SISAR-february 2021

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for the month of February 2021

SECTION TIME (Observations)
(FOCUS) Assistance)
Conducted infodrive
Minor incidents where
on the strict
February 1, Nazario D. Science Learning some parents do not follow
Grade 9 implementation of
2021 Brillante Jr. 8:00-9:00 Environment heath protocols during
health protocols inside
distribution of modules.
the school.
Intensify home visitation
Some of the activity sheets and regulation
February 1, EsP Content Knowledge
Grade 7 Rea R. Bardelas retrieved, remain consultation with the
2021 1:00-2:00 & Pedagogy unanswered/unaccomplished. parents/learner.
-Conduct RRE
-Conducted a
Even it is modular, some
guardians/parents do not
February 4, Leova TVL Learning with the SPT and
Grade 12 wear proper attire in
2021 Dasmarinas 8:00-9:00 Environment GPTA officers
coming to school during
regarding on this
Conducted LR
February 4, Joeward N. Math Content Knowledge Incomplete/lacking pages
Grade 9 inventory and QA for
2021 Golong 2:00-3:00 & Pedagogy in some of the LAS.
each LMs to be used.

Address: Brgy. Lamingao, Villareal Samar

Contact No: 09062903590
Email Address: [email protected]
Facebook page: Lamingao National High School
The classroom is not Give TA on how to
February 8, Nita Villa Oral. Com. Learning accessible enough to all the develop learning
Grade 11
2021 Quilicol 1:00-2:00 Environment LMs needed for the MDL resources provision
delivery. inside the classroom.
Provision of the
Absence of health
necessary health
February 8, Rodrigo R. English Learning essentials/materials during
Grade 7 materials to maintain
2021 Sabio Jr. 8:00-9:00 Environment the distribution/retrieval of
the implementation of
the health protocols.
Gave TA on the different
Did not integrate various
teaching styles and
February 8, Rodel V. Aral. Pan. Content Knowledge teaching strategies in the
Grade 10 strategies that might be
2021 Daclag 10:30-11:30 & Pedagogy delivery of
applicable in teaching
The use of ICT and quad-
Conducted SLAC on the
medias should be utilized in
February 11, DRR Content Knowledge different usage of ICT
Grade 11 Janet Cinco generating feedbacks
2021 7:30-8:30 & Pedagogy especially for monitoring
and other virtual
In the delivery of instruction, Gave TA and coaching
the teacher should use varied on the integration of
February 11, Per.Dev. Diversity of
Grade 9 Reo P. Jabonete interactive strategies various interactive
2021 9:00-10:00 Learners (synchronous/asynchronous) teaching
to enhance learners abilities. techniques/strategies.
DI and contextualization Conducted SLAC on
February 16, Filipino Content Knowledge
Grade 8 Lea D. Orbeta should be integrated in the Contextualization and
2021 9:50-10:50 & Pedagogy modules/LAS. DI integration.
February 22, Maria Gissele MAPEH Content Knowledge Other learning areas should Orientation on
Grade 9 DCCM/CLP
2021 U. Achaso 1:30-2:30 & Pedagogy be integrated.
Some health protoocols were Information Drive
February 24, Aristotle P. IWRBS Learning not followed during the (putting signages and
Grade 12
2021 Calades 7:30-8:30 Environment distribution/retrieval of reminders within the
modules like wearing of mask. school vicinity)
DI and contextualization Conducted SLAC on
February 26, Maria Gissele MAPEH Content Knowledge Contextualization and
Grade 7 should be integrated in the
2021 U. Achaso 9:50-10:50 & Pedagogy modules/LAS. DI integration.

Address: Brgy. Lamingao, Villareal Samar

Contact No: 09062903590
Email Address: [email protected]
Facebook page: Lamingao National High School
Prepared by:


School Head

Noted and Approved:

District Head

Address: Brgy. Lamingao, Villareal Samar

Contact No: 09062903590
Email Address: [email protected]
Facebook page: Lamingao National High School

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