Language Research Chapter 4 - Results Only
Language Research Chapter 4 - Results Only
Language Research Chapter 4 - Results Only
findings. Presentation of the results started in the following order: determining the
study will be critically analyzed and interpreted to substantiate the utility of value
The the second language acquisition was assessed based on the students
Table 1
oftentimes manifested.
It furthe depicts from the data that the indicators with the highest mean
3.67) which is aptitude; and the indicator with the second lowest mean rating of
(M-3.53) is atittude and the indicator garnered with the lowest mean rating of (
M-3.34) is intelligence.
On the basis of evaluation, the researcher clarified the content of the research
and grammatical knowledge; and reading strtegies with an overall mean rating of
( M-3.52) which is descriptively described as high. This means that the reading
It further indicates from the data that the indicators with the highest mean
3.46) which is reading strategies; and the indicator with the lowest mean rating of
Table 3
Overal Decision
Morphologica l on Ho
Vocabular l and
SLA Strategie
y Grammatical
.688** .469** .375** .511**
Motivation (Significant
. 000 .001 .007 .003
.462** .440** .450** . 451**
Attitude (Significant
.001 .001 .001 .001
.496** .308* .325* .365*
Intelligence (Significant
.000 .029 .021 000
.549** .468** .334* .450**
Aptitude (Significant
.000 .001 .018 .000
.549** .421** .371** .451
Overall (Significant
.000 .008 .011 .003
[email protected] Level of significance
Note: **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) and *. Correlation is
significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Table 3 presents the correlation between second language acquisition and
p-value of .003 lesser than .05 level of significance set in this study. This leads to
the rejection of the null hypothesis. It is stated therefore that there is significant
It could be viewed from the data that the correlation with significant
value of .000 (Significant) and aptitude obtained a computed r-value of .450 and