Language Research Chapter 4 - Results Only

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Chapter 4


Presented in this chapter the results, interpretation and analysis of

findings. Presentation of the results started in the following order: determining the

level second language acquisition of students; identifying the level of reading

comprehension of students; and finding the relation between the second

language acquisition and reading comprehension of students in Davao City.

Moreover, in this chapter were the results of second language acquisistion

and reading comprehension of students. The responses of the respondent of the

study will be critically analyzed and interpreted to substantiate the utility of value

of the study in favor to the beneficiaries posed earlier.

Level of the Second Language Acquisition (SLA) of Sutdents

The the second language acquisition was assessed based on the students

of Philippine College of Technology. Critical analysis of the data was considered

to come up with a reliable results and findings.

Table 1

Summary on the level of second language acquisition

Indicator Standard Mean Descriptive

Deviation Equivalent
Motivation 0.79 3.93 High
Atittude 0.73 3.53 High

Intelligence 0.70 3.34 Moderate

Aptitude 1.13 3.67 High

Total 0.84 3.62 High

Table 1 shows the summary on the level of second language acquisition

(SLA) with the following sub-indicators: motivation; atittude; intelligence; and

aptitude with an overall mean of (M-3.63) which is descriptively described as

high. This means that the second anguage acquisition of respondents is

oftentimes manifested.

It furthe depicts from the data that the indicators with the highest mean

rating of (M-3.93) or qualitatively described as high is motivation; followed by (M-

3.67) which is aptitude; and the indicator with the second lowest mean rating of

(M-3.53) is atittude and the indicator garnered with the lowest mean rating of (

M-3.34) is intelligence.

Level of Reading Comprehension of Students

The level of reading comprehension of students was evaluated based on

vocabulary, moephological and grammatical knowledge, and reading strategies.

On the basis of evaluation, the researcher clarified the content of the research

tool to the students and explained to them the purpose of study.

Table 2

Summary on the level of second reading comprehension

Indicator Standard Mean Descriptive

Deviation Equivalent
Vocabulary 1.05 3.66 High

Morphological and 0.96 3.44 Moderate

Grammatical Knowledge
Reading Strtegies 0.93 3.46 Moderate

Total 0.98 3.52 High

Table 2 depicts the summary on the level of reading comprehension of

students of students with the following sub-indicators: vocabulary; morphological

and grammatical knowledge; and reading strtegies with an overall mean rating of

( M-3.52) which is descriptively described as high. This means that the reading

comprehension of respondents are oftentimes manifested.

It further indicates from the data that the indicators with the highest mean

rating of (M-3.66) or qualitatively described as high is vocabulary; followed by (M-

3.46) which is reading strategies; and the indicator with the lowest mean rating of

(M-3.44) is morphological and grammatical knowledge.

Significance on the Relationship between Second Language Acquisition

(SLA) and Reading Comprehension of Students

The correlation between second language acquisition and reading

comprehension of students was carefully analyzed and interpreted to dissect a

credible finding and result. These findings and results underwent thorough

analysis to provide meaningful advantage to the recipients of the study.

Table 3

Significance on the relationship between second language acquisition and

reading comprehension


Overal Decision
Morphologica l on Ho
Vocabular l and
SLA Strategie
y Grammatical
.688** .469** .375** .511**
Motivation (Significant
. 000 .001 .007 .003

.462** .440** .450** . 451**
Attitude (Significant
.001 .001 .001 .001

.496** .308* .325* .365*
Intelligence (Significant
.000 .029 .021 000

.549** .468** .334* .450**
Aptitude (Significant
.000 .001 .018 .000

.549** .421** .371** .451
Overall (Significant
.000 .008 .011 .003
[email protected] Level of significance
Note: **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) and *. Correlation is
significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Table 3 presents the correlation between second language acquisition and

reading comprehension of students with an overall computed r-value of .451 and

p-value of .003 lesser than .05 level of significance set in this study. This leads to

the rejection of the null hypothesis. It is stated therefore that there is significant

relationship between second language acquisition and reading comprehension of

students. This emphasizes that the second language acquisition is correlated to

the reading comprehension of students.

It could be viewed from the data that the correlation with significant

relationship between indicators of second language acquissition and reading

comprehennsion of students high school are as follows:

Motivation attained a computed r-value of .511 and p-value of .003

(Significant). Attitude attained a computed r-value of .451 and p-value of .001

(Significant). Similarly, intelligence garnered a computed r-value of .365 and p-

value of .000 (Significant) and aptitude obtained a computed r-value of .450 and

p-value of .000 (Significant) . On the other hand, vocabulary attained a computed

r-value of .549 and p-value of .000 (Significant). Morphological and grammatical

knowledge gained a computed r-value of .421 and p-value of .008 (Significant).

Reading strategies attained a computed r-value of .371 and p-value of .011


Similarly, motivation is correlated to vocabulary with a computed r-value of

.688 and p-value of .000 (Significant). Motivation is also correlated to

morphological and grammatical knowledge with a computed r-value of .469 and

p-value of .001 (Significant).Motivation is also correlated to reading strategies

with a computed r-value of .375 and p-value of .007 (Significant).

In the same manner, attitude is correlated to vocabulary with a computed

r-value of .462 and p-value of .001 (Significant). Attitude is also correlated to

morphological and grammatical knowledge with a computed r-value of .440 and

p-value of .001 (Significant).Attitude is also correlated to reading strategies with a

computed r-value of .540 and p-value of .001 (Significant).

Moreover, Intelligence is correlated to vocabulary with a computed r-value

of .496 and p-value of .000 (Significant). Intelligence is also correlated to

morphological and grammatical knowledge with a computed r-value of .308 and

p-value of .029 (Significant).Intelligence is also correlated to reading strategies

with a computed r-value of .325 and p-value of .021 (Significant).

And uptitude is correlated to vocabulary with a computed r-value of .549

and p-value of .000 (Significant). Uptitude is also correlated to morphological and

grammatical knowledge with a computed r-value of .468 and p-value of .001

(Significant). Uptitude is also correlated to reading strategies with a computed r-

value of .334 and p-value of .018 (Significant).

Chapter 5


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