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Squares (GLS) Procrustes superimposition method was done Cluster Analysis was used to compare similarities among
to standardize the coordinates and to remove variation due to populations based on centroid size.
differences in translation, orientation and size [14], [15].
International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics, Vol. 4, No. 5, September 2014
Fig. 3. Summary of the geometric morphometric relative warp analysis of the Fig. 4. Summary of the geometric morphometric relative warp analysis of the
left wing showing the consensus morphology (uppermost panel) and the right wing showing the consensus morphology (uppermost panel) and the
variation in the shapes of the pronotum among the three populations of P. variation in the shapes of the pronotum among the three populations of P.
reichei. reichei.
International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics, Vol. 4, No. 5, September 2014
International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics, Vol. 4, No. 5, September 2014
Overall, the contraction and expansion of the landmark Cluster analysis of the centroid sizes of the wing
points suggest that the overall shape of the wings become morphology showed that the left and right wings were
shorter from proximal to distal landmark points and broader grouped according to geographic location. Each location is
between points in the upper margins to the lower margins. seen to be significantly different from each other (p<0.5; Fig.
Also, the proximal points become closer together suggesting 7). Left and right wings were also significantly different
a slender wing. except for BAL indicating functional asymmetry arises in the
According to Chapman [20], narrower and petiolate bases wings. Functional asymmetry is deviations in the bilateral
are characteristics of slow-flying insects while those with symmetry of an organism believed to be induced by stresses
broader bases are faster. Based on the data, the wings of in the environment. Furthermore, it shows that these
P.reicheifrom the three populations are observed to be more environmental factors might be similar in BAL and WAO
narrow proximally, shorter in length and broader between the despite a large geographic distance between the two
leading edge to the trailing edge of the wing. This suggests locations.
that wing shape contribute to a slower flight but more The variations observed in P.reichei may be attributed to
powerful since more force is produced to lift the body up. the effects of latitude and altitude as has been observed in
Drosophila melanogaster [21], [22]. Moreover these wing
TABLE XI: INTERLANDMARK (INTER-LM) DISTANCES WITH THE BOTTOM morphology changes including wing asymmetry may also be
10% PCA SCORES FOR THE SIGNIFICANT COMPONENTS OF THE PROCRUSTES attributed to the diet during development [23], relative
REICHEI FROM THREE LOCATIONS IN MINDANAO humidity and rainfall [24], [25].
%var=24.22% %var=15.75% %var=12.33 %var=6.39 %var=5.25
LM value LM value LM value LM value LM value IV. CONCLUSION
14-19 -0.0949 3-18 -0.0955 4-5 -0.0987 4-21 -0.0737 5-16 -0.0874
1-10 -0.0950 1-19 -0.0960 3-12 -0.1001 2-3 -0.0746 5-20 -0.0895 This study has clearly described the variations in the wings
9-21 -0.0957 2-18 -0.0960 17-21 -0.1005 8-19 -0.0841 10-18 -0.0903 of three geographically distant populations of P. reichei using
18-21 -0.0967 8-11 -0.101 3-20 -0.1019 3-21 -0.0845 3-20 -0.0936
19-21 -0.0971 2-8 -0.102 2-13 -0.1047 11-16 -0.0861 8-10 -0.0948 landmark-based geometric morphometric analysis. While
16-21 -0.0975 3-4 -0.1026 4-7 -0.108 4-14 -0.0900 16-18 -0.1005 differences were observed between geographical locations,
14-16 -0.0997 3-8 -0.1077 14-17 -0.109 8-14 -0.0911 3-17 -0.1006 distance was not a factor for the differences which may
10-21 -0.1006 2-5 -0.1083 11-17 -0.1116 2-18 -0.0934 4-10 -0.1007
11-13 -0.1006 7-11 -0.1084 15-17 -0.113 10-11 -0.0949 8-16/ -0.1048
indicate differences in the genetic structure of the populations.
10-14 -0.1023 9-11 -0.1137 1-19 -0.1161 7-11 -0.0996 17-21 -0.1085 Environmental differences may also have triggeredwing
14-17 -0.1025 6-11 -0.1142 2-21 -0.1181 9-17 -0.1006 17-19 -0.1089 development. Similar environmental cues may produce
1-4 -0.1026 2-17 -0.1181 12-17 -0.1247 3-14 -0.1011 4-15 -0.1121
17-21 -0.103 10-11 -0.1195 1-17 -0.1252 18-21 -0.1091 4-20 -0.1161
similarity in wing landmarksbut distinct geographically.
8-14 -0.1065 2-7 -0.125 3-21 -0.1262 18-20 -0.1099 4-16 -0.1219
8-21 -0.1092 11-19 -0.1318 13-17 -0.1273 8-17 -0.1102 2-17 -0.1375 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
4-14 -0.1199 2-6 -0.141 2-14 -0.1282 18-19 -0.1214 19-20 -0.1545
4-21 -0.1263 2-19 -0.1429 3-13 -0.1287 17-18 -0.1263 16-17 -0.1577 Thanks are owed to Philippine Department of Science and
11-21 -0.1278 3-5 -0.1494 3-14 -0.1368 14-18 -0.1318 15-19 -0.1588 Technology under the Accelerated Science and Technology
1-11 -0.1323 3-7 -0.1507 4-6 -0.1379 9-11 -0.163 16-19 -0.1603 Human Resource Development Program for their prompt
2-4 -0.1361 11-17 -0.1558 1-2 -0.156 8-11 -0.1636 15-17 -0.1699
11-14 -0.1416 3-6 -0.1779 1-3 -0.166 11-18 -0.1752 17-20 -0.1753 responses to queries regarding the study.
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