Heem1 - Module 1
Heem1 - Module 1
Heem1 - Module 1
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Classification of Events
Types of Events
Benefits of Events
Events create opportunities for people to connect with an area, spend time together, celebrate and
experience the diversity of cultures and foster creativity and innovation. They allow a community to come
alive and provide an opportunity for a destination to showcase its tourism experience and increase
economic activity. Events contribute significantly to community building, lifestyle and leisure enhancement,
cultural development, tourism promotion and increased visitation, volunteer participation, fundraising and
economic development. Most importantly, events create a sense of fun and vibrancy, resulting in a strong
sense of community connectivity, pride and a sense of place.
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
Understand the concept of event management;
Study the different types of events; and
Know the benefits of events
Before you proceed to the main lesson, test yourself in this activity.
Have you attended to any event before? If yes, specify type of event it was. If not, what kind of
event that you had celebrated at home and describe its outcome.
You may now proceed to the main lesson.
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Introduction to Events Management
Based on the preliminary activities, what did you notice about it?
You may now proceed to the lesson.
There is no single universally accepted definition of event. Many authors have discussed the definition of
events and the various terms used to describe them. However, there is only limited agreement on
standardized terms across the various researches
The Accepted Practices Exchange Industry Glossary of TERMS (APEX, 2005) defines an event as, ―An
organized occasion such as a meeting, convention, exhibition, special event, gala dinner, etc. An event is
often composed of several different yet related functions
Goldblatt (2005) focuses on special events as ―a unique moment in time, celebrated with ceremony and
ritual to satisfy specific needs.‖ Getz (2008) notes that events are spatial - temporal phenomena and that
each is unique because of interactions among the setting, people, and management systems, including
design elements and the program. He highlights the fact that the biggest appeal of events is that they are
never the same, and that the guest has ―to be there‖ in order to enjoy the experience fully. He suggests
two definitions, from the perspective of the event organizers, as well as the guests:
1. A special event is a one-time or infrequently occurring event outside normal programs or activities of the
sponsoring or organizing body.
2. To the customer or guest, a special event is an opportunity for leisure, social or cultural experience
outside the normal range of choices or beyond everyday experience.
Bowdin (2006) notes that the term ―event has been used ―to describe specific rituals, presentations,
performances or celebrations that are consciously planned and created to mark special occasions and/or to
achieve particular social, cultural or corporate goals and objectives. Jago and Shaw (1998) suggest six
features of special events. According to them, special events should:
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Summarizing the definition of a special event, they note it as: ―A one-time or infrequently occurring event
of limited duration that provides the consumer with a leisure and social opportunity beyond everyday
experience. Such events, which attract or have the potential to attract tourists, are often held to raise the
profile, image or awareness of a region.
There are different criteria for classification of events. The basic one classifies events as planned and
unplanned. Planned events are the subject of study of event management and they require setup,
management, executives and certain length of time. Unplanned events are accidents, natural disasters and
other similar, and they will not be taken into consideration in this unit.
MEGA EVENTS: Events with international appeal and true global reach typically fall into the
categories of major or mega-events. Such events have the potential to act as catalysts for local
development, and to deliver a range of economic, socio-cultural, environmental and other benefits
associated with image, branding, and expansion of the visitor economy, just to name a few.
Mega-events, as the largest and highest profile of all events, invariably, require the most significant
and sophisticated infrastructure development, are typically the most expensive to host, and given
the competitive bidding process for such events, typically take the longest time from inception to
delivery. They also tend to have the longest legacy period. However, there are also very limited
opportunities for cities and countries to host these very largest of events. Problems of
infrastructure, facilities, transport and cross cultural issues are some of the limitations in the
organization of these events. Despite this, many countries continue to view the investment of
resources necessary to bid for and potentially host these mega-events, as one that can provide
commensurate returns
HALLMARK EVENTS: These are the events with the distinctive quality of the program. Hallmark
events are so identified with the spirit and soul of a host community that they become synonymous
with the name of the place, and gain widespread recognition and awareness. Hallmark events are
of special importance and attractiveness both for participants and visitors, they attract great
attention of the public, contribute to the image of destination and maintain and revitalize the
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Introduction to Events Management
tradition. These events are identified with the very essence of these places and their citizens, and
bring huge tourist revenue as well as a strong sense of local pride and international recognition
MAJOR EVENTS: Major event is a large-scale event, with strong public interest and media
coverage. Major events attract large numbers of visitors, and help the organizers achieve good
economic results. In practice of management of events, these events are often sports-oriented,
with an international reputation, and defined structure of competition for example: Formula One
Grand Prix or trade fair exhibitions held at Pragati Maiden New Delhi.
LOCAL EVENTS: Local event is an event that is targeted mainly for local audiences and staged
primarily for their social, fun and entertainment value. These events often produce a range of
benefits, including engendering pride in the community, strengthening a feeling of belonging and
creating a sense of place. They can also help with exposing people to new ideas and experiences,
encouraging participation in sports and arts activities, and encouraging tolerance and diversity.
Various local events are celebrated in India such as Lohrai, Baisakhi and exhibitions to display new
Another common way of classifying events is by their form or content:
Cultural Celebrations
Arts and Entertainment
Business and Trade
Sports competition
Educational and Scientific
Political and state
a. Festivals
b. Carnivals
c. Commemorations
d. Religious Events
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a. Sports or games for fun
b. Weddings
c. Parties
d. Socials
e. Business events and tourism
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1. Structural expansion of the visitor economy : Visitors coming to a city or region for an event will contribute
to a more buoyant economy, with visitor expenditure having a multiplier effect on incomes throughout
related supply chains. With the multiplier effect the host destination shall benefit in terms of employment,
income and better standards of living.
2. Alignment of tourism with other strategies : The requirements of hosting a major event can be used to,
promote an integrated whole-of government approach, and maximize synergies between relevant
development and growth infrastructure constructed for events are one of the most visible lasting legacies
for a host city or region and can have real impacts for tourism growth.
3. Marketing and promotion: Pre-event branding associated with the successful hosting of a major event,
can provide lasting recognition of destination branding in key tourism markets, encourage return visitation
of attendees or participants, and a better understanding of the focus of the event such as sport, arts and
culture, food and wine, etc.
4. Environmental impacts: The international focus often associated with major events can help to prioritize
work on an often under-developed or neglected built environment and therefore the attractiveness and
competitiveness of destinations. In addition, ensuring that events are managed in an environmentally
friendly manner is also becoming a high priority in terms of branding
Directions/Instructions: Identify what is being asked in the statement. Write your answer in the
space provided.
1. It is an organized occasion such as a meeting, convention, exhibition, special events and gala dinner.
a. Wedding
b. Event
c. Occasion
d. Birthday
2. Events with international appeal and true global reach.
a. Mega Events
b. Major Events
c. Local Events
d. Hallmark Events
3. Large-scale events with strong public interest and media coverage.
a. Hallmark Events
b. Mega Events
c. Major Events
d. Local Events
4. These are the events with distinctive quality of the program.
a. Mega Events
b. Local Events
c. Major Events
d. Hallmark Events
5. Events that targeted mainly local audiences and staged primarily for social, fun an entertainment
a. Hallmark Events
b. Local Events
c. Mega Events
d. Major Events
6. Events that often with close links to the host destination, whether the connection is literary, culinary,
adventure sports, must festivals.
a. Niche Events
b. Participatory Sports Events
c. Signature Cultural Events
d. International Sports Events
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7. Events which attract thousands of competitors from outside the host country, most of whom bring
multiple people with them.
a. International Sports Events
b. Niche Events
c. Signature Cultural Events
d. Participatory Sports Events
8. Events which gain international reputation as must see with inclusion.
a. Participatory Sports Events
b. International Sports Events
c. Signature Cultural Events
d. Niche Events
9. Events such as the World Cup Rugby, the Tour de France, and World Championships for a variety of
sports (athletics, swimming, gymnastics etc.).
a. Participatory Sports Events
b. International Sports Events
c. Niche Events
d. Pleasure Travelers
10. A one-time of infrequently occurring events outside normal programs.
a. Events
b. Special Events
c. Business and Pleasure travelers
d. Pleasure Travelers
Discuss the important features of private events and cite appropriate examples?
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Directions/Instructions: Matching Type: Match Column A with Column B relative to the types of
1. Festivals
2. Summits
3. Concerts
4. Meeting and Conventions
5. Conferences
6. Wedding
7. Carnivals
8. Awarding Ceremony
9. Fairs
10. Clinics
a. Cultural Celebration
b. Political and State
c. Arts and Entertainment
d. Business and Trade
e. Educational and Scientific
f. Sports Competition
g. Recreational
h. Private Events
After your long journey of reading and accomplishing the module, let us now
challenge your mind by answering the evaluation part of this module.
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Introduction to Events Management
1. Event is an organized occasion such as a meeting, convention, exhibition, special events and gala
2. Major events project international appeal and true global reach.
3. Mega events are large-scale events, with strong public interest and media coverage.
4. Hallmark events contain distinctive quality of the program.
5. Local events targeted mainly the local audiences and staged primarily for social, fun an
entertainment value.
6. Niche events often with close links to the host destination, whether the connection is literary,
culinary, adventure sports, must festivals.
7. Signature Cultural events attract thousands of competitors from outside the host country and most
of whom bring multiple people with them.
8. International events gain international reputation that must see with inclusion.
9. Participatory Events such as the World Cup Rugby, the Tour de France, and World Championships
refer to variety of sports including athletics, swimming, gymnastics etc.
10. Special events are one-time infrequently occurring events outside normal programs.