Women Rights

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SUBMITTED ON: 08-07-2022

Women's rights are the rights and entitlements claimed for women and girls worldwide. Many
organizations and governments worldwide focus on improving the status of women and girls.
According to the International Labor Organization, 11.4 million women and girls are victims of
forced labor in different forms – including debt bondage, trafficking and forced prostitution. As
global leaders seek to improve the status of women and girls, it’s critical to focus on decreasing
women and girls’ exploitation in forced labor, trafficking and slavery.


Women Empowerment refers to increasing the spiritual, political, social, educational, gender, or
economic strength of individuals and communities of women.


Figure: Top 10 Women Rights in India

1. Domestic Violence Act, 2005:

“Civil law aim that providing relief to women i.e. wives, mothers, daughters and sisters affected
by violence.” The PWDVA includes actual or threatened abuse against women in their homes
including those of a physical, sexual, verbal, emotional or economic nature. It considers more
than two- third of married women have experienced some form of sexual of domestic violence
including being beaten, raped or forced to provide sex.
Through this act, women are entitled to:

 Protection: The magistrate can pass orders to stop the offender from committing
violence communicating with the woman or intimidating her family.
 Residence: can’t be evicted from shared house.
 Compensation: can claim damages for mental and physical injuries.
 Monetary relief and maintenance: including loss of earnings, medical expenses and
damage to property.
 Punishments for acts include a jail sentence of up to 1 year or rupees 20000 fine. Women
have the right to get free legal services under the legal services authorities act 1987.

2. Hindu Succession Act,1956:

The Hindu Succession Act, 1956 is an act of the parliament of India enacted to amend and codify
the laws relating to unwilled succession.

 Any property possessed by a Hindu female is to be held by her absolute property and she
is given full power to dealt with it and dispose it of by her will as she likes.
 Parts of this act was amended in 2005 and now called by Hindu succession
(Amendment) act.
 Earlier the act didn’t give daughters equal rights to ancestral property but this disparity
was removed by an amendment that came into force on Sep 9,2005.

3. Equal Remuneration Act,1976:

 It extends to the whole of India.

 Duty of employer to pay equal remuneration to men and women workers for same work
or similar nature of work.
 No discrimination to be made while recruiting men and women workers. “An act to
provide for the payment of equal remuneration to men and women workers and for the
prevention of discrimination on the ground of sex against women in the matter of
employment and for matters connected there with or incidental there to..”
Advisory committee:

 For the purpose of providing increasing employment opportunities for women, the
government shall constitute, one or more advisory committee.
 Every advisory committee shall consist of not less than ten members, to be nominated by
the appropriate government of which one half shall be women.

Act not to apply in certain cases: Any special treatment accorded to women in connection
 The birth or expected birth of a child.
 The terms and condition relating to retirement, marriage or death.

4. Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961:

 It extends to the whole India except the state of Jammu and Kashmir.
 If any person after the commencement of this act, gives or takes dowry, he shall be
punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not less than 3 years and with fine
which shall not be less than 15 thousand. “Dowry means any property or valuable
security given or agreed to be given either directly or indirectly. By one party to a
marriage to the other party to the marriage.”
Dowry prohibition officers

The state government may appoint as many dowry prohibition officers as it thinks fit and specify
the areas in respect of which they shall exercise their jurisdiction and powers under this act.
Functions of Officers:
 To prevent as far as possible, the taking or abetting the taking of, or the demanding of the
 To collect such evidence as may be necessary for the prosecution of persons committing
offences under the act

5. Eve Teasing Act, 2011:

Eve teasing is a ridiculous form of enjoyment for men and a physical as well as mental torment
for women. This is one of the daily problems women in Indian society face. Of all the forms that
violence against women can assume, eve teasing is the most ubiquitous and insidious because it
is considered normal behavior and not an assault to females.
Causes of Eve Teasing:
o Lack of family values
o Stereotypical beliefs
o Influence by friends
o For fun and pleasure

Section 294-IPC: Whoever does any obscene act in any public place, or sings, recites or utters
any obscene song, ballad or words, in or near any public place, shall be punished with
imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three months, or with fine, or
with both.
Section 354-IPC: Whoever assaults or uses criminal force to any woman, intending to outrage
or knowing it to be likely that he will thereby outrage her modesty, shall be punished with
imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine, or
with both.

Section 504-IPC: Whoever intentionally insults, and thereby gives provocation to any person,
intending or knowing it to be likely that such provocation will cause him to break the public
peace, or to commit any other offence, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description
for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with both.

6. Maternity Benefit Act, 1961:

An act to regulate the employment of women in certain establishments for certain periods before
and after child- birth and to provide for maternity benefit and certain other benefit.”
 1961, extends to whole India.
 Giving jobs period not less than 2 months.

Application of Act: -

Every establishment belonging to Government, where persons are employed.

Facilities provided: -

 Maternity leave: Every woman will be entitled to maternity benefit of 12 weeks.

 Option to work from home: This act permits a woman to work from home, depending on
 Crèche facilities: Woman will be allowed 4 visits to crèche in a day. On 11 August, 2016
 Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Bill introduced in Rajya Sabha by minister for Labor and
Employment, Mr. Bandaru Dattatreya.

7. Immoral Traffic(prevention) Act:

Trafficking in Person” has been defined with a provision for punishing any person who is
guilty of the offence of trafficking in person for the purpose of prostitution.”

 1956, extends to whole India except Jammu and Kashmir.

 Came under the Central Government.
 Punishment: 2 to 5years with 10,000 fine.
 In case of child: 7 years or upto life time with 10,000 to 2 lakh fine.
 On May 22, 2006 Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Amendment Bill was passed.

8. Child Marriage Restraint Act,1929:

Child marriages in India have continued despite the enactment of laws for its prohibition as
they have adverse consequences on women’s health, growth etc.

 Penalties involving in child marriages are provided in Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929.
 Draft prevention of Child Marriage Bill 2004 is preventing in the Parliament

 MWCD to advocate compulsory registration of marriages
 Age of parties to be verified at the time of marriage
9. The Hindu Adoption and Maintenance act,1956:

This Act was enacted in India along with legislations like the Hindu Marriage Act(1955),the
Hindu Succession Act(1956) and the Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act(1956) under the
leadership of Pt. J.L Nehru.

Adoption: -

 The adopter must be Hindu and child must be capable of being adopted.
 They have to have the capacity to provide for the adopted child
 Compliance with specifications met to make the adoption valid.
 Only unmarried Hindu women can legally adopt a child while married can give their
consent to adoption by their husbands • The child be the of sixteen or older


 A Hindu wife is entitled to be provided for by her husband throughout the duration of her
lifetime even if she is allowed to live separately.
 It is applicable for all marriages before or after the Act.
 If wife is widowed, then it is duty of her father-in-law to provide for her
 Under this Act, the child is guaranteed maintained from his/her parents until he/she
ceases to be minor

10. Hindu Marriage Act:

 The Act applies to all forms of Hinduism (for example, to a person who is a Virashaiva,
a Lingayat etc.
 The Hindu Marriage Act provides guidance for Hindus to be in a systematic marriage
bond. It gives meaning to marriage, cohabiting rights for both the bride and groom, and
a safety for their family and children so that they do not suffer from their parental issue.

Conditions for marriage:

 Section 5 of The Hindu Marriage Act specifies that conditions must be met for a
marriage to be able to take place.
 Void marriages: Either party is under age. The bridegroom should be of 21 years of age
and the bride of 18 years.
 Voidable marriage: both parties must be sound of mind and capable of understanding
the implications of marriage.
 Registration:Section 8 of the Hindu Marriage Act allows a state government to make
rules for the registration of Hindu marriages particular to that state, particularly with
respect to recording the particulars of marriage as may be prescribed in the Hindu
Marriage Register.
 Divorce:
Although marriage is held to be divine, the Hindu Marriage Act does permit either party
to divorce on the grounds of unhappiness, or if he or she can prove that the marriage is
no longer tenable
 Remarriage:
Remarriage is possible once a marriage has been dissolved by a decree of divorce and no
longer able to be appealed (whether there was no right of appeal in the first place, or
whether the time for appealing has expired, or whether an appeal has been presented but

Changes Brought About by the Hindu Marriage Act 1955:

1. The Act has declared that marriages amongst Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and Buddhists, are
2. The minimum age for marriage, 21 for boy and 18 for a girl.
3. Registration of Hindu Marriage.
4. The provision of divorce and the concept of divorce by mutual consent.
5. The provision of re-marriage.
6. Legitimacy of a child born out of either void or voidable marriage.
7. Provision for the custody of children during the pendency of legal proceeding and even
after the passing of decree

11. The Hindu Widow Remarriage Act:

Tis actwas legalized on July 16th 1856 and was enacted on July 25th the same year. This
cause was championed by Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, an important figure of the Bengal
Renaissance. Vidyasagar went ahead and provided legal safeguards ensuring that widows do
not lose out on any inheritance that they were entitled to by their deceased husbands.

According to the act, widows were to give up any such inheritance. This act was particularly
targeted at child widows whose husbands had died before the consummation of the

If the widow re-marrying is a minor whose marriage has not been consummated, she shall
not re-marry without the consent of her father, or if she has no father, of her paternal
grandfather, or if she has no such grandfather, of her mother, or, failing all these, of her
elder brother, or failing also brothers of her next male relative.

Hindu widows for many years were subject to extreme hardships including the practice of
sati, a social funeral practice, which required a widow to immolate herself on the funeral
pyre of her husband. Sati was finally banned in 1826 due a joint effort by social and
religious reformer Raja Ram Mohan Roy and the British, who condemned this inhuman


Nurses must be aware of the extent and seriousness of violence against women, because
they are well positioned to play a key role. in its prevention. Nurses are respected health-
care providers and have authority by virtue of their expertise.
Among the actions required to counteract the societal forces that promote the abuse of
women are:
1) an examination of one’s personal attitude toward the subject,
2) the empowerment of women through nursing practice, and
3) the development of setting-specific interventions.

Nursing as a pathway to women's empowerment and intergenerational mobility

Aim and objective

To assess the impact of nursing education on the intergenerational mobility of graduates of

nursing upskilling programmes.


Challenges for low- and middle-income countries include poverty and limited access to health,
education and social services compounded by workforce shortages, inequality and female
disempowerment. Little is known about the impact of nursing education on women's
empowerment and intergenerational mobility in such settings.


A cross-sectional study using data collected through an online alumni survey.


Data were collected March to May 2016 using an online questionnaire, as part of a larger nursing
programme alumni survey. Intergenerational mobility was assessed by comparing the
respondents’ educational qualification with their fathers’ and mothers’ education levels.
Descriptive statistics were analysed using frequencies and percentages. Associations between
parental and respondents’ education levels were assessed using chi-square tests.


Out of 446 female respondents who completed the survey, 379 and 366 indicated their fathers’
and mothers’ education level, respectively. A third of the respondents’ mothers had no formal
schooling; lower levels of parental education are significantly associated with increase in
respondents age (p < 0.001) and associated shift from Uganda to Kenya and Tanzania
(p < 0.001). Respondents had a marked upward intergenerational education mobility with 76%
(278/366) and 59% (223/379) of them achieving a qualification two levels above their mothers
and fathers, respectively. Tanzanian respondents had significantly higher rates of upward
mobility than Kenyan and Ugandan respondents.

Nursing education positively impacted gender, economic factors and health outcomes. Further
research is needed to confirm the “triple impact” of nursing education on improving health,
gender equality and economic growth in low- and middle-income countries.

 Women’s rights. Available from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_rights

[Accessed 24th JUNE, 2022]
 Women’s rights. Available from: https://www.pathfinder.org/focus-areas/advocacy/?ut
[Accessed 24th JUNE, 2022]
 Women’s rights. Available from:
https://www.amnesty.org/en/what-we-do/discrimination/womens-rights [Accessed 24th
JUNE, 2022]
 Women’s rights. Available from: https://www.globalfundforwomen.org/womens-human-
rights/ [Accessed 24th JUNE, 2022]


 Nursing as a pathway to women's empowerment and intergenerational mobility

Aim and objective. Journal of Clinical Nursing, Volume27, Issue21-22 p. 4050-4057
Available from: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jocn.14540

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