Product Manuals and Guides - NagiosXIConfigurationforIPC
Product Manuals and Guides - NagiosXIConfigurationforIPC
Product Manuals and Guides - NagiosXIConfigurationforIPC
Table of Contents
Preface ............................................................................................................................................7
Chapter 9: NagVis......................................................................................................................107
9.1 Create a NagVis Map ...................................................................................................................................... 107
9.2 Insert Icons with associated text...................................................................................................................... 109
9.3 Modify a Map...................................................................................................................................................112
9.4 Schedule NagVis Map Notification ................................................................................................................ 113
About this Guide
This guide is intended for system administrators who are responsible for deploying the monitoring of
IPC systems and ecosystem: Unigy, Open Trade, recorders, SBC, Media Gateways, Bastion servers...).
Copyright notices
• IPC, the IPC logo, Alliance MX, IQ/MAX, IQ/MAX TOUCH, MAXaccess, Nexus Suite, Unigy,
Blue Wave, and the Unigy and Blue Wave logos are trademarks of IPC Systems, Inc.
• Microsoft, Windows, Excel, Outlook, Lync, Microsoft OCS, Microsoft Office Communications
Server, Active Directory, and Internet Explorer are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
• Oracle, Java, and MySQL are trademarks of Oracle.
• Red Hat, Enterprise Linux, Ansible, and Ansible Tower are registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc.
• Dell and PowerEdge are trademarks of Dell, Inc.
• Intel and Xeon are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S.
• NICE and the NICE logo are trademarks of NICE Systems Ltd. and/or its subsidiaries.
• Verint is a registered trademark of Verint Systems Inc.
• Radisys is a trademark of Radisys Corporation.
• NetGuardian 832A is a trademark of DPS Telecom.
• ConferenceManager is a trademark of Sonexis Technology Inc.
• Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates.
• Splunk is a registered trademark of Splunk, Inc.
• All other brand and product names used in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective owners.
Document Conventions
This topic describes the typographic conventions used in this manual:
• To indicate a user interface item to select or click:
Click Help. The Help dialog box opens.
Style Note: This is a san-serif bold font.
• To indicate a sequence of UI clicks:
Click File ➤ New ➤ Command.
Style Note: This is a san-serif bold font.
• To indicate window, screen, or panel names:
The Help dialog box opens.
Style Note: This is an italicized font.
• To indicate text to be typed or entered for user input or command names:
Note styles
This is a Note and is used to alert you to important information.
This is a Tip and is used to provide helpful suggestions or hints.
This is a Caution and is used to alert you to any procedures in which extreme caution must be used.
This is a Warning and is used to alert you to dangerous situations or procedures that must be completed
in a specific manner to prevent a dangerous or damaging situation.
1 Introduction
NMS (Nagios Monitoring Suite) powered by Nagios is an easy-to-use tool for monitoring an eco-
system, ensuring performance and preventing risks in real-time. The tool provides system administrators
with an access to necessary system performance and availability information in order to alert and correct
any system issue before losing functionality or valuable data.
The equipment devices supervised by NMS Nagios XI are:
• IPC Unigy Enterprise (CCM, ACCM, SCCM, MM, MG, CDI and VIP)
• IPC Connexus Unigy
• IPC Unigy 360 (CCM, ACCM, MM and VIP)
• IPC Cloud Portal
• IPC Cloud Edge and IPC WEB server
• IPC MySQL database
• IPC Freeswitch
• IPC Ping Identity
• IPC Splunk
• IPC Puppet
• IPC SpidR Web RTC gateway
• Nice NTR Recorders
• AudioCodes SBC
• IPC AudioCodes EMS
• IPC Recording Check
• IPC MongoDB
• IPC Autoprovisioning
• IPC Service Standard Monitoring (Blue Wave)
• IPC NetCool
• ASC Neo recorders
• IPC Docker
• IPC Call Match
• IPC PostgresSQL
• IPC Slic
• IPC Ansible
• IPC CyberArk
• IPC Proteus
The nagiosadmin administrator user has been defined during Nagios XI installation. You can define
other users with admin or user role.
A user of your choice can be notified by email, of issues occurring on your eco-system. For this, mail
alerts must be configured in your NMS tool.
First, you need to configure an administrator's account in order to test email notifications.
6. Configure Security Settings section: The Authorization Level can be Admin or User. For User
Authorization Level, you can enable specific rights by checking the corresponding box.
7. Click Add User.
Now that the user and the contact are created, the contact is to be found in Configure ➤ Core Config
Manager ➤ Contact.
Figure 7: New User in Contact List
2. In the CCM Object Summary section, click Contact Groups or click Contact Groups in the left
panel Alerting section.
3. In the Contact Groups menu, click + Add New.
Figure 9: Alert Setting - Add Contact Group
4. Enter a Contact Group Name and a Description for the Contact Group.
5. Click Manage Contacts.
The Manage Contact window is displayed.
6. Select in the list, the contact previously created (refer to Add a New User on page 13) and click Add
Selected in order to add the contact to the contact group.
7. Click Close.
The Contact Group Management window is displayed again.
8. Click Save.
The Contact Group created is displayed in the Contact Group window
If these templates are not appropriate, they can be modified.
4. Click Select an equipment list and select the equipment type, it can be: ACCM, CCM, SCCM, MG,
In SNMP Settings section, the SNMP Community and SNMP Port changes according the selected
5. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
6. Enter a Description (optional).
7. Leave the Use Unigy Nagios Agent check box unchecked (futur use).
8. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, as configured on the remote host.
The SNMP Community and the SNMP Port are pre-filled with default values according to the
equipment type.
9. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
10. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
4. Enter the Customer Name, this name will be used as the host alias. This field is mandatory
5. Enter for the CCM1, the CCM2 and the VIP, the NAT'ed IP address, the Real IP address (internal
IP) and the Hostname. These field are mandatory.
You can also declare a Display Name that will be the name displayed in the service and host status.
6. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, they must be the same as configured on the
remote host.
7. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
8. Click Next and Click Finish.
4. In the Host name, enter the SLIC ID of the SLIC instance hosted on the CSP platform.
You can ask the SLIC ID to the Splunk Deployment Group, at [email protected],
or you can check the SLIC patch.yaml file (refer to the 5 - CSP Applications Installation and
5. Enter an Alias for the SLIC instance.
6. In the Address field, enter
7. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard: IPC Splunk&SLIC Alerts Integration - Step 2 window resumes your
8. Click Next.
4. Click Add Row and follow the steps 4 to 9 of the topic Configure IPC Splunk&SLIC Alerts
Integration on page 23.
The last SLIC instance configured is always the last entry displayed is the list.
4. Click Select an equipment list and select the equipment type, it can be: CCM, SCCM, ACCM, MM or
In SNMP Settings section, the SNMP Community and SNMP Port changes according the selected
5. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
6. Enter a Description (optional).
7. Enter the IP address of the host.
8. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, as configured on the remote host.
The SNMP Community and the SNMP Port are pre-filled with default values according to the
equipment type.
9. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
10. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
11. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window is displayed. This window allows configuring the
notification settings.
12. Check the Specific contact groups check box and select the contact group created for
notifications.Refer to Add a Contact Group for notifications on page 14.
Figure 22: Configuration Wizard - Step 4: Notification Settings
4. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
5. Enter a Description (optional).
6. Enter the IP address of the host.
7. Change the Rest api Http port according to the port used.
8. Check MongoDB Process Monitoring check box if MongoDB database is installed on this host.
9. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, they must be the same as configured on the
remote host.
10. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
11. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
12. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window is displayed. This window allows configuring the
notification settings.
13. Check the Specific contact groups check box and select the contact group created for
notifications.Refer to Add a Contact Group for notifications on page 14.
4. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
5. Enter a Description (optional).
6. Enter the IP address of the host.
7. Select the applications and services installed and configured on the Cloud Edge server. For services,
enter the IDs - separated by comma - of the configured instance.
If the number of the instances configured on this wizard and the number of instances running do not
match, the service is displayed in red.
8. Check Redis Server Monitoring check box if Redis Server is installed on this host.
9. Check RabbitMQ Server Monitoring check box if RabbitMQ Server is installed on this host.
10. Check MongoDB Process Monitoring check box if MongoDB is installed on this host.
11. Check OneID Servers Monitoring check box if OneID Server is installed on this host.
12. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, they must be the same as configured on the
remote host.
13. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
14. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
15. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window is displayed. This window allows configuring the
notification settings.
16. Check the Specific contact groups check box and select the contact group created for
notifications.Refer to Add a Contact Group for notifications on page 14.
Figure 26: Configuration Wizard - Step 4: Notification Settings
4. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
5. Enter a Description (optional).
6. Enter the IP address of the host.
7. For Web Server monitoring, select only the Service Node HTTP service. Enter the IDs - separated by
comma - of the configured instance.
If the number of the instances configured on this wizard and the number of instances running do not
match, the service is displayed in red.
8. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, they must be the same as configured on the
remote host.
9. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
10. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
11. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window is displayed. This window allows configuring the
notification settings.
12. Check the Specific contact groups check box and select the contact group created for
notifications.Refer to Add a Contact Group for notifications on page 14.
Figure 28: Configuration Wizard - Step 4: Notification Settings
4. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
5. Enter the IP address of the host.
6. If needed change the MySQL server default 3306 port.
7. The default Username and Password are pre-filled, change it if necessary.
8. The default Database name is pre-filled, change it if necessary.
9. Check Enable Mysql Replication monitoring box if replication is used between databases.
10. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, they must be the same as configured on the
remote host.
11. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
12. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
13. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window is displayed. This window allows configuring the
notification settings.
14. Check the Specific contact groups check box and select the contact group created for
notifications.Refer to Add a Contact Group for notifications on page 14.
Figure 30: Configuration Wizard - Step 4: Notification Settings
4. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
5. Enter a Description (optional).
6. Enter the IP address of the host.
7. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, they must be the same as configured on the
remote host.
8. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
9. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
10. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window is displayed. This window allows configuring the
notification settings.
11. Check the Specific contact groups check box and select the contact group created for
notifications.Refer to Add a Contact Group for notifications on page 14.
4. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
5. Enter a Description (optional).
6. Enter the IP address of the host.
7. Check the Ping Identity Services to monitor.
If Ping access, Ping federate and Ping Directory are installed on separate hosts, you have to
relaunch this wizard for each host.
8. If needed change the default Http port of the Ping access or the Ping federate service.
9. If needed change the default Ldap port of the Ping directory and enter the Password for ldap
10. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, they must be the same as configured on the
remote host.
11. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
12. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
4. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
5. Enter a Description (optional).
6. Enter the IP address of the host.
7. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, they must be the same as configured on the
remote host.
8. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
9. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
10. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window is displayed. This window allows configuring the
notification settings.
11. Check the Specific contact groups check box and select the contact group created for
notifications.Refer to Add a Contact Group for notifications on page 14.
4. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
5. Enter a Description (optional).
6. Enter the IP address of the host.
7. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, they must be the same as configured on the
remote host.
8. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
9. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
10. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window is displayed. This window allows configuring the
notification settings.
11. Check the Specific contact groups check box and select the contact group created for
notifications.Refer to Add a Contact Group for notifications on page 14.
4. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
5. Enter a Description (optional).
6. Enter the IP address of the host.
7. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, they must be the same as configured on the
remote host.
8. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
9. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
10. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window is displayed. This window allows configuring the
notification settings.
11. Check the Specific contact groups check box and select the contact group created for
notifications.Refer to Add a Contact Group for notifications on page 14.
4. Click Select an equipment list and select the equipment type, it can be:
• NTR Core
• NTR Core + CTI
• NTR Core + SAT
• Sentinel
5. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
6. Enter a Description (optional).
7. Enter the IP address of the host.
8. Check Use NTR Agent if the NTR Agent is installed on the host.
9. Check Use RCS Agent box if the IPC Recording Compliance Service for Recording Check is
installed on the NTR recorder host.
10. Enter the SNMP Community, the SNMP Version and SNMP Port as it is configured on the NTR
11. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (Where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
Business metrics are provided by the NTR Agent that is only installed on a Core.
4. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
5. Enter a Description (optional).
6. Enter the IP address of the host.
7. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, they must be the same as configured on the
remote host.
8. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
9. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
4. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
5. Enter a Description (optional).
6. Enter the IP address of the host.
7. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
8. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
9. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window is displayed. This window allows configuring the
notification settings.
10. Check the Specific contact groups check box and select the contact group created for
notifications.Refer to Add a Contact Group for notifications on page 14.
Figure 46: Configuration Wizard - Step 4: Notification Settings
4. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
5. Enter a Description (optional).
6. Enter the IP address of the host.
7. The default Recording Check API port is 8084, if needed change the Http port.
8. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, they must be the same as configured on the
remote host.
9. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
10. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
11. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window is displayed. This window allows configuring the
notification settings.
12. Check the Specific contact groups check box and select the contact group created for
notifications.Refer to Add a Contact Group for notifications on page 14.
Figure 48: Configuration Wizard - Step 4: Notification Settings
4. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
5. Enter a Description (optional).
6. Enter the IP address of the host.
7. Enter the Username and the Password used to connect to the MongoDB database.
8. The default MongoDB port is 27017, if needed change the Mongo db port.
9. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, they must be the same as configured on the
remote host.
10. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
11. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
12. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window is displayed. This window allows configuring the
notification settings.
13. Check the Specific contact groups check box and select the contact group created for
notifications.Refer to Add a Contact Group for notifications on page 14.
Figure 50: Configuration Wizard - Step 4: Notification Settings
4. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
5. Enter a Description (optional).
6. Enter the IP address of the host.
7. If needed change the Rest api Https port.
8. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, they must be the same as configured on the
remote host.
9. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
10. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
11. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window is displayed. This window allows configuring the
notification settings.
12. Check the Specific contact groups check box and select the contact group created for
notifications.Refer to Add a Contact Group for notifications on page 14.
4. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
5. Enter a Description (optional).
6. Enter the IP address of the host.
7. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, they must be the same as configured on the
remote host.
8. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
9. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
10. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window is displayed. This window allows configuring the
notification settings.
11. Check the Specific contact groups check box and select the contact group created for
notifications.Refer to Add a Contact Group for notifications on page 14.
8. You can aggregate the monitoring of several services by clicking Add Service.
A new line with Service Name and Service Url fields is displayed.
9. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services.
10. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
11. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window is displayed. This window allows configuring the
notification settings.
12. Check the Specific contact groups check box and select the contact group created for
notifications.Refer to Add a Contact Group for notifications on page 14.
Figure 57: Configuration Wizard - Step 4: Notification Settings
4. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
5. Enter a Description (optional).
6. Enter the IP address of the host.
7. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, they must be the same as configured on the
remote host.
8. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
9. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
10. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window is displayed. This window allows configuring the
notification settings.
11. Check the Specific contact groups check box and select the contact group created for
notifications.Refer to Add a Contact Group for notifications on page 14.
Figure 59: Configuration Wizard - Step 4: Notification Settings
4. Click Select an equipment list and select the equipment type, it can be:
• ASC All in One
• Enterprise Core
• Recording Controller
• Recording Server
• DataBase Server
5. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
6. Enter a Description (optional).
7. Enter the IP address of the host.
8. Check Use RCS Agent check box if the IPC Recording Compliance Service for Recording Check is
installed on the ASC Neo recorder host.
9. The default RCS http port is 8732, if needed change the RCS http port.
10. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, they must be the same as configured on the
remote host.
11. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
12. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
13. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window is displayed. This window allows configuring the
notification settings.
14. Check the Specific contact groups check box and select the contact group created for
notifications.Refer to Add a Contact Group for notifications on page 14.
Figure 61: Configuration Wizard - Step 4: Notification Settings
4. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
5. Enter a Description (optional).
6. Enter the IP address of the host.
7. If needed change the API port.
8. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, they must be the same as configured on the
remote host.
9. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
10. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
11. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window is displayed. This window allows configuring the
notification settings.
12. Check the Specific contact groups check box and select the contact group created for
notifications.Refer to Add a Contact Group for notifications on page 14.
4. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
5. Enter a Description (optional).
6. Enter the IP address of the host.
7. Change the Http port according to the port used.
8. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, they must be the same as configured on the
remote host.
9. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
10. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
11. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window is displayed. This window allows configuring the
notification settings.
12. Check the Specific contact groups check box and select the contact group created for
notifications.Refer to Add a Contact Group for notifications on page 14.
4. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
5. Enter a Description (optional).
6. Enter the IP address of the host.
7. The default Username and Password are pre-filled, change it if necessary.
8. The default Database name is pre-filled, change it if necessary.
9. Enter the Database name.
10. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, they must be the same as configured on the
remote host.
11. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
12. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
4. Click Select an equipment list and select the Ansible Configuration type, it can be:
SingleAllInOne, ClusterTowerNode, or ClusterDatabaseNode.
5. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
6. Enter a Description (optional).
7. Enter the IP address of the host.
8. Check the Http port of Ansible Rest API and change it if needed.
9. Enter the PostgreSQL database Username and Password.
4. Click Select an equipment list and select the equipment type, it can be: Vault Server, PVWA, CPM
or PSM.
5. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, as configured on the remote host.
The SNMP Community and the SNMP Port are pre-filled with default values according to the
equipment type.
6. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
7. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
8. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window is displayed. This window allows configuring the
notification settings.
9. Check the Specific contact groups check box and select the contact group created for
notifications.Refer to Add a Contact Group for notifications on page 14.
4. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, they must be the same as configured on the
remote host.
5. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
6. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
7. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window is displayed. This window allows configuring the
notification settings.
8. Check the Specific contact groups check box and select the contact group created for
notifications.Refer to Add a Contact Group for notifications on page 14.
Figure 73: Configuration Wizard - Step 4: Notification Settings
9. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 5 window is displayed. This window allows configuring to which
host group the host belongs, if host groups were previously defined. For more details refer to
Configure Host Groups on page 103.
10. In the Host Group section, select the host group to which the host belongs.
11. Click Finish.
The new configuration is applied on Nagios Core.
4. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
5. Enter a Description (optional).
6. Enter the IP address of the host.
7. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, as configured on the remote host.
The SNMP Community and the SNMP Port are pre-filled with default values according to the
equipment type.
8. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
9. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
10. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window is displayed. This window allows configuring the
notification settings.
11. Check the Specific contact groups check box and select the contact group created for
notifications.Refer to Add a Contact Group for notifications on page 14.
Figure 75: Configuration Wizard - Step 4: Notification Settings
4. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
5. Enter a Description (optional).
6. Enter the IP address of the host.
7. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, they must be the same as configured on the
remote host.
8. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
9. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
10. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window is displayed. This window allows configuring the
notification settings.
11. Check the Specific contact groups check box and select the contact group created for
notifications.Refer to Add a Contact Group for notifications on page 14.
4. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
5. Enter a Description (optional).
6. Enter the IP address of the host.
7. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, as configured on the remote host.
The SNMP Community and the SNMP Port are pre-filled with default values according to the
equipment type.
8. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
9. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
10. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window is displayed. This window allows configuring the
notification settings.
11. Check the Specific contact groups check box and select the contact group created for
notifications.Refer to Add a Contact Group for notifications on page 14.
4. In the Host Name field enter the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the host.
5. Enter a Description (optional).
6. Enter the IP address of the host.
7. If a DNS Server is running on the Bastion Server, check the DNS Server Check check box and
configure the DNS Settings.
Figure 81: IPC Bastion Server DNS Form - Configuration Wizard - Step 1
4. Check the SNMP Community and the SNMP Port, they must be the same as configured on the
remote host.
5. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 2 window displays the list of monitored services. Refer to the
NMS_NagiosXI_X.y_Metrics_reference_guide (where X.y is the Nagios XI version) for more details
on monitored services.
6. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 3 window is displayed.
7. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 4 window is displayed. This window allows configuring the
notification settings.
8. Check the Specific contact groups check box and select the contact group created for
notifications.Refer to Add a Contact Group for notifications on page 14.
9. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard - Step 5 window is displayed. This window allows configuring to which
host group the host belongs, if host groups were previously defined. For more details refer to
Configure Host Groups on page 103.
10. In the Host Group section, select the host group to which the host belongs.
11. Click Finish.
The new configuration is applied on Nagios Core.
The Configuration Wizard: Bulk Host Cloning and Import - Step 1 window is displayed.
4. Select a host to be cloned from the Host Name scrolling list and click Next.
The Configuration Wizard: Bulk Host Cloning and Import - Step 2 window is displayed.
Figure 87: Bulk Host Cloning and Import Wizard - Step 2
6. In the Import / Cloning Data section select in the scrolling lists, Address for Field 1, Name for Field
2 and Description for Field 3.
7. In the Data frame, enter the IP address, the name and the description (comma separated) of your
duplicated host(s).
8. Click Next.
The Configuration Wizard: Bulk Host Cloning and Import - Step 3 window is displayed.
9. Click Finish.
The new configuration is applied on Nagios Core.
4 Remove a Host
This section explain how to remove the monitoring of a host.
1. Click Configure ➤ Core Config Manager.
Figure 88: Core Config Manager
2. In the Monitoring navigation section or in the CCM Object Summary click Services.
Figure 89: Services Menu
When all services are removed a message indicates that the host has been successfully deleted.
Figure 90: Host Successfully Deleted
Do not rely on status color only. In case of information delivered by traps and when
there is an error on the monitored instance, the status can be OK, while reporting about
an error that will be explained in the status information box. This means that the trap
functions all right and reports of a problem on the service.
2. In the Monitoring navigation section or in the CCM Object Summary click Hosts.
Figure 94: Core Config Manager - Hosts
3. Click the Host Name of the host you want to change the community.
Figure 95: Change SNMP Community - Host Edition
4. In the Host Management window, select the Misc Settings tab and click Manage Free Variables.
The Manage Free Variables popup is displayed.
Figure 97: Change SNMP Community - Manage Free Variables
11. In the Apply Configuration window, click the Apply Configuration button.
When the new configuration is applied, the following message is displayed.
Figure 99: Configuration Applied
2. Click the Edit Settings icon from the SNMP Trap Sender component.
The SNMP trap sender component configuration form is displayed, this form allows you to define the
server that Nagios XI should send SNMP traps to, when host and service changes (alerts) occur.
Figure 101: SNMP Trap Sender Form
Refer to Nagios XI documentation in order to check that SNMP traps are well sent: https://
2. In the Monitoring navigation section or in the CCM Object Summary click Host Groups.
Figure 103: Host Groups Creation
6. Select the Hosts you want to add to the Host Group and click Add Selected.
The selected Hosts appears in the Assigned table.
7. Click Close.
The Host Group Management window is displayed again.
8. Click Save.
The new Host Group is displayed in the Host Groups menu.
9. Click Apply Configuration in the Quick Tools section.
Figure 107: Apply Configuration
10. In the Apply Configuration window, click the Apply Configuration button.
When the new configuration is applied, the following message is displayed.
Figure 108: Configuration Applied
9 NagVis
NagVis is a visualization add-on for Nagios XI, which can be used to visualize Nagios XI data. NagVis
is a useful tool to highlight issues in a visual manner.
NagVis uses a different authentication mechanism than Nagios XI, so you will need to re-authenticate in
order to access NagVis. When prompted, use the same username and password you use to login to
Nagios XI. Once you authenticate you should see a default NagVis view with some demo maps:
• Physical (e.g. all hosts in a rack/room/department).
• Logical (e.g. all application servers).
• Geographical (e.g. all hosts in a datacenter).
• Business processes (e.g. all hosts/services involved in a process).
Figure 109: NagVis Board
You can place all objects from Nagios XI (Host, Services, Host Groups, Service Groups) on so called
maps. Each map can be configured through its own configuration file. You can edit the configuration
files directly by using your favorite text editor or the web configuration mechanisms. Furthermore you
can add some special NagVis objects to the maps. These objects are shapes, textboxes and reference
objects for other maps.
2. If an authentication is required, use the same user and password as Nagios XI.
3. Click Choose language on the menu bar and select your language.
4. Click Open ➤ WUI from the NagVis menu bar.
The NagVis web configuration interface is displayed.
Figure 111: NagVis WUI
6. Click Choose a file or Choisir un fichier in the Upload background image section.
7. In the Explorer window, select your png picture and click Open.
8. Click Upload in the Upload background image section.
9. Click Options ➤ Manage Maps from the NagVis menu bar.
The Managed Maps popup is displayed.
10. In the Create map section, fill in the Map name, select std_medium as Map Iconset and the
Background image you have downloaded.
The blanks are not allowed in the Map name.
11. Click Create.
You map is displayed in Background.
Figure 114: NagVis - Map Example
The map must be in edition mode, if not, click Open and the Edit text corresponding to your map.
Figure 115: NagVis Map Edition
1. Click Map ➤ Add Icon ➤ Host, Hostgroup, Service, Servicegroup, MAP according to the type of
component you want to supervise on the map.
Figure 116: Add Icon object on NagVis Map
3. Select the host in the host_name list, the host and the service or the host group according to the
object type.
4. Click Save.
If needed you can adjust the icon on the map.
You can use mouse over on an icon (status) to see details of the host, the host group, the service or
service group.
If you click on an icon, then the corresponding window is opened with the details.
9. Click Clone in the popup window, a new Options window is displayed and you can select the name
of the object (Host, Host Group, Service, Service Group…)
Click Save, the new object is added on the map. Use mouse drag and drop functions if you want to
move object on the map.
2. Enter a Report Name, the Frequency, the Time and the Recipients.
3. Click Save.
Now the map will be emailed to the selected recipients.
10.1 BPI Reports
The Nagios XI Business Process Intelligence (BPI) is a reporting tool that allows you to efficiently
monitor your ecosystem.
The Nagios XI BPI groups can be used for determining a "real" network state for a group of services.
Dependencies are highly customizable, and the logic for determining a group state can be defined by the
Factors that create a Warning or Critical state:
• All non-essential members are in a problem state.
• Any essential members are in a problem state.
• The group's problem count exceeds the Warning Threshold.
• The group's problem count exceeds the Critical Threshold.
The BPI groups determine state by looking down only one level. A BPI group will essentially look for
the worst state trigger in the group, so if the warning threshold is exceeded for a group, but an essential
member is Critical, the group will still be Critical. There is no limit to the number of sub-groups that
can be created, you can define as many levels in your dependency tree as you want.
Primary BPI groups are seen from the top level of BPI page, while a non-primary group must have a
visible parent group in order to be seen on the display. If a non-primary group is defined but never
assigned to any primary group, it will not be visible on the display.
3. In the right pane, select Available Hosts (H), Service (S) and BPI Groups (G) you want to be
4. Click Add Member(s).
The selected hosts, services and BPI groups are displayed in the Group Members pane.
5. In the left pane, enter:
• Group ID: A unique identifier used internally by Nagios BPI and the check plugin. Use only alpha-
numeric characters without spaces.
• Display name: The group name that will be displayed to the end-user in the BPI interface.
• Health Threshold: Set thresholds in % for Warning and Critical states.
• Priority: Select a priority level.
6. Click Write Configuration.
2. In BPI Host Name, give a name to your BPI report and click Next.
3. Select BPI group(s) to be reported on and click Next.
4. Set a notification period: Under normal circumstances and when a potential problem is first detected
and click Next.
5. Check the notification group.
6. Click Finish.
5. Fill:
• The Report name.
• The Frequency.
• The Check PDF for you attachment file.
• The Recipient(s) email address(es).
• The Subject.
• The Message.
6. Click Save.
A list of all the scheduled reports is available in My Scheduled Reports menu in the left pane.
You can rename the backup file by clicking on the Rename icon.
When your production platform is in place, we recommend scheduling backup in order to be able to
restore a configuration in case of a server crash for example.
1. Click Scheduled Backups in System Backups section.
The Scheduled Backup page is displayed.
2. Select FTP or SSH depending on the way you want to transfer the backup to external media storage.
3. Define the periodicity of backup, FTP/SSH server and other required fields.
4. Update the settings and check the box Enable FTP backups or Enable SSH backups accordingly.
5. Verify that the backups are performed as defined.
4. You must now apply the new configuration: Select Configure ➤ Core Config Manager.
5. Click Apply Configuration in the Quick Tools section.
Figure 136: Apply Configuration
3. To transfer the file, use the link displayed in the page. The link opens automatically WinSCP which
allows to select an external file and transfer it to the Nagios backup folder /store/backups/
nagiosxi (by default).
Figure 139: Upload a Backup from an External Source
Once copied, the backup file is displayed on the Nagios XI backup file list (Do not forget to refresh
the screen).
6. Now you can follow the Restore a Backup from IPC Components Menu on page 123.
6. Remove the hosts for which the configuration has been modified compared to your initial version.
Refer to the Remove a Host on page 91.
7. Reconfigure the removed host using the new wizard.
5. Click Save.
The scheduled job is displayed.
13Filter Turrets
This menu allows to not monitor some Unigy 360 Turrets (i.e. Turrets used for test purpose).
1. Click Admin ➤ Turret filter from the IPC Components section available in the left panel.
The Turrets filter form is displayed.
2. Select the CCM or ACCM in the list on the top.
The list of monitored Turrets is displayed in the Turrets Monitored frame.
3. Select the turrets that must not be checked and click Add Selected.
Figure 144: Filter Turrets
The selected turrets are now in the Turrets not monitored frame.
4. Click Submit.
A IPC CyberArk 9
IPC Data Exchange 9
account IPC Docker 9
administrator 11 IPC File Server 9
Account IPC FreeSwitch 9
admin 11 IPC iCAS 9
administrator 11 IPC Media gateway 9
user 11 IPC Media Management Pool 9
add IPC MongoDB 9
IPC Splunk&SLIC 25 IPC NetCool 9
alert 12 IPC Ping Identity 9
alerting 14 IPC PostgresSQL 9
archive 123 IPC Proteus 9
IPC Recording Check 9
B IPC Slic 9
IPC SpidR Web RTC gateway 9
backup 123, 126, 127 IPC Splunk 9
BPI Basic Group 115 Linux 9
BPI group NTR 9
critical 115 Unigy 360 9
warning 115 Unigy Enterprise 9
BPI Group
Windows 9
essential member 116
BPI groups 117
BPI report F
critical 115
filter 131
monitoring 115
warning 115
BPI Threshold Group 115 H
health check 129
D host
clone 87
services 91
IPC Splunk&SLIC 25
status 95
wizard 20, 23, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42,
E 44, 46, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, 57, 59, 63, 64, 66, 68, 70,
72, 74, 76, 78, 79, 81, 83
host group
content 15
host 103
template 15
ASC Neo 9 M
Cloud Portal 9
mail settings
Connexus Unigy 9
IPC Ansible 9
SSL 12
IPC AudioCodes EMS 9
TLS 12
IPC Autoprovisioning 9
IPC Bastion Server 9
IPC Call Match 9 N
IPC Cloud Edge 9
authentication 107 T
board 107
clone 112 trap 101
email 113 turret 131
host 112
host group 112 U
icon 109
map 107, 109, 112, 113 update 126, 127
NagVis WUI user
image file 107 contact 13
notification 113
schedule 113 W
service 112
service group 112 winscp 123, 126
textbox 109 wizard
notification ASC Neo 64
contact 14 BPI 118
contact group 14 import 20
email 11, 15 IPC Ansible 72
mail 11 IPC AudioCodes 49
message 15 IPC Audiocodes EMS 50
sms 15 IPC Autoprovisioning 55
wizard 20, 23, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, IPC Bastion Serverl 83
44, 46, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, 57, 59, 63, 64, 66, 68, 70, IPC Call Match 68
72, 74, 76, 78, 79, 81, 83 IPC Cloud Edge 30, 32
IPC Cloud Portal 28, 81
P IPC CyberArk 74
IPC Docker 66
pdf 129 IPC File Server 79
IPC Freeswitch 36
IPC Media Manager Pool 78
RAG 129 IPC MongoDB 53
report 129 IPC MySQL 34
restore 123, 126 IPC NetCool 63
IPC Ping Identity 38
S IPC PostgreSQL 70
IPC Proteus 76
schedule IPC Recording Check 52
report IPC Service Standard 59
pdf 120 IPC Slic 40
script 126, 127 IPC SpidR Web RTC 44
security IPC Splunk 42
SSL 12 IPC Splunk&SLIC 23, 25
TLS 12 IPC Unigy 360 26
service IPC Unigy Enterprise 20
status 95 IPC Web Server 32
community 97 zip 20
SSH 126, 127