TN Apogee Prepress 8.0.0 - Upgrade Checklist
TN Apogee Prepress 8.0.0 - Upgrade Checklist
TN Apogee Prepress 8.0.0 - Upgrade Checklist
HQ - Mortsel
Upgrade checklist
Apogee Prepress 8.0.0
Urgency Classification Scope
Immediately Mandatory - safety related PowerHelp # ###
Company confidential
1. History
2. Open issues
APR-59472: You cannot make new jobs after upgrading WebApproval Server. 2BVERIFIED
APR-59473: Reprocess of a webapproval jobs after upgrade. 2BVERIFIED
Customer upgrade Wölfer Germany: SupportFiles folder still contained old Apogee Prepress Clients.
Issue cannot be reproduced. To be verified in future upgrades. Recommend to take various screenshots
of the SupportFiles folder properties: sharing rights, folder contents, folder attributes, ... so that we can
find a reproducible scenario.
3. General Notes
The provided checklist was created based on field experience of the upgrade installations done by HQ.
Please follow the described procedures as strictly as possible.
The total time required to complete an upgrade installation will be between a half and one day. This doesn't
include customer training.
7. Limitations (final)
Limitations Check
APR-59569: The Upgrade Installer does not preserve separately running StorageServers states
(sometimes this is done for performance and/or stability reasons). After upgrading the StorageServer will
no longer run separately. Take a screenshot of the running Apogee Prepress components, save it in the
"corrective actions" folder on your hard drive and name it "SeparateStorageServer.jpg".
The Upgrade installer does not preserve the state (started or stopped) of the Task Processors. All Task
Processors will be started after an upgrade. Take a screenshot of the System Overview, save it in the
"corrective actions" folder on your hard drive and name it "TaskProcessorState.jpg".
Root folders (ExportRoot, JDFImportRoot, ....) are retrieved from the Registry during upgrade installs.
Therefore Root folders that are manually changed after installation (stop sharing current Root folder,
remove Root folder, create new Root folder and share with same name) will not be detected during
upgrade installer.
We recommend uninstalling and re-installing the Task Processor to which the Root folder belongs and
define the new folder allocation during the re-install (Export Task Processor for ExportRoot, JDFImport
Task Processor for JDFImportRoot, ...).
Prepress Prepress 8.0.0 does not provide a Borders resource for the Impose Task Processor (Stripping). Stripping
6.0.0 jobs will always be converted to Apogee Impose jobs in which the required Borders (Mark Sets) must be
defined. The upgrade installer does not convert the Impose Borders to Apogee Impose Mark Sets.
Therefore we recommend taking screenshots of the current Impose Borders and save these in the
"corrective actions" folder on your hard drive. After upgrade you should manually create the required
Mark Sets in Apogee Impose.
Prepress The Generic Press Parameters (Plate/Press Media tab) of Prepress 8.0.0 will have a new option "Clip
6.0.0 Press Border Marks". This option will be by default enabled also for upgraded Generic Press Parameter
Sets. Therefore you might need to deselect this option in your upgraded Generic Press Parameter Sets.
APR-29020, APR-29066: The loaded media of all output devices Task processors which do not
communicate loaded media states with the physical device will be reset (all Proofers, TIFF PlateSetter
and TIFF ImageSetter). Take a screenshot of the loaded media of all devices and save them in the
"corrective actions" folder on your hard drive.
APR-46915: Proofer Color exceptions are not preserved.
Export the Proofer Color exceptions before starting the upgrade and save them in the "corrective actions
folder" on your hard drive.
APR-47447: Changes in the General Color Book are not preserved after the upgrade (renamed "Green" to
"Groen"). Take a Screenshot of the ColorBook and save it in the "corrective actions" folder on your hard
Prepress APR-50074: After an upgrade it is possible that there are multiple Generic Press resources with the same
6.0.0 name. Example: before the upgrade you had two presses MAN and KBA, both presses have a calibration
curve called "CalCurve" (both curves are different but have the same name), those curves will still be
called "CalCurve" after the upgrade but now both available for the Generic Press. You cannot define in
job tickets which "CalCurve" needs to be used because it will only list one.
Verify if the following resources of your Press Task Processors have unique names: Borders, Calibration
Curves, Simulation Curves, WebGrowth Profiles and Color Profiles.
Therefore we recommend to rename these Press (we recommend to include the name of the Press in the
resource to make it unique) resources before the upgrade.
NOTE: a side effect of this change is that existing jobs, hot tickets and templates that uses those
resources will need to be manually updated.
Prepress APR-52531, APR-53360: ICC Profile maps and Calibration Curve maps are not preserved during the
6.0.0 upgrade from Press to Generic Press. These maps can also not be imported via the Configuration
Manager. You need to manually recreate these maps. Take Screenshots of the maps and save them in the
"corrective actions" folder on your hard drive.
Prepress APR-52363: There are two versions of some PDF /X Preflight Profiles after upgrade (second instance has
6.0.0 an additional "_" character).
- PDF X-1a 2001 v5 and PDF X-1a_2001 v5
- PDF X-1a 2003 v5 and PDF X-1a_2003 v5
Remove the first instance of the Preflight Profiles (the one without the additional "_" character).
APR-59451: Custom International Color names are not preserved after upgrade. Take a screenshot of the
International Colors, save it in the "corrective actions" folder on your hard drive and name it
APR-59571: UpdateManager options settings are not preserved.
8. Prep4Upgrade
1 Make sure Apogee Prepress is running however be aware that Apogee Prepress will be stopped during next
step in the procedure.
Server(s): Make a backup of the Apogee Prepress server using the prep4upgrade tool (located in the root of
the Apogee Prepress 8.0.0 DVD copy on your hard disk). Start the "prep4upgradeMain.exe" and click the
Backup button.
The prep4upgrade tool makes a backup of the Apogee Prepress registry keys, the Apogee Prepress
software, the System datastore and the SQL databases. The tool also starts the Configuration Manager
from the SupportFiles to make a Configuration Manager backup. The prep4upgrade tool requires at least
16GB (fixed value) of free disk space on the destination folder however the actual backed up data could be
less or more than 16 GB.
- Make sure to select a backup folder on the root of a disk drive (ex. F:\Prep4UpgradeBackup).
- The prep4upgrade tool must be located on a hard drive. The tool does not have very good error recovery
therefore verify if there is a prep4upgradeMain.log file created in the folder where prep4upgradeMain.exe
is located. This log file might contain important errors. Open the log file especially when the backup or
restore operation takes much longer as expected. There are no errors when there is no log file.
- The prep4upgrade tool cannot be used towards a remote folder.
- Make sure that the prep4upgrade backup folder contains 5 subfolders after finishing backup procedure:
- Make sure that each folder (AGFA, ConfigMgr, DB, REG and SYSTEMDISK ) contains some files.
2 Satellite(s): Make a backup of the Apogee Prepress satellites using the Prep4upgrade tool.
Make sure that the Failover software is removed from the Satellite before running the Prep4Upgrade.
Multiple Satellites can be backed up simultaneously (by running the prep4upgrade tool on each of them).
When prep4upgrade is complete there should be two folders AGFA and REG. make sure that these folders
contain some files.
APR-59456: Any Warning messages that occur during upgrade installer will have a Continue button
(example: the RemoveFileFolder() message). These should not cause any issues.
5 Server(s): Make sure you are the only active user (Administrator account): Task Manager > Users
(disconnect any users even the ones that are not active).
6 Stop the PlateMaker Server.
The actions to upgrade the PlateMaker Server are defined in a different chapter.
7 Server(s) and Satellite(s): disconnect any (output device) interface cable before installing Apogee Prepress
8.0.0 (the driver will not be installed when the interface is in use).
8 Start the Installer (from the Prepress 8.0 DVD copy on your hard disk). Apogee Prepress does not need to be
Some Windows prerequisites might be installed before starting the upgrade installer.
9 Confirm installer and license agreement. Follow the upgrade installer wizard.
A device driver wizard will be shown when upgrading sites with APIS devices).
NOTE: Click "Yes" to confirm that the UpdateManager Data folder will no longer be shared (if applicable:
not all UpdateManager Data folders will be shared).
10 A computer restart will be required after SQL upgrade installation is completed. NOTE: a computer restart
will not be required when you have SQL 2005/2008 Standard (Server) Edition installed. In this case do not
forget to perform the procedure "Upgrading to SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition".
After restart the installer will automatically continue (it will be started before the Windows environment is
11 Start the Client installer via the option provided by the upgrade install finish dialog.
12 Restart the computer.
13 Verify status of UpgradeJobs in c:\Windows\temp
- Open the installer log file (agfa_UJ_*.log)
- Verify if the last line is ‘Successfully finished JobUpgrader’
Refer to starting Job Upgrade manually (see solutions chapter) when Job Upgrader did not correctly finish.
14 Start the Apogee Prepress System.
Also the Registration Utility, Apache Tomcat and UpdateManager will have been updated.
1 Make sure Failover is already uninstalled as mentioned in "Upgrading the Apogee Prepress Server".
2 Verify if the Apogee Prepress 8.0.0 Server is running and verify (when Apogee Prepress Server has multiple
network cards) that the ping command with Apogee Prepress Server hostname returns the IP address of
the network card on which Apogee Prepress is registered (see license or fingerprint file).
3 - Open the properties of the SUMService: stop the service and change startup type to Manual.
- End the SUM.ProductStarter.exe process via the Windows Task manager.
- Open the properties of the Extreme Z-IP Service: stop the service and set startup type to Manual.
- Disable any scheduled scripts (Start-Programs-Accessories-System Tools-Scheduled Tasks).
- Disable anti-virus applications (make sure that the application is not restarted after hardware reboot
before or during upgrade installation process).
4 Disconnect the USB2APIS box before installing Apogee Prepress 8.0.0 (the driver will not be installed when
the interface is in use).
5 Make sure you are the only active user (Administrator account): Task Manager > Users (disconnect any
users even the ones that are not active).
Start the Installer (setup.exe from the Prepress 8.0.0 DVD copy on the hard disk).
Some Windows prerequisites might be installed before starting the upgrade installer.
Confirm installer and license agreement. . Follow the upgrade installer wizard (a device driver wizard might
be shown when upgrading sites with APIS/SCREEN devices).
- Click "Yes" to confirm that the UpdateManager Data folder will no longer be shared (if applicable: not all
UpdateManager Data folders will be shared).
The Upgrade Installer might give an error (see below) which occurs when one of the Satellite Launchers
cannot connect to the Prepress Server. You need to click the Retry button. When the error dialog comes up
again, please verify your network connection as also described in Step number 2.
APR-59456: Any Warning messages that occur during upgrade installer will have a Continue button
(example: the RemoveFileFolder() message). These should not cause any issues.
6 Restart computer when upgrade installation finishes.
7 After upgrading all Satellites, stop the Apogee Prepress System and reboot all computers (Server and
Satellites). After reboot you can start Apogee Prepress System.
APR-59456: Any Warning messages that occur during upgrade installer will have a Continue button
(example: the RemoveFileFolder() message). These should not cause any issues.
3 Confirm installer and license agreement. Follow the upgrade installer wizard.
A device driver wizard will be shown when upgrading sites with APIS devices).
NOTE: Click "Yes" to confirm that the UpdateManager Data folder will no longer be shared (if applicable:
not all UpdateManager Data folders will be shared).
4 A computer restart will be required after SQL upgrade installation is completed. NOTE: a computer restart
will not be required when you have SQL 2005/2008 Standard (Server) Edition installed. In this case do not
forget to perform the procedure "Upgrading to SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition".
After restart the installer will automatically continue (it will be started before the Windows environment is
3 Run Apodiag and verify if SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition was correctly installed (see Database > Info
- Edition).
Step Re-licensing actions with Technology/Workflow Care Contract (with or without Transitional Check
1 Save a Fingerprint file after upgrading and upload this Fingerprint file to the ELMS.
2 Install the updated license file which the ELMS has generated.
Step Re-licensing actions without Workflow Upgrade Contract (Technology)/Workflow Care Contract Check
1 Save a Fingerprint file after upgrading.
2 Open this Fingerprint file and add the (Upgrade) Receipt Code file in the Registration Utility.
3 Create a License Request File and upload this file to the ELMS.
4 Install the updated license file which the ELMS has generated.
2 Apogee Prepress shortcuts which are manually created might need to be adjusted.
3 Import the Proofer Color exceptions from the "corrective actions folder" on your hard drive (when
4 Verify if all Services are started and set to startup type Automatic: Apache Tomcat, SUMService and
5 Perform a "Server Consistency" verify and update action after the upgrade to bring all Parameter Sets, Hot
Tickets and Ticket Templates in sync.
6 APR-53234: Create a test job with a PrintDrive Output device and a Press which is set to Gray Printing.
Process a sample file and test all PrintDrive Output Parameter Sets.
The used PrintDrive Output Parameter Set needs to be deleted and manually recreated (select the Initial
Parameter Set and select New) when the following error occurs during processing "Error message:
Colormodel, [(\357\273\277Gray)] cannot be set".
7 APR-53385, APR-59095: Delete all old Hotfixes that are not removed automatically from
the"UpdateManager Data\Available", "UpdateManager Data\Installed" or "UpdateManager
Data\Trashcan" folders.
8 Please adjust your InkSave parameters according to the specification made in "TN-Apogee Prepress 8.0
InkSave - Application guidelines and limitations".
9 It might be required to create users due to the User Privileges implementation. Refer to the Apogee
Prepress 8.0 Release notes for more information on User Privileges.
2 Import some of the Apogee 6.0.0/7.0.0/7.1.0 Job archives and reprocess these jobs.
3 Run the cleanup dangling jobresources (Apogee Prepress Monitor – e: Resources – d: Cleanup dangling
4 Run Apodiag tool (shortcut on desktop) and correct any issues that Apodiag reports.
5 Schedule a full backup of the SQL database (at least three hours after the cleanup dangling jobresources).
6 Schedule to backup all settings via Apogee Prepress Configuration Manager (Configuration Manager
supports command line so batch file can be created).
2 Extract and start msicuu2.exe to install Windows Install cleanup utility.
2 Select the application which you want to remove and click uninstall.
21. Solutions
Starting Job Upgrade manually
1 Set JobStore in No Recovery mode via the Service Tool > Core Server (a) > JobStore NoRecovery mode (p) >
Registry Key (a).
NoRecoveryMode is now Enabled.
2 Start Apogee Prepress.
3 Find out your Server ID
To find out what that is:
- Edit the "Launcher.bat" file located in "Agfa\Prepress\Server" with Notepad.
Search for “/S”, the name after “/S” is the Server ID (in most cases this will be the servername).
4 Verify your original version number of Apogee Prepress (6.0/7.0/7.1).
5 Start D_UpgradeJobs.exe via commandline tool with the correct arguments:
D:\Agfa\ApogeeX or Prepress\Server\ SupportFiles\Utilities\SetupConfigUpdate\D_UpgradeJobs.exe
<Server ID> <original version number>
Wait until the Job Upgrader finishes and reports ‘Successfully finished JobUpgrader’.
Contact Agfa HQ if this is not the case.
6 Set JobStore back to regular mode via the Service Tool > Core Server (a) > JobStore NoRecovery mode (p) >
Registry Key (a).
NoRecoveryMode is now Disabled.
7 Restart Apogee Prepress.
- This issue will probably occur on computers on which Java(TM) 6 Update [x] has been installed however
some JAVA 6 updates (for instance JAVA 6 updates 35 and 37) do not seem to cause a startup problem. We
do not have a list of which JAVA 6 updates are working and which not.
- On some computers you will see that the Java Virtual Machine path sometimes contains a double back
slash (C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_22\\bin\client\jvm.dll). This is strange however it does not seem to
cause a problem.
- The Java Virtual machine path is different on 64-bit Operating Systems (client replaced with server):
C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_22\bin\server\jvm.dll.
Figure 2: 8.0.0 job ticket (PDFReady and Render are replaced with PDFRender)
The PDFTrapping parameters will be copied to the PDFRender (settings are 100% identical). The
PDFTrapping Parameter Sets are not automatically copied to the PDFRender Trapping.
NOTE: Upgrading PDFTrapping jobs with an export flow will move trapping to PDFRender of Export flow
also. Exported PDF file will not be trapped but trap settings will be included in exported document.
Figure 4: 8.0.0 job ticket (PDFReady and Render are replaced with Apogee Preflight and PDFRender)
WARNING: Apogee Preflight Task Processor is placed in front of the Export flow and not in the main flow.
Apogee Preflight must perform the flattening for the Export results but we want the PDFRender
to perform the flattening in the main flow. This is the recommended workflow to get the most
accurate results for the main flow. The disadvantage is that the results for the Export flows
might be different.
Apogee Preflight in Export flows will always have the "Transparency Flattening" Action list selected.
The only possible "PDF Format" setting for the Export Task Processor in 7.0.0 is "As Is". Below we indicate
how we convert the PDF Format settings of 6.0.0 Export to 8.0.0 Apogee Preflight.
Figure 5: "Apply color settings" PDF Format in Export is moved to Apogee Preflight "Apply Color Settings" Action List.
Figure 6: The "PDF Format" options in Export are moved to Apogee Preflight "Job Profiles".
Apogee Preflight
Color Management:
The configuration settings of Apogee Preflight 8.0.0 do not have a Processing tab any more. In earlier
versions of Apogee Prepress this tab could be used to set the required color profiles for flows that did not
have a PDFRender and Press Task Processor.
Apogee Preflight 8.0.0 provides an Input Tagging (Expert) action which provides the possibility to define the
required Input Profiles. The required output profiles can be selected via the Apogee Preflight "Color" action:
Convert2Gray or Convert2CMYK.
This change is not covered by the Upgrade Installer (you need to adjust some jobs manually).
You can still use these Action Lists but we will no longer support them in 9.0.0. We recommend that you
replace the Regional Action Lists with customized Action lists using the available Editable Action Lists (or
combinations of multiple Action Lists).
* Regional Action Lists start with FR_ or RN_ ...; FR indicates France where RN indicates Region North.
Some Apogee 6.0.0/7.0.0/7.10 Preflight Profiles will not be upgraded to an 8.0 version.
We do no longer provide these Profile when performing a clean install. We recommend to remove these old
Profiles from your system. Please use the 1v4 versions of the GWG profiles. You will manually need to adjust
jobs when they use these old Profiles.
Render Specific
The Render Task Processor performs identical operations as the PDFRender therefore all tickets using
Render Task Processor will be replaced with tickets with a PDFRender Task Processor.
WARNING: The 8.0.0 ticket (with PDFRender) does not have a Normalizer therefore reprocessing upgraded
jobs with PostScript input will generate an error (PDFRender does not support PostScript
input). The user must manually insert a Normalizer Task Processor.
The Trapping, Separating and Screening operations of the Render have 100% identical settings as the
PDFRender Task Processor. Therefore these parameters will be copied to the PDFRender. The Parameter Sets
will also be copied to the PDFRender.
The Render operation provides different parameters for both Task Processors. There are three sections in the
Render operation: PostScript Color Management, Overprint and Missing Fonts. All options for Overprint and
Missing Fonts are also available in PDFRender therefore these can just be copied.
WARNING: The options "knockout All", "Standard Overprint" and "Enable DeviceGray Overprint" are not
available in PDFRender. Therefore this setting gets lost when converting to PDFRender, there is
no warning.
There are significant differences in the PostScript Color Management section therefore we try to select the
best match according to the rules below.
The Blackpoint compensation can only be enabled when there is a PDFReady in the flow.
WARNING: The "Absolute Colorimetric" Rendering Intent of Render is mapped to "Relative Colorimetric"
Rendering Intent of PDFRender.
The "Overrule rendering intent for LAB images" Render option does not have a PDFRender
counterpart. Therefore this setting gets lost when converting to PDFRender, there is no
Note that the following message is given when a converted Render job starts rendering. The message is
always generated even when all results have been processed with PDFRender.
APR-52226: Message is only given when importing job archives and job tickets (also ticket templates).
message is not given for converted job tickets or hot tickets.
Figure 15: Warn user that the original ticket contained a Render.
All Press Task Processors will be removed. The Press parameter sets and their configuration will be merged
into Generic Press Parameter Sets. The Generic Press Parameter Set names will be a combination of the Press
name and the Parameter Set name.
Figure 16: Press Parameter Sets and configuration merged into Generic Press Parameter Sets.
The Press Name is specified in the Type tab of the Generic Press Parameter Set.
All Press resources will be moved to Generic Press.
WARNING: Make sure that each Press resource has a unique name. If the name is not unique then you will
have multiple Generic Press resources with the same name.
The Press Task Processor in job tickets will be replaced with the Generic Press Task Processor with the correct
Parameter Set selected.
When you Import Press Parameter Sets with Configuration Manager they will also be converted to the
Generic Press however the Parameter Sets must be in the original Configuration Manager export folders
together with the Press Configuration Settings. We do not support importing (CPSI) Render Parameter Sets
with Configuration Manager.