Continuous Compounding
Compound Interest - The concept is based on the
- Interest of loan or principal assumption that cash
which is based not only on the payments occur once per year
original amount but the but compounding is
amount of loan plus continuous throughout the
the previous accumulated year.
𝐹 = 𝑃𝑒 !'
𝐹 = 𝑃(1 + 𝑖 )&
Values of ‘n’, ‘I’, and ‘t’ for different
𝑟 modes of compounding (m):
𝐹 = 𝑃(1 + )%'
𝑚 Annually (every 12 months)
m = 1, i = r, n = t
F = Future Worth Semi-annually (every 6 months)
P = Present Worth m = 2, i = r / 2, n = 2t
i = Effective Interest Rate per
interest period (per month, per Quarterly (every 3 months)
quarter, per year, etc.) m = 4, i = r / 4, n = 4t
n = total number of compounding
periods Bimonthly (every 2 months)
m = mode of compounding m = 6, i = r / 6, n = 6t
r = specified nominal rate
t = number of years Semi-quarterly (every 1.5 months)
m = 8, i = r / 8, n = 8t
In the compound interest formula, Monthly (every month)
the quantities: m = 12, i = r / 12, n = 12t
( 1 + i )n is known as the Single
Payment Compound Amount Semi-monthly (every 0.5 months)
Factor (SPCAF) m = 24, i = r / 24, n = 24t
( 1 + i )-n is known as the Single
Payment Present Worth Factor
6. The amount of P25 000 was 10. How long will it take for an
deposited in the bank earning an investment to triple its amount if
interest of 8.3% per annum. invested at an interest rate of 12%
Determine the total amount at the compounded semi-annually?
end of 15 years if the principal and
interest were not withdrawn during A. 18.36 years C. 4.71 years
the period. B. 9.43 years D. 6.6 years
𝐴 𝐹=∞
𝐹= [(1 + 𝑖 )& − 1]
𝐴 𝑃=
𝑃= [1 − (1 + 𝑖)"# ](1 + 𝑖) 𝑖
Deferred Annuity 11. A businessman borrowed money
- type of annuity where the first today to be paid in 10 equal
payment is made later than payments for 10 quarters. If the
the first or is made several interest rate is 10% compounded
periods after the beginning of quarterly and the quarterly
the annuity. payment is P2000, how much did
he borrow?
A. P16 350.2 C. P13 436.8
𝐴 B. P10 852.5 D. P17,504.1
𝐹 = [(1 + 𝑖 )& − 1]
APR 2015: A man bought an
PRESENT WORTH equipment costing P30 000
payable in 12 quarterly payments,
𝐴 each period. The rate of interest is
𝑃= [1 − (1 + 𝑖 )!" ](1 + 𝑖)!# 32% compounded quarterly. What
𝑖 is the amount of each payment?
𝑃= [1 − (1 + 𝑖 )!" ](1 + 𝑖)#!$ A. P1700 C. P3700
𝑖 B. P2700 D. P4700
m = number of periods before the
beginning of the first payment
d = delay
p = price per unit
N = number of units (quantity)
17. What is the book value of an 20. A loan of P5 000 is made for a
equipment purchased 3 years ago period of 15 months, at a simple
for P15 000 if it is depreciated using interest rate of 15%. What future
the sum-of-year’s-digit (SYD) amount is due at the end of the
method? The expected life is 5 loan period?
A. P5 397.50 C. P5 840.50
A. P3000 C. P6000 B. P3 456.25 D. P4 115.75
B. P4000 D. P9000
21. A bank is advertising 9.5%
18. On the day his grandson was accounts that yield 9.84% annually.
born, a man deposited to a trust How often is the interest
company a sufficient amount of compounded?
money so that the boy could
receive five annual payments of A. Daily C. Bimonthly
P20 000 each for his college tuition B. Monthly D. Quarterly
fees, starting with his 18th birthday.
Interest at the rate of 12% per 22. The amount of P20 000 was
annum was to be paid on all deposited in a bank earning an
amounts on deposit. There was also interest of 6.5% per annum.
a provision that the grandson could Determine the total amount at the
elect to withdraw no annual end of 7 years if the principal and
payments and receive a single interest were not withdrawn during
lump amount on his 25th birthday. this period.
The son chose this option. How
much did the grandfather deposit? A. P30 000 C. P32 000
B. P31 000 D. P33 000
A. P9 500 C. P11 500
B. P10 500 D. P12 500 23. These are activities that people
do for themselves or for other
19. A compressor can be purchased people to satisfy their wants.
with a down payment of P8000
and equal installments of 600 each A. Supply C. Goods
paid at the end of every month for B. Demand D. Services
the next 12 months. If the money is
worth 12% compounded monthly, 24. It is the decrease in the value of
determine the equivalent cash physical property due to the
price of the compressor. passage of time.
A. An ordinary year
B. A leap year
C. A lucky year
D. An unlucky year