cyr-ENG-412E TCP IP Network Fundamentals
cyr-ENG-412E TCP IP Network Fundamentals
cyr-ENG-412E TCP IP Network Fundamentals
Explain the fundamental principles of data networks and the functions and
hierarchy of IP networks
- Understand and practice the techniques of IP addressing and subnetting
- Describe the different networking devices (hub, switch, router)
- Understand the concepts of collision domains and broadcasting domains
- Explain the main services on IP networks: DHCP, DNS, HTTP, FTP and WWW
Explain the fundamentals of a switched data network
- Describe in detail the functions of an Ethernet switch
- Understand the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) and learn how to build a Virtual
Local Area Network (VLAN)
- Practice different configuration scenarios on an Ethernet switch
- Learn to design and configure a small-scale switched campus network
Explain the fundamental characteristics of routing
- Explain and understand router functions and routing protocols: RIP, OSPF, IGP
and BGP
- Understand and practice the configuration of a router with different features
and routing protocols
- Learn to design and configure a small scale routed network within an
autonomous system
Introduction to networks
- The advantages and disadvantages of networking
- Network characteristics
- Network types and topologies
Physical layer
- Functions
- Electromagnetic spectrum and bandwidth
- Coding and modulation
- Networks connecting equipments
Network layer
- Introduction to counting systems
- Functions of network layer
- IP addresses
- Subnetting
Classless IP addresses
- Variable-Length Subnet Mask (VLSM)
- Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)
- Network Address Translation (NAT)
The IP protocol
- Position of IP in TCP/IP protocol suite
- IP datagram format
- The options
Transport layer
- Functions
- Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
Application layer
- Functions
- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
- Domain Name System (DNS)
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
- How HTTP accesses data on the World Wide Web (WWW)
- Networking evolution
- LAN equipment
- Switching hierarchical model
LAN technologies
- LAN terminology
- Ethernet: the de facto LAN standard
- Different flavours of Ethernet
- Additional Ethernet features
- Alternative LAN technologies
- What is segmentation?
- Segmentation equipment
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