Social Study

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Activity 1 1.

Freedom to choose and pursue

livelihood, business, and a decent
 Culture - the characteristics and
knowledge of a particular group of
2. Right to own a property
people, encompassing language,
3. Right to use one’s wealth and
religion, cuisine, social habits, music
property in whatever way a person
and arts.
wants, as long as it is according to
 Freedom - the power or right to act,
speak, or think as one wants without
hindrance or restraint. Activity 3
 Global wealth - Analysts predict that
1. Political
government-controlled funds will own
2. Civil
around 10% of global wealth over the
3. Civil
next decade.
4. Civil
 Law - the discipline and profession
5. Accused
concerned with the customs, practices,
6. Social
and rules of conduct of a
7. Civil
community that are recognized as
8. Social
binding by the community.
9. Economics
 Privilege - a special right, advantage, or
10. Political
immunity granted or available only to a
particular person or group. Activity 4

Activity 2 1. they may feel unable to leave for many

reasons. These include fear and a belief
 Civil
that they are the cause of the abuse.
1. Freedom of speech
2.  is linked to many negative outcomes
2. Freedom of assembly
including impacts on mental health,
3. Freedom of abode
substance use, and suicide.
 Political 3. The physical effects cause mild injuries
1. Be able to hold public office to serious brain damage and, in
2. Right to vote extreme cases, death.
3. Right to participate in political
processes 4. deaths of the working population,
 Social or Cultural displacement, violence against women
1. Freedom to participate in living out and children.
one’s belief 5. This can manifest physically as pain,
2. Freedom to continuing and fatigue, digestive issues, and sleep
enhancing one’s own tradition and problems.
3. Right to show others the Activity 5
characteristics part of a group
1. B
 Economics 2. B
3. C
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. C Activity 4
8. C
9. A
10. B

Process question

As a citizen, I could investigate all human

rights violations involving my community
and my country's citizen rights.

Activity 5
o Her work is considered important for
its reflection of the creation and
development of Japanese writing,
during a period when Japanese
shifted from an unwritten vernacular to
a written language
o A Vindication of the Rights of Woman,
considered to be the earliest and most
important treatise advocating equality
for women.
o She became known as Mother of the
Katipunan, which was the Philippine
word for revolution.
o Invigorated the struggle for racial
equality when she refused to give up
her bus seat to a white man in

o She's known for giving her time and

property to charities and causes ranging
from the treatment of AIDS to the
abolition of landmines.

Process question

Through movements since 1848, they

managed to achieve their right through
movements and finally managed to
accomplish a series of achievements like the
right to vote in 1998.

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