CDA Memorandum Circular No 2021 01
CDA Memorandum Circular No 2021 01
CDA Memorandum Circular No 2021 01
Series of 2021
Pursuant to Article 86 (3) of Republic Act No. 9520 and Republic Act No.
11364, otherwise known as the “Cooperative Development Authority Charter of
2019,” which empowers the Authority to promulgate and issue guidelines on the
specific use and utilization of statutory funds and obligations that will achieve the real
intent and spirit of establishing such funds and obligations for the benefit of
cooperatives and the communities they serve, this Revised Policy Guidelines
Governing the Allocation and Utilization of the Community Development Fund (CDF)
of Cooperatives is hereby issued.
Section 1. Title. This Guidelines shall be known as the “Revised Policy Guidelines
Governing the Allocation and Utilization of the Community Development Fund (CDF)
of Cooperatives”.
“(i) Promulgate and issue guidelines on the specific use and utilization
of statutory funds and obligations that will achieve the real intent and
spirit of establishing such funds and obligations for the benefit of the
cooperatives and communities they serve.”
“3) An amount for the community development fund, which shall not be
less than three per centum (3%) of the net surplus. The community
development fund shall be used for projects or activities that will
benefit the community where the cooperative operates.”
“Section 5. Scope of Social Audit. During a social audit, the cooperative shall
look into the following key areas:
a. xxx
b. Impact of Cooperative Programs and Policies to the Community
c. Uses of Community Development Fund
Section 3. Coverage
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Policy Guidelines Governing the Allocation, Utilization and Remittance of the CDF of the Cooperative
d. Community Development – refers to the process where
community members are supported by organizations, to identify and
take collective actions on issues which are important to them. It
empowers community members and create stronger and more
connected communities, such as but not limited to projects on
environment conservation and protection, health and sanitation,
infrastructure, disaster risk reduction and management, and support to
the vulnerable sector of the society;
The amount to be allocated for the CDF shall not be less than three per
centum (3%) of the net surplus which shall be fixed in the by-laws: Provided,
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Policy Guidelines Governing the Allocation, Utilization and Remittance of the CDF of the Cooperative
however, that the total amount allocated for the CDF and optional fund shall not
exceed ten per centum (10%) of the net surplus.
The CDF shall be used for programs, projects or activities with social impact that will
benefit a community within the area of operation of the cooperative through the
adopt-a-community program. Adopt-A-Community Program is a program wherein the
cooperative, in collaboration with its local government unit, will identify a community
and determine what intervention the cooperative may provide for the said community
using the allocated CDF. The cooperative may adopt more than one (1) community
provided it is within its area of operation.
For medium and large cooperatives, the CDF shall be used for infrastructure
projects, which must be at least 50% but not to exceed 60%, of the total CDF
allocated, while the remaining amount shall be used for social services. For micro
and small cooperatives, they shall use their CDF for infrastructure projects and social
services at their desired percentage of allocation.
A cooperative may collaborate with other cooperatives and enter into partnership
agreement(s) with their respective local government units (LGUs) and other
organizations/institutions to plan and implement programs, projects or activities
beneficial to the adopted community in order to have a greater and lasting social and
economic impact.
These projects and activities shall be specifically provided in the Social Development
Plan and Budget to be approved by the general assembly.
The CDF allocation for the current year shall be fully utilized for the adopted
community on the following year. However, in case of fortuitous events or calamities
within the area of operation, the cooperative may utilize not more than 10% of the
balance of the CDF.
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Policy Guidelines Governing the Allocation, Utilization and Remittance of the CDF of the Cooperative
d. Use for political purposes and activities;
Social development activities conducted for the community and the funds
utilized for each activity shall be included in the Social Audit Report of the
The amount of CDF utilized during the year shall be indicated in the Social
Audit Report to determine the balance and the percentage of utilization. Any
changes in the amount of CDF shall be reflected in the Statement of Changes in
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Policy Guidelines Governing the Allocation, Utilization and Remittance of the CDF of the Cooperative
Third offense - Dissolution for willful violation of the lawful order of the
This Guidelines shall take effect fifteen (15) days after the filing of the copy hereof to
the Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR).
Approved pursuant to Board Res. No. 354, S-2020 dated December 2, 2020.
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Policy Guidelines Governing the Allocation, Utilization and Remittance of the CDF of the Cooperative