1000000 0.748565 53 106 6.6 274661
2000000 0.483974 6 106 4.8 4000000
3300000 192.528841 4254 105 8.3 13092000
88000000 140.849495 2513 105 5.6 243637091
93000000 138.433168 4347 105 7 482860185
95000000 101.187052 2374 105 6.7 543514353
150000000 81.781591 1971 105 5.9 413106170
50100000 59.634029 2542 105 6.7 153962963
10000000 53.727146 1306 105 6.1 118587880
130000000 50.561849 1267 105 5.2 117831631
20000000 47.51363 3601 105 7.5 53000000
45000000 42.57877 1175 105 6 73762516
60000000 42.538258 1173 105 5.9 50549107
11000000 36.319205 834 105 7.2 32935319
105000000 32.473628 695 105 5.5 347434178
55000000 32.31022 661 105 6.2 65664721
20000000 31.690456 1006 105 6.6 117760134
50000000 30.387148 600 105 5.3 28931401
26000000 30.114383 551 105 6.2 51164106
15000000 29.843818 961 105 6.8 316360478
37000000 29.652536 692 105 5.2 26250020
60000000 29.261348 609 105 5 55987321
10000000 28.570174 1196 105 6.8 28883511
27220000 28.060472 465 105 6.1 5496951
28000000 28.043508 799 105 6.4 134402450
36000000 27.11589 611 105 5.4 83160734
20000000 26.396191 1150 105 6.3 31327899
41000000 25.391899 515 105 6.5 91636986
6500000 24.0034 559 105 7 11850214
2500000 23.672571 959 105 7.7 5535405
7000000 23.612409 483 105 6.6 31430334
13000000 23.3784 527 105 6.2 114956699
60000000 22.991269 604 105 5.6 73648228
20000000 19.962713 368 105 6 32005248
55000000 19.738215 485 105 5.6 154906693
33000000 19.642328 497 105 5.1 62022014
20000000 19.494703 365 105 6.4 1969193
70000000 19.439386 278 105 6.2 177841558
36000000 19.167377 379 105 6.5 156844753
5500000 19.127239 278 105 7.4 15700000
45000000 18.186026 267 105 5.6 82800000
35000000 16.343317 322 105 7 27409889
1350000 16.032594 1648 105 7.5 3897569
30250000 15.585138 302 105 6.4 115101622
38000000 15.401855 584 105 6.3 299288605
18000000 15.314027 434 105 6.4 87000000
24000000 15.237142 225 105 6.4 70181428
50000000 14.993459 298 105 6.1 55495563
30000000 14.376463 274 105 5.3 25473093
15000000 12.929525 267 105 5.1 39421467
20000000 12.643703 297 105 6.5 16974459
22000000 12.445176 192 105 5.2 9479718
3200000 11.933449 347 105 6.8 5332926
325000 11.871424 275 105 7.7 4500000
57000000 11.60815 190 105 6 16991902
6500000 11.208769 157 105 6.8 31899000
20000000 10.81439 671 105 6.4 33889159
33000000 10.651202 232 105 6.7 9494789
18000000 9.244181 77 105 6.7 1831348
6500000 8.526635 142 105 6.8 12633747
20000000 8.351385 183 105 5.4 132675402
15000000 8.142166 157 105 6.6 632542
25000000 7.946769 25 105 5.3 10070000
13000000 6.735922 154 105 4.8 98441954
31000000 6.487344 89 105 6 15134293
25000000 5.625632 115 105 5.4 36351350
10000000 5.588652 81 105 6.8 6451628
20000000 5.422285 32 105 6 21170563
35000000 3.74263 225 105 5.5 68915888
4000000 1.379354 22 105 6.4 14400000
2600000 0.895946 23 105 7.6 3166000
15000000 0.249245 15 105 4.7 5217498
200000000 89.186492 3528 104 7 743559607
9000000 82.975841 1954 104 6.6 108782847
17000000 70.668923 1219 104 6.4 136621271
12000000 45.477802 1060 104 6.7 114194847
123000000 45.419668 1386 104 6.2 345141403
70000000 43.849351 1813 104 6.4 225990978
40000000 43.151268 1789 104 6.5 97552050
80000000 41.890722 1043 104 5.2 233093859
75000000 36.743324 932 104 5.8 152930623
5000000 35.871248 1050 104 6.3 44030246
8000000 35.735689 1254 104 7.3 63464861
25000000 35.169779 1343 104 6.5 94679598
100000000 32.271938 808 104 4.2 82102379
15000000 30.983397 737 104 6.8 9455232
100000000 30.863434 967 104 4.9 249288105
55000000 29.498304 636 104 6.3 149022650
43000000 29.105407 573 104 6.4 91974818
30000000 26.780961 1293 104 7 196114570
7000000 25.511217 881 104 6.8 25405445
30000000 25.454549 523 104 5.5 68369434
85000000 24.107835 514 104 6.4 80916492
55000000 22.787667 458 104 6.1 63408614
27000000 22.636908 811 104 6.7 115505027
4500000 22.585384 408 104 5.8 58853106
26000000 22.07638 633 104 6.8 43318349
22000000 21.865021 480 104 6.4 33788161
15000000 21.535126 492 104 6.2 40283321
60000000 21.252797 400 104 6.1 105178561
9500000 21.230737 307 104 6.6 120000
20000000 20.975165 435 104 7 50907234
18000000 20.716023 993 104 6.9 151668774
50000000 20.333953 434 104 5.5 119208989
15000000 19.284129 382 104 6.6 44862187
4000000 19.107285 376 104 6.7 9304609
17000000 19.045146 299 104 5.5 63102666
20000000 18.632156 481 104 5.8 65464324
65000000 18.281798 238 104 6 69700000
55000000 17.097041 461 104 6.3 127906624
12000000 16.931846 364 104 5.8 23006849
20000000 16.176976 525 104 5.9 49779728
50000000 15.98212 316 104 5.1 110803676
1800000 15.978136 422 104 7.4 41158757
28000000 15.794946 327 104 6.1 92601050
75000000 15.142701 338 104 6.3 46683377
1500000 15.017068 342 104 5.5 3566225
22000000 14.725467 305 104 4.2 10696210
65000000 14.646884 297 104 5.5 172855065
2000000 14.617944 218 104 7.1 5048693
25000000 14.604911 210 104 5.7 119772232
48000000 14.587367 232 104 4 20915465
4500000 14.570359 251 104 5.4 3606395
1000000 14.017809 221 104 7.3 4235151
8000000 11.837067 134 104 5.7 10130000
25000000 11.42943 159 104 5.6 51842679
60000000 8.927137 204 104 6.1 52322400
25000000 8.31653 127 104 5.2 6673422
85000000 8.282876 1705 104 6.1 158468292
5000000 7.79068 73 104 6.2 2466444
7000000 7.051521 56 104 6.1 2062066
13000000 6.764437 123 104 6.2 11130889
6000000 6.497285 113 104 6.9 6670712
47000000 6.067212 74 104 5.7 12379402
2000000 5.261065 86 104 6.3 390659
10284523 4.820166 75 104 5.7 11588205
21000000 4.781538 76 104 5.1 17762705
75000000 4.66891 4097 104 6.8 296339527
210000000 3.857526 3525 104 6.3 459359555
22000000 3.809131 38 104 3.4 5271666
3500000 3.656491 37 104 6.8 20659423
40000000 3.296933 56 104 5.2 27053815
30000000 2.850896 66 104 5 21800302
49000000 2.808428 71 104 6.2 20423389
8500000 2.62082 107 104 5.1 5001655
134005 2.260315 22 104 5.3 1332231
90000000 1.004579 16 104 3.7 10372291
80000000 77.580661 2926 103 6 274470394
1200000 63.655973 2184 103 7.2 103911669
200000000 59.995418 4597 103 7.6 1066969703
1500000 58.594852 1737 103 6.8 97009150
60000000 56.488027 4537 103 7.8 264118201
100000000 53.732892 2896 103 6.1 312573423
15000000 53.698683 2468 103 6.8 108286421
10000000 53.595686 2912 103 7.7 83557872
58000000 45.351617 995 103 6.2 158162788
100000000 41.426678 1699 103 6 278731369
28000000 40.28635 2224 103 6.3 60700000
65000000 38.994297 1389 103 5.9 156974557
5000000 38.006982 777 103 6.7 54418872
110000000 36.65422 1179 103 5.5 563749323
2540800 36.556954 727 103 7.8 7200000
55000000 36.194802 1129 103 6 231449203
150000000 33.769336 1151 103 4.7 318502923
15000000 32.690038 886 103 7.2 15785148
4600000 32.14444 688 103 7.1 23198652
57000000 31.791979 535 103 6.4 115267375
700000 29.761163 691 103 7.2 17986781
80000000 29.415229 503 103 6.4 176885658
20000000 27.256849 542 103 6.7 34077920
45000000 25.999888 518 103 6.6 50871113
950000 25.918007 701 103 6.8 7022209
29000000 24.240361 455 103 6.8 21126225
28000000 22.074306 491 103 5.8 38159905
11500000 20.747994 407 103 6.4 57469467
19800000 20.311684 505 103 6.5 41296320
70000000 19.711951 391 103 6.3 118000000
15000000 19.113278 338 103 6.8 123384128
25000000 18.896239 414 103 6 40452643
18000000 18.379124 383 103 5.8 100000000
45000000 17.047276 501 103 6.5 165184237
7300000 16.829837 348 103 6.7 10329747
10000000 16.78512 311 103 6.9 20766616
31000000 15.895661 433 103 6.2 53208180
60000000 15.219263 248 103 5.6 13395939
29000000 14.993169 242 103 6 50041732
35000000 14.949395 427 103 5.5 94728529
60000000 14.84856 320 103 4.7 39031337
58000000 14.403696 276 103 5.1 85280250
3500000 12.982319 583 103 6.7 4159678
18000000 12.243887 136 103 5.9 41382841
18000000 10.991281 104 103 7 676698
15000000 10.9071 211 103 6 14867514
60000000 10.004564 222 103 5.4 35431113
30000000 9.965073 182 103 5.9 50451307
1000000 9.773398 144 103 6.9 13350369
12000000 9.559737 153 103 5.3 38368909
40000000 8.980846 124 103 5.7 16872671
1600000 8.535178 61 103 7.1 5400000
7000000 8.184588 164 103 7.1 573335
47000000 7.859226 251 103 5.9 103738726
14000000 6.733485 39 103 5.7 21409028
4000000 5.013575 66 103 6.8 530048
45000000 3.848893 11 103 4 2154540
18000000 2.186927 2414 103 7.1 476684675
950000 0.178689 28 103 6.6 814666
165000000 203.73459 6135 102 7.8 652105443
150000000 165.125366 5295 102 7.3 1274219009
145000000 100.21391 3106 102 7.6 609123048
65000000 85.428395 1286 102 6.3 39407616
110000000 71.510596 2397 102 6.1 337580051
2777000 67.417542 1642 102 7.4 33754967
120000000 66.757869 2342 102 5.7 242688965
95000000 63.628459 957 102 5.2 114178613
80000000 58.040149 3739 102 6.2 254455986
11500000 56.805781 1406 102 5.7 94073028
20000000 52.571674 1350 102 6.1 136267476
27000000 47.862016 1002 102 7 20158808
4000000 45.66662 1895 102 7.3 119723856
7000000 45.310443 2066 102 7.3 34266564
15000000 44.690107 953 102 7.3 94000000
13000000 43.791745 763 102 7.1 54837234
878000 43.729123 1422 102 7.9 10462500
13000000 43.444135 2968 102 7.7 33400000
103000000 42.40024 978 102 6.3 500188435
80000000 38.864027 1705 102 6 271430189
100000000 36.711378 1121 102 6.4 268426634
42000000 34.041407 925 102 6.2 46221189
65000000 31.974359 679 102 6.2 143695338
63000000 31.294717 690 102 5.7 189015611
45000000 30.816341 710 102 6.9 90683916
2500000 30.583959 618 102 7.1 26781723
24000000 30.445257 835 102 6.5 155721132
29000000 27.555646 594 102 6.2 98185582
80000000 27.46264 498 102 5.3 169852759
24000000 27.326466 721 102 6.1 42105111
160000000 27.220157 510 102 6.4 61698899
6900000 26.181753 583 102 7.4 7993039
40000000 25.136082 555 102 6.1 124827316
40000000 22.491388 412 102 6.1 58785180
49900000 21.408222 501 102 5.2 26121638
100000000 19.38841 381 102 5.3 68688831
5000000 19.336367 255 102 6.5 16174377
35000000 19.286099 325 102 4.1 99423521
75000000 18.70031 338 102 6.5 119000410
20500000 17.112498 294 102 5.6 10089373
10000000 16.436178 425 102 6.5 3665069
2800000 15.754614 366 102 5.1 1826705
8000000 14.793177 1686 102 7.5 100523181
35000000 14.699342 325 102 5.8 36098382
20000000 13.906944 283 102 5.2 39143839
15000000 13.832376 156 102 5.6 8762890
35000000 13.788422 449 102 6 155545279
32000000 13.611544 262 102 6 42045846
67000000 12.282911 207 102 5 25303038
25000000 12.10235 114 102 4.7 30114487
28000000 11.859396 284 102 5 58795814
4500000 11.573034 2443 102 7.9 7390108
7800000 11.000654 153 102 6.4 22441323
26000000 10.704596 166 102 6.5 116400000
12000000 10.297189 137 102 6.2 75781642
50000000 9.114168 104 102 4.5 49000000
12000000 8.61659 25 102 5.4 54000000
30000000 8.058109 123 102 5.1 93772522
1300000 7.605291 27 102 6.7 354704
23000000 6.921263 55 102 6.6 10827816
35000000 6.889633 97 102 6.9 35323292
53000000 6.454634 88 102 5.6 29700000
63600000 4.494788 145 102 4.8 19412993
15000000 3.803495 52 102 6.4 317000
35000000 3.746806 91 102 4.8 11560806
2053648 2.778633 17 102 7.8 500000
2000000 2.283796 23 102 7.2 1431623
312000 1.505703 11 102 6.2 1281176
7500000 1.369528 7 102 4.5 4245870
17000000 1.15641 19 102 5.6 2000000
3700000 0.90522 17 102 6.6 2956000
125000000 143.350376 2636 101 5.8 477200000
80000000 109.684788 3012 101 6.4 484572835
23000000 85.30318 2472 101 6.6 351583407
150000000 70.867401 4853 101 6.9 585349010
14600000 52.744331 2301 101 7.4 70906973
28000000 44.529429 1016 101 6.8 102356381
70000000 42.957216 1217 101 5.5 171183863
1100000 40.285095 1055 101 7.3 4105187
20000000 38.802415 956 101 6.5 24261569
60000000 36.689223 549 101 4.7 71073932
45000000 35.6585 1007 101 6 160078586
5000000 35.252056 1247 101 7.3 8203235
36000000 33.926473 894 101 6 64572262
11000000 33.283554 1018 101 7.5 41227069
100000000 31.586215 572 101 6.4 100086793
10000000 30.863082 700 101 6.3 9636289
27000000 30.131498 703 101 6.4 38122105
20000000 28.867568 633 101 6.2 54956140
60000000 28.848842 644 101 5.6 170268750
27000000 28.227984 607 101 6.6 129000000
60000000 27.615108 669 101 6 43061982
70000000 27.568194 676 101 5.4 72108608
19000000 27.494037 583 101 5.9 49830607
25000000 26.811541 946 101 6.8 99357138
6900000 25.613197 555 101 5.6 44287131
60000000 24.153567 487 101 5.9 93354918
30000000 23.197408 1018 101 6.3 77566815
25000000 21.729434 444 101 5.5 59192128
967686 20.544999 423 101 7 4270000
12500000 20.317469 910 101 6.5 75993061
40000000 19.574774 394 101 6 84601681
15000000 19.517239 380 101 6.3 24769466
60000000 18.380176 375 101 5.9 73174566
25000000 18.228538 440 101 6.1 122644820
20000000 17.145287 220 101 5.4 36620508
18000000 16.470895 442 101 5.4 122195920
65000000 15.194239 779 101 6.1 64321501
2000000 14.846001 140 101 6.3 5179037
40000000 14.818718 220 101 5.3 12206028
45000000 14.513243 300 101 5.1 30353232
1500000 14.504326 242 101 5.1 1165882
10000000 14.447723 261 101 5.6 91196419
20000000 14.031377 289 101 6 12482775
15000000 13.706357 299 101 5.3 100734718
8000000 13.143045 672 101 6.9 6491240
10000000 12.902975 161 101 6.2 29450919
25000000 12.837116 236 101 5.8 56489558
35000000 12.677505 238 101 5.9 32483410
50000000 12.601306 110 101 5.3 79958599
8000000 12.439495 111 101 7.1 41400000
50000000 12.050755 542 101 5.1 66002004
35000000 11.644243 239 101 5.4 45479110
43000000 10.411996 406 101 5.6 154749918
4700000 9.617777 139 101 5.9 8025872
10000000 8.932837 198 101 6.4 50752337
12500000 8.780512 177 101 5.4 27206120
2380000 8.395624 363 101 7.4 8176544
4000000 7.758188 102 101 6.6 866999
31000000 7.06762 131 101 6.4 24185781
1250000 6.903314 112 101 7.4 11000000
40000000 6.756886 105 101 3.2 18902015
20000000 5.596835 83 101 5.3 17432163
30000000 5.133744 81 101 6.4 27674124
10000000 3.988432 24 101 5.4 1631839
609000 3.898498 59 101 7.4 3202000
6000000 3.561198 44 101 6.1 6852450
70000000 3.276912 29 101 5.3 11263966
2361000 0.628051 4 101 7 6892000
200000 0.616283 10 101 6.5 2295733
300000 0.055868 3 101 5.5 2074000
2000000 100.876794 1832 100 6.6 14674076
94000000 85.688789 6122 100 7.6 940335536
35000000 82.21166 6173 100 7.2 459270619
30000000 63.848541 1463 100 5.8 82394288
60000000 59.547928 3070 100 7.5 469160692
60000000 51.146047 1386 100 7.3 124596398
15000000 49.294864 3725 100 7.4 78054825
110000000 48.829437 2093 100 6.2 293329073
260000000 48.681969 3330 100 7.4 591794936
15000000 47.455148 1401 100 6 146497771
165000000 47.323228 1474 100 6.4 305875730
80000000 45.589568 1155 100 5.8 246984278
42000000 45.151657 922 100 5.6 89162162
130000000 42.840582 2532 100 5 243843127
20000000 42.512296 1252 100 6.3 183936074
115000000 41.498631 2192 100 5.7 274703340
33000000 40.715623 2065 100 6.4 102984862
6500000 40.688426 875 100 7 17693675
8500000 40.28709 1322 100 6.8 43528634
41677699 39.58676 926 100 7.5 187479518
27000000 39.324831 828 100 7.2 27200316
120000000 38.126095 2278 100 4.4 167977596
50000000 37.253774 797 100 4.7 55969000
40000000 36.301202 944 100 5.9 111811453
22000000 35.737655 875 100 6.4 43058898
51500000 35.481169 848 100 7.2 55112356
15000000 34.759855 1197 100 6.5 64238440
8000000 33.372828 1261 100 7 39187783
16000000 32.257414 837 100 5.3 31556061
26000000 30.981604 629 100 5.2 67918658
20000000 30.477114 950 100 6.3 36606743
15000000 29.943316 1049 100 7.3 133432856
17000000 27.654472 687 100 5.6 125586134
30000000 26.9385 724 100 5.3 27437881
45000000 26.79781 575 100 5.8 113916474
10000000 26.268209 507 100 4.7 66821036
8700000 26.093043 532 100 6.8 7659918
35000000 25.903237 613 100 5.2 85416905
20000000 25.28436 613 100 6.1 299965036
38000000 24.085144 521 100 5.3 119723358
3000000 23.981601 798 100 7.4 4000000
75000000 23.004607 772 100 5.7 98159963
60000000 22.620125 391 100 5.8 119940815
19000000 21.959742 465 100 6.4 29922472
2000000 20.834883 565 100 6.8 13831503
65000000 20.793026 374 100 5.1 40002112
2000000 20.331593 339 100 6.7 4601043
16000000 19.890428 378 100 6.8 18564088
50000000 19.830132 1019 100 6 287928194
16000000 18.790221 291 100 6.1 318982
5000000 17.845161 349 100 5 6833445
130000000 17.7735 373 100 5.8 150406466
90000000 17.457947 548 100 6.7 161626121
7500000 16.990308 409 100 6.8 26096852
65000000 16.803457 269 100 5.4 17218080
2000000 16.668854 224 100 5.5 14400000
18500000 16.665841 518 100 6 31912793
12000000 16.40512 294 100 6.1 35485056
3000000 16.312803 362 100 6.6 18492362
11000000 16.003958 334 100 7 13110448
10000000 14.905357 238 100 6.2 33000000
1000000 14.139004 251 100 6.7 46243000
12500000 13.939054 323 100 7.5 10725228
35000000 13.25753 202 100 5.7 73034460
60000000 13.080725 210 100 5.6 104324083
30000000 12.967137 284 100 5.8 114281051
5000000 12.904615 191 100 4.8 14000000
5000000 12.68514 320 100 6.5 9206470
12500000 11.828068 210 100 6 49002684
10000000 11.350382 122 100 6.1 25605015
1500000 11.064228 251 100 6.2 373967
35000000 11.041659 550 100 5.8 86369815
26000000 10.925618 144 100 5.2 28818995
25000000 10.115011 101 100 5.2 51702483
85000000 9.895061 313 100 5.1 183611771
16000000 9.717392 95 100 6.7 18928871
41000000 9.419726 248 100 5.6 7448385
45000000 9.025236 136 100 4.7 17300889
29000000 8.93941 85 100 5 16930185
20000000 8.244324 111 100 5.6 17807569
33000000 7.663515 148 100 6.8 14000000
42000000 7.349497 136 100 6.3 11087569
25000000 7.296459 111 100 6.2 13000000
14000000 6.772615 111 100 4.5 19800000
12000000 6.537986 109 100 7.1 55260558
30000000 5.671691 179 100 6.2 9898412
11500000 4.850402 36 100 5.7 3275585
55000000 4.700024 62 100 5.2 11466088
9000000 4.34503 155 100 5.3 27105095
12000000 4.234269 57 100 5.5 4884663
1000000 3.851 33 100 6.2 7800000
10000000 3.290639 31 100 6 29392418
6500000 2.639106 6 100 8 2025032
7000000 2.550045 31 100 4.5 1246141
3000000 1.697846 28 100 6.4 11718595
3000000 1.586598 25 100 4.7 15369573
379000 0.968865 19 100 5 4358000
12000000 0.700792 11 100 5.3 12902790
13400000 0.680753 7 100 4.7 16700000
100000000 76.842247 1680 99 5.6 243400000
30000000 74.417456 4519 99 8 174600318
1200000 66.925866 3697 99 8 14661007
60000000 61.849521 1621 99 5.8 205754447
75000000 61.437586 2105 99 6.6 196482882
6500000 60.225219 1517 99 5.6 255273813
4000000 49.12486 2420 99 7.5 30039392
31000000 47.753598 1195 99 6.2 104384188
30000000 45.083509 966 99 6.2 90810892
150000000 44.927635 1431 99 5.5 301000000
200000 38.771062 883 99 7.6 14500000
35000000 38.100488 923 99 5.8 170000000
30000000 37.179547 848 99 6.7 191502426
102000000 36.788745 932 99 6.1 147080413
5000000 35.307577 1104 99 7.5 43884652
40000000 29.88736 670 99 6.5 114830111
25000000 29.796394 705 99 7.1 11000000
33000000 29.775441 663 99 6.7 140470746
70000000 29.464852 817 99 6.8 218613188
25000000 28.468 853 99 6.1 153997819
12000000 27.322212 882 99 6.5 12077441
15000000 27.133277 571 99 6.2 27462041
70000000 25.020428 533 99 4.4 61279452
28000000 24.917665 564 99 6.4 92380927
6000000 24.351305 703 99 6.9 50244700
31000000 23.607392 635 99 7.2 177394432
80000000 23.531721 901 99 5.9 212874442
44000000 21.75433 566 99 6.8 48190704
50000000 21.312186 274 99 5.8 16671505
160000000 21.133748 583 99 5.5 181674817
6400000 21.006078 406 99 6.6 35057696
46000000 19.643365 308 99 5.5 107196498
7500000 19.585801 350 99 7 145793296
40000000 19.085403 371 99 6.2 60462347
40000000 17.61292 371 99 5.4 138259062
7000000 17.113408 281 99 5.8 72500000
90000000 16.302378 466 99 5.2 182290266
80000000 15.673154 359 99 5.7 15071514
6000000 15.639016 354 99 6.5 58000000
45000000 14.813057 332 99 5 42487390
25000000 14.562197 341 99 5.4 36993168
21000000 14.329891 238 99 6.3 72417394
20000000 13.658985 831 99 7.2 100914445
40000000 13.445697 205 99 5.4 62771059
27000000 13.308127 282 99 5.5 101646581
15000000 13.237835 295 99 4.7 40105542
14000000 12.159009 290 99 5.6 72527595
75000000 11.873856 221 99 6.1 14567883
30000000 11.409124 205 99 5.8 63833449
12000000 11.150261 229 99 6 101332962
10000000 9.805551 177 99 6.5 295750
5000000 8.753409 294 99 7 3049135
27000000 8.715822 98 99 5.5 13000000
4000000 8.30723 157 99 6.2 25345000
26000000 7.964451 110 99 4.5 36800000
40000000 7.222985 125 99 5.7 14358033
6000000 7.161051 94 99 6.2 2899975
5000000 7.058868 86 99 6.4 19905359
1200000 6.920873 149 99 6.9 7000000
28000000 6.756771 148 99 4.6 33000337
13000000 6.130096 96 99 6.6 16929123
12000000 6.044161 330 99 6.5 21133087
5000000 5.461487 116 99 7.1 17872796
6000000 5.411243 29 99 6.9 3283371
600000 4.859873 97 99 6.8 4000000
8000000 4.090382 18 99 5.8 458232
25000000 3.888776 45 99 4.6 10719357
8000000 3.03091 77 99 6.7 3432342
10000000 2.959547 50 99 6.6 15795189
12500000 2.950618 31 99 7.3 1227324
5000000 1.731035 15 99 3.9 846704
1100000 1.220072 15 99 6.8 1400000
10500000 0.037073 2 99 8.5 123509
76000000 136.886704 4637 98 7 970761885
90000000 104.121555 4412 98 6.9 589390539
165000000 67.263269 4227 98 7.5 494878759
180000000 66.390712 6296 98 7.8 521311860
92000000 65.402595 3493 98 5.2 304654182
135000000 64.183321 2399 98 6.8 585178928
35000000 50.309843 2277 98 6.5 117000000
16000000 44.533612 1486 98 7.6 30857814
150000000 41.845878 1750 98 6.3 309979994
37000000 41.569541 1204 98 6.3 96455697
92000000 40.20395 1232 98 5.6 264105545
68000000 39.395881 881 98 5.3 68267862
23000000 38.799596 1378 98 6.4 53302314
27000000 38.279458 1068 98 6.5 93282604
100000000 37.698465 1165 98 6.3 167805466
18000000 34.694216 1098 98 7 99206215
100000000 32.389353 1060 98 5.4 310650585
55000000 32.05145 772 98 6.1 223387299
15000000 31.565117 584 98 5.9 61548707
12000000 29.019504 579 98 7.4 100129872
23000000 28.973074 640 98 6.5 150816700
20000000 28.019226 634 98 6 51416464
40000000 27.303608 629 98 5.8 141591324
40000000 26.516624 699 98 6 190212113
32000000 26.509175 660 98 6.6 50907422
24000000 26.324874 568 98 6.1 23081726
30000000 24.389194 506 98 5.6 173959438
50000000 23.935053 509 98 5.5 106303988
41300000 23.441135 531 98 6.2 106371651
65000000 22.977983 1062 98 6.5 128107642
10000000 22.888173 441 98 5.8 42333295
4000000 22.87623 530 98 6.5 4300000
15000000 22.838834 410 98 7.1 61399552
14000000 22.409117 491 98 6.8 154864401
35000000 20.908494 394 98 5.3 24159934
14000000 20.792603 351 98 6.2 22852638
73000000 20.790703 327 98 5.8 103891409
30000000 20.355458 359 98 5.7 36160375
15000000 19.913961 290 98 6 3533227
13000000 19.664699 503 98 6.4 10652035
50000000 19.226763 286 98 6.2 42792561
2500000 18.30961 264 98 6.3 12348905
70000000 18.264635 332 98 5.6 164000000
2000000 18.224326 279 98 6.8 1477002
25000000 16.936576 298 98 6.4 64437847
31000000 16.736734 293 98 6 41512007
6000000 15.929648 365 98 6.6 39846344
25000000 15.333575 285 98 5.4 1397284
28000000 14.754281 568 98 5.8 90449929
40000000 14.729386 278 98 5.5 26155781
9000000 14.171759 146 98 5.7 2500000
25000000 13.288177 185 98 5.9 27645491
28000000 13.145205 296 98 4.8 14010832
23000000 12.869436 82 98 6.1 7434726
64000000 12.421504 261 98 5.3 101595121
2500000 12.030456 229 98 5 14400000
18000000 11.725805 14 98 3.7 2945600
3000000 11.241802 106 98 5.3 23144499
10500000 11.225044 123 98 4.5 14144000
6500000 11.142389 196 98 7 28451622
12000000 11.135734 281 98 5.5 56309766
30000000 11.120167 140 98 5.8 58405313
8000000 10.791954 215 98 6.4 3453043
5000000 10.274542 121 98 5.5 10429707
17000000 10.13559 189 98 6.7 14899417
1500000 9.856826 151 98 6.8 416925
11000000 9.705589 153 98 5.1 2807854
17000000 9.583578 59 98 6.8 1569918
11000000 9.337388 135 98 6.4 59827328
1000000 9.115486 179 98 6.6 9138338
8500000 9.029489 152 98 6 8936663
20000000 8.265317 131 98 6.1 35841901
25000000 8.186936 138 98 5.5 4064495
11000000 7.722021 139 98 6.3 59520298
10000000 6.736274 86 98 6.4 10571408
18000000 6.333869 60 98 4.4 382174
20000000 6.102663 24 98 6.4 11341016
6000000 5.119593 214 98 5.8 14348529
50000000 4.280619 137 98 4.5 61112916
5000000 4.129165 58 98 5.9 742898
10000000 4.123533 54 98 7 1759252
6000000 3.89204 32 98 5.4 12000000
35866397 3.75074 49 98 7 20217080
3500000 3.643608 28 98 6.7 113783
25000000 2.77255 47 98 5.2 17193231
1700000 2.079125 39 98 5.5 1943649
20000000 0.173964 7 98 4.9 2297493
127000000 115.597753 1851 97 6.1 349424282
180000000 110.620647 4496 97 7 758539785
40000000 72.641296 1695 97 5.3 126069509
105000000 62.479574 1247 97 6.7 267045765
145000000 61.788035 1922 97 7.1 306941670
16000000 54.550275 1701 97 7.3 53478166
5000000 46.114184 1794 97 7.6 9760104
10000000 45.946524 983 97 6.2 104303851
73000000 45.720894 1022 97 5.9 349779543
35000000 43.742241 2652 97 6.4 116980662
10000000 38.179483 1102 97 5.8 64188367
55000000 38.06168 1122 97 5.9 152263880
80000000 37.321848 703 97 6.5 140073390
17000000 36.423717 2320 97 6.9 129042871
25000000 35.310712 1356 97 6.5 281929795
45000000 31.305336 1111 97 7 175372502
60000000 30.656345 668 97 6.6 108255770
43000000 28.613892 575 97 4.8 56681566
30000000 26.69592 594 97 5.8 114908830
6000000 26.218912 817 97 7.1 10409377
10000000 26.090495 581 97 5.4 52882018
25000000 25.838073 529 97 5.6 70442940
60000000 25.293538 524 97 4.6 62357900
25000000 24.903418 515 97 6.2 23580000
8500000 24.750909 538 97 6.8 32222567
15000000 24.612603 742 97 5.8 37930465
25000000 24.356483 711 97 6.4 122489822
26000000 24.345651 879 97 6 110230332
10500000 23.449703 827 97 6.6 75902208
12000000 22.708647 386 97 5.9 6814789
15000000 21.928025 475 97 6.7 2856712
20000000 21.657563 500 97 5 100525432
50000000 21.637234 373 97 5.6 42277365
10000000 19.263477 383 97 5.8 7587485
50000000 18.806031 399 97 5.5 88715192
5000000 18.077963 398 97 6.9 26888376
32000000 16.901954 987 97 6.4 173398518
22000000 16.234053 489 97 6.3 189833357
5000000 16.072466 503 97 6.3 328203506
20000000 15.804814 288 97 5.2 37597471
85000000 14.132583 288 97 5.8 144000000
60000000 14.113066 226 97 6 61347797
8000000 13.987772 99 97 5.2 29010817
15000000 13.581966 270 97 6.7 64256513
70000000 13.267631 269 97 5.2 33561137
22000000 12.893219 103 97 5.8 413454
10000000 12.792446 160 97 5.8 17500000
19000000 11.766564 208 97 6.2 6928068
35000000 11.195593 167 97 5.1 19294901
23000000 11.183197 325 97 6.3 36642838
70000000 10.930537 179 97 5.5 19870567
30000000 10.756266 202 97 5.1 15007991
20000000 9.855474 199 97 4.9 70992898
5000000 9.169411 208 97 6 2614773
14000000 8.885017 100 97 4.4 38574362
25000000 8.870614 183 97 6.2 22200000
7000000 8.591387 140 97 6.9 8900000
50000000 8.139676 112 97 3.9 12764201
700000 7.731064 31 97 6.7 1667192
2000000 6.728882 92 97 5.6 2801508
20000000 6.397042 125 97 6.5 13801755
3000000 5.003615 94 97 6.3 7282851
12000000 4.623609 30 97 4.7 31179516
12000000 4.580081 75 97 3.3 36450736
14000000 4.519523 46 97 6.3 18535191
1000000 3.990215 48 97 5.9 10013424
860000 3.703005 51 97 6.6 2451545
3800000 3.667372 59 97 6.5 28200000
3500000 3.418871 173 97 7.2 27900000
4500000 3.108881 30 97 6.3 744816
16000000 2.848727 48 97 4.3 1686429
7000000 2.772178 17 97 6.2 14011454
500000 2.537032 30 97 5.7 17000000
9000000 2.365328 17 97 6 2955039
60000000 2.143764 1363 97 5.8 300228084
9000000 2.062087 95 97 6.5 4777465
9000000 2.009597 12 97 4.5 1046166
6000000 0.215464 12 97 4.7 399611
150000 0.132878 18 97 4.6 15200000
175000000 92.201962 6870 96 7.7 735099082
20000000 62.933899 2181 96 7.1 83707310
350000 59.259204 2078 96 8.2 1000000
90000000 46.200042 2166 96 6.5 484635760
135000000 44.765377 1074 96 6.1 282570682
60000000 40.646102 1113 96 7 137587063
22700000 39.890798 902 96 6.7 38119483
200000000 39.744242 1095 96 6.6 325233863
130000000 39.448066 1260 96 5.4 61648500
44000000 38.653969 864 96 6.3 300400432
50000000 38.616744 854 96 5.8 242786137
18000000 36.471231 2713 96 6.2 268157400
20000000 35.542809 861 96 5.9 34560577
32000000 34.628738 832 96 6.9 60740827
40000000 32.908414 972 96 6.4 92913171
15000000 32.758254 1020 96 6.7 96408652
11000000 32.579697 864 96 6.6 48572000
37000000 31.941347 1222 96 6.5 163720069
60000000 29.787135 742 96 6.5 26673242
6000000 28.819424 658 96 6.3 11122090
175000000 27.082182 1151 96 5.3 173000000
15000000 26.373864 498 96 5.9 8459458
80000000 25.978555 631 96 5.8 123729176
114000 25.666029 580 96 7.5 30000000
18000000 25.43954 882 96 6.1 141774679
25000000 25.002715 559 96 5.2 72629670
35000000 24.606012 827 96 6.8 15304890
31000000 22.71592 437 96 5.9 27388767
38000000 22.332927 972 96 6.4 205298907
20000000 22.049787 381 96 5.8 84146832
60000000 21.08952 380 96 5.7 55003135
12000000 20.624896 435 96 6.6 52223306
40000000 19.833664 336 96 5 87840042
7500000 19.782725 2244 96 7 231411584
47000000 19.525659 594 96 5.7 102825796
6000000 19.411141 372 96 6.8 19560274
28000000 18.650748 471 96 6.4 39514713
16000000 18.430419 950 96 7.3 92823546
50000000 18.121404 644 96 5.6 171269535
3500000 18.025206 270 96 6.9 34000000
15000000 17.672021 358 96 5.2 15608545
40000000 17.659032 554 96 6.2 145896422
5000000 17.304055 354 96 6.5 44793222
4000000 17.229537 420 96 6.4 31584901
20000000 17.227376 139 96 6.1 12398628
35000000 16.830184 344 96 5.1 2106557
4500000 15.002502 602 96 6.5 146198896
6000000 14.988746 379 96 6.4 13231461
10000000 14.979375 210 96 6.1 7022728
37000000 14.353279 330 96 5.6 100076342
40000000 13.210898 147 96 4.6 49627779
55000000 12.669778 123 96 5.3 6416302
2500000 12.204569 441 96 6.6 324138
8500000 11.436405 85 96 5.6 22456509
20000000 11.352693 187 96 7.3 10686841
35000000 10.73522 212 96 6.6 18317151
21000000 10.207065 184 96 5.1 42000000
20000000 9.292987 173 96 3.1 10442808
3500000 8.406025 70 96 5.7 9482579
5000000 8.008844 183 96 5.2 11642254
7000000 6.872784 50 96 4.9 20256975
1500000 5.817519 111 96 6.1 418961
10000000 5.647538 136 96 6.2 17297244
6500000 5.483531 45 96 6.8 1548955
30000000 4.352422 68 96 5 15368897
2000000 4.261509 41 96 6.3 622806
900000 4.0971 73 96 6.1 381420
16000000 3.021835 43 96 5.4 15427192
7000000 2.627232 30 96 5.6 7292175
2000000 1.95686 26 96 4.8 2506446
69000000 113.858273 6478 95 7.1 543513985
120000000 87.350802 2303 95 6.8 363258859
30000000 73.987775 2263 95 6.5 66486080
130000000 68.757242 1918 95 6.7 321887208
11000000 60.767168 2296 95 6.4 235483004
50000000 57.673932 1940 95 6.6 41037742
145000000 56.747978 1603 95 6.7 521170825
120000000 51.548589 1224 95 6.7 186053725
57000000 48.622278 1135 95 4.7 149217355
7500000 45.610993 2904 95 7.2 60722734
65000000 43.865294 1685 95 6.2 211780824
17000000 43.675191 1206 95 6.1 127730736
1800000 41.996783 1442 95 8 9440272
78000000 41.247402 915 95 6.4 248384621
4000000 40.016306 593 95 5.2 187112
55000000 39.882276 883 95 7 259207227
140000000 38.924136 948 95 7.2 109578115
2000000 37.117362 957 95 7.3 24600832
56000000 35.4763 842 95 5.8 113006880
20000000 35.232278 715 95 5.8 32204030
50000000 34.890999 755 95 7.3 97437106
5000000 30.001024 683 95 6.7 3220371
4000000 27.662696 631 95 5.8 600896
50000000 27.631262 760 95 5.6 40828540
2500000 25.722747 1048 95 6.8 6854611
19000000 25.28132 713 95 6.1 70067909
3000000 24.393296 361 95 6.2 18999718
400000 23.603514 554 95 6.7 46118097
90000000 21.436682 572 95 6.3 162839667
5000000 20.326337 563 95 5.2 142817992
54000000 20.28119 702 95 5.4 128769345
10000000 19.865989 448 95 4.8 40055439
18000000 18.47518 404 95 5.3 101564935
4000000 18.422323 302 95 6.1 92921203
33000000 18.316151 1011 95 6.2 310940086
5000000 18.115566 671 95 6.2 368744044
63000000 16.791058 331 95 5.5 183953723
25000000 15.960916 530 95 6.9 17000000
2000000 15.351412 190 95 5.4 5364858
40000000 15.283444 284 95 5.4 41863726
4000000 14.206525 254 95 5.7 36690067
32000000 13.590677 221 95 5.2 97918663
58000000 13.43573 579 95 6.5 102854431
500000 12.203041 210 95 6 171760
100000000 12.092241 142 95 4.4 7103973
30000000 11.916389 221 95 3.8 51376861
11000000 11.227087 298 95 6.4 72778712
75000000 10.54544 228 95 5.9 13596911
57000000 9.27875 91 95 4.2 28283637
36000000 9.176339 198 95 6.6 50159144
45000000 8.99269 176 95 5.6 56070433
10000000 8.9876 418 95 5.7 103166989
8000000 8.708229 168 95 5.7 6739141
19000000 8.584398 214 95 5.3 69631118
50000000 8.189406 44 95 5.2 9851610
17000000 7.701041 160 95 5.5 16980098
11000000 7.063053 74 95 4.9 23430766
25000000 7.008216 118 95 3.5 2405420
65000000 6.227675 1600 95 5.6 240159255
50000000 6.22577 75 95 5.9 58900031
13000000 6.170139 135 95 6.4 7820688
17000000 5.787891 101 95 5.6 20455276
6500000 5.700333 100 95 6.7 4217115
6000000 5.696491 52 95 5.5 4398989
14000000 5.102258 48 95 5.8 25482931
25530000 4.475007 84 95 5.3 20080020
22000000 4.365196 77 95 6.1 13555988
45000000 4.340616 377 95 5.1 124914842
6000000 4.148253 44 95 6 2025238
5800000 3.201886 10 95 4.2 7000000
15000000 3.043589 52 95 6.1 21000000
5500000 2.141143 16 95 3.3 4865000
36000000 1.068453 14 95 4.6 3003296
175000000 128.655964 6560 94 8 857611174
90000000 69.457898 2271 94 6.5 886686817
135000000 63.473086 1519 94 6.8 368871007
5000000 62.554173 1551 94 5 31724284
25000000 53.811461 1798 94 6.4 66980456
18000000 52.464877 2606 94 7 35692920
53000000 45.565918 1432 94 7.4 139804348
30000000 43.753585 1990 94 7.4 151119219
38000000 41.258487 567 94 5 107597242
16000000 41.083914 1662 94 7.6 68263166
79000000 40.723459 1030 94 5.8 355692760
63000000 40.137264 979 94 5.9 296655431
40000000 39.381913 740 94 4.9 41797066
5000000 38.94708 1360 94 6 98450062
4800000 38.83192 887 94 5.7 80578934
69000000 38.634767 1269 94 5.5 112265139
8000000 37.821106 1004 94 6.1 26049082
175000000 36.167578 1423 94 6 381509870
16500000 36.15716 1013 94 6.5 67683989
12500000 34.821223 1451 94 7.7 20416563
13000000 34.532418 1257 94 6.6 68572378
1987650 32.841229 827 94 6.6 19152480
55000000 32.835777 751 94 5.7 187361754
30000000 31.92695 799 94 6.3 40346186
45000000 29.880122 1267 94 6.1 129394835
4000000 29.852608 550 94 7.1 13008928
26000000 29.342744 1493 94 6.7 90574188
86000000 27.097932 639 94 6 107944236
500000 26.406001 587 94 6.2 4242978
65000000 24.857079 409 94 6.1 44091067
25000000 24.459948 537 94 6.1 56422687
20000000 23.292761 432 94 5 52302796
1000000 22.583834 449 94 6.9 14564027
20000000 21.815122 728 94 6.5 121697323
20000000 20.99174 428 94 6.4 117224271
60000000 18.831023 526 94 5.7 129181830
18000000 18.492655 303 94 6 62646763
15000000 18.268009 421 94 6 20566327
12000000 16.183746 364 94 5.6 22939027
6000000 16.139771 392 94 6.8 2122561
18000000 16.027955 322 94 5.5 88923251
25000000 15.26213 304 94 5.6 79817939
28000000 14.639324 345 94 5.5 45236543
75000000 14.44381 313 94 6.3 36754634
200000 13.971674 253 94 6.8 4505922
22000000 13.410919 223 94 6 77112176
4000000 12.891276 183 94 6.1 125728258
25000000 12.113235 384 94 6.6 38748395
45000000 12.06538 1292 94 6.1 148412065
17000000 11.927667 280 94 5.7 55534455
13000000 11.045593 228 94 4.5 37664855
3000000 10.230583 237 94 6.2 18637690
18000000 9.633711 164 94 5.7 25312387
16000000 9.119797 103 94 5.4 20627372
55000000 8.634954 189 94 6 34234008
15000000 8.074807 37 94 5 9902115
20000000 7.034752 146 94 4.7 8586376
7000000 7.034618 48 94 4.8 6230276
65000000 6.80692 80 94 5.1 36850101
35000000 6.727949 55 94 5.7 13678913
6000000 6.27257 111 94 6.6 2944752
26000000 5.894163 89 94 4.9 38793283
3400000 5.690619 84 94 6.5 31063038
13000000 4.742537 67 94 5.7 27500000
5000000 4.149628 55 94 6.3 5476060
1000000 3.424158 25 94 6.3 1744858
40000000 3.415534 40 94 5 36037909
3000000 2.504169 94 94 6.9 9879971
3000000 0.019984 3 94 5 6804016
185000000 125.114374 4641 93 6.7 538983207
25000000 80.879032 4369 93 7.2 226830568
4000000 63.513324 2655 93 7.8 16491080
15000000 63.071046 1488 93 7.2 125212904
32000000 59.19888 2699 93 7.1 147332697
45000000 53.090422 1309 93 5.8 101702060
175000000 51.692953 1736 93 6.6 331926147
150000000 47.320801 2988 93 6.7 919838758
145000000 44.989192 1808 93 6.4 746921274
40000000 44.094856 1045 93 6.3 51070807
165000000 44.041186 1959 93 6 752600867
16000000 43.217089 1717 93 7.7 47801389
160000000 42.986467 2278 93 6 798958165
74000000 36.952268 719 93 5.8 311594032
4000000 35.892034 1010 93 7.8 38251425
13000000 35.522027 737 93 5.7 48065672
34200000 34.86859 875 93 6.1 234801895
400000 33.142185 1213 93 6.6 100000000
25000000 31.64341 974 93 5.8 117719158
62000000 29.954302 703 93 5.4 52304001
10000000 29.244768 903 93 5.9 139352633
5000000 26.510558 766 93 6.1 40100000
23000000 26.257951 505 93 5.6 33372606
25000000 25.848003 656 93 6.5 20796847
2600000 22.793929 609 93 7.2 119500000
18000000 21.638673 218 93 4.6 266586800
10200000 20.745052 453 93 5.6 35619521
24000000 20.69219 742 93 5.9 68729358
35000000 20.27704 307 93 5.8 10496317
48000000 19.348007 512 93 5.6 90383208
90000000 19.224754 334 93 5.4 102000000
9000000 18.289303 676 93 7.5 17096053
7000000 17.717681 273 93 6.8 54600000
65000000 16.865782 352 93 6.1 117758500
14000000 16.618874 354 93 5 12314651
60000000 16.493576 258 93 5.8 50877145
40000000 16.282962 213 93 5.1 23937870
15000000 15.262492 381 93 6 46770602
20000000 15.131867 271 93 4.8 16863583
8900000 15.079993 318 93 5.6 4100000
16000000 14.759948 542 93 5.9 119754278
19000000 13.664614 209 93 5.5 40846082
1700000 13.315383 215 93 5.5 8844595
1800000 12.471239 403 93 6.8 21107746
12000000 11.510281 218 93 6.3 31155435
80000000 11.50396 695 93 5.3 177977226
2700000 10.47644 108 93 5.9 3500000
8000000 9.799177 181 93 6.1 16856124
16000000 9.18885 137 93 5.9 68411275
500000 8.650779 152 93 6.3 150277
12000000 8.410688 85 93 6.5 32726956
75000000 8.098369 78 93 4.3 5409517
18000000 7.871686 83 93 6.7 7972967
17500000 7.180403 16 93 5.8 7018189
25000000 6.889437 123 93 4.7 100000000
38000000 6.760922 75 93 4.3 5410749
12000000 6.703319 158 93 4.7 61141030
15500000 6.630856 16 93 5.5 1237615
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40000000 2.911819 28 93 5 10959475
7000000 2.453459 26 93 5.3 10229331
24000000 2.353441 19 93 4.1 4562146
3000000 1.781462 36 93 6.6 103735
7000000 0.253595 3 93 6.7 1100000
500000 0.109579 2 93 7 845188
19000000 0.068228 5 93 5.6 2119994
115000000 106.815545 5996 92 7.5 562816256
132000000 84.366984 1346 92 6.5 373552094
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70000000 64.457947 2389 92 6.2 215529201
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15000000 58.553213 1444 92 7.1 73326666
150000000 56.758411 2961 92 6.2 624029371
35000000 51.927471 1428 92 6.2 91353501
3500000 50.319662 1434 92 6.3 40423945
22000000 48.784734 659 92 6.2 15447154
60000000 47.336034 1177 92 5.5 361366633
8000000 45.395839 2210 92 6.7 74952305
4000000 42.187986 1251 92 6.3 152925093
20000000 41.156217 981 92 6.2 167722310
145000000 38.73494 843 92 6.7 272912430
47000000 38.555482 866 92 5.9 157887643
60000000 37.537093 779 92 5.3 165333180
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64000000 35.384423 756 92 7.6 97571250
5000000 35.108498 858 92 5.9 38275483
21000000 34.433521 1692 92 6.6 43928932
10800000 32.943848 820 92 5.9 113857533
65000000 31.324734 687 92 5 71154592
6500000 29.01153 664 92 7.1 24793509
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52000000 27.916284 675 92 6.1 52826594
15000000 27.165222 680 92 6 151831537
12000000 26.598884 755 92 6.5 41205099
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100000 25.402697 527 92 6.8 1776935
55000000 22.503935 481 92 5.2 9489829
15000000 21.857387 350 92 6.8 35097815
14000000 21.680424 498 92 5.8 85446075
15000000 21.095489 355 92 5.9 75700498
2600000 19.02965 308 92 7 553198
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32000000 14.642055 359 92 5.6 80197993
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11000000 14.282314 204 92 6.5 31672907
35000000 13.668633 149 92 4.6 39340177
2200000 12.639469 196 92 5.1 21930418
15000000 12.576381 235 92 6.9 49469904
50000000 12.31101 269 92 4.4 69425966
3000000 11.637458 127 92 6 3830137
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1500000 11.35344 144 92 6.7 2300000
3500000 10.729884 129 92 5.9 14000000
1250000 9.903992 79 92 6.7 8500000
35000000 9.789027 216 92 6 63215872
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15000000 8.113634 97 92 5.9 12000000
20000000 7.679336 163 92 5 22165608
21150000 6.081772 146 92 4.7 39438674
8000000 5.93923 148 92 6.6 8279017
7000000 5.500324 66 92 6.3 14702438
1000000 5.323184 59 92 7.2 1678874
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18000000 4.492859 76 92 4.9 16702864
2000000 3.980072 31 92 6.8 653621
4361898 2.080741 28 92 5.6 3031801
93000000 1.859364 2077 92 5.7 368780809
1000000 0.672695 13 92 6.7 464000
105000000 110.153618 5751 91 7.3 716392705
80000000 85.115058 2951 91 6.5 660940780
400000 64.782984 1708 91 7.8 5028948
85000000 56.257411 2566 91 6.8 358375603
150000000 51.247321 1880 91 6.7 665692281
35000000 50.179171 1462 91 5.6 108758521
45000000 49.353524 2757 91 6.1 376141306
100000000 46.727941 1129 91 6.8 100138851
1800000 38.204158 1180 91 7.2 25504513
75000000 36.368839 874 91 6.3 140175006
17000000 33.912116 1723 91 6.4 97542952
26000000 31.250383 788 91 5.2 183293131
300000 30.301307 1035 91 7.4 70000000
75000000 29.558157 1333 91 6 260696994
150000000 29.332905 1171 91 5.7 287594577
46000000 28.964162 543 91 5 341631208
35000000 27.724913 531 91 5.3 68349884
23000000 26.58873 656 91 6.5 76488889
3500000 25.5748 503 91 7 28215918
24000000 24.70166 541 91 6.6 87055349
4000000 24.161735 1022 91 4.1 52425855
70000000 23.661071 556 91 5.6 104945765
30000000 22.975918 543 91 5.5 62616646
3000000 22.789649 722 91 5.7 177512032
140000000 22.57178 783 91 6.1 258022233
79000000 22.132418 604 91 4.1 149673788
29000000 20.55509 431 91 5.5 78636257
60000000 20.501582 950 91 4.9 163403799
40000000 19.438503 388 91 5.3 36893721
35000000 17.709888 832 91 6.2 31083599
7500000 17.318839 240 91 6.5 32392047
3500000 17.002623 363 91 6.8 257850122
35000000 16.832312 320 91 5 14431253
17700000 15.976335 242 91 5.5 30987695
4000000 14.961629 267 91 7.3 14237000
35000000 14.503568 253 91 5.2 69307224
55000000 14.414937 254 91 5.7 110000000
2600000 14.013414 237 91 5.9 32980880
21000000 13.847872 276 91 6.3 970816
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1500000 13.291991 279 91 6.8 7412216
40000000 13.119133 373 91 6 22044277
20000000 12.25264 209 91 4.9 149281606
16000000 11.807269 224 91 5.3 40492759
7000000 11.700578 281 91 6.8 560069
11000000 11.220643 291 91 4.5 16951798
800000 11.205726 311 91 6.1 1984662
13000000 10.475368 243 91 4.6 1784763
5000000 10.095184 165 91 6.9 5129058
70000000 8.37378 97 91 4.3 19924033
28000000 8.363702 132 91 4.9 10126458
2600000 8.001156 20 91 6.1 2850263
12000000 7.558959 65 91 5.9 37170057
1000000 6.532855 161 91 6.4 17985893
13000000 6.425528 109 91 6.1 27007143
90000000 5.762037 109 91 4.9 14828081
8000000 5.244518 135 91 6.6 426224
8000000 4.482714 62 91 5.8 22593409
6000000 4.053017 74 91 6.6 18750246
160000 3.284903 90 91 7.4 6706368
17000000 2.215261 27 91 5 8720000
2000000 1.892183 36 91 5.8 124494
13000000 1.647335 4 91 4.8 9789900
250000 1.45917 23 91 6.3 4186931
28000000 92.982009 3416 90 7.4 504050219
130000000 84.689648 3145 90 6.9 631744560
60000000 67.298732 4056 90 7.3 484409218
75000000 47.094369 1557 90 5.8 367275019
100000000 46.781182 1747 90 6.5 242988466
30000000 45.915165 1061 90 7.1 90259536
250000 44.656151 1069 90 6.9 501818
60000000 39.539045 789 90 6.7 107139399
26000000 37.355826 1023 90 5.9 90426405
20000000 36.133536 730 90 5.8 136150434
90000000 35.814765 1054 90 6.4 347325802
4800000 35.754865 862 90 5.6 10337387
6000000 35.350303 797 90 4.4 32438988
30000000 34.391792 1099 90 6.1 212385533
10000000 34.224204 742 90 6.4 57500000
42000000 33.238296 773 90 5.8 171963386
11000000 31.900899 722 90 6 68233629
19000000 30.205943 588 90 6 108047131
25000000 27.683874 663 90 6.1 229736344
10000000 25.929893 454 90 6.7 40485039
28000000 25.520976 615 90 5.7 68896829
100000000 25.159168 627 90 5.9 202026112
40000000 24.862767 716 90 6.2 151161491
23000000 23.839127 512 90 5.9 185991646
55000000 23.465539 605 90 6.2 17869048
10000000 23.316208 720 90 6.1 59217789
250000 21.825564 381 90 6.4 3542353
8000000 21.024346 459 90 7 5659286
130000000 20.678787 451 90 6.4 554987477
4500000 20.403344 322 90 7 27092880
35000000 18.84332 414 90 5.7 21819348
60000000 18.676291 371 90 5 50650079
34000000 18.39217 345 90 6 95608995
17000000 17.062117 318 90 4.1 19300000
80000000 16.715631 297 90 5.6 68514844
18000000 16.520516 246 90 4.9 10501938
10000000 15.688439 365 90 5.9 17273593
28000000 14.530803 521 90 6.6 77516304
2000000 14.08251 291 90 7.8 11125849
10000000 14.038512 179 90 5.1 6110000
22000000 12.887673 154 90 5.4 19351569
125000 12.833247 137 90 6.5 3200000
51000000 10.430832 225 90 5.3 72779000
38000000 9.662715 150 90 5 29907685
500000 8.519202 106 90 6.9 603943
15000000 7.497306 84 90 5.8 5024782
1000000 6.926926 126 90 5.6 10047674
83000000 6.248309 134 90 4.4 59468275
28000000 6.201404 104 90 5.6 30016165
4000000 6.091951 80 90 6.2 2426851
14000000 5.833687 68 90 5.5 5108820
75000000 4.842626 45 90 5 29000000
70000000 4.822033 104 90 4 53587404
2500000 4.624691 40 90 6 107559
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2000000 3.911445 52 90 7.1 120620
5000000 3.792015 37 90 6.2 782102
12000000 1.623338 23 90 3 4922166
40000000 115.241998 5878 89 6.3 126546825
45000000 90.457886 5376 89 8 788241776
80000000 61.692197 1497 89 6.7 473226958
5000000 56.30466 983 89 4.9 103590271
8000000 51.109279 1522 89 7.8 52287414
150000000 44.141021 1810 89 6.2 603900354
24000000 42.669304 966 89 5.9 99965753
28000000 38.0958 1337 89 6.1 60780981
95000000 37.054554 858 89 7 76432727
80000000 36.664991 1195 89 5.9 122444772
30000000 34.36645 733 89 6 254134910
30000000 33.385429 856 89 5.9 114663461
45000000 27.684779 610 89 4.7 136885767
14000000 24.210698 418 89 7.4 1755212
16000000 23.423082 431 89 5.5 66468332
30000000 23.328823 469 89 4.8 64626786
60000000 22.501041 575 89 5.5 129832389
50000000 20.566554 817 89 5.8 160602194
9000000 20.452449 379 89 6.4 32973937
5000000 19.940245 847 89 7.3 5476793
7000000 19.301432 306 89 6 16829545
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40000000 18.14218 332 89 5.7 74597643
13000000 17.371327 290 89 5.7 45300000
45000000 17.270539 299 89 5.9 94935764
11000000 16.856231 272 89 5.1 34872033
40000000 15.590001 482 89 5.9 19322135
27000000 14.788073 222 89 4.4 85564310
7000000 14.741589 216 89 4.4 36433975
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25000000 14.340095 350 89 5.5 50671850
23000000 12.777008 224 89 3.5 51881013
17900000 12.752463 206 89 5 6948633
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6000000 12.601677 91 89 4.4 18197398
20000000 11.62423 191 89 4.6 67192859
2000000 10.664202 200 89 7 18344729
10000000 8.902102 105 89 6.6 3193102
24000000 8.630825 141 89 5 30551495
75000000 8.41856 113 89 5.4 54249294
12000000 8.083995 339 89 5.5 40855419
15000000 7.446069 100 89 5 6405245
15000000 7.424798 221 89 5.1 29331068
180000 7.072118 112 89 7.8 900000
10000000 4.570043 50 89 4.8 598645
24000000 4.12064 53 89 5.8 14782676
40000000 4.100942 44 89 5.1 28972508
439000 1.933366 37 89 6.1 2281000
1000000 1.444258 21 89 5.5 9000000
19000000 0.738652 3 89 3 2570000
140000000 91.332849 3114 88 6 441818803
90000000 67.427755 2008 88 7.6 304320254
95000000 65.229868 2672 88 6.2 877244782
70000000 58.401204 1862 88 6.1 160112671
23600000 57.300674 3550 88 7.2 102391382
50000000 53.02787 3239 88 5.7 224803475
12000000 49.070321 1564 88 6.5 100000000
12000000 47.992817 1151 88 6.6 42931041
3500000 46.116885 1074 88 7.1 83453539
2600000 46.007991 1355 88 6.9 84300000
80000000 36.125715 1288 88 6.5 250200000
99000000 34.308098 604 88 6.5 246233113
84000000 31.435539 820 88 5.4 275650703
14350531 30.952377 733 88 6.3 3964682
75000000 29.412262 666 88 5.4 443140005
40000000 28.029015 852 88 6 160583018
150000000 26.710398 510 88 5.1 292817841
60000000 23.700759 374 88 6.4 118338361
24000000 23.343839 581 88 5.3 83188165
35000000 21.543389 867 88 5.5 147934180
85000000 21.218 1799 88 5.9 222231186
50000000 20.239061 366 88 5.5 55181129
80000000 19.500893 331 88 5.3 163733697
1700000 18.828683 236 88 6.1 9700000
9000000 18.514292 693 88 6.6 23936908
25000000 15.505137 286 88 5.8 78000000
20000000 15.21229 208 88 5.5 22942221
9500000 14.105392 334 88 6.4 7800000
35000000 13.707843 210 88 5.2 92219310
2000000 13.223111 215 88 6.6 18016290
150000000 12.362599 199 88 5.5 38992758
20000000 12.300789 124 88 5.3 39300000
4000000 12.062371 316 88 5.9 1104682
6500000 11.885221 128 88 5.1 13368437
500000 11.578545 210 88 7.4 8679814
560000 10.730056 168 88 7.3 12299668
5000000 10.605752 203 88 4.4 15179302
15000000 10.194097 230 88 6.2 47175038
17000000 9.832326 308 88 5.5 65535067
5000000 9.483717 170 88 5 15116634
5000000 9.302349 209 88 5.9 17768757
15000000 9.125594 197 88 5.6 52970014
2800000 9.070842 192 88 5.3 19170001
76000000 8.981427 87 88 3.9 35134820
70000000 6.682006 43 88 5.9 18662027
50000000 6.397388 76 88 5 6808550
1250000 4.45544 62 88 5.3 3412497
800000 3.643662 13 88 7.8 2816116
300000 1.085909 23 88 6.9 1750211
32000000 47.5612 1061 87 6.2 85167639
75000000 46.875375 2264 87 6.9 527068851
40000000 41.258956 1176 87 7.5 46471023
75000000 31.482872 3462 87 5.9 875958308
60000000 28.350927 692 87 5.4 78309131
39000000 27.908783 932 87 6.6 35287788
30000000 27.870755 574 87 6.7 140161792
9000000 27.600843 581 87 6.3 44196684
75000000 23.473004 484 87 5.4 342695435
49000000 21.746245 437 87 5.7 72700000
3000000 21.607228 361 87 5.7 29999213
3000000 20.95282 444 87 5.3 11947954
60000000 18.735024 352 87 5 93375151
35000000 18.262017 647 87 5.4 51680201
5952000 18.119265 454 87 7.1 2120439
100000 18.045782 361 87 4.9 42664410
1250000 16.517777 315 87 6 21722776
25000000 16.238961 240 87 3 14109284
30000000 15.89534 458 87 4.8 31070211
16000000 15.788784 365 87 4.8 76514050
1800000 14.838986 328 87 5.6 67738090
5000000 14.752587 345 87 6.1 64282312
70000000 13.543053 410 87 4.9 176104344
62000000 13.218008 242 87 4.3 41819064
21000000 12.790408 205 87 5 480314
12000000 12.653831 287 87 4.9 24829644
50000000 12.25622 149 87 5 83761844
25000000 11.782725 104 87 4.4 15843608
3000000 10.341982 193 87 4.2 15938065
80000000 10.088006 133 87 5.2 126546518
30000000 9.607391 127 87 6 19204929
14000000 7.487843 134 87 5.5 11417362
24000000 6.589193 92 87 5.8 16290976
15000000 4.688212 268 87 5.4 66966987
3000000 4.337685 90 87 5.9 3076820
3000000 1.279106 10 87 4.5 1200000
2500000 0.973582 19 87 4.6 33400000
70000000 61.245957 1436 86 7.6 23159305
17000000 60.829621 1567 86 6.2 119100758
3000000 54.403033 2428 86 6 89328627
75000000 48.110909 3237 86 6.6 532680671
15000000 41.249004 1648 86 6.4 107217396
20000000 36.819044 793 86 4.6 78378744
45000000 26.721386 1424 86 6.4 181000000
17000000 24.054062 849 86 6 43165571
56000000 23.438398 381 86 6 57223890
60000000 18.815442 372 86 6.6 26288320
2500000 18.661541 516 86 5.4 60141683
5000000 17.028252 356 86 5 25562924
3000000 16.900433 211 86 5.7 748453
40000000 16.059443 190 86 6.9 38172500
45000000 13.707183 244 86 5.3 57881056
3000000 11.158167 216 86 5.7 19472057
30000000 10.694417 131 86 4.8 13521829
50000000 9.894346 106 86 6.2 69834815
16000000 9.400404 108 86 4.7 14822346
14000000 9.371811 60 86 5.4 6413915
1500000 7.5591 107 86 5.9 173066
25000000 6.086083 112 86 5.5 41604473
20000000 6.064638 326 86 3.2 86865564
23000000 5.494047 56 86 5.9 9366227
14000000 4.66723 73 86 5.3 10424470
12000000 4.330428 43 86 5.9 5542025
11000000 3.495758 54 86 4.1 23978402
28000000 1.767479 46 86 5.5 8345056
5000000 1.458884 7 86 6.1 140666
12000000 1.081822 33 86 5.4 17292381
225000 0.126676 6 86 6.9 111300
80000000 55.659988 1314 85 7.1 145771527
25000000 46.942396 2251 85 6.4 170764026
350000 35.037625 894 85 7.3 29400000
30000000 30.380747 643 85 6.8 192452832
23000000 27.33256 546 85 6.6 86930411
750000 25.186002 556 85 6.8 4007792
2500000 23.419061 450 85 6.8 3325038
85000000 23.230851 601 85 5.9 149044513
112000000 22.845143 621 85 4.9 237382724
149000000 22.550135 874 85 6 64459316
5600000 22.341462 489 85 6.4 18469680
71000000 21.462935 686 85 5.4 294456605
35000000 19.088655 379 85 4.9 25871834
160000 19.052179 453 85 7.3 20710513
730000 18.644023 334 85 7.6 8000000
19000000 15.67747 210 85 4.1 39267515
850000 14.238376 110 85 5.8 1243961
2000000 11.66632 125 85 5.2 13101672
26000000 8.802626 455 85 6.2 57891803
20000000 7.499639 100 85 6 33526835
20000000 6.459787 72 85 5.8 27187375
25000000 5.753564 10 85 6.3 6500000
40000000 5.201688 80 85 6.3 8493890
15000000 0.335195 10 85 6.7 22730842
15000000 64.504747 1935 84 6.6 145000000
48000000 36.585509 912 84 5.8 220673217
3600000 35.674774 742 84 7.6 5923044
12600000 33.555764 635 84 6 28650575
45000000 31.789029 1150 84 6.5 224834564
133000000 30.475297 959 84 5.8 300135367
30000000 27.940093 664 84 6.3 495303
38000000 21.998734 511 84 4.7 197011982
5000000 19.984477 449 84 5.2 86362372
50000000 19.267479 391 84 5.8 38502340
43000000 18.65632 280 84 5.3 68696770
86000000 18.172736 395 84 6.3 14373825
12000000 17.493735 565 84 6.5 9584131
13000000 16.681567 308 84 5.8 35763605
22000000 13.786075 304 84 4.6 84772742
30000000 10.608998 359 84 3.7 84646831
9000000 9.933926 79 84 6.8 18663238
15000000 9.378688 104 84 5.5 17507368
20000000 9.36146 78 84 4.7 10337477
20000000 9.149089 52 84 5.8 16605763
40000000 7.360793 119 84 4.7 46546197
20000000 5.65327 12 84 3.3 1675706
1000000 4.86805 24 84 5.4 2057193
8500000 4.844451 70 84 5 34411240
4000000 4.59841 69 84 5.5 4630045
450000 4.442355 38 84 6.2 973525
10000000 4.207456 72 84 5.6 20342161
9000000 4.134327 119 84 4.8 21510851
3800000 2.559806 18 84 5.9 111731
24000000 2.259537 34 84 5.7 13700000
13000000 1.750054 10 84 5.5 8026971
1488423 80.171283 1914 83 6.9 184925486
19000000 66.242737 2238 83 5.6 140752617
80000000 41.670544 831 83 7.4 122563539
60000000 41.515702 1272 83 6 171757863
80000000 36.32705 1074 83 6.3 343397247
45000000 35.376971 982 83 5.4 141220678
45000000 32.549282 750 83 5.3 178262620
65000000 31.349143 1743 83 5.9 179379533
5000000 29.15813 669 83 5.9 205703818
30000000 28.624038 521 83 6.3 51132598
85000000 26.61951 656 83 6.1 197309027
13000000 25.316146 509 83 5.2 73180723
28000000 25.039383 531 83 5.6 40547440
13200000 24.656068 181 83 5.6 53830415
3300000 20.304235 505 83 5.1 64110728
1000000 13.152822 262 83 4.6 101758490
25000000 12.739721 231 83 5.6 80936232
3000000 12.564554 148 83 4.9 3387000
10000000 10.409155 217 83 6.1 4417580
35000000 10.304172 135 83 4.9 12506188
22000000 10.259461 225 83 4.7 22400154
20000000 10.098722 222 83 3.6 48548426
10000000 5.699058 67 83 6.6 44460850
20000000 2.605374 20 83 4.1 7000000
1000000 41.972329 1047 82 5.5 62882090
40000000 32.478077 831 82 5.4 186167139
18000000 29.487784 1579 82 6.5 261572744
127500000 26.548594 542 82 6.2 354248063
20000000 17.165039 315 82 4.2 80547866
45000000 14.566664 135 82 4.2 10667893
85000000 11.77398 119 82 4.9 112483764
27000000 11.678561 247 82 5.5 56870414
8000000 7.894489 177 82 6.4 17460020
17000000 6.385234 140 82 4.5 9627492
2000000 5.941852 165 82 6.7 11833696
6000000 1.433692 15 82 5.9 9000000
59000000 99.561972 3857 81 7.1 383257136
30000000 73.640445 5269 81 7.7 373554033
4900000 48.170508 1129 81 6.3 44107032
150000000 47.973995 944 81 5.6 314432665
55000000 47.845589 1457 81 6.7 346079773
13000000 38.018085 1062 81 6.7 97837138
1530000 27.36562 664 81 7.2 7267585
28000000 22.14595 493 81 6.1 100654149
25000000 19.428994 325 81 5.4 34942188
220000 14.269792 238 81 6.6 2040920
1500000 13.788054 226 81 6.9 11098131
17000000 12.709227 198 81 5.9 30331165
37000000 6.293217 99 81 5.2 63800345
10000000 30.934688 816 80 5.8 33583175
15000000 23.980329 479 80 5.9 51053787
47000000 22.581313 420 80 4.4 10539000
25000000 20.011435 738 80 7 27603069
50000000 17.667826 820 80 5.2 200804534
8000000 17.537154 358 80 6.9 127392239
2700000 14.799323 718 80 7.6 15992615
8000000 13.944645 231 80 7.3 1477676
2159280 13.265432 260 80 7.1 10700000
80000000 11.187696 220 80 5.2 201584141
300000 6.473667 124 80 5.9 8000000
210000 2.043661 41 80 6.7 5000000
30000000 55.806402 1262 79 6.6 48428063
130000 15.611857 315 79 5.4 54667954
9000000 8.738737 41 79 6 4350774
8000000 8.403859 95 79 5.7 2275557
30000000 7.981116 147 79 5.7 100491683
10000000 0.518056 6 79 3.8 2154696
100000000 51.113717 1490 78 7.2 169327687
1500000 31.691617 934 78 7.1 30448000
120000000 27.990284 613 78 5.4 169956806
12516654 11.103202 142 78 7.6 8109160
150000 8.570328 19 78 5.5 2891288
40000000 43.571612 1894 77 7.2 117195061
30000000 9.829859 143 77 6.3 45554533
110000000 19.625972 389 76 5.7 103951461
35000000 14.051852 235 76 5.2 19478106
7000000 5.33861 47 76 5.1 12400000
47000000 10.410933 104 75 4.6 38085778
32000000 4.098444 24 75 7.1 3566637
80000000 14.530946 292 74 7 90874570
20000000 19.819893 269 72 5.6 135680000
20000000 15.341196 290 72 6.1 109862682
28000000 2.439184 26 72 6.8 669276
858000 47.651878 1405 70 6.8 267447150
12300000 28.670193 640 69 7 84460846
100000 1.183892 5 69 4.3 27000000
200000 0.622752 27 66 5.1 2200000
30000000 19.143721 258 63 6.8 14460000

budget popularity vote_count runtime vote_average revenue

1 0.5059266806 0.5276956511 0.2177199543 -0.0480009413 0.7061855217
0.5059266806 1 0.8403537688 0.2241839932 0.357105294 0.6738780741
0.2177199543 0.2241839932 0.2562425591 1 0.401390214 0.2291404176
-0.0480009413 0.357105294 0.3863199939 0.401390214 1 0.1877088781
0.5276956511 0.8403537688 1 0.2562425591 0.3863199939 0.7480612324
0.7061855217 0.6738780741 0.7480612324 0.2291404176 0.1877088781 1
budget vs revenue
2000000000 2000000000
1800000000 1800000000
1600000000 1600000000
1400000000 1400000000
1200000000 1200000000
1000000000 1000000000
800000000 800000000
f(x) = 2.85844332070045 x + 3652004.96368825
600000000 R² = 0.498697991114239 600000000
400000000 400000000
f(x) = 197653
200000000 200000000 R² = 0.05250
0 0
0 50000000 100000000 150000000 200000000 250000000 300000000 50 10

vote_count vs revenue
2000000000 2000000000
1800000000 1800000000
1600000000 1600000000
1400000000 1400000000
f(x) = 96937.4072026914 x + 26517886.8624165
1200000000 R² = 0.559595607376948 1200000000
1000000000 1000000000
800000000 800000000
600000000 600000000
400000000 400000000
0 R²
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 0
2 3

popularity vs revenue
f(x) = 4511492.50349808 x − 6964587.65458414
1000000000 R² = 0.454111658720705
f(x) = 4511492.50349808 x − 6964587.65458414
1000000000 R² = 0.454111658720705
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
runtime vs revenue
f(x) = 1976536.82105492 x − 98297052.6792132
200000000 R² = 0.0525053309610362
50 100 150 200 250 300

vote_average vs revenue
f(x) = 38932559.1402075 x − 124975702.597581
0 R² = 0.0352346229143762
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Correlation matrix budget vote_count popularity runtime vote_average revenue
budget 1 0.527695651 0.505926681 0.217719954 -0.048000941 0.706185522
popularity 0.505926681 0.840353769 1 0.224183993 0.357105294 0.673878074
runtime 0.217719954 0.256242559 0.224183993 1 0.401390214 0.229140418
vote_average -0.048000941 0.386319994 0.357105294 0.401390214 1 0.187708878
vote_count 0.527695651 1 0.840353769 0.256242559 0.386319994 0.748061232
revenue 0.706185522 0.748061232 0.673878074 0.229140418 0.187708878 1

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