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Romeo and Juliet

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1st scene: Family Dinner

Lady Montague: Oh dear! I’m exhausted. If only I have a way to get rid of the Capulets, I would have a relaxing
Lord Montague: My love, calm down. It’s not good for you to be stressed because of them! It will just make
you older! Just leave everything to me, and I will be the one to get rid of them.
Lady Montague: Oh my love! You’re so sweet.
By the way, Romeo! It’s been ages since the last time I saw you smiling.
What’s gotten into you dear?
Benvolio: He is in love!
Romeo: Dare speak or else….
Lady Montague: In love? With whom?
Benvolio: Rosaline…. The niece of Lord Capulet?
Lady Montague: You must have lost your sanity! You know how their family makes my blood boil! Of all the
fair maidens surrounding Verona why does it have to be someone from their family?
Romeo: Mother! I have already decided not to pursue her. My apologies.
Lady Montague: Just be sure not to mention that family again.
I have lost my appetite! (leave)
Lord Montague: My love, wait!
Romeo, you are a disgrace to our family! (leave)

Benvolio: Look. My apologies. I didn’t mean any of these.

Romeo: It’s my fault.
Benvolio: Aha! I forgot to tell you something!
Romeo: What’s the big deal?
Benvolio: I received an invitation to the masquerade ball hosted by the Capulets! It’s a great opportunity for
you to meet Rosaline!
Romeo: Wait a minute! Have you gone mad? They are our mortal enemy!
Benvolio: But do they know who we are?
Romeo: You’re right!
Benvolio: They will only know our identity once they find out!
Romeo: If they find out! (evil smile)
2nd Scene: Ball

Benvolio: Did you find her?

Romeo: Not yet. Maybe I should look all over the place.
Benvolio: Yes, you should. I will just stay here. Be at haste! You must find her.
Romeo: (search for Rosaline but ends up seeing Juliet and fell in love)

Romeo and Juliet will stare at each other. Juliet will then walk away from her friends and Romeo will
follow her to the balcony.

Romeo: My lady, Dare I say, You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on.
Juliet: Oh My Lord! You startled me! What are you doing there?
Romeo: My apologies. Well, I was just thinking why such a lovely maiden escaped from the ball.
Juliet: My Lord? You have been following me.
Romeo: I was just hooked by your beauty.
Juliet: (silent)
Romeo: Oh my apologies My Lady. I didn’t introduce myself yet. (clear throat) The name’s Romeo!
Juliet: Well, I’m Juliet.
Romeo: Is it okay to spend the rest of the night with you?
Juliet: (stare at Romeo from head to foot) Well, it looks like you’re a good man.
Romeo: (climb up to the balcony)

Romeo and Juliet will exchange conversations about their experiences until:

Juliet: HAHAHA… You’re so funny!

Romeo: You’re so beautiful.
Juliet: I’m not!
Romeo: You are! The moment I saw you, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you.
Juliet: (blush)
Romeo: I think I’ve fallen in love with you.
Juliet: (blush)
Romeo: My apologies My Lady. If you don’t like me back I respect that with my heart and soul. I…
Juliet: I as well.
Romeo: What do you mean?
Juliet: I’ve fallen in love with you too.
Romeo: That’s good to know. May I know your full name?
Juliet: Sure! I’m Juliet Capulet.
Romeo: Capulet?
Juliet: Is there something wrong?
Romeo: I came from a family of Montague. Which means……
Juliet: We can’t be together!
Romeo: But….. I love you Juliet! What should we do?
Juliet: I…I don’t know.
Romeo: Juliet, please say you love me too. And I promise to fight for you…no matter what happens.
Juliet: I love you Romeo! Propose marriage and I will be yours. Propose when and where will perform the
Romeo: Marry me Juliet! By the hour of nine tomorrow at friar Lawrence’s cell!
Juliet: I will be!
3rd Scene: Wedding (Witnessed by the Nurse and Balthasar)

Friar Lawrence: Romeo and Juliet, have you come here to enter into marriage without
coercion, freely and wholeheartedly?
Romeo and Juliet: I have
Friar Lawrence: Are you prepared, as you follow the path of marriage, to love and honor each other for as
long as you both shall live?
Romeo and Juliet: I am.
Friar Lawrence: Since it is your intention to enter the covenant of Holy Matrimony, join your right hands, and
declare your consent before God and his Church.
Romeo and Juliet: (join right hands)
Romeo: I, Romeo Montague, take you, Juliet Capulet, to be my wife. I promise to be faithful to you, in good
times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life.
Juliet: I, Juliet Capulet, take you, Romeo Montague, to be my husband. I promise to be faithful to you, in good
times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life.
Friar Lawrence: Now let us humbly invoke God’s blessing upon this bride and groom, that in his kindness he
may favor with his help those on whom he has bestowed the Sacrament of Matrimony. In the
sight of God and these witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may
now kiss!
Romeo and Juliet: (kiss)

4th Scene: Romeo kills Tybalt

Benvolio: Hey! Look who’s here!

Mercutio: Romeo! How are you?
Romeo: I’m doing fine! I was just thinking if maybe we could hang out sometimes. Everything has changed
since we grew up!
Benvolio: Let’s get inside! It’s dangerous out here. There are lots of Capulet men roaming around the area.
Mercutio: You’re a coward! The Capulet men are no good!
Tybalt: Really?
Romeo: Woah! Woah! Woah! Take it easy. I apologize for what my friend said earlier. He was just kidding.
Tybalt: You’re the only son of Lord and Lady Montague, aren’t you? I’ve heard a lot from you. You are a small
Tybalt’s people: (laugh)
Romeo: Call me what you want but I won’t fight you! I have one good reason to not hate you.
Tybalt: What a waste of time. Fight me!
Mercutio: Romeo! What are you doing? If you won’t fight, then I will!

Tybalt and Mercutio will fight using swords. The fight will not last long since Mercutio will be kill by
Tybalt. Romeo will be mad at Tybalt and will kill him.

Romeo: No! What have I done?

Tybalt’s men: There! There! (point Romeo)
Benvolio: Romeo! Run!
5th Scene: Friar Lawrence’s Cell

Romeo: I didn’t mean any of these to happen. I was trying to stop them from fighting but they never listen to
me. It’s all my fault!
Friar Lawrence: Romeo, I know you are a good person. I believe in you! But you know the Capulets. They
not take it easy! I’ve heard outside that you will be banished. They will kill you if you stay!
Romeo: How about Juliet?
Friar Lawrence: Romeo, listen to me. Spend the night with Juliet and then leave for Mantua in the morning.
It’s the only place where no one will suspect.
Romeo: Thank you father! I will do it.

6th Scene: Juliet and Paris

Lady Capulet: Oh darling! You look so pale and sad.

Juliet: (silent)
Lady Capulet: Anyway, I forgot to tell you about your wedding with Paris in the next few days.
Juliet: (shock) Mother! You’re kidding, right?
Lady Capulet: Why? He is handsome, wealthy, and a kinsman to Prince Escalus! What more can we ask for?
He’s perfect for you!
Juliet: Mother! How could you do this to me? I am not marrying him!
Lady Capulet: (slap Juliet)
Juliet: (Stare at Lady Capulet and walk away – and will go to Friar Lawrence)

Friar Lawrence: Juliet! What brings you here?

Juliet: My mom arranged me on a marriage with Paris! I would rather die than marrying a man I don’t love!
Besides, I’m already married to Romeo. I can’t afford to marry another man. My heart wants to leave
my body, it refuses to beat without Romeo. If you don’t help me, I will surely die. I promise you, death
would be better than a life without my love.
Friar Lawrence: You give me no other option. You and Romeo are dear to me. I cannot see my children be in
pain. There is a way. But in involves a lot of risk.I will give you a poison extracted from a very rear
flower. It will stop your pulse for a day, thinking you dead, your family will burry you in the Capulet’s
tomb. I will send a letter to Romeo. If everything goes as planned, you will wake up on time and see
your Romeo. You both can start with your own life but if Romeo doesn’t reach in time you will find
yourself among the dead.
Juliet: Thank you father. If death is the only way to see Romeo again. I am ready!
Friar Lawrence: The day after tomorrow is your wedding day, take this potion with you and drink it the night
before the wedding. I will just tell Benvolio to send a message to Romeo about our plan so he won’t be
shocked. Farewell my child, may God be with you.

7th Scene: Poison

Juliet: (Drink the Potion given by Friar Lawrence and lose consciousness)
Maid: Juliet! (knock 3 times) Juliet! (knock 3 times) Juliet? (Open the door.) OH NO! JULIEEET! What happen to
you? (Saw the potion and think it was a poison.)

The maid will open the door and will see Juliet unconscious and the bottle of potion, which she will
think as a poison, on Juliet’s hand. The maid will call Juliet’s mother and everyone else in the house.

Maid: (Run to Lady Capulet) Lady Capulet… Lady Capulet… Juliet! Juliet is dead!
Lady Capulet: (Run to Juliet’s room.) Juliet! Juliet! Wake up…. Oh nooooo! My daughter! Help meeeee. (cry)
Maid: (cry)
Balthasar: (enter the room) Oh no! Juliet’s dead. I should tell Romeo right away!

Tybalt’s Kinsman: Hey! Hey! Hey! You’re with Romeo the day Tybalt was killed, aren’t you?
Benvolio: I have business to attend to. Don’t get in my way!
Tybalt’s Kinsman: Where do you think you’re going? (punch Benvolio)

The letter will not be delivered to Romeo because Benvolio will be beaten by the kinsmen.

Tybalt’s Kinsman: What’s with this letter? Nevermind! (tear the letter apart and throw it away)

Balthasar: Romeo! Woooooooooooooooooooh! (breath heavily) I’m glad I’m able to catch up with you!
Romeo: What are you doing here? (shock)
Balthasar: (breath) Juliet……. She’s dead!
Romeo: No….(run)
Romeo and Balthasar will arrive at Juliet’s chamber in the midnight and everyone already assumes
that Juliet is dead.
Romeo: Juliet…. (cry while fixing Juliet’s hair) Why? My love, my life. How are you still beautiful? Death took
you away but it could not take your beauty. What would be the purpose of my life if I will spend it without
you? Let me take your last embrace in this world. (Hug Juliet and kisses the forehead.) I’m joining you my love
in eternity. Remember what I said. The next time we meet, we will never be apart. (Get the poison on his
pocket.) This is the most divine poison on earth for it will reunite us. (Drink the poison and slowly feel down.)

Juliet: (woke up and smile) Romeo…….

Romeo: Juliet. Is it already heaven? I should have drunk the poison hours back. (Lie on the
Juliet: What, poison? Romeo…. No....What did you do? (crying)
Romeo: Juliet…I…love... you. (breath for the last time and slowly closes his eyes.)
Juliet: I love you too…… No, Romeo! Nooooooo! (continuously crying)
Juliet: (Saw the bottle of poison on Romeo’s hand, get it and saw that it was all empty.) Not a single drop for me
to follow after? But sure it still lingers on your lips. (Kisses Rome) Wait for me my love. (Nothing happens to
Juliet.) Oh, the poison isn’t enough. (Saw the sword on Romeo’s side, get it and stab herself and die.)
NARRATOR: An unusual peace is achieved to Verona. One that is wrapped in sadness, for two souls have humbled
the entire town with the purity and innocence of their love. One night, the moon is ashamed to show its face, the
stars won’t twinkle. No more will have such sad denouement, for never was a love story of more woe than this of
Romeo and Juliet… and never there ever will be.

(Video of Romeo and Juliet on the Capulet’s Thomb, together and holding each other’s hands.)

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