Modeling Tea Prices and Their Volatility in Kenya
Modeling Tea Prices and Their Volatility in Kenya
Modeling Tea Prices and Their Volatility in Kenya
Department of Mathematics
Multimedia University of Kenya
October 2022
Dr. Wycliffe Cheruiyot
Dr. Antony Karanja
October 2022 Supervisors: Dr. Wycliffe C
Robin Ochieng Otieno SCT-325-002/2019 (Multimedia University of Kenya) 1 / 45
Introduction: Background
Tea in Kenya
• Tea has become an essential contributor to the economies of
producing countries such as Kenya, China, India, and Sri Lanka. Tea
originated in China, and it has now advanced to a multi-billion-dollar
global industry.
• In 2019, the tea sector accounted for 25 percent of the foreign
exchange earnings and 1.5 percent of the Gross Domestic Product in
Kenya KIPPRA (2020).
Tea in kenya
Globally, Kenya falls in third place after China and India in tea
production with a market share of 9% KIPPRA (2020).
Kenya is the largest exporter of tea in the world accounting to 20
percent of the world tea exports Monroy et al. (2019).
The Kenya tea sector contributes 26 percent of Kenya’s export
earnings as Kenya exports tea to Pakistan, Egypt, the United
Kingdom, and others Muthamia and Muturi (2015).
Volatility Clustering
Volatility clustering behavior refers to the tendency for large changes
in price to be followed by large changes and small changes to be
followed by small changes Rachev et al. (2011).
It is determined by enumerating the Autocorrelation function.
Suppose Xt is a stationary time series, the ACF for the series is
defined as:
Directly analyzing financial prices is difficult since they are correlated
and their variances typically rise with time; hence, we need returns
for analysis.
Let Yt and Yt−1 be the current and previous monthly prices of tea
then the returns can be defined as
rt = log (4)
Literature Review
• According to Gesimba et al. (2005), the tea industry is facing a
number of issues. The most challenging problem, he argues, is the
unpredictability of tea export prices, which may be overcome by
regulating demand and supply in the global market.
• The ultimate purpose of volatility analysis is to explain why there is
volatility. The GARCH models are intended to study volatility in order
to make financial choices such as risk evaluations.
Literature Review
• Chinomona (2009) modeled South African inflation data using the
ARIMA and GARCH models; she picked the
ARIMA(1, 1, 0) ∗ (0, 1, 1)12 model from the ARIMA models and
GARCH (1, 1) from the ARCH-GARCH models.
• Because of its capacity to capture fluctuations in the series, GARCH
(1, 1) was chosen as the best model over SARIMA(1, 1, 0) ∗ (0, 1, 1)12 .
• Another research by Fwaga et al. (2017) employed both the GARCH
and the EGARCH models to model Kenyan inflation. The model with
the lowest AIC and BIC values was chosen as the best model.
Problem Statement
• The ultimate goal of price volatility analysis is to explain why prices
fluctuate. Price volatility can be caused by shocks to demand and
supply, which can be caused by changes in climatic conditions, such
as extreme cold or hot weather.
• Because they take volatility clustering into account, GARCH models
are appropriate for forecasting volatility. Their ability to reliably
estimate time-varying conditional variances also enables them to
forecast return variances and covariances.
The main aim of this study was to forecast tea prices and their
volatility in Kenya.
The Specific Objectives
1 To determine the optimal SARIMA and GARCH models on the monthly
price and returns of tea in Kenya.
2 To diagnose the goodness of fit of the residuals from the SARIMA and
GARCH models on the price of tea in Kenya.
3 To predict monthly tea prices and volatility in Kenya using the SARIMA and
GARCH models, respectively.
• In this work, the SARIMA and GARCH models are used to model and
forecast tea prices and their volatility in Kenya using a time-series
• The method entails identifying the price of tea pattern using a time
series plot, unit root testing for stationarity, determining the model
order, fitting and estimating the parameters of the appropriate
SARIMA and GARCH models, and lastly forecasting future prices.
• The data used in this study comprise the monthly price of tea in
Kenya over the period January 1, 1990 to November 1, 2021.
ΦP (B s )ϕ(B)∇D d s
s ∇ Xt = δ + ΘQ (B )θ(B)wt (6)
• The SARIMA coefficients are represented by Φp (B s ) and ΘQ (B s ) of
orders P and Q, while the ordinary and seasonal difference coefficients
are represented by ∇d = (1 − B) and ∇D s
s = (1−B ) Shumway et al.
October 2022 Supervisors: Dr. Wycliffe C
Robin Ochieng Otieno SCT-325-002/2019 (Multimedia University of Kenya) 16 / 45
Methodology continued..
• In this study we will use GARCH (1, 1) where the parameters p = 1
and q = 1 are given by:
σt2 = α0 + α1 rt−1
2 2
+ β1 σt−1 (8)
Model Selection
• The model selection will be based on the Akaike Information Criterion
(AIC) proposed by Akaike (1974).
• The Akaike Information Criterion approximates the quality of each
model given a set of data models, and the model with the least AIC
value is considered the best model.
• The formula for the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) is:
Model Diagnostics
• The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error
(MAE) are used to evaluate the models’ predicting ability.
• The formula for the MAE and RMSE are given as:
MAE = |Yt − Ft | (10)
u n
u1 X
RMSE = t (Yt − Ft )2 (11)
Coefficient Estimation
• The SARIMA(3, 0, 3)(0, 1, 1)12 model was used to estimate the eight
coefficients of the SARIMA model. It can be seen that the model
coefficients are all significant since they are all less than 0.05,
indicating that the SARIMA(3, 0, 3)(0, 1, 1)12 model is significant.
Coef P-Value Conclusion
AR(1) 2.130 0.000 Significant
AR(2) -1.913 0.000 Significant
AR(3) 0.753 0.000 Significant
MA(1) -1.025 0.000 Significant
MA(2) 0.497 0.000 Significant
MA(3) 0.205 0.000 Significant
MA.S(1) -0.971 0.000 Significant
Sigma 267.178 0.000 Significant
Model Selection
• Different GARCH(p,q) models are simulated on the price of tea data,
and the results show that GARCH(1,1) is the best model for fitting
monthly tea price data, with an AIC of 2542.47 and a BIC of 2558.24.
As a result, the GARCH(1,1) model coefficients are estimated for the
monthly price of tea in Kenya.
GARCH(0, 1) 2563.33 2575.15
GARCH(0, 2) 2545.57 2561.34
GARCH(1,1) 2542.47 2558.24
GARCH(1, 2) 2543.97 2563.68
GARCH(2, 1) 2544.47 2564.19
GARCH(2, 2) 2543.79 2567.45
Evaluation of Forecasts
• Evaluation of the forecast of the GARCH(1,1) model is conducted
using the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and the Root Mean Squared
Error(RMSE). The RMSE (5.903) and the MAE (5.089) values are
significant. Thus we conclude that GARCH(1,1) model performed
well in forecasting volatility.