Full Individual Oral

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Full individual Oral

Good morning, my session number is 018. Today I will be analysing a poem called Lady
Luncheon Club by Maya Angelou as well as an article regarding the #MedBikini by Emma
Goldberg in regard to the global issue of people’s blindness to social inequality.

I will start off with a general information about Maya Angelou’s work. Besides being a poet,
Maya Angelou had several other professions including a civil rights activist. This can be
shown in the way her poems are influenced by her profession such as in the poems: Caged
Bird (plight of black americans), Phenomenal Woman (female empowerment). In this poem
these typical themes of maya angelou do not strongly occur but are briefly mentioned such
as in line 19 where she talks about rape. The themes of Angelou’s work all connect to the
global issue of people’s blindness to social inequality by shining light upon the matter and
confronting the reader. Taking these occurrences which may seem foreign closer to home as
Maya Angelou did with her poem called Africa. There she uses Africa as a metaphor for a
woman who is being brutalised. Since Africa is foreign to many people, comparing it to a
woman being brutalised is very familiar and makes it possible to emphasize and be
confronted with the fact that the problem of abuse is not a local issue but a global issue.
Slavery is also a reoccurring theme in Maya Angelou’s

Zooming in onto the extract, this poem is about a woman from the upper-class attending
lady luncheon club and observing the event. The first thing I notice from this poem is that
this poem is about someone from the upper-class. This can be conclusion can be drawn
from the title, as well as golden watch the observer is wearing as can be seen in line 4.
Furthermore, another thing that caught my eye is that the woman is paying attention to the
irrelevant aspects of the event. As can be seen in lines 6, 17 and 22. She is only paying
attention to the food served at the event instead of for instance to the guest speaker. This
male speaker is speaking of social issues, but the observer does not pay attention to it. This
is a stereotypical trait of people from the upper-class not batting an eye to problems of
lower-class individuals. Therefore, being the perfect example of the global issue of people’s
blindness to social inequality. The woman does not care about (12, 18, 19, 23) sexual
inequality, the woman does not care about feminism, the woman does not care about the
poor. She only cares about second world problems. This woman, the observer, can be seen
as a metaphor for the people from the upper-class and Maya Angelou is portraying them as
ignorant. Moving on to the guest speaker, this is a man talking about is several world affairs.
However, with a false empathy and sincerity. You can tell this man is not sincere because he
must summon his sincerity like calling a pet in lines 9-11. Just like the observer, he does not
really care about these problems because it does not concern him. He is putting up a
charade and profiting from it. How could this man ever understand the female rage?
This female rage is the topic of the following extract. In this article by Emma Goldberg, we
will explore the patriarchy and sexual inequality that fuels the female rage in the Medical
World. This extract connects to the global issue of people’s blindness to social inequality
because the almost all male, editorial board of the study flagged a lot of female content on
social media as unprofessional as can be seen in lines 6-11. This board of middle-aged men
put their own definition as to what is labelled unprofessional. These men were so self-
centred that they did not take into account that people also lead a normal life besides work
and the difference between young and old. This extract contrasts with Lady Luncheon Club
in the way that the disadvantaged people in this extract are successful people in society
whilst in Lady Luncheon Club the disadvantaged are the lower-class. Furthermore, women
in particularly already have a hard time in the Medicine World because society sees them as
less qualified. They have to work harder to for the same position as their male colleges. and
take every chance that is given to discredit the women in the working place. I personally
think that anyone with the right certificates and education is capable of working in the
Medical World. Emma Goldberg and I share the same opinion since she demands change of
the current state of how society treats women. With the usage of testimonials as can be
seen in lines 21-25 she addresses to her audience that she does not alone has this opinion,
but other, male, significant individuals do as well. This demand for a change of women’s
place in society can be linked to feminism which is a common theme of Emma Goldberg.
Other reoccurring themes of Goldberg’s articles are: injustice, racism and stereotypes. The
typical style of Goldberg’s articles is the usage of testimonials. She uses many of them.

Stylistic devices, language, etc. Metre, rhythm,

What I have learned from it

- Typical Angelou poem because she often refers to history and how people can do
- Maya often speaks of unity, faith, and determination.

Notes about Lady Luncheon

Woman and man in th poem are both in the wrong

The man is pretending as if he cares about women’s problems and he knows about it
The woman is not paying attention to the purpose of the cause but about things that don’t
This fundraiser is intended for black girls getting into college
9/10 black girls don’t get in
This fundraiser is for affluent, middle-aged people
There are biblical references
References of dishonest women
Pet is kind of metaphor
Wine and wandering is a contrast
The man thinks of himself as important

Caged Bird refers to historic events such as slavery.

Phenomenal woman is about stereotyping

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