Uts Module 5
Uts Module 5
Uts Module 5
Name: __________________________________________________________
Course and Year: _________________________________________________
Contact Number/E-mail Address: _____________________________________
Date and Time Allotment: ___________________________________________
This module entitled The Self in Western and Eastern thoughts discusses the differences of Western and Eastern
ideologies and perspectives regarding the development of the self.
I. Objectives
At the end of the end of this module, students should be able to:
1. Compare and contrast individualism and collectivism
2. Identify various manifestations of individualistic and collectivistic cultures among Filipinos
3. Evaluate the philosophies according to their relevance to your self.
II. Lectures
Do we exist for ourselves or for others? Do we live for self-realization and self-actualization or do we live for the
common good? This is how the western and eastern perspectives about the self differ. The West is self-oriented while the
East is others-oriented. The former values freedom and choice and wants to free itself from the bondage of society. The
latter relationships and social obligation and look at the welfare of society. The former seeks to create its own identity but
the latter identifies within the group.
The attempt to determine the differences between the perspectives of the West and the East toward the self was
carried out by social psychologists. They found out that in modernized countries people grow more analytical and
individualistic, while in developing nations, people remain collectivistic.
Individualism is an orientation concerned with the independence and self-reliance of the individual, whereas
collectivism is an orientation characterized by belongingness to larger group or collectives. Individualistic cultures put more
emphasis on promoting the individual and the immediate family’s welfare. Collectivistic cultures, on the other hand, give
more importance to loyalty to the in-group, which in turn takes care of the individual’s welfare (Hui & Triandis, 1986)
The western conception of the self is individualistic it gives more emphasis on freedom and choice-- an independent
self that is free from the influence of culture and environment and from the expectations and welfare of society. It
emphasizes the uniqueness of every individual and is predicated on egoism or self-orientedness. It describes the self as
existing and distinct from others individualism foregrounds that a human being has a self, is an individual, and is a person. It
gives more emphasis on individual goals and his or her journey towards self-realization or self-actualization. The self is free
to express itself.
The eastern conception the self is collectivistic; it gives more importance on relationships, roles, duties, obligations
and the preservation of culture and tradition. It prioritizes the needs and goals of society over the needs and desires of
every individual. It is founded on the belief that people are so socially connected. It puts more importance on belongingness
to a larger group an emphasizes social obligations. Individual behavior is guided by adjustments to social demands and
situations. It is others-oriented because it encourages people to be kind, benevolent, charitable, dependable and sensitive
to the needs of others. It promotes selflessness, sacrifice for the welfare of society, and the performance of assigned roles.
Collectivism stresses that individual has “many selves” instead of having a one knowable self. Self is viewed as part of a
“we” instead of only a “me”.
Individualism does not promote isolation. It is grounded on the idea that an individual makes judgments, acts based
on his or her own thoughts, and disagrees with others. An individual has the capacity to consider his or her own best
interest. Each can act based on his or her own volition and norms, and can judge other people as good to form relationships
or as bad to elude interaction. Everyone is free to decide whether to take part or not in solving societal problems.
Collectivism is an idea that man should live, think, and act towards certain goals that benefit the group. A group
may be a family, clan, community, nation, or the entire human race. A group is composed of individuals forming the so-
called super Organism that is separated from other individuals an individual decides according to the interest of the group.
Countries with generally individualistic cultures include New Zealand, Germany, Austria, Greece, Poland, Italy,
Belgium, Ireland, Spain, and Finland. On the other hand, countries with generally collectivistic cultures include Denmark,
Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Indonesia, Philippines, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and Portugal.
Act. 5.1
Which among the two eastern thoughts discussed do you find relatable? Explain your answer.
1. Based on your observation and experiences, give three manifestations of individualistic culture among Filipinos.
Explain each.
2. Based on your observation and experiences, give three manifestations of the collectivistic culture of Filipinos.
Explain each.
Ariola, Marciano, (2016). Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person, Unlimited Books Library Services
and Publishing Inc., Intramuros, Manila
Ariola, Marciano, (2016). Sociology and Anthropology with Family Planning, Purely Books Trading and Publishing
Corp., Intramuros, Manila
Brawner & Arcega, (2018). Understanding the Self, C&E Publishing, Inc. Quezon City.
Corpuz, R., Estoque, Ronan S., Tabotabo, Claudio V., (2019). Understanding The Self, C&E Publishing, Inc.,
Galotti, Kathleen (2011), Cognitive Development Infancy through Adolescence, Library of Congress Cataloging in
Publication Data, Canada.
Peñaflor and Peñaflor, (2016). Values Education Legal and Ethical Perspective (1 st edition), Unlimited Books Library
Services and Publishing Inc., Intramuros, Manila.
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