AP Courses
AP Courses
AP Courses
Topic 4.19 Roderick Ferguson - who exclaims, “We have to encourage and develop
Black Queer Studies practices whereby queerness isn’t a surrender to the status quos of race,
class, gender and sexuality. It means building forms of queerness that reject
the given realities of the government and the market.”
Topic 4.16 • Bell Hooks – Author of many intersectionality texts, and in the
Black Feminist recommended reading states “I began to use the phrase in my work ‘white
Literary Thought supremacist capitalist patriarchy’ because I wanted to have some language
that would actually remind us continu-ally of the interlocking systems of
domination that define our reality.”
Topic 4.30 All points and resources in this study advocate for reparations. There is no
The Reparations critical perspective or balancing opinion in this lesson.
Topic 4.31 • Robin D.G. Kelley argues that activism, rather than the university system,
Black Study and is the catalyst for social transformation.
Black Struggle in the o Kelley’s first book was a study of Black communists in Alabama.
21st Century o Kelley warns that simply establishing safe spaces and renaming
campus buildings does nothing to overthrow capitalism.