Learning Material 1. Educational Philosophiesm
Learning Material 1. Educational Philosophiesm
Learning Material 1. Educational Philosophiesm
The word philosophy is derived from two Greek words. The first word, philo,
which means “love.” The second, sophy, means “wisdom.” Literally, then, philosophy
means “love of wisdom” (Power, 1982). Each individual has an attitude toward life,
children, politics, learning, and previous personal experiences that informs and shapes
their set of beliefs. Although you may not be conscious of it, this set of beliefs, or
personal philosophy, informs how you live, work, and interact with others. What you
believe is directly reflected in both your teaching and learning processes. In this
learning material, you will explore and learn the various philosophical views that
influence the teaching profession.
It is important to understand how philosophy and education are interrelated.
In order to become the most effective teacher you can be, you must understand your
own beliefs, while at the same time empathizing with others. In this learning material,
you will be exposed to the different philosophical thoughts on education – what should
be taught for the socialization of the individual and how these should be taught.
At the end of the lesson, the students should have:
1. summarized the salient features and underpinning of principles of the six
philosophical thoughts on education; and
2. explored additional philosophies on education through reflective practice and
research work.
Warm Up Activity
I would like to know how much you know and understand about the
interrelationship of philosophy of education, so you need to make and accomplish a
thinking map similar to what is shown below.
When done with the map, make a paragraph with 3-5 sentences describing the
map it. Take a picture and send to our discussion forum intended for this lesson.
(Note: Do not forget to write your NAME in it).
Open the powerpoint presentation I made and attached as an activity or
resource for our first lesson titled “Philosophical Thoughts on Education”. You need to
take note of important concepts from the presentation because you will be needing
these in doing the next activities.
A. Check for Understanding
1. Make a table summary of the philosophies of education you have learned from
the powerpoint.
2.Explain in a sentence why each education philosopher was associated with these
given words:
a) John Locke – the empiricist
b) Spencer – the utilitarianist
c) John Dewey – experience
d) George Counts – Building a new social order
e) Theodore Brameld – the Social Reconstructionist
f) Paulo Freire – Critical pedagogy vs. Banking method
B. Application
Apply what you have learned by giving your thoughts and reactions about each of
the following.
1. “If you cannot bring the learners to the world, bring the world to the classroom.”
Will this go with John Dewey’s philosophy of education: Explain your answer.
2. Considering DepEd mission statement “to protect and promote the right of every
Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete basic education” can
we say that Philippine educational system is in a sense equitable? What actions
and what recent legislations are proofs that the Philippines gives equal access to
quality education to its citizens?
3. Is free tertiary education really pro-poor in the sense that it is the poor who are
indeed benefited? Justify your answer.
4. Freire opposed the banking method of education and favored critical pedagogy.
Why? The banking method is characterized as a vertical relationship while critical
pedagogy is characterized by a horizontal type of relationship. Be guided by the
figure below.
teacher student
Wrap Up Activity
For your TAKEAWAYS and as a summary, accomplish a Double Entry Journal similar
to the one shown below.
Two Things I Learned From this Chapter My Thoughts and Reactions About It
that Interests Me and I Needed the
You are required to submit outputs for this learning material. Your performance will
be assessed based from the QUALITY or SUBSTANCE of your outputs.
Prieto, N. G., Arcangel, C. N., and Corpuz, B. B. (2019). The Teacher and the Community,
School Culture and Organizational Leadership. LORIMAR Publishing, Inc. Cubao,
Quezon City.
Lynch, M. (2017). 5 Things that Educators Should Know About the Philosophy of
Education. Retrieved from https://www.theedadvocate.org/5-things-that-educators-