Development of PLA Hybrid Yarns For Biobased Self
Development of PLA Hybrid Yarns For Biobased Self
Development of PLA Hybrid Yarns For Biobased Self
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1. Introduction
In general, fibre reinforced composites consist of at least two different materials. A reinforcing
material is embedded in a polymeric matrix material. Usually glass or carbon fibres are being used as
the reinforcement material. These fibres carry the loads applied to the composites. The matrix mainly
holds the reinforcing fibres in place and protects them from environmental conditions. Adding
reinforcing fibres cause an increase in mechanical properties of the matrix phase. As a result, fibre
reinforced composites combine the advantage of high mechanical properties (strength and stiffness)
with low weight compared to metals such as steel or aluminium. [1]
Self-reinforced polymer composites (SRPCs) are a special type of composite. In SRPCs the same
polymer is used for the reinforcing and the matrix phase [2]. Capiati and Porter introduced the concept
already in 1975 [3]. Due to the use of a thermoplastic reinforcing fibre, SRPCs combine high impact
and high durability. The density of SRPCs is lower compared to for example glass fibre reinforced
composites. The recyclability of such composites is also increased by using the same polymer type as
reinforcing and matrix material [4].
Self-reinforcing a polymer with fibres of the same polymer type results in an increase of the
following material properties:
and impact behaviour [5].
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17th World Textile Conference AUTEX 2017- Textiles - Shaping the Future IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 254 (2017) 042016 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/254/4/042016
The most significant improvement is observed for the impact behaviour [5]. SRPCs also offer
superior fibre-matrix-adhesion compared to traditionally fibre filled polymers as fibre and matrix are
made of the same material. The high chemical similarity leads to a strong composite as well as to a
high nucleation density for the transcrystallization of the fibres into the matrix. The mechanical
properties are strongly affected by the fibre-matrix-adhesion. Poor fibre matrix adhesion leads to
peeling, cracking and reinforcement fibre pull-out. [5]
Using thermoplastic reinforcing fibres for self-reinforced composites also introduces some
disadvantages. The main problem is the dependency of the reinforcing fibre’s mechanical properties
on temperature. Therefore, the processing window for consolidation is limited. It has to be precisely
controlled in order to receive the best mechanical properties. The small processing window
(consolidation temperature and cycle time) is the major challenge for producing SRPCs.
In order to reduce the cycle time and therefore heat exposure, hybrid yarns with short melt flow
paths can be used. The reinforcing fibres as well as the matrix fibres are mixed on a filament level
during the Commingling process. The use of commingled yarns allows the combination of a large
variety of fibres and therefore a wide range of material properties. The melt flow paths of the matrix
material are considerably lower compared to the Film-Stacking process [6]. COMFIL ApS, Gjern,
Denmark currently produces SRPCs in form of high-tenacity PET mixed with low melting PET in
form of yarn, fabrics, consolidated plates and rods/tapes. Self-reinforced Polypropylene (PP) is also
available [7]. The production process of SRPCs using commingled yarns is illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Consolidation process of commingled yarn based production process for SRPCs
2. Experimental
The material provided for the development of self-reinforced PLA is procured directly in filament yarn
form as part of the EU project BIO4SELF [8]. Two project partners are developing the fibres in their
research facilities. The reinforcing fibres (High Tm) are provided by by Centexbel, the Belgian
research centre for textiles and plastics, Gent, Belgium. The matrix filaments (Low Tm) have been
acquired from the AMIBM Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials, Maastricht,
Both multifilament yarns (reinforcing and matrix fibres) are mixed using a modular commingling
machine at ITA. A mixing ratio of 50:50 is chosen. The filament yarns are delivered separately and
commingled inside a mixing box using an air jet nozzle. Compressed air is used to open and to
intermingle the fibres. This results in the production of a hybrid yarn. The turbulences causing the
mixing are controlled by increasing or decreasing the air pressure. The amount of filament breaks as
well as production costs rise with increasing air pressures. Both multifilament yarns can be overfed.
This influences the quality of the yarn (fibre distribution and orientation). The overfeeding is caused
by the relative speed between the delivery godets and the take-off godet. In addition, the production
17th World Textile Conference AUTEX 2017- Textiles - Shaping the Future IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 254 (2017) 042016 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/254/4/042016
speed constitutes a relevant process parameter for the hybrid yarn quality as well as production costs.
The production process is shown in Figure 2. The production speed, pressure and overfeeding rate are
varied during the commingling trials to identify a parameter set that offers best properties for the
commingled yarn.
Direction of production
40 cm
Commingled yarn
Matrix fibres
Commingled *Heating possible
yarn Reinforcing fibres
Figure 2. The commingling process
3. Results
The reinforcing fibres and matrix fibres used in this paper are characterised regarding their thermal
and mechanical properties. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) from Mettler-Toledo GmbH,
Greifensee, Switzerland has been used to analyse the melting temperature of the fibres. It was not
possible to determine the melting temperature of the low melting PLA. Therefore, the melting
temperature from the data sheet is given. The yarn count of the fibres is tested according to DIN EN
ISO 2060. The tensile strength is analysed according to DIN EN ISO 2062 using a STATIMAT 4U
from Textechno, Herbert Stein GmbH & Co. KG Textile Mess- und Prüftechnik, Mönchengladbach,
Germany. The relevant fibre characteristics are presented in Table 1.
17th World Textile Conference AUTEX 2017- Textiles - Shaping the Future IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 254 (2017) 042016 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/254/4/042016
The development of the hybrid yarns is successful. Reinforcing fibres and matrix fibres are doubled
prior to the Commingling process in order to increase the yarn count of the hybrid yarn. In total 54
different parameter combinations are investigated. The first analysis of the hybrid yarns is a visual
examination. The hybrid yarns are graded regarding the intermingling as well as the yarn structure
(ondulation). The matrix fibres are coloured to ease the evaluation. An exemplary image of the hybrid
yarns is displayed in Figure 3.
5 cm
Figure 3. PLA-PLA hybrid yarns
The yarn count of the fibres is characterised according to DIN EN ISO 2060. The tensile strength is
analysed according to DIN EN ISO 2062 using a STATIMAT 4U from Textechno, Herbert Stein
GmbH & Co. KG Textile Mess- und Prüftechnik, Mönchengladbach, Germany. Three well performing
hybrid yarns are chosen for UD-composite production. The production of UD-composites is possible.
The manufacturing parameters and material properties of these hybrid yarns are displayed in Table 2.
17th World Textile Conference AUTEX 2017- Textiles - Shaping the Future IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 254 (2017) 042016 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/254/4/042016
4. Discussion
High production speeds during the commingling process can be used to produce hybrid yarns. The
best mechanical properties of the three processing parameter sets displayed in Tab. 3 are received at
low overfeeding rates (0.5 %) at a processing speed of 150 m/min. However, higher production speeds
(200 m/min) do not lead to a significant loss in tensile strength. The impact of an overfeeding ratio of
2 %, between reinforcing and matrix fibre, also does not reduce the tensile strength of the hybrid yarn
A differentiation between the commingled yarns is difficult. Therefore, the production of UD
composites from the hybrid yarns is required. The production of such composites is possible. The
SRPCs are currently being tested according to DIN EN ISO 527-5. Previous results indicate high
quality PLA SRPCs [9].
The research leading to these results has received funding by the H2020 Funding Programme of the
European Union under grant agreement n°685614. The BIO4SELF consortium consists of the 15
actual partners (with an EC budget) and further a group of 9 partners who expressed their support to
the consortium via a Letter of Support. The latter group forms the so-called Innovation Support Group
or ISG. The material used for this paper has been provided by Centexbel, the Belgian research centre
for textiles and plastics, Gent, Belgium as well as the AMIBM Aachen-Maastricht Institute for
Biobased Materials, Maastricht, Netherlands. We thank our partner COMFIL ApS, Gjern, Denmark
who provided insight and expertise.
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17th World Textile Conference AUTEX 2017- Textiles - Shaping the Future IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 254 (2017) 042016 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/254/4/042016
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