Research and Educational Research
Research and Educational Research
Research and Educational Research
Assignment on –
Paper –
Introduction to Research Methods
MEM - 1003
EN. NO.- GH8543
ROLL NO.- 20MED 037
M.ED (P)
Prof. Gunjan Dubey
Dept. of Education
Aligarh Muslim University
Aligarh, U.P. 202002
Definition of Research –
Purpose of Research -
I. Exploratory -
As the name suggests, researchers conduct exploratory
studies to explore a group of questions. The answers and analytics may
not offer a conclusion to the perceived problem. It is undertaken to
handle new problem areas that haven’t been explored before. This
exploratory process lays the foundation for more conclusive data
collection and analysis.
II. Descriptive –
It focuses on expanding knowledge on current issues
through a process of data collection. Descriptive studies describe the
behaviour of a sample population. Only one variable is required to
conduct the study. The three primary purposes of descriptive studies are
describing, explaining, and validating the findings.
III. Explanatory –
Causal or explanatory research is conducted to understand
the impact of specific changes in existing standard procedures. Running
experiments is the most popular form.
Types of Research –
Quantitative methods –
Characteristics of Research -
Educational Research –
J B West defines educational research as that activity that is directed towards the
development of a science of behaviour in educational situations. The ultimate aim
of such a science is to provide knowledge that will permit the educator to achieve
his goals through the most effective methods.
Research in education as
in other fields is essential for providing useful and dependable knowledge through
which the process of education can be made more effective. There are various
considerations which emphasize need for research in education
➢ Education has strong roots in the field like philosophy, history, economics,
psychology and sociology. It is through an intensive process of scientific
inquiry about the philosophical, historical, economics, psychological and
sociological impact on various aspects of education that sound theories can
be established.
➢ Education is considered as much a science as an art. As a science, it has a
corpus of knowledge. Since education depends on a corpus of knowledge,
there is need to add scientific knowledge to it for enrichment and
improvement. As an art, education seeks to impart knowledge effectively.
It needs careful research efforts to enhance teacher’s effectiveness.
➢ The slogan of democratization of education resulted in the expansion of
education. It has given rise to numerous problems like the problem of
individual differences, expansion, buildings, discipline and so on.
Solutions of such problems by trial and error or by experience from
tradition and authority often yielded erroneous result. We need solutions
based on research so that the coming generation is not left to the mercy of
errors of outright sins of tradition, ignorance and prejudice.
➢ There is a need for educational research because of the changing concept
of education. The International Commission on the Development of
Education, in its report “Learning To Be” (UNESCO 1972, p. 143)
emphasizes: - ‘Education from now-on can no longer be defined in relation
to a fixed content which has to be assimilated, but must be conceived of as
a process in the human beings, who thereby learns to express himself, to
communicate and to question the world, through his various experiences
and increasingly - all the time - to fulfil himself. It has strong roots, not
only in economics and sociology but also in the findings from
psychological research which indicate that man is an unfinished being and
can only fulfil himself through constant learning. If this is so, then
education takes place at all ages of life, in all situations and circumstances
of existence. It returns to its true nature, which is to be total and life long,
and transcends the limits of institutions, programmes and methods imposed
on it down the centuries.’
➢ During the last two decades, great changes have taken place as a result of
the rapid scientific and technological developments. Education has to play
an important role so that we can accept the change in a smooth way. It can
do so by bringing improvements in the existing curriculum, textbooks,
methods of teaching and evaluation.
▪ Surveys/Questionnaires -
▪ Interviews -
▪ Observation -