CURS 5 Teething Problems and Their Management
CURS 5 Teething Problems and Their Management
CURS 5 Teething Problems and Their Management
Teething is the process by which an infant's teeth erupt, or break through, the gums.
Teething is also referred to as "cutting" of the teeth.
Teething is medically termed Odontiasis.
In most cases, eruption of primary teeth causes no distress to the child or parents,
but sometimes process causes local irritation which may interfere with child’s sleep.
The small primary incisor usually erupts without difficulty, but difficult teething is
commonly associated with larger teeth.
The onset of teething symptoms typically precedes the eruption of a tooth by
several days. While a baby's first tooth can present between 4 and 10 months of age,
the first tooth usually erupts at approximately 6 months of age. Some dentists have
noted a family pattern of "early," "average," or "late" teethers.
- Increased drooling
- General irritability and crying
- Restless or decreased sleeping due to gum discomfort
- Fever (especially over 38°C)
- Refusal of food due to soreness of the gum region
- Diarrhea, runny nose and cough
- Fussiness that comes and goes
- Prolonged fussiness
- Rash over the body - Bringing hands to the mouth
- Increased thirst - Mild rash around the mouth due to skin irritation secondary to excessive
- Loss of appetite
- Rubbing the cheek or ear region as a consequence of referred pain during
the eruption of the molars
Eruption Hematoma Fever
Eruption Sequestrum Diarrhea
Ectopic Eruption Convulsions
Transposition Vomiting
Submerged tooth (Infraocclusion) Infantile Paralysis
Natal and Neonatal Teeth
Epstein pearls
Bohn’s Nodules
Remedies for common
Something cold in your baby’s mouth, like a cold pacifier, spoon, clean wet
washcloth, or a solid (not liquid) refrigerated teething toy or ring.
Some experts say frozen teething toys are too cold and may hurt your
baby’s mouth. Make sure to clean teething toys, washcloths, and other items
after the baby uses them.
Try offering a hard, unsweetened teething cracker.
If your baby is older than 6-9 months, you can offer cool water from a sippy
cup, too.
Massage the gums by gently rubbing them with your clean finger. If
the teeth haven’t come in yet, you can let your baby gnaw on your finger. If
you’re nursing your baby, try dipping your fingers in cool water and massaging
their gums before each feeding. That may keep them from biting your nipple
while nursing.
Systemic medicaments
Analgesic Preperations: Sugar free paracetamol (5 ml contains 120 mg of paracetamol)
• Upto 1 year: 5 ml at bed time
• 1-5 years: 10 ml at bed time
Eruption cyst is a soft tissue cyst, resulting from
dilation of the follicular space around the crown
of the erupting tooth, caused by the
accumulation of fluid or blood. When the cystic
cavity surrounding the crown of the tooth
contains blood, the lesion is called an eruption
hematoma. These lesions occur in the eruptive
phase associated with deciduous or permanent
- Also called as Eruption Cyst.
- It’s a bluish-purple, elevated area of tissue.
- Occasionally develops few weeks before eruption of primary or permanent teeth.
- Blood filled cyst is most frequently seen in primary II molar or I permanent molar
- It develops due trauma to soft tissues during function and is self limiting.
It is developmental soft tissue cyst of odontogenic origin.
•It is usually found in children
•Early caries, trauma, infection and the deficient space for eruption are possible causative
•The lesion appears as a circumscribed, fluctuant, often translucent swelling of the alveolar
ridge over the site of the erupting tooth. When the circumcoronal cystic cavity contains blood,
the swelling appears purple or deep blue; hence, the term “Eruption Haematoma”.
•Differential diagnosis is hemangioma, neonatal alveolar lymphangioma, pyogenic granuloma,
amalgam tattoo.
Since it is self correcting, treatment is usually unnecessary.
•The cyst roof may be removed to allow the tooth to erupt although most of them
burst spontaneously.
•Surgical Excision
Eruption Sequestrum, is an anomaly associated with erupting teeth in children, was
first described by Starkey and Shafer.
They have little or no clinical significance, as they usually sequestrate spontaneously.
As the molar teeth erupt through the bone, they will occasionally separate a small
osseous fragment from the surrounding contagious bone. In most cases, this
fragment probably undergoes total resorption prior to eruption. If the bony spicule
is larger or eruption is fast, complete resorption cannot occur and the eruption
sequestrum is observed.
Eruption Sequestrum is a tiny, irregular spicule of bone overlying the crown of an
erupting permanent molar, found just prior to or immediately following the emergence
of the tips of cusps through the oral mucosa.
•The spicule directly overlies the central occlusal fossa but is contained within the soft
•As the tooth continues to erupt and the cusp emerge, the fragment of bone completely
sequestrates through the mucosa and is lost.
•For a few days, the fragment of bone may be seen, lying on the crest of ridge in a tiny
depression from which it may be easily removed.
It is possible to recognize eruption sequestrum radiographically even before the
teeth begins to erupt into the oral cavity or before the bony spicule perforates the
mucosa. •It appears as a tiny, irregular opacity overlying the central occlusal fossa
but separated from the tooth itself.
The clinical significance associated with this condition is that, occasionally a child
may complain of a slight soreness in the area, probably produced by compression
of the soft tissue over the spicule during eating and just prior to its breaking
through the mucosa, or by the movement of the spicule in the soft tissue cyst
during mastication and following eruption through the mucosa.
No treatment is necessary as the condition resolves by itself.
Before permanent teeth erupt into the oral cavity and are
visible, they move through the bone along their “path of
When the eruption path is incorrect, the tooth will erupt in the
mouth in an incorrect position or may not erupt at all. When
this occurs, this undesirable eruption is called “Ectopic
Ectopic eruption often occurs when there is inadequate space in the jaws for the
The last tooth to erupt gets what space is left, which is not enough.
The eruption path is deflected due to the crowding and the tooth erupts
“ectopically” (in the incorrect position) or not at all.
A tooth erupting ectopically may erupt against the root of an adjacent tooth with
enough pressure to cause root resorption and the ultimate loss of the adjacent
An ectopic tooth may not erupt through the gum at all and may require
orthodontics, as well as surgery, to bring it into a functional position.
If an ectopic tooth does erupt, it will of course, erupt in an incorrect position
because by definition, it has had an incorrect path or direction of eruption.
If the ectopic tooth erupts, it will erupt toward the palate or out against the cheek.
Once a tooth (or teeth) is noticed to be “ectopically” erupting, interceptive
orthodontics should be planned.
If the tooth has inadequate space, adequate space should be made as soon as
possible, preferably without removing permanent teeth.
After adequate space is achieved, the ectopic tooth’s eruption should be closely
Interceptive treatment benefits the ectopic teeth by the following:
1. Fewer extractions of permanent teeth are necessary.
2. Less orthodontic treatment needed once the tooth erupts.
3. Fewer side effects:
A). Resorption of the roots of adjacent permanent teeth.
B). Periodontal problems if the ectopic tooth is allowed to erupt in toward the palate or
out toward the cheek.
Interceptive treatment will usually greatly improve the eruption of the ectopic tooth but
final orthodontic alignment is normally required to obtain an ideal result.
Ectopic eruption is due to mesial positioning or inclination of the tooth into the second
primary molar. This can result in delay of eruption of the first permanent molar and
resorption of the distal root of the second primary molar.
Treatment consist of:
a). Placement of separating elastics, brass ligature wire or orthodontic appliance to distalize
the first molar.
b). Contour the distal of the second primary molar.
c). Extraction of the second primary molar and placement of a distalizing appliances.
An impacted tooth is one that fails to erupt into the dental arch within the specific time.
- Common order of impaction:
i). Mandibular 1st molar
ii). Permanent canines
Maxillary canine tooth has the longest period of development and follows the most
dubious course in it’s eruption and occupies several developmental positions, in
succession and is easily deflected from its normal course of eruption.
•Lack of space due to crowding of the dental arches
•Premature loss of deciduous teeth with subsequent partial closure of the area they
occupied is a common factor in etiology of partially or completely impacted teeth.
•Rotation of tooth buds resulting in teeth which are ‘aimed’ in the wrong direction
because their long axis is not parallel to a normal eruption path.
1). Mesioangular Impaction: The third molar lies obliquely in the bone, the crown pointing in a
mesial direction, usually in contact with the distal surface of the root or crown of the second molar.
This is the most common type of impaction.
2). Distoangular Impaction: The third molar lies obliquely in the bone, the crown of the tooth
pointing distally toward the ramus, the roots approximating the distal root of the second molar.
3). Vertical Impaction: The third molar is in its normal vertical position, but is prevented from
erupting by impingement on the distal surface of the second molar or the anterior border of the
4). Horizontal Impaction: The third molar is in a horizontal position with respect to the body of the
mandible, and the crown may or may not be in contact with the distal surface of second molar
crown or roots.
1). Horizontal Impaction: The crown usually points in an anterior direction and may impinge on
the roots of any of the incisors or premolars.
2). Vertical Impaction: The vertically impacted cuspid is usually situated between the roots of
the lateral incisor and first premolar and is prevented from eruption simply by lack of space.
•Resorption of roots of adjacent teeth
•Periodic pain
•Trismus, particularly when infection occurs around partially impacted teeth.
•Referred pain from impacted teeth.
1) Extract maxillary deciduous canine: If abnormal eruption of maxillary permanent canine
is detected before the age of 13 years, extraction of primary canine results in correction of
path of eruption of canine.
2) Extraction of primary canine and surgical exposure of permanent canine’s crown: usually
after extraction of primary canine, the permanent canine erupts normally at the age of 10-
13 years but may not erupt in older patient. In such case surgical exposure of crown may
enhance eruption.
Natal Teeth: They are the teeth that are present in the oral cavity at the time of
Neonatal Teeth: They are the teeth that appear in the oral cavity during the first 30
days of life.
It is the aberration of tooth eruption in which the continuity of the periodontal
ligament has been compromised and the tooth is fused to the underlying bone.
The tooth appears submerged and does not occlude with the opposing tooth, as the
ankylosed tooth is in the state of static retention whereas in the adjacent areas,
eruption and alveolar growth continues.
The cause of ankylosis is not
known, although in some cases,
trauma, infection, disturbed local
metabolism or a genetic
influence has been considered an
important etiologic factors.
•Partial absence of the periodontal ligament is seen, with areas of apparent blending
between the tooth root and bone.
•The process is basically one of resorption of tooth substance and bony repair with
the result that the tooth is locked in bone.
Diagnosis of an ankylosed tooth can be made based on the following points:
a). No contact with opposing molar
b). Not mobile in spite of advanced root resorption.
c). Comparing the sound by tapping the involved and adjacent tooth. Ankylosed
tooth exhibits solid sound, but a normal tooth has a cushioned sound.
d). Break in the continuity of periodontal ligament.
a). Surgical removal, if the permanent successor is present.
b). If permanent teeth are missing, functional occlusion is established with stainless
steel crowns on the affected tooth.
Ankylosed primary teeth with no permanent successors
ankylosed primary second molars
Epstein pearls are whitish- yellow cysts that form on the gums and roof of mouth in a
newborn baby.
They are remnants of epithelial tissue trapped along the raphe as the fetus grows. They
are formed along the median palatine raphe.
Bohn's nodules are smooth whitish bumps or cysts which are sometimes found in the
mouths of newborns.
They are the remnants of the mucous glands and are histologically different from Epstein
They are formed along the buccal and lingual aspects of the dental ridge and on the palate
away from the raphe.
Epstein Pearls occur only in the newborn and are very common.
They disappear within 1 to 2 weeks of birth.
No treatment is required.
The nodes are a result of cystic degeneration of epithelial rests of the dental lamina
(rests of Serres).
They are benign, and usually disappear within the first three months of life.
No treatment is required.