Unit 1

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Environmental Dimensions


1.1 Introduction
1.2 Globalisation and Change in its Scenario
1.3 Globalisation and Environment
1.4 Global Environmental Interventions
1.5 Summary
1.6 Terminal Questions

Of the several overwhelming issues that have come to the fore during the last two
decades of the Twentieth Century, the two issues that stand out are globalisation and
global change. Globalisation seems to be one of the most widely used words these
days. It has several connotations. Globalisation in general terms is a much wider
phenomenon encompassing all aspects of global spread ranging from culinary skills,
cultural practices, languages, political ideas, and ideologies, to migration of people,
flow of technology, trade, labour and investments as well.
Globalisation literally means affecting the whole world and has been in vogue for
centuries. But, we are concerned with its specific form and usage in the current phase.
We are more concerned with ‘economic globalisation’ that has been underway since
1980s. It has been a process of globalisation of production and rapid liberalisation of
trade and investment flows. The present phase of economic globalisation has certain
dimensions fraught with environmental implications which we shall discuss in this
‘Global Change’ refers to certain environmental changes that are global in nature. For
instance, climate change can no longer be seen as a national or a regional problem; it
is a global phenomenon. The underlying causes of climate change, like greenhouse
gas emissions, are as much related to national energy policies as to the process of
economic globalisation. But the solutions ought to be found through global
institutional interventions. These aspects shall be dealt with in the last part of this unit.
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
• explain the nature and process of present economic globalisation as well as global
environmental change;
• discuss the impact of the present phase of globalisation on the environment; and
• articulate the need for appropriate global environmental interventions.


Economic globalisation is associated with worldwide expansion of capital as an
integral part of the capitalist development. There are evidently epochs of more rapid
global expansion and extension of capital. These epochs are termed as ‘globalisation’.
For instance, we can identify two such epochs: (i) past globalisation of 1860 – 1914,
the widely acknowledged imperialist-colonialist phase, and (ii) the present
globalisation since 1980. We deal here with the latter part of the epoch.
Global Concerns The present phase of economic globalisation, beginning in 1980, is seen as a
determined removal of all barriers to, and rapid increase in the flows of trade,
investment, services and even intellectual property rights across the borders. Under
the aegis of the present globalisation, capital in all its forms − productive and portfolio
− has been moving freely across nations, apparently challenging their sovereignty.
However, the same may not be true in the context of labour mobility which is still
impeded by restrictions. In that sense, globalisation is also seen as a process of
minimising the power of states and nations. We now briefly discuss the role of
technology in accelerating the process of globalisation, and its impact on global trade
and finance capital.
Role of Technology
The previous globalisation (1860 – 1914) was driven by the drastic fall in transport
costs brought about by the steamship and railways. The current phase is driven by, to
a large extent, the developments in information and communications technology
(ICT). Due to rapid technological advancement, the average cost of processing
information fell from US $75 per million operations to less than a hundredth of a cent
from 1960 to 1990. Airline operating costs per mile came down by half in this period.
The cost of a three-minute telephone call from New York to London fell from $245 in
1930 (in 1990 prices) to under $50 in 1960 to $3 in1990 and to about 35 cents in 1999
(see Fig. 1.1). The present phase is also characterised by a leap in the share of world
trade. The world exports average 21% of GDP in the 1990s, compared to the 17% of
the GDP in the 1970s.

Cost of telephone calls

2 1990
1.5 1999

Fig. 1.1: The expansion of telecommunication network has led to drastic reduction in costs. This
figure shows the cost of telephone calls from New York to London

Role of Trade
Globalisation since early 1980s has accelerated world trade at a much faster pace than
the world output. The ratio of world trade to world gross domestic product increased
from 10 percent in 1970 to about 20 percent in 1998. The growth of capital and
financial flows has been faster than the growth of world trade. Foreign direct
investment reached $400 billion in 1997, seven times the level in real terms in the
1970s. Portfolio and other short-term capital flows have grown substantially, and now
range in trillion US dollars, almost three times more than those in the 1980s.
Role of Finance Capital
The current phase of globalisation is characterised by the nature of financial markets
and the rapid increase in gross financial flows. Daily global transaction in currency
alone increased from $15 billion in 1973, to $2.12 trillion in 1995. Currency flows are
totally disconnected from, and phenomenally greater than, trade and investment flows.
This suggests an increased speculative trading in currencies. This phenomenal
increase in currency flows is also related to huge leap in portfolio investment. Cross-
border transactions in bonds and equities by the United States investors increased
from 9 percent of the GDP in 1980 to 164 percent in 1996. Such hyper -financial
markets have heightened financial and economic instability, particularly in the Third Environmental Dimensions
of Globalisation
World Countries. Short-term flows have only added to the risks of volatility. These
changes unleashed by the process of the present economic globalisation have serious
environmental repercussions, which we shall discuss in the next part of this unit .
Global Change
While discussing the process of economic globalisation in its relationship with
environment, it is essential to understand the phenomenon of ‘global change’ or more
precisely ‘global climatic change’. As you have studied in MED-001, from the early
1980s, there has been a growing concern about global warming. Research findings
show that there has been an increase in the atmospheric concentrations of ‘green
house gases’ (GHGs) that cause ‘greenhouse effect’ which results in global warming.
Recall that the ‘greenhouse effect’ is a process in which energy from the sun (solar
radiation) passes through the atmosphere freely, but the heat radiated back from the
earth is partially blocked or absorbed by gases in the atmosphere. The radiation
absorbed by clouds, carbon dioxide and some other gases produce the greenhouse
effect, and hence the warming of the atmosphere. The additional warming sets off a
chain of changes like melting of glaciers, rise in the sea level, erosion of coastal
ecosystems −all of which are the causes for concern to all of us (Fig. 1.2).

Fig. 1.2: Global environmental problems (Source: http://www.who.int/globalchange/en/)

As you know, gases like Carbon dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide,

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are called ‘gree n house gases’ (GHGs). Carbon dioxide
is responsible for over half the enactment of the greenhouse effect. CFCs that contain
chlorine and bromine are known to cause depletion of ozone layer which in turn
increases the incoming ultraviolet radiation. This results in the increase of skin
cancers. The GHGs that trap the outgoing long wave radiation have been increasing.
Though natural events also contribute to these gases, substantial emissions are due to
increasing human activity caused by industrial emissions, vehicular emissions,
burning of forests, refrigeration etc. Recall the estimated rise in the global mean
surface temperatures due to the increase in carbon dioxide concentration described in
Unit 14 of MED-001. We reproduce the graph below for ready reference.
As a result of the rise in global temperature and melting of glaciers, the sea level is
projected to rise between 9 cm and 29 cm by 2030, and 28 cm and 96 cm by 2090.
Significantly, adverse effects on small island states and low -lying deltas, such as those
in Bangladesh, Egypt and China, could render millions of people homeless and the
warming would cause significant loss of life. Heat stress mortality and disease could
increase as the tropical habitat of insects expands northwards. Substantial part of the
emissions of GHGs is the contribution from the industrialised countries.
Global Concerns

Fig. 1.3: Projected rise in global mean temperature due to global warming (Source: IPCC 2001)

The present phase of economic globalisation with more attention to economic growth
based on the so-called strategies of ‘business as usual’ is bound to aggravate global
warming. In the developed countries, the level of production, especially in energy
and transportation sectors have reached a point where the re is need to emphasise
reduction in the per capita energy use while paying for the carbon and other
sinks largely associated with biodiversity and forest cover of the poorer
countries. Global climate change necessitates globally negotiated agreements and
institutions for implementation. We shall be discussing these issues in the last part
of this unit. Before studying further, you may like to reflect on the issues raised so far.

What do you understand by globalisation? Describe its impact in your owncontext in
terms of the parameters outlined above.


We now discuss different aspects of globalisation such as free trade and terms of trade
in the context of environment. We also discuss standards of the environment.
Free Trade and Environment
The recent trends in globalisation of production and steep reduction in all barriers to
allow free flow of trade and investment are opposed by many environmental groups
all over the world. They perceive globalisation as harmful to the environment for
many reasons , which we now describe.
• First, free trade is seen as a means of more output and income, which means more
resource depletion and degradation of the natural environment.
• Second, freer trade, investment and globalisation of production will lead to
increase in transport activity and encourage the relocation of environmentally
degrading industries to countries with lower environmental standards or more
fragile natural environments, and thus, contribute to further environmental
• Third, freer foreign investment reduces the incentive to develop environmentally Environmental Dimensions
of Globalisation
friendlier technologies.
• Fourth, free trade may result in industrial and agricultural reorganisation to
capture the economies of scale made possible by larger markets. This might
involve larger productive units: factories that are aesthetically unpleasing and
farms that remove hedgerows and use intensive agricultural techniques.
• Fifth, free international trade neglects the environment in the same way as
domestic free markets fail to account for environmental losses. In other words,
trade liberalisation can be expected to increase market failure (Pearce and
Warford, 1993, pp. 299-300).
Terms of Trade and Environment
The World Commission on Environment and Development (Brundtland Commission
1987) viewed that world commodity trade frequently encourages resource depletion in
the developing world:
“The proportion of increased volumes of commodity exports has led to cases of
unsustainable overuse of the natural resource base. While individual cases may not fit
this generalisation, it has been argued that such processes have been at work in
ranching for beef, fishing in both coastal and deep-sea waters, forestry, and the
growing of some cash crops. Moreover, the prices of commodit y exports do not fully
reflect the environmental costs to the resource base” (pp. 80-81).
Further the Brundtland Commission also draws attention to the possible consequences
of increases in trade to primary product exporting developing countries. The
‘Brundtland hypothesis’ about the link between the terms of trade and the
environment is as follows: “If the terms of trade decline, exporting countries must
export more and more just to maintain foreign exchange earnings constant. In the
specific case of crop exports, then, emphasis is placed on expanding acreage in order
to increase exports. If the affected crops are environmentally hazardous − groundnuts
or maize − soils in land that is not marginal may be directly damaged. Damage to
marginal soils would be even higher. Even if the crops are environmentally benign,
efforts might be made to expand cultivation onto marginal lands by clearing shrub and
forest land and adding to potential erosion through deforestation”. (Pearce and
Warford 1993, pp. 285-286).
The vagaries of trade and the fluctuating exchange rates are often shown to cause
extensive environmental damage. Devalued currencies of many commodity exporting
developing countries are shown as a major reason for increasing depletion of forests
which are cle ared for exports. The liberal trade in ivory during 1980s appears to have
depleted almost one-third of the elephant population in Africa. Massive depletion of
forests is attributed to the pressure of free trade in hardwood. Thus, the present phase
of globalisation, with an emphasis on free trade, would make the world’s tropical
forests unsustainable, unless there are firm commitments. The growing dependence on
exports seems to result often in inappropriate and environmentally damaging shift in
cropping pattern. For instance, growing demands for cassava have made small farmers
in Thailand to extend cassava cultivation into previously forested land. It is shown
that cassava production for export is a significant cause of deforestation, soil erosion,
and soil nutrient reduction in Thailand.
There are instances of extensive environmental destruction unleashed by the corporate
culture. The denudation of forests and with that the destruction of the culture of
commons is widely known. The extensive and ruthless ecological damage done to the
Ogoni region in Nigeria by the multinational oil companies and the uprooting of the
livelihood of its people are well documented. Perhaps, one of the notorious examples
of globalisation facilitating polluting and hazardous industries in the developing
countries is the case of Union Carbide Pesticide factory in Bhopal of Central India.
The Methyl isocyanide (MIC) gas leak from this factory rendered several thousand
people blind. This was one of the worst industrial tragedies of the last century. These
Global Concerns experiences appear to strengthen the belief that unbridled globalisation would cause
growing harm to environmental sustainability.

Document a case study that illustrates the harmful impact of unbridled globalisation
on the environment in your region. Describe the setting, the event, the causes and
effects in your response.

Environmental Standards
The emergence of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) as a major institution
promoting globalisation by reducing trade and investment barriers has brought the
trade related environmental standards into sharp debate. Environmental standards
refer to restrictions on trade in commodities, which are not subjected to certain
environmentally damaging limits in their production or exploitation. The
environmental standards are stiffly opposed by the developing countries. These
countries see the entwining of environmental and trade issues as a threat to their
sovereignty and their economies. Their objections to trade measures to achieve
environmental objectives are based on the following considerations:
• T he ban on certain environmentally unfriendly activities like ban on ivory trade or
ban on hardwood trade, have always gone against the economic interests of the
developing countries.
• T rade barriers for environmental protection cause adverse effects on developing
countries’ exports for the following reasons:
− One, trade policy measures, usually, are not the best instruments for
achieving environmental objectives. Trade sanctions do not directly address
the root cause of the environmental problems.
− Two, unilateral import restrictions are imposed following costly
environmental standards, and such protectionist measures reduce income both
at home and abroad, especially in natural resource rich developing countries.
− Three, environment linked trade restrictions will lead to escalation in trade
disputes resulting in retaliatory and counter retaliatory measures.
• Environmental uses of trade policy are seen as inherently discriminatory. For
instance, industrial countries had lower environmental standards at the earlier
stages of their development.
• Developing countries contribute disproportionately small amount per capita to
global environmental problems. For instance, of the global emission of carbon
dioxide, United States alone contributes to one-fourth.
• Differences in standards are a legitimate source of comparative advantage; in as
far as they reflect differences in the resource endowments, preferences and
abilities of various countries .
• Environmental standar ds rise along with a rise in the per capita incomes and there
is no point insisting on higher standards at lower incomes.
• Non-trade measures like labelling (e.g. “dolphin-friendly tuna”) would be
• Outside pressure on developing countries to raise their environmental standards
would be used by domestic protectionist groups to argue against their
governments’ export-oriented development strategy.
• T here will be a threat to the WTO rule-based multilateral trading system.

In the context of efforts to liberalise trade and investment flows, any attempt to link Environmental Dimensions
of Globalisation
the environment with trade is likely to be counter-productive. As discussed earlier,
there are strong objections to trade liberalisation on the ground that they would lead to
environmental destruction, that more trade would mean more output and more
income, all of which lead to resource depletion; this would encourage the location of
environmentally degrading industries to countries with lower environmental standards
and fragile natural environments, and all these are feared to contribute to further
environmental damage. Many developing countries see environmental standards as
backdoor measures of protection sought to be imposed by the developed countries.
In the globalising context, there is a growing pressure from different groups and a
large number of environmental issues are emerging that require global multilateral
environmental agreements. It is recognised that at least three broad classes of
environmental issues require international solutions :
• First, regional problems arise when neighbouring countries share a common
resource and one country’s actions therefore affect others. In this category we deal
with most problems of trans -boundary pollution, including smog due to forest
fires, acid rain and the management of international rivers or regional seas.
• Second, the world shares certain global environmental resources such as the
atmosphere and the deep oceans. Any action by one country that affects such
“global commons” has an effect on all other countries. In this category we include
a build up of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and the thinning of ozone layer by the
emission of CFCs.
• Third, there are resources clearly belonging to one country but have value for the
international community not reflected in the market. They include tropical
rainforests, other special ecological habitats, and individual species.
We now turn our attention to some of the global initiatives that have tried to address
these issues in the following section. But before you learn about them, you may like
to test your understanding of the issues raised above.

‘Environmental standards are protectionist measures being imposed by the developed
countries.’ Comment.


In this section, we shall discuss the ways as to how we can maintain the quality of
environment by resorting to sustainable development, minimising large scale
disruption in ecosystem, and by taking global environmental initiatives.
Globalisation and Sustainable Development
The last twenty years have seen a virtual explosion of intergovernmental negotiations
to formulate international environmental treaties. This ‘ecological globalisation’ is an
inevitable result of the ongoing processes of economic growth and economic
globalisat ion, which not only stitch the world’s economies together, but also take
national production and consumption levels to a point where there is a threat to the
world’s ecological systems.

The present globalisation is driven by the Western economic and technological model
which is highly material and energy-intensive. It metabolises huge quantities of
natural resources, leaving a trail of toxins and highly degraded, transformed
ecosystems in its wake. It is this very model that the developing nations are following
for economic and social growth, leading to an extraordinary combination of poverty
and inequality, side by side with growing economies, pollution and large-scale
ecological destruction.

Global Concerns The process of ecological globalisation is driven by the fact that the levels of
production and consumption have reached a stage where what one does in one’s own
country can have a major impact on the neighbouring countries or on the rest of the
world. You have learnt in MED-001 that even simple things like using refrigerators or
air conditioners can destroy the world’s ozone layer; running automobiles or unlimited
felling of trees can destabilise the world’s climate; and using a persistent organic
compound like dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane (DDT) in India can mean life-
threatening pollution for human beings and other life forms in the remote polar
regions of the world, as these compounds are carried to these regions by the world’s
oceanic currents and air streams. Never was the pace of depletion of resources and
emission of harmful gases as high as under the current globalisation process. There
was never unsustainability of this model of growth as clear as of now. Never before
have human beings needed to learn to live in “one world” as now.
Globalisation and Large Scale Disruption of Ecosystems
The World Development Report 2003 (World Bank, 2003, p. 164) reports that a
global satellite survey estimated a pan tropical gross deforestation rate of 0.52 percent
annually over 1990 – 2000, or 9.2 million hectares a year, an area the size of Portugal.
Coral reefs are being lost to bleaching, pollution, and destructive fishing. A worldwide
bleaching event in 1998, associated with El-Niño (see appendix), harmed 16 percent
of the world’s coral reefs, with possibly half of them damaged irreversibly. Another
32 percent are thought to be threatened over the next 30 years, and 11 percent have
already been lost. Three-quarters of all fish stocks are being exploited at or above their
sustainable limits. Total harvests from capture fisheries have levelled off or declined.
Some fisheries, such as the North West Atlantic cod, have completely collapsed. In
others, the depletion of prized predatory fish has led to shifts in ecosystem structure.
Almost 15 million square kilometres of ocean bottom have been scraped by ocean
trawlers, possibly causing long-lasting damage to the bottom-dwelling species.
For quite some time poverty was blamed for environmental degradation. But it is
increasingly clear that shifting-cultivators and small farmers account for only a
fraction of depletion of forests or degradation of land. The present phase of
globalisation shows that large-scale agriculture, including ranches and plantations, and
commercial logging, account for most of deforestation in Latin America and Asia.
Poverty, therefore, is not the immediate driver of most tropical deforestation, but
tropical deforestation can exacerbate the poverty of communities dependent on the
forest for their livelihood.

Fig.1.4: Deforestation for timber wood (Source: www.fao.org/docrep/ 007/)

Similarly, it is the greed of mechanised fishing that is causing not only unsustainable
exploitation of fish resources but also uprooting the livelihood of millions of
traditional fishermen and disrupting the coastal ecosystems.
You could find out information like that given in Fig. 1.5 for your own region.

Environmental Dimensions
of Globalisation

Fig.1.5: Comparison of the scale of marine fisheries production in South China Sea area
(Source: www.fao.org/docrep/ )
The global disruption of environment manifests in various detrimental ways, of which
climate change and ecosystem damage loom large. We have already mentioned the
consequences of climate change. Equally grave are the threats posed by ecosystem
damage resulting in the loss of biodiversity. The genetic, biophysical, and ecological
information embodied in biodiversity may be valuable to future agricultural,
pharmaceutical, chemical, materials, and information industries. For instance, gene
bank collections currently hold 15 percent or less of the genetic diversity of wild
relatives of important crop species, including maize, rice, sorghum, millets, and peas.
Loss of some of the remaining 85 percent might constrain development of improved
varieties of these crops.
While there is a general agreement that the magnitude of present environmental
challenges like climate change or biodiversity are such that these require global
cooperation in evolving and implementing rules and methods of mitigation, the recent
experience shows that global agreements and their enforcements are effective in areas
where the costs are relatively less and the benefits more to the more prosperous
countries. Evolving conventions and getting their implementation in several aspects of
environmental regulation, which may mean more costs and relatively less tangible
immediate gains, especially to the more developed and powerful countries may not be
easy. In the following part we shall examine some of the initiatives in mitigating the
global environmental problems.
Some Global Environmental Initiatives
One of the successful global initiatives to reverse the adverse impact of modern
development on environment relates to the ozone layer. By late 1970s it was clear that
CFCs were causing depletion of ozone layer, which in turn was resulting in an
increased ultraviolet radiation causing skin cancers. International action on the ozone
layer was taken when the United Nations Convention on the Protection of the Ozone
Layer was drawn in Vienna in 1985. Shortly thereafter, dramatic satellite images of
the Antarctic ozone “hole” captured public attention. This deepening evidence
prompted the Montreal Protocol of 1987, an outgrowth of the Vienna Convention, to
impose obligations on the developed countries to reduce the use of ozone-depleting
substances. On further evidence of causal impact of CFCs on ozone, in 1990, the
London Protocol to the Vienna Convention took effect and it was agreed upon to cut
the CFC levels by 85 percent by 1997. Under this protocol, developing countries
agreed to take on obligations, with a grace period, and developed countries
underwrote a trust fund of US $ 240 million to assist them.
The result is a foreseeable reduction in atmospheric concentrations of ozone-depleting
substances and an eventual recovery of the ozone layer.

Global Concerns The problem of protecting the global ozone layer was easier to tackle than other
global environmental problems like climate change and biodiversity erosion. The
political economy of reaching agreement on ozone layer was favourable. At the
national level, the wealthy industrial nations responsible for most production were
also those at the greatest risk from skin cancer. Further, production and use of ozone-
depleting substances is not central to any economy − unlike greenhouse gases, whose
production is deeply embedded in the energy and transport sectors.
In spite of a number of hurdles, the United Nations has been in the forefront in taking
initiatives to mitigate the global environmental problems, which are likely to
exacerbate, if the present trend of economic globalisation continues unabated. A major
UN initiative came after the UN Conference on the Human Environment (UNCHE) in
1972 at Stockholm. As you know, the United Nations Environmental Programme
(UNEP) was created in 1972 “to provide leadership and encourage partnership in
caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples
to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations”.
The UNEP initiative, however, remained dormant for almost two decades until early
1990s. There was growing concern about global warming. Under global pressure, the
UN Convention on Climate Change was adopted in 1992. In 1997, the Kyoto Protocol
was signed which called for industrial countries to reduce emissions by 5.2 percent,
compared to 1990 levels, by 2008-2012. But the US, which is responsible for one-
fourth of the world’s total carbon emission, refused to ratify the Kyoto Protocol on the
ground that developing countries were exempted. The developing countries, on the
other hand, demand ‘polluting’ North to pay costs and transfer resources to
compensate for the loss suffered by them. The carbon convention is a positive step in
this direction.
The UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de
Janeiro in 1992 is seen as a landmark in evolving a blueprint for the 21 st Century. The
Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD) was established in 1992. Though,
Global Environmental Facility (GEF) was established in 1991, it was restructured in
1994, in the light of developments and conventions since the Rio Conference.
Recognising the importance of biodiversity for the survival of life, including human
life on the earth, and sharing concern over loss of biodiversity by unprecedented
levels since 1980s, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was convened in
1992, and among other things, it reaffirmed sovereign rights of status over their
natural resources and agreed to establish a fund through GEF to pay for the use of
genetic resources of dev eloping countries. Unlike the initiative on ozone layer, the
progress on other major environmental issues like climate change and biodiversity is
very tardy.
What appears to be apparent is that while economic globalisation appears to be
increasingly embedded in strong institutional support systems, ‘ecological
globalisation’ seen in terms of challenges to sustainable development is still in search
of empowered institutional support. At least two shortcomings are discernible. Firstly,
the process of global environmental threat is not accompanied by any strong political
support. As a result, no political leader has any interest to ensure that the emerging
global ecological policy is managed in the best interest of the maximum number of
people and on the basis of the principles of ‘good governance’, that is, equality, justice
and democracy.
Secondly, there is no clear and transparent mechanism to integrate the two processes
of economic and ecological globalisation. But nations are doing so individually, often
in a covert manner, through the positions they take to set the rules for the two
processes of globalisation. When the leaders of nation-states meet to develop rules and
regulations for economic globalisation, they take positions to derive the maximum
economic benefits for their national economies. When they meet to develop the rules
and regulations for ecological globalisation, they take positions which ensure that
there would be either no costs or, at worst, least possible costs to their individual
16 national economies.
As a result of these two shortcomings, the rules and regulations that are emerging Environmental Dimensions
of Globalisation
generally tend to be based on the principles of ‘business transactions’ rather than on
the principles of ‘good governance’. Environmental diplomacy has turned into petty
business transactions, not the establishment of fair and just global environmental
governance systems. While business transactions are built on principles of mutual
benefits regardless of their societal costs, governance systems are built on principles
of democracy, justice and equality.
The issue of equity has become a very contentious one in environmental diplomacy.
Equity is a prerequisite for global agreement, and environmental cooperation can only
be possible through solutions that are both equitous and ‘ecologically effective’.
Without equity or a sense of fair play it is quite unlikely that there will be a long-
lasting partnership to address and solve global problems.
Global equity is particularly important in global environmental negotiations which
deal with the pollution or degradation of global common property, such as the
stratospheric ozone layer, the atmosphere, or oceans. So far, these common property
resources are seen as free access resources − a situation that aided the industrialisat ion
process of early entrants.
In the context of globalisation, environmental concerns have not yet found an
institution, which is as powerful as World Trade Organisation (WTO) in the arena of
global trade. A widely shared feeling is that while WTO, managing world’s trade, has
become stronger, environmental institutions have become weaker in the years
following the Rio Conference. World leaders are yet to design a unifying institutional
framework for the global environment. The need of the hour is to rectify this
institutional deficiency in the interest of sustainability of diversity of life on the planet
and to evolve an environmental organisation as effective, if not more effective, as
The driving forces behind the present globalisation process are the corporate capitalist
interests in pursuit of larger and faster profits. The imprint of corporate capitalism is
clear in the emergence of global institutions like the WTO. One of the elements of
resistance to corporate globalisation could be seen in the form of growing
environmental movements. The emergence and effectiveness of a world
environmental organisation would depend upon the power of public mobilisation
against the adverse environmental impact of the present globalisation.
Let us summarise what we have studied so far.

• Beginning with the early 1980s the world has been experiencing unprecedented
pace in the expansion of global trade, financial flows and spread of trans national
production. This process has come to be widely known as globalisation. It is aided
by the revolution in information and communication technology (ICT), which has
compressed time and space. While these rapid changes are seen as necessary to
sustain fast growth, there are also concerns that the globalisation process, by
hastening resource exploitation and by increasing industrial activity, especially in
the energy and transport sectors, has been causing considerable damage to
environment. The environmental impact has been assuming global proportions in
the form of emission of GHGs causing global warming or climate change and
biodiversity degradation, besides unsustainable depletion of resources. The free
trade and investment flows, which drive the globalisation process, are also seen as
environmentally harmful.
• The proposition of developed countries to contain these adverse effects through
environmental standards in terms of trade restrictions are resisted by developing
countries. The latter see them as restrictions on their trading prospects. There is a
growing consensus that the emerging environmental problems need global
initiatives with the participation of developing as well as developed countries.

Global Concerns • At the behest of the UN, a number of initiatives have been made for restricting
and reversing environmental damage. Some of the initiatives like the Vienna
Convention and the protocols that followed on CFCs control and ozone layer have
been very successful but other initiatives like the one on climate change are facing
resistance. There is a growing feeling among many observers that to face the
environmental challenges, which are deepened by the present globalisation
process, there is a need for a multinational World Environmental Organisation
(WEO), which should function as effectively on environmental issues as the WTO
does in the arena of trade.


1. What are the effects of globalisation on environment?
2. What are environmental standards? Why are they opposed by developing
3. Discuss the relationship between globalisation and global climate change.
4. Discuss the emerging global environmental challenges and the effectiveness of
global environmental initiatives.
1. Development and the Environment: World Development Report 1992, World
Bank and OUP, Washington D.C., 1992.
2. World Development Report, 2003, World Bank and OUP, Washington D.C.,
3. Agarwal, Anil, Sunita Narain, and Anju Sharma., (eds) Global Environmental
Negotiations I: Green Politics, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi,
4. Anderson, Kym, Environmental Standards and International Trade, Annual World
Bank Conference on Development Economics, 1996, Michael Bruno and Boris
Pleskovic(eds), World Bank, Washington D.C., 1997.
5. David W. Pearce and J.J.Warford, World Without End, World Bank and Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 1993.

APPENDIX Environmental Dimensions
of Globalisation
El-Niño is a disruption of the ocean-atmosphere system in the tropical pacific having
important consequences for weather around the globe. The name was originally given
by Peruvian fishermen to a warm current that appeared each year around Christmas
and gradually the usage of the term changed to refer only to the irregular strong ever.
During El-Niño the trade winds relax in the central and western Pacific leading to a
depression of the thermocline (a zone in the water column that shows a sudden change
in temperature with depth) in the eastern Pacific, and an elevation of the thermocline
in the west. This reduces the efficiency of upwelling to cool the surface and cuts off
the supply of nutrient rich thermocline water to the euphotic zone.
The result is a rise in sea surface temperature and a drastic decline in primary
productivity, the latter of which adversely affects higher trophic levels of the food
chain, including commercial fisheries in this region. Rainfall follows the warm water
eastward, with associated flooding in Peru and drought in Indonesia and Australia.
The eastward displacement of the atmospheric heat source overlaying the warmest
water results in large changes in the global atmospheric circulation, which in turn
force changes in weather in regions far removed from the tropical Pacific.

Equator El Nino conditions

Normal conditions
Dateline Dateline

Sea level Sea

Thermocline level
currents Thermo
Warmer mixed -cline
Colder layer
Upwelling currents

Fig.1.6: Explaining El-Niño (Source: winds.jpl.nasa.gov/ images/winds_over_ocean2)

Socio-economic effects of the 1997-98 El-Niño

The 1997-98 El-Niño event affected virtually every region: Eastern Africa suffered
drought and unusually high rainfall; Southeast Asia and North America, abnormally
warm periods; South Asia, drought; Latin America and the Caribbean, unusually high
rainfall and drought; and the Pacific Islands unusually high rainfall. The global socio-
economic impacts were varied:
More than 24 000 people died because of high winds, floods or storm tides that
occurred during intense storms.
More than 110 million people were affected and more than 6 million people were
displaced as community infrastructures, including housing, food storage, transport and
communications, were lost during storms.
Direct economic losses exceeded US$34 billion.
Water logging of fields reduced agricultural production in many regions; in others, the
absence of storms and rain led to prolonged dry spells, loss of crops and reduction in
water supplies.
Wildfires were more frequent and widespread during extended dry periods.
Increased incidence of disease followed the prolonged disruption to weather and
rainfall patterns that resulted in contamination of water supplies or a more favourable
environment for disease-carrying insect vectors.

Global Concerns El-Niño and epidemic diseases
Cyclical temperature and rainfall variations associated with El-Niño are particularly
important since they can favour the development and proliferation of vectors of
epidemic diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever and bubonic plague
(WHO 1999). In South America, the most severed outbreaks of malaria generally
increase in rainfall (as in 1983 in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru) or with a reduction in
rainfall and run-off (as in Colombia and Venezuela).
A similar link has been suggested between the warming of superficial oceanic waters
by El-Niño, the proliferation of marine algae, and the appearance of cholera in South
America in 1992. The impact of extremes in precipitation (both too much and too
little) is also important in the transmission of water -borne diseases such as cholera,
gastrointestinal infections and various types of diarrhoea. There were outbreaks of
cholera in 1997-98 in Honduras, Nicaragua and Peru related to the increase in
precipitation, associated with El-Niño (WHO 1999, PAHO 1998).
The most widely used scale to measure the intensity of the El-Niño is known as the
Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) which is based on the surface atmospheric pressure
difference in various regions.
Source: http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/tao/elnino/el-nino-story.html


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