Grundfosliterature 80290
Grundfosliterature 80290
Grundfosliterature 80290
CR 30
Model A and B
50/60 Hz
1. Type identification ....................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Nameplate.........................................................................................................................................................................2
1.2 Type key .............................................................................................................................................................................3
2. Torques and lubricants................................................................................................................................. 4
3. Service tools...................................................................................................................................................5
3.1 Special tools ......................................................................................................................................................................5
3.2 Standard tools ..................................................................................................................................................................5
3.3 Torque tools ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
4. Shaft seals......................................................................................................................................................7
5. Dismantling and assembly .......................................................................................................................... 8
5.1 Dismantling...................................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.2 Assembly......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
6. Order of assembly for chambers and impellers.........................................................................................12
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1. Type identification
1.1 Nameplate
1 2 3 4 5
7 B 42630014 P1 00 47 9
9,5 119,4 2900
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1.2 Type key
Example CR 30 - 80 /6 X- X- X- XXXX
Type range
Number of stages x 10
Number of impellers
(is only used if the pump has fewer impellers than chambers)
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2. Torques and lubricants
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3. Service tools
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3.3 Torque tools
Pos. Description For pos. Suppl. information Part no.
4-20 Nm 9 x 12 SV0292
40-200 Nm 14 x 18 SV0400
67 M14 - 22 mm 9 x 12 SV0272
35 M18 - 27 mm 14 x 18 SV0527
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4. Shaft seals
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5. Dismantling and assembly
If it is necessary to dismantle the pump, either because it is choked or damaged, please follow the instructions
Position numbers refer to drawings and parts lists in WinCAPS. Letters refer to 3. Service tools.
5.1 Dismantling
Remove the coupling guards, pos. 7, using a screwdriver. Remove the screws, pos. 9, the coupling, pos. 8, and
the shaft pin, pos. 10.
Slacken and remove the screws, pos. 28. The motor is now free and can be lifted off the pump.
Remove the nuts, pos. 36, and the washers, pos. 66a.
Loosen the motor stool, pos. 2, with a light blow on the edge. Lift off the motor stool with stationary shaft seal
The seal rings of the shaft seal must not be exposed to blows or knocks.
Remove the outer sleeve, pos. 55.
Pull the rotating shaft seal part off the shaft, see 4. Shaft seals.
Loosen the chamber stack with a light blow of a rubber mallet and lift it out of the base, pos. 6 (model A), and
the bottom plate, pos. 44 (model B).
Model A
Place the chamber stack with bottom bearing, pos. 44, in the shaft holder, pos. A, and secure it to the holder
by means of a screw (M8 x 25 mm) in the shaft end.
Place the shaft holder with chamber stack in a vice.
Remove the spacer ring, pos. 61, and the top chamber, pos. 3. The chamber can be loosened with a light blow
of a rubber mallet.
Slacken the split cone nut using the spanner, pos. D. Turn the spanner upside-down and knock the split cone
free of the impeller.
Remove the split cone nut, pos. 48, the impeller, pos. 49, and the split cone, pos. 49b.
Continue the dismantling in the order mentioned until all impellers have been removed.
Slacken the vice and lift out the shaft holder with shaft. Remove the screw holding the shaft and the bottom
Model B
Hold the shaft by means of a screwdriver inserted in the shaft pin hole while the nut, pos. 67, is slackened.
Place the shaft holder, pos. B, in a vice. Place the chamber stack in the shaft holder with the threaded shaft
end pointing upwards.
Remove the nut, pos. 67, the washer, pos. 66, and the spacing pipe, pos. 64c.
Screw the punch for dismantling, pos. C, home on the threaded shaft end.
Make sure that the chamber is positioned in the recess of the shaft holder, pos. B, and that the shaft can pass
freely through and underneath the shaft holder.
The first chamber to be removed is always a chamber with bearing, pos. 4a. See also 6. Order of assembly for
chambers and impellers.
Drive the punch down through the impeller hub by means of a hammer. Remove the free parts from the shaft:
Impeller, spacing pipe, chamber, bearing ring and spacing pipe. Repeat the procedure until the shaft passes
through the shaft holder, pos. B.
Take care not to damage the shaft when it is driven free of the last impeller and the spacer, pos. 61.
Remove the punch, pos. C.
If the stop ring, pos. 62, is damaged, push it out of the recess and pull it free of the spline (towards the
threaded shaft end).
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• Stationary shaft seal part
Slacken and remove the screws, pos. 58a.
Push the seal carrier, pos. 58, free of the motor stool using two screwdrivers.
Model A
Remove the screws, pos. 29, together with the disc for O-ring, pos. 59, and the O-ring, pos. 109.
Model B
Push the O-ring, pos. 109, out of the recess of the seal carrier, pos. 58.
Model A and B
Push the stationary shaft seal part out of the seal carrier, pos. 58, using a nylon punch or a similar tool, see 4.
Shaft seals.
The stationary seal ring must not be exposed to blows or knocks.
• Impeller
The impeller (ring for impeller, pos. 49c) must fit into the neck ring, pos. 45. If the tolerance (clearance)
between neck ring and impeller (ring for impeller) is too big, replace the worn part.
Remove the ring for impeller, pos. 49c, from the impeller by means of the holder, pos. H, and the puller,
pos. I, see fig. 1.
Fig. 1
• Neck ring
Push the neck ring, pos. 45, free of the chamber/bottom plate or bottom bearing using two screwdrivers.
Model A
• Intermediate bearing
If the intermediate bearing is worn or deformed, drive it out of the chamber, from the bottom, using the
punch, pos. F.
Model B
• Base
Push the bottom plate, pos. 44, free of the base, pos. 6, using two screwdrivers. Remove the gasket, pos.
37, from the base.
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5.2 Assembly
Before assembly, clean and check all parts.
Nut for shaft (model B), gaskets and O-rings should always be replaced when the pump is overhauled.
Model B
• Bearing
The permissible maximum difference between the diameters of the bearing ring, pos. 47a, and the bear-
ing in the chamber, pos. 4a, is 0.3 mm.
• Seal carrier
Moisten the recess of the seal carrier, pos. 58, the stationary shaft seal part and the O-ring, pos. 109, with
water. Press the shaft seal and the O-ring home in the carrier, using fingers only. In model A, the O-ring is
kept in place by securing the disc for O-ring, pos. 59, to the seal carrier, pos. 58, by means of the screws, pos
29, see 4. Shaft seals.
The stationary seal ring must not be exposed to blows or knocks.
• Impeller
Push the ring for impeller, pos. 49c, carefully down over the skirt of the impeller.
Push the ring straight down and home on the skirt of the impeller, taking care not to damage the impeller.
• Neck ring
Knock the neck ring, pos. 45, into the chamber/bottom plate or the bottom bearing using the punch, pos.
G. Chambers fitted immediately after/before a chamber without impeller have no neck rings. The cham-
ber without guide vanes has no impeller and must always be fitted immediately below the top chamber.
The chamber fitted before a chamber without impeller has no neck ring.
• Base
Fit the gasket, pos. 37, and the bottom plate, pos. 44, with neck ring in the base.
Model A
Support the hub of the chamber while the bearing, pos. 46/47, is driven into the chamber by means of the
punch, pos. E.
Place the bottom bearing, pos. 44, with neck ring, pos. 45, in the shaft holder, pos. A.
Pass the shaft carefully through the bottom bearing until it touches the holder and secure it by means of a
screw (M8 x 25 mm) in the shaft end.
Place the holder in the vice. Fit the split cone, pos. 49b, to the shaft and fit the impeller, pos. 49, over the split
cone. Fit the split cone nut, pos. 48, and tighten but leave loose.
Press the impeller down against the neck ring, pos. 45, using the spanner, pos. D. Fit the adapter, pos. P, to the
spanner and tighten the nut, pos. 48, with 75 Nm.
Fit the chamber and make sure that it engages with the bottom bearing, pos. 44.
Fit the next split cone, impeller and split cone nut until all impellers have been fitted.
Note: The following applies if the pump has fewer impellers than chambers:
The chamber without guide vanes has no impeller and must always be fitted immediately below the top
chamber. The chamber fitted before a chamber without impeller has no neck ring.
After the last impeller, fit the top chamber, pos. 3, and the spacer ring, pos. 61.
Remove the chamber stack from the vice and remove the shaft holder.
Place the chamber stack in the base and press it home in the recess.
Model B
Place the shaft holder, pos. B, in the vice.
Place the shaft in the holder with the threaded end uppermost. Turn the shaft so that the punch can be passed
through the holder and the shaft. Insert the punch.
Continue the assembly in accordance with 6. Order of assembly for chambers and impellers.
Tighten the nut, pos. 67, with 60 Nm and lubricate it with Gardolube L6034. Remove the punch holding the
shaft from the shaft holder.
Remove the chamber stack from the shaft holder and fit it in the base (with the smooth shaft end uppermost).
The chamber stack must engage with the bottom plate in the base.
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Model A and B
Fit the rotating shaft seal part, see 4. Shaft seals. Moisten the rubber parts with water before they are fitted.
Make sure that the rubber parts are not damaged on the shaft pin hole and that the seal rings are not exposed
to blows or knocks.
Check that the seal drivers engage when the spring is compressed. The compressed spring will press the seal
ring upwards to a neutral spring position.
Fit the outer sleeve, pos. 55, to the base. Do not forget the gasket, pos. 37.
Check that the gasket, pos. 37, is positioned correctly before fitting the motor stool, pos. 2
In the case of shaft seals with tungsten carbide seal rings, lubricate the seal faces with silicone oil, (Gardolube
Lubricate the seal faces only.
Fit the motor stool to the chamber stack with the air vent screw, pos. 18, in the required position.
Lubricate the threads of the staybolts. Fit the washers, pos. 66a, and the nuts, pos. 36, and tighten diagonally
to 100 Nm.
Before fitting the seal carrier, pos. 58, make sure that the O-ring and the stationary shaft seal part are posi-
tioned correctly in the seal carrier.
Fit the seal carrier to the shaft and push it against the motor stool. Lubricate the screws, pos. 58a, with Thread-
eze and tighten them diagonally with 10 Nm.
Fit the motor and turn it to the terminal position required. Lubricate the screws, pos. 28, with Thread-eze
tighten them diagonally with 10 Nm.
Fit the shaft pin, pos. 10, in the shaft. Fit the coupling, pos. 8. Lubricate the screws, pos. 9. Fit the screws in the
coupling, tighten and leave loose.
Check that the gaps either side of the coupling halves are equal and that the chamber stack is in its bottom
Raise the chamber stack 2-3 mm from its bottom position by means of a large screwdriver or a similar tool
inserted underneath the coupling.
Tighten the screws two and two (same side) with 62 Nm.
Check that the gaps either side of the coupling halves are equal and check the pump by turning the coupling.
If the pump is tight or it cannot be rotated, a further adjustment should be carried out.
Spring the two coupling guards, pos. 7, into place.
The pump is now assembled. Check the head and flow and compare the results with the test specification no.
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6. Order of assembly for chambers and impellers
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Side antal 12
Sprog GB
Dato 26.05.03