Status Paper Wheat in Pakistan
Status Paper Wheat in Pakistan
Status Paper Wheat in Pakistan
1. Introduction
Wheat is the most widely grown crop in the world. Wheat (Triticum aestivum.) is one of the
first domesticated food crops and has been the basic staple food of the major civilizations of
Europe, West Asia and North Africa for last 8000 years. Approximately one sixth of the total
arable land in the world is under wheat. It is most demanded food grain and its production leads
all crops, including rice, maize and potatoes.
Wheat is grown on about more than 240 million ha, larger than for any other crop, and world
trade is greater than for all other crops combined.
In Pakistan, wheat being the main staple food cultivated on the largest acreages. Pakistan falls
in ten major wheat-producing countries of the world in terms of area under wheat cultivation,
total production and yield per hectare.
Pakistan also Falls on Third position in wheat production in Asia China holds the First and
India is at second position in Asia.
In Pakistan 72% wheat is used as staple food and 28% other crops are used as food.
80% Pakistani farmers grow wheat because it is widely used in Pakistan and it is cultivated
in 40% area of Pakistan.
25 million tons is annual production of Wheat in Pakistan and approximately 20-22 million
tons is being used in Pakistan as food and 500,000 tons of wheat from Pakistan is sold to
overseas .
TD - 01 Khyber-87 Zardana
TJ-83 Zam 2004 Zarghoon-79
Sarsabz Pirsabak-04 Sariab-92
Khirman 06 Pirsabak-05 Raskoh-05
Sassui -06 Imdad Nasser-2000
Lasani-2008 -05 Hashim - 07
Mehran 89 Bathur 08
SKD 01 Pirsabak-08
NARC 2009
Momal 02 Pisbak 2013
BARAS 2009
Benazir 2013 NIFA Barsat
Dharabi 2011
Hammal 2013 Shahkar 2013
NARC 2011
Millat 2011
AARI 2011
Aas 2011
Galaxy 2013
Pakistan 2013
5. Export/Import
Pakistan's economy has taken a new turn with the country for the first time entering the wheat
export market with the shipment of 35,000 tons to Iraq in 2000.The production of wheat in
Pakistan is 25 million tons and it exports 500,000 to overseas.
Depending upon production and inland consumption, export quantity varied from year to
Market Year Exports (1000 MT) Imports (1000 MT)
2000 253 50
2001 495 235
2002 1185 185
2003 193 162
2004 600 1415
2005 600 924
2006 700 66
2007 2200 1493
2008 2100 3149
2009 300 170
2010 1400 200
2011 1100 200
2012 800 200
2013 351 -